Busting Bobby's Balls free porn video

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Bobby stepped off the school bus and began to slowly shuffle towards his home at the end of the long driveway. At 18 years old, Bobby was a smaller boy, 5’4 in height and weighing just a little over 120 pounds. He had short black hair and brown eyes.

It was snowing heavily and quite cold out, but Bobby was in no rush to get home. He knew what was awaiting him, the same thing that had awaited him every day for the past 4 years. Bobby’s life had dramatically changed at the age of 14 when his step-mom, Eve, had caught him masturbating. Eve, an extremely strict woman, and his only parental figure since his father had left when he was 4, had, then and there, decided that Bobby was mentally ill. Pulling a few strings at the hospital at which she worked, Eve had had Bobby, a fairly intelligent boy, classified as having Severe Mental Retardation. This had allowed her to have lifetime custody of Bobby, which she told Bobby in private would allow her to ?cure him.? Secretly, Bobby always wondered if it is was really the masturbation that had so upset his step-mom, or the fact that Bobby was a freak.

As Bobby neared the house, he could see his step-mom waiting for him on the porch. Sitting next to her were two of the neighbor girls, Alex and Jennifer. Alex was a tall, beautiful blonde, with piercing blue eyes. Beneath her thick winter coat, she was a skinny girl with light skin. The other girl, Jennifer, was shorter and brunette. While Alex was conventionally beautiful, Jennifer was cute and energetic. She wasn’t as skinny as Alex, but Bobby had always admired her curves, particularly her ample breast. Eve was also a brunette, at just over 40. Her face, while attractive, was also creased with age. However, her body put both of the teenage girls sitting next to her to shame. She was 6’0, an inch taller than Alex, with huge breasts, a narrow waist, and wide hips; she was a stunning woman.

?Hi, honey,? Eve greeted Bobby, ?your friends Alex and Jennifer braved the cold today just to come see you and help you with you therapy.?

?Hi, Bobby.? Both girls said in unison with big smiles on their faces.

Ever since Bobby’s ?therapy program? had been moved outside, because Eve had said it was becoming too messy, the neighbor girls always wanted to help. When it was nice out, it wasn’t uncommon to have two dozen girls over to serve as aides in Bobby’s therapy.

Bobby assumed his ?therapy position,? grabbing hold off the metal railing on the side of the porch and spreading his legs. Eve pulled down Bobby’s thin sweatpants to reveal Bobby’s shame. Trapped behind his legs, in a homemade humbler Bobby had gotten for Christmas two years past, were two bulbous, dark-purple testicles.

Eve released the humbler, causing Bobby to gasp in pain as blood flowed back into his gigantic nuts. Hanging halfway to his knee, Bobby’s testicles each looked like fleshy grapefruits. There was not a hair on either orb, or anywhere on his genitals. Eve, an extreme clean-freak, could not stand pubic hair. If she found even a single hair, there was hell to pay.

Strapped to his right leg with two belt straps, reaching almost 2/3rds the way to his knee, was Bobby gigantic, erect penis. Bulging with veins and also a dark shade of purple from lack of blood flow, Bobby’s 15 inch cock looked horrific. The member was not only long, but had matching girth, having a greater circumference than a typical baseball bat by several inches. Stuffed in his cock-hole was one of Bobby’s plugs, which was used to, as Eve put it, ?stop my little man’s leaks.? According the package the plug came in, it was indeed meant for human insertion, being designed as one of the larger models of erotic, anal plugs. Eve had simply put it to a different purpose, or rather a different orifice.

Eve left Bobby’s cock tied to his leg, but took out the big, black plug. As usual, Bobby’s cock instantly began to drool. It was hardly surprising, as aside from Bobby’s once monthly release, Bobby was never allowed to cum. For that matter, he wasn’t even allowed to touch his genitals without permission.

With his pants at his ankles, Bobby was freezing. However, the cold was currently the least of his worries. Now that everything was prepared, Bobby’s therapy could begin.

?Well girls,? Bobby heard Eve say from behind him, ?which one of you sweetie-pies would like to run Bobby’s session today??

?Alex can,? he heard Jennifer say. ?She’s better with him than I am. I’ll just watch.?

?It’s nothing to feel bad about,? Eve responded. ?You’ll get better with practice. The important thing is your trying to help Bobby, which I am so thankful for?Well Alex why don’t you begin, it’s really getting cold out here.?

With those words Bobby gritted his teeth. Having been taught the good manner not to turn around, Bobby stood there, sweating despite the cold weather, waiting for the inevitable. Despite the thousands of times Bobby had gone through this, it never became any easier.

Alex chose to take a running start, so he heard it coming. And then, it was there. Alex’s knee cap met Bobby’s right testicle with a thud. Although it occurred in a quarter of a second, Bobby could feel, through his agony, exactly what was happening. The kneecap smashed directly into his nut meat, sending a jolt through his body. The pain increased when the now flying orb met his pelvic bone. As the final crescendo, Alex’s knee, still swinging upward, met with the meaty sphere, mashing it nearly flat against Bobby’s pelvic bone. Being a veteran, Alex then performed a half-second long grind, to added effect.

Bobby whimpered. Alex Giggled.

Then the assault continued in earnest. Over and over and over again, Alex drove her knee into Bobby’s dangling balls. Half way through, in order to maintain balance, she grabbed onto Bobby’s shoulder, allowing the assault to continue.
After three minutes, and what seemed to Bobby like three years, her attack was halted and the three women examined Alex’s handiwork.

?That was very nice dear,? said Eve.

?You really did a number on that right nut,? Jennifer added.

?Looks like I did,? Alex said with a giggle.

?Yes, it looks quite swollen,? Eve said sweetly, ?You did a good job. Would you care to continue? Perhaps you could focus on the swollen area??

?Of coarse,? replied Alex, ?Anything to help Bobby.?

Bobby had been using the break to quietly cry into the railing. Mommy had ingrained in him, early on in his therapy, that ?nobody likes a crybaby.? Crying was a sign that he needed more therapy.

Alex stepped up to her target and sized it up. Bobby’s mangled right nut was now hanging lower than his left and swollen a great deal larger. Planting her left foot, Alex drove the tip of her winter boot straight into the back of Bobby’s dangling nut meat, sending the swollen testicle flying into the porch railing. The second kick caught Bobby’s right nut directly on the bottom, shooting it into his pelvic bone. The third kick again caught Bobby directly from behind. This time it was done with the bottom of the boot, and Alex made sure to follow through, mashing the tortured orb between the bottom of her boot and the metal railing.

Bobby really didn’t remember much about kicks 4 through 139. He wouldn’t have known there were 139, except for the fact that Jennifer was quietly chanting the numbers.

At 139, Eve stated, ?Well, I’m getting cold and you girls must be chilled too. How about 1 more and we call it a night??

?Of coarse, Ma’am.? Alex said, positioning herself for he last kick.

?Wait!? called Jennifer, meekly adding, ?can I help on this one??

?What did you have in mind?? asked Alex.

?What if you did a running kick? You know, like a karate kick.?

?I don’t know,? said Alex. ?It’s just going to slip away. Trust me, it wouldn’t be any better than a normal kick.?

?Well I was thinking,? Jennifer paused. ??Well, what if I held it? You know, held it tight so you could get a good kick in.?

?Awesome!? Alex said, as her eyes lit up.

?Girls, girls,? Eve interjected. ?I know you just want to help Bobby, but I don’t know if this is a good idea. One of you could get hurt.?

?What if Alex misses,? Eve went on, looking at Jennifer. ?You could break a finger.?

?Please Ma’am,? Both girls said in unison.

There was an awkward silence, which Eve finally broke stating, ?I just pray neither of you gets hurt.?

Eve sat back down on the bench and both of the girls planned their stunt. Bobby was already in so much pain that he barely knew what was going on. His cock however, the engorged, purple monster strapped to his right leg, belayed another story. As Bobby genitals never received any sensual, physical contact, his meaty cock had come to crave any contact at all, no matter how brutal. Even as the two girls were planning the imminent destruction of his right testicle, Bobby’s cock was straining against its binding and drooling uncontrollably, so the a pool a semen had formed at Bobby’s feet.

Jennifer finally got a good grip on Bobby’s right testicle, which had come to resemble something of a mangled, flesh-covered football. Alex got in position on the other end of the deck.

?Ready?? Asked Alex.

?Just don’t missed,? answered Jennifer.

Alex came storming down the length of deck like a bull. Approaching her target, she leapt into the air just like some kung-fu movie, eliciting a gasp from Eve. Jennifer stood her ground and Alex’s aim was sound. Alex’s right boot slammed directly into Bobby’s trapped testicle with the weight of her whole body behind it, before Alex fell unceremoniously on her ass.

?Oh dear!? cried Eve. ?Are you ok??

?Just fine,? answered Alex with a smile while getting to her feet.

?Look!? cried Jennifer.

Bobby lay face down on the deck, trying to stifle his sobbing. The girls weren’t interested in that, however. Imprinted deep in the meat of his mashed right nut was Alex’s boot print.

All three women broke into uncontrollable laughter.

As the laughter subsided, Eve said, ?Well I think it’s time we head in. Bobby do you have anything to say??

?Thank you,? whimpered Bobby.

?You’re welcome!? The girls responded, followed by a series of giggles.

?Come along Bobby!? Called Eve impatiently. Bobby crawled over, and Eve unceremoniously crammed the black anal plug back into his cock hole.

Bobby began to slowly crawl to the entrance of the house. Mommy had always taught him to crawl when guests were over. However, even if he had been allowed to stand, he probably couldn’t have at the moment. Bobby slowly pulled himself into the house, his mutilated right testicle dragging on the ground behind him.

Eve turned to the girls, put a hand on each of their shoulders, and with tears in her eyes said, ?Bobby really is lucky to have friends like you.?


Bobby groaned as he slowly crawled along the wooden floor of the house. After that afternoon’s exceptionally intense therapy, his testicles ached horribly. His right nut in particular pulsated with a fiery pain as it dragged along the floor behind him. He could wished that this was something out of the ordinary, but the reality was, for the last 4 years, Bobby had lived with perpetually mashed nuts.

Bobby reached the staircase to the second floor, and used the railing to pull himself to his feet. His legs were weak, quaking from the assault he had just endured. With the help of the railing, he was just barely able to make it up the stairs. A few more unsupported, wobbly steps and he was in the bathroom. He turned the handle on the hot water faucet and began running a bath. When the tub was full, he trembled as he eased himself into the water.

This was something of a ritual. Everyday, after his post-school therapy, Eve made Bobby take a bath. His step-mom’s two main concerns were that Bobby clean his semen covered legs and shave his gigantic testicles; mommy could not abide messiness.

Bobby released the straps on his swollen, purple member. His meaty cock immediately swung violently upward so that, seated in the bathtub, the head of his raging member was about six inches from his chin. Generally speaking, this was its natural state. The mess on his right leg washed off easily. Bobby then proceeded to shave his two mangled orbs of nut meat, along with the rest of his pubic area, being especially ginger with his swollen right testicle. After his tasks were completed, he soaked in the tub another 10 minutes, as the warm water felt good on his tortured testicles.

After 10 minutes, knowing that dinner was waiting, Bobby slowly extracted himself from the bathtub. The pain that had wracked his body had subsided to some degree, allowing Bobby to stand more steadily. He dried off and proceeded back down the stairs.

Eve was waiting for him, sitting at the island in their kitchen. She had changed out of her winter clothes and was dressed in a bright red robe and gray sweatpants. Bobby joined her at the island butt naked, except for the anal plug still crammed up his urethra. Bobby wasn’t allowed to wear clothes in the house, Eve told him that this was to keep him from hiding any secrets. Thankfully though, when at home, Bobby didn’t have to wear his humbler or strap down his monstrous penis, except of course if guessed were over, in which case mother felt it best that his cock was firmly tied and that, according to her, ?his two meat bags were in their proper place.?

?Hi honey,? Eve greeted him, ?how was your day at school??

?Good mommy,? Bobby lied, not wishing to upset his mother. His day at school, as most days at school, had been anything but good. The school girls, as always, had taken it upon themselves to give Bobby a little un-prescribed ?therapy.?

?I’m glad to hear that sweetie,? Eve said with a smile. ?I made chicken pot-pie for supper.?
Bobby awkwardly walked over to the stove and served step-mom and then himself. Between his freakish genitals and the therapy they received, everything Bobby did was somewhat awkward. They then sat down to a meal that, if not for the presence of a naked, battered, 18 year old boy, would have been reminiscent of a typical family dinner.

When Bobby had finished dinner he did the dishes and began his homework. Eve poured herself a glass of red wine and began reading a book. Bobby’s homework last him a while, and it was 7:30 before he packed up his books. Then, what he had been dreading since he had seen the first snow flake occurred.

?Bobby,? Eve said, ?I know this is the first snowfall of the year, but I hope you haven’t forgotten that shoveling is one of your chores.?

?No Ma’am? Bobby said. The tears already welling up in his eyes.

?Go get the shovel honey,? Eve said somewhat sternly.

Bobby went out to the garage and retrieved the big wooden handled shovel. He returned inside and handed it to his mother. In the mean time, Eve had fetched the container of Vaseline from the bathroom. Bobby sat back down in his chair. Knowing what was going to happen, Bobby could barely control himself, and let out a audible whimper.

?Bobby,? Eve said somberly, ?If you can’t control yourself, we won’t be needing the Vaseline.?

Bobby held in his anguish and Eve proceeded to prepare Bobby for shoveling the driveway. Two winters ago, Eve had devised a method so that the chore of shoveling could be part of Bobby’s therapy. When Eve had the shovel ready, she pulled out Bobby’s plug and set it in the kitchen sink.

?Now hold on to him,? Eve firmly commanded, referring to Bobby’s penis ?And for heaven’s sake down let him drip on the floor, I don’t want a mess.?

Bobby griped down on his huge cock. Both of his hands just barely fit around the base. Once he had had his grip, Eve made her move, and, with all her might, rammed the greased handle of the snow shovel down Bobby’s cock hole. On its initial assault, the shovel made it about 8 inches in. With more pressure from Eve, and some strategic twisting and turning, the shovel eventually made it in another 5 inches. Eve took some bands and worked them around the very tip of Bobby’s pee hole, so the shovel could not escape. Wracked with pain, Bobby gasped for air, practically hyperventilating. Sitting there in the chair, with a shovel jutting out of the head of his cock, Bobby was a sorry sight to behold. Only adding to the pitiful sight was the fact that Bobby’s heavy breathing caused the head of the shuffle to repeated smack him in the face.

When Bobby was finally coherent, Eve ushered him outside, completely naked except for the snow shovel protruding from his mangled cock. Mommy had trained her boy well, through his tears, and with his hands clasped around his back so as not to ease his suffering, Bobby began shoveling the driveway. Eve went into the living room and lit a fire in the fireplace. She left momentarily to fetch her glass of wine, and then curled up in a comfy chair facing the Bay window to watch her step-son work.

Bobby’s ordeal was made worse by the fact that their long driveway wasn’t paved, but rather of the gravel variety. Every time the shovel hit a large stone or an unseen ridge on the driveway, agony would engulf Bobby’s demented shovel-cock. Upon hitting on particularly large stone halfway through his task, Bobby collapsed on his back in the snow, writhing in pain. After a moment, with no other choice, he clambered back to his feet and resumed his work. And so it continued.

Adding to his suffering was the fact that he knew his bedtime was rapidly approaching. If Bobby was not in his bed by 9, his insolence would be punished. So he hurried along, sobbing with each hidden stone in his path.

It was 8:50 when Bobby reached the end of the drive. Of coarse didn’t know this, as he didn’t have a watch. He might have made it in bed by his curfew, if it had not been for the shadowy figure sneaking up behind him. As Bobby was shoveling away the last stripped of snow, the shadowy figure made it’s move.

Bobby never saw or heard the pink snow boot coming his way. For some reason, it was always infinitely more painful when Bobby couldn’t sense a blow coming. So when the women’s size 8 snow boot, sailing through the cold winter air with incredible speed, met Bobby’s frozen, mashed testicles, the result was exquisite agony. Bobby stumbled forward, driving his shovel laden cock, with his full body weight behind it, into the snow bank. Bobby wanted to released a horrific wail, but all that came out was a gasp, as the boot made acquaintance with his balls a second time. A 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th meeting followed shortly thereafter. While not as powerful, these kicks were more precise and more swift, racking one mangled ball at a time, and causing Bobby’s swollen nut meat to jiggle to a sickening rhythm and also inadvertently driving the wooden shovel handle further and further up Bobby’s pee hole.

When the barrage stopped, Bobby could barely breath. His cock-shovel, wedged in the snow bank, was the only thing keeping him from collapsing. His legs trembled and his arms shudder at his side. His posture was reminiscent of some demented post modern sculpture.

?Hi Bobby!? A voice squealed from behind him.

It was Megan, one of the neighbor. She was a shorter girl, two inches shorter than Bobby. She was not fat, but neither could one call her slender. She was a full bodied girl. Breast, hips, waist, butt, legs, in all aspects she big. This didn’t mean she wasn’t attractive. Her body, while curvy, was still appealing. Her face, tan and with an always sweet look about it, was anything if not cute. It was framed by locks of beautiful chestnut brown hair.

In terms of personality, she was always happy and always trying to be helpful. She had taken a personal interest an ?helping? Bobby almost immediately upon moving to the neighborhood. That is why Eve had asked her to be Bobby’s after school tutor two days a week. The only problem with that was that the girl was dumb as bricks.

?Sorry I didn’t make it over today to help with your therapy,? Megan continued in a sickenly sweet voice. ?I was just so busy.?

Bobby whimpered as way of reply.

?I thought you might be upset I didn’t come.? Megan continued. ?So, I just wanted to stop over and say ‘hi’ and let you know I’ll still be over tomorrow to help you in math.?

?Anyways.? Megan said after waiting for a response from Bobby that physically couldn’t come because the whole of his brain had switched over to the task of processing pain, ?I’ll see you tomorrow sweetie.?

As way of parting, Megan blasted Bobby’s mangled nuts one last time and then turn and began to skip back down the street toward home.

How long Bobby remained there, propped up in the snow bank, he didn’t know. Eventually, when the pain had subsided enough, he continued his work, removing the last agonizing shove loads of snow from the driveway. He then stumbled toward the house with the shovel still protruding from his cock, although not so far as it had when he first went outside.

When he entered the door, he was greeted by his sweet mommy, who looked none too pleased. She said nothing and simply pointed to the clock the read 9:03. Bobby wanted to sob, but knowing the would make matters only worse, kept it to a sniffle. He knew his evening wasn’t over yet?


In silence, Eve unwound the bands holding the shovel in Bobby’s cock hole. When the last band came loose, Bobby ejaculated a shovel. Eve then unceremoniously inserted the black plug into Bobby’s member before any mess was made.

?The shovel needs to be cleaned and returned to the garage.? Eve said coldly.

Bobby knew the drill. He picked up the shovel and began working the handle over with his tongue, making sure to lap up every last trace of semen. He then walked the shovel back to the garage, and returned to the front door where his step-mom was waiting for him.

?Listen sweetie,? Eve said in a softer tone. ?I saw you and Megan playing out there. I know she is a sweet girl and I know you just want to play with your friends, but your bedtime is important.?

She paused.

?Mommy has to take a bath,? she continued. ?But then I will visit you in your room.?

Bobby followed Eve upstairs. Eve went into the bathroom and began filling the tub. Bobby went to his room and prepared himself. He dropped down onto all fours on the white carpet, with his knees splayed out as wide as possible, his head facing the radiator, and his butt facing the door. Then he waited. The alarm clock on his nightstand read 9:12.

Despite Megan’s handiwork outside, Bobby’s balls, particularly his right nut, weren’t as swollen as they had been earlier that afternoon. Perhaps that was due to the cold weather his nuts had endured while shoveling, or perhaps they were simply healing. After several years of abused, Bobby had begun to notice that no matter what happened to his massive testicles, no matter how badly they were mashed, mangled, mauled, battered, or beaten, they always recovered within a day or two. His freakish genitals had, over time, adapted to his mother’s therapy.

Even so, that evening Bobby’s testicles were not a pretty sight to behold. Waiting on all fours for Eve, Bobby’s dangling nut meat hung only inches off the ground. As his right nut had suffered the better part of the day’s torments, his gigantic meat sack hung pathetically lopsided, looking as though Bobby had a grapefruit for his left testicle and a small melon for his right. Only adding to the frightful sight was the series of bruises that covered Bobby’s dangling meat. Bobby didn’t bruise easily, but where exceptionally solid blows were dealt, Bobby’s nuts would generally turn dark purple for at least 24 hours. Sometimes, after therapy, the neighbor girls would make Bobby keep his pants down while they examine his mangle nuts. The girls would giggle with each bruise they found, being sure to all jab their fingers deep into throbbing area, while speculating over which assailant had caused the injury. If mommy was wasn’t busy, she often joined them in this game.

The alarm clock read 9:44 when Bobby final heard the bathroom door open. He heard Eve’s soft footsteps as she walked toward his room. Bobby didn’t dare look at her, but from a quick glimpse, out of the corner of his eye, he could tell that she was naked. For reasons Bobby didn’t understand, when in the house, Eve often administered Bobby’s therapy naked.

Whether naked or fully clothed, Eve never let Bobby watch his therapy be administered, that is, except for one time. Last July, on his 18th birthday, after all the guests had left the house, Eve had brought Bobby up to his room and made him sit in a stool positioned against the wall. She had then exited the room, leaving Bobby there. Bobby’s nut pulp, and pulp they were after the day’s festivities, had oozed a third way down the legs of the stool.

Within a minute, Eve had returned absolutely naked. Bobby had sat there with his jaw agape. His step-mom stood before him, her long, dark brown hair running down in curls to her shoulders. Her face, arms, neck, and legs, normally an olive complexion, had been turned chestnut brown in the summer sun. While her face belayed the fact that she was 40, her body that day had looked as though she were 20. The only feature, aside from her face, that had shown any sign of aging were her massive breasts. Bobby, having never seen breast before had assumed they were DD, as he had heard some girl at school say these were the biggest. In fact, Eve carried huge FF breasts. Over the years, they had naturally sagged down to her bellybutton. However, they by no means appeared saggy. Those breasts, with small, dark brown nipples, hanging off of Eve’s chest that night, had look voluptuous.

Below her full breasts, Eve’s stomach had been absolutely flat and narrow, widening only at her hips. Her legs had appeared incredibly muscular that night, with small little cuts pronouncing her powerful calves and thighs. Between her thighs had been the soft lips of an 18 year old girl that glistened with moisture. Above this, to Bobby’s surprise, had been a massive patch of curly brown hair, which Bobby had found glorious. Although, not so glorious as her feet. Eve’s feet were completely white compared with the rest of her body. Her nails had been meticulously painted in a bright, pink shade. They had been flawless and beautiful.

This had all last only a second, before Eve switched off the lights. Bobby had always wondered if what had happened was an accident or one last birthday gift. He had already received several gifts that day from Eve, including a new humbler, a nail gun, a new, more-powerful tazer gun, and size 10 women’s steel toed boots.

In the dark, and outlined only by the light of the moon coming in the window, Eve had begun finishing the task of demolishing the pulp dangling between Bobby’s legs. Over and over again, her shadowy figure had driven those beautiful feet into Bobby’s destroyed nuts, mashing them against the wooden legs of the stool. It was agony, but at the same time, Bobby couldn’t help but stare at the silhouette, at the shaking and jiggling breasts, and especially at the beautiful and deadly feet that made him feel so much pain.

So it had continued for 2 hours and 12 minutes according to the alarm clock, Eve unmercifully pummeling his testicles hundreds, if not thousands, of times. These kicks had been harder and more brutal than anything Bobby had experienced before or since. Yet, somehow, he knew mommy wasn’t kicking her hardest. Bobby had been kicked in the balls by dozens of girls, who all inevitably had to eventually try their hardest, ballblasting kicks. They would sweat, they would grunt, the would miss occasionally (and mercifully), and they would grow tired. During those two hours, Eve never let out a sound, nor did she miss, she had simply proceeded to annihilate Bobby’s mangled nuts in a steady rhythm.

The assault only end when the impact of one of Eve’s blows, driving through Bobby’s nut mush, had broken one of the legs of the stool, sending Bobby tumbling to the floor. Sobbing uncontrollably and trembling all over, Bobby had tried to rise to receive more. He didn’t want to upset mommy. He wanted to please her. He wanted to be dominated by her, despite the utter, excruciating agony. Bobby hadn’t been able to get up that night. Rather than continuing her assault, Eve had picked him up and, cradling his head next to her left breast, had carried him to his bed. Before leaving the room, she had covered him with a blanket, and whispered ?happy birthday.?

That had been the first and last time Bobby had seen Eve, or any other woman, naked. The currently naked Eve was now standing directly behind Bobby, indicating that his punishment was set to begin. Standing 6 foot tall, Eve towered over tiny, little Bobby as he trembled in anticipation.

The opening blow was a good one, sending both of Bobby’s demented nuts slamming against his inner thighs. The following blows, a good three dozen or more, brought about the same effect. Each one brought Eve’s pulled back toes crashing into a different portion of testicle meat. She was probing Bobby’s mangled genitals.

Finally, Eve found an angle she liked, and began raining steady blows down on his right, fleshy melon with the bridge of her foot. How many she delivered Bobby could not say. Despite the pain, Bobby’s cock bucked and strained, red in color and with every vein bulging, in its own agony. Eve’s personal therapy sessions, like no other, seemed to always illicit this response. Bobby thought, that if he could only see those feet, the plug in his pee hole would shoot out like a cork. But there was no release for Bobby, neither for his cock or his balls, as the massacre continued and he did his best to silently endure it, with tears running down his cheeks.

After an untold number of blows, one well place kick to the aching sack of hamburger meat flopping between Bobby’s legs finally broke the proverbial camels back. Bobby collapsed, but rose quickly enough to absorb the next torturous blow. He fell again and rose again, fell again and rose again. Each time he got up quick enough to ensure that Eve’s right foot was able to find his mauled genitals. Over and over and over again, this was played out, until abruptly the blows stopped. Through the tears in his eyes, he read 10:17 on the alarm clock. The torture had ended.

?I’m so sorry mommy!? a barely coherent Bobby blurt out. ?I should never have been late for bed, please forgive me.?

?Your forgiven honey,? Eve responded adding, ?you know mommy loves you.?

With that, Eve unleashed one, last, ferocious kick into Bobby’s sore and badly beaten nut sack. The blow was hard enough to drive Bobby’s nuts under him, so that when Bobby collapsed in shock, his pelvis smashed down on two brutalized orbs of meat. Fighting through the pain, Bobby quickly got back on his badly carpet burned knees, and presented his mangled genitals again to his mommy for any additional treatment.

No kick came. Instead, Eve traced her hand along Bobby’s naked backed and whispered, ?Goodnight dear,? before turning and leaving the room.


It was 7:00 am and Bobby stood at the end of the driveway waiting for a short, yellow school bus. He wore a red jacket and gray sweatpants. Hidden beneath his gray sweat pants, his monstrous cock was firmly strapped to his right leg. His balls, both still extremely swollen from the activities of the previous night, were trapped behind his legs in a black humbler. They had ached horribly when he woke up that morning, and felt infinitely worse when Eve had yanked them upwards between Bobby’s legs and cruelly mashed them between two large pieces of wood. Now, with his every heart beat, Bobby testicles throbbed with pain.

Bobby had only had only begun going to school three months ago. Before this, Eve had taught him at home. Eve had actually done a fairly good job of instructing her step-son, but thought that he lacked socialization. So, in September, she had enrolled him in a nearby private school, the Catherine Bock-Turner Academy. The school was specifically designed for adults, between 18 and 22, who wished to receive a high school diploma. This drew a wide range of students, including high school dropouts, felons, recent immigrants, and those who had had childhood careers that had come in the way of conventional schooling.

Bobby, however, was different from the academy’s other 212 students because Bobby was a boy. The CBT Academy was a girls only school. Bobby only got into the academy because Eve had friends on the board of directors. Bobby was allowed into the school on the condition that he wore clothes, something that Eve had continued to lobby the school board about ever since, claiming that clothing hindered his therapy.

The school bus pulled up at 7:05 am, and Bobby climbed aboard.

?Hey there Bobby,? the bus driver, Liz, said with a grin. ?How are they hanging??

Humiliated as always, Bobby performed the daily ritual of lowering his sweatpants to show Liz his brutalized testicles.

?Someone must have been a bad boy last night,? Liz said with a chuckle. ?Did you upset Mommy??

Bobby was silent as usual, not knowing what to say.

Liz was in her late 20’s with bleach blond hair; she always wore punk attire. She had a pretty face and perky breasts, but otherwise had the body of a teenage boy.

?Well you better get to your place,? Liz said, not waiting for a reply. ?You don’t want to upset Rachel too, I’m not sure your balls could handle it.?

Bobby stumbled down the aisle, and took his typical seat on the bus across from Rachel. Rather than sitting, he laid facedown on the bus seat, with his knees in the aisle. He then proceeded to drop his pants and waited for it to begin.

On Bobby’s first day of school, Eve had come on the bus to introduce him to the bus driver and the four girls that rode the bus. In the front of the bus, she had explained her step-son’s ?condition,? while pulling down his pants, exposing him to the group of awe-struck girls. She told them all that if her ?perverted son? ever bothered them in any way, all they had to do was ?show him who’s boss.? In order to illustrate her point, Eve had then driven her right fist repeatedly into Bobby’s testicles until Bobby collapsed onto the floor of the bus gasping for air.

Eve had then thanked the girls for sharing the bus with her ?sexual deviant of a step-son? and had wished them a good day. Once Eve had gotten off of the bus, it only took moments before the 21 year old Rachel, once convicted of being an accessory in the theft of a car, had summoned him over and initiated the now daily ritual.

Sitting across from him now, Rachel made Eve look small. She must have been at least 6’2, with absolutely huge breast and an even bigger butt. Bobby had always found her face quite beautiful, with her ebony colored skin and curly brown hair.

Behind Rachel sat Inga, a 19 year old, Swedish-born, model. She had blonde hair and a typical models body.

Across from Inga, sat Kelly and Angela, 18 and 20 respectively. They were both shorter than Bobby, with petite builds. Kelly had brown hair, Angela red.

Behind them sat a girl Bobby had never seen before. She was tiny, no taller than 5’0 and quite skinny. She had brown skin and pretty brown eyes. Her eyes were currently bulging out of their sockets as she tried to process what was happening two seats in front of her.

?Hi Sugar,? Rachel said greeting Bobby. ?Looks like that mother of yours did a number on you last night?they look worse than usual.?

And they did. Bulging out from between Bobby’s legs, his entirely purple testicles were covered in a series of dark-purple bruises. Both were swollen, but the right more so, as to make them appear comically lopsided.

?Sometimes I do feel sorry for you,? Rachel continued. ?Perhaps I should give you a break today.?

She turned to the other girls. ?Should we give him a break today??

The response to the question was incredulous laughter from Inga, Kelly and Angela. The girl in the back remained absolutely silent.

?Sorry Bobby,? Rachel said in a teasing voice. ?The crowd has spoken.? And, with that, she began.

Her right fist collided with Bobby’s right testicle and, as it withdrew, her left fist made contact with his left testicle. Her punches were absolutely thunderous, which was hardly surprising given Rachel’s size. They came on methodically, in a one-two rhythm. With each blow, Rachel drove her knuckles further and further into Bobby’s tender nut meat. Trapped in the humbler, Bobby’s aching nuts had nowhere to hide. Each blow mashed the targeted orb of flesh against hard oak wood.

As the strength of the blows increased, it felt to Bobby as though his poor nuts were being split in half, as the meat was being driven with unbelievable force into the wooden bar behind his legs. Bobby response was a series of sobs and screams. His whole body quivered with pain and he eventually bit into rubber bus seat just to achieve some measure of relief. All tolled, it was the typical ride to school.

The girls loved it. The sounds of the massacre were far out weighed by the cheers coming from behind Rachel. Liz was silent as always, but she watched from the rear-view mirror. Through his tears, he noticed that Liz’s pants belt buckle was undone and she was driving with one hand. Bobby didn’t understand this phenomenon, but it occurred fairly often when Rachel went to work.

By the time Rachel was done, both she and Bobby were covered in sweat. Rachel and Inga traded seats, as it was now Inga’s turn to play with Bobby’s pulverized manhood. Inga had the bad habit of being a smoker, and the worse habit (in Bobby’s opinion) of putting her cigarettes out repeatedly on Bobby’s genitals.

Today she was focusing on Bobby’s bulbous cock head. Swelled with blood, it looked like a giant, purple mushroom. She entertained herself by getting her cigarette glowing hot, and then extinguishing it on the base of the head of his member, which Bobby had ironically just learned in his human biology class was called the corona. However, while repeated shrieking and writhing in pain, the irony was lost on him.

?Oh Bobby,? Inga said in a thick accent, ?your just too much fun. What would I do without you??

When Inga had seared a rough pattern into Bobby’s cock that she liked, and after she had been sure to singe his balls a bit with her lighter, she turned what was left of Bobby’s burned and mangled genitals over to Kelly and Angela.

They scratched, squeezed, kneaded, and slapped the rest of the way to school. Bobby moaned softly.

Throughout the whole 37 minute ride, the new girl, seated silently in back, never took her eyes off the torture.

When they arrived at school, the Inga did honors of administering the girls’ farewell, by way of holding her lighter to the tip of Bobby’s prick for at least a dozen seconds, which had the curious effect of causing the boy to sequel like a pig, which all onboard, except Bobby, found very amusing.

When the bus stopped, all of the girls filed out. As the new girl past Bobby, still lying prostrate on the seat, she paused. She waited until the last girl had left the bus and Liz was looking down, and she quickly slapped Bobby’s right testicle, eliciting a soft whimper. She then quickly scurried off the bus.

When they had all left, Bobby managed to stand and pull up his pants. Still in agony, Bobby slowly made his way to the front of the bus.

?Hope you had a pleasant trip,? Liz said with a cruel smile. ?See you this afternoon.?


School had been over for 25 minutes now, and Bobby was back on the bus. He was in his typical seat, in his typical position, with his sweatpants once again at his ankles. At the moment, Rachel’s large, left fist was driven deep into the swollen flesh of Bobby’s gigantic, left testicle.

Her left withdrew, and like a piston, her right fist came hurtling forward, slamming into Bobby’s mangled, right testicle. The incredible power of the blow ensured that Rachel’s fist was forced deep into Bobby’s mashed genital meat. Then the right withdrew, and her left came fly through the air to pulverize Bobby’s trapped, left orb once again. With colossal force, Rachel’s left punch was driven home, causing Bobby’s demented, left testicle to be engulfed in searing pain. And then the left fist was gone, and Rachel’s right was speeding through the air yet again.

Left, right, left, right. So it had begun 20 minutes ago when Bobby had first gotten on the bus, and so it would continue for the next 15 to 20 minutes, unless another girl wanted to take a turn hurting Bobby’s genitals. For the moment though, it appeared that the other girls were content to watch Rachel work on Bobby’s balls, which, trapped in a humbler, continuously jiggled in unison under the onslaught.

Left, right, left, right. Rachel’s blows were even more ferocious than usual. After the abuse Bobby nuts had received in the last 24 hours, his nut meat was nut mush, and it appeared that Rachel intended to turn his nuts into jelly. Left, right, left, right, left, right. School didn’t afford Bobby much chance to recuperate. Granted, school did represent a break from any nut pummeling. However, mommy rigged Bobby’s humbler each day so that his freakish testicles were trapped behind his buttocks. This, in effect, forced Bobby to sit through every class with his full body weight crushing his tortured testicles. It certainly didn’t help Bobby pay attention in class. Left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right. Bobby sometimes tried to count the brutal blows to his genitals as a way to take his mind off the pain. The pain was too much this bus ride. Bobby had lost track in less than 10 minutes at 300-something. Left, right, left. Bobby was reaching the point where the sheer pain he was enduring was sapping the tiny 18 year old of what little strength he had. Right, left, right. Bobby began the bus ride with cries, shrieks, and wails. He was now reduced to a state of moans, whimpers, and quiet sobbing. Left, right, left, right. This wasn’t at all to say that the pain became any easier. If anything, it became worse. Bobby had long ago learned that his ?therapy? had a tenderizing effect on his enormous genitals. Each punch, kick, slap, knee, elbow, stomp, uppercut, and squeeze he was forced to endure only caused his freak-balls to become sore, tender, and swollen, making any additional violence he was forced to suffer all the more painful. Left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right.

Suddenly, the blows stopped. Bobby wondered which girl would be taking Rachel’s place in torturing his genitals. He turned his head, and through tearing eyes saw the new girl with the lovely brown eyes talking with Rachel. Bobby wasn’t surprised. Ever since his genitals had grown to their current freakish proportions, every girl he met wanted to hurt him, and eventually did. Of coarse, Eve encouraged it. She showed Bobby’s massive meat orbs and bulbous cock to every woman she encountered, from the women in her card club to the pizza delivery girl. If the girl in question didn’t immediately want to destroy Bobby’s genitals (or was ?shy? as Eve put it) Eve would show them how it was done with a couple well placed knees to Bobby’s nut meat. It never failed, eventually the girl in question, whom Bobby usually had just met, would be driving blow after agonizing blow into Bobby’s nuts. Now it was the new girl turn to torture him.

The girl spoke softly and Bobby couldn’t hear what she was saying to Rachel.

?I’m Rachel, nice to meet you,? Rachel replied. ?You want to try working ‘em over?? She said pointing to Bobby’s bruised testicle meat. ?Bobby would love it. Wouldn’t you Bobby??

?Yes Ma’am,? Bobby responded as mommy had trained him. ?Please hurt me, as badly as you like.?

The new girl shook her head and Bobby was stunned. She didn’t want to beat his genitals!? But then, the girl showed something to Rachel and the whole bus gasped. Clearly the girl had something else in mind.

?Awesome!? Squealed Kelly.

?That should be fun,? said Liz from the front of the bus. ?Just make sure you hit your target.?

Bobby didn’t have much time to wonder about his fate before Rachel grabbed him and laid him face up on the floor on the bus. She went to sit on his stomach, but the floor of the bus was wet, and she slipped. Her large rear-end slammed down on Bobby’s pelvis region, the impact of which mashed Bobby’s balls, which were currently trapped under him, between his humbler and the floor of the bus.

Bobby wailed and the girls laughed.

?Do it again!? Yelled Angela.

Rachel got off Bobby, stood, and with her left hand holding on to the top of a bus seat for balance, she did a deliberate freefall on Bobby’s pelvis.

Bobby shrieked in utter agony as the testicle pulp under him was mashed with incredible force into the floor of the bus.

She quickly got up and did it again. SLAM! This one was particularly stylistic, done with as much flair as any profession wrestler. Bobby, with his nut meat being horribly mangled, was unable to fully appreciate the spectacle. Instead he was mostly focused on the indescribable pain the utter destruction of his testicles was causing him.

SLAM! Once more. This time Rachel didn’t get up, but instead stayed seated on Bobby’s pelvis. She grabbed the feet of the two bus benches in front of her and pushed up on them with all her might, increasing the force that was causing Bobby’s humbler to flatten the meat underneath it like a pancake. Then, still pushing up the seat legs, she then began twisting her pelvis, grinding Bobby’s mutilated nuts into the floor of the bus.

?Turn them into chunky peanut butter,? exclaimed Inga.

?Actually, I was going for extra smooth,? Rachel said with a smile.

Bobby screamed, caught his breath, screamed again, and then resigned himself to quiet sobbing, as Rachel continued to mangle his testicles.

Eventually, the assault relented, although Rachel remained seated on Bobby’s pelvis. She began untying the binding securing Bobby’s engorged cock-head to his knee. She then undid the other strap connecting Bobby’s thick shaft and thigh. Bobby’s cock was free, and pointed straight at the ceiling. Nobody had ever freed Bobby’s cock beside Eve.

?Holly crap!? Rachel exclaimed, with Bobby’s cock just several inches from her chin.

She then began to take out the enormous anal plug crammed down Bobby’s hole.

Eve said Bobby could never take his plug out, she wouldn’t have him making messes in public. Although Bobby had been taught not to protest, no matter what horrible things were done to him, he was afraid of upsetting mommy by making a mess.

?Mommy?mommy says?I can’t? Bobby began whining in an awkward manner, both due to pain and fear. ?I’ll?I’ll make a mess??

Those were all the words Bobby got out, before Inga planted her shapely ass on Bobby face.

?Well mommy isn’t here now is she little Bobby.? She said in a sickeningly sweet voice that didn’t seem right given that the girls were just moments away from doing yet another horrible thing to Bobby.

Pinned on the floor of the bus with the majority of his face jammed into the white underwear between Inga’s ass cheeks, Bobby could only lay there and wait for whatever new torment was coming. Still, in some strange way, Bobby was excited. His rock hard, monstrous cock belayed this fact, pulsing with his every heart beat, and drooling even more than usual.

Bobby was no masochist. The pain his genitals endured, day in and day out, was horrible. However, as mommy had told him many times, they were made for it. It was Bobby’s duty to suffer, it was what he was good at. The girls in Bobby’s life entertained themselves by beating, mauling, and otherwise mangling Bobby’s gonads, and in some profound way Bobby enjoyed giving them pleasure through his pain. He wanted to suffer for them. He would endure unbearable agony if it amused them. Above all, he would suffer any misery if only to make Eve happy.

The girls were busy preparing him for whatever new agony he was fated to endure. Rachel held his cock firmly at its base. Then his drooling cock hole was stretched as wide as it would go by 4 penetrating fingers.

Bobby was scared, but not as scared as he should have been. Then again, how was he to know that the tiny girl he had only met that morning was about to spray a whole can of mace down his gaping pee hole

Fire! That is what it felt like to poor Bobby. It felt like fire was burning his cock from the inside out, as the girl emptied the can, for over 30 seconds, point blank into Bobby’s urethra. Bobby screamed and screamed and screamed, and continued screaming long past the can being emptied. All his cries were muffled by Inga’s butt. The pain was to intense his whole body began to tremble and shake. He could hear Inga jokingly telling the others how his sobbing had made her underwear sopping wet.

It was about 5 minutes before the burning inside his cock had subsided to a level where Bobby could even form thoughts. The tip still burned horribly and Bobby nuts ached from still being squashed under Rachel’s full weight.

Abruptly Inga and Rachel both got off of Bobby. He used the opportunity to look damaged cock, the head of which looked like a bright read Portobello mushroom, with the hole the middle having a deeper, darker shade. The pain was made worse just by looking at it. On his thighs and all over the floor was a large pool of semen. The little, brown-skinned girl, his tormenter, still stood there holding the can of mace, shaking from excitement and with a great big smile on her face.

?Bobby, what have you done,? Eve’s voiced shouted from the front of the bus.

Bobby looked to the front of the bus, in absolute terror, to find Eve standing there. The bus had arrived at his house and stopped and he hadn’t even know due to his ordeal. Liz was standing next to Eve with a smirk on her face.

?You make me wait for you, and then when I do come on the bus, I find that you’ve made mess of your bus!? Eve was irate.

?I’m sorry mommy, it’s all my fault?? Bobby began.

?Silence,? Eve said in a low harsh voice, ?You and your meat sacks will get over here immediately.?

Bobby got off his back and on to his knees, prying his mashed meatballs off the floor of the bus in the process. He took his penis plug in his mouth and crawled over to Eve on his hands and knees as fast as his pain-wracked body would allow.

?Turn around,? Eve said sternly.

Bobby did as he was commanded and was greeted in turn to the tip of Eve’s boot driving into his the tender flesh of his left testicle. Harder than any punch Rachel could ever deliver, Bobby went sprawling onto the floor of the bus. He quickly and silent got back on his knees to receive the a similarly devastating blow to his right orb, that once again sent him sprawling.

When Bobby had gotten back on his hands and knees, Eve took the penis plug form his mouth and jammed it back in and then undid his humbler. Bobby legs and arms trembled with the pain of blood rushing into Bobby’s now free testicles. Both mangled testicles unceremoniously fell to the bus floor with a thud. They were grossly swollen from the abuse, the size of two small bowling balls. They were covered in bruises, scratches, welts, and, where they had been mashed against the floor of the bus, the imprint of the bus walkway remained along with a great deal of imbedded gravel (the girls giggled when they saw this). Damage aside, they were covered in grime and the wet, grey water that covered the floor of the bus.

?Lay down,? Eve ordered.

Bobby did as he was commanded.

Then in a very sweet voice Eve said to Rachel, ?Would you come over here dear. I could use your help.?

When Rachel reached the front of the bus, Eve told her, ?Step on them please.?

Rachel followed instruction, squashing each of Bobby balls under her winter boots, and for the second time today, Bobby’s manhood was mashed between the floor of the bus and Rachel’s full weight.

?Now clean the bus,? Eve said sternly.

The girls seemed confused, but Bobby knew what he had to do. He was determined not to fail Eve again.

The girls watched in amazement as Bobby slowly pulled himself forward by the legs of the bus seats. The still burning and tender tip of his penis was ground into the floor of the bus by the weight of his sternum. Astonishingly, his gigantic scrotum began to stretch further and further, until Rachel and his squashed balls were well behind his feet. Then even more incredibly, Rachel began to move. Bobby was pulling her along on top of his huge balls, even as they were further ground and pulverized by the floor of the bus. All the while, tears ran down Bobby’s cheeks, but he remained silent.

After several minutes, Bobby reached the mess he made. He began lapping it up like a dog. It burned in his mouth because of the mace, but still he licked up every ounce, along with a fair amount of cold, gray water and gravel. Inga, at one point, put the toes of her bare right foot in front of him, and he licked those too for a minute until she withdrew them.

When Eve was satisfied that the bus was clean, she thanked Rachel for her help and Rachel stepped off the two sacks of mutilated mush that were Bobby’s testicles.

Bobby crawled back to Eve, and Eve asked him, ?Do you have anything to say??

?I’m so sorry I made a mess of the bus,? he said whimpering with shame as he addressed the girls and Liz.

?Well, you’ve gotten into enough trouble for one day,? Eve said with a more jovial voice. ?Why don’t we leash you so you don’t get into any more mischief. Mommy will carry your things. Megan’s inside waiting to start your lessons.?

Bobby slipped off his sopping wet sweatpants from ankles and took off his jacket and shirt and handed them to Eve who already held him humbler. She put a studded, black leather collar around his neck and attached a leash she had in her pocket. She then walked her naked son off the bus, who did his best to crawl after her.

As they crossed the snow covered front yard, the girls watching them out the right side bus windows stared in amazement. Bobby’s pulverized nut mush was so distended from his body, that he was dragging it through the snow just behind his feet. The other effect of Rachel’s full weight stand was that the undersides of Bobby’s mangled testicles matched the grooves on the floor of the bus and were speckled with gravel that had been mashed into his flesh.

?Poor kid,? Rachel said with much more amusement than sympathy.

?Snow probably feels good on his balls,? Inga chuckled.

?I betcha his balls will need a lot more icing before his night is over.? Liz said with a big smile on her face.


Eve traversed the snow covered lawn quickly in her black, leather boots. Bobby, naked except for his collar and leash, did his best to keep up. As he crawled up to the house his enormous dick, the head of which was still fire-hydrant red, wobbled beneath him; his mashed ball-meat dragged behind him in the snow.

Upon reaching the door, Eve dried him off with an old towel, while he remained on all fours.

?Megan’s already here for your lessons,? Eve said. ?Because you dawdled on the bus, your bath will have to wait.?

Once Eve had unhooked his leash and taken off his collar, Bobby crawled into the house. On his hands and knees, he made his way to the kitchen counter where an ever cheerful Megan was seated.

She informed him that he would take a algebra quiz today. Once seated at the counter, Bobby began the quiz, trying his best to ignore his aching genitals. Megan observed him work while Eve sipped wine and watch TV in the adjacent room.

It was a long and difficult quiz, eighty-five questions in total, which was made all the worse by the pounding pain in Bobby’s testicles. After nearly an hour, he finally handed it to Megan to correct.

Bobby thought he had done fairly well, but he watched as Megan began marking one problem after another wrong. It took him a moment before he realized that Megan was grading his algebra quiz using the answer key in his geometry book. Megan was certainly not a bright girl, but this was a new low, even for her.

?Megan,? Bobby began tentatively, ?are you sure your using the right answer key??

Megan didn’t have time to respond before Eve interrupted, ?Did you just question your tutor!??

?Yes, Ma’am,? Bobby responded. ?I’m sorry.?

?Get on the floor,? Eve said sternly.

Once Bobby was prostrate on the floor Eve continued chidingly, ?Oh Bobby, what are we going to do with you??

Her anger was already diminishing, and she was on the verge of telling Bobby to resume his studies, when Bobby answered the rhetorical question.

?I’m sorry I questioned Megan,? Bobby said softly. ?I deserve a time out.?

A look of surprise momentarily crossed Eves face, before she calmly responded, ?I believe your right Bobby. Go to the pantry door.?

Bobby couldn’t believe the words that had left his lips. He crawled to the pantry door and waited. He trembled with fear, but there was also an element of excitement, an undeniable element of excitement. As he waited his excitement only grew, and his freakish dick began throbbing, eventually so violently that it began to slap his stomach. It was then that Bobby realized that mommy’s threat of a time out had become something of a dark fantasy. Eve ignored her son’s wagging member as she went about preparing what was to happen next.

Bobby had been threatened with having a ?time out? numerous times over the years. However, throughout the course of his therapy, the time out remained an unfulfilled threat. The time out, as dreamt up by Eve, was based around their home’s heavy, pantry door. The door was solid oak, and over the years had warped badly, so that you could see into the pantry through a half inch gap between the door and the door frame. The door just barely still locked.

It was only moments before they were ready, although it seemed like an eternity to Bobby. Bobby was on his hands and knees facing away from the door, his mangled balls were securely duct-taped in the frame of the door, and a large, red ball gag was in his mouth (Eve didn’t want to disturb the neighbors).

Eve took hold of the heavy, oak door and called a bewildered Megan over.

?Grab my shoulders dear, and push with all your might when I push.? Eve said.

Megan nodded, finally understanding.

Eve opened the door as wide as it would go. Bobby bit into the plastic ball gag, his body quaking before the onslaught.

?Now!? Eve shouted, as she and Megan slammed the door with all there collective might.

All four of Bobby’s limbs went out from under him as he felt his testicles explode. His vision blurred and he saw stars. His ears even wrung from the pain, but what he didn’t hear was a ‘click.’

Eve opened the door, and without waiting for Bobby to right himself, came at it again, this time with a running start. A second blast detonated in Bobby’s nuts. His vision went black for a moment. This time he heard a click, which reverberated in his brain.

It took several minutes before the pain subsided enough that Bobby could even open his eyes. Through blurry vision, he looked up to see Eve and Megan starring down at him. Delirious with pain, he crawled toward Eve. He wanted to lick her beautiful, bare feet. Through unimaginable agony, he pulled against his crush manhood to reach his desire. Just as the tip of his tongue touched Eve’s large toe, his step-mother withdrew her foot.

?Your in time out for 15 minutes, mister,? Eve said softly, as she reached down and ruffled Bobby’s hair.

Eve and Megan returned to the kitchen counter. Eve sipped her wine and Megan finished correcting Bobby’s algebra test using the geometry book.

With the last of his strength, Bobby turned around to look at the pantry door. Each of Bobby’s tender testicle had been absolutely flattened by the door. Eve had done a good job of position his balls so that the door came down in the middle of each already pulverized orb. The scene was grotesque. Half of each mutilated nut, deep purple in color, bulged out from the frame of the door.

Bobby turned away from the scene and collapsed, sprawled out on the linoleum floor?


Bobby lay spread eagle on the floor, the entirety of his mind and body consumed in a world of pain. His bulbous, red cock-head, filled with the black anal-plug, protruded out from under his left side, several inches below his ribs. The rest of the massive shaft below him still continued to twitch rhythmically, though with less fervor.

He couldn’t reason, he couldn’t speak, he couldn’t move. He starred blankly backward, past his tautly stretched scrotum, at the huge globules of nut mush bulging from frame of the door. They were the very picture of pain, covered with dark bruises, swelling with veins, and turning an ever darker shades of purple as the minutes past.

He was in hell, and yet, in some way, he was also in heaven. After a while, thoughts began to form. His mind began to recall all the horrible things done to him in the past 48 hours, all the suffering he had been made to endure. His cock began twitching all the more rapidly.

After what seemed liked years, Eve walked over to him.

?Well,? She began. ?That was fifteen minutes. Did you learn your lesson??

?Ymmmphh,? he said into his ball gag.

?Good,? Eve responded. ?You can be done with your time out then.?

She abruptly opened the door, sending fresh blood and pain cascading into his testicles. She then ripped the duct-tape off, freeing them from the door frame. The plopped to the ground. Megan came over, and for a moment Bobby and the two women stared in amazement at Bobby’s aching nut-pulp.

Although it seemed hardly possible, Bobby’s balls were even more swollen than before. After Bobby’s experience with the pantry door, his testicles could no longer even be considered spherical in shape. They bulged in strange dimensions, and were covered with innumerable bruises along with some painful looking wooden splinters.

?Now Bobby,? Eve started in. ?There is still the matter of your test. What did he get, Megan??

?A zero percent,? Megan replied. ?I’m very disappointed.?

?As am I,? said Eve. ?Now typically we would do corrections, but given the circumstances I would be willing to allow you a redo.?

Eve was allowing him a chance out.

Bobby began to sob. He couldn’t take any more, he just couldn’t. But, at the same time, he didn’t want to fail Eve. He had been so bad recently. He had missed his bedtime curfew yesterday and made a mess of the bus this afternoon. He just couldn’t disappoint her again.

Eve reached down and removed his ball-gag to hear his answer.

?I, I,? Bobby stuttered, tears still rolling down his eyes. ?I want to do my corrections.?

?I’m proud of you Bobby,? Eve said with a smile, not even reprimanding him for crying. ?Go fetch the correction table.?

Bobby staggered to his feet, barely able to remain standing. Still sniveling, he waddled into the living room, wincing every time the swaying bag of hamburger meat between his legs hit one of his knees. He removed the lamp from the end table. The table was made from a section of a large pine tree they had cut down several years past. Aside from varnishing it, nothing else had been done to the tree trunk.

The table was heavy, and it was only with the greatest difficulty that Bobby, in his weakened state, carried it back into the kitchen. He sat down in a dinning chair near the table and raised his brutalized testicles onto the tree-trunk table. Mommy duct-taped his scrotum, behind his balls, firmly to the table. His testicles were trapped there, for better or worse, and it was always for the worse.

Corrections were a simple. Megan had written the correct answers on his test. She would hold the test in front of him and read each question he got wrong again, Bobby would just repeat the correct answer. At the point of saying the correct answer, mommy would reinforce the concept on Bobby. If Bobby got above a 90, mommy typically used a metal ruler as her reinforcement tool. 80 or above and mommy switched to a small, metal hammer. Bobby had never gotten below an 80, so as he watched Eve walk away, he had no clue what implement she was fetching. He prayed it was the ruler, his tender, swollen, extremely sensitive balls just couldn’t handle 85 blows from a metal hammer.

Mommy returned moments later, but not with the hammer. Instead she emerged from the garage with a black-head, bleached-wood-handle, 40 ounce rubber mallet. At the sight of the monstrosity, Bobby once again began sobbing. Little sound left his lips, but his body shook from terror.

?Aren’t you excited Bobby?? Megan said, with a sweet smile on her face. ?This will be a new learning experience!?

The sad part was, Megan wasn’t being facetious. She just wanted to be a good tutor and for Bobby to have fun.

So they began. Megan seated in front of him, holding the test with the false answers, and Eve standing to his right.

?4x+1=13,? Megan asked.
?37 degrees,? Bobby said, reading the false ?correct? answer.

The mallet traveled fiercely downward from the height of Eve’s head to find the trapped ball flesh below. The testicle meat in the impact zone was splattered flat beneath the blow.

Bobby shrieked.

?Shhh,? Eve reprimanded him. ?If you make a fuss we will just have to repeat the question.?

?4x+1=13,? Megan repeated.
?37 degrees.?

A different portion of Bobby’s manhood was crushed flat between rubber-encased metal and wood.

Bobby gasped for air, but remained quiet.

?111 degrees.?

Another piece of trapped genital mush was further pulverized.

?An acute angle,? Bobby whimpered softly.

SPLAT, SPLAT, SPLUT! Three new lumps began to form on Bobby’s testicles.

?Speak up Bobby, we can’t hear you.? Mommy said impatiently, then adding, ?Megan, please repeat the question.?

?An acute angle,? Bobby responded in the strongest voice he could muster knowing full well what would happen next to his mangled genitals.

SMACK! An extra hard blow drove through his meat to the wood below.

So it continued until on question 43 the indescribable agony of having his nuts reduced to paste, caused Bobby to pass out.

Eve was no stranger to this, and she soon returned with another teaching implement used primarily in the instruction of cattle. She touched the instrument’s two prongs to the tip of Bobby’s ragging cock, and push the button. Bobby awoke with a wail, as 20,000 volts of electricity coursed through his cock, frying his huge, raging member.

?Here,? Eve said with a sweet smile, handing the cattle prod to Megan. ?If Bobby gets sleepy again, you know what to do.?

Bobby did indeed get sleepy again after problem 52, and after a particularly nut-mashingly brutal blow accompanying problem 55.

?Hmm,? Eve said, after Megan electrocuted Bobby for the third time. ?He really is a sleepyhead tonight. Perhaps it will work better from the inside.?

?Don’t make a mess now,? Eve said, as she removed Bobby’s penis plug.

Goo immediately began to rise from Bobby’s hole. With no other recourse, Bobby began to slurp it up with his mouth. From years of foreign objects being crammed into his urethra, Bobby’s hole was slightly larger than his mouth. So between questions he was force to put his mouth in the hole to lap up his own semen, which came out in a continuous flow.

?Parallelogram,? Bobby said, raising his head from his pee hole, his face covered in slime.

He was rewarded with a crushing blow to his right testicle by a heavy instrument designed for industrial work.

Bobby got sleepy again around problem 63. Megan, being a good tutor, knew what to do. The pronged instrument was inserted several inches into his tortured penis, and Megan pulled the trigger, four times. The first to wake Bobby, the other three because she liked the ?funny face? he made when she did it.

For the now almost completely delirious Bobby, the last 20 or so problems were an almost continuous series of SLURP, SPLAT, SIZZLE. It’s not that Bobby passed out that much. Megan just liked to play with her new toy, setting it off at different depths of Bobby’s enormous dong. Eve had no complaints.

?Ok, question 85,? Megan said with glee. ?3x+4y+15z=32?
?A square,? Bobby sobbed.

?Good job!? Megan squealed. ?You did such a good job you deserve fireworks!?

?SIZZLE, SIZZLE, SIZZLE, SIZZLE,? the prod said, as Megan touched it to various parts of Bobby’s massacred cock and balls.

Eve, not usually one for silly play, decided to join the celebration anyway. After all, the mallet was rubber.


At that moment the doorbell rang. Still convulsing in pain, Bobby looked down to find his testicles had been turned into huge, fat flesh-pancakes covered in lumps.

?Bobby,? Eve said, entering the kitchen again. ?Your friends are outside. I can’t believe we totally forgot about your therapy. I’m so sorry I forgot, you’ve probably been looking forward to seeing your friends all day.?

Bobby moaned softly as he felt his traitorous dick wiggle with excitement, even as he continued to lap up the mess of the organ that only moments ago had been turned into a semiconductor.


Dr. Amy Lee stopped in the front of the last door in the hallway. She looked at her clipboard, a standard physical; one Bobby Black. This would be her last patient of the day. Then she could go home and relax.

She gave a polite knock on the exam room door before entering. A boy, along with a woman, who was probably his mother, were waiting in the room. The woman, seated in a chair by the wall, looked normal enough. She was a tall, attractive woman and looked to be in her late 30’s by Amy’s reckoning. The boy, standing in the middle of the room, looked normal enough too, except for the fact that he was wearing a large trench coat. He was much shorter than his mother, standing only slightly taller than Amy.

?Hello,? Amy greeted them. ?What can I do for you today??

The boy only smiled at her, letting his mother speak.

?Nice to meet you, I’m Eve and this is my step-son Bobby.? The woman replied. ?Bobby’s old physician changed practices, so were looking for a new doctor for Bobby.?

?Well that sounds just great,? she responded, looking at the boy. ?I’d be happy to take you on as a patient, that is assuming your comfortable with a female doctor. Otherwise, I know of male doctor here at the clinic currently taking patients.?

Amy could only imagine how uncomfortable it would be for the poor boy to have a physical by a doctor less than 10 years older than him.

?No, Bobby would be happy to have you for his doctor,? the mother answered for the boy once again.

?Um, ok,? Amy said. ?Well if you’re my new patient, we might as well begin with your physical. You can start by taking off your coat, you must be warm in here.?

?Yes, ma’am,? the boy answered, speaking for the first time.

He undid the coat belt and only then did Amy realize that the boy was, except for socks and shoes, completely naked underneath. He took the coat off, and handed it to his mother and stood naked in the middle of the room.

Amy’s mouth hung open. Not only was the boy completely naked, he was fully aroused, and had freakishly large genitals. He penis had to be almost a foot and a half long with matching girth. Big veins bulged all along on the shaft. His testicles hung nearly halfway to his knees and were the size of two baseballs.

Amy tried to be professional, but when the boy turned to face her and she saw the large, black object inserted into his urethra, stretching it to an incredible size, she lost her composure.

?Oh my goodness,? she exclaimed.

?Are you comfortable being my step-sons doctor?? The woman asked kindly.

This would be the time for her to ask the boy to dress and leave. She paused. To her surprise, she could feel that her panties were slightly wet.

?Yes, of course.?

?Good, I’m glad? the woman said with a smile. ?I know my son’s condition can be disturbing.?

Her son had no condition. This wasn’t a case of elephantiasis or any other medical disease. The boy was simple one in a billion, if not one in 6.7 billion. He was certainly a freak of nature, but he wasn’t sick. However, she wasn’t going to argue with the woman.

?No worries,? she said giving both son and mother a smile. ?Let’s start the examine.?

She had the boy take a seat on the examine table. She ignored the increased throbbing in the boy’s massive member as she approached, and began the otherwise standard procedure, taking care not to accidentally bump into his penis.

After all the normal procedures were complete, it came time to check the boy’s testes.

She slowly began to reach down when Eve spoke, ?There usually much larger when Bobby here is under regular therapy. His regime has been suspended the past 3 weeks because of a special event tonight.?

?Therapy?? Amy asked, somewhat perplexed.

?Oh yes,? Eve responded. ?Concussion therapy, acupuncture, electro-shock, heat therapy, and other such treatments.?

?Concussion therapy?? Amy asked, now totally confused.

?Perhaps it would be best if I showed you,? said Eve.

With that, the tall woman stood up, drew her fist back, and proceeded to slam her son directly in the testicles.

For the second time that day, Amy’s mouth was agape. She waited for the boy to fall to the floor clutching his balls, but he didn’t. Although his face was the very picture of pain, instead of trying to protect his genitals, he spread his legs wider and thrust his pelvis out, allowing his step-mother blast his balls three more times.

?Generally I try to do one to two hours of therapy with Bobby a day,? the boy’s step-mother continued as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. ?However, as I mentioned, for the past three weeks Bobby has been out of therapy. He has an important school function tonight, and as vital as his therapy is to his health, it can be very taxing. Normally though, when undergoing therapy, his testicles are significantly larger.?

She paused a moment before adding, ?Like grapefruits usually.? She then smiled while showing the rough dimensions with her hands.

?I?I see,? Amy stuttered. ?Excuse me.?

She left the room without saying another word. Her legs shook as she crossed the hallway to her office. She locked her office door, and slumped into her chair. She had a explosive orgasm before she could even unbutton her pants, followed by another three with the aide of two fingers.

She sat slumped in the chair still trembling slightly. She wanted this she realized. She wanted it so badly. She wanted to be this boys doctor. Something inside her wanted to inflict untold, horrible and perverse tortures on the boy sitting in the waiting room. Could she though? She was after all a doctor.

She got up and zipped her pants. She grabbed a random clipboard from her office as way of explaining her absence.

She entered the room again. It wasn’t a dream. The naked, 18-year old freak of nature still sat butt naked on the exam table.

?Sorry about that,? she said, pretending look down in a meaningful way at the clipboard in her hands. ?Let’s continue with the exam.?

She approached Bobby, attempting to look like a confident, medical professional, but really nervous as a school girl.

Bobby’s straining cock began to wag.

She reached down and took one enormous testicle in each hand. Her tiny hands barely fit around half of each nut. She began to feel, message, and gently squeeze the orbs. Nervousness gave way to pleasure, as she spent the next 5 full minutes fondling the boy while trying not to smile too much. She was like a little girl at Christmas who had just gotten the two most exciting toys.

Amazingly, despite all the apparent trauma these organs had endured, there wasn’t a thing wrong with them. No swelling, no scar tissue, no lumps. Just two healthy, ridiculously bulbous testicles.

?I’d like to do some X-rays,? she said as she let go of Bobby’s nuts.

A lie.

?Oh,? said the mother. ?Nothing serious I hope.?

?No, no, your sons fine. Just standard procedure.?

Amy turned to Bobby. ?You should probably put your coat back on,? she said with a smile. She didn’t want to give any old ladies in the waiting room a heart attack.

Amy and Bobby traversed the clinic to the X-ray room. Eve remained behind, just as Amy had hoped.

Amy opened the door to the X-ray room, and ushered Bobby in, telling him to wait in there for her?without his coat.

Looking both ways to make sure no one was coming, she undid her ponytail, and unbuttoned the top three buttons of her shirt, exposing her modest cleavage. In med-school she had always been ?the hot Asian girl all the guys wanted to get with.? Hopefully that would help her here.

She entered and instructed Bobby to have seat on the X-ray machine.

?Bobby, I lied,? she began. ?You don’t need X-rays.

She slid her left hand under his cock head, causing his whole gigantic penis to start twitching slightly.

?I just want to hurt you.?

Although it seemed hardly possible, at these words his member bulged even more and began to flop up and down.

A good sign.

?Yes, ma’am,? the boy responded, grabbing himself by the base of the balls and stretching his enormous nuts away from his body.

It took Amy a moment to realize that the boy sitting in front of her was offering to hold his own tender testicles in place so that she could more easily pummel them.

?It’s not that simple Bobby,? she said, beginning to run her nails gently along the underside of the length of his cock. ?I’m a doctor. I took an oath to do no harm.?

She paused, and with one swift motion yanked the plug out of the boy’s cock while continuing with the other hand to trace her fingers along his urethra. Somewhat to her surprise, his hole instantly began to ooze.

?So, what I need to know is,? she continued, ?do you need pain??

?Mommy says?? the boy began.

?I don’t care what Mommy says,? Amy said sharply, as she began massage the boy’s cock head using his own semen as lubricant. ?I want to know if YOU need pain.

The boy’s face began to turn red. He was ashamed of the answer. For some reason, even this poor boy’s humiliation aroused her, so she continued the attack.

?Huh? Do you like it when mommy beats those huge balls of yours??

?You do, don’t you??

?And what about when your grapefruits here aren’t being battered to pulp? I bet you daydream about it.?

?Hmm? Is that why your cock is so hard? You can’t stop imaging your own mother beating your balls raw? That’s all you think about isn’t it you little pervert??

She paused, and looked him in the eye, ?What about me Bobby? You’ve only known me thirty minutes. What sick fantasy do you have about me??

The boy’s face and cock were now the same shade of red. She stopped rubbing slime around his cockhead, and instead started probing his hole with two fingers. Her left hand started gently tugging at his huge balls, one at a time.

?Do I scramble your eggs with my knee?? She continued.

?Or, seeing as I am a doctor, do maybe shove needles into nuts?perhaps in some clinical trial on the use of placebos in pain management??

Two fingers were fitting comfortably, so she went with three.

?How many needles do I mercilessly drive into your balls? How large are they? Do I shove some all the way through your balls, completely skewering those giant orbs? Do I save the two largest needles for last, and make you insert them yourself while I watch??

She was now vigorously fingerfucking him, pumping her fingers furiously into the boy’s hole, all the way to the knuckle.

?Maybe I need to call a consult?a busty blonde doctor. She recommends even more needles. Do we keep driving metal bits into your tender nut meat until you look like a porcupine??

She withdrew her fingers and inserted her tongue and then her whole mouth. With her two free hands she vigorously tugged at the boy’s balls, like she was milking a cow.

The boy’s face was scarlet and his member was as hard as marble. He was biting his lower lip in pleasure.

She continued for about 5 minutes, before looking up, her face and his member both completely drenched in sticky goo,

She locked eyes with him and in a low sultry voice asked, ?Is that what you want? Because, if I’m your doctor I will prescribe pain?an incredible amount of pain. So, do you want me as your doctor? Do you need what I offer??

?Yes,? the boy whispered.

?Beg me,? she whispered back. ?Beg me to hurt you.?

?Please hurt me,? he obediently responded.

?Good boy,? she said as she rammed the giant rubber stopper back up into his gapping pee hole.

At this the penis arced up, almost hitting the boy in his own face. It came back down and proceeded to throb violently. It was almost purple in color, every inch covered with veins. It was much larger than it had been in the waiting room, bulging to dimensions she would have never thought possible. He had likely only been seconds from orgasm she realized suddenly.

She look at his face. It was still bright red with shame and tears were trickling down from his eyes, tears of frustration and longing.

This realization was too much for Amy, and much to her surprise, she began to come right there in front of the boy. She came harder than she had even in her office.

?I’m sorry?Bobby?? she said between high pitched moans, ?as your doctor?I can’t? recommend an orgasm?at this time.?

She paused, riding out the last stages of her orgasm.

?For you at least,? she added with a big smile.

?Now put your coat back on sweetie,? she continued, wiping semen from her mouth and buttoning her shirt. ?We are going back to the exam room.?

They traversed the halls, coming back to the exam room where Eve was waiting.

?Everything alright I hope?? Eve asked.

?Yes, of course,? Amy replied.

?I was wondering,? Amy continued, ?if, given all the stress your son’s condition causes you, it would be helpful for me to make home visits??

?You’d be willing to do that for Bobby?? Eve asked, pleasantly surprised.

?Yes of course, it would be my pleasure,? said Amy. ?Given his condition, I’d want to make visits at least once a week.?

?Also,? she went on, ?is the event you mentioned tonight a form of therapy??

?Yes,? Eve responded. ?It should be some very intense group therapy.?

Amy could see Bobby’s raging member begin to twitch out of the corner of her eye and had to stop herself from laughing.

?Could you send a videotape of the proceedings to me?? she asked. ?So that I can better understand his current regimen.?

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Your girlfriend, megan, finally convinced you to enter the competitions shes been watching on the internet. There are multiple types of games, almost all of them involving some form of ballbusting or cuntbusting. You remember watching a few with her where the girls and guys got turns kicking each other in the crotch, and the first one to fall down had to recieve 3 kicks from the opponent. You didnt really know the rules, but she seemed really excited to go. What you didnt expect was a 3 week at...

4 years ago
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Ballbusting fight

It's 4:30 P.M. And you are packing your bags, getting ready to go home. Most of the students had already left, and being a slow packer, (and a klutz) you are one of the last one to stay in the classroom. Wanting to catch up to your jackass friends that didn't wait for you, you hurriedly run to the door... Only to trip over a bag. You faceplant on the floor. You look up and see a girl glaring at you, who snatches the bag away from you. It's Sarah Johnson, an attractive girl with smoking hot...

2 years ago
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Ballbusting Wrestling

You are sitting in your apartment with your beautiful girlfriend, Kara. She's 5' 5", slender build, C-Cup boobs, and a nice firm ass. She's a natural Brunette, with glowing Amber eyes, which compliment her sun-tanned skin. It's a fairly cool summer's day and the two of you are cuddled on your couch in your underwear, picking through Netflix hoping to find something worth a shit. After a while she sits up right and says "You know what would be fun? If we wrestled". You look at her and say "Like,...

4 years ago
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ballbusting Batgirl

Una notte come tante a Gotham City. Le strade sono quasi deserte, il vento trascina lungo i marciapiedi fogli di carta e la pioggia sottile cade sull'asfalto. Dall'alto dei tetti Batgirl osserva la situazione. Quattro rapinatori hanno disattivato l'allarme della gioielleria e sabotato il sistema di sorveglianza e stanno forzando la porta principale indisturbati. Ci sanno fare, ma gli occhi attenti della nostra eroina li hanno colti in flagrante.

2 years ago
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Ballbusting Bitches

Throughout this story we will explore a group of girls and their ballbusting exploits. Feel free to add new characters if you wish, though if they are part of the main cast you are heavily encouraged to give them a backstory. Nothing too in depth if thats not your thing but just a brief rundown of how they fit into things. Above all, have fun! Once upon a time in the early 21st Century, there was a group of girls, and these girls all had one thing in common. Their love/hatred for balls. No...

3 years ago
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Cuntbusting Royale

You as a girl have been entered into the annual cuntbust royale. You have to try to survive without getiing your boobs, clit, or ovaries busted. Fight all the other girls until you are the last one standing! You walk into the dropship that will take you to the arena. You and everyone else are dressed in nothing but bikinis and lacey underwear. You eye up the other contendors as the plane begins to fly over the ground below. Everyone puts on a parachute and jump off bit by bit to different parts...

3 years ago
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Ballbusting vs Cuntbusting

Somehow you spent all Saturday long researching Trajan. You’d planned to just find a few sources and type up a few paragraphs, but somehow you couldn’t stop yourself. As the paragraphs turned to pages, the day turned to night. You look around the library, surprised to see the once-filled chairs suddenly empty. Or maybe not so suddenly. Between trying to type an eloquent enough paper to impress Charlotte and daydreaming about her, you didn’t really pay much attention to your surroundings. Oh...

3 years ago
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Ballbusting campus

Sei un giovane studente di medicina ed abiti in un campus universitario popolato, ad eccezione tua, da sole donne. è una calda giornata di maggio, indossi una maglietta e un pantaloncino leggero che lascia perfettamente trasparire la voluminosità delle tue gonadi. L'afa è tanta che non riesci a portare neanche le mutande, e i tuoi testicoli grossi come uova pendono pesanti nello scroto quasi oltre la gamba del vostro corto indumento Dopo lo studio pomeridiano, finito più presto del solito,...

3 years ago
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Ballbusting Betty Boop

Hi everyone! I'm your old pal Betty Boop. Lately I've been getting into situations where I have to bust a fella's balls. Why just last week I had to kick my landlord in the scrotum three times. Once for squeezing my boobs and twice for pinching my fanny. I kicked him with my high heel pumps, my high heel sandals and barefoot. Some guys just don't take no for an answer. I've had several jobs that I got fired from. Not because I was doing a bad job but because I crushed the nuts of bosses, co-...

1 year ago
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Ballbusting Arena

!!! NOTE !!! One of the endings has now been completed! Any guys or girls out there can message me new ideas for encounters or another ending. Let me know and I will write it in. There are still a few paths to take! WARNING: this contains some intense ballbusting. Prepare your nuts. BACKGROUND: In the near future, the world is dominated by women. Men are subjugated to work as slaves for them until they hit 21. At that point men have the choice to enter The Arena. If you make it through then...

1 year ago
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Cuntbusting historia

Había una chica guapa, con pelo lacio y largo, ella tenía 21 años media 1.55. Hibamos a una clase de natación que estaba cerca a mi casa. Un día cuando estaban terminado las clases ella se me acerca y me dice "puedo dejar que abuses de mi pero tendrás que darme algo a cambio" Se acercó tanto a mi que vi su vagina, con ese bikini que le quedaba excelente, ella se dio cuenta que estaba viendo su vagina y agarro mi mano y la llevó a su vagina. Ella me dijo que podía apretarla, yo procedí ah...

1 year ago
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Bobby Linda

Linda Stevens sighed in disgust. Another lousy weekday afternoon with nothing to do. She stared into her bathroom mirror and saw a reasonably attractive 39 year old woman staring back. Not bad, she thought to herself, a few wrinkles around the eyes and a few gray hairs, but otherwise I look fine. I wonder if I should dye my hair to hide the gray. No, she thought, it would just look fake and besides her brownish-blonde shade blended well with the occasional gray hair and it didn't look bad...

4 years ago
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Bobbi and David Plus One

Bobbi identifies as a lesbian – not the kind who is mostly into girls but can be tricked every now and then - but 100% pure lesbian. She just doesn’t find men attractive in the least – not even her best friend, David. David, on the other hand, finds Bobbi to be just about the hottest woman he has ever met, which by most people’s standards she certainly is. He came in to this marriage knowing the score, as did she, and they both feel free to go get some sex on the side whenever the urge...

3 years ago
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Tommy and Bobbie

As a teenager, sometimes I wished I could go for an entire day without thinking about doing it. From the time I discovered that orgasms felt good, I seemed as if I thought of nothing else but doing it with a girl. I discovered that girls liked to go out on dates with guys, but contrary to the things I heard from some of the older guys, they weren't ready to fall into the back seat of the car after a movie and a Coke. It wasn't for lack of my trying! I heard two seniors talking about...

3 years ago
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Bobby gets drunk and dresses like a girl

In high school young Ed caused a scandal when he got caught fucking the female girl’s gym teacher. She was madly in love with Ed and his fantastic ability with his hormone charged young cock. Her husband was boring and a self-centered lover. Ed, on the other hand knew how to take time and please her. After she came a number of times on his cock he then ate her cunt and gave her more orgasms. At this point he was only 16 years old. His wealthy parents sent him to a private school in...

3 years ago
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Henry and Bobby Go To The Mall Part 2

Ilene Curtis and her assistant, Felicia, gladly struggled with the loads of clothing and shoes in their arms as they made their way to the nearest checkout register. The lady they were serving was strange, to say the least, but she was shopping with total abandon. That meant a sizable commission for both Ilene, the store manager, and her attractive salesgirl. Upon reaching their destination, the women began ringing up the peculiar shopper's purchases. It took the saleswomen several...

4 years ago
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The Secret Sex Life Of Bobbi Lim Chapter 2

The Secret Sex Life Of Bobbi Lim: The Petite Asian Lover "Dedicated to one of the sexiest and sweetest women I have ever met: a tiny Asian-American who launched a thousand obsessions and countless fantasies. Sometimes she is slut, but she is always, always a saint." Chapter Two: "Chip Off The Old Block" It was a sunny morning as Bobbi cruised down the 405 on her way to Laguna Niguel. It was ultra-early for Bobbi but she was actually looking forward to a quiet weekend at the ocean front mansion...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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A story of my night dreamme as Bobby 4

After the double helping of his mother's magical hand jobs the night before Bobby slept like a rock.The following day was the weekend so they both slept in late and when he awoke he saw sunlight steaming in through the window and his mom pulling the d****s back ."Finally awake sleepy head? It's such a lovely day I thought you might like a trip to the beach?"He stifled a yawn as he peered bleary eyed at his beautiful mom in her revealing negligee. No matter how many times he saw her in her...

2 years ago
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Its Curlers For Bobby

It was a Friday afternoon on an autumn day in the early 1980s. Bobby was home from school awaiting his mother's arrival, which typically occurred in the late afternoon after dropping off his older sister at dance class. During the interval, he normally played outside with his friends, hung out at a friend's house, read a book, watched television, played Ms. Pacman, Centipede or pinball at the local arcade, or any number of activities typical of an early middle school student of that...

2 years ago
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The Temptation of Bobby

Now, a year later, they were still together, but things had taken a turn for the worst financially when Jennifer lost her job because of cut backs. They couldn’t afford the apartment that they were living in downtown, so they needed a roommate. His younger brother Bobby was looking for a place to stay and Tobey decided what the hell, he should help a brother out, right? Tobey was a bit nervous about his brother moving in with them because over the years his brother had always been...

3 years ago
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Bobby and Steves Anal Adventure

Bobby's Mother asked me to spend the weekend babysitting him. "Hells Bells! The boy's thirteen years old,Kayla. He doesn't need anyone to watch him!" I said into the phone. "You're one of his best friends,AND You KNOW he steals our booze every chance he gets! Do You Want him to die from alcohol poisoning while we're gone?" So,from that Friday night till the next Monday evening Bobby and I were to hang out together.I have known Bobby all his life. He's a great k**. He is slender,short,has blond...

3 years ago
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Hey Bobby

Hey Bobby! ? by: Mary Beth Sanford Fact from Fiction: When I was still slightly confused over this fetish I have I chanced a couple of sessions with a therapist. My attempt then was to rid myself of such things. Meanwhile I was still doing what I did and obviously liking it. Of course I'd heard of dominates and those few professionals that babied but never dared visit one. After all, I was trying to rid myself of such things. Until of course I did dare and did visit one....

3 years ago
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Feminizing Bobby Pt 2

The morning sun streaming through the kitchen windows beside her rendered the thin, billowy fabric of Linda's yellow, baby doll nightie practically transparent. It was no accident that as she vigorously stirred a bowl of pancake batter, the shape of her huge breasts and rock-hard nipples were clearly visible to her young son, Bobby. The twelve year old sat just a few feet away wearing a pink cotton nightshirt she had bought for him. The nails on his fingers and toes were painted a shade...

4 years ago
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Bobby to BobbieChapter 4

Normally, it would take someone months to create an intricate Cosplay outfit for a convention. Bobbie was lucky. How many people had access to a fully equipped workshop and laboratory, and a genius big sister to help out? In two weeks, she was fully prepared. The young woman stretched her arms out while looking in the mirror. "How do I look?" she asked Her sister grinned. "The molecular chain I came up with for the basis of my experimental non-pressurized vacuum suit worked out just...

3 years ago
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Bobbie the Bimbo Part 1

This is a work of fiction presented as simple entertainment for the reader. The characters portrayed here are entirely fictitious and should they resemble any actually persons, either living or dead, it is purely coincidental. The themes presented in this story are of an adult nature featuring but not limited to sex, lesbianism, homosexuality, transgenderism, domination, etc. Should such topics offend the reader, them please go else where for your entertainment as you will not like...

2 years ago
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Transforming Bobbie

Transforming Bobbie It was a typical Monday morning. I woke up, showered, dressed for work and had a glass of orange juice. Everything was fine and then suddenly I felt a "pop" in my lower back followed by a great deal of pain. It was not the first time my back had gone "out" but it was by far the worst time. I called in sick. Then I tried to sit or lay or find some way to ease the pain, but there was no position which would give me any relief. My wife Mary came downstairs. ...

2 years ago
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A story of one of my night dreams am Me as Bobby

Over the next few days, Bobby and his mother settled into a routine. Every morning she would wake him for his shower, and he would feign sleep for as long as he could so he could view her magnificent hanging breasts as they swayed in her neglige. Bobby came to realise that her nightwear must have been bought for her by his dad as all her outfits were silky and featured low necklines that showed off as much of her breasts as possible. Today's outfit was red and lacy and hung particularly low at...

3 years ago
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Educating Bobby and Debbie

Chapter ONE My fourteen year old son Bobby has been seeing a fourteen year old girl named Debbie, for the last few months. One night I was getting a light bulb from the closet in the hall outside his bedroom door. I heard Bobby and Debbie talking about trying sex, but they were both virgins, and didn't know how to begin or what to do. I knocked on his door and stepped in. I told them I had over heard their conversation. I told them I was not angry with the and they were not in any...

4 years ago
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The title of this story isn't really accurate as I wasn't fucking Uncle Bobby see Uncle Bobby was fucking me! He wasn't really my uncle he was just my mother's boyfriend but he lived with us so it was kind of like he was my Dad I really like him a lot he gave me lots of attention and took me places and gave me money for doing chores for him he really was a good guy! He had a boat and it was a nice one too he kept it docked at the Marina and one weekend he asked me if I wanted to go fishing...

1 year ago
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The Training of Bobbi

This story is copyrighted. Please contact [email protected] prior to use. Thank you. Part 1 Chapter 1 I knew it would be tough to be married to a wrestler, what with the hectic schedules and the traveling and all. But I never knew it would be anything like this. Who could have even imagined? My opportunity to marry Mary the Mauler came through one of those mailings where I could win a jackpot. I always fill those things out. I actually won a TV once. This advertisement and...

1 year ago
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Bobby to BobbieChapter 2

Ear pressed against a water glass held tight to the bedroom door, Wendy laughed when she heard Bobbie's little fib about never again! She stuck out her hand. "I told you! There isn't a guy on Earth who could resist going for a little 'test drive' if he ended up in Bobbie's shoes! Now pay up!" With a sigh, Alyssa handed her daughter a fifty dollar bill. "You win! I thought she would hold out because it was such a traumatic change for the poor dear!" She removed her own glass from the...

2 years ago
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Alumni Bobbi and Dee

“I miss hanging out with the team,” Bobbi admitted. “It really kinda sucks that we have to leave that all behind now.” “I know!” Dee added. “I feel like we’re never going to see any of them again. I miss the coaches already.” “You mean you miss Mr. Evans,” Bobbi corrected, “I do too.” Mr. Evans had been their coach, and was a favorite of just about everybody. He had a good rapport with the kids, and was funny but in control at the same time. He was only in his mid 30s, so he...

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