Debbie free porn video

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There was this girl.

The first time I saw her at the store, she smiled at me. I notice these things. Being a lonely guy and super leery of anything wearing a skirt, I notice.

The second time, she helped me check out in the self-service lane, and I really noticed her. She was gorgeous. She was friendly. She was not wearing a ring. I made a point to thank her, letting her know I was new to this part of town, and really appreciated her help. She went so far as to say she hoped she saw me there again. Of course, I took it to mean she wanted to see me, Charlie, there again, not just see the customer sticking his credit card in the reader there again. I’m a single man. Of course, that’s how I took it.

The third time, she smiled first, then I smiled back, and when she approached, I just asked her what time she got off and if I could take her to dinner.

“Diving right in, are we?”

“Yes, I guess I we are. I’m not good at this, Debbie. I never have been anyway.”

“You’re doing fine now, ummm. I have a nametag, sir. You don’t.”

“Charlie. Just call me Charlie, for now.”

“OK, Charlie. You’re doing fine now. Five. I get off at five, and I’d love to. You seem like a nice guy. Wuups, I need to help that lady over there. She’s trying to put her shopper card in the credit card slot instead of scanning it. I’ll see you this evening? Here? I walk to work, so it makes sense to me if it’s OK with you.”

“Perfect sense. See you fivish.” I tried to tone my smile down, but it was hard. She said yes. Where I got the nerve to ask this doll out, I’ll never know, but it happened.

I’ve been skittish and untrusting of women since I came home a few days early from a long overseas mission and found my former fiancée in bed with another man.

Going through that memory had me almost shaking with fear. An hour until I do the same thing again. An hour until I think about letting a woman into my life. Maybe a girl would be more like it. Maybe she’ll be a better person. More honest. More ... Loyal?

I picked her up, Debbie, on the sidewalk out in front of Safeway. She was in her black shirt, skirt, and Keds. She looked just fine for a casual dinner out and I told her that. I also told her how gorgeous she was as she took her nametag off.

“Thanks, Charlie. That’s sweet. You look a bit nervous. Please don’t be. I’m just a girl. No reason to be frightened.”

My mind went back to that day. I didn’t want to, but...

My first thought was to unload my trusty forty-five into both of them, but then I thought. ‘You know, Charlie, this guy just did you a favor.’ He was shocked when I said, ‘Thank you’, and quite calmly asked him to please get dressed and leave. She was shocked when I told him to grab as much of her stuff as he could carry from the closet and take her with him. I think I was quite rude when I mentioned her life expectancy not being very long if she didn’t leave out the front door before him, but I didn’t really care at that point.

I told him I’d ship the rest, everything that she had at my place, to him when I calmed down. “Just leave your address on the table on the way out,” I told him. I never said a word to her. I didn’t hear a word she said either. It just sounded like squeaking, so I blocked it out. I never let her eyes meet with mine. I saw the tears, her tears, when I glanced at her to make sure she was getting dressed to leave, but they didn’t affect me. Mine did, my tears, naturally, but...

In any case, as soon as they pulled away, I took the sheets from the bed, fairly new, luxurious, 600 thread count Egyptian cotton sheets, out to the little picnic area and burned them in the fire ring. I toasted their demise with some American Honey and washed it down with a Coors Light.

I put her personal things into a clothes basket she brought over once with her laundry, stacked as much clothing as I could on top of it and put it on the guestroom bed. I put everything of hers I could find in there, then closed the door. I even rummaged through the fridge and dumped her wine out. The next day, with a bit of a hangover, admittedly, I took her stuff to the Fedex Office store. They found a box big enough to hold the basket and all her stuff, stuck down in the sides and on top, then mailed it to his apartment, less than two miles, and yet an eternity, away.

“Did you know him?” Debbie asked.

“Yeah. He was my copilot for a while until a year or so ago. He got promoted and got his own crew and was assigned to a new squadron a couple of months prior to ... I hadn’t spent much time with him since. We weren’t close or anything. Different lifestyles. Yeah, I knew him.”

“Jesus, Charlie, I’m sorry that happened.”

“No, Debbie, I’m sorry. I must have been thinking out loud. It’s been well over ten or so months now, and I should get over it. I’m sorry I just spent five minutes of my life, and worse yet, five minutes of your life, rehashing the worst day of my meager existence, to date, and I’ve lost an airplane out from under me. That night, the airplane thing, was a piece of cake compared to the day I walked in on them.”

“Well, it’s good to talk about things sometimes. And now I know why you’re so nervous. Don’t be. I’m not that kind of girl, at least I don’t think so. God, I hope I’m not. Talk about a failure to be a decent human being! In any case, it’s just us, and dinner, and good conversation, hopefully at least, now that that part of it is out of the way. So, Charlie, I take it you’re an airplane pilot?”

“You are a very astute young woman, Debbie. Cute and astute. That rhymes. For you to pick up on that, out of that conversation, or should I say diatribe I regurgitated, proves you know what a pilot, and as well, what an airplane is.”

She giggled and nodded. “My father was in the Air Force, Charlie. I’ve seen lots and lots of airplanes, and more than one pilot. He was a cop. Security. Whatever. He retired a few years ago and last year found some property and moved to the rolling hills of the Ozark Mountains. I stayed. I like it here. I’m taking classes part time.”

“So, you’re a brat.”

“I resemble that remark, Charlie!” She giggled. “Come. Feed me. You told me you would. At least that’s what I thought I heard.” She giggled. We pulled up into the Olive Garden parking lot and went inside. They were a bit busy but there were tables open in the bar area, so we asked for one of those.

Two hours later, still at that table, talking over a tiramisu, I had a funny feeling that Debbie was going to be around for a while. She seemed just as interested in my life as I was in hers, and we seemed to fit. Fit? Yeah, that would be a good word in this case. I felt that we fit together.

One thing she stressed was her schedule. It was rather tough. Tuesday through Thursday she had evening classes. She was off on Sundays and Mondays from the store. She was a full-time employee working straight day shifts unless some drastic problem happened with scheduling, but they never, ever, asked her to work on her school nights. Management, she said, was pro education, even providing a bit of scholarship money, helping her father with her tuition and such.

Interesting life. It was Friday night. She was working the next day.

“Debbie, would you take me to a movie tomorrow night? I’ll pay, I just want you to pick the movie, then we’ll grab a snack somewhere and talk about the cinematic arts.”

She giggled. “Sure. I’ll find something. Anything you don’t like?”

“Horror and gratuitous blood and guts. Gratuitous sex gets old after a while, too, but I can tolerate a small amount for a short while.”

Another giggle. “Define gratuitous.” I scowled at her, then smiled. “OK, so, no King and no Tarantino. Got it. I’ll take care of it.”

I drove us to her apartment, just across the street from the store. Nice little complex. I walked her to the door, she opened it and kissed me. One hand on my cheek, soft lips on mine, just a nice kiss.

“Thank you, Charlie. I had a good time tonight, and I’m looking forward to the movie, and whatever else we do, tomorrow. Please don’t be nervous. I’m not someone you should be nervous about, and as a matter of fact, it should be me that’s nervous. I’m young, inexperienced, and question my value to a man such as yourself. You are not young, you are not inexperienced, and you are both handsome and gainfully employed. If you didn’t know, those are the primary qualities a woman seeks in a man. Girls, too, in case you’re wondering.” She giggled.

She touched my face again as I smiled at her mirth. “Just to make myself clear, before I kiss you again, push you away from me, and go inside, Charlie, you’re a hunk.” She giggled again, kissed me, put her hand on my chest in some sort of caress, and stepped back into what appeared to be a really cute little studio apartment. She smiled at me as the door closed and the deadbolt locked.

“Wow,” I said to anyone listening, and there was no one, “a freaking beauty queen eligible girl just called me a hunk.” I drove back to my place, thinking how nice my life was all of a sudden.

I picked her up at five, out on the sidewalk, cute as could be. She asked me to take her over across the street and said she’d be just a second. I waited in the car as she ran up the stairs and went inside. It was many, many seconds, but not many minutes later when she came back down, in a cute T-top, cuffed short shorts, and high heeled sandals. Her legs were something else. I jumped out and went to the other side to let her back in.

“Jeez, Debbie. You’re beautiful. You’re beautiful in your work clothes. In this outfit you’re ... You’re just totally gorgeous.”

“Thank you, Charlie. I’m glad you like it. Ready?” I nodded as she got in, then I went around to the other side and as I sat, she continued. “The Citadel has a couple of good ones playing starting in about half an hour. Thank you for this, by the way.”

“My pleasure. Honestly, it is truly my pleasure.”

“I have to say, Charlie, this is about the least practical car I’ve ever seen anyone own. What is it?”

“It’s called a Cayman. It’s a cheap Porsche. I treated myself to it when I knew I’d be single for a while. I love it, but you’re right. It’s not practical. I didn’t buy it for practicality, however. I have a truck for that. We’ll use it if I can talk you into a third date.”

“Warm it up, hunk. I’m not done with you yet, if you aren’t done with me.”

“The truck it is!”

“I like this, though, don’t get me wrong. It’s fun and comfortable, and I can tell you enjoy driving it.”

“That, my dear, is a fact.” I took off from a light and ran through the gears, just up to about forty-five, the speed limit, but smiling as I did it. “Yessiree, that is a fact.” She giggled. God, she was cute.

The movie was fun, we had sodas and shared a large bucket of heavily buttered popcorn, then afterwards, we walked the mall. She took my hand just a little way into the walk and looked up at me for approval. She got it as I squeezed her fingers gently and smiled. We stopped in a couple of stores to look around, but I could tell she was window shopping only. She picked a blouse she liked off a rack, held it up to her and with her eyes asked what I thought.

“Beautiful. Simply you, and beautiful. Would you like it? I’d like you to have it.”

“No, that’s all right. It’s nice, but I’m just looking.” I took it from her to hang back up, and noted the size on the label, since she picked it out between other sizes. I would buy her that blouse. Period.

We stopped in at RadioShack where I found some inexpensive Bluetooth headsets. I’d been thinking about trying some anyway, but I needed a bag big enough for my planned purchase. My timing was perfect, because she asked me to excuse her while she went to the ladies’ and as soon as she was around the corner, I headed back in and bought the blouse, placing it, in its little bag, inside my RadioShack bag. I made it back in time so that she didn’t see me doing anything other than gazing in the window. The same store had some lingerie on mannequins in the window, so it was perfectly natural for me, a dirty old man, to be scoping out the nylon and lace. She smiled and took my hand.

We continued our walk, shared some pretzel bites and made a plan for the next weekend. Dinner and a movie after work on Saturday. She asked about the next day, Sunday, just hours away, and wanted to know if I liked sightseeing in the foothills. She asked if I’d take her up and do just that. Just walk around. She ... asked me? Of course, we could!

I took her home, up the stairs, and kissed her goodnight, with her hand on my chest, this time with her fingers moving, no question she was caressing me. Once she was inside, I got my smile on and left.

I picked her up at noon, in the truck, having to help her up. She was not a big girl, at all. She used the hand hold though, and was fine. We headed for the foothills and all the tourist traps, having a really good time. We ate a late lunch or early dinner at a really nice place there, sharing an appetizer and talking.

“Is it possible, in your mind, Charlie, for someone to become ... To feel ... Shit ... To fall in love in three days?”

“Or less? I did it just yesterday. Don’t, please, Debbie, please don’t take this wrong, but yesterday, you sort of stole my heart when you came downstairs. You were gorgeous. You are gorgeous. I added that to your kindness, your wonderful attitude, the fact that you think my Porsche is a silly toy, and put it all together, with my heart pounding, I pretty much knew. Debbie, I was engaged for months and didn’t feel like this. Yes, I think it’s possible.”

“Good. I thought I was being a silly little girl. If you feel that way, I doubt if it can be attributed to that. Maybe I’m being a silly old man.” She almost didn’t get it all out before she started laughing. I got up, went to her side of the table, leaned down and kissed her. More of Charlie and Debbie in this kiss than the goodnight kisses of the last two evenings. “Yep. I think I’m in love,” she said, smiling.

I took her home, got another really nice kiss, and told her I’d talk to her very soon.

“Please do. Are you working tomorrow?”

“Yeah. Office time. Paperwork is the scourge of the modern world.”

She giggled. “Me, too. Final edition of an essay on Gender Fluidity. Women’s studies. We have to take it to graduate, but they call it an elective. I see a problem there, but don’t really know how to handle it. I guess it’s not that bad, just a pain and a form of blackmail, in my eyes. Not the gender thing. That’s interesting. The women’s studies thing. It’s a rip off. They could just write ‘housewives are stupid slaves’ on the chalk board, tell everyone to write a hundred words agreeing with it for credit or disagree with it for a failure, and be done with it.”

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A Special Visitor

I walk back to the other room, opening the front door, which has a clear view right into your dining room. I grab the bag i dropped and walk slowly back toward you, fear showing on your eyes, but i know that anticipation is lurking right behind that fear. i open the bag and pull out a knive and cut your robe up the back, and down the sleeves, pulling it off of you leaving you completely naked, a breeze from the door putting goose bumps on your naked body. I put the knife aside and pull out a...

2 years ago
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Helen the End

Helen, the End It had been another month since Pete's over night. Ron and Kirby were waiting for Helen to show up with lunch. Kirby had told Ron that he was so addicted to Helen not simply for sex, but everything about her. Ron replied that “you're in love with her and you should tell her”. Kirby asked him was he sure? He replied, that he told her all the time. Helen drove up and they ran to her, each kissing her. Ron winked at her saying, “Kirby wants to tell you something”. She smiled saying...

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Construction SeductionChapter 7

It was on a Friday evening at Ricky’s bar on the last Friday of May. The five McClain Construction men were all seated at their usual places at the bar talking about Ashley coming back to work during summer vacation from college. Looking forward to working with her for another summer Greg Sandler said, “Can you guys believe what a beautiful girl Ash has become?” Darren Doyle, Skip Furman, Nick DiAngeli, and Sam Glickman all shook their heads in agreement. The night they spent with her after...

4 years ago
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A Turned on Ministers Wife Going All The Way

  For the first time in my life, I was really looking forward to going to church. My encounter with Bob and Sally had given worshiping a whole new meaning for me. For the first time in my life, I had experienced a taste of heaven while sitting in church. Just thinking about what Bob had done with Sally and me while my husband preached fire and brimstone from the pulpit had me insatiably horny all week. All I could think about all week was how much I wanted to feel his touches again. All I could...

3 years ago
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SilMil 8211 The Extended Family

Hi friends, this is a story about how I went on to marry two sisters and live with both of them under one single roof. All this did not happen overnight, and it took about 8 years for all of this to happen. Am Kiran, 30 yrs of age and married to 2 sisters Anusha and Harini. Anusha is younger and was my first wife. I met Anusha at our office. She was in the same team as I was and was 2 years younger to me. I liked Anusha the day I saw her. But I wasn’t sure to take it to the next level and have...

2 years ago
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Strange RelationshipsChapter 35 Seeing to Biancas Welfare and Louises Makeover

"What are y'all doin' tonight?" Draper asked Nate. "I'm gonna go see Mama after school, but no big plans after that. Probably be a good idea to take Nora somewhere," Nate muttered. "Probly, bein' it's Friday night. Wanna double? Last weekend was a kick..." "Sounds good. I'll talk to Nora," Nate agreed. "Cool. If 'Nisha gets grabby an' goes diggin' in my fly, won't be no uproar if we're with y'all," Draper chuckled. "You make it sound like you're sufferin'..."...

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Tobias departed from Meg’s little cottage at a more advanced hour than he had anticipated, leaving the luscious Betty sated (at least temporarily) and still a-bed. Aware of the approaching dusk, he hurried towards the main thoroughfare of the town, hastily tucking in his shirttails as he went. Thankfully he met no one he knew who might question why a vicar from another parish might be loitering so late about the street en deshabille.As he reached the coaching inn, he was fortunate enough to...

1 year ago
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Miner Dad

I had , had it. I tossed my smoke and signaled for the skip to makeits journey 900' underground to get me the hell outta here. The only thingon my mind was getting the fuck out of this place for the day and an IceCold beer in the comfort of my kitchen I entered the skip and as it made its journey to the surface of theearth , dressed in my miner gear , my body was covered with another coat offresh perspiration. This time from the heat of the day. I exited the skipand walked to the office...

3 years ago
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Dare with the Ex

The six of us were there, myself, Jessica, Max, Drew, Ashley and Mimi. We played a bunch of drinking games and were all pretty buzzed when max said, anyone interested in a little Truth or Dare? We all agreed, Jessica looked at me and said no matter what the dare is we have to agreed to do it, I not wanted to back down or seem scared said no matter what. The tension in the room was obvious, we started with the BS dares, ring the neighbor’s door and run, eat the year-old candy bar, little...

3 years ago
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Dirty Little Me

Rushing around all day, it seemed like this was starting become a ritual for my Fridays but this particular Friday I would never forget!  Waking up late as usual I flew out the the door as fast as I could, not giving any thought to what I had done the night before. As usual my boss wasn’t too pleased but I never really minded his attitude because everything he lacked in personality he made up for in looks. Luckily the dirty thoughts I had of dressing up like a sissy little girl for him kept my...

2 years ago
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Office Souvenirs Part 1

Company meetings were so boring, so It was a good thing whenthe boss let them out for a short interval, and Alana made a line for the bathroom on the floor below. The floor that Liza worked on. Her co-worker always stayed late, she was a team leader for the marketing section, bossing around a bunch of nasty dudes that wanted nothing more than to stare lewdly at her tight ass and fantasize about fucking it. At the thought of Liza’s ass… and, oh god, Liza’s pussy, Alana’s knees gave a weak...

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Law of the Raw V lsquoThey take what they wantrsquo By

Law of the Raw V (‘They take what they want’) By Cy. BlackThe pretty velvety soft bronze-skinned lady sat with her legs crossed in a well-lighted room. The brilliant sunlight bathed the nearly barren room which displayed beautiful scenic pictures of golden shores, turquoise water, and azure skies. She calmly adjusted her yellowish gold, open-toe slingback 3’ heels. Her slender ankles expanded gradually to her shapely calves, thighs, slim waist, which expanded upwardly to a pair of well-rounded,...

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Shall we join the "My Porn Club"? Ever wanted to browse a porn site with amazing torrents with premium porn rips while also feeling like you’re some super edgy hacker? No? Well too bad, cause that’s exactly the feeling you’ll be getting on I’m not even talking about this in a bad light, I just love the way this place makes me feel the moment I open up their homepage. It’s all so dark, as you’d expect with any work that you might be doing with a terminal or anything similar. Even...

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Romance Most Wet

It was a setting where he really should have known better, but nonetheless the prince insisted in generally referring to peasant women as baggage when he was out on his carriage rides.It was only a matter of time before one turned out to be a witch.After she’d cast her spell, with the usual ‘return to original form upon a kiss by a princess’ proviso, she vanished in a puff of smoke. The coachman dutifully returned to the palace.The king and queen stared at the frog sitting on the royal...

3 years ago
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Maid And I Turn Into Sex Maniacs

Hi this is my first post in this website. I have never written before about my maid who ended up turning me into a sex maniac. I hope everybody enjoys reading this, specially the ladies. It all started when I was 18 and I had completed my studies in Delhi for 12th and had returned home to spend a few years relaxing and helping dad. The day I arrived I saw our maid Roopa and was left speechless. She looked to be in her forties but did not look old. In fact there was something alive in her which...

3 years ago
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highschool powers

You just had a rough day and decided to go to bed early. You were dreaming about Eva giving you a blowjob when suddenly you were woken up by a loud bang. You wake up in your apartment only to realize that something is off. Where as once you would wake up to your ceiling fan spinning around and your alarm clock going off this time there was nothing... It was quiet in your room. And then it hit you, time has stopped around you. You think to yourself how in the world did this happen. After...

1 year ago
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TouchMyWife Leana Lovings Older Man Fantasy

My innocent young wife Leana is perfect. Petite, perky tits & a great ass! She is super shy and so when I prodded her for her sexual fantasy I was pretty surprised when she started talking about me watching her fuck another guy. And an older one in particular. Well that escalated quickly! You’d never guess she’s so perverted to look at her, but all dolled up in lingerie & glasses she does make a fine specimen. She was totally nervous when Rich, the older stud, walked in. She...

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Big Game Hunting in AlabamaChapter 9

We must have been the good luck charm because two weeks later we got a call from Mrs. Roberts that the other two sibling-pairs had been spoken for. Therefore, she wanted to know if we would like to keep Jim and Mary. It only took a short conversation for Jo and me to decide on the adoption. Jo called Mrs. Roberts and set up the final meeting to get some more paperwork done. At that time, the kids would come home with us and the court date would be finalized. Jo and I could hardly wait! The...

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First time with a Daddy bear

We chatted back and forth on for a few minutes. This was to be my first online cruising hookup, and I was unfamiliar with the protocol. I was afraid to come right out and say, “I just want to suck your cock, man”. I don’t know why I was afraid; after all, Squirt is a gay cruising site! Anyway, after a few minutes of asking each other what we were into, I got up the nerve to type: When and where? We exchanged phone numbers.His name was Bill, and he was a sexy older bearish daddy...

2 years ago
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That Time Of the Month

If you find sexual activity surrounding a woman’s menstrual flow offensive please do not read any further as it is not my desire to offend anyone.Carol is one sexy hot bitch. We had been only dating two weeks when we had a night I will never forget. She stands 5’ 4” and weighs about 135 pounds with very large jugs and a ass that is perfectly big and round.She already knew that I was into some kinky stuff as on our first date I sucked her toes through her pantyhose. As that did not scare her...

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The Changes Magic Can Bring Part 7

"The Changes Magic Can Bring; Part 7" By SuppositionLife Synopsis: Cammie's evolution into the woman who she is destined to become continues as her role in the community of Windy Rock, NC solidifies. She also learns a little more of purpose that the Witches and Warlocks serve. (Thanks for the great reviews and help!) I only have 45 minutes to finish my makeup, get my shoes on and get to the cafe, to meet with the staff. This Rose Pink lip liner goes real good with my new skin tone....

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More Love to ComeChapter 2

Smells of sulfur and grease mixed together as Tim Huntley lit his cigarette. The chef scraped the grill, leaving Tim's barbecued beef sizzling, an isolated heap in the center of the grill. It deserves to be alone, Tim thought, who else would want to eat in this dive? Tim had been eating in greasy diners, and hating it, for as long as he could remember, ever since the night he and his cousin, both thirteen years old, had stolen all those carburetors. It had been Tim's first arrest, he still...

4 years ago
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Bestfriend Experience Pt 1

I've never been with a guy.I'm a regular college student with a healthy sexual relationship with females. I was invited out by my best friend (Aaron), his girlfriend (Sarah), and her girlfriends on a Saturday night which is nothing out of the norm. We all out went out to popular spot in the city and got pretty wasted. Aaron was pretty drunk but wanted to make sure that Sarah got home safely. Sarah asked me if they could stay at my place as they had done on previous occasions. Sarah and Aaron...

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An Amazing Experience

I would like to relate one of the most amazing and fantastic incidences of my life. I can’t speak for anybody else, but as far as I’m concerned, nothing in my wildest fantasies would ever have come close to what I’m about to tell you. Before I begin, it would help to know that my life at the time of my story, was in a somewhat state of recovery. At the time I was in my early forties and by necessity, was working at a Safeway, a small local grocery store around the corner from my flat on...

1 year ago
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Late Evenings Parts 12 13

Part 12 Our weekend passed rather quickly because the kids had one sport or another the whole damn time. We didnt go out on either Friday or Saturday night, which was the standard routine for us anyway. The work week didnt start off much better as we were all kind of busy. On Monday, Mica came to watch the kids, but Judy wasnt home because she had to pick up our daughter from school and take her directly to her piano lesson across town. I had meetings all day, and I barely got home in time to...

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Dont Sleep on the Subway Book ThreeChapter 32 Nov 1942 US Invasion of North Africa

“A man must know his destiny ... if he does not recognize it, then he is lost. By this I mean, once, twice, or at the very most, three times, fate will reach out and tap a man on the shoulder ... if he has the imagination, he will turn around and fate will point out to him what fork in the road he should take, if he has the guts, he will take it.” ― George S. Patton Jr. In the closing days of 1942, the United States was faced with a decision as to where to begin hostilities against the...

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A Night In The Jungle With My Future FatherInLaw 8211 Part 1

Well to start of I recently got married a year back and the following event dates back 6 months prior to the day of my marriage. I’m Arjun and I stay in Mumbai, 27 years of age, smart and rugged. I’d weigh around 75kgs and would be around 5’9 in height. Me and my fiancé had been dating for around 4 years and it was time to meet the families to take the relation forward. She had met my dad a week prior and it was my turn to meet her dad. So we set up to meet on a Saturday morning over coffee,...

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