Pam And Me The Next Day
- 4 years ago
- 37
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It was his lucky day. His ex-wife, sitting at the bar, looked ravishing. She was obviously alone. OK, she didn’t want to talk, but that was only superficial. Surely? Everyone knows that women say “No” when they really mean “Yes”. He had to hand it to her, that shuddering act she was doing looked quite convincing. The way she looked sitting there at the bar he would love to give her the shag of her life. Even a quickie for old-times’ sake would be good. He turned to catch her wrist but was stopped in his tracks by a voice that cut through his alcohol haze with just two mono-syllabic words.
“Do one!”
He turned. The moment he saw the man at his side he realised those two words were non-negotiable. He slunk away and out of the hotel. Judy’s eyes were closed and she was shaking as she sat on the bar stool. “You OK?” Judy’s eyes remained closed. She nodded, and a muffled grunt escaped her lips, followed by a very quiet “I just need a cuddle.” Hal did not hesitate. He took her arm by the elbow in his huge hand and helped her off the bar stool. He guided her towards the hotel reception and then into the lift. He propelled her from the lift along the corridor, and stopped at the door to his room. With the plastic card he swiped the lock and opened the door, led her inside, and quietly closed the door behind them. Her eyes had remained tight-shut throughout. He pressed the button beside the head board, and the curtains glided across the window to shut out the light. He carefully slipped the jacket of her business suit from her shoulders, and hung it neatly on the chair beside the bed. He scooped her up in his powerful arms and deposited her gently on the bed. He slipped the kitten heel shoes from her feet, and gently laid her back on the covers. Next he kicked off his own shoes and socks and lay down beside her, wrapping strong arms around her and drawing her close to him. She was sobbing intensely and silently. There were no tears, just the convulsions of her body told him how upset she was. He held her firmly against his own body. He lay still but was enjoying the warmth of her breasts through her blouse pressed against him. Very slowly the sobbing subsided until there was the occasional shake of her body against him. He now let the palm of his hand caress her back. He smoothed her shoulders, over her shoulder blades, down to the small of her back and then back upwards. Little by little her body started to relax beneath his hand. He continued the soothing movements, but now he added his other hand to the motion and was pleased to feel her body draw a little closer to his warmth. “Your clothes are going to be really crumpled”. He spoke gently with a voice that made Judy think for some reason of walnuts and honey. She offered no resistance as she felt his fingers loosen the two buttons at her waistband, draw down the zip of her suit trousers at the side, and then slide her trousers down her legs and over her feet. Once again he carefully folded them and placed them on the bedside chair. There was no resistance from her as his fingers carefully unbuttoned her blouse and took that off to be laid over the trousers. The waft of her fragrance as he did so gave him a frisson which he felt deep within his loins. He returned to the bed and smiled as she snuggled in to him. His fingers traced gentle patterns over her back and her waist, just occasionally straying to glide over the smooth fabric of her bikini briefs. Her body was now still and he judged she was able to talk again. “Who was that guy?” he asked in that same rich voice. “Used to be my husband, and…” her voice choked as she started to sob again. “It’s all right.” He drew her closer still to him and held her firmly once more. His hand was now against her bottom, pressing her towards him. He felt her begin to relax against him once more as her sobbing gave way. Did he dare? Of course he dared. He allowed his fingers to slip beneath the cotton of her panties and glide along the soft firm flesh of her cheeks. Good girl – she hadn’t forced his hand away. He followed his instincts and slid the covering down over her thighs, down her legs and ankles and over her feet. The testosterone within him also told him to unclasp and remove her bra. He obeyed that inner voice, and felt her breasts tumble from their cups. His fingers brushed her nipples. Nice and plump, not overly long, but responsive to his touch. They hardened beneath his fingers and stood erect. How delicious she both felt and smelled against him. His fingers wandered over her body at will, and with each passing moment her body sank into a deeper state of relaxation. Now his fingers were brushing the insides of her thighs and to his joy he felt them yielding beneath his touch, parting to allow his hands between and beyond. He discovered the hair of her pussy, trimmed to a heart shape. He spread her outer lips with his finger tips and was surprised to feel how moist she was. His fingers explored her wetness until they coaxed squelching sounds from her. The tip of one finger drifted upwards to her clitoris and gently rubbed her with a circular motion. Her breathing grew heavier and she pressed herself ever more closely. Her body tensed briefly and he was rewarded with a clitoral orgasm beneath his finger. He couldn’t prevent himself from tasting the juice of her orgasm on his fingers. Sweet, and scented with her body fragrance. Again he felt that stirring within his loins, but now a degree of urgency had been added that made him slip from his shirt and trousers, leaving just his boxers. He returned to lay beside her. She snuggled up against him and he felt her press against the hardness in his pants. Involuntarily her hand moved downwards to explore the mound. “Don’t go starting something you can’t finish” he murmured playfully. She paused for the briefest of moments, and then her hand found its way inside his boxers. He heard a sharp intake of breath as her fingers discovered his dick. He eased himself from his underwear as she clasped the shaft of his dick with both her hands. They were small, and the tip protruded beyond. Her fingers did not even come close to meeting around his shaft He coaxed another orgasm from her with his finger then rolled her onto her back. Gently he spread her legs and settled himself between her thighs with the tip of his dick against her wet lips. He allowed it to open them, their wetness assisting him. Very gently he pressed against her and she started to open to his head. She caught her breath as she now became truly aware of just how thick was his dick, but she clung tightly to him and he slid into her wetness smoothly and with sensitivity. He paused his initial entry into her, allowing her pussy to adjust to the presence of his dick. He was not an insensitive man, but at the same time there was an urgency within his loins that had to be satisfied. He pressed inwards a little and then withdrew. Each time he pressed into her he ensured he plunged slightly deeper until he was perhaps two thirds of the length of his shaft into her. Now he paused before drawing back. He lifted her legs back so that the backs of her legs rested against his arms. He also pressed the switch on the bed head that turned on the mirror lamp above the dressing table. She took stock of the situation. To this point her eyes had either been closed or the room had been in darkness. Now she was seeing him for the very first time. As she lay there she was startled by the contrast between her legs against his arms. How pale her skin was in comparison to his black skin. She looked downwards between her thighs and saw his huge, black dick partly buried within her. It glistened with her juices. The sight took her breath away. It was so stout that it was as if she had been impaled. She felt another uncontrollable orgasm working its way up from deep inside her as she gazed upon his magnificent shaft. It wouldn’t be held back. Her climax burst from her in an unstoppable rush, flooding her juices down onto her lips. Hal took this precise moment to press more deeply into her. She groaned and she whimpered. She also gasped, unable to decide if it was pain or ecstasy she was feeling. In a single thrust he plunged his complete dick to its full length into her welcoming pussy. He paused at the extent of his penetration so she could take account of his presence filling her to the point of almost being unable to breathe. She felt him possess her, hard and hot within her. She felt his strength within her, straining to be unleashed. She felt the blood coursing through his dick, pumping within his shaft, causing her lips to twitch to every one of his heartbeats – and she wanted him to possess her and unleash himself within her. She was not disappointed in her wishes. Hal pressed himself hard against her, striving to reach even further into her. He then withdrew almost to his full length and thrust back deep within her pussy. In and out, deep and shallow, hard and long he thrust. Her groans and whimpers become an almost continuous moan as he ploughed his furrow deep within her pussy. Orgasm after orgasm was snatched from her and she was powerless to do anything but submit to this excruciating pleasure. All strength had gone from her legs, but he had strength enough for the both of them. He stole more orgasms from her. Was he making love to her? Was he fucking her? Who cared? She could only give herself totally to his dick. Now his pace slackened and once more she opened her eyes that had been closed in ecstasy. This was not a slowing due to him being spent. This was a slowing with declared intent. it was a slowing to extract the very last ounce from her. His strokes were now extremely slow, but very, very long. His fingers played with her nipples, playfully pulling them in a gentle but meaningful way. He was too tall to reach her breasts with his lips to kiss them from this position, but his fingers made them stand up ever more tightly and erect. They were a joy to see, and that joy was expressed through the strength in his dick. Now he allowed the fingers of one hand to play with her bottom, tracing a circle around the tight ring of her bum as his dick stretched her pussy and his body weight forced her legs backwards. Her juices had dribbled down and he used these to lubricate his finger. He placed his finger on her ring and pressed just enough to start to penetrate her. The effect was electric. Her body shuddered and a low curdling wail burst from her lips. It was as if she had been struck by lightning. The orgasm that flooded over her held her rigid as her body tensed in a spasm of lush joy. At the same time, his orgasm exploded into her pussy, filling her in a hot and gushing torrent as it burst from his dick, seeking release. He held himself deep within her as he emptied himself into her. Wave after wave of his sperm poured from his shaft into her already hot pussy. It filled her, dribbling out from her lips and down around her bottom. He looked down with satisfaction as his seed glistened white and sticky against her thighs. But still he did not withdraw from her, and she was glad that he didn’t do so. To have snatched his dick from her now would have made her feel so empty that her body would collapse without its support. H e lay there, still for the moment within her. He gazed down on her face, her eyes were closed once more. Gently he prised them open with his thumbs against her eyelids. Her eyes were unfocussed as if she was in a trance. Her mouth was slack, “RESPECT, sexy lady! You started something, and you finished it.” Judy snuggled closer. “I’ve just had you, sexy lady. Now I’m going to make love to you.” With that he slid his hands beneath her bottom, drawing her up towards him. All this while, his dick had remained within her. His hardness had not diminished. Now as he drew her up towards him, sometimes flairing the cheeks of her bottom, sometimes squeezing them, his dick drilled into her pussy with a rhythmic beat. Long and steady strokes, each one reaching deep up inside her, each one probing her innermost depths. His dick reached into her both bodily and mentally. It made its presence felt throughout her whole being, and now she found herself looking at him as he gave himself to her. No more did she notice the contrast in the colour of their skins. Instead, she found herself noticing details....his dark brown eyes, the shape of his nose, the way his hair was cut very short, the faintest outline of a beard that was enough to prickle her face in a very sexy way. She realised she was no longer limp beneath his body. Now she was able to harden her muscles on his dick, clasping him between her legs, grasping his dick between her lips, and seemingly climbing her way up his thick shaft as he withdrew from her lest he slipped from her grasp in her wetness. When her orgasm came it arrived in a shower of bright lights within her head. But she was unprepared for the intensity of his climax into her. It was scalding, and felt like a fire hose had been turned on within her. His sperm gushed up inside her, and she would not have been surprised if it had come out of her ears! It filled her to overflowing, and it both drained her of her strength yet, at the same time, it also fortified her. She clung to him, pressing upwards and wringing every last drop of his seed from him into her. When she limped to the bathroom, yes, limped after the pounding she had received beneath this wonderful man, his juices spilled down her legs. It didn’t go un-noticed by Hal. She cleaned herself and returned to the bed. He wrapped his arms around her. “I don’t know your name, sexy lady, but you’re one hell of a good lay between the sheets. I’m Hal, and I want you to know that you’re mine.” “Yours?” “Mine. You got a problem with that?” Judy thought. She thought about what might have happened just before Hal appeared. She thought back over the sex she used to have with her creep of a former husband. She also reflected on the sex she had just experienced. Her mother would have gone berserk if she could see her now. But what right had her mother to intrude into her thoughts at this moment of all times! She lowered her eyes to his dick, still larger than any other dick she had seen, even when it was flaccid. “I have no problem with that.”83 Avis`s first suck Edd, This was how it all started. I would learn more as I grew older and got married. But sucking cock has been and always will be my most favourite sport. I love the feel of a hard cock in my mouth. 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Tracy opened her eyes as a door slammed shut, startled into a confused consciousness, momentarily uncertain of where she was laying. The stale smell of unwashed clothes made Tracy grimace and turn away. “8:40” glowed in red on the night stand. “Shit,” she muttered, lifting her head off the thin pillow. A dingy white sheet slipped off her bare boobs. “That fucker. He knew I was supposed to meet Karen at eight thirty.” Tracy pulled herself up and turned to...
By Allison When I tell people I am a lesbian they think they know me. They think I listen to the Indigo Girls, that I cut my hair short because I'm acting like a man and they think I liked the TV show 'Ellen'. People assume lesbians are a separate species. They either think we are girls having endless orgies with each other or they think we are women who have yet to meet the right man. Some think we all write poetry while others think I must have had a tattoo by now. People might think...
The companions worked on the details of their plan until nightfall, and then went to their rooms. Mara joined Bear and Janelle, while Nara followed Brandon and Cheron. Danica shared the night — and her body — with Terran. The next day, everyone sat down to hammer out the final points of their plan. By midday, Danica felt that they were ready. Everyone gathered his or her equipment and prepared to head into their most dangerous confrontation yet. Under cloak of invisibility, the group...
What would happen if three families each contributed one member to create a new family? In this episode of Family Swap, Queenie Sateen and her swap daughter Molly Little have a little bit of a talk about the so-called birds and the bees. Molly wants advice on how to get pregnant. She’s just getting going with her questions when her swap brother, Codey Steele, comes to ask what they’re talking about. Molly decides to demonstrate with him. Eventually Molly asks to ask Queenie and her...
xmoviesforyou“This might be a bad idea.” The words were spoken by Fred Turner, attending the 27th birthday party of his friend, Kate. Sitting on the couch in her apartment, surrounded by their friends, he was answering the offer of someone suggesting they use her newly opened gift: a Ouija board. “No, no, no, no! Do not mess around with that thing!” Kate’s older brother, Dave, warned. “Will you relax?” Tim, Kate’s boyfriend, asked. “It’s harmless, mostly a conversation piece.” As he pulled the board from...
The stunning teen Lara Lee has come to Private Gold, Oxford College Girls for her debut and this is one you won’t want to miss! This beauty is truly irresistible and Ethan Lee will soon find out as the sexual tension during a study session reaches breaking point and the clothes soon come off. Watch Lara impress in her first ever scene as she offers up her juicy pussy for a taste before returning the favour with a nice sloppy deepthroat and the going on to enjoy an incredible...
xmoviesforyouThe day begins like every Friday does: With my alarm going off way too early, way too loud and way too annoying. At least it gets me out of bed in the morning. Anyways, here I am, bleary-eyed and head still foggy from lack of sleep. Should I just stay in the dorm today? But I have Advanced Analytics in the morning, I can't skip that again... Groaning, I push myself away from the soft, warm pillow and rub my face with both hands once I'm sitting on the edge of the bed, feet resting on the floor....
FantasyKiel Richardson was a handsome young man and he discovered early in his life that the opposite sex found him to be very charismatic.He started young and had his share of conquests. He also had a few longer-term relationships that ended badly when he found them in the arms of other men. Each time it happened, it created a hole in his heart which he felt could never be healed.Kiel decided that today’s modern women indulged in sexual freedom. In the past, someone who was called a slut was...
CuckoldThe Return to The Hillbilly Girl Berry&hellip, __Things always change in life, but not my thoughts about Darleen. The wife and I went splitsville, and she moved out. My immediate thought was Darleen. I drove to where I remembered where the dirt road was. There was the house. On the porch were two people. As I got closer&hellip,it was an old man and a girl sitting together in a porch swing. The girl held her hand over her eyes to shade the sun. The old man reached for a rifle. The girl stood...
It was late Saturday evening. Katy had just finished cleaning up the kitchen. Earlier she had entertained her friend Nancy, her roommate from college, and her husband Albert. The cook out had been a whopping success. About 6 PM Nancy and Albert left to visit a few of Albert’s friends from school. Since Katy didn’t know Albert’s friends she decided to stay home and watch a movie. Before watching the movie Katy decided to take a shower and wash the sweat and smell from the...
When Alex Coal refuses to do the chores her mom left her and her step brother, he decides to take matters into his own hands. He threatens that he will call their mom and snitch if his step sister does not suck his cock. Alex Coal agrees and gets down her knees, licking his prick slowly, and making eye contact the whole time. Later on, her step brother challenges her to do the bird box challenge, and she is game. She puts on a blindfold and tries to find a slice of the pizza in the blackness....
xmoviesforyouFrom a woman's perspectiveI was standing on the roof of the Esplanade Building, just outside the elevator. My hair was whipping Sarah in the face, a result of the high winds we were getting that night. She laughed and I laughed back, careful not to spill my Fuzzy Navel in the process. I was having a great time. This was far better than any of the other lame parties my husband had dragged me to.I was “a wife”, a spouse of one of the most powerful brokers who worked at Rodgers Holdings, LLC. We...
Sweet and juicy Kiera has pushed the rules and let her stud sleep for a special morning of hot pussy juices ready to shower Robby with. Kiera slips on her deep blue lingerie as Robby goes down eating up her sweet tasting pussy before Kiera chokes down his morning hard cock balls deep. Now with her sweet nectar flowing wild Robby continues to fuck her tight pussy as she just keeps on squirting with every inch of cock pounding her. Kiera loves to see his hot cum shower her pussy too and and...
xmoviesforyouI recently spent a very entertaining night in a Derby hotel with a special friend (lets call him "P"). Anyway we had spent the day visiting the local area, when we got back to the room i was feeling very horny. To cut a long story short, P was lying naked on his front on the bed, looking relaxed after having a shower. Now i had the perfect opportunity to give him some serious attention. I too had showered but rather than relaxing i wanted him badly, i started massaging his back all over with...
Hello friends, this is gufran back with another story. 1st let me thank all of u who took time to reply me regarding my previous story, ‘Friends with Benefits’. For those who don’t know me u can read that story. This one is about the first sexual encounter I had with my girlfriend during a trip to a hill station. 1st let me tell u about her, she is a gorgeous girl in her early 20’s (yes she is elder to me). Little chubby, but have got flesh at right places. Milky white skin, beautiful face, and...
Looking up at the muck covered object sitting in the middle of the cavern, our flashlights and helmet lights doing their best but failing miserably with nothing being reflected with the muck covering everything, I was at a loss for words as the object sat there mute before us. From our position in the cavern we could see both the front of whatever this thing was as well as down one long side that was at least twice as long as it was wide with the narrow end looking like a wedge. I was at a...
This is taken from a real Teen Talk episode... well not really! "My name is Doctor Greenburg... and this is teen talk! Hello caller you are on the air." "Hello Doctor, this is Tawny... I'm from Boise Idaho." "That's nice Tawny, what seems to be your problem." "Well you see doctor it started about two weeks ago when my current boyfriend caught me you know with another guy." "Go on my dear" I said. "Yes, well Curt the guy that I was banging when my real boyfriend Todd came in...
On her second day at the motel Gloria drove over to Kurt's school to pick him up. She felt happy as the afternoon sun warmed the inside of her car. Within a few minutes she would have her son all to herself. Her cunt still tingled each time she thought of the fantastic fucking and sucking with Ben the night before. When he left her room he asked for some way to contact her in the future but she declined. As hot and wild as his fucking had been, and as much as she had loved it, she knew that...