AngelWatch Ch. 07 free porn video

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‘Windy wake the hell up we have a lead!’

Windy groaned, loudly, and pulled a pillow over her head. I pretended not to notice the empty glass on the bed stand. Windy didn’t drink often, and she lacked the precise biochemistry to make it a worthwhile and pleasant experience. But it put her to sleep, and other drugs hadn’t worked out well.

But then she was up, cursing, and pulling clothing on. I — Marcy, you haven’t met me before — felt the wash of pain and frustration pour out of her as she tried to focus through the leftover effects of her drinking.

‘A lead?’ she said, a bit harshly. ‘Tell me.’

‘She left a living victim and witness, a girl named Elena, and we have her Windy and you can come read her right now. Eric and James are with her and I’ve been in her head, she remembers things so come on you need to see her right away!’

I can’t help how I talk. I have a number of issues, something like autism and something like nothing you can know anything about. I have trouble controlling my speech and slowing it down, I have trouble understanding when others talk. My brain is wired at the wrong speed, it runs much too fast and all my interactions suffer as a result. (I can write because I can go back and fix things.) I have no empathy at all, even when I read, so I just have rules I follow to keep myself out of trouble. What I do have is the ability to read like no one else. Unlike most of Angelwatch I can’t write and sometimes people here pity me for that reason, and I once slapped Windy across the room for being condescending to me. We get along better now, I have a rule: I must not slap Windy even when she needs it.

Windy started to brush her hair. ‘Right away!’ I said again. ‘She’s very damaged and you will want to help her, we took her from the crime scene and that stressed her further-.’

‘Yes, Marcy, I will, but I need a few moments to clear my head, and-‘

‘Her heartbeat is unstable because the damage is so deep so it has to be now you don’t want her to die.’

The hairbrush dropped as Windy darted for the door. ‘Next time mention that first. Take me to her.’


Windy likes to touch people she works on, I don’t know why. It doesn’t really help with the focusing, and given how creepy it is to be written — I’ve had people write me several times, so I know — the touch is not comforting. Windy finds the touching pleasant herself, but it doesn’t make her any more effective, in fact I feel it distracts her. I’ve moved her hand off people she was reading a few times, but she hasn’t taken the hint.

She immediately laid her hand on Elena’s forehead. Elena was a mess, inside and out. There were bruises where she was tied, both her wrists and thighs, and along the underside of one breast, and for some reason on the side of her foot. But they did not look serious. The real problem was that the pathways of her conscious thought had gotten tangled in her autonomic functions and she was messing up her own heartbeat and breathing. I guessed that Keiko had somehow connected them up to make Elena pass out, it’s easier, I’m told, to affect conscious thought than anything else, so if you want to affect physical aspects, many writers have to open pathways between the conscious and autonomic systems that in most people are closed. Right now they were wide open in Elena now, and she had no idea what to do with them, and accidents kept happening.

It was interesting being inside Elena’s mind while Windy got to work. Windy is an excellent writer and a good reader, but she misses so much detail and sometimes she gets lost. I could see what she was changing, and so I knew when she was doing it wrong.

‘No Windy more towards… happiness.’

There’s no good way to describe where things are in the brain. It’s not about cerebellums and hypothalamuses. But there’s a rough correspondence between emotions and he ‘touchable’ places in the mind… it’s an imprecise way to give directions but there isn’t a better one.

‘Alright, I see it now,’ Windy muttered. ‘Keiko likes to use pleasure to mess people up. Really evil technique. This is such a mess.’

‘She remembers everything, she’s valuable.’

‘Yes. Shut up please.’

Windy can’t talk and read at the same time. I can.

Time passed. Elena was damaged in many places and one by one, Windy broke connections that shouldn’t have existed. Elena’s heartbeat stabilized, and then her breathing became normal. And then I realized what Windy was doing next.

‘Wait why are you waking her up? I can see where she goes in her sleep, she doesn’t have to be aware of us.’

‘There’s no way to clean out the memories, Marcy. She’s going to be permanently aware that Keiko had powers. So we’re going to have to talk to her, real actual words, to calm her down and teach her not to be terrified and above all never to talk about it, especially not to the police. I candyminraind.’

‘Candywhat?’ My mind scrambles audio input sometimes, especially if it’s not a phrase I’m expecting to hear. Everyone is used to repeating things for me.

‘I can’t do it mind to mind.’

‘She’s not a potential reader,’ I objected. ‘She can’t know us or be one of us. That’s the rule. She’s only valuable for what she knows other than her intrinsic human worth.’

I know everyone has intrinsic human worth, because God says so. But I have seen a lot of what is inside people and I wonder rather terribly, whether God can have made a mistake.

Windy looked at me, eyes flashing for a moment. She did not like my valuation of intrinsic human worth. She felt it was too low. Then Elena gave a half-sob and Windy got back to work.

‘Elena, listen to me. You are ill and have been though a terrible experience, but you are going to be ok. Please just listen to my voice and try not to think too much, you need to remember things slowly and in pieces. You are safe. You’re going to be ok.’


Elena was still being raped. That was how her mind saw it. She was in mental and physical pain and everything was disjoint and incoherent and her interpretation of all that what that the rape was still happening. Windy’s words flowed inward but had no meaning, Elena was largely aphasiac, but I could feel her fighting to rearrange the chaos and get meaning back.

I took Windy’s wrist and moved it from Elena’s forehead. Windy tried to put it back but I held firm, and then Windy read better and understood. The touch was getting tangled in the rape memories, and Elena began to cohere better once the hand was gone. Once Elena got to a certain point, I spoke.

‘Cohere, coherence, focus on the sounds there is meaning there you remember it Elena, focus on the sounds and find the words underneath you will remember it is all still within reach, find the word and then the qualia and then — there! Hello Elena Windy is your friend and she will help you!’

Yes I’m crazy. I’m damaged in ways no one can reach but that damage makes me understand damage in others better. I could read Elena’s reaction to every word I said, and I adjusted what I said, word by word, in response to what she felt. I started with an unusual word because we all have a mechanism in our brains to look up the meaning of obscure words, and we are very practiced at it. Using a lot of words Elena knew she should know was just adding more drops to a rainstorm of sounds she’d been drowning in, but making her fall back on an instinctive search for meaning focused her mind on something other than the overwhelming terrible raindrops. I used the word cohere to make her cohere, and I was very proud of that. Windy would not have thought of it. She should not have slapped me because I have my strengths and my uses. But I forgive her, because that is my rule for Windy.

Elena abruptly curled into a ball and sobbed. Memory is a bitch and hers had just bitten her. Do not pet strange dogs, my mother had once said. Do not pet strange memories is a be
tter rule.

Windy spoke again. ‘Elena, you are safe now. You are ill and have been through a terrible time, but we will help you, and I promise, you will be ok.’

‘I killed Peter-‘

‘No! False memory, you were bound and could not have killed Peter,’ I snapped. I don’t like false memories. And there was a flowering of relief inside Elena’s head, because she understood my words and they made sense to her. Keiko had pushed guilt into Elena, making it all her fault. That had to be broken down.

Windy glowered at me for speaking so harshly, but even she could see my words had helped. Everyone thinks that kindness is the right answer to everything, but it’s not. It’s only right half the time. I know I do not understand compassion directly, but I know what it looks like and sometimes it has teeth.

‘No,’ Windy repeated. ‘Peter is dead but you had no part in that. You were forced to watch it happen, and that’s part of why you’re so frightened. But you are safe now.’

‘He- he-‘

‘Raped you,’ I said. ‘But not really!’

But that wasn’t the right thing to say, I am not perfect through I do try, and the anger coming from Windy this time was enough to make me flinch and step back. Windy doesn’t conceal emotion well. As sensitive as I am, that’s a problem.

‘Leave NOW,’ Windy mouthed at me. I didn’t, but I did move across the room to a chair, and made it a rule I’d be silent here except for emergencies.

‘Peter wasn’t himself,’ Windy said. ‘He was also hurt by the same thing that hurt you. Nothing that happened was his fault.’

‘It wasn’t his fault at all,’ Elena whispered. ‘I… wanted…’

‘Elena, you know you didn’t really want all that.’

‘I did. Oh God I did.’

She wasn’t crying yet. If I was a writer I’d have pushed in and found the tears and let them go. If you’re a girl you have to either cry or scream or usually both. Until those happened she wouldn’t get better.

‘No,’ Windy said, softly. ‘I know what happened to you. Everything felt both good and terrifying and you didn’t know how to cope with it. You wanted to fight, but the fear and the other sensations made you feel paralyzed. It wasn’t your fault. Or Peter’s. Do you remember… someone else?’

She started sobbing, but in fear, not from grief. Which doesn’t count.

‘No,’ she said, shaking in terror.


‘No! She wasn’t there!’


Terrified sobbing, and terror blazing through the room like the roar of a fire-breathing dragon.

Windy took a deep breath. ‘Elena, listen carefully. There are people in this world who can change the way others think and behave. It doesn’t matter how. One of them found you and Peter, and made you both behave in ways you would not have. You saw her. She did evil, terrible things and we have to find her and stop her.’

‘I… she wasn’t there. I could feel her but not see her. She was invisible- she was- I felt her. Hatred, snarling like a dog, claws and teeth. She-‘

Suddenly she was aphasiac again. I could feel her decohere.

Windy put her back to sleep with a single, polished mental effort.

‘Shite.’ Windy wasn’t a common user of harsh language and she likes old English forms when she indulges. ‘I have no idea how she did that. Pushing fear is easy, and given a few weeks I could, if I were evil, train someone to loathe and fear a person, or even a thing. But Keiko can do it in a single evening. Do we know how long she was with them?’

‘Yes,’ James said, from the corner he’d been quietly sitting and staying out of Windy’s way. ‘Under an hour. Keiko impersonated a waitress and used a keycard to get into an adjacent room, before she got to Peter. People heard the screams afterwards. The police have it all timelined. Maybe less than forty minutes.’

Windy didn’t even ask how they knew all this. Angelwatch tries to avoid interfering with police investigations anywhere, because that just leads to deeper investigations and more risk of Angelwatch’s discovery. But in this circumstance, rules were broken, not the least of which was screwing with police brains and snatching Elena from the crime scene, and that was a problem but it was a problem for another day.

Windy looked into Elena’s mind again, but it’s all different when someone is sleeping. She didn’t get much. I looked in as well, and heard the baying of dogs. Interesting…

‘Conditioned fear, this specific, this strong, this fast. Who cares if she can puppetmaster, if she can make people so terrified of her that they can’t see her or speak of her? No legal charge against her will ever stand.’

‘A problem for another day. Can you fix this girl?’

‘Sure,’ Windy said, bitterly. ‘She’s a lot more impacted than Keiko was, but it’s all repairable. A week or two and she’ll be right as rain. By then Keiko can give us seven or fourteen more victims, she can permanently keep all of Angelwatch busy just repairing damage. We’ll never keep up.’

Windy sat, and lowered her head to her chest, and the misery washed over her. When it had spread to every corner of her mind, she looked up. Tears were running down her cheeks.

‘James, I recommend a kill. Will you put it to a vote?’

‘Yes,’ he said.

No. This was an emergency, so I was allowed to speak. ‘No, don’t bother. Because I will not vote yes, this is not right, she has intrinsic human value and you are doing it wrong, you are not seeing Keiko as she is, and Windy you should because you are good at this but I am better and I will tell you what you missed, Keiko is horrified at herself and this is all because of self-loathing, just look at Elena and you really see Keiko. Trapped by cords she cannot break, made to crave what she hates, taught that it is her fault when it is someone else to blame, don’t you understand, Keiko was raped and now she’s reproducing, she is making the world to be like her, she is inventing a world in which there are no more rapists but everyone is already raped. She is a victim here.’

James cleared his throat. ‘We’ve voted to kill before, Marcy, you included. Human value doesn’t defend everything.’

‘I will not vote yes,’ I repeated, because they were not listening to me. ‘Keiko is only damaged. I am damaged and you do not kill me so you can’t kill her! I will find her.’

‘Marcy,’ Windy said, ‘these are beautiful sentiments and I am so happy to hear you speak them. But you cannot go looking. You don’t write. You don’t block. Keiko would kill you without effort and you couldn’t do anything to stop her. You are the worst choice in the world.’

‘No I’m not, I will find her because I can and you can’t and it will be ok I’ll show her the way back she doesn’t want to be broken she wants to be found or she wouldn’t have left Elena alive.’

I was out of the chair and through the door before Windy or James could put me to sleep because they were both going to but I am very fast. But I could read-hear them talking as I fled.

‘Can she do anything to help, really?’

‘Marcy? She talks to the wind. She thinks it answers. No she can’t help. She’s only going to get herself killed.’

I laughed as I ran. I do talk to the wind. The wind does not hear. The wind cannot hear. But the wind can sense, and it knows you as it flows around you. And it carries what you say to it anywhere it needs to go. I went outside, dancing, into the wind.

‘Keiko,’ I called out, ‘I need to find and meet you.’

My wish was a leaf on the wind now. It would soar. I would find Keiko. I would teach her the rules she was missing, and she would return to Angelwatch, and then I’d never have to see damage like Elena’s again.

The wind does not hear, but Keiko would.


It took a few days.

‘Keiko,’ I whispered. ‘I found you.’

She woke up slowly. She knew who I was. We’d met a few times and to a reader I have a very very distinct mind.

‘Marcy, isn’t it? Hello, Marcy. How
did you find me?’

She had a knife in her hand, but that didn’t matter. I pretended I didn’t see it.

‘There was a bruise on the side of Elena’s foot and it was not a rope mark and I wondered very much what it was because Elena was only marked where the cords had been, thighs and wrists and throat, except for a handprint on her breast where Peter had grabbed her too hard. But that didn’t explain the foot but I realized it was that someone tried to pull her shoes off and didn’t unstrap them right first, which meant Peter did that. You were usually barefoot when you were raped weren’t you, that’s why Peter took the shoes off, anyway so I pictured what you would have done after Peter died, I’ve been inside your head and I know you and I know what you feel and after killing Peter you were both scared and triumphant and you knew they’d never find you by themselves because you are so very smart and so very powerful. But you’re afraid of dogs and I remembered that when I was with Elena because you somehow left a trace of that in her mind and it occurred to you that you might fool people who could see you but you couldn’t do anything about police dogs who could be given your scent and track you that way and you were very proud of yourself for thinking of that and there were her shoes on the floor and it occurred to you to switch shoes with Elena. That doesn’t actually work Keiko because the human scent is more than just the feet and I don’t think you knew that but you walked out wearing her shoes which meant you had to do something with yours. They were your best shoes, weren’t they? You wanted to keep them because you’re a girl and girls keep nice shoes that fit, so you put them in one of those plastic bags the hotels offer for laundry service. There was nothing else you could do with them. Plastic would hide the scent you thought. You don’t wear perfume, do you, that’s interesting, and did you know that raped women worry about how they smell? How many times a day do you shower even now? You try to be scentless but dogs can track anything. And so can I. Not by scent, but by seeing things. Keiko you were walking down the streets in a pretty dress in shoes that didn’t match and carrying a tacky plastic bag. You tried to hide but even you can’t hide from everyone at once and the streets around the Galaxy are home to a lot of fashion conscious women and people noticed you in your pretty dress and wrong shoes and plastic bag and the police would never have thought to ask the questions that I did. The people who saw you lead me to this block and then I just waited. You can’t change your appearance all the time from everyone and you can’t hide your mind all the time and so I spotted you and we didn’t expect you to be staying here because it’s such a low class place but then you don’t have to worry about rape and robbery and you don’t have much money do you because you only kill but don’t steal. And hello by the way.’

‘When do you actually breathe?’

‘That’s funny.’

She stood up. ‘Marcy, leave.’

‘You’re not very good at being authoritative. James and Windy are much better and I disobey them all the time. Anyway you need to come back to Angelwatch.’


I looked at Marcy carefully. She was unnoticeably ugly, and socially odd, and Angelwatch had become her whole life, simply because there was nowhere else for her. She was also the easiest read on the planet, and for her this was all so simple. I’d made a mistake, but it was time for me to come home.

‘That was a crazy, twisted chain of logic you used to find me.’

‘It was the fourth one I tried. The first three didn’t work.’

That was Marcy. She was inhumanly persistent. The odds didn’t matter, she’d just keep trying until she ran out of ideas, however crazy.

‘Leave,’ I said again. ‘…I can make you, you know that.’ But I quietly laid the knife I’d palmed aside, because it was obvious that Marcy was no physical threat. She ignored the knife.

‘You can make many things happen. You could even kill me but don’t do that, I’m not a rapist, I’m not even a writer as I’m sure you know. Read me Keiko.’

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It seems so long ago to be honest, and it has been ten whole years to the day almost. It was just before Christmas 1987 when I was 20 and dating David, but he went by Dave. He was nice enough and all, the family liked him. I was in love with him for sure. Our relationship was going well I thought but not everything was perfect. He would get into moods from time to time that made me question his commitment to me. As Christmas neared that year I was wondering why, during the month of December, he...

4 years ago
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Monster World MW The Prologue

"What did I do?" she wondered to herself, "Zombies, goblins, orcs, ghosts, a boogeyman!" she whispered. She smiled in a huffing laughter, well the world needs a bit more excitment I guess. She looked outside as the zombies were the last thing to leave the building. "Maybe the world needs a zombie apocalypse. Enough people have plans for it." she laughed again. Lira woke up in a gasp. Escaping with only minor cuts. She remembered Freddy's words. "We're free, I say goodbye to you...

2 years ago
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The Devil and the Deep Blue SeaChapter 13 Clarity

I racked my brain for options. There had to be some way off this balcony without confronting Price. We didn't need to be caught breaking and entering. De Luca would completely flip out. A glance at Hawk told me she was considering all our options, including the really stupid ones. She was seriously looking over the metal partitions that separated Price's section of balcony with his neighbors'. More worrisome was when she started pushing her foot against the railing to see how stable it...

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Being watched

A while back I met a lady, Chris, on a chat site from the other side of the country. We knew we would never meet in person, but we had a lot in common. We hit it off well and the games began. First discovering each other fantasies, then turning them in to food for sexy texting. The next logical step of course was chatting on the phone. It turned out that she liked being watched. I thought that was exciting and led to some amazing talks. Being watched didnt seem as exciting as being fucked but...

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Second ChanceChapter 6

"I am so happy to have all four of you home," I said to Rebecca and Millicent Jane, as Colleen and I welcomed them into our bedroom. James was in his baby crib in our bedroom, with plenty of space beside it for Millicent Jane's. Winnie was downstairs helping Millie get lunch on the table. We needed full time staff, instead of a day maid and caterers, and now that my ladies were home with our children, I had asked Winnie to hire two maids, and two cooks to cover seven am through eleven pm....

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Kevin and Denise Naked in SchoolChapter 19 Sunday is Not a Day of Rest

I was dreaming, I thought, I must be dreaming. This has to be a dream. I’m in a large, fog-filled room and girls, tall girls, short girls, fat girls, thin girls, cute girls, ugly girls, are circling around me, moving in and out of the fog, getting really close and when I turn to look at them, drift away. When I try to move toward a girl, she smiles, giggles, glides away, and disappears into the mists. Now I’m beginning to feel ghostly hands tugging at my groin; I look down and see that I’m...

4 years ago
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Just a little something I wrote awhile back

The day would start with me arriving at Sir's house. I'm dressed in my regular clothes, just like he told me, and I've got my overnight bag with me. We'd chat a bit downstairs, so I'd get a little comfortable with him and relax. Then he'd lead me upstairs to his bedroom. He'd take my overnight bag from me and then ask me to strip. He wouldn't specify that I should do it slow or seductively, but it might go a little like that, because I'm so nervous. The last to go would be my boxers, what I'm...

2 years ago
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wifes desire

The wife wote this email to me, after I asked her what she would like to do this weekend, We hope you all enjoy reading as much as I did!!! You call me at home and tell me you will be home in half an hour and to start getting ready cause you want to go out for dinner and dancing. You get home and come upstairs and find me getting out of the shower, i'm all wet and rubbing baby oil onto my body and you ask if you can help. I tell you no cause then you wont want to go...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 9 FROZEN THREATS

We reached Tabernacle 12 with next to empty tanks. We were expected and landing controls took over. The small planet looked very much like a dirty snow ball. Its own sun was nothing more than a bright star and its next planetary neighbor was almost eight light minutes removed. The landing beam guided us towards a crater and at its center was a set of large iris doors that opened for us. As soon as we had landed, Marines in heavy Destroyer Suits surrounded our ship. At least twenty Cerberus...

1 year ago
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Community Three SigmaChapter 27

Nikki’s turn: We’re still talking about new toys, right? Cindy was PIC for the flight back from Colorado with the new plane. Fair enough. After all, Cindy IS ‘Cindy of the Skies‘. When we landed, though, we had the entire community standing there waiting on the arrival. It’s a big deal. Cindy exited first. Me? I stood in the door, my butt still inside indescribable luxury and newness, and said, “Okay, who wants a ride?” We have seating for eight – one of their ‘executive’ options – plus...

3 years ago
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My Sick Day 2

Hello, I am Zeeshan from Canada and this is a continuation of my earlier story titled ‘My Sick Day’. As I and Parveen played with each other in my bed, mother was working upstairs. I had no idea how I would get Parveen to her home in time, without her being caught by my mother or her family becoming suspicious. Since I and Parveen had already committed a ‘crime’ we found it fitting to commit another one. My room was in the basement and it was set in such a way that it was divided into half by...

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Date with a classmate

It is four days before Valentines day and you have wanted to ask a classmate out for some time. You decide Valentines day is good for a date. You just need to decide on who you want to ask out and just go for it. First there is Madeline James from Calculus. She is 18 years old. Her best features are her blonde hair thats always in a ponytail and her smile that is heartwarming. You don't know how someone with braces could have such a beautiful smile. She is petite. She always wears sundresses....

2 years ago
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Komal 8211 The Gentle One 8211 Part 1

It was a dream when it all began. Yes, you read that right. I was in a state of trance when I saw her head bobbing up and down, deepthroating and gagging on my 6″ member as I came shot after shot in her mouth. With one last hard suck, she took my dick out her mouth leaving its head glistening with a mix of saliva and semen. She dug her chin on my inner thigh, gripping the base of my penis with quite a bit of strength trying to get a whiff of that musky mixture she just made. Slightly tilting...

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Unknwon Person Ne Gand Mari

Hi friends mera naam Sunny he me surat ka rehane wala meri pehali kahani bina time pass kiye direct kahani par chalata hu ye kahani kuch mahino pehale ki he jab me apani vacation khatam kar hostel lot Rahatha me Mumbai k 1polytechnic collage me padhata hu,muze 2ndday collage pohchna tha timing night ka tha mene travels me sleeper seat ka booking karawa liya.or bus me chad gaya bus chutane me time tha.thodi der Baad mere baju me ek aadmi aa gaya.usane muze kaha k baju wali seat meri...

1 year ago
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Hello friends meri peechhli kahani “Antarvasna” aapne padhi hogi. Usme maine shweta VIDHI BHABHI ke saath ghati ek raat ki ghatna ka varnan kiya tha. Aur us ghatna se mere antarman ki vyakultaon ka bhi zikra kiya tha. Darasal us ghatna ke baad se meri saari dincharya hi badal gai thi. Mai ab rajesh bhaiya aur unke pariwar se kata-kata rahne laga tha. Ab main apna jyada samay office me hi bitata tha. Roj subah 8 baje tak main office ke liye nikal jata, aur raat 10 baje ke baad ghar wapas aata...

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Stone and the Gangsters Girls

OK, quite a lengthy one with a little mix I hope you enjoy. Stone is a bodyguard — ex-military who heads a small team responsible for close protection of Dave Devine. Dave Devine is a gangster, a king of the underworld with a wife and daughter who are both very sexy and very kinky. I did think about submitting the chapters individually, but opted instead to lump all 25000 words together in one hit (no pun intended … gangster … hit … geddit?) *ahem* Right, well, yes, I decided to put the piece...

3 years ago
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Cindys Sex Service

A month ago, my girl friend Mandy and I got to talking with a waitress at a local restaraunt and we really hit it off. Her name was Cindy and she said she had two hung guys who were coming over to her place when she got off work...and we were welcome to join them. We accepted her invitation quickly and met her when she left the restaraunt. About a half hour after getting to her place, Cindy disappeared to get out of her "work clothes". I was sitting right next to Don on the sofa, while Mandy...

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Starlight and Hellfire

When the red lightning crackled across the town square and the first Hellbeast touched down, it was chaos. These days, it was routine. Sure, they were still horrifying, dangerous monsters, but after the first few attacks, people knew to clear out when they saw the warning signs and wait for the cavalry to arrive. Besides, there was something cathartic and uplifting about watching an attractive, super-powered young woman beat a Hellbeast to death. These mysterious monster-battling heroines...

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BethChapter 60

September 8, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, I woke well before the alarm and found myself on the outside. Somehow, Heather must have wormed her way between Rhee and me after I had fallen asleep and they had finished. I got up carefully and finished off yesterday’s diary entry and wrote this small chunk. Because Civia will be with us overnight, I will not get to writing further about today until tomorrow. Dad will be picking us up to cart us to school in a bit, so I’ve got to get cracking. [Added...

4 years ago
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Melissas InitiationChapter 2

Susan and Ann remained absolutely silent until Susan had turned the car around and was heading back to the main road. Then the two of them looked at each other and burst into hysterical laughter. "Ohmigod," Ann cried. "I was sure I was going to lose it a few times." "You! I was the one coming up with that song and dance number on the spur of the moment." "Oh, Susan, you were wonderful! And the bit with you opening your arms and looking up, oh that was great. I half-expected a shaft...

1 year ago
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Rival humiliation

Molly and Jess have been classmates from an early age now they are both 18 and in the same college. Molly had always been jealous of Jess because even though they were both good looking. Jess had more friends, money, intelligence but what Molly hated most about Jess is that every guy was after her but she wasn't interested ever she was a virgin who just wanted to focus on studying so Molly was always second choice. But now things were going to change as Molly had just gained the ability to...

Mind Control
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Melissas RiteChapter 30

"Uhhn ... please stop..." "Shhh. No need to worry, you're safe." Melinda squirmed in her mother's lap as her pussy throbbed. "I d-don't want to be safe! I ... uhh! ... stop it ... s-stop ... uhhhn..." "Quiet now, Melinda," Penny whispered. One hand softly stroked her daughter's wet folds. Another slowly fondled a breast. "You need to stay here with me." "H-Heather..." Melinda gasped in the throes of her orgasm. "Mom ... Heather's i-in trouble ... you...

3 years ago
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Ahoy Miranda Ch 06

Three days into the regime working with Alan on below decks conversion work on the former fishing boat Miranda, and then setting up pottery production in the studio now blotting the landscape somewhat on part of the frontage of Alan Meadows residential plot, Lydia sighed. It was time to come clean, to cease living a lie. She delivered her confession that evening when she and her host and now lover were sitting with drinks on the aft deck of the 62-foot Miranda. That large vessel on the hard...

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If life were simpler

You are a junior in college, and it's finals week. You need to focus on a final project, so you head to the library, where you can focus. The library has a couple study rooms, and you hope to find one unoccupied. You walk into the library and look through the glass windows, and see al the large study rooms on the 2nd floor are full. The only other study rooms are in the basement, and are much smaller. As you enter the basement, you don't see anyone around. You walk over to the small study...

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First Nudist Vacation

My wife Stacey and I were in desperate need of a relaxing, romantic vacation together. We both have very stressful jobs on Wall Street and haven't had a vacation away for a long time.Stacey left the decision making all up to me as far as location, venue, flights and hotels. I guess she just doesn't like taking the time to do the research, she says it's too much trouble and not worth the aggravation. She also loves to be surprised by my choices and is always pleased with any destination I...

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Samantha and Kevin pt 1

But he was different, she could tell right away. All because of his lips. They were beautiful. She wanted to feel those lips against hers. It was late at night, or early in the morning depending on your mindset, and a pipe had burst. Water, water, water. He came to help, the royal blue sweatshirt that he wore had his name emblazed on the back, Kevin. He was finally finished; the clock shined a bright 4:06. Samantha yawned, usually in bed hours earlier. She hopped up from her...

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HomelessChapter 13 Leaving Las Vegas

The next morning the alarm went off at 11:00 and woke both of us up. I had Nina wear the wrap-around miniskirt and the sheer top. Again, no panties and, this time, no bra. That shimmery top looked great on her and, as I'd suspected, if you concentrated, you could just pick up her nipples moving around under her top. We packed up our stuff, checked out and gambled at the casino at the Luxor and the Excalibur. Both hotels had really impressed Nina and, on our way back to the airport, she was...

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Fucked On The Water1

We had known Joe and Liz for about a month and had spent many days on their boat. At first, everything seemed friendly and we had a good time with them. Then one day, they said they were going to take us to their favorite cove and show us the beauty of the place. We agreed and enjoyed the trip over. We talked and laughed just like before but had no idea what was in store for us once we arrived. After dropping the anchor, Joe suggested the two women go below and start lunch while he and I...

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Re Breeding

My Girlfriend and her 3 daughters aren't being cucked, but myself being an avid pumper/stretcher has them all getting fucked by me with no protection. My cock is 14 in long with a girth of 13 in, and my balls hang to just above my knees. My girlfriend, 37 year old, and her 21, 20, and 18 yo daughters are very much into having me pump my cum into them as often as possible. I work at home, so am able to perform for them often, and my girlfriend has my pump on my cock and my balls weighted when...

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My Taxi Cab Sex Adventure

In my experience, I've found that most cab drivers are poor, hard working guys. So I told my husband Mark that I wanted to brighten the lives of a few cabbies by giving them blowjobs. We discussed how best to do it, and decided that we couldn't call the cabs from our home, because then we'd have cabbies showing up all the time looking for more blowjobs. So we decided to go to Square One Mall in Mississauga and call for a cab from there. I wore a sheer black blouse that clearly displayed my big,...

3 years ago
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Tamara war gerade 40 geworden. Verheiratet und hatte drei Kinder. Eine ihrer besten Freundinnen, Lena, hatte endlich, als letzte ihrer Bekannten, einen Mann gefunden. Heute Abend stand der Junggesellenabschied an. Tamara hatte vor lauter Überstunden keine Zeit gehabt, sich an den Vorbereitungen zu beteiligen. Sie ließ sich einfach darauf ein. Sie hatte ihren schwarzen Rock, eine schwarze Hotpants und eine schwarz-weiße Bluse an gezogen. Sie verabschiedete sich von ihrem Mann und den Kindern....

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Scratchy Prachee

Prachee shivered slightly as the muggy sidewalk gave way to the climate-controlled foyer. The cool air felt refreshing against her bare legs, and she was glad she’d chosen to wear a skirt. She had wanted to dress up a little, anyway. Though this was primarily a test of her mental acuity and general knowledge, she had to assume that the staff of Times! Also had their eyes open for potential contestants who looked beautiful, cuddly, or stylish. Prachee didn’t think of herself as ‘beautiful,’ and...

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A Mile High Encounter with Laura

A lady friend of mine once confessed at a dinner party an amusing event that happened to her on an aeroplane. She had been flying alone, economy class from London to San Francisco, and was sat next to a small, overweight, middle-aged man. The cabin lights were dimmed for that dubious time period when flight attendants arbitrarily decide it is bedtime (regardless of the fact it is daylight outside and only 2 o’clock in the afternoon), and she woke from a nap to find she was inexplicably...

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Panic in Philadelphia Melissa

Wednesday, June 17, 2015 It happened again today! This is the third time! What is going on! It was lunchtime and I was rushing across the intersection to get to the bodega. I suddenly yanked off my jacket and just let it drop to the pavement behind me. All around, woman began stripping off their clothes and just tossing them aside, as if undressing in public was natural as texting on your cell phone. Unlike any of the others, I knew what I was doing but couldn't stop. The other women were...

4 years ago
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P Fogg A MEMOIRPart 22

THE rash exploit had been accomplished; and for an hour Passepartout laughed gaily at his success. Sir Francis pressed the worthy fellow's hand, and his master said, "Well done!" which, from him, was high commendation; to which Passepartout replied that all the credit of the affair belonged to Mr. Fogg. As for him, he had only been struck with a "queer" idea; and he laughed to think that for a few moments he, Passepartout, the ex-gymnast, ex-sergeant fireman, had been the spouse of a...

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Caught him in panties her POV

DISCLAIMER NOTE: So I asked FlamingDice for his permission to do the female POV of his story caught in panties linked here: and well as I'm posting this I'm sure you can guess that he happily agreed to allow me to do so. I just hope I've done it justice and not ruined a perfectly sexy story lol :) (Also if you read both Flaming dice AKA the original and read mine too, it'll clear some things up) Thanks Flaming Dice for being cool about it...

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