Forsaken Ch. 02 free porn video

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The emptiness was invaded as the void shattered in fiery splinters of burning pain, each stabbing deeper, penetrating the shroud of comforting death. Distant screams rumbled through the darkness, stirring life in a once desolate vessel.

From the fractured remains of reality consciousness slowly filtered through bringing with it the consuming despair of defeat. In the shadows of the mind nightmares of the forgotten arose on the leathery wings of sin, draping the soul in fear. Consumed beyond the breaking point, too late to turn back, Tara opened her eyes to horror.

With sight came the agonizing reality, this monster was above her forcefully inserting sharp barbs deep into tender flesh, electrifying live nerves. Its sadistic smile and glowing eyes burning into her soul, clutching her heart in the icy strands of terror, Tara tried not to scream. She bit down hard upon her lip fighting back the cries welling in her throat, and the scorching pain that smashed down with vengeful force. Her senses drown in misery as she plummeted deep into the dark recesses of uncontrollable sorrow.

‘I smell your suffering and it is, sweet! Now where is the child?’ this monstrosity sickly mewed. ‘Answer me, bitch!’ It demanded, pulling the heavy chains tight. ‘You suffer so beautifully, your pain is divine,’ It cooed brushing the hair from her face and sniffing at her breath.

Her body wracked in violent spasms, the rusted barbs feeding deeper into her flesh and tearing through tender nerves. She could feel this creature behind her staring into her memories, its glowing eyes burrowing through her mind like a hungry wyrm. Tara could smell its pleasure, its exotic bloodlust for pain.

The demon consumed her in suffering, its passions washing over her broken and crucified vessel in hot waves. The tight wires were pulling at her soul, the heavy chains bound her in blissful despair and smothered her thoughts in blood. She could not scream, stitched in torment pestilence wrapping her in its bitter embrace.

Suspended in pain, her terrors now complete. Her mind at the brink of collapse, desperate Tara fought back the cries for release. Her soul trembled under the strain as violent convulsions ravaged her distressed senses until at last the empty void surrounded her with contorting bliss. Welcome to Paradox!

‘You look so lonely, tell me were you hid the child.’ It mewed, forcing its razor talons deep into her. The demonic monster assaulted her body, raping her mind.

Tara summoned the last of her strength to rise, now face-to-face she smiled coldly, ‘You better stop. You’re getting me all excited.’ She mocked his fury and his pleasure by flexing and straining against her bounds.

It roared lifting her by the barbs, threatening to tear her apart, ‘Does that hurt nice, my little girl? You like the feeling of your flesh stretched, do you quiver when lifted by your soft parts? Well my beautiful and charming lady, you are going to love this!’ It smiled to her, drawing a small bottle from the inner layers of its leather armor.

It gripped her face with demonic talons, smiling affectionately to expose the rows of sharpened fangs. ‘This is a little something special just for you. Hope you enjoy it as much as I’m going to.’ Then carefully it opened her trembling lips, and held the bottle high, ‘Drink up,’ it said pouring the nauseous sludge down her throat.

Tara choked on the bittersweet ichors, gagged but unable to spit she was suffocating on the harsh fluid she was forced to swallow. She was instantly aware of toxin and the dreadful propose, it bit deep into her numbing senses. But before she could deny it her senses failed, her soul collapsed upon itself drowning in a sea of Madness.

The dark void cracked, chaos pouring through from somewhere beyond erupting forth in violence. Broken images of a life long passed, forgotten on the frayed ends of sanity crashed.

She fell.

Its twisted features contorted into a grim smile of satisfaction as it watched patiently the toxins quickly consumed her weakened mind. When at last she fell limp into her restraints it was able to stare deep into the now endless reassesses of her mind. With one talented paw it gently stroked the matted hair from her face and lifted her head to pry through her memories.

With violent determination it tore down all her barriers, ravaging her thoughts, rapping her soul. A voice cried out from the churning depths of infinity and then fell silent and everything crashed into nothing.

Comforting Death, open your arms to thee. Sweet oblivion, welcome me into your eternal grace.


Where once was nothing, now a dreadful rhythm ringed true. What it was was all it could be, a living pulse, granting life once again. Now aware as flesh began to knit, the broken shards moved away to allow his lungs resurrecting breath. Raven was numb and his flesh felt almost alien. Aware only of some terrible threats distant and far away, yet too close for escape, he must stand, he must fight.

Vengeance! Shattering the tranquil void with raw furry as muscles burned, a violent storm erupting forth not to be restrained. All that was ever human in him was now no more, only the primal Beast of Rage.

When responsive consciences returned, Raven was on his knees, braced drunkenly against his sword. His shirt gone, his muscles blazing and weary, as he gasp for a breath. The events that brought him to this fatigued state unclear like some dreadful nightmare half forgotten: the mind unwilling to remember.

Raven lifted his head, this simple action straining his senses, as reality became clear. This scene, which displayed before him the fear, he fought desperately to deny. He shut his eyes tight trying to remember or fighting to forget the world outside. The woman from his earlier nightmare was now real, just as he remembered her, strong and proud wrapped snuggly in his coat. Was this some mad dream in which he failed to escape, or had he fallen into her fears? The image of the portal still lingered in the back of his mind, her laughter fading inside his throbbing skull. Reality had gone mad, the boarders of dreams obscured. Was he now the dreamer or the frightened dream?

The monster was destroyed, it corpse lay broken and scattered across the room, the female lay wrapped in his coat, unconscious. Did she rescue him, his thoughts still clouded? The battle was fierce but yet he bore no wounds. His naked flesh bathed in gore, his thick mane matted with blood still fresh in the chill of night. He cursed beneath his ragged breath then carefully gathered his things, drawing from his duffel bag a heavy sweater. With the gentle care of a parent he cradled her in his arms removing them from these ruins of death.

Raven moved quickly through the halls, his eyes pierced the darkness to reveal the path before them. He stumbled not as he charged through pitch corridor, senses alert to even the most faint of disturbances. He carried her to the basement, cautious to leave no evidence of their passing. He wanted no surprise visitors from anything else that could be tracking this beautiful stranger.

Once in the basement he carefully pried open the boiler, here they could be safe from the rising sun. Here they could be aware of every sound echoing above. Raven quickly placed her inside the great iron tomb, still wrapped warmly in leather. As he laid her gently upon the far wall their flesh touched for the first time. Raven was aware instantly of her entire existence, her heart and soul poured openly into his. He could hear a child crying in the distance. A child frightened and alone was crying silently in the shadows, its fear not the safety of itself, but security of this stranger.

He knew these things, but how he could not explain. Raven knew this child feared him, he could sense the bond between them as they shared every experience. He could see the hidden location through her eyes as if he were somehow abl
e to share this mental link. So not wasting time he hurried to rescue this innocence from whatever dark fate lie with the rising sun. Once satisfied that she would be safe, Raven set out to rescue the frightened child.

When he reached the location, the child still huddled in the shadows, tears stained her dirty face. She displayed no fear of this towering stranger, as if to say without words, I accept our fate. When their eyes met she reached out to touch this giant’s heart, the scar he could not explain.

‘Fear not child, I’ve come to help. Come on we must hurry,’ spoke the stranger as he offered his hand. Without hesitation their flesh touched.

It was like lightning striking his brain, Raven knew the secrets, which the female fought so desperately to protect. He understood something without knowing, the shock of such sudden interpretations sent his mind reeling. Only the mission was clear, to protect this child until the final death of his very soul.


Tara awoke from the sleep of death to small hands gently stoking her matted hair. Her last memory that of her own tortured demise, as demons cried on leather wings of death. She opened her eyes to see only darkness and her heart sank, as she feared the worst. What prison could they be trapped, for she was sure of their death.

‘Fear not child, I’ve come to help,’ echoed inside her churning thoughts as the haze began to part. The comfort of these images calmed her panic stricken reasoning. Her eyes began to focus in the dim shadows to reveal the iron tomb in which they huddled. The child harbored no fear in her expression as their eyes met. Tara knew what had happened.

Through their bond Tara saw the events of the torture from a source unknown, and watched as the image became a haze of fury. She saw the true horror of the events unfold as if she herself committed these acts. The stranger was now visible, the child had witnessed him. A giant emerged from the shadows like some spectral being, offering his hand and his heart together in that instant. Tara knew everything about this heroic giant, from his past to the reasons he arose from death to protect her and then her child. His motives were his own, but brought not by selfish reason.

All this was clear in the instant their eyes met, but now she searched the boundaries of her vision and the stranger could not be seen, or his presence felt. They were alone. The stranger had left them, if he should return was yet uncertain. Her thoughts now on survival for neither her nor the child had eaten. The hunger was consuming her.

She must feed. She quickly rummaged through the things left by her captor finding a sweater and pants both worn ragged with a multitude of repairs. She didn’t hesitate to dress pulling the tattered garments over her scarred and battered body. Then gathering the child in her arms set out to hunt the dark streets of urban decay.


When Raven returned, he found the gates open and the pair gone. His things had been scattered across the room his only sweater missing with a change of old Levi’s. Raven shook his head and settled down for a sparse meal. It didn’t concern him, their hasty departure, after all what was he if not a stranger to a stranger. Raven did wish to know her name.

Raven gathered his things packing them again into his duffel bag then set off alone into the dark unknown. The cold streets beckoning him, the night his home, he walked. Yet his thoughts kept returning to the beautiful stranger whose soul was displayed. The link, which she and the child shared, perplexed him, he began to wonder if this child could have performed this same miracle upon his vulnerable psyche.

He tried not to think about it, the perils of this urban jungle kept his senses alert no energy to worry about such trivial matters. Still he couldn’t help but wonder.

Raven traveled the desolate streets, drifting through various stages of consciousness until at last his curiosity broke the barrier. Cursing the idea and himself, he stopped under the protection of this decrypted building to try and find an answer to this plaguing onslaught.

His mind opened, welcoming in the night in all its passionate glory and spanning the gulfs of time and distance. Through this gate all became his as knowledge flowed into him, voices on the bitter winters wind. Raven now experienced the world as she, the bridge granting to him the word as her senses did interpret. This new wonder filled him with emotions not his own as her life now his in every detail. The vivid experience sending icy chills down his spine. A frightening bond to such passionate lusts that he welcomed. The hungry desires of her immortal soul still yearned beyond depths dare tempted by human expression.

In this dream state, he left his own body far behind and unaware to the dangers, which did rise against him. He never heard their approach, could not smell their retched aroma nor could he escape the dreadful blow. In his dream he fell unaware.

His mind swam in fantasies, not his own as all he knew crumbled and crashed, and dreams and lust converged to suspend him in this sadistic turmoil. Lost in the storm of memories, drifting within dreams, he was aware. Mindful these fantasies were not his own. The emotion, the passion so alive yet so alien, things he could never experience. When from the chaos an image became clear. The image was of him, bathed in blood, a beast consumed in rage and weak to this strangers touch. It now glared at him with fierce eyes, peering deep into his naked soul. It spoke without words, calling forth a terrible challenge.

Fear clutched his heart and cold fury erupted. Blind rage glared coldly from this horrid beast before him. Icy orbs black as pitch burning void like razors upon his mind. Together they locked in fierce embrace, each battling for domination. This demon, a creature of fantasy and fear, erupted with brutal determination. Together they fell. Dreamers trapped in dreams. The beast, lacking discipline attacked, unrestrained and unpredictable.

Raven moved in fluid grace, feeling the raw power of each passing blow. His body flowed beneath the deadly assault. He stood little chance, his skill and reflexes proved futile, but only encouraging this nightmare. He saw the attack and knew nothing could defeat what it was he battled. The razor talons passed through his defenses, piercing flesh and shattering bone to clutch his still beating heart. Each howled their miserable pains, suffering in their victories of agonizing defeat. The eerie song erupted forth destroying the brittle silence. Together they fell as one, prisoners of self, Victims.

When at last his eyes opened, the sky was painfully gray in winter’s sunrise. Cursing the dawn, he lurched to his feet. His head wrapped in the tendrils of this disorientating nightmare. He found himself in the street, near frozen and naked, his black hair crusted with his own blood. The physical wounds from the attack already healed, the damage on fragile pride still bled.

Raven spat a villainous string of curses gathering what remained of his scattered duffel bag. Dressing in tattered remnants of once fine attire and suffering the disgrace of indignity. Damn heathens, he thought, gathering what remained of his possessions. He reached for his cigarettes to find the last one bent and broken. Frustration mounted as he unleashed a string of obscenities and checked his inner pocket for what remained of his meager funds. A sigh of relief escaped parched lips in finding both his money and the jeweled vial untouched.


Drawn by visions she could not explain, and twisting within the labyrinth of her eternal hunger Tara stalked the hallow night. A predator burning with a lustful desire, the excitement thrilling as sharpened senses presented the path beyond. Without reason or design she found her way to this alleyway, desire in sight, the Hunger growing ravenous.

With her all seeing eyes it became clear. She could se
e several clowns jacking some poor fool, in the wrong place at the wrong time. Watching from the shadows, bearing witness as the young thugs mockingly tormented their victim. Tara could almost taste their mounting fury as this target held nothing they considered as valuables. As she drew nearer she recognized the victim as the saint that aided her escape just hours ago. They grew more violent with each devastating blow and more self-assured, their excitement deliciously sweet to the liar-in-wait. She moved with silent grace, stalking the shadows a predator of the night. She was hunting the hunters with delicately perfect precision. Tara could hear their mocking calls, could smell their sweat, the sweet aroma beckoning. How she longed to taste their excitement. The sheer ecstasy of the hunt consumed her, intoxicating bliss cloaked her senses, and she welcomed its warm release.

She waited in the shadows, watching patiently until the moment was right, and then struck with deadly persecution. Her attack came from behind, they howled with surprise as her talons ripped through unguarded flesh. They fell beneath her rage. The battle was quick, ending before it began. Her prey lie defeated at her feet, mercy upon their lips, doom crushing their hearts and souls. A gleeful smile parted those luscious lips exposing grim fate in bestir fangs. A haunting contrast reflected within the angelic depths of seductive eyes. Desperate cries echoed across the night to fall upon deaf ears.


Raven groaned as he staggered through the heaps of filth, his skull throbbing with every pulse. He found his way to several bodies, each broken, the look of fear now a permanent mask. Smiling to himself he gathered what remained undamaged or unnoticed by the attacker, ‘Shit happens to those who fuck with me,’ he snarled.

Upon his inspection the nature of their death revealed, unseeing eyes sunken and hallow staring through the frozen haze to nothing. Empty vessels, the wellspring of life extinguished as flesh now ridged and pale locked in a frightful demise.

He searched through what remained of the corpses finding enough to sedate the rage. Just another day in paradise, he thought, fighting to maintain his balance. With his bounty he began his long track through the city, watching the masses. Feeling pity for their desperate attempts at control, he viewed their struggles with jealous contempt.

Wounded by loneliness, Raven wandered lost in thought. Unaware of the monuments and marvels which he passed, until finding the vast expanse of the city park. How he came to this place he could not explain, but here among the scent of earth and tall trees he was granted a mild relief. There he paused for a rest and noticed the last glimpse of day passing quickly below the horizon. He watched the light reflecting on towers of glass and steel painting the sky with brilliance, and he could remember a time forgotten when those great towers were green with life holding high the heavens.

Lighting a cigarette his thoughts passed back to that beautiful stranger and the child, which he could not explain. She was something he had only dreamt in fantasies, a power too great to be restrained, free. His heart filled with desire as he remembered her bound and defiant. Her strength was impressive, her courage unmatched. She was victorious even in defeat yet something remained unexplained. How he longed for her touch.

The child on the other hand perplexed his mind, for this was no ordinary infant adopted by kindness. This creature to him was no child at all, but some spirit sent on a perilous quest. Helpless to the monsters, which sought its mysteries, and bound to a stranger he could not understand. They would never be safe, and now his soul rest in dangers untold.

To be hunted for his actions, enticed a threatening desire, and he smiled. A desire to crush these evil fiends, and journey to unknown lengths he would search for his personal savior. A passionate hunger to protect this stranger, he could not fathom. These emotions alien, electric tendrils caress the fringe of consciences, filling him, compelling him beyond reason.

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Not long after my debasement by Master, Janice, Tom's wife started to come round our house more often. I was not included in their private conversations but the snippets I got like " big" and "you made him do what!" led me to believe they were talking about Master Marcus. As for me well I was back to cleaning Penny's spunk filled pussy at the weekend and building up my frustration, I wondered what humiliation he would put me through when I was desperate enough to beg him for...

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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 42 Stranger Things Have Happened

July, 1983, Milford, Ohio I walked out the door of the house to my car, leaned against it, and put my head on my arms. I took several deep breaths trying to regain my composure. I wasn’t sure, but it seemed like five minutes or so and then I felt a soft hand on my shoulder. “Not now, Bethany. I’m still trying to control my emotions,” I said without looking up. “Steve, it’s Connie. What’s going on?” “Sorry. I figured it was Bethany,” I said. “She’s inside with Joyce. They went into my...

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BlacksOnCougars Kayla Kayden 01152021

Kayla is hoping for a romantic picnic with her Husband, but after setting up her picnic outside her Husband calls to cancel because he had to take a last minute business trip. She realizes it’s gardening day and she decides that she should just invite the 2 Handsome Gardeners inside and have some Fun since her Husband will be out of town for a week and he ruined her Picnic Surprise! They head to the Living room where she tells them that the reason she wants to have her Picnic inside with...

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Craigslist BBC

Bottom seeking top at XXXXX ApartmentsThat was the title, plain and simple, straight forward and to the point. I needed dick, I had been craving it for months toying myself weekly, lusting for a fat cock to pound my hole and make me cum. So I posted an ad, the content was simple, it had my stats, what I was looking for, and the caveat of no face picture required.This last bit was the hook, most men where I live want anonymity due to homosexual acts being frowned upon. Of course I received about...

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Coveting Daves wife

I was busy coveting. The object of my covet? Dave's wife Carol. A most covetable woman. I'm not sure if covetable is even a word, but then, who cares. Coveting is a harmless sport and Carol's long legs and beautiful face made for an exhilarating covet. Of course, coveting should never go any further. Carol constantly made this a difficult rule to follow. Her pretty rear end strained against her shorts as she bent to crank the starboard winch on their sailboat. We were slowly overtaking them...

4 years ago
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I Spy

Hi! One more time Sapna is back with one hot, sizzling story, but this time its more of situation and spying of my cousin sister by my cousin, which I get to know by myself spying on him, but it was very late, but still I got to know and now putting it in writing. It is the event when my cousin Deepak (age: 18 years) had some 3-4 days holiday. He had came to our house for staying. Along with him, one my auntie’s daughter Jaya (age: 18 years) had also came. They both have came for staying for...

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Brother Sister

Randy got home on Saturday and I got home on Sunday. From college. My first year, his second. We lived at opposite ends of the house on the second floor. Mom and dad on the first floor. I had stairs up and down. He had stairs up and down. I had a bathroom. He had a bathroom. I had a big bedroom. He had a big bedroom. We weren't disparaging at each other, we were great friends and chattered away all the time when we were near each other. I helped him and he helped me. Mom and dad were careful...

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MonstersOfCock Whitney Wright Caught My BBC Roommate Spying

Whitney is enjoying some alone time in the shower. She’s so horny and starts to masturbate. Her roommate walks by and sees her. He tries not to look, but her body is amazing. She’s got perfect tits, an amazing booty, and she looks so sexy pleasuring herself. He watches her and eventually gets caught. She reveals a little secret she heard about him. Apparently, she heard he has a huge cock. Obviously, he’s gonna have to prove it. It’s the biggest dick she’s ever...

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The Witchs Curse

The Witches Curse Steve Islop should have been a very happy man as he sat in his railway carriage, looking out at the scenery rushing by, as his train sped from London towards Plymouth - but he wasn't! Most young lawyers, two years qualified out of College, would have been overjoyed at the prospect of taking up an appointment with a respected provincial firm of Solicitors in a pretty market town in the middle of Devon; but Steven wasn't like most young lawyers. Two years previously...

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Nympho slut in the bushes

I'm a nasty dirty slut, and I don't care. I really really like getting fucked in my pussy. I constantly look at guys' crotches to imagine how big their dicks are. And I like a guy, who can get hard fast, keep it hard and likes group sex. One time, I purposely went to a park, where I had heard there was some hot sex starting about midnight. This park has lots of gay guys, female whores, and lonly guys looking to fuck some strange pussy. That's me. I like being a strange pussy. I took a small...

4 years ago
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My First Time with a Much Older Woman Part 1

HOW A SHY MATURE WOMAN TURNS INTO A DIRTY SLUTI will tell you a story that happened to me many years ago and I will never forget. I love surfing the internet and sometimes I meet different people in some chat. Usually we just chat and have fun, but it has happened to me several times to meet live with girls or young women, as well as to have sex with some of them. But what I will tell you was quite different. I accidentally met a woman on Skype who was much older than me. I was 32 at the time...

2 years ago
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Oedipus X Reversed

Thanks to everyone who wrote reviews last time. I hope you enjoy this one as well. Oedipus X Reversed By Lyta Somabre "Honey, for Christ's sake why do you always have to take so fucking long." Shouted Charlie from downstairs. "Shut up, I'll be down in a minute. Why don't you watch TV or something?" His girlfriend, Kim yelled back to him. Charlie knew that any attempt to expedite her would only make the process take longer. He silently cursed to himself, he told Marcus they...

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BlacksOnBlondes Rebecca Vanguard Second Appearance

Jax and Jon Jon are just about to get kicked off the team unless their new study buddy Rebecca can get them to buckle down and study and focus on their grades. It doesn’t help that Rebecca shows up looking so cute that they are more interested in her. First Jon Jon then Jax gets handsy with her till she stands up to continue her lecture in earnest. Pacing and trying to focus, she turns about to find two big grins on the boys along with their Cocks in their hands as well. Rebecca has never...

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Love Library

“Mom, I’m bored and my cunt’s hot,’ said Rosalind’s young daughter casually as she stretched her arms over her head and yawned. Megan stood in the middle of library at the Jefferson Public High School, she glanced mainingfully at her mother, who was working behind the librarian’s desk and service counter. It was Wednesday, the night Rosalind was expected to offer extended hours for the students and their parents, but this night, as most, no one had come in yet. Megan kept herself busy reading...

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Office Slut

He smiled to himself as he watched her at the copy machine, he could see the slender curves of her body highlighted by the window in front of her. While he could see the slender lines of her bra, there were no matching lines below. His cock stirred in his pants as he realized that she must not be wearing any panties. He tried to dismiss the thought and return to the report in front of him, which he had carefully stacked in front of him in a vague effort to look busy without actually doing...

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LoveHerFeet Lika Star French Pedicure Footjob Lesson

Today is Lika’s French lesson and she is more than ready to go. After he arrives and begins asking her if she remembers the previous lesson, the French tutor cannot stop looking at her french pedicure on her sexy little toes! He’s seemingly distracted when she asks him, “How do you say ‘lick my feet?'” He cannot wait to start sucking on her toes and licking her gorgeous feet. He starts by licking her toes then smelling her sexy stinky feet. After that, she wraps...

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Ann The meeting

When I checked my mailbox on the adult dating site, there was a short message from a woman named Ann. She was 30, living in Cambridge, MA, just across the Charles River from Boston, new to the adult site, and would be interested in chatting. I acknowledging her email, indicated that it was nice to meet her, and asked her about herself, at least whatever information she was willing to share at this early time. She wrote the next day. She was originally from Seattle, was single, worked in...

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Its a Man ThingChapter 12

Everything seemed to be fine. We'd been given a date of delivery in late July, so Helen quit work in early May. They were good to her and clubbed together to present her with a rather expensive buggy/cot/car seat system. We didn't have a car at that point, but I was considering getting one as I thought Helen would need it. The main exam season was starting; three to four weeks of a fairly heavy schedule for me. I wasn't delighted to be away from home this time. It was Monday morning of...

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Mothers Day

Mother's Day ( . Y . ) "Hey Captain!" I said into my phone. "Hey Sailor!" my dad said. "How are they hanging?" I queried. "One in front of the other, for speed!" He's a fighter pilot, that's the standard reply. "And yourself?" "I'm high speed, low-drag sir!" We both chuckled. I'm not in the Navy, just going to college, but I know the lingo pretty good. "You're going home for Mother's Day, right?" he asked. "Oh yeah, dad. I'm...

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Vintage whore

“The newly organized women’s social gathering known as “The Club” met for the second time last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Warrington on Alameda Street. A light luncheon was served and Mrs. Amelia Stringer, of 1124 Fillmore, gave a lively talk on the history of beekeeping in early California, followed by open discussion. The once a month sessions of “The Club” are closed to invited members only.” “Thank you, ladies. Have the servants all left?...

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Kajal 8211 The Neighbourhood Lady

I am Rajesh, an engineer in profession, 44 years old. I am happily married with beautiful Priya for last 14 years and we are blessed with two children. We stay in company accommodation; our neighbour Gunjan is from the same organisation, his wife Kajal is a gorgeous lady with nice curves, they are having two children too. Gunjan and Kajal are 37 and 32 year old respectively. All our children are in same school. By staying for a long time as neighbour, we have developed good relationship. My 39...

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Movie With My Girl Neha

We were on a date that day and went for a movie during the movie; we started playing with each other.  I first pressed her boobs from over her shirt then slowly put my hands under the shirt she opened her bra hooks so that it’s easy to access then slowly I moved down and put hand in the panty and started playing with her clit she was in heaven then I took her hand and put it on my dick while opening my zip she took it in her hand gripped it well and started putting pressure on it and it was an...

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Incest WifeChapter 3

Angela's pussy was itching unbearably, itching with desire for a hot fuck. Mike was lying next to her, fast asleep as usual and not in the least bit interested in filling her cunt with his cock. She needed a big hard prick in the worst way. It had been a week since she had seduced Joey. Mike hadn't suspected a thing, although he had asked her why she was smiling so much lately. The boys had noticed a change in their mother's mood too, but no one had any idea that she had seduced the kid...

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Hidden VideoChapter 8 Missy Takes Charge

After a few minutes, Cris caught his breath. He reached down and slipped the elastic of his shorts back out, covering up his softening member. Missy stood up and took both Cris and Michelle by the hand, pulling them up. “Come on. Let’s go up to my room. I’m not done yet.” She smiled as she lead them toward the stairs and up to her bedroom. She stopped next to the bed and turned, pulling Cris down for a kiss. He could taste the faint saltiness that lingered on her lips from sucking and...

3 years ago
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Lizzie Moving InChapter 9

Aug 12 Friday I called the number on the card Paul the moving guy gave me this morning after breakfast. I talked to someone named Mindy. She sounded like she'd been expecting my call. I guess Paul told her I'd be calling. Which is cool. I've got an interview Monday morning. I don't exactly want to work but I need the money. Moving in has ate up a lot of my savings. Sure I splurged a bit and my Grandparents helped out a lot but still I spent a lot getting this place furnished. So now I...

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While stationed in What was then West Germany duty as a security policeman on the Air Base was pretty lousy, yet off duty was fine. One particular weekend was the late summer time for Wine Frst in Koln(Cologne) to anyone not German. I planned to go with a good friend and colleague, but he cried off at the last minute saying he,d got a hot date, so hot in the end she gave him gonorrhea! So I decided to soldier on driving to Koln in my old Fiat 500 hoping my dodger battery would last the weekend....

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No Better Way

The week before Halloween was always a busy time for Karen. She hosted a party at her work, and she had last minute shopping to do and errands to run. With half of the week gone, she was staying late at work to get things set up. Her husband Tom was feeling pretty neglected. He was lucky she was making dinner when she got home. By Thursday she was mostly set up for work and running ahead of schedule. Impressed with herself, she decided to do a couple more Halloween-y things around their...

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Blackmailed a Cheerleaders Cherry

Note: This story is dedicated to Doc who inspired this ass-centered story. Note 2: Thanks go to Estragon for his copy-editing work. As Principal of the biggest school in our part of California, every day is an adventure. Drug busts, celebrities' kids, drama, cyber-bullying, gangs, I have seen it all. I have had ridiculously attractive mother's flirt with me, and even straight out offer me sex, to not expel their child. I have had very pretty teenage girls offer themselves to me on...

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My Chat Friends Amazing Ability

I like to get onto an Adult chat board from time to time, and meet up with people that I have chatted to for a while, and occasionally a new one. One of my regular friends there was Jennifer. She lives in the US, and as I am a Brit, but we found enough time to meet online. We were just sharing photo links, and discussing what we saw, and obviously through that she got some idea as to what I liked, and I got a very good idea about her too. However, after we’d been chatting for five or six...

Oral Sex
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Magic in her eyes

“I can type over 100 words per minute” she said, shifting in her chair. There is magic in her eyes, I thought. “I can file your papers, I'm good at short hand during business meetings.” Sparkling, dancing, teasing, tempting. Fascinating whirlpools, drawing me in. “And I can entertain you or clients when needed. I would take this job seriously, Greg”. I leaned back in my chair, unable to release my stare. I mumbled something about needing to ask her more questions, not really aware of my words....

Love Stories
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The Best Adult Arcade in San Diego

There was a place on university av. in san diego,ca. that you had to buy a membership card to join and it had a thearter, a couple of semi private television rooms, with about 4 private rooms it had 2 large restrooms back in a counter this place didn't have a bad aroma it was clean and nice. it was layed out sort of like a large square circle must have been about 4,000 to 5,000 square feet. it cost for a membership about $20.00 and was good for a year and each time you went in it cost $5.00 and...

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Pizza Delivery II

My husband is an senior engineer for an oil co. and is away a lot, so i have plenty of opportunities and I have been doing younger guys for 16 yrs.+, without him knowing. He couldn’t handle seeing me being fucked by a young black cock, he’s very jealous with me he’s too uptight about sex for the sake of sex alone. He is overseas for a job and will be gone for 4-6 weeks this time. I was feeling lonely and bored then I decided to go get a hotel room in a nice hotel drink some more wine and order...

2 years ago
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My First With Afroz

I was transferred to Pahalgam in Kashmir Valley and took up a small studio apartment near the Mall. It was a one room with bathroom/WC and a small balcony. The one room contained kitchen, one single bed and two chairs/centretable. I had left my family behind in Delhi. I am 50 years old and can cook myself. I had joined my duty and was working from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. ( 5 days a week). It had started to snow and there was also a freezing cold wind in Pahalgam. It was Friday evening, so I was...

Gay Male

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