Penis In Furs free porn video

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PENIS IN FURS by Throne Steven heard the silver bell tinkling. His Mistress Wanda was summoning him. He was naked, just finishing putting away three pairs of her boots which he had buffed to shiny perfection. He pushed his longish blond hair back off his forehead and hurried through her palatial home, anxious not to displease her by taking too long. When he reached the door to the bedroom he paused, his heart racing. It was so wonderful when she allowed him to be with her. Most of the time he was treated like a servant, even though they were married. And then there was the issue of her lover. But Steven put all that out of his mind, composed himself, and took a calming breath before he entered her boudoir. Wanda was stretched out on an antique Victorian settee. It was of walnut, with a serpentine back and scrollwork arms. The wood was golden brown and burnished to a fine sheen. He had polished it himself but, unfortunately not while she was on it. The upholstery was cream-colored with a faint pattern of fleurs-de-lis. What most held his attention, however, was his stunning wife. Her body was voluptuous, with full curves and shapely legs. She had a pale complexion and aristocratic features. Her eyes were dark, as was her hair, which was pulled up and arranged in a tight bun at the back of her head. Though her face was a wide oval her strong cheekbones showed dramatically, and her lips were thin and pale. He stopped and took a good look at her. His bride was swathed in a full- length fur coat, one of her minks. Under it she wore only a filmy chemise. Her deep cleavage peeked out at him and small portions of her plump thighs were tantalizingly revealed. Supporting her head was a fur pillow. Beneath her bare, ideally formed feet, trailed a fur throw that was draped over the back of the sofa at that end. Steven was intoxicated. He could have stared at her for hours. Instead he lowered his eyes respectfully. Still, he couldn't resist peeping at her from time to time. He was thrilled when, with a lazy wave of her hand, she gestured for him to come closer. She examined the man she had married and said, in her smoky contralto voice, "Those laser treatments worked very well. I can't see a single hair anywhere on your body." "No, dearest." He spoke just above a whisper. "I'm glad you're happy." "And now that they're done," she went on without acknowledging what he had said, "we can began my next amusing little project. Go open that new wardrobe in the corner." He went and did as he was told. Steven was happily surprised to see an assortment of new fur items inside, on padded hangers. She told him to find a certain fur vest, which he easily did. Then she ordered him to put it on. Invisible fingers ran up and down his spine. Him wearing fur was something new. He slid the garment reverently off its hanger and held it to his narrow chest. The touch of fur against his bare skin made him tingle all over. Then he put his arms into it and shrugged it into place, before tugging it down at the bottom. The sensations were glorious. His small penis rose to a full but unimpressive erection. He blushed deeply. Wanda gave him a wry smile. She said, "Model it for me. Walk around." When he did she corrected, "Not like that. Put some swish into your hips. Take small mincing steps." He obeyed, feeling very odd. She eyed him critically. He questioned her but only with his eyes. She gave him permission to speak. "I'm sorry, my love," he said humbly. "It's just that, as delightful as this feels, you've never had me wear any of your things before." "First of all, it's not mine. It is for you. Second, you will be wearing many feminine articles of clothing from now on." He assumed he was still allowed to talk and said, "But why?" "It's Gregory." He was the man who shared her bed. "He decided that, although it amuses me to keep you naked and treat you like a mere footman, he doesn't like having another male presence in the house. So I told him that I would make you less of a man. It was the simple solution." Steven was speechless. He had never anticipated such a development. Touching Wanda's furs had always been his desire. Being put into one of his own, with more for him in that wardrobe, was a new experience. Having the remains of his already compromised manhood taken from him would be unsettling. Meekly conceded, "Whatever you wish, my love." "It's what Gregory wishes," she reminded him. "Speaking of which, there's something he ordered on-line for you. Mira has it. Go find the girl and tell her to bring your surprise here. She'll know what I want." In a state of nervous distraction, Steven left the room. The vest stimulated his nerve ends, which made his penis so stiff that it hurt. Even so, he couldn't resist lightly brushing the fur against his receptive nipples. He gasped as he walked along doing that. A female voice startled him out of his reverie. It was Mira, short, olive-skinned, and busty, wearing a French maid's uniform, complete with fishnet stockings. He stopped in his tracks, struck as always by her toothsome appearance, and at the same time humiliated to have been caught with a straining erection while exciting his nipples. "Look at you," said the seductive girl. "Just can't stop being naughty. I wonder how Madame will react when I tell her about this." "Please don't say anything." "You wish me to lie to her? To commit a lie of omission by not telling her something she would want to know?" "Well, no, but..." "Than I must tell her." Hoping that changing the subject would distract her from reporting him, he told her, "Wanda sent me to look for you." "Oh?" "She said you had something that was for me." Mira smiled impishly. "I do. But I don't think you'll want it." Steven pulled the halves of the vest tight over his smooth chest, as if that could protect him. "You may be right. But she makes the decisions." "And you, her weakling husband, are addicted to her cruel ways." She laughed. "I can't get enough of seeing her crush your ego. I will get what she wants. Go to her and wait for me." It irked Steven that even the maid had a higher status than himself. He sighed and returned to his wife, who was talking on an old-fashioned dial phone, a white one with gold trim. She was saying, "Yes, Gregory. I just sent him to fetch it. When you arrive later he will be just as you want him. I know. It should be quite entertaining." Wanda soon said goodbye and hung up. Mira appeared, carrying a small box in one hand and something Steven didn't recognize in the other. The unfamiliar object turned out to be an icepack, which she knelt and applied to his genitals. In short order his erection had dwindled to nothing, his penis reduced to a mere nubbin. From the box she took a metal ring, which she fitted over his shrunken member and both testicles, passing them through it one at a time. Then came a short tube which she fitted over his dick. It was pink plastic and barely large enough to contain him, even in his diminished state. When the two pieces were fitted together she took a key and put it into an attached barrel lock. While Wanda watched with much interest, the maid turned the key. Steven was in chastity. Mira gave the key to Wanda, who put it on a short slender chain that she fastened around her neck. "Done," Wanda said with merciless satisfaction. "All locked up the way Gregory wants you. It isn't enough for him that you aren't permitted access to my body. No, he insists that you are also denied being able to touch the most important part of your own body. Unless I free you occasionally, you will never be able even to perform your dirty acts of self abuse that we all know about." He cringed under her words. She sent him to the other side of the room, where there was a fur rug with a matching pillow on the floor. He had to lie on them, which triggered his sexual response at a higher level. Wanda gave Mira a command, sotto voce, which made the girl snicker and go to the wardrobe. She came back with a pair of ermine mittens which she donned slowly and sensually, before getting down on the carpet with Steven. Mira told him, "Just relax, little man. We have to test your new cock- lock to make sure it's on securely. Lie back and spread-eagle your arms and legs. That's a good boy. Now stay like that while I use these on you, all over your body." With a naughty wink she started at his face and took her time lightly touching his forehead, cheeks and chin, before spending extra minutes teasing his ears. He squirmed and moaned at those beloved sensations. But now there would be no erection, no opportunity to slip away later and relieve himself with masturbation. Already he could feel pressure building up in his balls. He whimpered as the maid worked her way down to his neck and then shoulders and upper arms. His hips jerked as he humped thin air. Wanda took in the scene avidly and licked her lips. Mira skipped over his torso and went to his feet, moving upward over ankles, lower legs, and thighs. She was delaying the inevitable as he writhed under her touch. "Why so tense?" the young beauty asked him, even though she knew the answer. "What's the matter, Steven?" He murmured wordlessly as she stroked his belly and went unhurriedly toward his chest. The halves of the vest had fallen to the sides so that he was vulnerably uncovered there. She made his ribs tingle and then the center of his chest, carefully avoiding his oh-so-responsive nipples. His head was on the fur pillow, elevated enough that he could see everything she did, and how near she was to those twin erogenous zones. At last she started on them, holding the mittens high enough that only the tips of the strands of fur touched him, driving the helpless husband half mad with need. It went on and on, until she switched to his hips and then his exposed scrotum, as well as the insides of his thighs. Mira shifted back to his chest, then alternated the two areas so that he was constantly on the verge of a sensory overload but never quite pushed that far. Wanda decided, "I think that will be enough for now." Mira stopped abruptly, leaving Steven in a tizzy from unmet needs. His poor prick strained against its crushing imprisonment. His balls were drawn up tight and throbbed painfully. He sobbed and looked across at his dominant Mistress/wife. He saw at once that she had covered her feet with fur ankle boots, of silver fox it looked like. With just a flick of her finger she signaled for him to come. When he started to rise she gestured, her hand palm down and bobbing, that he shouldn't get up on his feet. In thrall to her and unable to adapt to these new happenings, he crawled across the intervening space. She imperiously extended one foot, which he took in both hands and supported. Steven bowed his head and brushed the side of his face against the soft fur. He inhaled its particular scent, then kissed the air immediately above it. The fetishist was making his condition worse but couldn't help himself. He manipulated the foot so it brushed the side of his neck, where Mira had so recently touched him with her mittens, so he could reproduce those sensations. His wife allowed him to do the same with her other low boot. Then she pushed against his face with the sole of it and caused him to topple over backwards. He lay there gazing up at her majestic figure, still wearing that mink, still resembling some idealized member of royalty. She said to Mira, "Gregory will be here before long. Please finish preparing this person as we discussed earlier." The maid said, "It will be my pleasure." The women exchanged secret glances. Mira snapped her fingers and waved at Steven to follow her. He got onto all fours and crawled after her, still in the fur vest, his chastity tormenting him, his eyes fastened to the pretty girl's swaying backside where it peeped out from under an abbreviated skirt. She led him to her room, where he had to sit in a scroll-backed chair at a vanity table, seeing the reflection of his worried face and flushed cheeks in the attached mirror. She tousled his pale blond hair and sorted through the cosmetics arrayed before him. Selecting a foundation that matched is skin tone, she went to work. It was followed by various eye products, long false lashes, blush, lipstick and mouth liner, along with a touch of shadow under his lower lip to suggest a pout. He had to watch his face being made over, his male appearance being expertly disguised. By the time she was done he appeared to be a cute girl. "There you go, Stephanie," she said, substituting a feminine version of his name. "I'd like to style your hair but there's not time. We could use a wig, perhaps something short and pixie-style, but I have a better idea. This will help to keep you all heated up, you funny creature." She went to the dresser where there was a wig stand. Off the artificial head she took a fur cap. She put it over Steven's hair, snugged it down and adjusted the side-flaps over his ears, then knotted the two long ties under his chin, the fur puffs at their ends hanging down and tickling his sternum. She took one in the fingers of each hand and used them to tease his nipples until he was panting from frustration. "Let's go," she said. "You may walk upright. Madame will want to inspect you." She took his hand as if he was a young boy -- or girl -- and led him back to the bedroom. Wanda was fanning herself with an improbable-looking fur fan. She smiled approvingly as they entered. "Very good, Mira," she congratulated. "I do believe that Gregory will agree that you have done a fine job. This is the person I wish Steven to be from now on." "If I may, Madame, let me suggest employing the name I have given him. He can be called Stephanie." Wanda's laugh was pitched low and came from her throat. "Definitely. Gregory may wish to give you some special reward for that cleverness. Some sparkly trinket perhaps." The maid curtsied politely. Her Mistress instructed that she teach Steven how to do that, referring to him however as Stephanie, which he found to be shameful. He executed several practice curtsies, looking particularly ridiculous in just the vest and that awful pink chastity, plus the girly fur hat. Mira went to fetch champagne in anticipation of Gregory's imminent arrival, and Steven/Stephanie was sent back to the fur blanket and pillow, there to assume a pin-up pose, lying on his tummy with his chin resting in the palm of one hand, bare bottom nicely displayed. He tried not to ogle his unobtainable wife. Gregory arrived shortly. Mira, with impeccable timing, came in with the champagne. Wanda's lover was tall and commanding, handsome yet rugged, with a straight back and the athletic build and ruddy complexion of an outdoor sportsman. His abundant hair was dark and flecked with premature grey. He wore a tweed jacket, cable-knit sweater, and leather trousers, along with imported, hand-crafted shoes. He was everything that Steven was not. Going straight to Wanda, he took her face gently between his large hands and gave her a tender kiss. She responded ardently and soon their kisses became fierce. At last he sat on a thronelike chair near the head of the settee. Wanda told him something in a confidentially lower voice. He chortled and turned his attention to Steven. "Up you get -- Stephanie," he boomed. It was particularly hurtful to be ordered about by the man who had taken away his wife, and who now insisted that he not be allowed to even look manly in any way. Steven rose and went to him. Though he wore no skirt he pretended to grip the hem of one and performed a deep curtsey. The pair watching him laughed at his silly action. Mira came over with a tray and offered the bottle and corkscrew to Gregory. He took them and removed the cork effortlessly. The maid poured two flutes and gave one to each of them. They exchanged a toast. "To the new lady in the house," Gregory offered. "And to what she is about to learn," Wanda appended. Mira smiled and asked if they wished for her to get what was needed, something she obviously was already aware of. Wanda said she should and the desirable girl went to the wardrobe. She fetched a cotton storage bag and brought it to them. Wanda said, "You may proceed, dear." She also told Gregory that Steven's new name was Mira's idea, which made him announce that she deserved a sable stole for that, and he would be delighted to provide it. The maid thanked him graciously, draped the bag over an unoccupied chair, and unzipped it. What Steven saw inside made his eyes go wide and his jaw drop. It was a complete maid's uniform, abbreviated dress with a sewn on apron, and tiny cap, but all made of black and white fur. He shuddered at the prospect of wearing that. It would be mortifying and endlessly exciting at the same time. His weakness for its material left him weak in the knees. Mira carefully got him out of the vest and set it aside. She removed his hat and accidently-on-purpose brushed it over his vulnerable nipples. In spite of himself he squealed out loud, sounding more Stephanie than Steven. Wanda ordered him to keep his voice high and light. He told her, sounding convincingly girlish, "Yes, Ma'am. I won't forget." The man who had made him a cuckold grinned wolfishly at that. He was the type who loved not only to defeat a rival, but to crush him utterly, in this case by extinguishing his male ego and appearance. Steven shivered. Mira held the dress low enough for him to step into its lower half. Then she brought up the front so he could put his arms into the short sleeves. The feel of fur against his bare skin, including his uncovered bottom, was maddening. She zipped it up the back and smoothed it all over with her hands, adding to his arousal. The chastity did its job with punishing efficiency. His penis couldn't grow at all. His balls pulsed. Wanda saw the suffering in his expression and it ignited her libido. Mira perched the fur cap atop his head and pinned it to his sandy hair. From the storage bag she produced a pair of fingerless gloves, also made of fur, which she helped him to get onto his hands. Finally there were a pair of fur knee socks, sewn into shoes like a maid might wear, black ones with square toes and one-inch, blocky heels. He had to sit for Mira to help him get into those. Steven stood up in full maid attire. He was humiliated but simultaneously aroused beyond all his former limits. If only he weren't trapped in that damnable chastity. Gregory got up and snapped at him to sashay around, arms held out slightly to either side, wrists limp. He did and it set off fresh laughter, from all three watchers. "Very good," the powerful man decided. "But there's one problem. I noticed you ogling my woman. I assume you didn't know anyone was looking when you did it. It is unacceptable and discipline must be applied." In several long strides he was at Steven's side. Gregory seized the smaller man by his shoulders, forcibly turned him, and walked him to an unused chair of which Wanda had a good view. He sat and dragged Steven across his firm thighs. The victim wailed in an unmanly way and kicked his small feet, shod in their practical shoes. The fur Steven wore caressed him everywhere. Gregory flipped up his short dress in the back, baring his pale bottom. "I'm sorry to have to do this, Stephanie," he lied. "But you have driven me to it." Wanda felt wet between her legs. She was wildly aroused. The unfairness to her spouse added a special spice to what was about to transpire. Gregory raised his strong arm and held it there for long seconds, then brought it down fast, so that his broad hand smacked Steven's backside hard. The deprived husband shrieked and wriggled. Gregory kept him where he was easily, with his free hand on the small of his back. Steven grabbed the legs of the chair and held on desperately as spank after spank landed on his sitter . His cheeks darkened from pink to bright red as a full two dozen blows were delivered. When Gregory was done he rolled the prey unceremoniously off his lap and left him on the floor, on his side, clutching his abused buttocks and weeping profusely, his eye make-up running down his flushed cheeks. Gregory stood and went to Wanda. He took her hand and she got up to let him kiss her hard on the mouth. The pair headed went to the spacious bed in the corner. The big man called out, "Stephanie, get over here and turn down the bedspread. Fluff up our pillows. Step lively, girl, if you don't want more of what I just gave you." Sniffling as he got up, Steven went where he was wanted, every step making his red rump hurt. He pulled back the fur spread and plumped up the fur pillows. Wanda left on her mink coat as she stretched out and made herself fully available to Gregory. Under her chemise she wore no panties. He snarled at Steven to help him undress. As much as it shamed the cuckold, he did as he was told. When he knelt to undo Gregory's belt and pants, then lowered the leather garment and the brief shorts underneath, he was reminded once more of how superior the man's cock was, compared to his own. It was long and thick, with a bell head. The testicles were in proportion to that magnum manhood. Gregory got onto the bed alongside Wanda. His hands explored her freely, as hers did him. They enjoyed shared foreplay and exchanged many heated kisses. At last he mounted her and Steven had to stand by and watch as his bride was willingly ravished by her accomplished bedmate. It went on and on. Wanda's hair came undone and long strands were plastered to her alabaster skin, held there by perspiration. the chastity key glistened between her full breasts. She had several quaking orgasms before the final one, which was when the self-controlled Gregory allowed himself to explode deep inside her. Steven could only watch, constantly touching the fur he wore, as they fulfilled their needs and his remained frustrated. Mira went to them with their stemmed glasses, which he had refilled. They took them and drank gratefully, Wanda with delicate sips and Gregory with a hearty swallow. Steven's wife swung one leg over the side so he could worship her fur ankle boot again. While he subordinated himself once more to her will, she murmured loving words to Gregory, who responded with ardent kisses and intimate fondling. "I think I'm going to like Steven better as Stephanie," she said. "I know that I am," he averred. Steven could only stay on his knees, continue worshipping her footwear, and sink deeper into the unbreakable spell of fur... fur... fur. ********* (This one is for one of my readers on Deviant Art who leaves a lot of comments there. Thank you, C. Hope this is what you wished for.)

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I returned home around 6 p.m. to find Robert in the downstairs shower. His gym clothes were strewnin front of the bathroom door indicating he had just come from a workout.My normal routinewould be to come home, change out of mywork clothes and into my night clothes,and then prepare dinner, clean up, etc.As I listened to the shower running in the downstairs bathroom, my mind raced with thoughts of whathad occurred just last night. I decided that Robert might interpret me changing into me...

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Transvixen Transvestite Rock Band Chapter Fur

Transvixen By Michele Nylons Chapter Four: Substitute Cherri woke up on the couch at Wendy's place and her head hurt. Panti had obviously wondered off to bed sometime during the early morning after their prolonged fellatio session and left her alone to sleep. Cherri remembered that after they had made oral love they had argued about Panti sucking off Tony Carlotta. Panti claimed she had been blackmailed into it so the band could play at the Chelmsford Music Hall but Cherri...

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Hi folks, I wanted to do something that was a little bit off of the beaten path this week. I wanted to get a little bit wild and furry. this will probably be the most unusual love triangle your read about this year. You are reading the complete version of this story and I believe the best. This is not the truncated, stunted version we posted on that other web site. My thanks as usual to the imcomparable Mikothebaby for editing both versions. Feel free to email us or leave your comments on the...

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Erica Olafson Journeys of the Tigershark Vol 9Chapter 5 Ginger Fur

Sodoby occupied his very own office aboard the USS Tigershark. He had several readout field screens open that hovered over his desk. Sodoby took his job as quartermaster very serious, especially now as the Admiral of the fleet had made it official. Until the Spatial Naval Reform of 4012 OTT, a quartermaster was the enlisted member in charge of the watch-to-watch navigation and the maintenance, correction, and maintaining the charts and information stored in the NAV-tank. That enlisted...

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Six Months

After all those years of longing to be free, stuck in relationships with women that frowned upon my cross dressing, I was still very much relishing my freedom. I was dressing every moment I could, the minute I got home from work every single day; a mini dress, heels and stockings were what I craved so desperately. I had been living alone now for a couple of years and would have thought he urge would have sated by now but I still hungered to be feminine at every moment. I am five foot six, small...

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BangbrosClips Val Steele Rockstar Pussy

All Johnny wanted was some peace and quiet in order to study for his exam. However, his step sister, Val Steele, had other things in mind. She was determined to play her guitar wether he liked it or not. As soon as she started playing, Johnny ran over to her and began begging her to stop. She was unwilling to do so, unless he did something in return. She gave him a whole makeover and began to enjoy her day as Johnny did anything she wanted him to do. After she had her fun, she decided to let...

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A Dish Best Served Cold Ch 07

Lee and Max get some good news, and some not so good news. They settle things with the bad guys. Fate takes a hand, while someone out of Rosa’s past appears and causes a crisis. Includes a double occurrence of forced non-consensual homosexual sex. If you find that objectionable, sorry. Otherwise, enjoy. Jb7 A Dish Best Served Cold Ch. 7 Max lay back on the exam table, her feet in the stirrups. Squirming around, looking for a comfortable position, she wondered, not for the first time, “Is this...

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A week in New York

I was eighteen when I finally graduated high school. a couple of friends and I decided to go up to New York for a week. We drove up on a Friday night after school got out. It was a two-hour drive into the main city. Since summer was starting we could only find one hotel through almost the whole city. We checked in at midnight and went up to the room. We had four beds in the room and two of my friends, Jason and ted, crashed immediately. My other friend, Andy, and I stayed up talking for a...

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Genie Tales

****I apologize to all my readers who read what should have been the ending to Conner Evans. The Breast size problem wont happen again I promise. I am definitely not the original writer of the genie chronicles, just a fan. Here’s a spin-off I hope all you guys will like. =) James walked out of the school, feeling the sun on his skin and taking a deep breath of fresh air. When he stood in the sun he felt like everyone else was gone, leaving him standing in his meadow. But he knew that they...

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Reddit Cameltoe, aka r/Cameltoe! You gotta admit, in some situations, cameltoes can be very fucking hot. And for those who are not virgins, you know that I do not actually mean the toes of a camel. Now, if you are ready for that juicy cameltoe action, you are more than welcome to explore what r/cameltoe/ has to offer. This is a rather simple subreddit filled with all kinds of naughty cameltoe content.Of course, Reddit is a free website, that is a given. So you can always just browse through the...

Reddit NSFW List
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A Kittens TailChapter 9

“Well, little kitten, are you sure you’re going to be able to handle me being home all the time now?” I could hear her contented purr as she smiled up at me, and detect the faint smell of my semen on her breath as her tongue snaked out to lick her juices off my face. It was probably not the best thing to bring up right after we had just finished orally pleasuring each other, but I still had my concerns. Not that she had ever given me any reason to be concerned. In the three weeks since...

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Wayward Wifes Punishment

                               Wayward Wife's Punishment                                                                                   Chapter 1                                             Prologue        Years ago, when beginning the writing of this story, there was no intention of turning it into a novella or longer. The initial concept however quickly changed from a "hit and run" sex and violence short story to this epic of self-discovery on the part of the protagonist. This work still...

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Debt Collector Pt 4

Jill was lying on the living room floor on her side with her back facing everyone. She was recovering from what she just went through. She was leaking cum out of her battered and abused pussy. Yo Boss, you wanna smoke out? Freddie reached into his pocket and pulled out a big fat blunt. He is my main hook-up for my marijuana supply. Id have to say that my marijuana operation is pretty big. We usually bring in about 25 pounds of high grade Cali buds every week and supply the whole Valley. I...

4 years ago
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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 3 DiscoveryChapter 12

EARTH EDEN CITY AIRFIELD "No one needs to panic! We do not have enough information yet!" Lohana demanded as they crowded around the map chart in the rear of the DT. The moment Aelnala had told them something was wrong with Isra they had jumped onto her back and she had lifted into the air, speeding back to the airfield without a second thought. Lynwe, Selene and Layna had barreled along behind them in a commandeered Lifter, reaching the airfield only minutes after Tarifa and...

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Friends Mom True Story

Once again I am gonna share another story from my past. It is a true story and if you read my other story, you will recall that I mentioned that it may not be super hot, but, it is still all true. To me, that is the best kind of story.When I was in college, I had a this italian buddy in my fraternity. His mom was smoking hot! Everyone of us would eye fuck her when she came to visit him at the frat house. Needless to say he didn't care for our eye googling and would typically keep her away from...

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Calliopes Daddy

Dressed in a slutty school girl costume, Callie took to the stage. The heavy bass of the music pounded out the rhythm as she bumped and gyrated down the narrow runway between club members. She blew out her bubblegum until it popped loudly and winked at a regular patron before skipping back to the pole in the centre of the dance area and began a nasty series of moves, grinding and humping against the big pole.Though nineteen, she looked the epitome of a naughty school girl and had many fans...

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Sex start in family

Mai sachin ,umar ab 38 saal aap kai liyai ek story ,jo meri life ki sachi story hai aap logo kai liyai paish kar raha hoon.mai apni family kai baarai mai bata doon,father jo govt, job mai hai or mom house wife,2 sisters jinki shadi ho chuki hai or mai. Yai baat us waqt ki hai jab mai 9th class mai tha or choti sister 8th or sab sai choti 7th mai thi.papa mostly bahar hi rahitai thai.muzko sexy books ka shonk lag gaya or mai ghar par la kar chup chup kai parta tha.partai huai mera lund khara ho...

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Two Christmasses

Hi folks. Those of you who really don't like long stories should probably pass on this one. Remember when we were younger and all of the comicbooks did those double or triple suzed Christmas specials? Well that's what this is. My long corny and sometimes whimsical Christmas special. There are times when it will be very serious and other times when it will be very uhm ... Christmassy. Once again it is very long so be warned. And from The incredible Mikothebaby who edited this story while...

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Another wild stay at Barbados

Oh, yeah… two days had spent since we got at that resort…On our third day there in Barbados, my lovely hubby and I were now lying on the sandy beach. The warmth of the sun was caressing my almost bare naked body; since I was wearing just a very tiny blue thong that seemed to be disappearing between my ass cheeks.After midday, Victor said he wanted to go for a walk; maybe he would get back to our hotel room, because he was not feeling well.When the sun began to go down I went for a last swim...

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A World FoundChapter 15

It was now a month after all the excitement of the gun battle and all the investigations and paper work were finished that life for those that lived on the Orchard Estate finally began to return to something like normal. Val, Kylie, and Zach remained in the care of Dani and those at the estate while Jeff took the time to sell his house to get something big enough for all of them and to get all the paper work finished so that he could adopt the three children that had invaded his heart. Dani...

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Not MY Type

I’d known Kelly for most of my life. Growing up I spent most of my time at her mother’s house. It was a way to escape and avoid my parents constant arguing and fighting. It was a pretty well established fact that Kelly was lesbian early in Junior High School. Her mom and I became quite close as I was rapidly replacing the little girlie daughter she was losing to an ever increasing “butch-ness”. By twelve years old I essentially become like a member of their family. Over the next few years...

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Girl RefurbishedChapter 5 The Fat Lady Sings

Joe The announcement came during one of our lunches and it hit me like a ton of bricks. We had made provisional plans for a family Christmas, being together, heal some, and enjoy the holiday spirit. Judy was nervous I could tell, all through the lunch. After we finished, she asked me to walk with her for a few minutes. "Joe, I know we made plans for the holidays, but I don't want to go through with it. Let's face it, our summer vacation did not bring us any closer. The way you pushed me...

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Clothes Shopping Surprise written by my friend

I was walking through the store browsing some clothes and I noticed her workingthere. She was talking to another employee and she caught my eye. Maybe it washer sexy red hair, maybe the way she filled out her blouse with those nice softlooking breast or maybe it was how Nice and curvy she looked. Non the less, Icould not take my eyes off her and the twinge in my cock told me...that I'd loveto fuck her if I had a chance. I caught her glancing my way, not sure if shecaught me staring, but I...

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Im Vergnügungspark Das war heute ein richtig schöner Tag. Früh morgens bist du mit deinem Freund aufgestanden und ihr habt euch richtig auf diesen Tag gefreut. Gleich um Neun wart ihr am Eingang des großen Vergnügungsparks. Den ganzen Tag über seid ihr von einer Attraktion zur andern gewandert. Riesenrutsche, Fallturm, Wildwasserfahrt – alles habt ihr hinter euch. Als Abschluß habt ihr euch noch die Fahrt in der großen Kugel aufgehoben – Eine Achterbahnfahrt in totaler Dunkelheit. Leider ist an...

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my sex experience with nadeesha

Last summer, that fantasy was fulfilled. We live in the place very near to Colombo called kolpetty and nadeesha and Sarath are next-door neighbors, both in their mid twenties. Nadeesha is in good physical shape, even though Nadeesha and Sarath have three young children. She has blond hair, large breasts, a flat stomach, fairly wide hips, and a lovely, heart-shaped ass. Believe me, I've enjoyed the fact that my bathroom window gives a view of their back yard, complete with...

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Saffron Gets Hit by a CarChapter 4

The next morning daddy was up bright and early and we went trough my morning routine,. After shaving my pussy he asked me if I needed some relief and I nodded, then told him that I was full of energy after a good nights sleep but that I was frustrated that I couldn’t even move. Daddy brought me off then asked me if I was more relaxed. I actually was so I told him so. What I didn’t tell him was that I was hopeful that Trisha would take me to the park again, but this time I’d try to keep a...

2 years ago
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Gifted Bk 01 Ch 04

You know all the usual stuff, don’t read if it’s illegal or you don’t like sex or sex between two males offends you. All characters are purely fictional, and any likeness is coincidence. Joshua Glynn reserves all rights to this story, the characters, and the world they live in. This story is about an 18/yo boy struggling with the gifts that he possesses, and trying to find out where he fits in a modern day society. Joshua moved to Goose Creek, South Carolina, just outside of Charleston, due...

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MILFChapter 3

As I said, Valerie was (and is) an intelligent woman. She’s also very pragmatic. I saw her the next day outside the student union and waved. She was with two other girls and waved back like nothing was wrong. She cupped her hands and yelled, “Study tonight?” I yelled back “Yes!” instinctively and we went on about our business. I decided to cook again. This time I made goulash, which is ground beef, macaroni, diced tomatoes (canned), mushrooms (also canned), and a hazardous mix of spices...

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Healing Cousin George 16

Dinner at Debbie's My eye's fluttered open as the early morning sun crept its way across the room. It took me a few seconds to get my bearings, you all know that feeling waking up in a strange room. Memories of last night flooded back, the party, George drinking and us ending up here at Aunt Karen's. George's arm was still flopped across my waist; it didn't seem that he had moved an inch all night. What time is it I thought, I stretched out my arm and reached George's mobile, I lifted...

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Sam and Me

Hi everyone, I'd like to share my story about my first time with a man. I'm sure I've made spelling and grammarerrors and I surely hope that the content of my story doesn't offend anyone. Thanks in advance for allowing me to sharemy story here today. It was a few years ago, I had the night to myself and was sitting around my living room naked watching some porn. I had decided to try an experiment and actually watch a movie until almost the end before ever touching myself. With onlya few...

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My first time

The following story is a real one. Some things have been changed in order to protect the identity of people involved.I am a 90's k**, which means that during my teenage years the only way to get to porn was via VHS or softcore porn on late night TV. That made the boys in my friend group to share whatever we had between us, some times we would get to gather in groups and watch pornos together. As a young boy I was really introverted, but was also being horny 24/7 so it made little difference.One...

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My Nanad8217s Suhagraat

Hi this is Sultana Sinha, 36 yrs old healthy Male from Patna Bihar along with 46th story. If you like, the story, please say so via mail My friend with a request to get it published on ISS has forwarded this story. Hello readers, my name is Sahana Rahman Banu aged 32 from Dhaka Bangladesh. This story happened last month when my nanad(sister in law) Merina aged 22 was in hospital to deliver her first baby. My Nandoi(sister in law’s husband) Shamim aged 28 was at home with me. We had one night...

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Until I reached about 21 I used to go for runs or walks in the evenings, sometimes really late in the evenings when people would be going to bed. This particular evening I decided id go for a walk around the village i lived in. I left the house because I was a little horny but fed up of masterbating so I thought I’d go out and burn up the pent up testosterone.As I was walking around I noticed lights on in people’s bedrooms and in one particular house I seen a young couple having a kiss in...

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Airport ABS Alpha

I had some time to kill midday before heading to the airport for a business trip, and I was craving cock. There’s an ABS near the airport that I sometimes visit, so I went there hoping to spend some quality time at a gloryhole before my flight. The pickings can be slim during the day, but I’d give it a try anyway.I walked in and paid my entrance fee for the movie arcade section. This ABS just has an entrance fee, and you don’t have to feed the machines. I knew which pairs of booths had...

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SecretsChapter 15

"More champagne, Mr Mason," the stewardess asked and Paul nodded. The plane was two-thirds of the way over the Atlantic and he had more than enough money in his secret bank accounts to fund the life he wanted once he touched down in the Caribbean. Paul stretched out and made a theatrical groaning sound as he pushed his arms up in front of him. The rotund man looked at his watch, "Joe" would be getting into the office and he felt a pang of guilt: he had known Joseph and his family for...

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sexy aunt

Describing about my aunt she is an mallu lady with 6? height and 36,36,36 wheatish brown she has been married to my uncle for 12 years now, they have two school going k**s, she is very shy women ,she doesnt know any other language excluding Malayalam.I always had a sexual feeling towards her from the day I saw her cleavage once while she was swobbing the floor from that day she has been my sexual dream for masturbating. Getting onto my story this happened exactly one week back, every one in my...

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Encounter With Lusty Manager To Another Encounter With Colleague

Hey boys (hard dicks) and ladies (yummy pussies). Sameer working in Bangalore is back with a hot encounter with my colleague. After my encounter with HR manager, as soon I had this encounter I am writing this to share with you and guys I am better in real life than the story because some romantic scenes are tough to write as words fall short to describe instead it can be shown please mail me your reviews and fun at my email id at the end of story cum real experience. Now there was another HR...

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The Helpful Sister

The plan for the night was simple yet elegant in Jodi's eyes. She had already eaten a fabulous candlelight dinner delivered by her favorite restaurant down the street. Her tub was filling with water and bubbles from her favorite lavender scented bubble bath. Her stereo was playing her favorite calming music. And finally, standing on the edge of the tub was her favorite water proof vibrator. At 28 years old, Jodi had learned a long time ago how to sexually please herself. While every so...

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HandsOnHardcore Tina Kay Double Penetration For Sexy CEO

David Perry and Yanick Shaft always look forward to Tina Kay’s weekly massage appointment because they know how this boss babe likes to be banged out. The sexy Lithuanian CEO doesn’t have much time to waste today and so she immediately strips down upon entering the massage parlor giving the men both big boners at the sight of her perky 34C cups and curvy ass. The vixen declares that a quick double penetration session is the reason for today’s visit and as she bends over to...


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