Geilheid indian porn

2 years ago
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De leugens voorbij dutch

Het was altijd leuk, samen pinten pakken..nooit vervelend?Dikwijls werden we goed zat, maar nooit werd het vervelend.Als wist ik dat Pieter een doorwinterde homo was?, nooit was dit vreemd. Nooit maakte hij avances.Pieter was het gezapige iets oudere, meegaande en levensgenietende homo type. Met zijn 46 lentes, 1m76 en 88 kilo, was hij niet metten moeders mooiste te noemen, maar dat maakte hij blijkbaar toch op een of ander manier goed, te zien aan de talrijke jonge knappe vriendjes die hij...

4 years ago
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Mijn eerste keer pijpen

Hij trok zijn grijze joggingbroek uit en ging op een stoel zitten. Ik knielde voor hem, tussen zijn benen. Bewoog mijn hoofd naar zijn pik, die nog half-slap was. Met mijn lippen omsloot ik zijn eikel, waarna ik zijn gladde pik langzaam dieper in mijn mond nam, en hem er vervolgen weer uit lieten glijden. 'Yes', dacht ik, 'eindelijk'. Ik maakte een zuchtend geluid van geilheid en genot.Dit is een waargebeurd verhaal.Hoe lang ik de fantasie al koesterde een heerlijke pik in mijn mond te hebben,...

2 years ago
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De Uitdaging dutch story

De UitdagingHet was een supper drukke dag geweest op het werk , en ik haastte me naar huis, waar mijn vrouwtje Katrien waarschijnlijk al klaar stond te wachten om naar dit grote feest te gaan, waar we verwacht werden naar toe te gaan. Al ging deze grote fuif uit van mijn werk , er gingen ook veel niet-bekenden zijn, het was dan ook een volle club, ongeveer 1000 man?De moeite dus om ons voor op te kleden !Als ik de oprit opdraaide  kwam ze  begroetend in de open voordeur staan : ze zag er weer...

3 years ago
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Uitdaging verloren dutch

Uitdaging verloren Het was een supper drukke dag geweest op het werk , en ik haastte me naar huis, waar mijn vrouwtje Katrien waarschijnlijk al klaar stond te wachten om naar dit grote feest te gaan, waar we verwacht werden naar toe te gaan. Al ging deze grote fuif uit van mijn werk , er gingen ook veel niet-bekenden zijn, het was dan ook een volle club, ongeveer 1000 man?De moeite dus om ons voor op te kleden !Als ik de oprit opdraaide  kwam ze  begroetend in de open voordeur staan : ze zag...

2 years ago
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De Overname deel 5

Robert was woest. Hoe had Jeannine zijn vertrouwen zo kunnen beschamen. Hij was altijd in voor nieuwe dingen of experimentjes op seksueel vlak. Maar dat was iets tussen hun tweeën... Nooit had hij rekening gehouden met het feit dat ze het zomaar met een andere kerel aan zou leggen. Hij dacht terug aan die rare situatie die hij thuis had aangetroffen. Merkwaardig dat hij op enig moment die klik naar lust voelde in zijn lichaam, terwijl hij razend werd op het moment dat hij zijn vrouw in deze...

3 years ago
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Geluk bij een Ongeluk

Ze liep zonder uit te kijken zo de weg over en voor ze er erg in had lag ze op de grond voor mijn wagen. Ik had haar aangereden, ik sprong uit mijn wagen en vroeg haar of ze wat had en hoe het met haar ging. Ze vertelde dat ze last had vaan pijn in haar been. Daar ik zelf fysio the****ut ben keek ik even naar haar been, omdat ik het niet helemaal vertrouwde stelde ik haar voor om haar mee te nemen in mijn auto naar de huisartsenpraktijk waar ik zelf ook werkzaam ben en een arts naar haar been...

2 years ago
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Gezinstherapeute Mirthe

Gezinsthe****ute Mirthe is de vervanger van B en een bloedmooie blonde vrouw met lang krullend haar van ongeveer 48 jaar. tijdens de huisbezoeken laat ik altijd mijn ogen over haar lichaam glijden met de hoop dat ik een glimp van haar bh kan opvangen.Op een dag kwam Mirthe onverwachts op huisbezoek. Ze belde aan en ik maakte open. Ik zei,"Goedemorgen, hadden we een afspraak?" "Nee hoor, maar ik was in de buurt en dacht dat we misschien een evaluatie gesprek konden houden,"zei ze."Kom binnen,"...

4 years ago
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Mijn eerste sex

Onderstaande verhaal is waar gebeurd. Nu ben 67 jaar en bi (zie mijn profiel hier Bevero24) en heb nu maar af en toe een date, De meeste willen niet een date met een ouder iemand. Nu je wat ouder denk je vaker terug aan mijn eerste sex met een man. Ik was al zeer vroeg geïnteresseerd in seks. Was wel hetero dus had belangstelling voor het vrouwelijk geslacht. Samen met mijn vriend Douwe, welke een jaar ouder was, had ik het geregeld over seks. Op een avond, we hadden een bijeenkomst gehad van...

2 years ago
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Een onverwachte ontmoeting

Omdat je er nooit meer bent als ik toevallig in de buurt ben en jij er was als ik net weg was schrijf ik je nu maar een avontuurtje die we jammer genoeg niet samen hebben kunnen vieren....... Kusssssssssssssssssssssss Ik mis je enorm grote zus en zeker afgelopen donderdag. De opkomende zon schijnt altijd op mijn slaapkamerraam die ik donker houd met een verduisteringsgordijn en donderdagochtend voelde ik al aan de temperatuur in bed dat het een mooie ochtend was. Nog half slaperig onder mijn...

3 years ago
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Geilen op cam en in het echt

Gay date Chatten doen ik graag, heel erg graag en ofschoon ik bi ben vindt ik het best wel es opwindend om op een gay chat te komen en daar een beetje homo te geilen. In combinatie met een webcam wordt het nog spannender. Ik had contact met iemand en het werd al snel een opwindend gesprek, hij heette Jan. “Zeg es Jan, heb je een cam?….” “Ja hoor…. zullen we samen een beetje op de cam geilen, maar dan gewoon de cam gericht op onze pikken okee?….” “Dat is goed..” zei ik en richtte de cam op mijn...

2 years ago
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Mijn fijne pijpmaatje

Nadat ik na een vrij lange relatie met mijn ex vriendin weer vrijgezel was, had ik de eerste tijd geen enkele behoefte om mij weer op de liefdesmarkt te storten. Eerst mijn leven maar weer op de rit krijgen en eventueel wat achtergehouden fantasietjes op seksueel gebied proberen waar te maken was het idee.Zo kwam ik terecht op de site '' waar allerhande advertenties geplaatst worden voor uiteenlopende wensen en lusten. Via die advertenties heb ik verschillende dingen die nog op mijn...

3 years ago
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Mijn lagere school

Toen ik in het laatste jaar van de lagere school moest ik na blijven van mijnheer Vermeulen en mocht pas een uur later naar huis nadat ik mijn strafwerk had gemaakt. Wij waren de enige die samen met juffrouw Zwartjes die op woensdagmiddag nog in school waren, toen ik mocht gaan werd de voordeur achter mij op slot gedaan.Ik bleef nog even rond het gebouw slenteren en liep via de dichtbeboste schooltuin naar voren en kon van hieruit naar de lerarenkamer kijken en zag dat juffrouw Zwartjes en...

4 years ago
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7e hemel en daar voorbij

Ben vanmorgen tijdig vertrokken om maar geen moment van je te hoeven missen. Via Skype hebben we elkaar al flink opgefokt. Op de parkeerplaats naast je huis neem ik de groene pil. Het duurt over het algemeen een minuut of 10 voordat de eerste werking start, een warm gevoel over mijn wangen. Het duurt nog even voordat je er bent maar het geeft mij de mogelijkheid om voor te bereiden. Ik vind de sleutel onder de bloempot en open de deur. Je geur is het eerste wat ik ruik en mijn opwinding neemt...

3 years ago
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Genomen door mijn Surinaamse Schoonmoeder

Ik zal me even voorstellen Dick is mijn naam ik ben 24 en getrouwd met Gonny en Surinaamse van ook 24. We wonen in bij mijn schoonmoeder, want die is ook alleen, haar man had zoveel buitenvrouwen, dat ze hem er uit geflikkerd heeft. Om de kosten wat te drukken, wonen we nu bij haar of zij bij ons. Mij schoon ma, is 59 jaar en vrij dik met een echte Surinaamse derriëre. Gonny is voor haar werk vaak een paar dagen weg en dan ben ik met Nanda alleen thuis. En dan verwend ze me extra met lekkere...

3 years ago
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Mijn Eerste Gangbang met Negers

Ik was nog maar net 18 maar zag er veel jonger uit toen ik op een dag in mn eentje in de duinen zat en 4 grote, gespierde negers voorbij kwamen lopen. Eentje kwam op me af en vroeg Wat doe jij hier in je eentje, weet je niet dat het hier gevaarlijk is. Nee, dat wist ik niet. Moet ik nu bang zijn voor je. Ja, zei hij en pakte me bij mijn arm beet en trok me de bosjes in. Wat doe je nou, vroeg ik ongerust toen ook zijn maten aan kwamen lopen. Shht, mondje dicht, zei hij, terwijl hij zijn broek...

2 years ago
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De Hinderlaag The Ambush in Dutch

De hinderlaag . (Ootwee) Na een inbraak in een geparkeerde auto achtervolgt de politie de vermoedelijkedaders. Dit keer zijn het echter geen "rotjongens", maar jonge prostituées,schaars en zeer uitdagend gekleed. In achtervolging van het groepje komt onze jonge agent in opleiding terechtin een louche café. De crimineeltjes vluchten in de toiletten. In zijn wil om te scoren bij zijn superieuren, wacht onze jonge leerling-agentzijn collega's niet af, maar stormt zeer naïef het toilet binnen....

2 years ago
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08 TogetherChapter 82

Flashback – Ben – On the SURV The radio squawked and Sam ordered, “Kill your speed – there is some sort of big barrel looking thing coming down the river toward you. I’m going to blast the hell out of it.” The pilot not only killed the speed, he spun the SURV around so we were headed back in the opposite direction. Sam fired at the barrel and there was a huge motherfucking explosion that showered us with nasty assed river water. The pilot yelled, “Now that’s a new trick - a river IED.” He...

3 years ago
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The Absent HeroChapter 6 Carl

Damn, I thought I was home free. There had been nothing mentioned about the accident for the first few days after we got back from Florida, nothing in the papers, radio or the newscasts that I saw. That is until today. The Westfield Sentinel had a front page story about the accident along with a mention of a reward being offered to the person who saved the Westfield Academy's Girl's Basketball team. The reward was about $25,000.00 which the school, the insurance company and even some of the...

2 years ago
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A Glimpse Through the Mist of TimeChapter 9

I attended the first auction. It was interesting looking around the room, I recognised some of the bidders and acknowledged them with a nod. I also recognised new faces. It was quite easy to tell who was new in the business. They had that eager look, constantly consulting the list of properties and when the bidding started flourishing their bidding number ostentatiously as if they would be overlooked by the auctioneer. I hung back, watching, who was bidding and how quickly the bids mounted....

4 years ago
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A Haunting in MissouriChapter 6

Sarah rushed home from the museum, thinking about Mabel's warning to get out of the house. She parked her car and got out; she took several steps towards the house and stopped. She shouldn't go in; Thomas could possess her! She hadn't told Mabel about the dildo and Thomas raping her in the bathroom, so she'd wait for dad outside. Returning to the car she checked the time, dad would be home any minute now. Several minutes later dad pulled up beside her car, got out and walked up to...

2 years ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Riley 12 01 2016

18 year old first timer Riley is excited to do her first porn video today. She’s been interested in the fame and jizz-soaked glory for a long time. She enjoys sex and the attention from men – and especially women – and of course doesn’t mind the money either. We may see this cutie on other sites in the future if she keeps up that great attitude and enthusiasm (and look) she has in her ExCogi debut. TC picks Riley up from the airport and doesn’t waste time drawing...

3 years ago
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Definitely Not Gay Yet

Lucky me. My company's annual convention was in Vail, Colorado this year. My family had been planning a winter ski trip and I thought I'd take the chance to scope out Vail as a possible site. The convention was scheduled so that we attended meetings through lunch and had the afternoons to explore the town, ski, or network with fellow employees. As it turns out, I did some serious networking, but I doubt the new contacts I made will help my business and I definitely won't be adding them to my...

2 years ago
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Mommys Help ch 2

The text message alert on my phone was beeping relentlessly. In my groggy and half asleep state I couldn't figure out what one of my friends could possibly want on a Sunday morning. I flipped open my phone and realized it was a message from my mother. "Babe, since its Sunday the doctor is only in the office until 12. Its 9 now so please get dressed and be ready. I'll be home from the grocery store in twenty minutes." It read. I sat up in my bed for a minute and then went to take...

1 year ago
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PurgatoryX Krissy Lynn LaSirena69 Genie Wishes Vol 2 E3

Donnie (Donnie Rock) finds that he can’t use his third wish to wish for 3 more wishes so he does the next best thing… he wishes for a hot, sexy MILF (Krissy Lynn) with big tits. His genie (La Serena 69) asks if she can watch the fun and Donnie happily agrees. As she snaps her fingers, a gorgeous MILF appears and goes right to work on Donnie’s cock. La Serena 69 watches and becomes so horny that she grants her own wish and conjures up a handsome exotic stud (Ramon Nomar). These sexy sluts suck...

2 years ago
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A Gamble Too Far

‘Well, shall we go in, or not?’ The two women looked at each other and giggled nervously. The betting shop was tucked away down a side street of the East Yorkshire coastal resort they had spent such an enjoyable day exploring, and to the middle-class mother and daughter combo, it looked enticingly decadent. Annabell and her 17-year old daughter Emily had driven from their affluent Cheshire home to visit the seaside town of Whitby to fulfil a long-held ambition. Both women had long been...

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HussiePass Sawyer Cassidy The Masturbating College Dropout

Latina beauty Sawyer Cassidy makes her 2nd appearance on Hussie?Pass today, and we paired her up with stud Don Sudan for this 2022 Year End update! After director Zeus conducts the interview portion of the program, Sawyer gets naked & does what she does 3-5 times a day: she masturbates. Don makes his way into the scene with some lube for the slender babe, followed by Sawyer getting on her knees for the big reveal. She sucks and slurps on Don’s stiff prick and gives him a footjob...

4 years ago
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Out in the Big City Part One Big H

Sometimes people can be in such denial. It’s bad enough to lie to others but when you can’t even tell yourself the truth that’s just sad. But until I moved out of my hometown that’s just exactly how I was. You see it was bad enough to feel guilty about jerking off but then to start fantisizing about guys while doing it! ‘Whoa!’ That was just too much! But once I moved away, it was so much easier to come out of my closet. First out of the one in my head and then out in the real world. My...

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Threesome anyone

My wife has had a friend for quite a few years now named Jessie. They met way before she and I even began talking to each other. After a while into our marriage we began talking about possibly having a threesome. It would come up and simmer down after a while until one day my wife really sparked my interest with Jessie. See, Jessie has some very big tits. My wife knows my fascination with large breasts and one evening after I had gone to bed, I received a picture mail from my wife’s phone....

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Sams lesbian encounter III

Trembling, Sam stood arms to her side. Was it fear, was it excitement, a combination of both, she no longer cared. Her eyes widened as her mouth was being invaded by Mary's tongue. Frozen she didn't know what to do. Mary held Sam's head softly as her tongue snaked around Sam's mouth. Reaching down Mary caressed her her firm breast. Circling the flesh colored areola with her finger, Sam inhaled with short quick breaths. She felt her nipple respond as Mary rolled it between her fingers and thumb....

4 years ago
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Hardware HarmonyChapter 7 Reconstruction

The issue of the store was taken out of our hands late that year. A competitor of ours, who had a number of regional stores and was also a client of our buying group, approached us to see if we would be interested in selling. Our mercurial growth and profit spurt had gained a lot of attention at the buying group and I guessed they had mentioned it to this other firm. Central Valley Hardware had been looking to expand further and we were ideally located to fit with their plan. The real...

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His daughter Anita was all Jim had left of a 20 year marriage that ended abruptly when his wife walked out and was never returned again. She had disappeared when Anita was 12. The memories of her mother were fading from Anita’s memories. Jim had been devastated. His life had become eat, sleep, and work. Although he managed to take care of his daughter’s basic needs, he wasn’t much of a father for the first 4 years, resulting in Anita almost bringing herself up. Now that she was 18 (almost 19),...

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Home for school holiday s

Six weeks later and it was half term from school normally I would stay at college. However my parents were out of town and didn’t trust Megan to stay on her own for the week. I jumped at the chance to stay and “babysit” my little sis. When I arrived my parents had already left and my sister was in the garden sunbathing. She was wearing some frilly French knickers and an unstrapped bra. I shouted over “Hi”, she quickly did up her bra and came running over to me, flung her arms around me and give...

1 year ago
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A Treasure Found

Part One Officer Schroeder stepped into a cubicle and approached his friend and colleague, detective Davidson. Schroeder had been on the force for a dozen years and grown a large belly in the last few years. His size didn’t temper his interest in helping people, and he was still a formidable force in his dress blues. Despite his age, he still had a full head of black hair. He placed a picture and miniature tape recorder on the desk in front of Davidson. “Have a few minutes to spare?” the...

4 years ago
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Bayonetta s Abuse Chapter 05 Date With A Witch

“Yeah… cmon! More tongue! Take me there, slut!” she yelled as she crammed her fully erect cock into his open mouth. James’ head hung off the front side of the sticky couch, his legs leaning up against the back of the seat. Bayonetta held him by the throat, increasing and decreasing the gag factor at her leisure as she speared all 16 inches of her slimy horse dick down his gullet. The blood had long ago gone to James’ head and all he could see was the jerky, upside down motion of her frenzied...

2 years ago
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The SisterhoodChapter 5

As she padded out to the terrace, Karla was frightened. Although she had been talking about her slavery from the beginning and knew it involved a whipping, in some sense it had amounted merely to words. Now there would be the reality. However, she had done far more in terms of advance preparation than anyone in the apartment knew. For example, she had checked the weather forecast, and she had prepared lengths of polyester rope for their use to tie her up. She was relieved that the apartment...

2 years ago
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The Lust Towards Mom And Sister

Hi guys this is romeo with my first story is about the lust towards my mom and sister so about my family members they are me 18,my brother , my sister, my mom 45, my dad 51 about my family we are living in chennai at triplicane some guys who r living there please help me to buy Viagra pills who r living please contact me in I started this account on my brother age because he also wants to join me so please help me with buying pills I will pay you money or I will send you some pics after...

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Down the Garden Path

MOM: Guess who's here, birthday boy? WILL: Mom! You didn't tell me you were gonna invite Amelia! MOM: But why shouldn't your ex-girlfriend come to your party? You two dated for a whole year, and even though she never let you have sex with her, you told me over and over how Amelia would always be your dream girl. AMELIA: Hey, William! Or did somebody say it's Willow now? Gosh, that fairy dress sure looks cute on you. I had one just like it once for Halloween. When I was seven, that...

4 years ago
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A Jog to RememberChapter 8

The remainder of the evening was spent with one cock after another being sucked or inside my cunt or ass. It must have been about 3:00 am when we finally left and returned to their high class apartment. Maria and I both fell asleep in the bed, only to be awaken several times to fuck one of them or some random stranger who had come to buy drugs. In the middle of the morning, Tank came by, woke me and took me back to the camp. As we rode back, I wondered how much money I had made for the two...

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BSC07 the First Lifestyle NudistsChapter 42 Tom Does Jamie

As Tom lay there holding Belinda he felt a tap on his shoulder. It was the naked Jamie. She was looking dolefully at Tom with an expression that told Tom exactly what she wanted. She wanted Tom to kiss her pussy and give her an orgasm with his own lips and fingers. Jamie’s own fingers were already down between her legs fingering herself in anticipation of what she was hoping would happen next. Tom looked at Belinda who just shrugged at him and said, “Yer, go on. You’ve done it before and she...

3 years ago
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The Wedding Ch 14

Passion In James County VI: The Wedding Chapter fourteen Dean and Nora Abbott said their ‘Good-bye’s’ to the bride and groom, then they left the reception. Nora sat against the car door on the passenger side, silent and fuming, as they drove toward their house, but her husband didn’t notice that she was upset. He was mentally reliving the way Kathie Dumas had been coming onto him. He felt himself getting hard again, just from the memory of having the woman’s body pressed against his. ‘Kathie...

1 year ago
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NewSensations Coco Lovelock Coco Gets Deeply Creative In Class

What a blast in class it was for bubbly blonde cheerleader and creative writer Coco Lovelock. But not for her professor T. Pistol. He is not happy, nor will he approve of her “so called writing”, calling it filthy porn and not good. So Coco does what she does best, letting him know she has been thinking long and hard about his balls slapping her wet pussy as he is balls deep inside her hot, tight teen pussy and especially when both his balls and cock are swallowed by her cock-hungry...

4 years ago
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My little sister

As I pulled off the interstate and neared my house I again began to get frustrated with the fact that I was coming home. I had spent the first part of my spring break with a bunch of friends at the beach and was talked into coming home for a night before going back to school by my mom. I hadn’t really wanted to go but I figured at least I would get a home cooked meal and maybe even a little money before I had to head back to school. When I arrived at home, I was greeted pretty warmly. It was my...

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Busted Wearing Panties Ch 06

group sex – bisexual – tranny – strapon – harness – anal – nipple play – bdsm We were having such a wonderful time sitting together on the beach and watching the sun begin to set. The weather only changes a few degrees between morning and night and the evening breeze brought in the fresh smell of the ocean, crisp and clean. We gathered our belongings and walked towards the house. I was holding Emily’s hand as our arms swung between us with a lilt of happiness. Jess and Chrissy followed close...

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My Wife from Straight laced to Cum Slut pt 2

A little more background Jan was grew up in small to in Arizona and was raised by very conservative , very strict and religious parents , who didn't allow her to date until her senior prom. As she put I fell in love with the first guy she let go to third base , that being her first husband and that meant I was only her second lover . With my 7 or 8 inches she thought I had a big dick , that is until she saw the porn star dicks on my son Zack's computer. Ever since Jan and I fucked...

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Schooled in Sex Day1

It was an audacious plan even for me, and I wasn't sure that he would go for it. It would mean quite a commitment on his part, and he`d only just left off fucking Mary-Ann. Let me explain. I`m Caro (short for Caroline) and a nineteen, almost twenty-year-old virgin. I didn't plan it that way, but my libido didn`t get going until last year, and I`ve been getting really horny lately. So much so that I now carry a spare pair of panties in my bag in case of spontaneous emissions (Yes, it...

2 years ago
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A Well Lived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 36 Peaches

December 12, 1986, Indianapolis, Indiana “How are you doing, Tiger?” Jessica asked after greeting Kara and me with hugs and kisses. “Shitty,” I said. “But I had a good talk with Bethany after Red called me.” Jessica smiled, “And THAT is exactly why I had to let you take her away to Wisconsin for a weekend. Granted, I didn’t know what the circumstance would be, but I knew you’d need Bethany eventually. And you would need her in a way that could only happen if you two repaired your...

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Maxine Stone s New LifeChapter 277 Searching for Nanny Cunt

It took over a week for the Nanny cunt to surface. She never really surfaced it just took that long for the company to put its resources into finding her. Somehow they had considered her case closed with my change in status. They still hadn't gotten used to me being in the equation. I guess since I was the first Ghostbot they were have trouble deciding what to do with me and how much to do for me. In the end they told me that someone had registered a car using Nanny Cunt's Boyfriend's...

4 years ago
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Big Timmy The College Years

(The following is a work of fan-fiction for an erotica author who was very inspirational for me when I was starting out, "Big" Timy Donehy. If you would like to hear me reading it aloud, please feel free to contact me) "Mrs. Divine?" he asked, as his hand shot into the air. I rolled my eyes before responding. "For the last time, Mr. Donehy, it's 'Ms'. I am unmarried." I've known a lot of arrogant teenage boys in my time, and to be honest, I've busted their balls down to a size nothing in no...

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The Sixth Prince Part 4

Introduction: Jasmine and Izial finish the mating ritual. Thank you to all of my dear fans for your support and patience! I have disabled comments for my other stories because of repeated ads, although I will leave the comments for this story open for two weeks (until December 9th, 2014) and possibly longer. And, as always, if you have any feedback or suggestions, please comment or send me a private message! I love to hear from my fans! Enjoy! <,3 linky_fangs The Sixth Prince Part Four ...

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BadDaddyPOV Violet Star Caught In The Act

Daddy walks in on his step daughter getting fucked by a stranger. He is quick to scold the young girl. Violet Star told her step father that her pussy is all his, and that she will save it all day to bring home to him to use before Mommy gets off work. She clearly needs to be punished for disobeying. The man she calls daddy fills her young mouth with his cock and makes her work hard to show how sorry she is. Violet doesn’t let her step daddy down and does everything she can with her...

2 years ago
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Softball GirlsChapter 2

Copyright©1999 by Dael The seemingly endless day dragged for Richard as he moved from meeting to meeting and spending endless hours on the phone with customers. Finally, it was time to leave the office and he knew he'd just make it to his daughter's softball game. With his son long graduated and somewhere in Italy onboard a nuclear submarine he missed watching baseball, his first love. Instead he found himself watching girls fastpitch softball ... and enjoying it more every day! He enjoyed...

2 years ago
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Game WorldChapter 55

The biggest problem facing us was time. The ship carrying the three lads; Prince Rashid of Temasek and his two buddies, boys raised as his playmates and the children of court advisors, was still at sea and it would remain at sea for at least two more days. If we waited until the craft made landfall at the enclave controlled by Lord Choy then we would be pushing up against the time that I had allocated for this mission. I had promised Nimue that we'd sail on the Sea Nymph in search of her...

3 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 07Chapter 26

[Arnold's manuscript] It was quiet and we found a safe spot to cross and immediately went into the woods to be out of sight from the road. We waited to here for any hue and cry but it stayed quiet. We walked back to the town staying well away from the road. We arrived at the outskirts and looked at our same road. We found a similar tripwire and worked around it. I told Maria that I hoped to untie our wires and retie them behind us to further hide our passing. She nodded. She whispered,...

2 years ago
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The Ragging orgy

Chapter 1 : My first experience Chapter 1 : My first experienceThe puja holidays were over, and one by one we all started returning to the hostel. Although the college was set to reopen on 22nd October, but I flew back on 19th October. Had my dinner in the flight and it was round 10 when I reached the hostel. I was very tired; hence I changed and went to sleep. The next morning was a bright sunny day. Most of my batch-mate returned by the noon. My room mate also returned. We chatted...

4 years ago
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Women s Health Issues 101Chapter 2

A Surprise Visit The knock on the door caught Cindy off guard. She hadn't been expecting anyone, let alone the person she saw when she opened the door. "Mom?" "Hi honey," Madison smiled. Cindy squealed with joy and stepped into the hall to give her mother a big hug. She got her second surprise when she saw who her mother had brought along. "Holly? Laurie?" "Hey," Cindy's sisters replied in unison. The four women laughed and shouted with glee as they wrapped each other up in a...

2 years ago
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that cock was so big and juicy

I grew up with lots of dudes in the same room. We were like brothers, all different ages. Sometimes I would watch the older guys pull out thier big diicks and pound away till they blasted thier nut all over them selfs, I can still smell the sperm that would perfume that tiny room . Six horney dudes cramped together we were each different races and ages, I was the youngest and white. One day me and Juan were alone , he was the oldest and most developed in every way. I laid in...

3 years ago
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b CUM DIARIES b When we went out on the Medite

CUM DIARIES: When we went out on the Mediterranean Sea. It was a chance encounter. Chances that you do not normally ever want to un-counter. Anything can get your heart racing but nothing is more satisfying than the euphoric feeling of winning a bet with a girl who leaves you open to the classic: "ask me anything" followed by a biting top lip and a slow shy wink turning away from you, gazing over her shoulders, lifting her hips to show you her tight ass. Gazing with narrow eyes sucking her...

2 years ago
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David had to fumble with the garage door opened, as one hand was busy playing in Brandi's sopping pussy while the other carefully steered his police cruiser. He turned off the engine and glanced at Brandi. Her skirt was up around her waist and she had a glazed look of lust and pleasure on her face as he slid his fingers back and forth rubbing her clit. She was massaging her breasts and was softly moaning almost meowing like a kitten. David withdrew his hand and smiled at her. "We're home,...

3 years ago
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The Nurse Slut

I have been naughty at my job lately. I’m a nurse and work at the hospital. For years, I was a straight shooter, but lately I have been bending the rules a bit. I have been having sex with my patients. They don’t seem to mind, and it breaks up my day a little. Usually, my naughty fun starts when I give them sponge baths. Lately, I have been having a strange compulsion. I enjoy having sex with fat people. It really turns me on and gets me horny. Lucky for me, a lot of people come through the...

4 years ago
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Evil in EdenChapter 2

Mrs Lavender and Kim walked into the Eden Club bar where at around mid-day it was relatively peaceful with just the tinkle of soft jazz piano blending with a low chatter of pre-luncheon guests. Having just found their cabin they hadn’t wasted time before seeking refreshment after the long drive down. Yet before they reached the bar there was a friendly greeting, “ Now there’s a lady I’m pleased to see!” said a smart looking middle-aged man who was with two other chaps at the bar. It was Ed...

4 years ago
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she comes home with a surprise

She’s gone out. I’m at home all evening while she’s out with friends after she slammed the door in my face earlier. We’ve had our ups and downs, in and out of the bedroom but things came to a head today when we had a quiet moment to ourselves. I decided, after much thought and deliberation that I should come clean about the fantasies I’d been having of late.You see, she thought I’d had an affair. I had not, but this did not stop it sowing a seed of doubt. I’ll admit that I wasn’t totally...

2 years ago
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The Neighbor Story 1

His uncle was in town, and had parked his boat in their drive-way, and we used it like it was on the water, steering it wildly around, dodging helicopter missiles and the such, then we would jump off to a backyard to find ourselves pinned down by yet more bad guys. Somewhere along the way, his little sister (seven-ish) had come outside and joined us, and she played the rescue woman. I was the action hero the first time, and I would battle my way through the front yard, to find her in the...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Riley Reid I Am Riley Episode 2

The world’s best loved porn personality reveals the real life behind the sexual stardom. Filmmaker Evil Chris’ XXX documentary feature combines genuine journalism, behind-the-scenes access and a serious hardcore scene to reveal petite, energetic beauty Riley Reid. At home and at work, she’s open, fun loving and candid. She tells the story of how she got into porn: As a broke college student, she wasn’t aggressive enough to make money as a stripper, but when she found...

4 years ago
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Saint and a SinnerChapter 17

He sat at his desk, happily writing on lined paper. He was documenting his experiences of the day, the way it had felt to be in that conference room, to know that they were all gathered there for him. He wished he had recorded it somehow, had taken in a mini recorder. Instead he had to rely upon his memories. But that was okay. He remembered how it felt to have Detective Nick Saint shake his hand, talk to him as if he were an equal. The seriousness in the man's voice when he had spoken of...

2 years ago
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My b r and I

When he got out of prison the last time, my b*****r found himself broke, homeless, and without any female waiting for him. He stayed at my place until he got back up on his game. This lasted a few months, and even though he got a new girlfriend around the time he moved out, he was almost stranded during the first 3 and a half months he stayed at my place. I own a single wide trailor on the property our mother has in a remote location. As is tradition, we partied the first night he was out and...

2 years ago
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Shatabdi Express And Seductive Pooja 8211 Pt 2 Thinking About Her All Day

I wanted to seriously attempt to try my luck with Pooja as she was alone. The ice between us was broken in the morning. Any discussion or conversation about that would certainly be exciting. I was taking care of her grandmother as of now. I had 2 mobiles. I offered 1 to grandmother to listen to devotional music. At first, she was reluctant. But once I placed an earphone on her ear with devotional songs of MS Subbalakshmi she was very happy. As she was listening to music, I kept digging...

3 years ago
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Woman Partner Chapter Fourteen Post Coital Bliss

Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 14, Post Coital Bliss) This work is copyrighted to the author © 2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive, your feedback....

3 years ago
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KellyChapter 7

Laura arrived home a little after 6 o'clock Monday afternoon. Laura and her three younger siblings lived in a modest but friendly home on the south side of the city with their parents. Her dad was a policeman and her mother worked part time in a grocery store to help make ends meet. After liberally applying Aveeno on her butt to soothe the burning, she had supper with the family. As usual, it was a lively affair during which the family shared the news of the day. As the dishes were being...

3 years ago
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Ned Kelly s Exhibition

When Ned returned home later that evening from his visit to Lady Jane's he had an invitation to visit when she was set up in her lakeland retreat. "I've chosen it because it is as far away from the people I know as possible," she told him. "With the exception of an old school friend who is a doctor. Well, that's the real reason. I'll be seen privately and looked after by someone I've a great deal of faith in, And, I want you to come and visit me. The lake district is such a wonderful...

2 years ago
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Long Dorm Room Nights

It was another Thursday night under the bridge, famous for high school and college students drinking. There were more people tonight as spring got closer and the air got warmer. My friend Kelly and I were on our second cup of Redbull Vodka and in a better mood with each sip."Don’t be mad, but I would not mind some action with Andrew tonight," I whispered to Kelly and she nearly dropped her cup from laughing so hard."Go for it, but I’m telling you, he’s one of the worst kissers I’ve had," she...

Straight Sex
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Living With My AuntEpisode 27

Suddenly red-faced from embarrassment, she did as she was asked and Kelly took a series of shots of Kathleen between Jill and me. "Wonderful," said Jill. "Now, one last shot ... Joe, kiss Kathleen ... do it like you meant it." Now, it was my turn to be embarrassed. Hesitatingly, I approached Kathleen and, wrapping my arms around her waist, I kissed her passionately. Almost instinctively, Kathleen's arms wrapped about my shoulders as she returned the kiss. "Whew... ! said Kathleen....

3 years ago
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Horse Loving CousinsChapter 7

"And he fucked you?" Kathy put down her lemonade and peered over her heart-shaped sunglasses. The magazine she'd been reading fluttered to the ground, the pages turning quickly in the soft breeze. "Yeah... that's about it," Marcie said, feeling warm and fuzzy all over. It had been two days since Byron had fucked her. She was going to tell Kathy about it before. But Aunt Mary and Uncle Jack were still doting over their son, drawing Kathy into the fold even though the girl wanted to be...

4 years ago
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Don t disappoint mommy

You relish your latchkey moments, the golden time when you can dive deep into the pool of your perverted desires. Those occasions when you’re home alone, college is out, and your mom is still making her way back from work. It started out like so many times before. What you didn’t expect was that this time, your mom was going to catch you jerking off.You loaded up your laptop knowing your favourite porn videos were just a click away. As the clip started to play, you took off your pants and...

3 years ago
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new mistress of the house

It was hard for her to be move into a new home,foster what a joke at 16 she felt like a adult she had a body of a adult woman many men have said that to her and she new how to use it to her advantage.It did throw her when anne (foster mother) told her that graham was away from the house most of the year,so she thought of how to use anne.Anne was plump middle age woman but the girl did think if she can't fuck a man fuck anne, she knew that anne liked to get a quick look in when she got out the...

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The FreshmanChapter 9

At 11:00 I helped Ronnie, my second-shift busboy, clear all the tables. Then while he vacuumed, I wiped the tables and put clean tablecloths on them, filled the salt and pepper shakers and put packets of sweetener in the dispensers. “Ray, you’re doing my job,” he told me when we were through. “Ronnie, you worked my section last night and tonight on the second shift and you kept my tables ready for new customers both nights. We racked up because the tables in our section were ready, no...

2 years ago
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No Reason Just Nasty

Nelson pushed his hard cock towards the juicy hole that was being held open for him. Kristy licked her dry lips as the bloated, extremely hot, purple head leaked a long silver string of pre-cum into her parted pussy lips. She was so wet that bubbles from her dripping cunt was forming and had raised enuff for anyone to easily see. It had coated her inner lips and they were slippery and shiny. Yet she felt Nelson's air cooled pre-cum, as it made contact in her hole and snaked it's way slowly...

4 years ago
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She s Pregnant Chapter 3

Manny and Darla were doing just fine, thank you very much! Manny had her kneeling with her knees on the couch seat and her head resting on her arms on the couch back and was drilling for pussy juice. Manny was having fun for sure; Darla, the jury was out on. I went up to her and bent over so my head was close to hers and murmured, "How's it going?" "Okay," she whispered back. "I can make noises if you want, and tell him how good he is -- but he might decide I was faking it. Actually,...

4 years ago
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Hoping for the Best Part 2

Sitting at my desk, I couldn’t help but to look up at her. I could see her through the glass doors of her office, typing away diligently on her laptop. She caught me looking at her a couple of times. I tried to pull away, but it was so hard because she was leaning forward and her breasts were resting on the desk in front of her. From where I was sitting, I could clearly make up the stretching of her button-up blouse, the outline of her bra, and her firm, erect nipples.And I wasn’t the only one...

2 years ago
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Gym Submission He has an unexpected encounter at

It was a normal trip to the gym, though I was a bit later than normal. I usually managed to get there by 6pm, but tonight I had been finishing up a problem at the office and couldn't break away until late. I almost skipped it, but I'd been so inconsistent with my workouts lately that I felt I had to go. So here I was going for my workout at 8pm.I had already called my wife to let her know I'd be late. I checked in and headed for the locker room. I walked towards the back of the room and turned...

5 years ago
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Nursing My Cunt

My Styles1-Breathtaking Faucet's great. I lie on my back on my bed, spread my legs and use one finger on my clit and wiggle it from side to side until I cum. It's really great.2-Inner lipsI start by slowly stroking my clit....enough to get myself just a bit wet...then slowly stroke my inner lips, letting my fingers slide down the sides of my lips....then back over my clit and back down the's amazing.3-ThrillingWith my index and middle finger of my left hand, I pull up my...

1 year ago
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Buddies Becum Lovers Pt 2

YESSS!!! I wanted to scream to myself I had juss gotten my regualr drivers license and me and Johnathan were on our way to the beach. "Turn the music up yo" Johnathan said as he removed his shirt. Looking at his now slightly tanned body with flat stomach and pretty pink nipples made me want to put the pedal to the floor. We stopped at a red light and he picked up the slushee and put it to my lips "c'mon babe taste". I sipped it it tasted just like a piece of green apple candy. Green was our...

3 years ago
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Take Her Down to Paradise City Pt 1

Lena sat on her couch, excitedly opening the package from her aunt back home. Her birthday had been a month ago, but there had been some issues shipping this "mystery present". As Lena carefully extracted the hand-wrapped gift from within the bubble-wrap-lined box, she smiled."Thank you, Aunt Margaret..." she said to no one. She lived alone since breaking up with her fiancé, Collin. Due to this, she felt a bit lonely sometimes, but her family back home had really come through for her. They had...

3 years ago
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Army Guy

Army  GuyMy name is Jeff Walton, that is Captain, Jeff Walton US Army Special Ops. Our unit does special work where discretion is needed on behalf of the Government. There are 4 of us, Sergeant Jennifer Tobias, Corporal Thomas Smith, and Corporal Ken Fields. Really we are all the same except that each of us have special talents that we bring to the Unit. My second in command,  Jennifer or J as we call her is treated the same as a man, her job is to neutralize the enemy.  We all sleep together...

1 year ago
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Factory 1

***story of a 28 year old single man -John, after his abduction.* *** Part 1, the beginning. I slowly opened my eyes. Where the fuck am I ? I had been stripped naked. I was in a cold steel room with only a door with a small barred window near the upper middle area. I must be in prison for something? I’m not a terrorist or anything, what could it be? I go over to the door and try to look out through the bars. I cant see much. it’s a very tall door. Its pretty quiet, although it sounds like I can...

Erotic Fiction
4 years ago
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Bethany, Michael and Jonathan were the three tenants down for the student house. Bethany was doing a degree in Media, Michael in Physics and Jonathan in Maths. None of them had met before the first day of moving in. the personal possessions had been eased in over the last few weeks. Jonathan was situated on the second floor, Bethany and Michael on the third. Jonathan spent little time with our housemates during the first week, retreating to his highly private room with his girlfriend. For...

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Jordan s Job Friday Morning

Waking up comfortably on his back Eric felt happy and moved his hand up to Becky's hair and stroked it in the dark room, his groggy mind kicking into gear slowly that no Becky was gone. Lifting his head, he saw Jordan on his side, head on his chest, hair everywhere and his leg across his and that Jordan somehow did that and had all the blankets. Slowly disentangling himself from his friend who let out a little snort almost waking up before pulling Eric's pillow to his chest to replace the...

2 years ago
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TeamSkeetExtras Julia De Lucia The Journey

Sick of being a singleton, Anna has written off the idea of meeting anyone as she travels to Spain for the fifth wedding of the year. Soon, however, she meets James, a gorgeous man who is not only sat next to her on the plane, but is booked into the same guest house. James offers Anna a lift, and watches as she flirts with him from the back seat of the car. James pulls over and the pair sneak into the woods for a quickie. They soon discover they’re not the only horny couple nearby, as they spot...

2 years ago
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Quarantine with Mom

I lost my virginity two years ago on my 18th birthday from my girlfriend at the time but things didn't work out between us and now I have resorted to porn. And when I say porn I mean all sorts from ebony to dominatrix to ass to mouth. I have watched incest porn before such as mom and son or sister and brother but it was just a video to me. Nothing I would go out of my way for unless there was a certain actress that caught my eye but my main search was always large natural breasts. Not those...

4 years ago
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June Autumn and RogerChapter 12 Saturday Fun and Pain

June awoke early and headed to the shower. She could still smell Autumn’s scent on her face. As she walked to the bathroom, she saw her sister still asleep in her bed. She looked at the clock and saw it was 8:20. Her parents had already left for the store. Remembering the instructions Autumn gave her last night, she stepped into the shower and washed her body. She grabbed the razor then remembered that she was told not to shave again until after next Saturday because the girls would do that...

3 years ago
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The Conjugal Clock

The Conjugal Clock by Ashley B. D. Zacharias 1. The Tradition of Discipline ?That’s a clock?? It looked like an ornately carved grandfather clock, but had only a single hand and no numbers on the plain white face. ?It looks old. Is it an antique?? Veronica ran her fingers lightly over the haut relief figures carved into the dark wooden pilasters that ran up the corners, but was embarrassed to examine them too closely – the carvings depicted men and women engaged in all manner of sexual...

2 years ago
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InnocentChapter 11

We caught up to the Indians, Comanches, just past the burning cabin. The two kids were on horses riding in front of two braves. The children seemed to be in good shape, but the same could not be said for the naked woman walking behind the last Comanche in line. She had a rope tied around her neck, but her hands were not tied. Of course, they didn't need to be. The White woman was not going anywhere as long as that rope was around her neck. Helen and Martha were all for riding fast to catch...

5 years ago
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Mixed Emotions

This story could go in a number of categories. A special ‘Thank You’ to Estragon for editing this story and making it a much better read. * In the last few days my life has been turned upside down. My emotions are boiling over. I’m just not sure what to do next. I’m Jeff Holder and one confused young man, only being twenty-two years old. I come from a very good and happy family. I have one sister Susan, who is three years older than me, and I believe happily married with a son of her own. ...

2 years ago
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david s lucky day part 2

As David walked into the house he could hear his mother’s sweet melodious voice drifting down the stairs, he listened recognising the tune, I’m on the top of the world by the carpenters, she loved singing the old ballads and love songs and her voice was as good as any he had heard.“Happy birthday mum” he shouted up the stairs, shrugging off his backpack and hanging his school coat up on the hook. He bounded up the stairs with the box of chocolates and birthday card in his hand that he had...

2 years ago
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ManoJob Allie Addison Reese Robbins They 8217 re Certainly Handy

Allie Addison and Reese Robbins are alone. Finally. No “crazy” parents. No boyfriends. Just two good girls, home alone…chilling. But things aren’t so simple. Reese has a horny boyfriend who wants to get to “third base”, but she’s not sure if she wants to take that trip all the way to third base. Allie’s very handy, so she’s going to help Reese make that trip with a very up-close and personal lesson. Allie just might take Reese all the way...

3 years ago
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THE COUSINS Author’s note:  Clearing my computer space while wrapping up my writings, I found this little one chapter story I roughly put together early on.  Cleaning it up a bit, for what its worth, here it is. Girl cousins spending a night together decide to get the younger a tattoo and maybe a couple piercings to match the older’s.  After sending him images over the camera phone, the older girl’s boyfriend agrees to offer his services? With a twist. Chapter One        Snapping the photo as...

4 years ago
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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 14 More Excitement

Grace, Kim and I overslept the next morning. It was nearly nine before we made it out of bed. Okay, so we awoke at eight but who jumps out of bed when they first wake up? I mean, you have to slowly adjust to the day and some mattress stress-testing does the job quite admirably. When we arrived down in the kitchen Chris and her girls had just finished breakfast and Alice was setting down our morning meal. Eggs, toast, bacon and OJ is my favorite and starts the day off just right. Grace...

3 years ago
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BitchedChapter 2

The baby-change cubicle Joey had shown me into was clean and spacious. I was in a state of arousal at the audacity of what we were doing and Captain’s snout was nudging at my panties as though he sensed the purpose of things. My memory flashed back to those bedtimes at aunties, when her doggy did the same thing to me; to encourage me to start playing with him. Joey seemed calm though and simply lifted his dog up onto the small bench. He began smoothing and cooing softly to him and his hand...

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