Going Bi - 2 free porn video

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Thanks to Carolyn, I had morphed literally overnight into a superstud. Three months into my sixteenth year, I had fucked three different girls besides Carolyn. I liked the sex, and I liked girls more than before, but I had that feeling we all get sooner or later that sex wasn't all I wanted. I was still lonely, and I think screwing girls made it worse because each time it was a new girl, I cared for her a little less. I still looked at boys, and in my heart of hearts, I had that vague loneliness a gay boy feels growing up. I wanted to find another boy like me, a boy I could love.

Then Jason showed up at our house with Tyler, and the moment I saw him with my brother, my fantasy became that the "boy like me" would be a boy like Tyler.

Not that he acted gay. He didn't. He seemed straight as any boy that age, but he was far too cute to not dream about. Tyler had thick chestnut hair and steel blue eyes. Not as tall as me, he was slimmer. Even at fourteen, he had a swimmer's build -- the wide shoulders, narrow hips. That first time I saw him, I was on a stool at the kitchen island watching a Yankee's game on TV when the two of them came in for a soda.

Tyler's eyes met mine, and he grinned -- a wonderful grin, the grin of a guy who was naturally happy. I saw those white teeth and that boyish grin, and my stomach knotted.

"Tyler, meet the elder sibling," Jason cracked, opening the fridge. "See if you can get him to talk."

Tyler flashed me another grin like he didn't buy in to my brother's characterization. "You swim?" Tyler asked.

"I sink," I told him. "Like a rock."

"We all sink, bro," Jason said, handing Tyler a soda. "It only takes a little coordination to swim. You just ain't got none."

"I can swim," I told Tyler. "But I'm not fast."

"You're tall," Tyler told me, leaning onto the kitchen island beside me. "You should give it another try. It's mostly technique."

I shrugged. Damn, his eyes were dazzling.

"Yeah, right," Jason said, leaning onto the island on the other side of Tyler.. "Stick to sports you're good at, Brock. Don't let him talk you into drowning."

"What are you good at?" Tyler asked, sounding genuinely interested. The tops if his eyebrows were lined in reddish-gold from the sun. There was more reddish-gold at his temples.

I managed another shrug. "Baseball, I guess. And football, basketball, track."

Tyler's eyebrows rose, like he was impressed.

"Girls," Jason added. He leaned close behind Tyler. "Brock just became 'sexually active.'" He laughed.

"Oh," Tyler said. Did a little of the smile go out of his eyes? Did I imagine that? Was Tyler unimpressed with a jock whose goal in life was to bang girls? I could have kicked my little brother because I wasn't one of them."

"Brock's good at sports," Jason said, "because he doesn't know when to quit. He never gives up. He doesn't know how to give up. He’s got a brain like his body – strong-willed and stubborn as an ox. Nobody can get more hard-headed about something than Brock." Jason grinned and winked at me. "But being determined won’t keep you from drowning." He poked Tyler in the ribs. "C'mon," Jason said, turning to leave the kitchen. "Let's go up to my room."

Tyler backed toward the door. "Good meeting you," he said, and gave me a small, parting smile.

"Yeah," I called after him. I hoped I didn't look as achy as I felt in my gut. For the first time in my life, I had an instant crush.

As far as I was concerned, I was gay all over again, more gay than ever. That night, I jacked off thinking of Tyler and his smile. I pictured him naked. I imagined him gay instead of straight. I imagined he liked me and that we made out.

Actually, Tyler did seem to like me, maybe as instantly as I liked him. But then, straight guys do get bro-crushes and, like I said, Tyler didn't act gay. Jason wouldn't hang out with him if he did.

And Jason did hang out with him. Tyler was over every day that week, and it looked like he and Jason had become instant good friends like guys can be sometimes. Having Tyler around only made things worse for me, however. It was a struggle to keep my eyes off him, and the more I knew I couldn't have him, the more I wanted him.

I liked everything about him. I didn't just want him. I wanted him to be my friend, too, like he was Jason's. I became what my grandma used to call, lovesick. Literally. After an afternoon of him around and me hiding endless erections, I felt feverish, restive.

Tyler for his part always talked with me when he came over. He made sure that he and Jason included me in stuff they did. Jason didn't seem to mind. In spite of the way he liked to prod me, Jason and I got along okay, especially with two game controllers in our hands.

I was in the living room reading, Friday afternoon when Jason and Tyler came through on their way to our backyard pool.

"Dude," Jason paused to ask, "how come you've been hanging out around the house so much this week?"

I looked up, saw them in their Speedos, and my brain turned to mush. This was before guys wore jammers, and the two of them were in low-riding swim briefs with towels tossed over their shoulders. It was the first time I saw Tyler without shirt and shorts. His legs were well-formed, not with the definition of a runner, but with the shapeliness of a swimmer. He was as hairless as me and his skin had the glow of a warm tan. His limbs were long, his belly flat, and the inguinal creases of his pelvis dove like a V into the front of his briefs and into his well-packed pouch.

I realized I was staring and quickly looked away.

"You okay, Brock?" Jason asked.

"What? Yeah?" I shot Tyler a glance. He locked his fingers behind his neck and stretched. Oh, god! I quickly looked away.

"Why don't you come out and swim with us?" Jason asked.

"You gonna do laps?" I asked, hoping to sound reluctant. I didn't want to appear too anxious to accept.

"Nah, we're just gonna grab a couple of Dad's beers and chill."

"I could help you with your swimming," Tyler offered.

"Good luck with that," Jason murmured.

"I'll be right out," I told them -- I needed to wait for my boner to go down.

They turned to go out, and I watched Tyler walk away. He had a muscular little butt. His butt cheeks dimpled as he walked.

I don't think any girl getting ready for a prom put more effort into deciding on a dress than I did on a swimsuit. Not that I had many. The problem was that if I wore my swim briefs, I might get hard being around Tyler and give myself away. If I wore board shorts, I might not look as good; that is, my package wouldn't show as much, and I considered it my main redeeming feature. I still considered myself too tall and too gangly. Hot guys looked like Tyler.

I thought to myself that if there was even just one gay bone in Tyler's body, I wanted him to like what he saw when I came out. And then I chuckled, thinking one gay bone would be awesome.

Yeah, but not a chance. Why torture myself even dreaming about it?

I pulled my black Speedos on, pulling my balls up and out front and laying my dick out to the left. I hoped like hell I wouldn't spring a boner. Throwing a towel over my shoulder, I headed out to the pool.

The two of them were having a super-soaker fight. I came to the edge of the pool, and Tyler paused to look up at me. He covered his eyes from the sun, but beneath his hand, he seemed to look me over. I told myself that didn't mean anything. Guys check each other out. I wasn’t about to assume anything stupid.

Jason, turned his super soaker on me, aiming at my balls which were well exposed, thanks to my positioning.

"Umph!" I muttured, and covered them with my hands. Tyler shot me in the left nipple with his. I jumped in after him. The water was only waist deep at that spot, and though he tried backing away, holding his super-soaker I was able to close in. I caught him, got one arm under his legs and one under his back, lifted him to my chest, and dove under with him. He struggled, casting away the super-soaker and trying to get out of my clutches, but I held on. I got to my feet again, dove again, got to my feet again with Tyler wriggling. He pushed against my shoulders and chest, but I had him firmly. Lifting him higher, I tossed him out from me.

He got to his feet, sputtering and wiping wet hair from his eyes. "Damn, you're strong!" he shouted, backing from me.

"Remember that the next time you try to super-soak me in the tit," I growled good naturedly following him -- but I didn't want to catch him. Beneath the water, my dick had grown hard. I always had that problem whenever I wrestled other guys, and I had given up a struggle more than once in order to stay on my stomach and hide a boner. This time, the water hid my condition. So when he let me catch him, I thought all I had to do was get Tyler up on my arms again and keep him away from my erection.

I got him by the wrists and he struggled while my brother Jason tried to super-soak me in the ear. I pulled on Tyler, intending to get him up on my arms again, but he tried twisting away, and in the process, backed his butt right onto my erection which popped it out of my Speedos. Before I could shove him away, he had pressed against my erection for at least a full second.

I managed to shove him off in a way that seemed part of the play, and I hurriedly tucked my dick back in as best as I could. Tyler turned at me with a sort of lopsided grin and unsure look.

Jason shot at my ear again, so I wheeled on him with a growl and he dodged away.

"Yeah, you better run," I teased, while backing from both of them. "I can handle the two of you at one time and you know it."

I realized instantly that it was the wrong threat to make. Now they'd both come after me and my dick hadn't had a chance to get soft.

They came from two different angles. I squared off against Tyler, determined to keep him from bumping into my erection again. They closed. Jason jumped onto my back. Tyler dove under like he was going after my legs -- or trying to see underwater if what he thought he felt was what he felt.

I backed and twisted trying to toss Jason off and get away from Tyler, but Jason hung on, nearly choking me and Tyler kept coming. I reached underwater to catch Tyler before he could reach my legs. I tried pulling him up and his face ran right into my crotch, pressed my erection, and popped it out of my Speedo again. I was frantic to push him away now. It was going to be impossible to pretend he hadn't run smack into a boner. Tyler struggled and seemingly on purpose, turned and backed his butt into my lap -- AGAIN! And this time, it wasn't for only one second. Tyler had both my arms pulled in front of him like he was trying to pull me up and over his back, and his butt ground back against my hard-on.

My erection was well out of my Speedos, and I kept thinking, "Why didn't I wear the board shorts! Why didn't I wear the board shorts!" At the same time, another part of my brain registered how great Tyler's firm, wiry body felt against my chest and lap.

Jason bounced on my back like a jockey, while Tyler held my arms pinned to his chest under his own, wiggling his butt into my lap as he tried to get leverage. The exposed end of my dick was on his spine. I managed to free a hand and reach between our bodies to try to tuck back in, but that made it like trying to fight with one arm behind my back -- only it wasn't my arm that I wished was tied behind my back.

I tried going under, but Jason hung on, pulling me backward as we went under. Tyler, still gripping my arm, came with us. In all the twisting and near-drowning, Tyler grabbed my exposed cock. There was absolutely no pretending now. He knew for sure. I managed to get free, first from Tyler, then from Jason, and I swam hard for the side of the pool. Before they could react, I had pulled myself up from the water, my back to them, of course, and I dove onto my stomach onto a lounge chair.

"Alright!" I called out, without looking back at them. "You can have the pool!"

Would Tyler tell Jason what happened? Would he tell everybody? I couldn't bear to look back.

"What?" Jason cried out. "You giving up already?"

"Yeah, you jabbed your knee into my butt, you asshole. You bruised me." I rubbed my butt for effect.

"You, whimp!" Jason called out. I heard him coming closer. I heard the smirk in his voice as he asked, "You want Tyler to kiss your butt for you and make it well."

"Yeah, right." Actually, yes I did, but Tyler was probably never going to talk to me again unless it was to call me a faggot! NOW my dick was growing soft, finally! It was amazing what a little humiliation can do to an erection.

I was wrong about Tyler, though.

"Did we really hurt you?" he asked coming to the side of the pool.

"As if Jason could," I snorted. I buried my face in my arms. "I'm gonna tan a while."

They returned to super-soaking each other, and I returned to quiet mortification. It would be a miracle if Tyler didn't say anything. Maybe he had accidently gotten hard wrestling a guy before, himself. It happens to guys that age. I could hope that he chalked it up to something like that. Yeah, right. I groaned quietly, thinking that once my dick shriveled completely, I'd slink away to my room and decide whether not committing suicide was even an option.

The more I contemplated the demise of my reputation, the quicker my dick got soft. Satisfied that I'd gotten soft enough, I sat up, thinking that the time for slinking away had come. That's when the phone rang. We heard it on the poolside extension. A moment later, Rachael, my dad's current girlfriend came out from the house. "Jason," she called, "phone's for you."

This, by the way, was when cell phones were still clunky and we weren't using ours much yet. Jason climbed from the pool and went over to get the pool extension.

"Hey," Tyler said, coming up to the side of the pool beside me, "want me to help you with your swim stroke?"

I looked at him skeptically. Did he mean it? Or was he going to try to get me hard again so he could have more to tell his buddies. "You sure you want to do that?" I asked.

"You bet," he said with that dazzling grin of his. "C'mon."

So I jumped into the water beside him. After having been so embarrassed before, I wasn't worried about springing a new boner.

"Let me see you swim a few strokes," Jason said.

I swam across the pool and back.

"Not bad," he told me when I stood again beside him. We were in water at mid-chest level.

"Here, turn around. I'll show you something to do with your arms."

I turned and Tyler laid his hands on my shoulder and arm, turning me. "Dude," he said, pressing my shoulder and squeezing my arm, "you have hard muscles. It's no wonder you sink. I noticed earlier. Your muscles feel like steel."

His left hand slid onto the left side of my neck and with his right, he urged my right arm upward. "Stretch for the catch," he said. "Like you're swimming."

I reached up high over my head.

Tyler's hand slid up the length of my arm and his body pressed the side of mine as he reached toward my fingertips. Was I imagining it? Did I feel something hard against the side of my butt?

We both glanced at Jason, over at the pool house, still talking on the phone. It sounded like it must be one of his buddies.

Tyler pressed his erection against my butt cheek. "It's like taking an armfull of water," he said beside my ear. "Keep your elbow high. That means, keep your elbow higher than your forearm like this." He showed me with his arm alongside mine. "And keep it that way as you pull." He pulled my arm down with a hand on my wrist.

"You're powerful," Tyler said quietly as our arms came down. "I can feel it in your arm." His left hand squeezed the side of my neck. "And in your shoulders." His body pressed mine and beneath the water, the inside of his leg rubbed on the outside of mine. "And your body," he almost whispered.

He cleared his throat quietly. "Let's do that again."

I reached above my head. His arm followed. He pulled my arm down again. As he did, Jason, on the phone, turned away. This time, when our hands came down to our sides, I reached behind me to clasp Tyler by the butt and pull him firmly against the side of my butt. Beneath the water, his hand grasped my forearm tightly, and he ground his cock against me. I felt his lips on the back of my shoulder.

Jason turned back toward us and Tyler backed from me. "So," Tyler asked. "That give you a better handle on things?"

I glanced at him. He had sort of that achy look I felt I'd had. I swallowed hard and nodded. Tyler grinned, and it was like the sun coming out. In that instant, I was incredibly happy. I grabbed Tyler as if to playfully wrestle, but when I took him under, it was pull us belly to belly and press my erection against his. Quickly, very quickly, I kissed him on the lips, my first kiss with a boy. Tyler, holding me by the shoulders kissed back. I groped him. His cock felt thick. He groped me.

We came up, parting, tucking away again. It sounded like Jason's conversation was ending. Tyler and I flashed grins at one another. Finally! Finally I had found a boy like me and it WAS Tyler. I'd never felt lighter in my life. Jason said something about a more buddies coming over after supper, but I didn't really hear him until he said they'd probably sleepover and could Tyler?

Tyler shrugged. "Sure. I'll call my mom." He flashed me another grin as Jason jumped into the pool.

We horsed around in the pool some more, and I didn't worry about Tyler "discovering" my erection. We only needed to keep Jason from discovering it, or Tyler's. Between Tyler and me, there were plenty of playful grabs that Jason didn't know about. I didn't think I'd ever get soft again.

When our cook, Alexander, called us in for supper, I thought about letting Jason and Tyler go on ahead so I could jack off, but after I saw Tyler get out and skillfully hide his erection from Jason while wrapping a towel around himself, I figured I could do the same.

They dressed for supper in Jason's room. I dressed in mine. This time, I resisted the urge to jerk off. It wasn't like I thought anything would happen between Tyler and me any time soon, but I liked the sexual tension now that I knew Tyler felt it, too. I was excited and I didn't want to rush it. I hurried down to supper quickly since Tyler would be there. I'd wait until evening to jack off, when I could take it long and slow.

At supper, Rachael told us she was going downtown to meet my dad and that they wouldn't be in until late. After supper, Jewel, the housekeeper, cleared the table, and the three of us guys went to our billiard room. Two of Jason’s buddies, Brandon and David, arrived and we played pool and ping pong for a while. After that, we moved to the upstairs den to watch Alien on DVD.

Brandon and David grabbed the side couches while Jason put on the movie and dimmed the lights. I grabbed the couch on the rear wall, farthest back from the TV. Tyler took the other end of my couch and stretched out his legs behind my legs. Jason grabbed a couple of pillows and took to the floor in front of the TV.

Rachael had put throw blankets everywhere in the den. I grabbed the biggest one and tossed it over Tyler and me. From his chest to my chest our legs were covered. The movie started, and while the others watched it, Tyler's bare toes worked their way up inside the right leg of my shorts and my bare toes worked up the left leg of his. His toes touched my scrotum, just inside my leg. When my toes got twisted in the fabric of his shorts, I pulled my foot out from his shorts leg and rested my sole against his erection through his shorts. Beneath the throw, Tyler pulled his shorts down and the sole of my foot rested directly on his bare cock.

It's amazing how sensitive your toes and the bottom of your foot become when all your attention goes there. I'd never felt another boy's erection directly except briefly, when Tyler and I grabbed each other in the pool. Now I had time, and using my foot, the sensations robbed me of my breath -- the soft warm skin, the turgid thickness, the length, the faint moistness. I paused, my foot resting on his dick, because I started trembling, just like I had with Carolyn.

Tyler felt it and glanced at me. He may have thought I was coming, but then saw that I was only shaking a little. I smiled apologetically. Under the throw, his hand gave my foot a reassuring squeeze. Holding my foot against the underside of his dick, he pulled his foot from inside my shorts leg, and rested the sole on the front of my shorts. Like him, I pulled down my shorts and underwear, and when he pushed up my dick with the sole of his foot, I grabbed his foot the way he had grabbed mine. We held one another's sole against the undersides of our dicks.

For several minutes our feet explored cocks and warm moist scrotums; our hands explored and caressed feet. I forced myself to calm down when I realized how loudly I was breathing. Beyond the sexual stimulation was the excitement of finally having another gay boy, and doing what we were doing under everyone's nose. Holding the underside of my foot to the underside of his cock, Tyler quietly humped my sole. His movements were barely perceptible beneath the cover, but the sensations were awesome. The soles of my feet are sensitive. Clasping his foot to the underside of my dick, I did the same to him.

I pinned Tyler’s dick up against his belly and rubbed it with my foot as he humped,. As I did, his hands explored up my feet and calves. I did the same to him. When the movie grew louder, we humped more firmly.

Knowing I would come soon, I pulled my shirt up out of the way and prepared to catch my cum with Rachael’s throw. I tried to let Tyler see what I was doing, and he seemed to get the idea, which was good, because he came first. Suddenly gripping my leg between his, and hanging on to my foot with both hands, he pumped his hips hard. I heard a faint whimper, his shaft pulsing, and then liquid between my toes.

The liquid did it for me; that, and the thought that I had made another boy come. My balls tightened and I held Tyler's foot tightly on my dick. I backed my butt to squirt his toes, and my body racked with my orgasm.

As I calmed, Tyler spred his cum over my foot and in my toes. I did the same to him with my cum until it began to dry, we cleaned up with the throw. Then we rested, each with a bare foot on warm soft equipment. That is, until the movie neared the end and we pulled our shorts back up.

It was different, sharing orgasms with another boy. Different from with girls. Emotionally different.

As everyone got up to get one of my dad's beers, Tyler whispered in my ear. "I'm in love with your foot, dude."

I chuckled and quickly whispered back. "There's more of me."

He chuckled aloud. "Well, yeah! I'm in love with that too!"


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When I was a young teenage age girl starting to experience sex..i was very curious about everything. I would go to bed with pleanty of thoughts in my head but could not really sort them out aswell as i thought.In my young teeange life i was a babysitter for awhile and one day i got a call to babysit it was a Saturday night with such a nice soothing wind outside & when I got to Mr.& Mrs.Smith house at 7:30p.m.,they told to put the c***dren to bed by 8:30p.m.bed & we'll be back by...

1 year ago
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Brunos Wild Night

THIS STORY IS FICTIONAL. ANY RELATION TO A PERSON DEAD OR ALIVE IS PURELY COINCIDENTAL. Bruno McWillis is a 32 year old construction worker who lives in Ohio. He has enormous bulging muscles, wavy brown hair, a rigid nose, and a long thick 11 inch daughter. She is 18 now, and was called Sally. Sally was deliciously hot. She had nicely rounded buttocks, firm bouncy breasts, long blonde hair, a pretty face, complete body tan and a smoothly shaven snatch. One night, whilst Bruno was watching...

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Like Father Like Son

"Are you doing well in school , son?" Ron asked. "Yes dad, got a A+ on my Health Final!" Drew said. Drew was the blood-born son of Ron. "That's great son! Speaking of health....can I talk to you about something?" Ron asked. "Anything, dad." Drew said. "Son, you're 16 years old. Now, we've had the...."biology" talk of sex, but...." Ron said, but he was interupted. "Woah, woah, dad.....you've already explianed this." Drew said. "No, son, listen. Like I said, we're already had the scientific talk...

2 years ago
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Marwadi Bhabhi Ke Sath Kiya Sex

Hello Friends I am Sandesh from Mumbai Friends aaj mai aapko meri ek real story batane ja raha hoo joki mere and meri padosan newly married bhabhi ki hai Meri jo padosan hai woh actually Marwadi hai and Im maharashtrian So hamari mulakat kuch aise hui yeh mai aapko aage batane wala hoo Actually mere dad ko ek gold ring banvani thi toh mere dad jo ki jwellers ki dukan mai gaye Ring joh hai woh jweller shop se purchase bhi ki baton-baton mai dad ki jweller owner se personal bate hone...

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The Games Of Bitches And Bastards Part 5 Fucking Sheila Savitha8217s Sexy Mom

Hey guys. This is Arjun again. Sorry for the delay. Thanks a lot for your love towards my scripts. Recap: Then I got a call to my phone from Madan from the USA and this made me even more excited. I didn’t answer the call. I told Rajitha that Madan is calling me. I want to talk to him and masturbate looking at your nude body at the same time. She scolded me for being so brutal but loved the beast in me. I called Madan meanwhile. Masturbating looking at Rajitha’s nude body. He was going on...

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Midnight Snack

MIDNIGHT SNACK Sisyphus My oldest friend, Frank and his wife, Marci invited me to spend the weekend with them at a house they rented for the summer on the Jersey shore. I’ve known Frank for over twenty-five years. He was teaching at the University of Pennsylvania while I taught English at a community college outside of Philadelphia. I was recently divorced and they thought it would be good for me to get away from the city. They were renting the house with another couple. At first, I didn’t...

4 years ago
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Battlemage Book 6 Scarlet Rage UnleashedChapter 10

Nathan was still trying to find the door to the room and it was starting to frustrate him. If he was using magic he would already have been out of here. He knew he would have been able to find it. The mage who cast the spell wasn't near as powerful as he is. But if he uses magic now he'll blow his and Ariel's cover and he doesn't know who will find out or who they might tell. Right now no one knows who they are, but if he uses magic then they will. But it's pissing him off that he...

4 years ago
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Hot Aparna Ke Saath

By : Amidustuchele Hi this is Raju. Sabhi ISS reader ko mera pyar bhara namaskar. Ye mera paheli kahani hai.par iska matlab ye nehi ke mai apni pehli chudai ke bare mein kuch likh raha hun.mai 22 salka ek nawjawan ladka hun aur is kahani se pehle hi mera sex ka tajurba ho gaya tha dar asal mera 18 sal ke umar mein hi mera tan man ki virginity le liya haamari ghar mei kaam karnewali baisakhi didi.woh always bahut horny rahti thi. Aur use innocent ladka logonko chudakkad banana mein bahut maza...

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The Gardener

Lindsey and Martin had been in a relationship for five years. They were both in their late twenties and equally successful. Lindsey was a human resources lawyer and Martin an accountant.Four years before they had decided to cohabit in Martin’s home for two reasons; Firstly, Martin had a magnificent garden and secondly, because Martin worked from home, he already had a well laid out office to suit his needs. Lindsey, whose home needed a great deal of TLC at that time, was therefore happy to sell...

Gay Male
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Senior Year Part IIChapter 13 Best Christmas Ever

Sunday December 25 I woke to find Brook watching me. “Merry Christmas,” she announced. “When I was little, we would be up at the butt-crack of dawn to see what Santa had left us. Greg always made a big show of complaining about my getting up early, but he was right there with me,” I said with a lazy smile. “You must have been on Santa’s naughty list because he didn’t bring you anything,” she teased. I waggled my eyebrows and tossed back the sheets. I took in Brook’s hot little body and...

1 year ago
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High School Hell Part 3

The days passed slowly filled with doctors, and nurses, and television. At last it was Monday and they were letting me go. I was waiting in the car for Michelle. Being in the hospital had given me much needed time to think, my life had become so complex since I came out. It wasn"t entirely unexpected but it was a lot more difficult than I had imagined. Now...... it seems like anything is possible in my life. I shook my head at the thought I mean it"s not that bad, "I have a girl that loves me...

2 years ago
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Biker Bar 1

I was driving through Mississippi on my way to Texas when I stop off at the local truck stop,It took me around 20 minutes to get my Cab all free from the flatbed. The waitress in the restauranttold me where there is a good biker bar to go to, It was now around 8 pm I decided to head over there.The cab windows were fogging up now as I was driving down the road to the Club, I then found a nicespot now so I can park my cab.As I walk in through the door, I can hear and see that's might be my lucky...

3 years ago
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My 18 year old wifes first black cock from my best friend

Introduction: My wife deflowers my best friend, which leads to black cock and gang bangs I took a photo of my young hairy wife Dee Dee naked in 1974 when she was 18 years old. She was a senior in high school and getting ready for class when I asked her to pose naked for me. She asked why and I said I wanted it so I could remember how she looked naked when she was in high school. She thought that was a good idea and posed for me in a position they used in cheers, as she was a varsity cheerleader...

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Caitlin and James Part nine An awkward weekend period

Caitlin and James - Part nine - An awkward weekend period Chapter 26 - Friday evening I get in the lift and think about why Justine wanted to pash me, and hope it'll never happen again. In the lobby of the building are Kathy and Wanda from sales, along with Michelle, Kathy's girlfriend. I try to avoid them, but Michelle spots me and catches up with me. "Sweetie, what's happened? You look flustered," she says grabbing my arm. "I can't talk, I have to get home to Caitlin...

1 year ago
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LiveJasmin Latina

You already know about LiveJasmin. You don’t need me to tell you that they’re one of the best places on the web to feast your eyes on some of the hottest pussy on this side of the Andromeda galaxy. I don’t know how they do it. They manage to rope in the best babes on the web. Their only competition right now is OnlyFans, but that place has way too many amateurs for my taste. Yeah, there are some amazing hotties on there, but half of them don’t know how to shut up and shove that dildo where the...

Live Latina Sex Cams
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The Quest for the Black QipaoChapter 29 Goodbye to All That

Claire Dobell-Bull was sitting behind her desk, resting her chin on a hand as she listened. A pall of blue cigar smoke hung over her head. She looked, Florence Daniels thought, as inscrutable as one of the Buddha statues that Madam Chao had in her office. “So, if I have this straight, you have set things up with Edu & Skills so that the costs of the JUMIST programme are on their budget but it remains a Home Affairs responsibility because of the expected positive impact on offending...

2 years ago
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Seeing It All Unfold Part 2

“Lastly, you were absolutely right. Mark’s cum is delicious. It tastes way better than Jason’s. A deal is a deal. Before the week is up I guarantee it. You’ll taste Jason’s cum and judge for yourself!” Upon hearing those words, spoken to my wife Katie from her friend Lindsey just 30 or so feet away from me, I quietly hung up the phone and retreated back to my bedroom. As I laid there on the bed naked, staring blankly at the ceiling and stroking my swollen member, my mind began to rewind,...

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A Night at the Club

The first part of this story is true and happened a few months ago with my now-ex. The second part is what I hoped would have happened. Fact: We got to the swingers’ club fairly early in the night. There were a few couples and quite a few single males. There were 2 women dancing on a stage, with a guy in a thong. Being one for attention, she wanted to join them on stage, and did. However, they were not interested so we moved on. We walked around the club, me rubbing her ass. She saw a few...

3 years ago
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Jacks adventure 1

Hi all, I’m Jack, a 19 year old guy and I want to share my story of how a girl turned me bi and probably gay. So it all started at the end of our summer break. The last week had started and the new school-year was almost upon us once more. I had tonnes of essays and book reports due the first week. But, being me, I haven’t started yet on any of that. Now while I had to sit down inside, and work nonstop for this whole week to have a chance of finishing it all, but nature, humanity and generally...

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My wifes girlfriends

I will introduce myself... My name is Edward Kallaway, but my friends call me Eddie. I'm a family man, ordinary like any other. I have a wife, three children, a beautiful house, a great car, as well as a very good job. From the moment I was born, I felt that something was missing, and that something was love. I never had love, not even from my parents. They were too busy to pay attention to me. I grew up and arrived at twenty without the opportunity to know what it was to have a girlfriend or...

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Eternally Yours

I was in a fatal dormancy. After existing for uncounted lifetimes, I’d lost connection with my mortal self and succumbed to the curse of immortality. It’s not an uncommon fate for my kind. The more we lose the emotions of life, the more we disconnect from the world around us. Some eventually awake, emerging as mummified monsters, driven mad with an overwhelming thirst. Others, lost in their increasingly distant thoughts, remain motionless forever, bodies crumbling to dust. None return from this...

Mind Control
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Mother Son in one day

I rang Vivienne up and asked how I could help. She explained that my wife suggested I might be able to take some things up to Finlay next time I was going to Leicester for work, which I did every 3 weeks or so. I said yes, I’d be pleased to and that I was going up next Monday. We arranged that I would call in on my way up Monday morning about 10am. It was just before 9am when I rang her doorbell, Vivienne answered wearing a robe and slippers with her hair wrapped in a towel. She apologised...

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Varna The Grojan War Book TwoChapter 18 Repairs

"God, I hate fucking computers!" Mark slammed his fist against a bulkhead. He had been working for several days now attempting to get the ship's core to boot. He had traced several faults to the ship's consoles, particularly the navigation control Arron had damaged during his campaign against the pirates. To his frustration the core refused to co-operate with his efforts, a blank screen just stared back at him like a large holographic sightless eye. The Grojan ship's core was a type he...

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Road TripChapter 18

Eventually, spring surprised us all again. Velvet pussy willows at the creek, chokecherries on the ancient stream bank turned green, the roses in the cabin fence budded, the tipis went up and I started sleeping outdoors again. Soon after, the asparagus in the old orchard sprouted and I had it steamed with french onion dip for breakfast. Sitting at the fire watching the sun come up in the east, a family of skunks waddled through the painted lodge ... I held my breath. We both got through it...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 20 I Have to Wrestle Her

I finally got to claim garments from two Sig girls, and put them on. Jim got on the microphone and said there was no need for a drawing. There were only two cards left. He told me to get into the mud pit. I still didn't know who I was going to be wrestling, less than a minute later, but she knew I was going to be her opponent since the seventh match began, almost half an hour ago. Jim was playing the suspense for all it was worth, when he finally said, "Will the last Sig wrestler get into...

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The consult

( This is my 1st attempt to start a story, Hope you like the Idea. Feel free to add chapter whenever you want.) You are a counsellor that is hired to help families deal with issues. The job has taken you all around the country plus the pay a month is more than most make in a year. You left high school in Year 12 to go to TAFE early and finished the course in 2 years. That was 5 years ago, making you 25 years old. "It's time to settle down for awhile", You think to yourself. " The next family I...

2 years ago
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Apni Neighbor Ko Pata Key Choda

Hi everyone mera naam shankar hai yeh meri pahli story hai main dikhne main average hu pr bhot gora hu meri lund 6.5 inch badi hai meri e-mail id “” hai aap mujhe jub chaho mail kar skte ho ab aap logo ko bina bore kiye hue main sidhe story pe aata hun saare ladke apna lund pakad le aur ladkiya apne chut main ungli daal le yeh baat 2 saal pahle ki hai meri building main ek aunty rahti thi unka naam kavita tha (name changed) bhot sexy thi uska figure 34-32-36 tha aur mere flat key bagal main...

4 years ago
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Inspecting the InspectorChapter 3

"Do you think they will?" asked Kelani as I closed the door to our room. "Will what?" I asked. "Get laid tonight?" "They'll try. You got them going. I was very impressed." "All I did was what I used to see the old women doing as they worked. They were practically pornographic when they chatted. Of course I didn't know the difference until I came to America. It took some getting used to. I kept saying things that were considered rude in polite society." I thought about the...

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The Best of Both Worlds

Daniel had known from the start, what he was risking when he entered into a relationship with Arya.  There was a reason the woman had never settled down with any one person.  Always open and honest about her sexuality, Arya was bi with an equal level of attraction to both sexes.  She was also very sexually active, always telling her friends that she would never settle down with anyone, as the loyalty required for a serious relationship would mean giving up physical intimacy with at least one...

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A Game of InchesChapter 19

We left the room and went back downstairs, walking slowly through the casino, taking in the sights. It was my first time inside of a casino, I had never gambled a dollar in my life. I was amazed at the sheer number of people, there was hardly a single slot machine open from what I could tell. We finally found the Deli near the entrance to the casino, walked in and was seated immediately. We both decided on a hot beef sandwich, a large order of onion rings and two Cokes. We talked as we waited...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Sophia West A Pathetic Husband That Can8217t Even Fuck His Hot Wife

Sophia West and her husband have been in quite the predicament for some time. They just don’t have sex and when they do it is over within seconds! Sophia needs a real man to come over and show her Husband how a real man fucks her! Is this moving too fast? Does Sophia really need to have Charles’s cock deep down her throat within moments of meeting? What kind of marriage is this? Sophia will be calling on Charles more often more than likely. He eats out her pussy and fucks her so...

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Monster Girl Sponsor

You sit, looking at the application form on the screen, wondering how you came to this point. Large text spells out your options in stark terms. “Welcome to Alternate World Integration! Please select your desired status.” Recently, for a reason that scientists have yet to figure out, a portal opened linking the world you know to a world straight out of fantasy novels. Interestingly enough, once someone went through the portal, they were unable to return. Most interesting of all, most of the...

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Alex and PeterChapter 4 Alex

I play the guitar. At home and occasionally at church. My Grandma taught me and, when we were kids, used to make me an' Peter and my sister Gracie sing with the children's choir. Playing guitar is the only thing other than football that makes sense to me all the time. I don't get school, I don't get women, I don't get life in general. Football and music, I get. I don't get Lisa. One minute she's rock solid, the next she's a fuckin' whimp. She still won't tell me who left the bruise...

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Pinned against a cold brick wall

I had gone to spend a little vacation at Port Everglades with my nice girlfriends Camilla and Helena. Hubby had let me to go alone with the girls, since he was very busy at his office.We had enjoyed two nice sunny days and, on the last evening there, we all girls were decided it would worth the night…We would have a good girl’s night out…Before leaving the hotel I put on a tight black short dress, a tiny lace thong and spike heeled shoes. Camilla told me I looked like a horny street hooker in...

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AftermathChapter 19

"Sir," Corporal Wilhelm, the leader of third platoon, spoke up hesitantly. "What?" Stu asked, annoyed at being interrupted while making attack plans. "Do you have something to add?" "Well, sir," Wilhelm told him, "we don't... uh... have quite enough men to do what you're planning." "What?" Stu asked, glaring at him. What the hell did he mean, not enough men? He had five fucking platoons didn't he? One less than he had started the battle with, but still five. "My platoon is...

3 years ago
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crossing barriers high risk fun

We had had a great night. After a boozy dinner we carried on drinking in a series of crowded bars. It was a hot, humid evening and Lyn was dressed to excite, as always. Her very short white skirt showed off her beautiful tanned legs superbly. As usual she was wearing the briefest of g strings below. She was braless with a thin figure hugging top, which had tiny straps. She was wearing shoes with a small heel.The main road in Aiya Napa was crowded with revelers as usual. We pushed their way...

2 years ago
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Our First Exhibitionism

I had to go to Atlanta on a business trip and decided to take my wife, Diane along since she was on vacation from work that same week. I knew that I would be staying at the DoubleTree in North Atlanta and that my work would take me to the multi-story office building in the same business center. We checked into the hotel Sunday evening and went out to dinner. When we returned the hotel staff had turned the bed covers back and left our cookies. They had opened the drapes to the windows which...

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Back from the coffee shop

That Saturday morning I woke up early and found my beloved hubby was still snoring heavily by my side. I got a nice warm shower and then I went down to the kitchen, to make some coffee.Then I found the coffee can was empty. I knew that no caffeine in the morning could make me become a very cranky slut. The empty cupboard meant a trip to the local coffee house where the beans were roasted dark…So I slid my body into a pair of jeans, grabbed my keys and headed off for a pound of that nice sweet...

1 year ago
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Confessions of a college slut

My old friend Emma was in town last week and I was excited to see one of my besties, especially as I was feeling lonely with Laura at university. Now Emma, I know has a bit of a past. She has a naughty streak to say the least. However, I was surprised when she confided in me over coffee in Starbucks. “You got any new stories?” She asked. “One or two in the pipeline… why do you ask?” I asked. “Oh it’s just that I have a little tale from college that I’ve been keeping to myself,” she said....

4 years ago
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This is a story I posted in my prior xhamster life

This is a story about my former girlfriends who gave great BJ's. Carmen was a plain looking woman in her mid to late 20's. Her skin was somewhat fair and she had long black hair. She would wear her hair with bangs and it actually made her look very cute as it would frame her face nicely. She was about 5'4" and just right , not too skinny and not too fat. As I said she was plain looking but she had nice full lips and when I first met her we hit it off right away and as I kept talking to her I...

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The Great DepressionChapter 8

How long did he stay with his mouth glued to her cunt? He couldn't say since time had no meaning for him then. As he moved his lips over the entrance of her cavern, he then made a discovery. There was a spot at the front, between the twin lips, that made her thighs squeeze his head each and every time his lips would touch that most sensitive place. He soon concentrated his attention of this small flesh projection that was in all evidence a center of excitement for Anna. He seized the morsel...

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