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This story is written for the enjoyment of adults only.  This is my first attempt at writing a historical story.  Please send me your comments on my story.  I love hearing from you.

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                                                  My Life

                             Written by 4Play

                                                   Part One 

     My name is Carl Wilson and I want to tell you about my life.  I was born in 1846 on a farm in southern Michigan.  I had farm chores starting at an early age.  I learned to plant and harvest crops and tend to our animals.  School was stimulating to me and I was a fairly good student.  I completed all eight grades before my education was complete.

     When the War Between the States broke out I enlisted because I thought it was my duty.  I was a smallish man of 17 years of age.  I was 5’6?, 110lbs, and got placed in the Calvary.  The weight limit for a Cavalryman was 120lbs due to the weight of the gear we carried and the load a horse could carry.  By the time General Custer made his Gettysburg charge with our Michigan brigade I was a sergeant in one of his companies.  When the war ended I was at Appomattox waiting to wipe out the remaining rebels. In over three years of being at war I had been wounded twice and had three horses shot out from under me but I was in one piece.  I was mustered out but kept my sharps carbine and my Remington .44 pistol. 

     Once back in southern Michigan I married Mary Travis my childhood sweetheart.  She and I had written to each other often during the war and her prayers probably brought me through those bloody battles.  I had wisely saved my money and sent it home instead of gambling or whoring around.  Mary and I opened a tavern and ran it for years.  We wanted a family but were unable to have kids for some reason.  We loved each other and were happy.

     The years went by until I heard of gold being discovered in the Black Hills of South Dakota.  I told Mary that we should take a chance and maybe hit it big by opening a tavern near the diggings.  We discussed it for a week or so and then sold our tavern and house.  We used the money to buy a team of horses, a wagon, a big tent and a stock of beer and whiskey.  We set out across southern Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota.  Along the way we were joined by two other couples and picked up a guide.  It took a long time to cover that much ground walking beside the wagons but eventually we were nearing Deadwood South Dakota.  Our guide told us that night as we sat by the fire that tomorrow we would be there.  We were all anxious to make our fortunes in this wild country.

     Having only 10 miles or so to cover we had a leisurely breakfast and started out.  We had covered about 5 miles when our guide was shot dead and we were surrounded by Sioux Indian braves.  There were too many of them to resist and we were quickly disarmed.  They separated the men and the ladies and stripped each of us.  I hated to lose the carbine and pistol I had carried throughout the war but soon stood naked and barefoot like the others. 

     The Indians were going through our wagons and when they saw what my wagon contained they were overjoyed.  Whiskey was hard to come by for them and they loved it.  My inventory would keep them drunk for a long time.  The leader of this band was Two Feathers and he was determined to keep white people from his hunting grounds.  He had two of his braves grab Harvey by his arms to hold him in place while he took his knife and slit open Harvey’s scrotum causing his testicles to fall out and dangle by the tubes connected to them.  Two Feathers cut one of the testicles free and shoved it into Harvey’s mouth.  He motioned to Harvey to chew it up and swallow it.  Harvey knew that he was being told to emasculate himself and defiantly spit it out on the ground.  Two feathers took his knife and stabbed the eyes of the helpless Harvey blinding him.  He then cut his penis and scrotum off and shoved it into Harvey’s mouth.  Then Two Feathers cut Harvey open from his crotch to his rib cage so that all of the poor victim’s guts fell out on the ground.  The two braves holding Harvey threw him to the ground where the poor blind thing quivered and moaned as his life slipped away. 

     Two Feathers then pointed toward me.  Two braves tied my hands behind my back and put me in front of their chief.  The bastard sliced open my scrotum and cut free one of my testicles and shoved it into my mouth.  I was crying as I chewed it up and swallowed it.  The fiend was laughing at me.  I damned near threw up but managed to keep it down.  I knew what was coming and I soon had to chew and swallow my other testicle.  I was no longer a man but was still alive. 

     One of the braves got my bullwhip from our wagon and dipped the handle in the bucket of axle grease.  The Indians holding me in place bent me over so the man with the whip could shove the handle up my ass.  It was so thick it took real effort to get it inside of me.  The pain was horrible and I felt as if I were being split open as that handle went deeper and deeper inside of me.  When the entire handle was inside of me the brave wiped his greasy hands on my ass.  Two Feathers grabbed the tip end of the bullwhip and gave a whipping motion which was transferred to the handle embedded in me.  It caused me to lurch forward.  The Indians found my misery funny and were laughing at me.  Two Feathers told me, ?Go now.?  I staggered towards Deadwood dragging my tail behind me.

     The rough ground was hard on my bare feet but I knew that I had to get as far away from those Indians as I could.  My only hope of survival lay in reaching the town of Deadwood.  In my weakened condition it took a long time to get any distance covered.  I came across a stream and got down on my knees to drink from it.  I was terribly thirsty and the taste of my testicles was still in my mouth.  With my hands tied behind me and that damned tail it was very hard for me to get back on my feet.  I had to crawl to a tree and slide my way up to regain my feet. 

     It was nearly sundown when I reached the outskirts of Deadwood and arrived at the fort defending the town.  Two troopers came out of the main gate and helped me into the fort.  I was sobbing with relief when I tried telling the Officer of the Day what had happened to me and my wife.  They took me to the regimental surgeon and told me that the commanding officer would be in to see me. 

     The surgeon cut my hands free of the leather bindings and got me on a table on my hands and knees.  He worked the whip handle slowly out of me until it came out with a pop.  He then washed my bottom to get rid of as much of the grease as he could.  The next task was to wash out my empty scrotum with alcohol.  Then he began to sew my sac closed.  As the doctor was stitching away the door opened and in walked General Custer.  He was in command of this fort. 

     The General looked at me and asked, ?Don’t I know you??  I replied, ?I am Carl Wilson General.  I was a sergeant in A Troop of your Wolverines.?  Custer pointed out that he was now a LT. Colonel.  He listened carefully as I related the details of our meeting the Indians.  I told him that our guide had been killed immediately and also told him how poor Harvey had been butchered.  My eyes filled with tears as I told him how I had to chew and swallow each of my testicles and of my ordeal of reaching this fort.  I admitted that I did not know what had become of the others and Bill and the three ladies were all alive and naked when I left.  He nodded when I told him the leader of the Indian band was Two Feathers.

     The lightning flashed and the thunder boomed as a rainstorm began.  Custer remarked that it would be no use going out tonight but that he would lead a troop out in the morning to see what he could find.  He left and the doctor treated and bandaged my bleeding feet.  He put me in a bed and gave me a shot of whiskey to relax me.  I lay there wondering what would become of me.  I had lost everything I owned even my clothes and was in a hard country.  My stomach was growling I suppose that was caused by what I had eaten today.  I hoped my wife was still alive but knew she would have been raped by now.  The calendar on the wall bore the date April 3.  I would never forget this date.


                                            Part Two

     Colonel Custer rode out in the morning with a troop of cavalry to investigate the ambush site.  They were gone most of the day but when they returned the Colonel himself came to tell me what they had found.  He told me that Bill had also been castrated and then tied spread eagle on the ground.  I asked, ?Is he still alive??  The answer was, ?Bill, your Guide and Harvey were found in the night by wolves.  What little was left of them we buried.?  He told me that they had found two burned wagons but no trace of the ladies.  I asked Custer, ?He mutilated all of the men but he let me live.  Why would he do that??  I was told, ?Two Feathers wanted you here as an example to frighten others from entering his hunting grounds.?  I knew that I was a pitiful thing and a good example for Two Feathers’ purpose.  I was naked, mutilated, unarmed and penniless.  My precious Mary was his captive.

     I stayed in the hospital in the fort for a week before I was finally to walk without too much pain.  Colonel Custer came to see me.  He had the orderly get me a robe and some slippers.  He told me, ?I am taking you to meet Jack McCall.  He runs the Emporium here in Deadwood.  He may be able to hire you.?  He helped me into an ambulance and we were driven to the Emporium by a trooper.  As I hobbled up the few steps to the entrance a crowd had gathered to watch me.  It was clear to me that the word of what had happened to me had spread widely.  I felt very self-conscious in front of this crowd who knew I was no longer a man.  With my feet still sore and my asshole raw and very sensitive my bottom swayed back and forth when I walked.

     A smallish Chinese girl led us into Jack’s office and stood behind his chair.  Jack told me, ?Colonel Custer told me what happened to you.  He said you are a piano player and asked me to hire you as a favor to him.?  I looked at Custer and he smiled at me.  Jack told me, ?Open your robe and let me see what you are now.?  I blushed but being desperate for a job, I obeyed.?  It bothered me that that Chinese girl was seeing me naked.  Jack then told me, ?I will hire you to play the piano in our Emporium.  I will pay you $1 a day.  Your working hours will be from noon to midnight 7 days a week.  As a favor to the man who guards my supply wagons I will give you Crib number 1 in the back of the building.  You will eat in the kitchen with the other girls and must wear a dress to work.  Is that agreeable with you dear??  I would eat and have a place to sleep and even earn some cash money, but I had to ask, ?Must I wear a dress sir??  Jack smiled and said, ?You are no longer a man but will be a curiosity and may be good for business.  If you work for me you will wear a dress.?  I meekly said, ?Yes sir, when do I start?? 

     Jack knew he had me under control like everyone else who worked for him.  He told the Chinese girl, ?May Lee show our new piano player to crib one and find it a dress to wear.?  She came from behind his chair and took me by the hand.  She led me through a door at the back of the bar and into a long room cut into cubicles.  She led me into the first one on the left through a doorway covered with a cloth.  She took off my robe and left with it.  I was sitting on the bed naked for some time before she returned with a Kimono for me to try on.  The noises coming from the other rooms left no doubt that I was to live in a whore house.  I put the dress on and it fit fairly nicely.  She nodded her approval and then led me back to Jack’s office.

     Jack and Custer were having a drink when I was led into the office.  When I was 17, I was a cavalry trooper and now at 29, I was wearing a dress.  The Colonel took my hand and said, ?Make the best of the situation.  It is better than starving to death naked.?  He was right, who was I to have pride now.  Jack told me that unlike the other girls if I had men in my room he would not take half of the money I earned.  He really expected me to be a whore?

     Jack told me to get something to eat and then go to bed and rest up.  I was to start at noon tomorrow.  I went into the kitchen and sat with a couple of Chinese girls and ate a bowl of soup and a piece of bread.  When I finished eating I went to my room, hung my dress on a peg and lay naked on my bed.  As I listened to others having sex hour after hour, I started stroking myself.  I was hoping I could still get an erection.  After trying for hours I gave up.  I should be wearing a dress as I was no longer a man.

     In the morning I woke up and May Lee was standing beside my bed.  She helped me put my kimono on and then painted my lips red.  She put sandals on my feet like she wore. We went to eat breakfast.  She was so sweet and trying to help me adjust to my new role.  I was very self- conscious dressed as I was but it was a condition of my employment.  I would get used to it in time.  My feet were still very tender so I took short mincing steps as I walked into the saloon part of the building and over to my piano.  I started playing promptly at noon.  I knew quite a few tunes to play and tried to mix up the kinds of music I played.  Despite the noise of the gamblers and the conversations many people actually were listening to the music I played.  A few men came by and put money in the jar on top of the piano.  Every 10 songs I was allowed to take a short break.  I would get a drink of water and sometimes go out to the privy. 

     About halfway through my shift May Lee brought me a glass of French Champaign and told me it was from Mr. Chan.  I looked around and saw at the table right behind me sat a fat Chinese man.  He smiled and nodded to me.  I smiled back at him and took a sip from my glass.  At my next break I went to his table to thank him for his kindness.  He smiled at me and told me to sit down at his table.  When I did he told me, ?You interest me and I have great plans for you.  You will do your Sunday shift at my apartment.  Suite 2 upstairs from here, I will clear it with Jack McCall.?  I was started by his proposal and said, ?But sir I am not a whore.?  He gave me a hard look and replied, ?You don’t know what you are now girl.  We will find out together.  Be there.?

     I went back to my piano and started playing again.  May Lee soon gave me another glass of Champaign.  Before tonight I had never tasted such a beverage.  Now I was on my second glass of this precious fluid.  It was making me tipsy.  On my next break I weaved my way to the ladies latrine to relieve myself.  What did that big Chinaman want with me?  I just wanted to earn a living and survive. 

     When I returned to my piano I noticed that Mister Chan had left.  Who was that man who thought he could command me to come to his apartment anyway?  I wanted to ask May Lee what she knew about him but did not see her again that night. She was in her crib with a customer.  When my shift was over I went to my crib, removed my kimono and lay on my bed naked listening to the noises coming from the other cribs.  That man Chan seemed to believe I was to become a whore like the rest of the girls in here.

     When morning came I got dressed and went to the kitchen to wait for May Lee.  When she showed up I went to her and asked her, ?What do you know about Mister Chan??  She looked frightened when she heard my question.  She said, ?Let’s go for a walk sweetie.?  We went outside and walked to the outskirts of town before she told me, ?Mister Chan is a very dangerous man.  He brought me and all of the other girls as well as many men here from China.  Some of the more attractive girls work in the Emporium, the other ladies in his laundry.  The men work in the mines here.  He gets half of the money we make until our passage is paid for, but, he won’t ever tell us how much we still owe.  Any one who stands up to him seems to disappear without a trace.  He could have any one of the ladies for the asking but he is not attracted to us.  We heard that in China he liked young boys.  You must never let anyone know I told you these things or I will die.?  I assured her that I would never betray her trust.

     When I told May Lee what Mister Chan wanted of me, she shuddered and told me, ?You better show up then.  He has thugs who will do anything he wants.  If you please him you may be allowed to live.?  She paused a bit then added, ?He is more dangerous than those primitive Indians.?  Today was Saturday which meant that tomorrow I was to show up at Mister Chan’s apartment.  After what I had just learned I knew I had to go there and be on time. 

     The first thing I did was to go to Mr. McCall’s office.  I knocked on the door and when he said enter walked in to stand in front of his desk.  He looked up and asked, ?What do you want Carla??   I told him what Mr. Chan had demanded of me and that he wanted me to spend my Sunday shift in his apartment.  Jack smiled and told me, ?Mr. Chan supplies me with girls and they draw men to my gambling and drinking business.  Go and keep him happy sweetie.  I will get someone to cover your shift on Sundays.?  I turned and walked away feeling trapped into a nasty situation.  Jack had said Sundays meaning more than one.  Was this to be an ongoing thing?

                                                     Part Three

     Sunday morning I washed my body and put on my kimono and sandals.  I painted my lips red and walked fearfully up the staircase to the second floor.  I knocked lightly on the door with the number 2 on it.  The door opened immediately and a Chinese girl motioned me into the room.  Mr. Chan sat in a big chair smiling either glad to see me or from knowing he had power over me.  He told me, ?Remove your clothes girl.  I want to see what I have to work with.?  There was a big Chinese man standing beside Mr. Chan and the petite girl who has ushered me in standing behind me.  I was embarrassed to strip in front of them but afraid not to.  I dropped my kimono to the floor and stood naked in my sandals.  Mr. Chan said, ?Good girl but you must never hesitate to obey me.  You will obey me without question or hesitation.  Is that clear??  I nodded my head as I blushed in shame.  Mr. Chan nodded to the man and he moved behind me and gave me a lash on my ass with a whip.  Mr. Chan told me, ?The correct answer is always, ‘Yes Master’.?  I learn quickly and replied, ?Yes Master.?

     Mr. Chan told the man and girl something in Chinese which I didn’t understand.  They led me into another room and had me kick off my sandals and sit in a bathtub.  The man then filled the tub with lilac scented water.  The girl washed my body all over again.  She even gave me a scented enema.  The man shaved the few pubic hairs remaining on my body and then shaved my head bald.  He looked carefully at my entire body to make sure that the only hairs remaining on my body were my eyebrows.  The girl wiped my body dry and then led me to a chair to sit while she made up my face.  I tried to ask her what she was doing but she spoke no English.  The man told me, ?You will speak only when spoken to girl.?  My face was covered in chalk white makeup.  My lips were bright red and long false eyelashes were glued onto my own lashes.  They placed a black wig with long pigtails on my head and dressed me in a fine silk kimono with a pillow on my behind.  When I saw myself in the mirror I couldn’t believe it was me.  In a short time I had learned to call Mr. Chan Master and had been transformed into what appeared to be like a palace concubine in a Chinese palace.  My feet were put into high heeled sandals that made it difficult to walk causing me to take tiny steps to keep from falling.  I was told that I was to walk with my hands in the opposite sleeves of my kimono like a good Chinese girl does. 

     They had me walk in front of them as they returned me to Mr. Chan. Once I stood in front of him I was told to bow to my master.  I bowed low to Mr. Chan.  He told me, ?You look nice girl. I will give you a key to that room and you will prepare yourself before coming to me.  Do you understand girl??  I was still bowing as I answered, ?Yes Master.? 

     My Master told me, ?You may stand up girl.  As long as I own you and you obey me I won’t have to mutilate or brand you.?  I gasped.  I had no idea that such things had even been considered.  He gave the girl a command in Chinese and she hurried away.  We sat on the floor at a low table.  I had to sit on my haunches like a Chinese girl.  We were each served a bowl of rice and given a glass of fluid.  I smelled the fluid and it stunk.  Master told me, ?It is an ancient Chinese secret potion.  Drink it all down girl.?  I drained the glass and was quickly given another glass that was full of Champaign.  I gulped that down to kill the taste of the first vile fluid.  We ate our rice using chopsticks which I found hard to master. Master was turning me into a Chinese doll. 

     When the meal was finished we drank together.  Master had Champaign every glass.  I got a glass of the strong smelling stuff and then a glass of Champaign.  I was getting very drunk on the stuff.  Master told me, ?Crawl over to me girl.?  I put down my glass and crawled on my hands and knees to where Master was sitting.  He lifted his kimono and exposed his cock to me.  He told me, ?Take me into your mouth girl.  You are going to learn how to suck me off.?  My eyes filled with tears as I lowered my head to his crotch.  I took his cock into my mouth and began to softly suck it.  Master leaned back on a pillow and took my head into his hands.  I was kept sucking for a long time before he started moving my head up and down on his cock, slowly at first and then faster and faster until he pulled my head clear down and held it in place as he erupted in my mouth.  He had me sit up, open my mouth and show him the load he had deposited there.  He then said, ?Good girl, now swallow it all and thank me for the honor I have bestowed on you.?  I gulped the stuff down and then said. ?Thank you Master for letting me service you.?  I was dizzy and wanted to puke, but smiled sweetly at him.

     Master told me, ?You did well girl and will get better with time.  I want to own you body and soul.  We will continue your education next week.  Remember to go to that other room by 11:00 to prepare yourself exactly as others did you today.?  All I could manage to say was, ?Yes Master.?  He then clapped his hands and the Chinaman appeared.  Master told him, ?Mr. Fong will guide you to your room girl you are a little tipsy.  The big man picked me up like a child and carried me downstairs to my crib where he set me on the bed.  He took off my wig and kimono and hung them up before leaving me there, naked and hairless.  I cried myself to sleep.

     As the months progressed from April through May, June and July Master led me deeper and deeper into depravity.  It turned out that the ancient Chinese potion made my breasts grow until I had the chest of a woman.  None of my body hair ever did grow back so I never needed to shave my body.  I only wore my silk kimono and wig on Sundays.  The rest of the time I was bald and wearing a cotton kimono and flat sandals.  Now Master made me have his cock in my mouth while he slept.  At Midnight Mr. Fong would pick me up and carry me down to my room.  By now he made me suck him off for his efforts.  I was a total whore to them.

     To most people I was a freak who could play the piano well.  Some men would even pay me a dollar just to get naked so they could look at my body.  I now had big tits, no balls nor a hair on me.  Every Sunday Master would give me a twenty dollar gold piece as pay for my services.  I kept those well hidden and had them all.  With the money I made from displaying my body and from giving some drunks blow jobs I was amassing a nice nest egg.  I no longer had a shred of pride left.  I might as well have died like those other three men in our party did at the hands of the Indians.

     A new bit of excitement happened in the middle of August when the famous gunfighter and gambler came to our emporium.  Wild Bill Hickok started gambling in our place.  On the days he was here he always put money in my jar and treated me decently.  He had fought in the late war of rebellion too and had also been a sergeant.  I wanted to tell him of my service but never got the chance.  He probably would not have believed me anyway.  He still used the old Navy colts he had used in the war.  Most men were now using the brass cartridges.  He used to fire and reload both pistols every day to make sure they would fire when needed.  I envied him.

      Then on the 10th of September a miracle happened!  Custer raided an Indian camp when most of the braves were out raiding or hunting and he found my beloved Mary.  She was naked and pregnant but alive.  She had been driven half mad and was babbling in Lakota at first. When she realized that she was finally safe she spoke in English and was able to tell them her name.  Custer knew she was my wife.  He gave her his poncho to wear and loaded her into an ambulance to bring her into Deadwood.  He brought her into the emporium and the minute I saw her I leaped up from my piano bench and ran to hold her in my arms.  I had to tell her who I was as I had changed a lot since she last saw me.  She kissed me and we both cried.  Jack McCall said I could take her to my crib and take the day off. 

     We kissed and cuddled and told each other of the things we had been subjected to.  She had been frequently raped and often beaten.  I showed her my naked body and told her how I had survived and even how I was a whore for Mr. Chan.  Mary told me she had survived when the other two girls had not.  She would suck off Two Feathers and he kept her alive because of that.  We had both suffered badly but were at last back together.  Our lives could only improve now.  She was pregnant and the child was sure to be half Indian but she was mine now.  I would raise the child as our own.  Colonel Custer had given me a present of the 1851 Navy Colt he had carried in the war. But the best gift of all was my precious Mary.  Perhaps I could be a man again after all. 

    The next morning Jack McCall called us into his office.  He told Mary that she could eat in the kitchen with the rest of the girls and as long as she and I shared the same crib she would not have to give him half of the money she made.  He clearly expected her to be a whore like me.  He told May Lee to get us matching outfits to wear.  I was the bald freak with tits and she was the pregnant lady.  Some men would pay well to have both of us in their bed at the same time.

     After breakfast we got a note that Mr. Chan wanted to see us and we were to report to his suite.  I had told Mary much about how he was now my master but paid me very well to be his slave girl.  She even helped me prepare to appear before him.  Once I was ready we went to see him.  The sweet lady even told me I looked pretty as a Chinese girl.  We stood before Mr. Chan and bowed respectfully.  Mr. Chan said, ?I was grooming you to be the girl who would accompany me on my next trip back to China, but I see that you really love another.?  I answered, ?Yes my Master.?  He looked to Mary and said, ?I will pay you to watch your husband serve me or even more if you will become one of my china dolls also.?  Mary cleverly asked, ?May I start by watching you with him and then decide Master??  He smiled and said, ?Of course my dear.  We will start on Sunday when my girl has her next shift with me.  You two are dismissed.?  Mary and I walked out hand in hand and smiling.

                                               Part Four

     Strange as it may seem, there were men who would pay extra to have sex with the pregnant lady so Mary was making a lot of money clear up to the day she delivered our son.  He looked every bit the Indian papoose but we named him Charles Custer Wilson in honor of the man who had saved both Mary and I. He was born on December 1,1874.  Amazingly we found that my milk came into my breasts the same time as Mary’s did.  Thus we were able to take turns nursing our son. Mary was therefore free to resume her waitress duties and her whoring as well.  When I took a break to nurse our son men would gather around to watch.  They knew they were seeing something very unusual.   The bald guy with tits was feeding an Indian baby.  The money in my tip jar increased.  The ancient Chinese potion which had turned me into a freak did have some benefits.

     Mr. Chan loved to watch me nurse our son.  He was responsible for giving me these fully functioning breasts in the first place and felt sort of grandfatherly while watching his creation nursing a baby.  Since both Mary and I were alternately nursing the baby we had to milk our breasts into a glass between turns with the baby.  Mr. Chan loved watching us milk ourselves.  He kept the excess milk for his own use.  In a way we were like his dairy cows.  He told us that even after our son was weaned he wanted us to be milked often.  He would pay us for the milk.  Our breasts were sagging and enlarged from this activity. 

     Charles was kept on mother’s milk longer than would have been necessary just to please Mr. Chan.  The Boy had baby teeth and would sometimes bite our sore nipples before we were allowed to wean him.  Our lives revolved around being milked every 6 hours day and night.  We would report to Mr. Chan’s suite and he would watch as we got on all fours and his Chinese girl milked us dry.  Once we were drained we were allowed to get up put our kimonos back on and leave with each getting a $5 payment each time.  The money was so good we tolerated being used as milk cows.  Together we were getting quite a nice nest egg. 

     A week before Christmas, Colonel Custer stopped by to see Mary and I and to say goodbye to Jack.  He told us that they had pretty well pushed the Indians out of the black hills and were going west to defeat and subdue them.  Mary and I both thanked him for how he had saved us and wished him well.  He looked quite the soldier and I knew him to be very brave having ridden with him in what now seemed a former life.  

     That May ?Wild Bill? Hickok reappeared in our emporium.  He brought with him a lady everyone knew as Calamity Jane.  She was not a pretty lady and wore a piston in a holster like a man.  We heard that Wild Bill had scouted for Custer for a short time and also heard tales of his gunfights.  The information reached Jack McCall that Wild Bill had shot his brother in a gunfight.  Jack took to brooding over the death of his brother.  He knew he didn’t stand a chance against Hickok in a gunfight.  He struggled to contain his anger but I knew he was due to erupt sometime soon.

     There were great plans being made to celebrate the 100th birthday of the United States of America on the Fourth of July.  Streamers with stars and stripes adorned storefronts and lamp posts.  We were one united country now and proud of it.  Bands were practicing and militiamen were marching in preparations for the big day.  Suddenly we got word that Custer and over 200 of his men had been massacred in a battle with thousands of Lakota and Cheyenne warriors.  We were stunned!  Custer had gone out to kill or subdue a small bunch of Indians.  How could there be so many Indians in one place?  Most of the people in Deadwood had known Custer or at least knew of him when he and his 7th Cavalry were protecting us from the hostile Indians.  The grief in town was palatable.

     The Fourth of July celebration was somewhat subdued in Deadwood, but Mr. Chan was throwing a party for some of the leading citizens.  He was serving brandy and milk cocktails to his guests.  The food table had meats and breads, but center of the display was cheese wedges.  Mary and I were the waitresses at this party when it suddenly dawned on me where the milk for the cocktails had come from.  I suspected the cheese came from the same source.  The local bigwigs were celebrating with the milk of two whores.  I struggled to suppress my laughter.  Mr. Chan’s generous party was really a big joke being pulled on local society.  When the party was over and the clean up completed Mary and I walked down to the creek and laughed ourselves silly.  The high brow, stuck up Mayor’s wife drinking and eating what came out of my tits. People who would never give us even the time of day were consuming our bodily fluids.  It was priceless. 

      Jack McCall had taken to drinking heavily and he often called Mary to his office.  She would suck his cock to take his mind off his desire for revenge.  This was the case on August 2, 1876, when the Eddie the bartended walked into Jack’s office and told Jack that Hickok was playing poker with his back to the door instead of against a wall.  Jack stood up, tucked his cock in his pants, grabbed his pistol and stormed out of the office and out the back door.  He went around the building and entered the front door and from short range fired a shot into the back of Wild Bill’s head.  The bullet killed him instantly and passed through to wound another man sitting at the table.  Wild Bill had been holding two black aces, and two black 8’s which was forever after known as the dead man’s hand.  Jack ran out in the street proclaiming he had just killed Wild Bill Hickok.  Soldiers arrested Jack and held him for trial. 

     Mary was kneeling behind Jack’s desk when the bartender broke in.  Jack had left his safe open and it was loaded with cash. When she heard the commotion up front, she scooped all of the cash into a bag and took it to our crib.  She had pushed the door of the safe closed and only Jack knew the combination.

     With Jack locked up the emporium stayed closed.  A few days later there was a trial and Jack was hung for murder. Mary and I bought a horse and wagon and headed out of town with our son.

                                      Part Five

     We bought 40 acres of land and built a small hotel near the Indian reservation.  Many of our guests were to be army officers and government officials.  Since Mary was well educated and spoke Lakota she was hired to teach at the Indian school by the government.  I ran the hotel and the small saloon in the lobby.  Mary was trying to help the Indians to join the 19th century while I was secretly selling rot gut whiskey to the Indians.  The stuff was fresh from the still and clear.  No white man would have touched the stuff but the Indians bought it to get drunk on.  As drunken alcoholics they were no menace to anyone but other Indians on the reservation.  I was sure some of the army officers knew what I was doing but nobody ever said anything.  They must have approved. 

     An unexpected bonus to my secret trade occurred when Two Feathers showed up at my back door begging to buy whiskey.  He had been crippled up at the battle with Custer and was now an alcoholic shell of a man.  I charged him double and made him beg to buy it.  I had wished for years to get the opportunity to mutilate that Indian as he had done to me but looking at him in his current state knew he had suffered worse than I.

    We heard that Mr. Chan took most of his girls and went to set up operations at the silver mines in Nevada.  We knew he would prosper wherever he was.  He knew how to get what he wanted from anyone.

    Our son Charles faced prejudice in the local school so he attended the Indian school.  Mary and I loved him as if her were our son.  As the years went by he grew into a fine young man.  He knew the story of how I become what I am.  He felt he had two mothers. He met and fell in love with a girl in his class in the school.  They were both 15 when they got married in an Indian ceremony on the Reservation.  Mary and I wore our Sunday best clothes and even hired a photographer to tale pictures of the Bride and groom with their parents..  His bride was soon pregnant.  On the reservation Charles was safe from the prejudice of the whites who still hated Indians.  With his education and being fluent in both English and Lakota he was made an assistant to the Indian Agent in charge of the reservation.  With the buffalo killed off the Indians became totally dependant on government rations.  The once proud Sioux Nation had been reduced to beggars.

     There emerged a new religion amongst the Indians.  There were some people doing the Ghost Dance,  Some fools had convinced them that their dancing would make their shirts bulletproof and that their ancestors would come back to earth and defeat the white men who had stolen their land and not kept the promises made in the treaties.  That dream was so attractive to the desperate people that hey believed it possible.

      Chief Bigfoot led a group of his followers off of the reservation when word came that they were to be disarmed.  Charles went with them trying to warn them of the danger of running away.  Of course, his wife went with him.  They were chased down by a group of 9th Cavalry and made camp in a ravine.  A group of 7th Cavalrymen soon arrived on the scene bringing with them Hotchkiss guns.  Charles was trying to reason with the Army Colonel in charge when a shot was fired.  The troopers blazed away with all they had.  Men, women, children, horses and dogs alike were slaughtered.  Hundreds of Indians and around thirty troopers were killed.  Charles and his wife were mowed down in the first volley.

     The people across the country praised the soldiers as heroes.  The Indians considered them cold blooded killers.  Mothers carrying their babies had been shot trying to flee the scene.  Troopers had chased down and killed the Indians who had run from the scene.  Most of the dead and wounded soldiers had been shot by other soldiers.

     Civilian contractors were hired to collect and bury the bodies of the dead Indians.  They buried men women and children in a mass grave.  They did not even bother to count the number they buried.  Even our beloved Charles who worked for the Indian agent was buried like so much garbage.

     When Mary got word of Charles’ death she was completely devastated.  I never saw her smile again.  She had me get the horse and buggy and take her to the burial site.  It was the dead of winter and very cold outside, but to please her I did what she wanted. When we got to the mass gravesite, she threw herself on the ground and wept uncontrollably for two hours before I finally had to pick her up and carry her back to the buggy.  Given her own way she would have stayed there and frozen to death.  I had always been able to accept things as they are and go forward.  Mary was not that strong.  She had endured her Indian captivity, her whoredom and even being a milk cow for Mr. Chan.  She had done those things for the benefit of her son.  Now he was gone and she wanted to die.  I tried to comfort her as best I could but to no avail.  Mary sank deeper and deeper into depression.

     Many of the Indians killed had been customers of mine and I felt some responsibility because of that.  I could no longer sell that rotgut whiskey to Indians.  I went to my friend Michael O’Brian.  He was a retired sergeant who had been in the 7th   but had been with Major Reno during the battle of the Little Bighorn.  He was living on an army pension and could use the extra money the bootleg business would bring in for him.  He had spent years fighting the Indians and had no compunction about selling them booze.

     A Catholic priest and 4 nuns came into town and set up a couple of tents. It was still winter and very cold.  I met and talked with the priest and found him to be a wise and honorable man.  Due to the harsh winter weather, I offered them rooms in our hotel for free.  The Father had one room and the four nuns the other.  The nuns would spend their time helping the Indians on the reservation and trying to convert them to Catholicism.  The priest spent hours with Mary trying to get her to understand that God had a plan for each of us.  I thought he might bring her back to where she could be the loving lady I married.

     Finally the cold weather eased its’ grip and began to warm up.  Life was looking up. I thought all might be well, but on April 3rd of 1891, Mary took the loaded pistol the Custer had given me and went out behind the hotel and blew her brains out.  I was greatly saddened and knew I would miss her, but felt that now she was at peace.  I buried her at the mass grave site so she would be with her son.  I even had granite tombstones made and engraved for each of them.  Their bones would lie side by side.

     Father Murphy and I had many talks where he tried to make me understand that God had a plan for each of us.  I questioned him about his religion and he eventually converted me to Catholicism.  I was baptized and Father Murphy heard my confession.  I knew that now I would go to heaven when I died.  I prayed I would find Mary and Charles there.

     Using the money I had made selling whiskey I bought the materials for Father Murphy to build a church on land I also donated to him.  I cooked meals to feed the volunteers that built the church.   I assisted the Father in many ways as he built his congregation. 

After 5 years his churchgoing parish had increased to fill the church every Sunday.  He no longer needed me.  I wanted to leave this place with all of its bad memories.  I deeded the hotel to the church, packed my bags and moved eastward.

     For the next 4 years I roamed throughout South Dakota and Minnesota playing piano sometimes and living on my savings.  I was able to meet people easily and made many friends along the way.  I still missed Mary but looked forward to seeing her in heaven.  Then one day I felt a lump in my breast and soon found one in the other breast.  These lumps kept growing day by day.  I finally went to see a doctor and after he examined me he told me that I had Cancer in both of my breasts and it had spread to my whole system.  To make things even worse he told me that I had syphilis.  I told him I had not been sexual with anyone in almost 25 years.  He told me that it had probably lain dormant inside of me for years but the Cancer stirred it to life.  He told me that my days were very limited.

     I went to the Old Soldiers Home in Minneapolis near Fort Snelling.  They kindly made me as comfortable as possible.  The lumps in my breasts grew into grotesque globs and I was deformed.  I wrote this all down and am going to give it to Michael Edwards who will publish it as a book when he finally gets it presentable. All of my life I played the cards that life dealt me.  I lived a wild life in a hard country.

                                                The End

PS:  Chris Wilson died two days past his birthday and the age of 54.  He had made it into the 20th century but enjoyed only a month of it.  He was given a military funeral at Fort Snelling Cemetery.  The only mourners there were I and a few men from the Old Soldier’s Home.  The book I wrote from the notes he gave me sold a lot of copies.  I gave some of the profits from the book to the Old Soldier’s Home so they could throw a monthly party in Chris Wilson’s honor.  I felt he would have wanted that.

                                                        Michael Edwards.




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MonstersOfCock Kate Bloom Kate8217s First Big Black Cock

It’s time to slip and slide! Louie Smalls is prepared to have Kate Bloom over for a quick fuck and to go have fun on the slip and slide, but when he finds out that this is going to be her first black dick, he knows he has to make it special. She’s so much smaller than he is, so he has to show off his muscles. He picks her up and bench presses her. She takes off her clothes and shows off her cute, tiny body. She can’t wait any longer to see how big his dick is. She pulls it out...

2 years ago
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CONFESSIONS PART 1 TO PART 8 To conserve space on my posts all confessions will be in this one Confessions post with the latest confession posted here at the beginning. ======PT 8CONFESSIONS PT 8These are confessions and stories people have sent me.Do you have a confession of something you did, or something you'd like to do?Private Message it to me and I'll post it. Don't worry about spelling, grammar, etc.======Used my sisters fluffy a****ls to jerk off with.. sometime shooting cum on them.....

4 years ago
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Wife Watches

Note: ——I am NOT the author!, wife watchesI wrote this story because while there are plenty of stories where the husband watches the wife having sex with another man, there are not very many here on Lush that have the wife watching the husband have sex with another woman, which is something that I like. Please enjoy my story; it is based partly on this really vivid dream I had, based on real people. It went something like this...I have been married with my husband for 11 years now. I have...

4 years ago
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Dark Days Darkest Before the DawnChapter 11

The dreams were back with a vengeance, Everett alive and as evil as ever. I was nine all over again and watching while he toyed with his victim, the living meat sack that had been the boy before me. Only this time, we were on a boat, and there were girl meat sacks. None of them were really alive; all were waiting for that final cut. I watched, helpless, as he went from one to the next, each time asking me if I was paying attention ... asking if I was watching their eyes. When I woke again,...

2 years ago
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Music teacher

I didn’t quite know what category to put this under. But this is the story of me loosing my virginity to my music teacher. This just happened yesterday. I can’t believe it happened, but I’m incredibly satisfied. Let me begin with describing myself. I’m 19, 5′ 11″ and 72 kgs. I have a muscular build, short Dark brown hair, and I never have a hard time finding Chicks. The only reason I was still a virgin, until yesterday, was that I was saving myself for a special girl. Not just a one night...

3 years ago
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The Newly Cuckold Husband

Most of the stories I have posted so far have centered on some of my experiences on board my 100' charter yacht. It was a very high end (and expensive) operation based in Alaska.One year a couple was on board for a 12 day trip. They were unusual in that they were African-Americans, and in their early thirties. Very few minorities signed up for trips, and not too many people under 50 y/o. The cost for a trip was very high and typically younger people were unable to afford it.This couple was...

3 years ago
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Amber learns about the other side of sex

I started cross dressing when I was about 14, and ever since I tried it, My biggest goal was to be able to pass in public and not being seen as anything other than an attractive girl. Fortunately I have a sister a year older than me, so finding clothes to wear when no one was home was easy. We both have the same slim build. I remember all the fun I had getting dressed up in one of her many outfits, with panties, bra (training at first) and heels. I didn't dare try makeup then since I...

1 year ago
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A large hotel window at the tenth floor

I had invited my sweet Ana to join me for a quick business trip.She was delighted, since she had never been at Las Vegas and so, she would have the chance of trying luck at the casino, while I would be focused in my own business…The first evening, after a really stressing labor day, I went back to our hotel room, finding Anita was there, getting ready for going to dinner out.I smiled and kissed her sexy red lips, while she wrapped her arms around my neck and responded me with another passionate...

2 years ago
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by All These Roadworks Kitka had had a teasing, flirtatious courtship of Eric for two months. They'd kissed on the first date, she'd let him grope her tits through her shirt on the second, but up until tonight she hadn't let him undress her, let alone fuck her. Not because she didn't want to - but because they were both enjoying the thrill of anticipation. They knew it was going to happen - and soon. They'd talked on video chat to arrange tonight's dinner. "So when are we taking...

3 years ago
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A Star Wars Universe Story Smuggler to Slave III

A Star Wars Universe Story: Smuggler to Slave DISCLAIMER: Star Wars and all of its related contents contained herein are property of LucasArts Ltd. and NOT mine. This story is for entertainment purposes ONLY and I make no money from its distribution. Any questions or concerns should be directed to the author, and not any website which hosts this content. When I woke up I was strapped to a white strange device. It was roughly "X" shaped and my arms and legs were spread wide and...

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My sissy Fantasy pt 003

We come to another set of double doors, though these are glass paned in Victorian iron work painted white, as is the wall which it I set in. But due to the humidity all the glass is misted, including the dome and I can’t see where they lead outside. Jake opens one of the doors and we step into the rain that has subsided only a little to find myself standing in front of a large infinity pool that seems to drop off the rear edge of the building into that amazing view of the valley. Either side of...

2 years ago
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The Dinner Party

I am on my knees before my Master sucking his cock, his hands are twisted in my hair controlling how fast I go and how deep I take him in my mouth. ?I have a surprise for you tonight? he tells me as he slides his cock down my throat.  This is our morning ritual, I have to make him come every morning using only my mouth, I have a time limit in which to do this and if I go over my allowed time I am punished.  I start to gag and pull away which earns me a sharp tug on the nipple clamps I have on....

3 years ago
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first time oral anal

First off let me be clear I do not consider myself a m*****ation survivor, I do not support sex with anyone u******e under no circumstances except for my TRUE STORY....... Summer 1985 graduating to middle school, There was two girls in my class who were getting tits and a little bush, So my experience would pay off later. Anyway I had gotten in some trouble so I had to stay with my moms friend pam.,Little did I know this would be the summer I became a man and did I ever. Pam was a...

2 years ago
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The WolvesChapter 66

Menseio Station, orbiting Veria Jonuth Kidravia’s Ship - Abi 12:20 Ship Time September 10, 2019 [Wait, I just realized that you went through a growth last night!] I said as Vixa and I headed down to the landing bay. [How did that work? I imagine I was still in one of the medical pods, right?] [Yes. Fortunately all of the hallways and teleporters are big enough to fit a medical pod, so after I set it to hover mode, Mason pushed it through the hallways. Each medical pod has an internal power...

1 year ago
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The Ah KungChapter 17

They tried to keep their relationship between themselves at work that day but Roger was sure that people knew that something was going on between them although no one really did. They began sleeping together every night and Lei moved her things into the bedroom that they shared. One morning Lei walked into Roger's office, "FedEx is here with six small boxes for you. The driver said that only you can receive and sign for the shipment. I asked if it was COD but he said no." Roger thought...

1 year ago
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CherryPop Cadey Mercury Let Me Cheer You Up

Cadey Mercury is a young cheerleader walking home on the side of the road. She’s been having a bad day. She wants to hitchhike, but she’s feeling uneasy about it. Ryan Ryder passes by her on the road, when he sees her face he decides to stop. Cadey doesn’t really feel like talking, but she doesn’t really want to walk all the way home either. She explains to Ryan how her boyfriend broke up with her because she didn’t want to have sex with him. It’s not because...

3 years ago
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College friend ko pehli baar chooda

Hello everybody I’m Kabeer. It happens when we were in the first year of college. We were in co-education and I have seven friends with me from my childhood and four of them were boys including me and four of girls.So we have a group of eight persons. Everyplace we use to admit together such as coaching, computer class, and English classes. We the boys and girls always together and doesn’t think any thing of each other but friend.We have experience about sex from the 8th greed of school and...

2 years ago
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Date With a DrifterChapter 2 Tough as Leather

Matt followed her through the door of the bar, the stink of cigarette smoke and booze immediately stinging his nose. The dingy room was lit by yellow lamps, casting their dull glow through the hazy atmosphere, almost like smog rolling in over a city as it lingered in the air. Flickering neon signs pierced the gloom in bright blues and pinks, advertising different brands of beer as they hung above the bar. Their light reflected on silver taps that lined the counter and the shelves below them...

1 year ago
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BlackLoads Norah Gold Norah Gold Takes On An Anaconda

This week we got some smart mouth named Norah. She walked in here acting like she knew what was gonna happen, “ um.. yes I’m here for the porn interview.” No bitch, you’re here to get pounded by a big black motherfucking dick!! I stuck my massive anaconda in and out of that fucking pussy. Stretching that shit good son! I’m sure her slut self-loved every minute of it. All these desperate chicks walking in here for an “audition” need to know that that audition comes in the form of my monster...


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