Debbie free porn video

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Debbie wasn’t the best looking girl in the office. In fact, the waste bin looked more attractive. But there was something about her that I couldn’t put my finger on.

She was hard working. She often stayed behind when everyone else left. Never did I have to chase her up over a project. Her dead lines were always met easily.

In truth, she was about five, five, red hair, and dressed in loose fitting clothes. I guess this was what made her look so different from the other office girls.

Her make up was always carefully applied, and, amongst girls who didn’t wear the tightest outfits they could find, she would look okay.

But in the office, she as the dowdiest I had ever met.

But as I said. There was something about her that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. And I had to know what it was.

I decided to follow her home one night, after she finished. It was about six when she left the office, moved to the car park, and drove away. It was easy to follow her, as I don’t think she ever thought someone would do it. She drove to the far side of town and pulled up outside an old house.

Minutes later, she entered, and I saw the lights go on. I sat, watching, for over three hours, but no-one came to visit. The downstairs lights went out, and the bedroom light came on.

For three weeks I followed her. I don’t know why, as she always did the same thing. She drove home. And went to bed at around the same time. There were never any visitors, so she obviously didn’t have a boyfriend.

Nor did she go out once she was home.

I really didn’t know why, but I was fascinated by her.

I caught myself watching her in the office, getting distracted. My other work started to suffer, and only with great effort did I keep to my own deadlines.

She didn’t mix well with the other girls. They were on about the latest fashions, the latest pop sensation, but she never seemed to get involved. If someone told a joke, she would laugh, but she kept herself to herself for the most part.

In truth, she was a mystery.

I started to day dream about her. What it would be like to see her naked. What it would be like to see her on her knees, sucking my cock. I imagined her being totally subservient, as she was in the office.

And she was. If anyone didn’t want any particular project, and she was left with it, she didn’t argue. She simply got on with the job, and got it done.

Twice I had seen her stay at the office until almost seven in the evening, and still, she went to bed at the sane time. It was like a ritual. She never stayed up later. Not even weekends.

I had parked outside her house early one Saturday morning, and waited. Around noon she came out and drove to the shops. She bought her groceries, and returned home. That was it. No interaction. No meetings. She was a loner at work and at home.

I could never fault her time keeping or her work. She arrived ten minutes early every day, checked her emails to see if she had anything special, before actually starting work. Most of the other girls checked their emails after starting.

If she was doing a project, I could guarantee it being finished on time. She was exemplary in all things. It was just that she dressed down, and didn’t mix. This made her stand out from the others, and in a way, made her more desirable.

The other girls flirted with every man in the office, including myself. But not her. She was polite, but not flirty. But nor did she get asked out on dates as the other girls frequently did.

I had sat in my office, watching her, wondering what lay under the baggy clothes. Was she hiding something beautiful? Or was it as plain as she always appeared.

There had to be a way to find out.

I began to research her, starting with her family tree. Her parents were divorced, and, as far as I could tell, she was an only child. She had left home a few years back, and had rented the same house that she now lived in, ever since.

There were no court judgements against her, and no credit black marks. She was as clean as the day she had been born.

It began to niggle at me badly. There had to be a way inside her defences. She had to have a weak spot that I had not yet found.

It was three weeks later, and purely by accident that I noticed something amiss. She had been stretching for a folder, and her sleeve had slipped up, for only a second, but I had spotted something. As quick as the sleeve had risen, she pulled it down again, quickly looking around the office as if guilty over something.

I couldn’t make out what I had seen, but it was something she didn’t want others to see. I had to know what it was.

It had been a bruise. But not a random bruise as if she had hit her forearm on something. It had been around, rather than on her wrist.

What on earth would make that sort of bruise. A bracelet maybe? But I really couldn’t see her wearing a bracelet that tight. It didn’t fit with the rest of her clothing. And besides, I had not actually seen a bracelet around her wrist, just the mark.

It nagged at me for days, until I was watching television one night, a cop show, and someone who was arrested argued that the cuffs were too tight. As the camera closed in, I saw the mark. The same mark.

It came as a shock to me. I knew she hadn’t been arrested. So how did she have the same marks as the guy on the program had?

I went out the next day and bought the film on dvd. I watched it until I came to the same part, and then froze the film, zooming in to see the marks on the guy’s wrist.

There was no doubt in my mind. Her marks had come from a set of cuffs. But how? I knew she lived alone, and I knew she never had visitors. So who would be putting cuffs on her?

It was slow to dawn on me that she had to be doing it herself. But why?

II told myself I had been seeing things, but it nagged me, and I knew I needed to know if what I thought I had seen, was real.

There was only one way, and it was totally against the law, but I needed to know.

The next day I called in and said I would be late, as I had a meeting. Alison, who took my call, said everything in the office was fine, and I left it at that.

I returned to the office later, with my purchase, and waited. The day seemed longer than ever, even though I kept myself busy. Slowly, the girls started to drift away, and I was left in the office alone.

I wasn’t sure I could go through with this, but I also knew I needed to know if what I had seen was real.

The small camera was still in my pocket. I could hide it in the ladies toilet and no-one would see it. I wasn’t interested ion what went on inside the toilet itself, but the hand basin. If she was as fastidious about her hygiene as she was about everything else, she would wash her hands after using the toilet. That was what I was after. To wash her hands, she would have to lift her sleeves a little. Hopefully, enough to give me a clear view of her wrists.

She never used the toilet during working hours, so it was a safe bet she only used them during break times. I set the recorder to the times the girls took their breaks, and checked that I could see the sinks clearly.

If I got caught, or if someone saw the camera, I would be in deep trouble. But that didn’t matter. The need to know was greater. She had to have a kink in her armour, and perhaps this was it.

The next day I took sandwiches for lunch and both of my breaks. I intended to sit in my office all day, and watch. I put the red flag on my door, which all the girls knew I was not to be disturbed for any reason.

I set up the monitor and turned the camera on by remote, just to check it was working. It was.

It would come on automatically at break times and lunch time, and though it did show the bottom of the toilet door, I could not see inside the toilet itself. But the view of the sink was clear. Even better than I had thought it would be. All I could do now, was wait.

It was lunch time before she used the toilet. By then I knew that Emily didn’t wash her hands after using the toilet, and knew to refrain if she offered me a coffee in future.

But at lunch time I saw her enter the toilet room, and head for the toilet itself. I sat, and waited. This would tell me what I wanted to know, I hoped.

That I could be caught didn’t enter my head.  I watched as she entered the toilet, and spent five minutes inside, before coming out again. To my pleasure, she headed straight for the sink, as I had always expected her to do.

To wash her hands, she would have to raise her sleeves, and she did so.

To my surprise I didn’t see bruises, but what I did see, gave me more pleasure. Bandages. Thin ones, but enough to cover what bruises she may or may not have. And on both wrists.

They were not large enough to be for any medical complaint I knew of. I guessed they were there to cover the bruising., both wrists. It had to be cuffs. But who? And why?

This needed delving deeper into, but how?

The answer lay somewhere else.

The London office reported a problem with their largest account. No-one had been able to satisfy the owner. It needed someone special to get to work on it, and get it done.

This was my opportunity.

I called her to the office and told her that I needed her to go to London and sort out an account. It was too big an account to lose, and needed that little extra that she may be able to provide. I told her it would mean a weekend away, and though she wasn’t happy about it, she knew she really had no choice.

The weekend away was great. It would give me a chance to follow through a plan that was forming in my head. The fact that I was breaking even more laws, made it seem even more exciting.

She reluctantly agreed, and on the Friday I watched her as she boarded the train. She would now be gone until Monday evening.

I don’t know why I needed to do this, but I did. I paid a nephew of mine, who was less than legal, to find a way to get into her house, without leaving a trace.  He agreed, for two hundred pounds cash, and I arranged to meet him on the Saturday morning.

Before meeting him, I bought several more cameras, such as the one I had placed in the ladies toilets, and together we moved around the back of her house, hidden from view.

I didn’t watch him. But a few minutes later he was inside the house, and opening the back door for me. He wanted to steal a few things, but I refused. He had been paid, and that was all he would get.

I watched him leave, and then set about my task. The cameras were hidden in her bedroom, her bathroom, one in the living room, and one in the kitchen. If she were putting her handcuffs on in any of these rooms, I would get to see it.

The cameras would send a remote signal to the unit I had installed at my own house, so I could watch her without being detected.

Before leaving her house I made sure the back door was locked. I left through the front door, saying I would see her at the office on Monday, in case anyone saw me leaving. But there was no-one around.

I drove home and checked the cameras. All four were working fine. I had good views of every room, allowing her nowhere to hide. I could enlarge the picture from any room I wished, so I could get a clear view of what she was up to.

Whatever Debbie was getting up to at home, I would have it on tape. I smiled. She would never know.

She arrived back at the office on Monday morning, earlier than I had expected her. She had solved the problem faster than I had thought she would, and had returned home on Sunday night.

Having not expected her back, I had not had the cameras running. So anything she had got up to that night, was lost to me. But I was determined to see what she did that would cause those bruises I had seen.

I waited and watched as she finally went to the toilet again, and washed her hands. The bandages were still there. Whatever she was doing, was bruising her enough to make them stay for days, if not permanently.

The more I thought about it, the more intrigued I became, and the more determined to find out what her secret was.

I went straight home from work and started the cameras by remote control. She was nowhere to be seen, so she had obviously not yet arrived home from work. But she did had Friday’s work to catch up on, so her staying at the office was not a surprise.

I sat watching the television, with on eye on the monitors, waiting patiently for her to get home. I only hoped that she didn’t finish too late, and go straight to bed and sleep.

Any fears I had in that direction, were totally unfounded. She arrived home a little after seven, and the camera watched as she walked through the front door, closing it behind her.

Now I would find out what she got up to. But what I did see, was not what I was expecting. In fact, I would never have expected it of her in a million years.

As soon as she had closed the front door, she dropped her bag to the floor and removed her coat, hanging it neatly behind the door.

To my surprise, she then began to undress. She had not walked more than three feet into the house, and she was already undressing. I watched, open mouthed, as she slid the loose jumper off over her head, revealing a very nice pair of tits. Tits I had never expected to see. I always thought she wore loose clothes to hide the fact she was flat chested, but she wasn’t. in fact, they were the best tits I had ever seen. Firm. And with dark nipples centred on them. But something else. Something shiny. I zoomed the camera in and sat back surprised.

Through each nipple was a small silver ring. In itself, that was not too surprising, except for the fact it was Debbie. Shy Debbie. Connected to each ring was  one end of a small chain, that seemed to pull her nipples towards each other. No wonder they looked form, they were held tightly by the chain.

She had worn no bra, and other than the two bandages on her wrists, she was now naked from the waist up.

I felt my hand fall to my cock, and began to stroke it. This was not what I expected, and I was already hard.

The skirt came next. I couldn’t believe my eyes as the skirt fell to the floor. Long slender legs, leading to firm thighs, and a shaven pussy. The camera zoomed in on this, and again I was taken aback by surprise.

Her pussy had been pierced in several places, and I could clearly see a chain pulling both sides of it together.

I didn’t even realise how turned on I was, until I heard myself groan, and my cock exploded in my hands.

The Debbie I was seeing now, was nothing like the Debbie I watched at work. The meek, mild, loner. She was anything but shy at home.

Undressed, she then entered the main room, and I let the camera zoom out to watch her. She moved to a set of drawers on the far wall, and pulled something out of them. At first, I couldn’t see what it was, but as she pulled one of her hands in front of her, I could clearly see the handcuffs.

This would explain the marks, but nothing in the world could ever explain the rest of what I had seen.

I saw her place one of the cuffs over her right wrist. I expected her to close it slowly, but that was not her way. With a single action, I saw the cuff slam closed, trapping her wrist. She was trying to move her fingers as best she could, but the cuff was restricting her movements a little. I knew, then, it was as tight as she could get it. No wonder she had bruises.

I expected to do the same to the other wrist, but, as yet, she left it dangling, as she moved towards her computer and turned it on.

I could see her check emails, and a couple of sites I couldn’t make out, and then she turned the computer off, and headed for the stairs. I checked my watch, and it was the same time as I had seen her go to bed when I sat outside her house.

I had no camera on the stairs, so I hoped she didn’t use the second cuff before she reached the bedroom. To my delight, as she entered her bedroom the loose cuff was still hanging from her wrist.

I don’t know if it was my imagination, but her cuffed wrist seemed darker than the other, but then, she had tightened the cuff as much as she could, so I should not have been surprised.

I watched  open mouthed as Debbie moved towards the bed. I had not looked at the bed when I had set the cameras up, but had I done so, I may have got an inkling into what she was doing behind her own closed doors.

Moving to a drawer in her dresser, she removed what looked like a large dildo. I wasn’t sure what she was going to do with this, as the camera had shown me that she had chains across her pussy, so, surely she couldn’t be putting it in there.

How wrong can a man be?

She sat on the side of the bed and opened her legs wide. Taking the dildo in her right hand, she used the fingers of her left hand to open the chains, spreading them, pulling at her pussy lips. I zoomed the camera in so I could see clearly what she was doing.

The chain seemed to pull at her pussy lips. As she stretched a hole between the links, until she was able to get the head of the dildo through it. It must have been a good ten inches long, or so I thought, and wide. I zoomed out and focused on her face, as she started to press the dildo inside herself.

Her face went through contortions of agony, as I saw her press the large dildo deeper and deeper. Surely she couldn’t get it all inside her. If she did, it would be much deeper than a man’s cock would ever go.

I moved the camera to watch her hands, as she forced the dildo deeper. She slid it in and out, possibly to lubricate it, and then, using both hands, slammed it hard, and I watched in amazement as it went all the way in.

Almost immediately, the chains across her pussy moved back to their normal positions, trapping the dildo inside her. Unless she moved the chains again, it was not coming out.

Satisfied that it was inside her, she shuffled her hips a little and then stood up, and moved to a small drawer at the top of her drawer. At first I could not see what she had removed from it, but it soon became clear, as she dangled what looked like clamps in her fingers.

The clamps were joined by a piece of chain, much like the chain that linked her two nipples together, but slightly longer,

I watched the silent movie as she moved one of the clamps to her left nipple, teasing her nipple to stand, and then closing the clamp around it. I saw her grimace in pain as the clamp closed, but she made no attempt to remove it, but grabbed the other clamp and did the same to her right nipple.

I could only imagine the pain she was feeling, as the clamps bit deep into her nipples.

Now, she moved and lay on the bed. Laying on her back, her legs were wide open, as she leant forwards and pulled what looked like cuffs from under the base of the mattress. Each was fixed to the bottom corner, and I watched as she placed her left leg close to the cuff. Even before she placed the cuff around her ankle, I could see what she was going to do. Once in place, her legs would be held wide open, and she would not be able to close them.

Within minutes, she had done just that. And now she pulled leather straps from under the mattress, about a third the way up from the bed. These. She fastened around her upper thighs, forcing her legs even wider. How she would sleep like this, I had no idea. It looked extremely uncomfortable. But maybe that was what she wanted..

Only when both legs were fastened, did she lay back on the bed. There was no sheet covering her, as she lay naked and exposed. I saw her move her hands towards the top of the bed, and I watched as she fingered a key that was hanging close to the centre of the head board.. there was also a metal hook fastened in the headboard, and I watched as she fed the loose end of the cuff through the hook, and lifted her free hand.

If she closed the cuff around her wrist, she would be unable to release herself until she could get hold of the key. At first, I thought the key was in an easy position to find, but as I saw her start to close the cuff, I could see that only by stretching her hand as far as she could, would she reach it. Half an inch further, and she would be stuck as she was, until someone found her.

I had not known what to expect when I had set the cameras up, but certainly not what I was seeing. I had already cum three times myself, and I wished I had been with her, and cum on her.

I just couldn’t take my eyes off the screen, as she lay there, helpless, and as if waiting to be claimed. Maybe, just maybe, I could find a way to be there one night, and take advantage of her. She would not be able to tell the police, without telling them that she had first chained herself to the bed.

The next few days at the office I could hardly take my eyes off her. She wore the same loose clothes she always wore, but, unlike everyone else, I now knew what they concealed.

I hoped she would do something that would pull the loose tope tight across her tits, but it never happened, I waited for her to go to the toilet, but I could not change the angle of the camera, and it still only caught her wrists, and the bandages she now wore every day to cover the bruises the cuffs had caused her.

I was day dreaming about catching her alone, and telling her I knew her secret. But I knew that it would be disastrous. If she knew, she could easily leave the job, and I knew she would have no problem finding a better one. I could only ever give her a good reference.

Slowly, my plan was put together. This would cost me an arm and a leg to pull off, but it had to be worth it.

I looked on the internet for people like her, and it took some finding. But when I did, it opened a whole new world to me.

Apparently, she could be classed as a masochist. Someone who enjoys being in pain, actually gets turned on by it. It didn’t have to be agonising pain, sometimes just uncomfortable. But from what I had seen through the hidden camera, Debbie enjoyed being more than uncomfortable. She liked some pain.

Then I found a site that dealt with self bondage, and this opened my eyes even wider.

Women both spoke about, wrote about, and showed pictures of themselves putting themselves into bondage. I had never known anything like this existed.

There was a story by a woman called DC, who explained how she loved being tied up, but could never find anyone to do it for her. She said she had resorted to doing self bondage, but had, over time, taken it further and further, and now couldn’t live without it.

I wondered if DC was Debbie.  Her surname didn’t begin with a C, but that could have been made up. I was intrigued, and using a made up email account, I registered with the site, and asked DC what she did to fulfil her need for self bondage.

I didn’t really expect an answer, and by the time I left the office, none had been forthcoming.

It was three nights later when I finally got a reply.

?I have resorted to extreme self bondage, which leaves me so that I cannot get free without a struggle. I find this is the only way I can fill my needs. If I can get out of it easily, or quickly, it does not turn me on as much?

Extreme self bondage? Not too easy to get out of?

I was sure that DC was Debbie. Convinced. But I needed to know for sure.

I wrote back asking for more details, not really expecting her to tell me.

Again, it took three days to get the answer, and the description she gave, fitted exactly what Debbie was doing every night in her home.

I still had the cameras in place, and every night was the same. How she slept, I have no idea. But every night she was chained and cuffed to the bed.

And now, I knew it was her. And I wanted more. I wanted to see her, in person, when she could not escape me. Though I had no idea what I would do once I got there.

I knew I couldn’t just barge in one night, catch her restrained, and take her. Nor could I suggest that I would tie her up. Once she knew who I really was, the chance would go.

There had to be a way to get to her.

I wrote back to her suggesting that, to make the bondage that little harder to get out of, she should try sleeping with a hood on, unable to see the key, having to resort to finding it in the dark. I wasn’t sure she would think this a good idea. But I hoped she would. I would know, before she wrote back, if she had tried it. The camera would tell me that.

At the same time I contacted my nephew again and asked if he would be able to get back in the house, grab the key that was always in the back door, copy it, and return it, without anyone knowing.

As usual, he said he could do it if the price was right.

Two days later he called by and dropped off a set of keys for me.

?That’s the front and back door? he said. ?She kept a spare set of keys on a hook by the front door, so I copied both for you?

He hadn’t asked why I wanted them, and as I paid him, he simply smiled, and walked away.

Now. with keys to both front and back, I could enter her house any time I wished,  but I had to wait first.

I watched her again for the next five nights, and each night was the same as before. Chained to the bed, and only just able to reach the key in the morning. If it were moved, even slightly, she would not be able to get free.

Saturday morning was the one I was looking forward to. She didn’t have to get up early, and I wanted to see how long she would stay chained. I set my alarm early, and sat, watching as she slept, still chained.

It was about eight when I saw her head move, but she made no attempts to reach the key. Instead, she began pulling at the cuffs on her wrists, as if trying to get out of them by brute force alone. She knew she couldn’t, but she still tried hard, twisting her wrists every way to try to force the cuffs off.

I guessed that this was how she got the severe bruising on her wrists.

It was almost ten when she finally stretched her fingers up and reached for the key, quickly unfastening the cuffs, and rubbing her wrists, which appeared very sore.

I knew then, that if she wore the hood, she would have no defences. But, so far, she had not done so.

Another two weeks and we continued to chat via email. Again, I suggested the hood, and she replied that she was thinking about it.

It was the next Friday night that she did try it. I was watching her, as usual, when suddenly, she produced a thick black hood, placing it over her head, after she had fastened her legs, and I saw her zip it up behind her head. It looked very tight, and I wondered if she could actually see through the material. I hoped not.

With the hood on, she was fumbling for the cuffs, and it took her much longer to get herself into position. Her hands searched for the key, not going straight for it as she normally did. This filled me with hope. She obviously couldn’t see the key, she had to search for it.

Soon, both her wrists were locked in place, and she was now stuck until she located the key in the morning. This was everything I had hoped for, and if she felt it was more extreme, and made getting free a little harder, she may adopt this idea on a regular basis. After all, she had said herself that she had gone more and more extreme in her self bondage, making life as hard for herself as she could.

For four nights I watched her, and each night, the hood was placed over her head. Each morning, the search for the key made me smile. Not once had she found it on the first attempt. And yet, still she wore the hood.

Now I could start making my plans. If she couldn’t see who I was, I was free to take advantage of her. I knew I couldn’t fuck her. First and foremost, her pussy was already filled, but secondly and more important, I would be leaving DNA in her body, and that would make things difficult.

But there were other ideas in my head, ideas she would have to endure.

I waited until Friday night to put my plan into action. I knew she would be already chained, in fact, I had sat and watched her, just to make sure she used the hood.

It was three in the morning when I parked up close to her house, walking the rest of the way, and checking no-one else was about. The streets were deserted, and I reached her front door unseen. I put the key in the lock and turned, smiling, as the door slid silently open. Seconds later I was inside, and the door closed once again. Unless she heard me, she would still be chained to the bed.

I knew the layout of the downstairs by heart, having seen it on the monitors so many times. It was easy to miss the small table close to the bottom of the stairs.

The stairs themselves were covered in thick carpet, and as I slowly crept up them, there was no sound. I had taken my shoes off at the bottom, to make even less sound.

The light in her bedroom was, as usual, still on, throwing a sliver of light onto the landing where I stood and listened. I was waiting to see if I could hear the rattle of chains, a sign that she was awake. But there was nothing.

Slowly, I crept towards her door, and inched it open. There she was. Naked, bound, hooded, and helpless. She made no movement as I moved towards the bed. In a few minutes, it would make no difference, as I stood looking down at her, my fingers already on the release key.

Without a word, I slipped the key off the hook and placed it in my pocket. No matter what happened now, she could not get free. I smiled and touched her, grabbing the chain linking the two nipple clamps together.

As I pulled it harshly, she awoke, and I heard a muffled scream. She had followed another one of my suggestions, but I had missed it. Under the hood she now wore a large gag, reducing any sound she made.

Again I pulled at the chain, watching her squirm, trying to find the key with her fingers, the gag soaking up much of the noise she was making.

I had always been good at mimicking other accents, and I chose a Scottish one for her.

?Hello lassie? I whispered. ?I am so glad you decided to follow my instructions and get the hood and gag.?

I saw her turn her head, as if trying to see who I was, but I knew she couldn’t.

?The key, lassie, is in my pocket. If you want it, then you have to play nicely?

I still wasn’t sure what I was going to do with her, but I had a few ideas. I knew from the way she fought the cuffs every morning, that she did like some pain, and the clamps on her nipples seconded that view.

?I am going to be your new Master, lassie? I whispered, keeping the accent going. ? From now on, you take instructions from me?

I had read this on the internet somewhere, and I thought it may be a starting block for me. Not that I knew what a master did, but I had a good idea.

To encourage Debbie to agree, I pulled again at the nipple chain, grinning as the teeth of the clamps bite deeply into her nipples. Only then dis I take a look at the piercings already there.

The rings seem to pass through the nipple themselves, not behind as most piercings do. This is why she is able to put the clamps behind the nipples, and add pressure to them. Not as much as I was adding though.

Just to avoid any further pain, I think, I saw Debbie’s head nod once. I was sure she didn’t mean it, but she had little choice at that time.

I placed a hand on her stomach, and smiled as she flinched, trying to get away from it, but there was nowhere for her to go. Slowly, deliberately, I slid my hand down her stomach, making it clear where I was heading. I grinned as she tried to get her legs closed, but the straps and the ankle cuffs made it an impossible task for her, as my fingers found her pussy.

I was very surprised to find it wet. I would have thought the fear would have had the opposite effect. I slid one finger between the chains across her pussy, and could feel the end of the vibrator buried inside her. I had no intention of removing it. She had wanted it in there, and she could keep it.

I pressed my finger hard on the end, feeling it slide a little deeper into her, and heard her groan through the gag. I didn’t know if it was excitement, or pain, and it didn’t matter. All that mattered was that she could do nothing to resist me.

I released the chain connecting her clamps, though made no effort to remove the clamps themselves.

?Do you know who I am?? I asked, keeping the accent up.

She took a few seconds to make her mind up, and then slowly shook her head.

?Good? I said. Trying to keep myself calm. ?The hood suits you. Has it made getting free harder??

Again, a slight delay, and then a nod of the head. The gag was an addition I had mentioned, not sure whether or not she would take me up on it. Having done so, she had made sure we would not be disturbed by any light sleeping neighbours.

?Over the next few weeks I shall give you instructions. You will carry them out. Is this understood??

She made no movement. I guessed she wasn’t sure what to think. I wasn’t even sure she would chain herself up after this, but I wasn’t going to rape her. All I wanted was to frighten her, and actually make her want more.

I pulled the nipple chain again, and repeated myself. This time, there was a definite nod of the head.

?If you do as you are told, lassie, then you will see me again, or not see me if you are wearing the hood. If you do not obey, then you will never see me, ever. Is this understood??

This time there was no need to pull the chain. The head moved almost immediately. I didn’t know if that meant she would do as she was told, or whether she was going to disobey just to stop me coming back.

I had done enough for one night, and I was about to leave when I remembered the key.

?Lassie? I said, as I put my hand in my pocket and took it out. ?You have a choice. I can put the key in your hand, and you can release yourself immediately, or I can put the key back where it was, and make you fumble for it. The choice is yours. Nod once if you want the key in your hand, nod twice if you want it back on the hook?

I stood wand watched as she lay still, as if trying to decide.

For a few minutes, nothing, and then, two definite nods of the head. She knew that by the time she found the key, and released herself, I would be gone. There was no doubt about that. Her only hope of seeing me would have been to have the key in her hand, get herself free, and get the hood off before I could get away from the house.

She didn’t want to see me. Not yet at any rate.

I placed the key back on the hook. And told her I would be in contact by email in the morning. I also told her she was to answer my emails a lot faster than she had done in the past. Again, I saw her nod, before I turned away from her and headed for the door.

I stood, silent, just outside the door, waiting to see if she would make an effort to get the key, but there was no such move. She had been given a choice, and she had made her decision. Whether she would still be chained to the bed when I got home, remained to be seen.

I sent her an email with an instant messaging site on it, and told her to register on it and add me to her list as soon as she read the email. Then I sat and watched her through the camera.

She had made no attempt to get free of the chains, and it was now gone seven in the morning, at least two hours since I had left her alone again. I smiled as I watched her. She would never know it was me, and she would be working close enough to be able to touch me.

It was gone eight when I saw her hands fumble around looking for the key. Even when she had it in her hands, she did not rush to get free. Though her hands were free, she had not removed the hood. Instead, I saw her grab hold of the same chain I had pulled, and she started to pull it, forcing it to bite into her nipples.

I saw her hips begin to move, and I guessed she was using the pain to get herself an orgasm. Perhaps I should have taken note of that when I was there.

Hr hips moved as best they could, and I could only imagine that the dildo in her pussy was working well, as her chest heaved, her head was flung from side to side, and I saw her give a hard yank on the chain, as she flung her head back and lay still.

Only after a few minutes, when her breathing had returned to normal, did she finally remove the clamps, and then the hood. Her face was flushed, and she seemed at peace with herself. She was in no hurry to release herself from the bed, taking her time, and, to my surprise, she had left the dildo in her pussy as she walked out of the room, still naked.

Moments later she came into view in the living room camera. She immediately moved towards her computer and turned it on. Within three minutes I saw she had registered with the site I had sent her to, and had added my name to her friends list.

I immediately sent her a message, telling her I was pleased that she had obeyed.

?Master? she replied. ?I always obey?

I smiled as I read that.

?Do you work?? I typed in.

?Yes, Master. I work?.

?Then from now on you do so without underwear, unless you are due on?

?Yes Master. I will inform you when I am due on in future?.

I know there was no real way I could check she was or wasn’t wearing any underwear in the office, nor could I ask her to prove it before leaving home, without giving away the fact her home was filled with secret cameras. I would simply have to trust her to be honest.

?Did you enjoy my visit last night?? I asked.

?Master. Your visit frightened me at first, but then it made me excited. When you told me you were my new Master, I wanted to see you, but in another way, it is nice to obey you, and not know you. Will you be visiting again??

She hadn’t even asked how I had gained entry, but only that my being there had turned her on.

?If I want to do? I replied

?Thank you Master. I look forwards to that time?

This was easier than I had thought it would be. Not only did she not question me being there last night, she had just given me an open invitation to return whenever I wanted to do. And I would always know in advance that she was helpless and chained up. Unless I removed the hood for her, she would never see my face. That would make things easier for me in the office. All I had to do was remember to keep up the Scottish accent when I was with her.

I told her, as if I didn’t know she still had it inside her, that I wanted her to put the dildo back in, and leave it there for eight hours. She responded by telling me that it had not yet been removed, and that it had already been in over eight hours.

?The eight hours starts now, lassie? I told her.

I could see she wasn’t happy about this, but she replied that she would obey. She didn’t know that I would see if she didn’t. I checked the clock, ten fifteen. It had to stay in until six fifteen that night. Wherever she went, if she went shopping, it would have to remain where it was.

I already guessed that by then, she would be sore, but it wasn’t to make her sore that I was doing it. I wanted to see how obedient she was.

I would allow her to rest on Sunday, so she would be fresh for work the next day, as she had a big job on. Not that she would rest. I could find no legitimate reason for telling her not to chain herself up on Sunday night. And besides, according to our previous conversations, this was the only way she could sleep. Restrained.

This was going to be a strange day, but even then I wondered how long it would last, before she actually asked to see my face.

I told her I had things to do, which was no lie, and that she could go shopping if she needed to do. Then, without waiting for an answer, I closed my computer down, and sat watching her through the camera.

As soon as I had ended the conversation, she had closed her own computer down. At least I knew she wasn’t talking to anyone else. I would, of course, be back on line by six fifteen. I was already pretty sure that she would ask before removing the dildo.

I had to go into the office as I had a job to finish, and I took one of my small cameras with me. I decided to place it in her small office, so it would record anything it saw. I wouldn’t be able to watch her while we were both at the office, in case she, or someone else, saw what I was doing. The camera would record her, and I could watch later when I got home.

It was only as I was working that it dawned on me that she had not asked how I knew who she was, and where she lived. I should have been suspicious, but to be honest I was feeling too good about what was happening to think about that.

I couldn’t very well tell her that she had given me her name and address. A quick look at her chat logs would soon reveal I was lying. I could only let it lie and see what happened. At the moment, it looked as if I had the upper hand, and she was simply taking things as they came. Regardless of where they came from.

At work all week I had to force myself to not watch Debbie as she worked feverishly on her tasks. It felt strange knowing that she was working only a few feet away from me, with no underwear on, and at my own behest, though she didn’t know this.

There was something different about her, and it took me until Wednesday to realise that her hair style had changed.

Normally she let it fall loose, but this week she had started pulling the sides back behind her ears. It wasn’t a huge difference, but the shape of her face became more apparent. As did the thin choker she had started wearing around her neck.

It seemed to be made of leather, and with a small metal padlock hanging from the front. Nothing too elaborate, but it was something I had never seen her wear before.

I remarked that the new necklace looked good, to which she simply smiled and said thanks. I couldn’t delve deeper, and nor could I as her Master mention she looked better with her hair as it was now. whenever we spoke on the internet, I had to hold back the fact that I could see her as we chatted.

On the Friday she wore jeans for the first time since I had employed her. This really was a change, and everyone noticed it. One of the men in the post room had made some comment, and I saw Debbie blush, but she made no attempt to hide herself away.

The jeans were another thing I could not ask about. How would her Master know she was wearing jeans, unless he could see her?

Every night when she got home from work, she stripped naked, and logged on the computer to see what messages I had left her. Sometimes I told her what she could eat, other times I sent her to bed with nothing.

Even though she didn’t know I could see her, I was pleased to say she always did as she was told. On the nights she was not allowed to eat, I saw her go straight from the living room to the bedroom, without a detour.

Twice I had told her to play with herself and make herself cum. On both occasions, her fingers had gone straight for her pussy, and she had obeyed.

I told her the following Sunday night that she was to sleep on the floor, behind the front door, as a door stop. This is when I thought she would disobey me, but to my surprise and pleasure, she spent the night there, and actually slept. Maybe it was because she was doing something she was told to do, and not something she chose. I don’t know.

When I asked her on the following day how she had slept, she replied that she had slept like a baby. When I asked how she could do that, when she had already said she couldn’t sleep unrestrained, she answered that the restraint was mental. Her Master had given her an instruction, and that was enough to make her feel restrained, and she had slept.

This was something new to me. Mental restraints. I had always thought restraints had to be physical. But it did open up an avenue for me to work with at a later date.

At the end of the third week she told me she needed to wear knickers for a few days, and I allowed it. I really didn’t want her making a mess in the office, though she still didn’t know her boss was also her Master.

I started to tell her what I wanted her to wear out of the house. I knew I had to go well beyond her comfort zone if I wanted her to feel both uncomfortable and controlled.

I did take into consideration the bruises that never seemed to die on her wrists, and told her to buy two leather wrist straps that would cover them. Other than that I started to get rid of the baggy clothing she always wore.

It was not always easy, knowing that whatever I chose for her, would also get her noticed in the office. There was already gossip that she had found herself a man, simply because she had started wearing jeans, and pulling her hair back. If I went too drastic too soon, then maybe she would revert to the clothing she had worn before our encounter.

I allowed her to wear a long sleeved cardigan, but underneath I started to change what she wore.

The first thing was a bra. I told her to buy one a cup size too small, as this would emphasise her tits. Not too much, but enough for people to know she actually did have them. I also instructed her to get tops a little tighter than she was used to wearing. I said nothing about fastening or opening the cardigan. I thought I would allow her to make that choice for now.

When she came into work, it was like looking at someone I had never seen before, and I wasn’t the only one to take note.

She looked taller, more assured. The cardigan was white, and though fastened half way up, it was loose around her tits. This allowed me to see that she had also done as I asked with the bra. Her tits were now noticeable, whereas before, her loose clothing had hidden her charms. The choker was still around her neck, and with her hair back in it’s new style, she was totally different from the Debbie I had sent out of town just a few weeks before.

I watched, smiling, as men in the office, who had never taken notice of her before, began to linger when delivering the mail or other things to her desk.

I was pleased with the way things were going, but at the same time, I could not get over the fact that she didn’t know it was me that was doing this to her.

I visited her twice more in her bedroom, and still she never asked how I had got into her home, or knew where she lived. I should have been worried about that, because if the roles were reversed, those would be the first things I wanted to know.

Each time I visited, I spent an hour talking to her, telling her what I expected from her submission to me. Even when I told her that I would soon want to take physical possession of her body, she nodded her head.

In the time I had employed her, I had never seen her with a man. I didn’t know if she was a virgin or not, and yet, she was agreeing with me when I told her that when I chose, I would have sex with her.

I needed time to think, and decided to book a holiday. Normally, I would go to the Alps, as I enjoyed skiing. But that would mean being out of contact with Debbie for two weeks. I decided, instead, to stay at home.

Everyone in the office knew I was going on holiday, it was never a secret. I suspected they couldn’t wait for my holidays, as it left them free reign in the office, and they could get away with doing far less work. Jackson, my assistant, was not as tough on the girls as I was.

On the day before I was due to start my holiday I got the first shock, and sign that Debbie was not as naive as I had thought. I had said I was staying home, instead of going skiing, and almost as an aside, Debbie had suggested Aviemore, in Scotland.

I know of Aviemore. It is a ski resort to which I had been several times before.

It was only that Debbie should have suggested it. I grinned at her but said nothing, and the look on her face was of innocence.

I knew her Master had a Scottish accent, but I personally didn’t.. Was she really trying to be helpful, or did she know something that I wasn’t aware of?

I drove home with my head full of thoughts. Had I done or said something that would give Debbie the idea that her boss and her Master were one and the same? I though back to everything I had said or done, but I couldn’t think of anything that could have given her this idea.

In the end, I stayed home, and watched Debbie through the cameras. Nothing changed, whatever instructions I gave her, she carried out. I half expected her to ask me how Scotland was, but there was no mention of that. However, I got the underlying feeling that, although I was controlling her, that she was somehow, in control of the relationship, as if she had pieces of the jigsaw that I had never even seen.

In the middle of my holiday I again visited Debbie in her home. She was, as she always was, chained to her bed, but I had brought something with me that I would hope to have a specific effect.

I saw her head move in my direction as I entered the room, as if she was looking for me. The hood was in place, so I knew she couldn’t see me.

?Hello lassie? I said, as I walked over to the bed. ?I have a gift for you?

I saw her head turn as if trying to see what I was doing, as I took the gift out of the bag, and searched for a plug socket.

Moments later I held the Hitachi wand close to her pussy, though not yet turned on.

I flicked the switch and heard the gentle hum as it sprung to life, Debbie’s head lifting off the bed. She had guessed it was a vibrator, but I doubt she knew what to expect..

I placed the head of the wand directly over her clit, and smiled as her lower body jerked.

I moved the wand slowly up and down her pussy, and then back to her clit. Her chest was already heaving, and the wand had only been in place a few minutes. Her hips continued to grind upwards against the wand, searching for it.

The orgasm came faster than I had expected. I had heard how powerful the wand was, but even I was surprised to see it work so fast.

Her head was churning from side to side, her breathing coming fast and in short gasps, her hips off the bed, keeping contact with the head of the wand, as I heard her groan through the gag.

Even then, I held the wand in place, allowing her no respite from it’s attack. And attack it was. Helplessly chained, she could do nothing to get away from the constant vibrating, as I ran it up and down her pussy lips, before holding it hard against her exposed clit.

I thought she had stopped breathing at first, but she was simply holding her breath, as if frightened to allow herself to cum again so soon, and unable to prevent it.

With a gasp she gave in, and her whole body shook as she came again.

I moved the wand away from her, and turned it off. I watched as her whole body shook, shivered, and her hands pulled harshly at the chains, but making no attempt to reach the key that would free her.

Looking down at her, I knew I wanted that body for myself, wanted to feel the tender flesh against mine, as I drove my cock into her. But now wasn’t the right time for that. There would be other times, other opportunities.

I placed the wand on the bed between her legs. I didn’t know what this would do for her, but I had planned to leave it turned on, just touching her. She would have to suffer the constant vibrations all night, unless she reached for the key and released herself.

I picked it up again and put it back in the box. The second orgasm she had just had, had surprised me, and it had taken a lot out of her. I wasn’t sure she could handle being turned on all night, cumming when she hurt. That could happen another time.

I saw her turn her head as I moved towards the door.

?I will be back lassie?  I said, smiling at her. I could see she wanted me to stay longer, but everything in small steps for now. Later, maybe, I would stay longer, but for now, an hour at a time.

When I returned to work after the two weeks off, everyone pretended it was good to have me back, even though now they would have to get back to working properly, and taking the right breaks. No more hour and a half break times for lunch. Jackson was far too lenient, but the girls liked him.

There was a note on my desk saying the London office had an opening for a supervisor, and wanted me to recommend one. It had been announced in the internal email system, and there were already five applications waiting for me on my desk.

The obvious choice was Debbie. She was very good at her job. Her level of expertise was far greater than any of the other girls, but I didn’t want her to leave. Having her move to London would bring an end to what we had.

I went through the applications one by one. Alison, Faith, Mary, Carole and Sandra. But not one from Debbie. She had to have seen the email, and had to know the position was available. She would also know she was the logical one for me to recommend, but she had not applied for it.

This threw me a little. I knew she wasn’t the most ambitious of the girls, but the new position would have almost doubled her salary.

I waited until the end of the day, and asked her to stay behind, as I wanted to talk to her.

The other girls left at five, regardless of whether they had finished their work or not. They didn’t seem to have the same dedication that Debbie always showed.

I called her into my office and had her sit on the chair opposite me.

?Debbie? I started. ?There is a position in the other office that has come up, and yet, I don’t see an application from you. Why??

?I don’t want it, Sir?, she replied, her head slightly down, looking at the carpet between her feet.

?You are more than qualified for the job? I told her. ?It would also give you a huge boost in your salary. You are the most logical choice from this office?

?Sir? she said, looking at me. ?I have no wish to leave this office. I like what I do here. I am settled, and comfortable with my life. To move to London would be an upheaval I don’t want, and my life would change again?

I sat watching her. It looked as if there was a tear in the corner of her eye.

What happened next took me totally by surprise, and left me dumbfounded.

She got up from the chair and came to my side of the desk. Even before I could register what was happening, she fell to her knees by my own chair.

?Master, please do not send me away. I knew it was you from day one, and I am more than happy for you to be my Master, as well as my boss. Please, do not send me away?

She was now crying, and holding onto my leg tightly.

I didn’t know what to say. She had taken me completely by surprise.

?I know you thought I didn’t know, Master, but I knew who you were from the start. you were caught on cctv when you entered my house. I thought you would prefer it if I didn’t know who you were, but I cant let you send me away. Please. I beg you?

I sat looking down at her, unable to speak.

I had never given a thought to her having close circuit in her home. If this were true, she really would have known who I was all along. So why had she done nothing to stop me? Why had she not reported me to the police??

?I have done everything you have asked of me Master? she went on. ?I dress to please you, eat to please you, and I don’t want to lose you. It took so long to find someone who can do for me what you can do, and I really don’t want to go back to being without you. I will do anything, but please, do not send me away?

I placed my hand on the top of her head, as she bowed it lower, her tears running down her face freely. I had not been prepared for this, and it had taken me by surprise. I had always known that, at some stage, she would have to find out I was her Master, but I had shied away from telling her, in case she bolted and left.

But now she was on her knees, begging me not to recommend her for the position in London, and admitting that she knew all along who I really was.

?I thought the accent would have thrown you?

It was all I could think of to say, and I know it sounded stupid.

She looked up at me and I saw a smile on her lips.

?I thought the accent was cute, Master. But real Scots don’t talk like that?

So even the ascent hadn’t thrown her. Now I felt even more stupid.

?The chains. Where did they come from??

I knew this wasn’t what I should have been saying, but I really didn’t know what to say. She had thrown me completely.

?A previous Master had them put in. I can remove them if you wish, but they have been there for a few years now?

?I like them? I said. ?But they will get in the way when I take you?

There. I had said it. When, not if.

?Master? she said, having already caught what I had said. ?They will be removed when you take me. They can always go back on afterwards, when you have finished?

I knew she had heard me correctly, and I knew she had already figured out that I was not going to recommend her for the position in London. It had been the ?when? instead of ?if? that had done it.

?And how do we stop the other girls knowing I am more than your employer?? I asked.

?Master, they don’t know now, and never need to do. They know I have changed, they have said so, but they do not know who has changed me, or why. If I work the same tomorrow, no-one will know we have spoken tonight, that is the thing. Today I am the topic, tomorrow, it will be the window cleaner who shows a little too much muscle. No-one will know, Master?

She had a point, and I knew she had. If she had known all along who I was, and had hidden it from the other girls, and myself, then I could hardly argue that the others would spot anything.

I lifted her head ad lowered my own, my lips gently brushing her own lips.

?Master!? it was a sigh, as she opened her lips and kissed me deeply.

I had no idea where it would go from here. But I was sure Debbie would show me how to bring the best out in her.

I recommended Alison for the post, and she was overjoyed when she got it. She was the second best in the office, and deserved it.

As for Debbie and myself? We are about to start a long journey together. I will learn to become her Master, and she will teach me. Of that, I am sure.


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Trigger Warning: This story contains some sexual and emotional violence. This is nota healthy representation of a relationship, nor should it be something to strive for in your own life. This is a work of fiction, and the actions taken in this story are taboo for a reason. Be good to each other. School let out for the summer, leaving Kendall and Jackson with almost two months without work. They were being paid for those remaining two months but Jackson, being the kind and supportive fiance he...

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Rae Lil Black Twitter 3700 958000

You may think that you can only find the naughtiest, petite Japanese girls through JAV (Japanese Adult Video). Rae Lil Black has been in the industry for a while and quickly became a girl people recognize. This rocker, "fuck you" kind of attitude she brings to the table. A girl who looks equally as naughty as she is cute would describe Rae Lil Black to a T. Her Twitter, with one million followers, a true showing of how loved she is because of her personality and her porn. This petite Japanese...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Disparate HousewivesChapter 31 Car Problems

Georgia frowned as she approached her car. When she parked it, her SL500 had been the only car in the aisle of the mall, and she had been able to park nose-in in the first non-handicapped spot near the entrance. Now she was boxed in on three sides. In front of her were three cars, on her passenger’s side was a gigantic oversized black SUV with tinted windows, and on the driver’s side was a monstrous and dilapidated white van belonging to a local plumbing contractor. Georgia slid between the...

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It Was This or Go to PrisonChapter 4

We didn't have to rush to get ready. We had until ten o'clock to get to his house. We carried our few belongings out to the car in the only luggage we owned, plastic trash bags. I decided to take what remained of the food we stole from him back to his house. We put it in shopping bags and put it in the car. We were ready to go by nine that morning. An hour of freedom still remained. We discussed it and decided that there was no sense putting it off. There was no point in sitting there,...

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A Close Call Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 31

Doug made no effort to help the old priest; he knew that the old man was responsible for all of the religious excesses perpetrated by the locals, so that everybody would gain by the old man's death. Even if he had not originated the excesses, he was responsible for perpetuating them. The younger priest was frozen in his tracks out of fear and awe; he didn't know what to do. The old man was not dead, yet, so Doug said, "Call up two priests to take the old man to a bed. He is about to die,...

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The Life of Giving Chapter 4 Flowers and Butte

Days have gone by, maybe weeks even, and our sex drive wasn’t slowing down or even showing signs of slowing down in the future. I‘m still going regularly to church, but I don’t repent my sins. There is no sense to repent something that I don’t plan on stop doing, or if don’t feel sorry about it at all. The entire point of view when it comes to sins and sinning seems pretty different nowadays. Probably because the stuff that‘s happening right now is, well, a big fucking sin.It seems to me that...

1 year ago
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An Ordinary Couple

I was watching from the sitting room window when they arrived shortly after two o’clock that Saturday afternoon. I had put our car away and closed the garage door so they had room to park on our drive. They came in a Volkswagen Polo, about seven years old. He held the door politely while she climbed out. Laura, watching beside me, said, “They look nice enough. Ordinary people.” “That’s what they said on the phone. I’ll go to the door - we ought to offer them something to drink.” They introduced...

Straight Sex
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Jessica Nigri unfortune

Jessica had just woken up in her queen sized bed with drool going down her cheek onto the pink pillow that she was resting her head against. Her long blond hair was a mess like it always was in the morning. It was hard for her to resist just staying in bed all day but she knew that if she ever started to become too lazy it could effect her career. It took a good few minutes before she could muster the strength and will to get out from underneath her covers. She dragged herself across the room...

1 year ago
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A Second ChanceChapter 36

Amazing isn't it. We're halfway across the channel and I get a radiogram. I had to go the the radio shack to get it. Identification confirmed, the operator handed me the sheet. DAVID AUSTIN ONBOARD TWICKENHAM FERRY STOP WHO WINS FOOTBALL CHAMPIONSHIP? STOP MANY $$ DEPOSITED TO CB ACCOUNT STOP HOME SOON? STOP BUFFAT /END How the fuck did he know where I was? "Response, sir?" asked the radio operator. "Yes." He handed me a standard Western Union pad. WILLIAM BUFFAT OMAHA...

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Duped Into Being a Crossdressing Bull Part I

During my second year in college I was in between girlfriends and at the time I was greatly indulging in my crossdressing fantasies. I spent a lot of time in lingerie sections of stores buying bargain panties and bras since that is all that I could afford. The pickings were fairly slim for a big guy, so I developed a love of granny panties because those are so easy to find at a store like Walmart or Target. Craig's List and similar websites did not yet exist at this time (including Fet-Life)...

3 years ago
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PennyChapter 15

Peter said nothing to Penny the following morning but as soon as he got in to the office he rang the surgery to make an appointment for her. He had appreciated that this would take time as her medical records would be held at Gillingham. He was patient with the young woman who answered his call and managed to arrange an appointment with a female doctor for only a fortnight away, providing her medical documents had arrived. The young woman assured him that they would handle that. The...

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MayLing the Litle Chinese American part 2

Chapter 7 That night they both told Lilly how she came to him and started at his dojo. All the training that May has gone through, which was far more that what Lilly had guessed. She told May she was proud of all she had learned and that she needed to slow down a bit before she hurt herself and May agreed. It was late and they both decided to stay at Bryans since he offered them the bed. In the room May wasn't thinking and went to a droor and pulled out to nightgowns and threw one...

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Show and TellChapter 3 The Asteroids

Thursday dawned bright and, being August, quite warm. Tanya was quite grateful for the air-conditioned comforts of the limo, even if it was taking her back to durance vile. Her morning shower felt like it was weeks ago. Surprisingly, a crowd of reporters were clustered around the entrance to the Studios. Security had to clear a path for the limo through the paparazzi. Sam met Tanya and Mitch at the parking lot. "What's up with the vultures," Mitch demanded. "They're circling like...

1 year ago
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Note : This story is completely fictional! In India there is a saying, ‘Your Wife’s sister, is your half-wife.’ I am married to a girl who is from an orthodox family and has 5 sisters. My friends and relatives always pulled my leg by saying, ‘teri to itni saaliyan hai, tu to bahut kismatwala hai! (You have so many sister-in-laws, you are so very lucky!)’ I didn’t know until much later than my marriage that they were so very right. Hi! I am Arvind. I live in Raipur in a posh colony in a house...

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Playground Tales 6 An Orgy For Goddess

My friend from high school and I have a Friday tradition of going for drinks at a tiny little bar halfway between our apartments, and we try to aim to get there as early as we can. A typical Friday involves me leaving work and driving straight to Boytoy's apartment, starting the weekend off right by getting that huge cock into me. A 'quickie' with him is never a five minute frantic fuck though, no matter how little time I might say I have, he always takes his time and makes full use of a...

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Bree 10 My Wife and My Ex Fiance

by rodeotexas May 2012 This is the story of two ladies that have come to share my life, permanently, one my wife Kate, the other my ex fiance, Amber. In some areas of the story, time lines have been accelerated. PART 1 - INTRODUCTION My wife Kate is five feet nine inches, stunning dark cinnamon redhead, bright sparkling emerald green eyes, dark skin complexion, very firm high set full large breasts that has a very pronounced European up-tilt to them as befitting her...

1 year ago
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Used as a Prize

Even thought it was only 8pm the room in Stew’s house that his friends had gathered in, was dark??very dark indeed. In fact the only lighting there was a small lamp sitting in the centre of a small baize covered table that they were all sat around. Over its surface were scattered a plethora of playing cards and a pile of tokens in an untidy heap in the middle. Each man there had paid money to be able to play that wet afternoon and his cash had been converted into the plastic coins for the ease...

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My Teacher Swallowing my Cum

It was maybe about 3 months ago that I had joined a private coaching center because I was lagging a bit in studies and my parents wanted me to score well. It was their idea to send me to a coaching center so that I could get some help and perform better and after a bit of research they got me admitted to one which was quite famous for its study pattern and infrastructure. Well can you imagine that? It was a coaching center (not an institute or university) and it was famous for its...

3 years ago
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A Maiden Gamble Pt VIII

A Maiden Gamble Part VIII By Sydney Michelle Chapter Nineteen "Honey? You really O.K. with this?" Tomas glanced at his wife as they drove to the Silver Palace. "Sure? Why not?" "It's not every woman who wants her husband to get blow job. I mean it's business, but it's still personal. And how do I know less isn't going to come out of his mouth than went in?" "It's not that I want you to have a blow job, I could handle that myself, it's that Maria needs to learn how to...

2 years ago
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A Female Glory Hole

So here I am my husband and I looking for some entertainment. It was a very pleasant evening, dinner, a few drinks and a nice jazz band. We wondered about the streets peering into nightclub and other small venues. One that caught my eye seemed to be plentiful with women, it looked like the perfect place to mingle, dance and wind down an evening. I grabbed his hand and we entered inside. It was a very comfortable atmosphere. The sound of light jazz filled the room and my husband proceeded to...

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The StormChapter 18

Anita looked at herself in the mirror and was not satisfied with the picture. This getup just wasn’t right! She had politely declined Caroline’s offer to dress together again, tonight. Ever since she had walked up to the bar in that scandalous outfit, she had been perched on the edge of orgasm. Never before had she dressed or acted so provocatively among other people, not even when she and her husband took their annual private vacation, when John made sure she took along only sexy clothes...

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The Day Tucker Became His Sister Aftermath

The Day Tucker Became His Sister - Aftermath By Wolverine Six months after Peter and Dash defeated the Entity, life around Tucker's house had finally come as close to normal as it would ever be. Nothing would ever be the same as before, but no one could expect that. Tucker finally accepted the death of his father, who had died at his hands. Fear still possessed much of him though. Tucker knew that somewhere within him were a mindless slut and an agent of darkness. Whitney, or...

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My Second ChanceChapter 13 Trouble with girls

Next thing I knew it was time for the Valentine’s Dance. It is my first dance at this school, and I hadn’t been to a school dance since grade 6. I don’t know who to invite. If I ask either Dahlia or Carol, then the other girl would get jealous, I don’t want to show up alone. The week before the dance, we are sitting, having our lunch. I ask the two of them if we can talk in private when we are done eating. Usually, kids walk the hall when they want to chat. Instead, I take them to an empty...

4 years ago
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The Nutty Nurse Chapter Two

She had a month off work and he was self employed so nobody would be missing them for the next few days at least. It was now late on Sunday afternoon; they were heading north to lay low for a couple of weeks in hiding after ripping off Mr Jones, one of the drug dealers for twelve thousand pounds. They were in Kelly’s car with all her belongings as this was part of her planned trip but not Joes. He suggested that they stop at the next town to eat and buy a change of clothes for him. They...

2 years ago
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Ive waited for so long

I've been waiting for this for months. Constantly thinking about it. My fiancé, Matthew, is in the Marine Corps. He came home for a few days in July, but it's December now. He'll be home for three weeks. I get more excited every day. This is what I've been waiting for for five long months. I've missed him so much. A girl has needs, and while I'm more than happy to pleasure myself, it feels so different when it's a living and breathing man pumping into you. Especially when he's the love of your...

Straight Sex
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My Exhibitionist Straight Brother0

each other at having shot our loads simultaneously, and Jen in the bathroom, cleaning up. Dan said "bud, this is awesome! Look at my cock, bud... its still dripping wet" He held it up for me. His cock was still wet and smeared with cum and pussy juices. God I loved how it looked... half erect it was still about 7 inches, and it was still flushed after all the action he'd just had. "Sorry bud, I only have a queen size futon, we'll have to make due with sleeping together" Dan...

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A Homecoming Chapter 2

Erika came to his room as she had promised. She made it easy for Ben. Smiling, she took his hands. Ignoring the chairs opposite each other across a coffee table, Erika pulled him to the bed to sit down.She was determined to be close to Ben, brought his hands to her lips, kissed both of them, and said, “Ben, you have no idea how happy I am that we meet again after all these years. I’ve never forgotten you. I always hoped we’d meet again.”Ben looked down at Erika’s hands holding his and quietly...

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Daughters Little FriendChapter 6

Alice Murphy was ushered across to her house a few minutes later, wearing nothing except her beige dress. Her bra and panties were still lying in a useless pile on the floor of Richard Hink's bedroom, and Hink himself was only wearing his satin scarlet lounging jacket to hide his naked body from any curious neighbors who might see the five of them. The minute she was in her own house, she cried out for her daughter and was relieved to hear a small, weak voice answer plaintively from the...

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Ex MotherinLaw

My ex father in law was in hospital and I was roped into giving my ex mother in law a lift home after visiting hour (long story, don't ask). Divorce from her daughter was long and drawn out and I hadn't seen my mother in law for a couple of years. Now, I had spent years trying to have some time with her, but in the 30 years I have known her I had never managed to arrange enough time in an empty house to try my luck. With the current dark nights and an empty house to go home to, this was my...

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UnconventionalChapter 14

“Konrad ... it’s really you!” Karen leaned over and kissed me as if we had never been estranged at all. “It’s me, sis. Alive and ... well, as well as can be expected, given everything. What was our little feud about, anyway?” I asked my freckled, pale, rather pleasantly plump ginger of a sister. “You left the Lutheran Church, remember? Mom and Dad forgave you quickly, didn’t care as much, but I was a seminary student back then. Well, as you can see, I kinda left that career track and went...

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Cathy DouglasChapter 12

In the computer room, CJ was accessing the police computer in charge of traffic; he was under orders to cause as much chaos as he could. He smiled at Cynthia, "Did you ever see the Italian Job ... not the crappy remake but the original, with Michael Cane?" He asked her. She shook her head as she watched him, he smiled at her. "Well there's two great parts in that, the first is where Michael Cane says a line to his mate after they blow up a security van, the second is where they hit the...

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Christmas at the shore part 5

--------------------------------------------------------------------- I walked into the kitchen to meet whoever was supposed to be coming downstairs, and it was Kelly. She was looking through the fridge, getting some milk. She gets milk at night a lot. Probably should have thought of that tonight. “’sup.” I said. “Getting some milk.” She grunted. “Okay.” I walked out of the kitchen, and gave a thumbs up, kind of like a false alarm. I lay back down next to Lisa, but I was too tired...

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Stacy Lancaster Stacys First Swing Pt4

Helen pressed a hand against her sex as she lifted herself off Jared's softening member. Her inflamed labia were open so wide that her entire palm nestled between them. Cupping her sex as she stood, the hard-bodied older woman crossed the few feet to where Stacy lay sprawled. The pale younger woman's hand was jammed to the knuckles into her own cunt but seemed frozen there as Stacy stared at Helen. Specifically, she stared at the other woman's groin. Despite her best efforts, goo was...

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Wizards of Waverly Place Episode 3

Hi again, guys. I know a lot of you complained about the length of the last one, but no worries, the third part is longer. Now a couple of comments and PM requested some Hannah Montana or Suite life stories. Ive been thinking about it, and I want to try a Hannah Montana story, but I want some suggestions. What do you think would be good for content? Thanks, and comment. The next morning, Justin woke up with a start, not sure of where he was. But then he remembered, and shook himself awake even...

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Lifeguards Special Opportunity

From the Lifeguard 2 StoryIt was the weekend and my lifeguard stints were pretty easy to handle now as I was being blown, fucked and sucked in so many ways, so many times, that I wasn't as jumpy at the pool as I once was. Plus now, I had a bit of spring in my step and I wasn't really embarrassed to be showing some fuck muscle now and then. Seems to me the poolside hens were starting to notice the change too.After work on Saturday, my parents took me to an insurance customer of my Dad's who sold...

3 years ago
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Moving OnChapter 2

I looked up from the book on my lap to gaze out of the window as the train raced southwards through a patchwork quilt of green pasture-land and yellowing fields of waving grain, and blurred hedgerows that flashed by as if they too were speeding to some far-off destination. Rain spattered on the train window as one of the forecast rain squalls turned the summer sky an ominous black. I turned again to my book but my mind was filled with thoughts that were a far cry from George Eliot's...

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Suhara of Curses Chapter 6 Theft

A large fireball burst from the tip of the blond wizard's staff, leaving a trail of faint smoke as it burned through the air. Jaux felt herself being pulled away from the path of the fireball. As she was being pulled, a thin coat of what looked like molten glass covered her body. She wasn't sure, but it seemed to be a protection spell of some kind. However, before the fireball could reach where Jaux and Frey were just standing, it suddenly exploded in mid air. "Arg!" came a shout...

4 years ago
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The Trouble with Passion part 2

After Lucy understood what the professor had said, she couldn’t help but feel sexually aroused. She could feel her pussy getting wetter at the proposition the professor lay before her. Snapping Lucy back to reality, the professor asked her to stand up. As she did the professor pulled her closer until she was inches from the professor’s face. This time Lucy made the first move. Leaning in, Lucy laid her lips on Susan’s. Her kiss became more passionate as Susan matched its intensity. Their...

1 year ago
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My Motherrsquos Friend III 3rd Timersquos The Charm

The next day (she’d said to come back tomorrow) didn’t happen, nor did it happen the day after that. The weekend came with no opportunities for Deb and I to get together. I was pent up and frustrated and my cock was sore from beating off. The weekend was busy, so that took my mind off of Deb for a little bit, but at night I’d lay there thinking about her. This was well before the Internet revolution, so the only affordable porn I had access to was from the bargain section at the XXX...

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LimitsChapter 20

Session 29: “Truth,” my sister slurred. “ ... or dare?” It hadn’t taken long to get my sister hypothetically drunk and playing her favorite party game. A game of truth or dare that had gotten increasingly sexual. Not the dares, I should specify. No, I didn’t want to do anything that would risk my sister waking up, and so I’d kept the dares stupid - the kind of dares that you see people doing in movies all the time. Honestly, I’ve never been drunk. But Lucy has, and so her brain was able...

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Her Apple PieChapter 10 The Posse

"I can't! I keep messing up my breathing!" Leslie was close to tears. This was her baby, her song. She had written it and she wanted to sing it, but somehow she never timed her breathing right to draw out the last line of the refrain. Add to that that the idol of her teenage years was sitting under the stage, and young Leslie Cramer wanted to stomp out of the barn. "Listen, Les, why don't we try a different tempo?" Janet suggested. "It won't sound right," Leslie answered a little...

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I’ve been on the business end of my share of cocks, from short skinny little rascals that barely tickled, through average sized that served quite adequately, to a few beefy rams that were painful and threatened to split me in half. Truly, size does matter. But several factors other than cock size matter just as much for sex to be considered phenomenal. Once I experienced a synergistic event that was so phenomenal I’ll never forget it.In the summer of 2010 I met Jon, an architect who had come to...

Gay Male
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Mom shares her Daughter

I had been dating Becky for about a month, she is a dirty blonde who was thirty eight years old with double d’s, big blue eyes, curvy hips and a love of sport fucking. We spent most of our time screwing, she was such a frisky minx. But I figure when the sex cools I’ll move on.She lived in a nice house with her sixteen year old daughter whom I had never met as we spent most of our time together at my place (or more to the point in my bed). For the first time on a Friday night she invited me...

2 years ago
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No FutureChapter 74 Promised Land

Alex 2035 "My people will never be held ransom by its neighbours," said Tabitha as she sprawled beside Alex on his roomy double bed. Alex glanced towards the television that was burbling on in the background as it had been for the whole time that he and his fellow senior executive director were enjoying the pleasures of one another's luxuriant flesh and stomach bulges that was the inevitable penalty of too many business lunches. The news story was about the stand-off in the Korean...

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