18 (Eighteen) free porn video

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She loved Billy, he was sweet, kind, gentle, supportive and the sort of guy that was good to have around until she could get to university and escape the downbeat outdated backwater place that Timperley had become.

She was eighteen tomorrow, and as she stared at the passing freight cars she thought how she said she had promised that she would keep herself pure until he eighteenth birthday and how Billy was going to be mighty upset when she admitted she had no intention at all of letting him ball her.

Katie wasn't cruel, just ambitious, she was from the wrong side of the tracks and her folks said she was adopted but she was going to be somebody, like Mr Jefferson the guy that seemed to own half of Timperley and lived in a sort of half sized replica of the white house on the other side of town.

Billy didn't come, the east bound container carrier was rumbling by when she gave up waiting, three big GM road switchers in three different road liveries pounding away at the head of a quarter mile of container cars and she went to the kitchen to help her mom.

"Billy not coming?" her mom asked knowing full well Billy had been forced to do another half shift that evening.

"Don't look like it mom," Katie said.

"Only we got a little birthday surprise for you," he mom said, "You want to go get ready?"

"Why?" Kate asked, "Why can't I go like this?"

Her mom looked Katie over, her belly bulged over the waistband of her blue jeans and her tee shirt hung limply away leaving a belly button gap, her hair needed a wash and her flat shoes did nothing for her, "Katie you got to make an effort some time sweetie," she said, "I got you a new dress upstairs."

"Great, every other girl gets a car, I get a dress, gee big deal!" Katie muttered.

"So get a shower and a shampoo Katie and be ready for seven thirty, 'kay?"

"Ohhh kay," Katie sighed and she went up the creaking stairs to her room.

The dress fitted but it was tight so she took a shower and washed her hair and came down at around seven fifteen.

"All set?" her father asked.

"Where's Billy?" Katie asked.

"There's a hot box on the feeder," her dad explained, "He won't be through until about eleven."

"Oh, where are we going?" Katie enquired.

"That's a birthday surprise," her Mom said, "Shall we go?"

"I guess," Katie agreed.

They climbed into her dad's five year old Ford station wagon and headed for town, over the railroad tracks and down towards the imposing frontage of the Jefferson house where to Kate's surprise they pulled into the drive.

"Where are we going?" Katie asked.

"Ah, I have to see someone," her Dad lied and he slowly drove to the side door.

He went inside for a minute and came back out, "Katie, Mr Jefferson wants to meet you," he said, "Quickly!"

Katie reluctantly climbed from the car, she didn't like meeting important people, she always felt frumpy and inferior.

Katie stepped inside, a long corridor led to a staircase leading up to the upper floors.

"So you're Katherine," Mr Jefferson's voice boomed.

"Yes sir!" her father replied.

"Let her speak, Franklin," Mr Jefferson asked, "You a virgin?"

"What, how dare you!" Katie snapped.

"Are you going to let her speak to me like that?" Mr Jefferson demanded.

"No sir!" Franklin replied.

"Then slap her down man!" Jefferson ordered.

"Wha?" Katie asked and her dad slapped her around the face.

"Don't talk back!" he snapped.

"So are you a virgin?" he asked.

"Why?" Katie asked.

"Because I promised your daddy fifty thousand dollars for your cherry." Jefferson announced.

"No, I'm not," Kate lied, "Billy and me been doing it for years."

"Bring her down stairs Franklin," Mr Jefferson ordered, "Teach the bitch some manners."

"Look!" Katie protested but her dad grabbed her by the arm and twisted it behind her back and pushed her towards the stairs, she tried to resist but he was too strong and she had no choice but to stagger a stumble towards the stairs which to her consternation began to swing upwards from a hinge at ceiling height to reveal a staircase leading downwards to the cellars..

"No!" she squealed as she realised he was propelling her forwards and downwards towards a windowless brick lined tunnel lined with wine racks and only when she was pushed to the far end did she realise there was a door in the end wall which opened revealing what resembled a medieval dungeon beyond.

Wooden stocks, a wooden cross, a sort of vertical round wooden table, and a medieval rack jostled for space amid the discarded chains and hooks, in the brightly lit yet dark, dark painted cavern.

"My play room," Mr Jefferson laughed, "And beyond," he added and opened a further door, "A rest room."

A room with a bed, to one side en suite bathroom was revealed.

"W'what do you want?" Katie asked.

"On the bed," Mr Jefferson ordered, "I think I need to check you aren't a virgin."

"Dad!" Katie protested,"Why are you doing this!" but Jefferson shook his head and her dad didn't reply.

"Strip her," Jefferson ordered, "Use the shears."

"Do it man!" he added, and then snapped, "Oh let me!"

Katie stared wide eyed as Jefferson picked up a pair of giant scissors and started to cut her dress, working upwards from hem towards her breasts. She froze immobile terrified he would cut her.

"You're fat," he announced, "Doesn't she do sports?"

"No sir," her dad replied.

"Idiot,"Jefferson snapped, "Hold still," he added as he eased a blade of the shears under the side of her panties and snipped through the waistband so they fell away down her left leg, and then her cut her bra into three pieces allowing that to fall away as well.

Katie stood naked but for her flesh coloured hold up stockings and her red low heeled shoes, "W'what are you going to do?" she asked as Mr Jefferson picked up a pair of handcuffs.

"You'll see," Mr Jefferson said, "Let's get the cuffs on her."

Franklin turned Katie around, "Hands to ankles," Jefferson ordered, "On the bed first, and get those shoes off her.

Katie let her dad push her onto the bed and she cowered as he pulled her shoes and stockings off, and offered no resistance as he took the hand cuffs and secured her left wrist to her left ankle.

"Why Daddy?" she asked, "Do you really hate me?"

"He's been grooming you for me," Mr Jefferson explained, "You do know you're adopted don't you?"

"Yes," Katie agreed.

"So don't be so surprised, I bought you, ok," Mr Jefferson announced, "You're damaged goods but you'll do just fine."

"You sure you balled Billy?" Franklin queried.

"Sorry Daddy," Katie replied.

"So on your back, lets get a look," Jefferson ordered and as Kate lay on her back he added "Legs apart."

Jefferson approached the bed and grasping Katie's ankles he eased her legs even wider apart, and then his's fingers trembled as he eased her cunt lips apart slightly, "Oh yes you have been a naughty girl haven't you? have you been fucking a donkey or something?"

"No, just Billy."

"And he's hung like a Donkey?" Franklin quipped.

"That's all Franklin," Mr Jefferson added, "We'll discuss this on Monday."

"Can I see?" he asked.

"No, now leave us, if you please." Mr Jefferson added, "And close the door behind you."

Kate just stared as her dad walked out of her life and closed the door behind him, "Why?" she asked, "Why did you lie?"

"It saved me fifty thousand dollars!" he laughed, "Unless you think I owe you?"

"I guess," Kate said hopefully.

"What about if Billy takes it?" Jefferson asked.

"Billy hasn't got that much," Katie said.

"Maybe I could pay for him?" Jefferson replied, "Or just use my fingers?"

"Fifty thousand dollars would make the world of difference to me," Katie said wistfully.

"So you'll ball Billy for fifty thousand?" he asked.

"Mister I'd ball anybody for fifty thousand," Katie agreed, "I just want to get away from Timperley, you know."

"You're pretty," Jefferson conceded, "Lose some weight and you could make it big as a whore or porno star."

"Gee, you should have told me I'd be tied in your dungeon and I'd have gone jogging," she replied.

"Comedian eh," Jefferson chuckled, "Tits or ass?"

"I'm sorry?" Katie replied.

"Shall I whip your tits or your ass?" he asked.

"Why?" she demanded.

"You're fat!" he repeated, as he fetched a whip from a cabinet beside the bed, "Ass is best," he suggested and she obediently buried her face in the bed leaving her ass in the air.

"Thwack!" he slapped her with the whip.

"Mmpphh," she gasped into the bed sheets.

"Hey, you scream properly," Jefferson ordered.

"Nng," she replied.

"All right you win, you're just like your mother!" he chuckled as he set the whip down.

"You knew my mother?" Katie demanded.

"Oh yes, a long time ago," he admitted, "I liked the lie about not being a virgin?"

"If you say so." she said.

"What about Billy?" he asked.

"Billy?" she asked.

"The boy you've been 'doing it' with for months!" he replied.

"Oh!" she explained, "We."

"What?" he demanded.

"We don't, you know, I want to be somebody," Katie explained,"You know, a lawyer, go to uni."

"And Billy?" he asked.

"He's not going anywhere is he?" she asked, "He's like a puppy dog, I was going to dump him."

Jefferson smiled.

Katie peered at him, "Are you going to rape me?" she asked.

"Oh" he replied, "I don't know." and he sat on the bed beside her, he still dressed in his lightweight grey suit with blue shirt and dark blue tie, with her handcuffed and naked beside him.

"I can't stop you," she said nervously.

"No, not the birthday surprise you expected," he chuckled.

"It's my eighteenth, most girls get something nice." she said hopefully.

"Maybe," he agreed, "This Billy?"

"Billy Hogan, he works at the railroad siding at the timber mill," she said.

"Maybe he should take your cherry?" Jefferson suggested.

"No way!" she exclaimed, "I'm dumping him."

"Reliable, strong," Jefferson queried.

"He's, so, ah," Katie explained.

"Not good enough for you?" he queried.

"No," she agreed.

"Billy it is then," Jefferson agreed.

"So what do you expect me to do, sit here all night?" Katie enquired.

"Oh no, there's a cage in the dungeon," he laughed.

"You're sick, you know that?" Katie asked.

"You were eighteen last Thursday, did you know that?" he replied.

"What?" she demanded.

"You heard, I'll help you down," he suggested and he lifted her bodily and set her down on the ground, "I've a collar and leash somewhere," he explained, "Cell phone doesn't work down here," he explained, "The cage is through there if you want to try it out?"

Jefferson smiled to himself, his plans had completely collapsed but instead of an overweight no hope slut he realised he had actually found quite a savvy young lady and he chuckled as he picked up a phone just inside the dungeon, "Get me the Mill," he asked, "Jefferson, there's a guy called Billy Hogan at the rail spur?" he said, "Get him on the phone." he waited a few moments, "What do you mean he won't come?"

"He says he has to switch some cars," the manager from the mill explained.

"Well send him over as soon as he's through." Jefferson ordered and he laughed.

"He won't come," Jefferson told Katie, "I guess it's me and you?"

"What do you mean, I was eighteen on Thursday?" Katie asked.

"I knew your mom," he explained.

"And my dad?" she asked.

"We'll have to do a DNA test," he admitted.

"You're my dad, like biological dad?" Katie asked incredulously.

"I'm pretty sure," he agreed.

"So why!" she asked.

"Why not?" he replied.

"It's weird," she said.

"Maybe, but every woman just wants me for what they can get, well this sorts them out!" he laughed, "It's not all ball gowns and Ferraris!"

"You're sick,I guess?" she exclaimed.

"Maybe, but it's me, I thought, well maybe you could be the next?" he suggested.

"You'll pay for me to go to Uni?" she asked, "If I let you?"

"Maybe," he said, "Or maybe I want to see you fuck Billy?"

"Fuck Billy?" she asked, "Why?"

"Why not?" he asked.

"Look can we talk about this?" she asked.

"No," he said and smiled, "It's like I can, do you see? I can make it happen."

"I feel really stupid sitting here naked," Katie explained.

"Yes, I'll get the leash," he agreed, "Maybe we'll shave your head and pretend you're a dog?"

"Oh great!" Katie exclaimed, "How do I explain that at school?"

"You think you'll be going to school again?" he asked.

She looked him in the eye, "Yes," she agreed, "But why don't you drop your pants and wank over me?"

"What!" he exclaimed, "I don't know, I really don't, I always get a woman in."

"You can, you can have sex with me, what ever?" Katie explained, "I guess you can kill me afterwards if you're worried I'll talk."

"Uh, no, oh no, no that's not," he said in confusion, "No not until we do the DNA test."

"Why not just let me go home?" Katie asked.

"When your parents betrayed you?" he queried, "Remember?" she nodded, "This isn't working out like I planned," he said and chuckled.

The phone rang and Jefferson answered it, "Hogan's here?" he queried, "Bring him down," he smiled at Katie, "He's here," he announced, "Rogers will bring him down."

Jefferson slipped a dog collar around Kate's neck and attached a leash, "Look no, no you can't!" Katie cried.

"But I can," Jefferson explained, "Don't you understand?"

"Can I go in the cage instead?" Katie asked, "This is scary?"

Jefferson stopped abruptly, suddenly unsure, "No, you might not come out," he said as he hung her leash on a hook high above where she could reach.

Rogers appeared with Billy Hogan. Much to Jefferson's annoyance Rogers wore blue Levis with his black jacket with a white shirt shirt and black tie as he liked his 'Butler' to be in proper uniform with black trousers.

Billy Hogan by contrast was in his coveralls, "You sent for me Mr Jefferson sir?" Billy asked.

"Yes, I got a special job for you." Mr Jefferson agreed.

"You want me to learn to drive the switcher maybe?" Billy asked.

"Yes, something like that but first I need to check you're not, ah," he paused, "Check you're straight."

"Sure Mr Jefferson sir, I never been in no trouble with no body, except the police that is." Billy replied.

Katie cowered against a wall trying to hide.

"Got a girlfriend?" Mr Jefferson asked.

"Sure, Katie Franklin, we're getting engaged, gonna have a company apartment when I get a promotion, have five kids, get a station wagon maybe." Billy replied confidently.

"Because she says different," Mr Jefferson said pointedly.

"What?" Billy asked, "You asked Katie?"

"Sold me her cherry," Mr Jefferson boasted.

Jefferson completely misjudged Billy Hogan, he never expected Billy to do anything and certainly never saw Billy’s fist until it smashed into his jaw nearly lifting him off his feet and sending him crashing to the floor.

"Billy!" Katie cried.

"Katie," Billy replied in horror as he noticed her, "Gee Katie when did you get fat? he been poking you, you having a baby?"

"No!" Kate protested, "No my dad sold Mr Jefferson my cherry, my honour, you know?"

"So who fucked you?" Billy asked.

"No body Billy," Katie assured him as he walked over.

"Let me see," Billy ordered and he hoisted her up and carried her across to the bed.

Katie lay on her back legs splayed as Billy peered at her crotch, "See?" she said.

"Pull the lips apart Billy, look in," Mr Jefferson said through his handkerchief as he came across trying to stop his nose bleeding.

"Can I?" Billy asked and Katie nodded.

"Are you going to bust her open Billy, or shall I?" Mr Jefferson asked, "Rogers has sent for the cops, I guess you have ten minutes," he lied.

Billy said nothing, he just wriggled from his coveralls and dropped his pants.

His tool reared menacingly, eight maybe nine inches of solid pink muscle.

"Maybe you should, you know, Mr Jefferson?" Katie suggested in alarm.

"Yes, maybe, how about it Billy?" Jefferson asked.

"No way you promised me on your eighteenth," Billy replied.

"Tomorrow," Katie reminded him.

"I guess today will have to do,” Billy replied.

Katie was helpless as Billy climbed on the bed and awkwardly tried to shove his tool in her, it slipped out up her belly and then slipped under down by her ass hole, as Katie lay helpless her hands bound to ankles and unable to guide him but finally he got it in her vagina and started humping the first couple of inches back and forth.

"For god sake poke it in her man!" Mr Jefferson said in fascination, "Push dammit!"

Katie screamed and Mr Jefferson stepped forward and covered her left hand with his, "It'll be ok," he said.

"It hurts!" she said.

"Relax," Mr Jefferson said, "I'll look after you."

"You want my fist again?" Billy asked.

"No you concentrate of pleasing the lady, ok?" Mr Jefferson ordered and he took the key and released the handcuff from Katie's left ankle and the one from her right wrist before pulling her hands around behind Billy's back and locking them again.

He was just in time for Billy grunted and flopped down on Katie exhausted and spent.

He just lay a moment but that was long enough for Mr Jefferson to set down his bloodied handkerchief and slip a dog collar around Billy’s neck and attach a short chain from his collar to Katies, a tiny padlock through each collar stopped them being easily removed and he took the cuffs from Katie's ankles.

"I have some supper sent down," he said, "In the meantime I suggest you fuck her because it'll be you being fucked in the 'Pen.'

Mr Jefferson motioned Rogers to leave, "Shall I order a whore sir?" Rogers asked.

"No, and tell the cops it was a false alarm ok, and is my secretary still around?" Jefferson asked, "Only?"

"I believe she is sir," Rogers agreed, "Shall I send her down?"

"No, have her meet me in the study!" Jefferson ordered, and he strode away out of the door along the tunnel and up the stairs.

"George!" Miss Reilly Jefferson's secretary cried when she saw him approach, "What on earth happened?"

"I got hit," he said, "And it's Mr Jefferson to you and."

"And what exactly?" Miss Reilly said.

"I just saw my little girl get laid and," he said awkwardly.

"Oh you poor man!" she said, "What little girl?"

"The one Marcie said she had aborted," he said, "She's just eighteen and it was beautiful and."

"And what Mr Jefferson?" she asked politely.

"I'm as horny as hell and you're the only woman here." he said, "usually I'd pay for a whore but that would take a half hour and."

"No way!" Miss Reilly protested.

"You're too old and fat and ugly," he added.

"I'm only thirty eight!" she protested.

"And brunet and you support the Democrats and you wear such dowdy clothes but Miss Reilly please, just this once, may I ball you?" he asked.

"No Mr Jefferson, but you're so strong you could always tear my clothes off and rape me, if you wanted to," she said invitingly.

"Would you call the cops?" he asked.

"We'll talk about it later," she suggested.

"Oh hell," Jefferson said helplessly, “Then I guess that’s what I’ll have to do.”
Miss Reilly stared at him, “You can’t be serious!" but he grabbed her and pushed her against a wall and tore the front of her dress wide open revealing her small white panties and bra.
He saw her nipples already responding and as he grabbed her panties he saw a small wet patch beginning to form. "Let me help!" she said as she fumbled desperately with his belt and zipper and when she revealed his rock hard penis she inserted her finger up vagina to check she was ready and then pushed the gusset of her panties aside and pushed his solid erection deep inside her vagina.

"Oh god that’s so good," Mr Jefferson exclaimed.

"Really," Miss Reilly smiled, “Do you really mean that?”

“Sure do,” he agreed, “Shit all those tired bored whores I fucked when I could have fucked you.”

“And you can fuck me any time, just as long as you pay child care,” Miss Reilly reassured him

"Jesus!" Jefferson gasped, "You devious bitch!" and he stopped humping for a moment.

"Look you chose to rape me," Miss Reilly protested, as he stilled, but the touch of her fingers had made his tool respond again, "Mr Jefferson, George!" she exclaimed but he twisted her off balance and pushed her firmly down onto the floor.

She spread her legs wide welcoming him and his glistening tool slid easily into her now aroused pussy and she looked up lovingly as he began to hump her again.

"If you want my child then that's fine," he declared, "Absolutely fine!"

"George!" she protested.

"You just let me know when you want me and I'll oblige," he said, "But better get that flab off you if you want to be seen out with me."

"Yes George," she said, "You're bleeding on me George."

"Shut the fuck up and work your fuck muscles bitch," he said sarcastically.

"Yes dear," she replied.

"It's Mr Jefferson, you're at work remember." he said forcefully.

"Eighteen damned years I've been working for you and suddenly," she said, and she felt the warm wets surge if his passion flooding her womb, "Oh, you've cum?"

"Gee, I guess I have," he replied, "Eighteen years."

"Eighteen years," she agreed.

"Eighteen," he agreed, “I guess I better check on the kids.”

Miss Reilly tried to pull her dress closed as she followed Mr Jefferson to where Katie and Billy were locked together by Billy’s handcuffs, but Katie was on her back legs wide apart as Billy fucked her, “She’s my girl now Mr Jefferson,” Billy said firmly, “No matter what you or the cops do.”

“That’s fine Billy,” Mr Jefferson agreed, “Now you just keep right on fucking because my little girl deserves the best, you understand?”

“No!” Billy said in confusion.

“Just forget Mr Jefferson Billy,” Katie said happily, “Maybe five kids and a station wagon will be just fine!”

Billy thought for a moment, “Sure, but why just five, why not six or ten or eighteen?”


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A Dare for Hanna

Hanna was sitting in the Pierced Boar tavern in the village of Morrovale. She was perched beside her best friend Sharesh, the Rakasta, on one of the tavern's bar stools. Hanna had one of the 'special' stools, which were noticeably taller, to accommodate the halflings' tendency to be three feet in height or less. Her sizable bare feet were propped onto the first rung down from the padded seat. There were other halflings dwelling near this village, several communities within a week's walk,...

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Sappho Chapter 3

Chapter 3 With the plans for the hyperdrive infrastructure already given to Paglia, there was plenty of free time, the time I had wanted to do what I had trained to do - explore and analyze. In its own way, Sappho was a fascinating place. Except for a few scattered islands, the results of an ancient volcanic chain, there was only one continent on the entire planet. About the size of Australia, it was divided naturally by the mighty Joan of Arc mountains running north-south and an...

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The Bad Prank Chapter 2 Revenge

It wasn't quite a meeting by chance. Kathy had seen her old teacher, Miss Paige, walking towards the shopping centre. She had followed her and was pleased to see that she went to a coffee bar and sat down by herself. She still had her schoolgirl crush on Miss Paige and so was delighted to almost bump into her.Kathy was now seventeen-years-old and had left school four months earlier. She had changed to the local College for her A-levels.Miss Paige was twenty-eight-years-old still and had known...

4 years ago
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Aunty ki gaand maara uncle ne

Hi, this is the first time I’m posting a story in this site, this not a fake story and I think I don’t need to write a fake story here, this is a true story when I was in my graduation. Jab mai apne degree me tha jab mai apne doston ke saath unke building (fourth floor) ke upar jaakar padhai kartha tha,(nite studies).mere dost ki maa bahut sundar rahthi thi aur uske chaathi I mean breasts bahut bade aur sharp rahte the,uski umar hogi 43yrs se zyada,aur uncle ki 50 plus,har roj hum der raat tak...

1 year ago
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Hot Perverted Sexual Encounter

First of all thanks for this for having a site like this to submit our Malayalee experiences. I think, this is the only site of this type. And we are having a nice time every day. Let my try to submit mine too here. I am from Mumbai, an unemployed youth and working for a famous political party in Mumbai.. You all can call me Pun (its not my real name, since this site is being visited my almost all my friends and they all will find me out, if I reveal my real name). It’s the story of the time...

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Gang Bang in the Hamptons part 3

continued from part 2 Just then, someone knocked on the bedroom door, and said the cops were outside. Eddie said he would be right out, pulled his pants back up and told me to "COME". I was not accustomed to being treated like a dog, and just stood there not moving.He opened the door and looked at me, and saw me just standing there. The look in his eyes said it all, he didn't say a word, and I ran to his side. He walked out thru the living room past a dozen or so guys and told someone to turn...

1 year ago
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Fir Aunty Ke Sath Bitayi Raat

Hello all, First of all I would like to thank you all for reading my previous story, “First and memorable time with aunty” and I am surprised to see more than 150 appreciation mails in my inbox which was unexpected to me, I would specially thanks to all the girls/women’s who figured out this story as “INTERESTING & HOT” and sorry to those, whom I responded late due to lack of time. Link to old story: – Aaj me apko “Next Day” ke bare me nahi bataunga kyuki ise me next time post karunga but...

2 years ago
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The Taylor family 6

Sunday morning came and once more the girls slept late behind a closed door.Standing at the door to the garage meanwhile, Ann watched with a wan smile as her husband backed his big sedan out. He had his clubs in the trunk of the car and was on his way out to the course to meet some friends for a few rounds of golf, not expecting to return until some time late in the afternoon.Quite frankly, Ann was just happy to see him go, knowing that something really special was due to happen once she and...

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Construction Worker

She wore her hair long but had it pulled back behind her head in a ponytail that day. As the long legged beauty with hips which didn’t quit and an ass for each and everyone to look at, Terra pulled in and got out of her 14 year old pickup truck. They saw her almost immediately and either slowed down what they were doing or just stopped everything altogether so they could watch her “saunter” back behind her truck to get her tools and put them on. It was as if it was all slow motion as the hands...

First Time
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Caught part 4

Hello All, It's been a while since I last posted any stories. I have been working on the stories but progress has been slow. I have a blog at thefeminme.blogspot.com. Please visit and follow some of my real life adventures. I plan to continue this story. Feel free to let me know what you think, and any ideas you'd like incorporated. My email is [email protected] Part 4 The barman approaches with a beer. "From that guy over there," he said pointing to a guy dressed in...

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Car Ride Home

She was a pretty girl. About 5'0, petite but with a nice, round butt that you just wanna grab and some B cup boobs. She was wearing some short jean shorts, a tank top with a,flannel shirt that was open and some sunglasses. She had black hair and tanned skin and a backpack on. I guess I should describe myself. I'm a 5'8 black guy. Sort of athletics with some abs. I don't have a bbc though. My dick is sort of average, 6.5 inches and sort of thick. I'm friends with a lot of girls but I'm...

3 years ago
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Springtime on the Farm

It’s been 29 years since this happened but I remember it as if it was yesterday. I changed her name but the incidents are true. I knew what the ‘bird’ was, we used it at school to taunt and tease our friends, a greeting. We knew it had a sexual connotation but that wasn’t why we flipped each other off. I could stiff finger my friends and they would laugh and reply in kind, it was part of how we communicated. Once in a while though I would give my younger sister the finger because she irritated...

1 year ago
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World of Heroes Online

The latest Fully Immersive Virtual Reality MMORPG is here! World of Heroes Online is a game that allows people to enter a superhero world with magic and mutations, with a completely player-driven environment the game's background and lore are determined by the players. It's a fantastic idea, but it's open to a lot of abuse as players are free to act whoever they want and many of the beta testers quickly realized how they could be kings in this virtual world. You are free to be either a hero or...

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Wachin the Shew

Author’s note: Some of the dialogue must be read phonetically since I have tried to give the story the flavor of where it occurs. Say it out loud if necessary. Just think of the Beverly Hillbillies and you will catch on. If you can’t appreciate this then exit right now, please. Clyde and Mabel have been married almost 15 years but were screwing off and on for several before they decided to move in together and make it legal. It was not an arrangement based on romance but practicality. Clyde...

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Deployment Fantasy

ME: Jello Facebook: Lily has accepted your friend request. ME: Ok so I know this is a bit random, but I was looking to see if I know anyone on the yard sale page. And I saw your name. Obviously, I don't know you. Yet my friend is dating a girl name Lily She was the 1st Lily I ever met and she is so cool. Therefor, I sent you a random message to see if you are the cool? LILY: Lol I don't know if I consider myself cool ME: Well, I guess I gotta get to know you to be able to properly...

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My Mate and His Mom ndash Episode 2

After the surprise session that Paul and I had with his mother (which you can see here: http://xhamster.com/user/daviea9/posts/234870.html) we were a bit unsure how things would develop going forward.After Jean had pleasured Paul and me, not to mention herself, she picked her clothes up and left Paul’s bedroom, closing the door behind her. We sat there stunned and satisfied. One way or another Jean had seen to both of our cocks. But we were uneasy.“Shit,” said Paul, “I can’t believe I’ve just...

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It happens with elder sister

Hi, Guys I am nick(name changed) 19 yrs male, average built. I am presently in Bangalore, working in a software firm. This story is about me with my cousin sister. This started when I was in 10th standard. I lived with my parents, my younger sister and my grandparents. My cousin sister came to our house for further studies. She is 4 years older than me. First I had no attraction towards her, she looked good but never occurred to me to have sex with her. As time passed, we became good friends...

3 years ago
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Tequila Sunrise Parts 6 and 7

Part Six: Conrad beamed with pride as he saw Adam being led into the living room, escorted by Tiffany. It was now being confirmed that his and Tiffany's instincts about Adam's potential as a girl....were correct. Adam was wearing a majestic purple silky gown that was dripping with sparkly trim. Tiffany had completed the makeover, styled a long brunette wig and adorned him in big gaudy accessories and long nails. He looked like a drag queen about to perform at a nightclub....but it...

1 year ago
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Future Lord and Prisoners Balls

Future Lord and Prisoner?s Balls# Day 1Prisoner 102 knew that it was a privilege to be tortured by the Lord. That bastard would make him tremendously suffer and milk every drop of cum from his cock, but he would not damage his body. Only the most beautiful prisoners were selected for his pleasure. The other were tortured by the guards and subdued to any sort of injuries and horrible mutilations.He knew, he had not to speak if not asked and did not make any resistance as he was led naked by the...

3 years ago
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Latent DesiresChapter 2

The next day I did my chores in record time and then went out. I had shopping to do. It was going to be a very special night -- candlelight dinner, wine, and the biggest surprise of Ron's life, not necessarily in that order. When I returned home I placed the fresh daffodils in the center of the dining room table, between the two silver candlesticks holding long, blue candles. The yellow flower brightened the room. And then I ran upstairs, throwing my packages on the bed and then placing...

2 years ago
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Bill and Haley and DeenaChapter 9

Haley’s turn: I wouldn’t trade this past weekend for the world, but I am also very glad to be back home. When we pulled into the driveway, I got out, went over and said ‘hi’ to Mom and Steve and little Stevie. Deenan did a similar move, calling her mom, announcing that she’d cheated death at the hands of a general aviation pilot. “Mom, I never imagined that I’d get to travel like we just travelled,” I heard her say. “And I got to FLY an ultralight airplane all by myself. Mom, it was...

1 year ago
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Second times a charm

I can’t believe I’m doing this... She knocked the brown wood door and waited... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6 months earlier. Matt walked around the apartment displaying all the mod-cons he installed almost smugly, mentioning how much they retailed for. If he wasn’t so attractive I so would have opted out of the guided tour thought Jo.Jo and Matt met at the orientation meeting for graduate students a few hours ago through mutual friends and there was an instant...

Straight Sex
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Count on Me

The Boko Haram terrorists had struck again in an unfortunate African nation on the cusp between the Sahara and the jungle. They burst out of the treeline at dawn and seized control of a small village. This time, their objective was very specific. Rather than targeting Africans who had fallen under the poisoned influence of Western ideas such as science, education, equality and democracy, they aimed their deadly mission at the purveyors of such filth: the Westerners themselves. There was a...

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WildOnCam Holly Lace Ready To Fuck

Holly Lace is ready to have some fucking fun and can not wait to strip off her tight little lace lingerie and show you that beautiful shaved pussy! She loves how Jake Adams large hard cock feels in her mouth and knows that it will be stretching out that pussy soon! Jake gets her down in some old fashioned missionary so you can see his cock penetrate that pussy deep! Holly just wants more and more wanting so badly to get in doggy to really feel that cock go deep! She gets her wish and Jake gives...

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You Should Have Listened to Your Mother

Forget all that crap about this being fiction.  This is taken from a week in my life—a week in which I found the Holy Grail. CHAPTER 1 I rolled the sedan to a stop, running down the passenger side window as I approached.  ?Hi?need a lift?  How far you going?? ?Yeah, I sure could use a ride.  I’m going almost all the way to the capital.? ?Okay, I can take you most of the way.  Climb in; just dump your backpack in the back seat.?  He opened the door and sat.  ?Before you buckle up, how about...

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Summer of Discovery ch 01

Alex Stone couldn’t wait to get home. He looked at the clock, just ten more minutes before that bell would ring and he would finally be free of this accursed hell on earth that was Lakeview High School. He watched as that damned minute hand slowly ticked over, every minute going even slower than the last. Deciding that staring at the clock would probably make it even worse, he finally tore his eyes away from the wall. He looked around the classroom, wondering if he’d actually miss anything...

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A Guy and His 27 Fourth

"What can we do for him?" Jake heard a tearful and worried Sheeka. "Please Trully, please help him!" "I'll do what I can but I am afraid it is mostly up to him, and all of your powers," Trully said a sly smile on her face she could feel that Jake was slightly awake, good then he was able to fight whatever it was. Reaching down, Trully touched Jake on his chest immediately drawing a gasp from her. Blue energy raced up her arm then down the other finally fading when it reached her...

1 year ago
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A Gamble for Mom

Eleven months separated Marc from his older brother Richard. As they grew older, the eleven-month difference became invisible. Maybe Richard was a little stronger and maybe Marc was a little smarter but that didn’t mean that Richard won all the battles of fists nor did Marc win all the battle of wits. That’s what made the competition between them interesting; neither knew who would win on any particular day.And compete they did, about anything and everything. When viewed in hindsight, all the...

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New Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 8 Rescue

Chapter 8 ‘Say that again,’ said Voldemort dangerously as he sat in the living room of Malfoy Manor. ‘The n-news just came in an hour ago my L-Lord,’ replied Bellatrix shakily, ‘they s-say Potter broke into Gringott’s.’ Voldemort’s nostrils flared in anger as he began to stroke his newly acquired Elder Wand. ‘Whose vault had he broken into?’ asked Voldemort quickly. ‘R-Ron’s my Lord,’ said Bellatrix quietly. ‘Was anything taken?’ asked Voldemort even quicker. ‘Just one item my L-Lord,’...

1 year ago
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GirlsDoPorn 19 Years Old E497

She’s a super cute blonde in a bright red top and she’s looking amazing, she’s a little nervous but is definitely excited to be making her very first adult video! Between working as a restaurant server and going to school for marine biology she doesn’t have a ton of spare time so this seemed like a good way to make some extra cash to pay those student loans…and Girls Do Porn loves having a hot horny blonde on the site to have some fun! This chick is skinny, leggy,...

1 year ago
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Becoming the Flyer Ch5

The following morning as the girls lined up for stretching, Alex was on the field with a stunning beauty that nobody recognized.  “Good morning ladies, this is your stand-in coach, Nadine.  Coach Natasha was in an accident last night and suffered a broken jaw.  It is being wired shut today. She will need a good six weeks to recover.”  Vick and Stacey shared a ‘holy shit’ glance but stayed composed.“Hi girls.  I'm a good friend of Natasha and a New England Patriots cheerleader.  She has tasked...

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Wild in the CountryChapter 6

Mark crossed the plush carpet of the hotel's lobby, feeling of two minds at a time. Part of him was elated at being here, at this convention, here with the company and support of Desirée's parents. This was the first step on the way to the state senate, and from there, with luck, his path would lead to the US Senate. From there, it was anybody's guess how high he could go. At his side walked Thurston Mitchell, Desirée's straight-laced father, now nearly fifty, and his lovely...

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I want you Uncle Kerry Part 2

"I'm going to get cleaned up." I say and I stand from the bed. He watches me leave the room, my tight ass, my breasts bouncing as I walk. He can feel his cock twitch at the sight of me.He lays there looking up at the ceiling thinking about what had just happened. He had the best sex of his entire life with his beautiful niece. The feel of her against him, his cock inside of her, how long he's wanted this and now it has happened. He hears the water turn on and he gets up and walks down the hall...

1 year ago
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Play things

Danielle and her twin sister Danika romped around the large apartment, playing with the abandon only young innocents could enjoy!!! Having turned eighteen only six months ago, they were still at the stage of their lives where everything was an adventure!!! They had been visiting their aunt across the bay in Oakland when on a sight seeing excursion into San Francisco they had met up with a large bull dyke named Erin who immediately had them in her thrall!!! While neither one of he pretty blonde...

2 years ago
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To Hell and Back Book One SurvivalEpilogue

So much had changed. Everything was different now. Almost everything. Logan and Beauty stood in silent contemplation. Holding hands as they looked around their old, cavern shelter. The scorch marks from the battle still marked the walls of the entrance, but the cluster of crystals still glowed with the colors of a new sunrise. Both sulfur hot springs were just as they had left them. As was the bed of moss on which they had slept and found pleasure and comfort in each other, night after...

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Seducing the secretary

Mike clicked on it and wearily saw "Urgent email from The Chief Executive's P.A." Not using her name. Kate Harrington was wallowing in the self granted status of her position. "The report Mr John Field, CEO, requested from you is now overdue. I was present when he instructed you as to its urgency." Interestingly John Field placed no value on his status and position. His own talent and people skills meant that Mike and the other executives were loyal and would work their guts for...

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Sleeping Little Cousin Sister

Hello people… I’m back after a long time with a new experience that I had with my maternal cousin. Kindly read my previous stories as well. However, this experience is not linked to it at all. So now coming to the present experience, it took place 2 months back between me(Kartavya) and my maternal cousin Shruti. Talking about me, I’m an average looking guy, 5’8” tall, athletic built, wheatish complexion, and talking about Shruti, she’s about 5’5” tall, fair with a figure of 34-28-32 and she...

1 year ago
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It had all began months ago, building from a small spark into a raging inferno. The outburst in the staff meeting only verified the culmination of my frustrations, whereas unwittingly, I had single-handedly undermined the confidence of our most trusted customer. The CEO called me into his office early the next morning and threw a round-trip ticket to Mazatlan across his desk with two options. The first was to pack only the clothes I’d needed and get my life back together under the warm tropical...

2 years ago
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Introduction of Sissys

Indoctrination School for Sissies ? by: latexslut Chapter 1 "Mr. Phillips, as we will call you," she paused, looked at him disconcertingly and continued, "for now." She paused again and returned her deep green eyes back to the file before her. "Your file is most distressing. Most! Do you have any thing to say in your defense?" John Phillips was gagged and handcuffed, and roped to the small wooden chair, with two extremely well toned attractive women on either side of him. But...

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Bad Boy

You open the door, come into the room, and set your papers down on the table. There is a dim light on, so you can see me sitting there waiting. You look at me and you can tell, you are in trouble. You’ve made me wait for hours and I don’t want any excuses. You know what you have to do. You sigh and start to take your clothes off, I study your body as you do. There is not a mark on you, yet. You know I’m not happy after waiting for hours without a single phone call. You know better than to make...

4 years ago
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The Nude Calendar Shoot

I had just turned twenty-two when I first started working at the KAILOR EAST FOOTY CLUB. It was just bar work on a Thursday and Friday night and all day and night Saturday.It was a second job for me as I already had a full-time job working in ad min in a store that sold plumbing fittings. Neither job was particularly exciting, but my boyfriend and I were saving for a deposit for a house so we wanted all the money we could get.Unlike most of the other girls who worked at the footy club, I had no...

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25 yo Javed enjoys a 42 yo dusky Tamil milf Ananya

Hello, my chellams. Let’s get started with a tale of lust and trust. A story about a 25-year-old guy and a 42-year-old woman. And the story goes like this. I am Javed, a designer and the woman is Ananya (name changed) who is married and has 2 grown-up kids. She works in a very reputable MNC in Chennai and is quite demanding too. Her husband is a total wreck and doesn’t give a fuck to her needs. We were accidentally connected through Facebook and that was where it all started. A random...

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