It s History Ch1 3
- 2 years ago
- 34
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"Ladies and gentlemen, if you will please quiet down and take your seats, I have a very important announcement," my history teacher said coming into the room. "We have been granted a rare opportunity to visit Washington DC this year for a freshman class field trip."
Everyone seemed really excited. It took her a few minutes for us to all calm down.
"Now we have taken the freshman class on trips like this before, but it was always for those who could afford the airfare and hotel costs. This year everyone who wishes to make the trip will be going. Someone in our school wrote a letter to every member of congress, the president, US Department of Education and even the Supreme Court justices. A case was made about how important a trip like this is for those students who normally miss out because they are financially unable to cover the costs. So well written was the letter they sent, our school was given a grant to cover all costs, including food," she told us all and getting more cheers. "I have seen you kids eat. I just hope we don't add another trillion to the national debt with this trip."
We were handed out a stack of papers to take home for our parents to review and sign. All sorts of insurance things were in there about covering us if something happened and stuff like that. As I read through more of the details I found that this was going to be over two full weeks. We would leave on Friday and arrive back late on Sunday two weeks later.
A girl asked, "Don't they worry about the plane crashing and killing all of us like happened a few years ago when another school was going on a trip?"
"Very good question, Pearl. To prevent just such a risk, we are getting to be the guinea pigs used to test out a new long haul bus line's concept travel busses. I do not have all the technical details, so you will have to wait and see. What I was told is that the busses are made with two levels, each having rows of single bed pods just large enough for a single adult of six and a half feet tall. The estimates I was given is that the bus can sleep 84 adults on the sleeping level. They have another 84 reclining seats on the other level along with a galley. No one knows how many bathrooms are being installed. My guess is that it should have at least four as a bare minimum for that many people," she explained.
Everyone started talking about the buses and the trip. She just let us since there was no way we were going to be calmed down anytime soon.
Right at the end of class she said, "The busses will be coed, but heavily chaperoned. At the hotel, everyone will sleep four to a room with floors segregated by sex with plenty of chaperones. So don't even waste your time trying to plan out how to sneak down to the other floors. This is going to be a wonderful trip for everyone and we know you will have a good time."
We all booed at being told about being watched like a hawk and same sex only floors.
Once the bell rang we all hurried out to rush home. Most of the girls were more stressed than the boys, because they said they had no time to pack. I don't get the big deal. We were told that it was two weeks, so I only needed a few pairs of jeans, underwear, socks and just over a dozen shirts.
As I was walking out of the school to start toward my bus, Paula came up to say that I have an appointment at the eye clinic today. I saw that Trudy was waiting for me at the bus stop. I watched Paula get a dirty look from Trudy when I told her I would see her tomorrow. Paula took me over to where her dad was waiting to take us to the clinic.
"David it is just amazing how a trip to DC for your entire freshman class can get be funded out of thin air," Steve said laughing as we got away from the school. "Arranging to have specialty buses built from scratch for their maiden voyage took more effort. Not that is of any consequence. You can thank yourself for this trip. We are funding it entirely from a portion of the fees paid for your services. I would not worry, though. The interest you are collecting will repay that amount in less than a year. I must apologize for your being unable to enjoy the antics of your peers during the thirty-six hour bus ride to DC. You will just have to suffer another trip in a high speed air craft. You have an appointment early this evening."
I expected him to say more, but he started paying more attention to all of the morons trying to speed around stopping school buses, soccer moms and all manner of other crazy drivers that come out right after school lets out. Not that I really minded. Paula decided it was a good time to pull out my dick to suck me off to "keep me focused" today.
Once we got out onto the Interstate Steve continued, "If everything goes according to plan, you will be rejoining your class around midday on Monday. You are excused from class for the rest of this week to return to the clinic. Oddly, the school board has decreed school administrators will not question the need for any of your specialist medical appointments that may take a few days at a time. Showing them that you were able to test out of an entire semester without having attended any classes, they have no grounds to insist you will be unable to catch up the two missed days. Now as much as I love to chat with you, I need to pay attention to the road. Paula will brief you on the details of why we are helping you play hooky."
Paula pressed the button to close the partition between the front and back. This was really curious because Steve is supposed to know all this stuff to keep us safe.
"David we have a very unique job. I was contacted by a specialized division from one of my dad's external companies. In a nutshell, they find bugs. Not roaches or ants, but the electronic type used for eavesdropping. Their company's equipment is so new, that it is not even old enough to be bleeding edge tech yet. It can find bugs that none of our competitors can," Paula told me. "Unfortunately they scanned a highly shielded conference room and yet failed to locate how details of conferences held in that room are being leaked. Details are being sent in real-time with no one entering or leaving that room. So to ensure we keep our contracts, we need your unique skills."
I started to glaze over as she talked geeked out on the super technical stuff. She never noticed I was not even paying attention until I opened a soda.
She looked over, kissed me, and told me, "Sorry, I forget you aren't one of the technical people I normally have to go geek on when talking about this gear."
We were getting close to the clinic so Paula stopped talking altogether. When were almost to Steve's office, she pulled me into on an office off one to the side. She told me to have a seat while she checked to be sure things were set for this mission. Seeing it was going to take a while, I kicked back to get a quick nap. I got woken up rudely when she kicked my chair and told me it was time to go.
We took a different route than normal and Paula told me I had to open three of the doors for us to get to the place where the helicopter was waiting to take us to the special airport we were using. I was surprised that we had to get into a tunnel to ride a tram. We must have rode for miles before we got to the other end. Where we came out there was a helicopter inside a hanger with doors closed overhead. We were rushed into the helicopter, given headsets and told to strap in. In seconds we were flying up through the hanger doors to hover just above the ground around us. I was lucky to have a seat where I could see out the front and side window. I never knew helicopters could fly this fast.
"Normally we would not fly at speeds this close to ground as this aircraft uses active and passive stealth technologies. Our orders were to not take any chances and remain below deck." the pilot said into out headsets.
I have no idea how far we flew or where we were going. When we stopped, we were in a hanger that looked exactly like the one we just left.
Paula just led me out a side door to enter a locker room. She opened two lockers and told me to strip to my underwear as she stripped down to just her panties. I had a boner as I watched her pour herself into the hot looking black jumpsuit. She then helped me get into mine, making sure it fit me like a glove everywhere. At least whoever made these were nice enough to make sure the crotch had extra padding.
Whispering in my ear she said, "Never tell anyone about your being able to filter out light with your shield, and I mean no one. Dad and Jane may suspect, but you cannot confirm it for them. I can't tell you why. You just have to trust me. Put your goggles into the locker with your clothes."
On the way out of the locker room she picked up a helmet that had J.D. Smith and another with S.P. Gibson. I was given the J.D. Smith one, so I had to assume that I was using the fake identity Jacob David Smith. She confirmed it when she handed me a wallet with a lot of money in it, a state ID ONLY card and then an ID card saying I was from some company. They did not have any pictures through, just places for them.
I found out why a few minutes later.
I was taken into a room that looked like a sadists barber shop. I was quickly escorted by a woman, covered in a multicolored apron, to a barber chair in front of a sink. My hair was washed three times and then she squeezed out most of the water. On the way to another chair, she had me stand still while she taped some sort of plastic all around my black body suit. I then had more tape around my forehead, ears and back of my neck.
"You sit and no squirm please," she told me in very broken English.
Effortlessly the woman put this very heavy apron over me and strapped me down to the chair. When she was sure I was secured to her liking, she put a face mask on that was locked down to keep my head still.
I have not squirmed getting a haircut since I was five. What the heck? Not like I can ask what the hell is going on. I can't risk it blowing my cover.
Whatever the reason, I did not hear any clippers, but she did lots of pulling and twisting on my hair. After a bit she rolled me over somewhere to wash my hair and then back to where she pulled more on my hair. Rinse and repeat never made any sense to me until now.
I was sat up and turned toward a mirror, finally. If my parents saw the bright colored spikes she had put in my hair, I was dead.
When I felt the spikes they were super soft. Pushing then down did not mess them up either. They just popped right back into place. She took off all the tape and plastic before pointing at the door. Outside I saw Paula had gotten a completely different sort of makeover. Her hair and eyebrows were a very real looking red. If I did not know her real hair color, I would never have guessed this red was not it. It had all the normal variations in color of a normal redhead without just being one solid color with highlights. It was also styled to make her look a lot older. Something was also done to her face that made me feel she was really older than fourteen, somehow.
"Not exactly what I expected to see David," she told me laughing. "Hey, they are the experts in disguises. Plus, you look every bit of your fourteen years. Having crazy hair just makes you believable to the stuffed shirts. Geniuses tend to be young and eccentric. Best of all, you already know how to play the part. Once we are at a location, you pretty much ignore everyone as if they are not anyone worth your time to even acknowledge. That will give you the air of having an autistic spectrum disorder. To them you will be some hotshot kid, with some sort of mental problems, that they don't want to be around. Plus it will piss them off knowing you are getting paid ten times what they make."
We went down another hallway were asked for our ID cards. They had us get over in front of a green background and then had a green sheet the same color pulled around us so there were no wrinkles or creases. In seconds they had taken a lot of really fast pictures. In a few minutes I had back the ID cards, from my wallet, sporting my new crazy hair. Oddly, in one I was wearing a blue shirt and a tie against some sort of background with a faint "invalid" all over it. The company ID was a lot more detailed. I was wearing a different tie and white shirt, but the rest of the card had holograms, inks that changed depending on how light hit it and other cool stuff that was not on it before.
Turns out that we were headed on out into another hanger. In front of us was a wild looking plane covered in all black. It looked to be a cross between the YF-22 fighter jet and one of the old SR-71 Blackbird spy places from the 70s. We were told to put on our helmets before some men helped us get up onto the airplane. I was put into one of the rear flight seats, strapped in and then hooked up to a tube going into my helmet.
I was given some very specific instructions from the man helping me get into the plane.
"Do not touch any controls unless you are instructed do to so by the pilot, or in the event of their incapacitation, the flight controllers. Should an emergency occur and you are told to eject, pull down hard on both handles behind your neck. This will blow the canopy and eject your seat from the aircraft. Unless you are in danger from enemy fire, remain in where you land for immediate extractions and debriefing," he told me like I had any idea at all about being in a plane like this. "Finally do not puke. You will not be able to remove your helmet until you return to the ground."
After someone else double-checked me and Paula, the canopy over us was closed. Two pilots got in the plane, did some checks over the radio and then started it up. Once it seemed all was ready, the hanger was opened and we immediately went right onto the runway and took off. The pilots did not do any of the chatter airline pilots did or what I had seen in movies. "Please hold on. We are ascending to our cruising altitude," one of the pilots said right as I was slammed back into my seat and trying hard not to pass out, at least at first.
My shield must have automatically adjusted to compensate. I could feel that my body was slammed into my seat, I just no longer felt the pressure from before. I don't know how high we flew or how fast we got there, only that I was looking at the stars a lot clearer than from the ground. They did say a few short things with code words to someone before I heard the engines roar even louder than they had after takeoff.
The other pilot spoke now saying, "Our superiors have requested we extend apologies, on their behalf, for our needing to delay your arrival by two hours. There is a very urgent matter that we must attend to before we can continue to your destination. Please sit back and enjoy the show."
What the heck was that all about?
I thought maybe it was them dropping down to hook up with a refueling plane. Paula wrote something on her table that really started to make me worry.
It said, "Be ready for anything."
Ok? Girls are bad enough when I don't understand them. Now she is giving me some code?
We had just finished refueling when I heard some more very short code words from the pilots to someone. We turned hard before the engines started to get loud again. They stayed that way for a long time and then it was suddenly quiet. We were still moving very fast, if not faster, than before. I don't know how I knew it, I could sort of just feel it. All of the sudden we slowed down really fast and I was not sure we were even going to stay in the air.
Without any warning, we made a few turns that really pushed me around and then we slid right into a group of fighter planes with a big solid red star with a gap and a red outline. Paula was looking all around when she saw the planes. Her head was really swiveling in each direction when the planes all split off once they noticed us. The pilots just jerked the plane up and made the engines roar again. We were doing a lot of turns and moving all over the place for a while. I know more than once I saw us fly right over one of those other planes before we turned off another way. Eventually the pilots did something that made the plane engines get quieter again. I thought whatever we were doing was done until a lot of lights and alarms started to go off.
Paula got my attention and pointed to her tablet. It said "This is anything" before she erased it.
"You two need to really hold on now. Seems someone was a little too sure of themselves and their ability to make us disappear. We have a few supersonic friends we need to shake before they blow us out of the sky," the pilot told us before he made a strong turn.
The other pilot was doing something that made pops come from around the plane, but did not seem to be doing what he expected. At least I don't think they did from how he cussed about someone cutting corners. All the while, the plane was going from having the engines roaring to being almost silent. No matter how hard the pilot turned or what he did, the alarms started getting louder.
Fucking duh David! Those were Russian planes and someone shot some missiles at us.
Closing my eyes, turned the place in my head on and started scanning for different types of energy behind us, I saw five really big balls of bright energy that kept changing hues so they could follow us whenever we changed directions. I thought that if I could just pull the energy out of them they would drop, but I could not grab onto the biggest energy source, we were moving too fast. Each time I grabbed for the energy, it was used up before I could do anything more. I did not have time to figure out what that energy was and I told myself to not look at that energy anymore so I could try to find other ones inside them. Amazingly, as soon as I turned that big source off, I saw lots of different types of energy behind us. Some was inside the missile itself, but four different types were going from the missile to the plane and back. Two seemed to be sending signals toward the engines, and the others to spots on the plane.
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Our day on the beach finished far too quickly. It had been exciting but quite exhausting and both Abi and I had trouble keeping our eyes open as Mum drove us home early that evening. As the noise of the car engine droned on, my mind kept replaying images of our day - the excitement of the sea and the waves on our naked bodies, our little bit of 'voyeurism' in the morning with Annie and Kate, our fun with each other and the tanning cream, the amazement and excitement of Mum 'helping', our...
(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({"serve": {}}); Susan Ann Clancy sat quietly in her six year old Ford Escort in the parking lot for Krazy Kate’s Video Store. For the third time in the last half-hour, the forty-six year old high school history Teacher checked her watch. Then the short haired redhead looked out the window to the small sign on the store’s door that listed the hours of operation. The store closed at eight o’clock, her watch had read seven...
"The symbol inscriptions are finer than any that I've seen before," Cody began, giving his initial impressions of the metal plates. "The symbols are small, and spaced very close together. I don't understand how they did work this fine. It looks more like laser etching than normal scribing." Cody paused for a moment to inspect the plates carefully before continuing with, "The physical condition of the plates is amazing. Despite all the rough handling, since we retrieved the plates from...
When we entered the house, we saw a tented note on the kitchen table. It read: “No clothes beyond this point!” The three of us looked at each other and quickly shed our clothes. The girls had already set up three tables in the pool that had beers, bourbon and wine coolers opened in the cupholders. The three of us dove in the pool and swam across to hug and kiss our two sexy ladies. “Welcome home guys, we hope you don’t mind, but we’re so freaking horny we gotta have you play with our...
I have been a history professor at a local community college for years and while I had heard tales and seen the precautionary notes from administration about professors engaging in extra curricular activities with students, I had never had any type of offers from any students. My male libido and male ego were hurt, but I didn’t dwell on it, as I had plenty of other things to worry about.Then, I met Regina, a sexy college coed, and for whatever reason, we connected. While Regina was very...
College SexFamily Documents Part 01 Notes for a family history. ************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan December 2015 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ************************************************* Introduction About a decade ago my uncle...
Fucking, History TeacherBy: Londebaaz ChohanI was sure, Mr. Nick Bailey, my history teacher was not gay or at least he was in a tight shut closet, because he mentioned of his wife and grown up k**s quite a lot in his class. Ok, let us believe that he was not gay but the only thing that kept my interest in his class was his rounded, fully curved ass bubble that was raised slightly up and looked not only delicious but also very special when he turned his back towards the class to scribble...
Some time ago while taking a college history course I was researching some of our founding fathers. While it was very interesting, it was at the same time, a bit boring. I was hoping to find some juicy details of their personal lives, but other than some offhand comments about their sexual proclivities (Ben Franklin commented to a younger friend that "all cats are grey in the dark" meaning a pussy is pussy no matter the color of the skin) and a few others that perhaps made hardly a mention in...
My Sex Preferences and HistoryGood sex requires that you have more than “sketchy” knowledge about the sexual preferences and sex history of your partner. Sex is more fulfilling if “you’re not wondering if“. If you know what your partner likes to do right from the start, you can explore a range of possibilities. Maybe even investigate some new territory, if you feel like it. In the heat of sex, you don’t want to be asking questions, you want to have a good time. Sex History is important...
I didn't start out being fixated on, or even especially attracted to, black men. Events, and my experiences with both black and white men, combined to steer me into my personal black history. I think knowing a little of my background will help you understand my story.As my story begins I'm a 33 year old product of a small southern town. It's an old neighborhood of small houses. I'm pale, about 5'9", with long legs and large breasts, I'm well read, intelligent, and a very good Mom. My ancestors...
History By Karen Hansen Monica closed the door behind her, sat her bag of school books down near the door, turned to walk into the living room and then froze in her tracks. She just stood there in total and complete shock. Her green eyes wide and mouth gaping open. In the middle of the living room was her 45 year old father kneeling before a woman. Seeing him in a pose like this was a bit of a surprise. She had always considered him a bit of a ladies' man, with a touch of...
Chapter 1. The Contract "I think I'll go for the Gourmet Tuna Salad," Richard said, decisively tapping his finger on the menu before laying it on the corner of the table, "No starter, though." The waiter murmured the name of the dish and began scratching a pencil on the little notepad he was holding. "That sounds good to me," Alison agreed, but with her eyes still avidly scanning the card she held in front of her; then she nodded. "Yes, I'm going to have the same, thanks." A...
The multifuck was strangely disappointing. It was exciting at first, but as soon as the novelty wore off, so did my enthusiasm. Apparently, I really needed an emotional connection with my partner in order to truly enjoy sex. I must admit that being surrounded by crowds of luscious naked women had lost none of its appeal, so I asked to have them continue cuddling and stroking us as we continued our marathon session, but the silly part with the extra pricks was a bit much. They detracted from...
SISSY SISTER SURPRISES by Throne Penny and Mina were in the pink bedroom, sitting on the bed, waiting for their wives to return. The sissy husbands had been left there to occupy themselves while their brides were out on a double date with a couple of hunky guys. Penny was wearing a lavender baby doll nightie and Mina's was pale peach. They had their full heads of hair styled into pixie cuts and were fussing with each other's make-up. "I don't know what Janice and Tracy are doing...
Travel Surprises - By Stats "Bob, will you quit arguing. We have agreed for some months now that we would shop for clothes in Portland. It is just a simple matter of taking a morning plane from Tacoma to Portland. Renting a car in Portland. Go to a couple of shopping malls to buy a complete Christmas wardrobe for you. Spend the night on the town. And we return on Sunday afternoon. Now don't distract me, I see the Airport exit is the next right and I don't want to miss...
I had always hated surprises. They made me anxious. I overthink them. He told me he had a surprise for me when I got home from work. I worried about it for hours, wondering what it could be. I thought about things I had asked for recently, everything I could possibly imagine. He hadn’t given me any clues as to what it was, so I guess I’d just have to wait. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, I left work and started the long drive home. It was torture. Twenty miles of wondering.When I...
Heels: The Ultimatum 10 - More Surprises By Deane Christopher Copyrighted 2003 Synopsis of Chapter 9: Alterations The heels, adhering to their prime directive to enrich Dennis' life, had taken the metaphysical leaching process a step further. On the day of Dennis and Gale's marriage, beginning with the happy couple's first kiss as a wedded couple, the heels, via the magical potential they had replicated within Dennis himself, had begun to gradually create a carbon copy...
Full of SurprisesI got the text around midday. My lovely wife Linora, I skimmed covertly under the table whilst Muller blabbed something about last month's projections. She'd bought something. She wanted to try something new. I didn't know what that could mean. But Muller would be an ass bigger than Linora's if he saw me texting."Yeah, sounds good," I tapped. Probably a new brand of pasta or something."Sweet, see you in bed ;D," she replied."//Bed?//" I thought, "//Uh oh. What did I just agree...
Such situations are definitely not uncommon. Many people who are in long-term relationships do encounter this phase. So why don't you plan some exotic surprises for your partner? Such that he's taken off guard and left asking for more.Surprises need not necessarily be really pricey. What matters the most is your attitude, the way you show your concern and express your love towards your mate. Here are some innovative ideas...Dare bare...Men love it when their ladylove makes an extra effort to...
Note - Here is the story I wrote, before I wrote about Justine, which was my original attempt at writing a non-magic, non-scifi, non-unknown chemicals, transgendered story about transformation, based on a request posted on TG Comics, where he/she just wanted a simple straight forward dress up story. Liking challenges, here was my first take on that request. No magic, no drugs, no science fiction, no s-m, just a very simple, and possibly believable, adult dress up story with a...
At the “Jail’ in Ibera’s World The Assassin-Blane ‘The Ace’ Murdock POV: I’m getting a really bad feeling about what’s been happening and SOON to happen here. There’s no way they’re just going to dump us on an island and then forget about us. With all the contacts we still have I know some of our friends would eventually find us and rescue us. At least that’s what many of us are hoping. But, and my ‘compatriots’ still haven’t come to grips with it yet, I don’t believe we’re still in the...
It was in the year 2020 that humans first felt their stiff introduction to the future of lovemaking. We passed forcibly from a world of human flesh with large stiff cocks bathed in the fragrant lubricant of female musk and fluid to the trance of orgasmic bliss at a distance. The agent of change was only 125 nanometers in length but it imposed its will upon a world that was unprepared and woefully inadequate to its demands. Tragically, many died, but far more were to have their lives wrenched...
Masturbation---------- "Kelly, I have to leave." I insist as Kelly's lips run over my neck and the bulge in her pants grinds against my ass. Kelly smiles against my skin and flicks her tongue teasingly over my earlobe. I whimper and close my eyes for some semblance of control. I was supposed to be leaving for my morning classes at Stanford right now which no one should miss. Especially if you're trying to be an attorney. But Kelly had surprised me with a whole night of hot, hot loving and then...
/// "Ms. Harper is such a bitch. She made me rewrite my whole History essay." I roll my eyes at the girl behind me in my first bell. Nadia Hickman, super bitch of our grade. The teacher had left to make more copies of the worksheet so needlessly to say, everyone was talking and messing around. "You know I hear she sleeps with her students." Nadia's friend DOESN'T whisper. Carla Louis, second super bitch in our grade. I stiffen in my chair and focus on their conversation...
As I said, she was called Mary and she would teach me history. She was a woman of about 34 or 35 years. His stature was good long black hair and picked up the back of her hair with a hair clip. Normally she used to come to class but only made up painting her lips and eyes. As for the physical he was thin and was in good shape, with good breasts, large firm (used to wear pretty clothes that covered but still noticeable) and, above all, a magnificent ass. I want to stop here a little because it...