Jessie s Fantasy Chapter 1 Losing a Bet
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I Didn’t Mind Losing This Bet
By Player One
My name is JoAnne. I met the man who was to become my Master through his cousin during a summer visit. I was 19 and Bill was 23. This was 40 years ago, but I can still remember it as if it had happened earlier today. Even at the age of 19, I had had several short term relationships with various men. I had loved to fuck ever since I had felt my first cock in my pussy, just before I turned sweet 16. To be honest with you, short term relationships were all I ever wanted. No going steady or the boyfriend/girlfriend type of thing. I dated just about anyone who had asked me out and I fucked most of them.
When I was first introduced to Bill, my whole world was turned upside down and inside out. His cousin had brought me to his house to meet him. He was visiting for a month and Cousin Bud thought it would be a really nice gesture on his part to introduce Cousin Bill to a real live nymphomaniac. I had never been fond of being referred to as a ‘nympho’ but I guess I had earned the title because, back then, I would eagerly suck and fuck almost any two legged dick that would come my way. I was also called a ‘cum slut’ because of my craving for the white creamy fluid. I could cum just by bringing a guy off with my hand and watching every last spurt of his cum shooting out of the tiny hole at the end of his hard cock and then licking it all up from where ever it had landed.
I have no idea what had happened to me when I walked into the house that fateful day but, and this is the God’s honest truth, when Bill stood up and held out his hand to me, I looked into his beautiful green eyes and felt as if my entire being, from heart to soul, had just been opened up and exposed for the entire world to look at in intimate detail. This handsome man, with long auburn hair kept in a ponytail, turned my entire body into jello. My knees became wobbly, my body was suddenly shaking, my usual confidence and expounding approach, when first introduced to a man, came off like a mumbling, stuttering, corner talking moron. I had never felt so inadequate, helpless, useless, or totally brainless in my life. I always took control with men. I have a very pretty face, gorgeous tits, a fantastic body, and a sexual aura that turns heads toward me by men two blocks away. I was suddenly turned into this dumb, flatchested, shapeless, ugly female virgin who could only stutter and stare at the floor in embarrassment. What the hell was happening to me?
His first words to me were: ?Hi JoAnne. I’m so pleased to meet you. From your reaction and what I see in your eyes, I must be the first man with whom you will do anything I wish or ask of you.?
This put me into shock. I had no idea how to respond to that. My mind was trying to grasp onto any form of self confidence and dignity it could find. All I could do was look into his eyes once again and I suddenly felt that he was actually inside of me and looking at my thoughts and desires. It wasn’t threatening. As a matter of fact, it was very calming, and I suddenly felt myself becoming very peaceful and secure in his presence. With a surge of new confidence, I said to him: ?You are the first man I have ever met who can freely do anything he wants with me.?
And that was our first meeting. Within a year I had earned his collar. I had become the woman I was always trying to hide from myself and everybody else. I trained hard and long and learned submission, obedience, trust, honesty, and then came to realize the greatest and deepest feelings of love that could possibly exist in this world. And, I became a complete woman in every way.
That’s how we met. We have been together for 40 years. I wanted to tell you about that before I told you about the bet we made the very next day. Well?.. It wasn’t the usual kind of bet. A ‘challenge’ would be a much better word to use.
Cousin Bud and his wife fixed up a beautiful dinner that first evening that I had met my future Master. Every date I had ever had started out with some food, then some booze (even at age 16), followed by a make out session with lots of touchy/feely, and finally to the sucking and fucking that I craved so much. This first evening with Bill didn’t exactly go in that direction. We all ate a nice dinner and then adjourned into the living room where a fireplace was glowing with dancing flames. We all enjoyed a few after dinner drinks and the four of us just simply talked, and laughed, and told stories and other lies until the early hours of the next morning. We had a fantastic time. I was just overwhelmed with awe for this new man who treated me with respect and consideration. He looked at me as a sensual woman rather than as a sexual object. I wasn’t just another wet cunt to stick his dick in and shoot his load, as I was to every other man I had ever met. By the time the evening was over, I had no doubt in my mind that I would do anything he asked or commanded, and I mean absolutely anything, anywhere, anytime, no matter what it was that he wanted me to do. He could do anything to me and I would do anything for him. And that meant privately, publically, on a stage, in a fully packed stadium, in the middle of town, or out in the countryside. Anything. Anywhere. Anytime. No exceptions. And that petrified me. That was not ‘me’ at all. That was somebody entirely different that I had never met. I had no idea what was happening to me.
Bill took me home just a little after 3 a.m. in the morning. He walked me to the door, gave me a light kiss on the lips, told me he was very happy that we had met, told me to meet him at 12 noon at a famous local hot dog stand outside of town, and just simply walked back to his car and left without waiting for any response from me. I was to meet him and that was all there was to it.
I went into my apartment in a total daze and spent the next hour masturbating over and over again to his image in my mind. I came at least four times in that hour. I couldn’t help it. My dreams that night were of me being tied up, spanked, paddled, handcuffed, paraded around naked, and performing all sorts of weird and unusual sex acts on a stage that was lit up so brightly I couldn’t tell if Bill was the only one in the audience or whether every seat was filled. In one dream sequence, there was a neon sign hanging on my bedroom wall that was flashing ?DANGER!!! YOU ARE PROBABLY BEING WATCHED RIGHT NOW!!!? And that’s how he started turning my world upside down.
I woke up at 10:30 a.m. I took a shower, washed my hair, shaved my legs and underarms, and toweled my body dry. An idea suddenly popped into my head and I shaved my pussy too. I have done that a few times over the years but, for the most part, I just keep it trimmed short and neat. When I finished with the electric trimmer and the razor, my entire pussy was totally hairless and as smooth as a baby’s hind end. I had even used the electric trimmer to shave off any of the hairs around my asshole as best as I could.
Since it was the beginning of summer and would be in the upper 70’s all day, I put on a sundress that I love to wear, which is really sexy, without being vulgar. It had a reinforced bodice so a bra was totally unnecessary. And, in this case, was totally unwanted. I put on a nice pair of lightly colored panties and retrieved a pair of leather sandals from the back of my closet. My hair was in a casual ponytail just like Bill’s, except that mine was a whole lot longer. I left my apartment, got into my car, and drove directly to the hot dog stand where Bill had told me to meet him at 12 noon. I was there at 11:55. He was pulling into the parking lot at the exact same time that I was pulling in. We parked side by side on the very outside edge of this humongous open parking area that served as an overflow for the shopping center on the far side.. After saying our hellos, Bill took my hand into his and we walked across this extremely large parking lot toward the small fast food joint that was in one corner as if we had been boyfriend/girlfriend for years. He told me I looked beautiful and ‘far out sexy’. My heart was racing like the Daytona 500.
We walked through the door, up to the counter and ordered hot dogs, potato salad, and lemonade. We received a number tag and Bill led me to the table in the farthest rear corner of the little restaurant. Our food came soon after that and we spent the next half hour eating and talking casually about general topics of interest.
When we had finished with our lunch and the table had been cleared, Bill took both of my hands in his, looked straight into my eyes (which meant he was also looking inside of me), and asked me if I would like to play a little game that would determine what we were going to do together for the rest of the day. I had asked him what kind of game and he said it was sort of like a toss of the coin, a drawing of a card, or maybe even like a bet.
I don’t know why, but I had instant total trust in this man from the moment I had first met him. I said OK to the game and asked what the winner was going to get.
This is what he said to me: ?Both of us will win this game. We can do this two different ways JoAnne. The first is that we will each write a number 1 or 2 on a piece of paper. Then we will show each other our numbers. If they match, I will spend the entire day doing whatever you want me to do with you. If they don’t match, you will spend the entire day totally naked doing anything I want with you, no matter what it is. The only other option you have is to just simply ask me to allow you to be naked all day and beg me to do anything I want with you. You are going to beg me to allow you to become my submissive sex slave for a month anyway, before this day is over. And, I might add, you are going to ask me, on your own volition, to allow you to sign a statement of ownership that will make you my own personal property.?
This guy didn’t waste any time. We had just met not too many hours earlier and we were already working out plans for a day of my being naked and doing whatever he wanted me to do. And then voluntarily giving away all of my own personal freedom to become owned by him for 30 days. This was really getting very far out there. And it was getting there awfully fast.
?You are going in a direction that scares the hell out of me Bill. I’m no virgin to sex but what you are discussing with me is a lot more involved than just the usual ‘wham bam thank you ma’am' sort of thing. You seem to be under the impression that I am some sort of a mindless female who doesn’t have anything to say about what I am going to do or not do. That maybe I’m too fucking stupid to do anything but blindly let you do anything you want with me. That’s quite an assumption on your part.?
?You are absolutely right JoAnne. I have been very presumptive. I apologize for that. I am actually guilty of testing you. I can very well understand if you are pissed off at me, but this is something that just came into my head the moment I met you. I have never conducted myself in this overbearing manner with any woman I have just met. When I looked into your eyes last night, I could actually see a craving need to experiment with submission deep down inside of you. But I also saw a wall of fear blocking this need from coming to the surface. I decided instantly to take the risk of confronting this secret desire in your heart. It seemed like you were silently shouting out to me to come in and help you tear down that wall of fear. I’m not usually this aggressive with someone I have just met and I hope you will forgive me.?
?Of course I forgive you. I am embarrassed by what you have just told me. I have never told anyone of my dreams or fantasies about having a man telling me what to do and then doing it without question. When you first looked into my eyes, I could feel your presence throughout my body. It scared the hell out of me because I knew you could probably see all of my secrets and fears and that’s quite an unnerving experience. I couldn’t understand how anyone could do what you were doing. After I first got past all the fear and the shock of what I was feeling, I was able to put up a bit of a counter response.
The main problem I had was that what you were probably seeing was actually something very real but extremely private to me. Then again, I really didn’t know what you were seeing. You really did a psyche number on my head there Cousin Bill.?
?I did succeed in getting you to react and respond though. That was my objective. I knew instantly, the second I saw you, that you were someone very special and I was right. You are very special. You are so special that I’m not going to waste any time playing games and bull shit. I think it best that you make a choice, right now, as to whether or not you want to commit yourself to having a growing trust in me and vowing your absolute honesty, no matter how embarrassing or humiliating that might be. If you don’t feel that you want to begin working on that, then we should probably call it a day. I will be here for a month, so that opens up several other options too. I will tell you one thing?. You may not believe this right at this moment but, a submissive unquestionably controls everything. One way or another, nothing will ever happen that she doesn’t allow to happen. She can stop anything at any time. That’s a little tidbit to keep in the back of your mind should you need some reassurance. If all of this is too sudden or too confrontational for you, then we can enjoy each other’s company off and on over the next four weeks that I’m going to be here, if you would enjoy that. We can go out together on ‘dates’ more or less. I will leave that all up to you.?
?I do trust you now or I wouldn’t be here. As far as honesty goes, I have never been totally honest with anyone in my life. And that includes me. What you are asking of me may not be possible but, for you, I will do my utmost to be honest with you. I may not succeed, but I will give it my best shot. As far as being owned by you and being your submissive slave, we will see about that as we go along. You intrigue me and I am indeed interested in possibly exploring your presumed goals for me. Let’s look at this as your challenging me to find out who I really am, what I need, and where I want to go with it.?
?I will accept that JoAnne. Here is what you must do if you don’t think you are being honest with me. Tell me that you don’t think you can be honest with me at that time and we will work through it together. That is what builds the trust that is going to be needed between us. One of the most destructive things you can do to a relationship of any kind is being dishonest. Even in the tiniest little way. It will eventually catch up to you and bite you on the ass. If I’ve gotten your curiosity and interest fired up at all, please don’t agree to anything further unless you can make a personal commitment to yourself first, and then to me, that trust and honesty will never be deliberately violated under any circumstances, no matter how scary, embarrassing, humiliating, or emotionally upsetting it may be. If you can make that promise, you are going to have a door opened up to you that will change your entire life in a way you never thought possible.?
?You’re not going to give me any time to think this over, are you??
?Sure I will. You have 30 minutes. The less time you take, the more adventure you will have this afternoon and evening. This new life I am talking about is one based on natural instinct, not long thought out rationalization like the world you are in now.?
?May I ask you a few questions??
?Yes you may. with the stipulation that you will address me as Sir whenever you speak to me.?
?May I ask you a few questions, Sir??
?You may ask only one while we are here. Should you need to have a second question answered immediately, you will have to pay a price for it.?
?You seem to be deliberately trying to scare me off Bill. Uhhh, Sir. This is all so very scary to me. I’m not sure I want to take the step that you are demanding of me. This even sounds like a smooth talking con game.?
?I’m not demanding anything at all slut girl. You call me ‘Sir’ and I will call you ‘slut’ or any of several other possible names that may fit at that moment. The options are all yours. They are totally and completely yours. The decision in making a choice is all yours. Even thinking about it at all is your option. If you really believe this is actually a con game and that I would waste the very short time I have for my vacation, then we can end this right now if you chose to do so.?
?OK Sir. I will ask you a question and then make my decision.?
?If I allow you to ask me a question now, after all of this circling of the wagons that you have been doing since we got here, I will require that you place one finger inside of your pussy while asking the question and then move it to your clit while I give you the answer.?
?You’ve got to be kidding me!!! You want me to do that right here? You want me to play with my pussy in this restaurant? With more and more people arriving by the minute that might very well see me? Uhhh?..Sir??
?You can easily sneak a hand under that sundress without anybody seeing what you are doing. My body blocks nearly everybody’s view from most of the dining area and there aren’t many people anywhere else at the moment.?
?Oh God?? I guess I have to see where this goes. If I turn this down I will probably regret it for the rest of my life.?
I looked in all directions around the entire restaurant. To anybody who happened to be looking in my direction, I’m sure they would get the instant impression that I was trying to hide something. I looked absolutely guilty. I told myself to calm down, take a deep breath and to look at Bill, oh shit, I mean Sir, like we were engaged in a casual conversation. I doubt that anyone would even notice us if we would do that.
I breathed deeply a couple of times, looked straight into his eyes, and we locked into a stare. He could probably tell that my arm was moving slightly. After a few seconds, I told him that I had one finger completely inserted into my vagina. He immediately told me that I could only use slang words to describe the sexual areas of my body. No vagina allowed. Words like pussy, cunt, cooze, crack, slice, snatch, twat, or fuck hole were acceptable. OK?.. So I told him that I had moved my hand under my dress until I had pushed it under my panties and over my pussy. I had one finger that I managed to push into my cooze, past the crack, through the slice, and into my soaking wet snatch where I was now pushing it slowly but steadily in and out of my fuck hole which has caused my entire twat to get soaked and my cunt was now on fire.
I could barely keep a straight face while saying that and he was having just as much trouble as I was. We both finally started laughing and the tension just disappeared.
?What is your question slut??
I leaned forward and put my face only inches in front of his, stared hard and direct into his oh so green eyes, and asked, ?What exactly is a submissive??
I immediately pulled my finger out of my pussy and placed it on top of my clit and just pushed lightly up and down on the little soaking wet head.
?You are a submissive and I can prove it to you without a doubt in your mind. You always have been, but you never wanted to recognize it because you had absolutely no idea what to do with it and it scared the hell out of you to even think about it. Did you move your finger out of your pussy and place it on top of your clit as I told you to do a few minutes ago??
?Yes Sir. I did. I almost forgot. but you had told me to move my finger to my clit while you answered my question, and I did just that.?
?There you go. That proves that you are a submissive. You obeyed me because you actually want me to tell you to do things that you don’t have to courage to do on your own. I often say that a submissive wants to do it and a slave has to do it, but that is only partially true in the strictest sense. A slave will more likely crave to be used and controlled while a submissive craves to be discovered. That’s my own personal viewpoint and definitely not the universal concept. By the end of the day, both slave and submissive will share a great number of the same cravings. It’s just the different original motivation that I am referring to. Every waking moment of every day, for a submissive or slave, is totally and absolutely dedicated to the wishes and pleasures of her Master. She expects nothing in return nor does she want anything in return. Her entire focus is centered on obedience, commitment, and the completion of any order, command, desire, wish, or need of her Master. Every rule is to be followed exactly and every duty is to be completed perfectly. Her thoughts are to never focus on her needs or desires at any time. Her needs and desires are under the total, and absolute, control of her Master and he will choose if, and when, she will experience any personal pleasure or sexual fulfillment. The one single purpose for her entire life is providing for her Master’s pleasure and his personal use. In return for her dedication, her Master will provide everything his submissive may need at his discretion. He may or may not allow her pleasure. That is his choice to make. He will keep her safe and protected at all times. And he will teach her and train her in everything she needs to know to become a true submissive. He will punish her by any means he feels necessary to keep her on the path he wishes for her to follow. Whenever she wanders, she will be punished in some manner. The desired end result will be an ever growing life of trust, honesty, pleasure, fulfillment, love, and happiness. She will ultimately wear his personal collar or insignia when she has earned it. And she will wear it with pride.?
I just froze there in silence as I stared directly into his eyes. I had heard every word he had so softly spoken to me. He had moved his mouth right next to my ear and had whispered everything he had just said to me. He moved his head back in front of me when he had finished speaking and resumed our eye contact once again. He had spoken those words with so much love, and beauty and tenderness, that I could actually see his eyes dilate and beckon for me to come inside. My clit was so swelled up it felt like it was going to explode from the pressure. I instantly moved my finger back inside of my sloppy wet hole. That is what actually convinced me to say yes. At that moment, I knew that I wanted to become his submissive. I was already acting as his submissive by obeying what he had told me to do with my finger in my pussy and on my clit. There was absolutely no doubt in my mind right at that moment in time. That was what I wanted more than anything in the world. It didn’t seem to matter that I was scared shitless and shaking like a leaf in a hurricane. But I had to ignore those emotions. I needed to put my finger back on top of my clit. Since I had another question, I had to leave it in my vagina, uhhh, pussy.
?You leave in a month Sir. What can you do in a month? And what happens after the month is over and you are gone and I no longer have you in my life? What does all of this mean? You get free use of my body to do anything you want to do with it and then go home? What do I do then??
And my finger moved back into my juicy wet crack and onto my now very swelled up clit, but then put it right back into my hole because he hadn’t begun answering my questions yet.
?Hold on there little slut girl. I told you that you would have to pay to ask more questions while we were in here and you just asked me four of them in one breath. If you have once again proved beyond all doubt that you are a submissive and your finger is back inside of your pussy, take your finger out of your cunt and rub it in circles over the top of your clit. You cannot, and will not, cum. If you feel yourself getting too close, stop moving your finger and tell me about it. Never forget that cuming without my permission at any time, whether I am there or not, is one of the most serious violations of your required personal conduct that you could possibly commit. The punishment is severe and it could very well mean your rejection as my submissive trainee if I determine that you acted in pure defiance of my wishes.?
I slowly removed my soaking wet finger back out of my pussy once again, and had no trouble putting it back on top of my clit. My clit was still fully erect and sticking its shiny little head out from under its fleshy hood. If I could have lifted my dress up at that moment, my clit would have been clearly visible, sticking its little whitish pink head out in the open. My entire body jerked when contact was made by my finger on that perfect orgasmic triggering device. I quickly looked around to see if anyone was paying attention to us. There were now about 10 customers and none of them were paying any attention to us at all.
?Is your finger on your clit??
?Yes it is Sir.?
?Good. Keep your finger tip circling around your clit head and don’t stop until you can tell me that you are getting close to cuming.?
I did exactly as he told me to do. The more aroused I became, the faster I would go with my fingertip and the more sexually stimulated I became. If I pushed down on my clit, the stimulation doubled instantly so I made sure I kept a very light touch on my pussy’s nerve center. Sir stayed silent until I whispered that I was getting really close to cuming and he whispered to me to stop moving my finger. My face was still only inches from his and I was still completely mesmerized by his endless green eyes when he leaned forward and kissed the end of my nose. For the next minute or so, we just stared in silence, as before, until he spoke once again.
?You can start moving your fingertip again but move it all around your clit and not on top of the head.?
?Yes Sir. I am doing that now.?
?Good. Now I will answer your last four questions. At the end of my month of vacation, I’m going to take you with me back to California. Unless there is something more important that would keep you here, of course.?
I was stunned. My heart almost stopped beating. For a moment, my finger even stopped moving around my swelled up clitoris. Ooops?.I mean clit.
?No. There is nothing to keep me here except that I have never been anywhere but here. I don’t know anybody but here. The furthest I have ever gone from here is an occasional bus tour on a weekend with some of my girlfriends. I went to Vegas once. Otherwise, I have never left the Berkshire Mountains of Western Massachusetts in my entire life.?
?You mean 19 whole years??
?Well??yes Sir. That’s my whole life.?
?Are you planning to go to college??
?Not right away Sir. I plan to do that someday when I have money. My parents are gone. My grandmother raised me. Her sister lives with us too. I’m not exactly a part of their community. I work as a secretary in a law firm and spend most of my days typing until my fingers go numb.?
?Are you telling me that you have no problem about coming with me to California??
?Do you want me to go? Just like that? You want me to pack up, move to your house, and become your submissive, your sex slave and your property? You want me to become your permanent live-in toy to play with whenever the urge strikes??
?Only if you qualify during the next month. You may discover that this lifestyle is not for you. Or you may discover that you want nothing else.?
?So?.. What you are telling me then is, that I have to spend a month proving to you that I am willing for perform for you, willing to do anything you tell me to do no matter what it is, and beg you to do anything that you may want to do to me??
?That would be the gist of it. That’s several more questions you have asked me. Put your fingertip back on top of your clit head and put a finger from your other hand into your pussy and slowly fuck yourself with it until I tell you otherwise.?
I didn’t even think about it. I just snaked my other hand under my dress and pushed a finger into my cunt and started fucking it really slowly. We were still face to face and only inches apart and still locked onto each other’s eyes.
?You know Sir. I just did what you told me to do without even thinking about it. I just did it because you told me to do it and I wanted to do it. And I do want to please you so much. I’m not embarrassed at all to tell you that. As a matter of fact, it is making me very happy to tell you that I do have a craving need to please you in every way you want me to. Oh. There is one other thing Sir. I’m about to cum.?
?Then you had better cum quietly or all of these people will be watching you orgasm.?
He just casually told me to cum right there in the restaurant. With all the people sitting here eating their lunch and the clean-up girl walking around from table to table picking up the trash. The intensity of looking into his eyes increased tremendously. My body began to experience the flow of increased sexual pleasure emanating from my pussy and getting more powerful by the second. How the hell was I going to cum without all of these people in the restaurant knowing what was happening to me? I didn’t have any time to think about that. My orgasm began in my clit and spread down my legs and up my body and into my head. My nipples were standing straight out and the material of the dress rubbing on them increased the orgasmic energy even more. I normally yelled, moaned, twitched, body jerked, and occasionally squirted during an intense orgasm. I have never had to remain perfectly still and perfectly quiet during a good cum. I wasn’t sure I could even do that.
I slowed the movement of my fingers to a near dead stop. The orgasm peaked and my entire body went nuclear. But I remained silent. I don’t know how. All of my muscles twitched a little but I kept my body almost completely motionless. I began to perspire all over and every exposed inch of my body became shiny with sweat. Then I heard Master speaking to me.
?I’m watching your orgasm in your eyes. It is beautiful. And it is even more special knowing that you are cuming for me. Let it flow smoothly. Let it follow its course but keep it controlled. Don’t let it get away from you. That’s it Babe. Let it finish and start taking slow deep breaths. Take your hands away from your pussy and put them back up on the table. Hold onto my hands until it is all over and you begin to feel both the exhaustion and the fulfillment at the same time. Let everything come down and slow down and get back to normal. Your eyes are showing me everything. I can see your heartbeat. I can see everything that is you. And now you are mine.?
?Yes Master?.. I am yours. Maybe we should leave now if you so wish Sir. I have a feeling that there are a lot more things that you want to do with me for the rest of the day. And I want you to do anything that comes to mind and I will do anything to please you. It doesn’t matter what it is or where we do it. I just want so much for it to happen. I am yours to do with as you please. I’m turning every part of me over to you. My emotional being. My physical body. And all that I can do or have done to me sexually. I am yours and I won’t let you down or fail you to the best of my ability. I’m begging you to accept me as your submissive. I am giving you complete ownership of my life and well being. I am willingly turning my being over to your care and protection. And I do this with a commitment that cannot and will not ever be broken by me.?
I can’t believe I said all of that. I don’t even know where the words came from. I can’t believe everything that has happened today or since I met this man last night. What I am totally convinced of is that this man knows what I am, who I am, and what I need to become. And I’m going to trust him and my instincts completely.
?Let’s go out to the car. We will leave yours here for now and take mine. First, before we get out the door, go into the restroom area, go into the men’s room, remove your panties, and leave them on the sink.?
When we got to the front of the restaurant, I went through the door that said ‘Restrooms’ and stood outside the ‘Men’s Room’ door and listened for any noise indicating that someone might be inside. It was silent. I opened the door and stepped inside. As the door closed behind me I heard a noise coming from the stalls and instantly saw the two feet of someone sitting on the john. I only hesitated for a second before reaching under my sundress and hooking my thumbs in my panties. I pulled them off quickly and tossed them on the sink counter. I ducked out the door and I’m sure the guy in there never had a clue that I had been in and out while he sat doing his thing. I have actually wondered, for the last forty years, what that guy did when he came out of the stall and saw my thoroughly soaked panties lying on the counter.
We walked out into the parking lot and to our cars on the far outside edge. Master unlocked his car with the remote and I slide into the passenger seat. Everything was fresh leather and smelled wonderful. Master got into the driver’s seat and looked at me from top to bottom.
?Obedience is always to be instant and without hesitation. When I tell you to do something, you will do it immediately. You will not pause to think about it. You will not be able to decide whether you will do it or not. There will be no argument or questions about the command or what it is that I want you to do. You will just do it. Anything but instant obedience will be cause for punishment. Punishment for learning purposes is entirely different then punishment for disobedience. Deliberate disobedience is met with more severe punishment and can be grounds for your rejection. Do you understand and fully accept what I have said to you??
?Yes Sir. I do. May I ask you a question Sir??
?Certainly. What would you like to know??
?I am scared Sir. I am so frightened that I could pee. I know I want to learn and experience real submission. I guess I have always been submissive at heart but just covered it over by attempting to control everything. I have always been an honest person for the most part. I love to play games with sexual encounters but I try to be totally honest when talking with someone about most anything. I am feeling so much fear right now, just thinking about having to tell you the truth about everything. Personal things. Secret things. Humiliating things. Anything you might possibly want to know. Yesterday, at this time, I was just your normal average sexy girl who loved to fuck. Today I am a girl who has agreed to give my entire life to you without question. How can this be happening? You are the first person who has not only recognized my secret fantasies and desires, but now has complete control of them. That totally scares me Sir. Am I some sort of a freak or a sick psycho pervert??
?You were never just a normal sexy girl who just wanted to fuck. You were always a very special girl who desired a very special lifestyle and had absolutely no idea how to become that girl in real life. You have never had anyone to lead you in that direction and the fear was always too overwhelming to ask anyone to experiment with you. You successfully covered up every need, craving, and desire that burned inside of you since your first sexual awakening by becoming the town ‘Whore’. Guys love pussy. You have a pussy. To them, you were just another cunt who spread her legs for anybody. In reality, they controlled you. They used you. They could get pussy anywhere but they didn’t have to work for it with you. You just stripped, spread, and moaned. You have actually been a slave since your first sexual encounter four years ago. Blowjobs, pussy and ass anywhere they wanted it, any time they wanted it, and any way they wanted it. I don’t even have to ask if you have ever gone to a party and fucked every guy in the place. I know you have. I have no doubt you have done that several times. And you have always thought you were in control. You thought you were the beautiful sexy girl that everyone was in love with and dreamed about having sex with. The truth being that you have never been in control. You have walked around town for four years with a ‘Please Fuck Me’ tattoo on your forehead. I would have had no trouble at all last night getting you naked and on your hands and knees with your ass in the air so that I could stick my cock in your cunt and your asshole and then have you suck me off with your mouth. That’s what the town ‘Whore’ does best."
I had no idea that Master was going to say those harsh cruel things to me. The more he spoke, the more the hurt and the pain grew in my heart and in my gut. I just stared out the front window and didn’t move. Every word he was saying was so true. I have known it all along. I just never admitted it to myself. I couldn’t admit that to myself. I was the most desired woman in the entire town. I wasn’t a whore being used by everyone. Not such a beautiful and intelligent girl like me.
And the tears began to fill up in my eyes. My hands were folded together in my lap and my head was now bowed down and I was looking at my knees. As he talked, the tears began to run down my cheeks. Then they formed a stream of salt water that flowed over my cheeks and down to my chin. And the tears began dripping off my chin into my lap. And I couldn’t stop them. And he kept talking. The hurt and pain started turning into an emotional agony that I had never experienced before. Why was he doing this to me? I’m not this horrible person that he is describing in such detail. In such truthful detail. How did he know that I had done all of these things that he mentioned. How did he know that I once had a cock in my ass, my mouth, and my cunt at the same time? And one in each hand that I was keeping erect to replace the cocks already pumping in and out of my body.
I started sobbing as the pain of realization overwhelmed me. I felt like I needed to shrivel up and disappear before the emotional pain totally destroyed me. The sobbing kept increasing. If a stranger had walked by right then, they would have been convinced that I was having a seizure. My entire body was racked by this sudden uncontrolled emotional release. I lost all contact with reality. I just cried my heart out for I don’t know how long, until I felt an arm wrap around me and pull me to my left. The center console had been folded back from the seat and another arm wrapped around me from the front. They pulled me across the seat until I was being held tightly against Cousin Bill. Sir. Master. Whoever this miracle man was who had suddenly come into my life and had instantly turned it upside down and inside out. And I buried my face into his chest and just cried until there were no more tears left. 5 minutes? 20 minutes? An hour? I have no idea.
I slowly raised my head back up and looked into his face. Our eyes met again. I noticed that his eyes were wet and didn’t understand why. We just sat there looking into each other. All the way into our hearts and our souls. And I experienced intense wonderful love for the first time in my life.
?You are going to love California,? was all he said.
We sat there in the parking lot a while longer. Believe it or not, we started talking about monkeys. Cute ones, big ones, little ones, colorful ones, and we ended up taking about the internet video clip that showed a monkey swinging on a vine and poking the noses of two totally frustrated tigers as he swung by. Master asked me if I thought there was a moral to that video. I had told him I didn’t know but that it looked like as long as the monkey was confident in himself and was totally aware of the tigers and everything else around him that he would be OK. I added that if he got overconfident or arrogant and lost his edge of awareness by being careless, he would become dinner for the two big cats.
?If you can see all of that in a simple funny monkey video, you are way past being 19 years old my little toy slut.?
I know I’m not a blonde, and I did take that as a sincere compliment. And I apologize if I have offended any blondes by that comment.
?Take off your sundress.?
That just came out of nowhere. We were still parked on the outside of the parking lot by the shopping center and the hot dog stand. I must admit that I did think about that for a moment, but just for a moment. I had made the decision earlier that Master would never deliberately tell me to do something that would cause me harm in any way. Embarrassment and humiliation was a different story though, but not any harm. This obedience thing was going to take some serious practice before it became completely automatic. I pulled the shoulders of the dress downward over my arms and down until the top half was bunched at my waist. My tits were standing up proud, as were my very long nipples, as I thrust them out for Master’s very first view of them.
Master reached over and began squeezing and fondling each tit one at a time. He told me that my tits were firm and perfect in size. He said that these tits were going to get a lot of play time in the near future. I felt a thrill rush through my body as he played with them. He told me to turn toward him and he also turned toward me so we were facing each other as best you can while sitting on a car seat. Using both hands, he put each long hard nipple between a thumb and forefinger and began rolling and squeezing them. My nipples are super sensitive. I can actually cum from nipple stimulation alone when it is done in the right way under the right circumstances. I had been watching his hands the entire time he had been playing with my tits but lookup up instantly when he told me he wanted to look into my eyes.
?I am going to squeeze these gorgeous nipples harder and harder. I’m going to twist them as far around as I can and I’m going to pull them, and your tit flesh, as far out from your body as they will go and hold them there.
You are going to go through a whole gambit of physical responses. Some extremely arousing and some extremely painful. You will only look at me. You will not take your eyes away from mine. You will not make a sound no matter how much pain you may feel at any time. Nor will you make a sound should you experience greatly increased arousal at any time. Then I’m going to suck on them and bite them. I may bite them really hard but you will still not be allowed to make a sound. No moans or groans or expressions of discomfort. You will maintain complete controlled silence at all costs. Do you understand me??
?Yes Sir. I will do exactly as you say.?
He began by stimulating my nipples so sensually, and I was getting so hot that I knew I would eventually cum if he kept this up. At one point, I could see motion out of the corner of my eyes and knew that some people were walking by not too far away from the car. I didn’t really care if the entire world was watching me right then. All I concentrated on was controlling my physical reactions and keeping my eyes locked onto his.
Pain suddenly shot through my tits. Intense pain. He was twisting my nipples nearly 360 degrees around. He turned his hand as far in one direction as he could go and got a strong grip on my left nipple. He then slowly turned his hand completely around as far as it would go in the other direction. This twisted all of the flesh at the peak of my tit at the same time. He had a crushing grip on my nipple so that it wouldn’t slip out of from his finger and thumb lock. And he just held that position until tears of pain started forming in my eyes. It wasn’t all that long but it seemed like it was never going to end while it was happening. My lips started quivering and my hands formed into fists and my fingernails dug so hard into the flesh of my hand that I was sure that I was drawing blood. But I held my eyes solid on his. I wanted to scream in pain but I forced myself to remain silent. And then he just let the nipple go and my tit snapped back into its normal shape and the pain slowly disappeared. Not all of it, but most of it. I don’t know why he did that to me. I’m sure he would eventually tell me when he was finished with my tits and nips. He repeated the exact same thing to my right tit flesh and nipple. The only difference being that he held the twisted tip even longer. The pain from this grew even worse than the first time and several tears actually rolled down my cheeks. When he was finished with this tit torture, he began to roll my nipples in a really stimulating manner and the pain went away and beautiful arousal began to spread through my mounds and across my chest.
He leaned forward and began licking each nipple. Then he began sucking on each one. Taking the entire length into his mouth and sucking lightly or as hard as he could while flicking the tip with his tongue. When he began biting, they were just easy bites and I definitely loved my nipples being bitten and chewed on. I hoped he would never stop. Even when the bites started getting harder and more painful. He bit the tips and then the base and then anywhere else on the one inch shafts at random. Sometimes I think he sank his teeth three quarters of the way through each nipple. Back and forth he would go. He would squeeze my tit all out of shape and nearly bite my nipple clean off my body. But, I loved this kind of treatment. The pain is different than when the nipples are twisted and crushed between thumbs and forefingers. I have no explanation for that. If a guy I was with didn’t chew and bite my nips, I would ask him to do it and keep telling him to do it harder and harder. They often stopped because they were afraid of actually biting my nipple clean off the end of my tit. I’m sure Master was going to ask me about this when he was finished.
Master went back to sucking and tonguing my nips once again and the stimulating arousal began to intensify and spread out through my entire chest. His hand suddenly appeared between my legs and it was pushing each leg to open wider and wider. Back and forth his hand would go and push outward on the inner part of my knees and thighs. I finally had my legs spread as far as they would go with me sitting in the position I was in on the front seat of the car. We could certainly do this much more easily if we were lying on a bed or on the floor. His hand continued up my thighs as he began massaging each one as he progressed toward my pussy. He released my right nipple from his mouth and told me that I had permission to cum. His mouth went right back onto my right nipple and I felt his hand reach the outer lips of my pussy. My cunt. My snatch. My twat, Or whatever he wanted to call it at that time. He had also pushed up my dress toward the tops of my thighs and I was suddenly aware of my sexual essence. And it was strong after all of this activity since we had first arrived. My pussy was flowing like a river. With no panties, my dress had a huge wet spot where I was sitting on it. My lips parted and a finger slowly entered my cunt. Then two fingers. Within a minute, he had four fingers completely buried inside of me and pumping in and out at a steady rate. Then his thumb pushed down on top of my clit and my body exploded instantly. My entire body erupted in pure sexual release. My ass lifted completely off of the car seat and stayed in the air during the entire orgasm. Master had told me to remain silent while he used my tits and nipples but he hadn’t said anything about silence during an orgasm. The sound of aaaaaahhhhhhh began low in my stomach and worked its way up to my throat. It came out softly at first but got louder and louder and the orgasm progressed. I could feel myself cuming in my toes just to show how completely powerful this explosion became in a very short time. Without realizing it, I was screaming out my orgasm. I was glad the car was soundproofed or the entire shopping center would have heard me all the way from the outside edge of the parking lot. His thumb kept up on my clit and his fingers totally filled my cunt hole and his teeth kept biting my nipples while he sucked on them and his tongue lashed the tips. I had no idea that this could ever happen to me. I have had many pleasurable and wonderful orgasms but nothing came close to what I was experiencing at that moment. I lost all bodily control. I would twist and jerk and then just stiffen up into a arch and remain like that for a short time. Then it would happen all over again. It just kept hitting me over and over again until I finally collapsed and peed on the floor in front of the seat of his new car. I had lost all sense of time and place. I was disoriented and spaced out and mumbling something about losing my pussy and having to find it before it disappeared.
Master was now staring into my eyes again. His fingers were out of my pussy but his thumb was still touching my clit. As he stared into my eyes, his thumb would press down onto the top of what must be a huge, blood engorged clit shaft and head. He pushed down once every ten seconds or so. Each time his thumb made contact with that overwhelmingly sensitive clit head, my entire body would jerk up off of the seat and all my muscles would twitch and jump in every direction. Over and over he did this to me. I kept my eyes on his. I don’t know how but I was determined to let him see everything about me, inside and out, while I was in the throes of exquisite orgasmic fulfillment. This tapping of my clit went on for at least five minutes. It got to the point that I didn’t think I could take it any longer. Several minutes after that, Master finally stopped the pressure on my love nub and finally let me come back to Earth. I was soaking wet. My cunt was soaking wet. Master’s hands were soaking wet. Master’s car was soaking wet. And I finally knew what a real orgasm actually was.
Master released me and positioned me back into my seat facing the front of the car. I couldn’t raise my head to look out the window so I just closed my eyes and sat there with my head against the headrest. Master pulled a large rag out of the center console and leaned over to wipe up the small amount of piss on the floor in front of me. I apologized for messing up his car and told him I would clean it up thoroughly when I got a chance to do it. He said a carwash would take care of everything.
?Give me your sundress and sandals.?
I barely heard his voice but my hands reacted instantly and began pushing my sundress down over my hips and legs until it was all the way to my feet. I raised each foot off the floor one at a time and the sundress was in my hand. I handed it to Master. I removed each sandal and handed both of them to Master also. My eyes were still closed and I was still so weak from that orgasm that I really couldn’t move around too much. I heard Master open the door of the car and then heard the trunk lid pop open. Master got out of the car, the trunk lid closed, and he returned to his seat behind the wheel. I opened my eyes at this point and suddenly realized that I was completely naked and that he had put my dress and shoes in the trunk where I couldn’t get to them if I wanted to. I was totally naked in public and there was nothing I could do about it.
?I like your shaved pussy slut. You will keep it that way at all times. If I ever touch your cunt and feel hair stubble, I will apply 10 very hard strokes to your pussy with a thin paddle I have for just that purpose. If you choose to remain with me, we will have all of your pubic and anal hair removed permanently. I want you to know that you have pleased me greatly today. You are indeed a very special woman. You are not a girl anymore. I’m most impressed with your telling me that you will do something and then you do it. I am pleased that you have enough trust in me to have done everything you have done so far. I know that trust will grow at a tremendous rate now that you have begun to understand that all of this is real and not just a con game. I have not tested your honesty yet but I will be doing that frequently from now on. Without total honesty, you will fail, so we will engage in doing that until you fully understand the true meaning of your inner truth. When you realize that, you must tell me of your failures as well as your successes each day or your goals will never be reached.
I want you to stay silent for a while. Not long. But I want you to use this short time to go through everything you have experienced today in your head. I want you to think about all of your physical and emotional responses that you have experienced. I want you to summarize everything for me when I ask you to do so. And, lastly, I want you to tell me a few of your secret desires and super secret sexual fantasies that you have never experienced.?
Master started up the car and we drove out of the parking lot onto the main highway out of town. I had no idea where we were going but I did know that I was now riding on a public highway totally naked and my clothes were locked in the trunk. What was he going to have me do now?
We drove for nearly an hour. We chatted about things we saw along the way. The countryside was in full bloom and really beautiful. At one point, Master asked me if I enjoyed masturbating while being watched. I told him that I had once fingered myself at a party while being closely watched by both men and women but had not finished to climax. I told him that I had never started from the beginning and masturbated to climax with someone watching.
?I want you to put your right foot up on the dashboard and your left foot over the back of the seat and masturbate until you cum. I want you to tell me everything that is happening to you as you go along.?
The thought of this really turned me on to no end. I turned on the seat so that I was laying on my back with my head against the door. One foot on the dash and the other hooked behind Master’s headrest. My pussy was spread wide open and was right next to his leg. I did have the thought that if we drove past a semi or any other large truck, that the driver was going to get a very clear view of a totally naked woman playing with herself in the car next to him.
I did the entire masturbation scene and came like crazy. Nothing like in the parking lot of the hot dog stand but it was a really good cum. We passed a few trucks along the way but none honked so I have no idea if anyone saw me.
We pulled into a small shopping center in a small town we were passing through. We parked on the outside back edge and Master ordered me to stay put in the car. What the hell else was I gonna do totally bare assed naked? Master went inside a shop and returned in 15 minutes with a brand new sundress, a pair of shorts, a cute top, and a new pair of white tennis shoes.
?I forgot to ask you for your size so I told the girl inside you were exactly the same height as her with slightly smaller tits. This is what she picked out. She asked me where you were and I told her you were in the car. She asked why I hadn’t brought you in and I told her you were naked. She asked if she could come out and join us and I told her that would not be a problem. She will be here in 10 minutes when her break starts.?
I was dumbfounded and speechless. He had actually invited another person to join us with me totally naked? And a girl? I had no idea what was going through his devious perverted mind but I guess I was going to find out really soon. 10 minutes to be exact. I had never done anything with another girl other then tongue kiss one on a dare at a party one time.
?What exactly are you planning for me Master? It’s going to be terribly humiliating for me to have a complete stranger come out here and sit in the car with us while I am completely naked. Especially a girl.?
?You will see. You swore obedience and that is what I expect from you no matter what situation you are put into. Do you have a problem with that? Are you having second thoughts already??
?No Sir. Not at all. I’m just a beginner and all of this is completely new to me. I’m just now beginning to understand the meaning of telling you that I will do anything for you and that you can do anything to me. That implication didn’t actually hit home until the second you told me another person was coming out here to the car while I am totally nude.?
?OK cum slut. I will be a little more gentle with you since you are just being introduced to submission training. The girl coming out is named Tracy. She is a gal I have known for a couple of years. She’s 36 and enjoys sex with men or women. We are going to a cabin my family owns on a lake near here. We are going to stay there for the entire month of my vacation. Just you, me, and maybe Tracy, if she can get some time to join us on occasion. On Monday, you will call your work and tell them that you are sick and won’t be in for a couple of days. These will be the only days I interfere with your job until the end of the month. You will obey Tracy just as you obey me. She is a practicing bondage slave. She craves pain and can have an amazing orgasm while being whipped on her tits and pussy with a riding crop. We aren’t going to get involved in anything serious. The three of us are going to play and have fun for a few days. I want you to see and experience several different kinds of people in this new lifestyle that you are just now beginning to enter. I will never allow things to get out of hand and I will always keep you safe. Don’t ever forget that.?
?I won’t Master. I can’t help being scared though. I know that will go away, but it is here for now, and I don’t think it will go away any time soon.?
?That’s why we call it ‘training’.?
At that very moment, I saw a gorgeous blonde haired girl with an absolutely fantastic body come out of the store Master had gone into earlier. She was dressed perfectly. She reached the bottom of the steps and turned directly toward our car. Oh God??. This is Tracy? What am I going to have to do with her?
Tracy walked casually over to where we were parked and opened the back passenger side door and got in. She even smelled perfect. I was so nervous and humiliated having to sit there naked.
?Hi Tracy. I would like to introduce you to JoAnne. I met her last night and we very quickly discovered that she has a powerful need and craving to experience submission. She doesn’t want to get into BDSM like you do but she wants very much to learn obedience and everything she can do that pleases me. What do you think??
?I think she is a very pretty girl. Hi JoAnne. Are you absolutely certain that you want to be a submissive? It’s going to be a rough path to travel for the first year or so. You really have to want it bad. More than anything else in your life. More than anything you have ever dreamed of or wished for. Do you think you can really handle that little girl?
?I want to please Master. This I know for sure. And I know I will do anything for him. I know that is a big statement but I really will do anything he wants me to do. And he can do anything he wants to me.?
?Are you sure of that girl? I am really impressed with the size of your nipples. It’s rare that I ever see any that long. Guys would line up for a chance to suck and chew on those monuments. Let me ask you a few simple questions. They are just easy samples of what your Master could tell you to do or decide to do to you. And be totally honest with your answers or you will have to come back here and suck on my pussy until I squirt cum all over your face.?
?You can ask me your questions Tracy and I will be honest with you.?
?Would you like for your Master to insert a couple of needles through each of those beautiful precious nipples and insert rings or loops through the holes??
?If that is what Master wants to do, I will gladly ask him to do that.?
?When I get the opportunity, I may insert a long needle from the tip of each nipple that goes all the way through the center of each nip and into your tit flesh. Do you have a problem with that possibility??
?It’s a scary thought at this moment, but I will do what Master orders me to do. As I keep trying to tell you, he can do anything he wants with me. I trust him enough for that statement to be truthful and honest and from the heart. I know, without a doubt, that he will never do anything that would cause me any long term physical harm. If he approved the needle you mentioned, I would want it done to me.?
?Can you show obedience to a woman??
?I have absolutely no idea. That would take a lot of renewed thinking on my part.?
?Tell me about a sexual act that you love to do as often as possible.?
?That’s easy. Outside of fucking, that is. I love sucking cock almost above all other activities. I get so frigging turned on holding a soft cock in my hand and watching it grow in size until it is standing straight up and as hard as a rock. That is an intense thrill for me, knowing that I have been able to excite this cock enough for it to want to get hard for me. I am the pleasure provider. I love licking the balls and running my tongue up and down the shaft and over the mushroom head. I love tasting the little drops of clear fluid that appear very quickly. I love taking the tip of my tongue and poking it at the little eye of the head and teasing that spot where all the nerves meet on the outer rim of the mushroom. I can spend hours just licking and sucking on his cock and balls. I like to lick underneath the balls too, all the way to the ass hole. Licking over the browneye and trying to force my tongue tip into his sphincter is exciting. I love jerking him off while I lick his ass hole. I can deep throat too, but that takes a while to get into without gagging. Once I get the proper coordination between breathing and swallowing his cock head, I don’t have any problems at all. The sensations of having a hard cock in my throat are mostly arousing. I want him to cum in my mouth so badly that I will constantly beg him to shoot his cream onto my tongue. I will promise to do anything for him if he will just do that for me.
When he does finally cum in my mouth, I keep it there without swallowing for as long as possible. I coat my tongue and the entire inside of my mouth with his thick cream. I get thrills and chills when I open my mouth and show him how much I crave to keep his cum in there for as long as possible. I will always ask him to tell me when he wants me to swallow all of it. Even if he waits for a long time, it makes it that much more enjoyable. When he tells me to swallow, I like to make a big production out of it to show him how grateful I am that he is allowing me to taste and swallow all of his white creamy cum. I love to lay my head on his thighs, after all of that, and just stare at his cock after it softens. I like to use a finger to just touch and pet his shaft and to cup his balls long after he has cum. I don’t do this with the intent of trying to get him hard again. I do it because I am in such awe of everything his cock does, hard or soft. I even like to hold it when he is pissing and lick up the last drops when he is finished. I have been told that I am a cock worshipper. That may very well be true. I don’t worship cocks in general, but I do worship Master’s.?
?Wow. Look at this little girl. That was said in excellent detail. Did you feel unusually embarrassed or humiliated by telling me all of that??
?No I didn’t, I didn’t at all. I was so happy to be able to tell you everything with Master listening. I wanted him to know exactly how I feel about his cock and what I pray he will tell me to do with his.?
?You have a winner here Master. How in the world did you find her??
?My cousin invited her over to meet me and fuck me last night and it was instant Master/slave. I could see it in her eyes.?
?I know about your looking into eyes. You looked into mine and I ended up being a switch. Well?..that’s enough for now. I have to get back to work or I’ll have to suck the boss’s cock all afternoon. You two have a good time together today and I will definitely be seeing more of you. Time wise that is. I couldn’t possibly see more of you physically than I do now.?
Tracy gave my right nipple a hard squeeze, blew me a kiss, and returned to the store she was working in.
Once again, we were headed off down the road. I was still completely naked, but this time Master wanted me to sit up extra straight, hold both of my boobs up with my hands, and squeeze the nipples as we were driving to the lake. I really didn’t think that there was much left in the world that could cause me humiliation. I was wrong.
There was one small little town we had to drive through before we got to the lake. It’s a two story town a few hundred years old and there was nothing but small little Mom and Pop stores the entire length of Main Street. It had only one single stoplight and we got it red with three or four cars ahead of us. The town had a small high school and it had let out a while earlier but there was still a group of teenagers, boys and girls, standing on the curb straight out from where we were stopped for the light. There were at least ten of them. I saw one of the girls suddenly point in my direction and a few seconds later, every kid standing there was looking in my direction. The light turned green and all the cars but the one directly in front of us moved on. The guy driving the car in front of us must have thought all the kids were pointing in his direction because I could see his head swiveling around trying to figure out what everyone was pointing at. Master honked once and the guy took off and so did we. Master told me that my blush went all the way to my tits. We both started laughing and couldn’t stop for another mile.
We finally turned off the main road onto a two-laner for less than a mile. Master pulled onto a dirt one lane driveway that popped up out of nowhere and stopped. He told me to put my new shoes on, which I did.
?Check the third mailbox from the left while I go open up the cabin.?
?You’re going to leave me here naked Sir??
?You’re only going to be ‘here’ naked long enough to check the mail. Then you’re going to be there walking down the driveway to the cabin.?
?How long is this driveway Sir??
?It’s a little over a quarter mile.?
?There are four mailboxes there Master. Does that mean that there are four houses down here??
?That it does my smart little naked slut.?
?Are people going to be at their houses??Sir??
?I doubt it in the afternoon but you never can tell.?
?As you can see, the driveway is lined on both sides with small trees and other growth that is about 5-6 feet high and fairly thick. Not too easy to get through but we used to play out there all the time when we were kids. The three cabins are way off to the left. The one we will be using is right next to this driveway on the right. The thick growth goes right up to within about 30 feet from the cabin. I see your options as two. One: If anybody is outside in the yards where the three cabins are, you can wave hello and walk to ours. Two: If there are people in view, you can duck into this stuff on the right and make your way to our cabin without being seen. If there is nobody there, then you will have worried yourself into a big frenzy for nothing. I just give the commands. You have to figure out how to obey them.?
?You’re being mean to me Sir.?
?No I’m not trying to be mean to you JoAnne. You are a gorgeous, beautiful, delicious, intelligent woman far beyond most of the country folk around here. I have complete faith in your ability to observe and act accordingly. I wouldn’t bother with you if I didn’t. You are an extremely real person. You probably are a ‘nympho’ but I am going to redirect that in a much more positive direction. I want all of your sexual lust and drive directed only at the two of us. I want it all at my command. The obedience you demonstrate to near perfection has always been there, but you never had any way of making use of it. Now you do. Trust has more than doubled just since last night. Your confidence will come with practice. You were safe in your former world. Everybody wanted to fuck you and you controlled who did and who didn’t. In your case, most everybody did. You just didn’t understand that everybody wanted to fuck you because they could. You are a loving, caring, giving, responsible woman who made sure that nobody ever saw that in you because you didn’t think anybody would want you if they knew that about you.
You have all these wonderful emotions and feelings inside of you but you are scared to death to experience them or let anybody else experience them. That’s going to change drastically as long as you are with me my little cock worshipper. You are going to learn about, and then experience, everything there is in your heart and in your sexual and emotional being. You are going to ask me to train you, guide you, use you, own you, and teach you everything necessary to be able to wake up and go to bed happy beyond your fondest dreams. I will protect you and keep you safe every step of the way.
That’s the only speech you’re going to get out of me for a long time sweetheart. Except that I’m probably going to fall in love with you before the month is up.?
I just sat there open mouthed and dumbfounded and looking silently at Master Bill. How could he say all of that about me having known me for less than 24 hours? And, be absolutely right about all of it. And that was a short speech. I’m not sure I ever want to hear his long speech.
?I forgot one thing about your walk down the driveway. You are going to count your steps out loud to yourself and stop every 50 paces to play with your pussy for one minute. No cuming allowed. Don’t forget that. Stay on the very edge of the driveway. Cars driving by on the road will be traveling too fast to see you down this skinny driveway they don’t even know is here. But, if you should hear the screeching of tires, as in a car suddenly jamming on the brakes, just jump into the brush on the side and wait. I will be watching you the entire time. You won’t see me, but I will be watching.?
I’m not a public exhibitionist by any stretch of the imagination. I love to have a man looking at me without any clothes on and playing with my naked body, but not in public. I got out of the car and Master Bill drove off down to the end where the cabin was located. And there I stood, absolutely, totally, unquestionably, without a doubt, naked. Not counting my new tennis shoes
of course.
I was petrified that someone was surely going to see me. That sure looked like a long ways to the end but I began my walk after checking the mailbox. I did that that very quickly so I could get away from the roadway.
I obeyed Master to the letter. I had to and I needed to. I counted 50 steps out loud and then stood with my legs spread and played with my pussy for what I could only estimate was a minute each time. I never realized just how many 50 step pauses there were in a quarter mile. There were an awful lot of them. I walked, counted, and then played with my pussy all the way down that long dirt car path. I slowed down to check the other cabins when I was getting close to the end. I kept myself in low profile until I was certain that no one was there and headed toward Master Bill’s cabin. My last masturbation stop was in the middle of the side yard. Master was sitting on the steps of the side entrance of the cabin watching me with a big smile. When I arrived at the steps, he gave me a huge hug and a tongue twisting kiss and whispered in my ear that he knew I could do it.
We ended up staying for four days at that cabin before we decided to just stay there for the entire month with me commuting to work. It would take forever to write down everything we did so I will just give a quick summary of the most interesting or unique scenarios we played out.
The very first thing he did, when we walked inside, was to handcuff me and pull my arms loosely above my head with a nylon rope tied to the cuffs and thrown over a rafter above us. He attached ankle cuffs and then brought out a spreader bar that forced my feet nearly 3 ? feet apart. Now my arms were pulled tight over my head. For an entire hour, he teased my entire body from head to toe. He played with my nipples and tits, tickled me until tears came to my eyes, spread my pussy open and licked my inner pink and clit, fingered my clit, finger fucked my pussy and my asshole, and brought me to the very edge of what I know was going to be a monstrous mind blowing, body twisting orgasm. I begged and pleaded with him to let me cum but he wouldn’t do it. My pussy juices were flowing. My inner thighs were soaked with my shiny wet stuff. He used as many as four fingers in my cunt and three in my asshole. Sometimes he used both holes at the same time. I screamed out in sexual agony and ecstasy at the same time and constantly begged him to let me cum.
?I’ll let you cum when it pleases me to do so cum slut. I will never let you cum just because you want to feel the pleasure of an orgasm. That’s not what a submissive should ever desire or expect. You will hold your orgasm inside for as long as I choose. You will control it and hold it back because I have told you to do so. I will allow you to cum when I want to watch you explode in orgasmic bliss. You have begged and pleaded with the best of them to get me to let you cum. I was expecting promises and bribes of infinite proportions at any moment. They are probably next on your list. You have totally ignored the most important part of your wanting me to accept you as my submissive. Not one single time have you asked me if it would please me to watch you cum, did you? You made no offers to cum for me. You have only wanted to cum for yourself. Because of that, I’m going to let you stay tied to the rafter while I make myself a sandwich.?
I felt ashamed. Master was absolutely right??again. I just wanted to get off and that was all there was to it. Master made his sandwich, put a chair right in front of me, told me to be absolutely silent, then sat down and ate the sandwich with a can of Diet Coke to wash it down. When he was finished, he just sat there looking at me and told me I could speak if I wanted to.
?Master, I am so sorry and ashamed. You are right Sir. All I was thinking about was having a huge wonderful orgasm. I don’t know how to be your personal submissive. I want to learn more than anything else. Please teach me how to please you without fucking everything up along the way.?
?I know you are a novice my little cum slut. You have just learned a very important lesson. This was your first real lesson. I’m going to play with your clit now. I’m not going to touch any other part of your body. I’m going to use my thumb and forefinger to tease your clit until it stands up in full view and then I’m going to roll it, squeeze it, pinch it, and pull on it until you are on the edge of orgasm again. What you say to me at that point will determine whether or not I let you cum. If you don’t do it properly, I’m going to leave you stranded on the edge again. Do you clearly understand this slut??
?Oh, yes Sir. I most certainly do Sir.?
Master moved the chair right up next to me. When he sat down on it, his face was only inches from my hairless cunt. Then he began fingering my clit until it popped out from under its hood. When it did that, Master began doing everything that is possible to do with a clit when only using a thumb and a finger. It didn’t take long to get me right back up to the very edge of another orgasm.
?Master, you have brought me back to the edge of another orgasm. I know I will cum even harder with you watching me so closely. Would it please you to watch me cum for you or would you rather I wait until you are ready??
?It would please me very much if you would cum for me right now. I’m going to count down from 10 very slowly. When I get to zero, you are to cum instantly. You will not cum before I say zero and you will not cum if you can’t do it within three seconds after I say zero.?
?Yes Sir.?
Master began squeezing and pulling my clit in a rhythm that took every ounce of my mental and physical control to keep from cuming. He started at ten. By the time he was down to five, I didn’t think I was going to make it. At two, I knew I wasn’t going to make it. I asked God to help me hold back. He must have heard me because I heard Master say ‘zero’. I was cuming before he got to the ‘o’ in zero. An explosion occurred in my clit and began to spread all around my pussy. It moved into my ass, my hips, my legs, my stomach, my tits and nipples, and then into my brain. I don’t remember much after that. Master told me that I began with a long continuous moan that got louder and louder. Then my body began to shake. He said my entire body began twitching and jerking and the top half twisting in a different direction than my bottom half. Then he said my body suddenly looked like it was having a full blown seizure. I turned red all over my body and every inch of me became covered in perspiration. The last thing I did, in his words, was to pull my knees all the way up to my chest, spreader bar and all, and that I just held them there until the shaking and jerking in my body began to slow down and finally come to a stop, which is when my legs straightened out once again. He told me proudly that he didn’t lose his grip in my clit one single time. Even when I was hanging in the air by my arms and my legs pulled up off of the ground. How I did that, I will never know
And that was my introduction to the cabin.
While at the cabin, I was required to remain totally naked at all times. He locked the new clothes I had in the trunk of the car with the old ones, except for my sandles. I played badminton and horseshoes, explored the immediate area, sat on the dock with my feet in the water of the seven mile long lake that came right up to only a hundred feet from the cabin. I sunbathed lying on the end of the dock. I went swimming. Master took some close up photos of me floating on my back with my tits sticking up in the air. I cleaned the cabin and did all the cooking. Master always helped me do the dishes. The entire lake was mostly empty this week and neither of us knew why. That very first evening, we dragged the canoe to the water and washed out the cobwebs and spiders with lake water and then went canoeing around the immediate area. We were never more than a few hundred yards from the dock. I had never been in a canoe so he taught me how to paddle from the front and steer when in the rear. I did all of this absolutely naked.
It was almost like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden with no apples or snakes. It’s nearly a mile from the cabin, going east, until you reach the next set of houses. The entire area in between became our Enchanted Forest. Nothing but trees and pine needle and leaf matted ground cover. I explored that forest several times by myself and with Master. We were both naked each time we did that. We took food and a blanket and stayed out there for half a day one time. When I had to pee, I just squatted and peed. Master used a tree. I held his cock one time and wrote my name on the ground. Someday I will get to do that with snow. We made passionate love in the woods and he once tied my hands to a tree limb and fucked me in the ass while he played with my tits and clit. I came many times in those woods over the first four day period.
On the morning of the second day, Master produced a bikini from one of the drawers in the cabin. I tried it on and it fit somewhat. It was pretty tight on the top and squished my boobs. He took my hand and led me down to the dock. He took the cover off of the really nice boat that his family had there. He called it a BayLiner. It was like a large speedboat with a small tiny cabin added to the front half. We took off on a tour of the lake. When we got toward the middle of the lake, straight out from the cabin about a half mile, Master took my bikini top off and told me to take a beach towel and carefully climb out the narrow railing and sunbathe with my back against the angled front window of the cabin while he fished for awhile. I was enjoying myself with my tits on display and the main four lane highway was only a half mile away and filled with hundreds of cars. The State Park was crowded also and I just pictured people watching me through binoculars.
After a half hour of this, Master yelled up to me to throw my bottoms back to him. I obeyed instantly, of course. Then he told me to lie back down and lightly play with my pussy with my legs spread wide open. We were anchored and the water currents somehow kept us pointed straight toward the highway and the State Park. This really turned me on something crazy. After a while of playing with my pussy, I yelled back to Master for permission to cum for the State Park. He laughed and told me it was the patriotic thing to do. I had two very nice cums doing that.
Master ordered me back to the rear of the boat, flashing my ass all the way. He went forward and pulled up the anchor and we headed off down the center of the lake toward an island that sat all by itself just off the center of the lake about two miles down from where we had first stopped. I sat in a lounge chair, still naked, for the entire ride to the island. Master nosed the boat up to the shoreline and told me that there was only one Maple tree on this entire island. Well?..the island was only 200 yards across at best. He told me that the Maple was a young one and blended in with the rest of the trees, making it nearly invisible to the eye. He brought out a nature book from the cabin and showed me what a Maple leaf looked like. The next thing I know is that Master is ordering me off the boat, totally naked, to go search for that Maple tree. When I found it, I was to pick a leaf from it and bring it back to the shore. I didn’t even have shoes but Master told me that the forest floor, which covered the entire island, was soft and padded very deeply. Then he told me that he was going to move the boat a few hundred yards out from the island and fish while I looked for the tree. Then he added in that I was to walk on the beach around the entire island two times before I even began my search.
I jumped the short distance off the boat into waist deep water and waded to the shore. That’s when I had a sudden thought and yelled back to Master.
?What if somebody comes out here in their boat from the opposite side of the island and you don’t see them coming??
?Then you had better keep an eye out for that and be prepared to swim back to the boat. But you can’t do that until they have actually set foot on the island.?
?You are a cruel Master.?
?I know it.?
Master went a whole lot further than a couple of hundred yards from the shore to fish. He went out at least a quarter mile to get away from the main channel where the fish would be. I walked around the entire island and saw him way out there when I returned to my starting point. I eventually found the Maple and picked a leaf. No one else came to the island. Master came back to pick me up when he saw me and my tits bouncing up and down on the beach with one hand holding the Maple leaf high up in the air and waving it like I had just found a million dollar lottery ticket. I really enjoyed the time I spent alone and naked on that island. I loved it with just me and nature and nobody else. Master picked me up and we cruised to the far end of the lake and then back to the cabin. I sat in the lounge chair naked for the entire trip. Never did have much use for that bikini.
Tracy showed up the second night. Master and Tracy sat on the sofa in the living room and chatted up a storm for an hour. I stood in silence, still naked and in the slave position with hands behind my head and feet spread wide apart, facing them in the middle of the living room the entire time. They also took a moment here and there to humiliate me. They both kept issuing orders to me during that entire hour. There was a constant flow of orders to play with my tits, pull out my nipples, finger my clit, spread my pussy lips open, finger my cunt, show them my asshole, put a finger in my asshole, finger fuck my asshole, and the list went on and on. Tracy went out to her car at one point and returned with a butt plug and a vibrator. Now the orders were to put the plug in my asshole, vibrate my clit, fuck my cunt with the vibrator, turn it on low, turn it on high, don’t you dare cum or I will use a riding crop on your pussy, ass, and tits for an hour.
Then they were both telling me to kneel on the coffee table with my tits touching the surface and my ass aimed toward them. This was just about the most humiliating command I was given. I still had the butt plug in my ass. Tracy pulled the butt plug out with a little struggle and then handed me the vibrator with orders to fuck my ass with it until I was ready to demonstrate an anal orgasm. Then Tracy pulled a small video cam out of her purse and told me she was going to videotape my entire asshole orgasm to show all of her girlfriends that it can be done. I finally reached the point of an orgasm, received permission to cum, and demonstrated a really nice anal orgasm for the both of them, and for Tracy’s friends.
Tracy asked me if I had ever thought about touching, and being touched, by another girl. I told her the idea had crossed my mind a few times over the years but the thought of getting it on with a girl had never really turned me on. I told her I had engaged in a very long French kiss with another girl, at a party on a dare, while everyone at the party cheered us on and tried to get us to play with each other’s tits. We didn’t go any farther than the kiss.
?I won’t tell you to do anything that is against your moral values JoAnne, but do you think you might want to try us touching each other tonight? Master would enjoy watching that I’m sure.?
?Do you want me to do that Master? Do you want to watch Tracy and I getting each other off for you??
?This is completely your decision my little newbie slave. Everything we have done this past day has been mostly casual and introductory. I would never ask or command a slave to do something totally against her belief system. This is entirely up to you my pet.?
I thought about this for several minutes. This actually scared me. I was afraid I would like it or even like it too much. I’m not a lesbian in any way or form and I didn’t want to become one, as if playing with another girl one time was going to turn my entire sexual desire in reverse. Master and Tracy kept totally silent and both were staring at me while I was making my decision.
?I will try it once Tracy, but I want to be able to stop at any time I feel too uncomfortable in going any further.?
?That would be just fine with me JoAnne. If you choose to stop at any time, I will just continue on getting myself off while you and Master watch me. Since you have never done this before, may I direct you on what to do??
?That’s fine with me.?
?All you need to do is what you would do if I were a man. The only difference is that my body parts are a different shape. You know what feels exciting when it is done to you. I feel the same excitement when it is done to me. We can do to each other what we want a man to do to us but we can do it much better because we are both girls and we already know what girls like.?
Master, feeling left out of the conversation, reminded us that he knew exactly what girls liked. Tracy countered with the rebuttal that men weren’t as soft and gentle as girls were.
?Are you trying to tell me that the next time I fuck you that you want me to do it softly and gently??
We all laughed at that and the tension was broken.
Tracy got up off the sofa and walked over to stand directly in front of me. She is a very pretty girl and has a body to die for. I think she is much sexier looking that I am. Without touching me, she leaned forward until our lips were touching. Our mouths opened slowly and our tongues began to come together. They touched and explored and we pushed our mouths together in a much more passionate manner.
?Do you want to take my top off and play with my tits??
I didn’t answer that question. I just began unbuttoning her shirt until it was just hanging loose. Tracy wasn’t wearing a bra. I put my hands on her upper chest and slowly dragged them down until they were covering her beautiful breasts. Her nipples weren’t half as long as mine but they were wider and stood up with pride. I put a hand under each mound and lifted them up with a thumb on each nipple. I rolled and pushed on her buds and they got even harder. Tracy was breathing a little faster now.
?May I suck those super long nipples of your JoAnne??
?I would like that.?
Tracy’s mouth sucked in my left nipple and immediately began to softly bite on it and pull on it with her teeth. She would get a light bite and pull out until the nipple finally pulled out of her mouth. She was squeezing and pulling on my other nipple with her other hand at the same time. I began pulling and squeezing hers also.
?Would you like me to play with your clit JoAnne??
?I would love for you to play with my clit.?
At this point, it would be safe to say that I was no longer feeling any fear or anxiety about touching and playing with Tracy’s body. My hand went down to her pussy and I worked a finger into her wet slit and slowly ran the tip from top to bottom with a little jab into her love hole. I brought my finger up to my mouth and licked it clean with Tracy watching me closely. She smelled and tasted much different than I did. That was when I first noticed that Master was using Tracy’s video cam to tape this entire encounter.
We spent the next half hour exploring each other’s bodies and the passion grew at a steady rate. Tracy led me over to one of the living room chairs and had me put my ass against the back of it. She then slowly pushed the upper part of my body until I understood what she was trying to do. I leaned back over the chair until my head rested on the seat. This put my pussy and asshole aiming straight toward the ceiling. I brought my legs back to my chest and then spread them wide apart. This left my vital areas completely open to whatever Tracy wanted to do with them. Master was getting close-ups of everything, starting with Tracy’s tongue action. She started at my anus, gave it a little push just inside the hole, and then very slowly licked up all the way past my now very hard and erect clit.
We kept at it for another half hour. Master videotaped everything. His dick was trying to make a new hole in his pants the entire time. We did everything from fingering pussies and assholes to licking and sucking on each other’s pussies. We sucked clits at the same time while lying on the thickly carpeted floor. We did everything we could think of and it seemed to become a contest of who could get the other off first. Tracy won that one but I got her off with my mouth sucking her clit and a finger in each of her holes at the same time. Once we had really started getting into this girl/girl action, I just totally forgot about all of my fears and reservations. Being ‘bi’ was OK once in awhile was my final thought before burying my face in her sloppy wet cunt with my tongue jammed up into her vagina and sucking up her juices.
When we were orgasmed out and sitting facing each other and lightly kissing one another, Master put is face right up next to ours and said: ?Both of you girls smell like wet pussy.?
We both joined together to attack Master’s rock hard cock. We sucked his balls, put our fingers all the way into his asshole, each of our fingers at the same time at one point, and sucked the cum out of him like it was going to be our last opportunity to taste his cream. We took turns sucking his cockhead into our mouths in a back and forth manner. When Master was obviously going to blow his load, Tracy grabbed his cock and began jerking him off like a pro. We put both of our faces together and she jerked him off until his hot goo sprayed all over both of our faces and hair. All three of us were happy campers. We all got up to take a shower together in the huge glass stall in the big bedroom. We washed each other completely, inside and out. The bed was a king in that room so all three of us slept together in the one bed with Master in the middle fingering both of our cunts as we drifted off to sleep.
One of the things we did the next day, at Tracy’s suggestion, was to start my training in converting pain to sexual stimulation and arousal. I love being spanked so having my ass as a target of a paddle, a crop, or a soft leather ‘cat’ wasn’t hard to accept. Having this done to my tits with my super sensitive nipples was much more difficult to handle but they were both very careful when they did this. One would be playing with my clit or fingering my pussy while the other was applying the strokes. I was actually able to cum more often that way but the orgasms weren’t nearly as powerful.
?Don’t worry about how intense these kinds of orgasms are at first,? was Tracy’s advice. ?With practice, you will learn to cum just from a crop impacting on your pussy and clit. Master even taught me how to cum without even being touched by anything at all. It’s totally different but you will be amazed at how nice and relaxing an orgasm like that can be.
Master told me that there is a big difference between punishment and using pain to enhance an orgasm. You will learn pain/arousal and then beg for even more pain to add to your getting off. We will find your limit on the amount of pain you can accept and still be able to combine it with your increasing sexual arousal. With punishment, it is an entirely different set of circumstances. Punishment is used to keep you on the right path. If you wander off the path during your training, you will be punished. If you do something wrong, you will be punished. If you don’t do what you are supposed to do or have been ordered to do, you will be punished. If you deliberately disobey me for any reason, you will be punished severely. If you ever cum without permission or become rebellious in your attitude, you will be severely punished for a lengthy period of time. There are no safe words during a punishment.
Master also told me that I can say ‘yellow’ at any point that I need to temporarily back off a training session. He said I can use ‘red’ to stop a session that is just totally overwhelming me completely. He said that I can do this at any time without punishment but that I must be very careful if I should ever need to use either of those safe words.
?They are never to be used to stop a training scenario that you just don’t happen to like or don’t feel like dealing with at that moment. They are only to be used in a case where your senses are being overwhelmed or you no longer understand the purpose of the training. Believe me, I can tell the difference my little cum slut. You know all too well just how deeply I can see the truth inside of you. Using either safe word without justifiable cause can easily cost you your status as my submissive slave. I will kick you out in a heartbeat if you ever deliberately misuse our mutual trust in each other. Am I quite clear in that my pet??
?You are quite clear Master.?
Tracy and I went out in the canoe together one time. We were both naked of course. We didn’t go very far. We just had a lot of fun being naked in a canoe on a large lake.
Just before Tracy had to leave us and return to her daily routine, Master ordered me to sit in one of the living room cushioned chairs that faced the sofa, put my legs over the arms of the chair and move my ass until it was just over the front edge, and masturbate. That position opened up both my pussy and my asshole for easy access and viewing. I was told that my parting gift to Tracy was fingering my clit to a climax, finger fucking my pussy and my wrinkled brown eye to an orgasm, to cum again using a vibrator in both of my holes, and to create a big orgasm with the vibrator on my clit. They both watched me intently through each erotic explosion. The entire scene was videotaped. When I had cum with the big one, which was last, Tracy came over to me, knelt down, and tongue kissed my asshole, my pussy, my clit, both nipples, and then a long one on my mouth. She thanked me and said that I was a very special submissive and that I would have no trouble in eventually being collard by my Master. She made me promise to invite her to that ceremony, no matter where it was given. I kissed her again and promised her I would. I didn’t see her again during the entire month that Master Bill and I spent together.
It was a never ending spree of learning, playing, training, and experiencing for the remainder of that month. Master bought a remote vibrator egg set at an adult store in a nearby town on one occasion. He inserted one egg in my pussy and one up my ass. Each had a small wire that hung down outside of my two holes. I then had to wear a mid-thigh skirt that barely covered the wires and he took me to a famous college campus that is one of the oldest in the entire country. We spent half a day sightseeing and walking through the little town center made up of dozens of tiny stores. He literally kept my body in a state of total arousal during that adventure. No panties either. I never get to wear panties or bra anymore. The entire time we walked around that campus, Master would randomly fire up the eggs. Sometimes at low speed and leave them running for awhile and a couple of times at high speed until I had had a walking orgasm. Some of you reading this story probably know exactly how difficult it is to maintain any dignity while having a walking orgasm. He gave me another climax in a restaurant while we were eating lunch. When we returned to the cabin, I came so hard, so many times, that I lost count halfway through.
I fell totally in love with my Master before the first week had ended. Master fell in love with me just as he said he probably would. I moved back to California with him. I earned my collar in just over a year. Tracy did come to the ceremony. We have both completed college with degrees. We have a nice home and we have two children. We also have two grandchildren. And, I have been Master Bill’s totally committed submissive slave for the last 40 years. We are both in our 60's now and we are both lucky enough to have stayed extremely active sexually in every way. We can do the exact same scenes that we did when we were kids. It just takes a little longer to complete them.
My love to all of you reading this very true story and I pray that all of you find the happiness Master Bill and I have found together.
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ToysHow I became Mistress Mischelle's maid babette sissy babs This is the beginning of a multi-part story that I am working on with my wife. She wrote the part "Mischelle's maid babette's training" and submitted it to Fictionmania. It was added on 7/24/2007. I suggest that you open up another Internet window and have that story ready but don't read it until the character in this story is reading it. After reading my wife's story then return to this one but...
100% fiction! My date and are sitting in the finest restaurant in the city, it’s French, it’s expensive and the food is delectable. We’ve just finished our meal and are sharing a plate of petit fours and a bottle of Sauterne for desert. And the challenge is about to begin. My date, let me tell you about her. She’s 19 years old while I’m thirty-nine; some might call me a cradle robber but not so, I didn’t pursue her, she went after me, two years ago when she was only 18 and she got me. I love...
IncestDid you ever do something on the spur of the moment and have it change your whole life? I did. I have no idea why I did it or what even put the thought into my head. Just one or two seconds is all it took to change my life forever. My wife is what some might call pleasingly plump. At five feet, one hundred and twenty-five pounds (a good bit of it stuffed into her 34C bra) she is a voluptuous bombshell. Add long black hair that hangs down to her ass and legs that just cry out "fuck me" when...
My and I made a bet: She didn't think I could watch another hot girl strip and play with herself for 30 seconds without getting hard. The deal was, if I don't get hard I get to have a threesome with her and the other girl. BUT, if I do get hard, I have to go to a club with her, watch her hook up with some random guy, drive them back to my place, and videotape her being his bitch, doing everything he tells her to do. Of course, I lost the bet ... That Friday night we went to the club, and she...
EroticThere he was, sitting near the rocks, whittling a piece of wood. Naked. Half the time, he was naked. I guess that was the perks of living in the woods by yourself. He was a real mountain man. A big, rugged fellow with tanned skin and dense dark hair all over, from his chest to his ass. He had a bulky body, but his arms and legs had natural muscle carved purely from physical labor from living out in the wilderness, and his thick uncut cock hung low like a third leg down between his...
"Elisabeth"By: EericBlog:***********************************************************************My name is John and I go to the West college, it's a rather small college. My girlfriend Elisabeth also goes to the same college.We met a little less than a year ago and have been dating ever since.I'm 22 years old.I am not what you would call an athlete, I have a rather skinny body.I'm really into computers so I help the teachers at the college withthe computer classes. I also...
My name is John and I go to the West college, it's a rather small college. My girlfriend Elisabeth also goes to the same college. We met a little less than a year ago and have been dating ever since.I'm 22 years old. I am not what you would call an athlete, I have a rather skinny body.I'm really into computers so I help the teachers at the college with the computer classes. I also help out with students who don't really care for computers and try to get them to use them more.My girlfriend...
Elisabeth - Part 2By: Eeric*********************************************************************It has now been a week since I saw Elisabeth doing those blackguys from the closet.And a few days ago I even caught her making out with Jamaal in the hallway at our college, right in the open.She told me that she was sorry, but I think that she wanted me to see it.I think it turns her on knowing that I'm watching her when she's with black guys.And even though I get very jealous, I really do love her...
As a young boy, to enable my parents to continue going to work without worrying about leaving me alone at home, each time the long school summer holiday came around I was packed off to the country to stay with a lady I called Auntie Bettie. Auntie Bettie and I were not related, she used to live next door to us with her husband and they were good friends with my parents. She moved away to the countryside after her husband was killed in a car crash but always stayed in contact with us and it was...
BECOMING MARYBETH My name is Marybeth Greene-at least that's what I prefer to go by. I have medium length dark hair, age appropriate, and am in my mid-60s. I'm kind of cute for my age, at least I think so. But I have a boyfriend so I guess I cant be too hideous. The reason I somewhat insecure is that I wasn't born Marybeth-my birth name is David, and my birth gender is male. However, I knew from a VERY early age that my initial classification was wrong. I think my mom knew it...
Hi, my name is Jay. I am 24 years old and I am born and raised in the Netherlands. I've been living on my own for about a year now. Before that, I lived with my dad and my stepmother. My dad got remarried seven years ago with Elisabeth, my stepmother. Elisabeth and me, always have had a good relationship, even though she is my stepmother. My dad is a project manager and was always making a lot of hours, so me and Elisabeth got really close in the years that I lived with my dad and her. Even...
TabooHi my name is Francesca. I’m a 26-year-old Italian girl living in Milan. I’m a dark haired girl with blue eyes, about 1.7 meters tall and quite thin, I dress a 42, of European size, and I go to the gym to keep my body in shape. Before a bet I made with a foreign man about a football match I had never thought about having sex with any foreign man—this experience I changed my mind.It was a pleasant evening in June when the Italian football team played for the international cup against Egypt. I...
AnalSeptember 29, 1984, McKinley, Ohio At the close of Vespers, Father Nicholas, I, and two acolytes left the altar. He completed the prayers which served as the Dismissal, then turned to the congregation. “One announcement,” he said. “Tomorrow, immediately following the Divine Liturgy, we’ll have a betrothal ceremony for Subdeacon Michael and Elizaveta Kozlova.” There were a few gasps, but otherwise, no real reaction because we were in the nave, where applause or chatter was completely...
Sam got up very early the following morning, as naked as yesterday, and had to run downstairs to use Mindy's mouth urgently. He squatted over his daughter's violated mouth, and did an enormous shit, and pissed at the same time. He finished off by wiping his ass and dumping it on top of his shit which slowly proceeded to disappear down his daughter's throat. He then coughed up a large gob of phlegm, and without thinking spat it out into Mindy's mouth. Jason and Ethel came down rather...
It all started as a simply little bet. It was one of those bets where we were both 100% sure that we were right. Sound familiar? First the bet was for $5, then she upped it to $20 and I upped it to $50. That’s when things got interesting. She said “I know you’re wrong but if you win, I’ll do anything you want me to do, but if I win, you have to do anything I want you to do - anything at all!”This did not intimidate me in the slightest as I was so sure I was right. “OK, I’ll take that bet.”Less...
In the fall of 1996, computer program software was exploding, and, as a freelance code chopper, I was raking in the bucks. So I was hard at it when 13-year-old Betsy walked in and cheerfully announced. “I just had my period, Daddy.” “Uh, aha, um, well… right. Did you use the stuff we bought?” “Of course; I’m not mentally challenged.” She grinned all over her plump, pretty face. “You know what this means, Daddy? Now we can really do it!” Oh boy. To be plain about it, my...
Betsy and I had been married for a little over twelve years. We were living the American Middle Class Dream. Three great kids, our own home, two cars in the garage — the whole bit. I had always thought that ours was the perfect marriage. I loved her and I'd always thought that she loved me, but I recently found out that my loving wife had a secret life — a life that cast doubt on whether she had any feelings for me at all. I'd be insulting Betsy if I said she was a stay at home mom who...
A Losing Season - An Alternative Ending to Seasons of Change by Tigger Copyright 1998 Archiving and reposting of this story *unchanged* is permitted provided that no fee be charged, either directly or indirectly (this includes so-called "adult checks") *and* provided that this disclaimer and attribution to the original author are maintained. Based on the characters and situations presented in "Seasons of Change" by Joel Lawrence, Copyright 1989. This story is archived in its...
It was a good thirty minutes until the others began to arrive; Irma tried to leave on four separate occasions, but she lacked the speed and agility. Her tongue worked, though, and she called Stick's father every name she could think of -- and spun three or four tales of possible gay sexual combinations (since that seemed to set Pop off), some of which were unfortunately true. Stick collected everyone downstairs. After he and Mary made introductions, he said, "Pop was pretty pissed; I'm...
Chapter One My arms encircled Patrick’s shoulders from behind, and my nose nuzzled into the side of his neck. I left a kiss on his cheek as I pulled back and said, “Happy birthday, sweet thing.” Patrick was sitting at the breakfast table finishing a bowl of cereal. Our two young ones were already off to school. Morning sunlight spilled across the table, a red and rippled patch of it on the opposite side of Patrick’s juice glass, a deep shadow on the opposite side of his coffee mug. He turned...
Chapter One My arms encircled Patrick’s shoulders from behind, and my nose nuzzled into the side of his neck. I left a kiss on his cheek as I pulled back and said, “Happy birthday, sweet thing.” Patrick was sitting at the breakfast table finishing a bowl of cereal. Our two young ones were already off to school. Morning sunlight spilled across the table, a red and rippled patch of it on the opposite side of Patrick’s juice glass, a deep shadow on the opposite side of his coffee mug. He turned...
ReluctanceChris Marr’s all for Bet“Unghhhhhh! Unghhhh Ohhhh! Yes! Ohhhhh.”Bet held her husband close, her breath short, and felt his breath in her ear as he grunted his cumming. He went limp and lay, a dead weight, on her hot body.“Oh, that was beautiful, Baby,” he panted at last. “Still got the old oomph, Eh?”“Mmmm,” she said feeling the early tinglings of her own orgasm fade into the distance. “Can you just roll off me, love?”“Why?”“I got to go outside.”“Oh, dear. Old bladder not what it...
Tommy and Kathy were avid football fans. Every weekend during football season, they would be watching every game from that was on any channel, and then DVR the games that they could. Any game that they watched was sure to have a bet on the game. Most of the time it was a back rub or a foot massage. Sometimes if it was a big game, the winner got to choose the restaurant they went to, or had to do dishes every night for a week. The bets were started just to keep thing more interesting, and they...
FetishBett and I are an average couple in our early forties and we had been married just a little over sixteen years. Like in a lot of marriages of that length the sexual excitement had disappeared. I guess that after sixteen years of the same old thing we had gotten bored - maybe not of each other, but of sex with each other. A few years ago I had found a magazine in the seat pocket of an airplane and for the lack of anything better to do on the flight I sat back and read it from cover to cover....
Another story featuring the antagonist from my earlier story, "A Friendly Game of Pool". This story has taken a while to put together, and I'm still not sure if it really is finished. I'd like to continue the story in the future. Please let me know what you think with a comment. There are going to be some editing/grammar mistakes, I know. This is the fourth version of the story, so I think it's the most concise. "I Bet" by...
Let's make a bet By: Phoebos Edited by Marie7342231 This is my second story. I am trying to apply new ideas and think outside of the box. Any comments, suggestions, or if you would like to reach me for any reason you can email me at [email protected] My sister and I have a very special ability. We can enforce the condition of a bet on each other no matter what it is. Don't ask me how we got this power. All I know is that the two of us are the only ones who seem to be able...
I was 14 the first time I let a boy go all the way with me. It was Eddie Vance who did the dirty deed. Bless his little hard-on. God, we were so innocent. Like any schoolgirl these days, I already knew the gory details of sex in theory at least. Health education and scuttlebutt had seen to that. I even knew about blowjobs and getting licked, sort of, although we girls all agreed that it was maximally yukky. I'd discovered my love bump more than a year before, thanks to some hints from...
Chapter 1 "Well, it looks like we got ourselves a Super Bowl!" Tom said to me, as we sat in my living room. Tom was Tom Jacobsen, my next-door neighbor. We were watching the final minutes of the NFC Championship game, as the Carolina Panthers were closing out their impressive victory over the Philadelphia Eagles. The Panthers played in Charlotte, which is where I lived. So, the city was going to go nuts at the Panthers being in the Bowl-and Tom had been a Panthers fan since the team had...
“You’d really do that?” Todd asked. “You’d give me a blow job if our basketball team wins tonight? And if we lose I will give you $50 right?”“Sure will, if you win that is. A bet is a bet, isn’t it?” Replied Angie. “Fact is I would be willing to give the team a blowjob if they could ever win a game” Angie added. “If you can pull it off tonight I’ll be ready to suck any cock that helps win the game. Oh, and be ready to pay up. Cause a bet is a bet. And I have a feeling I am going to win...
“You’d really do that?” Todd asked. “You’d give me a blow job if our basketball team wins tonight? And if we lose I will give you $50 right?” “Sure will, if you win that is. A bet is a bet, isn’t it?” Replied Angie. “Fact is I would be willing to give the team a blowjob if they could ever win a game” Angie added. “If you can pull it off tonight I’ll be ready to suck any cock that helps win the game. Oh, and be ready to pay up. Cause a bet is a bet. And I have a feeling I am going to...
A Beautiful Wish by 800ibgorrila Chapter 7: Losing a Little “George,” whispered Dawn's soft feminine voice. George Everhart was fully awake. He had been, ever since he heard Dawn open his bedroom door and crawl onto his bed. She was sitting on her knees beside him and brought her face very close to his as she whispered again, “George, it is time to wake.” He had tossed and turned most of the night. This was partly because he already missed Dawn sleeping next to him, but also because he...
NovelsMike 45, und Chris 35 spielten spät in der Nacht in einem Luxushotel Poker. Beide waren im Bankwesen tätig. Die Beträge um die Sie zockten, fingen bei 1.000 Euro an. Mike hatte jedoch schon länger Geldprobleme. An der Börse hatte er sich verzockt. Bevor die Poker-Partie losging nahm er sich mit seiner Frau Bettina noch einen Drink an der Bar. Bettina fiel Chris sofort auf. Sie war 40, aber extrem attraktiv. Hatte dunkelblonde lange Haare und einen Busen mit der Körbchengröße von 75 C. Als die...
Crazy Betby Scorpio00155 ([email protected])***Two older women who might be called cougars, make a bet that could be called perverted. Wendy bets her friend Linda that she can seduce Linda's son before Linda can. Linda tries to prove her wrong. (MF, inc)*** "You are fucking crazy!" I said in disbelief as I stared at my best friend Wendy through wide eyes."Well you've always known I was nuts Linda," she grinned back at me "but are you on or not?""Jezzus!" I blurted. "Let me get this...
It all started with a bet. It was no secret between Stacy and I about my little kink. We had talked about it in the past, especially in bed after a long, hard session. No matter how much I tried, I kept coming back to the same fantasy. I wanted to watch. I know, I know it's weird, I was even a little weirded out by it, but there was no denying how much it turned me on or how much it turned her on... Stacy was gorgeous. Young, hot, nice tits and the best ass on the planet. Despite all this she...
CuckoldA BET IS A BET by Throne Darren and I had been pals since grade school. We had even remained buddies after he revealed his penchant for crossdressing. I wasn't thrilled about it, but he didn't dress that way when we were together, so it was acceptable. I had a good job in accounts analyzing. He had gotten into the costume department of a major movie studio. I'll admit that, because I'm such a movie buff, I was jealous of his opportunities to meet major stars. He never made a big...
My name is Rita. Holly and I have been friends for ten years. Like the others in the book club, we are both recent empty nesters in our mid-forties. Holly and I are good friends but have very different personalities. Holly is very outgoing and very adventurous. I would be what most would call a follower. I am quiet and shy.Just like several others in the club Holly and I would get together and discuss the books before the monthly club meeting.“What did you think Rita, did you get a little...
Wife LoversTwo older women who might be called cougars, make a bet that could be called perverted. Wendy bets her friend Linda that she can seduce Linda's son before Linda can. Linda tries to prove her wrong. (MF, inc)*** "You are fucking crazy!" I said in disbelief as I stared at my best friend Wendy through wide eyes."Well you've always known I was nuts Linda," she grinned back at me "but are you on or not?""Jezzus!" I blurted. "Let me get this straight, you're betting that you can seduce my son before...
Introduction I have been an anonymous reader of stories on this site for a long time and have really wanted to try and be a contributor. But I’m afraid my imagination isn’t as developed as many of the really good writers here. So for the past few months I’m very writing a story that is pretty much autobiographical. It probably isn’t as good or as adult as most entries here. But it has the benefit of having taken place. A couple of other notes… First, since it was so long I...
Introduction I have been an anonymous reader of stories on this site for a long time and have really wanted to try and be a contributor. But I’m afraid my imagination isn’t as developed as many of the really good writers here. So for the past few months I’m very writing a story that is pretty much autobiographical. It probably isn’t as good or as adult as most entries here. But it has the benefit of having taken place. A couple of other notes… First, since it...
ReluctanceThe Bet By RogerGirl Lainey and Ken entered the party and looked around. To the partygoers, they appeared as a hot couple of twenty-one year olds. Lainey was wearing a short tight minidress that showed off her long legs, firm ass, thin waist, and a generous amount of cleavage. Her face was expertly made up and her brown hair was long and styled to accentuate her features and frame her face. She was wearing a pair of six inch open toed heels and she was carrying a small purse in her...
“Hurry up,” Johnny shouted up at me.“I am going as fast as I can,” I shouted down the stairs. “What's the big deal?”One of his co-workers was coming to our apartment to watch a football game. I didn't see the big deal.“He's always on time,” Johnny said.As he looked himself in the mirror for the three-hundredth time, I came down the stairs. Staring at him, I shook my head at him.“Come here,” I said. I always had to straighten his hair, it was always a mess.“You're wearing that?” he asked.“Yeah,”...
InterracialKelle was fucked! Figuratively not literally. She had lost a bet. A huge bet. She had been out of the police academy for only six weeks and Kelle was desperate to fit in. Therefore, when a group of officers, all men, had invited her for drinks after shift, she had jumped at the chance. Now she regretted it. Big time! After far too many drinks, they had suggested a game. It was a simple dice game that every bar used to have. In addition, Kelle was good at it, or she thought she was. After a few...
ReluctanceMy husband is the one who got me started. Though I would never admit to anyone other than my husband that I read these stories and that they excite me, I never dreamed that I would be writing one.Truthfully the only reason that this whole thing happened and I am now documenting it, is because of my loosing a bet with my husband.Without giving too much of myself away, I will tell you that I have been with my husband for 24 years, I am 48 years old, and we have 2 grown sons, 18 and 20 years...
The Bet Prologue The envelope was unexciting. At first glance, the plain white exterior looked like it might be from the bank, or a sales company. Most likely it was just a bill, demanding money as such things do. On a closer inspection, however, the multitude of stamps on the front would reveal that this envelope had flown across the Atlantic from England. It definitely wasn’t a bill. The young woman who picked it up from the mailbox casually flicked her hair out of her eyes as she glanced at...
"How about that guy?"My girlfriend was pointing at a guy walking up to the door of the rest area. I'd lost a bet, and she takes paying off bets very seriously. I'd bet her that she couldn't get me off by giving me a blowjob in less than 10 minutes. I was so sure I'd win. See...she'd given me lots of blowjobs. And don't get me wrong, they all felt great! But I'd never come from one unless I sort of 'helped'. That is, if I thought about certain extra-kinky fantasies, or if I talked dirty to her,...
It's a drab, nondescript little room hardly worth describing except it plays a key part in our story. It was not Martin's in any propertied sense. Nor was it his in the sense that it was the room his wife Cindy consigned to him. He had in fact chosen it on his own months before, as we will learn. Today it's his to live in when he's off duty. In mockery after a few martinis, Cindy refers to it as the "formal maid quarters." Never refurbished or remodeled like the rest of the house and...
The Mindy Effect Patrick Loomis headed into the kitchen, still shaking off the effects of last nights sleep. Oh, he'd been up for a while; but, even with washing his face, combing his hair, and getting dressed, he was still slightly out of it. Fortunately for him he still had however long it would take him to eat breakfast to wake up some more. Short for his age, the high-school student was as disheveled as he was groggy. His brown hair was tussled and mussed even after his...
Mindy awoke on the morning after she had sex with her brother Brad and lay in bed trying to remember what she was dreaming about. She looked at her alarm clock and saw that she had awaken at the same time as if she were going to get up and ready for school; however, she was on Summer break and she didn’t have to be anywhere. She pulled her sheet to her neck again and lay on her side looking at the clock. She had already decided that she wasn’t in the mood to get up and do anything, so she...
The Bet By Cassandra Morgan Hers was the perfect face. The dancing eyes. The plump, but not obscene, lips. The way the bangs of her blonde hair danced on her forehead. The white teeth. The dimples. Above all else, that heart-capturing smile Lauren Howard stood in the living room of the Kempers, still as beautiful as the day we were married. When she was around, no one noticed the other women in the room. There was just Lauren. She was the star of the show, the one whose eyes you...
[Netzfund] Wieso liegt Abou in Mami's BettbyAmelung©Abouadi John Obote, oder Abou, wie er stets nur genannt wurde, war während eines dreiwöchigen Namibia-Urlaubs unser liebenswerter, lustiger und immer gutgelaunter Barkeeper im jugendlichen Alter. Der smarte Afrikaner aus Windhuk sollte jedoch einige Wochen später unser bislang so geordnetes Familienleben vollständig auf den Kopf stellen...Anmerken sollte ich vielleicht noch, dass diese Reise nach Namibia unsere erste Fernreise war, die wir als...
Author's Note: Humiliation, CFNM and pegging lie ahead! I've had this idea for a while about an adventurous married couple on the edge of opening a new chapter in their married life. I hope you enjoy reading it as much I enjoyed writing it!On her first day in town, Debbie and I were Mindy's only friends. The professional moving company hired by Mindy's employer did as little as required. They placed furniture, stacked boxes labeled "Kitchen" or "Bedroom" in the correct room and left a small...
“You’re an idiot,” Karen said, shaking her head and looking away from her husband. “How in the hell is going to a horse race a date night?” “It’ll be great!” Greg said excitedly. “You can get dressed up, they have good food, it’s just like going out to dinner but with something extra!” “Yeah, something extra. You gambling away all our money. Again.” It stung but was true; Greg loved to gamble but was quite bad at it. Poker, slots, sports, any time money could be wagered Greg was there to do...
Raindrops pelting the dorm window and sliding along the pane in a zigzag pattern reminded Mindy of her own tears. The soft yellow glow of streetlights and the quietness of the midnight hour settled like an unwelcome burden. Wiping her eyes stopped the flow of tears but not the reason for them. Mindy’s first semester in college was turning out to be filled with emotional loneliness. She didn’t make the women’s soccer team and the lengthy email she got from Rob made it clear he had already found...