Heather_(2) free porn video

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Chapter One:
In her fifteenth year life changed drastically for Heather. She had grown up with her mother, Angie, who worked every shift she could get as a waitress, leaving Heather to care for herself in a violently bad neighborhood. Every night Heather would lock the door against the sirens and screams, terrified someone would come to get her. This fear wasn’t entirely unfounded, as several young girls had been raped, beaten, even killed throughout the years, but no one ever came after her.
Angie wasn’t so lucky. Twice she had been attacked, but managed to get away with only minor bruises and cuts, and she couldn’t step outside their apartment without lewd catcalls being shouted at her. Then again Angie was such a bombshell that it might have happened to her in the nicest of places too. At twenty eight, she still looked twenty, with long shapely legs and, a trim waist and full perky breasts. Her hair was a silvery blonde, her eyes deep blue, and her lips as plump and ripe as a peach. Every night she left work, dropping a kiss on the top of Heather’s head, looking more like a super model in a costume than a minimum wage waitress and single mom.
Heather loved her fiercely, but at times she envied her mothers looks with such force it was almost hate. By the time Heather turned fourteen, most girls her age had a full b-cup, while she struggled to fill an A. In truth she had no reason to wear a bra, but was very self conscious of her nipples poking through her t-shirts, so she wore one at all times. While she did inherit her mother’s light blond hair and full lips, her eyes were a dark brown, and though she ached for the long slender dancer’s legs her mother possessed, Heather was a mere five feet tall. She often felt like a small unremarkable toad standing in her mother’s statuesque shadow.
Living in such a bad neighborhood, and plagued with social anxiety so bad it was difficult for her to even meet a stranger’s eyes, life was a miserable existence for Heather. That is, until she turned fifteen.
Her mother came home early one night, her blue eyes alight with excitement, and confessed to her that she’d been dating a man for some time now. Heather was slightly shocked to discover that she’d been keeping a secret from her, but forgave it quickly as Angie’s story unraveled.
“He is so handsome Heather, your going to love him honey, he’s going to make everything ok for us He came into the diner tonight, told my boss I was quitting and proposed to me ” Angie held out her left hand to show off a gold band encasing a huge diamond, and Heather’s eyes grew larger in her face.
“Wow mom,” she breathed, “It’s so beautiful. But why are you quitting your job? I don’t understand.”
“Oh Heather ” her mom practically shouted, tears of happiness springing to her beautiful eyes, “He’s RICH I mean really really rich Like I was before daddy disowned me, and he’s going to take care of all of us We’re moving in with him tomorrow, he’s so excited to meet you, he says you can finally get a puppy if you want, your getting your own room, nice clothes, going to a good school, everything’s going to be ok now ” Angie was so wrapped up in her dream come true that she didn’t notice the hesitation in Heather’s voice, when she asked,
“Tomorrow? We’re moving in tomorrow?”
“Yes Why stay in this hell-hole any longer? He has a big beautiful house, and a maid to clean everything, we are going to be so happy honey ...Oh and he has a son, Aaron...” Her joy seemed to waver here as she tried to describe him, “He’s a bit troubled I guess. But I’m sure he’s a good boy deep down, I mean he’s nothing compared to the kids here. Anyway we’re waking up early tomorrow to go meet them.”
“But I have school-“
”No way, your not spending one more day there. You can start up in your new school after we’re moved in. Well I better get to sleep, love you hon.” And with that, she was gone. Heather sat there, stunned with the load of information suddenly dropped into her lap. She might have felt resentful of the sudden changes about to occur, if her life weren’t already so miserable. Nothing could be worse than this right? Right. She lay down that night and tried to imagine what this mysterious man and his son would be like as she drifted off to sleep.
The next morning Angie woke her up, eyes still sparkling like sapphires.
“Get up Heather we don’t want to be late ” she cried as she dashed to their tiny bathroom to apply makeup, “Go put on your pretty dress, the powder blue one k? Oh and maybe some of that coral lipstick I bought you. We want to look our best.”
“All right.” Heather replied around a yawn, and began to drag a brush through her waist-length hair. As she dressed, feeling incredibly nervous to meet the men who would soon become her family, her mother called the school to inform them she’d no longer be attending, and then the apartment manager to let them know she was moving out. Heather heard her scoff when the manager warned her of a penalty fee for breaking their lease agreement, and she replied,
“Yes we’ll pay whatever. I’m leaving all my furniture too, you can let other people take what they want, and bill me for the cleanup.” The manager asked her something, and Angie giggled like a schoolgirl, replying “Oh you have no idea ”
Heather surveyed herself in the mirror, wondering what impression she would make on them. Her hair was shining, cascading down her shoulders, skin a pale alabaster. She’d applied the lipstick her mom suggested, which almost exactly matched the natural blush in her cheeks. Heather wasn’t completely blind, she knew she was pretty enough in the face, but as soon as she surveyed the flat state of her chest she felt her confidence deflate. Oh well, she thought, these men would be her brother and father, they wouldn’t care about her lack of breasts anyway. At the last minute she added a touch of mascara to her lashes, just as her mom was calling her to hurry.
Angie looked fantastic in a black dress that was casual but showed just enough cleavage and leg to be sexy. Her hair and makeup were perfect as usual, and she gave her reflection a satisfied glance before pulling Heather out the door.

They arrived at a fancy looking building, and were greeted by a doorman when they entered. Heather felt as out of place in this restaurant, with waiters in tuxedos, and a huge fountain, than she had in the ghetto. She clutched her mother’s hand tightly as a man led them to a table, but Angie jerked her hand free to wrap her arms around her new fiancé.
“George, I missed you.” she purred in a sultry voice, kissing him deeply before introducing him to Heather.
“This is my daughter Heather, she couldn’t wait to meet you.” George was incredibly handsome, as handsome as Angie was beautiful. His skin was a deep bronze color, his eyes green, his lips were full and curved into a kind smile. He took Heather’s hand into his own and kissed it gently.
“Your just as beautiful as your mother dear,” he said, “I’m so pleased to meet you Heather. I’ve always wanted a daughter.” Heather shyly looked away, but couldn’t help but smile in return.
“I’m pleased to meet you too.” she replied in a tiny voice, and then took her seat at the table.
It wasn’t until she sat down that she saw the other man at the table. He strongly resembled his father, with brown hair falling into his green eyes, and his deeply tanned skin, but that was where the similarities ended. While his father was impeccably dressed, he wore baggy jeans and a wife beater. A cigarette poked out from behind his left ear and he slouched in his seat glaring at Heather. She immediately avoided eye contact.
“Ah yes, Heather this is my son Aaron. As you can see he’s in a bit of a rebellious stage.” George waved his hand as if to clear the air of Aaron’s bad manners.
“Aaron this is Heather, your new stepsister. Why don’t you be polite for once and say hello?” As though her eyes were magnets, she was drawn back to his steely gaze. Aaron stared into her eyes, then to her lips, then paused at her chest before flicking back up to her face.
“Yeah, I’d fuck her.” he said casually, and a deep blush spread instantly through Heather’s body, making her feel rosy all over. There was a moment of silent shock before George’s face twisted in anger and embarrassment.
“Heather, my dear, I’m so terribly sorry. Will you ladies please excuse me while I have a talk with my son?” And with that he was pulling Aaron out of the restaurant.
“Oh honey don’t mind him, really. He’s just going through a rough patch.” Angie reassured her, patting her hand. Heather sat there, still incredibly stunned, and mortified that the feverish blush had somehow made it’s way between her legs. She was silent, marveling that a boy as devilishly handsome as Aaron had just informed her that he’s fuck her. It made her insides feel as if they’d turned to liquid, and just like that Heather had a huge crush on her bad-boy soon to be step brother.
When they returned, George’s face was once again a mask of happiness, Aaron looked a little pissed, but kept his mouth shut. The waiter arrived, George ordered omelettes for himself and Angie, then the man turned to Heather. Suddenly the spot-light was on her, and she stammered,
”Oh, sorry, um....I...” trying to find something-anything on the menu she could order. It seemed to go on forever before George smoothly broke in between her stutters,
“I think the lady would appreciate an omelette as well please. And an orange juice.” Heather nodded gratefully and heaved a sigh of relief as pressure was eased off of her.
“And for you sir?” the waiter asked, turning to Aaron.
“Gimme a beer.” he replied, smirking. The waiter seemed a bit ruffled, asking to see an I.D., but George cut in once again,
“So sorry, but that’s not necessary. We won’t be drinking this morning. You can just bring him the same. Thanks.” Nodding politely, the waiter disappeared to retrieve their breakfast.
The food was delicious, and Heather was happy to have something to focus on as her mother and George ruled the conversation, discussing wedding plans mostly. Aaron was also silent, though occasionally she would risk a glance his way, and he always seemed to be staring right at her. Each time she blushed deeply and looked away, unsure of how to respond to such a direct gaze.
When lunch was finally over, Heather rose, relieved to get home, when she tuned back into Angie’s voice.
“We’ll follow your car. I can’t wait for Heather to see our new home ”
“Wait, what?” Heather asked in a tiny voice,”We’re not going to our place first?”
“Of course not honey,” Angie replied,”we don’t need anything. George has promised to buy us all new things.”
“But...But mom..my stuff..” she floundered, thinking of the many keepsakes she kept in her room,
“Now Heather don’t worry. We didn’t own anything of value-“
”None sense,” George interjected, “if she has some things she’d like to collect that’s just fine..Aaron can take her.” Angie’s eyes flitted to Aaron, then back to George, looking unsure.
“Is he a safe driver?” she asked hesitantly, “I don’t know...Maybe I should just take her.”
“He’s very safe.” George assured her, then leaned over to whisper something in Angie’s ear that made her gasp softly.
“Oh..Ok. But take my car It’s not a nice neighborhood, you don’t want to bring the corvette.” Aaron rolled his eyes,
“Yeah whatever. Let’s go.” He snatched the keys from Angie’s hand and headed out the door, leaving a befuddled Heather to scurry after him.
In the car, alone with the boy she’d just developed a crush on, Heather’s heart pounded. Aaron was so intimidating, and it added a strange thrill to the ride. Eventually Aaron broke the silence and asked,
“How old are you?”
“Fifteen.” she replied, her voice just an octave above a whisper.
“Damn. I got some real live jail-bait in the car.” Heather had heard that word before, but never as a reference to her, and she blushed violently. She wanted to ask how old he was but couldn’t work up the nerve to speak. She guessed he was about twenty or so.
“You got a boyfriend?”
“No.” she whispered
“Ever had one?”
“Yeah I figured as much. Probably never even seen a cock huh?” he asked as they pulled into her apartments. Heather’s blush deepened and she hopped out of the car, too terrified to answer him. She approached her door, and he followed, handing her the keys to unlock it. As usual she looked carefully around before opening the door, making brief eye contact with a man sitting a few feet away holding a green bottle.
“What you lookin’ at bitch?” the man barked at her, and she quickly looked away, sliding the key into the door to escape. She was shocked to hear Aaron’s voice respond;
“She’s looking wherever the fuck she wants.” To her horror, the man stood and approached Aaron, glaring at him.
“You got a problem boy?” he asked, spitting the word ‘boy’ into his face, and Aaron smirked. Heather’s heart raced and she clutched the doorknob, ready to dash in to safety. Aaron leaned forward, causing the man to take a step back.
“How about you get the fuck out of here before I beat your ass?” he suggested in a mild tone that was much more threatening then any yell. The man stood there for a moment, spat and said,
“Shit. You ain’t worth the trouble.” as he turned around to leave. Aaron chuckled, and turned to Heather, who was still frozen
“We gonna stand out here all day?”
“Oh S-sorry.” she stammered, and turned the knob. Heather opened the door
She went straight to her room to gather her things, and was thrilled-and terrified- when he followed her.
“What a shit hole.” Aaron remarked, throwing himself down on her bed,“So how’d a fine piece like your mom end up here?” he asked from the bed, watching her scurry about her room.
“Mom used to have lots of money,” she replied in her tiny voice as she rummaged through her belongings, “But she got pregnant really young. Her dad kicked her out and her boyfriend left so it was just us.”
“Yeah makes sense. Your mom loves the cock. I’ve heard her fucking my dad, she’s a freak.” Heather had no idea how to reply to that, so she didn’t. As she crammed her most treasured possessions into a bag, she became aware that Aaron was lounging on her bed, watching her. Not only was a boy in her room, but he was on her bed
Just thinking of the possibilities sent a wave of tingles through here body, resting between her legs, where, to her embarrassment she grew increasingly wet. Her mind kept wandering back to what he’d said at breakfast. Could he really want her? Flat chest and all? She fumbled with her bag, trying not to imagine what he might look like under his clothes, and pulled open a dresser drawer. She was about to grab some underwear, when a strange feeling came over her. She turned around, and gasped sharply to see that Aaron had crept up behind her while her back was turned, and now stood only a few inches away. Once again her eyes were dragged against her will up, to meet his gaze, and he towered over her.
“You scared?” he asked quietly, using that same mild and yet threatening tone, and she swallowed hard, nodding her head. Her heart was roaring in her ears, and she had no idea what to do, she’d never had a man this close to her. Without breaking eye contact, Aaron leaned forward, and for a moment she panicked, thinking he was going to kiss her. Instead she felt his hand slide up her skirt, to cup the burning mound between her legs.
His touch was electrifying, and her knees nearly buckled when he squeezed her there.
“Yeah, but you like it don’t you?” he breathed into her face, and when he worked a finger beneath her panties and slid it up into her, she let out a low moan, leaning against the dresser for support. He pressed his finger deeper, twisting it, emitting another breathless moan from her, and began to plunge it in and out of her wet slit.
“You like it don’t you?” he repeated, “Say it. Say you like it. You’re so wet I know you do. Tell me.”
Heather was overcome with a swirling turmoil of emotions, a deep shame at how good this felt, fear of this rough man who handled her so boldly, she wanted to tell him yes, yes she liked it. She wanted to beg him to stop. She wanted to pull him close. She wanted to push him away, but she was too timid for any of those things, instead she writhed against his fingers like a helpless worm on a hook, waves of pleasure rolling through her.
“Say it Heather.” he urged, forcing a second finger into her, “Say it for me I wanna hear it. Say you like it. Tell me.”
“I...I...” she panted, “You what? Say it to me. Now ” He jammed his fingers up, hard to punctuate this, and she cried out in ecstasy, on the verge of something she’d never felt before, a pleasurable tingling building, building, so intense that she thought she was going to explode.
“I...I can’t ”she cried out, hating herself for not being able to say it, working her hips against him in a frenzy as her body drew closer and closer to the explosion she knew was coming. He paused,
“Shit.” he said, withdrawing his hand and stepping back to her huge disappointment. He regarded her coldly.
“Maybe you are too young.” and with that he turned around and left. Heather sank to her knees, humiliated, trembling with need, hating herself for being a coward. She buried her face into her hands and cried, the need between her legs eventually fading to a dull ache. Finally she pulled herself together, grateful that Aaron had given her the time to do so. She packed the rest of her bag, and stepped out of her room. He was lounging on the couch watching t.v., and she stood there silently, facing the floor, letting her hair cascade down to cover her eyes.
“You ready?” he asked casually, as if nothing had just happened. Avoiding his gaze, she nodded, and they left. They drove in silence, she chose to stay in the back seat this time for fear of eye contact. When they arrived at her new home, a huge sprawling house in a beautiful neighborhood, George and Angie rushed out to greet them, looking nervous.
“Was everything ok?” Angie asked worriedly, “You were gone so long.”
“Yeah it’s all good.” Aaron replied casually, tossing her the keys, “We stopped on the way and got some ice cream.” George’s eyes widened in surprise and he turned to Heather for confirmation. She nodded, and he slapped his hand on Aaron’s back approvingly.
“Thanks son.”
“No problem,” he replied, “I think I got to know my new sister pretty well.” As Angie and George beamed at each other he winked at Heather, who blushed yet again.


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CherryPimps Liv Revamped Liv Finally Gets Her Ass Drilled Hard

Pool babe Liv Revamped is always catching one of her clients fucking chicks in the ass and she is tired of only cleaning the pool for him. Maybe if she wears high heels and lingerie while doing her duty he will put his attention on her and fuck her in the ass like she truly desires! It doesn’t take long for Tyler to notice Liv in only her lingerie and with a buttplug in her ass! She gets that cock drilling her just like she fantasized about and it is everything she expected and more....

2 years ago
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Fun in the Country

It had been a long time since I let myself act on one of my fantasies, but today was an opportunity that was too good to pass up. I live way out in the country with the closest neighbor being at least a mile away. So, I was very surprised at the knock on my door. The young girl, about 17 or 18, standing there was one of the sexiest, hottest pieces I had seen in awhile. Her tits stood up proudly and looked to be at least a C cup. Her stomach was flat and toned which I could tell from her cropped...

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Apocalypse BluesChapter 22

Two weeks after Doomsday, Lancaster County, Virginia “We ... have an idea ... a proposal of sorts. Now that we’re all bi ... and very polyamorous, many of us have decided that we want ... to be ... a group marriage. All of us are married to you ... and to each other. What are your thoughts on that, babe?” Hannah urged me, even as we set up camp in a sense in northern Virginia. “So ... this is ... a mutiny,” I teased a bit, but I had to admit that I was flattered ... still, “how many folks...

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Agents of Gor Part 85 Third Interlude

Agents of Gor: Part 8.5 - Third interlude Some Girls Consider the Meaning of Silks before they Sleep. by Albedo This is a fan-fiction set in the world of the Gor novels. All rights to the characters and situations of the Gor universe belong to John Norman. This work is written without his express permission. This story is explicitly not to be reposted on any pay sites. The author, Albedo, authorizes the readers to archive it themselves. No other dissemination without the...

1 year ago
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My GF got a Strapon Pegged

It all began when Cindy stuck her finger up my ass. She was running her tongue lightly up and down the shaft of my cock, but paused for an instant to gauge my reaction. I moaned slightly, appreciatively. It felt good. She smiled and began slowly moving her finger in and out.We were naked on her bed in her apartment on a Saturday morning, the sunlight streaming in through her bedroom windows. At first, I wasn't fully awake, although Cindy did a fine job of waking me up. She had started nibbling...

3 years ago
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Empathic Twins

Lying naked on her bed, Debbie Reed wondered why she felt so good. It wasn't her birthday, she didn't have a date with a gorgeous hunk of a guy, and she hadn't just aced a test at school. In fact, there was no reason in particular for her to feel this way. She just did. Ever since Tina Coleman had arrived that afternoon to study with her twin brother Paul, Debbie had felt a warm glow inside her, as if the girl's presence made the whole world seem right. That feeling had been building all...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 40 Another Beautiful Nerd

Lissa had gotten through her first day of school just fine, and eagerly awaited her second. She had a light schedule on Tuesdays and Thursdays, which meant she would be finished with classes by 2:00 in the afternoon. Tuesday morning, she walked from her apartment to the campus, which was only three blocks away. Her first class was World History, in the humanities building. Though it didn't sound particularly thrilling, she figured since she had to take it to fulfill her General Ed...

4 years ago
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Part 1 Trip to the Gulf Islands

These are the true events that transpired during a weekend trip to a small group of islands located in British Columbia. This is the first story I wrote and published on lush once before, let me know what you enjoyed about it and how I could improve. Thanks and Enjoy! My girlfriend Katie was pushing me to take a vacation with her and we finally agreed on a short weekend camping trip to BC. I wasn’t thrilled about the idea of heading off camping since I had done quite a bit of traveling earlier...

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Beas PonyChapter 4

I slept through breakfast the next morning. Jack had already left for the office when Helen appeared in the bedroom quite excited. "Someone's found Clyde," she announced. I opened one eye and looked at my sister. She was holding a slip of paper in one hand and begging for my attention. "Where?" I managed to ask. "It's some kennel north of the city. The police picked him up running along the highway and brought him there." She was elated. "Isn't it grand? I'll be so glad to see...

1 year ago
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Playing boy Bunny

I work the second shift as a production manager for a large paper company and have been doing this job on second shift for the last seven years. My best asset is my cock which according to my wife, who measured it quite a few times to ensure it was an accurate measurement, is nine and three quarters inches long and enough so that her fingers just about touch when she wraps her hand around it. My wife is a hair dresser and she made sure of my cocks size, so that she could brag to her friends and...

2 years ago
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Amity 5 CataclysmChapter 18 Mage

Frustration, one frustration after a bloody other. Learning to be a mage I’ve decided is fucking hard work. I think we have watched too many of the vids from David’s files. The girls have also developed a love of watching his old movies and documentaries that he had collected from his native country. We love learning about it and the strange plants and animals they have like bilbies and platypuses. It surprises us when we recognise one that is similar to ours. He had material from many...

2 years ago
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Lurking in the ShadowsChapter 34 The End

At the hospital they checked me over and I was immediately shipped upstairs to surgery. My right leg was more than just hurt, it had nearly been blown off. When I became conscious again I was in a room with a lot of machines on the wall. As I looked around a nurse came in to see me and I asked her for some water. My throat was even drier than it had been earlier but she only gave me a couple of sips and then removed the glass. I was demanding that she either give me more water or I would get...

2 years ago
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Das geile Treiben im Kloster Althaus

Schwester Marianne zog die Ordenstracht aus, faltete sie sorgfältig zusammen und betrachtete sich lang und ausführlich im Spiegel. Trotz seiner bald fünfzig Jahre hatte sich ihr von Gott geschenkter Körper gut gehalten: Ihre Haut war nur um die Augen herum ein bisschen faltig geworden, ansonsten sah sie gute 15 Jahre jünger aus, als sie war. Ihre Brüste waren nach wie vor voll und fest und hingen nicht wie zwei nichtsnutzige, ausgetrocknete Hautlappen, wie bei der Großzahl der älteren Nonnen....

1 year ago
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Pokemon Never Go into Tall Grass Alone

I never thought it would happen. I’ve ventured out of town before without any problem. I can’t even tell mom about this, I know what she would say. Maybe I should of listened to them to not go out without a Pokemon, but I’m impatient, I haven’t gotten my starter yet, I just turned 10, but I have to wait until they receive more Snivy’s, they have the others, but I really wanted him. The reason why they didn’t have him, I heard from Mom, well at least, kinda heard from her. Bryce and his...

4 years ago
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New Start Lukes StoryChapter 19

She held him for as long as she could. She sat next to him, pulling his head unto her shoulder. Every time he tried to pull away, she would shush him, give him a squeeze and he would just readjust himself settling more snuggly again her. Before long he was asleep. Sleeping without a burden he had carried for such a long time. Jessie woke him as they landed and guided him to the limo. Luke stretched his arms and legs in the back seat of the car. He yawned and rubbed at his eyes. He met...

3 years ago
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The Dog Licked Us

Introduction: W were just experienting My wife and I went away for our anniversary last week. While we were driving, my wife brought up a movie that we had seen last year on cable. I dont remember the name of it. It was just a goofy low budge movie on the Cable Free-bees selection. In the movie, a girl tells about her dog licking her. She thought there was no big deal because the dog was her pet. She said that she often the dog lick her pussy and that it felt so good. Her mother caught her and...

4 years ago
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The Accidental SpyChapter 3 Checking Out the Border Crossing

There was a stiff wind coming down from the mountains that chilled the bones and made Harry push his collar up to his already chapped ears. He was standing in a darkened doorway not far from the hotel watching the front and the side entrances. He had been there almost two hours already and was ready to call it quits and head back to the warmth of the room. This was the sort of thing that had to be done just to keep your tracks hidden. He told Olga "The Dancer" to stay in the room and watch...

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My Female Boss finds Out Creampie

It started off just like any other day at the office, meetings, files, lunch, more meetings, paperwork, etc… It was nearing 5pm and I was looking forward to getting out of the office and hitting happy hour with some friends. Friday nights were time for relaxation, good friends and good beer. I had one more meeting to go and it was an internal meeting with a co-worker so it wouldn’t be bad at all.Brenda had been working with us for the past 6 months. A great worker, she was still a bit rough...

2 years ago
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First Sex With Girlfriend In Open

My name is Kapil age 23. well built body with 8 inch rod. living in bhopal my girl friend ankita age 23 stats 32-28-32 is sexy and fun loving girl. this incident takes place 2 years ago. we are in relationship for quite a few time. But our relationship is limited to gentle kisses in college compound (sabse nazre chura k). ek din mausam acha tha humne decide kia kahi ghumne jaate hain. hum manuabhan tekri gaye. tekri do hisso me bata tha ek mandir dusra couples k baithne k liye jagah. hum doosre...

4 years ago
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Awakening an innocent wife 12

Phil and his mum held each other, kissing each other's necksm licking each other's lips, Phils big prick still hard.he bent his knees slightly letting his cock slip between her thighs ,feeling her cunt lips on each side of his pole,her twat soaking.he moved back and to, rubbing her oversized throbbing clit. She moaned sexilyFuck me now, please fuck your mummy, make me your slut ,pleaseNot yet , I'll fuck you soon. But in front of the group, I want them all to see you submit.first I'm going to...

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LegaciesChapter 16 Deb and Reb Off for Family Holiday Security Team Placed on High Alert

This was rather a dreary day for a run but managed to drag myself out of bed was prepared to hit the pavement. I was pleasantly surprised when both Meg and Reb joined me ready to go. Both the ladies seem to be able to keep up a reasonable pace and we were soon back and seated at the breakfast table where the others joined us before we had finished out first cup of coffee. Then it off to shower and dress casually dress for the day. No earth shattering news on the TV or headline of the paper so...

2 years ago
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The Tales of TanitsarChapter 4 Changes

Macro shifted uncomfortably in his pew seat. He had to be careful not to fidget too much since a lot of eyes were directed at him and at the other high dignitaries, and the occasion was a most solemn one. It was still new to Macro – to sit with the King, the Queens, and the ministers in the seats reserved for the ruling class of Tanitsar. As Vice-regent of Tanitsar, he ranked just behind the five Royal Ministers, normally ahead even of the Duke of Beyreth, and the Steward of Tabar. However,...

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My first time

So here it is, this first time happened when im just a simple 4th year high school, my parents went to Canada for business so mom left me, i thought i was alone but im wrong, that day im currently watching some movies when suddenly Mike my boyfriend and a childhood friend visited me. As usual he cuddled my favorite cat and teased me that my cat is much cuter than me so i pretend mad and throwed him a pillow as hard. He just laughed and dodged the pillow. And then he sat beside me and quickly...

First Time
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My boyfriend likes to expose me Part 26

Introduction: Why does he always do this to me? My Boyfriend likes to expose me or perhaps it should be called The exhibitionist in denial by Vanessa Evans All characters involved in any sexual activities in this story were over 18 when the events took place. Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the earlier parts. They will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 26 Not all Ryans fault =================== First the bad news Tom and...

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daddy training his sissy

"I was thinking Daddy, why don't you give me a nice smack on my cute little ass. And then bury that nice big cock in my tight little boipussy." I reached around my back and with two fingers grabbed the waistband of my panties. I pulled them up gently and felt my little penis stiffen as the satin bunched and sipped between my cheeks.Daddy walked up behind me and placed his free hand gently on my back. He pushed me forward slowly until I was on my hands and knees. He slid a finger down the crack...

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The TravellerChapter 6 Sarha

I sat down in my library, how could they do that to us? Even my own father lied to me, and I couldn't accuse him face to face. It was so annoying. I didn't look as I picked up a scroll, I opened it roughly. 'There is a reason why these were hidden, only a few can be trusted to use the black scrolls safely, find someone you can talk to without being judgemental' I looked at the colour, it was a grey scroll. Even without thinking I avoided a Black Scroll; I'd been conditioned not to...

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Cocksucking The True Beginning

This my true story of how I discovered that I am a cock sucker at an early age. It was a very hot experience that created a hunger in me that has remained with me since. I am good looking, well hung, married, lead an otherwise normal straight lifestyle, love women, love sex with women, but have a basic need to suck men's cocks whenever I get the chance, which is almost daily and usually at glory holes, in theatres or in rest rooms. I have been sucking men's cocks for nearly 40 years now. This...

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friends mom made me finger her ass hole

Hi Readers!! I am Rakesh, member of this group since 2005, 25 years old, Engineer by profession, whitish, average built, harmless flirt by nature, unmarried and a man with plenty of strange fantasies. I hope you must have got a fair idea about my profile. The incident (not story) I am going to narrate happened close to a month back. I am working at Chennai, staying with my friend Umesh.Umesh is of my same age and I am like one of the family members in his family. He is the only one son of his...

2 years ago
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A Series of TabooChapter 7 Late Night

Ric and Lisa Franklin were in bed, watching TV, when their teenaged son appeared in the doorway, “Hey, guys.” Lisa smiled at her son. Ric spoke, “Jason! Come on in!” Ric was a happy guy who got even happier when he had a few. Jason stepped into the room. His eyes immediately went to his mom’s large breasts. She had on a nightie, but its sheer material left little to the imagination. He could clearly make out her pink nipples. While it didn’t seem to bother her, out of habit maybe, Lisa did...

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Playtime with Cinderella

(This story is a follow up of last year's Halloween story "The Doll Maker" Reading that first is advised. This extra story is a little Halloween surprise from me to you, the follow up of "The Doll Maker" Her next Victim will be posted on my patreon on Halloween.) Chapter 3 Time passed by very slowly for Billy, now Cinderella. There was nothing for him to do except look at his horridly feminised appearance. His ass burned, his throat was sore and the redirection of his fat tissue...

2 years ago
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The Slut Wife Part 6

I was so tired when I came home but my husband woke up and snuggled against me and I could feel his rock hard cock. I was tired and my ass and pussy were sore so I decided to give him a blowjob. I felt bad because I know he wanted to fuck me but I needed a rest. I used to always think of his cock as a good size and it isn’t small but…it’s not as big as I like them now. It’s so easy to swallow the entire thing. I pushed my lips against his pelvic bone and he could barely stand it. He didn’t last...

4 years ago
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First girl My math teacher

In high school math in South Florida, some of us had the pleasant duty of attending Margaret Blank's (not her name) math class. She was pretty. Kind of big hips and thighs, smallish breasts, but sexy just the same. The weather was frequently warm and she would be bra less. So on several occasions in class I got tantalizing glimpses of her sexy white panties and pretty bare breasts with large, smooth nipples. Albert so-and-so used to drop pencils and look right the way up her skirts. It...

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Bossrsquos horny wife

Boss’s horny wifeindian storyI am an engineer by profession and this is what happened with me during my first job about 5 years ago when I was in Poona. After finishing my engineering I joined a company. I am an electrical engineer and my company bagged a contract to make a sub-station in a small town. Since the nature of contract was not very big, I was made the site engineer and overseer by the company. This small town was about six hours drive from Poona and was very picturesque. Nestled...

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