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In the second month an email reached his box announcing a safety week that included luncheons every day for the staff, a chili cook-off and a big cook-out to end the week. He was personally invited to participate by the plant manager and his direct report, Brenda Collins, the value stream manager he worked for.
The first couple of days of the week, Chuck was actually too busy to participate so he sent an email each day asking forgiveness for not attending. The second day, Brenda came to the project trailer with a large plate of barbecued ribs and brisket. He was slightly embarrassed by this but accepted the food and the company of his boss gracefully.

Brenda was a slender brunette, short, about 5'-2" with a good figure. Chuck had noticed early that she did not wear a ring, so he assumed she was not attached. She dressed fairly conservatively, but seemed always to wear tops and blouses that showed off her very nice breasts. Her slacks were never too tight. She was just an extremely attractive woman.

As they sat eating their lunch, she shared that she was a single mom with two kids, a girl 16 and a son 14. She said they were both good kids and didn't fight or bicker like most brothers and sisters, so she felt blessed. They got good grades and the older sister always helped the younger brother with homework and projects so he would succeed. Chuck offered that she should be happy they got along so well. She smiled a pretty smile and agreed. When they finished lunch, she asked him if he was going go join them for the chili cook-off in two days. He said that he was sorry that he didn't have a place to prepare his "world famous" recipe that would almost certainly win the competition. She laughed at his boasting and said that her kitchen could be made available for the preparation. Chuck pondered that thought and said he would get back with her. She smiled over her shoulder as she left the trailer and said "You might like what we could cook up together" That statement took his mind off the rest of that days business activities.

The next morning Chuck sent an e-mail accepting the offer of a place to blend his magic potion and Brenda responded almost immediately with her address and home phone number. She called several times that day to confirm that he indeed intended to visit her.

The evening of chili cooking was pleasant, and playful. Brenda wore much more casual and sexier clothing to work in her kitchen. Her apron was over a pair of short cut-off jeans and a halter top. He had taken liberties himself wearing walking shorts and a tee shirt that showed his well trimmed chest and abs.
Brenda started the evening off with a pretty stiff vodka martini on the rocks for him, which washed away the cares of the day. She was drinking Moscata by the tumbler full and it didn't take long before they were both pretty mellow.

The spices were blended, meat browned and vegetables added to each of their recipes and the pots were set to simmer. Brenda suggested that they move their drinking to the "mancave" so named because she decorated it in hopes of trapping a man. Chuck laughed at that suggestion, as if she needed anything to get a man's attention.

Brenda shared that her life as a value stream leader had its drawbacks, not the least of which was a total abandonment of any kind of social life at all. As they sat and became more and more mellow, Chuck playfully suggested ways she could enhance her opportunities. She laughed at some of his suggestions, like joining an online dating group that held group parties and such. "Hell, Chuck, I'm not that desperate", she laughed and then looked sort of sad and added "Am I?"

Chuck had struck a nerve and would like to have crawled under the sofa, when she brightened and said, "I could always hire hot sexy project managers and seduce them while we made chili". That brought a welcome laugh and rebuttal from Chuck. They checked on the chili and Brenda mixed more martinis. "Fuck, you're going to get me drunk." Chuck blurted. His face reddened and he immediately began apologizing for dropping the "F-Bomb". Brenda snickered into her hand and answered "What...the fuck..." and then she laughed uncontrollably. "Don't worry about it, it's one of my favorite words, just ask my kids." she laughed even louder. "Not only is it one of my favorite words, it is also one of my favorite activities" with that she doubled over in laughter. Chuck was still embarrassed and continued to apologize. Brenda, by now, free of all inhibitions, looked at him and offered "I'm serious, I would rather fuck than just say fuck." Her body was convulsing in laughter at this point and Chuck loosened up and joined her in the joke. "Well we have way too many clothes on to fuck anyway." Chuck shot back. Brenda's face looked surprised and determined to make that statement false. "Well, fuck, then" she blurted as she ripped the apron over her head followed by the halter top. "Let's see about that." she concluded standing there half naked, her truly magnificent breasts jutting out from her chest proudly. While Chuck was elated he was not just a little bit worried that this game had gone too far. His contract was very lucrative and he was at risk of blowing it here.
Brenda ran her hands over her breasts and asked "Do you think my titties are too small?" Chuck's brain had reached overload about five minutes ago. He wasn't sure even how to answer that question, or actually whether to answer it at all. Brenda had obviously drank too much, and she was not the precise professional she was in the office at all.

Chuck handed her the halter top and told her that he thought they maybe should call it a night. Brenda expressed objections, but Chuck helped her put her halter top back on, and led her into the kitchen. He brewed a pot of coffee and sat her down for a cup. She once again objected, but he insisted and she complied under protest.

He gathered his things and told her that he was leaving.

Embarrassed, Brenda said she had a good time, but they probably shouldn't do this again. He agreed and left, his chili still simmering on her stove.

Chapter two:

The next morning Chuck's head was the size of a basketball, and the pounding was incessant. He showered and was at the plant a half hour early. He brewed very strong coffee and drank it quickly trying to shake the thunder from his brain. He busied himself with excel spreadsheets and project management software to try to get the image of Brenda's gorgeous tits out of his head. "Stupid Fuck" he thought aloud, as he imagined how good it would have been to suck those amazing nipples into his mouth.
"Boy, you just don't know when to quit, do you?" he heard Brenda's voice behind him. His face once again reddened from embarrassment. "Oh Brenda, I'm sorry, I didn't have any idea you were here." He said apologetically. "Let's not go there again, okay?" Brenda said with a half smile and a stifled chuckle. "No, let's not" Chuck agreed.

They went to work assembling materials for a morning meeting when Chuck asked why she was there at all. "I had to bring in the chili" she said, "And I wanted to apologize for my stupid, slutty behavior last night." She looked him in the eye to see what his reaction would be.

Chuck cleared his throat nervously and spoke, "No apologies necessary, we have all done things when drinking that we would rather have never done." she moved to the other side of the table they were working on and continued, "No, I was not that drunk, I knew what I was doing, I had that planned all night, you just gave me the perfect opening when you dropped the f-bomb." Chuck looked surprised and puzzled. "Weren't you just a little curious about why my kids weren't there? I mean you knew I had kids, I didn't hide that, and it was a school night?" Chuck looked at her with that amazing dumb look men get when women mess with their minds. "I called my sister and told her to have the kids spend the night at her house." I was planning to fuck your brains out, but you turned out to be a nice guy, which is exactly what I would love to have but haven't been able to find." Now Chuck's embarrassment was turning into pity. He felt sorry that he had ever placed Brenda or himself in that position. She was truly beautiful and now he realized that she was also very sweet.
"Look," he began, "Maybe we need to start all over again. Maybe we need to have a date that isn't charged with sexual energy and fueled by alcohol. Hell, Brenda, you're a chemical engineer for Christ's sake, you know how volatile alcohol is." with that they both chuckled. "Yes I do know," she said "And I was about to burn my whole house down last night."

Chuck put his arms around her and gave her a hug. "Can I have another chance?" he asked.
She lifted her face to his and their lips met. "Yep, stupid fuck." and then they both laughed loudly.

The chili cook-off was an amazing success with nine entries, Chuck didn't win, but everyone agreed that his chili was one of the best. Everyone admitted that it was more political than culinary, and each person voted for the chili made by either their direct supervisor or someone higher to make them feel good.
A quick e-mail from Brenda suggested that they do Chinese that weekend in Chinatown. Chuck agreed and told her that he would pick her up at her place early Saturday evening. They were like two college freshmen anticipating their date.

Chapter three:

When Chuck pulled up into the drive at Brenda's home he noticed what a nice home it was. Two story, probably three or four bedrooms, the kitchen was very nice with all the modern amenities, he liked the "mancave" and was impressed that there was a three car garage. Brenda answered on the dong of the ding-dong of the doorbell. "Eager, are we?" Chuck joked. "Shut up and kiss me." She said "Come here, I want you to meet my babies"

Standing at the kitchen counter was a beautiful girl with long dishwater blond hair that fell freely off her shoulders down to just above a perfectly sculpted ass. Her legs were long and wonderfully muscled as if she participated in running or swimming sports. Her face was breathtaking. She looked up from her snack and smiled sweetly as her mother introduced her. She wasn't a clone of her Mom, but a smaller version with refinements. Chuck was taken by her. A young man with broad shoulders that paid evidence that he worked out and lifted free weights appeared in the door between the kitchen and the mancave. "And these are my pride and joy. "This is Briana, and this is Cary." Chuck extended his hand to Cary who shook it with authority, and Briana nodded smiling a pretty smile.

"I am depending on you to being on your best behavior." she admonished. "Have we ever given you reason to worry?" Briana offered, and with that Brenda kissed both of them on the lips and they were off.

On the ride downtown to the dim sum restaurant Chuck had selected off the internet they talked about Chicago, and the reputation of corruption and crime, they spoke about her children, chuck telling her that he was spellbound with Briana's beauty and charm. She said that Cary was her imaginary lover. She was totally enamored with his boyish manners and killer bod. They laughed at these observations and the conversation quickly turned to sex and the other night. "Well, what did you think?" Brenda asked Chuck knew exactly what she was referring to, and he answered honestly. "I had a raging hard-on all the way home, and had to beat off twice to get to sleep." Brenda squealed loudlywith approval.

"I have to admit, my pussy was pretty wet when I got into bed, I won't say that I masturbated, but I will say that my vibrator did." Chuck laughed loud and long at that one. "Was I good?" he asked her and with that she doubled over and sceamed that she thought she was going to pee her pants, adding "If I had worn any." They both laughed very hard and just made it to the restrooms of the second floor restaurant he had selected. When they rejoined each other they had a fabulous meal at the oldest Chinese restaurant in Chinatown. As they left the restaurant, Chuck led her through the various shops and sidewalk stands that created a wonderful blend of old and new offering anything anyone could possibly ask for. At the door of one shop a small man whispered that he had potions that would keep Chuck erect for hours and make his lady a tiger in bed. "Oooh Baby, let's get some", Brenda joked "would you like a little tiger pussy tonight?" Chuck smiled and led her away from the shop. They spent an hour or so walking through the array of stands and storefronts until they reached the car. When they got in, Brenba put her arm around Chuck's neck and she kissed him passionately. He kissed back. Her hand was massaging his swollen cock through his pants and his hands were molding the firmness of her breasts.

They made out like teenagers for several minutes, when Brenda said," Take 159th street to Torrence turn right to 172nd, we have an account at that suites hotel there." Chuck manuevered the car into traffic and before he knew it he was lying naked on the bed at that hotel with Brenda sucking his cock like she was starving for it. He pulled her around to get her pussy close to his face, her natural growth of pubic hair excited him as he ran his nose through her bush. "Do you want me to shave," she mumbled as she talked around his dick. "No, I love it the way it is," he answered as he ran his tongue deep into her folds and massaged her clit with his lips. They ate and sucked each other for several minutes, bringing Brenda to at least two orgasms and heightening the sensativity of both of their bodies. Chucks cock was diamond hard and throbbing in her mouth, he wanted to release his cum into either her mouth or her cunt, he was not particular, he just wanted to cum. She increased her sucking and bobbed her head more quickly over his cock, sensing his need for relief. His head jeked away from her pussy just long enough to choke out "Oh fuck, I'm cumming, oh baby suck that cock" Brenda took the whole length of his shaft into her throat and swallowed his copius load as he pumped it from his swollen balls.

Brenda actually experienced another orgasm as he came. She was ecstatic.
They lay quietly for several minutes letting the magic of the moment fully sink in. Brenda kissed his cock lovingly and he returned the gesture by dipping his tongue deep into her pussy and licking toward her asshole causing her to squeal with delight.

They rested for a short time and Brenda began sucking Chuck back to life. "Baby, I need this deep inside my pussy, please." she said as his cock began to return to its fucking posture. Chuck sank his cock fully into her in one stroke, and Brenda grunted approvingly as he bottomed out. "Oh yeah baby," she moaned "fuck that tight cunt of mine, give me the fucking of my life." Chuck did just that, three more times that night before they left the hotel at three in the morning when he took his date home.

Sunday morning, Brenda awoke to sounds in the kitchen that told her that her babies had been making breakfast. She drug her sore pussy out of bed and wrapped a robe around her and walked down the stairs to the kitchen. "Holy shit, Mom" Briana gasped. Brenda was surprised by her language, but realized that she probably did look awful. "Language, young lady!" she spat at her. "Mom, you look like you got gang banged by a herd of caribou." That comment caused Brenda to chuckle and reflect on her previous evening. "What's for breakfast?" she asked "Breakfast?" Briana shot back, "it's two in the afternoon. You need a good spanking young lady." she continued causing her mother to blush deeply. "Okay, okay, so I had a little fun last night. It's not like I do that very often and besides I really like this guy." she said defending her appearance and obvious lack of decorum last night.

"Hey, Mom, we're just messing with you. We were so glad you went out and got laid, you were getting bitchy as Hell." With that Brenda shot across the kitchen and slapped her daughter hard on her cute little ass. They both laughed as they wrestled around together in mock anger. "He must be something, Huh Mom?" Briana ventured. "That's none of your nosey assed business, you little shit." Brenda said playfully. "Well, from the looks of you, he must have some stamina, too." Cary added. With that Brenda said "Enough. I am going up and taking a shower." Briana said "Take two, and douche", Brenda chuckled all the way back to her bathroom. "Douche" she laughed, "Fuck I need a firehose to get all that out of me"

To be continued : See Chuck's Chicago Assignment II


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A not so boring business trip to Chicago

I was boarding a plane to fly to Chicago; when I got a nice surprise.I heard my name and, as I turned my head back; I saw this beauty woman Donna, who was married to one of my old Bosses…She greeted me with a kiss on my cheek and asked if I was going also to Chicago. I could not believe this sexy lady would fly with me.Donna was a real trophy wife; a beauty redhead in her late forties, with nice round tits and a couple long legs to die for. She looked hot, wearing a tight dark green dress and...

2 years ago
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Joan 9 we go to Chicago

Sex on the train, sex in the hotel, sex, sex, sex. I recently got an invitation to speak at a conference in Chicago. Joan as usual came with me. Joan is the most desirable woman and has the most voracious sexual appetite of any woman I have ever met. We have shared many sexual adventures and have enjoyed them all. Recently we were in Savannah and barely avoided a gangbang, although Joan might have enjoyed it. I love Joan more than life itself. I made the travel arrangements. We would take a...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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Rendezvous in Chicago Part 5

Jill rolled over and as she awoke she was disappointed to find that she was the only occupant of the bed; she had gotten accustomed to, and relished the touch of her lover. She arose and took her beautiful naked self out to the living room to find Dave also without a stitch of clothing, standing at the massive windows sipping on a cup of coffee and just taking in the view of Chicago's lakefront. Jill quietly approached him from the rear and embraced him from the back pressing her sexy breasts...

4 years ago
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Denver to Chicago

Many years ago, I was driving from Denver to Chicago, cruising down the highway late on a Friday afternoon. I had to stop for gas. As I was filling up, this young guy approached me. He was a good-looking k**, in his early 20’s. "You going far?" he asked. "To Chicago," I replied."I'd like to go there, can you give me a lift? I can help with gas money," he answered.I thought about it. The company would be nice. I opened the trunk and told the k** to throw in his pack and jump in the front...

2 years ago
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Pussy play on the Chicago L train

It was late and I was exhausted and could wait to get home to sleep. So I waited for the train to come, which seemed forever. There was no one in sight, which is strange for Chicago. I was almost sleep when the train finally came. It was a full eight cars and I sat anywhere. The train was pleasant and comfortable. I had far to go, so I relaxed. On the next stop, there entering the train was a woman. A sweet and beautiful very, very dark skin Black girl. She was wearing blue shorts that went up...

3 years ago
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Chicago getaway

What a week! I had spent the whole week pampering myself, going to the spa, shopping for new clothes and getting ready for a weekend getaway to Chicago. My husband had been gone all week on business and we were going to meet for our first weekend away as empty nesters. I had spent the last 18 years living the soccer mom life, so I was particularly excited to resume living for me. Our daughter had started college this fall, so we planned on completely enjoying this new phase of our lives. I was...

2 years ago
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The Long Train to Chicago

I'm waiting at Penn Station a little after 3.30 pm with a 19 hour train journey ahead of me. I am thankful for my expenses card that allowed me to purchase a roomliner bedroom all for myself so at least I can have some privacy, and some time to rest after my long week in New York. I'm wearing an old pair of slightly worn jeans, a nicely fitting polo shirt, a tatty leather bag is at my feet containing all my stuff for my summer in the States. With nothing else to do, I scan the platform mild...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Sissy gets creamed in Chicago

I spent last weekend with Marla in Chicago so she could catch up with some old friends. When we got there Friday night and Michael opened the door to his apartment, I could feel my cock start to get thick and harden up just looking at his handsom face and tall slender body. Once inside he offered to fix us some drinks while we made ourselfs at home. Marla and Michael were getting caught up since the last time they were together and every now and then I caught Michael trying to sneak a peek...

3 years ago
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Pakistani Couple In Chicago Part 1 The Swing Club

I was rather lucky to get admission at Chicago University for Ph.D. studies. I was relatively young 35 years and was not expecting to go to the USA for 4 to 5 years and do my Ph.D. My name is Sameer. I am a Pakistani married to my girlfriend and class fellow in Masters program Saima. Saima belonged to a middle-class family and as you would know that in Pakistan having a love marriage is a sin. Therefore we faced problems from both the families. One of the reasons for me to apply for Ph.D. was...

4 years ago
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Chicago By Suzi (Johnson) Thomas I was in Chicago, but I really didn't want to be there. My company was a sponsor of an investment seminar that was being given as a fund raising event for the university that our chairman had attended, and as my boss had explained to me, the company had to send representatives to "show the flag." As though a $50,000 contribution weren't enough, the chairman had decided that two portfolio managers had to show up as well. I was selected to...

3 years ago
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Chicago 8211 Mumbai With Sheetal 8211 A Beauty With Brain

Guys these is Andrew (Name Changed) again and thanks everyone for all your responses for my last story. I have been reading ISS since last 5 years and have been great fan since then. Thanks to everyone for writing such a sexy stories and making this site a big hit. All girls and ladies anywhere in USA or India of any age and size as I respect all of them please send me an email on if you like my story and if you want to have pleasure. All things between us will be confidential and trust me you...

3 years ago
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Hot Pankhuri In Chicago USA

Hello Everyone. My name is Ankit (name changed). I am from Mumbai but currently I live in Chicago – USA and I am a big fan of ISS. This is my story with Pankhuri (name changed) when I was doing my Masters in University of Illinois at Chicago. I have always been interested in sexy and tall girls. About myself I am athletic, well built, smart and handsome. About Pankhuri – she is tall and has a figure of 34-28-36. We met first time during our Orientation. We were in our first year of MS and...

3 years ago
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Wife Fucked in a Chicago Jazz Club

I’ve been sharing my horny wife Kathy for several years now and have a great sex life. Late last summer Kathy and I decided to go to Chicago for a few days to do some shopping and enjoy the city. Kathy had never been to Chicago and I’d told her about the great downtown area. On the third night there we decided to go out to a nice restaurant and then go to a Jazz club later in the evening. Kathy got ready for the evening and slipped on the little black dress she brought and a pair of...

1 year ago
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Jill Gets Fucked In Her Chicago Motel Room

Hi everyone! My name is Jill. All my stories are true and are about the fun that i have when i get away from my hometown so that i can explore my inner whore without the locals finding out about it. Here, i'm going to tell you about the weekend of November 19-21, 2010. If you want to find out more about me or be my friend, then please go to my xhamster personal page.Late Friday after work i took a flight to Chicago. My plan was to go to some sex clubs and strip clubs to see what kind of...

3 years ago
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Welcome to Chicago

  Welcome to ChicagoBy Alice Parker        ?Are you sure that is the one??  Colette asked me, her brow was furled adding emphasis to the concern in her voice and eyes.         ?Yeah, I'm sure.?  I said as I studied him from across the bar.         ?Really?  What about that one?? she asked turning her head, indicating a man who's very shiny loafers were the first thing that caught my eye.  His manicured fingers were the next thing I noticed.           ?Nope.?  I said smoothly.        ?Why...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 5 Chicago

December 28th, 1984, Chicago, Illinois Traffic was light until we got very close to Chicago, but even then, there was no real delay. I pulled up in front of my house at about 7:45am and the four of us got out and went inside. Jennifer and I used the bathroom, and she changed into a skirt and blouse, and we were back in Stephanie’s Nova by 8:00am. Forty-five minutes later, the two of us were sitting in the lobby at Nuvatec waiting for Scott Bannerman. He came out five minutes later. “Steve,...

2 years ago
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Scenes From an AffairScene 11 2009 New YorkChicago

Every six months, Marisol flew to New York to visit her son bearing presents and abundance of love. Early summer she came for his birthday and every Christmas she joined Luisa's family for the celebration. The presents didn't hurt, but Nate loved his "aunt's" visits more for her presence. She seemed devoted to his every word. She shared little of her life, telling him his "mother" had all the luck and she was just a mousy old maid. "But you're not," he said on Christmas of his...

3 years ago
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Mistress Sarah Gives Evie an Assignment

Mistress Sarah led me back into her bedroom and sat naked in a chair in front of a large dressing table. She ordered me to fetch my maid's dress. It was time for me to learn how to properly dress her for a night out and she wanted me in full sissy attire for the event. Mistress Sarah watched me step into my sissy dress. She told me to turn around slowly for her as she pulled down on the pink silky fabric, ensuring the shiny dress cascaded around my legs smoothly and wrinkle free. She then...

3 years ago
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Mom And The Photography Assignment

Note – When I wrote the story, my aim was to make it as realistic as possible and that is the reason why I ended up making it so long. But all the stuff really builds up to this story making it more erotic. Please read it until the end, you’ll enjoy it a lot. (Stuff starts to happen after half the story, so don’t stop midway) My email is – if you want to drop any suggestions. This story happened 2 years ago when I was in South Dakota doing my Masters in Science. I was a keen student back when...

2 years ago
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Chicago Part 1 when I lived there

My first trip was to BH1 (which is now closed) because it was the closest to my home and the least expensive to enter. I only had the vision of what I read or saw in movies so I was nervous and excited at the same time. It was kind of strange from the outside, just a small sign and when entering this large old building I had to go downstairs. I paid my entry fee and received a room key and a smallish well used, but clean, towel, the door buzzed and I entered. It had dim lighting so it took...

3 years ago
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Chicago 2035

Author’s note – be forewarned – not only is this non erotic, it is also very, very politcal. Hopefully it may make you think about the consequences of what some are wishing for. Chicago 2035 ‘Did you hear?’ it was whispered to me as I entered the office building on that dreary Tuesday morning. Even as I was removing my smog mask someone else came buy and asked, ‘Did you hear the news?’ I nodded politely and said nothing more as I folded up my acid rain poncho and stuffed it into its sack,...

1 year ago
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Kyle in Chicago

My name is Kyle Eliott. My friends call me “strummer” because I have been known to strum a mean guitar. More about that later but for now these pages will tell the story of my sex life over the last 2 years. Believe me when I tell you, ever since my divorce two years ago, it has been a wild wild ride. I married young (20) and we stayed together for 19 years. One night she said she had enough and left me for another WOMAN!!! Imagine that!!! That moment I turned my life around. I started working...

3 years ago
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Lust in a Chicago Office

Over the next year I came to know Leah pretty well. Single, she had moved away from home in hopes of starting a new life in Chicago. I was incredibly attracted to her, but alas I couldn’t act on this lust as I was a happily married man. And despite this fact, Leah seemed to make it a point to flirt with me. She was always willing to share a story and a laugh or two with me. She was truly a delightfully sexy young woman. Then one afternoon she said something to me that caused me to...

1 year ago
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Andees Sexual Adventures Continue in Chicago

Andee tossed her purse onto the hotel bed and dropped her suitcase onto the rack tucked away in the closet. She had one last stop – this time Chicago – before heading back home. She hadn’t really had the chance to discuss everything that occurred in Denver with her husband, other than to allude how a certain fantasy of hers had become a reality. Of course, there is only so much fun and excitement to be had via webcamming with someone halfway across the continent, even less so when you long for...

1 year ago
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Meeting in Chicago

You and I have had the most incredible online friendship I can ever imagine. With miles between us, it is quite apparent we will never meet. Much to my surprise, one day you e-mailed me that you are coming to Chicago to some convention in July. We both were very excited about you being 90 minutes away and the possibility of meeting. The date finally arrives. You arrive first in the morning and get settled in your hotel before attending meetings that afternoon. We meet at the restaurant in your...

2 years ago
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Chicago Love

This past summer I took a trip to Chicago with a few girlfriends. It was fun and I enjoyed it. The whole reason we went on the trup was so I could get my mind off of things for a few days. I had been feeling down after a resent break-up and wasnt really acting like myself. So thats when we decided to take a trip. After finally getting there, we checked into the hotel and got settled in our room. I was exhausted from driving so I took a nap while the two other girls, Caitlin and Amber, left to...

3 years ago
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Chicago Adult Theater

I lived in Chicago for most of my life starting the year after college. It was the late 1980's and I was a struggling, underpaid and overworked, twenty-something single bisexual woman, but I always found a way to have fun. Lots of bars and night clubs, lots of dancing and lots of dates. I had a few steady boyfriends and girlfriends and always a constantly changing group of friends with benefits. I was exploring the limits of my sexuality and was constantly finding that my limits were easily...

3 years ago
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Rendezvous in Chicago

She's married; she has a number of young children at home; she has a successful career; she is intelligent and beautiful, and she has a libido running on overdrive. Why would she risk it all? Why would she risk it all with him? So much to lose and what would she gain? That fucking sex drive will be the death of her. He is older, like at least twenty five years older, with limited sexual capabilities; he's married; he should be thinking of other things like retirement or downsizing his house or...

3 years ago
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Andees Sexual Adventures Continue in Chicago

Andee tossed her purse onto the hotel bed and dropped her suitcase onto the rack tucked away in the closet. She had one last stop – this time Chicago – before heading back home. She hadn’t really had the chance to discuss everything that occurred in Denver with her husband, other than to allude how a certain fantasy of hers had become a reality. Of course, there is only so much fun and excitement to be had via webcamming with someone halfway across the continent; even less so when you long for...

Wife Lovers

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