Irma s Young Black Stud
- 2 years ago
- 54
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It was a good thirty minutes until the others began to arrive; Irma tried to leave on four separate occasions, but she lacked the speed and agility. Her tongue worked, though, and she called Stick's father every name she could think of -- and spun three or four tales of possible gay sexual combinations (since that seemed to set Pop off), some of which were unfortunately true.
Stick collected everyone downstairs. After he and Mary made introductions, he said, "Pop was pretty pissed; I'm probably gonna end up out on the street, one way or another. Your mama didn't know anything, right? I'm not real clear on how this happened!"
Arthur Nally popped up, "I imagine that she went looking for a sore spot -- but she may have guessed. It's hard to say."
"Well, Pop DOESN'T know -- or he didn't. I don't know how this is gonna go."
"Will he hurt anyone?" Mary asked.
"I don't think so. He don't have a gun or anything. But your mama might have two black eyes..." Stick turned to the stair.
"THAT wouldn't hurt her," Arthur mumbled under his breath.
"Pop, we're all here!" Stick called, outside the door. There were a lot of white folk in the hall -- eyes were peeking around corners everywhere.
"Well, git in here, outta the hallway, then!" Pop called back. "You keep your ass on the couch!" he admonished Irma. Everybody filed in. "Git over there where I can keep an eye on ya!"
Several of the new arrivals were pleased that there weren't any guns or knives showing. Pop turned to Stick. "Awright, who's who?"
"This is Mary..."
"That's fuckin' obvious."
"And this is Ted."
"Is it Ted, or Teddy? The fat bitch keeps sayin' Teddy."
"It's Teddy, Sir," Teddy piped up.
Pop nodded. "Little fucker's got manners, at least. Next!"
"This is Mary's dad..."
Arthur nodded his head. "Arthur Nally."
"You put up with her shit regular?" Pop asked, nodding at Irma.
"Too often," Arthur replied.
"Arthur!" Irma screeched.
"Shaddap! You had your say!" Pop bellowed. "I oughta duct-tape your mouth shut!"
"And this is Teddy's mom..." Stick finished.
"Where's your daddy, Boy?" Pop asked Teddy.
"He's dead, I'm afraid," Frieda interjected. "I'm Frieda Frick."
"Frick?" Pop looked amused. Teddy colored, but Frieda held her peace, nodding.
"Awright. I'd like for this to be a man thing, but too many of ya got a right ta be here. Except for this nasty-mouthed twat," he waved at Irma, "I apologize in advance for anything too rough gets said. Okay?" Mary and Frieda nodded.
"Awright, c'mere, ya slip -- Mary, ain't it?" Pop waved her forward.
"Yes, Sir."
"We gonna start with the basics. Everybody seems ta agree you been spreadin' it for Stick -- AND for Teddy! What's up with that?" Mary flashed a look at Stick and flicked her eyes to Teddy, but Pop wasn't buying. "You're talkin' to me, now -- it's too late for snow jobs!"
"Okay. It started out more or less accidentally, but I get different things from each of them -- and I like it that way." Mary declared.
"Who else you fuckin'?"
"Stick asked ya to fuck somebody else, would ya?"
Mary chewed this one over; how was it relevant? "Maybe. It depends."
"On what?"
"Circumstances. Reasons. If it made sense. If Teddy agreed..."
"Ah. So, is this Slutville, or not? Don't sound like it, quite," Pop mused. "What's Teddy got to do with it?"
"They're equals, in some ways." Mary decided that the truth was the way to go.
Pop flashed a glance at Stick. "Ain't the way I heard it."
"We figured we would start out with something you might swallow," Mary replied.
"Huh." Pop's eyes took in both young men. "Equals, huh? Why is that? What's equal about ya?"
"They're different," Mary worked to salvage things. "It's too difficult to compare them. Like apples and oranges."
"What's so different? Besides one of 'em is a white boy..."
"Really, it's kind of obvious..." Mary trailed off.
Pop eyed Teddy. "I hear you ain't got much of a dick."
"I lied," Stick said flatly.
"It's 'Show and Tell'," Pop grated. "Show me."
Teddy undid his pants. Predictably, he was shrunken to even smaller than normal. "That's not fair!" Frieda blustered. "He's scared to death!"
"There's somethin' to see?" Pop grunted. "Can ya get it up, Son? This ain't about getting' hurt..."
"I--I don't know..."
"Get ya some help, maybe..." Pop's eyes flashed around the room; significantly, they lit on Stick, too. Stick knew some test would be coming... "I guess mosta the others wouldn't be right. Mary, you done this before, right?"
"You figure this is the right circumstances?"
"Yessir." Mary went to her knees before Teddy and took control of his cock.
"Mary! You stop that this instant! My God!" Irma screeched. "Arthur, say something!"
"Shut up, Irma," Arthur said tonelessly. "Mary wants to do this, I think." Mary, her mouth full, nodded. Teddy, thankfully, was showing some signs of life...
Pop watched for a bit, then frowned. "What the fuck? Back off, Girl -- lemme see this!"
Mary backed off, smiling; Teddy was in full flower. "See? THAT's what's different!"
"Damn, Son -- that's the weirdest dick I ever saw!" Pop exclaimed. "It be different from Stick's -- that's for sure..." He sighed. "I hate to do this to ya, Boy, but we need to move on. Tuck it back in..." Turning to Stick, he asked, "So, you're fuckin' her, right?"
"Yep." Stick's face was calm.
"Okay, prove it. I wanna see it. Tip her up over there on the couch and give her a nut."
"Ya been doin' it or ya ain't -- and if ya have, it ain't no big deal! You okay with that, Red?" Pop addressed Mary.
"Uh huh. C'mon, Stick, your Dad's right -- it's not like we haven't done it before..." Mary grabbed Stick by the wrist.
"Okay," Stick grunted. "Get your panties off. Dunno how I'm gonna get going, either, at this rate..." Too bad he couldn't use Teddy... But he started coming up right away, no problem, in Mary's hands.
"This is an outrage!" Irma protested. "Disgusting! I can't watch this! It's horrible!"
"Look away, then. Y'all okay?" Pop asked the couple setting up beside Mary's mother.
"Um, yeah..." Mary was slouched back with her dress up and her legs spread; Stick was looking for the proper stance, adjusting his knees wider and narrower. Mary started rubbing Stick's glans against her slot, intent on her work.
"Uh, if y'all don't want to see this..." Pop offered to Arthur and Frieda. "The fat bitch, there, says she ain't, so I figure it's important to her -- but y'all do as ya please..."
"Fuck you!" Irma hissed -- but she was watching her daughter absorb Stick's length.
"You'll never go back to dogs, Bitch!" Pop replied. He shifted his attention to Arthur and Frieda.
Arthur murmured, "If she's fine, I'm fine." Mary nodded confirmation.
"I don't understand how this is relevant..." Frieda murmured -- but her eyes were glued to the juncture of the black boy and the white girl. Stick was clearly just as excited to be in there...
"That fat racist cunt on the couch doesn't like it," Pop replied. "That'd be reason number one. Second, she said that she never saw them fucking -- an' she implied that somethin' else was goin' on, instead. We're clearin' up whether Stick is queer or not, for one thing."
"Oh..." Frieda couldn't tear her eyes away -- which was a general situation that included Irma.
Pussy was pussy; Stick found that he COULD get it going, and once he did, it wasn't too bad. Mary started dry, but she was lubing up... She leaned up to kiss him. "Just get it -- don't let them bother you. I'm not..."
Pop turned to Teddy. "I guess that brings us back to you. You queer, Boy?"
Teddy fidgeted. "Not totally, Sir," he finally got out. "I like that."
"Meanin' Mary?"
"Uh huh. Stick usually goes first -- it opens her up. Otherwise, it's real hard to get in."
"You an' Stick asshole buddies?" Pop asked.
Teddy paused a long time. "It's not like that. Ma, cover your ears. You see, Stick likes to get his dick wet. That doesn't make him queer. If I lined up on you for a blowjob with a couple of girls, you'd probably pick me as best, if you were blindfolded -- and a lot of that is because I know what feels good. Believe it or not, we tried it."
"You didn't answer my question."
Another long pause. "Stick's been in me. He's been in Mary, too. An ass is an ass, I guess."
Stick stopped dead. "Dammit, Pop! I can't finish what I'm doin' if I have ta worry 'bout you kicking the shit out of me!"
Pop turned his attention on Stick, but he pointed a finger at Teddy. "You taken a dick up your ass, Boy?"
Teddy shook his head no, and Stick, who could see neither of them, verbalized it, "No. Not my thing." Mary, watching Pop over Sticks shoulder, added her head shake to Teddy's.
"You suck a dick?" Pop challenged.
All three of them froze. But all three of them decided that they were safe in a lie. Teddy shook his head. A moment later, Stick said, "No, Pop." Mary added her agreement.
"Go back to fuckin'," Pop grunted. "I think all three of ya jus' lied to me -- but that's sorta impressive."
Teddy piped up, "You've seen me. I'm not going to be in an ass."
"Boy, you don' know what I seen. But I'll buy it that you ain't tried it," Pop replied.
Teddy shrugged. "It's just not Stick's thing..."
"What's YOUR thing, Boy?"
"Whatever it takes, Dear."
"Okay. I like to fuck. I like to be sucked. I like to make other people happy, so I like to suck. I kind of like being fucked," Teddy went down the list.
"So what does Stick do for you, Boy?"
Teddy was ready. "He lets me make him happy. There's some more to it; he protects me and Mary. He makes the tough decisions. He shares."
Pop sighed. "You still told me more'n you should have."
Arthur piped up. "There's a range, here. It's called bisexual. It's not gay, and it's not straight -- it's more just... open. But it IS a range. I've talked to all three of them about it, and Teddy is well over the hump toward being homosexual -- but he isn't, quite. He's very submissive, and in a lot of ways almost female -- sorry, Ma'am." He nodded at Frieda, who said nothing. "Stick is the opposite; he's mostly into females, and completely into -- as Teddy says -- getting his dick wet. He won't do anything that endangers his position as top dog in the relationship -- but he'll fuck anyone that offers, within limits."
Stick had stopped again. "Shit, Mary, I can't do this while they talk about me!"
Mary sighed. "I can't, either. Let's just wait like this."
"Why don't you two just stop that disgusting, unnatural act?" Irma ranted. "I can't believe..."
"SHUT UP!" came from at LEAST three sources.
"Boy, you can stop worryin' when you answer just ONE question so I'll believe it!" Pop rasped. "If ya don't, your ass is outta here, so you need to think about it REAL HARD!" He paused, then posed the question again, "Now, Boy, DO YOU SUCK DICK?"
Stick locked eyes with Mary. Several seconds went by. Finally, he murmured, "One dick. Teddy's. Because he deserves it."
Mary followed this up with, "And that's MY fault -- because I browbeat him that he was just taking from Teddy and not giving him anything in the relationship!"
Pop sat there, looking at Teddy, who had tears running down his face. "This is fucked up."
"If I had known it would come to this, I'd never have allowed it," Teddy husked.
Stick turned around. "Pop, this ain't about queer or straight. It's about me, and him and her. That's all. Jus' me and him and her."
Pop looked at Teddy. "That the way it is? Nobody else?" Teddy nodded. Pop turned to Stick, "Boy, take yo' friends up to you mama's and my room. Don't fuck the place up, but take care of business. The rest of us got adult shit to talk about." He sat looking at Teddy while Stick unplugged himself from Mary, helped her up, and collected Teddy, tucking him between himself and Mary as he led them out.
When they were gone, he repeated himself, "This is fucked up." Irma opened her mouth, and he grated, "Shut up! You ain't brought nothin' positive to the table yet!" He rubbed his face and turned to Arthur, "You seem to know shit -- what happened?"
Arthur shrugged. "Blind luck. I picked up on it early and got most of the answers. None of them is out doing anything or anybody else. Stick isn't gay, and hasn't done anything gay with anyone else. Teddy was in early experimentation; Mary probably stopped him from coming out confused. Mary -- Mary's happy..." he flicked his eyes at Irma, "generally."
"I'll get back to ya," Pop grunted. He turned to Frieda, "What's your take on this?"
"I was totally blind until yesterday," Frieda replied, "but I don't have a problem with it. I don't have a problem with either of them."
"Well I do!" Irma piped up. "I think it's a crime against nature! It's sick, that's what it is! All this wild sex... Musical chairs... It's godawful!"
Pop rubbed his face again and, ignoring Irma's ongoing tirade, turned to Arthur. "What's your name again?"
"Arthur, this dizzy bitch has spent the past hour or so sounding like the queen of the white supremacists! She's insulted me about two million times in my own home, an' I wanna kick her big fuckin' white ass right up between her fuckin' ears! Being you be her husband an' all, I'm wonderin' if you want to take responsibility for the bitch..."
Arthur sat there for a moment, looking at Pop Williams. Then he looked at Irma, who sat with her arms crossed, glaring at him. Then he turned back to Pop, "Ordinarily, I'd feel some obligation to support her sorry ass -- but she came here to make trouble and to ruin my daughter's life, so I figure she can get what's coming to her."
Pop sat back. "You ain't wearin' a pointy white hood today? Or you jus' too chicken to mix it up wit' me?"
Arthur took off his eyeglasses and gazed down at them. "If you feel you need to fight me, that's fine -- but I'd prefer that you save your energy for Irma; she's well padded. I don't know where this crap she's spouting came from, but I don't agree with any of it, and, frankly, I think you have a real fine boy!"
"Arthur, you fucking traitor! I want a divorce! I'm going to take you for every nickel you ever made!" Irma screeched.
"Jeezus!" Pop leaned up and slapped Irma right across the mouth, then sat back watching Arthur, who made no move. Frieda flinched, and Pop spared her a glance. "I'm real sorry you had ta see that." He turned back to Arthur. "But?"
"But nothing," Arthur replied, shaking his head. "Stick had it right -- it's about the relationship. The three of them are growing something non-standard in the way of a relationship. Now, I have no problem with that. Frieda, here, has said the same. It's up to you and Irma -- and I'm prepared to fight Irma."
"Well, I'M prepared to KICK IRMA'S FAT ASS!" Pop roared, getting up in her face.
"Do what you like! I won't have MY daughter turning out a half- dozen half-breed babies and a bunch of God knows what for a couple of queers!" Irma spat.
"Long as they be sharin' your daughter's pussy, they ain't queer!" Pop replied, his eyes slits. "What you got against black dick, anyway, bitch? You miss out when you was younger?"
"You blacks and your big egos, trying to paper over your natural inferiority! You expect me to buy into the black sexual superman myth? Bullshit!" Irma screeched.
"Big talk, bitch! You up for a wager?"
Irma's eyes narrowed. "What kind of wager?"
"I bet I got two inches of cock on your old man, there. If I'm wrong, I'll make Stick stay away from Mary. But if I'm right, I'm gonna poke it in every one of your skanky holes and blow a wad -- an' you'll suck it up an' run your little brown, kinky-haired grandchildren around the block in their stroller, all proud-like -- right with the white ones!"
Irma's mind raced. She had no real concept of what 'normal' was for a cock; she'd had two, and the other one was longer than Arthur's. Still, she'd seen two more today, and Stick's, while longer than Arthur's, wasn't anything ridiculous.
Pop, meanwhile, shifted his gaze to the others. Arthur put back on his eyeglasses; Frieda just sat there, petrified. Pop eyed her. "This is outta hand. If you don't wanta be here, you can go inta the next room, or somethin'. We got to fix this."
"Will it be fixed?" Frieda asked, fearful for her son, rather than herself. "The gay parts..."
Pop waved it off. "Special case. Don' want it getting' out in the 'hood, but..." He nodded at Irma. "Problem is THERE!" He turned to Arthur. "Okay, this is different. That's your pussy -- you got a say..."
"It's MY pussy!" Irma insisted. "Only I get a say!"
Pop's expression reflected sadness. "She like that alla time?"
"Some. For a while, now." Arthur's reply was toneless. "This is the worst, by quite a distance." He looked at his wife. "I'm out of it -- let her make her own decisions."
Irma grinned in triumph. "Okay, Superman -- two inches, huh? I don't think Arthur is average -- do you?"
Pop just eyed her. "Three."
"Three! Three inches? So the bet is that you're three inches longer than he is?" Pop nodded, warily. "Done!" Irma cackled.
Pop turned to Frieda. "In the next room, in Rose's sewing cabinet, there will be a cloth measuring tape in the left-hand drawer. Would y'all get it for us?" Frieda, wide-eyed, nodded, and bustled off to collect the tape. Pop turned to Arthur. "I didn't ask you if you wanted to do this."
"I see where it's going."
"You packing any surprises?"
"Then she's fucked."
"Yeah, sure! Whip it out, Superman! Show me the Black Master's super snake!" She turned to Arthur, "Pay attention, Dear -- no doubt it'll be longer than yours, anyway. I spent two years helping you keep your job by fucking that bastard Chase, before he moved on -- I've seen better than you before!"
Arthur looked shocked. Pop shook his head. "Man, that sucks! I already seen more of YOUR home life than I wanna!" Frieda bustled back in with the cloth tape. "Okay, you're a witness, right?" Pop addressed her.
"Yesssss." Frieda had no idea how things had come to this -- but she couldn't leave. Somehow, at some point, this black man had stopped being the enemy and started championing both their sons against the hatred and vituperation Mary's mother was putting out. Things were... weird... but she felt compelled to see them play themselves out...
"You good with that, Bitch?" Pop prompted. "Maybe you want the kids to see you go down?"
"She'll do to witness you eating crow, Superman! Let's go! I've got things to do!" Irma snarled.
"Go ahead, Man," Pop directed. Arthur stood and deliberately unzipped his trousers, then lowered them to the floor. He looked first at Irma, then Frieda, then shucked out of his boxers. Pop took a look and grunted, "You suck, there, White Supremacist Bitch? Mebbe you wanna fluff him a bit before the measurement?" Arthur was only half-hard.
"It's probably enough to handle the handicap already!" Irma countered. "Come on, stop talking and start embarrassing yourself!"
Pop argued, "I'm serious! You're gonna want to get everything you can! You got five minutes once Miz Frick here says time starts -- but I get equal time!"
"Five?" Irma looked disgusted. "Too long -- two!"
Pop shrugged. "Two it is. Miz Frick, you clear on the bet?"
"I think so. Your... equipment is to be at least three inches longer than Mr. Nally's. Mrs. Nally has two minutes to get the maximum erection possible from each of you."
"That it, bitch?"
"Fine. Christ, Arthur, you could make SOME showing!" Irma bitched.
"Ya got two minutes to help him..." Pop pointed out.
"Stop talking and get it out!" Irma ranted. "I need to take my daughter home!"
"Fine." Pop unzipped and dropped his baggy blue jeans.
Stick, Teddy, and Mary weren't up to 'taking care of business' when they entered Stick's parent's bedroom. The previous half hour or so had been extremely stressful for them all; Teddy was openly crying and Mary was on the verge of tears. Stick couldn't seem to lift his various burdens THAT far -- release seemed to be denied him. "I dunno WHAT the fuck Pop's gonna do now!"
"What do you figure they're up to?" Teddy asked fearfully.
"I figure they're arguing over who is going to try to stop us and who isn't -- and how," Mary guessed.
"Yeh," Stick agreed. "I'm thinkin' it's two against two. Mary's Mama an' my Pop against Teddy's Mama and Mary's Pop. Don't look good." He looked at Teddy. "Mebbe I can crash at your place. Dunno WHAT the fuck we gonna do 'bout Mary..."
"Let's not buy trouble, Hon. My Poppa might carry things..." Mary hoped.
"Ma isn't exactly committed -- and she isn't exactly gutsy," Teddy sighed. "In the meantime, what are we gonna do?"
"I'm tempted to have one last blast -- but I don't think I'm up for it," Stick sighed.
"Me either," Mary agreed. Teddy nodded his head. The three cuddled up on the bed for several minutes, trying to get control of their emotions. Finally, Teddy stopped openly crying and Mary stopped shaking. Stick grunted, "I can't believe it's takin' this long... Somebody plannin' to move outta town, or somethin'?" He hopped up. "I'm gonna try to get a look; y'all wait here..."
"Omigod!" Frieda exclaimed. Pop Williams organ as revealed was a good two inches longer than Arthur's, completely flaccid!
Irma looked back and forth. Experience told her that Arthur had a bit more in him, but that much? She began to know real fear. "Come on, Arthur -- DO something!"
"Uh uh," Pop admonished. "Ain't up to him. It's up to YOU! Best you get him hard..."
Irma looked to him for clearance and Pop stood back, allowing her to get up off the couch. Irma ponderously got up and moved over in front of Arthur, kneeling before him and hissing, "You're embarrassing me!"
Arthur shrugged. "You're the one that got yourself into this."
Pop looked over at Frieda. "You gotta watch, Miz Frick?"
"Do I have a watch, or do I have TO watch?" Frieda asked.
"Yes." She positioned herself to Arthur's left (Irma's right), where Pop's monster organ was also in her field of view, looked at her watch, and announced, "You may start."
Irma, with obvious reluctance, took up Arthur's cock and started jacking it. Pop murmured, "Keep an eye out, Miz Frick. I get equal time -- and whatever he gets!"
Irma looked up, scowling. "You mean I have to do this to you?"
"Yeh." Pop grinned.
"EWWWW!!!" Irma dropped her hands.
"You lose this bet, Bitch, an' that'll be fuckin' NOTHIN' to what happens!" Pop grated. Irma thought about it, eyed Pop's snake, and started jacking again.
Arthur got hard against his will; even given the situation, any attention was better than none. Irma watched with satisfaction as his cock stiffened and the glans puffed out, filled with blood. Pop, watching, grunted, "Nothin' wrong with that. You be a picky bitch, ain't ya?"
"Shut up," Irma rasped. "This is MY time!" She directed a venomous look at Arthur, who she was certain was holding back -- and which had a negative effect on him; he subsided a bit under the glare. "Dammit, Arthur!"
"You aren't exactly making this a pleasant experience!" Arthur retorted.
Frieda watched, fascinated. Both men present exceeded Hubby's capabilities by a significant margin; Mr. Williams was absolutely HUGE! Twenty-four hours before, Frieda could not have even envisioned this scene. A few minutes ago, she was scared to death, both for herself and for her son. Now, she was floating beyond all that, running on apparently unneeded adrenaline -- and succumbing to the fascination with male sex organs first experienced earlier in the day.
Irma shut up and concentrated on Arthur's cock, managing to bring it to something resembling its potential. Pop, watching Frieda, recognized fascination and cleared his throat. Frieda looked up, blushed, checked her watch, and announced, "Time!"
"How long was it really?" Pop asked.
"Almost three minutes." Frieda looked away, embarrassed.
Irma glared. Pop grunted, "Don' give her any shit -- you needed it! Git a measurement!" He grinned. "Best keep him fluffed up, there!"
Frieda fumbled with the tape. "Top side," Pop recommended. "Bottom is longer, 'cause of the curve, but then you get inta arguments 'bout where the cock ends and the balls start..."
With shaking hands, Frieda placed the metal tab of the tape against Arthur's pubic bone and rolled it out. "Ummm, six inches, right at."
Pop peered over the top. "Decent. Take a look, Bitch. Satisfied?"
Irma rolled her eyes. "It's all I'm gonna get, I guess." She directed another withering glance at Arthur.
"Ain't his fault," Pop grunted. "That's 'bout normal. An' you ain't helped him much. Git your big ass over here -- it's my turn!" Arthur made to pull up his pants, but Pop waved him off. "Leave it -- she might want to go for best two outta three..."
Irma turned, but squinched up her face. "I'm not touching that!"
"Fuck you ain't, you dizzy bitch!" Pop growled. "You made the rules -- now you'll live by 'em!"
Irma glared up at him. "You can't make me!"
SMACK!! Pop lambasted Irma across the face, then grabbed a handful of her hair. "You in serious shit, here, an' you ain't got no friends! Git your shit together, Bitch!" Pop got right down in Irma's face. Standing back up, he flicked a glance at Arthur, who was frowning slightly, but said nothing.
Irma turned watery eyes on Arthur. "He hit me!"
Arthur's face went totally blank. "Did it knock any sense into you?"
"How many times do I have to say this? You entered this man's home and insulted him, his family, and his race! I disagree with ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING you have said on this matter, and you haven't given me any reason to support you! I'm not interceding! Be happy I'm not helping him!"
"But you're my husband!"
"And you want a divorce! Frankly, I think that's a pretty good idea! In any case, you made a wager, here, in front of witnesses. You need to follow through!"
Irma looked around; this wasn't the way things were supposed to be! Arthur was SUPPOSED to cave and do as he was told -- support her! Instead, he was just standing there with that iron-hard look on his face that he'd been displaying off and on for several days, now. Things were NOT as they should be! Now, this ugly black bastard was using her hair to turn her face away from her husband's, tilting her face up to his...
"About time you got started, ain't it?" Pop growled. He drew back his hand. Actually, slapping the bitch around was starting to get him stiff, anyway -- some kind of reaction, probably...
Irma continued to look stubborn... and found herself riding out the second slap! "OW!"
"Git started! Do what ya said you would do!"
"Oh, all right! All right!" Irma took up Pop's heavy club of a cock. It felt different than Arthur's, both because of its size and the fact that it was currently dead weight.
"You jus' gonna look at it?" Pop grunted. Irma grimaced and started jacking the thing. Only the very tip exposed itself beyond the foreskin; she pulled it back until the head was exposed and let it retract. Pop thought it was a piss-poor effort, but he didn't need much... "Might as well start the time..."
Frieda nodded. She'd flinched at both slaps; now Arthur gently drew her away to whisper in her ear, "I know this looks awful -- but you can't imagine how much she needs this dose of reality. She's been just awful for some time -- and there was that other thing... Very embarrassing. That she would tell me such a thing in front of witnesses... Remember what we're trying to accomplish, here -- it's for the kids..."
Frieda nodded again, watching Irma pretend to work. She heard Arthur, and agreed with him, but the primary sensation she felt was his warm breath in her ear. Weirdly, she was tremendously excited; her nipples were rock hard, and she was wet between the legs -- something probably improper for someone who was witnessing what was from some standpoints an assault, and, if things continued as they were, was starting to look like the warmup for a rape...
Stick, creeping through the kitchen, nearly jumped out of his skin at the sound of the slaps. He froze for half a minute before creeping forward to peek around the door. 'What the fuck?' Mary's Pop was standing there with his shit down around his ankles, whispering in Teddy's Mama's ear -- and both were watching... Mary's Mama jacking off Pop? Something really strange was goin' down...
"C'mon, Bitch, you're cheatin'," Pop grunted. "Git it movin'!" Irma was deliberately taking her time to keep the friction down from her pseudo-hand job. It wasn't helping that much, because he was growing, anyway, but she was cheating -- and everyone knew it! "I'm gonna slap your ass again!"
It all started as a simply little bet. It was one of those bets where we were both 100% sure that we were right. Sound familiar? First the bet was for $5, then she upped it to $20 and I upped it to $50. That’s when things got interesting. She said “I know you’re wrong but if you win, I’ll do anything you want me to do, but if I win, you have to do anything I want you to do - anything at all!”This did not intimidate me in the slightest as I was so sure I was right. “OK, I’ll take that bet.”Less...
Sarah lost a bet. It was not unusual for us to make little bets amongst ourselves, often with naughty forfeits for the loser. This time, I hadnt been to specific about what she had to do but did tell her it involved another guy. We had done shares and threesomes a number of times so the mention of another did nothing but bring a wry smile to her face.I arranged it for that weekend and she had dressed balancing the need to look nice with the knowledge she wouldnt be wearing her outfit for long....
I was readying myself to jump out of the shower, when Celine wandered into my bathroom. “Ah, just in time. Pass me a towel, will you? I forgot to grab one before getting in," I asked her. “Good thing I’m here as usual or you’d be parading around butt naked, dripping water all over the place,” she retorted, whilst nonetheless wiggling her firm little cheeks over to the cupboard where I keep my towels. “Here, wipe your church doors with this!” then, “Shame, I wouldn’t have minded drying them...
LesbianAs much as you would have liked to have won the bet, you were happy just the same to lose and have to take up the dare. As you drive to the movie theater you are hoping that 1.) your outfit is right and 2.) you are able to fulfill the dare set forth by your husband. You walk up to the ticket booth and choose the action movie that is playing because you know there will be more men than couples that will want to see the movie. You get your refreshments and head into the theater, heart racing,...
As much as you would have liked to have won the bet, you were happy just the same to lose and have to take up the dare. As you drive to the movie theater you are hoping that 1.) your outfit is right and 2.) you are able to fulfill the dare set forth by your husband. You walk up to the ticket booth and choose the action movie that is playing because you know there will be more men than couples that will want to see the movie. You get your refreshments and head into the theater, heart racing,...
ExhibitionismHi my name is Francesca. I’m a 26-year-old Italian girl living in Milan. I’m a dark haired girl with blue eyes, about 1.7 meters tall and quite thin, I dress a 42, of European size, and I go to the gym to keep my body in shape. Before a bet I made with a foreign man about a football match I had never thought about having sex with any foreign man—this experience I changed my mind. It was a pleasant evening in June when the Italian football team played for the international cup against Egypt. I...
LENA LOOKS AT HER LOVELIEST AT EIGHTEEN AND STILL A VIRGIN -- FINALLY FULLY FREELena looks at her loveliest. Feels finally free from parental prison: over eighteen, gymnasium graduated.Lena is still a very virgin innocent teen. As far as I know, she even has not discovered masturbation yet.Lena takes the train with me, after our hot holiday. That day she is exactly eighteen and six months old. Lena is born on February 27. As a 'Fish' by star-sign she loves bathing or our swims in a Bavarian...
Babette By Margaret Jeanette Holly Hunter sat in her dad's office She had stopped in to visit with him as she seldom saw him. Their conversation turned to an area Holly dreaded. Her dad was a successful contractor who had built his business up being fair and honest with his customers. Jim Hunter was a workaholic who wasn't happy until a job was done. He said, "Holly, I love you but you are twenty-five years old. When I was twenty-five I was already married three years. You...
So my wife is excited. Her brother who lives in California and she hasn't seen in a few years decided to take a family vacation. They are coming to visit us in San Antonio. It's himself, wife and their two boys. The boys and him are cool to hang out with. We always have a good time when we spend time with them.Now his wife, Lizbeth is a different story. She's very pretty, nice tits and ass. She is a solid MILF The only downside is that she is batshit crazy. Also is clinically bipolar, takes...
True story? You decide A couple of years ago, I decided to lose weight and bought a bike for exercise. A few years later, I got a gym membership. Last Christmas, because I got tired of riding the bike in rush hour I got an elliptical machine. Between the workouts at home and at the gym and the long bike rides, I was, if I do say so myself, turning into middle-aged stud muffin. As I was trimming up, my wife of fifteen years was making no headway. She was always on the heavy side. With the...
ToysIt had been almost six months since Mandy and I had played strip pool with our friend Nick. He had started seeing a girl, and she definitely was not the type to even consider getting involved in anything like that. Of course, either would Mandy unless she had been drinking. Anyway, Nick called us up one day and said that his girl would be out of town for a week so he was having a little get together with old friends that he didn’t really get to hang out with when she was around. He asked if we...
How I became Mistress Mischelle's maid babette sissy babs This is the beginning of a multi-part story that I am working on with my wife. She wrote the part "Mischelle's maid babette's training" and submitted it to Fictionmania. It was added on 7/24/2007. I suggest that you open up another Internet window and have that story ready but don't read it until the character in this story is reading it. After reading my wife's story then return to this one but...
"Awright, Bitch," Pop resumed, now that he was thickening back up, "today's class in what's real an' what ain't is in three parts. Ya had the explanation -- now it's time for the demonstration!" Irma looked up, confused. Sticking his horse-cock halfway down her throat and spewing semen into her mouth wasn't the main event? Pop was letting her do all the work this time, rather than jamming away; as a result, some sanity had returned. But she was STILL up the creek, buck- naked with...
Title - Fuck buddy loses control Synopsis – My regular fuck buddy whom I fuck once or twice a day comes over one night very drunk after a wedding. We always have rough sex. He treats me like the whore I am. But tonight he loses control and I experience real fear. This story actually happened and I have related it exactly as it played out. Codes – m/f, spanking, D/s. B/D, S/M, BDSM, bondage, real, consensual, reluctant, humiliation, nc, heavyStory: Are you ready for me??A thrill runs though...
Hi I am David from Kerala I am 21 years old I was 6.2 feet height now I am here to share my wonderful experience with my teacher Nirmala. Nirmala is a 33 year aged women her height is 5.3feet her size is 34-36-36 I was very fond of her deep navel and ass. Come on lets go to the story I was 12th at that time nirmala was my class teacher. All the sirs and students are curious about nirmala. She is the dream girl of the entire males in the school including me. I was good scorer in the class so all...
Did you ever do something on the spur of the moment and have it change your whole life? I did. I have no idea why I did it or what even put the thought into my head. Just one or two seconds is all it took to change my life forever. My wife is what some might call pleasingly plump. At five feet, one hundred and twenty-five pounds (a good bit of it stuffed into her 34C bra) she is a voluptuous bombshell. Add long black hair that hangs down to her ass and legs that just cry out "fuck me" when...
Dear all, I am Ashok varma from Hyderabad is a true story,i be son of a bitch if i do lie in this matter.Nirmala was my real aunt, we are still very much in love. this incident happened in 2009. my uncle was in UK & seeking for immigration chance to get settled there. i did a lot for Shakeela’s ailing brother those day. i donated blood to him, i took Nirmala long way to see her brother twice a day. Her brother got able to start his job in a month. i never had any bad feeling towards...
A group of friends and I get together every couple of weeks to play poker. It's a fun night, usually around 10 guys show up but it whittles down to 4 or 5 by 2:00 AM or so depending on how the luck is flowing. We eat snacks and drink a little, sometimes more than a little but fun is had and it usually last into the morning hours like 3 or 4 AM and nobody gets into trouble or anything like that. A couple of weeks ago our poker game was going pretty much as usual, around 2 we are down to 3-5...
Chapter 10 - Steffi Loses the Right To Wear White We live in a world where losing your phone is more dramatic than losing your virginity. Fred had snuck into the bathroom to have a private conversation with his girlfriend, Lucy. He took the opportunity to do a little sexting in anticipation of the night of hot sex he had planned. He tiptoed back to his office he shared with Steve only to find it empty. His partner was AWOL. Fred scanned the room and saw a slip of paper on the...
Dani wasn't overly fond of babysitting for the Clarks, but they did pay well so she would grit her teeth and bear it. Usually the three or four hours of torture was worth the money and Dani could use the extra cash, as her university costs were getting higher with each semester. She was 20 and in her third year in Business Law and now that summer holidays were over, so was the summer employment. During school months, she still managed to do babysitting around the neighborhood, as well as work...
"Elisabeth"By: EericBlog:***********************************************************************My name is John and I go to the West college, it's a rather small college. My girlfriend Elisabeth also goes to the same college.We met a little less than a year ago and have been dating ever since.I'm 22 years old.I am not what you would call an athlete, I have a rather skinny body.I'm really into computers so I help the teachers at the college withthe computer classes. I also...
My name is John and I go to the West college, it's a rather small college. My girlfriend Elisabeth also goes to the same college. We met a little less than a year ago and have been dating ever since.I'm 22 years old. I am not what you would call an athlete, I have a rather skinny body.I'm really into computers so I help the teachers at the college with the computer classes. I also help out with students who don't really care for computers and try to get them to use them more.My girlfriend...
Elisabeth - Part 2By: Eeric*********************************************************************It has now been a week since I saw Elisabeth doing those blackguys from the closet.And a few days ago I even caught her making out with Jamaal in the hallway at our college, right in the open.She told me that she was sorry, but I think that she wanted me to see it.I think it turns her on knowing that I'm watching her when she's with black guys.And even though I get very jealous, I really do love her...
Continued form chapter four Well I'm here now and I want some of his hot sausage meat inside me too. She takes her glasses off & cheerleader outfit placing the on my night stand. She leaves her pigtails in place then joins us in my bed I'm ready now . She begins sucking sues breasts . I can't wait till they start giving milk . Do you think I could try some when it's ready?, why of course you can thank you . The only real pure breast milk I ever had was moms when I was a...
LENA LETS ME WATCH WHEN WATERING NAKED, SQUATTED AT THE GRASS, IN MY TENTLena looks at her loveliest. Feels finally free from parental prison: over 18. Got Gymnasium.Lena is still a very virgin innocent teen. She even has not discovered yet any masturbation!Lena is slender, tall, tasty and very pretty. Hence also very sexy, despite all her shyness nude.Lena & I are before, for four hours, bathing in Lake Love. Lets lets me touch her under water.Lena loves how it feels. First time ever for...
LENA LETS ME FEEL HER UP DURING OUR BATH OF HOURS IN LAKE LOVE, I HOTLY HOPELena looks at her loveliest. Feels finally free from parental 'prison': over 18. Got Gymnasium.Lena is still a very virgin innocent teen. She even has not discovered yet any masturbation!Lena is with me, others siblings and our folks on a hot holiday at our auntie at Lake Love, Bavaria.Lena looks like me and dad: tall and very pretty. Lena and I are always closer, than the others.Lena is by three or four years younger...
Britney loses her Sissy VirginityWe had chatted online and I agreed to meet him at his place, I was ready to take the step to live action and he was very hot and hung. I arrived and he led me to the bathroom to get dressed and made up, "See you in a few,Sweety" he said, I was already feeling gurly just by the sweety remark. I put on my cutest pnk plaid school gurl skirt, white stockings and pink satin panties, made up my face with some very hot red cocksucker lipstick, eyeliner and blush. I was...
Andrew walked home from the party. No, he didn’t really walked, he stumbled and staggered, legs held as wide apart as he could, nursing an asshole that only a few hours earlier had been the virgin bud of a true stud, and was now gaping obscenely. Even as he walked he felt it throb and pulse… and he felt the warm liquid leaking down along his inner thighs – liquid that could only be Thomas’s cum. His mind kept going back to the party – a party to which he had been specially invited and to which,...
Extremely sorry for late submission of this part.. Thanks for your comments.. Please share your ideas for next part.. On The shweta’s bedroom door opens everyone turned their head towards it to know what exactly happened.. Kambale came out in his short followed by shweta wearing tight black leather inners & harness. Her scattered hair was indicating the intense sex she had… She followed him like a dog to dining table …. “great idea kambale” bakshi greeted kambale & gave a stern look at...
This is a continuation from my previous stories in the Anjan series (links on top) so read them first. Comments welcome at “You are not going anyfuckinghwere. I need your balls, and I need them here so I can fucking squeeze them dry. Is that clear, motherfucker?” That Janani was pissed was evident from the fact that my balls were being squeezed worse than they have ever been. But this wasn’t her just being pissed, it was evident that she was distraught and is acting out by hurting me more. She...
Nearly everyone has a sexual fantasy that they would love to act on sometime in their life. Unfortunately for some, it never becomes reality. There are many different reasons, ranging from having fear or hesitation, to fantasizing about someone they can’t have, or the situation just never presents itself. This is a story of one such fantasy. Hope you enjoy! It was a Friday evening and I was on my way to meet my usual group of friends. The eight of us had been friends since high school, and we...
CrossdressingAs a young boy, to enable my parents to continue going to work without worrying about leaving me alone at home, each time the long school summer holiday came around I was packed off to the country to stay with a lady I called Auntie Bettie. Auntie Bettie and I were not related, she used to live next door to us with her husband and they were good friends with my parents. She moved away to the countryside after her husband was killed in a car crash but always stayed in contact with us and it was...
BECOMING MARYBETH My name is Marybeth Greene-at least that's what I prefer to go by. I have medium length dark hair, age appropriate, and am in my mid-60s. I'm kind of cute for my age, at least I think so. But I have a boyfriend so I guess I cant be too hideous. The reason I somewhat insecure is that I wasn't born Marybeth-my birth name is David, and my birth gender is male. However, I knew from a VERY early age that my initial classification was wrong. I think my mom knew it...
Hi, my name is Jay. I am 24 years old and I am born and raised in the Netherlands. I've been living on my own for about a year now. Before that, I lived with my dad and my stepmother. My dad got remarried seven years ago with Elisabeth, my stepmother. Elisabeth and me, always have had a good relationship, even though she is my stepmother. My dad is a project manager and was always making a lot of hours, so me and Elisabeth got really close in the years that I lived with my dad and her. Even...
TabooI’ve had fantasies about the cable guy that I had once seduced. Jimmy and I unfortunately didn’t have video of it but he was able to take pictures of me taking his big black cock. I’ve recently had to go back to that picture set and loudly reminisce about it as Jimmy fucked me in bed one night. Ironically, a day came when we had trouble with our phone line and finally Jimmy placed a repair request order to fix the problem. When we were finally told what day the telephone repairman was coming to...
EroticThe Airman?.. It?s strange how the mind can recall certain events with such clarity yet blot out others. It was as if my life began during the years of World War Two. I don?t recall much of anything prior. Of course, being raised and educated in an orphanage doesn?t highlight much. I do remember enlisting into the military at the earliest possible age, to be on my own. As a young airman in the Army Air Corp, I remember my last bombing mission and the ensuing events...
TV REPAIRMAN by kimmie oh The doorbell rang, and Billy padded barefoot over the hardwood floor of his apartment. He quickly checked his reflection in the mirror one last time. Then he took a deep breath, smiled, and opened the door. He felt a blast of January cold on his rather scantily clad body. In the vestibule stood a tall, good-looking older man in worn work clothes. The man gave Billy a quick once-over and Billy held his breath. He wondered if he had gone too far: the...
We pulled into Deadwood about 3 o’clock in the afternoon. While Sturgis wasn’t that much farther, Laurie’s hands gripping my waist was making me edgy and I knew I needed to stop and blow off some much built up steam. After we checked into the hotel, Laurie jumped in the shower and I took the opportunity to run over to the local grocery store. I strolled through the store quickly, grabbing a bottle of white zinfandel and a couple of the disposable enemas. I had plans for Laurie, even though she...
ReluctanceSeptember 29, 1984, McKinley, Ohio At the close of Vespers, Father Nicholas, I, and two acolytes left the altar. He completed the prayers which served as the Dismissal, then turned to the congregation. “One announcement,” he said. “Tomorrow, immediately following the Divine Liturgy, we’ll have a betrothal ceremony for Subdeacon Michael and Elizaveta Kozlova.” There were a few gasps, but otherwise, no real reaction because we were in the nave, where applause or chatter was completely...
Jeff had worked at the local pizza joint for a few years and had made a few friends. He had grown closest to Billy who was into gambling. Billy introduced Jeff to poker, craps and all sorts of table games. Billy had hosted a few trips to Vegas and eventually Jeff was a fan gambling but preferred table games. Jeff was too scared to make any major bets at the casinos, but when he played with Billy we was never too scared to double or nothing. He didnt feel the pressure of reality when playing...
"Oh yeah thats it lick it man oh Mr Johnson your tongue feels so good." I just kepted licking and eating his man pussy. He moved his hands to the back of his butt and spread his ass cheeks so I could reach his hole better. He was going crazy with desire. I took my right hand and put it between his legs and the rung of the ladder and started to jerk his cock off. Licking and jerking at the same time. He was going mad. "Oh yeah now you have me thats it man." He started to pump his hips with the...
GayThe moment I walked into the house, I heard my parents arguing in the kitchen. "I say she is not!" That was my mother's voice, characterized by her screechy voice. "She is eighteen years old, popular, goes out with boys at all awkward times..." "That's not proof that she is not," countered my father. "Just because she is popular and friendly doesn't mean that she has to lose her virginity." Aha! So that was the reason. Believe me when I tell you that I wasn't shocked at all;...
“That’s not fair; I only had two things on my list if you lost.” “Yeah, what?” she challenged. “Wash my car and wait on me hand and foot while I watched TV.” Tia tried to hold back her scorn, “That’s not like you, I’d bet your list included licking your boots and scratching your ass or something disgusting like that.” I wanted to shock her, to piss her off so she’d get out of my sight, “Actually my list included a strip show and blowjob. Good thing for you my fucking team lost.” She...
Hello dear friends and loving girls and aunties. A famous quote by Marilyn Monroe: “Sex is a part of nature. I go along with nature” . I mean to say whenever you get a chance to have sex, move on and take a chance. Who knows it may bring life long sweet moments to you. I am Jaggannath, 29 years old, single bit experienced in sex. I am staying in Bengaluru, Karnataka. If any ladies or girls want to contact me, u can contact through my mail id: I am one and only son to my parents and both are...
Here’s a story about my aunt and I. I am Varun and my aunt’s name is Nirmala. I have been a life long masturbator. I love doing it to hot fantasies and I love to be watched. I’ve also had the hots for my aunt since I was a little kid. She is gorgeous and we have always had a wonderfully warm relationship. One day about four years ago she and I were talking and the topic of sex came up. I am a student and I am kind of busy with college that I don’t have lots of time for dating, although I do...
IncestHannah and I have been married for nearly five years now and the time I want to tell you about happened when we were dating in college. I had taken a year off after high school so while we were the same age, I was in my second year and she was a junior. I was in a dorm at the time and Hannah had her own apartment where I would usually spend the weekends. We always, and still do, sleep naked and I usually stayed that way through breakfast until after we'd showered together. That generally led...
I Didn’t Mind Losing This BetBy Player OneMy name is JoAnne. I met the man who was to become my Master through his cousin during a summer visit. I was 19 and Bill was 23. This was 40 years ago, but I can still remember it as if it had happened earlier today. Even at the age of 19, I had had several short term relationships with various men. I had loved to fuck ever since I had felt my first cock in my pussy, just before I turned sweet 16. To be honest with you, short term relationships...
I am 25 year old married woman standing 5 foot 7 inches with a 34C chest 25 inch waist and 34 inch butt. My husband is older than I am, have been together for about 8 years and have an open marriage. We are not swingers, but very adventurous, ever since my husband convinced me of how really attractive and sensual I am. One afternoon I was visiting one of our neighbors from the gated community where we live when a service technician showed up. He was about 6 foot tall with broad shoulders and...
Wife LoversIn the fall of 1996, computer program software was exploding, and, as a freelance code chopper, I was raking in the bucks. So I was hard at it when 13-year-old Betsy walked in and cheerfully announced. “I just had my period, Daddy.” “Uh, aha, um, well… right. Did you use the stuff we bought?” “Of course; I’m not mentally challenged.” She grinned all over her plump, pretty face. “You know what this means, Daddy? Now we can really do it!” Oh boy. To be plain about it, my...
Betsy and I had been married for a little over twelve years. We were living the American Middle Class Dream. Three great kids, our own home, two cars in the garage — the whole bit. I had always thought that ours was the perfect marriage. I loved her and I'd always thought that she loved me, but I recently found out that my loving wife had a secret life — a life that cast doubt on whether she had any feelings for me at all. I'd be insulting Betsy if I said she was a stay at home mom who...
Piggy and the Repairman I was a very bad girl today. That is why my Mistress has had me blindfolded and my ankles secured to a spreader bar locked to the rings in her basement floor and my arms stretched above me and secured to another spreader bar. I have been in the basement for what seems hours, naked and cold and undergoing all sorts of punishments. But I know these punishments are well deserved for how badly I acted today. She has left me alone for now and I can hear her moving...
I am 25 year old married woman standing 5 foot 7 inches with a 34C chest 25 inch waist and 34 inch butt. My husband is older than I am, have been together for about 8 years and have an open marriage. We are not swingers, but very adventurous, ever since my husband convinced me of how really attractive and sensual I am. One afternoon I was visiting one of our neighbors from the gated community where we live when a service technician showed up. He was about 6 foot tall with broad shoulders and...
Chapter One My arms encircled Patrick’s shoulders from behind, and my nose nuzzled into the side of his neck. I left a kiss on his cheek as I pulled back and said, “Happy birthday, sweet thing.” Patrick was sitting at the breakfast table finishing a bowl of cereal. Our two young ones were already off to school. Morning sunlight spilled across the table, a red and rippled patch of it on the opposite side of Patrick’s juice glass, a deep shadow on the opposite side of his coffee mug. He turned...
Chapter One My arms encircled Patrick’s shoulders from behind, and my nose nuzzled into the side of his neck. I left a kiss on his cheek as I pulled back and said, “Happy birthday, sweet thing.” Patrick was sitting at the breakfast table finishing a bowl of cereal. Our two young ones were already off to school. Morning sunlight spilled across the table, a red and rippled patch of it on the opposite side of Patrick’s juice glass, a deep shadow on the opposite side of his coffee mug. He turned...
ReluctanceChris Marr’s all for Bet“Unghhhhhh! Unghhhh Ohhhh! Yes! Ohhhhh.”Bet held her husband close, her breath short, and felt his breath in her ear as he grunted his cumming. He went limp and lay, a dead weight, on her hot body.“Oh, that was beautiful, Baby,” he panted at last. “Still got the old oomph, Eh?”“Mmmm,” she said feeling the early tinglings of her own orgasm fade into the distance. “Can you just roll off me, love?”“Why?”“I got to go outside.”“Oh, dear. Old bladder not what it...
Tommy and Kathy were avid football fans. Every weekend during football season, they would be watching every game from that was on any channel, and then DVR the games that they could. Any game that they watched was sure to have a bet on the game. Most of the time it was a back rub or a foot massage. Sometimes if it was a big game, the winner got to choose the restaurant they went to, or had to do dishes every night for a week. The bets were started just to keep thing more interesting, and they...
FetishBett and I are an average couple in our early forties and we had been married just a little over sixteen years. Like in a lot of marriages of that length the sexual excitement had disappeared. I guess that after sixteen years of the same old thing we had gotten bored - maybe not of each other, but of sex with each other. A few years ago I had found a magazine in the seat pocket of an airplane and for the lack of anything better to do on the flight I sat back and read it from cover to cover....
Another story featuring the antagonist from my earlier story, "A Friendly Game of Pool". This story has taken a while to put together, and I'm still not sure if it really is finished. I'd like to continue the story in the future. Please let me know what you think with a comment. There are going to be some editing/grammar mistakes, I know. This is the fourth version of the story, so I think it's the most concise. "I Bet" by...