Mother-Auntie Fucker free porn video

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Mother-Auntie Fucker

By   Sonya  Esperanto

E-mail:  [email protected]


Jason could not sleep.  The whole night he had been listening to both his mother and aunt moaning and grunting all the way from the Master Bedroom.  He had heard a lot of slappings too and name callings  and  lots and lots of loud screaming  going  on.

He had been kept awake until the time his own mom would normally wake him up for school.  He looked at the clock on the bedside table near his bed.

It  was  6AM.  

Despite what he was hearing,   his traditional  family upbringing reminded him that he has to get up,  even if his mom doesn’t  and to start preparing himself for school,  even if he has to do this on his own.

After all,  he always cycled all the way to school and not rely on his mom to drive him there. 

He got out of his bedroom and washed his face over the bathroom mirror. 

As he was brushing his teeth with an Oral B tooth brush,  using Colgate tooth paste,  he could still his mom and aunt making their noises.

He could hear the noises being made by the guy,  who was fucking both his mom and aunt at the same time,  inside the master bedroom. 

When he finished washing his face,  he went back to his bedroom and got changed for school.  He even packed his own stuff for school that morning,  and when he had everything,  he just took them all with him towards the kitchen. 

Inside the kitchen,   he made himself hot water and prepared for  himself a cup for hot chocolate. 

As  the  water  was  boiling,  his  mind  wandered  off.  He  was  planning  on  going  straight  to  school,  without  even  saying  bye.

He  would feel  much  better  that  way.

Just  as  the  hot  water  finished  boiling  and  finished  making  himself  a cup  of  hot  chocolate,  the  kitchen  door   opened.  

Jason saw both his mom and aunt walk into the kitchen,  naked and with their breasts,  pussies  and  mouth  covered  with  cum. 

Then  who  entered  the  kitchen  next,  was  the  guy  who  fucked  both  his  mom  and  aunt  at  the  same  time:  Christopher.

?Good  morning!!?  Christopher  joked  happily.

Christopher had a good morning  alright.  He had spent the entire night satisfying his cock by fucking  Jason’s mom and aunt.

?Man  it is nice to fuck their pussies!!  Asian  pussies  are  the  best!!  So small!!!  It is nice to hear them scream  too!!?  chuckled  Christopher.

Unlike  Jason’s  mo  and  aunt,  Christopher  wasn’t  naked.   He  already  had  his  clothes  on.

?You bitch,  go  make  me  coffee!!?  Christopher ordered Jason’s mom.

?Yes  Master!!?  Jason’s mom responded in an  exhaustive used-up tone.

?And you bitch,  go  make me some fried eggs!!?  Christopher ordered Jason’s aunt.

?Yes  Master!!?  Jason’s aunt responded,  by exhaling.

Afterwards,  all four of them were sat down by the dining table.   Jason was just sipping his hot chocolate drink quietly.  His mom and aunt stared at the dining table.  Christopher was happily eating his breakfast. 

?Man this is the life,  being able to fuck two beautiful Asian women in the same night!!!   I envy you Jason!!  Wondered why you never fucked them yourselves!!  Or better not!!  Your cock is nowhere as half as big as mine!!?  commented  Christopher.

Christopher chuckled at what he had just said about Jason,  or other Asian guys.

When Christopher had finished eating breakfast,  he then looked at Toshiko.

?Hey you have a car right!!!  I want you to drive me and my new friend Jason to school!!!?    Christopher  said to Toshiko.

?Yes Master!!?  Toshiko said.

Jason looked at Christopher.  Christopher was not just the guy who fucked both his mom and his aunt.  He was the kid from school who bullies him regularly.

Jason remembered how this all began.

It all began yesterday???


Yesterday  Late  Afternoon

Jason  Kurosawa  was  playing  with  his  football,   all  by  himself,  on  an  open  green  field  near  some  woods,  not  far  from  his  house.

Jason  Kurosawa  was  a  12  year  old  Japanese  boy,  who  grew  up  in  the  United  States,   since  his  parents  took  him  away  from  Tokyo,  at  the  age  of  8  years.  By  the  time  he  was  10  years  old,  his  parents  divorced. 

Since  then,  he  had  been  raised  by  both  his  mom  and  aunt  ( Who  had  already  lived  in  the  US  even  before  his  parents  did ).

As  for  where  he  lived,   he  lived  on  the  suburbs,  on  the  outskirts  of  Virginia.

As  Jason  continued  playing,   he  was  approached  by  the  neighborhood  bully  Christopher,  a  large  fat  14  year  old  Blond white  kid with stone cold blue eyes and freckles,  who  was  more  than  a  head  taller than  his  Asian  counterpart.

?Oh  shit!!?  Jason  panicked.

Christopher always bullied Jason,  not  only  because  he  was  shorter  and  younger,  but  also  that  he  blamed  Asians  for  having  stolen  all  the  jobs  from  Americans  (both  blacks and  whites),  which  in  itself  was  just  an  excuse.

?Hey you,  you  little    twerp!!  Come  here!!??  threatened  Christopher.

Jason  ran,  leaving  his  football  behind.   He ran as fast as his legs could take him. 

?I’m gonna get you,  ya  little  chink!!?  Christopher shouted towards him.

Jason was afraid of Christopher. The older fat white kid not only bullied him and made his life miserable,  by doing things like carrying him  and dumping his entire skinny little body into the garbage can,   but also that his own mom was reluctant to do anything.

Both his mom and aunt insisted that he just runs away.  They complained once to the school principal and even to the police,.  But they said that kids do these things all the time and that the principal was powerless against kids outside school property.

Jason ran,  until, he reached his own house.  His house was a large two-storey house that had no gates or fences,   and stood all by itself on a large open field,  that didn’t even have grass.

Jason reached his house’s front door and knocked as hard and fast as he could.  He was afraid that his bully was gaining on him. 


?Let me in!!!  Let me in!!!?  Jason screamed in Japanese.

Thirty seconds later,   his front door opened.   The  door had been opened by his beautiful mom  Sakura.  Ever since his parents divorced,  he and his mom moved in with his aunt.  His aunt was his mom’s elder sister.

?What is going on here???   Are  you  ok????  Sakura  asking  her  son  lovingly,  but in English  rather  in  Japanese.

?You all look like you’ve all seen a ghost!!?  commented his aunt,  who  had  just come back home from work.

His  aunt  had  just  gotten   out  of  her  car,  which  she  had  parked  by  the  driveway. 

His aunt’s name was Toshiko. 

Toshiko and Sakura were 32  and  30   years  old  respectively;   both  pale  as  snow  ( like  the  average  Japanese  women ),   slim,   one  had  long  silky  black  hair  and  the  other  had  dyed  brown  hair,   cute  faces  like  Geishas,   both same height as Jason,   and  give  into  intimidations  and  threats  easily,  despite  the  fact  that  they  were  both  tough  intelligent  women.

Just  as  Toshiko  and  Sakura  looked  concerned  towards  the  young  Japanese  boy,   Christopher  finally  arrived.

?So  you  are  gonna  hide  behind  your   mommy  and  auntie!!!  I  heard  last  time  that  they  told  the  cops  on  me!!  And  that  they  even  tried  reporting  me  to  the  Principal’s  office!!!  How  pathetic!!  You  can’t  stand  up  for  yourself,  you  little  shit!!!?  Christopher  shouted  at  Jason.

?Leave  him  alone!!?   Toshiko  shouted  defiantly  towards  him.

?Or  you  are gonna  do  what????   Use  your  fancy  martial  arts  on  me!!  Use  karate  towards  me!!!  Do you know the cops and the principal didn’t do anything to me and even how I know all this,  is  because  they are afraid of me.  They will never ever get on my nerve and even tell me the slightest  things  connected to me,   to my face!!  They are afraid I know martial arts and  that  I  can  kick of  their assess!!  If I wanted to,  I can kick   all three of your asses!!  Right  here and right  now!!?  Christopher talking big.

Christopher had friends who heard from their other friends,  who had relatives who worked in school and at the police station.

Sakura and Toshiko weren’t sure if he was just bullshitting  or  actually  bragging  about  things  he  can  do. 

There is an old saying in Japan:  better to be safe than sorry.

And another old saying:  try your best to avoid letting any form of harm come to you,  even if it means you have to bow down and pay some money.

?Look  why  don’t  you  just  leave  him  alone!!?  Sakura  shouted at him.

?I can do what I want bitch!!  I am bigger and taller than any of you!!!  Do  you  want  me  to  leave  this geek  you  call  a  son,  alone??!!?  Chris  asked  in a  taunting  tone.

?Yes!!!?  mom and aunt shouted in unison.

?Well ok!!  How about this!!!   You bitches pay me $100 a week,  just to leave him alone!!  We got a deal???  asked Christopher.

Christopher started smiling.

?No!!!!  We don’t negotiate with bullies like you!!?  Toshiko cried out defiantly.

?Well in that case!!?  Christopher got angrier.

He moved fast, pushed Toshiko aside and grabbed Jason, putting out  his right arm around the boy’s eyes,  causing him so much head pain,  while holding both his skinny hands from behind his back,  with his left hand,  twisting them hard even.


,  Jason screamed in serious pain.

Christopher could see that this was scaring both the Japanese boy’s mother and auntie.  He knew that of they could kick his ass,  they would done it already.

?Please let him go!!?  pleaded Sakura.

Both mom and aunt knew that there was no way  they  could  stop  Christopher from harassing and holding to their son/nephew.

?So you gonna pay me money??  Yeah I thought so!!  You Asians are so stingy with your money!!!    Always saving your money!!!  Always selling and never buying  anything  from other people,  including your own  American customers!!  In fact you love your money so much  that you not even going to use it to save your skinny little son’s life!!?  Christopher shouted

Jason continued struggling in vain  against  the bigger kid,  but to no avail.

Toshiko talked  Japanese  to  Sakura.  

?You know something!!  You are right!!!  You are bigger than us!!  Stronger than us!!   But we still beat you in selling products!!  Just as you have your strength,  we got our brains!!!  This is why we Japan is always number one and America is number two!!  We are not afraid to resort to using our brains to get ahead!!!  Of course not that you will ever beat us in that department too!!?  taunted Toshiko.

Christopher let go of Jason.

?I am not just stronger you!!!   I am smarter than you!!!  I can prove it!!?  Christopher became emotional.

Toshiko and Sakura laughed.

?Ok then!!  How about a wager!!!?  suggested  Toshiko.

?What did you have in mind???  Chris asked.

?That we play a game where we have to use our brains!!!?  Toshiko said.

?Fine by me!!!  What game did you have in mind???  We make our wager on a video game!!!?   stated Christopher.

?I am not talking about games for children!!  How about a game of chess!!  I bet you never played a game of chess in you life!!!?  commented.

?Have too!!?  Christopher.

?Ok,  so we both have a game of chess!!  This is the deal!!  If I win,  you have to stop bullying Jason and leave him alone!!!  In  fact  you  will never ever show your face towards him or be anywhere near him?  remarked  .

?Ok that is fine by me!!  But I  win,  this is what happens.  All three of you will become my loyal obedient Japanese slaves!!!?  cried  Christopher.

?Toshiko,  that is crazy!!?  Sakura cried to her sister in their native language.

?Auntie that is not a good idea!!?   Jason protested in Japanese.

?Will you two relax!!  Most bullies are such idiots!!!  He’s got nothing up that Gai Jin skull of his!!  It is better this way!!  If he thinks he can beat,  let him!!  I know I can beat this fat Gai Jin!!?  Toshiko smiled confidently.

Gai  Jin  is a Japanese term for anyone who is not Japanese and also meant to be derogatory.

She was sure there was no way she was going to lose a game of chess to some fat white boy who does nothing all day but bully smaller and younger kids then himself.

?Ok you got yourself a deal!!!  How about we go inside the house and play there!!!?  suggested  Toshiko.

?You’re on!!  I  am  going  to  own  all your  Japanese  asses  and  can do anything I want with them!!!?  Christopher chuckled.

All four of them went inside the house.   They went over to the dining table  and  Sakura  brought out the chess board for them,  even  putting  all the figures in their right places. 

Christopher and Toshiko sat opposite each other.

?So what do you want to be?  White or black??  Do you even know the rules of this game???  asked Toshiko.

?I sure do know the rules of this game!!!   Hey you know what!!  I wanna go first!!?  said  Christopher.

?Suit yourself!!  That makes you white then!!!?  said  Toshiko. 

?Of course I’m white!!?  bellowed Christopher.

?Oh goodness sakes!!!  I am not talking about your skin color!! The person who plays first,  plays with the white chess figurines!!?  Toshiko cried.

This guy is such a fucking idiot.  This game will be over in just four moves,  Toshiko thought.

Toshiko shook her head,  in  disapproval and disgust.

?I knew that!!?  Christopher defended himself.

Yeah right you did,  Toshiko thought.

Christopher and Toshiko started playing chess,  with both her sister and her nephew standing beside her. 

But the game was not going very good.  All three Japanese were worried.  Toshiko could not go back on her word,  if she was going to lose this game,  and that even Jason and Sakura had to honor their part too ie  to become his slaves.

The game ended,  with  Christopher saying to Toshiko,  ?Check Mate!!?

Toshiko looked in horror at the teenage white bully,  as did her sister Sakura and her nephew Jason.

?I won this game!!!  As Japanese you have no choice but to honor your obligations!!!  To not do so will be dishonouring your ancestors and gods!!!  From this day forth,  you are no longer free persons!!!  From this day forth,  you are my slaves!!!  You will call me Master and speak when spoken to!!!  Your lives now revolve around mine,   not yours!!!  You exist only to serve me and serve me loyally and with all your hearts and souls,  like how ninjas serve their senseis!!?  Christopher spoke to all three Japanese.

Christopher looked towards Sakura.

?You slave,  what is your name???  he asked her.

?Sakura?Master!!?  Sakura spoke in meek monotone.

?And you slave.  I want you to stand up with them and then tell me your name!!?  Chris ordered Toshiko. 

Toshiko got up from where she sat and joined the others,  standing together with them,  and  sealing her fate by joining them,  as one of  the fat  white teenage bully’s  loyal  slaves.

?I am Toshiko Master!!?  responded Toshiko,  meekly.

Christopher looked at a  trembling frightened Jason.

?You slave,  stop trembling!!  I want all my slaves to be happy that their entire lives surround on serving me and making me happy!!   You must by happy to serve!!  That is all I want you to think about!!  Am I understood?!!?  scolded Christopher.

?Yes??Master!!?   bowed Jason.

?Good!!!  Now slave,  tell me what is your relationship to either women!!?  ordered Christopher.

?She is my mother!!?  Jason pointed at Sakura,  and then to Toshiko,  ?She is my aunt!!?

?So you three Japs live all by yourself,  in this nice home!!  Did you three know that many Americans lost their homes and still more and more are continuing to lose their homes!!  This happens when people in one country continue losing their jobs because no one wants to buy anything they produce,  and instead give all their money to a more cheaper source!!   Now when they lose their jobs,   they have no money to pay for their homes and so instead,  get kicked out of their houses and their entire families forced to live on the streets!!?  Christopher lectured.

Jason,  Sakura  and  Toshiko  just  stared at the white  boy,  not  sure  if  they  should  say  anything  to  ease  the  tensions.

Christopher himself comes from a broken family and his own dad became unemployed,  leading to tensions  rising  within  the  family.  His own parents divorced and his own mom doesn’t give a shit what times he comes back home.  It was as if she doesn’t love her own son anymore,  and that hurts Christopher.

?Now slaves we are all going into the living room!!?  ordered Christopher.

?Yes Master!!?  all three Japanese responded humbly in unison.

They walked towards the living room.  Christopher saw how big it was.  they had a large Toshiba  Flat  Screen TV.  

?Cool  you guys got a large TV!!?  Chris screamed in excitement.

He saw the remote control on the table facing the main sofa.  He grabbed it and sat himself down on the sofa.  He  pointed the remote control towards the TV,  hitting the buttons  on.  The flat screen TV came on.   

Chris was channel flipping,  until he settled down on a channel showing   Two-and-a-half-men.   He loved that show,  as it always made him happy.

?You?..Sakura?..I want ice cream!!  What flavors you got???  Chris asked.

?I have got vanilla and strawberry,  Master!!!?  Sakura answered.

?Bring me both a bowl of Vanilla Ice Cream with a spoon!!?  he ordered her.

Sakura retreated to the kitchen and then came back to the living room,   with a bowl of Vanilla ice cream.  She handed it over to Chris,  who happily swooped it from her greedily.  He just loved Vanilla ice cream.

?You slave  come here and go on all fours!!!  I want to use your back as a resting stool!!?  Chris told Jason.

?Yes Master!!?  Jason said.

Jason went down on all fours,  in front of his Master.  Christopher raised his legs and rested both his feet on the skinny Japanese boy’s  back. 

?Your back makes a good resting stool!!?  complimented Christopher.

It hurt both mother and auntie to see their own son/nephew being humiliated this way.  It was degrading:  a  Gai  Jin  has not only become their Master but is also using them in the most degrading way. 

Christopher was eating his ice cream,  savoring the taste of Vanilla in his hungry mouth.

?Now I want you two bitches to perform a strip tease for me,  taking off all your clothes!!  And while you’re at it,  I also want you two to behave like a couple of dykes and start kissing each other on the lips, on your neck, your nipples and make it as if you are not just two Jap sisters but Asian lesbian lovers!!!  Do it!!?  Christopher screaming his disgusting perverse commands.

?Yes  Master!!!?  Sakura and Toshiko answered in unison. 

The  two  adult  Japanese  sister  staring  dancing  erotically  in  the  middle  of  the  living  room,  touching  themselves  in  a  lewd  way.  They  started  stripping  off  their  clothes,   until   they were  just  dancing   sexily  and  touching  their  bodies  inappropriately,  in  their  bras  and  panties. 

Christopher  was  savoring  both  the  ice  cream  and  the  erotic  striptease.

The  two  sisters  finally  pulled  down their  panties  and  un-strap  their  bras,  letting  them  fall on  the  floor.

As  they  continued  dancing,  they  moved  closer  to  each  other,  hugging  each  other  and  French-kissing  each  other,  as  if  they  were  lesbian  lovers,  rather  than  sisters.  Their  breast  and  pussies  were  touching  each  other. 

It  was  Toshiko  who  first  kissed  on  her  younger  sister’s  nape,  while  fondling  with  both  her  breasts.

?OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?    Sakura  moaned  sexually.

Toshiko then lapped her tongue at her sister’s right nipple,  eventually sucking on them.


?You like that don’t  you,  you  fucking  Japanese sluts!!?   Christopher chuckling at them.

He knew they hated performing incest but hey,  they were slaves right and he could make them do whatever it is that he wanted,  even  if they hated him and ii,  for it. 

Toshiko then made Sakura go over to her left breast,  encouraging her younger sister to suck on her left nipple,  while she put her arm on the back of her sister’s dyed brown hair.

Sakura sucked on Toshiko’s left nipple,  letting saliva from her mouth stain her older sister’s left nipple.


Her sister was sucking her nipple,  as if she was like a baby drinking mommy’s tits. 

?Man nothing more exciting  than to see two sexy Asian sisters making out!!?  commented  Christopher.

As for Jason,  despite the fact his skinny back was aching at the weight of his Master’s feet’s heavy weight,  he  hated  the  way  his  Master  was  talking  about  his  own  mother  and  auntie,  and  that  he  made  them  commit  incest  right  before  his  very eyes.

?Man both your mother and auntie are such sluts!!!  Well slave  what did I say!!?  Christopher taunting Jason.

?You said they are sluts!!?  Jason speaking in a hurt tone.

?Who did I say are sluts!!?  Christopher shouting now at his young Japanese slave.

?My?mother?.and??.my??..aunt!!?   Jason  sighed.

Christopher laughed really loud,  hearing a tone of humiliation coming from Jason’s mouth.

?Well look at it this way!!!  Sluts still live in houses when normal good people are forced out of them!!?  Christopher commented  emotionally.

After  making  both  sisters  play with each other,  kiss and fondle with each other sexually,  Christopher ordered them to stop.

Christopher ordered Jason to go away from him and told Toshiko to kneel down before him and give him a blowjob.

?Yes master!!?  Toshiko responded.

Toshiko knelt before him,  took his big fat cock out,  opened her mouth and took his cock in.  His cock was so big and her jaw so small,  that  Toshiko felt her mouth was going to break or exploder but instead tried sucking his cock,  causing  his cock inside her mouth,  to spurt his sperm out.

?Ah yes!!!  You Asian women have better mouths than white women when it comes to sucking a man’s cock!!!?  complimented Christopher.

If not for that wager she had made,  she would have bitten this fat kid’s cock while it was inside her mouth.

But that wasn’t going to happen.  What was going to happen was that she was going to continue pleasuring his cock,  by sucking it and drinking all his cum.   She was drinking the cum of the kid who bullied her nephew..

?You,  I want you to lie on your back on the table!!?  Chris ordered Sakura.

?Yes master!!?  Sakura said.

Sakura laid on her back,  on the table in front of him.

?You,  I want you to go and get the box of strawberry ice cream!!  I want you to open the lid and also come back here with it,  with a spoon!!?  Chris told Jason.

?Yes master!!?  Jason responded.

Jason went to the kitchen,  took out the strawberry ice cream box from the freezer,  took out the lid from its top,  went to the cutlery drawer and took out a spoon and  then joined his Master, his mom and aunt back in the living room.

?Slave I want you to put some ice cream on your mother’s nipples!!  Do  it!!!?   ordered  Christopher.

?Yes Master!!!?  Jason sighed in humiliation.

Jason used the spoon and scooped some strawberry ice cream from the strawberry ice cream box,   putting some ice cream first on his own mother’s  right nipple.  The ice cream covering Sakura’s right nipple,  made her moan loud, as it was both sticky and cold.

?AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?    Sakura moaned.

Jason did the same to her left nipple,  making her scream again.

?Now I want you to do it to her pussy!!?  Christopher ordered him.

Jason scooped some ice cream,  then used it to cover his mom’s own small Japanese pussy.  That made her really scream.

?Now I want you to lick the ice creams off  your own mother’s sexual parts!!!  And I don’t want you to just lick!!  I want to see some smelling and kissing of them too!!?  Christopher ordered.

Jason was lapping his tongue at his mom’s right nipple,  savoring the taste of both the ice cream and her strawberry-covered brown nipple.

?AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?    Sakura moaned.

A part of her felt guilty for enjoying having her own son’s tongue touching her nipple.

?Man is this family into incest or what!!?  joked Christopher.

After lapping his tongue and even kissing her right nipple a bit,  Jason finally shifted his face over towards her left nipple,  doing the exact same thing.

Jason had finally managed to lick off all the ice cream covering on both the Japanese mother’s brown nipples,  even though they still felt sticky.

Jason then turned his attention towards his mom’s ice cream covered pussy.  He smelled it,  and  then  started sucking,  licking and eating on it. 


,   Sakura had really moaned very loud.  She liked her son putting his tongue on her pussy this way.   It was incest but she could not control her physical feelings.

After licking off the ice cream from her pussy, some bits of sticky pieces remained on her pussy.

?So Jason,  did you enjoy licking ice cream off your own mom’s nice Asian pussy????  asked Christopher.

?No?Master!!?  Jason  shook his head,  disgusted with himself.

?Well Jason, did you know that Japs,  unlike us  Americans,  are pretty much into doing this sort of things with your own relatives!!?  Christopher commented crudely.

Jason was emotionally upset that Christopher talked like that to him.

In the Japanese culture,  slaves had no right to protest to their Masters about anything.

?Jason,  I want you go on top of your mother!!  I want you to put your dick into her pussy!!  I want you to fuck her!!?  ordered Christopher.

Jason did not want to carry this order out,  but it was not fear of this bigger and fatter kid coming up to him and beating the crap out of him,  but that he himself would be guilty of dishonor.

?Yes  Master!!?  Jason said.

Jason pulled down his pants and underwear,  then climbed over on top of his mom.  Jason the put his cock into Sakura’s vagina,  slowly shoving the cock in and rocking it,  while it was inside.

Before Jason knew it,  he was fucking his own mother,.  Sakura just closed her eyes,  and  started  screaming.


,  was  how  Sakura would scream.

She did not like enjoying her own son fucking her this way.

While Jason was fucking her,  he would be sometimes sucking,  licking and kissing both her nipples,  and  even  her  neck  and  her  lips.

?No wonder we beat you Japs during the war!!?  joked  Christopher.

Christopher was enjoying to see the kid whom he used to bully,  fucking his own mother.  After all,  it was his mother who tried standing up to her son’s bully for him,  because he was a weak short skinny geek.

When Christopher tired of watching Jason, fuck his own mom’s pussy,  he ordered the skinny Japanese boy to stop.

Instead he made Jason sit on his mother’s chest,  making her squeeze her tits against his cock,  and then he would spurt out his own cum into her tits and face and she would try taking it all in.

As Jason and Sakura were squeezing her tits against his cocks,  Jason cummed,  with his sperm shooting towards her breasts,  nipples,  mouth  and  throughout her face.  As for Sakura,  she had top open her mouth and see if she could have it coming into her mouth.

Sakura would even stick out her tongue,  to savor some of her son’s sperm.

All of this was making Christopher so excited,  that he shot out loads and loads of Caucasian sperm down Toshiko’s  small Japanese throat. 

As for how Toshiko was taking all of this,  she was trying to continue drinking and drinking and her throat felt like a well that had been doused with flood water.

?Ahh!  You are so good at this Toshiko!!!?   Christopher complimented her.

Toshiko kept on sucking  Chris’s cock and Jason kept on fucking his own mother on the living room table,  until  7PM.

At  7PM,   Christopher ordered both Japanese women to  cook him Japanese food for dinner.   In the meantime  Jason had set up his own Sony PS3  ( Playstation 3 ) on the living room,  and  in front of the TV,  for his bully-master to play with.   

Christopher played  Assassin’s  Creed  4,  while  sat  down  on  the floor,  on  Jason’s  back,  as  Jason  laid  on his tummy,  face-down,  with  his arms and legs to his thin body.  He was using the Asian boy as a human chair-cushion.

At 8PM,  dinner was ready,  under  Christopher’s  instructions. 

On  the  dining  table,  laid  the  naked  body  of  Sakura.   There  was  sushi,  sashimi  and  other  native  Japanese  dishes  being  served  on  her  naked  body.  On  her  tummy.  On her  tits.  Even  on  her  own  pussy.  On  her  eyes,  were  pickles  (for  decoration).

Sakura  behaved  as  what  the  Japanese  would  call   ?nyotaimori? ,  also  known  as  ?female  sushi  plate?.  

As  for  Toshiko,  she  was  dressed  up  in  a  traditional  Japanese  kimono,  holding  a kettle  of  hot  Japanese-style  tea,  pouring  tea  over  Christopher’s  small Japanese-style  tea  cup,   every  time  he  finishes  sipping  it  up. 

Under  the  table,   Jason  is  by  Christopher’s  feet,   taking  turns  sucking  each  of  the  fat  white  boys’  smelly  and  disgusting  toes.  Christopher  enjoyed  having  the  Japanese  boy  making  his  feet  relaxed  and  more  comfortable.

Christopher  would  use  the  chop  sticks  to  pick  up  sushi  and  sashimi  pieces  off  Sakura’s  body,  and  even  kind  enough   to   put  some  into  her  mouth,  so  that  she  also  eats.

When   Christopher  was  done  eating,  he  allowed  Jason  and  Toshiko  to  eat  on  the  table,  while  he  fucked  Sakura  on  the  ass,  while  making  her  bend  over  the  dining  table. 

As  Jason  and  Toshiko  ate,  they  would  hear  Sakura  screaming,  as  she  was  getting  fucked  by  their  Master  on  her  asshole, 


Sakura felt her asshole was going to break,  since Christopher’s cock was so big.  As for Christopher,  it felt nice fucking  Sakura’s ass.  It was nice and soft.

When  everyone  had  finished  dinner  and  all three Japanese  being  ordered  to  clean  up,  Christopher  was  checking  out  the  house.

Outside  at  the  backyard,  was  a  Jacuzzi,   a  large  washing  tub  that  operated  like  both  a  bathtub  and  a  swimming  pool,  causing  the  water  inside  the  tub  to  be  moved,   by  some  electronic  artificial  mechanism  inside  that  tub. 

Christopher  was  having a  bath  inside  the  Jacuzzi,  with  Toshiko  and  Sakura  inside   with  him,  bathing  his   body.

?You  Japanese  bitches  are  just  so  good  at  this!!?  Christopher  enjoying  them  washing  his  body  lovingly.

As  Sakura  was  rinsing  the  soap  on  his  tummy,  Christopher  was  pulling  at  her  nipples  very  very  roughly.

?UUUHHHHHH!!!!!!!?   was how  Sakura  would  moan,  even  closing  her  eyelids  automatically  for  a  while.

?You  look cute when you’re in pain!!?  Christopher joked with Sakura.

At  one  point while  both  Japanese  women were  cleaning  him,   Christopher  grabbed  Toshiko  by  her  long  silky  beautiful   black  hair.  

?Hey  I  got  an  idea!! This  is  something  I’ve  always  wanted  to try  out!!  How about you get your head down under the water  and  suck  my  dick!!!    I’ve always wondered what it would be like to have a woman underwater  sucking  a cock!!  Ok!!  This is how it works!!  I will put my hand on your head,  and you will keep sucking until I let my hand go from your head!!  Now  go!!?   Christopher shoved Toshiko’s head under the Jacuzzi  water,  towards  his crotch.

Toshiko was giving him oral sex,  while at the same time,  trying to hold her own  breath underwater. 

Sakura looked scared.  She  hoped he wasn’t going to kill her,  by depriving her later of air,  since human can’t survive underwater for too long.

?I am going to count!!  I’ve always wanted to also know how long could a woman give a blowjob underwater without struggling for air?  he told Sakura. 

Christopher started counting from 1.

As for Toshiko,  she struggled  holding her own breath and giving a blow job at the same time.

It was only when he continued counting to 250   seconds,  that  Toshiko  stopped sucking his cock and even  started using both her hands to push his strong fat grip on the tough of her head.  His grip was so strong, that she couldn’t push him away.

Christopher let go.  He wasn’t that cruel,  to wanting to see her suffocate and eventually ending up dead.

Toshiko moved her out of the water,  breathing heavily and gasping for air. 

Toshiko screamed at him in Japanese,  with tears rolling down her eyes and her eyes becoming red.

Toshiko walked out of the Jacuzzi,  while Christopher just burst out laughing.

?That was classic!!  You should look at your face!!!?  Christopher pointed towards Toshiko.

?How can you be so cruel??!!?   Sakura spoke to him in an angry/hurt tone.

?Hey I know how long people can breathe underwater!!  Even if I had left her until the count of one hundred and seventy,  she  would  still be OK and not even completely lose consciousness!!  You think I am evil enough to risk all your lives!!!  Ever asked yourself what Japanese men did to other Asian women during World War Two. They did worse things and you people celebrate them as if they were heroes!!  Now just shut your fucking mouth and go tell your sister that both your lives are now in my hands and she has no right,  under diving Japanese laws,  to be angry with me,  even if it is her life that I demand!!  Now go!!?  ordered Christopher.

Sakura walked out of the Jacuzzi.

After the Jacuzzi bath,  Christopher played some more video games on Jason’s PS3,  like  Super  Street  Fighter  IV  or   Marvel  v  Capcom  3.   he  always  loved  playing  the  role  of  American  video  game  characters  like  Guile or  Captain  America,  beating  up  Asian  heroes  and  villains  like  Ryu or   M  Bison.  

At  10:30PM,  he  decided  to  call it  a night.   He  had  enough  fun  and  now  wanted  to  continue  his  fun,   inside  the  bedroom.

Jason  was  allowed  to  retreat back to his bedroom,  as  Christopher  had  exhausted  him  mentally,  physically  and  spiritually.  Basically Jason was praying and hoping that this was just some nightmare and that when he wakes up,  everything will be back to normal or that his aunt had never made the mistake of making a wager with his tormentor.

He  slept  in  Toshiko’s  bedroom,  which  was  the  Master  bedroom  of  that  house.   but  this  time,  Sakura  was  also  made  to  come  and  join  them  inside  that  bedroom. 

?You  know  I  have  always  find  Japanese  women  to  be  sexy  and  attractive!!!  I  have  seen lots  and  lots  of  Japanese  porn  movies,  like  Tokyo  Decadence  One  and  Tokyo  Decadence  Two,  and  much  much  more!!!  I  always  wanted to try out  what  those  Japanese  men  did  to all those  beautiful  chicks!!!?  exclaimed  Christopher.

Sakura  and  Toshiko  merely  laid  on  their  backs,  on  the  bed,  with  Chris  between  them.

?So  tell me,  have any  of  you  women  ever  practise  bondage  or  rough  violent  sex or  simply  putting  it,  BDSM,  or  sado-masochistic  sex???  Christopher  asked them.

?No..Master!!?  answered Sakura.

?Yes Master!!?  answered Toshiko.

?Excellent!!  Do you have any of those BDSM type items inside this house???  Chris asked Toshiko.

?Yes Master!!!  I have some in my bedroom but the ropes are in the basement!!!?  she said.

?Good!!  How  about we all go down  there  and  get them!!?  suggested  Christopher.

All three of them left the Master bedroom and went down the basement. Inside the basement,  Toshiko took out the Japanese ropes,  which were used for sexual bondage sessions. 

Once they had the ropes,  they went back upstairs  into the Master bedroom and Toshiko even took out the other BDSM  items already inside her bedroom.

?Now show me how to tie a person up!!  Let’s demonstrate on Sakura!!?  ordered Christopher.

?Yes Master!!?  answered Toshiko.

As Sakura laid naked on the bed,   Toshiko had use one of the  ropes to bind her wrists behind her back tightly.  She then tied the rest of that particular rope all over her breasts,  forcing them to be positioned in a cetin erotic way.  As  it  was  not  a short  rope  but  a long  one,  they  could  use  it to  go  all the  way  down  to  where Sakura’s  ankles  were  and  tie  her  ankles  together.

Now  Sakura  was  totally  helpless,  and  that she could get free if someone from outside untied her.

What Toshiko did with Sakura,  Christopher observed.  Unfortunately for both Japanese women,  Christopher was a very very good observer and when it came to doing stuff like this,  he was  a fast learner  (because  of  his  eagerness).

Christopher did the same thing to Toshiko,  with another rope,  binding her ankles together,  as well as her wrist behind her back and her breasts at a certain position.

Now he had two helpless Japanese women in bondage.

Both  Japanese felt scared,  looking with feat not only towards each other but towards their sex-hungry lustful Master.

?Now time to have some real fun!!  You bitches have no idea how long I have been praying to be able to do something like this,  and  to  Japanese women!!?  commented Christopher.

Christopher  took  out  two  blindfolds.  He  first  blindfolded  Toshiko,  and  then  Sakura.

The  two  Asian  women  looked  tasty,  in  their  bondage  and  blindfolds,  as  Christopher  was  concerned.

Christopher switched the bedside lap on and turned the main master bedroom light switch off.  It made the bedroom a bit more darker,  and erotic enough.  Red light would have been better but this wasn’t a brothel house.

Christopher  took  off  all his  clothes,   and  grabbed  at  least  three  vibrators  and  placed  them  by  the  bed.  He    shoved  the first  vibrator  up  Sakura’s  ass.


,   Sakura  screamed  really  loud. 

The  front  part  of  the  vibrator  was  like  a large  cock. 

As  she  continue  screaming,  Christopher  wanted to shut her up.  He  gave  her  a  very  tight  slap  on  her  face.


?That  felt  good!!?  Christopher  complimented  himself.

Christopher  grabbed  the   second  vibrator,  and  looked  towards  Sakura’s  pussy. 

?Man I haven’t  even  turned  in  on  yet   and   you  are   already  screaming  like  Hell!!?  Christopher  said to her.

Christopher shook his head.

Christopher  then  shoved  the  second  vibrator  up  her  cunt.

Sakura  screamed  really  really  loud  once  more, 


Christopher  didn’t  want  to  hear  scream  too   loud  right  now,  and  so  switches  both  vibrators  on.

Both  vibrators  started  making  their  loud loud  sounds,


?Ah  that’s  better!!?  Christopher  said.

The  vibrators  were  even  louder  then  Sakura.

Sakura’s  body  was  squirming  and  struggling  under  the  attacks  from  the  two  vibrators  against  her  small  asshole  and  small  pussy.  She  was  like  a whale that  had  been  covered  in  oil  spill,  squirming  its  body,  as  it  tried  in  vain  to  shake  the  oil  off  it  body. 

?Now  for  you!!?  Christopher  spoke  to  Toshiko.

Christopher  shoved  his  cock  right  up  her  ass  and  the  third  vibrator  right  into  her cunt. 


,   Toshiko had screamed.

?Music to my ears!!  Now  let  my white  cock  rock  your  Oriental ass?

And with  that,  he  turned  the  vibrator  up  her  cunt  on.


Toshiko  screamed  as  she  being  fucked  from  behind  while  the  vibrator  was  rocking  her  pussy. 

As  Christopher  was fucking  her  asshole  vigorously,   he  was  also  squeezing  her  soft  tender  pale  breasts.

The  more  he  squeezed  her  breasts  and  pulled  on  her  nipples,  combined  with  his  cock  assaulting  her  ass  and  the  vibrator  assaulting  her  pussy,  Toshiko  screamed  really  really  loud,  but Christopher  was  not  bothered  by it.

When  Christopher  was  done  fucking  Toshiko  on  the  ass,  he  turned  the  vibrato  in  front  of  her  pussy  off  and  withdrew his large  cock from her as.  He  then  placed  the  vibrator  into her ass instead  and  his  cock  into  her  pussy,  turning  the  vibrator  on.

Toshiko  screamed  really loud once more,   as  her  holes  were  getting  fucked  again.

?Man fucking your pussy feels good than fucking your ass!!!  I understand now why many white guys marry Asian women!!!   They get the bets sex every night,  but I guess black guys get the same pleasure from fucking a white woman every night!!!?  chuckled Christopher.

After  30  minutes,  Christopher  took  a  break.  he  withdrew  his cock out of Toshiko’s small pussy and  turned off and took out all three vibrators from the women’s sexual holes.

He saw both Japanese cumming in their cunts.

?Ok I don’t want you bitches to perform  position 69!!  Don’t want either of you wetting your own beds just yet!!?  Christopher said.

Position 69 had its name because of the shape of the 6 and the 9 towards each other,  like  two heads  (the rounder parts of both number figures) facing each other’s lower body parts  (the  numbers’ thin line parts). 

In  other  words,  it  was  two  women  giving  each  other  oral  sex,  by  licking  each  other’s  pussy.

Christopher  moved Toshiko’s body so that both women’s faces were towards each other’s soaking cunts.

?Now I want you to start licking each other!!?   Christopher  ordered them.

Toshiko and Sakura started lapping their tongues at each other’s cunt. 

Then  Christopher repositioned both women so that both their blindfolded faces were towards his cocks, as he was resting his back by the wall which the head of the king-sized bed faced. 

?I want you two to lick my cocks!!  You bitches got me ejaculating with your wild sexy Japanese bodies!!!?  Christopher ordered them.

As Christopher was grabbing both women by their hairs and having them facing his large cum-spurting cock,  both women started lapping their tongues at his cock’s tip,  their mouths ands tongues taking in his sperm.

?That feels good!!  That feels really good!!?  Christopher enjoying all this.

Both women even would take turns opening their jaws wide,  onto his cock and drinking his cum and sucking the sides of his cock. 

When Christopher was in the mood to be fucking again,   he pushed both women away from him.  

He positioned Toshiko to lay on her back on the bed,  even  untying  her  ankles,  so  that her legs can  be  spread  up  wide  open,   then  putting Sakura in a crouching bending-over position,  with her face to Toshiko’s crotch.

?Now this is what we’re gonna do ladies!!!  Sakura,  I  am  going  to  fuck  your  sweet  little  yellow  ass.  at  the  same  time,  you  are  going  to  lick  your  beautiful  sister  Toshiko’s  pussy!!  Now  let’s  go!!?  Christopher  ordered.

Christopher  was  on his knees,  with  his  cock  vigorously fucking  Sakura’s  ass.  Sakura,  in  contrast,  was  licking  her  sister’s  pussy.  Toshiko  made  sexual  moaning  sounds,


?Nothing like a GI in Okinawa having a threesome with local women!!?  joked Christopher.

Afterwards,  he  was  fucking Sakura’s  pussy  while  groping  at  both  her soft  tender  tits,  causing  her  to  scream  (because  of  how roughly  he  was  squeezing  on  them),


?Man I don’t know whose pussy  feels better for fucking.  Yours or your sister!!!  You both have equally small tight Asian pussies!!?  Christopher spoke to Sakura,  as  he was  hammering her pussy with his cock.

Half-an-hour later,    he had both women once more sucking his cock,  since they were causing him far too much sexual excitement.

When he was done with them giving him oral sex,  Christopher then had other ideas. 

He tied Toshiko’s ankles once more but this time,  he tied her up in a hogtied fashion way,  with both her wrists and ankles tied behind her back,  putting her frontal body in the  same  position  and  shape  as  statues  of  mermaids,  that  one  finds in  the  front  outer  part  of  a  19th  Century  British  wooden ship.

Christopher  did  the  same  to  Sakura too.

Once  they  were  both  hogtied  in  their  new  positions,   Christopher left the Master bedroom.  He went to the kitchen,  as he wanted to take a break for a while.

All this excitement was too much for the fat Blond kid.

He poured himself a glass of orange  juice,  and  even  made  himself  a  ham-and-cheese sandwich.   He happily ate and drank at the dining table.  When he was finished with his first sandwich,  he made another one,  except this time it was just marmalade.

When break was over,  he was searching through the kitchen.  He found the stuff he was looking for:  a  box  of  candles,  match  boxes  and  even  took some ice cubes out from the freezer and placed them all inside some bowl.

Once he had what he needed,  he went back to the Master Bedroom. 

Now he was going to have some real fun with the Asian mother and auntie.

First he placed a candle stick on the bedside table.  He lit it up.  Once the candle’s flame was lighting up,  he switched off the lamp.

The candle light was not as bright as the lamp,  and even left the bedroom a little bit more darker,  but t his was more fun and more erotic.

He then lit up a second candle,  but this one he was going to hold.

?And  now for some real fun!!!?  Christopher said,  as he eyed both women’s pussies and tits. 

As  both women were positioned to face towards the ceiling,  Christopher lowered the candle over Toshiko’s pussy.  He let some wax drop down into her pussy.

Toshiko really screamed loud,


Toshiko not screamed and struggled under her bondage,  but also shook her head and body frantically  and  tears  rolled down her blindfolded eyes.

Watching Sakura’s pale pussy REDDEN  instantly,  set  Christopher’s cock stiffening.

?Your pussy looks good Sakura!!?  joked Christopher.

Christopher broke out in high laughter.

Christopher then turned his attention towards a helpless Toshiko.  With Toshiko,  he had also let some wax drop down her pussy.

Toshiko  screamed,


Toshiko’s pussy also turned REDDISH.  Toshiko  stared  crying  too,  like  Sakura,  as  well  as  shaking  her hogtied body and  shaking her head frantically.

Christopher quickly set the candle by the bedside table.  He then took an ice cube and was holding it 10cm above Sakura’s reddened pussy.  Her pussy look tasty and hot  (because it was RED).

With one sadistic move,  Chris dropped the ice cube directly at Sakura’s waxed pussy.  Sakura really screamed,


The way Sakura struggled in her bondage  and  screamed at the same time,  got  Christopher  laughing

Christopher put his finger on the ice cube,  twirling it all around Sakura’s pussy. 

?Reminds me of the time when my mom tried showing me to make pancake!!?  commented  Christopher.

Christopher took another ice cube  and raised 10cm above Toshiko’s waxed pussy.  He let a saliva drop onto her waxed pussy.  And then he let the ice cube drop otno her waxed pussy too.

Toshiko screamed,


Toshiko too screamed and shook under her bondage frantically,  like Sakura did.


Inside  Jason’s  Bedroom

Jason heard the scream all the way from his bedroom.  It scared him!!!  His Master was having sadistic fun with both his mother and auntie.  He knew what he was doing to them,  as his dad showed him Japanese type BDSM pictures and movies before!!   He got the idea.

But what scared Jason,  was  that despite the fact that his bully was anti-Japanese,  he seems to be very familiar with the darker aspects of Japanese culture.

Jason was in his bed,  under the blanket.  He wished he could co something but he vowed,  like the rest of his family members, to be Christopher’s slave.

And  then he did something.  His mind wandered to a  much darker aspect of his psyche.  Before he realised it,  he started masturbating over his bed. 

Jason felt guilty but right now,  this was the only way his mind could cope with the current horror they were all in. 

A darker part of him enjoying not only being enslaved and humiliated by his bully,  but also that his bully was having his ways with his mother and auntie. 

As he kept on playing with his cock and masturbating over his own bed,  face-down,  guiltily enjoying the sexual humiliation of his mother and auntie at the hands of Christopher,  he tried telling himself one thing to ease his guilt:  if you can’t beat them,  join them.

If  he couldn’t defy Chris in any way, he would then try sharing Chris’s pleasure in sexually attacking his mom and aunt.


Back  at  the  Master  bedroom

Christopher was fucking Sakura’s pussy with his cock inside it,  and at the same time sucking very hard on her right nipple and shoving an unused candle stick up her ass. 

Sakura kept on screaming and screaming,


?That’s right Bitch!!!  I wanna hear you scream!!?  Chris taunted Sakura,  while being rough with her.

Christopher would sometimes slap her breast really hard, leaving red marks on her pale tender Japanese breasts.  

Sakura screamed from her waxed pussy being fucked and the candle stick hurting her asshole.

When he was done making Sakura’s life within the Master bedroom a living Hell,  Chris then turned his focus on Toshiko.  He did the same thing to her but instead it was her ass he was fucking and it was her pussy that was being attacked by the candle stick.

Toshiko screamed just as loud as her sister,


?Man you and your sister scream very well!!!  Now I know why Jason is such a fucking pussy!!!  He was raised by you two bitches and you shaped his cock after your own pussies!!!?   commented  Christopher.

The candle wax was hurting Toshiko’s waxed pussy,  only because the wax droppings made her pussy hurt and more sensitive to pain.

?I know you Japanese bitches do these things all the time with your husbands and boyfriends!!?  commented  Christopher.

He was also sucking each of their nipples,  and always very hard, as if he was a baby sucking from his mommy.

Christopher took a break for 30 minutes.  When he looked at the Mater Bedroom’s clock, which hanged on the wall,   it  was  already  3AM  in  the  morning.

He realised that he had been having so much fun that time was just going by.

Unfortunately for both Japanese slaves,  he wasn’t tired!!!  He  wasn’t  tired at all.

Christopher untied both women,  and  even  took out their blindfold.   

?We are going to go to the bathroom!!  Not that Jacuzzi outside!!!  The bathroom,  do you understand me???  Do you understand  English??!!?  Christopher  having fun with both frightened and mentally defeated Japanese.

Both Japanese women responded  ?Hai!!  Hai  Sensei!!? 

They were now responding to him in Japanese,  which was  a good thing,  since now,  they fully acknowledge his ?Shogunate?-ship over them. 

?Hai? was Japanese for yes and normally used by Japanese amongst themselves. 

?Sensei? was Japanese for ?Master?.

?Shogunate? means overlord or warlord or someone who owns you,  body and soul.

As  Christopher walked across the upper hallways of the house,  Sakura and Toshiko walked behind him,  looking down on the floor,  as if they were Japanese women obeying their men.

Christopher went house exploring,  until he found the door to the upstairs bathroom.   It was a very big bathroom,  like one finds in hotels.   He looked at the bath tub.  It was so large,  that two people can lie down inside,  from  their  head  to  toe.  Two people  meaning two American Caucasians,  and not just Japanese,  who are far smaller and thinner. 

?Ok you two!! This is what we are gonna do!!!?  Chris about to explain.

Toshiko and Sakura got into the bath tub.  But they did not lay down side-by-side.  They laid on their sides,  but it was Toshiko’s wrists to Sakura’s ankles and vice versa.  While in this position,   he tied Sakura’s ankles and Toshiko’s wrists together  and  Sakura’s wrists and Toshiko’s ankles together. 

He then went out of the bathroom and then came back with masking tapes.  He taped both women’s  mouths,  which would stop them from screaming at all. 

Both women weren’t sure what their Shogun-Sensei had in store for them.  They were sure he wouldn’t really risk their lives,  since they were giving him so much fun.

Christopher put the bath plug into the tub’s hole,  sealing it.  Then he started running both hot and cold water,  as to give it  a lukewarm water. 

Both women squirmed and made ?Um-Um?  sounds  in  fear. 

Christopher could see fear in their eyes.  They looked as if they begged him not go through with this.  He was going to fill up the tub water,  with them helpless to free themselves,  under the tub water.

When  the  water  was  filled  up  by  the  level  of  their  noses,  both  Toshiko  and  Sakura  concentrated on trying to hold their breath. 

Christopher saw them doing it,  and even laughed.  

Christopher allowed the tub to fill up,  until the water was way over the sides of both women’s  heads. 

Christopher  watched them struggling to breathe underwater,  even  closing  their  eyes. 

It was  nearly  5  minutes  that  he  saw  both  women  finally  succumbing  to  suffocation  and  that  he  saw  them  struggling. 

Christopher  smiled,  shaking  his  head. 

Christopher  pulled  the  bath tub  plug  out  of  its  hole,  so  as  to  let  the  water  sink  down  the  tub’s  drainage.

Even as  the  water  was  slowly  draining away,  the  two  women  were  losing  consciousness. 

He  untied  both  their  hands  and  legs  and  even  managed  to  carry  both  of  them out of the tub,  but not at the same time.  He also removed their mouth tapes.

He first did it with Toshiko and sitting her upright on the toilet seat,  while giving her mouth-to-mouth  resurrection,  and  then  with Sakura.

Both women had coughed out water from their lungs.  He was also kind enough to give them both glasses of water to drink.

He allowed them both an hour’s time to relax while he went downstairs and played video games.   While both mother and auntie were trying to catch their breath inside the bathroom,    Christopher  was playing Soul Calibur  5  and   even some Dante’s  Inferno  2. 

By  the  time  it  was  4:30AM  in  the  morning,  instead  of  going  to  sleep,  Christopher  had  more  sex  with  both  Sakura  and  Toshiko. 

While  both  women  laid  on  their  backs  side-to-side,  like  the  mother  and  daughter  in  that  1999  horror  movie  starring  Arnold  Schwarzenegger  called  The  End  of  Days,    Christopher  was  like  that  boss  of  that  mother’s  and  daughter’s  husband  and  father.  being  on  top  of  them  and  taking  turns  fucking  each  of  their  pussies.

As he fucked them,  they continued making shrieking-like screams. 

He was fucking them as if there was no tomorrow.


Back  to  where  our  story  began

Jason,  Toshiko,  Sakura  and  Christopher  were all  sat  down  by  the  dining  table. 

?Hey Jason we better get going or we’ll be late for school!!!?  Chris told Jason.

?Yes Master!!?  bowed Jason.

Jason felt guilty for not having really slept the whole night and instead,  masturbates to both his mother and auntie being fucked by the Blond boy.

Ten  minutes  later,  Jason  and  Chris  got  inside  Toshiko’s  Honda  car.  Jason sat at the back while Chris sat next to Toshiko.

As  for  what Toshiko wore,  was  a  red  mini  skirt  that  would  have  easily  allowed  anyone  to  notice that she had black  underwear  on,  a  red  shirt  and  that  her  long  black  hair  had  been  tied  back  together  as a  pony-tail,  so that she can look like  Princess Kitana  from  one of Chris’s favorite video games Mortal Kombat  ( the 2011 version ).

Toshiko drove them towards  the  front  entrance  of  the  school  gates.  There  were  lots  and  lots  of  kids  going  in.  Since  this  was  a public  school,  most  of  the  kids  were  white,  with  few  minorities  such  as  blacks,  Latinos  and  Asians.

As the gates of the school,  the  kids  were shocked.  They saw Jason and Christopher getting out of the same car.

?My God!!  Is that Christopher???.getting a ride from Jason??!!?  a confused freckled redhead kid blurted out,  blinking his confused green eyes.

Christopher,  Jason and Toshiko got out of the car. 

Everyone was staring at them.  This was hard to believe.  It was common knowledge in school that it was Jason’s mom who went to the principal, to try getting him to do something about Chris bullying her son.

Jason of course wasn’t the only kid Chris bullied. He bullied loads and loads of kids smaller and younger than him in school.

Now,  it seemed to them that Jason’s mom is OK giving her son’s bully a lift to school  ( they all assumed that Toshiko was the mother and not knowing that Jason also lived with his auntie too ).

But before everyone else could joke that this was the beginning of a new friendship,  Chris did something which humiliated Jason right before the eyes of the other kids at school. 

Chris grabbed Toshiko by her face and kissed her on the lips,  while at the same time touching her ass,  for  all to see.

?Did he just kiss Jason’s mother??!!?  a  spectacled female nerd asked herself very very loudly.

?What are ya all looking at!!!  Can’t a guy have some time with his bitch!!?  Chris scolded the other kids.

Why did he have to call my aunt a bitch in front of everyone,  Jason asked himself.

It was both humiliating,  but at the same time his darker psyche liked it.

?Ok just to stop you geeks from gawking there like the idiots and losers that you all are,  I am going to demonstrate something to you all!!?  Christopher yelled at them.

Chris looked at both Jason and Toshiko. 

?Tell them who you are!!  Tell them your first names and who you really are!!?  Chris ordered the two Japanese.

?I am Chris and I am his slave!!!?  responded Jason.

?I am Toshiko and I am his slave!!?  responded Toshiko.

?And now tell them who I am!!?  ordered Chris.

?You  are our Master!!?  nephew and aunt responded in unison.

The kids were shocked.  But both Jason and Toshiko could see that a lot of the white boys’ cocks stiffened under their pants.

?Now as a demonstration of me telling the truth,  I  will give Toshiko an order!!!  Toshiko,  go on your knees and give me a blowjob!!?  Chris ordered Toshiko.

?Yes Master!!?  Toshiko responded.

Toshiko knelt before him, took his cock out and started sucking it,   right in front of everyone.

The kids were shocked  (and excited).  Toshiko was sucking this fat kid’s cock,  before their very eyes.

Then some of the white teenagers came closer to Chris,  smiling excitedly.

?Beat it kids before I beat the shit out of all of you!!?  Chris warned.

The kids started taking out their wads of money bills. 

A white kid with mousy brown hair, blue eyes,  round face, freckles and wearing spectacles,   came over to him and said,   ?I’ll give you $10 if you make her suck my cock!!?

Jason gasped at what he had just heard.  Then he saw more and more kids taking out their money,  offering to pay Chris for them to be able to have their ways with his aunt.

?Ok Willie,  you got yourself a deal!!?  Chris took the $10 bill note. 

Toshiko gave Willie a blowjob.

?Man this Japanese bitch is good!!  She  is as good in sucking my good ‘ol white dick,  as Jason is in Mathematics!!?  commented  Willie.

Jason’s mind was now in another state.  The voices of the kids sounded distant  but he could see them holding his aunt by her lovely black hair,  while making her taking turns to suck each of their dicks,  as if she was some prostitute. 

Chris  smiled  wickedly  and  looked mischievously  towards  Toshiko,  while she servicing  the  High  School  geeks  for  money,  which  was  not  even going to go into her pocket but into Chris’s. 

Toshiko,   a  proud  smart  resourceful  independent  woman  who  even  defied  her  husband  and  many  men,   was  now  behaving  like  a  meek  obedient  slave  like  a Geisha.

As  for  Jason,  he accepted that this was meant to be his fate,  as  well  as that of his mom and his aunt,   and that he just simply allowed his own cock to stiffen  under his own pants.

?My God!!  They are fucking your mother like some Japanese whore and your cock gets bigger under your pants!!  Have you got no shame or pride  or  honor????   a  female  Chinese-American  girl  named  Wendy  cried  out  to  Jason  in  disgust.

?Nope!!!?  Jason  shook his head,  smiling  like  an  immoral  pervert.


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Altered Fates Auntie Em II

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Auntie Sarah Spanks Part Three

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Auntie Sarah Spanks Part Three

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Auntie Wendy Makes Peter Punish Tina Part Two

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Auntie Wendy Makes Peter Punish Tina Part One

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Fucking my auntie Barbara

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Nasty Auntie Candyrsquos Living Sextoy

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Practical lesson from auntie

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Sex With Married Auntie In Delhi

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Auntie Sarah Spanks Part One

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Auntie Sarah Spanks Part Two

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Auntie Sarah Spanks Part Two

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Auntie Sarah Spanks Part One

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Auntie Margarets Hangover Cure

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Punished by Auntie Geraldine in Norfolk Nicks Revenge

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My Last Ever Stay with Auntie Beryl

I was 19 and had just got home from uni for Easter. I’d assumed I’d never be going to stay with Auntie Beryl again, but then a friend of Mum’s had an emergency and had to stay at our house, and my room became hers. A few phone calls later and I was told to pack, because Auntie Beryl had kindly agreed to let me stay. I have to admit to having very mixed feelings. On the one hand I was now definitely too old to be spanked by Beryl who wasn't even a relative, just someone the family had always...

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auntie helps mummy

Auntie helps Mummy.My stepmum rang the bell and auntie opened it. We both went in and my stepmum settled herself on the couch her pregnancy bump was now forming nicely and large breasts must run in the family as she was as big as her sister. “Well go on you two off you go for your night out i’ll look after junior”. It was six months since my auntie had given birth. And she had insisted on taking me out for a meal and a drink for all my help. My auntie’s breasts pressed against her little...

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Auntie Loves Her Pussy To Be Sucked

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A Boys Sex Life Part 1 Big Bottomed Auntie Chapter 1

And in any case, who says that an older woman’s body can’t be sexy? It all started with an encounter that I had when I was 15 — with my 35 year-old aunt, Rosanna. I’ll never forget it, that first sexual encounter. As the cliché goes, ‘she made a man out of me.’ Let me clarify something first. She wasn’t my auntie by blood, being married to my dad’s youngest brother. In fact, at that time, Rosanna and my uncle had been divorced for about 2 years. However, she was still considered part of...

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Auntie Rita Part 1

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Auntie helps Mummy

My stepmum rang the bell and auntie opened it. We both went in and my stepmum settled herself on the couch her pregnancy bump was now forming nicely and large breasts must run in the family as she was as big as her sister. “Well go on you two off you go for your night out i’ll look after junior”. It was six months since my auntie had given birth. And she had insisted on taking me out for a meal and a drink for all my help. My auntie’s breasts pressed against her little black dress the nipples...

4 years ago
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Auntie Barbara

Well I thought I would give you another update we are on day nine of my lockdown with my auntie Barbara . I came out the shower into the bedroom pulled some jeans and a T-shirt and made my way down the stairs into the kitchen to find my auntie Barbara was making a cup of tea morning sexy she said . Morning I replied you look very nice in your dressing gown oh this old thing she was wearing a white towelling dressing gown just covering their arse tied at the front . I sat down at the table and...

4 years ago
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I Made My Auntie Pregnant

I walked in to the pub and there was my Auntie Kim and Uncle John mingling with the rest of the tarts and vicars having a swift drink or two and laugh before setting off to the annual charity fundraiser held at the local stud farm.It’s one night when nearly all the farming community come out, let there hair down and have some fun and tonight the theme was tarts and vicars. I could not take my eyes off the women dressed as tarts in there short skirts, fishnet and a lot of naked flesh outside of...

4 years ago
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Punished by Auntie Geraldine in Norfolk

Nick and I didn’t get much notice that we were going to stay with Mum’s schoolfriend ‘Auntie Geraldine’, in her pokey house in a grim little village in Norfolk. She lived there with her daughters Judy, seventeen, and Rebecca, eighteen. We hadn’t been there for ages but we both remembered how dull and old fashioned everything was, and the only time we ever went out was to church! Mum and Dad were going away with Dad’s work so there was no option or so Mum said. I argued and Nick argued but we...

2 years ago
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Spanked by Auntie Beryl and her Friends

For some reason my parents kept sending me to stay with Auntie Beryl. She wasn't even my real Auntie she was just a friend of my mum's who we called auntie. The last time I'd stayed here Auntie Beryl had caned me and caned Kate and two of her friends and then spanked my cock with a ruler in front of them all. So I had been completely taken aback when Auntie surprised me by coming up to my room before pulling back the bed covers and working on my rigid cock till I shot my load.. I was on my way...

4 years ago
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This is the second part to my story about me and my auntie we have been in lockdown together for 4 days now and as you all know all no Who read part one my auntie was not very experienced at handling a cock well 4 days on and she is a different woman . We are having sex two or three times a day she’s turned out to be a right horny and dirty little bitch she has still got a very tight pussy and now she loves to suck cock plus she can almost take my full 9 inches down her throat . On the second...

3 years ago
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Half Term Week with Auntie Beryl

At the end of my last stay with Auntie Beryl I had started to think that her daughter Kate and I might get on a bit better. We had never seen eye to eye but being punished together I thought had maybe changed things between us. When my parents suggested I spend a week with Auntie again I agreed. Although being punished in front of others was embarrassing I had started to enjoy the sensations more and more, plus, I had watched Kate having to bend over before she was caned just a foot or so...

4 years ago
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Another Week with Auntie Beryl

After my last stay with Auntie Beryl the year before, I was determined never to have to spend another day there with her and her sneaky daughter. She wasn't even my real Auntie, just a family friend we called Auntie. Unfortunately, my parents had enjoyed their little holiday without us kids and had planned another week away. “Jim, you’ll be staying with Auntie Beryl for the week,” My Dad announced. “I am not staying there again,” I yelled, “She's not my real Auntie and I had a horrible time...

2 years ago
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Seduced by my auntie Rita and uncle Peter

I was 18 and started work as an apprentice. I lived in Kent and worked in London. Auntie Rita and uncle Peter lived in South London. They were keen 10 pin bowlers and asked if I wanted to join one evening which I quickly agreed to. After we had finished it was late and my parents agreed that it would be a good idea to stay the night with them. I slept in their spare room and as usual I had a wank before I went to sleep. I wanked into a handkerchief, put it under my pillow and went to sleep. I...

4 years ago
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Auntie Mames New Niece Part 2

"So, sweetie, are you looking forward to your summer with your old Auntie Mame?" Auntie Mame started the car and looked over at me in a way that made me even more uncomfortable. And since I was already a boy wearing a dress, white tights and Mary Janes, I had thought I was uncomfortable enough already. Still, I couldn't help liking her. And she really was a very striking woman - taller than my mother, and dressed in black pants, heels, and a black top that showed just a trace of her...

2 years ago
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Aunties milky tits Uncles salty cock

It was the first time i had been asked to babysit, But mum had told her sister pat that i was responsible age. so i arrived an my auntie pats house at seven ,auntie pat was mums older sister about 45 years an was a bit on the large side , she had given birth over a year ago and was spilling out of her low cut dress, i couldn't help looking at her boobs whilst she was telling he where the bottles of milk where to give the babs if it woke up ,uncle peter seen me looking an give me a little light...

4 years ago
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my auntie

This is a true story that happened just a short while ago as you all know the whole world is in a lockdown situation due to the coronavirus well the story I’m going to tell you is 100% true I have change the names of the people involved I hope you enjoy this story it is my first time writing a story ..................................................... My uncle had passed away due to the coronavirus. I turned up at the crematorium to see my auntie Barbara standing there alone I walked up to her...

2 years ago
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Auntie Paula enjoys my dick

During my young years, every summer time my parents used to go for some vacation at seaside, to stay at my Auntie Paula’s house.I was well into puberty and had been masturbating for two years. My Mom sometimes would forget to close her bedroom door so there were many times when I could see her undressing or getting naked after a shower. I used to feel aroused watching at her; since she was a hot woman…She was just forty years old at that time…But my Auntie Paula was even hotter than my own Mom....

4 years ago
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Auntie Rita Part 2

AUNTIE RITA – Part 2In Part 1 John found himself strapped down to a specially made padded table that secured his chest, arms, legs, wrists and ankles. He was completely spread eagle before his mother’s eldest and very sexy sister, Rita. She demanded he call her “Auntie Rita” and punished him when he wouldn’t follow the rules of her game. She began his milking by taking out her false teeth and draining his cock with her expert mouth. John was unable to resist his aunt’s wiles as he exploded into...

4 years ago
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Caught by Auntie Susan

Caught by Auntie Susan This was a short story I wrote before I was going to meet 'Auntie Susan' a few years ago now, as she wanted to know the sort of thing I wanted to happen when we met. Parts of this scene did take place, although maybe not quite how I wrote this, and yes, video footage does exist of that - I doubt I'll be posting that anywhere though. This is why I have listed it as autobiographical, even if strictly speaking it's not. I lost contact with 'Auntie' not long...

2 years ago
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Auntie Has Her Ways

• Auntie has her ways…• I had found out about where my father's porn stash was being held, under the seat of the passenger side of his car. Back int the 50’s seats had significant room beneath them. My father would leave his porn textbooks under there. While I was waiting for him to get a few beers I would check out his stash. WOW was I thrilled that some folks would write about the private activities of men and women. I would get hard on seeing the first paragraph about explicit sex. I would...

4 years ago
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Robs stay with Auntie Serena

I’m 18 years old and I really can look after myself but my mum insisted I went and stayed with some neighbours while she was away for a few days.Mind you I didn’t mind as it was with Auntie Serena and Uncle Mark. They weren’t really my aunt and uncle but as they were the same age as my parents I was bought up to call them auntie and uncle.You see Serena was very attractive, and had gorgeous kissable lips and always wore a deep red lipstick. Whenever she spoke to me I found myself looking at her...

4 years ago
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Auntie Mames New Niece Part 5 Discovery and Decision

If you have been following my story, you will recall that in a single afternoon - almost without realizing it - I had gone from a boy in jeans and T-shirts to a girl in a tiny skirt, with a pink ribbon my my curly hair, pink nails, lip gloss, and perfume. To anyone who saw me now, I looked not only like a girl, but like a "girly girl" princess. Auntie Mame and I had just finished checking out at Macy's for the second time that day, this time with several new skirts and blouses. I had...

4 years ago
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Auntie Sue 3

I never really slept that night when i went to my bedroom i could hear them talking and then they started fucking again they both came again as i laid on my bed wanking my young boy cock thinking about the promise my sexy Auntie had made to me!! I woke up and could'nt really believe if last night happened or did i have a very vivid wet dream!! I always wake up with a hard-on this morning it was so hard it was almost hurting, i heard Auntie Sue in her bedroom, i went to the bethroom and as i...

3 years ago
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Another Week with Auntie Beryl Part 2

I lay on my bed, as instructed by Auntie just after she told Kate that I would be punished again after dinner. My cock responded, as I remembered my punishment in front of three of Auntie’s attractive friends that afternoon. This was strange but I realised that although it hurt I was aroused by the whole experience. She wasn't even my real Auntie, just a family friend we called Auntie and she was very attractive. 6 o’clock and I was called down for dinner. Kate was smirking as I arrived but...

3 years ago
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Auntie Wanted More Than Just Her Tits Sucked

Just back from another day at school, I entered the living room to find my aunt dozing with my cousin, Sam fast asleep in her lap. Auntie Kim is stopping here while my mom has taking dad away for a few days to celebrate their wedding anniversary. Even though I am sixteen and can look after myself, mom insisted Kim came to look after me.She has just turned thirty and became a single mother, four months back, she had an affair with the boss where she used to work and was well rewarded if she left...

4 years ago
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I Fucked My Auntie 8211 Part II

I was 18 and just graduated from the local high school. My dad insisted that pursue my college course in the big city. My mom was indignant with dad’s idea. “But who’s going to take care of him there?” She said and dad almost laughed. “Sweetheart, your son is not a baby anymore. He’s a big boy now and he can take care of himself. Besides, we’ll put him in a dorm so his basic needs will be taken cared of.” My dad said I really liked the idea of being in the city so I supported my father. “Dad’s...

4 years ago
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Auntie Marilyn

originally submitted 8 years ago by retired user eremiti Marilyn Goodge studied herself carefully in the mirror. "Am I getting old," she mused as she stroked her face, studying her high cheekbones with the close scrutiny that only a very beautiful woman could do. She was still a knock-out and she knew it, it was just that earlier on that day she had witnessed something which had shocked her profoundly and had caused her, for the first time, to wonder if she was getting old.The voluptuous 35...

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Rogers auntie becomes his mummy

I have always been a fairly mild and meek person and would never get involved in any sort of confrontation and for that reason people seem to treat me rather badly.As a 17 year old in his last year at school I had begun to rebel a little and although my parents told me off a lot I tended to ignore them and do what I wanted to anyway. One day just as term was about to finish my mum said that I was going to spend the summer holiday with my auntie Dee. She said that as I wouldn’t do as I was told...

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Mum Dad and Auntie Sheila

It was approximately 8:45pm and dad was out as usual but mum was sat downstairs with her friend, I called her Auntie Sheila, she wasn’t my real Auntie but that’s what I called her. They were sat on the sofa drinking wine, I was sat at the top of the stairs, our room was open plan so I could see the TV from there, and where they were sitting, I was 15.As I watched the TV I noticed mum leaned over and whispered in her ear, then they both laughed, mum put her wine glass on the coffee table and...

2 years ago
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Little Robbie his auntie and his mom Chapter 1

Little Robbie, his auntie and his momRobbie had just turned 18 but was still very small for his age and looked a lot younger and had always been known as little Robbie. He was a very late developer and had just reached puberty and was starting to take an interest in girls. At his all boys school his mates had been boasting about masturbating but he hadn't indulged in it himself - yet. In fact he had suddenly started noticing his 24 year old cousin Amy who lived next door with auntie Jean. It...

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auntie gets cleaned

My stepmum came off the phone. “It’s your auntie again”. I thought “my life’s not my own 22 years and a skivvy”. Since she’d broken her leg 2 weeks ago I had barely had time to myself. She’d snapped the ligaments in her knee tripping over her cat. Being eight and half months pregnant didn’t help either. Luckily junior was okay. But she had been practically invalided and house bound since the accident. I was her favorite for obvious reasons (search for aunties pee problem) hence the...

4 years ago
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Rogers Auntie Become His Mummy

I have always been a fairly mild and meek person and would never get involved in any sort of confrontation and for that reason people seem to treat me rather badly. As an 18 year old in his last year at school I had begun to rebel a little and although my parents told me off a lot I tended to ignore them and do what I wanted to anyway. One day just as term was about to finish my mum said that I was going to spend the summer holiday with my auntie Dee. She said that as I wouldn't do as I was...

3 years ago
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Auntie Estela takes a chance on me

That warm summer afternoon I was fucking my sexy girlfriend Ana so good. We were alone at my own bedroom and we did not expect anyone home for a couple of hours.My relation with Ana was serious and we were engaged to marry next year.My sexy girlfriend was on her knees and elbows and I was fucking her tight cunt from behind, when suddenly the bedroom door flew open and my loving Auntie Estela stormed in. My aunt was an attractive woman in her late forties, still worth for a good fuck. She had a...

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Brian and Auntie Em Ch2

Brian and Aunt Em Ch.2 This is the continuation of “Brian and Auntie Em.” I promised this before I went off line and have been requested a few times since I have been back to write it. To bring everyone up to date with this tale of Brain and his Aunt Em. While he was in his final few months of school and after he had turned 18, Brian was visiting his Aunt Em on a regular basis. The reason for this will be divulged as the story proceeds. He walked into the bedroom one day while his Aunt was...

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Auntie Marilyn chapter 3

"How nice of you to come and see me," Marilyn Goodge said a little nervously to hernephew Peter. She was still embarrassed from the sexual encounter she hadwitnessed with young Jenny Phillips and didn't know quite how to act around herattractive young nephew. It was almost as if she were seeing him for the first time,she had only thought of him as a little boy, but now, having seen him suck Jenny'snipples so expertly she was beginning to see him in another light."I brought you a little present...

4 years ago
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Auntie Marilyn Chapter 3

Chapter 3"How nice of you to come and see me," Marilyn Goodge said a little nervously to hernephew Peter. She was still embarrassed from the sexual encounter she hadwitnessed with young Jenny Phillips and didn't know quite how to act around herattractive young nephew. It was almost as if she were seeing him for the first time,she had only thought of him as a little boy, but now, having seen him suck Jenny'snipples so expertly she was beginning to see him in another light."I brought you a little...

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