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A bead of sweat surfaced on the young man's temple, traced a path across his cheek and dripped on to his chest, apparently unnoticed so deep was his concentration on maintaining his metronomic penetration of the blonde woman who knelt before him. Each stroke was slow and measured, the full length of his shaft withdrawn and carefully reinserted. His hands on her hips drew her on to him, eased her away, then began the cycle once more. Since he had first placed his mouth on her vagina nearly half-an-hour earlier, they had coupled with silent intensity except for a few brief exchanges.

The man spoke again, a quiet command. He turned on to his back and the woman swiftly mounted him, using her hand to guide his penis inside her again. The change of position was executed with such smooth economy it brought a murmur of approval from the watchers in the shadows. At my side, Alan pressed his hand against my inner thigh. Even though we had both had our turn individually in the circle of light and returned fully satisfied, I widened my legs. Alan's fingers searched knowingly inside my knickers for my wetness.

The blonde was riding her partner with the same controlled certainty he had shown to her. Every calculated manoeuvre suggested two people in total sexual harmony developed over a long period of mutual exploration. Yet we knew this was not the case. The man and the woman - who called themselves Roland and Martine, although almost certainly those were not their names - had arrived with different partners who were now among the onlookers. As was the custom with La Douzaine, Roland and the woman had been paired by a drawing of lots. Sometimes the result could be disappointing. In this instance, there had a been an instinctive sexual chemistry from the moment she had opened her legs to invite the attention of his tongue.

Now one could sense that both were ready for the culminating moment. The man said something inaudible to the rest of us. The woman slid from him, arranged herself on her back with legs spread wide. He knelt between her thighs, hooked his arms behind her knees and fed his penis into her inner depths.

"Comme ça?" he asked.

"C'est ça. Mais plus fort."

When he set to work - more forcibly, as she had asked - it was clear that the encounter could not last much longer. The slap of driving flesh on flesh was accompanied each time by a small moan of pleasure from the woman. She gripped his forearms as though to pull him deeper and deeper inside. Every woman in the room understood that Martine had reached the point at which her mind surrendered control of her body, greedily giving way to the rising surge of sexual adrenalin that would allow no further checks until the crest was surmounted. The moment arrived with a heaving pelvic spasm, a long exhalation of breath and then she was clinging to Roland while he, too, savoured every pulsing thrust that brought about his ejaculation. The deep murmur from our fellow watchers, connoisseurs among them, was one of profound approval. It was over and it had been good, not just for Roland and Martine but also for ten pairs of eyes and ten heated minds in the shadows.

While we dressed - I needed to change my knickers - the gathering relocated normality, but not before the evening's events had been calmly discussed. Alan remarked later that one could easily imagine similar conversations taking place after a private view at a gallery exhibiting a group of new artists.

Back at our rented villa on the edge of Vence, we congratulated ourselves on having had the good fortune to be invited. True, the partner Alan drew had been somewhat passive but she had encouraged him to explore all avenues, while I had been serviced by a grey-haired man of modest endowment but courteous consideration for my pleasure. And in bed later, the memory of Roland and Martine's virtuoso display spurred us to renewed endeavours of our own.

Although this was the third time we had holidayed at Vence, it was the first time we had been given an August invitation. Because Paris was deserted for the month, the August meeting of La Douzaine was always held in the seclusion of the hills above Nice. In a few weeks we would return to the capital and hope for a summons when the September gathering was held at La Douzaine's usual venue, a chateau some seventy kilometres south-east of Paris. But one never knew.

Our involvement in the more rarefied circles of French coquinerie came about by a series of happy chances that began with the unexpected success of Alan's fourth novel. A lengthy tenancy of the best seller charts led to several reprints and, thrillingly, a bidding war for the film rights. It happened, too, that Alan's contract with his publisher was due for renewal and interest from competitors escalated that deal into figures we had never dreamed of. Within a year, no longer needing to be the breadwinner while Alan wrote, I had resigned from my job as an account manager for an international advertising agency and we had moved to Paris. The franc, and then the Euro, seemed to offer better value than the pound, and we liked French cuisine.

We were also keen to discover what sex à la français could offer us. We had dabbled occasionally in the English scene but had found it overpopulated with tattooed lorry drivers. I enjoy being taken firmly occasionally but enough is enough. In Paris we had a few tentative, and mostly enjoyable, encounters arranged through the internet but found the business of e-mails and text messages tedious. We also tried the clubs - Au 10 bis, Les Chandelles, Le Bouche à L'Oreille among others - but that was a hit-and-miss process. There were good nights and bad nights and no way of predicting what might transpire.

Then La Douzaine found us. We never discovered how but we surmised that we had been recommended by one of the couples we had swung with, or more probably that La Douzaine had scouts at the clubs. However it came about, one day Alan took a phone call asking if he knew of La Douzaine. When he said he didn't, the rules were outlined and he was asked if we would participate. Alan asked for time to consult me but that was refused. An instant response was required or the invitation would be withdrawn. His writer's curiosity as well as his sexual urge led him to accept. To be honest, i was as intrigued as he was, so we went. And have been going ever since, when invited. Which is not often.

The Dozen does not, as might be inferred from its name, consist of twelve members. It meets monthly - that is, twelve times a year - on the twelfth day of the month. Each meeting is limited to twelve people: the founders, who call themselves Pierre and Pierrette, and five invited couples, chosen from what we have come to believe is a large pool of members.

On arrival the couples announce the names they have chosen for the evening. They are written on slips of paper, the men's slips are placed in one bowl, the women's in another, and the draw is made. At the same time, a number is drawn from a third bowl to determine the order in which each couple will perform. It is an occasion for voyeurs as well as hedonists. If an arriving couple are drawn together, they must accept that outcome. There is a strict rule that after performing, a couple shall return to the shadows. There is no group activity except at the December meeting when an interesting variation prevails. After the first couple have performed, they are joined by the second. In time, the quartet is augmented by another couple, and so on until La Douzaine are entangled in any and every combination desirable. The demands on the stamina of the early participants can be imagined. Or so we believed. A December invitation had never come our way.


After the session near Nice, we waited in vain through September, October and November. There were consolations: visits to Le Bouche á l'Oreille and similar unbridled establishments; and there was a visit by Fritz and Sophie. Fritz is Alan's publisher, Sophie was his PA and now is his live-in partner.

Although writing is a solitary occupation there are many literary lunches, cocktail parties, university seminars and the like where gossip transmits freely. On this grapevine it was common knowledge that Fritz and Sophie were not averse to enjoying the pleasure of like-minded couples. Fearing that business and pleasure might not mix, we had carefully avoided their circle - until they turned up in Paris en route for some publishers' get-together in Budapest.

Our invitation for them to stay with us was politely declined: Fritz was quite open about wanting to stay in Paris because they both wanted to be, as he put it, "nearer the action." Instead we met for lunch at Taillevent (Fritz insisted on three Michelin rosettes and, as he was paying, we didn't object). The wine matched the food and, as the afternoon wore on, the conversation became more uninhibited. Fritz was in Paris to negotiate the English translation rights to the current sensation of the French bookshops, Nue dans la Rue: La Vie Exhib. Needless to say, its literary content was second to its subject matter.

It emerged that exhibitionism had no more enthusiastic advocate than Sophie, as she proceeded to demonstrate. After ensuring that she had her back to the other diners - few remained, in any case - she eased her chair back, pushed her skirt up to the top of her thighs and opened her legs, moving her knickers to one side to display shaved labia. Fritz smiled approvingly. I looked at Alan and could tell that he was aroused. For a woman I guessed to be in her mid-thirties Sophie was in the kind of shape that makes other women self-conscious. Moreover, the knickers were black and Alan's relationship with black underwear borders on the obsessive so his response was predictable. A little more surprisingly, I found that I, too, felt a tingle of desire. An aura of sexual availability, indefinable but unmistakable, emanated from Sophie, and I was succumbing to its influence.

Fritz gestured for Sophie to make herself more respectable while he called for the bill. Having signed the chit, he said, "Well, you two - you didn't seem offended. Are you up for more?"

"In what way?" asked Alan.

"Sophie has a particular fantasy that I've promised to fulfil; it needs two observers."


"Come to the opera with us tomorrow night."

A new production of Berlioz' "Les Troyens" had recently opened at the Opéra to huge critical and public acclaim. Alan looked at me and raised an eyebrow. Already hooked, there was no way I could have refused. I said, "I thought all the performances were sold out."

Fritz smiled. "It helps to have contacts."

So it was agreed.

Driving home, we speculated about the possible nature of Sophie's fantasy without coming to any real conclusion. I asked Alan what he thought of her.

"Sexy. Very sexy."

"Black knickers."


"Do they work for you on any woman?"

"Possibly not. But they certainly did on Sophie."

"Would you have sex with her? If the situation arose?"

"I guess so. But it doesn't seem likely, does it?"

"Who knows what Fritz has in mind after the opera."

"True. But it's very long opera."

This didn't seem to be leading anywhere so I changed the subject. "You know what I'm wearing?"

"Of course."

He almost hit the car in front when I gave him a quick flash. I knew it wouldn't be enough. We didn't get as far as the bedroom. Alan steered me to the drawing room couch, sat on the floor in front of me and said, "Let me see."

It was a familiar ritual which I happily indulged, knowing that it always brought Alan to the hardest of erections and the fiercest of needs. I stood, shed my skirt and resumed my place, legs now wide apart. I was wearing black knickers, suspender belt and stockings. Alan already had his penis in his hand when I slid my fingers inside the waist band of my knickers and down to my groin to find the wetness I knew would be there.

For a while we masturbated in silence, Alan massaging his shaft with long slow movements, eyes fastened on my own careful stroking of a distended, slippery clitoris. I know how easily I can take myself over the edge and though I am multi-orgasmic, Alan gets special pleasure from participating in the first one.

Finally, Alan stood and began to undress. He asked, "How will it be today?"

The slow burn since Sophie's brazen display had been building in intensity throughout our drive home followed by the calculated eroticism of our mutual self-pleasuring. I was at a pitch that had no need of subtlety. Alan can deploy masterly control when we are in languorous mood, but that was not what i needed now. I said, "Hard. Hard as you like. Fuck me."

He took me from behind at the start. If I kneel with my legs fairly wide apart, Alan can grip my labia and hold them apart enabling him to drive into me with the minimum of friction and virtually no danger of a quick ejaculation. I wasn't counting, but there must have been thirty or more vigorous thrusts, pressing his length deep inside me, grunting with each contact. It was good for me and I asked him to keep going as long as he was saving more for later.

Eventually, he withdrew but remained kneeling behind me. "Nice arse," he said. "If that was Sophie's arse I suspect she would be begging to have it smacked."

"Go on, then."

This was a recent addition to our sexual repertoire. Unable to resist after a lively session pistoning me from behind, Alan had slapped me lightly on my right buttock and, to my surprise, I found it stimulating and asked for more. As I did now.

After half-a-dozen firm slaps (I could have taken more), Alan's impatience overcame him. Pulling me to the floor, he turned me on to my back, hurriedly placed cushions under my head (for my comfort) and under my bottom (for his benefit), he turned his attention to servicing me once more.

"Hard again?" he asked.


He didn't disappoint me. There are times when I like to take his penis into me and hold it there, stroking his hair, murmuring in his ear before encouraging him to start slow small movements that I can reciprocate until eventually we increase the speed and reach for the stars, lovingly joined, two people in perfect sexual harmony, each dedicated to giving pleasure to the other. But this was different: sex to satisfy a ferocious hunger in us both, almost brutal thrusting accompanied by animal-like sounds, moans and grunts, as we worked out our lust.

Finally, Alan gasped, "I'm nearly there."

I knew what to do because we both liked to finish a frenzied fuck in a special way. It's true that mutual orgasms in penetrative sex can happen but it is mainly a matter of luck; we have never been able to contrive a situation where we can be sure we will both come while Alan is inside me. Instead, I moved for Alan to withdraw and kneel beside my head; he was masturbating slowly, biting his lip to hold back the moment. Simultaneously, I began to massage my clitoris with firm, swift pressure. Our eyes locked, each of us reading the imminence of the climax in the other. My own orgasm began to build at once. Just before the unstoppable flood, I opened my mouth and Alan needed only a few jerks with his closed hand to send a stream of semen into my throat.

Soon we were in each other's arms, kissing and caressing while I savoured the salty after-taste of the most precious gift Alan could give me. With others we always insisted on condoms, which only made our own special closeness so complete and fulfilling.


Fritz's contacts had provided him with a box for four at the Opéra. Champagne was in an ice bucket with four glasses on a small side table. The occasion was strictly tuxedo for the men and long dress for the women. I wore my most expensive gown for fear of being outdressed by Sophie. She wafted in on a cloud of subtle perfume entirely in black (rousing Alan's hopes). During the small talk which preceded the performance Fritz offered no clues to what was ultimately in store. Which was perhaps understandable in view of what transpired.

No sooner had the lights dimmed and the performance begun than Sophie silently rose from her chair, retreated to the back of the box and removed her skirt to reveal black knickers, stockings and suspenders and a few inches of white thigh. Having checked that the dividing partition prevented our neighbours from observing, I nudged Alan to draw his attention to the apparition behind him. It wasn't necessary. Sophie was on all fours crawling towards him. That was when I noticed that Fritz had extracted from his trousers a penis of impressive proportions and was in the process of stimulating an erection.

Alan needed no encouragement to do what was expected when Sophie turned her rear towards him and raised herself on to her hands and feet. Reaching down, my husband drew the black knickers down Sophie's legs and steadied her while she stepped out of them. Smiling at me, he raised them to his face. This fantasy of Sophie's was something to behold.

The next move was Fritz's, easing his chair back a few feet from the front of the box and sliding his trousers down round his ankles. His penis stood proudly out from his groin. Alan, I realised, was leaning down with one hand to finger Sophie, who was now on her back, legs apart, knees raised. (He told me later that she was already oozing juices before he even touched her.)

At a point where Berlioz's orchestration demanded a sonorous contribution from the full orchestra, Sophie pushed Alan's hand away, carefully rose to her feet and climbed on to Fritz's lap. She remained there for most of the first act, almost imperceptibly rising and falling on the phallus that Fritz had fed into her welcoming wet folds. Shortly before the end of the act, she put her hand between her legs and brought herself to an unmistakable orgasm. How she managed to achieve this in complete silence is beyond me. Nor do I know whether Fritz came, although some careful mopping up with tissues Sophie produced from her evening bag suggested that he may have done so at some point in the proceedings.

Miraculously, by the time the house lights came up they were both fully dressed and Sophie was sitting demurely in her chair as though she had been totally absorbed in the spectacle on the stage. Which was more than could be said for Alan who had a large tell-tale bulge at the front of his trousers. I was happy that my own arousal, incredibly real though it was, was betrayed by no more than a slight flush in my cheeks.

When the audience applause had ended, Fritz spoke. "Thank you both. I hope you enjoyed witnessing Sophie's fantasy come true as much as we did fulfilling it. And now, if you will excuse us, we have a dinner date that I hope will firm up the deal for "Nue dans la Rue." But please stay for the rest of the performance - I have ordered more champagne for you."

And before we could respond, they were gone. We might have wondered if we had imagined it all - but Alan was still clutching a pair of black knickers.


The call came during the first week in December. Pierre and Pierrette would be pleased if we could attend the end-of-year meeting of La Douzaine. There was less than forty-eight hours notice but nothing could have prevented us from attending. We drove the seventy kilometres to the rendezvous in a state of high anticipation.

There were already four other couples - together with our host and hostess - when we arrived. One couple, somewhat older than ourselves, we recognised from a previous gathering: Alan had been paired then with the woman and been very pleasantly surprised at her energetic contribution to their encounter. Now, of course, in the December free-for-all, he would have the chance to sample her again.

Drinks were being served and Pierrette was circulating with her customary charm, but the conversation was tentative, barely concealing the erotic expectation that had drawn us all together. There was an almost audible murmur of relief when the doorbell sounded to announce the arrival of the final couple to complete the dozen. But nothing could have prepared us for the moment when Fritz entered with Sophie on his arm.

Pseudonyms are required and we had already announced ourselves as Polly and Mike so we waited to see how the newcomers would react to our presence. Needless to say, Fritz - masquerading now as Josef - carried it off with aplomb. Only as he shook hands with Alan did he say with a quiet smile, "It helps to have contacts."

The evening's sex was memorable. Sophie - alias Sandra - was drawn to get us under way in company with a dark-eyed younger man, Roman. Alan's name had come out of the draw fourth but I knew he could hardly wait to get into Sophie.

Roman was clever, fucking Sophie with calculated control almost as soon as he had prepared her to receive him. After a while, he withdrew and concentrated on her nipples with his tongue while fingering her cunt, alternately fondling the clitoris and dipping two firm fingers inside. For all her wiles and suggestive manoeuvring, she could not persuade him back into her. At last she was brought to a pitch where she had to have her orgasm, and that was when Roman went down on her and used his tongue to elicit a response in complete contrast to the silent climax at the Opéra.

Then it was my turn with the partner of the elderly lady Alan remembered from that earlier meeting. The man was grey-haired, maybe fifty-five or even sixty, but he was lean and well-toned. We sixty-nined, then he pressed me to my knees for a prolonged examination with his fingers before mounting me from behind. I sensed that he was nearing ejaculation while I was still some way from the peak - but unworried knowing how the session was planned - when he slipped a finger into my anus and began to explore me, as it were, from both sides. It certainly raised the temperature for me but I was still not ready to come when I felt the muscles of his penis throb and, with a gasp, he fell against me.

When Alan was called forward (joining six of us already on the huge bed but enjoying a lull during which there was some pleasurable caressing and licking but no actual penetration; I had been given my first orgasm by Sophie wearing a strap-on dildo working in partnership with a tongue I couldn't identify), he was required to play the stallion to Roman's young lady. I have to say I admired the thoroughness with which he dealt with her in a variety of positions, but as soon as she came he handed her on to Fritz, who clearly had the hots for young flesh, and made for Sophie, at the same time signalling for me to join them.

I have no recollection of the number of orgasms I enjoyed before satiety overtook us all, but none was more thrilling than the one that was the culmination of the threesome with Alan and Sophie. Fingers and tongues invaded every orifice. It was as though Sophie has been fired up as much as we had by the events at the Opéra, as though she wanted us and wanted to be had by us just as much as we wanted her.

The finale seemed as though it would be fairly conventional as threesomes go: I was on my back, Sophie was sucking my clit and Alan was fucking her from behind. For a few moments he withdrew and began slapping her buttocks - and that was when I became aware that all the others had finished and had retired to the shadows to watch this last coupling. I recalled Alan's remarks about his fantasy of spanking Sophie and wondered how she would respond. It was like an electric charge. She lifted her face from my groin, looked over her shoulder at Alan and cried, "In my arse. Fuck my arse."

Fortunately, Alan's penis is no more than average in girth and he apparently had no difficulty in answering her demand. There was a loud murmur of approval from the onlookers as he began thrusting into that narrow opening with all the finesse he could muster. I have no idea how long this lasted for Sophie was demoniacally forcing her fingers into my cunt while she lapped at my clitoris. I know that I was urging my pelvis into her face, lifting my bottom off the bed to meet her ever-faster probing until at last there was an explosion inside me. Understanding that I was through, Sophie reached down beneath her body and frigged herself to a massive climax. I had recovered enough to see that when Alan withdrew his penis was limp and semen was dribbling from the pink ring that was closing its secret doors between Sophie's buttocks.

Twelve months will elapse before La Douzaine's next December meeting. We may not be invited again - then or ever. But we are agreed, Alan and I, that we should be grateful that Fritz had his contacts

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All Jade wanted was to have a nice relaxing day by the pool. She thought she was home alone, so she started playing with herself while oiling up. But little did she know, her step father was going to walk in and begin to spy on her. He watched her from a far for some time. Until he couldn’t take it anymore and began to jerk off as he watched her. Jade, eventually noticed what her pervert step father was doing. She confronted him. However, she wasn’t mad. She was so horny that she asked him to...

4 years ago
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Iron ManChapter 15 The Last Stanza

By the time I reunited with Blizzard, he wasn't alone. There were six others in the clearing by the river, not including the mystery compatriot who was still mostly hidden from the suit's sensors. The introductions were brief, but it was the bulk of the Guardians from this region. Blizzard introduced me to Silver; a woman clad in a form-fitting silver outfit that might have seemed revealing if it wasn't completely smooth and featureless. Red Ryan; a young man who appeared to be about my...

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Crap Hand

I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling, in the card game of life I had been dealt a crap hand. I had no talents to speak of, no good at either studying or sports. I was the guy that girls giggled at behind their hands at as they walked past. It was all so unfair, my mother was a stunner, dad was tall and handsome and my sister was a walking wet dream. I suppose they ran out of good genes when I came along. What I needed was an edge, something to even out the odds, but I didn't have the brains...

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Wild world Prologue As the judge enters the room, I stand up, just as everybody else in the courtroom does. He sits in his bench, everybody else, but me, sits, and then he looks straight into my eyes and says, "Having heard all evidences presented in this case, I concluded that the accused is guilty of raping and murdering a young woman." "Do you wish to say something before I give my sentence?" So, I am doomed, and with nothing else to save, but my pride, I answer, "Yes, your...

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AllGirlMassage Cherie Deville Samantha Rone Fighting With Mommy

Step daughter masseuse Samantha Rone is sitting on her bed beside her Holy Bible. She’s using an an electric massager on her leg, when step mother Cherie Deville walks in. The devout Christian matriarch tosses the device aside with distaste and proceeds to lecture the teen on Christian propriety. Cherie has raised the girl from infancy and tries hard to keep her on the straight and narrow. And now she fears Samantha is veering from the righteous path with her chosen career. She warns...

4 years ago
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Why Did You Break My Heart 8211 Part II

Now coming to the second part of the story “Why Did You Break My heart.” If you like it send your comments to or or or As I entered the living room I found my wife sitting and watching T.V. The good thing about my wife is that she never asks too many questions and never calls me up when I am in the office. She respects my personal space. I smiled, went into the bedroom and after changing took a nice long shower and came to the dining room. My wife had my drink ready at the bar counter and...

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Older Women can be Awesome

‘Yes,’ Gramma answered, ‘But not now.’ She took my cock in her hand and slowly stroked it. ‘Right now, I want you cum on it. Not in it.’ She pulled me closer and rubbed her clitoris with the tip of my prick. ‘I want to feel your hot cum spurting on my clit and running down between the lips of my pussy.’ She moved my cock up and down, sliding the crown up and down her slit. I awoke with a full blown hard-on and an urgent need to pee. I jumped out...

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Center of MassChapter 5

Arnie Upson was the most knowledgeable among the wagon train crew on wagons, so he was sent into town with us to find a wagon to be hooked behind the chuck wagon. This wagon was to become a home on wheels for Alice and me. Alice claimed to know nothing about wagons, and I certainly didn't, so we were grateful that Arnie was willing to help us out in selecting a wagon. Arnie warned us that a good wagon could cost $60-75, so he was going to be real picky about the one he recommended. He even...

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E E Ch 03

Part 3: The story continues. Mack smiled at Ginny. She was holding her hands on Cookie’s swollen tummy feeling the baby kick. Ginny giggled, ‘Oh! That was hard one, I think you have a soccer player in there.’ Mack laughed out loud, ‘There goes another one.’ Mike ran by chasing his 19-month old son. He grabbed the boy and swung him in the air. The child was giggling with joy. Mike put the boy down and he ran straight to Mack. Mack swooped him up and hugged Little Mike. The boy laughed at the...

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A Husbands Assignments

A Fictional Story He can feel the sweat drip from his forehead as he backs out of the driveway. He has just dropped their two kids off with the babysitter for the next twenty-four hours. He rolls down the window to get some fresh air, but continues to sweat. It is not the weather that is causing the perspiration, it's a combination of the layers of clothing he is wearing and the nervousness about what lies ahead. Under his jacket, button up flannel shirt and jeans he is wearing...

2 years ago
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Preconceptions Ch 03

Darryl Turner was stunned at what he saw going on in his sister’s bedroom. He had just spent a lovely afternoon reconnecting with his sister over lunch and then really connecting with her during sex. Sex he knew that he would want again. Jisel had proven to be an incredible fuck, wild and erotic with a playful sensuality. To date, only two women had proven to be her superiors. One was their mother Deandra or ‘DeeDee’ as she now liked to be called. The other was his gorgeous, sexy pixie of a...

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The night she will never be able to forget

Atia was a twenty-three year old African-American woman, 5'3" tall and weighed 103 pounds. She had short, black, curly hair, milk chocolate brown unblemished skin. Her measurements were 32-22-32 with firm C cup tits. She was a beautiful woman. She had been married to Tom, a wonderful black man that she had known from junior high school, for two years. Life was good for them. Tom had a good job as a software engineer and they lived in a nice small home in a pleasant suburb. Things...

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Football Time

Football season is here, and along with it we have the chips, the beer, the big screen TV, the pool up and ready to go, and of course, the friendly football rivalry. What is football without a little friendly competition. This football season is going to be one of the best that I am going to get to experience. My girlfriend, Allie and I get along great, we like most of the same things, expect when it comes to sports. No matter what the game is, we are always on opposite sides of the track. ...

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SugarChapter 2

She woke to his snore, bit her lip to keep from laughing out loud. She hadn’t heard a snore in ages. She kissed him. His snoring shifted to a low rumble. Her hand slid down his bare, hairy chest and down to his boxers. He was standing at attention. She cracked up, unable to resist the funny situation. Her aged sugar daddy was as stiff as a board. Her laughter woke him with a start. Who in the devil is in my bed? What is going on? There was a little girl, a young woman caressing his pecker,...

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Recollections of My Busan Beauty

We all have our “excuses”. We all have our “regrets”. And we all have our “If only” list. As we get older our regrets take a higher and higher profile. Our “regrets” then outrank the “excuses” and the “If only” list. Regrets begin to creep up on us and take us by surprise. When we least expect it we stumble into a regret. When I stumble I often end up staring at 1984. So let’s start with the “excuses”. What were my excuses? Well I was incredibly young: sixteen to be exact. I was a very...

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Nothing has ever thrilled you more than the prospect of displaying yourself publicly. Trips to the beach are always exciting for the tiny bikinis that you wear; even trips to more mundane locations like the mall can be made more exciting with a simple short skirt and no underwear. Each dive into the ocean is a chance that your top will become dislodged; each ride up an escalator is a chance to discreetly flash yourself. Tonight, as you sit on the balcony attached to your apartment, you feel...

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Hudai Ka Pahala Sabak

Hello friends, Main apni jindagi ki pahali chudai ki behad hasin yadgar aape share kar raha hoon jo main kabhi bhula nahi paunga. Ye ghatana mere jiwan ki anol dharohar hai. Mera nam Piyush hai. Abhi main KOLKATA ki ek MNC me Computer Engineer hoon. Main us samay 15 sal ka tha jab yeh ghatana hui. Us samay main class IX me padhata tha. Mere bade bhaiya Prakash ki shadi hui.Ghar me chand si sundar Bhabhi ayi jo 19 sal ki thi. Bhabhi ka nam Archita hai. Meri badi bahan ki Shadi ho chuki thi ....

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Our neighbor

I’ve been working late at my job. I work 12 to 14 hours a day. When I get home I am too tired to do anything. My wife Linda wants sex, so she tries to fuck me while I’m asleep, but its a no go. She goes and fucks herself with her dildo or vibrator.She was getting tired of masturbating, she wanted the real thing inside her. She talks to the neighbor Robert from time to time. She thinks he is cute. Before I was working like crazy, I would catch her looking out the window watching him do yard...

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Straight to Bi to Gay

All my friends knew me as a straight guy. I dated women, and I "acted" straight, whatever that means. They didn't know I'd had relations with other men. Mostly in college. And relations means sex. I didn't date another guy, just sucked and fucked, in some one night stands. Experimenting? Maybe. But, I knew I did like the man-on-man action, as much as I liked getting pussy.As I got older, I tired of the one night stand thing, and went on to just date women. Until I realized how crazy...

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Absolute Life Absolutely LivedChapter 2

Mary Jerkins had been delighted that Marla Tanner had agreed to become her part-time on-premises representative for the Absolute Arms condo complex. Perhaps 'complex' was a bit upscale for what 'The Arms' was in actuality. The four interconnected buildings formed a sealed square, with sundecks on each roof top and a swimming pool and hot tubs in the otherwise empty center of the square. The balconies for each apartment faced the inner courtyard and swimming pool. What had started life as...

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Lucky StiffChapter 12 Chicago and Confrontation

Love talkin', is all very fine, yeah Jive talkin', Just isn't a crime And if there's somebody, You'll love till you die Then all that jive talkin', Just gets in your eye --Jive Talkin' (Bee Gees) I picked up the phone in the kitchen and called my mother to tell her that Kristen was taking me somewhere--a surprise--and that I'd be home before ten o'clock tomorrow evening. My mother didn't have a problem with that. Kristen drove me in her Camaro to a small airport about ten...

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A Farm House Story Part 4 of 4 Bow Hunting Season

Karine told David about Mark giving her the okay to take up bow hunting. David told her that she could use his old recurve until she felt ready to get something on her own. They made plans to go to the farm a few more times before bow season for them to sharpen their skills and to work on the blinds. Three weeks after Labor Day they arranged to go to the farm to prepare for the upcoming bow season. Karine asked David if she could invite Mark and the kids to the farm. She was hoping that he...

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Fucking My Own Cousin Sister 8211 Part 1

Hi, This is Uday 25 years. My sister name Rani (name changed) age 26 years and 34c-32-36 figures. As I stated she is having big tits and a slim waist which drives me crazy and a big ass which always asks me to slap. She a cousin of mine who stays in the same village but by a distance. We are very close to each other and at the same time very open to each other. We actually act like as if we are boy friend and girl friend. Coming to the story. This happened in the recent times few months back...

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Life Resumed

Carl was walking down the busy street talking to his wife on his cell phone. He was late and had called to apologize to her. Carl was a Lieutenant in the Coast Guard and Executive Officer of a small Cutter stationed in New York City. He had a meeting that ran longer than he anticipated and was late getting off his ship. Now he was on his way to the World Trade Center to meet his wife and parents. While they had waited on him to finish his meeting Charlotte had taken them to her office to show...

4 years ago
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The Fox and the Wolf Part 2

I’m not the kind of person to regret any decision I have made in my life so far. I put thought into my words and calculate my actions carefully before I proceed in any situation; but what happened last night with Christina was totally unplanned. I have been with quite a few girls in my life so far, but this one had a certain element to her that unsettled me, made me wild and angry, pissed off at how much she could get away with. She was one of those girls who thought men were her playthings and...

College Sex
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A Fling Before the Ring

Den should have checked before she opened her hotel room door, looked through the spy hole in the door, left the security chain on, if nothing else, but she assumed it was one of the girls from the hen party. Den just grabbed her white silk dressing gown and held it against her naked body as she opened the door. She got quite a shock when a tall dark-skinned man walked past her with a tray containing two glasses and a bottle of champagne. “What the …………….?” she shouted. He just ignored her...

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RepercussionsChapter 14

Marsha was waiting for me the next morning, nervously pacing around in circles at the end of the street where Reggie lives. She's understandably afraid to go to Reggie's house alone. She asked me about her outfit, a short skirt and a semi sheer blouse. I don't like being the one to have to tell her what she must already know from seeing the outfits Reggie make's me wear to school now. But I suppose it's in my own best interest to avoid getting the cruel bitch worked up first thing in...

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Dylan Pt 2 Fooling Around at the Movies

When I woke up later that afternoon, I laid there in a daze? The night seemed so far away already. Was it just a dream? Was it a one night thing? I was scared to see Dylan in the daylight, I felt like I needed the confidence of the night or it was going to be awkward as fuck. And what was he thinking about all of this?? He was one of my best friends and I didn’t want to lose that more than anything. A text notification on my phone buzzed and scared me back to the present. I didn’t even want...

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Letter From the GraveChapter 2 Noras letter

My darling, dearest and only love, This letter is going to hurt your pride, your ego and your love for me and for others. You know that I believe in re-incarnation, and also that the soul of any man or woman remains around his loved ones until satisfied that everything is fine. If things do not turn out fine — the soul, in the form of a ghost, will cause troubles to those loved ones. I am in that position. After 14 years of marriage I must confess to you about things I did that you knew...

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A Beach Fantasy

The only sound that can be heard is the gently lapping of the waves rolling into the beach. She lay naked in the sand slick with sweat in the hot afternoon sun. Alone on the beach, she stretches sensually and gets to her feet. She walks slowly to the water, the hot sand running through her toes. Then in an instant she is gone, diving beneath the surface. She swims out a way with slow easy stokes and then lay over floating on her back under the sun.She hears the movement of the ocean so in tune...

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A Picnic With Her Family

I woke up in the morning, and realized that I was alone. I freshened up and got out of the bedroom, and walked to the dinning room. Breakfast was ready, her younger sister was on the study table, reading up. Her elder sister was watching tv, mother was in the kitchen, I think cleaning up. And my mate was waiting at the table for me. I greeted everyone “Good Morning, ladies”. Replies came in one by one, except her younger sister. I walked up to her, held her chin with one hand, tilted her face...

2 years ago
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Ladys Last DanceChapter 10

Somewhere in Ohio Sally woke in a fog to what sounded like someone knocking on the door to the room. The light in the room was a very dark blue reflecting off a large silver cross and one smaller cross on each side of the large one. The floor was covered in a black deep pile carpet. In the middle of the room were 4 beds in a circle around what looked to be an altar. Sally could lift her body some, but she could not set completely up. In the bed across the altar, was the body of a nude woman....

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Great Timing

Lilly smiled when she saw the familiar number pop up on her phone. “Can’t wait to see you tonight.” The text read. Lilly finished brushing her teeth and made her way into her bedroom. She couldn’t for the life of her figure out what she was going to wear. She was meeting Michael for dinner and she knew tonight would be the night they would finally have sex. He was handsome, black wavy hair, and deep brown eyes. His eyes always made Lilly feel like she could swim in them they were so deep...

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I built my own sextoy

I am so excited that I don’t know how much longer I can wait. Her mother ran off with some guy when Mary was two. I’ve raised her by myself. At age 14, she has turned out just the way I intended. I have spent the last 12 years training her and molding her into the perfect little sex toy. I home-schooled her so that there would be no outside influences and taught her to obey me and how to please a man. It was about 10 years ago when I stumbled across a website devoted...

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PaybackChapter 2

Getting on with life 7 Months After George's Arrest Life was good once more. I still missed Patty sometimes but that ship had sailed. I suppose; no I know what I missed most about Patty was the companionship and sex. If truth was told I had been getting pretty tired of Patty's disrespect and sour temper even before I had caught her fucking what I thought were my two best friends. I knew Joe was an asshole and had the ethics and morals of a snake but damn, I just never in my wildest dreams...

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Gloryhole Cocksucker

I am a cocksucking queer. I love to have another man’s dick in my mouth. I love to have a man’s cock seesawing in and out of my hungry cunt-mouth. I love the taste of other men’s pre-cum. I love to worship their fuckrods until they squirt their hot sticky cock nectar into my mouth. I haven’t always been a cocksucker, I’m a happily married man, and had never tasted a cock until 1987. How did I start to suck dicks and become a cum addict? Here’s a story about my first of many cocksucking...

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Sleep sexing

I am Mr. Sex Maniac (real name concealed). Let me not create boredom by giving detailed introductions about myself. I know the purpose why you have opened this story. Let me talk it out straight. This incident happened when I was around 25 years. I was working at an MNC where I met one extra-ordinary and extremely good-looking girl called Sridevi aged 27. We were working in the same department and hence got introduced to each other. She got transferred from our Mumbai branch to Chennai branch....

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Well, I finally got a chance to nail Claudia, my best friend's girlfriend, after years of waiting and getting ever so close several times before. As you might remember, Lou has been my best friend for about 27 years and a number of years ago we began having threesomes with his girlfriend, Claudia, although she had steadfastly maintained a "no fucking" rule with me. Eating, fingering, playing, blowjobs and handjobs were always allowed, and she never left me hanging, but no fucking. Well, that...

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PurcellChapter 8 New Life

Ab felt fairly happy with the planting season just past as he rode to school Monday evening. He’d plowed his land and Cellus’s land, and Martha still seemed happy. He’d planted a lot of cotton, some corn, and even beans and turnips. He had a new cabin with a fireplace and a floor. He’d bought a ham to hang from the ceiling of his new cabin, and he figured to eat well the next year. He was even happier when he got to class. He knew that there were four teachers in the school, and they taught...

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Inaugural Balls

Time: Somewhere in the future.Place: Washington, D.C. To be more precise,  the grand ballroom of the White House.She was celebrating a historic occasion. The glass ceiling had finally been shattered. A woman had been elected President. It was 3 A.M. and the last of four parties was drawing to a close. A few diehards were still at the makeshift bar, but, for the most part, the partygoers had departed for home."Why don't you be a dear and go prep the bed," Elizabeth said to her husband."Is that a...

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TeamSkeetExtras Kali Sudhra First Position

Ballet teacher Alicia may be strict, but her unorthodox methods always get results. In a private session with student Olivier, Alicia showcases her harshest teaching technique: challenging him to hold First Position without moving a muscle. Performing an incredible striptease just inches from him, Alicia gives Olivier a sharp ‘thwack!’ with her riding crop every time he hungrily twitches towards her. Losing control, Olivier gives up – knowing that as punishment Alicia will have him...


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