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Hi folks, I wanted to do something that was a little bit off of the beaten path this week. I wanted to get a little bit wild and furry. this will probably be the most unusual love triangle your read about this year. You are reading the complete version of this story and I believe the best. This is not the truncated, stunted version we posted on that other web site. My thanks as usual to the imcomparable Mikothebaby for editing both versions. Feel free to email us or leave your comments on the story we'd really like to know how you feel about this one.SS06

My name is Jack Silver and I'm not what you think I am. Events over the past few years have forced me into a war that I never wanted. I spend a lot of time now looking over my shoulder. When I started all of this, I was looking ahead. What do I see? That's a damned good question because life is full of interesting things. I guess for me, life always boils down to primary shapes. Primary shapes, for those of you who don't remember kindergarten, are things like the circle, the square, the triangle, the diamond and the line.

Right now I'm hoping that my life is like the line. When this all started out, I foolishly believed that my life was a line, when in fact, it was a triangle. That triangle led to another triangle which morphed into a diamond. I destroyed the diamond and I've gone full circle and brought myself back to a line.

I'm sure that by now you're wondering what the fuck I'm talking about, so let's get to it. I have to warn you though that this story is strange. Some of you won't believe it. Others of you will feel deep down in your bones that I'm giving you the gospel but will still deny the possibility that I'm telling you the truth. But don't worry; I know that you're only doing that because you hope that by pretending that I made all of this up, you'll be able to sleep at night. By pretending that bad things don't exist you'll be able to walk past dark alleys and lie down without checking the closet or looking under the bed. I understand. I started out just like you.

As I said my name is Jack Silver. When all of this started, I was twenty four years old. I was on the cusp of my twenty-fifth birthday. I lived with my girlfriend Andrea, whom everyone called Drea. I'm nothing to look at. I'm five ten, I weigh a hundred and seventy five pounds and I have brown hair and eyes. At least back then I had brown hair.

Drea, on the other hand, was a walking wet dream. She was five foot two and I guess the best word to describe her would be jiggly. She barely weighed over a hundred pounds and most of that was ass and chest. Her eyes were the clearest blue you'd ever see and her lips were the reddest red. If you think blond cheerleader, Drea is what pops into your mind.

I was working midnights as an assistant foreman in an auto parts warehouse to pass the time. I say pass the time because after my twenty fifth birthday, I was due to inherit somewhere between four and five million dollars. My grandfather had left me the money, but he wanted to be sure that my life was right if I was to inherit it. His will was very specific. I had to have graduated from college with a degree; check. I needed to have been gainfully employed for at least two years; check. And I had to be unmarried; check. I'd been with Drea for three years. We met during my last year in college. She was working as a waitress in one of the bars I frequented with my buddies back then. After college, the two of us had begun seriously dating and if it weren't for the money, we'd probably already be married.

I loved Drea and I was sure she loved me. A lot of the other women I'd dated looked at my situation as something of a challenge. I guess they figured that if I really loved them, I'd forgo the money and get married anyway. I suppose they thought that would prove something. Maybe it was supposed to mean that they were more important to me than the money or something like that.

I guess I can understand that. Money can't buy happiness after all. But realistically it makes being unhappy a hell of a lot more fun.

I've always been the conservative type. I've always been the type of guy who does the best he can at everything he does. When I do something well or finish a difficult job, it gives me a sense of accomplishment. Drea, on the other hand, just took life as it went. She'd been a wild child before we got together. I's heard stories of her leaving the bar with a different guy every night and sometimes more than one. Her entire family is best described as semi quasi legal. I think that a lot of that is over blown. She grew up poor and in a bad neighborhood, so sometimes they had to scuffle to put food on the table and keep the wolf away from the door.

When you grow up on the wrong side of the tracks, you have to make questionable decisions sometimes just to survive. Drea grew up on the God damned tracks so she got it from both sides. If she wasn't as pretty as she is she'd probably have ended up dead. She was one tough cookie. So I didn't really pay very much attention to the way she was before we got together. Let's face it, I hadn't been a virgin either, so why should I expect innocence or purity from her. The way I figured it all of things that she did to me that I just loved, she had to have leaned somewhere. I got the benefit of all of that experience.

Drea was just completely off the wall. She would sometimes meet me at the doorway when I got home from work. She'd be completely naked, down on all fours with a rolled up newspaper in her mouth, like those cartoon dogs on TV. She'd get up on her haunches in that begging motion and start barking.

"What do you want Drea?" I'd ask. "Speak girl," I'd say. She'd bark like a dog and then turn around exposing her heart shaped ass with that pink pussy just staring at me. She'd go over to the thick rug that we had in front of the fireplace and lie down on her stomach sticking her ass up in the air.

No matter how tired I was, no matter how hellish my day at work had been, she never failed to get me up. Sex with Drea was an endurance event. After living with her for six months, I realized that we'd never turned the TV on. All we ever did was sleep, eat or fuck.

Now I know a lot of you guys out there are thinking that I was a dumb ass. Leopards don't change their spots do they? Well, two things in my defense. Drea had a sister who is just as pretty as she was. Her sister, Molly, has been married since she was twenty and has two great kids and a husband who loves her. Molly was just as wild as Drea before settling down.

I thought that, well, I hoped that Drea would be the same. But at the same time, I'm really not a dummy. I had friends go by the bar every so often to check on her. I even had a few guys that I was sure she didn't know take a run at her occasionally and she never bit. She told each and every God damned one of them that she had a boyfriend.

So how did this happy romantic tale hit the rocks? The same way it always does. We had an accident at the warehouse. One of the hi-lo drivers went after a crate on the highest shelf. He thought he had it and ended up dropping an entire crate of F-150 steering knuckles. Now that alone wasn't a problem. We later found out that none of the parts had been damaged in the fall. The problem was where the box fell. It fell right on top of the electrical box that housed the circuit breakers for the entire warehouse. It took our electricians almost two days to repair everything so we got off very early that night and had the next day off.

So instead of me working from midnight to eight a.m. and getting home at eight thirty or so. I got to our building at about one a.m.

The curb in front of our building had about eight or nine motorcycles parked in front of it. There was loud music playing and I wondered how the neighbors could stand it. I was even more shocked that it was coming from my floor. I was sure that when Drea got off from work at the bar that she'd raise hell if that music was still playing, especially if it was near our apartment.

As I rounded the corner I noticed that the music was not only near our apartment it was coming from our apartment. As I pushed my way into the apartment all I heard was laughing. There were at least five or six guys standing in my living room watching something going on in the other room. They were rough looking guys but I was too pissed to care. They were screaming and laughing and one guy handed me a beer.

"Hey bud, drink this," he said. "But you're going to have to wait your turn. Don't worry this bitch can go all night. And her poor, pitiful boyfriend won't be home until morning. By the time he drags his ass in here, she'll be all cleaned up and ready for him. What a slut, she even fucked her own brother earlier tonight."

As I got closer to the bedroom, all I heard was grunting from a male voice and a hoarse female voice yelling, "Fuck me, baby." I pushed my way into the room and saw her there on our bed. The very same bed that we'd searched through at least ten furniture stores to find because she had to have the perfect combination of both of our tastes.

Her legs were spread and she was thrusting her hips rapidly against some guy whose face I couldn't see because of the angle they were at. Her hands were clawing at his back as if she couldn't get enough of him. "Ooh baby, you're the best. You hit it like no one else," she crooned. "Fuck it harder."

I turned away from the bed and went straight for my dresser. I grabbed a bunch of my clothes and opened the closet and grabbed my laptop.

A guy grabbed my arm and tried to stop me. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" he screamed. "We're not letting you rob this bitch or take her stuff."

"Get your greasy assed biker hands off of me or I'll call the police so fast your..." I began. Even as I spoke he pushed me. I staggered back from the push. The guy was bigger than me and outweighed me by about fifty pounds.

I landed on my back against the wall and the guys in the room started yelling. The guy who was fucking Drea looked over and saw me. I recognized him too. It actually was Drea's brother. His name Augustine, they called him Gus. He went white as a sheet when he recognized me.

I'd landed near someone's clothes. As the guy who'd pushed me leapt for me, I picked up a bike helmet and swung it as hard as I could at his head. I was sure I felt something crunch when it made contact and he landed next to me, almost on top of me. He was unconscious before he hit the ground. I was still holding onto the helmet. I re-secured my laptop and my bundle of clothes as I got to my feet.

"Oh shit," screamed Gus. "Drea..."

Drea turned to me and our eyes met. "Jack," she screamed. "Noooo ... Jack." I got to my feet and left the apartment. When I got to the hall and started down it. I heard someone say, "Go bring him back here. She needs to talk to him." I took off down the stairs as quickly as I could. When I got outside, I did something I'd always wanted to do. I knocked over the first bike in the line. It wasn't nearly as easy as I thought it would be. I had to raise the kickstand and let it fall. It did knock over the next few bikes in the line but after that there was too big a separation between them.

I got into my truck and drove away. Was I shocked? Was I hurt? Did I feel stupid? The answer to all of the above is yes. I was shocked. I hadn't really considered myself to be that naïve. Was I hurt? Fuck yeah, I really loved Drea and I thought she'd felt the same about me. Did I feel stupid? Yep, I really did because all along I guess I'd known. I mean why the hell would a girl who looked like that and had been that wild, really settle down with a normal guy like me, it just didn't make sense.

I guess all of my hopes that she was like her sister were in vain. I cruised by the warehouse to see how the repairs were going. The entire building was still blacked out. I spoke to the foreman of the electricians and he told me that it would definitely be at least another day before we were ready to go back to work. I had nowhere to go so I drove around for another hour or so.

I did see bikers a few times. Usually there would be two or three of them together. I wasn't afraid of them. I figured in the worst case scenario I'd just run them down. My F-150 4X4 would roll over those bikes without much trouble.

My phone started ringing about that time. I looked at the screen and saw the apartment's phone number on it. I let it go to voice mail. Drea must've been desperate because she called me right back five or six times in a row. By six a.m., still a couple of hours before I'd have gotten off work normally, I was really hungry.

I drove over to the small greasy spoon café near the warehouse. I often ate there before work or sometimes afterward. Drea usually cooked for me. But if our schedules didn't allow it, which was pretty often considering that I worked from midnight to eight and she worked from six p.m. until two in the morning, I ate at the café.

I sat down at a table far enough away from the window for me not to be seen from outside but close enough to the door that I could still see if anyone was coming in. The bikers were definitely looking for me, but I didn't know why. They may have been simply trying to take me back to Drea. On the other hand, they may have been pissed about the guy who I hit in the face with the helmet or because I knocked over all of those bikes when I left.

Before more than a couple of seconds had passed, a waitress stood in front of me. Looking at her, I smiled. If body language was indicative of anything, this was her first night on the job and her feet hurt badly.

"Hi," she said bravely. She wasn't exactly pretty, but she was attractive. Her hair was cut short and rough. It stuck up at odd angles in some places. Her nose was a bit long and her teeth seemed sharper than they should. Her canines were especially pronounced. All in all, it was an odd face. She wasn't ugly though. Despite all of her bizarre features, she really was attractive. I think maybe it was the eyes that put her over the top.

Her eyes were an exotic grayish color that seemed to draw all of the attention always from the other features and towards themselves.

She was on the thinner side. Her arms and legs were thin but they seemed to be strong. I guess if we were talking about a guy, I'd call him wiry. I've always been extremely pragmatic. I guess at that point in time my mind had already made its decision as to the disposition of my relationship with Drea.

As far as I was concerned, Drea was history. There was no need for us to talk about things. There was no need for her to apologize or ask for a second chance or explain or any of that shit. It was my fault. I was the one who'd screwed up, not her. It was my fragile male ego and the Madonna/whore syndrome.

Most men wanted their women to be a lady in public and a whore in the bedroom. I was no different. The problem was that I went further beyond that. I only wanted Drea to be a whore in the bedroom when I was the only one there. There was no chance in saving our relationship. She'd gone from fiancé to some girl I used to know in the time it took her to scream, "Fuck me, baby."

I planned to have my name taken off of the lease for the apartment and find someplace new to live during the next day. Luckily, Drea and I still had separate accounts when it came to banking. I often gave her money or wrote checks for her but I hadn't given her access to my accounts yet.

Anyway, at that moment in time, I was imagining myself between those thin legs, pumping everything I could into her. I could feel those arms wrapping themselves around me pulling me deeper into her depths. There was something almost primal about the fantasy. It was as if I was imagining something that had either already happened or something that definitely would at some time in the future.

Then in the weirdest thing ever, she looked at me and smiled sheepishly and closed her legs. Somehow it was as if she'd had the same nasty vision at the same time I had. She was slim hipped and small breasted but at that point in time she was the sexiest thing I'd ever seen. It wasn't like me at all. I'd never been the type to go after random encounters or casual sex. Maybe it was a reaction to having my heart ripped out. It might have been some kind of subconscious male ego response. My woman had been taken by other men so to prove that I was still a virile male specimen my body wanted to mate with the nearest female to assure itself that I was still capable of reproductive function. I guess coming from a first year psyche 101 perspective that may have made sense, but it just seemed like there was more to it.

"Can I take your order, sir?" she asked. She'd asked the question while I was still imagining fucking her.

She'd caught me by surprise so I wasn't fully aware that I was talking. In any respect my brain wasn't fully connected to my mouth so what I was thinking came out instead of what I should have said.

"God those are beautiful eyes," I mumbled.

"Is that what you want to eat?" she said in surprise. She'd begun writing it down and when she looked at it she smiled again. There was definitely something between us. That too was unusual. This was all happening too fast. I was the kind of guy who while I'd had relationships, simply wasn't the Casanova type. When I broke up with someone it was usually months before I found someone again.

"Sorry," I said. "I didn't mean to say that. It just came out."

"Your mate would probably not be very happy with either of us right now," she said. "Sorry, I mean your wife."

"I don't have a wife," I said. "I never have."

"I've never had a wife either," she smiled. "I mean I don't have a mate, uhm a boyfriend."

"I'll have the breakfast special," I said, looking down. Then I looked back up at her. "Are you new here?"

"It's my first day," she said. She left to get my order and I swear her shoulders tightened as she walked away and it made those slim hips swing just ever so much more. She turned and looked at me as she got to the kitchen as if she was checking to see if I was looking at her ass. She smiled when she saw that I was and disappeared into the kitchen.

She brought my food to the table a few minutes later and sat watching me eat from a stool across the café. Every time I took a sip or two she refilled my coffee cup. She checked on me every five minutes it seemed. Her smile broadened throughout the time I was there. When I finished, she rushed over to me. "Would you like more to eat?" she asked. "Do you eat here often?"

"No and Yes," I said. She looked puzzled and then understood what I meant.

"I'm probably going to be eating here a lot more often now," I smiled. "May I have the check?" She smiled and looked down.

The breakfast special was four ninety nine. I gave her two fives. She grabbed my arm in a surprising display of strength. "You gave me too much money," she smiled. She was still holding onto my arm as if she didn't want to let go of it. I rubbed the back of her hand and thought that her eyes almost rolled back into her head. She did let out an audible sigh. There was definitely something going on with us.

"That's your tip," I said.

"Oh," she smiled again and her teeth flashed. Those eyes and those too white teeth had me going. I couldn't figure out what it was. Her fingers were odd too. The nails were broken and ragged. It was almost as if she'd been biting her nails or working with heavy tools. I looked at her again as I turned to leave. Her face, with a bit of makeup, could be really attractive. Her eyes alone could get her almost any guy. Her hair was terrible. If she let it grow just a bit and then had it styled she could be beautiful. And her body, although not what I was used to, was toned and fit. She also had the benefit of a slim build that would look better far longer.

The more voluptuous women almost always became real fat asses in their middle and later years, while the slimmer builds seemed to stay attractive well into the twilight of their lives. The funny thing about it was that despite her flaws, I wanted to ... I was almost yearning to fuck this woman. It was the strangest thing, it was almost as if it was some kind of genetic predisposition. Maybe it was some type of pheromones.

"When will you be back?" she asked. I got the feeling that if I told her I wasn't coming back she'd ask to come with me.

"Either lunch or dinner," I said. "I have to find a new place to stay, so I may not be back by lunchtime."

"What time do you eat dinner?" she asked.

"When I get hungry," I laughed. "I promise that if I miss you at dinner I'll be here tomorrow morning for breakfast."

"Okay then," she said cheerfully.

I got back into my truck and found that the wind was leaving my sails. It was about this time most mornings that my shift usually ended. If this had been a normal morning, I'd have been on my way home. I'd have slipped into bed with Drea. She'd have awakened and we would have had sex and then fallen back to sleep. Now I found myself wondering how many times she'd been exhausted not from working at the bar but from working in our bed without me.

I picked up a morning newspaper and looked at the classified ads. It was too early to try calling any of the buildings that had ads so I checked into a motel for the day. I slept for about four hours. It was a little after noon when the chime on my iPhone woke me up. I called three of the ads and made afternoon appointments. I showered and got into my truck and drove over to my old building.

The building manager seemed to be glad to see me. "Sorry about the trouble you had last night," he said. "Your fiancé assures me that it won't happen again. The one guy who fell on the steps and broke his jaw, how is he doing?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I said. "I came home unexpectedly and Drea was entertaining some friends. We got into a disagreement. We've broken up. She's keeping the apartment so I'd like my name taken off of the lease."

"Well, let me call her," he said. "If she okays it there's no problem."

"Why do you have to call her?" I asked.

"Both of your names are on the lease," he said. "In order for her to be held liable for the entire lease she has to agree to it."

"I'll tell you what then," I said. "Our lease runs out in another month anyway. We've already paid for this month. I'll write you a check for half of next month's rent. That way we don't have to tell her anything."

"Well, I'd still need to speak to her," he said.

"You can just give me a receipt for the payment," I told him. "I'll fax it to her. That way she knows that all she's responsible for is half of next month's rent. At the end of that next month if she wants to renew the lease she can do it alone."

"Okay, let me get my receipt pad," he said smiling. He left the room and seemed to be gone for longer than necessary to find an object that he probably used often.

When he came back in the room he didn't have it. But he sat down and smiled. I held out the check. He reached for it.

"Where's your receipt book?" I asked.

"I'll have to get it," he said. That struck me as funny but I let it go. He seemed to be taking his fucking time finding it so I got up and walked towards the door.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"There's something going on," I said. "I think I'm going to visit your boss at his office and tell him what I want. It's better to speak to the owner sometimes."

"Please don't do that," he cried. "She promised me a hundred bucks."

I bolted for the door. I got it open just in time to run into Drea as she tried to knock on it. I pushed past her and she grabbed me.

"Drea, get your hands off of me," I said.

"Jack, we have to talk about this," she said. "I'm sorry, they got me drunk and you know how much I like sex. You have to forgive me. I love you."

"Oh, okay Drea," I said. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her to me turning us around as I did.

"So you'll forgive me just this once?" she asked.

"Yep," I smiled. " ... But only this once." I turned and walked out of the door.

"Where are you going, Honey?" she asked. "I think we need to go upstairs to our apartment so I can prove something to someone."

"I'll be right up," I said. "Take your clothes off. I need to get my stuff out of the truck."

She smiled and kissed me and headed back down the hall. "So we're okay?" asked the building manager. I gave him a cheesy smile and the thumbs up sign.

I walked out of the building whistling a cheerful tune. I got into my truck and drove across town to the first of my apartment appointments. I liked the place but it turned out to be owned by the same management company that owned the other building. I tuned it down for that reason alone.

The second place that I saw was beautiful. It was right on the waterfront. The scenery and landscaping was awesome. It was also twice my rent at the apartment I shared with Drea. The third place was a nice building but there were too many kids around the building. Some of them were teenagers and they were just hanging around looking for trouble. I have nothing against kids, but I work nights. That means that during the day I like to sleep. I need quiet for that. It also means that while I'm away from my place it's vulnerable.

In only a month or so I'd have four million bucks, why quibble over a few dollars? I signed a three month trial basis lease of the second place.

I drove by the warehouse even though I knew I wouldn't be working that night. As I pulled up in front of the place, I saw three motorcycles parked there.

I'd turned my phone off. I turned it back on then. Drea had left me six more messages just since I'd left her this afternoon. They were pathetic. They started out wondering what was taking me so long to get my stuff and ended up with her crying into the phone.

The phone rang as I was listening to the messages.

"Jack, that wasn't very nice," said Drea.

"Well, it got me out of the building without having to hit anyone," I said.

"Jack, can't we talk about this?" she asked. "I love you. I'll do anything you want, to make this up to you."

"There's nothing you can do Drea," I said. "We're done."

"But Jack, it was only sex," she said.

"Drea, do you have any idea of how stupid what you just said was?" I asked. "Of course it was only sex. What the fuck did you think it was, ballet, nuclear fission maybe? It was sex. You were having only sex with a bunch of guys, one of whom was your brother. So yep maybe it was only sex, but to me it was a deal breaker."

"You didn't do anything illegal. You and I are not married yet. So you were perfectly within your legal rights as a US citizen to go and fuck as many guys as you want. I, on the other hand, am also perfectly free to end our engagement at any time and for any reason. I find you fucking a gang of guys on our bed to be sufficient grounds to do so. No hard feelings. I'm not angry at you. This works out better for everyone. If I had found this out after we got married it might have been expensive. I do have to admit that I'm kind of hurt, because, Drea, I really have no idea of how you feel about me, but I loved you so much. It does hurt, but I'll get over it. You can keep the furniture and everything I didn't take. I won't be back."

I thought she'd hung up the phone and I was going back to checking my messages. There's a weird thing about phones. She hadn't actually hung up the phone on her end and I had my phone on speaker since I was driving. As a result I could hear her conversation. She was talking to her brother.

"This is as much your fault as mine," she snapped. "I was a good girl for over two fucking years. I only had a month or so to go and we'd have hit the gravy train. Why couldn't you have gone home and fucked your wife. You had to come over to fuck your baby sister."

"Shit Drea, you're hotter than her. Her pussy ain't as tight since she had the kids. Besides you always said I was the best and you're a slut anyway. I was just riding by with the guys. I stopped off to knock off a piece with them waiting downstairs. You were the one who said bring them all up. You always were a slut for gang bangs anyway. And it's not like this was the first time you'd cheated on him. What about last month at the hotel? What about when he went out of town on business for that warehouse he works at and you got fucked every night that he was gone? Instead of pointing the finger at someone you need to help me find a way out of this shit."

"But then, the thinking part isn't your strong suit is it baby sister?" he asked. "That's why I had to find him for you in the first place. It was me who told you about him getting the money and all wasn't it? And look at how easily he just made a fool out of you. He told you okay I forgive you and you marched your dumb ass back upstairs, took your clothes off and waited for him. It took you almost an hour to realize that he wasn't coming."

"But you have to help me get him back Gus," she whined. "He's less than a month from getting the money. And you know what? I do love him. He's the only guy I've been with that treats me that well. I should have never started fucking you guys again. I could have been rich. But you need to think up something, because if I'm not rich, I won't be able to give you any money either. And shit Gus, I'm twenty five, you know what's going to happen in a few years. If I'm anything like Momma and Molly, by the time I'm thirty my tits will be on my knees and I'll be a butterball. Only someone who loves me will stay with me then. So Jack will either have to love me or give me half of his money. Think of something."

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Cathy and her husband owned and ran the small hotel I was staying in, and I found her intensely interesting. She was quite a large, voluptuous woman, not at all the sort I'm usually attracted to. Her husband was small and skinny with a personality that matched his stature. I disliked him on sight.Cathy was the complete opposite; a lovely, lively, sexy woman who seemed to flirt outrageously as a matter of course. She usually doubled up as a barmaid at night. I often found myself chatting to her...

1 year ago
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First time and more Part 2

From the previous story, "first time and more," my friend, Sean, and I grew up together. After Sean's cousin got him to suck his dick but didn't suck Sean in return, the next day Sean asked me. We ended up sucking each other just about every weekday for the next three years after school at my house since my parents worked late. The following is more detail about those years. That first year Sean and I couldn't get enough of sucking each other. Although we were not mature enough to cum, we...

4 years ago
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The Voyages of the USS Potemkin

The Potemkin was a proud ship with a proud name: she and her crew considered themselves the equal to any other ship in Star-fleet, including the legendary Enterprise itself. So the four young officers coming aboard considered themselves very fortunate indeed to find themselves posted to the USS Potemkin: Ensign Deborah Larkins was fresh out of the academy and looked like she was fresh off the farm as well. She was a mathematical genius from the sparsely populated farm world of New Iowa, who had...

1 year ago
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Possessing Tara

Tara looked up into the night sky, her heart heavy with sorrow and confusion. He had lied to her, again. He had made promises and again he had broken them. She now laid on the soft ground, looking up into the sea of blackness dotted with sparkling stars. She pulled her jacket closer to her body, and crossed her legs at the ankles. Her jeans were worn and comfortable and the fleece jacket helped keep the chill away. Her eyes closed and her mind played back the images of just a few hours ago....

2 years ago
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The Life of an Army WifeChapter 6

When I got to work, Ted ordered me to stand in front of him and lift my dress. He moved his hand over my pussy and said that he wanted me to start letting the hair grow back out. He didn't even want me to trim it. I was surprised, and kind of disappointed. I had gotten to like being so bare and so much on display when I undressed. But his wish was my command. I sat at my desk and went to work. Ted got a call and had to go to another building to meet with one of his users. While Ted was out...

2 years ago
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Paradise HookUp Part 2

I continue eating until there’s no more juice to drink. And even though her pussy has stopped squirting, she tastes just as good as Venezia and I can’t stop. Roxie doesn’t stop moaning and that makes Venezia have to pull my face out of Roxie herself. “Stop being such a greedy boy.” “I told you her pussy is incredible,” I answer groaning from wanting more. I continue staring down at Roxie cute, swollen pussy as Venezia kisses her again. “Get up,” Venezia commands Roxie. Roxie slides off the...

2 years ago
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RunChapter 52 The Collins Box

“She is a lovely woman, and she is perfectly safe right now, I assure you,” the woman called Major Danielson told Logan as he ate soup and buzzed from a mix of painkillers and some sleep. He’d barely made it back to the security line with Erol before collapsing in weakness. Whatever they’d given him for pain had ensured his weariness won out quickly. Feeling measurably more like himself, and thrilled to hear that his mother was alright, Logan asked, “What about Finch?” “Fine, as well,” the...

1 year ago
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Close Encounters of the HeartChapter 2

" ... and she was blue, huh?" Ricky grinned at me. "With tits that taste like rootbeer!" Danny giggled and I frowned at them. "Shut-up," I said. "You're so full of it, Matt." Ricky slugged me in the arm. "Fuck you!" I punched him in the thigh. "Knock it off back there!" Mrs. Hailey, our English teacher, turned around from the whiteboard she was writing on. "Mr. Ford, is there a problem?" She was staring at me and I shook my head. "Good ... Now, the difference between a...

4 years ago
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Here for You Ch 2123

Author’s Note: The final chapters are here. Please comment and let me know what you think! Thank you. *** Chapter 21 A week later, Karen appeared at Ben’s doorstep with a smile on her face. Ben was surprised by her visit, but he invited her in. ‘Where’s River?’ she asked as soon as she took a seat at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee in front of her. ‘Elle took him out to get a treat for getting an A for his Math test,’ Ben answered. ‘Oh, she shouldn’t have had to reward him,’ Karen...

3 years ago
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I know what i am

Hi i wanted to get a story onto this site and i am afraid i have fast tracked a bit... the story is true and it is one of mine, but i first wrote it to post on another site. I have just lifted it from that site and reposted it here, so if you have read it before i do apologise....... if you havent read it then i hope you enjoy it and i would love to hear your comments!Hi , I am linda, alot of you will know me from the chat rooms and maybe some of you have read some of my stories on here...

2 years ago
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The Orphanage BluesChapter 12

That morning, when Bobby appeared at breakfast, Mavis took him aside. "Bobby, what you do with us in bed ... do you like that?" Bobby looked at her like she was crazy, and nodded, smiling. "You do that with Prudence too, don't you ... at her house?" she asked. Months earlier Bobby would probably have tried to avoid answering. But his relationships with all the women had convinced him that what they ... and he did was acceptable, so he nodded again. "I'm going to send you over to...

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The Colonels DaughterChapter 7

I had the young girl my newfound joy called Josie well trained in both anal and oral pursuits to the point that she jumped to my side when I snapped my fingers together. I sensed that she was quite sensual in nature despite her youthful shyness and that she had a depth of emotions that welcomed my demanding dick into her secret places with a relish usually found in much older females. There was plenty of time on the trail for me to clean and oil my Colt sidearms in preparation for the almost...

3 years ago
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Made to please

Bruce, Charlie and Daniel guided me through the paths to their new 4uck room, fear gripped me as with each step Charlie would reach out and pinch one of my buttocks. Even though I had on jeans Charlie manage to pinch my buns hard enough to cause me to grimace and react to his assault.As soon as we reached our destination, they pushed me into this damp moldy room, I was apprehensive as to the cleanness of the mattress that occupied the center of the room. Daniel secured the door as Bruce and...

1 year ago
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Going Down

"What floor, Miss?" Jimmy asked, although it was obvious. Any conservatively dressed woman looking that angry could only be headed one place. "32nd," she said tersely, "Bimbotech." "Right away, Miss," said Jimmy pushing the appropriate button and discretely checking out his passenger: A bit on the skinny side with short brown hair. She was dressed in a business suit and carrying a briefcase. "You don't work for them, do you?" she asked. "No, Ma'am. I work for the building,"...

1 year ago
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Down the Sidewalk

Down The Sidewalk I was enjoying my glass of white wine when Fernando approached me and complemented me on my getup. This bar catered to a broad alternative base including all degrees of transgender. And that was where I fit in. My name is Bobby and I was new to this bar and new to this town. So I was very happy to be talking to this good looking guy. He told me he was a hairstylist and had several beauty service businesses. As a matter of fact he said he was currently in need of a...

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Adventurous Session With Exgirlfriend And Bestfriend

Hi, ISS readers, I am Himanshu back again with another sex story which was unexpected and adventurous for me. But before that, I would like to thank all the readers who enjoyed the sex story. I got overwhelming responses for my previous group sex story. It was unexpected though. If in case you missed the sex story, can read the sex story at https://www.indiansexstories2.net/group/wonderful-session-with-my-ex-girlfriend-and-her-bestfriend/ If any girls/bhabhis from Bangalore want to have sex...

1 year ago
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Wilsons WebChapter 5

Clare made a point of getting home early that Friday afternoon. She was already in the bath when I arrived home. I opened a bottle of wine, poured out two glasses, and took them upstairs. I gave one to her and sat down on the edge of the bath. "Hello Clare, how are you feeling?" "A bit nervous, really." She took a sip of her wine. "You'll be fine, you'll see." In an effort to allay her anxiety, I asked her a mundane question, as if we were planning a routine dinner party as opposed...

2 years ago
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A Suite Night Part 1

I look you in the eyes as your hands find both of our legs on either side of you on the hotel suite’s couch. As I lean in to kiss you, I put my right hand on your left breast and feel your heart beating fast, your nipple raised in excitement under your shirt. You give me short soft kisses.A nervous giggle escapes you when he takes his left hand behind your neck, drawing you in for a kiss. His lips lock and overtake yours. His lips move at a slow pace as they encompass yours. Your eyes close and...

3 years ago
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My sexual biography Chapter 1

As far as I can remember, even as a little boy, I have always had a sexual interest in women.   I never went through a period that normal boys go through, or the “Yuck-girls” period. When I was little, my mom and step dad had that nasty habit of throwing me in the cellar if I had misbehaved and worthy of some punishment that had to go beyond standing in the corner.   Now, you have to imagine the cellar as a damp and dark area that was for the most part below street level. The cellar was...

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Casino Blues

Casino Blues - by: Martin Y The line at the registration counter seemed endless. We walked to the far end and began our long wait. The bells, whistles, and chimes of the Casino rang through our heads as other, luckier, people gambled away their earnings. "Guess you should've listened to me when I wanted to leave early," April said. She leaned her head to get a view of the long line. "If we'd been here earlier we wouldn't have had to wait." I nodded but didn't say...

1 year ago
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MylfXTeamSkeet Honey Hayes Victoria Lobov One Less Lonely Stepdad

Ever since the divorce Honey Hayes likes to make Father’s Day extra special for her stepdad Filthy Rich. After cooking breakfast and spending some time with him, she notices how he keeps picturing her mom Victoria and he seems very lonely. Honey decides to give her stepdad a gift that will really help with his loneliness, so she puts on lingerie and some of her mom’s old clothes. When Filthy finds Honey laying in bed like that, he tries to tell her that it’s not appropriate, but she looks so...

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my uncle in law

I learn to suck on big cock during summer , my aunt talking with mommy inside, her knew husband fitting his fat cock in my mouthmy mom shoud have never told aunty i was caught in her panty he came to my place knowing mom was gone and made me wear one very tight princess panty in front of him that same week and teach me to suck his big fat cocki didnt understand why he was there when he knock at my doorhe ask me if he could get in and i was undress by him telling me he likes faggot very much''i...

3 years ago
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My LifeChapter 12

1 week later. “Oh God, I’m gonna cum again!” Lacy shouted. Her eyes were closed, and her head was tilted back so she was facing the ceiling. It was early afternoon, mom was at work, and I was sitting on the sofa while my sister bounced up and down on my lap. Her tits were jumping wildly in my face as she picked up speed, slamming down harder and harder on my cock as she neared her third consecutive orgasm. I was getting close to cuming myself, but I was in no rush, I had already gotten...

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Strange Coincidences

Edited by Barney R. Further messed with by me. All errors are mine. There she was, only this time she was with a different asshole. Then I found someone who made her irrelevant. It was someone from my past. I knew I was going to have a confrontation when Monday came around. I had walked into the Olive Garden alone on a Saturday evening. She was there with a man I knew, and he was not her current husband. I was waiting for my sister and her daughters to have a nice birthday dinner for my...

3 years ago
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She wasn’t impressed. For their first date he had invited her to dinner at his place but then just before she had left she received a text asking her to meet him at a large out of town supermarket. It wasn’t exactly the start she had in mind for a hot evening of fun, hopefully good food but more importantly, hot fucking. She took one final glance in the mirror before leaving, worried slightly that her skin tight black leggings were giving her camel toe, especially with no underwear for support....

3 years ago
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Any Opportunity Will Do Ch 18

Kat runs to Josh, the man she loves. This is a story full of Characters, with two lovers at its centre. As in life nothing is sure, and I have not yet written the end, so if you have suggestions on what should happen to the people in my story, please let me know and I will try to incorporate some of your suggestions. * Josh watched as the daytime relief walked towards him across the large expanse of the Industrial Area he was working at as a Security Guard. It was six o’clock in the morning...

4 years ago
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my wife and I 4som

Me and my wife always had a very good relationship and we're always looking to explore some of our sexuality although at times we never really seen eye-to-eye on what she wanted or what I wanted but we always met in the middle. This particular day we were talking about exploring our sexual Horizons and I always said let's bring in another couple she was very much against it in the past but this time was different she says I thought about it many times and I would love to try to do something but...

1 year ago
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The Grand Strategy Ch 04

I was on a roll. Three for three. As I said, I was not looking at this as an ego thing, but I couldn't help feeling pretty cocky. I had been to visit Carol and Aunt Ellie a couple of times each, and every time was better than the previous. These were women who loved a good loving. Carol was especially fun, and would usually say something during our lovemaking that would crack me up. She was a fun fuck. Aunt Ellie was loving, too, but I have to admit that we had gone about as far as I thought we...

2 years ago
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My Japanese Love Part 4

I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Had Akira just watch me fuck her sister to the point she passed out and stood there fingering herself? I felt really embarrassed by that fact. Not because she watched us, but because silly horny me forgot to shut the door. I mean sure she knows her sisters is sexually active, after all the day Akira met me Amya admitted to her and their parents that we have had sex. However know and seeing are two different things. I had to apologies to Akira. There was no...

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My Buddy Kevin

Don't get me wrong I love pussy as much as anything but every now and again a cock in the mouth is just what a man needs. It was a few weeks after we tagged my mother in law. We sat on Kevin's couch watching a episode of Jerry Springer about tranny's having our coffee and talking about the time we had with the mother in law. Kevin said you ever what it would be like to be with a tranny. with out looking at him I said never been with a tranny but have done a man before. He said get the fuck out...

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Assassin Learning the TradeChapter 11

Jo had her weapons training and full memory upgrade, so she was ready to join with Jase and Judy in their anti-drug campaign. They had a name and an address, so they planned a visit for that night to the building to see what they had to work with. This was no penny-ante operation! This was a large building which looked like any other tenement, both outside and inside. With the invisibility armor in operation, they had no qualms about investigating the building. They found that the basement...

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Kathalan Nanbanudan Sex Seithen

Hi friends, en kathalan nanbanudan ulasamaaga sex seitha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Malar, naan chenniyil vasithu varugiren. Enaku oru kathalan irukiran avan peyar mani. Naan veetil irukum pozhuthu niraiya kama kathaigal padipen, athu en kathalanuku theriyaathu. Eppozhuthum en mobile vaangi parthathe kidaiyaathu, en kathalan udan naan niraiya murai sex seithu irukiren. Avan ennai nandraaga sex seiyuvaan kathal udan, aanal mani sunni velaiyaaga irukum. Enaku karupaaga irukum...

2 years ago
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Hot fuck

just a quick note....had to let you know...hmmmm just been perving on your hot pics again......love a hot wank and cumm shot but nothing beats a quick hot fuck knocked off earlier on Friday had a couple of beers and a local trendy pub, having a bit of a perv on the office girls coming in there short skirts, on the way home played with my cock and got so horny...so I was watching some porn on the laptop while doing quotes...then logging on Hotmail and perved on your pics....what a Friday....lol...

4 years ago
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Last Breath

I take my last breath. I look around the room through two round glass windows. I move my eyes only, as my head is fixed in one position. Around me are my friends, gathered around me for my final breath. They are watching me intently from a short distance, in an outer circle. I can feel the build up of carbon dioxide in my blood, signalling my body to try to breath. I do try to breath but I can neither breath in nor out. Within my inner circle there is only me and a man wearing a hockey mask....

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Satin Sex

He was pouring two glasses of wine when she called to him. His mother, spending the weekend with himnear the fifth anniversary of his father's death. They were leaving soon for an evening at one of the fewremaining jazz clubs in the city, and he was thinking that a quick bit of Pinot Grigio might get them feelingmellow sooner."Could you help me with this zipper, Dave. It's on the back of my blouse and seems stuck."He was recorking the wine, and didn't turn for a moment. When he did she was just...

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My Mami And Her Sexy Ass

My mami and her sexy ass. Hi, this is sameer back again, with one of my story with my mami, let me describe her she is the most beautiful woman on earth and her ass is the most fuckable ass in the universe, she is very fair and married. About me 26 tall and I stays in bangalore. I have fucked my mami twice but tat time she was sleeping and was not responding for it and it was almost like having sex with a dead body, finally 1 month back I got a chance to fuck her and even she was waiting for...

3 years ago
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Life Aint EasyChapter 2 The Best Plans Of Mice And Men

I don't know how long I sat there staring at that hotel. My mind was in a kind of daze. I had just followed my loving wife to a hotel where I had been informed she was going to meet her lover; the guy who apparently claimed to be the father of my children. Then I saw the light come on in one of the rooms on the first floor. Now I had on occasions been into the Royal in the past. Sometimes we have used it for seminars and things at work. The rooms on the first floor are numbered in the...

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The Caning of Gina Part I

Gina sat nervously, holding onto her mug of coffee as if for dear life. Jim sat opposite her relaxed and waiting patiently. “So how do you feel about things now?” he asked her, in a soft spoken voice. She smiled nervously but said nothing. “You can leave it for another time”, he told her, “There’s no pressure” Gina took a sip from her mug. He was wrong there was pressure. Though the choice was hers and hers alone she knew that if she walked away now she would probably never come back and...

3 years ago
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Taking Morna

Thanks to the Hip and Knee doctor of editing assistance. * The mist completely covered the whole valley in front of the cabin. According to Monica, it was the most beautiful sight in the world. It was easy to see why she had requested that her ashes be scatter there. It was just the three of us, my son Robert and daughter Logan stood by my side as the wind picked up bits of ash from my hand and carried them off. The cabin was on 120 acres of land that was a little bit North of Hytop and...

2 years ago
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Exploring Her KinkChapter 3

By the time Jazzy managed to drag her ass home Wednesday evening, all she could think of was a hot shower and bed. One more day, and then I am off Friday and Saturday. I cannot wait. Today seemed like everyone had to visit the emergency room. As Jazzy walked through the lobby of her apartment building, she stopped to check her mailbox before heading to her apartment. It had been a few days since she checked it, and she figured it would be full of junk mail that needed to go into the recycling...

3 years ago
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Meeting my baby part 1

I am standing on the kerb outside the airport. I made it, after a long flight I finally made it and here I am. My suitcase stands next to me and I wonder if I brought enough clothes. “Bring something to wear for when we go out” she said. And I did, I packed several outfits for that actually, ranging from somewhat slutty to classy. “Oh my god what have I gotten myself into..”, that thought crosses my mind as I look around to find a taxi. It has crossed my mind several times on the way here, but...

1 year ago
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P I And MagicChapter 42

"These are the Gods and Goddesses of the world. There is Ishla, the Goddess of Nature. She is very powerful. Next is Arkvon, the God of Death. He is probably as powerful or almost as powerful as the Goddess of Nature. He is the opposite of the Goddess. "Next is Shabasonti. She is the Goddess of Chaos. She too is very powerful, but is a most capricious being. Sometimes it seems she works against herself. Then is Natorza. He is the God of Order. He brings order and stability to the world....

1 year ago
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Special Day

Note: This story is set in Australia and, as such, will feature themes related to that country. The major difference being university, similar to american colleges. Some details are fictional (such as September 5th being a public holiday). Also I'm new to writing for chyoo.com so I'm not sure how everything works, this story will be a work in progress. Hope you enjoy it. -=-=-=- You fumble blindly for your clock as the alarm goes off, waking you from a deep sleep. Switching the alarm off you...

Mind Control
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Dynamic Duo Pt 0203

AN: This is intended to be a short romance story with multiple characters. It will definitely be a slow burn, so if you was something more tantalizing, please skip this story and chose another one more of your liking. Honestly, it could be placed under *nonerotic*. My goal is to write a compelling story that progresses naturally. Also, all characters in this story are above the age of consent. I look forward to reading your thoughts, but I will delete any abusive and/or hate-filled...

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Best craigslist Ad i responded to

Let me first start with that this story is true. It took place yesterday in Rolling meadows IL (which is about 30 min away from Chicago IL) It happen to start when i responded on Sunday night to a CL ad for a stove and microwave which was priced ridiculously cheap so cheap that i figured one of two things that anyone who has responded to ads on CL would know that it may be a internet scam or to good to be true and its been picked up already as most deals fly fast. Moving i get a phone call in...

3 years ago
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If you like images to go with your story you can click for the illustrated version of this SARAH in the comments below. Enjoy...The greatest thing about my lover, Joe, is his cock. I just love it. It's so fat and hard and muscular, I love holding it, I love stroking it, I love kissing it, I love sucking it, I love feeling it between my tits, I love feeling it filling my arse-hole, I love feeling it filling my pussy.I'm 26, with long straight brown hair, and brown eyes. People have always called...

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Testimony Of Hameeda 8211 Part 28

He woke me up, with so many kisses all over my body. I kept patient till I could no longer stay down. -oh please…do not make me horny now. We gotta prepare and leave- He smiled at me, stood up and went to the bathroom. I looked at the time. It was 6am. Damn early, I thought. I also went to the bathroom, saying, -wait for me…!- We had our wash together, prepared ourselves, lip kissed each other in our right embrace and departed to university together on the way to the main road. Once we...

3 years ago
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Foreign Woman takes Me

Am a 30 year old male and live in bangalore. This is a true story that happened a few years back when I was still working in the hospitality industry. I was working in a very reputed hotel chain in Agra as a manager. The city was not very happening, the work was long hours and my social life nearly non existent as I was new to the city and was there on a temporary assignment. I decided to go out and catch a drink and dinner one evening. I walked into another 5 star hotel, headed to the bar. I...

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Wifes Jamaican Special Massage Blacken

My wife Julie and I decided to take a well deserved vacation to the Caribbean. After some research we decided on Jamaica. I went online to look at the different resorts, as we were looking for some privacy. I found a small exclusive resort called GoldenEye. It was expensive but very private.Six weeks later we were flying to Jamaica. When Julie returned from the restroom on the flight I noticed she had removed her bra. She smiled at me and said she would not be needing one for the next five...

1 year ago
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A Hotel Encounter

He arrived at the hotel earlier than he had planned to. There was less traffic on the way from the airport than he thought and the taxi driver knew the city’s streets well. He walked up to the entrance and surveyed his surroundings, noticed the hustle bustle usually associated with Las Vegas at night, people coming and going from the hotel and the plethora of casinos. He dragged his suitcase behind him as best he could, as one of the wheels was slightly damaged from his previous vacation, and...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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WaitressPOV Alice Pink Free To Fuck

Petite and cute blond pizzeria waitress Alice Pink is leaving work soon and can’t decide how to spend her free time. Customer and notorious player Tony has a really good suggestion for her; kicking it with him at his place. She’s reluctant at first, but Tony wins her over with his charm and a few Benjamins. Soon after arriving at his place little Alice has her pierced nipples out and a mouthful of Tony’s Italian sausage. She blows him like a good slut then takes a deep pussy...

2 years ago
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F is for Fantasy

We'd only been married a short time, though we'd each been married before. And we'd made a promise to one another, both having suffered through the pains of rejection. Simply put, life was too short not to explore and enjoy our hearts desires. I had told Carol early on that regardless of whatever fantasies she might have, I would do my level best to see that each and every one of them was fulfilled. Similarly, she had made that same promise to me. It had started out as nothing more than a...

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