Georgia Elizabeth Kulhane - The Cat's Away And The Mice Play free porn video

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Georgia Elizabeth sat in the dining room over the remains of her breakfast; two poached eggs and a slice of dry toast was what she allowed herself this morning. Boring, she thought. However, that is what Georgia had to do to maintain some semblance of control over her figure. She was a tall statuesque brunette with large breasts and a magnificent ass. Anyone referring to her would say she was full-figured.

She called out to Sarah, the cook for more coffee while thumbing through her agenda. Today: lunch with the women’s garden club - boring. Tuesday: meeting of the women’s cotillion committee - boring. Wednesday: reception for fundraising for the hospital - boring. Thursday: supper with Beauregard - super boring. Friday: spa day manicure, pedicure, and massage - at least that is there to brighten my week, definitely not boring, she thought, smiling to herself.

She wondered what refinements of eroticism her regular masseuse, Kim, a diminutive Thai woman who took care of her, would bring to the table.

She heard the phone ring and Sarah came into the room with her coffee and told her the call was for her. “Who is it?” she asked.

“Some man who would not tell me his name and requested to speak to Mr. or Mrs. Kulhane.”

“A salesperson?”

“I don’t think so, Ma’am.”

Damn, who would call at this hour of the morning, she thought while wrapping her peignoir tightly around herself and sweeping majestically out to the corridor.

“This is Mrs. Kulhane, who is calling?”

“Mrs. Kulhane, this is Jess Steen of WUGA Radio.”

“Now, what can I do for you, Mr. Steen?”

“Mrs. Kulhane, are you the Georgia Elizabeth Kulhane residing on Finley Street in Athens, Georgia?”

“Yes, I am,” she smiled, “is there a reason for this interrogation?”

“Mrs. Kulhane, I have the honor to announce to you that as a result of entering the drawing last month at the UGA fundraiser, you have won a two-week all-expenses-paid vacation to Martinique.”

“Oh my God, I have?” she drawled.

“Yes, Mrs. Kulhane, you have.”

“Now you’re not joshing me about this? If you are, I can assure you that you’ll be a very sorry young man. Now tell me, will I have to go and sit and listen to a sales pitch for one of their gawd awful timeshares?”

Steen chuckled, “Mrs. Kulhane, Mr. Sutherland, our VP of Public Relations, predicted you would ask that question when he tasked me with calling you. I quote verbatim what he told me to answer: ‘Georgia, this is the straight goods. If even one person asks you to visit a timeshare or buy as much as a single postage stamp, I will allow you to extract whatever punishment you wish to inflict on me.'"

“Tell dear Reggie that I will and also thank him for the reassurance.”

“Please drop by the station at your convenience to finalize the details, Mrs. Kulhane. Just ask for me when you come in.”

“I’ll do that, Jess.”


Supper that night was its usual dreary affair as Georgia sat across the table from Beauregard, her husband.

Where has that handsome, lithe man I married disappeared to? she thought, trying to discover the man she had married beneath the exterior of the man facing her.

Beauregard Kulhane had been the star running back of their high school football team. She had fallen in love with all six-foot-two and two hundred pounds of him. His ripped body, flat abs and the way he dominated all around him. Alas, that was the past. The person who was sitting across from her she thought of by various sobriquets such as, The Lump, Lard Ass or Tubby.

Beauregard still stood at six-foot-two; however, he now weighed just about three-hundred pounds. When he entered a room, his belly arrived at least five seconds before the rest of his body. On top of that, there was no conceivable way they could have sex. Last time he had asked her, she had responded, “Beauregard, do you think I’m an acrobat? How in hell do you want me to couple with you?”

Mind you, she realized that she also was not the cute petite cheerleader she once was. Her breasts were now triple-Ds rather than C’s, and her ass was much fuller than the delicate tush she once used to wag. However, she still turned men’s heads when she walked down the street. Not bad for a forty-five-year-old broad, she thought, smiling to herself.

Beauregard looked up and asked, “Why are you smiling?”

“Was I smiling?’

“Yes, you were.”

“I just thought that life has some unexpected turns that seem so surprising. Do you remember that raffle at the UGA fundraiser you told me was a waste of money to enter?”

“Yes, so what?”

“We won.”

“What did we win?”

“A two-week all-expense-paid vacation in Martinique. When do you want to go? I have to finalize the arrangements tomorrow.”

“You expect me to parade in a bathing suit? Not me for sure. Why don’t you go? It would be hard for me to get away from the office right now in any case.”

“Is that cute young secretary you just hired keeping you busy?”

“How could you say something like that, Georgia?”

“Well, since you hired her you have been keeping later office hours, I noticed.”

“Georgia, stop that. It offends my dignity.”

“Well, Beauregard, I’ve just decided I am going to Martinique. I’m bored at home since the kids moved out, and I can use a change of scene.”

A disdainful, “Whatever,” followed her as she stalked out of the room.


The following morning Georgia headed to the radio station and picked up her travel vouchers and literature on the accommodations at the La Suite Villa.

She perused the literature when she arrived back home. La Suite Villa was located in Les Trois-Îlets, a bare twenty-minute drive from the airport. A Jacuzzi in each room. Five-minute stroll to the beach and each room had an ocean view. Paradise, she thought.

She had to get a new bikini for this trip. The next morning she went shopping. It was a real pain to find a bikini that would accommodate her triple-Ds. She finally found one that fit, but looking in the mirror, she decided that she would have Kim at the massage parlor give her a Brazilian waxing along with whatever games she would choose to play with her on Friday.


The ride from Martinique Aimé Césaire International Airport to the hotel was heavenly. Through the open windows of her taxi, she could smell the fragrance of lilies, bougainvillea, and other scents that she could not identify as the taxi wended its way through palm-lined streets and roads.

The hotel was magnificent, and a friendly bellhop carried her baggage and escorted her to her room.  Opening the patio doors she stepped out on the veranda and looked out on the ocean, which seemed almost at her feet. That’s for me, she thought. Promptly shedding her clothes, Georgia donned her bikini, a pair of sandals, and a diaphanous wrap to go explore the beach.  

After going through the gauntlet of the hotel staff who appreciatively ogled her as she went through the lobby, she walked down the road to the beach while taking in the sights and enjoying the warm air which bathed her body. This is nice, she thought, not the awful humidity of Athens.

She was walking parallel to a golf course and could see only a couple of golfers in the distance. Coming around a curve in the road, she was confronted by a seemingly limitless expanse of white sand against which the waves were gently lapping.

Her mind boggled. All this sand and almost no one on the beach. What a difference from Redneck Beach and the crowds of partying college students, was what ran through her mind.

Taking off her sandals, she strolled ankle-deep up the beach, finally getting to a small cove with not a person in sight of her. She walked up the slope and discovered that she was just under the golf course.

After taking a dip in the water, she returned to the towel she had spread out and slathered her body with sunscreen. She lay down and took her book and started reading. She finally looked down at her body and realized how pale she was. Throwing caution to the wind having read that Martinique permitted nude sunbathing, she unfasted the strings that held the top of her bikini and discarded it.

She must have dozed for some time when something woke her. There was no one to either her left or her right, but when she looked back up the slope leading to the golf course, she saw two men gazing down at her.

She grabbed her bikini top and covered herself when one of the men spoke up. “Please, dear lady, don’t do that. Objects of such beauty should not be hidden.”     

Smiling, she said, “Sir, we have not even been formally introduced.”

“Not a problem,” one of the men said, loping down the slope towards her. “I’m Chuck Montfort and this here,” he said as the second man joined him, “is Bobby Jones.”

“Were you two perverts staring at me for long?”

“Ma’am, we were looking for a stray golf ball when we happened to see you. I can’t tell you for sure how long it was as we were mesmerized by the sight of you. May I ask your name?”

“Sure. I’m Georgia,” she said, taking in their muscular legs and fit bodies appreciatively. They both seemed to be in their mid-fifties, and she thought they were both very handsome. They had salt-and-pepper hair and exuded a youthful vitality that was in sharp contrast to her husband’s total lack thereof.

As she looked at them, she realized the sun was now low on the horizon, and the breeze was fresher than it had been. “I’d better be getting back,” she said. “It’s been nice meeting you, Chuck and Bobby. Perhaps we will run into each other again.”

Bobby smiled, “Georgia, that would be a great pleasure.”

She gathered her things to leave when Chuck spoke up, “Georgia, may we give you a ride to where you’re going? Our golf cart is just over the crest, and we are done for the day.”

“Why thank you, kind sir. That would be much appreciated.”

She sat in the cart between the two men, and as they jolted over the path, she could not help but feel each time a bump caused her leg to come into contact with one of them. She realized that she was getting very turned on by these accidental contacts.

Once they reached the road, Bobby asked her, “Where to, beautiful lady?”

“Can you take me to the La Suite Villa?”

“Easiest thing in the world,” he said with a grin, “That’s where we are staying.”

“How is Mr. Georgia enjoying your trip? I noticed the wedding ring.”

“Mr. Georgia is back home. Beaches are not his thing.”

“Then you are here by your lonesome?”


“Then, would you do us the honor of joining us for supper?”

“Will your wives be joining us? I noticed the wedding bands myself.”

“They went on an expedition to the other end of the island. They’ll be back late.”

“So you two wolves in sheep’s clothing have no lascivious designs on my body?”

“Of course we do, after the sight of those magnificent… breasts, how could we not have? However, we are gentlemen and have learned to restrain ourselves. It’s hard, but we know how to behave,” Bobby said with a chuckle.

“In that case, I would be delighted to accept.”

“So, meet us in the lobby in an hour.”


Georgia’s mind was in a whirl. It had been many years since she had been flirted with as outrageously as she had been by Bobby and Chuck. My god, how long had they watched her naked tits while she dozed? The ‘accidental’ rubbing of their legs against her bare thighs… was it accidental? She wondered.

She distinctly felt stirrings between her loins that no Athens socialite should be feeling. Yet here she was alone on this island paradise about to dine with two handsome strangers. Too bad they were both married; she could see herself having a vacation fling with either of them.

At least she would not be having supper alone, which was something she had been dreading. She took a quick shower and pondered what she should wear at supper, finally settling on a short flowered skirt and blouse. Should she wear a bra? she wondered. Putting on the blouse sans bra, she examined herself in the mirror. Not bad for an old broad. She would have to be careful not to lean forward, or they could see right down her blouse.

Damn, they have already seen them, she thought, smiling to herself. Georgia was proud of her breasts even at her age; they betrayed no-sag but stood out proudly. Her large nipples were not too apparent. However, if she got excited they certainly would be. Now what about underwear? she thought while rummaging in her suitcase. Finally, she settled on a thong that struggled to hold her curvy ass and pussy.

A final spritz of perfume, and she was ready to descend to meet Beaux Brummel and Lothario. Both men were seated and sprang to their feet when she appeared at the head of the staircase. Their expression made her smile. They looked like two pups whose owner had just called them for supper. It was almost as if they were drooling at the sight of her.

“Georgia, you look positively ravishing,” Bobby said as he approached her.

“Absolument,” said Chuck.

“Chuck, was that French?”

“Yes, it is. I am from Canada. Do you speak it?”

“Just a few words, vestiges of my French courses in college.”

“Oh, how wonderful! Now I’ll be able to seduce you without this ignorant Texan being any the wiser.”

“Monsieur, behave yourself,” she said, winking at him.

“Come, ma beauté, take my arm and let me lead you to the dining room.”

“Enchanté, Monsieur,” she said, wrapping her arm around his and was conscious of his warmth against her breast.

“Will you two stop with that French crap,” Bobby retorted.

Georgia grinned, sensing the competition for her favors from the two men. Despite anything overtly sexual, she felt her pussy getting wet. I am truly getting excited, she thought. Me who has never strayed beyond the bounds of matrimony except for my Friday sessions with Kim. But those don’t count, I don’t think. They are just a way to escape the boredom and the sexual tension which Beauregard can’t satisfy. Do I dare to do this? No one knows me here. What could it hurt?


The men asked if she had ever had Martinican cuisine, and when she admitted to knowing nothing about it, they asked her if she would like them to order for her.

While waiting to be served, Georgia could see both men attempting to look down her cleavage. When their attention was on the waiter, she surreptitiously un-fastened two more buttons. Now the sides of her breasts were exposed, and when the men’s attention came back to her she smiled sweetly at them.

“What would you like to drink with your meal?” Bobby asked. “Maybe a glass of wine.”

“I understand that Martinican cuisine is fairly spicy, how about a real drink, maybe bourbon would be a better fit,” she answered.

“Truly a woman after my own heart,” he said, ordering three bourbons.

The appetizer was served. “Now, what is this?” Georgia asked.

Chuck explained to her that these were conch fritters, which consisted of finely chopped conch meat combined with onions and red peppers that were then deep-fried until golden.

Georgia enjoyed the exotic flavor. The conch was followed by grouper fillets seared and seasoned with tomatoes, garlic, and vegetable gravy, accompanied by grits with a sprinkling of cheese. The salad, which was served with the grouper, was Ceviche-style conch salad consisting of raw conch meat added to tomatoes, onions, bell peppers and cucumbers and heavily sprinkled with lime juice and chilies.

By this time, they were into their second round of bourbon, and Georgia was starting to feel tipsy. “Are you boys trying to get me drunk?” she asked.

“Of course not!” objected Bobby.

“Georgia, it’s you who are intoxicating us with your beauty,” said Chuck placing his hand lightly on her inner thigh just above her knee.

Georgia realized at that moment that those two could do anything they wished to her and she would not object as her pussy tingled from the moment he touched her.

All too soon, supper was over. As they rose from the table, Georgia announced that she was going to return to her room and soak in the Jacuzzi.

Bobby looked at her with a smile and suggested that maybe she would like to join them in their suite, which had a magnificent view and a much larger Jacuzzi.

“Now, what would your wives think of me if I were to do that?”

“Our wives would think you are delectable and want to jump into the Jacuzzi with us,” Bobby said.

“Well, if you promise to behave, I will go back to my room and put on my bikini and join you.”

“Why bother?” said Chuck. “We’ve already have seen you half-naked, and if you wish you can keep your panties on. It would cover those parts you would not wish to expose to our lecherous eyes.”

“Hmm… okay, just promise to behave,” Georgia said while the thought of her exposing herself fully to them made her blush.


They entered into the penthouse suite and Georgia was astounded at the luxury surrounding her. They walked out to the large patio, and Bobby went to check the water temperature while Chuck fetched an ice bucket, glasses, and a bottle labeled Black Maple Hill 16-Year-Old Small Batch bourbon.

“I’ve never seen that brand before,” exclaimed Georgia.

“Here, try it. I think you will like it,” said Bobby.

“Oh, that’s smooth,” she exclaimed after taking a sip. “Almost as smooth as you two lechers.”

“Speaking of lechers, shall we try the Jacuzzi?” said Bobby.

“You guys go in first. I want to make sure you don’t have a shark lurking in its depths.”

Glancing at each other, the men removed their shirts and kicked off their shoes before dropping their trousers.

Georgia gulped. Both the men were commando and their cocks certainly commanded her attention. My God, she thought. Why wasn’t Beauregard built like that? They are just such beautiful men.

Chuck called out from the tub, “Your turn, Georgia.”

She debated as to whether she should just walk out and go back to her room. She hesitated a few seconds while the men looked at her with smiling eyes. Damn, I might never have an opportunity again, and who back home will ever know?

She removed her blouse, exposing her breasts for the second time to their eyes. She then shimmied out of her skirt to the appreciative eyes of both men. Now wearing that minuscule thong, which frankly did little to hide her charms, she stepped into the Jacuzzi.

As soon as she was settled in the water, both men moved to sit one on each side of her.

Chuck was the first one to make a move. He turned her face towards his and gazed into her eyes.

“Georgia, you have the most amazing green eyes. I want to do something I have wanted to do since setting my eyes on you this afternoon.”

He approached his face to hers and slowly moved his lips towards her. She stared into his slate-gray eyes and felt her heart throb as she slowly parted her lips to receive him. Their tongues twined and the intensity of the kiss almost overwhelmed her. Panting, she broke the kiss only to realize that Bobby was fondling her breast.

He hefted it in his palm before taking her now aroused nipple between his fingers and rolling it till it got even stiffer. He brought his mouth down and licked around her areola before sucking the nipple into his mouth and scraping his teeth over it.

Chuck submerged into the warm water, and she felt his hands hook her thong. He moved her panties down, pulling them off and tossing them aside. She felt his fingers gently caress her slit, which made her gasp.

When he surfaced, he looked at her and said, “Georgia, I think you can see where this is going. Are you ready for what happens next?”

“Yes,” she said, reaching down and grabbing each man’s cock and giving it a squeeze.

“Then let’s go to where we will be more comfortable.” He reached for her hand and pulled her up from the water.

The men wrapped her in a towel and vigorously dried her before Bobby picked her up in his arms and carried her to the master bedroom. He deposited her on the bed and she found herself lying on the bed with a man on either side of her.

She reached on either side and grasped each shaft in her hand. Bobby leaned over to give her a kiss. She drew back and asked him, “Bobby, what if your wives return and catch us like this?”

“Georgia, we all lead a very different lifestyle. Chuck and I have been friends since university days, we made a decision long ago that we were born hedonists. Lucky for us, we married girls who are equally oriented. You would be surprised at the intimacy that exists between us. We are what is commonly referred to today as swingers.”

“Do you mean you exchange wives?”

“Yes, and the girls are very bi. They share their affection for each other. If they return and you are still here they would be delighted to share you with us… if you were willing.”

Georgia’s jaw dropped at this announcement.

“Georgia, are you bisexual?” Chuck asked.

It took her some time to marshal her thoughts before finally saying, “Guys, it has been years since I have had sex with a man. My husband has no interest, and I certainly have no interest in him. I have a relationship with my masseuse, who weekly takes care of my needs. It’s been what has kept me sane.”

“Well, I think you are a perfect fit for our group. If you enjoy what we intend to do with you, it can be arranged that you move in with us for the length of your stay. Now enough talk. Let’s see if we can help you scratch that itch.”

Bobby leaned forward, and they melted into a passionate kiss while Chuck caressed and teased her breasts.

“Guys, lie down side by side, there’s something I want to do to you that I have not done in many years.”

She positioned herself between Bobby’s legs and reached over to stroke Chuck’s erection while dropping her mouth over Bobby’s cock to run her soft tongue up and down his length. After getting it thoroughly wet, she switched to Chuck’s and gave it the same loving treatment.

By the time she got back to Bobby, he was oozing precum from his slit. She lapped at it, avidly running her tongue around his cock head. She kept switching back and forth from one to the other, greatly encouraged by the moans she was hearing from them.

She finally wrapped Chuck’s cock with her lips and started sucking him deep into her wet warm mouth. Her head bobbed as she took him deeper and deeper until she could feel him throbbing as she took him into her throat. She felt the stream of cum in the back of her throat and sucked even harder and faster till he had stopped gushing.

Licking her lips lasciviously, she moved over to Bobby’s cock, and after teasing him with some long and languorous stroking swallowed him right down her now relaxed throat until he also flooded her with his thick creamy load.

She snuggled between them glad she had given in to her lust.

“Georgia, for one who has not given a blow job in a long time, you were absolutely amazing.”

“You know, Chuck, it seems it’s like riding a bicycle. You never forget how to do it.”

“Now it’s your turn. Lay down on your side. Bobby and I will show you one of our specialties.”

Georgia lay on her side, wondering what that specialty was. As soon as she had positioned herself she felt the men change position. One of her legs was lifted so that she was now fully exposed. Georgia gasped when she felt a soft tongue licking up her thigh and another licking down the upraised leg.

Both tongues and mouths were approaching her core. Her sensitive skin was being mercilessly teased with licks and soft bites. She moaned with pleasure as the licks approached her pussy, which was now gushing with her juice.

After what seemed to her to be forever, she felt the velvet touch of a tongue lick a swath first against one side of her inflamed pussy lips, and then on the other before running through the slit. She moaned with pleasure then gasped when she felt the second tongue run the length of the crack of her behind and focus on her puckered rear hole. She was an anal virgin and had never been touched back there.

The tongues were merciless, now pushing into her holes, while on one side a hand came around and began mauling her breast. On the other, her clit was being circled by deft finger and finally pulled and pinched while her nipple was being subjected to the same treatment.

Georgia’s pussy was flowing. Her gasps and moans filled the room. She was held tightly by both men and she started to squirm and push her behind back, trying to intensify the pleasure her ass was receiving from the intrusive tongue.

The fingers at her clit were replaced by the feeling of a tongue licking and sucking her now fully exposed nub. Her pussy was being filled with fingers twisting and thrusting in search of her g-spot. On the other side, she gasped as her anus was parted and she felt first one, then a second finger penetrate her unviolated ass. As it slipped past her sphincter, she gasped with pleasure.

She felt both sets of fingers now filling her and frigging both orifices in rhythm. The waves of pleasure washed over her continuously, bringing her to higher peaks of orgasm as her body shook and quivered at the combined onslaught till she finally squirted her cum all over the bedspread.

The men slowed down the frigging and lowered her leg. She lay there panting on the bed as she came down from the high. “Wow! That was amazing,” she panted as the men surrounded her on both sides, soothingly caressing her body.

“Now Georgia, when you feel up to it, it’s our turn. Would you like that?’

“Bobby, do bears shit in the woods? Of course I would like that, but first, can you get me something to drink? I don’t think my legs would support my weight after what you just put me through.”

“Did you enjoy our specialty treatment?”

“It was so out of this world and so unexpected. I don’t think I have ever cum that hard. My god, I made such a mess of the bedspread. I have never squirted like that before.”

Chuck returned with the drinks and passed one to Georgia. “Chuck, what is this? It’s delicious,” she asked.

“My own creation, honey. I thought straight bourbon was maybe too much for now. This is bourbon, lime juice, seltzer water with a drop of bitters. Do you like it?”

“You truly are a man of many talents,” she smiled.

“Are you ready for the main event?” he asked.

“Bring it on. Though I guess one of you will have to wait his turn.”

“No, we also have a patented but not unique technique. Are you ready for two at the same time?”

“How the hell would you both take my pussy at once?” she said, eying the size of their cocks.

“No, honey, that would be painful for you. However, you do have two holes we could use.”

“You mean…oh! I’ve never done that. I always thought it would be very painful.”

“Not if it is done gently and slowly after we prepare you.”

“In for a penny, in for a pound, as they say. This is certainly a day of firsts for me.”

“We hope it is not the last such day,” chimed Bobby.

“What do I do?” asked Georgia.

Chuck rolled on his back, leaning against the headboard. “Just squat over my cock, facing my feet. We’ll take care of the rest.”

Georgia obliged and felt Chuck’s hands on her ass, holding her body over him. Bobby came forward and scooped some of her juice, which was still coating her pussy. He glazed her asshole liberally with it, driving it into her as deep as his fingers could reach.

“Chuck, you already did a great job of lubricating her and loosening her up,” he said.

Georgia blushed as he said that and now was aware of whose tongue it had been back there. She felt the head of Chuck’s cock pressing against her pucker as he gently lowered her body onto his cock. She tightened up as her fears of pain washed through her. Bobby leaned forward and kissed her and toyed with her engorged nipples.

As he distracted her, she felt the bulbous head of Chuck’s cock slowly enter her. There was a momentary twinge of pain that quickly passed as he remained there motionless, letting her get accustomed to the feeling. Bobby kept toying with her, now teasing her clit by rubbing his thumb over it.

This is not so bad, she thought when Chuck dropped her weight onto his cock. It slid right into her. Suddenly she felt her ass completely filled by that glorious hunk of meat.

She smiled at Bobby and said, “Guess it’s your turn.”

She felt Chuck’s arms wrap around her legs and spread her wide. She felt as if she were trussed like a turkey at Thanksgiving, which made her smile. Bobby advanced, and she felt him part her pussy lips with his fingers. He placed his cock at the entrance to her pussy before sliding it all the way into her.

Both men remained motionless while she got accustomed to the double intrusion. After a minute or so she started moving her body back and forth to feel both cocks sliding in and out of her. She could feel every vein and every ridge as she wantonly thrust back and forth. The feeling was just incredible. The thin walls of her vagina were able to feel both cocks rubbing against all her delicate tissues.

Chuck’s hand came around and started titillating her clit, making her moan. Bobby’s hand toyed with her breasts and nipples first mauling her firm tits, then tugging and pinching her nipple.

“Guys, that feels so good. Plow me as hard as you wish.”

Chuck’s hips started to match her rhythm, lifting into her each time she slid back. She could feel his balls slapping against her. Bobby drove his cock deeper and deeper till she could feel his cock head pushing against her cervix with every stroke.

Both cocks were throbbing in her, and she clamped her muscles to milk them while her pussy just kept juicing up. She could hear the sloshing and felt her juice slipping out around Bobby’s cock and flowing down to lubricate the area around her ass and Chuck’s cock.

“Give it to me, guys. I want to feel both of you fill me with your cum,” she exclaimed. “Please cum in me, I’m on the edge. Fuck me, and don’t stop.”

As she said that she felt as if two firehoses had let loose in her. The feeling of warm cum in her sent her over the edge and her body quivered as she came adding her cum to the mix.

She became conscious that her moans and shrieks filled the room as her orgasm kept going as if it were never going to end. Both cocks remained stiff in her and drove her from one orgasm to the next. Finally, she could take no more and begged to be released.

Both men withdrew, and Georgia lay panting on the bed. She felt herself start to snooze and let herself go to sleep.


Georgia woke to discover that she was alone in bed. She could see both men lounging in the Jacuzzi. She got up, stretched and went to join them.

“Well, Georgia, how was it? Another first for you?”

“It was incredible, Chuck. Can we all snuggle together? I need to feel you both to prove to myself this was not a dream.”

Immediately the men surrounded her and alternately began to kiss her.

“Well, who is this?” a voice came from the patio door.

“Hi, Shannon. Come on over, girls, and let me introduce you to Georgia.

“Georgia, the tall sultry blond is my wife, Shannon. The brunette with the lithe oversexed body is Michelle, Chuck’s wife.”

“Hello, Georgia. Have the boys behaved themselves with you?” Shannon said with a smile while removing her clothes.

Georgia was speechless, not knowing what to answer when Chuck spoke up. “Shannon, I believe Georgia has had a most enjoyable evening so far. Both Bobby and I took care of all her needs.”

“Good for you,” Michelle said as she also stripped down.

Georgia blushed, still not knowing what to say when both women came into the Jacuzzi and shoved their husbands out of the way to surround her.

“Oh, how delectable,” Michelle said running her hands over Georgia’s tits.

“Georgia, do you enjoy women or only men?” Shannon asked.

Realizing that the women accepted what their husbands had done to her, Georgia blushed and answered, “I have some limited experience but always only on the receiving end. I have a masseuse who pleasures me weekly.”

“Remember, Georgia, it is said that giving is more blessed than receiving,” Michelle snickered as both women caressed Georgia’s body.

Shannon was playing with her tits while Michelle had introduced her hand between her legs and was gently frigging Georgia’s pussy.

“Guys, can we steal Georgia away from you for a while?” Shannon inquired.

“She’s all yours if she wants to go with you,” Chuck said, giving his wife a playful slap on the rump as she climbed out of the Jacuzzi.

Both women stood on the patio and beckoned Georgia to join them. Am I ever going to be the same after all these sensations? Georgia wondered.

In the bedroom, they backed her up to the bed and pushed her back so she flopped onto her back. Shannon gasped Georgia’s ankles and spread her legs wide exposing her to their lustful gaze.

“Georgia, you are magnificent,” she exclaimed looking at her hairless mound and heaving breasts. “I am going to eat you alive.”

“Do I also get to eat?” asked Georgia.

“Of course, I am your meal to start off with,” Michelle said with a smile.

“Are you going to teach me what to do?”

“Oh honey, you just do what comes naturally to you,” Shannon explained.

With that, Shannon started nibbling at Georgia’s toes, sending what seemed to be 1000 volts of electricity to her pussy. Meanwhile, Michelle had sprawled next to her and was kissing her neck and licking her ears as she grasped each breast in turn and squeezed it firmly as you would squeeze a grapefruit.

Shannon trailed licks and kisses along her inner thigh with tantalizing slowness driving Georgia crazy with need. She could not wait for her pussy to come into the range of that soft tongue. Michelle brought her mouth to hers, and she parted her lips to welcome her. Soon both tongues were entwined, and they were swapping saliva.

That’s so sweet, Georgia thought. More sensuous than a man’s kiss. She was so engrossed in the kiss and the feel of Michelle toying with her nipples that she forgot for a moment about Shannon, who now was running her tongue through her pussy lips. She moaned at that touch and felt her pussy respond by immediately getting wet.

“Michelle, she’s delicious,” Shannon exclaimed as she slurped at her core like a kitten lapping cream.

“Are you ready, Georgia? Time to give as you receive,” Michelle swung one of her long legs over Georgia so she was positioned with her gleaming wet pussy over Georgia’s face.

“Yes. I really want to taste you, Michelle.”

Michelle leaned forward and grasped the headboard and lowered her snatch down to Georgia’s mouth.  Georgia extended her tongue and took a tentative lick which coated her tongue with Michelle’s juices that now were covering her tiny pussy lips.

“Mmm! That’s so good," she muttered.

“Did you say something, honey?” Shannon asked.

She pried Michelle off her face and repeated herself.

“What’s good?”

“What you are doing to me and the taste of Michelle on my tongue and in my mouth,” she answered.

“Told you you’d like it,” Shannon said plunging her tongue back into the sopping wet pussy and resuming her lingual exploration of her most intimate parts.

Michelle repositioned herself to permit Georgia to resume eating her out. A few minutes later, Michelle shifted her weight forward bringing her clit to hover over Georgia’s mouth. She had a clit that resembled a mini penis. Georgia understood what her new friend wanted, and sucked it between her lips, rasping her tongue along its length back and forth. Georgia brought her fingers to Michelle’s pussy and tentatively inserted first one finger before adding a second, searching for her g-spot. When she found it, she started to rub it rapidly while sucking on that gorgeous clit. Her actions elicited moans and shrieks of joy from Michelle.

She faintly heard Michelle scream, “I’m cumming!” as her fingers were deluged with cum that came streaming from her pussy. She licked and sucked every drop of the sweet nectar she was being gifted.

Michelle removed herself and said, “Shannon, let’s switch. It’s my turn to eat her up.”

The two of them exchanged places with Shannon now straddling Georgia and Michelle between her legs. Michelle raised Georgia’s legs. As Shannon was facing away from her head, she grasped both legs and pulled them back, exposing Georgia’s pussy and ass to Michelle’s gaze.

“Just gorgeous. Georgia, the guys hit paydirt when they found you.”

Shannon lowered herself over Georgia and presented her pussy to her. This time there was no hesitation. Georgia began licking it with a frenzy. Meanwhile, Michelle’s tongue took over where Shannon had left. She thrust her tongue deep into her wide open pussy and licked each inch she could reach with her tongue.

Meanwhile, Georgia was relishing the taste of Shannon as she lashed the pussy above her with her tongue. She saw Shannon’s pucker placed right before her eyes. Taking the ultimate dare, she moved her hand so that her fingers delved deep into that delicious gash. Georgia brought her thumb over the clit and proceeded to frig Shannon’s pussy and clit at the same time. She brought her tongue upward and gave Shannon’s pucker a lick. Shannon’s gasp reassured Georgia it was the right thing to do, and she proceeded to thrust her tongue against that inviting hole.

“Michelle, she’s fucking my asshole with her tongue!” Shannon yelled.

“Really!” Michelle said in a surprised tone.


Georgia felt her ass now licked and invaded by Michelle’s tongue and Michelle’s fingers now frigging her pussy. Shannon leaned forward and brought her mouth to Georgia’s clit to lick and suck it. Georgia felt her whole body start to spasm as she felt her orgasm build. She screamed, “My turn. I’m going to cum!” as her body shook convulsively. For the second time that day, Georgia squirted a fountain of cum, which was lapped up by both Michelle and Shannon. When Shannon came, Georgia placed her mouth against the woman’s pussy to swallow every drop of fluid that gushed from her.

The three of them lay down on the bed in a heap as the sound of clapping came from the patio door where the men had indulged in their voyeuristic tendencies.

The five of them lay down side by side on the bed while exchanging soft caresses.

“Why so silent, Georgia?” Michelle asked after a few minutes.

“This was so heavenly. I never believed that something like this would ever happen to me. Now next week, I will be back in Athens and again relegated to a boring humdrum life.” She felt her eyes start to get teary at the thought.

“Did you say Athens? Athens, Georgia?” Bobby asked.


The four of them started laughing.

“Why are you laughing at me? That’s not funny.”

“Oh, yes it is. We never asked you where you came from and Athens IS funny. Georgia, Shannon and I live just down the road in Augusta. Chuck lectures once a month at UGA. Then comes to Augusta, where he is joined by Michelle. Would you like to become a member of our happy group?”

Tears streaming down her face Georgia silently nodded her assent. She was too overcome by the news to say anything.

Shannon caressed Georgia’s face. “Go to sleep, Georgia. Tomorrow morning we’ll treat you to our version of breakfast in bed.”


Many thanks to JefferyB for his help.


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Miss Bentner Takes Charge of Elizabeth Part 1

Elizabeth Carson walked back up her path enjoying thestinging feeling across her bottom, ready to go to her bedroom and masturbate. She unlocked her front door and walked in to her house. She stopped short when she saw 24-year-old Miss Bentner was already in the hallway with Emma, Elizabeth’s 17-year-old daughter. Miss Bentner didn’t look like a teacher today. She wasn’t in school so that was Ok. Today she wore a tight fitting vest top that showed off her full breasts and firm arms. Her hair...

2 years ago
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The Taking of Elizabeth Chapter 5

Introduction: Hello and thank you for coming by to read. Once again, this story is completely fictional. I have never nor do I know anyone who has ever experienced anything like this. This is purely a fantasy based story. There are sensitive subjects such as slavery, sexual abuse, and rape in this story. If youre uncomfortable with that, please turn back now. Hope you enjoy! Unlike all the other nights shed spent in her bedroom on that big fluffy mattress, Elizabeth was unable to sleep a blink....

4 years ago
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Wishes Chapter 8 Elizabeth

Unlike the weeks following my brief tryst with Harris during which I battled constant anxiety, guilt and distractions, I felt very content and satisfied following my evening with Don at his hotel in Midland.   I am not entirely sure why.   Perhaps it was the fact that although I did have two wonderful climaxes with Don, my encounter with him was more emotional and less sexual.  Don’t get me wrong, Harris was caring and respectful; however, when he fucked me, and particularly when Harris and...

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Elizabeth 03 The Art Student

The sun was ablaze on the mysterious tropical island, and Jonathan was ambling down the beach admiring the waves. Rocky bluffs on one side, emerald-green water as far as the eye could see on the other, and the sand felt beautifully soft between his toes as he walked alone towards the somewhere he knew but couldn’t quite remember. The sound of the waves rang out in his ears, and he could hear the seagulls crowing overhead as well, only strangely enough they sounded nothing like any bird he had...

3 years ago
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Georgia goes to University Part 002

by Vanessa Evans Part 02 – Still Settling In. The next morning I woke alone on my back on my bed, my right hand on my wet pussy. “I really must get a motion activated camera and stick it between my legs when I go to bed.” I thought as I lay there for a few minutes trying to decide if my head hurt or not. It didn’t and I got up and went to the bathroom. Twenty minutes later I walked out of the bathroom feeling refreshed and ready for the day. I put some coffee on and started making a mental...

4 years ago
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Georgia Part 26

by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 26 When I got to the club I discovered that Daniella was going to the Private Humiliation event with me. As I had no idea what was involved I asked Daniella if she’d been to one before. She first told me that it was a private gathering of like-minded people in one room of a workshop that would be cleared out,...

2 years ago
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Georgia Part 05

by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 05 James parked in the station car park then went to the back of the car. “What are you doing James?” “I take it that you are staying in the car Georgia.” “Correct – unfortunately, I’m not that brave.” “Nor are you stupid Georgia, there’s bound to be at least one policeman in there. This Charlotte doesn’t know...

2 years ago
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Meeting Dr Georgia

I awakened very slowly and dreamily, realizing I was still in John’s arms, just like I had been when we went to sleep. We hadn’t moved at all during the night. He felt wonderfully warm. I didn’t really want to be awake, but it felt so cozy and perfect that I didn’t want to go back to sleep and miss out on enjoying it. I opened my eyes just a little and could see some gray light coming in around the drapes, so I guessed it was about dawn. San Francisco. Fairmont Hotel. I sure didn’t want to...

3 years ago
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Georgia Goes to UniversityChapter 8 Things start to get a bit routine except for

When I say that, the Sunday morning was the first time ever that I have been woken up by a man fucking me. I’d thought that it would be an amazing experience and I was right. I invited Matt to do the same anytime that he wanted to. We fucked again in the shower then I went back to my apartment thinking that I was very lucky to have a good friend with excellent benefits. My head wasn’t quite as clear as it could have been and I had a little nap before waking in the afternoon when Roxy was...

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Elizabeth To Beth

Authors Note: I quote in part from a review on one of my stories Painting The Rose. The review Stupid is as stupid does 01/20/09 By Anonymous in USA: ‘The sex was minimal, and for the most part, not there. Hence, some might not have liked it for its lack of vicarious luridness. This Story does not contain vicarious luridness. To Anonymous in USA: Thank You! I am a Correction Officer assigned to a maximum-security prison of some notoriety in Western New York. I have lived alone since my wife...

3 years ago
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Elizabeth 04 Late Summer Part 2

Irene did tell Benjamin what had happened between us, that much I do know. Exactly what she told him or how he received the news was to remain a mystery, for she never told me (or Elizabeth that I know of) anything of it all. I knew well enough not to look either of them up in the ensuing days, and so all the angst and mystery of the day after were still very much in force when Elizabeth and Jonathan returned to Westfordshire City on Saturday. Though I did not know with certainty which train...

3 years ago
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Elizabeth 07 Before the Storm

Hindsight is such a very queer mistress. Of this I am reminded again and again in recounting the escapades of my youth and my dear friends in Westfordshire City. Time and again in those wonderful days, I feared a lovely era in my life was over, only to grow stronger and happier in the long term. Had I only known when the era truly was to come to a traumatic, irreversible end, I’d have spent far less of my precious time worrying about such things, and more of it enjoying the precious days we did...

2 years ago
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Elizabeth Bennet Considers

The inquiring reader must, I fear, be informed that this humble offering cannot be understood without some knowledge of Miss Jane Austen's classic novel, Pride & Prejudice. If you have not read that novel, why are you wasting time with my work? Pride & Prejudice is not just a romance; it is the romance in the English language. On the Storiesonline scale, it scores two hundred ... at least. Go read it forthwith! It's available online, if you so desire. If reading gently paced...

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