Reginald's ChildrenChapter 6 free porn video

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“Another appraisal job, Dad,” commented Frances.

“I expect so,” he agreed. “Wait till I get these loose stones back in their bag, and we can have a look at the final shelf.”

When Frances went to pull out the flat parcels, she found them very light, so she took out the first, and opened it out. It contained a drawing on very old paper; in fact the apparent paper seemed to her to be parchment: animal skin. It was a drawing of a man being martyred. She admired the penmanship, but didn’t fancy the scene.

“Some old drawing. Have you seen one like this before, Dad?”

He peered at the picture but shook his head. “No. Means nothing to me. Charles?”

Charles stopped his database entries to have a look at the drawing.

“Nice work. Looks vaguely familiar. I am sure I have seen one like it somewhere.”

He went back to his notebook computer, and Frances opened the next package. She uttered a sigh.

“Dammit. Another one much the same. I hope there are no more.”

Charles asked, “Can I have a look?” As he examined the artwork, and the style of drawing, the penny dropped into his memory bank. There was the beginnings of a look of incredulity on his face. He stared longer at the picture, switched to the other one, then muttered, “It can’t be, surely?”

“What can’t be, Charles?” asked Paul. You sound gobsmacked, old boy!”

Charles took hold of himself and said slowly and carefully, enunciating the words with clarity, “These two look like drawings of the martyrdom of Saint Sebastian.”

Paul responded non-committally, “Yes, I suppose it could be, whoever he was. What of it?”

“One turned up not that long ago, and sold for a tidy sum at auction, because of the artist.”

“Oh. Who was the artist?”

“Leonardo da Vinci, Paul.”

“Wow! So these are copies of that picture?”

“In a way, but not exactly copies. Leonardo wrote that he had done eight sketches of the martyrdom of Saint Sebastian, in preparation for a later painting of the same scene. Only three of these drawings are known to exist at this time, all of them in major collections.”

“You are suggesting these are others of the same set; not later copies?”

“That is what I am seriously thinking, if we can get them authenticated.”

“Great. They should be worth a bob or two, then!”

“Indeed, sir. That last one sold for something like fifteen million US dollars!”

“Wow!, again,” Paul came out with, in his surprise. “That is a pretty penny indeed, if these two are real. Charles, if you are that knowledgeable about art; over there in that cupboard is shelf after shelf of artwork. Do you have any eye for a fake?”

“I am afraid not, sir ... sorry, Paul. Even the experts sometimes get it wrong, you know, so I wouldn’t like to hazard a guess from my limited knowledge.”

“I would agree with your opinion, but please cast your eye over them for a first approximation. We must get them shipped to our warehouse, then we can have them looked at by different appraisers before coming to any final conclusions. If some are identified as reported stolen, I would be happy to offer them back to the owners. If there is an insurance company involved, then I think we can expect a fat finder’s fee for their return. That is perfectly legal, isn’t it, Charles?”

“It is, Paul. They were merely found on your premises, and returned, so quite acceptable as your finds in law; so you should expect a reward from the insurers, or from the owners if they were not insured.

The bags of loose gems are another matter entirely. As they are not in any settings, as far as I could gather from your quick examination, they are therefore unidentifiable and thus can only be viewed as abandoned property, just like the cash in this safe. Only the largest individual gemstones have ever been described in enough detail as to be identifiable, and usually named. Mostly it is the settings which provide the identity of gemstones.

On another point: I would never think of putting counterfeit money in a safe; it would be pointless when you remember that this basement was thought secure enough for all the drug paraphernalia to just sit in cupboards.”

“Paraphernalia? What a peculiar word! I know its meaning, Charles, but where does it come from? You are more learned than me, so you might know,” Paul proposed.

“Latin and legal to begin with, Paul. It originally meant the possessions of a married woman over and above the dowry she brings to a marriage. These possessions are whatever was given to her by her husband, before or during marriage, and she has complete control of them; unlike her dowry, which belongs to her husband when they marry. It is very medieval law, Paul, and so outdated, only of historical interest. Nowadays, it simply means extra equipment or articles required for an activity.”

“It is a wonderful word anyway, Charles. Thank you for that illumination.”

Frances asked her father, “Dad, you’ll need something sturdy to carry these bags of gems; not these flimsy zip-lok plastic bags.”

“Oh, yes. Have you a plastic carrier bag or some such?”

“I really think something better than that can be found. Give me a minute to run upstairs. Charles, have a look in the cupboard with the artwork while I am gone. Dad is not alone in valuing your opinion.”

Frances quickly climbed the concrete steps to the ground floor, and found Jessica waiting, with sheets of paper in her hands. “Here’s the wine inventory, Frances.”

“Oh, thanks. I’ll get it in a minute. I need a half-decent bag to hold important stuff.”

Jessica remarked, “There is a canvas shopping bag on one of these hooks inside the cupboard, Frances. I don’t know whose it is.”

“Oh, damn, yes, I remember. Prudence got it from Traidcraft; expensive but strong. That would do. We can buy her a replacement.” She unhooked the bag, and held out a hand to Jessica. Jessica realised what she wanted, and handed over the wine inventory sheets.

“Thanks, Jessica. I am in a rush, dear. Speak to you later.”

She hurried back down the stairs, and handed the bag to her father.

“There, Dad. That should do the job; and here’s a printout of our inventory of the wine cellar, which you may want to have a look at before you leave. Officially, it all belongs to you, with this building.”

“Oh, all right. Thanks. I’ll see you about the wine later. This stuff is more of a priority. Charles, what are we taking with us? Just the gemstones?”

“Take the presumed Leonardos as well, Paul. We need to have them properly examined, for there is no indication, to my mind, that these works were ever on the stolen lists. That means they belong to you now. Everything else here can wait.” He turned to Frances. “As for these ledgers, can we leave it to you and your husband to get them into the hands of the police, quietly? Very quietly! No public acknowledgement of where they came from.”

“Yep. We have a good contact we can use, Charles.”

The two men packed the stuff in the boot of the Bentley, then returned for the evening meal. Charles had seen Frances before, when she was younger, and thought nothing about her having less than perfect looks. Being familiar to him, she was just Frances LeBrun, but his eyes grew wide when he found several other girls of similar inferior visage sitting round the table, plus a more mature woman and a teenage girl both of clearly middle-eastern cast.

Only one of the English girls had reasonable looks, to his mind, and she looked particularly happy for some unknown reason.

He was even more surprised to find that the two serving staff, teenage twins, were better-looking than their employers. Frances performed the introductions, starting with her father and Charles, then went round the table: “Freda Robertson, Erika Robertson, Prudence Robertson, Fiona Prentiss, Mrs nobody, Miss nobody, and our husband, Reginald Robertson.”

Charles was confused. People named nobody, and ‘our’ husband?

He turned to Paul LeBrun for help, his face a picture of confusion. Paul shrugged. “Ask Frances.”

Charles begged Frances, “Please help me out here, Frances.”

She smiled sweetly. “The ‘nobodies’ are escaping an abusive husband and father, so they don’t exist as far as anyone else is concerned. If asked, you didn’t see them, O.K.?”

“That makes sense, but the rest?”

“Reginald has married four of us, through a Commitment Ceremony, so not a legal marriage but just as valid for us. Fiona is preparing to join us shortly. We are all happy to be married to Reginald. Isn’t that so, ladies?”

The other Mrs Robertsons beamed, and voiced their agreement, so Charles could see it was a genuine marriage as far as they were concerned. He asked Paul, “You are happy with your daughter being part of this ... ménage?”

“Charles, look at them! They are all happy; what more could you ask for? Reginald is a fine young man, and I have offered him a job once he graduates; In fact, all of them can have jobs with the firm when they graduate. Their brains and ability is what matters, not their looks, surely?”

Charles had the grace to blush. He admitted, “I apologise, ladies, for what I was thinking. Reginald, do you love these ladies?”

Reginald looked at him directly, and stated, “With all my heart, Mr Frye. They are wonderful girls and loving wives. I could not be happier.”

Charles looked back to Frances and the other ladies, saying, “If Reginald loves you, ladies, nothing else matters. You have my blessing.”

Frances told him, “How nice, Charles. You can come back, any time, and be welcome. Freda is studying law, so she may want to pick your brains.”

“Which if you is Freda, again, so I know you?” Freda raised her hand and beamed at him when he responded, “I will be delighted to assist you in any way I can, Freda. I used to be a criminal barrister before Paul gave me my job as company lawyer, so I have a range of legal knowledge I can help you with. You just have to ask.”

“Thank you, sir. I probably will. My husband is very helpful, but he is no lawyer!”

Paul explained, “Reginald is a bit of a polymath, Charles, so he covers a lot of subjects that the girls are studying, and he tutors them. He wants them all to get good degrees.”

“I am impressed, young man: husband AND tutor, indeed.”

Reginald asked him, “Can you advise us, sir, on the formal legality of what has been found in this building?”

“Certainly,” Charles declared. “In English law, immovables – land and buildings – are Real Property, and movables are Personal Property, so all the things we are talking about are personal property. That legal term is subdivided, so that items you can physically hold are known as Chose in Possession. These can be transferred from person to person, and in the case of a building, the Chose in Possession contents are part of the transaction. Thus, whatever moveables you find in a building that you now legally own by purchase is deemed to have been transferred to you, with some exceptions such as stolen property that is identifiable as such. You have a legal obligation to hand such property over to the authorities or back to the true owner. That is the gist of the story.”

Reginald was happy with that explanation.

“Thanks, Mr Frye. That is a clear exposition of the position, and helps immensely. So Mr LeBrun, or his company, whichever paid for the building, is the rightful owner of that personal property. We will be happy to pass it over to him, for we are grateful to have the use of this building to call home.”

Mr LeBrun told him, “As far as I am concerned, Reginald, you and your family are welcome to use it throughout your university years. I have no plans for its disposal in the short term. Charles, can you confirm my ownership?”

“Yes, sir, I mean, Paul. You in person are the owner of record, not the company. The fact that the company loaned you a large sum of money just prior to that purchase is neither here nor there, unless you are unable to pay off the loan. The building would be an asset against that loan.

Of course, if the discovered gemstones can be sold, sufficient to pay off your loan, that would make your title all the more secure for the future.”

“Charles, your criminal lawyer experience is paying off already, old boy. I think a bonus payment will be in order at the end of the financial year.”

Charles accepted this generosity with aplomb, then spoke to Frances again. “Mrs Robertson – sorry, Frances – are you okay with this police contact you have? Is he reliable and trustworthy, as far as your family is concerned? I just want to be certain you won’t need my services to get you out of jail.”

“Charles, the Sergeant has proved extremely helpful, and circumspect with it. He knows what questions to ask, and what NOT to ask. You keep asking me about this, but Reginald is the one who deals with the Sergeant. He can give you the assurance you seek.”

“Reginald? Can you say that with certainty?”

Reg told him, “We work cooperatively together, Mr Frye. He accepts us as students with knowledge, and having certain valuable family contacts that are of benefit to him; that is why he tolerates our occasional foibles. Handing over these ledgers of a criminal operation will be perfect for him, even though they are years out of date. Many of the individuals mentioned within will be still around and available to be arrested, assuming enough evidence is findable through the ledgers. The police probably have other evidence in their files that will dovetail in and make the case complete.”

“You are probably right in that. The police tend to collect evidence that doesn’t work properly at the time, but years later allows them to convict a crook, such as clothes of a victim later examinable for DNA or other new testing. Never underestimate our police forces.”

Reg was curious about another matter. “Mr Frye, once the company – or rather, Mr LeBrun personally, in legal terms – gets to see what this collection of artwork is like, what will you suggest happens about those items that appear genuine, without provenance, or any known evidence of being stolen?”

“We may use the company to instigate the research, but what ends up as genuine, and without evidence of crime, will be Paul’s to do what he likes with. Those items which are revealed as stolen, will be returned through an intermediary, after a negotiation with the appropriate insurance company. That way, this building will not feature in the arrangements. The fakes; we will hand these over to the police to deal with, as found items of little or no residual value to us. They may hand them over to one of the top galleries to use as examples of forged works, or to an institution such as a university, as a teaching aid.”

Paul LeBrun added, “Regarding the gemstones, Charles, I am proposing to allocate a percentage to Frances and her new family, as a reward for discovering them and passing them over. I think a ten per cent reward is justified, if you agree; but we shall see what sort of value comes out of it.”

Frances declared, “Daddy, you don’t have to do that! Reg has got some money of his own now, so we are not in dire need of finance.”

“I understand, Frances, but I want to do this, if only for my own peace of mind. All right?”

“Yes, Dad. I love you, Dad.”

“And I love you too. You are still my little girl, even though you are a married woman now.”

Frances hugged him, and wished him a safe journey.

The two men headed home in their repacked car, with a promise to come back with a van for the artworks.

Once they were away, Fiona and Prudence collared Reg. Fiona wanted to go over her findings, and Prudence could back her up where needed.

“Reg, my stepmother was not liked at the pharmacy where she worked. Her husband, according to Dora, committed suicide abroad: some middle eastern country, and was cremated or buried there, whichever it was; I can’t remember. The pharmacist afterwards recorded the disappearance of a drug that could kill, and suspects Dora of killing her first husband. He and Dora did not get on, according to the shop staff. Cremation abroad means any evidence has been destroyed, and burial almost as good, due to high ambient temperatures which should soon decompose a body.

What I am worried about is this: is my Dad at risk of the same thing, and if so, what do we do about it?”

Reg looked serious, and took thought.

Eventually he suggested, “Why don’t you invite him here, and you can explain that you happened to be in the same chemist’s shop, and the subject of Dora came up. Tell him what the lady told you, and say ‘I just thought I should pass it on, and leave you to do anything or do nothing; whatever suits you.’

You leave it up to him to ignore it, or bring it up with her. Tell him you don’t want to interfere in his life; you just want him to be informed about this story. Leave it at that; don’t sound pushy, just helpful.”

Fiona peered at his face accusingly. “I thought you didn’t know about dealing with people; socialising and suchlike?”

Reg insisted, “Over the last few months I have been regularly exposed to how people act toward each other, as well as being expertly trained in this endeavour by my wives, Fiona. I have learned to observe the interactions of people, and apply logic to many difficulties that people experience. It has been interesting, learning about how and why people act as they do. I learned a lot about myself in the process.”

“Okay, I’ll take your advice, but you don’t mind if I run it past Frances, for a second opinion?”

“Please do. I will be happy either way, whether she agrees with my assessment or not. I value her opinion.”

“You do love her immensely; I can see that, Reg. I hope I deserve the same devotion eventually.”

When the post arrived next day, Reg was infuriated to receive a letter from his bank’s headquarters, telling him that he needed their advice to apply his finances to better effect. The letter implied that he would be stupid to turn them down.

In his annoyance, he asked Erika for her father’s phone number. She gave it to him, a question on her face, but he simply dialled the number and got through.

“Mr Platts, it is Reginald Robertson, your son-in-law. May I ask your advice?”

“Of course, my boy. What’s your problem?”

Reg explained about telling his local bank branch that he didn’t want to avail himself of their investment advice, yet now the bank’s HQ was badgering him with the same question. Reg asked him, “Should I respond to the letter, or just transfer my account to another bank?”

Algy Platts gave out a short guffaw. “These ‘suits’ in high places ignore their local branch staff input, and try to go for the jugular. Treat them accordingly, and give them as good as you get. Instruct your branch manager that you want your account transferred to, say, Barclays, because of an insulting letter from his HQ, and you want the transfer done as soon as you get time to call in and officially authorise it. Don’t actually do anything, just wait for a few hours, and see what happens.”

“I see,” said Reg, who clearly didn’t see at all. “What do you expect will happen?”

“Well, inside the banking group, your branch manager will tell a top guy at the HQ that they are losing a large sum of cash to another bank, through the stupidity and cupidity of someone at their headquarters sending a pushy letter when the client had made clear he did not want such advice.

“At the very least, the guy who sent the letter will get a rocket. Your branch manager will be pushed hard to get you to cancel your instructions, but he will have to do it to your advantage, methinks.

24 hours maximum, Reginald. I guarantee it. Just wait.”

“Very well, sir. I will phone him right away.”

After consulting the phone book, Reg rang the bank branch and asked for the manager.

“Who shall I say is calling, sir?”

“Reginald Robertson.”

In seconds he got through.

“Mr Robertson, sir. What can I do for you?”

“You will recall I declined your offer of investment advice, telling you I had my own adviser and that we were contemplating my options?”

“Indeed, sir. I was disappointed, but the matter was up to you.”

“Correct. You were quite wise in that matter. However, your headquarters sent me a letter which arrived this morning, almost demanding that I allow them to manage my investments.”

“You got a letter from HQ?”

“I did, and as a direct result of that insulting insensitivity, I have decided to remove my funds entirely to another bank. It is my money, not the bank’s money, so I will take it elsewhere as I refuse to be treated like that.”

“But ... but ... I apologise for that error, Mr Robertson. You of course have complete control over your assets. Is there some way you can reconsider?”

“I am too annoyed at this time to want to do anything except get away from such stupidity among the bank’s senior management. How do I arrange the transfer?”

“You have to sign a transfer form, Mr Robertson, before we are authorised to complete the transaction. Have you decided as to which bank you wish to transfer your assets?”

“Not yet. I am too incensed. I’ll get back to you later, once I have calmed down. I have to get to the university at the moment, so probably later today; maybe tomorrow morning.”

“Leave it with me, please, Mr Robertson. I will put matters in train for you.”

Reg rang off, satisfied with his efforts so far. Now he DID have to get himself and his wives to the university. He would update them on the bank question at lunch break.

He fumed all morning, and paid less attention than usual to the lectures.

As he spoke to his ladies over lunch, his phone rang, and he answered.

“Mr Robertson, This is Fred Thomas, your branch bank manager. I have spoken to a senior officer of the bank, and they wish to both offer their apologies for the way you were treated, and if you will relent on removing your account from us, I am authorised to add one hundred pounds to your account, by way of recompense for the unwarranted letter you received.”

“Mr Thomas, I am glad to hear that there has been a rethink at the bank headquarters. I trust that there will be a policy change so that no-one else is browbeaten by letter. I would suggest that, instead, two hundred pounds of compensation would more probably persuade me to leave my account with you. I am still fuming about it, you see. Would you agree with that proposal?”

“I will speak to my superiors on that, to get it authorised, but I see no problem there, as you will clearly be mollified by such a sum.”

“Very well. On that basis, you can cancel the transfer to another bank, Mr Thomas, and I hope we can proceed on better terms for the future.”

His wives had been half listening to the phone call, so Reg explained the full import of the bank’s climbdown. Prudence exclaimed, “So they are going to pay you for NOT taking your account to another bank?”

“Yup,” Reg said with feeling. “Erika’s dad gave me some good advice, ladies. I think she deserves some special loving tonight.”

“Sounds fair,” Frances agreed. “I’ll speak with the two scheduled girls, and sort something out to allow for Erika’s presence.” She paused to switch subjects. “Talking of dads; Freda, have you heard anything from your father about that lawyer that the police want to know about?”

“Not yet, dear. I’ll give him a ring this evening, to see where he has got to with that enquiry.

Reg, are listening to what I have just said?”

Reg indicated his acknowledgement of his hearing ability. His attention was temporarily diverted by thoughts of the next lecture he had to attend. The first afternoon lecture was on the early history of music. This puzzled him as it was a physics class!

The class proved worthwhile attending.

The lecturer started by discussing the waves involved with acoustics, pointing to the energy potential in waves of all kinds. He pointed out that while waves transfer energy in general, in the case of certain materials and shapes, this energy is partly expressed as sound, often in distinct notes or musical tones. He told them, “In the case of music, the acoustic waves convey notes of specific pitch which we hear in our ears as musical notes. Music, to us, is a pattern of acoustic tones whose combination conveys a harmonic sound that is pleasing to the human ear, and the human mind that absorbs it.

Such sounds can be made by formal musical instruments, but are also possible with a horizontal metal plate on a stand; the plate vibrated by a violin bow. Positioned as it is, horizontally, the plate can also show a visual representation of the note by having a thin layer of fine sand on top. The sand responds to the vibration of the plate, and a pattern develops corresponding to the note being generated. Each note causes a different shape to appear on the plate as the sand particles rearrange themselves accordingly. This is a useful depiction of the frequency of sounds, and you can see the complications which develop as the notes change in pitch.”

He stopped to run a video of that exact performance happening. Most of the students had already seen it, and nodded their understanding. The others marvelled. He resumed his talk.

“That tells you that each note has a vibration level, and as the wave involved decreases in wavelength, the peaks of each wave become taller, so the pitch of the note alters, becoming higher. So sound waves in music are a reflection of the acoustic wave forms being generated.

Now, the generation of sounds can be performed vocally through the larynx in your throat, or by a physical action such as banging a stick on another stick. When it comes to the history of music, we have to admit we have no idea where the first music came from. Did an early human hum to a rhythm, or bang a hollow log in a pattern; or merely clap his or her hands rhythmically? Another possibility is in noticing the echoes in a deep cave. If you call out a sound – a musical note – certain places with a cave can enhance the note, providing additional echoes to make the sound more interesting, as was discovered by Iegor Reznikoff of the University of Paris, a music ethnographer investigating the caves of Arcy-sur-Cure, where 30,000-year old cave paintings were found. The echoes were most interesting at exactly the same spots where Neanderthal cave paintings are located, more than a kilometre from the entrance.

Any of these examples can be termed music at a basic level. The requirement is to introduce a pattern of some kind, that the composer or listener recognises to be a pleasant effect.

The earliest manufactured musical instrument known so far is the bone flute, from tens of thousands of years ago. One was found in Slovenia, but the remarkable thing is, it was found among other artefacts which were recognisably Neanderthal. This suggests, but only suggests and does not prove, similar to the cave examples, that Neanderthals could create music and not just us modern humans – homo sapiens. There is a possibility that the Neanderthals, found the flute, lost by a sapiens, and collected it out of curiosity as an interesting bauble. We just do not know for certain. In a similar way, why do your cave paintings at the spots where the echoes are most interesting? Logic steers us to a positive solution in both cases.

To return to the human voice; vocal music would gradually develop into what is now called Folk Music, but is basically sound patterns made with the voice, combined with words which may convey a meaning but primarily enable the tune to be memorised more easily. You will probably have noted that folk music involves much repetition of the notes or phrases, with only the words varying but still matching the beat of the tune. The music at an early time may have been combined with handclaps to establish the beat, or rhythm of the song, replaced later by a drum beat.

Talking of beats, the origin of the drum most likely arose from an animal hide stretched tightly on a frame to dry. Someone noticed that if the hide was struck gently with a stick, it produced a deep sound, similar to a hollow log being struck. Two ideas arise from that observation: one, that a deep sound travels far, so you can use it to convey a message, provided the recipient knows what the combination of beats represent. One simple repetition may mean ‘all is fine’, but a double beat, repeated, could mean ‘come home, there is a problem’. You can ring the changes on beats to convey whatever message the tribe will recognise if everyone is aware of the meaning of specific sounds. There you have an original email messaging system!

The other way is if you stretch the hide over a pot or a hole in a hollow tree. You can make the sound louder, sharper, and thus more effective at a distance by this means; and using a stick to hit it in a rhythm, you can create music to amuse your fellow tribesmen. Either way, you have created something useful to the tribe, and it is likely to be added to the tribal knowledgebase.

From the above, it is easy to understand how such knowledge will become part of the tribe’s inheritance through generations to come. Later, the music would become more elaborate.

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ReginaldChapter 6

Frances concluded, “Right. Do what you want with him tonight, but I get him to myself tomorrow night. Goodnight to the three of you.” She slammed the door shut behind her as she left. Erika murmured, “Wow. She sounds peeved. Reg, was that a promise to fuck you tomorrow?” “I am not certain, darling. It may be, but I am not going to count on it. It might just be a cuddle like we are having now.” Erika disabused him of that notion. “No, Reg, not just a cuddle. Prepare for a lot more. I can...

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ReginaldChapter 7

“Well now, there are several things to decide on. One, can Reg help you with tutoring, and if so, can you assist him in picking up social skills? Second, if you get accepted as part of the study group, Beth gets rejected and we help you shaking loose from her. Is that it?” “More or less, Frances. I am not sure what you meant – IF Reg can help me with tutoring?” “Oh, that is simple. Reg has to decide if you are worth his effort. If he concludes that you are not picking things up as he...

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ReginaldChapter 8

“No, I have a good brain, but most people don’t see beyond my height. I am five foot nine, if you wanted to ask. Similar height to you, Reg?” “Should think so. Let’s check. Come and stand in front of me, Prudence, and we’ll see.” She and Reg moved to face each other, and sure enough, they were eye to eye. Reg smiled at her and moved forward to kiss her gently on the lips. She was startled at that familiarity, but reacted by kissing him in return, then stepped back. “Wow! Do you do that...

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ReginaldChapter 10

He hurried in, but she was not in the bedroom as he expected, so he tried the bathroom. Prudence was kneeling naked in the empty tub, with one arm resting on the side. She looked very appealing as the Venus of the bath, but she was truly frustrated. “Reg, I can’t get myself out of the bath! It is too slippery, and my balance is not good at the moment. Can you help me?” She turned her body to face him, again displaying her small breasts in front of him. He took a sharp breath, but...

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ReginaldChapter 11

Reg explained, “It was much later, when I observed other children, that I saw how they and their parents seemed to act differently towards each other than my parents were with me. I decided there was something wrong with me, and that was how I couldn’t be loved like other children. I turned my attention to the world around me, and started studying it. I found school a great revelation, for the teachers started explaining what things were, and how they reacted, like water will do magical...

4 years ago
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ReginaldChapter 12

“But Prudence is a university student. She won’t want to have a baby while at Uni.” Reg made a factual remark. “Frances, there are at least several female students who are expecting babies, as far as I have observed.” Frances retorted, “Yes, but all of them are married, so it is not such a problem for them.” Reg backed down. “Sorry, I didn’t know that. Sorry I spoke.” Frances patted his arm. “No, it is all right, Reg. Your observation was accurate, just not fully comprehensive. These...

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ReginaldChapter 17

Prudence told him, “For the moment, Reg, do nothing. I phoned your mother back, and explained a little to her about you, me and the girls, but I emphasised that you need a lot of time to adjust from being a loner to dealing with people at large. She said she was willing to wait. I believe her, Reg.” “Thank you, Prudence. I don’t think I could have done that myself. I couldn’t have told her about you girls. You are a wonderful, thoughtful girl. It is no wonder that I love you.” Still...

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ReginaldChapter 20

Reg sat in a chair facing the Dean, and waited. The Dean cleared his throat before declaring, “Mr Robertson, it has come to my notice that you have arranged for a commitment ceremony next week. Is that correct?” “Yes sir.” Reg was not offering anything. He had learned to be careful. “I understand this is not a simple cohabitation agreement, but something more complex.” “Yes, sir.” “You and four other students – girls - are proposing to live together as a family unit. Is that so?” “Yes,...

1 year ago
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Buyer BEware

I originally wrote this for a large breast fetish site but I figured what the hell... also, this is not literature. If you want literature read Tolstoy or Hugo. This story contains scenes of an erotic nature, and is not intended for minors. Further if such material is considered illegal in your area, you should bypass this story. This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download, photocopy, copy and repost so long as any such action contains these...

4 years ago
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Maid Me Lust Chase Seduction And 8230

About myself – I am a tall good looking guy of 28 years age, working in a reputed company in Bangalore. This sex story occurred when I was a virgin teenager of 19 years in age back in 2007. I had secured admission in an engineering college in Meerut with hostel. During weekend I used to visit my uncle’s place. My aunt, uncle, cousin and his wife used to live there along with a maid. The maid was a slim girl of around 20 years unmarried. Slim body and very average looking. You won’t notice her...

2 years ago
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Used as a Plaything

Brianna whispered in my ear.  ‘Do you feel safe, Andy?’Did I feel safe?First, I need to explain the position in which I found myself.Brianna had brought me into a luxurious apartment and blindfolded me, before guiding me into another room where soft music was playing.All she had told me about the evening was the owner of the apartment, a woman in her fifties, had got friendly with Brianna and mentioned she had fancied the pants off me.  Together the two of them hatched a plan to use me as her...

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Entertainment I was just eighteen years old, quite pretty if I do say so myself, and sexually active. I had just graduated from high school and was looking forward to going to college in mid August. My brother Jerry was twenty-one years old and told me that I should sow my wild oats before I had to settle down. He said that he and his friends are always chasing girls and that sometimes we girls let him catch them. I told him that I had been sowing my wild oats and that I had no...

3 years ago
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Happy Times

I didn't mean to let so many weeks go by but unfortunately the company I work for sent me on am out of town project. The first time I had chance to go to Jo's shop was Friday afternoon. Looking through the window hoping to catch a glimpse of her proved fruitless, but I did glance at the very sexy lingerie on display. Which was the reason I came here in the first place. I decided to go into the shop and hope for the best. There were several young assistants in there, all beautifully attired. A...

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Awaking Amanda Episode 1

This is the first in a series of stories about Andy and Amanda. Most cucking stories are told by the cuck and this one is no different. But if you want to here it all from the hot wife's perspective then read Cucking Andy - Episode 1One warm Saturday afternoon in late summer my wife Amanda and I were having friends over for a garden party to celebrate the completion of our house makeover. Both the k**s were on sleepovers so we'd made it an all adult affair and hoping to add a little spice to...

1 year ago
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Dyked Eliza Jane Kagney Linn Karter Double Headed Dildo Tutor

Kagney Linn Karter is one fucking hot maid who walks in on Eliza Jane holding a double ended dildo that she has no idea how to operate. Kagney, being a maid who cares informs Eliza who isn?t wearing pants, that jamming a dildo inside of herself with her panties pushed to the side is bush league amatuer stuff. Eliza, being a naive dumb blonde slut asks her maid to teach her how to use dildos more effectively. Kagney says that they only have a few hours before Eliza?s parents return, but that she...

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Fucked My Best Friend8217s Author Mom

Hello beautiful people. Thank you so much for showering so much love on It was overwhelming. If you haven’t read it, click on my profile and read it. Let me quickly re-introduce myself to people reading my story for the first time. I am Aryan, 26 years old, from Delhi. I hail from a well-to-do family and am a qualified professional. I am 5’8” tall with a 6” long tool and 2.5” in thickness with fair color, athletic body, and looks that you can’t ignore! I am very thankful to ISS for giving...

2 years ago
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DOR part 5

The week goes by fast for the most part i try (and fail) to try and keep my distance and avoid her for the most part. Maybe give her a chance to breath and miss me. I do have my way of popping up to glance at her without her seeing me (stalker vibe coming off right now, where are my stalkers at?) but for the most part I try to keep to myself and actually focus on work and work only. Suddenly one mid day as I was in mid way to go do a delivery she walks up to me and stops me half way looking for...

3 years ago
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Kartik And Deepa 8211 Part 5 Hot Sex With Motherinlaw

This is a fictional story about sex with mother-in-law. It is based on my fantasies about a show I watch in my language. All the characters are fictional and strictly above 19. I prefer stories with a plot that gets us involved in the story and leads to sex rather than stories with just wild sex. My stories are a bit lengthy and usually have everything like gay sex, lesbianism, threesomes, group sex, and mainly incest. Enjoy the story. You can give me feedback at . If you haven’t read the...

2 years ago
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Gang Banged By Labour Class 8211 Part 1

Hello Everyone. My name is Ayushi and I am 20 years old. I live in Ghaziabad at PG. My figure is 34C – 28 – 30 and I am fair in color. People stare me every where I go like a thirsty dogs. This is my first time at ISS that I am posting my story. The incident that I will be telling happened 1 year back and really regret this. This is the time I am pursing my college studies and was staying at a rented flat. We all girls talked about virginity and stuff. I was the only person who was virgin in...

2 years ago
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The Inches Between UsChapter 21

As we walked into church, holding hands, the following morning, I tried not to spend too much time thinking about the apparent disconnect between two unmarried people sharing a night of intimacy on Saturday night and then sharing Communion with the rest of the church on Sunday morning. On the other hand, I was fairly sure there were people sitting in pews across the world on Sunday morning who did worse on Saturday night than be intimate with someone with whom they are in a committed...

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Cd crossdresser sissy caught by mom and dad

Backstory - I just turned 19, in college and still live in my hometown with my parents. I've been crossdressing on and off for the last probably 10-12 years. Till I was about 15 it was just whatever my sister or mom had that I could get my hands on while they were gone. Then when I was 15, I would order some online, or sneak out and go to a store right before they'd close. I've only told two girls, one who didn't believe me and the other who was supportive but didn't really care. For the last...

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Lovemaking With Son And Daughter Part 6

Trip day-3: At early morning 06:00 hours. It’s my normal time to wake up. I just opened my eyes and lay in the bed. Mandhana was sleeping in front of me and her nightie has been raised up to her hip which shows her stained panty. Mithun was sleeping on another bed at the back side. Mandhana can’t see Mithun because I was lying in between them. I shook Mandhana to wake up. Mandhana: (sleepy eyes) What mom, you wake up so early? Me: It’s my normal time. Okay! What you did to me yesterday in the...

3 years ago
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My Wife and I have a great relationship. We communicated well in most aspects of our life and were almost complete soul mates. Neither of us where over-crazed hormonal sex addicts. Before we got married I had disclosed to my than girlfriend, the first person I ever did so to, about my desires around cross dressing and bondage. In hindsight I wish I had the internet to give me advice. I took her to a nice park, we sat on the bench after a walk and I spilled the beans. I told her I...

1 year ago
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My Sister Can Drive

My Sister Can Drive The day my sister Kitty turned sixteen she got her Learner’s Permit and took her written test along with her road test and got her license. The people at the Department of Motor Vehicles were impressed. The truth be known Mom and Dad were just as impressed even though they had been coaching her for several months. Her first assignment two days later was to drive our younger sister and I up to the cabin for the week. Dad had been up there most of the last month...

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Stacy and the Wired Devices

From the moment the plane took off till the moment it touched down, I had only one thought in mind: I wanted to see the look on Stacy's face at the restaurant. I opened the overhead bin and took out my carry-on. The woman who had been sitting in the window seat asked me if I would hand her her backpack. "The red one with the black stripe," she said. She got up and smoothed her skirt over her legs. I unzipped the bag and opened it, hoping to find some fascinating contraband. A vibrator or some...

2 years ago
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A different Way Kapitel 1 Erwachen

Die folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum der Autorin 'Janoko'. Die Geschichte ist frei erfunden und ?hnlichkeiten mit realen Personen sind nicht beabsichtigt. Die Geschichte darf nur mit ausdr?cklicher (schriftlicher) Genehmigung auf einer anderen Seitever?ffentlicht werden. ©2008 - 2011 Janoko ---------- A different Way Kapitel 1: Erwachen Es war ein Morgen wie jeder andere auch, der Wecker klingelte um halb Sieben und meine Wenigkeit tastete schlaftrunken nach ...

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The Man From Eagle CreekChapter 25

The house was strong built and clean kept. The furnishings looked hand made by a master woodworker. There were fine rugs under the furniture in the main room and in the kitchen the floor had been smoothed down with a wood plane making the finish smooth and flat. The board floor had been scrubbed and mopped so many times the wood was nearly faded out white. Hilda Ehrlichmann was a fine cook and had prepared a feast for their supper. They had pork loin, cooked cabbage, field peas, mashed...

3 years ago
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Use and abuse me

OK, I've had this fantasy for a while and I still haven't lived it out yet :( ...I'm on my back, tied to the headboard by my wrists - my legs are tied so they're up in the air. My arsehole is exposed and I have a ring gag in my mouth.I can just about reach through the gag with my tongue so you mount me and rub your pussy into my face. Occasionally you switch directions, smothering me, really pushing back into my mouth and nose - I can smell your holes and I clean your arsehole out before you...

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The Bare Adventures Of Liv Holbrook and Friends

Come one, come all! Enter a world much like our own! Where the spotlight lands on one pretty, adorable, flustered girl. She's at college. Maybe she's at the cafeteria. Or maybe she's in class. Maybe she's off campus at home, or her boyfriend's house. OR with friends at the mall. She can be wherever you like. It should be noted that she's completely nude. From head to foot, 100% bare. And she's not really a fan. But we have to take you back to that fateful day before you know what's up with...

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Ana in a black gangbang at home

Ana in a black gangbang at homeAnita had met this black guy Rufus at the outside town bar.He was a kind of gangster and very aggressive with my wife, as she had told me once. He had fucked her very wild in several meetings, but always were just Ana and him.But one day he asked her for being the slut for a black gangbang party. Of course Ana accepted the challenge, she was delighted…The only condition was he wanted me outside of town; no way could I be present during the party with my loving...

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Three in a Bed Part Three

When Doug left the room, headed for the bathroom, Julie bent forward to whisper to her husband as he knelt on the bed in front of her, “How was it?” “Great, mostly!” he responded after a moment or two of thought. He had anticipated that it would hurt a little at first, although not as much as it had, but then, he reflected wryly, Doug’s cock was the biggest he had seen. He had not expected so much discomfort in his neck towards the end either, but he felt that was probably because he had failed...

4 years ago
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Growing up in Gwinnett Volume4

I first discovered sucking dick at Best Friend Park, and when I was able to drive, I found out about the gloryholes at Stone Mountain Park. But it wasn't until I had a car and went to the mall at I learned about cruising. The mall is called Northlake Mall in Tucker, Ga. I remember it started with me going into the Sears men's room and seeing several men standing the urinals, and me slipping into the last stall to read the graffiti. I ignored the guys while I read and stroked between my...

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Fat Dick Last partsee part 3

So there we were. Mick done his cleaning job on Rasto's dick. Rasto stood there and said, 'Hey b*o bring us a beer,' Mick wandered off to the Kitchen and Rasto sat next to me. He grabbed me and kissed me, saying how amazing I was and how he liked a nice slutty white wife to entertain him.'Mmm,'he said,'love the taste of my family on your lips Doll!'Mick arrived back with the beers. He walked over and handed one to Rasto. Rasto took it but still wanted to kiss. Then with one movement he swigged...

3 years ago
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First Time Sensual Experience 8211 Part 1

Hi, guys! I’m a regular follower of Indian sex stories. I always wondered if I would get a chance to be in a situation that I could share on ISS. And luckily, I had a wonderful and sensational experience with my neighbor, a couple of months back and I’m sharing it here for the first time. As this was my first and true experience, I would like to elaborate all the details. It’s a bit too lengthy. So please bear with me I’m bobby, 24 years, and I live in an apartment with my parents and there are...

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Centerfold Ch 02

Since we were already naked, we went to Cami’s bed for the night. I’d spent the night in a few women’s beds during my years in New York, but I hadn’t been so happy about the actual going to bed part since I left Iowa. I had the best night’s sleep I’d had in years. When I woke up, she was lying with her back to me. I kissed the back of her neck and told her, ‘Good morning.’ She turned over to face me. ‘It is, isn’t it?’ she responded. ‘You’re the first man I’ve been with since Mike died.’ ...

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Face time

I had been working with this model on a couple of fetish projects. Most of them had some kind of bondage theme, while this does not really excite me. This model did really got my blood boiling.She was a curvy soft spoken woman in her early 30s. She seemed to be a shy woman, until she stripped out of her clothes to become a very different person. I don't know why she wanted to do all the bondage photography, but since I liked her so much and enjoyed seeing her naked body displayed in front of my...

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Dee and Ben fuck Polly with Woody and friends

So the afternoon arrived and we turned up at Woody’s front door and rang the bell. A man opened the door and introduced himself as Woody.“Come on in, most of the guys have turned up already, there are a couple more to come and we can get started. Glad to see that you have come along too Dee. Are you going to join in?”“I hope so, I thought you guys might need me to fluff, keep you all entertained whilst Polly gets her abuse.” Dee smiled as she grabbed Woody’s crotch and squeezed him gently.We...

1 year ago
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Carlas first time

“Carla, come in here please.” I heard my husband calling from the dining room, where I had spread out the books I needed to write my term paper on the table, next to my laptop. “Sure honey,” I called back. I finished hanging the shirt I’d just ironed, and switched the iron off at the wall. Unsuspecting, I wandered through to the dining room. “What’s up?” Dave was sitting in front of my laptop. He looked around, his face serious – not a usual look for him, he’s quite the joker. “Did you get...

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Louise begins to introduce me to another of her friends

As the days passed I was seeing more and more of the ladies. Louise and Myla were always calling my daughter and then she would pass the word to me. Sue was also involved with me more and more. I was getting very tired from all the extra activity. But, it was always good. No!! Make that great, and I worked very hard to please these ladies as much or more than they pleased me. On the one hand I couldn't believe the luck of having 3 wonderful, young beautiful women available almost any night of...

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Iss Reader Shipra Satisfied

I recently wrote my first story at ISS and it was met with positive reviews so I bring another real story. After writing story I got an email from a girl on my Email ID: that she want to watch Hate Story 2 with me. I knew these encounter was going to be great as Hate Story 2 is Erotic Thriller. The girl booked 2 tickets at PVR Director’s Cut at Select City walk. As you guys know I am from Delhi and like to help satisfy the lust and sexual needs of sexy Aunties, Bhabhi and Young Girls too. So I...

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 I don't know when it started. . . Maybe it was when we played "doctor" as kids. Maybe it was the little looks we gave each other in the early stages of puberty. Whatever it was it happened after months of conversations, so thick with subtext, we were surprised no one said anything to us, but mom and dad kept us from anything sexual so they never read to deep into anything we said. But before all that let me tell you a little about us. My sister Terra, is the nicest little thing on the planet....

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The Devil On My Shoulder

A story of two strangers coming (or is it cumming?) together by random circumstance...I don't know if you believe in angels or devils, but it seems to me I am covered by both. Many events in my life have been guided unseen hands, so call it what you will, but I'm still here and still loving the hell out of life. Now what made me go into that deli on that day at that particular time I can only assume was the horny little devil on my shoulder, keeping a sharp lookout for both of our interests.I...

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An Ordinary College Sex Life 2Chapter 17 Spontaneous

-- THURSDAY, JULY 21, 2005, SUMMER BREAK -- "One night and you two are boyfriend/girlfriend?" Amber and I looked at each other, unable to wipe the silly grins off our faces. It wasn't new love, not exactly. It was more like the giddy infatuation you felt as a 14-year-old, being told by your first crush that she likes you too. I was deliriously happy at the moment, and I didn't mind letting it show. "Yeah..." I drawled, squeezing Amber's hand. We were all in Lynne's apartment. It...

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EIGHT by Jodi Master Nathan (known in normal life as Nate Cline) walked into the club, nodding at the bouncer Mike as he entered hid second home. He looked around and smiled as he saw the women and men, some holding a leash and the rest standing hooked to one. The smells assaulted his senses as he took in the heady mix of leather, latex, sweat, perfume and smoke and he headed for his booth. He sat as a waitress, her eyes never meeting his as she...

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Missy My Babysitter is A Horny Little Slut

I couldnt believe I was staring at a picture on my computer of my 18 year old babysitter's naked pussy. Leaning back behind my desk in my home office, maximized on my monitor, was a picture of Missy lying on her back nude with her legs spread, and a perfectly shaved, glistening pink pussy pointed at the camera. Wow. I mean -- wow. It was the second of the fifteen pictures that I'd opened. The first pic, ME, had a nice smiling photo of her sitting on the bed wearing a bra and panties. And, of...

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Pool Hustler

We left the bar in a rush; me leading the way, him directly behind me. We walked with purpose; each had only one drink, leaving us with all of our faculties, but just enough inhibition left behind. Once in the dark parking lot, he charged ahead, leading me to his car, a dark and low Japanese model of some sort. He didn’t bother holding the door for me, just clicked the button unlocking the doors and hopped in the driver’s side. I followed on the passenger side. By the time my butt hit the seat,...

Quickie Sex
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Part 8

My Husbands overseas business trip.As I laid in bed Thursday night all pleasured, I received a message from Andy saying:" Hey Lauren how you? Hope you had a great day. Just want to confirm we still on for breakfast at 10h00 tomorrow? I replied back saying: Hey hun, I did in fact have a good day hope you did too. Yes we still on for breakfast and I look forward to seeing you there.Awesome see you tomorrow he replied back ending a short conversation for the evening and not long later I fell...

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Dads Dating AdviceChapter 6

Denial is one of the tools we use to stave off acceptance of a gnarly issue. When you feel that scraping grind in the parking lot that means you rubbed up against another vehicle, you can either stop, get out, and go look, or just tell yourself “It’s probably nothing.” Which of those you do all depends on your personality type. Sometimes age is a factor. If the driver is a teenager who’s driving daddy’s borrowed car, they may be very tempted to simply drive home, park the car, and go in as if...

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Red Roses for a Blue Lady

I had seen her on numerous occasions, passed her on the street, sat next to her on buses and seemed never to have the opportunity to let her know I was there let alone speak to her. I never considered for a second that I could stand a chance with this walking goddess of exquisite beauty, never to be her friend, confidante let alone lover. Towards the end she even invaded my dreams, enticing me and yet always rebuffing my attempts to speak to her. I used to wake up hearing her laughter in my...

1 year ago
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Gender Role Reversal Moving to Philadelphia Chapter 4

At lunch I sat down in the cafeteria next to my friends. Partway through our lunch George said "so me and a few of the boys from the team were thinking of going to the park after school and having a quick game of softball. Do you guys fancy joining? We could do with the numbers." "Yeah, sounds good," I replied and Hannah and Linda both agreed as well. "Great," George said smiling. "We'll meet you at the park when school's finished." After lunch I gym along with Hannah and Linda so once...

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