Melissa Won't Let Go. Chapter 5, Melissa. free porn video

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Melissa Won't Let Go. By Tanya H. -5- MELISSA. Hello knees. I said that a lot, on the train to York - but only inside my head and only every time I looked down and saw my knees bared by that dress. Bared knees didn't really sit within my lexicon of smart, or even smart-casual; which man would wear shorts to something where a smart dress code applied? Though my knees weren't actually bared - in case you disapprove of bare-legged women - they were demurely concealed by the fine weave of smooth Marks and Spencers (accept no substitutes) opaque tights. Walking from the taxi into Plymouth railway station that morning made me regret my two-fingered, defiant gesture to Melissa. Firstly, she wasn't there to see and fully experience the force of me in a dress; secondly, it was a little windy and I was terrified the flared hemline would go fully Marilyn Monroe. When you have one hand towing your overnight bag and the other resolutely clutching your shoulder bag's strap, thanks to Lora reminding not once, but three times that muggers and thieves will be having your bag away, there wasn't a third hand for keeping your hem down and modesty intact. But nobody stared at me, nobody laughed and I didn't expose my knickers. As far as the travellers at Plymouth Railway Station were concerned, I was one of any number of women going about their business who had chosen a skirt or dress when they'd got dressed. Weird for me, numbingly normal for everyone else. "You look great, more than great. Lovely," Lora had said when I shyly presented myself to her inspection - she had helped me with the back zip. "Do a twirl, go on." "If you make me do a twirl, I'm going back to bed." "I think you're really brave." "Brave because I look daft?" "Silly cow!" "The new normal?" I wondered, looking critically at a stranger in the mirror. "You don't have to wear skirts if you don't want to. My rule is that if somebody tells me I have to wear a skirt, I won't." "Has anybody ever said that?" "This is the twenty-first century!" I decided I looked okay; I looked like a young woman in a smart, but casual dress. All I needed to do was convince myself that's what I felt like. Early days, small steps, James - Eliza! Lora sat beside me on the train. Her knees, modestly shaded with black tights, were bared by a floral skater skirt that would have clashed royally with her hair had she acknowledged the idea that colours could clash. Quite often our knees brushed together and I enjoyed the calming tangle of her fingers with mine. I wasn't yet unconsciously complete in my new gender to feel uncomfortable with people thinking Lora and I were lovers; unless I really thought about it I was just holding hands with a girl - not another girl. And we weren't lovers, for all the depth of our kisses the night before. Though Lora had spent the night with me in the flat over the bookshop, we had taken separate bedrooms. In the morning I had wondered if there would have been a little awkwardness between us, after the night's unconsummated passion, but Lora had been as warm as ever. Perhaps that was her defence mechanism; she must have developed some coping plans as she made the visible changes to show the world she was a woman. Mrs Singh, in a sari of sunset shades, sat like an excited schoolgirl in the seat opposite mine, her cheek practically pressed to the window as she watched the world streak our express. Amongst the coffee cups and paperbacks cluttering our table was a mapbook of Britain's railways showing all the lines, stations, tunnels, junctions and depots; she kept it open on the right page to follow our progress, as though she was a stranger to this route. "I'm Indian," she'd explained not long after the train left Plymouth. "Railways are in my blood. About the only good thing your people ever did in India!" Our train ran from Penzance, way out West even by Plymouth's standards, through to Newcastle meaning we didn't have to change anywhere between Plymouth and York. It was my first experience of the wide seats and spacious layout to be found in the first-class carriages. Mrs Singh liked to travel in style and we did just that, with passable meals and welcome drinks brought to us at our seats. Even with the company, and the brilliant English countryside spread out alongside us, I was left with a lot of thinking time and sometimes the thoughts were difficult. Like when the train snaked through Bristol, laying before my stinging eyes the places I'd known as a boy. The house where Dad still lived couldn't be seen from the railway, but the Henbury tower blocks marked the area where I'd grown up and gone to school. Mum was gone, cancer, but my sister was a primary school teacher down the road in Lawrence Hill and now I'd never see my niece and nephew again. Stolen from me by a clinging bitch. "What will happen about James?" I asked Mrs Singh, hoping I'd picked a moment when she wasn't too enthralled by the railway outside. We were somewhere North of Gloucester at the time. Her calm, brown eyes watched me levelly for a moment or two. "The police will start a missing person's enquiry. James will never be found. I'm sorry." Something warm covered my fingers and squeezed them. Fingertips brushed my thigh through my tights, just under my hem - intimate and very welcome. "There must be a way to let them know I'm safe. Like I've run away." I made a chill, dead laugh. "From Melissa." Mrs Singh considered this while a waitress poured more coffee. "I think so. I will think on it, when we get home." Which was better than nothing, better than them having to imagine my murder and disposal in some lonely spot. Our train resolutely made its way North; Birmingham, Derby and Sheffield passed without incident. Though I had gone to uni in York and subsequently made my home there, I hadn't used the train to get between there and Bristol very much - Dad had bought me a car, a blue Ford Fiesta, which had clocked up the motorway miles when I'd felt the need to go home to see them. But I knew the route vaguely and after Doncaster, with the reality of going back to York getting claws into me, I'd been getting more anxious. I'd been awarded my degree in York, got my first job there and started working my way up through the department store. I'd met Melissa in a gym there and North Yorkshire Police detectives had put the case together against her; York Magistrates Court had imposed her restraining order. I'd loved the city with its history, the tangled streets, its happy mix of cultures; I'd found friends here, made memories in pubs and theatres, along the river and on the nearby moors; now I was practically trembling at the thought of being back. "Okay?" Lora asked as we waited in line at the ticket barrier to get out of the station. "That guy there, the ticket inspector. Not him, the shorter one. I was at uni with him, we did cycling together, and hockey. His name's Richie Smith." As if he'd heard his name, Richie looked up - looked right at me - before going back to the people ahead feeding their tickets into the automatic gates. Of course he didn't know me now - he knew James. As the machine read my ticket I stared at Richie - thinking of the time we'd spent together - and now beyond a glance at my chest, then another for my legs, he didn't see me. I'd died and become a ghost. My Dad, my sister, family and friends - gone, taken from my life by a cruel, manipulative bitch who couldn't take no for an answer. And I was supposed to be here to help her. Mrs Singh went to find the hire car she'd booked while Lora must have sensed the tension in me for she took my hand and squeezed it tight - so I wasn't alone, that was something. Wasn't it? My only friend in the world was a pink-haired ex-Dennis. "The full size of the world Melissa has stolen from me has just hit me. James gets reported missing, never seen again. Everyone who knows me, people who love me, will have a hard time over it - hopefully - and I learn to live like this!" She looked at me a moment. "Shit happens." "Is that it? Shit happens?" "Well it does. What's to be done? Curl up in a ball on the floor and wait for it to be unshit or say 'fuck it' and move on?" She opened her hands in a 'that's it' motion. I scuffed at the pavement with a toe. "Floor looks uncomfortable." "If you curl up down there all these people will see up your dress." "Why am I wearing a dress?" "You're moving on. Being yourself, setting free." Mrs Singh might have travelled executively by train, but she obviously didn't care about cars. We must have made an interesting sight, three women and a superficial clash of cultures climbing into a compact, three door Nissan. As the shortest I had to get into the back seats;I may have bared my bum, but Lora told me she'd obscured most of it. "She'll be at work," I said, when I realised we were heading West, to the suburb where Melissa and I had shared a house, rather than South towards the conference centre where she worked as an event manager. "She called in sick this morning, at eight-thirty," said Mrs Singh, weaving confidently through the school-run traffic. "Not a good sign, I think." I pressed my knees and lips tight together, staring fixedly from the window until we turned into that familiar close, with the bland homes ringed around it. There in the corner stood the nondescript semi she and I had shared. Her Mazda sat on the drive, a Post Office van waited outside and the front door was open. All very ordinary. "Nice," said Lora, without feeling. "I used to mow those lawns, parked my car there. The whole nine yards of domestic bliss. Our bedroom was there, under the gable end. Melissa was really house proud, she kept it looking good." "Did she iron your pants?" Lora asked, innocently. "Everything had its place," I said with a sigh. Quiet fell on the three of us, until Mrs Singh clapped her hands - startling us. "Shall we go in?" "We're just going to walk in?" I said. "The postman's been in there a while," said Lora. "Special delivery?" said Mrs Singh, with raised eyebrows. The last time I'd walked up this path, alongside her gleaming car, had been with a police escort to pick up my things. I'd expected my clothes in bin bags, having been scissored into uselessness, but she'd neatly folded and packed them. I had thought she would be screaming and posturing, but she'd been quiet and demure - very helpful, but that was her manipulating the two bored cops into imagining I was the problem. She'd tried that a lot. Compared to the sunshine outside, what I could see of the hallway looked dark - a lair to trap us. Movement came towards us, from inside - feet scuffed the carpet. I drew back, but the shape loomed too big for Melissa. A man appeared, a big lad in a red polo shirt - the postman. "Nothing happened!" he snapped on seeing us outside the front door, we made way for him and his embarrassment. His cheeks looked flushed, his brow glistened and his flies were undone. "Very special," Lora agreed as the postie slammed his van's door and roared off, over fast, out of the close. Mrs Singh raised her eyebrows and inclined her head towards the door. "I'll go first then?" I suggested, sourly, and she beamed. The door swung open smoothly, without the kind of tortured groan you'd expect from The House of the Living Dead. My eyes took a moment to adjust to the relative gloom in the hall. I crossed the threshold with the air of one who has just passed the notice, 'Abandon Hope All Ye Who Pass This Way'. Nothing happened. The hallway looked just as I remembered it - stairs going off up to the right and the living room room to the left. "Hello? Melissa?" I called. A choked off whimper came from the living room. With heart racing, holding my breath, I eased open the door and slowly peered around, gradually opening my view from the bay window, past the TV, an easy chair and coffee table. Then feet, obviously from somebody sitting on the settee - but not Melissa's feet. Her feet had been small and delicate - milk white with perfectly pedicured and varnished nails. These were a bottle bronzed colour, tendons standing so clearly they could have been etched - above them, calves that looked as if they had been carved from metal so tight was the muscle definition. "Hello? I'm looking for Melissa?" The woman on the sofa looked up and croaked a harsh laugh. She might have been 30, though it was hard to tell. Her face was all angles accentuated by the harsh drawing back of her silver-blonde hair into a fine ponytail. The chords of her neck stood out, rising from broad shoulders and a clearly muscled chest upon which a pair of high, pointed breasts, covered by tiny triangles of a gold bikini, were almost an afterthought. I had never seen such a muscular woman; her tightly crossed legs looked scary, her waist moulded. Tears streaked her cheeks, she sniffled sadly and wiped her face. "Who are you?" "My name's Eliza, I'm looking for Melissa, is she about?" Another crow laugh, more sniffles. I twisted to see Mrs Singh just out in the hallway. "She's not here." Mrs Singh pursed her lips and raised her eyebrows. "Are you sure?" I looked again and the penny dropped. Quite heavily. "Melissa?" "Go away," said the woman on the sofa. She bent forward, pressing her face to her hands and her hands to her knees. "Melissa?" "Get out of my house!" Mrs Singh swept past me in a silken rustle, commanding Lora to watch the front door - though she didn't specify against what. She sat beside Melissa and motioned me to the easy chair. Almost open mouthed with shock, I lowered myself to the cushions, self-consciously trying to pull my hem over my knees while staring at the muscles on my ex- girlfriend. "Always read the small print, Eliza," Mrs Singh said softly, examining Melissa carefully. "Keep an eye on her a moment, I need to speak to Lora." Before I could make some protest she swept from the room and shut the door behind her, in case escape plans were bubbling in me. Melissa wept silently into her knees, but I had nothing for her. The room hadn't changed much, just some new photographs in a row along the mantelpiece - different women smiling at the camera, the last of a shy looking pale girl in school uniform. My reeling brain finally pieced together a link between her, the plump nurse and busty business woman. I clenched my fists; there must have been room for another four of five women along there. The crazy gloating bitch! I made myself sit tall, like I wasn't scared of this bodybuilder snappping off my arms and legs. "Not quite what you planned, is it? How do you like turning instantly into some poor guy's wet dream, Melissa? How many times has it happened now?" "Twice" she murmured mechanically. Then a flicker of interest lit her eyes. "Who are you?" Revelation slapped me. Who was I? More to the point, what was I? I'd never really had an idealised fantasy woman - I'd found many women beautiful and had fantasised about sex with any number of made up or real women. If things had been reversed and I found myself the man alone with somebody afflicted with this awful, pervasive curse, which woman would it have dragged out from my subconscious? The postman got this bodybuilder, but who would this cursed Melissa have been made into for me? Was that why Mrs Singh had made the point of leaving me alone with Melissa? To make a point? To show how much I'd changed? To reassure that I wouldn't go through the same turmoil the pre-Lora Dennis had endured? "I asked you a question. Who are you?" That sounded more like the old Melissa. "I'm not surprised you don't recognise me, not after what you had done to me." She screwed up her angular face. "James?" "Hello, babe. How's it been? Missed me?" "Every day." She stared, straightening up while blank incomprehension, then satisfaction and finally slumped defeat took their turn through her features. "It shouldn't have finished like this." "I know how it would have ended up." Melissa shook her head. "No you don't, all you had to do was come back to me - move in again - then it would have stopped. I did it for you, James. Just to get you back." "How's that working out for you?" "What happened to you? Why are you...?" she unfolded her arms and waved them at me. "What do you think of my dress? Picked it myself, I had some help putting my hair up though." "No! You can't, not you. Not like that." More tears ran over her stark cheekbones. "I kind of like it. It's cool being a girl." "Stop it! It's not true, you're not James. He's mine, always mine! Get out, leave me alone!" The door opened again and Mrs Singh peered around - nodding when she saw me still on the easy chair. "How are you two getting along?" She walked in and stood beside me. "I don't think she believes who I am." "All of you get out!" Melissa shrieked, balling her fists and rising to her feet. The muscles in her magnificent legs bunched as though she were about to leap across the room. "Sit down, Melissa!" Melissa sat. If I had been standing I would have done too, such was Mrs Singh's tone. Then I realised Melissa's wide eyes weren't fixed on Mrs Singh anymore; she stared fixedly at the door. Her face drained of colour so quickly I thought she might pass out. "Keep very quiet, Eliza. Things are getting complicated," Mrs Singh advised conversationally, though she watched the door warily too. From somewhere outside I heard Lora make a high, surprised squeal. Mrs Singh stilled me with a touch to my shoulder. Melissa whimpered and shook her head in terrified denial. I blinked stupidly when I looked her way, because Melissa had transformed back to herself. She hunched miserably in the pink pyjamas and blue dressing gown I had bought for her last Christmas. "No, no, no, no!" she muttered, her voice now as soft and familiar as her body, shaking her head obsessively, still pale - eyes wide. "What's happening?" I asked. Lora jerked through the door, like she'd been pushed, head tilted back and neck extended. She looked as scared too, but outrage weaved through the fear. It took me a moment to realise why her skirt was rucked up at the front, but somebody had thrust their arm up it - a girl I'd never seen before. Her other hand tugged on Lora's long plait. She could have been any teenager hanging around any of the parks or shopping centres across the county. Chest high to Lora, she wore a baggy, branded hoodie, skinny jeans with trendy tears at both knees and bright yellow trainers. A baseball cap was worn back to front and dark blonde bangs hung above the adjuster strap over her brow. A wide grin livened her pretty face. "Everybody stand very still, or Pinkilocks here gets a gender reassignment they'll be talking about in medical schools for decades to come. "Oh, Angela. What are you doing?" asked Mrs Singh, quite conversationally I thought. "Don't 'Oh, Angela' me! You interfering old cow." "What are you doing? What's the point?" Angela, whoever or whatever she was, had a quick check around the room, as if there might have been an ambush. Her bright green eyes settled on mine for a second, until I glanced away. "Hiya, Jodie," she said. "Boy, did you miss out, I had some great plans for you." Mrs Singh squeezed my shoulder, though my mouth was way too dry for speech. "I think you should let Lora go now." "I am protecting my investment, Ashika. You've already ruined Jodie, at least let me keep that one." Melissa whimpered and tried to make herself an invisible ball on the sofa. "Bugger off. Quickly," said Mrs Singh. She didn't sound so conversational now. "I'll rip her balls off if you don't get back in that car and bugger off yourself!" "Really?" Her voice sounded suddenly deeper. She let go of me and I glanced up at her. I would have run, but fear made a statue of me as a shimmering haze boiled the air around her. In that ordinary front room Mrs Singh became more mirage than human; shadows flowed from her shoulders until it seemed she possessed many arms - insubstantial as smoke, but tipped with clawed hands each one intent on Angela. Angela dropped Lora like she blazed white-hot. Lora took one step and spun to rocket a punch into Angela's cheek - knocking her back, almost into the hallway. I could have cheered when Lora dropped into a fighter's stance, clenched fists lifted to protect her face. "Did you see that!" Angela shrieked, rubbing her cheek, pointing at Lora while appealing to Mrs Singh - as though she was some kind of referee. "Oh just bugger off, Angela," said Mrs Singh - as ordinary as garden peas again, just a woman; whatever she had bared for that moment had been locked away. "You're being disproportionate, Ashika - overstepping the mark. I'll complain, you'll be sorry, you'll see." With an aggressive tilt of her chin Angela stepped out. The front door slammed. Through the window I saw her scooting a skateboard towards the main road, her hair streaming. "She won't complain," Mrs Singh sighed. "Silly girl. Lora, are you okay?" Lora relaxed her stance, haughtily checked the drape of her skirt and forced a grin. "She took me by surprise. Friend of yours?" "We go back. Eliza? Okay?" I nodded stiffly. "What just happened?" "I'll explain later. Let's go, we're booked into a nice hotel down the road." "What about her?" I waved towards Melissa, still balled up and trembling. "She'll be fine. No lasting effects. The curse is all gone now." "No anti-tamper things?" "All clear. She'll be fine. Say your goodbyes, we'll wait outside." But I had no more to say to my ex. I did never want to see her, think of her or say her name. Standing, I smoothed my dress and turned my back on her. "You were the one, James," Melissa said, dully. Part of me wanted to walk out, the Eliza part I suppose. But I was still growing used to being her and the vestige of me that had once loved Melissa turned me around; the part that had once made excuses when her behaviour deteriorated. "I have nothing, no real friends, no real life. There was only you. That's why I did it, for you, all of it - fighting for you, to get you back here, with me; where you belong. I love you, James." "Keep him," I said. "Good bye." Outside, I blinked a moment as the afternoon sunshine bleached out my vision. The circle of houses surrounded us, uncaring of what had just happened. Mrs Singh waited in the hire car, chatting on her phone while Lora stood under the porch, leaning casually on its post. Words weren't enough to describe seeing her; slipping an arm around her waist I rested a cheek on her shoulder, then kissed her neck. "I'd fight to keep you too, Eliza," she murmured. "But I'd use love and laughter and wine." I felt her fingers run along the curves of the plait she'd wound for me this morning and I trembled. "If you'll still have me." As my world continued its evolution into a stranger, more wonderful thing, Lora's exotic warmth, her strength and cheer promised joy, comfort and an anchor. Everything I needed; teacher, friend, companion... Lover? And I saw quite clearly that nothing had been written for Eliza Mackie. My future was not made of anything as ordinary as preconception and tradition. I stood with my old life behind me and a blank page of possibilities beckoning with a sparkling smile and pink hair; love and laughter and wine. "When can we start?" Chapter 6 (Such as it is) ELORZA. Now I've started I never want it to finish. There aren't enough days, years - time even for me and Lora. A moment away from her drags like torture, I wish I could stay awake and never even miss her while I sleep. On tropical beaches we have run under a harvest moon so big you could almost reach out to touch it, we have danced in stilettos in the snow, dived for coral and marched with penguins. I love, and am loved, have laughed and cried in her arms, sat serenely happy on a sofa sharing cocoa with her. I have created cosy shops for people who love coffee and cake, I have staff, a living, responsibilities; I can ski, scuba dive, fly a glider. My back aches as I finish this, my breasts feel sore - I rub my hands over my ripe tummy and in six long weeks I will be a mother. Lora leans over to see what I have written, tickles my cleavage with the tip of her plait then reaches under my blouse to run her hands over our baby. "She's kicking." "I'll kick you constantly if you do this to me again." "Don't write that. People will think she's an accident." "There, 'I Eliza Lora Mackie honestly-promestly swear I got pregnant on purpose'. Happy now?" "Always." "And forever?" "Forever." As if forever could be long enough to love Lora.

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kissed and felt up her girlfriends as a curious child but never thought much about sex. It was mostly just a natural curiosity to inspect other girl's bodies to see if they were like her or not. Her family lived in Birmingham, England. Her parents bought a semi-detached home in a nice residential neighborhood. The homes were the latest thing in their day. She was an only child. In every way she was an average sandy haired blonde child. She was proud of her hair and kept it...

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Ted loved his afternoon jog. Not only did it keep him in shape, but the path he usually took was always filled with gorgeous young women and girls, most of whom used jogging as an excuse to show off their firm, sexy bods. They were invariably clad in tight, skimpy running shorts and even tighter tee-shirts, leaving little to the imagination. The sight of so many pretty young things bouncing along the path usually made Ted hotter than the exercise itself, and by the time he got home to his wife,...

2 years ago
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Melissa Rules Ok

It was a big event for the assembled staff, the introduction on Monday afternoon of their new boss. Something of a surprise too. Not so much the arrival of a woman to head up an otherwise all-male department (the 21st century, after all, and besides they already knew that a newcomer called 'Melissa Reynolds' had been appointed) but more her age and appearance. Melissa looked to be no more than late twenties, young for such an exalted position, and she was strikingly attractive. The new Head...

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Melissa and the Intern

Recently her husband had been distant too. Melissa knew it was from the way she was treating him. It was funny she had been mean to her husband from her own mistake. He had said some words back that were harsher than usual. They had been in this fight for weeks. Tonight, was going to be the night they made up. She had dressed the part short skirt, black stockings, silky panties and black patent pumps. They still were trying for a baby and Melissa was in the middle of her cycle. She was...

1 year ago
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Melissa An Adult Virgin

Melissa had been a good student. Too good. She spend all of her time in highschool working on her classes that she rarely dated. She really didn’t have the time to spend with boys. She wanted to receive a scholarship so badly that her studies became her main interest. Needless to say, she remained a virgin all through her highschool days. And her straight A average were proof that she had better plans for her life than getting fucked. It wasn’t that she wasn’t desirable....

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Melissa likes to watch edited

Junior year Summer had finally ended and it was back to school for junior year. I was excited to see all my friends and all my favorite girls every day. Walking through the halls was just a festival of hugs and kisses and stories of what everyone did over the summer. There were some exciting stories too! It turns out I wasn’t the only one who had such an amazing summer. On the other hand, being back in school meant that I didn’t get to spend as much time with my girlfriend Jamie. Jamie went...

2 years ago
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Melissa the pervert

Junior year Summer had finally ended and it was back to school for junior year. I was excited to see all my friends and all my favorite girls every day. Walking through the halls was just a festival of hugs and kisses and stories of what everyone did over the summer. There were some exciting stories too! It turns out I wasn’t the only one who had such an amazing summer. On the other hand, being back in school meant that I didn’t get to spend as much time with my girlfriend Jamie. Jamie went to...

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Melissa Teaches class and gets Taught

Melissa arrived at the school much early than she had to make sure she could set up the room to her liking. She was allowed past the guards and parked in the teacher’s lot. She felt funny returning to a school after she had been out for so long. Things sure had changed. Much tighter security now. All the doors had locks. Classrooms even had autolocking doors so no students could enter after the bells rang. The hallways were quiet as the classes were already in session. The sound of her...

3 years ago
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Melissa gets a strange cock to play with0

This true story happened a couple of years ago while were both new to living out our fantasies together. These experiences have made us stronger as a couple and we are deeper in love now than ever. After we seduced and fucked Dana, a young African American woman from her office, Melissa and I began to plan our next experience together. Melissa nervously decided that she was ready to fulfill her fantasy to be fucked by a strange man, preferably a younger African American man. We...

4 years ago
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Melissa Tells AllChapter 4

I looked at Mark and began to get very concerned. He wasn't showing any reactions that would give me a clue as to how he felt about me at this point. What I wanted so badly right then was for him to show me that he still loved me, no matter how wicked my confession had been so far. But he just looked at me with this blank expression and didn't say a word. I had to force myself to continue telling him the rest of Saturday night, and especially that Sunday. During the night while we both...

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Melissa Takes Two

Stopping the car, I looked out of the window at the house to my right. It had a small driveway with a BMW parked in front of the garage, there was enough space for my car next to it. I checked the number of the house a second time. The entranceway definitely said 23 Ravencroft Road. I kept looking in awe at the house. I couldn’t believe that Melissa had landed herself with such a wonderful place. I bumped into Melissa and Greg in a local pub while I was visiting my parents some while back. I...

Group Sex
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Melissa brings a friend

Carrie arrived at Melissa's house, carrying several different dresses on hangers. "I just couldn't decide WHAT to wear," she laughed as she tossed the choices onto Melissa's bed. Standing in only her short, black silk robe, Melissa grinned at her best friend. They loved getting dressed up and going out together. Carrie's cool blond looks perfectly complimented Melissa's olive skin and dark hair. Together, they drew lots of attention as two beautiful, petite women, one brunette and one blond....

Group Sex
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Melissa and Sara loose their anal virginity0

Sara had just turned 20 and was new to my wife's office. She had moved to the area for the job and had only been here for about 5 or 6 months when this encounter occurred. Sara was of Vietnamese decent and she is petite with very large breasts. Sara's hair was black shoulder length and her legs seemed to go on forever. Her personality was very bubbly and she had a terrific smile and was always happy. She is a person that you would want your son to marry. Melissa and I set our plan in...

3 years ago
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Melissa plays with me

We started this encounter by soaking in our hot tub for quite awhile. Melissa made us drinks and then more and more drinks. I was pretty buzzed and she led me to our bedroom. Melissa sat on the edge of the bed and began to suck my cock, as she did she slowly massaged around my ass dragging her fingernail across my anus. I have to admit, there are a lot of nerves there and when they are stimulated, it felt great. Melissa laid me on the bed and began to kiss my nipples and rub my cock, as...

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Melissa and Missy

Melissa and Brad had been dating since her sophomore year at college. Brad being a year ahead of Melissa moved back to his hometown to manage his father's business. At first he emailed and texted her everyday. Melissa knew in her heart she was going to marry him someday. Suddenly his emails and texts became scarcer and when they spoke on the phone he seemed distant and evasive. Something was wrong. Despite having planned a trip to visit her family during spring break, Melissa decided to make a...

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Melissa There are moments, in an otherwise unhappy life, when it all seems to go right. Perhaps the stars and planets align just so, or fate’s roll comes up a double six, or it’s just plain dumb luck, but it seems that at certain moments the world just arranges itself so that, for once, I win. The day I met Melissa was a day like that. She was absolutely stunning, she was absolutely fascinating, and best of all she was absolutely interested in me. That last is rare indeed for me, but the...

3 years ago
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Melissa and I fuck her friend0

Jane is in her mid forties, about 130 lbs, 5' 6" with blonde curly hair. Her tits are C's and they are very nicley shaped. Jane has never had children and she got divorced about two years ago. Jane lives in Colorado and we haven't seen her for about ten years, although she and Melissa talk aleast weekly. They were roommates in college and have always stayed close. We met Jane at the airport and she greeted us both with hugs and kisses. Jane still looked like she was in her late...

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Melissa and I fuck her friend1

Jane is in her mid forties, about 130 lbs, 5' 6" with blonde curly hair. Her tits are C's and they are very nicley shaped. Jane has never had children and she got divorced about two years ago. Jane lives in Colorado and we haven't seen her for about ten years, although she and Melissa talk aleast weekly. They were roommates in college and have always stayed close. We met Jane at the airport and she greeted us both with hugs and kisses. Jane still looked like she was in her late...

2 years ago
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Melissa tries her first DP and gets filled with cum0

I agreed and we ended finding two 18 year old guys named Bruce and Billy that would help fulfill her fantasy. Bruce was a tall thin kid with a cock about 9 inches and Billy was short, but his cock was huge and long. This kids cock was every bit of 10 inches and very big around. We agreed to meet them at a hotel one night and they knew I was going to film the fuckfest so Melissa could watch it later and they were both cool with it. Melissa and I got to the hotel and she showered and shaved...

1 year ago
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Melissa and I share a woman0

My wife works with several single women and she has been slowly planting seeds in her office. During the weeks since we have agreed to bring a woman in to our playtime, we have taken some prospects out to dinner with us to get to know them without them knowing we were planning to seduce one of them. We had discussed how we may be able to get one of them back to our house and get them in to our bed. I kind of became fascinated with a young African American woman she worked with named...

1 year ago
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Melissa Part 2

It had been two days since I'd had my cast removed. My leg was weak, and I had to use a walking stick to move around for any length of time. The hospital had advised me to have physiotherapy, to help build the strength in my leg back up, but I didn’t want to be travelling back and forth to the hospital, more so because I didn’t feel comfortable driving yet. So I arranged for some home physiotherapy, this was after I had spoken with Melissa, she knew a certain person who was quite good at...

3 years ago
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Melissa By Margaret Jeanette Mary and Jim Simon were making love. It was an ecstatic time. Mary achieved orgasm and Jim came almost immediately after. Mary said, "That was good enough to do again!" Jim answered, "Yes, that was super. The timing was almost perfect." They continued their play. Mary worked Jim's penis but it wouldn't get hard. Finally Jim said, "It's no use, I guess we'll have to wait until tomorrow night to try again." Mary told him she had an idea. She...

4 years ago
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Melissa and I visit a bar

Now, Melissa have done many things together and we decided to pick up a transsexual and see what happened. Melissa dressed in one of her hot little dresses and skipped wearing panties or a bra. She also suggested that I also skip wearing underwear and wear a pair of thin pants that would accentuate my swollen cock. We arrived at this rather large club and I was a bit nervous, I must say. We sat at a table and it didn't take long for people to approach us. I was approached by several young...

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Melissa gets dirty with two strangers1

We went about setting our plan to action. We had bought a really nice video camera just a few weeks before for the purposes of filming our encounters with those who were willing to do so with us. We decided to try a dating site that was designed more for sexual encounters than dating. We posted on the site and immediately our inbox was getting mails from everyone from single guys, girls to couples. We decided to contact a few of the guys who after some research we found were close, but...

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He fixated on her perky, jutting nipples. Shoulders hunched from carry on luggage and attaché/computer case, ample but firm breasts jostled erotically against the thin, silk blouse. Smooth, tanned legs speared into the feminine vee of white shorts. Curly ringlets of bright red hair framed the pretty, dimpled face and she smiled at him. He smiled back. A quick glance around the Phoenix airport concourse acknowledged that he was not the only red-blooded male checking her out. The only glitch...

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Melissa invites Keelin over

I've been sharing an apartment with Melissa for around 10 months. It started out clean, we were just helping each other out financially and then it turned into a friends with benefits situation. She had been pursuing a guy, got really close then he shattered her heart in a ruthless gesture: sending her a video of him fucking a girl he started dating to get her to stop. Upset and a wreck she broke down crying in my arms. That night was rough and we laid in her bed for a couple hours as she...

3 years ago
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MelissaChapter 10

None of us had had much sleep. I dare say Jen and I had about three hours before the balloon went up. Knowing Stacey, Tiny had had less. I can't speak for Charlie, who had responded to the alarm initially. Of course Melissa and Jen had been out because of assorted drugs, but I don't think that counts. We finally detached them from the hospital late afternoon and there was no way I was going to expect ... or in fact allow Jen to fly without a full eight hours rest at least. We got a hotel –...

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Melissa Tells AllChapter 3

I paused again at this point in my confession to take another close look at Mark. I was trying to determine if I was still the girl he loved ... or a perverted slut he couldn't stand. I still had much more to tell him. How much more could he stand to listen to and not decide that he no longer wanted me? I needed to know how he was feeling. "Have you completely freaked out, babe?" I cautiously asked. Mark lay there with a serious expression. "Melissa ... I never expected ... this. I...

3 years ago
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Melissa Melissa is a sweet girl who finds herself paying for the actions of her father in the most brutal way. She is kidnapped, tortured, and gang-raped on camera before meeting her end. More parts to come..Description       The Blue Dragon was an organization that made its money by kidnapping innocent victims, raping, torturing, and finally killing them on tape then selling these films to the rich perverts of the world. Jack Crane, a distinguished detective has been chasing after this...

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Melissa Plays Messalina

Melissa had been reading all about Roman history and the lifestyles of the emperors and their wives. She had long reached the part about the famous Valeria Messalina, Claudius’s third wife who apparently challenged a prostitute to a fucking competition and won. In those days, the wealthiest women were not short of men, but in this day and age, you could wait forever.Melissa had been waiting; four weeks to be precise and today was the day; the hour, rapidly approaching. She had posted a...

1 year ago
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Melissa Me Part 2

[ For Melissa! ]My second time with Melissa was different from our first experience. The first one involved only her and I. I'd watched her fingering her pussy and having a number of obviously intense orgasms, while I, on the other hand, merely observed her and jacking off as I did---but that proved to be an extremely intense experience for us both.This second time Melissa was going to fuck three different black guys. I'd heard about her 'yard man' experiences before, but this time I was going...

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Melissa's Story It was my duty, but I really did not want to do it, however I had no choice, and besides, it would, I was sure, have a very pleasant result in the long run. But I hate crying women, despise them. I knocked on the girl's door and let myself in without waiting. She was still in her bed, the covers loosely bunched about her hips and her luscious body nearly bare, dark hair spread widely across her pillows. But then the sun was barely up, painting her gold and red. I felt the...

2 years ago
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Melissa Gets More Surprises

“So, sweetheart, what are we going to do while the house is a man-free zone?” Robert had to visit his parents for the weekend at short notice; too short for the three of them to go together. Melissa had some commitments at college on the Saturday morning, and Sarah was reluctant to leave her by herself. It was not that she was not capable, but a lot had happened this last few weeks, and they all thought that some serious ‘girlie’ time was overdue. “Mummy, can we talk about sex please? Can we be...

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Breaking your leg has got to be one of the most painful experience’s imaginable. Not to bad if you have a partner to help you get around, otherwise, like me. You end up hobbling around, banging into everything. Bathing or taking a shower was a nightmare, you have to put you leg into a plastic bag, to stop the plaster getting wet, but trust me, trying to stand in a shower with one foot covered in a plastic bag is not easy. I even tried having a bath with my broken leg hanging over the side of...

3 years ago
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Melissa and I meet

I was young and after serving in the military, I bought a motorcycle and decided to see the country that I had just spent 4 years protecting. I drove and had many cool experiences and then I landed in a small farming community in the Midwest. I was out of money and was able to get a job so I rented a room in the town with the intent of making enough money to continue my tour. One Friday night with little to do and not really knowing anyone, I went to the local Ice cream stand to get a...

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Melissa grew up in Baghdad by the Bay (San Francisco). She had a normal c***dhood, all the normal sc****s, bruises, victories and disappointments. The geography of San Francisco eliminates back yards and playing with wagons and bicycles as a c***d because the hills are so steep. The climate is cold and damp enough to require everyone to dress up more. Hairstyles suffer because thick hair goes straight and fine hair curls up. You see far more hats and gloves in the Bay area than any other area...

3 years ago
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Melissa grew up in Baghdad by the Bay (San Francisco).She had a normal c***dhood, all the normal sc****s, bruises,victories and disappointments. The geography of SanFrancisco eliminates back yards and playing with wagons andbicycles as a c***d because the hills are so steep. The climate iscold and damp enough to require everyone to dress up more.Hairstyles suffer because thick hair goes straight and fine haircurls up. You see far more hats and gloves in the Bay area thanany other area of...

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Melissa Tells AllChapter 2

I looked closely at Mark desperately seeking my absolution in his sexy eyes. Even though I wasn't ashamed of my sexual intimacy with my father, I was still fearful that Mark would just call me a sick slut, get up, and leave me forever. Yet I couldn't see what I was searching for. And I still had so much more to tell him, too. The fact that he was still with me on my bed told me at least he wasn't going to judge me quickly. "I love you, Mark..." I said tenderly. With his eyes turned...

2 years ago
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Melissa Requests A Cum Party

My girl friend Melissa and I rented several adult movies one night, out of boredom. One of the videos was multiple scenes of different women being completely covered in cum from multiple cocks. Melissa became very excited watching these women with numerous guys jerking off all over them. After the video was over, Melissa decided that she wanted to experience that! So, it had been decided that I would find ten or so guys to jerk off on her, no sex, just cum. So, I headed off to the local strip...

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Melissa And Julie

Melissa and Julie As I walk up the stairs to the slaves shared bedroom I hear a low moan comingfrom behind the door. Sneaking towards the door I push it open a fraction Ipeer through the gap, inside I see Melissa kneeling on the bed her arse inthe air and her face buried in the pillows with Julie behind her lapping ather pussy and arse. Frowning as I had ordered neither of them to cum todayas I had plans for the evening. Striding into the room I shout at the two ofthem, pushing Julie away and...

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Melissa and Me

"Like that would ever happen!" I exclaimed as I reached for the remote to turn off the television. I'd been forced by my girlfriend to sit through the whole of 'My Fake Fiancé' staring Melissa Joan Hart and some guy. At last, it had ended. The story basically involved MJH and the guy faking a wedding so that they would get gifts and money so replace the stuff that she had stolen and to pay off his gambling debts. Obviously they hate each other at first but end up falling in love. "What...

3 years ago
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MelissaChapter 3

Someone once told me, 'To succeed in business, choose competent subordinates and let them get on with the job. Then drop in with random inspections to keep them honest.' Now I reckon there's more – much more – to it than that, but there's certainly an element of truth in it. I don't – usually – interfere in departmental matters, but I do make sure I know what's going on, and also that everyone concerned knows that I know. Thus it was, about three months after Miss Sharpe began to work...

4 years ago
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This story took place a few years ago when I was 18. Up until that day, I had thought I was just a normal girl with an average heterosexual sex drive but it all goes to prove that if you allow yourself not to be tied to what is considered normal, then, anything can and will happen. My name is Joanna, I’m from central England, I’m about 5’6 tall, with shoulder length dark hair, hazel or green eyes, an English size 10 in clothes, with 34 ‘b’ cup boobs. I was on holiday in West Australia,...

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