SM-genesis free porn video

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Katherine wandered the expanses of the web, looking at a variety of sadomasochistic sites. This activity had already quite bored her after the long past hours of useless and senseless searching, it was close to midnight and each minute she became more and more sleepy. She was just going to turn off the computer and go to bed (it's so nice that she lived alone, she thought, as you can do anything you wish), when her eyes came across one of the headers of another infinite listing issued by the spider. "Galley slaves wanted", she read. Swearing and promising to herself that it would be the last site for the evening's protracted on-line walk, she fixed her mouse over the bold letters "Galley" and snapped. Then there followed a standard warning that this resource is intended for adults only and an invitation to make the simple choice either to go on virtually visiting the Disneyland or continue at your own risk. Catherine made one click more. The picture which had appeared before her eyes right after the click immediately drove the slightest spell of sleep from her body and mind.

On the screen was a huge long room. At its sides, near the walls, she saw rough wooden benches where pairs of totally naked girls with shaved heads were located, each of them was chained by both wrists to an oar just in front of her and by both ankles - to a parapet. Around their necks they wore thick shiny metal collars. The oars went into wide openings in the walls containing, apparently, some mechanisms that imitated the resistance of water. All the female rowers were extremely exhausted, many of them in tears. Horrified, Kathryn noticed that several slaves' chests were branded with large purple letters G A L, just between the breasts and the collarbones. As well as many other prisoners sitting on the benches, on their shoulders they were also branded with a S (seemingly standing for SLAVE) followed by a three-digit number. Kathryn bit her lip: two poor rowers, very well-muscled, wore a humiliating stigma "PIG" burnt right on their foreheads and mostly occupying freshly shaved head areas. Between the slave rows, in a passage about five feet wide, a pretty girl in a paramilitary uniform stood, she was dressed in a bright brown jacket and skirt, white naval cap with a dark blue anchor and black leather boots. On the left side of her jacket, on the chest, she had a large white label with strict red letters: OVERSEER. The same tags adorned both sleeves. In her right hand the warden held a thick coiled whip with a long handle. The photograph was taken, apparently, in the very middle of a rowing motion, when a number of the female rowers had almost completely bent over the oars, showing their heavily scourged working backs that were covered with sweat and mostly pretty muscled, while others were still straight upright so that one could see their huge biceps well-swollen from excessive monotone work. Some of those ball-like biceps were quite comparable to the classic male ones. The two oar-mates sitting at the forefront, with eyes full of a whole range of violent emotions -- from fear to hatred and from melancholy to despair, gazed into the camera lens as though appealing to the free world with an unclear call. The whip lady also frankly viewed a potential audience, semi-coquettishly smiling and full of either irony or a sinister invitation to visit this "hold" as a free guest or ...

Catherine's eyelids had automatically clapped and the accumulated moisture ran down the cheeks. She sniffed a bit and looked a little lower at the inscription under the picture. The comment stated that each slave girl shown there at last fulfilled her dream. Those females, she continued to slide the text with tearful eyes, applied to this company to be enrolled as a rower, but the company's medical board had to deny some applications because of an insufficient physical status and endurance. Instead, the non-admitted prisoners were offered a home galley-training with a special bench apparatus having an oar and a whipping machine. The apparatus can be programmed for any regime of rowing and strength of whipping for not fulfilling the regime. It's also provided with electronically controlled and programmable chains (for wrists, ankles, belly, and some other parts of body if needed) and a chastity belt, oven for cooking porridge, water machine, stock and wooden pony, and even bio-toilet. All the system is designed to provide a BDSM slave with an opportunity to totally autonomously serve any desired term in her own apartment and includes various safety options like the permanent monitoring of the rower's pulse and blood pressure with giving her an extra rest when needed for medical reasons. Besides, each slave rower was allowed to watch (via the Skype) the "regular" galley rowing performed at the company's "hold" (just to get them extremely and permanently horny while they were not able to masturbate because of chastity belts and other restraints). And it was up to her to make her own video-image available for the company's use, including possible Skype-overseeing. By the way, those who agreed to be Skype-overseed by the company's whip-girls were able to choose a special program permitting to move (still nude and heavily shackled) within the apartment. Eventually, after some periods of home rowing (that varied a lot due to their initial physical conditions), they had strengthened their bodies enough to be admitted to the Hold for the terms mentioned in the contracts they signed. The brands so well notable on their toiling bodies are mostly imitations (either tattooed or specially painted). Clicking on the picture, OMG, it was possible to see the whole action (free of charge!) in the REAL TIME, as long as the web stranger wanted! It's a non-stop show, the company has quite a number of cameras showing the Hold from very different tangles so that the life of the oar-slaves may be viewed in its full extension and depth, with absolutely all the exiting details!? ? ?

Katherine stopped reading as she felt that her right hand irresistibly tried to reach her vagina. It was hot, hot, hot... She was just ready to nearly explode, all her body became just one horny peace of flesh, all her skin turned into one erogenous zone. The temptation to masturbate was so great that only the thought of not being able to continue with the site afterwards, while losing any sexual appetite for some time after an unbelievable orgasm that was to come if she just slightly touched her burning cunt, prevented her from wanking. She had to know everything about the galley! She wanted to be a proud galley slave!

With a great effort she removed her hand from the vagina and, after a deep gasp, made another decisive click on the incredible photo that immediately came into action and produced a cacophony of screams, moans, squeals, curses together with squeaks, clanging, steps, characteristic sonorous slaps of whip-leather against bare flesh, and many other sounds she was not able to identify. The smiling warden walked in the aisle, watching fiercely the bent slaves who, in a moment, had synchronously straightened with their thick heavy oars and then almost fully lied down, stretching the bodies glistening with sweat and possessing incredibly sculptured abdominals. She saw two more overseers behind the one, young girls in the same uniforms too. All the mistresses mercilessly worked with the whips on their tormented "subordinates", generously giving out lashes onto both sides. And now she clearly heard a heavy drum that, though not seen on the screen, apparently was the chief musical instrument in this mad performance.? ? ? ?

Katherine immediately felt that, unless certain special measures are taken, she still would not be able to abstain from masturbating and hence will inevitably cum, so she ran to get her chastity belt kept in her BDSM-closet. In a minute the belt was in place and she didn't have to worry any more that her hand again (as though against her own will!) began to caress her pussy.?

Thus she watched the terrible and exciting rowing, hour after hour, waiting for the break. Her eyes were closing, she unbearably wanted to lie down and sleep, but she clearly recognized that she watched all the labor-torture in real time what meant that the poor slave girls experienced a million times harder torments -- and she was somewhat obliged to wait at least until their exhausted bodies were given a blessed rest and relax and their souls were allowed to forget their slavery in a bitter dream. ?

Finally she heard a long-awaited command: "Put the oars!" However, against her expectations, it was just a meal break. Several slave-girls, naked, shaved and heavily shackled as well, wheeled carts with huge metal containers (obviously full of a porridge) and iron bowls, starting handing out food. In a few seconds she heard a choral champ, with no signs of any etiquette. Many slave-girls unhappily puckered while swallowing the porridge, the bowls were huge and the food looked absolutely non-delicious, just to say nothing. However, all the girls were eating in extreme haste, stuffing, through force, spoonfuls of the terribly looking porridge into their dirty mouthes. In about quarter an hour, Kate saw with surprise that the two rowers with branded foreheads had already emptied their deep bowls and asked for a second helping, having stood up for this purpose and shouting with all the strength of their lungs: "Mistress, have a mercy, please some more for these pigs, Mistress". The warden in the foreground turned to them and silently, with disgust nodded to the nursing slaves to put some additional stuff into the two's dishes after what they started to chew even faster, apparently fearing to have no time to fully consume their disgusting food. They obviously were so hungry from their inhumane over-exhausting labor that the quality and taste of meal meant already nothing to them, their only motives were to satisfy their infernal hunger and supply their working bodies, these beasts of burden, with a sufficient energy for the next shift. Kate suddenly realized that she extremely wished to try this gruel, she felt that it's not only disgusting, healthy and nutritious at the same time, but also sexually arousing. All the world cuisines and delicacies at this moment she was ready to exchange for that semi-fluid paste-like substance of an indeterminate color.

A girl sitting next to the pig-branded workers unexpectedly spat towards the unfortunate women, having hit the closest one right in the face, and hissed: "You're just real animals, your foreheads tell the truth! Does any human pride remain in your piggy heads? Is it too tasty, the shit we're fed?" The "pigs" didn't answer, though, preoccupied with the greedy swallowing, but, instead, the proud slave, so full yet of dignity, received a half-dozen of ringing lashes from the Mistress who, in turn, then lavishly, with relish, spat into her eyes and mouth quite a number of times: "Ah, had you, fucking slut, got angry with your delicious meal? Do you consider yourself much better than the other bitches? Well, darling, after the lights-out I'll feed you two bowls more, on a wooden horse, so that you would be able to get fond of our cook! And if you don't eat fast enough and with a thankful mug, I'll help you a bit with a hot red iron stick. Make sure, tomorrow you'll beg me for a second helping even before the pig-heads!" The poor thing sobbed, having obsequiously filled her mouth with the cursed feed and rigorously chewing it, choking and washing her face with plentiful tears.? ?

Katrina's eyes also began to shine with tears again... At this moment the tormentor stopped lecturing and held her nose. From behind her back appeared a service girl with a big bucket covered by a lid. Her tortured face expressed an incredible disgust and she seemed to try to suppress vomiting. With an emetic facial gesture, desperately holding her nose by the free hand, she removed a mug and put it near the pig-heads' bench. Instantly both of them had joyfully stood up and the porter advanced the bucket to the pig-rower sitting at the wall, after what the latter had immediately sat down on it, without ceasing to vigorously chew and shamelessly showing her shaved vagina between widely spaced legs with powerful spherical muscles.

Katrine turned away. She had a slight nausea, but the resolve to become a slave galley only intensified. She abruptly stopped watching the video and began to study the site. A few minutes later she found what she was looking for - a phone. She dialed the number and asked about a rowing machine's price and how quickly they can deliver it. The answer, uttered with a soft but fairly official female voice, was somewhat unexpected: the price and rapidity of delivery depend on her agreement to offer her own rowing video for the company's disposal, and, in case if she agreed, her look. Having heard Katrina's consent, the company girl asked to immediately send, without hanging up, a few photos, preferably nude and, if possible, in diverse positions. In response, Katrina proposed just to connect by Skype so that her companion could see her in motion. After getting a Skype address, Catherine hung up the phone, quickly undressed and a minute later was standing before the girl in a strict position of a slave auction. The girl was a same-type Lady that she saw in the hold, in the same uniform. She sat in an absolutely ordinary office room at a table with a computer. Seeing the stretched Katherine, the Mistress asked her to bend over, show the crotch, then turn and push out the buttocks. Forcing Katrina to straighten up, she scrutinized her back and told to alternately show the thighs, shoulders, arms, stomach and chest, each time ordering to strain the considered part of the body. Finally, Katherine was told to do 200 push-ups. After receiving the task, first she even wanted to clarify if she heard the correct number, but, fearing that it could ruin everything and create a mistrust to her physical endurance, she lied on the floor and began to fulfill the order, not sparing herself. After fifty push-ups the exercise turned into a torture, but Katrina, gritting her teeth, continued. However, when it exceeded one hundred, with a moan she stretched out on the floor, exhausted, and, looking at the screen, begged for a five minute break. In response, she was asked about her age. "35" - she told the truth and added that she regularly visits a fitness club.

-- Not too bad for your age, - with a sinister smile, noticed the Lady on the screen. - It seems your body is pretty strong, you're quite hardy and, I think, already fit to work in the hold. You may certainly count on my recommendation and, I hope, our medical commission may well support me in that ... Do you have any diseases, girl??

Katrina wearily shook the head, all her thoughts yet were about the forthcoming hundred of push-ups.?

-- So would you agree to sign now a contract for, say, three months of galley slavery in our fine hold? I promise, tonight you'll already be sobbing and rolling on the floor from pain after twenty-five bull-whips in suspension, that's my regular initiation of brand new girls.?

-- No, thank you, Mistress, -- murmured Katrine, while growing cold deep inside from a sweet horror, she felt something like an orgasm approach, a remote echo of a coming inflow.

-- It's a pity, darling, nevertheless you can continue with your fucking push-ups while I try to figure out what your price is going to be.

Katerina resumed the awful work, her bicepses became stiff and the stamina was tortured by spasms, but she only groaned, trying not to reduce the temp. She counted aloud, trying not to miscount, and on the 54th press-up again powerlessly failed on the floor, only to rise again in some seconds. Each following time resembled a whip-blow or even cauterization by iron, she shouted with all the lungs and still stubbornly continued. She never felt so well, her body never reacted so perfectly to an unbearable exhaustion. The last two dozens passed as in a fog, she loudly and continuously sobbed, all her face was covered with tears mixed with thick sweat, at each press-up an excruciating ache pierced the hands, shoulders, stamina, chest, all the body and, she deemed, the very soul, ?she just heart-breakingly yelled, wheezing. The woman on the screen looked at her tortures with absolutely no emotions. At last, when Katharine, having inarticulately wailed the long-awaited blessed "two hundred", had almost unconsciously fell onto the floor as though after really receiving several dozens of two-meter whips, she told in a regular voice as if her tone assumed nothing special occurred here:?

?-- Your price is $ 3,000. Do you buy it, rower?

-- Yes, Mistress, -- concentrating all the remaining energy, answered Katrina.

-- Good, so tell me the address.


Katrina obediently informed about her location. After realizing that she lives in New-York too and even not so far from the company's residence, the Lady joyfully exclaimed:

-- Oh, darling, we'll deliver it in half-an-hour, at most, so better prepare your slavish muscles for a real work as I'm nearly totally sure you won't resist the temptation to start your chained involuntary rowing right this night. Wait for us, we'll be so soon!

She switched off, and Katrina turned over on the back just to lie with the closed eyes for some minutes, trying to recover the breath and come to the senses after the sport-suffer she virtually inflicted on herself when obeying an Internet-person she saw for the first time in her life...

? ? ? ?

But, as soon as she felt able to move again, she, without rising, reached to the mouse and switched on the hold. The work was already so intense over there, the drum palpitation, the sounds of lashes that were impossible to confuse with any other sound in the world, and cries of various loudness and tonality were well-heard. Immediately a new wave of excitement had captured her, even more strengthened, seemingly, by the muscle aches. Straining all her will, she rose and decided that she's to expect the enslavement device in some extremely inconvenient position allowing to somehow feel solidary with the oarswomen and involved in their madly erotic forced labor what at least reduced a little bit the itch to cum and an unbearable lust that filled all her body like a drug, the most mighty and healthy drug in the Universe... After a moment's reflection, she rushed back to the closet, grabbed the handcuffs, leg irons and a gag. First, of course, she put the gag into the mouth and fastened its belt on her neck, then put on the shackles, and, at last, crossing the trembling wrists behind her buttocks, snapped the handcuffs. And now, chained as a genuine oar-slave waiting to be sent to work has to be, had stood up on the legs bent at the angle of 90 degrees.

The minutes which had passed in expectation made her legs to ache and spasm almost as hellishly as her body's upper part still suffered. When, finally, the bell rang, all the inside of her was burning with a monstrous fire, especially the vagina, she was about to faint from her excitement, fatigue and nervous tension.

Catherine's heart had become a tank engine, making beats resembling artillery shots with a machine-gun speed. Sharply she had straightened her stiff, cruelly bent legs (that immediately reacted with a new powerful wave of dull ache) and, her leg iron wildly clanging, ran (if one still could call it a run) towards the door. Having somehow managed to cope with the door lock, she pushed the door slightly open, thus forming a narrow gap between it and the jamb, and then stepped back, frozen in a ridiculous pose, as if demonstrating a calm indifference and self-esteem, as far as it yet was possible for a completely naked young woman with a gag in her mouth, leg shackles on her ankles and handcuffs on the wrists, meekly folded on the buttocks.

The door immediately swung open, and in the doorway she saw her on-line acquaintance, followed by three girls wearing identical t-shirts and shorts of an extreme skin color (so naturally skin-like that first she even deemed the three were just nude) and no less skin-colored caps and sandals. Various well-developed muscles were clearly visible from the edges of their unpretentious clothes, and huge breasts, framed by some complex compositions of developed shoulder and chest muscles and noticeably having underneath the rolling waves of prelums accustomed to endless work, were nearly going to tear the fabric.?

This time the Madame wasn't in her frightening and exciting brown uniform, but in a strict blue dress instead, her long blond curly hair fluttering freely on her shoulders, their silky jets washing the pretty face of a classic blonde of around thirty y. old (by the standards of the twenty-first century, although, generally speaking, it was just the face of a cute country girl of twenty or, at the very most, twenty-five years old, from the point of view of older generations). Her amazing 'vanilla' transformation confused Katrina perhaps stronger than anything else she saw in this wonderful night.

- So may we come in? - ?glaring at Katrina who stared at the four "guests" with surprised clapping eyes, asked the Mistress with a subtle smile (just in the very corners of the lips).

Katrine widely stepped back and nearly fell, foolishly forgetting about the shackles that hurt her ankles so painfully. Only now she noticed that on the floor, just in front of the three female slaves (as for her understanding these almost naked girls could be nothing else), were large cardboard boxes with strange (especially to those uninitiated) labels "HOME BENCH". With a simultaneous, quiet but deep, groan, the slaves lifted their luggage (seemingly quite heavy even for such trained bodies) and dragged it into the apartment, led by their beautiful owner who already silently went beside Katherine, the latter mincing and dragging her shackles' chains on the floor.

- I see, honey, you're prepared a little bit for your new erotic life in the bench apparatus,? -- said the Lady sitting down in a leather chair located in the center of the room all the five came in. Katherine obediently stood in front of her.

- Yes, Madam, -- said Katrina and, turning her ass to the Lady, handed her the $ 3,000 that she had quickly taken from one of the table's boxes at the very moment she heard the bell. She now held the money in her cuffed sweaty palms, nervously rumpling it and feeling a special humiliation to pay for humiliation and pain. This was virtually all of the cash available in the house and she, though still cursing herself for her own girlish carelessness (to invite people she got to know on the Internet an hour ago, while being alone, shackled and naked, in the night time!) didn't have to bother at least about the ugly, but nevertheless realistic option to be primitively robbed, instead of any magic of BDSM. "I'm just so curious, -- she thought, -- if they start torturing me while asking for my cards' codes, will it be erotic and shall I break so fast or just experience a cosmic orgasm, had, say, this sadist bitch gone on cauterizing my breasts?"? ?

In response, sharply interrupting her so unpleasant and, actually, pretty non-exiting thoughts, she received a light slap that caused almost no pain, but well-made her turn scarlet with humiliation and her eyes fill with a renewed moisture.

-- Money are NOT given anyone in such a fucking sickening manner, bitch, right from a dirty ass -- and all the more so, I am NOT going to receive it in this way either, you, piggy slut! -- The Lady quickly became noticeably furious, her face turning red quite a bit. Katrina started to tremble, unable to stay calm any more. The mistress was even more beautiful in her rage, and Katrina just subconsciously wanted, contrarily to the growing fear, to enrage her a little bit more to see her in the full might of her evil beauty.

A funny thing, though, was the simple fact that her chief guest was absolutely right, from any point of view. Katrina, quietly sobbing, fell on her knees and rose her hands as high as she could, until a crunch in the shoulder joints, and, while burying the head in her pussy, offered her payment for the wonderful machine again. Feeling that the dollars were taken out from her wet trembling palms, she stood up and asked for a permission to sit down.

-- No, --heard she a definitive answer that actually quite suited her and, moreover, excited. She began to feel another person's power over her, a maddening power, a maddening erotic and cruel person, was it erotic cruelty or cruel eroticism? ?

Meanwhile, the three female-slaves quickly undressed (even without asking the hostess's opinion), showing ideally built athletic bodies with quite numerous scarlet and dark blue welts from floggings. All the three, to Katrina's horror, were really head-shaved, and on their ?chests, above the breasts, (Katrina nearly cried from horror!) reddened the huge (still skillfully covered by the t-shirts) letters of monstrous, brutal, barbaric brands G A L that were just impossible to imagine applied to women in reality.

-- My dear victim, -- continued the Lady in a quiet still assuring tone, -- the nature created sado-masochism as the highest form of the matter's development, for this incredible phenomenon the Universe was born and life inevitably appeared as the pinnacle of its evolution, eventually giving birth to intelligence, and, at last, to SM. Besides, it's the only available way of real self-improvement for our bodies which are so extremely influenced by the merciless time. Oh, darling, those sexy bodies, they're just test-tubes with hormones, our whole life is just one continuous, madly complex hormonal process. When a sadist watches, being so excited, a masochist's torments, she/he undergoes a hormonal change whose role's to prepare his/her own body to such an ordeal too! Yes, my sweet girl, it's so simple! A masochist, when going through a suffer that brings joy, does harden and strengthen the own body, thus fighting aging! This works only for the human, the highest living being! It's a great folly to ignore it or just chuckle about, merely considering it as an aspect of our sex life, just a strange deviation. The true science, the?genuine medicine must concentrate all the efforts on SM as THE key to understanding the human being. ?What, of course, no one is going to do. Those professors, those self-declared geniuses whose inertness of thought exceeds the most heinous minds of the Inquisition! Are they able to help you to win over growing old? No, no, no... ?and do you fully realize why? THEY JUST DON'T WANT ??, my little foolish rower!? ? ? ? ?

Occasionally glancing around, Katrina managed to notice what the slaves were doing just beside. They unpacked the brought boxes, taking out from there some planks, sticks, units and appliances and connecting them together in one strange knot. On the right shoulders of the poor things she had now seen the infamous S-brands with three small digits designating, probably, their prison numbers. By their gloomy activity they somehow resembled executioners preparing a scaffold. ?

-- What do you think how old I am, baby? - thoughtfully asked the Lady and, not waiting for an answer, almost whispered, -- I am 61.

Katherine almost choked. Were all the four beauties just madwomen who pretty could do with her what they fucking wanted?

- No, - she said gently. - No ... How ... is it possible?

-- You know, darling, we, the humans, are very complex creatures... If you go on forced chained rowing (or just a labor of that type) as a real oar-slave, still infinitely enjoying it with all your masochistic sub-soul being in the very maso-paradise, amazing things gradually happen with your toiling organism, absolutely unlike, let you just trust me, those truly barbaric galleons where some poor miserable human-beasts were overworked to death by other human-beasts... First, of course, you get plenty of muscles, a mighty athletic stature, no fat, no weakness, no addition, no civilization bullshit that fill our bodies... You just turn into a rowing machine, perfect and tireless, ready to eat every food just for energy, not pleasure, and having no other pleasure but endless work, the longer the work, the stronger the pleasure is to be, the more monotone it, the more exited you become, with a stable infinite excitement deprived of any regular senseless discharges instantly reducing its collected integral energy to zero. Cumming only as often as needed for medical reasons, to preserve your natural health (we, the females, fortunately don't need it that often, unlike the opposite gender)... So your body reaches a state of total stability and working perfectness, but your hormones continue to play their secret game, they somewhat start feeling what your life goal is to be... just self-perfection, narcissism... And a non-changing youth as the most appropriate state for a prisoner whose term is just eternity... ?

Katrina always hated any kind of brainwashing, it definitely wasn't one of her turn-ons, and now she felt intensely brainwashed. She wanted whipping, rowing, humiliation, eating a disgusting stinking porridge, sitting on a sharp wooden horse, even branding ... but not brainwashing, not endless theories instead of endless slave-work, it was her back that should be scourged and bathed in sweat, not brain! ?

-- But you don't look too muscled, -- dared she to interrupt her lecturer. -- You look just feminine.

-- Right, -- suddenly laughed the Lady, --- we call it a hormonal Renaissance. When you stop being a rowing machine and start again being a female, still not losing your addiction to permanent endurance and physical exhaustion, you choose a slighter sport, not that severe, not that sadistic, just to keep you in shape... Then the nature itself helps you a lot as you already got a great instinct what to do for self-preservation, to stay perfectly fit, ready to be sent to a galley once more. Sorry, darling, I can't educate you right now in so many fields like physical biology or biological informatics... It's an equation, with so many variables to be found, so many parameters. But mind you, your fucking fantasy's one of the variables, one of the parameters... Your fantasy and your infernal lust generated by your looking at perfect muscled slaves toiling and tormented, in chains and stocks, shaved and branded, deprived of any womens' and even human dignity, and imprisoned together in a hold, one hundred of slaves together, two hundreds, three hundreds... Such fantastic pictures produce hormones in your fucking flesh!

Katrina felt a new wave of excitement when hearing about hundreds of slaves. She imagined her pseudo-fear and pseudo-disgust (as it was what she now dreamed about with no limit) if she were to be led, chained like she was now, between long rows of benches with naked, shaved, exhausted , heavily whipped, branded and monstrously swearing females, to her own working place, first to eat a huge (she imagined how huge it could be, bestially huge) bowl of the most disgusting (still healthy and energetic) food in the world, to be forced (by the open threat of mercilessly applying a whip) to consume it and get prepared for a hellish 5-hour shift, seated beside a dirty, heavily muscled female oar-mate with mad evil eyes looking at her with an undisguised sexual appetite due to not having sex and not seeing men for years. Not being lesbian, just deep masochist, she shivered in a sweet disgust, becoming as horny as she never was.? ?

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After leaving Mitch's office, Tony ran toward the three men gathered in the control room. The four of them were all that remained of the once mighty, mercenary army. When he arrived, puffing and panting, he stabbed his stubby index finger at the tallest man in the group. "Listen up, jackasses. Boss man made me Head of Security. You all do what I say from now on." The imposing black man shook his head. "No way the boss man would put the midget in charge. I'm gonna have to have a talk...

2 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 77

Andy was chatting with Regan - who was waiting for the van to pick her up from the course - when the flashing lights appeared in his rearview mirror. He instantly looked at the speedometer. The cruise control was set to two miles above the posted speed. He didn't think that would draw police attention - particularly because several cars had zoomed past him as though he was sitting still over the past couple of miles. "I have to go," he said. "Why?" Regan wondered. "I'm being pulled...

1 year ago
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NeighborAffair Elena Koshka 23753

What are neighbors for? Alex stops by his nextdoor neighbor’s house to give him a set of his house keys because he’s always locking himself out, plus his wife is out of town on business for the week. But he doesn’t find his neighbor home…he finds his neighbor’s college-going daughter, Elena Koshka. She’s apparently home from university on a short break, and her nobody else is currently at the house. But Elena’s more than happy to take Alex’s keys and pass his message onto her dad. And while...

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My Lactating Aunt Pt 3 Moms Help

Aunt Lisa must have sensed my extreme discomfort and said softly, “Bryan just relax, I invited her.” I hadn’t even realized I had slid down into the Jacuzzi, still clutching a fluffy towel I had frantically pulled over my cock. “You invited her Auntie? What’s going on? I stammered. Aunt Lisa stepped out of the bath and left me alone in the hot water. She walked completely nude and dripping wet towards my mother. She giggled and gave her a quick peck on the lips. My mother smiled and...

4 years ago
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Meri Cousin Sex Ki Bhooki Thi Ka 8211 Part III

Hi friends this is Ashis back with my real story meri cousin sex ki bhooki thi ka part 3 lekar so friends agar apko meri story pasand aaye toh mujhe comment and mail jaroor karna mera id hai Aur friend meri ye story padhne se pahele meri ye story ka 2no part jaroor padh lejyega so that aap logo ko meri ye story acche se samajh me ajaye friend toh ab main apne story m ata hon jaise k aap jante hai ki joyti n next day mujhe mujhe pain killr lane ko kaheti hai aur main dosre din pain killr Lekar...

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NewSensations Hazel Moore Hazel Is Encouraged To Keep It Real

Naturally busty cutie Hazel Moore has no problem with her date Tyler being late as she was hoping he could enjoy himself watching her shower. She wanted to shave her pussy hair but Tyler said he liked her hot pussy just the way it is! Tyler hopped in the shower and began to enjoy her fresh young body before Hazel got him on the bed and sucked his cock deep throat, sucking his balls and sliding his hard cock between her nice tits. Tyler now throbbing put her on all fours and fucked her tight...

2 years ago
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Gym Shower first gay experience

This is a 100 % true story of my first gay experience.I had been living in Canada for just over a year when it happened. I had been travelling around the country for the previous 6 months and had gotten a little out of shape just from being on the road and partying a bit too much. I had always kept myself looking pretty good from years of playing football and rugby. Im 6ft about 185lb with an athletic build, dark hair and blue eyes. I grew up in England and had a normal enough childhood, dated...

1 year ago
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Halloween Swap

It was that time of year again, Halloween. Normally, my wife, Harriett, and I would get an invitation to the subdivision's annual Halloween Party with its mandatory costume policy. Harriett did not like attending this party so she would send a polite "We can't make it" reply to the rotating host and hostess. In the past she'd been fed up with the unofficial competition among the wives as to whom was richer, doing more civic good deeds, those kinds of measurements, because she always ended...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Bella Rose Sister Lost A Bet

Bella Rose has lost a bet and now she has to clean her stepbrother’s bedroom in a sexy maid costume. She makes good on her promise while Alex D. watches and makes comments. His room is littered with cum rags and used condoms, and as Bella bends over to clean Alex takes video on his phone and pulls out his big dick. The next thing Bella knows, Alex is behind her with her panties pushed aside and his cock buried in her always wet pussy. Once Bella realizes how much she loves her...

3 years ago
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Livein With Fuckbuddy

Hello friends! How are you all? This is Daksh Kashyap (engineer-IIT Bombay) once again to share my new story. Please read to know about my sexual experiences. This story is of last year. In May, I have shared my sex experiences on ISS. I got lots of messages, mostly from married girls. But some wanted just sex chat, and those who wanted sex were from other cities. Finally, one day I got a message from Surabhi, who was from Mumbai and wanted real sex. We started talking on hangout. She was from...

1 year ago
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Aggy Book 1Chapter 48

The voyage to Helena was uneventful. The time was put to good use shaking down the crew to "A" and "F" watches. Each watch rotated a member to do the mess duties for the watch. Just before beginning translation back into n space, HCL was brought to Action Stations. McCork was in his command chair; the Flock were in their chairs; Sally was at the helm and the Avers were in their positions. Sally had attempted to change with the longer experienced Alan Avers but he had firmly...

2 years ago
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Battlemage Book 8 Origins and Dark RevelationsChapter 13

"Everyone, you are here for a reason and it is something that has an effect on your lives both in the past and the future," began Brianna as they were all seated around the living room. As the last to arrive, once Matt and Rayne showed up it was time to get started. As they looked around at their children and their spouses, they both couldn't believe how much the boys took after their father, even down to having the same silver forelock now in their hair as well But knowing this would be...

1 year ago
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Once a Week Part 1

My boyfriend, Mac and I have been going out for close to 4 years now and throughout those years we've had many sexual experiences and pleasures. I am a full time university student and he is a part time student and part time staff worker. When he didn't have a job, we used to see each other a whole lot. But ever since he's gotten a job, we haven't been seeing each other as much as we used to. I now see him only once a week. Since we only see each other once a week, our sex has been even more...

2 years ago
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Stripped Stoned and Stuffed

Show Story Details The opening story in a series about a petite wife, a voyeur husband, and a drug with mysterious powers. Mary and I were married in July. By September, I was sexually bored. Mary just wasn’t that interested in sex, and seemed more to “tolerate” it than enjoy it. I suppose that came from her upbringing, in that she was the only daughter of a very conservative, Bible-thumping minister. She must have been brainwashed to think sex was a sin, and not to be explored or enjoyed....

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DreamWeaverChapter 18

The next morning, I got dressed and hit the gym early. Mel was driving today, and I wasn’t expecting her until close to noon. I started with my yoga routine, getting a few weird looks from the mostly power-lifter crowd and then went into my own workout, starting with cardio and then moving on to weights for the second half of the morning. About 1PM, Mel whistled for me from the front of the gym. I grinned and got up to greet her enthusiastically. “Wow!” I breathed. “You look amazing! Not...

1 year ago
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My Gym Friend

Hi I am Ajay with my second story. So there might be mistake in my story, kindly ignore those. This story is 0f 6 months before. I am 36 from Jaipur. I am fair and handsome. I am married having two kids. My schedule in morning is to go gym. My time slot in the gym is co-ad. I am regular in gym. There are about 25-30 males and 10 females in morning time. There come’s my dream girl Anu. She is having very sexy figure and was beautiful. She is 34, having 34,26,36 figure. I usually fantasize about...

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Der Pokerabend

Es war Samstag in Köln. Am Abend war ich mit meinem Schatz verabredet. Wir kennen uns nun schon eine ganze Weile. Er hat meinen Horizont sehr erweitert.Was wusste ich vorher von Dreier, Deep Throat oder auch Sandwich, um nur einige Dinge zu nennen. Ich liebe ihn, ohne Wenn und Aber und ich freute mich auf einen wieder mal geilen Abend, der allerdings völlig anders verlaufen sollte, wie ich vermutete.Ich ging in der City shoppen, wollte mir was Neues für den Abend kaufen. Neue Schuhe, wie sollte...

1 year ago
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Commercial Company

Deftly backing the trailer into the spot where the guard said to, I climb down from the tractor, unlatch the fifth wheel, disconnect the air and electrical lines, and lower the landing gear. “Damn,” I mutter, looking at the darkening sky, “I hope it doesn’t start to rain!” Climbing back in the cab, I pick up the satellite unit I use to communicate with the company. “Dropped at the lot”, I send them. “I’m about out of hours today, and I’d like to go get a shower and some dinner. Think you can...

1 year ago
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A TRANS Formation Chapter 17 Moving In

"Hey lover, are you ready to wake up?" Jill whispers, as she kisses Allie's pretty face."Mmmm... yeah baby, I'm waking up. Damn, it feels good to wake up with you." Allie starts to giggle.Jill giggles back at her, "I know... I was just thinking that. How good your skin feels against mine."She rolls over on top of Allie and kisses her as they rub their cocks against each other. "Wasn't it fun last night, Allie? Fucking all the guys on this bed? And then sleeping together in this bed?" Jill...

2 years ago
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Traveller of Time

It was a calm quiet morning in suburbia, birds chirping, sun shining, everything was peaceful. Until the banging began. The whole neighbourhood were fed up of the mad bastard and his mad science. Loud banging and the alarming sound of an explosion or two shattered the peace and serenity of a perfect morning. The truth was, Dr Matt Stone was on the verge of a major breakthrough. He couldn't care less about the angry menopausal woman hammering on his front door, demanding he keep the noise down....

1 year ago
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06 HomeChapter 63

Present – Jens – Outside Dinner I'm savoring this beef stew and wondering how Mabel does it: Everything that she prepares is incredible! I need to thank Thom again for finding her because she has become an essential part of our team. I think about our situation and ask, "Jack, is Ivan going to be okay with Masha being gone?" He answers, "He's a great kid and will miss her, but he won't cause any problems." What the hell! A piercing siren sounds and I recognize that someone has set...

1 year ago
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Jessica 3

I was awakened early —farmer’s daughter, got-to-milk-the-cows early— and she wouldn’t tell me why. She just sent me off to my own place, told to shower, shave and pull the car around.She had me headed west toward the college. I rarely went that way except when I had a craving for deep fried country chicken as there was a great place near the college. There was also fairly well stocked used book store to spend a few hours sorting through all the garbage they make k**s read today to find the...

4 years ago
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FE336 By: Serenity (My first attempt at a story.)( WARNINGS: Contains transgender themes, Sci-Fi, explicit sex, bad words, and should not be viewed by anyone under 18 unless accompanied by an adult. Please do not repost, copy, use or alter this story without permission from the author, enjoy!) June 8th, 2007 0900 hours Log Entry 1125: Dr. William Birch, Senior Research Analyst, reporting. For the time being, that is. This log is being created to document the events and effects...

2 years ago
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Porn to fucking

This happened about thirty years ago I was over at a co-worker's apartment one evening. We had a very hard day at work and he invited me over to watch some porn. Since my girlfriend and I had broken up two months before, I decided, sure why not. We had been there for about twenty minutes when this foxy blonde walked in. She got on to us for watching porn and stormed off. I watched her leave and I looked at my friend. I did not know he had a girlfriend. He shrugged, saying she was his twin...

Straight Sex
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My First Time With Julie

It was Labor Day weekend 1974.The summer was winding down and my parents decided to take one last camping trip to upstate New York before my school vacation ended. As an eighteen year old boy, I enjoyed the camping trips that year. It was a welcomed change from the apartment life we lived in New York City. That summer we had gone camping in central New Jersey and in Canada. I remember the long solo treks into the forests and being one with nature. However, this last camping trip would be...

First Time
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The Stones

*** Chapter 1 My names Dominic Stevens I’m a 19 year old college student with sea blue eyes and light blonde hair, I’m not one of the most popular lads at the college but then again I recon I’m still considered quite popular, with the girls, I’ve had a few girlfriends but none that ever got serious. So I’m still a virgin. Me and Steve just came out of a morning lecture and where heading over to lunch when I spot her the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever seen walking towards us I catch her gaze as...

First Time
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The nastiest pleasures

I squeezed the lovely hills of Pat’s buttocks for awhile, then reached around under her to open the sweet mound of her vulva. Her hips squirmed, and she moaned behind the gag. “Fantasy,” she’d said, “utter trust, anything you want, no holds barred.” The sons were out with their Aunt, and we were alone for the first time in a long time. “The nastiest pleasures you can imagine.” And she’d leered at me. “Who first?” “Flip...

4 years ago
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TNWS02 A Summer to RememberChapter 8 Get Your Clothes Off Mister

As soon as Tess, the young girl that was masturbating herself, heard Keith ask ‘what do I do now?’ she paused mid stroke and said to Keith with a hungry look in her eyes, “You get all you clothes off mister so we can get a good look at your ding-a-ling before someone screws your balls off!” Young Tess gave a little giggle at that point then went back to stroking her smooth clit and pussy lips but with both eyes still firmly fixed on Keith’s loins. Gemma laughed too and said, “Yep! That just...

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Bondage Valley has a funny name. Half of the equation makes it sound like a nice, relaxing place to take a vacation or even retire if you’ve managed to save anything by the time you’re old. Then again, you may end up tied up, gagged ad getting fucked in the mouth by a machine. Whether that’s your idea of a chill time or not probably depends on who you are and which side of the bondage you’re on. You know, maybe this would be a good place to spend a few sick days, after all…As you may have...

Fetish Porn Sites
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The Ishtar InvestigationChapter 9 Learning from a new friend

The girl knelt limply at my feet and offered no resistance when I lifted her into my arms to step back into the room. She had her eyes closed as I stepped in and set her on the bed. Sarah smiled as I set the girl on the mattress. "Hey Fate," my concubine said. Fate gave a cry that was a combination of joy and panic before opening her eyes and noticing Sarah sitting next to her. She burst from her position and hurled her body at Sarah, almost knocking her down with a hug, as her loud and...

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Craft Faire LoveChapter 4 Dinner and Beyond

If you have half an imagination you can picture what went on in the shower without a blow-by-blow description. I'll just say, WOW. This girl is going to be some kind of fun! She also spilled the beans to me about Jessica and Hailey. I knew both from past visits, but had no idea what Mel had in mind until now. Jessica is a doll, but Hailey absolutely smites me, and it's to Melinda's credit, knowing that, she would even consider making an invitation. She said that Jessica was on the...

1 year ago
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uzhgtfrdesyazh ttzhtuzji

“Richard what are you doing calling? Are you backing in town,” Stephanie asks a little quickly. “No I’m still at the family home. Tried calling Stuart but his phone must be out of contract since he’s been with you this summer,” I tell her smiling,” How is the big guy? You mended him pretty good over the past few months.” “Richard, Stuart is gone,” Steph tells me and I freeze. “What do you mean gone, he had no plans and his Uncle drives truck for a living. Where did he go,” I ask...

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True story of a Swimming trip

I woke up on bright morning in the middle of the summer last year, my boyfriend was watching me dress and I decided to wear my favourite matching underwear. a black thong with black flowery detail and a black push up bra with exactly the same detail as the thong I pulled the thong up over my fat white ass and looked at james in the mirror as he bit his lip I placed the bra over my 32 b cup tits and asked james to come over and do it up. He did as I asked and kissed my neck pushing himself...

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My First Time At The ABS

I had a buddy, I'll call him Steve, who I used to meet up with to orally service a couple of times a month.  Hosting was a problem for both of us, so one day Steve contacted me and said that I should meet him at an adult book store that was a twenty minute ride from where I was. Being horny, I said that I'd meet him in front of the store in thirty minutes.  I pulled up to the "bookstore", a place I'd driven by thousands of times, but had never been to. Steve was waiting in his car and got out...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 17

Roberta and another woman were waiting when they finally rolled me back to my ICU room, hours later. I wondered about Roberta's willingness to stay with me the way she was, and resolved to ask what was driving her to be so determined to be beside me day and night. The second woman was older than Roberta, stout, and quite stern looking, except when she saw that I was awake. Then she broke out in a wide smile, so wide that it got me wondering. "David, I am SO HAPPY to see you awake,"...

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An Inheritance Indeed

Florence Young died at the age of 97 a very wealthy woman. Since she was born into a rich family, she was forced to marry into another family of similar wealth. Her father used her as a pawn in one of his business deals and she ended up the wife to an indifferent, often harsh husband. Florence gave him eight sons, all ending up sharing many of his beliefs and sensibilities about business, life, and how they treated their own wives. When he died 37 years ago, he divided much of his fortune...

2 years ago
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Under the Full Moon

A vampire can only reproduce on a Friday the 13th, under a full moon, and the female has to be a virgin. Passion, lust…love, it doesn’t matter the kind of fuck, as long as the female becomes impregnated. We’re prepared for it during our schooling, but it could happen at any age in our lives, provided we are sixteen or over, and that it’s the right date and moon cycle. Of course, we never get to choose who we fuck for the first time, it’s always the males who decide. My boyfriend planned to...

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Roberta and Patricks Bet

Chapter One My arms encircled Patrick’s shoulders from behind, and my nose nuzzled into the side of his neck. I left a kiss on his cheek as I pulled back and said, “Happy birthday, sweet thing.” Patrick was sitting at the breakfast table finishing a bowl of cereal. Our two young ones were already off to school. Morning sunlight spilled across the table, a red and rippled patch of it on the opposite side of Patrick’s juice glass, a deep shadow on the opposite side of his coffee mug. He turned...

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Bianca in Red

Bianca is too stunning in her red lingerie to escape the bathroom without some internal male moisture being added to her pretty exterior bodily lotion. Bianca is in the bathroom. I swear she spends more time there than the bedroom. She is always prepping herself. I mean don’t get me wrong, she gets it all right; from her succulent soft lotioned skin, to the scents she chooses on her body, her lightly plucked eyebrows and that goddamn mascara she uses that drives me wild as I look into her...

3 years ago
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LostChapter 3

Audrey was right: they did indeed learn prayers and stuff. But the prayers were like no prayers taught in any church they were familiar with. The Sisters called their god Zebul. It was his physical manifestation Audrey and Susan had encountered that fateful night. The Sisters called themselves the Brides of Zebul. Brides they might call themselves but, Audrey and Susan quickly realised with horror, Sex Slaves would be a more apt description. The sole function of the nuns was to sexually...

4 years ago
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Lusty Thoughts For Long Time Friend

Her name is Saniya. We both were 21 yrs of age. I am her good friend at least that’s what she thinks. For me, She is a beautiful dream, an unsaid love, a hot and lusty girl, a curvy female body, a happy-go company, a soulmate, a fantasy. I hope you get the level of craziness for her. We used to talk for hours during school days thou just like friends and later I came to know that she had other friends too and she talk with them also, same over phone and for hours. Later, I ignored others and...

3 years ago
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Dreamy Monday Morning

Dreaming pleasantly, I watched as foggy images passed through my mind. I felt gentle hands and soft lips move over my resting body. I must have been dreaming, as reality has never felt so sweet. The sensations started to wake me from my slumber. I opened my eyes to see a loving smile greeting me. His eyes, sparkling and gazing into mine, welcomed me into this day—the most wonderful yet. I closed my eyes once again, enjoying his warm presence. I felt him, his soul. Satin-soft lips pressed to...

1 year ago
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Seducing Friend8217s Mother And Made Her My Wife Part3

Firstly, sorry was submitting this story after a long break but I guess you will like this part. Day after day we were getting closer and my urge to fuck her was getting high. But I wanted a special occasion for that. Her birthday was approaching I planned that on her birthday I will make her mine. But for that, I needed to plan as she was not ready for sex due to tradition and age difference. So I started to plan for that in which I took help of her daughter and my mother in the name of her...

3 years ago
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Phone Call

‘Hello there and how are you doing? I’m Jason it’s a pleasure to meet you. Thanks for giving me the chance chatting with you in this instant message. I know this can be a bother for you depending who’s on the other end but I assure you I’m not here to make your evening bad. So where from Ericka?’ She tells me California and I reply, ‘Oh that’s awesome I have visited a few times I myself. I’m from Georgia.’ ‘Well I’m 5’ 9’’, medium build, a little muscular, small, dark brown eyes.’ As she...

3 years ago
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Guard Don Of EdenChapter 3

"I will completely understand if you do not wish to go through with this class." Autumn sat with a mango fusion frozen drink explaining herself to Don. "Why? What is it?" "It's a Tantra class, fully clothed though and no touching in any intimate way." "You mean the class that teaches you about prolonged sex without the act of sex?" "It is a little more than that. Have you ever tried it?" "No, the truth is, I thought it was a whole lot of mumbo jumbo." "Will you try it with...

4 years ago
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Spanking Lucy

My thanks to EnglishRose28, for her guidance and candor about where my story crossed the line from hot to scary, especially when it came to her luscious nipples. I’m seated on a small armless chair in the center of the room, and you stand before me, your beautiful hazel eyes cast downward in supplication. You wait for my instructions, and with a slight nod I bid you to proceed. You turn away from me, reach up under your dress with both hands, and pull your panties down as far as you can, just...

2 years ago
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Sex After Run

It was a late Tuesday afternoon session, coach had us run every relay and than do three miles on the 1/4 mile track. Needless to say we were exhausted, we staggered back to the gym and shower area. Coach came in and gave his usual thirty minute pep talk about the coming meet, he ended it by telling the team captains to be sure to secure the gym when we finished. As coach left two members went as look outs and returned to say 'coach has left the building, and the building is empty and secured...

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My Ukrainian Landlady

Way back in the last century when I was at university, I rented a room in a boarding house owned by a Mrs. Katrina Wozniak, an older Ukrainian lady. Mrs. W. was a frumpy, lumpy old redhead, with a wide ass and a prominent boob shelf jutting from the shapeless sack dresses she wore. To my nineteen year old self, she seemed ancient, although I suppose she was somewhere in her late fifties to early sixties.My room was on the third floor of the old house, sort of an attic under the roof with...

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Sex With Cousin While She Drives The Car 8211 Part 1

Hey everyone, I am Diganth, 25 years old and I am from Bengaluru. I am an average-built guy with a good size dick that can satisfy any girl. I firstly thank all the readers who read my previous stories and enjoyed them. To the readers who haven’t read, please do read then. I am overwhelmed by all the responses I received. As I had promised all the readers, I will keep posting my real sex experiences. And this is one of them. This story is also a real one that took place a few weeks back. In...

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The FreshmanChapter 38 Epilogue

Cassie Schmidt never returned to the United States. In fact, for the rest of her life, she never left the Republic of Danubia. It was in the Danubian Republic where she would build her life, raise her family, and over time repair the damage to her soul. Cassie spent her first year in Danube City living with her brother in Spokesman Alexi Havlakt's house. She learned Danubian as she struggled to finish her education and get her diploma. She went to a Danubian high school, because there was...

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Tales of Culverin HillChapter 32 Drinks and Dinner

When Megan opened the bedroom door and stepped out into the hall, she looked around and found it empty. She turned back to Adam, slipping his shoes on, and said, “You’d think they’d have signs up showing where stuff is.” She had changed into a knee-length sundress with a tube top and her dressy sandals. He came to the door and motioned her to leave. “We’ll have to take it up with the management. The stairs are right there, so I bet we go down the stairs and we’ll be back on the first floor.”...

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