Captain Janeway Captain s Slave
- 4 years ago
- 484
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The atmosphere was eerie. The thick walls of the concrete foundation blocked all sound from the outside and the air smelt stale. She was comforted by the twins' soft breathing. They slept on either side of Josie on the queen-size bed whilst the weak glow of the single 25W bulb did little to illuminate the drab room. Yet they lacked no essentials Josie reasoned. They had plenty of snack food and water, even sodas. The dingy filing room to the side housed a chemical toilet and even a water tank for a quick wash. From what Josie had seen the day before, Cap had even more frugal accommodations in his room.
Cap – the man who had helped to abduct her and her daughters. Cap – the man who had given first aid to the wounded policewoman. Cap – the man who had protected Josie against his accomplices. He had even killed that scum, seemingly without compunction. Cap – the man who had held Josie comfortingly, who had instilled hope into her heart. Hope for her daughters and even hope for herself. Cap – the man in whose arms she had experienced tender love for the first time in her 32 years.
She had no way of knowing what he looked like behind that mask, but imagining his face had helped her cope with the situation in which she found herself.
She looked at the small LED display alarm clock. He had left it for her when she had asked for a watch that first day. He had promised that she would be freed within twenty-four hours. Nothing he had done or said over the last two weeks would make her distrust his word for even an instant.
It was strange. That she had to concede. She placed her trust in a certified killer, a man who had killed with cruel efficiency before her very own eyes. Yet she'd had few alternatives. There had never been a second of laxness about him, no chance for her to make an attempt at escape. Even when he left her alone in the bathroom, she could not contemplate escape without her daughters.
Sixteen hours had passed since he left, but Josie willed away the feeling of uneasiness that crept into her mind from time to time. He would keep his word. Of this she was sure. Not because she had slept with him and given herself to him unconditionally. But during those two hours spent devouring each other she had felt a link to him, had connected with him, cheesy as that may sound. She had looked into his soul and she had felt his longing for love and companionship, a longing she could easily relate to.
Now, was there or was there not a sound outside the heavy iron door? It sounded like the hurried steps of multiple persons. Little scratching noises came from the door too if she listened carefully. Her heart was beating wildly and she gripped the shoulders of the girls tighter. The next seconds would show whether her trust had been justified.
The door flew open with a crash and piercing lights blinded her. The room was flooded with black-clad figures in full body armour and masks. Multiple barking voices assaulted her ears. The twins woke up in terror and screamed. Then a single clear voice called out:
"Room secure!"
Three more people came in, wearing blue windbreakers with the FBI logo, but no masks. One of them, a woman, knelt at the bed.
"Madam, I'm special Agent Judy Skinner of the FBI. Are you Josephine Maxwell?"
Josie nodded, tears of relief streaming from her eyes. She hugged the girls to her.
"We're safe, did you hear? This is the police. We're safe!" she told them.
Patty and Meg looked about the room with big round eyes full of fear. SA Skinner noticed that too.
"Okay! HRT, can you move out? You look kind of scary to the children. Thanks."
One by one, the members of the Hostage Rescue Team filed out leaving only the three unmasked agents.
"Are these your daughters, Patricia and Megan Maxwell, Ma'am?"
Josie nodded. "Yes," she croaked, then cleared her throat. "Yes, Agent."
"Have you or the girls been hurt, Ma'am? Do you need urgent medical assistance?"
Josie shook her head.
"No, we're okay. We were treated well, mostly."
"Do you need drink or food?"
Josie pointed at the corner where bottled water and sodas were piled up, and where Cap had left them an assortment of snacks and fruit.
"We will need to bring you to a hospital for a check-up before you can return to your home. Do you understand that, Ma'am?"
Josie nodded, but then remembered something. She held the agent's arm.
"Agent Skinner? Please do not inform my husband of our whereabouts. I believe that he is behind this kidnapping. I am divorcing him. According to our captors, he promised to pay for me to be killed."
Agent Skinner nodded. "Can you follow Special Agent Moreland outside for a second? I'll keep your daughters company."
Confused, Josie got up from the sofa and followed the older of the two male agents out. In the corridor, the HRT was debriefing, but he pulled her into a quiet corner.
"Mrs. Maxwell, I have bad news. We found your husband dead this morning, in his bedroom. He was shot and it was no suicide."
Josie was not exactly shocked. So he had done even more for her, as he had promised. He had gone and killed that ghastly husband of hers. Josie examined her feelings. If she was honest, the only emotion she felt was relief. Max was dead and would never hurt her again. And perhaps that strange man had made it to safety with the stash of money. Perhaps he could find peace now, settle down and join humanity again. Josie turned to the waiting FBI agent.
"Agent Moreland, for twelve years, my husband beat, tortured and raped me. He paid to have me and my daughters killed. What you have just told me is nothing but good news to me. Has the murderer been apprehended?"
Moreland shook his head. "The killer was long gone when Mr. Maxwell was found. A very professional job. Nothing was taken from the house, we even found a safe with close to one-hundred thousand dollars in it."
"I can use that money," Josie said lightly. "Max never paid any alimony."
"Your divorce is not final yet?"
"No," she said. "Legally, I'm still his wife." Then a smile broke out on her face. "Wait! That means I get to dispose of his remains. Come to think of it, I'll have him cremated and the ashes spread over the ugliest toxic waste landfill I can find."
"As least you're holding no grudge, Mrs. Maxwell. It's good to see that you made it through this in good shape."
She looked down on the grey jump suit and appraised herself.
"I'll appreciate a hot shower, nevertheless," she stated with a grim smile.
"You'll have one at the hospital. Shall we pack up your daughters and go?"
"Lead on," she answered.
For the first time, Josie saw the outside of her prison. It was a nondescript storage building, located between a tyre dealership and a pet supply shop in a run-down commercial development.
"Home, sweet home," she grinned to Agent Skinner who led them to a black van.
At the hospital, a young female doctor took charge of them. Josie refused to be separated from her daughters whilst they were given a brief superficial exam. Then the doctor looked at Josie significantly.
"Ma'am, I need to examine your private parts. Could we send your daughters outside for a few minutes?"
Josie was puzzled.
"Why do you want to examine my private parts, Doctor?"
"To exclude the possibility of a sex crime. I'll need to examine the girls, too."
"Says who?" Josie demanded.
"It's standard procedure in cases like this."
"Well, unless you get a judge to order that examination, you'll keep your hands off my private parts, Doctor. I am rather discriminative about whom I let touch me there. And you'll absolutely keep your hands off my daughters!"
"You seem to be agitated, Ma'am. Would you like something to calm you down?" the doctor asked persuasively, opening a drawer with syringes.
"I'll give you agitated! Agent Skinner!" Josie shouted.
The young special agent entered just seconds later.
"Yes, Mrs. Maxwell? What's the problem?"
Pointing at the doctor, Josie fumed. "This woman wanted to examine my genitals without my approval. When I refused, she wanted to give me sedatives. What is this? Even the criminals who abducted us gave us more respect. Did you order this?"
"Mrs. Maxwell, I assure you, we only brought you here to make sure that you suffered no injuries or damage. What's this about a genital exam, Doctor?"
"The APD called. They want it," the young doctor defended herself.
"The APD? This was a kidnapping. It's a federal offence. That means we call all the shots," Skinner snapped. She turned to Josie. "Mrs. Maxwell, I am sorry. For the record, I take note of the fact that you do not consent to an examination of your genitals? You have not been violated?"
"No! And neither have my daughters!" Josie glared at the doctor. "If you so much as touch my daughters, I will sue the hospital for damages and I'll see your license revoked!" She turned to agent Skinner and added, "I have changed my mind. I refuse to stay in this hospital. Can you convey us to a hotel, please? I would also prefer to involve my lawyer at this point to protect our rights."
Skinner nodded. "We'll bring you to a hotel. And I will look into the APD's involvement. I assure you, Ma'am, that the FBI is only trying to protect you."
Within minutes, Josie and the twins were escorted out of the ER and back into the black van. They were driven to the Hyatt Regency in downtown Atlanta. In a two-room suite, they were given the bedroom while Agent Skinner promised to stay in the living room overnight. Skinner also provided a fresh FBI issue jogging suit for Josie, and XXL size FBI t-shirts for the twins to sleep in. When the twins were asleep in the bedroom, Josie made a point of taking Agent Skinner's hand
"I have not found the time yet to thank you. You came through for us, and I am really grateful for what you and your colleagues did for us. Not only today, but I imagine you have been busy for the last two weeks. Thank you!"
Skinner blushed. "It's our job, Mrs. Maxwell, and seeing you and your girls unharmed gave us the biggest thrill!"
"I know it's getting late, but could you perhaps fill me in a little bit? How did you find us?"
Skinner smiled. "Within a span of thirty minutes this afternoon, two courier services and one bicycle messenger delivered three identical messages to our field office. Somebody really made sure we got the message," she smiled. "There was a note telling us where you were and a second note telling us where to find the remains of two of the accomplices. While we are talking, can you tell me about this?"
"Rico and Larry. They came into the holding cell when Cap had been sent off."
"Cap?" Skinner asked, her eyebrows arched.
"That was the nickname for the third man. You know, short for Captain? He was invariably polite to us and really considerate with the girls. But he was a very efficient as a gaoler. He always wore a rubber mask."
"So while he was gone, what happened?"
"Larry, he was the boss, and Rico ... oh, Rico shot the policewoman! Did she survive?"
"Yes, she made it. She's still in the hospital, but she's going to be okay."
"Thank God! Anyway, they came into our room. Larry told me to get up, and then he pulled open the pyjama I was wearing. That's where I got the scratches. He told me to get down on my knees and, you know, he had opened his trousers..."
"I understand. What happened?"
"Well, Rico grabbed Megan. She screamed and I tried to get away from Larry. So he slapped me hard. He told me if I took care of them they might leave the girls alone. And he told me that I would die afterwards, because that's what Max had paid them for. Rico let go of Megan and came over ... and then..."
Josie stopped and tried to remember the exact sequence of events.
"Then the door flew open all of a sudden. Larry let go of me. I heard two shots and Larry dropped to the floor. I think I screamed. Then Rico was also on the floor with a knife sticking out of his eye. And there was Cap."
The relief she had felt was evident from Josie's voice.
"Cap?" Skinner asked, scribbling furiously on a notepad.
"Yes. He had come back and he must've heard the ruckus."
"Do you have any idea why he killed his accomplices?"
"He said they betrayed him. They sent him off into a trap. He was supposed to meet Max – my husband – and receive the payment."
"Mr. Maxwell informed us on a proposed ransom drop yesterday. We waited in vain."
"See! They wanted him to be the scapegoat."
"What happened then?"
"I had to help him drag the men out into another storage room. I had peed over myself in my fright and he allowed me to shower. My pyjama was ruined and I had to go back to our cell naked. But he never touched me or made any remark. He locked me in and when he returned, he had fresh sweat suits for all of us; and deli food.
"Later that evening, we talked some. I thanked him for saving us, but he said he was thankful to me because, in his words, he said being with us made him think about what he had become. He also said he found a lot of money on Larry, so I think Max had paid Larry in advance. Cap and I really stayed together for an hour or so."
"Did you sleep with him?" Skinner asked gently. "You would not be the first person to connect to a kidnapper."
Josie looked up, her eyes guarded. "No comment."
"You know, there is a psychological term for this?"
"I know – the Stockholm Syndrome," Josie interrupted. "Be that as it may, I am grateful for what he did for us. He gave me something that night that I have never experienced before. He gave me the feeling that I was appreciated. Isn't that pathetic? The only man who ever respected me as a person was a certified killer! That's got to tell you something about my marriage."
"We studied the court protocols. It appears you have been through a lot with your husband."
"Are you competing for the award for 'Understatement of the Year'?"
"You know, we have jurisdiction in the kidnapping case, but the murder of your husband falls under local jurisdiction. They will try and incriminate you, like you turned your captor to go and kill your husband."
"That's why they wanted that exam?"
Skinner nodded.
"Thanks for the heads-up. When will they come after me?"
"Probably tomorrow. The lieutenant in charge has asked for the chance to speak with you. I recommend you bring in your attorney."
"But what can they bring up?"
"Not much from what I have seen. But the APD is up in arms. One of their own was shot when you were abducted and no police force likes that. They need somebody to take the blame, and the guy who shot her is dead."
"I thought she was going to be okay?"
"You remember her?"
"Yes. I saw her being shot, and I saw that Cap gave her first aid."
"She's getting better. The APD won't admit it, but I talked to the doctor in charge. Your Captain saved her life."
"Can I visit her? I want to thank her and see what I can do for her."
"That will have to wait until you have persuaded the DA of your innocence."
A little later, Josie went to bed, and Agent Skinner parked her slender body on a sofa in the living room.
The interview with Lieutenant Fogerty of the Major Case Squad went better than anticipated. He was a tall man, ugly as sin, but with a comforting smile. He did not beat about the bush but told Josie right away that he had to investigate her possible involvement in the murder of Max Maxwell.
Josie had to re-tell her story again. Her divorce lawyer was present, but he had brought in reinforcements in the form of a seasoned criminal lawyer who advised Josie on when to keep her mouth shut. The turning point in the interview was when Josie related how she had showered under Cap's supervision.
"He watched me while I washed. And then suddenly he asked who had burnt me." Josie looked at Agent Skinner. "I'm sorry, I forgot that yesterday."
"What was that about?" Fogerty asked.
"I have several burn marks on my back. My husband used a cigar on me several times." Josie's voice dropped to a whisper.
"And he could see those burn marks?" Fogerty asked.
Josie swallowed. "They're quite big and ugly," she said in a small voice.
Then, gathering her courage, she gripped the neckline of her sweater and pulled it down, exposing her left shoulder blade, and showing two of the round, red scars. Skinner gasped and Fogerty cleared his throat, clearly feeling uncomfortable.
"And you told him?" he asked, his voice now showing sympathy.
Josie nodded. "I said that my husband had done this. I was bitter. I told him that this was the work of the man he worked for. And he said he was sorry, and he called Max a bastard for doing something like this." She looked up. "How was I to know he'd go and shoot Max? I was only venting my anger."
"We don't know if this was his reason," Fogerty said soothingly. "It seems your husband has attempted a double-cross. So it may have been simple retribution. These contract operatives have a code of conduct. They never let anybody cheat them. Well, I think this wraps it. If I have more questions, I'll contact Mr. Wheeler," he said referring to Josie's attorney. He rose to leave but Josie had a question.
"Lieutenant, I would ask for a chance to visit the wounded police officer, Officer Hernandez. I want to make sure that she is not lacking anything, and I want to thank her. She put her life on the line for us."
There was a touch of admiration on Lt. Fogerty's ugly face when he nodded.
"I'll set up a time for you to visit. Perhaps you can help her. You have to know that she was off duty when she was shot. And now the insurance balks at covering the costs, especially for counselling."
Josie swallowed. How could this be? She sat up straight.
"Say no more, Lieutenant! I'll pay for her hospital costs if I have to scrub floors to earn the money!"
"I appreciate your sentiment, Ma'am, but you stand to inherit a lucrative business. You won't have to clean floors."
Josie made a dismissive motion with her hand.
"Not all that shines is gold, Lieutenant. My husband was always on the verge of bankruptcy and there may not be much to inherit when the dust settles. That hundred thousand in the safe that I heard about may be all that will be left."
"Are you sure, Ma'am? I was assuming that he was a multi-millionaire."
"He was always adept at making good impressions," she said, a touch angrily, but then she shook off those bad thoughts. "Thank you for being understanding, Lieutenant," she said offering her hand and Fogerty shook it without reservation.
Later that day, a press conference was held jointly by the FBI and the APD. A vague description of the man, dubbed as Captain, was published. The media took it up. Next day's newspapers called him 'Captain Blood' after the pirate captain from a 1940's Errol Flynn movie. For a few days, the mysterious Captain Blood was front-page headlines, even causing a local TV station to re-run the old Errol Flynn movie.
In the meantime Josie was busy piecing her life back together. She obtained control of her late husband's assets when a court appointed her and her daughters sole beneficiaries of Max Maxwell's estate. Maxwell had not left a will and Josie took grim pleasure from the fact that she would now run his precious chain of retail stores.
The joy was short-lived though when an emergency audit showed the dire financial situation of Max Maxwell's Maxistores. Receiving the report through her attorney, Josie laughed grimly. She may still have to scrub floors to pay for the young cop's medical bills.
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ALVOR’S COVE I had the same thoughts as we dropped out of Quasi-space here at Alvor’s as when we approached Sin 4. I hoped we would not be stuck on this depressing planet for long. As always we had gone to sub light speeds at the outermost orbit and would now slowly approach Alvor’s Cove, which was the second planet of this 12 planet system. The bridge was a hub of activities and all departments were busy doing their evaluations and tasks. Narth said. “There is much activity on Alvor’s in...
When we gathered at the tables in the community room, I told my friends to be careful with the served meat. I politely declined the meat and asked for porridge only. Across from me sat the human boy and while I had little time in the last hours, I did notice his continuous stare. By now he should have been getting used to another human being and I said, pointing the spoon at him. “Listen, buster, I know you have not seen another human and I tried to ignore your staring until now, but it is...
Darkness. Darkness and pain. Pain, and the salt, sweet taste of blood in his mouth. Blood, and the smell of death. Darkness! For eons, there was nothing else. His heart beat once, beat again. Stopped... and beat. Stopped, and beat, and beat... Pain, searing through his chest. He coughed weakly, tasting blood. Darkness, inside his head. Were his eyes open? He couldn't tell. His heart fluttered, and beat... , and beat twice again. Paused, and beat, stronger now. He had to open his eyes!...
This was the first time he'd gotten a really good look at Skryben from the outside. When he'd first boarded her, it had been by way of an enclosed passageway from the busy docking facility of Fleet Headquarters. On his only other trip outside, Rand had been confined within a shuttle craft. His only glimpse of Skryben had been a flash of golden hull over his shoulder as they dove for atmosphere, and coming back he'd been out cold. Now, he was out here in nothing but a light coverall, its...
Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...
The Minerva was an impressive, shiny golden water drop shaped, heavy armed ancient Ult freighter in excellent repair and with genuine ISAH pods of recent manufacture. Despite its apparent bulk this freighter was most likely the fastest thing within a few light years. It landed right next to us and I welcomed her captain in our pirate den. He was a Karthanian. Like all Karthanians he was not even remotely humanoid, having many similarities to a Terran Seahorse. External Bone structure, round...
Yeoman O’Connell came down the ramp from the back of the bridge carrying my monster cup said. “Itheamh is no longer in Freespace, Captain. No more loopholes or justifications necessary. No treaties with the Union exist or limit what we can or cannot do.” I smiled at her and asked, “What do we know about Itheamh, anyway?”` Sobody sitting in the Observer seat that was rarely used on Union ships but had become his station. He even had a console raised from its usual stowed away position....
Cateria had arrived and with her came several Med Techs and five med bots. Ha-Hi himself had piloted the tank down. Now my XO came over to where I was standing and smirked. “The next time I am going with you on an away mission, I wear a helmet. That rock hammered me real good, you know.” I squeezed his hand and put my other hand on his shoulder. “I am sorry, it was my fault. I should have listened to you.” He chuckled. “No it wasn’t your fault. We all picked a dangerous profession and...
The system was in standby as I turned the chair back to the front. I reached down to call up a replay of the engine repair when I felt a hand grasp the back of my chair. “Yes?” I asked. “Is it always like that?” Captain Prescott asked. “The simulations are supposed to be the absolute worst possible sequence,” I replied. “And the time is compressed a bit. I really doubt we could enter a system get into a fight, scan a planetoid as well as a Sa’arm controlled planet and escape in just under...
Prudence Harper kept telling herself that she wanted nothing to do with this big Captain Happy, of all the curious and unrespectable names! She fidgeted at the table while he was gone. Then, seeing that he did not return immediately, she helped herself to the curried meats and ate ravenously. She was glad he was gone, glad that the door was closed between them, cutting him off from her naughty, disobedient body. But, oh God, she had to admit as the food made her feel more content, he sure was...
Chula survived, his men did too, because most of them ran as fast as they could. However the prince regained consciousness, with a broken jaw a broken sword and swollen eye. His armor flex suit in tatters. A bird like being kept laughing.”Never seen such a lucky fool, threatening a Juth-Ni and surviving it.” Someone else in the onlooking little crowd said.”You and your goons better get up and get back to your ship or hotel. When the Karthanian street patrol shows up, you will dig for...
"Officer Rand Korsun! Did you kill Neb Fishior?" "No, Sir. I did not." Rand stood straight and still, the bluish light of the truth field a halo around him. "Do you have any certain knowledge that would indicate to you who the murder, or murderers, might be?" "No, Sir. I do not." "Thank you," Captain Jeryth told him formally. "You may step down. Next witness?" First Officer Tshegh had already been questioned, and now Pilot Homr An Inpi took Rand's place. The same questions...
I'm only an hour in and I already need a snack. No one is around, I park us in the shade. I watch his cock grow before my eyes. It's like he can read my mind. I'm sucking the head, in minutes I am guzzling down his rich protein. Brupp. The taste lingers, it makes me salivate. That's all he can do for now. Maybe he needs some water. Time to stop and make a campfire. Captain Protein and I are lying down next to eachother. Then his cock springs out towards my face. I could go for a snack. I...
“Where is this place?” asked Steve Oliver. “It’s called Captain Jack’s. I saw it when we went into town this morning. Babs said it had really nice seafood. We can drive if you want, but it’s close enough to take the shuttle or walk,” replied Brenda. Steve shrugged. “Are we going as a group?” “No, it’s just us. Babs said she and Tully were going to pack some dinner and head way down the beach...” She grinned and waggled her eyebrows at that. “And Liz and Bob were going somewhere else in...
ROHGOR Former Commander Roghor had been shown to very nice quarters. Everything inside that Karthaninan armed merchant was gleaming, bright and appeared to be brand new. That everything was of the finest Union tech, there was no doubt. The Dai XO showed him the hygiene facilities and the controls of the Vari matic bed. “Tomorrow I expect you to be at class. SHIP will inform you and show you where to go. The first step is Union class, Mr.Roghor. Since we picked up quite a few strays since we...
It had been almost a year since I became Christine's captive. I can honestly say that description for me had changed. I and many others considered me to be Christine's wife. Before departing, Christine finally told me the story of sweet Annalise. I was almost as heartbroken as Christine after hearing the tale. Having been in that position, I probably would have succumbed to Christine's charms just as quickly as she had.It had been two months since the Crimson Orchid finished her repairs to set...
LesbianI am Teresa, 35, a PhD clinical psychologist and am married to Rick. This is the story of my exciting, intense affair with Jerry, my former long-time lover. It was steadily drizzling. The runway was quite wet as the plane accelerated and gently lifted off, in a few minutes becoming silent over the city, hardly visible except for all the lights and reflections. I sat back, closing my eyes, trying to relax after a hectic week of budget meetings and other stressful issues at the clinic. The city...
AffairAfter we had witnessed the end of Duke Donheer and had returned to the ship, I had one more grave and sad duty to perform. I tugged at my completely black uniform jacket after I stepped out of the Auto Dresser. This uniform had no patches, no ribbons and did not have the white lining, only three golden rings around the cuffs of my sleeve. I did not look forward to what I had to do, but he was one of our own and it was a good and old tradition to take care of our own. The good and the bad. It...
I sat in the Den to eat a light lunch with lots of iced tea. That planet always made me very thirsty. Narth and the Golden came back and they both looked very dusty. The Golden helped himself to a big glass of Iced Tea and said after he had drained most of it. “I am not sure what we can do to change conditions here. I guess we could buy all the slaves for now and see if we can stack them in our Cargo bay until we can transfer them. Maybe we could assassinate the Local Lord or try Narth’s...
Tears were spurting bountifully from the tiny blonde's big blue eyes. Her wrapper and her flimsy pink nightgown fell away from her generous tits, revealing the softly jiggling mounds of milky white flesh with their dark rose tips. Her husband's guilt inflamed his own temper, and he wrenched her arm cruelly, flinging her brutally onto the bed beside Eflo, who tried but failed to see from her head down position what was going on... "Just lie down and shut up!" the young ambassador ordered...
Thank god it was dark when I tried to open my eyes. I was floating around in some never-never land. I could feel pain, but it wasn't acute. It was my eyes that hurt the most. They were like two steel ball bearings, rolling around in the bottom of a tin can. Even the slightest movement of my head would set them off again. I tried to form a coherent thought. Where was I? What had happened to me? I was lying on a cool, firm surface, trying to concentrate. There was a cover over me. I could...
DALBRA Ninohfiv, the guarantor of Kermac protection and guardianship to the Dolbarian society stepped out on the balcony of his residential tower overlooking the sprawling capital city of the numerous and industrious Dolbarians. Those perpetual nervous and laughable weak mammalians had the great fortune to be of interest and use to the Kermac. Ninohfiv longed for a real Kermac world, and despised these rodents. They were hairy and small; their technology rudimentary at best and their...
Okay, I'm not really a sailor. I have a boat on a very large inland lake in California, but it was bought for fishing. The thing is, I don't fish. Well, I don't fish for the scaly animals with gills. I fish for mermaids, the kind without fins. As a thirty-three year old bachelor, I have the pick of a very select group of women and girls. I'm an assistant professor of antiquities at the university. Some of the angels that grace my bed are staff members; some are former students; none are...
Straight SexI had spent the entire winter in the Caribbean operating principally out of Port-au-Prince but taking charters wherever I thought there was good money. I missed out a few days but stayed reasonably busy and made enough to keep up the payments on the boat, pay for my living expenses, and put a little aside in the bank for my future. With the tourist trade easing in the islands in early May, I reprovisioned my boat, purchased and stepped a new mast to replace one that had developed a hairline...
Rand lay stretched out on his bunk. He was wide awake, and alone. He should have been sleeping, had tried with all his might to force sleep to come. No luck. He could close his eyes, but sleep just would not come. '... Skryben?... ' Nothing... She'd been hard to talk to, lately. Harder with every jump she took, every burst of pain she felt. Few of the crew members wanted to be seen with him. Tasca... She wouldn't even talk to him, except in the line of duty. Berniss was cool, distant....
The Adventure of Captain FeatherSword! Just a silly tale that came to me from a nick name of a coworker. It is a pity that I can't draw. Hi everyone. My name is Ed King. I awoke one day to start my new role in life. That role was to be a super hero. I worked out every day and took karate classes. I had a night job so my days were free. It was the start of my two week vacation so patrol factors can be set up with out problems. My outfit looked like the NBA team mascot from...
Trash Island Circuit had done a terrific job, gluing and welding armor plates over the sleek form of a Landing Tank. Rusty steel chain curtains covered the wide Ultronit Tracks and the whole thing looked like an old, many times repaired, all terrain crawler with an ArtiGrav. The main cannon was still there but looked like an old artillery piece and not like the High energy QGP it was. The Mission Pod module on this tank had been changed from Combat to surface survey and science. Instead of...
The Head of State did not sleep in his bedroom, to be sure. His mind still dazed with weariness, he carefully chose some clean underwear from his drawer and clean fatigued from his closet and slowly dressed. One thing he might do, he thought to himself as he pulled on his socks, was ride around the estates again. It never hurt to keep constant check on how the gardens were being managed. What he usually did at such inspections was hop out of his jeep and help the men for a while so they-...
Rand crossed the bridge to his console, moving as quietly as he could. Less than ten minutes remained before their next null space jump. All of Captain Jeryth's attention seemed to be on the ship's sensors, but Rand knew that his entrance had been duly noted. He smoothed back an unruly lock of damp hair from his forehead as he slid into his seat. He'd barely had time to step into a shower before leaving his quarters, shrugging into a fresh uniform from a dispenser as he walked down the...
"Thousands of these specks?" Captain Jeryth glared down at Berniss as though he could change her report by the sheer force of his will. "All through Skryben? That can't be possible!" "It's possible, all right. It's just highly unlikely," she responded. "All through her flesh, in all parts of her body. There are millions of them, but only a very small percentage are of the right size and shape to cause trouble. Those particular metal flecks just happen to be of just the right size...
"Can you drive us to the boat club at five?" Pat asked over the noise of the wind. She sat on the left hand front seat while Megan had claimed the rear bench. With a well-timed push on the accelerator, Henry was able to shift to a lower gear. The gear box of the ancient Bentley was not synchronised and shifting involved the practised use of engine speeds. Since he had received the Bentley back from the body shop, the twins preferred Henry over Chris to pick them up from school. Climbing...
The year is 3462, and sadly the earth is dead. What was left of its population spread through the heavens looking for a new home. Of course, once they left earth they found out they weren't alone in the universe. The rest of the sentient life forms had just been hiding from the destructive, backward human race. They had been manipulating images and shielding the earth from messages which otherwise would have reached the planet. Slowly over the centuries the remnants of the human race joined...