Horseville Illinois
- 2 years ago
- 19
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I guess it was curiosity that led me to come to Horseville Illinois, I was watching the porno's that Gerry Frankel made with Harrie Bowvase and Amelia Timmins, and my girl Francine walked in on me, and damn it to hell if that girl didn't walk straight out on me out when she saw how Harrie was hung, she wasn't hanging around with a six inch cock when there was eight inchers out there or so she said and she just walked straight out the door.
She come back an hour later for some clothes and the car keys, 'cos she got mighty cold in her nightdress what with walking through the snow drifts and all that but she had her mind made up and she set off in her little Chevette to find Gerry Frankel and get famous or worst thing get laid.
I hunted round the place and found the parts to put the engine of my 68 Mustang back together, Francie had been washing dishes in the oil pan and the pistons were under the bed, I wondered why it was so lumpy, so it took me most of a week to do fixing it up and then I had to get it in the Parlour so I could hang the engine from the ceiling and slide the Mustang under it, and that meant knocking the wall out under the window, but as soon as that was done and I did the fire damage where the fuel line come off and sprayed gas all over the headers then I guess it was no more than about three weeks before I set right off to find Francine.
Trouble was she went to Hollywood by mistake while I headed north to Horseville Illinois.
Horseville had changed from when Gerry Frankel made his pornos, the derelict shops were gone and replaced with a great row of half built whore houses, none of them finished and most of main street was levelled to make room for a parking lot which was just about empty, and the whole place had this feel like Armageddon had been and gone, see everyone went to Hollywood after fame and fortune, because when it was famous there was no whorehouse and when thy had the whore-houses were near built all the whores was gone.
I called in the Garage, "Where is everyone?" I asked.
"They all gone son, following the money," An older guy with a grey beard announced when he came in the office after ten minutes of me ringing his bell.
"I'm looking for a girl," I announced.
"Who ain't," he said, "Exceptin' Homos."
"Five five, blonde," I said.
"Nope, there ain't no girls left, whole dang place been took over by Homos." he said dismissively, "Might as well call it HomosVille, you ain't Homo are you son?"
"No Sir," I agreed.
"Whole dang place is dying," he said pretty sourly, "Hell even Gerry Frankel's gone west to join Disney corp."
"My girl came here to find some eight inch cocks." I explained.
"Hell, you better find new girl son cause I tell you when they had an eight incher inside of them you and me's going to flop round like a mop in a bucket in there." he eyed me up, "Walt Garfield," he introduced himself, "An you are?"
"Tony, Tony Meyer," I agreed.
"Hell we already got a Mayor, you lookin for a job son?"
"Yep I guess, long as it ain't ass fucking like some homo." I said, "I done farm work and I fixed up my Mustang, new pistons, reground crank new headers." I told him, never said about the fire though.
"Sam Regis needs a hand down his veterinarian place and I sure could use some help trying to fix some of the crap them Homo's drive hell I even got a MR2 out back."
"Right" I agreed, "I need someplace to sleep."
"You got tilt back seats in the Mustang ain't you?" he asked, and well he had a point.
"I'll tell Sam you're coming." he said and he wandered off.
I glanced around his yard, he had a shiny Chevvy 'Vette which I guessed was his and every lilly assed heap of crap from a VW microbus to a Nissan, I figured maybe helping the vet was a better career option than fixing Japanese crap.
Sam was sure as hell glad to see me, he had this long dead cow in his shop and every fly east of silicon valley was a queueing up to get a piece of it.
"I can't get in and I got a waiting list of Homos a mile long," he said.
"You want a tractor with a back acter," I said when I stood and looked, "Take the wall out and then you can get the cow out."
How was I to know the wall was all that held the roof up.
"Why in the hell didn't I think of that?" he said, "You get down Franco's tool hire in Maplin and I'll get the wall down."
I never got to the end of his yard before he smacked the end wall with his sledge hammer and the whole dang lot collapsed.
"Guess I should have let you do it," he suggested.
Luckily he'd been working outside so his veterinarian tools was ok but the shack was about finished.
"There anything valuable in there?" I asked.
"Propane cylinders," he said, "But we an get them out."
"Hell no burn the place down," I said "Claim on the insurance," so we did, hell you could smell the rotten meat and flies roasting in Clarksonville nigh on twenty miles away, how was I to know he never had no insurance?
Rick Nelson what owned the place came running, "Hell Sam I never meant it when I said burn the shack down."
"Shucks Rick, seemed the best idea," Sam agreed acting dumb.
"You better fix your kit in the blacksmiths shop." Rick says so we goes over there.
It weren't too bad, light and airy maybe where one of the roof sheets was gone missing but there was a forge all rusted and a great big bench and a huge vice.
"Got me a backlog of Homos," he said, "You any good at sewing son?"
"No," I said.
"You do the cutting then," he says.
"What if I get it wrong?" I asked.
"Do I look like I care?" he asked, "You got a knife?"
That's how I become an apprenticed plastic surgeon.
First job I got was sorting silicon rubber tits, they come in pairs first off but Sam just had em all chucked in a sack, ok they all had sizes marked, like D DD and Big, but some was pointy and some rounded and well old Sam never gave a damn.
"Ain't we supposed to sort of numb them," I asked, Sam nodded, "Stretch the skin some," he nodded, "Get scrubbed up?" he pointed to the horse trough.
"Hell what they expect for ninety nine, ninety nine?" he asked, "Anyway you set?" he asked.
"Sure," I agreed.
"Right here's the list you get on the cellphone and get em organised." he suggested.
"You got blood transfusion stuff?" I asked.
"Sure I got tubes, go get a porker off of Rick just in case." he suggested.
I was fixing to do as he said when a VW beetle full of Homos turned up, you know all yellow paint ad lowered suspension and flower power stickers and that, this guy climbs out in platform soles and leather pants and that, "Hello, is this Mid West Implants," he asked and when Sam nodded he asked, "Can you fit my friend Nigel in please," he said like he was that Jonny English guy out the James Bond movies or something, "Only we would like to get to Hollywood before next year."
"Sure," Sam says, "You come back around five and he'll be ready."
This guy had been growing his hair like girl length to the shoulders, natural blonde, least aways it matched his beard and moustache, but he was a scrawny little guy, probably Mexican.
"What's it to be then son," Sam asked as the other guys drove away."
"Like medium?" he asked awkwardly, not knowing as Sam only had D, DD and real big sizes in stock.
"Okey Dokey, then you get your shirt off and come right on in." Sam said, "You got cash?"
"Yes, sir," The guy says and he hands over two fifties, Sam hands me one, sticks the other in the back pocket of his Levis and took his craft knife from his back pocket, and do you know the guy faints, yeah carump, right down in a heap.
We hauled him on the bench and Sam started cutting, "You got a pair of pointy DD's in that sack." Sam asked.
"Well there's two, wouldn't call them a pair though." I replied.
"Two was a pair when did my schooling," Sam said, "Hand em over."
The guy was bleeding all over the bench like a bad B grade horror movie, the flies started getting interested and Sam asked for the Tits, I handed them over and he sets em down in the oil and dust on the bench, and next thing he's stuffing one under the guys skin, "Hey Sam that's a right," I says as he forces the silicon rubber in place.
"Who cares, they splay out better," he said, "How you know anyways?"
"Marked R for right," I says all innocent,
"Dumbass, that's R for reject." he set me straight, "That's why we gets them for thirty cents a piece." he chuckled, and then he says "Get my fishing box I wanna finish up," so I went across and fetched the box he kept beside his fishing rod.
He chose the line carefully and taking a needle from the box he started sewing, it weren't neat cos the skin was too tight by a half but with me pressing pretty soon it come together and the blood stopped bleeding mostly.
"Hey Homo wake up," Sam hollered and he slapped that guy around the face.
"W'what," he says, as he sort of shakes himself, "Oh my christ." he wails.
"You want some cocaine or something," Sam asked.
"Yeah!" he screams.
"Well there's a dealer in Clarksonville, black guy, less they lynched him as well." Sam joked, "You fixing on being a girl?"
"I'm not letting you do it," he said, "You butcher!" he said as he hauled his tee shirt part way back on and he couldn't get it over his tits.
"Look guy, what the hell do you expect for ninety nine dollars," Sam asked, "Anyways you had your quarter hour."
"I was fixing on a sex change." he said.
"You done counselling?" Sam asked.
"No!" he said.
"Best not might put you off," Sam says, "Look tell you what I'll put it on your tab ok?"
The guy stares at him through the agony, "How much?"
"Twenty dollars a month," he said but before he could answer his Homo friends come back.
I had a brain-wave so I went and told them their mate had had his tits done and was after the whole deal, except he was two hundred dollars short, they seemed real interested, and quick as that they flashed out a pair of fifties each and said they'd be back in a while.
I flashed the bills at Sam, "You set girl?" he asked.
"I guess," he said.
"Best get them pants off then." he said, "Hop on the bench." The guy slipped his pants and shorts down revealing a weenie about as big as your average rabbit has.
"Gee," Sam said, "Micro surgery," and he had the guy spread his legs while he found a wood block.
"Just put out a second son," he says and he fetched a sledge hammer down, slipped the wood block under the guys balls and smashed the hammer right down smashing his balls to a pulp.
"Aieeeee phut," the guy wailed before he passed out.
Next job was fixing up the blood pump, old Sam stunned the hog and we fixed some neoprene tube to a hand pump and stuck one end in the hog's leg vein and fed the tube through a hole in the shack wall ton the hand pump and on into the guys arm.
Next thing Sam got started,I tried to see what was happening but there was too much blood and Sam set to work with his pliers and knife and little clamps made from clothes pins and some cat gut from his fishing box and somehow he fashioned that cock skin into a cunt while I kept pumping that hand pump pumping from that hog in the yard through about ten yards of tube and into the guy's arm to stop him bleeding to death.
"Hey, son get me a beer, will you?" Sam asked.
"What about the blood?" I asked.
"Nope rather have a beer," he said, and he grinned, "I'll pump you get a couple of buds," he said.
We stood there enjoying a beer watching the Homo gurging away, while I kept pumping the blood.
"Say, won't he get sick?" I asked, "All these flies and dirt and that."
"Sure and some half million a year surgeon will fix him up on Medicare or Medicaid or some such, just as soon as he gets to the big city." he says, "You want first poke?"
"Nope, I ain't poking some bearded Homo even if he do have a cunt." I said firmly.
"Well I ain't neither, you seen Rick's hound dog around?" he asked. Gee my mind near exploded, "Only he likes left overs, balls and that."
The guy was still out cold as I shaved his face and do you know when I finished he never looked like a Homo at all, no he could have passed for a fifty year old washed up crack whore any day of the week.
Eventually we got finished. We chatted as we waited for the guy to come round.
"One time Homos was queueing up for me to fit them with tits and head off to be Shemale porno stars like Harry Beauvase," Sam said. "See I got licenses to practice as a gender re-assigner." he said and he pointed to a certificate in his fishing box.
"That ain't English," I said.
"It's Somalian," he replied, "I got it off Ebay."
"Right," I agreed, "So why?" I asked.
"I really hate Homos." he said.
"Any girls around?" I asked.
"Well, yes and no," he says, "There's Gloria, but she's mine." he said, "She come for a boob job and I fell in love right away."
"Right," I agreed.
"You wana come to dinner?" he asked.
"Sure," I agreed, wondering just how unsanitary his kitchen would be, but hell did I get a shock but first off we had to sort the Homo out, but with an elastoplast on his arm and a whole load of rag, old shirts mainly, round his crotch we fixed him up with an old mini dress and set him walking to meet his friends.
Gloria was glorious, as was Sams house, I hardly could believe it, like it was huge, about a quarter mile from Rick Nelson's place.
decided that she wanted and had his porno emporium
Rick Nelson's place just out of town where Sam Regis the veterinarian, had his shack.
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BDSMYou had always been an ugly duckling. Growing up, your older sister was blessed with jackpot genes while you spent most of your high school evenings trying to figure out which Proactive treatments would work best on your face. Even your older brother didn't seem to have to ever worry about his looks. It was as if you happened to burdened with your looks due to your entire family's perfection. Family vacations were the absolute worst. Your sister, Rachel, would turn heads of every boy you wanted...
TeenHi dear friend’s this is my story on this site. I am a guy of 30 years, from Mumbai; I am in search of female interested in me for having sex, erotic chat, phone chat etc. Interested girls, women ladies can contact me at mail I stay in a housing complex. There’s a middle aged couple staying in the flat opposite mine (it is on the same floor and there are only 2 flats on a floor, with only a very narrow corridor). For a long time I have had a crush on bhabhiji and have visualized her many times...
As I stood in the kitchen fidgeting, my mind raced. Today was the day. All my sisters had already chosen their men, and now it was nearly my turn. I was a slave, and a slave's daughter, and today i would leave my home with my new master. I had it all planned out. I would choose Luke, as he was always kind to me. The other girls all said they would choose Henry, because he was rich, or Dylan, because he was handsome, or Dmitri because he was mysterious. Only one other girl said she would...
I picked up the blue mechanical pencil sitting on my book, and tapped in on my desk for a few minutes, before the girl sitting across the row from me, Gina exclaimed, “NIKKI! Knock it off!” “Wow, calm the heck down.” I replied, snottily. I resumed clicking the pencil on the desk until I got bored. I sighed loudly and pulled out my notebook of quotes. I flipped through the pages to a blank one and began to doodle. “I heart Mr. Zimmerman. I hate heath class. Nikki Smith Blah. Blah… I’m so...
Beautiful Simona Purr is searching for a room to rent. She has already started thinking she will fail to find a good place to live when she reads an add that she answers right away. Soon, she comes to meet her future landlord who turns out to be a really handsome man. When Simona Purr tells him she got cold because of the wind outside, the dude tells her there is a simple way of warming her up. Sure, Simona Purr tries to pretend she doesn’t understand his hints, but soon surrenders to his...
xmoviesforyouRay was naked and laying on his back with his legs spread wide as Sue sucked his cock. She had been sucking him for over an hour and already got one big load of cum and was still going to get another. The one thing Sue liked was a lot was cum. She liked Ray as he had huge loads of cum and a great taste. Ray also loved how good Sue was at sucking cock. She licked and sucked and used her tongue and she could make him jerk when she sucked his huge balls. The first time he got her naked and she...
This story is true. The names are not. This story may not have happened to me, it may have. My names damien, im 16 years old, I have black hair thats cut to the emo look, last week I put a little red on the ends, it looks really cool, I work out, alot. As a result of that, and the almost constant wanking I do, I have perfectly chiseled abs and in all modesty a great 6 pack, I play golf, rugby and tennis and excell at all of them, im not that popular in school, I have my own select group...
DryadI often left it all behind and headed for the mountain. It’s a place I like to go when I’ve had enough of my daily dose of troubles. So off I went alone. The mountain is steep, not like rock climbing, just a robust ascent. The skies are gray. I travelled a wooded trail. I had hiked all day and planned on camping over night. The hour was growing near when day is neither light nor dark. As I stepped over a fallen branch, I wonder just when that moment crosses over. There must be that...
Clitecka’s Seduction - 1 Hello. My name is Clitecka. I’m seventeen and I’m a black girl, living just outside the small town of Fuggledix, in Alabama. I live with my mother, and sometimes my father comes down from Chicago to visit. They’re divorced. I only been doing sex for only a few months, even though I’m seventeen. Lots of my friends have been jacking off much longer, but I never got those “feelings” down in my pussy until after I turned sixteen. In a few days, I was masturbating three or...
InterracialEmma’s boyfriends best friend came by to have one last drink before he heads out of the country for a while but James is not home. Emma invites him to hang and is sad to see him go before she could hook him up with one of her friends. Having an open relationship she decides to give Jason a nice going away present but he feels it is a test of loyalty. Once Emma grabs his cock telling him this is no joke, his cock flops out and right into her hot hungry mouth for a good face fuck and...
xmoviesforyouHello dosto, main hu Sandip. Main apni kahani ka agla part leke aaya hu. Pichle part mein aapne padha, ki maine apni biwi ko massage lene ke liya manaya. Fir reception pe jaake maine ek aadmi ko massage ke liye bhejne ko kaha. Ab aage ki kahani. Fir hamare room ki bell baji. Jab maine darwaza khola, to ek lamba chauda aadmi khada tha. Kareeban 35 saal ki age thi uski. Wo smile dete hue bola- Aadmi: Aapne massage service ke liye call kiya tha? Main: Haa. Maine jawaab dete hue usko andar aane...
Kagney Linn Karter is one fucking hot maid who walks in on Eliza Jane holding a double ended dildo that she has no idea how to operate. Kagney, being a maid who cares informs Eliza who isn?t wearing pants, that jamming a dildo inside of herself with her panties pushed to the side is bush league amatuer stuff. Eliza, being a naive dumb blonde slut asks her maid to teach her how to use dildos more effectively. Kagney says that they only have a few hours before Eliza?s parents return, but that she...
xmoviesforyouWhen we got back to the horse box we found Deke had been busy, he had borrowed some poles and canvas screen from our neighbours which he used to construct an enclosure besides the truck. This screen allowed me to get organised without having to take Spirit back up into the horse box. Much easier... !! First things first, once Laura had released my wrists I scooted inside to undress and use the toilet, not sexy, but very important. Belly riders soon learn that a full bladder or bowel is not a...
Hello. So your wondering who JCheri is.. Well I guess I should start by saying I'm a girl trapped in a boys body. I have known this since i was seven. How did I know that at such a young age?When I was little I use to watch a lot of television. One of my favorite Show's was Wild Wild West. In this show the hero was a handsome actor named Robert Conrad and he was always saving the damsel in distress. I wanted to be the Damsel in Distress I use to tie myself up and pretend James West was coming...
It was on a Monday late in September of 1983 when Kelly got the word that a customer would be in the office on Thursday. A customer coming to their office was not a common occurrence and only happened perhaps a couple of times each year. They always made everyone aware of it because there was a different dress code for those days. The most important part was that the ladies were expected to wear undergarments and no see-through tops. Dressing up a tad was the rest of it.On Tuesday, late in the...
Office SexHi dosto kese ho? Aap ne is story ka aageka dono part padhe honge or bahut sare dosto ne mail bhi kiya or kahani puri karne ka bhi kaha par me kya karu dost me puri nahi kar pa raha hu par shayad is part me khatam ho jayegi. Me gujrat ke ahmedabad ke 1 gau she hu. Me mere dost ki sadi me gaya tha waha par mere dost naresh ke mama ka ladka jo bahot bura aadmi ban gaya hai ushi ki pareshani se sab tang aachuke hai use koi manata bhi mahi kyoki wo aapne papa se bhi gali bol deta hai is liye kahi...
I was in my early twenties and had started to work at a company in Bangalore. When I first came to Bangalore from Kerala for my studies, I had stayed near Ramiah College. After a few years, I shifted to RT Nagar to be closer to some of my friends and reduce travel time to work. After about a week of shifting, I was looking for a good place for a haircut. I decided to walk around and explore the area. It was just 7-7:30 by the time I found a salon and I noticed there were no customers...
Gay MaleSheila Ortega is a brown-eyed busty babe who works as a secretary at the DDF Network office. The black-haired hottie’s massive cleavage is so impressive, we had to give her her own office space, just so we don’t get distracted all day long. The Latina’s enormous 42C / 95D cups will give you an instant boner in your pants and it’s absolutely impossible to focus on anything else but her inviting jugs! Mugur delivers a package but soon feels the urge to touch her gigantic cans. She enjoys his...
xmoviesforyouThis follows on from parts 1- 4 of Jean: Total Exhibitionist Slut The Debauchery event.Dave came home from work late afternoon, just as I was stepping out of the shower. I’d ensured that below the neck, my body was smooth, silky and completely hairless to pleasure my lovers later. My newly pierced nipples were in a permanent state of erection and tingling with anticipation, at the lavish attention they would encounter later this evening. I began patting myself dry with a large towel, when Dave...
“Doll, that won’t be hard to do, because I have fallen head over heels in love with you. You are my angel in disguise.” He guided her over to the futon, and unfolded it. The two of them climbed onto it, curled up in each others arms and then talked most of the night. It was kind of weird as no man had ever just talked to Cindy before. They all couldn’t wait to get into her panties. She curled up closer to him ran her finger across his chin and asked, “Where do we go from here Reverend?” His...
I was in my favorite hunt, the small town not far from my college. I was at the little adult book store, in the rear, watching clips on the video screens. I saw the hole in the wall and a finger poking thru, bickering for me to come close. I moved towards the digit it with drew and was replaced by a rigid cut penis. I reached out and stroked it softly, I was rewarded by it being pushed further into my grasp. I knelt down by the hole and licked gently at the organ that was protruding from the...