Forsaken Ch. 02 free porn video

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The emptiness was invaded as the void shattered in fiery splinters of burning pain, each stabbing deeper, penetrating the shroud of comforting death. Distant screams rumbled through the darkness, stirring life in a once desolate vessel.

From the fractured remains of reality consciousness slowly filtered through bringing with it the consuming despair of defeat. In the shadows of the mind nightmares of the forgotten arose on the leathery wings of sin, draping the soul in fear. Consumed beyond the breaking point, too late to turn back, Tara opened her eyes to horror.

With sight came the agonizing reality, this monster was above her forcefully inserting sharp barbs deep into tender flesh, electrifying live nerves. Its sadistic smile and glowing eyes burning into her soul, clutching her heart in the icy strands of terror, Tara tried not to scream. She bit down hard upon her lip fighting back the cries welling in her throat, and the scorching pain that smashed down with vengeful force. Her senses drown in misery as she plummeted deep into the dark recesses of uncontrollable sorrow.

‘I smell your suffering and it is, sweet! Now where is the child?’ this monstrosity sickly mewed. ‘Answer me, bitch!’ It demanded, pulling the heavy chains tight. ‘You suffer so beautifully, your pain is divine,’ It cooed brushing the hair from her face and sniffing at her breath.

Her body wracked in violent spasms, the rusted barbs feeding deeper into her flesh and tearing through tender nerves. She could feel this creature behind her staring into her memories, its glowing eyes burrowing through her mind like a hungry wyrm. Tara could smell its pleasure, its exotic bloodlust for pain.

The demon consumed her in suffering, its passions washing over her broken and crucified vessel in hot waves. The tight wires were pulling at her soul, the heavy chains bound her in blissful despair and smothered her thoughts in blood. She could not scream, stitched in torment pestilence wrapping her in its bitter embrace.

Suspended in pain, her terrors now complete. Her mind at the brink of collapse, desperate Tara fought back the cries for release. Her soul trembled under the strain as violent convulsions ravaged her distressed senses until at last the empty void surrounded her with contorting bliss. Welcome to Paradox!

‘You look so lonely, tell me were you hid the child.’ It mewed, forcing its razor talons deep into her. The demonic monster assaulted her body, raping her mind.

Tara summoned the last of her strength to rise, now face-to-face she smiled coldly, ‘You better stop. You’re getting me all excited.’ She mocked his fury and his pleasure by flexing and straining against her bounds.

It roared lifting her by the barbs, threatening to tear her apart, ‘Does that hurt nice, my little girl? You like the feeling of your flesh stretched, do you quiver when lifted by your soft parts? Well my beautiful and charming lady, you are going to love this!’ It smiled to her, drawing a small bottle from the inner layers of its leather armor.

It gripped her face with demonic talons, smiling affectionately to expose the rows of sharpened fangs. ‘This is a little something special just for you. Hope you enjoy it as much as I’m going to.’ Then carefully it opened her trembling lips, and held the bottle high, ‘Drink up,’ it said pouring the nauseous sludge down her throat.

Tara choked on the bittersweet ichors, gagged but unable to spit she was suffocating on the harsh fluid she was forced to swallow. She was instantly aware of toxin and the dreadful propose, it bit deep into her numbing senses. But before she could deny it her senses failed, her soul collapsed upon itself drowning in a sea of Madness.

The dark void cracked, chaos pouring through from somewhere beyond erupting forth in violence. Broken images of a life long passed, forgotten on the frayed ends of sanity crashed.

She fell.

Its twisted features contorted into a grim smile of satisfaction as it watched patiently the toxins quickly consumed her weakened mind. When at last she fell limp into her restraints it was able to stare deep into the now endless reassesses of her mind. With one talented paw it gently stroked the matted hair from her face and lifted her head to pry through her memories.

With violent determination it tore down all her barriers, ravaging her thoughts, rapping her soul. A voice cried out from the churning depths of infinity and then fell silent and everything crashed into nothing.

Comforting Death, open your arms to thee. Sweet oblivion, welcome me into your eternal grace.


Where once was nothing, now a dreadful rhythm ringed true. What it was was all it could be, a living pulse, granting life once again. Now aware as flesh began to knit, the broken shards moved away to allow his lungs resurrecting breath. Raven was numb and his flesh felt almost alien. Aware only of some terrible threats distant and far away, yet too close for escape, he must stand, he must fight.

Vengeance! Shattering the tranquil void with raw furry as muscles burned, a violent storm erupting forth not to be restrained. All that was ever human in him was now no more, only the primal Beast of Rage.

When responsive consciences returned, Raven was on his knees, braced drunkenly against his sword. His shirt gone, his muscles blazing and weary, as he gasp for a breath. The events that brought him to this fatigued state unclear like some dreadful nightmare half forgotten: the mind unwilling to remember.

Raven lifted his head, this simple action straining his senses, as reality became clear. This scene, which displayed before him the fear, he fought desperately to deny. He shut his eyes tight trying to remember or fighting to forget the world outside. The woman from his earlier nightmare was now real, just as he remembered her, strong and proud wrapped snuggly in his coat. Was this some mad dream in which he failed to escape, or had he fallen into her fears? The image of the portal still lingered in the back of his mind, her laughter fading inside his throbbing skull. Reality had gone mad, the boarders of dreams obscured. Was he now the dreamer or the frightened dream?

The monster was destroyed, it corpse lay broken and scattered across the room, the female lay wrapped in his coat, unconscious. Did she rescue him, his thoughts still clouded? The battle was fierce but yet he bore no wounds. His naked flesh bathed in gore, his thick mane matted with blood still fresh in the chill of night. He cursed beneath his ragged breath then carefully gathered his things, drawing from his duffel bag a heavy sweater. With the gentle care of a parent he cradled her in his arms removing them from these ruins of death.

Raven moved quickly through the halls, his eyes pierced the darkness to reveal the path before them. He stumbled not as he charged through pitch corridor, senses alert to even the most faint of disturbances. He carried her to the basement, cautious to leave no evidence of their passing. He wanted no surprise visitors from anything else that could be tracking this beautiful stranger.

Once in the basement he carefully pried open the boiler, here they could be safe from the rising sun. Here they could be aware of every sound echoing above. Raven quickly placed her inside the great iron tomb, still wrapped warmly in leather. As he laid her gently upon the far wall their flesh touched for the first time. Raven was aware instantly of her entire existence, her heart and soul poured openly into his. He could hear a child crying in the distance. A child frightened and alone was crying silently in the shadows, its fear not the safety of itself, but security of this stranger.

He knew these things, but how he could not explain. Raven knew this child feared him, he could sense the bond between them as they shared every experience. He could see the hidden location through her eyes as if he were somehow abl
e to share this mental link. So not wasting time he hurried to rescue this innocence from whatever dark fate lie with the rising sun. Once satisfied that she would be safe, Raven set out to rescue the frightened child.

When he reached the location, the child still huddled in the shadows, tears stained her dirty face. She displayed no fear of this towering stranger, as if to say without words, I accept our fate. When their eyes met she reached out to touch this giant’s heart, the scar he could not explain.

‘Fear not child, I’ve come to help. Come on we must hurry,’ spoke the stranger as he offered his hand. Without hesitation their flesh touched.

It was like lightning striking his brain, Raven knew the secrets, which the female fought so desperately to protect. He understood something without knowing, the shock of such sudden interpretations sent his mind reeling. Only the mission was clear, to protect this child until the final death of his very soul.


Tara awoke from the sleep of death to small hands gently stoking her matted hair. Her last memory that of her own tortured demise, as demons cried on leather wings of death. She opened her eyes to see only darkness and her heart sank, as she feared the worst. What prison could they be trapped, for she was sure of their death.

‘Fear not child, I’ve come to help,’ echoed inside her churning thoughts as the haze began to part. The comfort of these images calmed her panic stricken reasoning. Her eyes began to focus in the dim shadows to reveal the iron tomb in which they huddled. The child harbored no fear in her expression as their eyes met. Tara knew what had happened.

Through their bond Tara saw the events of the torture from a source unknown, and watched as the image became a haze of fury. She saw the true horror of the events unfold as if she herself committed these acts. The stranger was now visible, the child had witnessed him. A giant emerged from the shadows like some spectral being, offering his hand and his heart together in that instant. Tara knew everything about this heroic giant, from his past to the reasons he arose from death to protect her and then her child. His motives were his own, but brought not by selfish reason.

All this was clear in the instant their eyes met, but now she searched the boundaries of her vision and the stranger could not be seen, or his presence felt. They were alone. The stranger had left them, if he should return was yet uncertain. Her thoughts now on survival for neither her nor the child had eaten. The hunger was consuming her.

She must feed. She quickly rummaged through the things left by her captor finding a sweater and pants both worn ragged with a multitude of repairs. She didn’t hesitate to dress pulling the tattered garments over her scarred and battered body. Then gathering the child in her arms set out to hunt the dark streets of urban decay.


When Raven returned, he found the gates open and the pair gone. His things had been scattered across the room his only sweater missing with a change of old Levi’s. Raven shook his head and settled down for a sparse meal. It didn’t concern him, their hasty departure, after all what was he if not a stranger to a stranger. Raven did wish to know her name.

Raven gathered his things packing them again into his duffel bag then set off alone into the dark unknown. The cold streets beckoning him, the night his home, he walked. Yet his thoughts kept returning to the beautiful stranger whose soul was displayed. The link, which she and the child shared, perplexed him, he began to wonder if this child could have performed this same miracle upon his vulnerable psyche.

He tried not to think about it, the perils of this urban jungle kept his senses alert no energy to worry about such trivial matters. Still he couldn’t help but wonder.

Raven traveled the desolate streets, drifting through various stages of consciousness until at last his curiosity broke the barrier. Cursing the idea and himself, he stopped under the protection of this decrypted building to try and find an answer to this plaguing onslaught.

His mind opened, welcoming in the night in all its passionate glory and spanning the gulfs of time and distance. Through this gate all became his as knowledge flowed into him, voices on the bitter winters wind. Raven now experienced the world as she, the bridge granting to him the word as her senses did interpret. This new wonder filled him with emotions not his own as her life now his in every detail. The vivid experience sending icy chills down his spine. A frightening bond to such passionate lusts that he welcomed. The hungry desires of her immortal soul still yearned beyond depths dare tempted by human expression.

In this dream state, he left his own body far behind and unaware to the dangers, which did rise against him. He never heard their approach, could not smell their retched aroma nor could he escape the dreadful blow. In his dream he fell unaware.

His mind swam in fantasies, not his own as all he knew crumbled and crashed, and dreams and lust converged to suspend him in this sadistic turmoil. Lost in the storm of memories, drifting within dreams, he was aware. Mindful these fantasies were not his own. The emotion, the passion so alive yet so alien, things he could never experience. When from the chaos an image became clear. The image was of him, bathed in blood, a beast consumed in rage and weak to this strangers touch. It now glared at him with fierce eyes, peering deep into his naked soul. It spoke without words, calling forth a terrible challenge.

Fear clutched his heart and cold fury erupted. Blind rage glared coldly from this horrid beast before him. Icy orbs black as pitch burning void like razors upon his mind. Together they locked in fierce embrace, each battling for domination. This demon, a creature of fantasy and fear, erupted with brutal determination. Together they fell. Dreamers trapped in dreams. The beast, lacking discipline attacked, unrestrained and unpredictable.

Raven moved in fluid grace, feeling the raw power of each passing blow. His body flowed beneath the deadly assault. He stood little chance, his skill and reflexes proved futile, but only encouraging this nightmare. He saw the attack and knew nothing could defeat what it was he battled. The razor talons passed through his defenses, piercing flesh and shattering bone to clutch his still beating heart. Each howled their miserable pains, suffering in their victories of agonizing defeat. The eerie song erupted forth destroying the brittle silence. Together they fell as one, prisoners of self, Victims.

When at last his eyes opened, the sky was painfully gray in winter’s sunrise. Cursing the dawn, he lurched to his feet. His head wrapped in the tendrils of this disorientating nightmare. He found himself in the street, near frozen and naked, his black hair crusted with his own blood. The physical wounds from the attack already healed, the damage on fragile pride still bled.

Raven spat a villainous string of curses gathering what remained of his scattered duffel bag. Dressing in tattered remnants of once fine attire and suffering the disgrace of indignity. Damn heathens, he thought, gathering what remained of his possessions. He reached for his cigarettes to find the last one bent and broken. Frustration mounted as he unleashed a string of obscenities and checked his inner pocket for what remained of his meager funds. A sigh of relief escaped parched lips in finding both his money and the jeweled vial untouched.


Drawn by visions she could not explain, and twisting within the labyrinth of her eternal hunger Tara stalked the hallow night. A predator burning with a lustful desire, the excitement thrilling as sharpened senses presented the path beyond. Without reason or design she found her way to this alleyway, desire in sight, the Hunger growing ravenous.

With her all seeing eyes it became clear. She could se
e several clowns jacking some poor fool, in the wrong place at the wrong time. Watching from the shadows, bearing witness as the young thugs mockingly tormented their victim. Tara could almost taste their mounting fury as this target held nothing they considered as valuables. As she drew nearer she recognized the victim as the saint that aided her escape just hours ago. They grew more violent with each devastating blow and more self-assured, their excitement deliciously sweet to the liar-in-wait. She moved with silent grace, stalking the shadows a predator of the night. She was hunting the hunters with delicately perfect precision. Tara could hear their mocking calls, could smell their sweat, the sweet aroma beckoning. How she longed to taste their excitement. The sheer ecstasy of the hunt consumed her, intoxicating bliss cloaked her senses, and she welcomed its warm release.

She waited in the shadows, watching patiently until the moment was right, and then struck with deadly persecution. Her attack came from behind, they howled with surprise as her talons ripped through unguarded flesh. They fell beneath her rage. The battle was quick, ending before it began. Her prey lie defeated at her feet, mercy upon their lips, doom crushing their hearts and souls. A gleeful smile parted those luscious lips exposing grim fate in bestir fangs. A haunting contrast reflected within the angelic depths of seductive eyes. Desperate cries echoed across the night to fall upon deaf ears.


Raven groaned as he staggered through the heaps of filth, his skull throbbing with every pulse. He found his way to several bodies, each broken, the look of fear now a permanent mask. Smiling to himself he gathered what remained undamaged or unnoticed by the attacker, ‘Shit happens to those who fuck with me,’ he snarled.

Upon his inspection the nature of their death revealed, unseeing eyes sunken and hallow staring through the frozen haze to nothing. Empty vessels, the wellspring of life extinguished as flesh now ridged and pale locked in a frightful demise.

He searched through what remained of the corpses finding enough to sedate the rage. Just another day in paradise, he thought, fighting to maintain his balance. With his bounty he began his long track through the city, watching the masses. Feeling pity for their desperate attempts at control, he viewed their struggles with jealous contempt.

Wounded by loneliness, Raven wandered lost in thought. Unaware of the monuments and marvels which he passed, until finding the vast expanse of the city park. How he came to this place he could not explain, but here among the scent of earth and tall trees he was granted a mild relief. There he paused for a rest and noticed the last glimpse of day passing quickly below the horizon. He watched the light reflecting on towers of glass and steel painting the sky with brilliance, and he could remember a time forgotten when those great towers were green with life holding high the heavens.

Lighting a cigarette his thoughts passed back to that beautiful stranger and the child, which he could not explain. She was something he had only dreamt in fantasies, a power too great to be restrained, free. His heart filled with desire as he remembered her bound and defiant. Her strength was impressive, her courage unmatched. She was victorious even in defeat yet something remained unexplained. How he longed for her touch.

The child on the other hand perplexed his mind, for this was no ordinary infant adopted by kindness. This creature to him was no child at all, but some spirit sent on a perilous quest. Helpless to the monsters, which sought its mysteries, and bound to a stranger he could not understand. They would never be safe, and now his soul rest in dangers untold.

To be hunted for his actions, enticed a threatening desire, and he smiled. A desire to crush these evil fiends, and journey to unknown lengths he would search for his personal savior. A passionate hunger to protect this stranger, he could not fathom. These emotions alien, electric tendrils caress the fringe of consciences, filling him, compelling him beyond reason.

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I was filled half with dread and half with nervous excitement as I made my way to rehearsals on a slightly warm, March evening. Tonight would be the first time I would see Ted since I’d written the stories about our passionate encounters in July, while the play was being performed. Part of me just wanted to clap eyes on him, but the other part wasn’t sure how much I would be able to take. He would be there in front of me, in the flesh, and I had imagined him with no clothes on. But there would...

Oral Sex
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Hindsight 2020 Book 1Chapter 46

I was happy that Tiffany was gone. She was putting herself into a situation that made me uncomfortable for her and her future husband. I called over to Shannon's place. "Hello?" "Hi Shannon, how are things going?" "Your sister is awesome. She already earned a raise and she has brought in twenty-six new customers. I recognize talent so her job won't include looking at any more toilets. She's my new Office Manager." "Shannon, you keep cleaning my place to keep you grounded and to...

3 years ago
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Mum in our room on hoilday

It was our last night and was about to get off to bed as we had a early flight to catch the next day. Me and sam my friend were sharing a bedroom in this villa we was staying in. It was a large room with 2 double beds. For some reason the beds were already together like a kingsize bed, so we had just left these and slept like this. Mum and dad had the own room the other side of the villa. Our door was slighty open when mum peeked her head round it,'you ready to go home boys''no, could do with...

2 years ago
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Day in Heaven

I would like to tell you a fact about myself. I am a slut, not only a slut but a cum swallowing, cock sucking, wanting to do anything for my mistress slave boy. Let's start at the beginning; I got this way over time not something you wake up one morning and have thrust upon you! Having always been a bisexual with almost no barriers I am willing to do most anything, short of scat or animals, with anyone that cares to take me home. Most people I know can list the attributes of their perfect...

2 years ago
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Blind Date

"You need to get laid. He's handsome, he's got muscles, he's sweet and funny. Best of all, he's got this monster between his legs. I had cramps for two days after the first time. But god, it was worth it." "What about Henry?" Betsy grinned knowingly. "Henry, well-" She gave Sandra an odd smile. "Listen, Mark is a whole 'nother experience. He's discreet, too." "Betsy, you're so bad." Sandra smiled patiently and turned back to the financial reports. They were casual friends;...

1 year ago
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The Sick Day Pt2

Having earlier that morning overheard stepdaughter Lucy's startling telephone confession, George's mind was awash with thoughts, some grim, some alluring. A visual interpretation of the recent escapade between the seemingly innocent sixteen-year-old and her marginally older stepbrother, his son, that had in turn culminated in a bout of mutual masturbation, had etched itself indelibly upon George's troubled brain. Though admittedly there was no blood tie between the pair, they were family...

1 year ago
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New Excursions

He took off his clothes revealing his fresh clean body and hard dick. He climbed onto the bed and opened up the Popsicle, and started licking it staring at me. I laid sprawled across the bed with my legs spread so he could see the wet spot on my panties as I fingered myself and teased him, then he abruptly told me to take off the fucking panties. I smiled lustfully and reached to the sides of my laced panties and slid them off me slowly showing him my shaved, clean and soft, wet pink pussy. He...

3 years ago
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Cought No where to run

Let me start out by saying that I was very much in the closet about my dressing and the fun I have when I'm dressed when this happened a long time ago. But more and more I kept fantasizing about one of my male friends. He's very good looking and keeps in shape by jogging every day. Several of the times we've gone out boating him and I ended up skinny dipping, so I've got to see his cock several times and have secretly wished I could get him to screw Andi. He's been divorced for about 5 years...

1 year ago
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Preachers Wife Chapter 5 from Preachers Daughters

Pam, the hot 38D preachers wife who was now my willing cum slut sex slave, had just been getting fucked by me in her car or mine before church each Sunday morning, then going to the choir and church full of my cum, in her tummy, pussy and sometimes tight asshole.She was putting on dildo and masturbation for me on her bed facing the hidden cam that she now knew was always there. I had her 69 with her husband John and I had noted on hidden cam, that John and her were fucking like rabbits, more...

8 months ago
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The Sheriff Part 2

I had trouble sleeping that night because every time I closed my eyes I had visions of me on my knees sucking The Sheriffs cock. When my wife Sarah and I got up at around 9 am she told me that she had to go shopping items for the vacation. Sarah took measurements of my body from head to toe. I asked Sarah what she needed measurement to buy but she told me that The Sheriff told her she could not tell me what she was buying. Sarah returned from shopping at around 8 pm. I asked her where all the...

She Males
2 years ago
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Wizards Apprentice 4 the Vale in WinterChapter 18

The town of Spant was almost big enough to be a city. It had three inns, not two as Virien had heard, though considering what the girls offered upstairs in the third one, it was no surprise that she hadn't known of it. The largest of the inns was The Rusty Bell. The deciding factor for me was its proximity to the western edge of Spant. We had decided that it would make for a quieter stay if the boys didn't accompany me into town, but I still wanted them as close as I could get them. The...

2 years ago
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A Wife Comes Out

My husband has been after me for several months now to write this story, but I have reluctant because I've never been all that good with the written word. I hope it's not so bad that you chose not to publish it as Al is so looking forward to see the story in print. My name is Melanie and I'm a forty-year-old working mother of three. I am what some would call 'pleasingly plump' being small waisted, but somewhat heavy in the breast and hip areas. My best feature is my legs and I have always...

1 year ago
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How this girl learned to party

I guess I could never claim to have been a nice little girl. I began fucking when I was boy. That was when I was allowed to go on my first date, and it only took my boyfriend a couple weeks to get into me. To be honest, I wanted it before that. I knew all about it, as what kid in the last twenty years doesn’t, and even on the first date I thought that getting screwed was the point of it all. And I had a great time for two years. I had a great sex life, all with the same guy, and the world was...

2 years ago
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Emmys Games Part 1

“Put my panties on,” says the text message from Emmy. It is 9:30am and I have just woken up. I look across to the bedside table and see Emmy’s panties sitting there all dried out from last night's shenanigans. I lean over and pick them up, and can’t resist the urge to hold them to my face momentarily and savour their aroma. I do as the text message asked and put on Emmy's cotton panties. They are not what I usually wear, not quite as slutty, but the fact they are hers has me rock hard the...

3 years ago
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Miriam hugged the distraught, nude, black woman. Around them stood the woman's four children. The nine-year-old boy cried while holding his younger sister, who sobbed. The two younger children played behind them. The final page spat out from the printer. The pickup at the Old Hickory Mall in Jackson, Tennessee, was winding down. The food court became the only center of attention. A group of Desert Storm Vets had been holding their yearly reunion. Half the men were already on the ship. Miriam...

4 years ago
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The college slut

This is a story about when i was 18 and at high school i was on the school football team so i had to keep pretty fit being the captain everybody relied on me to do well on the field, anyway i had noticed this girl watching me at practice i was told her name was Sarah and apparently she was a bit of a cock whore, i heard she had taken three guys on at once before, one in the mouth one in the pussy and one in her butt that's another story. This particular day she was wearing a low cut pink top...

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Wendy52KWendy took her time exiting from the car. She made a pretence of looking for something in the glove box, the car door was open, so that as she stretched across the passenger seat, she was showing her naked ass.This was all done for show, a show meant for the two young men stood near some trees at the edge of the car park.They watched as Wendy seemed to be struggling to find whatever she was looking for. Wendy eventually sat back in the driver’s seat, then swung her legs out of the car,...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Kacie Castle G114

We’re back with the hot action in part two in episode 114 of! We pick up after our interview, and blowbang (But you’ll see that in a couple days.) On the bench she sits, ready to get those pants off, and get a dick inside of her. She want’s it, and she wants it old school for our crew. So we have to bring out an old favorite, the Martini Glass. She want’s to save all that cum and savor it at the end. The guys all take turns pounding her pussy good,...

4 years ago
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Hot Chick Part 4

Needless to say sex with Hot Chick was unbelievable. Fucking for 3 hours, then in the stairwell at school with the risk of being caught, and having sex in front of one of her friends while he rubbed herself, after these events we slowed it down a bit. I had to focus on work and she wasn’t as needy as I thought she would be. A couple days go by without seeing her and I was aching for some pussy but I didn’t want to seem like the needy type. I texted her with a typical “What’s Up” and she didn’t...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Neighbor Radhika

Hello Iss readers, I am Vijay from hyderabad. This is my first story. I have been a regular reader of Iss for few years. This happened last year in chennai. I was on a project work in chennai. Initially I stayed in hotel and finally rented a flat in a upscale neighborhood. Complex had three apartments and I was staying on the top floor. I was staying by myself and was getting bored as I did not know the local language. After few weeks a couple moved into one of the empty aparment. They had a...

3 years ago
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Pooja Having Sexual Escapade With Brother In Law

Hello friends, My name is Pooja, and I want to narrate an incident I had with my sister’s boyfriend who is now my brother in law. We live in gorakhpur and this happened when I was out of my graduation and was working with a call center. Now I am married and have a daughter and have an ok sex life. I like most of the stories written on this site and once in a while masturbate thinking I am the person in the story. My sister Reshma and Ram met at a jazz club in the city and had been dating for...

1 year ago
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The Rabbit Hole Ch 16

The Rabbit Hole Chapter 16: Closure By Trixie Adara Penny "Yes, I'd love some water. Thank you, Gloria," said Penny. She put her hands in her lap nervously as Nadia's family buzzed around her. Gloria zipped out of the room after getting everyone's order. They were heating up after shopping downtown together for the last few touches before the wedding. Penny turned and faced the room crowded with her inquisitors. Nadia never said she had a large family - and she didn't - but...

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After School

Dave sat with his back against a locker, reading his paperback. A heavy reader and a fantasy fan, he always carried one, both for pleasure and for waits like this one. The fiction fought for his attention over his own thoughts of Aliasa. She had cheerleading practice every Tuesday after school and it was her he was waiting for. And this Tuesday might be special.And here she comes: lithesome, streamlined legs disappearing under a flimsy skirt halfway up her hips, a well-fitting t-shirt, wet hair...

2 years ago
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Kate and LynChapter 5 Diversions

Lyn called after eight; I was thinking she wouldn't call at all, and I was very glad to hear her voice. We talked for a while about school, going so far as to compare answers on our geometry homework. Finally we ran out of immediate topics and there was a silence. "I'm sitting here with a pillow between my legs." Lyn murmured, "Wishing it were you." "My mom's working in the next room, sewing." I said, hoping she would understand how I didn't want to talk very loudly or...

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My Wifes Boudoir Photo Shoot

I have a sexy idea – I think I will surprise my husband, Ben, with some sexy boudoir pictures. I found a female photographer with a really nice studio. We met and she was so disarming. We talked about taking some tasteful, semi-nude photos for Ben’s birthday. I tell her that I’ll even consider doing something racier, but I’d have to be really comfortable with her to do something more explicit. Maybe a few nude photos, but I want to be discreet. She assures me she will be discreet, so I decide...

4 years ago
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Sensual Scene

It’s our honeymoon and we are on a Caribbean cruise. After a dinner of steak and lobster I took my sweetheart back to our room and went to our room. Her face was blushed and she looked so cute in my eyes. I brush some of her long brown hair out of her face and she smiles up to me. ‘Please, take me.’ She whispers. My love was a little shorter than me, with round hips and pert breasts, she is so gorgeous in my eyes. Leaning forward, my lips meet hers and I close my eyes. All I can feel is her...

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Larry Redux

Larry Redux This is Belle. This tale is from Nicole. It is about her brother. I will let Nicole tell it. Hello everybody. I am Nicole. I had the night off. I was watching my brother's children while he filled in for a shift at the Ye Old Irish Inn. My work partner Bobbie had to work a graveyard shift as well as her normal posting. My housemate Jo was working a twelve hour shift with the Salem PD. Helga was out of town for a convention and was due back in two days. It was Three...

4 years ago
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Highway to Krell Hetero EditionChapter 10 Blood Pressure

Reid was awoken by the sound of heavy footsteps on the wooden floor, the moans from her colleagues and the rumbling vocalizations of the Krell as the aliens descended upon them jolting her from her sleep. She rose to a sitting position, peeking over the lip of her chosen recess, unsure of what was going on. Were they being attacked? The room had suddenly become packed with Krell, should she attempt to escape? No, those were mating calls, and it sounded as if her team were caught up in the...

2 years ago
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Adjusting to a New Life Prolouge

Specialist John Smith, of the US Army, stood and listened to the briefing him, and his squad was receiving. They were tasked with capturing a High Value Target, or HVT. The Colonel was still going over the details of the mission with them. “We have received Intel that the target is located in a known terrorist camp, and he is thought to be one of their main recruiters and trainers. He is personally responsible for the terrorist attacks on US Embassy’s in many countries, and he has...

1 year ago
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The Message Light

The Message LightEileen received the message on her answer phone ….it was short and to the point… “Come to room 218 at the ‘Rest Right’ motel at four in the afternoon. Don’t be late.” One glance at her watch told her that she wouldn’t be, time for a quick shower and she’d get there, no trouble.When she arrived, he was waiting there for her, there in the cool inside of the shaded room.“Close the door Eileen.”She went in and did so, trying to gauge his mood. Something was not quite right.“Eileen....

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He was just over eight-years-old and stuck at home for his summer vacation. All alone in his big home, without any parents or guardians. It was normal for him, but this time something in him changed. Little Toby Jones was a curious boy. He had no parents and lived with his extremely frugal grandparents, two tightwads who claimed that they couldn't afford to buy a lot of the things that he needed such as underwear and socks or even a TV. He was small for his age, and had long hair...

3 years ago
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I didn't really like my Stepmother, but I did like using her panties and nighties to masturbate with. Susan, my Stepmother, was 35 and fairly attractive. She has dark brown curly hair, a 36c chest and a nice, plump ass.When I lived at home, I would routinely search my parent's bedroom for "contraband". I discovered my Stepmothers stash of porno flicks buried in her panty drawer. I would watch the movies when no one was home and masturbate, and since I had to dig through a pile of panties to get...

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South of Bikini Developments

South of Bikini Episode 2 "Developments" 0400 hours, 700 Nautical miles East of Baker Island March 31st, 1944 "Andrews, I'm here to relieve you. How's the prisoner?" "He's been moanin' pretty loud. His ribs must be hurtin' but good. I thought Hilf was 'spose to be my relief." "She asked me to cover for a few minutes while she took care of if you know what I mean." "Ya, I heard. You...

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