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ASTROPRISON © 2014, 2017, 2020 By Anthony Durrant As I was watering my front lswn, I saw a small shuttlecraft drop down from the sky and touvh down on the grass nearby. Two people in black uniforms hurried toward me, then grabbed me by my arms and forced them back behind me. One of them said: "Cngratulations, Erik the Black! We've caught you at last: your days as a fugitive from the stars are now over. You will be taken to the Astroprison, where you will serve out your sentence as prescribed by law, for you have been sentenced to life." "When?" I asked, and as the two me loaded me onto the shuttlecraft, one of them saiud: "In absentia, two weeks ago, you murdering fiend!" The two of them manacled me to a chair right at the back of the shuttlecraft, raised the ramp,and then blasted away from the Earth. When we entered Earth orbit, the pilot activated the shuttlecraft's F.T.L. deive, and a few minutes later, we were zooming across space toward the astroprision. An hour later, the shuttlecraft came out of F.T.L. speed, and for the first time, I caught sight of the Astroprison, a giant vessel made from a hollowed asteroid. The shuttlecraft entered the Astroprison's huge vehicle bay; when it had landed inside the bay, the men brought me out of the vessel in chains and headed over to the booking area. The female guard at the desk there said: "You found Erik the Black?" "Detected his life signs as we were passing Earth after dropping off another prisoner!" one man replied. They then filled out the proper electronic booking documents and then each of them put his ring seal on it. I was then taken to the men's dormitry, where I put on form-fitting coveralls after taking off my regular clothes, after which I was unshackled. The two men then headed back down the hall, to their regular spots or duties, I assumed. Heading over to an empty bunk, I lay down on it and then cried myself to sleep. When I woke up several hours later, my fellow prisoners and I were taken down below to the engine room. There, all of us worked to repair the great engine that propelled the Astroprison through space. As I pounded on the ion chamber of the great F.T.L. drive to remove the dust, I heard the Chief Engineer say: "C'mon, you mangy lugs! I want that engine to be in top shape by tomorrow morning!" "What a life! What a life!" my neighbour said. "I'm sweating like a pig in a poke!" I replied. "The work is hard," said the woman behind me, "but the end result will be well worth the effort we're making to restore the ion chamber to normal." "Yeah, we haven't moved sinve that asteroid struck the side of the hull and damaged the engines!" my neighbour added. "I'll be glad to leave this system!" After several hours all the dust had been pounded from the ion chamber, and I was sent with my fellow prisoners back to out dormitory where we relaxed, and I had what seemed to be a vision of the future. *** I was trapped inside some sort of tank or solitary cell, and I was pounding on the actual surface with my fists, my only desire being revenge against those who'd imprisoned me for so long. My mind was filled with rage, and I let the rage fuel my muscles as I began to make a sizeable dent in the wall of the chamber where I'd been imprisoned for so long... *** I came to with a start and followed the other prisoners down the hall, where we were fed some energy rations in the form of cheese, bread and milk, and I ate mine as carefully as I could, while puzzling over the details of my vision. Who was the prisoner in the solitary cell, and why were they tring to escape confinement? All at once, we heard the sound of pounding on the wall neaby. I cried: "The prisoner in solitary is trying to escape!" "There isn't any prisoner in Solitary at the moment!" a female guard told me, "but we've all heard that pounding before. I wish I knew what it was!" "So do I!" I replied, and my neighbour commented: "We don't know where that sound comes from, either!" It was then that I saw a huge dent appear in the wall to my right, and then I had another vision of the future... *** I was now tearing down the wall with my bare hands, just as if it had been made out of papier-mache, after which I stepped into the open air. *** When I came to this time, I saw a pair of women's hands explode from the wall, and then a tall woman stepped out from behind it. She had a heart- shaped face, and was about seven feet tall. Clad in a pink suit that covered her form, she wore goggles over her eyes. She had a muscular build, and one of her arms was drooped behind her back, the other having evidently broken loose. "Who the hell are you, lady?" a guard asked. But the woman didn't answer. Instead, she dropped behind one of the large male guards, grabbed his repulsor pistol, and shot him right in the head, She let out a howl as she crushed the throat of another guard in her hand, then leaped up onto the table nearby and attacked the prisoners there! As she broke the back of the last one, the woman let out a banshee howl that caused us all to be paralyzed from sheer terror. I rushed up to the woman, and was surprised when she didn't attack me, as Id always feared she would. I asked her softly: "Just who are you, lady?" The woman gently caressed my face and whispered: "I am... we are... Companion Cartwright!" "Impossible!" I cried. "Companion Cartwright sacrificed herself to save the lives of millions. You can't be her!" "This is Prototype, the iginal Companion model android, who's long been imprisoned here since her original activation. She actually believes she's the real deal!" a female guard said as she blasted Prototype with a repulsor rifle, and once she was inert, took her back to her cell. "Tell Warden Tika the situation's under control!" the female guard aid as she walked away, and I thought: "Damn these people are good! They've even got me thinking I'm Erik the Black!" Soon after Prototype was taken back to her cell I was taken by the female guard to the engineroom, where I was forced to use a brush to clean the inside of the Astroprison's engines, which had become coated with several layers of dust and grime. Carefully, I cleaned he inside walls of the engines, which also involved ripping the grate from the ventilation ducts and cleaning them as well. When my shift was over I was returned to my cell, and on looking over at Prototype, discovered she was being carried out of her cell and taken upstairs to the upper levels of the Astroprison. About an hour later, I was taken from my own solitary cell and brought to the Warden's office. Tika was easily the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen, with large red fairy wings and a lean mucular body. Dressed in a Kellikam unform, she pointed at me and said: 'Erik the Black, you've been selected to participate in the Elite Companion Program. There are your future sisters, Emerald, Diamond and Onyx, formerly human beings who've had their consciousnesses transferred to a Companion model android. Girls, take him to the laboratory, where the transference process cab begin!" "Don't I get a say in this?" I asked her, and she replied: "As a prisoner in the Astroprison, you have no say in anything!" She then had the three Elites take me downstairs to the laboratory, where I saw another Companion unit lying on a pallet. It was Prototype, and I was amazed. I was introduced to a scientist, Dr. Portman, who watched as the Companion carrying me laid me on the pallet beside Prototype herself. I asked Dr. Portman: "How is she, Doctor? Is she going to live?" "I've replaced the faulty combrain that caused all of the trouble, and have performed the other appropriate upgrades on her especially for the transference!" she replied., and then she put a gas mask over my nose and mouth and had me count to 100. Nefore I could reach that number, howevr, I went quielly off to sleep. *** When I woke, I found myself lying on a pallet on the other side of the room from the one I'd been on. Rising from that pallet, I realized Dr. Portman had completed the transference procedure, and that I was now in Prototype's body. She smiled at me and said: "Happy birthday, Sapphire!" "Who the hell is Sappphire?" I asked her, and she replied: "You, you beautiful sexy android, you!" "Welcome to the team, Sapphire!" Onyx said. "we've been given the mission to root out the Escobar Pirates, a group of which you were once a part, or so I've been given to understant. You've command authority to lead us in the fight against them!" "I will!" I said joyfully, knowing that if I could locate the real Erik while on the mission, I could clear my name and be granted a patdon, which in turn meant that I'd be free of this hellhole for the rest of my villains and dictators of the galaxy forever. "Let's go, girls!" I cried as I led the way out of the laboratory to the vehicle bay. There, we found a large black vessel, presumably Erik's spaceship, waiting for us there. Quickly, we boarded the vessel, waving goodbye to Warden Tika as we did so, and then we took off. Reaching planetary orbit a few minutes later. After we'd left the planet, Onyx said: "Captain, we're to rendezvous with an informant on Earth, who has information regarding the pirates." "Set a course for Earth, then!" I replied, and Onyx did so. The resulting slipstream took us back to earth, and soon we'dentered Earth orbit. "Please inform the local Space Force spacedock of our arrival, so they know we're here!" I told Emerald, who quietly complied with my order. All at once a klaxon rang out, and Onyx shouted: "My Goodness, captain! The sensors are detecting an unidentified object coming right toward the Earth." At first, we assumed that the object was an asteroid - which would be bad enough = but then sensors detected humanoid life signes aboard it. I cried: "A space ark!? Soneone's about to park a space ark in Earth Orbit?" Indeed, as we could plainly see on our vessel's main viewscreen, the "asteroid" was coning toward our vesse;! Realizing this mist be an attack, I shouted: "Hail the bastards before we get ourselves shot!" "Aye, Captain!" Emerald cried, and a fw minutes later, a man's face appeared on the viewscreem. "I am Sapphire, leader of the Elite Companion unit!" I said. "Amd who might you be?" "I'm Captain Martin Feingold of the asteroid and pirate vessel, the Valiant Spirit. Now. Hand over your possessions and then get outta here!" So that was exactly what we did - we handed over to the rogue the supplies in the vessel's cargo area, and he took them aboard his vessel, never realizing there were tracer nanites in the cargo. Then the Valiant Spirit flashed into slipstream minutes later and was gone. Now we could go and meet our contact. *** Our contact was Dr. Laura Diamond, pne of the finest roboticists on Earth, who'd recently married Sir Tyrone Cromarty, an English nobleman, and was willing to help us. She pointed at a tower and said: "The chest containing the data you need is up there in the Eastern Tower, inside the clock installed there by King William of Orange on the occasion of Sir Francis' Cromarty's fiftieth birthday, as a surprise." I spotted a closet on the far wall near one of the large clock weights, and ran toward it as soon as we had entered the tower room. When I opened the closet, I found a single black suit on a hangar inside it. Taking the suit, I followed my new sisters up to the other side of the tower room, where we found a large chest. I tore the ld off the top, I was so eager to get at its contents. There was a data crystal amongst the contents of the chest, and I took that crystal into my possession and handed the weapons and cloths I found inside the chest to them, saying with a smaile: "Using these old clothes, we should be able to pose as the de Montagne sisters and infiltrate the pirate's main base very easily. Please put them on." They did, and watched as the clothes automatically shrunk to fit ther much smaller bodies. "Now we can depart from this ghastly place!" I cried, and I then led them down the stairs to the ground floor, and then left by the front door. *** Once we were back in space, we set a course for the planet Aldebaran, indicated as a base of the Pirates' Guild. As soon as we were in planetary orbit, we landed our vessel at the base's shuttlepad. As we came down our vessel's ramp, I watched as Onyx went over to one of the men and put her hand on his shoulder, smiled at him, and said proudly: "My name's Margie de Montagne, and these are my sisters, Dorothy, Dorothy, Phyllis and Beatrice. We're here for some rest and recreation, me bucko, with our treasure!" "Ye'll find no end of pleasure here, Madame de Montagne!" the man replied, and led us into an inn, where we ordered brandy and listened to some of the other pirates here, especially the women, brag about the bounty they;d pillaged and the conquests they;d made. "The last vessel I looted was a real honey!" one woman said happily. "The look I wrested from her should be enough to set me up for a lifetime - and I'll never tell where that treasure's buried!" "That's Captain Anne Bonney, one of the Escobar Pirates!" Onyx whispered in my ear. "If we follow her vessel after she leaves here, she may lead us to the home of the Escobar Pirates themselves!" "Wonderful!" I shouted. "Even back on Earth, we've been hearing of the vessels lost to the Escobar pirates, and I feel it's time soneone put a stop to their actions before they rob another vessel!" After Captain Bonney returned to her vessel, we paid our tavern bill and then returned to our vessel. We then lifted off and followed Captain Bonney's ship, the Dolly Roger, through slipstream until it emerged at a planet none of us had ever seen before. "We'll follow here down to the surface!" I told my sisters. "Then, when they land and disembark, we'll follow them and learn where Captain Bonney has buried her pirate treasure!" "Sounds like a plan!" Emerald cried eagerly. "We'll send the treasure to Headquarters, and then trace the colony from which it came!" Diamond added. "She mustn't know we're here until it's too late!" And so we followed the Dolly Roger down to the planet's surface and secretly landed our vessel in a small lake nearby. We then debarked from the ship and followed Captain Bonney and her crew into the forest, to an area where they buried a large metal box. As we stood there watching them, they covered the chest over with soil and then solemnly left the area. Minutes later, their ship headed back up into orbit, then headed back into slipstream away from the strange planet. "Now, let's dig up their treasure!" I shouted eagerly. We worked together to dig up the metal box, which Onyx then broke open. Inside the box was a bunch of cannon balls, round and painted black. As I looked down at the cannon balls, I asked Onyx: "Why are these cannon balls in this chest?" "Beats me!" Onyx said with a shrug of her shoulders. "it looks weird, doesn't it?" Diamond asked. "Nobody even uses cannon balls anymore these days. Therefore, I don't know why Captain Bonney would bring them here, unless-" She then took a jackknife and scraped off some of the black paint, revealing the gleam of silver underneath. I said: "That would've been a cunning plan had cannon balls still been in use today! You could shoot them and never realize they were the treasure you were after." "The Escobar Pirates have always made use of 18th-Century pirate tactics like these!" Emerald told me. "they conceal the treasure in ways nobody now would ever, ever expect and bury them on isolated planets such as this one!" We took the box of cannon balls back to the ship and scanned it for a serial number. As it turned out, the box had been stolen from an armoured sceurity vessel about a day earlier and had been used to contain coins being taken from a colony to the mint after being declared illegal tender a few weks earlier. Onyx then scanned the cannon balls and frowned. She turned to me and said: "The scan confirms the balls are made of coin silver!" "Where from?" I asked, ans she replied: "Colony Alpha two-niner-niner-seven, Captain!" "Then," I replied, "let's go there right away - it's possible that colony is the pirates' secret base!" "Yes," said Diamond eagerly, "let's go and have some fun!" *** Not long after we'd begun our voyage to Colony Alpha 2993, our sensors detected another vessel floating adtift in a nearby system, and I ordered the girls to head for the ship. As soon as we left slipstream, Emerald checked the registry number of the vessel, and announced: "It is indeed the Valiant Spirit, Captain." "Get alongside it," I replied, "and we'll head on aboard!" We brought our vessel alongside the Valiant Spirit, and docked with her on the port side. As soon as we'd entered the vessel, we went up to the main bridge, where Diamond extracted the vessel's datacore and analyzed it. All around us, we could see the floating corpses of the crew, all of whem had been killed by the Escobar pirates, who had taken the vessel's cargo, including our possession. "The data confirms the vessel was not affiliated with the Escobar Pirates, Captain!" Diamond told me. "Then we'd better make sure Captain Drummond didn't die for nothing!" I said as I looked into the eyes of the dead Captain Drummond and shed a bitter tear for him. Pirate though he may have been, he didn't deserve to have been murdered like this. "Where was this vessel headed, Diamond?" I asked her, and she replied. "Colony Alpha 2993, Captain!" "Then, let's undock and resume our course to that colony!" I replied. "And if and when I find Drummond's killer, I will get my big sword and I will cut off his head!" *** As soon as we'd slipstreamed into orbit around Colony Alpha 2993, we contacted ground control. "My name's Margaret de Montagne," I told the man whose face appeared on the screen, "and my sisters and I'd like it very much if we could spend some quality time here." "Very well!" the man replied. "Follow the beacon down to the surface and you'll be just about fine." "Follow that beacon, girls!" I cried eagerly. We followed the beacon to the planet's surface, and after we'd landed on the colony's shuttlepad, we disembarked from the vessel and entered the terminal. There, before we could do anything, we were promptly apprehended by the guards at the gate, all of whom were women. "This is an outrage!" I said, and their captain cried: "Using our names is an even greater outrage, girls!" She then removed the black helmet that covered her face and head, revealing her as Margaret de Montagne! I was so stunned that I said nothing until the four of us were ushered into the Colony Commander's office. "These are the girls who've been posing as us!" Margaret told the Commander, who said: "Bad, bad, very bad! You girls are now in our custody, and will be escorted to a cell downstairs." The sisters escorted us to one of the holding cells in the basement level. There, we languished until Onyx, capable she, turned to me and asked: "Sapphire, what d'you remember of your former life?" "Nothing beyond the past five years!" I replied. "I've been working as a painter off and on and trying my luck entering various artistic contests. Why d'you ask?" "Then, why'd they think you were Erik the Black?" she asked, and I replied: "Damned if I know. They said I had his life signs, but they could've been mistaken." Emerald asked me: "What's the problem with your memory?" "I only wish I knew!" I replied. "I awoke for the first time in my flat five years ago, and ever since then, I've had to work to survive. It was a surprise to me when those swab jockeys arrested me, Emerald." "Then," she said, "let us restore your memory!" "Okey-dokey!" I said, and she put her hand on the back of my head. Within a few minutes, something came unstuck in my head, and suddenly a flood of memories washed over me. Turning to Emerald, I said: "I-I remember who I am, now! My true name's Erik John MacReady, and I go by the nickname 'Erik the Black!' I'd gotten so tired of my life of crime, I had my memories wiped and a brand new identity created for me. Now I know who I really am, and I can stop these goons from carrying out any further act of piracy in space - I swear it by my honoured ancestors!" Walking over to the cell door, I tore it off of its hinges and led the girls out of the cell, subding the sisters on the way out. There were no further challenges, and we were able to make it upstairs and listen at the door of the Colony Commander's office. He was talking to Captain Bonney! "Have those girls who stole my treasure been captured yet?" she asked him. "Yes," he said with a smile in his voice, "and I have them locked up downstairs in the basement, where we keep all of our prisoners after they're captured." "Wonderful! Then they won't interfere with our business!" "I've never forgotten I have you to thank for this choice position, Captain Bonney. What a racket, what a sweet setup! Kill the colony Commander and his team before they even arrive at this colony, then replace them with yours truly and his band of cutthroats. Why, the money we'll make by stealing the coins that have been declared illegal tender, or rather the sillver, will be astronomically huge!" "If we can keep the Space Force away from here!" Captain Bonney replied, and the Commander asked: "But where could we get that kind of bribe money?" "Steal it!" she replied. "But do nothing to compromise our operations here in this sector of space." "Let's go!" Onyx cried, and she kicked open the office door, then showed the Commander her true I.D. record. He cried: "The Elites - here!" "That's right, the Elites! We've been assigned to stop the piracy in this sector of space, and we sent Captain Bonney's treasure back to Headquarters before coming here to this investigate the theft of your coins!" I cried. "Then," he replied, "we're in trouble." He called for the guards and two of them - also both female - arrived and aimed their weapons at us. Instead of meekly surrendering to these humans, we fought back this time and were able to subdue them quickly and completely. "These are the other two de Montagne sisters, Beatrice and Dorothy!" Diamond cried as she secured the pair. "We've all four of the sisters in custody now!" "Not if I have anything to say about it!" Captain Bonney cried, and she drew a cutlass and attacked me. The two of us fought back and forth across the terminal floor even as Diamond and Emerald took the Commander into custody. Captain Bonney suddenly lunged at me with the cutlass in her hand, and I stepped back a few paces, then myself lunged forward, the blade of my cutlass slicing through the air. Having held back for her sake, I cut her cutlass's blade in two with my cutlass and then disarmed Captain Bonney entirely. I then read her her legal rights and then took her into custody. I cried: "Now for the ride back to headquarters!" "And we'll all need a long rest after this!" Onyx cried. *** After all six pirates had been booked and held for trial by the Earth court, the four of us headed back to the Astroprison, where I met with warden Tika. "I heard about your capture of the Escobar Pirates," she told me, "and am proud and honoured to report your Commander tells me you did an excellent job. Congratulations!" "I fee," I said, "I should tell you that you and your men were right to detain me, for I am indeed Erik the Black, Waren Tika." "You actually are Erik the Black?" she asked me and I replied, "Yes, I am indeed he!" "She'd been stripped of her memories and could only remember first awakening five years ago!" Emerald added. "I was able to restore her memories." "My choice!" I said. "i'd grown tired of being pirate, and wanted only to retire forever." "You're not Erik the Black anyore, Sapphire," Tika replied. "Rather, you're the Elite Companion model Sapphire. Your days as Erik the Black are now over!" I threw back my head and cheered. "Congratulations, Sapphire, my sister!" Onyx cried as she wrapped her arm around my waist and kissed me on the forehead as Warden Tika smiled at me and said: "I was first brought here as an amnesic prisoner myself, Sapphire!"Tika told me. "I experienced iife in the same way the other prisoners do until my powers and memories slowly returned to me. In that respect, the wo of us are very, very much alike. So, how could I not forgve you?" "You couldn't, Tika!" I replied, then I saluted her and returned to our ship wth my sisters in tow. "We did it, Sapphire!" Emerald said proudly, and Onyx cried eagerly: "The six pirates we captured are being held for trialback on Earth!" "Thank Heaven for that!" I cried, then we reentered our ship and prepared to set off. "know now,"I tld the thers, "that enforcing the law is not only good for the art and the oul, it's also good fun - so I'll do it as long as I live!" THE END

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Monika padosan likes me

Hi all iss readers mera naam vinay(changed name) hai aur main Delhi mein rehta hoon. Meri height 5.9″ hai aur body average hai. Aj se pehle maine kabhi sex nahi kiya tha. Lekin kai baar kahani suni thi aur ek do blue films dekhi thi. Thoda sex karne ka man karta tha lekin main sharmata tha. Ab meri age 28 years hai lekin ghatna years pahle ki hai tab main 12th ke exam de chuka tha . Hum lagbhag 10 bacche humare makan mein (jismein 3 rooms the jo khali rahta tha ) sabhi chipam chipai (Hide &...

3 years ago
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Day three, 5am I woke up to a crying voice, and I slid out of bed. Going downstairs I followed it to the back to the room where Naomi was crying on her bed. "Naomi, are you ok?" I asked as I sat on the bed. Naomi rolled over and clutched me tightly as she cried. Stroking her hair I asked again and she responded. "I miss Kat," she said. "Who is Kat?" I asked. "Kathleen, the girl I was staying at. She's my best friend. When Kari and I went into foster care, she was my first friend...

3 years ago
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Toman of the Cherokee 1

  I can only hope to be that powerful one day, though from what my grandfather said I will. Compared to what Merlin was I am weak though I have a secret that I know a lot of other mages would kill to know. Looking at the smoke I nodded, as a matter of fact a few had already tried, as many had been trying for centuries.   It appears that I got a little far into my cups one night at the mage academy. You know a school for mages. I opened my mouth about an ability I had and, that was the day I...

3 years ago
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Daddys Little Waitress

Brenda always loved her dad more and she let him know it every chance she got. She was always going on errands with him or helping him with his chores around the house. Her mother was clearly jealous and was constantly nagging her about every little thing. She turned her attention back to her earth science homework. Who cared about the makeup of the rocks in the earth’s crust anyway? Ugh, she only had a few more chapter questions to answer and it could wait for the bus ride tomorrow. Her...

2 years ago
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Vacation TwoChapter 19

I woke a little before six and quickly started coffee, showered, and dressed. When I walked onto the patio there were two detectives and three uniforms out there, all having coffee. "Wow, is this a convention or does it take this many guys to take down a crippled up welder?" I said joking. "We'd need the f'ing SWAT team if we had to bring you in. No, we're here to give you a heads up of what all went down last night. You noticed we had a little extra security around. They'll be...

3 years ago
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AwakeningsChapter 7

Tahir was worried now. He had been searching almost all day. Still he had searched until he had run out of options. Thinking for only a minute he reached out and found Helena. Pulling, she was suddenly there next to him. Screaming at him, she tried to desperately escape screaming that she had to save her daughters. Intrigued, Tahir, listened as she explained why she had done what she had and why. Believing her, he touched her arm and they were back in the east waiting for the man who had...

1 year ago
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BigTitsRoundAsses Karlee Grey Busty Karlee Grey Earns Her Keep

Karlee has rented a room for a few days from Jason. When he opens up the door to let her in, he recognizes her and asks her if she is the famous KARLEE GREY? She says yes, he is surprised and excited. He lets her in the house, shows her the bedroom where she will be staying. While she takes a shower, he walks by and sees her. He watches for a while as she soaps her prefect body. And those tits are amazing. She notices him and and to his surprise she invites him in. She takes his dick out and is...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Theodora Day Begs Stepdad for Anal

Naughty stepdaughter Theodary Day waits for the first chance she can get alone with stepdad Ryan Mclane for a taboo rendezvous. The studly father figure tries to thwart the young temptress’ advances, but it takes only a little prodding and he’s soon eating out her shaved snatch and getting his rock hard rod sucked. Watch the young brunette babe not only get her tight pussy pummeled, but beg for daddy to fuck her in the ass for a hardcore premium Penthouse anal scene you don’t...

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Bimbo Potion Revenge Ch 04

"Ames!" Val shouted, running over and throwing her arms around Amy in a crushing hug. The novel feeling of her large tits mashed up against Val's even larger ones gave Amy a small thrill as she explored the contours of Val's soft, sensual body with her arms. Amy could see why guys liked touching her; she was surprisingly difficult to let go of. She briefly wished that her own curves were that irresistible, before reminding herself that if she wasn't more careful with the potion in the future,...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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My Photography Classes 8211 Part 1

I wanted to learn photography in school but it was difficult to get into exclusive hobbies like photography. When I was in XII class Vishal of my class become the photography secretary. I started requesting him to teach me the development of the photography. The photography lab was in one corner that was quite secluded for the rest of the school building. I kept on pestering Vishal to teach me the developing and finally one day he said all right come after lunch today, I will teach you. Vishal...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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My first lesbian sex

Hi 2 everyone who love ISS,,I am too a big fan & crazy 2 read stories on this site,,,,I am encouraged by reading all kinds of story so posting my experience over here..I am a good looking gal of 24 yrs not working ,so sometimes get bored @ home,,my lucious fig makes everyone near home mad to fuck & suck me harder & hardr,,,,,,i have a neighbor aunt about 35 yrs with 2 kids about 4yrs son & 8 months girl baby ,,,,uncle works for a bank since she is from banglore, she is very close to me & asks...

3 years ago
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Journey to the Past unabridgedChapter 11 Return home

It only took us an hour and a half to journey to the burnt out remains of Jane's old home. Right way Stigand liked the look of the place and said it would suit him nicely. He and his two wives soon had a humpy style temporary shelter built that would keep out the weather and provide them some protection from the wind and any light rain that should fall. Meanwhile Marjorie and Hild set up our tent. They then started preparing a meal for all of us, using the remaining rations, which were...

2 years ago
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Pados Ki Mehak Ne Kiya Deewana

Hi friends mera naam rocko h asli naam yha bta nhi skta m ab 12th pass out hu .. Or koi women want sex or love.. Just email me.. Then we contact each other.. My email address is …… M ek good looking and enjoyable bnda hu. Tnsion nhi leta kisi ki.. Ye bt jb ki h jb m 12th me tha thnd ka mausam tha.. Us time m bht blue films dekhta tha or mera bht mn krta tha sex krne ka pr dr lgta tha. Or jb m iss pdhta tha to mujhe lgta tha koi lonely women jo unsatisfied ho shyd m use khush kr sku.. Khud ki...

3 years ago
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My girlfriends mom1

I mean sultry because she readily seemed to engage in conversation that is very very racy at the drop of a hat. Like when she asked her daughter J. why she'd date a guy that was 6" shorter than her; J. responded that she, was tired of having been dating guys with ,"the Irish curse" so she heard from a mutual friend that I was hung like a horse and decided to give it a try. "It's true Mom, he's got a cock the size of a horse!." M. shot back, "lucky you, lately I wish I had a guy to...

1 year ago
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Sister Sister

"Hun, do you love me?" "Of course," Jackson answered. "Why would you ask such a question?" "I don't know, I just feel so lucky to have you," Jackson's wife, Andrea, answered whimsically. Jackson Gage was a successful commercial salesman. He was 45 years old, and strikingly handsome. He had classically good looks, stone gray eyes, with the slightest beginnings of smile lines, giving his overall youthful appearance, a learned mature aspect. He looked trustworthy, which helped his sales...

2 years ago
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A Beautiful Journey 8211 Part 2

Hello, readers welcome back to this beautiful journey. I’m male and this sex story is completely a work of fiction. I can say by my experience that the journey is always more powerful than the destination. I hope you will enjoy the journey, so let’s go. As I had told earlier I had an early marriage and as my hubby has a job in an MNC, we have to move to different places so Ayesha could not enjoy the love of her grandparents. Many times it so happened that we could not provide her that pleasure...

3 years ago
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Fuck Toy

You are my Fuck Toy. Happy for me to use you for my pleasure, knowing that whatever pleasure I take I will give back to you fourfold. You willing to submit to my desires, eager to please, as your whole existence revolves around me. I am the piece which make you complete. You stand there in front of me; I see the look of longing in your eyes, a hunger, a need, a lust, you need me more than anything else. Nothing else matters, except me. I pull you towards me, my strong arms pressing you against...

3 years ago
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Online date part 2

So after this how many licks does it take to come in my mouth indecent I get a few pictures of Michelle"s pussy taken by her texted to my phone. The next few conversations we have on the phone are all about how we're gonna fuck each others brains out which is ok with me and I can't wait to see what's next. The strange thing is to actually get her on the phone is very difficult. She always has an excuse for why she can't talk which is very suspicious but for now I'm going along with the...

1 year ago
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The Babysitter IV Conclusion

I woke up with a dry mouth and a disgustingly sour taste on my tongue. In the bathroom, I tried to drink away the nasty feeling but my throat was so raspy from the dehydration—almost sticky—that I had to force down the first two or three sips past the soreness. As bad of an idea looking in the mirror was, I decided I didn't care. My hair looked as if a firecracker had gone off right in my face and I won't mention the obvious tiredness written all over my ugly-ass grimace.I went back to my...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Mia Molotov G341

Mia Moltova’s sexual prowess comes into full effect as the gangbang begins. She is laid out on the pedestal waiting to be fucked and filled by all the cocksmen. Though this may be Mia’s FIRST OFFICIAL GANGBANG, she knows how to keep a dick in each hand, one in her mouth, and one in her pussy at all times. You can tell Mia loves being used and doing what the Cocksmen tell her. Rico is the first to fuck Mia in her tight pussy and he’s followed up by all the other cocksmen wanting to get a piece....

2 years ago
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LilyChapter 2

The bed creaked softly in the otherwise quiet, dark room. Lily's legs were in the air, spread wide, and the wonderful dream she had the previous night was between them, pumping his morning wood into her while he kissed her neck. Her sweet honey pot sucked him in like nothing he'd ever felt before, warm and sticky, wet and open for him. Her "honey" was overflowing, so that it squelched with each thrust, a naughty little sound that only the two of them could hear, one that made both of them...

2 years ago
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To Be WantedChapter 2

CAL I saw Jesse a half-dozen times after she left the hospital. The first time I took her to lunch at the Mexican place by the railroad tracks. We got there early like I was wont to do. That meant that we had to help sort the pinto beans, an honored tradition for regulars. That was always worth a Tiny. I grabbed a water glass for Jesse and filled it with half the beer. It was fun, picking the rocks and detritus out of the beans. We talked about nothing and everything, laughing a lot. I was...

2 years ago
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The Ah KungChapter 10

In the morning Roger woke up to the smell of eggs cooking and he threw on a robe and went into the kitchen. Lei had fixed a bowl of fruit in yogurt and had scrambled a couple of eggs for him. She was dressed in a pajama bottom and a black bra. She jumped when she turned and saw him, "I didn't know what you like for breakfast so I fixed what you had in the refrigerator. You don't have any tea. I don't know how to make coffee so you'll have to show me." Roger walked to the coffee pot...

2 years ago
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Pathways Part 8

Part 8 I finished my shift, working as quickly as possible. I didn't want to be here but if I didn't keep control of my thoughts I would find myself flirting with some guy and begging for a private dance. I had to think not to slip into Roxana and god forbid, Roxy. When I found a quiet place I could even force myself back to Riley, but it was very hard. Thoughts and memories would slip in and I had to question each and every one. I found I could reach a balance between the three...

3 years ago
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My great experience with my student in america

Hi, I’m John from Bombay. When we were growing up in Chembur, Bombay we Had lots of fun with Kamvaali baais and these are fond memories now. This story is about my sexual adventures in America back in the late 80’s When I came here to study. I came to the University of Kentucky to study my Computer Engineering and lived with An Indian family to cut down on my rent. This as a middle aged couple and they Had a 19 year old daughter. As time went by I became very good friends with all of them And...

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Emmas Casting Couch 2

“I cannot believe what just happened here,” Peters gasped once he was alone with his assistant. “I just groped a Disney princess! I was not supposed to enjoy that, but...” “I couldn’t help it either,” Brian assured him. “She’s just too hot. God, I’ve never been so hard in my life, seeing her twerk like that, shaking her ass like a little-” Brian’s hand flew over his mouth at once, a ghastly pall covered his face like a veil. He began frantically sputtering out an explanation, but Peters simply...

1 year ago
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Then his mom walked in

It was a early Saturday morning. Daves mom does not she usually stays home and reads or takes care of the flowers. Dave is 15 i was 17 and i always liked him of course as a friend but always a little more and i always told myself if i ever got the chance i would do whatever he wanted me to. i went over his house it was about 11:00 in the morning and there was Dave's mom she was nothin special she was about 5'7 150 curly black hair small but perky chest and a real small cute ass that i always...

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Shelly On The FarmChapter 2

I'd been to Uncle Nat's farm once before when I was ten and as the Greyhound droned and swayed up the highway toward Connerton I thought back about that summer almost six years in the past. Uncle Nat was my only living kin, the brother of my real father. He had two sons, one older than myself by a couple of years and the other a grade behind me in school. Most of my memories of the country were hazy, but there were certain details I did recall-- like the way the boys took me into the barn...

2 years ago
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Anal Fuck

A while later I could feel that an erection is about to develop as my cock started to feel hard. However, she opted to give me a blow job again and as time was getting a bit late we went into the bathroom. I immediately exposed my cock and bending down on her knees she took the whole 8 inches into her mouth. I fucked her mouth by holding her head with my two hands and unable for her to move away she just kept the her mouth open to accommodate my cock. This was a great fuck as normally a blowjob...

1 year ago
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Cousin Calamity

I grew up in a predominantly blue-collar Catholic family back in the sixties and seventies. My father was one of thirteen children. Nine of them were male, and the other four sisters. Strangely, all four sisters lived far away, and we seldom saw them. Five of the brothers lived in the same suburb and we interacted very frequently. My mother was one of four sisters, who also lived rather nearby. Our home was like a busy train station, because my dad was a very outgoing person, and loved having...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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The Wonderfully Naughty Wizard of Oz Chapter 2

Dorothy sat on her knees looking around at Oz. The lush green grass, the bright blue sky and the glimmer of the gold road was all that she had remembered. Memories of her journey through Oz with the Scarecrow, Tinman and Cowardly Lion came flashing back. The memory of the city of Oz, the wicked witch and her castle and the munchkins filled her heart with joy that she hadn't felt in such a long time.As she stood up Dorothy realized she was in a part of Oz she had never seen before. She walked up...

3 years ago
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Harem Piece

I was finally done with my work. To release my stress, I decided to read One Piece. But today was a special day! It was the premier of chapter 1000 of One Piece! Finally, it had felt like ages but it was finally here. I switch on my phone while on the elevator and search up reddit, browsing for a scanlation because I just couldn't wait for the official release. I found a post with a sketchy link but I decided to take my chances. What's the worse that could happen? That was when my phone...

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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 146

We got home. We got home and for the next few months, life was ordinary. I played some golf, I played some tennis. I sold some property. Richard badgered me into teaching some Real Estate courses - since he got roped into the commission job I dodged. Gloria conned me into another one of her committees - and sweet talked Ivan and Zane into catering the meetings and events for her. I made sure that everyone who was certified for something took the classes or tests or whatever to stay...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 73 Another Fine Mess

August 28, 1994, Chicago, Illinois The phone rang in my study at 5:42am. I extricated myself from my cuddling with Birgit and hurried to my office. “Steve? This is Kathy. Bethany and Tom had their baby about twenty minutes ago!” “Fantastic!” I exclaimed. “Details?” “Eight pounds on the nose. His name is Robert Thomas Quinn, and they plan to call him ‘Bobby’.” “Very, very cool. Mom and son are doing OK?” “Absolutely. Nicholas is ecstatic.” I chuckled, “I bet. I’ll let Jesse know there’s...

2 years ago
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Im EighteenChapter 2

The car blew a tire just south of Bakersfield, and we had to back track almost as far as we had traveled. A second tire went just before we hit Los Angeles, and where we were going to turn east towards Las Vegas. But luckily there was a gas station within walking distance, and we were on the road again within an hour. Our mad money dwindling fast, as I had to pay to have both tires installed. But the situation only got worse, as the mechanic at the gas station informed me that I had a leak...

4 years ago
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You Me Her

I answer the door naked. Why? Because since I like being that way and we are both nervous, this will help to put her at ease. Seeing me unclothed and bear before you, I cannot deny you this or much of anything else. I stand back as you two enter the room. We smile at each other but nothing more. She is pretty, just like I thought she would be. You pull out the only chair for her as she sits. You take the bed and I sit in the window, of course.After what feels like an hour of time passes you...

2 years ago
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GFS Bestfriend pt4

Charmaine woke up the next morning at 9, head hurting. Danny woke up with her, feeling ok. Feeling great, in fact. He was 5 hours or so removed from fucking his dream woman!Charmaine went into the spare room to awaken her friend. Liz woke up, a little hurting herself. They talked briefly before Charmaine headed for the shower. As soon as Danny heard the shower, he went straight for the spare room, wearing only a T-shirt and boxers. When he saw Liz he was hard instantly.The blankets were thrown...

1 year ago
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More of our adventures

After our wild "accidental" night, Kathy and I invited Rick and Jill for supper the next weekend with the hope that they would spend the night. That way we could maybe fuck more than once. When they got to our house we made small talk. None of us was sure that we wanted to do a repeat of the past weekend. I was sure. I didn't want to just start grabbing Jill; we were still on a kind of "date" basis. Anyway, we were talking and drinking and I kept fantasizing about Jill's naked bod. Jill is...

3 years ago
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Verry Incestuous Relations 2

CHAPTER 2 Testing The Aphrodisiac Theory A. ? Aphrodisiac Research & Field Testing: During the few days that had passed since the twins had tricked their cousin Margie into drinking down a glass filled with both of their cum shots, for the sole purpose of making her pay for dressing so enticingly that she had given them painful hard-ons, without being considerate enough to provide them with the opportunity the use some part of her astoundingly curved, scantily clad,...

2 years ago
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Bettys Garden At Sunrise

As I opened my eyes it took me a moment to realize where I was.Betty's bedroom. The sunlight was beginning to creep in through the window as I lifted up my head and looked around.Betty was sitting on the lower half of the bed, by my knee, with her legs underneath her. The green satin nightgown was gone.Her head was slightly tilted off to one side and I followed her gaze to the slumbering cock laying across the lower part of my stomach."Good morning," I said quietly.Her eyes moved to my face,...

1 year ago
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The Bending of Little Miss Straight

I woke up sluggishly with a thumping head and didn't need a doctor to tell me I was intensely hung-over. As my eyes half opened, I was immediately conscious that my arm was draped over somebody else and judging by the curly blond hair and the soft feel to her skin I could tell it was another female, a naked one at that. I lifted the duvet to look at my body and confirmed what I suspected, that I was also totally bare. I feverishly tried to remember the events that had led to my being in bed...

2 years ago
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Neighbour Affair

A new family came to stay in our colony a few months ago. As they were new and I happened to be passing by uncle asked me for some help with unloading his luggage. We had a brief introduction and found out that his name is Mr. Rohit Deshmukh, he was married and his wife’s name was Sujata and they had no c***dren. While I was talking with him suddenly a lady came towards us from behind the tempo which had their stuff. She must be around 35. Not so thin, not very fat just perfect, the best part...

3 years ago
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Femme Your Hubby FAQ 2

Title: Femme Your Hubby - FAQ #2 Author: A. K. Remenko Questions should be e-mailed to [email protected]. Flames and the like will be ignored and cheerfully deleted. Questions don't necessarily reach the list predicated on frequency only, those that are especially illuminating or illustrate basic concepts well or are of special academic interest will move to the head of the class. Not for dissemination to minors under any circumstance(s). Preface to FAQ #2: The author...

3 years ago
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How strange it felt to be lying next to such a young temptress, after years of lonely dejection. The waif had entered my life unexpectedly, with loud attire and greased hair that was strangely out of place for the delicate features it crowned. Lost and lonely too, she fronted an indifferent attitude and a vehement distaste for authority. One third my age, her speech was filled with colloquialisms I’d never heard of, while her mannerisms reeked of immaturity. Beneath her oppressive front,...

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