The Downfall Of Roxy Queen free porn video

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                     The Downfall of Roxy Queen

I'd just started to lick his balls when the irritating niggling started in my belly. A primal groan borderline growl escaped my Masters lips. He looked up at me, now standing his eyes crinkled up at the sun "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to the loo I’ll be back in a sec" I replied moving toward the house. His hand shot out and gently grabbed my wrist.

"Not before you make you make me come your not" he said with a wicked smile playing on his lips.

"But I need to use the loo"

"Then I suggest you hold it. You will suck my dick then may go. Now on your knees"

       So on my knees I got. I kept my thighs locked tight together; I was already starting to get desperate. I licked the tip of his dick with the tip of my tongue and slowly slid my mouth around him until I felt his tip touch the back of my throat, as I sucked him off  I wondered how much longer I could hold my piss in. My stomach was starting to hurt the ache was rapidly unfurling, I needed to go so badly, So I figured I’d try appealing to my Masters nature....If in doubt beg, but before I could remove my mouth from around his shaft the most humiliating moment of my life happened no matter how hard I tried to pull back I couldn't stop the flow, my piss soaked through my underwear so fast and as it pooled on the stone tiles beneath me I wondered if my Master had noticed within a split second of that thought occurring and him speedily removing his cock from my mouth without leaving so much as a drop of come on my tongue for me to taste I knew that he knew.

        Such was my shame at not only wetting myself but disobeying him I couldn't bring myself to meet his eyes I just stared down at my piss glistening in the glaring sun.

"You wet yourself? How dare you fucking disobey me, I told you, you could go when you'd made me come, It's not like I said you couldn't go indefinitely. You’re pathetic."

My cheeks burned scarlet, as I mumbled my apologies.

He didn't say anything else he just stormed down the garden path, Jumped on the back of his motorcycle and rode off in a cloud of thunder, leaving me stunned and highly aware of my soaked soggy undies.  

               A week had past since I had wet myself my Master had returned and the incident forgotten. I figured he'd been genuinely turned off by what had happened to the point where he didn't want to punish me although that didn't make a lot of sense as in one of our previous sessions he'd made me ask for permission to go to the toilet, and to wipe for an entire week. But regardless as to why my Master had let it go unpunished I was happy about not being on the receiving end.

Master D came in wearing an incredibly sinful grin on his face, excitement seemingly emanating from his every pore" Go to down to the dungeon room I have a surprise I’ll be down in a sec"

Curious i made to exit the room his hand giving my ass a light squeeze as i passed.

I waited in the dungeon leaning my ass against the soft leather of the bed my stomach jumping in anticipation i was never one for surprises but my Masters surprises were usually good ones.

    When he entered I could already feel my pussy getting slicked up, in his hand he carried my leather straight jacket, rubber open faced hood and a white plastic carrier bag which he set down on top of the cabinet next to the bed.

"Strip" His words biting through the air like the crack of a bull whip. I smiled seductively looking up at him through my lashes big green eyes locked on his as I slowly slipped my dress off my shoulders letting it slither over my curves to the floor not leaving his eyes once a smile playing on my lips as he scanned my body appreciatively. With a flick of the wrist my bra a wisp of smoke violet silk slid smoothly to the floor followed by my undies.

  Master D unable to control himself any longer pulled me in close to him his iron hard dick straining against the confines of his leathers, he bent slightly for my lips whilst his finger slipped inside my pussy i gasped against his soft full lips his finger teasingly pressing up against my G-spot briefly before retracting it and placing it against my lips to taste the juices.

"Get on the bed" He commanded and i obeyed.

    Swiftly and expertly he locked the restraints around my wrists and there I lay bound, ready, anticipating his next move. He stood at the foot of the bed looking like a fresh batch of sin so hot just looking at him made me breathless and my pussy pulsate so hard it hurt

"Fuck me Master"

"Not yet fuck doll maybe after your punishment"

A look of confusion spread across my face as I searched my memory banks for something that I may have done that day to warrant being punished but drew a blank

"Allow me to refresh your memory last week you pissed yourself" he then smiled as he saw my cheeks turn scarlet as the memory painted itself across my mind I squirmed with humiliation at the reminder of the most humiliating day of my life.

"You didn't really think I’d just forgotten about the fact that you disobeyed me come now fuck puppet a great Master never forgets and never lets insubordination go unpunished"

I quickly came to the conclusion that wetting myself wasn't the most humiliating thing that had happened to me....this, today was going to be.

"Your going to make me wear diapers? you can't be serious please don't Master" I said, my face turning to the colour of cherries, i watched in sheer disbelief as my Master opened the plastic bag and pulled out a humongous thick diaper white and from the sound it made it had an incredibly thick plastic backing along with the word baby printed across the front of it.

A wicked smile sprawled across my Masters face he was thoroughly enjoying my humiliation

"Of course I’m serious, I got the impression you wanted to wear diapers being that you wet yourself the other day"

"No I don't please don't do this; don’t make me wear them? I pleaded blushing.

"Well I think you do and besides regardless if you want too or not the decision is not yours to make you will wear them and continue to wear them until I deem fit to allow you to wear your normal underwear again and until I am happy and sure that you have learned your lesson not only will you wear them but you will love them you disobedient bitch"

"Noooooo please don't make me wear them Master I’ll do anything else that you ask of me but please don't diaper me" I was verging on wailing such was my desperation to avoid such a degrading humiliating punishment.

Master D stood at the end of the bed a bemusement dancing across his face. I knew that look  that made me want to run like fuck as it meant trouble was imminent but at the same time it made me want to slide down on to his dick and fuck him so hard we break furniture.

"I'm not asking you to do anything I’m telling you what’s going to happen. It's not like you really have an option I know you won't use your safe word because I know you hunny your too damn curious to see what happens" he knew he was right...git, had me down to a T in the bedroom damn my stupid curiosity damn it to hell. He flashed his most deviant smile, stroked my face before kissing me the kind of kiss that left me breathless and want his lips and his fingers in interesting places and his cock filling my tight pussy right up to the hilt. Before his kiss had time to begin to linger on my lips he'd picked up my pussy juice soaked undies and put them in my mouth gagging me with them.

"Now do you think you could hold off wetting yourself again until I have you locked up nicely in your diapers" Master D said mockingly

I let out a snort of righteous indignation I did not wet myself on purpose sarcastic git hmmmmf. Ohmigod I so wanted to use my safe word so badly the humiliation of wearing a diaper I feared would be too much. I watched restrained on the bed. The noise the diaper made as my Master unfolded it made my cheeks darken to an even deeper shade of crimson, I knew there and then that it was going on me and there was nothing I could I do to get out of it, I groaned internally wishing that the ground would open up and swallow yet bizarrely I my pussy got wetter.

My Master placed the palms of his hands on my bruised ass cheeks an demanded that  I lift again I found myself ensconced in a another wave of humiliation, I did as I was told if he could conjure up a punishment this severe I didn't want to make it any worse.

    He slid the incredibly thick diaper under my ass a small whimper escaping from my gagged mouth, he stroked and kissed the inside of my thighs which sent ripples of pleasure shooting through me like lightening bolts and made me temporarily forget my plight praying that he would lavish some attention on my pussy. When he started to apply the barrier cream I turned my head away unable to watch I felt so humiliated laying there a grown woman about to be diapered.

"We don't want u getting a diaper rash now do we?" He said mockingly, I cringed, and even more so when he proceeded to pull the front up over my crotch he smoothed down the front making sure it was nice and close to my skin and then pulled each side tight around me securing the tapes firmly across my waist so the diaper fitted snugly. It was so thick that when Master D demanded that I closed my legs I couldn't all I could do was cringe and blush as the plastic crinkled loudly he laughed my cheeks furthered burned with shame.

  He then removed my underwear from my mouth and released me from the restraints, naturally only to swap them for cuffs

"Go and stand in front of the mirror" He commanded

I slowly swung my legs round and started to head across the room towards the mirror  I walked awkwardly the diaper was so bulky between my legs I found it difficult to walk normally, i stood in front of the mirror like my Master had told me to. Such was my shame my eyes remained fixed on the floor.

"Take a good look at yourself in the mirror you deserve this punishment look real hard at how pathetic you look in your diaper"

I lifted my eyes to my reflection and wanted to disappear I was seconds away from using the safe word, the diaper rustling with every movement

"I want you to read out loud what it says on that diaper of yours and tell me you're being punished" He said watching me

Swallowing the lump that my humiliation had formed in my throat along with my safe word down to read what he'd written ''Diaper bitch property of Master D" My words coming out barely an audible whisper

"Louder I can't hear you"

"It says property of Master D. I am being punished because I disobeyed you" I squirmed, my cheeks flushed

"How did you disobey me?" My Master asked he was enjoying watching my humiliation

"I wet myself when I should of been making you come" My eyes dropped to the floor

"Good girl now come here and thank me nicely for giving you such a befitting and humiliating punishment" 

My stomach was a myriad of knots I feared that should he humiliate me further I mean he'd already diapered me there was very little else he could do to make this worse, that  i would pass out due to all my blood rushing to my cheeks. I made my way to where he stood leaning against the bed I was trying to walk in my usual graceful manner but due to the large bulk between my legs it was an impossible feat.

     I stood in front of him letting my long basalt hair fall across my face my Master reached for me and moved it over my shoulder his hands like ice caressing my scorching skin the cool delicious. Master D pulled me to him stood between his legs his crotch pressed against mine although regardless of how close he was or hard he might push up against me I wouldn't be able to tell if he had a hard on or not due to the diaper being in the way. My heart pounded like a Tommy Lee drum solo as Master D snaked his arms around me his hand stroking my back drawing invisible pictures on my skin my breathing becoming shallow and fast his other hand made its way down to my ass every muscle in my body tensed as he stroked my diaper and gave it a little squeeze. Despite myself being pissed that my Master had chosen to punish me in quite possibly the most humiliating manner possible, I found my lips reaching for his neck and lazily kissing way upwards my tongue cheekily licking his ear lobe.

"Behave yourself Roxy that will not get you out of you punishment" His hand still on my diapered ass his other hand still stroking my back sending jolts of electricity to my pussy.

"Really you sure don't want to take off this silly diaper and fuck me stupid D?" I purred kissing along his jaw line just before I could run the tip of my tongue between his upper and his lower lip he stopped me

"Not as much as I want to continue seeing you in the humiliated state that you're in now this is your punishment sooo I suggest you suck it up admit your fate and stop trying to get out of it understand?" My Masters gaze bore into mine and I knew I was fucked and that he was determined that I endure his cruel punishment.

"Yes Master" I said thoroughly defeated and firmly put in my place.

"Good girl now thank me for punishing you like a good Diaper bitch" Master D replied

"Thank you for punishing me Master I deserve to be humiliated by wearing diapers as it is a befitting punishment to fit the crime of wetting myself and without your consent at that" My words came out jagged and awkward and not for the first time that day I found myself wishing to be anywhere but right here.

"Tell me how does your diaper feel, tell me that you love being diapered right now"

"It feels hot and uncomfortable due to the lacerations you left on my ass with the kiss of your whip, it also feels bulky and I feel utterly humiliated and totally ridiculous and I don't love the diaper I hate it" My pride kicking in seconds away from spitting out my safe word my I lifted my head green eyes flashing

"That’s good to know Roxy so much for sucking it up and getting on with it ehhh, darling your days about to get a whole lot worse well week rather" He replied with his best fuck you smile

Master D set about putting me in the straight jacket not rough but not careful either he pulled the straps real tight but before he did up the one at my crotch he hooked his finger around the front of my diaper.

"Just checking to see if your wet and needed changing? My Master said to my sheer horror, I cringed at his words utterly mortified

His finger struggled further inside until the tip of his middle finger  touched my pussy lips as I gasped, I looked down to see him smiling to himself I felt his finger push agonisingly slowly inside of me a moan of pleasure escaped from deep inside of me as he pushed further his knuckle grazing my clit another breathy moan later and he retracted his finger bringing it up to my lips

"For someone who claims that she hates her diaper and the predicament she finds herself in you sure are wet...Dirty bitch your not hating this for a second" He smiled shaking his head

I opened my mouth to protest and reiterate exactly how much I hated this punishment but before I could get my words out he'd slipped his finger slick with my juices between my lips

"Taste yourself my dirty Diaper bitch"

I sucked his finger clean of my sweet pussy juice and licked my lips for good measure.

       Once Master D had hooded me stating that my submissive transformation was complete and that by the time he'd finished with me I would never dare to disobey again.

"On your knees Diaper bitch"

"Yes Master"

Master D's crotch an inch away from my face the smell of leather was intoxicating a heady elixir that rushed to my head and temporarily forget that he was the cause for my diaper induced humiliation and instead I found myself wanting to please him ad he in turn rewarded me with dropping his leathers to the floor and reveal his iron hard dick pointing skywards.

"Suck it and this time it won't matter if you need to piss at least you won't make a mess on the floor"

"I will never piss in a diaper Master" I replied nonchalantly

"We’ll see now suck it you dirty bitch"

I opened my mouth and took him straight to the back of my throat I moved my head up and down applying a little pressure with my lips as I did so my Master groaned his pleasure his hand gripping on tight to the top of the leather hood that encased my head, I sucked him faster each time taking him further into my mouth he moved my head and fucked my mouth I could feel my pussy tightening and slicking up as I felt his dick slide in and out from between my full lips he fucked my mouth so hard that it wasn't long before his orgasm erupted and  the taste of his come exploded on my tongue,  he let out a primal groan his muscles tensing I looked up at the moment his face contorted with orgasmic pleasure droplets of sweat glistening on his brow, and was overwhelmed by desire. He retrieved his dick from my mouth.

"You're the only sub who has ever come close to bringing me to my knees and from a blow job at that" his breathing laboured his eyes heavy with lust. Master D helped me too my feet and softly kissed my smiling  lips that now tingled and felt bruised his ever pleasuring hands stroking my sides, face and the leather that still encased my head his touch making my nerve endings dance underneath the straight jacket and crave more my nipples like bullets underneath the confines of the restrictive straps and with every cell of my body I wished to be free of the diaper so i could climb on top of his dick.

       Still kissing me he lifted me up, my legs instantly locking around his waist he laid me down on the bed and undid the straps and released me from the straight jacket  his hands touching me everywhere his tongue occasionally flickering over my still hard nipples his mouth alternating from mouth to my body skin prickled with goose bumps each part of my skin begging and craving his touch his touch that set me on fire with a desire that made me forget who I was.

he was making a  trail of lazy kisses from underneath my boobs to my pierced navel that was partially concealed by the waist band of my diaper I stilled self conscious again oh why wouldn't he jus released me and fuck the holy hell out of me.

"Don't tense" My Masters words injecting into the silence.

I further cringed as his hands stroked and squeezed the front of the diaper the sound the plastic backing made my cheeks flush with a brand new wave of humiliation

"Please just take it off me Master release me I have learned my lesson I will never disobey you again" I pleaded.

"Ummm very well did you have to use it?"

Turning a deeper shade of red I replied no

Master D pulled back the tapes then pulled the front of the diaper down he inspected it and upon finding it dry he slipped his tongue between my pussy lips and started to lap up my juices, hearing my moans of delight and sensing I was on the brink of orgasm he plunged his dick inside of me  moaned with pleasure as his dick filled my tight soaking wet pussy no longer giving a crap that Master D had left the diaper underneath my ass stroke after stroke his cock hitting my G-spot every time grabbing my hips he thrust into me deeper  until he had begging for permission to come his granting it with a kiss that made me breathless, he fucked me so hard I writhed and fucked him faster hands tangled in his silky hair  my muscles gripping him and contracting as my orgasm exploded convulsing riding wave after wave of lusciousness Master D removed himself and I lay there satiated and exhausted he lay next to me for awhile running his fingers up my side.

   "We better get you cleaned up and into a fresh diaper we don't want a repeat of last week now do we"

"What? I thought my punishment was over" I said in dismay

"Think back to what I said earlier you've got a week of this Diaper bitch and make no mistake about it u will wet them I’m sure after a week of being my diaper bitch you’ll never disobey me again and I’ll be sure that you've learned your lesson"

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A Supermodels Downfall

A Supermodel's Downfall (East Coast Slavers Organization Story III) by: Desert Dog (Desertlickingdog at yahoo dot com) Prologue – Introductions (or What's E.C.S.O.) Credits : The story that follows is my own work. However, for the energy and inspirationto craft this story, I would like to thank two readers who responded with timelye-mails containing simple story suggestions. One reader's recommendation (whoserequest ended up being mirrored in a number of responses) was to subject...

2 years ago
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Horny threesome for Roxy

Jane came into the room and was not happy with Ian. I threw the quilt over my semi naked body. Jane and Ian went into the bathroom to talk about the situation. She shouted a bit then cried then it went all quiet and I didn't know whether to get my clothes on or stay under the quilt.After 15mins they both came out of the bathroom and Ian said to me "everything is fine now, Jane would like to have a glass of wine" Jane sat at on a chair at the dressing table right in front of me and Ian sat on...

1 year ago
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Roxy house of xxx 2 the secretary pet

I onced worked at a porn shop called Roxy house of xxx until I met the love and goddess of my life Sandra or mistress Sandra she picked me as her new secretary a sissy secretary for her company and her big black cock I never had a better life than this get paid more and get fucked more by Sandra big black penis.

3 years ago
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How I Became Roxy

Chapter 1 My name is Roxy. I am young woman who is full of love and life and is starting to find out what she wants out of life. But getting here has been a journey that I never could have predicted and never would have thought I could have been strong enough to make. To explain what I mean, I have to tell you first of all that I was born male. The change has been so gradual that I can hardly believe I've come so far. I've always been slender and never developed a very masculine body but I...

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Downfall of Avarica in Shalirion

The Downfall of Avarica (Balance and Fairness : The Principles of Shalirion) (from the generally prosperous years before the barbarian invasions from Animar) The Councils of Shalirion had long followed business principles which aimed to strengthen and support society, rather than to spoil it. Cromilil was no exception, and it had made the whole city prosperous and happy together. The rich were not rich at the expense of the poor or of their rivals, but all had prospered together. Business...

2 years ago
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DownfallHaving been to the beautician for a full body and face wax I check into the hotel to prepare. The suite consists of a large living room and a comfortable bedroom with a large bathroom. The bedroom has a nice dressing table with mirror and stool. A full length mirror is adjacent. The king size bed is of an older style with metal barred head and framed foot. The living room has a soft leather couch, occasional tables, a desk with cane based chair with arms, and all the usual hotel...

2 years ago
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Sissy Downfall

Sissy DownfallThis story is about my conversion from a cross dressing sissy to submissive transformed slut owned by Mistress Rebecca George. All characters are over 18.Having been to the beautician for a full body and face wax I check into the hotel to prepare. The suite consists of a large living room and a comfortable bedroom with a large bathroom. The bedroom has a nice dressing table with mirror and stool. A full length mirror is adjacent. The king size bed is of an older style with metal...

1 year ago
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Athens Queen

I `wrote' this while staring at the ceiling at 4:00am, the morning before I left. The inspiration for this story is in the first paragraph. I gave it a subtitle of `Vacation Story Number 4" because it was the fourth story `wrote' while on vacation. (I `wrote' it in the sense that the entire story, and most of the scenes were imagined, but not typed in.) The other three are still in my head and need to be typed in. Enjoy this. This story is purely fictional and meant for adult audiences...

3 years ago
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Athens Queen

Our last day in Greece, in a taxi on the way from the ferry to thehotel we'd be staying in before our flight. (Never, never, never,trust the Greek ferry schedule to get you to Athens in time for aninternational flight, always go the day before!) My daughter sittingnext to me, my wife next to her, my mother-in-law and the Greek taxidriver in the front seat.We stopped at a traffic light and I looked over. In bright blue andwhite neon, the sign in English said, "Cabaret" and then on the...

4 years ago
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Xdresser Housewife Roxys daily chores while wife i

Well i must be the luckiest guy in the world ,my wife earns all the money so I stay at home to do all the house work and cooking .Now I've always wondered what it would be like to be a girl because women to me are so powerful when they are hot and sexy ,a women can get what she wants when she wants without even speaking as long as she has a sexy pair of platform heels on with a tight micro mini and a great set of tits that's enough to get anything from anyone ,if that isn't power what is ?So...

4 years ago
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Sissy Downfall

Sissy Downfall This story is about my conversion from a cross dressing sissy to submissive transformed slut owned by Mistress Rebecca George. All characters are over 18. Having been to the beautician for a full body and face wax I check into the hotel to prepare. The suite consists of a large living room and a comfortable bedroom with a large bathroom. The bedroom has a nice dressing table with mirror and stool. A full length mirror is adjacent. The king size bed is of an older style with...

3 years ago
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Sissy Downfall 2

Sissy Downfall 2 * My new life at Mistresses mansion was quite pleasant most of the time. My duties were to be maid to the two mistresses. I helped them bathe and dress, hand washed their delicate garments, cleaned their bedroom and changed the bed clothes daily. Sometimes, if I was really lucky the young mistress would have me lick her to orgasm. She had the most fragrant tasty pussy that I had ever experienced. Sometimes she would alloy me to play with my clit as I served her and if really...

2 years ago
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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 20 Phillips Downfall and Demise

[b]My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 20 Phillips Downfall and Demise [/b] Characters Introduced: Phillip, 45, FBI agent, 7 cock Valerie, 13, FBI agent Phillips niece, 52, White, Red Hair with Green Eyes, 34C Breasts swan-like neck Violet, 13, FBI agent Phillips niece, 52, White, Red Hair with Green Eyes, 34C Breasts swan-like neck Vanessa, 13, FBI agent Phillips niece, 52, White, Red Hair with Green Eyes, 34C Breasts swan-like neck Suzanne, 32, FBI agent Phillips sister, 59, White, Red Hair...

2 years ago
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Hotel Part 1 Mirandas Downfall

HOTEL PART 1 – MIRANDA’S DOWNFALL   It was one stupid mistake, I thought ruefully. How could I have been so silly after everything I had achieved at the hotel? After I left school I did waitressing and other odd jobs and only three years ago I arrived here, ‘little Miranda’ earning a basic wage as a room maid, cleaning toilets and making beds whilst fending off lonely men working away from home looking for a one night stand. I was the bottom of the pile that nobody cared about, working all...

2 years ago
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Downfall 02

Downfall 02*My new life at Mistresses mansion was quite pleasant most of the time. My duties were to be maid to the two mistresses. I helped them bathe and dress; hand washed their delicate garments, cleaned their bedroom and changed the bed clothes daily. Sometimes, if I was really lucky the young mistress would have me lick her to orgasm. She had the most fragrant tasty pussy that I had ever experienced. Sometimes she would alloy me to play with my clit as I served her and if really lucky I...

3 years ago
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Sissy Downfall 2

Sissy Downfall 2*My new life at Mistresses mansion was quite pleasant most of the time. My duties were to be maid to the two mistresses. I helped them bathe and dress; hand washed their delicate garments, cleaned their bedroom and changed the bed clothes daily. Sometimes, if I was really lucky the young mistress would have me lick her to orgasm. She had the most fragrant tasty pussy that I had ever experienced. Sometimes she would alloy me to play with my clit as I served her and if really...

2 years ago
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Sissy Downfall

Having been to the beautician for a full body and face wax I check into the hotel to prepare. The suite consists of a large living room and a comfortable bedroom with a large bathroom. The bedroom has a nice dressing table with mirror and stool. A full length mirror is adjacent. The king size bed is of an older style with metal barred head and framed foot. The living room has a soft leather couch, occasional tables, a desk with cane based chair with arms, and all the usual hotel comforts.I...

3 years ago
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Hotel Part 1 Mirandas Downfall

HOTEL PART 1 - MIRANDA'S DOWNFALL   It was one stupid mistake, I thought ruefully. How could I have been so silly after everything I had achieved at the hotel? After I left school I did waitressing and other odd jobs and only three years ago I arrived here, 'little Miranda' earning a basic wage as a room maid, cleaning toilets and making beds whilst fending off lonely men working away from home looking for a one night stand. I was the bottom of the pile that nobody cared about; working all...

3 years ago
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My downfall with texting Part 11

My downfall with texting- Part 11... Still Day 6 of my ordeal of being in Jessica's body. Bunny bondage lunch time date with Gary my former self continues. An evening and night of fun with Lucy. Part 1 tells of Gary age 50, married to Jane, both keen golfers and how through playing golf they met a couple called John and Janet, Gary after a awhile starts a secret affair with their 17 year old daughter who is called Jessica, Gary was to do a University course in Management, and Jessica...

1 year ago
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Sissy Downfall

This story is about my conversion from a cross dressing sissy to submissive transformed slut owned by Mistress Rebecca George.  Having been to the beautician for a full body and face wax I check into the hotel to prepare. The suite consists of a large living room and a comfortable bedroom with a large bathroom. The bedroom has a nice dressing table with mirror and stool. A full length mirror is adjacent. The king size bed is of an older style with metal barred head and framed foot. The living...

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Celestes Pacific Downfall

                               Celeste's Pacific Downfall                                                  by                                           Lex Ludite                                          Chapter 9        The two men escorting the patriot turned and left the room, leaving a naked and helpless Celeste to face this monster. She could only hope that the monitor was being manned and help would quickly arrive in the event that he lost control. He set up his workstation as before...

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Schoolgirl Thighs My DownfallChapter 4 The Reckoning

“I’m afraid there’s been a report about you and some of our Year 10 girls in the shopping centre,” Maggie told me gravely. “Is there anything you want to tell me?” Jesus Christ. “I did run into Sandra Philips and her cohorts,” I faked an amused memory, “trying to get passport photos done.” I stopped myself saying too much. “And did anything improper occur? I just need to have the formal word from you Justin, after someone phoned in to say their son saw you in the photo booth with them and...

1 year ago
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Xdresser Housewife Roxys daily chores while wife i

Well the best fuck I've ever had and continue to have all started when we intalled a pool in our back yard .Once the pool was in the pool shop sent over a young guy to set up the pump and show us how to use it ,as it was a Saturday my wife was home and she was in a bikini looking very hot. Well in walks this 6"5 very toned very sexy black guy ,when I say sexy he is the sexiest guy I've laid my eyes on and the body his arms were huge ,not one ounce of fat ,man the thoughts going through my head...

2 years ago
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OtherworldChapter 20 Queen

THE PRESENT: "She is the queen of what?" Val asked. Tasmine looked just as surprised as Val and I did. Except for Atheria. She leaned back and looked puzzled, stroking her chin thoughtfully. "She is the Queen of the Dragons," Sheperd repeated. "No, she is not a true dragon, if that's what you're wondering." "Then how can she be a queen to you?" Tasmine asked, perplexed. "It is a long story," Sheperd told us, "and I was not there for it. Perhaps you could ask someone who was...

4 years ago
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Roxys Caravan Part 2

‘I think we should take this inside, before we get a bit toocarried away in public,’ giggled Roxy. She opened her caravan and led me inside. In there, she pushed me down onto the bed, slipped off her heels, and jumped up so she was stood one leg either side of me. Very slowly she began to drop her skirt to reveal a shear black thong and I could already tell, even in the dim lighting, that she was completely shaven. She then removed her top and bra, freeing her stunning boobs, her nipples small...

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Snow White The Queen

-Alice Hoffman *** "Mirror, mirror, on the wall…" "What's that, mother?" The Queen turned away from the glass. Her stepdaughter sat at the tower window, embroidery in her lap, looking puzzled. "Just something I used to say when I was a little girl," said the Queen. "A rhyming game. There's a second part to it, but I can never remember how it goes." She looked at the mirror again, frowning over her reflection. Something didn't look quite right about it. It was...

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Roxys Caravan Part 1

This is my first post, so constructive criticism is welcome. This is based on the true story of one of my first sexual experiences. When I was 17 in my summer holidays, a big group of us decided to go camping. There were five guys and four girls, but I was the youngest of the bunch, with the rest being around 20. The nine of us piled into two cars with a load of camping gear, and set off on our road trip. When we pulled up to the campsite about 2’oclock, Fred and I left the others to set up...

4 years ago
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The Queen

The Queen lay back on her featherbed, urging the young lad that was betwixt her legs onward. He was young, far younger than she usually chose, but he was eager to please, and she eager to train, he glanced up at his mistress, his lips, nose and chin glistening from her essence. He replaced the void of his mouth with three of his work worn fingers and stroked her as she had shown him until she writhed on the bed. Without much warning the Queen spun the lad until he was pinned betwixt her legs,...

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Roxy and I Enjoy the Forest

I walked down the beach as the sun hung low in the sky over the lake. The beach was all but empty. I passed the edge of the trees, when I heard a noise. I stopped and listened. My eyes went wide. I knew that sound. The moans of sex were unmistakeable over the gentle lapping of the waves on sand. I moved towards the trees and listened to the moans getting louder. I looked through the trees and saw the source. The couple was behind a tree, the man was pounding the woman from behind. My bathing...

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Club Roxy

I’ve always had a flair for the dramatic, and I don’t see anything wrong with that. I’m friendly and outgoing, and I love it when people focus their attention on me. In high school I joined any club that involved performing in front of an audience. The other thing I love is sex, and lots of it. When I went away to college I got a part-time job dancing in a strip club on the weekends. Nothing made me feel more powerful than knowing I was the center of every guy’s attention and the object of...

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Trouble with Roxy Part I

The last few months have been tough for Matt, working long days at work and being without a girlfriend for the last few months. Everything seemed to be going fine with Rachel but then one day he got the ‘It’s not you, it’s me’ line. Sure they could still be friends but she never did return any of Matt’s calls. He really missed Rachel. She was a little wild, unlike Matt, who was a bit conservative in manner and not very out-going. She always said he should take more risks and be more fun....

2 years ago
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I posed naked on the bed. Having forgotten to refresh my music, I listened to the same old shitty dance tunes through the laptop speakers. Despite the music grating on my ears, I smiled and hummed along with the bland lyrics. Legs spread, I rested my head in my hand while doing my best to appear interested. Pouting like the whore I was, I’d part my pussy lips to show off my healthy inner pinkness. Gazing into the laptop, I watched IrishRover5 wanking in front of his camera. My eyes felt tired,...

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Roxys job interview with new Boss

This is for an Admirer.So I planned a meet with a hung Admirer called Andy whom I met online, nice guy to chat to and been chatting online for ages.I finally went to visit him in his discreet apartment after a long journey filled with anticipation and excitement of meeting my new friend, and guess he was eagerly awaiting my arrival.Once I arrived we had a cuppa and a long chat, where I made a point that I would love to perform role play sex with him being my new Boss and me his sexy tranny...

1 year ago
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Dinner with Roxy

I rang your doorbell to take you to dinner, and when you answered the door I was awestruck by your beauty. The slinky black dress you wore instantly excited me, the stockings made you look so sexy, and your perfume intoxicated me. I told you that you looked so beautiful and sexy, and took your hand and led you to the limo I had gotten to drive us to dinner. I opened the door and you got into the car, allowing me a sexy view of your long lovely legs, then I followed you into the car. As we drove...

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