TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice Of An AngelChapter 70: Jamahl’s Text Message free porn video

Before Troy Pearson started on his little diatribe of Carrie’s health condition he leaned over and gave his gorgeous, naked, twin sister a very passionate kiss on the lips then whispered into her ear, but not quietly enough to be private, “I love you, Carrie Pearson. I love you and will love you forever!”
When the naked girl lying on the bed heard those words she reciprocated the passion of that kiss with even more passion ... several times in fact. She then whispered rather loudly back into Troy’s ear, “I love you too and I just can’t wait to get out of here so you can sex me up good and hard at home again!”
Turning her attention back to Jessie and Kate - Carrie Pearson then said, “Isn’t Family Sex just the greatest invention ever! And isn’t it just great the way our church has become just so much more accepting of public nudity and all this other stuff!”
Carrie Pearson was smiling and looking very pleased with herself as she spoke to Jessie and Kate but instantly knew something was wrong. The sudden changes in the expressions on their faces that appeared after that last statement about the church suddenly got Carrie really concerned.
Carrie’s eyes jumped back and forth between Jessie’s face and Kate’s face looking for some sort of a clue as to what had just happened. Finally she just stammered out with, “W ... w ... w ... what’s wrong? Why are you guys looking at me like that all of a sudden?”
Jessie Harper and Kate Terrence looked at Carrie, then at Troy, then at his sagging dick, then at each other then back to Carrie again.
“Oh, bother it all!” mumbled Jessie. “I might as well tell you now before Troy gets started. Our church has ... has ... has ... put a temporary ban ... a temporary ban on all public nudity and all its ‘fringe’ benefits and from all church members having any association with things to do with public nudity. This has all just happened in the last few days and is a direct result of things that happened just after the wedding last Saturday. This ban includes the choir of course and any of its activities and of course it means we won’t be able to participate in the Teen Beauty Pageant because of the nudity content put in by the National Trust For Lifestyle Nudism ... it’s prime sponsor. I was hoping to start going to church in the nude on the odd occasion after the wedding and even do some of my solo choir pieces perhaps just topless or something ... but not now. Well, not until they can sort out what actually happened. Mom and Reverend Unsworth are cutting their honeymoon short to get back and see if they can do something about the whole mess. I’m sorry to give you such terrible news, Carrie. Hopefully it won’t be for too long ... hopefully!”
Carrie Pearson was looking quietly out of the hospital ward’s window at the buildings in the distance as she listened to all this then asked, “So tell me what it was that happened after the wedding to cause all this. Being stuck in here seems to have cut me off from all news of the outside world. The last thing I remember of the wedding was being on knees about to suck on some hard dick but after that ... nothing ... until I found myself in here with all this stuff sticking out of me.”
Carrie gave all the wires and tubes a little shake of annoyance but not enough to disturb or dislodge anything then looked back with her own sad and disappointed eyes at Jessie and Kate. Jessie did her best to explain briefly the way the church hall had been trashed and how it looked like the guests from the wedding party had caused it all in one drunken, sex orgy and how it looked like Lifestyle Nudism was the underlying cause behind such wantonness.
After Jessie’s precis Carrie asked, “ ... and there’s no way it could be sorted out before the Beauty Pageant, is there? I mean I was just so looking forward to you guys being in it at least.”

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