A Blagger's History Of Torei free porn video

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% A History of Torei % Gospodin % 28 June 2012

There's a lot of talk about Torei, lately. You hear folks chatting about it in hushed tones, wondering if what other folks say is true. People want to know how to get there, how safe you are once you get there, and would you get in trouble when you come back. You see people scowling angrily about Torei's human rights problems, but those same people are the ones who have copies of Torean Love Slave hidden away someplace private.

But most of all, people want to know how such a place could have existed all this time. How could human life have developed on this isolated planet in the middle of nowhere while we were busy inventing intergalactic travel and coating every inhabitable surface of the Milky Way with our culture? We've become so used to human life being the only sapient intelligence on Earth-like worlds. So why, then, is Torean culture so... alien to us?

Well if you listen to me closely, I will tell you what I know. I'm a historian, of sorts, and history is an alchemical sort of discipline. We find symbols in old sources, and then we have to analyze our sources themselves. We put all these symbols in the context of other symbols, and sometimes--if we shake real hard--out comes a compelling narrative.

I think you folks appreciate a cracking good yarn; so if you'll permit, I'll embroider the facts as much as I'm comfortable. Some of what I'll say isn't known to be true, but we don't yet know that it can't be true. I'll leave the hair-splitting to the Journal of Toreology and just tell you all my tale.

The Milky Way

Long long ago, back when humanity had only begun to spread out of its spiral arm of its home galaxy, an empire had ambitions. This empire, known only to history as "The Laminate Culture" or "The Lamination People" because of the clothing they produced, saw the end of expansion within the Milky Way before most of the rest of us had. Due to coincidences in the angular momentum of outer-spiral stars, they were hedged in by strong nations in a tense yet stable peace. They needed somewhere to grow, but didn't dare move in on any of the stars in their neighborhood.

And so they hatched an ingenious yet barmy plan to send colonists to the Andromeda galaxy. They intended to settle those stars with Laminate Culture colonies early, and spread outward through that galaxy before anyone else had managed to start an expedition. To their credit, they thought big and they thought long-term: the journey would take a thousand years, and they'd have no way of ferrying wealth from these new stars to the motherworld. This was a very very long game, and it took a special kind of desperation to even want to play it.

You can't send a live crew on a thousand-year journey that never comes close to any stars. A generation-ship would need more fuel for life support on such a journey than it would for deceleration. The fleet they designed was effectively a big dumb intergalactic comet: machinery and gene banks and artificial intelligences wrapped in a giant geode of protective minerals and ice. Everything would just sit inactive and safe and inert until it came near the energy of a star again.

Off Course

Of course, as you can all guess now, this little spore never made it to Andromeda. Stories differ on what happened to it. Some say that the geode craft had some sort of purely analog course-correcting device that locked onto a stray stellar cluster in intergalactic space. Others say that something went wrong, and emergency systems woke to active mode and changed the ship's course. The more fanciful tales tell of signals sent from the Milky Way to sabotage the project by changing the objectives.

Whatever the reason, the ship took a rendez-vous course that brought it to a stable orbit around the most suitable of a handful of lonely stars stuck like an island out in the nowhere between the galaxies. The light of this star melted the geode and woke up the machines, who began building factories and supply lines to construct a suitable habitat for the colony.

As I've mentioned before, the amount of planning that went into this project is breathtaking. The original implementors hadn't considered their payload would get mired in this backwater, but they'd designed the construction phase to bootstrap itself even in harsh conditions. Simple machines built factories that spat out more complicated machines that built more factories to make even better machines. This process continued until at least three of the AIs in the fleet had been augmented enough to begin the next phase.

Building Habitat

Once the brains were awake, it was time to build a home for organic life. None of the planets in the cluster were likely globes, so the machines took a rocky ball on the edge of the Goldilocks zone and launched all the chunks of ice and carbonaceous chondrite they could find. If you think the timescale for the original mission was long, well the AIs had near-infinite patience. Piece by piece over tens of thousands of years, they built up a planet from dry stone into something that could support life.

Machines around the various stars in the cluster lensed starlight to knock matter out of stable orbits and off toward the new planet. I've been on expedition, and seen the lens devices with my own eyes. They're impressive machines, like vast engines of war from our distant and more violent past. I'm told they still work, if the AIs ever choose to use them again.

The planet's new crust slowly cooled around the freshly molten core, and this is where the Torei we know today began. The machines set down at the two poles and dug intricate tunnels through to the hot mantle beneath, boring in impossibly complicated fractal corkscrew patterns. Through coriolis forces, heat, pressure and other simple physics the magma was separated out into component elements useful for generating an atmosphere.

The machines built tetrahedral "caps" of sorts atop the vents from these tunnels, and did all of the final distillation and synthesis in them. These pyramids are apparently still there inside the current-day ziggurats. The real machinery for atmospheric generation descends down into the network of tunnels, but there is a hollow space inside the zigs where the caps can be seen.

Ah, I suppose you all have the famous image of the Dahom ziggurat in the snow. Well imagine that landscape with no snow yet, because the air was still too dry. Now imagine that the vast stepped pyramid is only one-twentieth the size, and smooth-sided. That's how they got started. Those little pyramids worked tirelessly for centuries to generate an atmosphere suitable for garden crops and large mammals.

The ziggurats of Mazos and Dahom were built later, and we have hints that they were an act of desperation. We think that the AIs realized that they weren't making enough progress on a self-sustaining biosphere. They created the zigs as habitat domes with the hopes that human workers could help speed up the project.

First Humans

If that was the plan, then it worked. The first humans probably awoke inside the bottom level of one of the zigs, before they built the upper layers. They'd have had hydroponic gardens already running to give them fresh food and filtered water. There would have been some livestock, but likely no birds: the air wouldn't have been clean enough yet for fragile avian lungs.

Life for these first few generations was probably pretty miserable, even by what we see at the Torean poles today. The AIs were still completing their program of habitat creation, and to them the humans were little more than lab rats and plough-mares. The ziggurat was a castle of horrors full of biological experimentation and vat-grown chimeras. We have reason to believe that this work resulted in tissue cultures that are still alive as membranes inside the atmosphere generators today.

The era when Torean humans lived only inside the ziggurats is somewhat hard to pin down, historically. Most of what we have is myth from the humans and propaganda from the AIs, so who knows what to believe. All we can really say is that this period marked the development of the current social system at the poles.


The goal of the AIs was to make Torei habitable for normal humans, but the death rate among the early populations was too high. The bio-engineering research program produced humans who were more durable, and could withstand more of the half-made world. Specialized organisms were seeded at the equator, to try and build up biomass where the conditions were most favorable. Life on Torei began slowly to step outside, but it was all strange new breeds custom-built for that world.

Since this was a breeding program, the human genotype was altered to produce nine females for every male. The reproductive systems and sexual drives of these humans were cranked up to unusual levels for maximal fertility. Each man would impregnate one woman per month, like clockwork. The population grew and new levels were built to make the ziggurats we know today.

Controlling such a population was not the same task as it had been before. During each pole's summer, when the sun did not set, humans were let out onto the planet's surface in laminate environment suits. These were an early form of today's isolation laminates worn by Emissaries, and they did far less. The wearer was protected from the unfinished atmosphere outside, and infosystems in the helmet kept the AI in control of what the occupant saw and heard.

What originally started as an environment suit for humans being let outside soon became a population control mechanism. A misbehaving colonist could be locked into one of these suits and made to act as an internal police force. The suits could simulate almost any sensation to the wearer's flesh, which made it an efficient system for re-training.

The colonists' ramped-up sex drive and lack of almost any other means of entertainment meant that the AIs had a convenient reward system. Pain is always an effective punishment, but the AIs learned how to prey on a person's fears and desires. What we've seen in the present day suggests that even a limited time in the isolation suits completely changes a person. And this was important, because if the AIs were going to start actual farms on the equator, they'd need to be able to trust the farmers.


I'm not a geologist, but even I am stunned by the dramatic difference between the equatorial band and the rest of Torei. You can drive around in the badlands for days without seeing anything but igneous and metamorphic rock formations. You joyride through dusty craters, follow fissures down tectonic thrusts, and then suddenly out of nowhere everything is covered in lichen.

If you turn in the direction of the blooms, you start to see little green shoots in the dusty cracks, here and there. Plants with long taproots extend fernlike fronds up to the daylight. And as you continue, within only a short time you find yourself on a dirt-like surface driving through low scrub. You can tell your latitude to a novel degree of accuracy simply by looking at vegetation around you. There's a reason the planet's flag has that thin green belt around the globe.

It can also be educational to dig down through equatorial soil. The topsoil itself is very thin, but well-managed as a sort of sacred trust. Once you lift that off, you find caustic stuff that could make for devastating dust storms if allowed to become airborne. Early farms were planted just to control this layer of atmospheric fallout and keep it buried where it wouldn't be a problem. Ask a Pembric plantation master about "leechcorn" some time, and you'll get an amazing education in bioremediation techniques!

The farms were a success, in small part thanks to the controlled watering the equator gets. The AIs control underground aquifers via long tunnels that are off limits to most humans. When it's time for crop watering, they engineer rain showers that bathe a portion of the equatorial region. It's run like clockwork, and typically during the evening. You sometimes see the rain schedule next to the train timetables, for example.

At this point, the habitat creation project sadly stalled. The AIs needed the farms to supply its biotech machines with ingredients, and the humans needed the AIs to keep the rain falling and the air flowing. As one of the old poems put it (and apologies for my somewhat unskilled translation): "And the Dæmons kept dominion of the sky, and Men claimed dominion of the land."

Sharecropping Wars

Of course, the "Dæmons" kept dominion over the humans, as well. The end of expansion on Torei meant that there weren't enough isolation suits for all of the troublemakers, but the ones that were bound in them made effective police for the rest. Well, at least for a while, anyway.

The problem with releasing an incredibly randy and fertile population to the furthest corner of a planet from your control is that your carefully controlled breeding program will go wildly off course. It didn't take many generations for the natural-born humans at the equator to see the isolates as foreign oppressors and set plans to overthrow them. This begins what is possibly the bloodiest time in Torei's history, which Toreologists have come to call the Sharecropping Wars.

At first, the AIs saw this population as expendable, and simply eradicated whole towns when it encountered trouble. There were usually enough eager human rats at the poles who were willing to colonize an evacuated farmstead and live out under the Torean sun. But eventually the costs of this became clear to both sides.

The exterminations and re-population efforts brought more and more humans over to the revolutionary side. Furthermore, the rebel humans had taken to destroying the crops that were destined for the ziggurats. A human colony could survive on tubers and ruminant milk for a year if they had to, but a critical missed shipment of seed oils or other organic chemical ingredients could mean trouble for the whole planet. Time and again, the humans showed the AIs that they were willing to ignore the threat of ecological disaster in pursuit of independence.

This is something that seems predictable to you or I, but the AIs genuinely seemed to have trouble accepting it. They kept up their program of recolonization for over a century before finally recognizing the equatorial ring as independent. Now the "Dæmons" became "Emissaries", and they negotiated air and water rights in exchange for necessary crops. They traded technology for the food needed to keep the population in the ziggurats alive.

From this point on, aside from the occasional nation that tested the AIs' wrath or surrendered sovereignty to one of the Emissaries, the political role of the AIs remained in this stalemate nearly into the present day. For a thousand years, humanity was able to build its own society on the equator, and the "ringdoms" as we now call them were formed.

Free Humanity

The politics get boring for a while here, but wars are now waged between the ringdoms more often. Alliances form, nations conquer other nations, and realms are partitioned up for heirs who then fight one another. Throughout all of this, the threat of interference by the AIs looms.

It's not really useful as a scholarly classification, but I find it's easiest to describe this period to people as feudal. The culture was based heavily on male inheritance of arable land, and conduct of war was often regulated by the AIs. Commonly, when a dispute between ringdoms broke out, war would be a last resort after bringing the case to an Emissary.

The art from this period often depicts the AIs as turbulent gods, bringing bounty and destruction on ineffable whims. The laws of men could be appealed to an Emissary, but the result would sometimes leave everyone suffering. Humanity wrestled with its relationship to the AIs, hating and fearing and ultimately relying on them even in independence.

For a time, a class of priestesses emerged, promising to interpret the "Dæmons" for their masters. The story goes that an Isolate raped the women of a powerful landlord, to threaten the legitimacy of any heirs. The daughters of these unions were believed to have insight into the AIs, and allegedly they were seen talking to their biological father (a difficult claim to prove, as all male Isolates effectively look the same). These women were ejected from the estate their mothers belonged to, and began prophesying in the streets on market days. Their prescience became legendary, and soon it became common for stray women to claim insight into the plans of the AIs.

This trend improved the lot of unowned women immensely over the years. Originally the term "freewomb" meant a woman whose children were not by her owner, but the word soon came to mean the children themselves. Cast out of an estate, these girls had to make their way alone in societies that did not consciously value the roles they could play. A lack of loyalties made them neutral mediators, taking over some of the duties that the Emissaries had performed before independence. But the association with Dæmon-scrying proved devastating

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How Reginas Friend Passed College History

I have been a history professor at a local community college for years and while I had heard tales and seen the precautionary notes from administration about professors engaging in extra curricular activities with students, I had never had any type of offers from any students. My male libido and male ego were hurt, but I didn’t dwell on it, as I had plenty of other things to worry about.Then, I met Regina, a sexy college coed, and for whatever reason, we connected. While Regina was very...

College Sex
3 years ago
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Family History Pt 01

Family Documents Part 01 Notes for a family history. ************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan December 2015 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ************************************************* Introduction About a decade ago my uncle...

4 years ago
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Fucking History Teacher

Fucking, History TeacherBy: Londebaaz ChohanI was sure, Mr. Nick Bailey, my history teacher was not gay or at least he was in a tight shut closet, because he mentioned of his wife and grown up k**s quite a lot in his class. Ok, let us believe that he was not gay but the only thing that kept my interest in his class was his rounded, fully curved ass bubble that was raised slightly up and looked not only delicious but also very special when he turned his back towards the class to scribble...

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Some time ago while taking a college history course I was researching some of our founding fathers. While it was very interesting, it was at the same time, a bit boring. I was hoping to find some juicy details of their personal lives, but other than some offhand comments about their sexual proclivities (Ben Franklin commented to a younger friend that "all cats are grey in the dark" meaning a pussy is pussy no matter the color of the skin) and a few others that perhaps made hardly a mention in...

3 years ago
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Sex History and Profile for more sex and more fu

My Sex Preferences and HistoryGood sex requires that you have more than “sketchy” knowledge about the sexual preferences and sex history of your partner. Sex is more fulfilling if “you’re not wondering if“. If you know what your partner likes to do right from the start, you can explore a range of possibilities. Maybe even investigate some new territory, if you feel like it. In the heat of sex, you don’t want to be asking questions, you want to have a good time. Sex History is important...

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Black history

I didn't start out being fixated on, or even especially attracted to, black men. Events, and my experiences with both black and white men, combined to steer me into my personal black history. I think knowing a little of my background will help you understand my story.As my story begins I'm a 33 year old product of a small southern town. It's an old neighborhood of small houses. I'm pale, about 5'9", with long legs and large breasts, I'm well read, intelligent, and a very good Mom. My ancestors...

4 years ago
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History By Karen Hansen Monica closed the door behind her, sat her bag of school books down near the door, turned to walk into the living room and then froze in her tracks. She just stood there in total and complete shock. Her green eyes wide and mouth gaping open. In the middle of the living room was her 45 year old father kneeling before a woman. Seeing him in a pose like this was a bit of a surprise. She had always considered him a bit of a ladies' man, with a touch of...

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The History Scavengers

Chapter 1. The Contract "I think I'll go for the Gourmet Tuna Salad," Richard said, decisively tapping his finger on the menu before laying it on the corner of the table, "No starter, though." The waiter murmured the name of the dish and began scratching a pencil on the little notepad he was holding. "That sounds good to me," Alison agreed, but with her eyes still avidly scanning the card she held in front of her; then she nodded. "Yes, I'm going to have the same, thanks." A...

2 years ago
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Fiddling With HistoryChapter 2

The multifuck was strangely disappointing. It was exciting at first, but as soon as the novelty wore off, so did my enthusiasm. Apparently, I really needed an emotional connection with my partner in order to truly enjoy sex. I must admit that being surrounded by crowds of luscious naked women had lost none of its appeal, so I asked to have them continue cuddling and stroking us as we continued our marathon session, but the silly part with the extra pricks was a bit much. They detracted from...

2 years ago
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A Camgirls History of Self Pleasure Through 2284

It was in the year 2020 that humans first felt their stiff introduction to the future of lovemaking.  We passed forcibly from a world of human flesh with large stiff cocks bathed in the fragrant lubricant of female musk and fluid to the trance of orgasmic bliss at a distance. The agent of change was only 125 nanometers in length but it imposed its will upon a world that was unprepared and woefully inadequate to its demands. Tragically, many died, but far more were to have their lives wrenched...

2 years ago
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My History Teacher 8

---------- "Kelly, I have to leave." I insist as Kelly's lips run over my neck and the bulge in her pants grinds against my ass. Kelly smiles against my skin and flicks her tongue teasingly over my earlobe. I whimper and close my eyes for some semblance of control. I was supposed to be leaving for my morning classes at Stanford right now which no one should miss. Especially if you're trying to be an attorney. But Kelly had surprised me with a whole night of hot, hot loving and then...

2 years ago
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My History Teacher 6

/// "Ms. Harper is such a bitch. She made me rewrite my whole History essay." I roll my eyes at the girl behind me in my first bell. Nadia Hickman, super bitch of our grade. The teacher had left to make more copies of the worksheet so needlessly to say, everyone was talking and messing around. "You know I hear she sleeps with her students." Nadia's friend DOESN'T whisper. Carla Louis, second super bitch in our grade. I stiffen in my chair and focus on their conversation...

5 years ago
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Sex with my Historys teacher1

As I said, she was called Mary and she would teach me history. She was a woman of about 34 or 35 years. His stature was good long black hair and picked up the back of her hair with a hair clip. Normally she used to come to class but only made up painting her lips and eyes. As for the physical he was thin and was in good shape, with good breasts, large firm (used to wear pretty clothes that covered but still noticeable) and, above all, a magnificent ass. I want to stop here a little because it...

2 years ago
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I was 18. The legal age to be fucked by someone. Though I had a boyfriend last year that popped my cherry. I didn't care if I lost my virginity to a jock, he wasn't the big high school star or anything but he was something and I just wanted to get it over with. He was the same age as me, so it wasn't illegal. But I came to find out, it didn't stop one person. My history teacher. She was smoking hot. She was a blonde with piercing blue eyes. Huge tits, firm ass and a huge lesbian and...

3 years ago
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A History Lesson

"My Grandfather was here," I muttered to no one in particular, I remembered when he told me of it, a lovely gentle man with his collection of Cuckoo clocks. "All my family,also," said a girl with long dark hair misunderstanding what I meant. I looked around, so many dark hairs, the big noses, girls and boys, I felt suddenly out of place with my blonde hair and blue eyes . "Schultz" My teacher had shouted, "If you think dressing up like a Nazi and doing Nazi salutes is funny...

2 years ago
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The Badendorf Family History Part Four

By Emerald Green Warning: The following history contains adult material. If you are not an adult or if adult themes offed you, you should read no further. Four • Down the Rhine River to Rotterdam The first thing the next morning after Otto went to the shop he counted out an amount of money he was sure would be enough to pay for three passages on a barge that would float them down river to Rotterdam. Leaving a sign in the window that stated he would be back before midday, he locked up...

4 years ago
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History Repeats Inc

BY ROBBY SR. [u]DRAKE, ANDY, & JORDAN - TODAY[/u] He couldn't use his real name, so he called himself Drake. The name simply sounded sexy to him: like anyone named Drake was a natural born fuck machine. He kept his real name secret, of course, so neither Andy nor his son, Jordan, knew who he really was. Andy clapped his son on the shoulder. “You'll be okay, won't ya, buddy?” he asked him. “Sure, dad.” Jordan said, all smiles. “Drake is gonna let me take over his computer so I...

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History has never been so sexy

It was senior year of college career and the last class that was required for me to graduate was open with only one spot left…at 8 a.m. I don’t know about you but any class that starts before noon is just rude. But seeing how “History of US Politics” was the only thing between now and graduating on time I sucked it up and enrolled. The first day of class the professor was 10 minutes late, grumpy and seemed like he wanted to be there less than I did. He quickly introduced himself as Dr....

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My History Teacher 2

Introduction: This story is the sequel to My History Teacher. This story was repeadetly asked for and I wa more than happy to provide it to the hungry and horny imaginations of people such as yourself. If you havent read My History Teacher I highly recommend it Enjoy! It was rough for the week. I ignored Ms. Harper and avoided eye contact at all costs. Im going to be honest though, I missed her, her taste, her touch, her scent. Pretty much everything. On friday I was dreading on seeing Ms....

4 years ago
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I was 15 years of age when I first met Mr Allen. He taught me History at secondary school and I fancied him so much. Apart from being a very good teacher, He came across as being a really nice person and thought he was good looking too. This was his first teaching post and was 28 years old. I would do anything to spend some time with him. This would usually involve pretending I found the History homework too difficult and required some help from him. I found the work pretty easy, but this was...

3 years ago
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My American History Professor

AlbertIt is the first day of classes at the university and I am early by twenty minutes. Being a freshman, I want to give myself plenty of time, walking across campus from my dorm. Entering the classroom, I take a seat near the back. Moments later, my professor walks in and my eyes almost bug out of my head! The most beautiful woman these eyes have ever seen enters the room.Her name is Ms. Winkler and she is wearing a pleated blue and white plaid skirt, with a white polo shirt. The shirt has...

College Sex
4 years ago
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Why I Love History Class Part 1

I was sitting in history class when a problem arose. Literally. I had shaved the day before, and now my groin was itchy. I tried scratching it through my sweatpants, but that didn’t work. I tried again, reaching under my sweatpants and itching through my boxers. Still nothing. At this point, my body mistook my intentions and decided to pitch a very visible tent in my sweatpants.Luckily, I sat in the back corner of class, and when I angled my chair a certain way, nobody could see, not even the...

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A History of Women

“Have you ever been with another woman?” Miranda asked. Carly looked up from her homework. “I’m sorry?” “Have you ever been with another woman?” her friend repeated. Carly stared at her. “Um, no… Why do you ask?” Miranda shrugged, “Just wondering, really. I haven’t, but I’ve though about it. You know me, there isn’t much I haven’t done. Threesomes, foursomes, but usually no women involved.” She chewed her lip thoughtfully, “Carly, are you a virgin?” Carly looked at Miranda with surprise. “Why...

2 years ago
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My perv history no2

It's been a while since I posted about my perv history. The first one is just a regular post. This time I may submit it as a story though, if it's long enough.I saved one of the more taboo experiences for it's own accounting. Remembering things like these help me understand how I became such a man whore. I realize how different my sex life was compared to other people. But I also run into a lot of people who also have a more than sordid history. It's good to know you're not alone.As for the...

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The Dark History of Pole Dancing

The Sordid History of the Stripper PoleI had an interesting conversation recently with a friend--an attractive red-headed MILF. She’s really hot. I would love to lay her pale white legs over my shoulders and plough her wet little pussy as she stares up at me with her pretty blue eyes, mouth gaping as she moans in pleasure. Ah, but alas, it is not meant to be. She’s married and has k**s and lives a respectable suburban life. Even goes to church and has a whole moral Christian thing going. ...

3 years ago
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History Lesson

I was sitting at my desk in History class, staring off into space, fantasizing about my teacher, Miss Smith, when I felt a tap on my shoulder."Not paying attention again?" Miss Smith asked me as I snapped out of my reverie."Um, no, sorry," I replied, embarrassed."Stay after class, I need to talk to you," she said to me before turning away, "Jesse, do you know the answer?"I slumped down in my desk, wishing I could disappear.*As the bell rings, everyone rushes out the door except me. I look up...

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My Junior Year High School US History Teacher part 1

The school year was winding down and summer was just around the corner. The last few remaining days in school seemed to last forever. I couldn't wait for the pool parties, bonfires, late nights with nothing to do or nowhere to be, and the backyard grilling to be here already. I didn't have any sort of fun whatsoever this school year. It was all business aside from two minor events. I mean I had turned 18 in February so I was older than most of the students in my grade. I started school a year...

Oral Sex
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My History Teachers Ass

Ms. Shay had been my World History teacher in my Junior year of high school. She wasn’t your typical teacher, she had decided to start her career right out of college, so she was still very young. Although she never vocally expressed her age, it was quite obvious she was under twenty-five years old. She was definitely one of the types that did not act her age, either. This made her class very interesting at times. There were days where she just didn’t feel like doing anything and insisted we...

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