A Whole New Set Of Firsts (courtesy Of Altargen) free porn video

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Note about the formatting: text between sets of ":::" shows which character's perspective that portion is in.

----Thursday Night----


George collapsed on the bed next to his girlfriend Lucy. “That was the best yet sweet buns. Night”. He laid down his head, closed his eyes, and smiled as remembered the big game the next day.

“George Hallis Lindern, what do I tell you day after day?”

“Like I care?”

He heard Lucy give an audible sigh. “Sometimes I don't know why I stay with you. You treat me like shit and you don't even care if I cum or not”.

“Bitch bitch bitch... that's all you do. I wish you would shut up sometimes”.

“But we need to talk”.

He sighed. Once she starts... “Fine... if it's that important to you, we'll talk. Tomorrow, after the game” That always gets her off my back... if she wasn't such a good fuck, this wouldn't be worth it. He switched back to thoughts of the game as blackness claimed his senses.

----Friday Afternoon----


“Why do you put up with him Lucy?”

Lucy shook her head. “I don't know Marsha”.

“Well it can't be the sex. The last time you mentioned it positively was a few months ago”.

Lucy chuckled and continued to pick at her salad. “In, out and done. He didn't used to be like that”.

Lucy watched Marsha shake her head. “Right... the 'it honestly happened' prom night. I don't believe that for a moment”.

“Ok, so it wasn't the best I've ever had. But it was a hundred times better than the best of these past months. I'm at wits end. I've worn out three vibes this month alone. I'm running out of ideas”.

She looked down at the remains of her salad and sighed. “I see only two options. One, dump him and find someone else. Two, get those needs met with someone else”.

Lucy stared at Marsha. “You know that neither of those are options. I love him too much to do either. Some friend you are”.

“Well, there is one more option... but you'll have a hell of a time getting him to agree to it”.

Lucy balled her free hand into a fist. “Tell me or I'll be forced to punch you for holding back on me”

“It's called the Altargen experience. Somebody at the college built a machine that can temporarily change your gender. He's opened up it's use to any couple that wants to try it”.

“Is it safe?”

“So he says. There's a sign-up sheet outside the room he keeps the machine in... five twelve I think”.

Lucy looked down at her breasts for a moment. This could be my last chance to make things work with George. “I think it's worth a shot”.

She watched Marsha shake her head. “Maybe you're okay with it, but how are you going to convince him?”

Lucy smiled and took a sip of water. “Easy... tell him this is his chance to have breasts he can play with all day and orgasm as much as he wants without needing to recharge. He won't be able to resist that, and it'll be too late when he learns the downsides of his fantasies”.

----Later that night----


Time to get the bullshit over with. “What did you want to talk about last night dear?” George watched the pout that had been on Lucy's face since dinner disappear.

“There's something special I'd like us to try as a couple”.

Something special? This can't be good. “What is it?”

George took in a deep breath and prepared himself for the worst. “It's this technology called Altargen. Basically, it allows someone to temporarily take on the body of the opposite gender. Think about it: you'll have breasts you can play with anytime you want. Even better, you can orgasm all you want without needing to have any tissues on hand for clean up. Did I mention you won't be restricted to one every hour?”

He pinched himself. There was no way something this good could exist. She's got to be lying. “That sounds awfully unbelievable dear. Don't take me for a fool”.

“Marsha warned me that you might not believe me. I've made an appointment to meet with the person running it tomorrow if you'd like to join me”.

George turned back towards his paper for a moment. It's worth a shot I suppose. If she's lying, I can always just dump her and find someone else. “That sounds just fine dear. We should probably get some sleep so we're fresh for our appointment”. He folded up the paper, placed it on the end table and turned off the light.

----Saturday Morning ----


Lucy looked at her watch and back at the crowd. “He fell for it Marsha. He has work until four, but we're going to meet with Mark at five. I can't wait... in two hours I can finally start fixing my relationship”. She reached into her purse and pulled out her headset, plugging it into her phone.

“Are you sure he'll go through with it? Besides, from your voice it sounds like your more interested in revenge than problem solving” Marsha's voice blared through the headset.

“The revenge is just a perk... honest. You know that if I was only out for revenge I could get it so much more easily”.

“Ah, right... his hot, bi brother. I forgot about Micael”.

She heard the phone ring. “Speak of the devil. I'll talk to you later”. She quickly switched the call. “So what is he up to this time?”

“He got off work early and is on his way to the college for some reason. This wouldn't happen to be one of your schemes, would it?”

“Guilty as charged. In that case, I should make sure I beat him there. Thanks for the warning Mic”. She grabbed her bag and stood up, turning towards the college in the distance. “I suppose you want to know what the deal is this time?”

She grinned as Micael laughed on the other end. “That is my normal fee. Time to pay up”.

“Of course. I tricked him into doing something he'd ordinarily never do: agree to swap genders for a little while. Of course, he thinks we're going to just meet with the person who can do the swap... he doesn't realize our appointment is for the actual treatment itself”.

She looked up, noting her distance to the college. “Ah... very sneaky of you. I hope you don't think this is going to change anything about your relationship. Not even a week in a woman's shoes would be enough to change him”.

She frowned for a moment as she walked through the main gates of the college. “It's worth a shot. Besides, this way I get to feel what it's like to be the man for once. Anyway, I'm almost there, and Mark made very clear that cell phones can disrupt the machine, so I gotta go. Thanks again for the heads-up”.

“My pleasure. Enjoy yourself”.

She smiled and opened the door to the main building. “Of course”. She ended the call and quietly shut off her phone. She quickly made her way up to the fifth floor and stopped in front of the open door to room twelve.

“You're early Lucy. I wasn't expecting you for another two hours”.

“I hope it's not a problem Mark, but George got off of work early and is going to meet me here instead of where we were originally going to”.

She looked at Mark. For a geek, he's not bad looking. “Of course not. I'm not expecting anyone else for the rest of the day, so this works. Besides, this is not the first time a couple decided to show up early. Please come in and sit down”.

She smiled. “Are there any things I should be careful of besides what you told me yesterday?”

“Not really. You did warn him that getting pregnant may cause the change to become permanent, right?”

She smiled again. “Yes. One question though: are we still going to be attracted to each other after the change?” She looked up and saw George approach the doorway.

“I take it that's George? Perfect timing then – come right in and I'll only need to answer that question once”. She watched George nervously enter and sit down in the chair next to her. “Attraction to your partner is not a problem. The machine temporarily makes you attracted to your old gender. This doesn't actually change anything for people who are bi, gay or lesbian. However, straight people will effectively become bi-sexual while they're transformed”.

Lucy watched the concern on George's face start to disappear. “Good. How soon can we get started?"

Mark pointed toward the machine. “As soon as you're both ready. George, I'm assuming Lucy explained the warnings to you already”.

Lucy smiled at the nervousness on George's face. “Uhm... right. She told me them this morning. How long will the transformation last for?”

Lucy watched Mark walk over to a computer attached to the machine. “Right, she wasn't sure how long you could both agree on. Normally I set it for an hour to make sure both partners wish to continue, then extend it out for as long as the couple wants. A full day seems to be a fairly popular time frame”.

Lucy stepped onto the platform of the machine. “A day works for me. How about you sweetie?” She watched George gulp.

“A day is fine”.


George watched as Mark punched in a few commands. “I'll start with Lucy for now. Are you ready?” He watched Lucy nod her head. Suddenly a blindingly bright light filled the room for a few seconds. When George was able to see again, Lucy was standing on the platform of the machine, now in the body of a slightly overweight male, her overly tight clothes revealing a small belly.

“If you're ready George just stand on the platform. As you see, the machine changes you based on your genes and general features, so you'll probably end up with large breasts and a slight stomach”. George walked over to the platform and nervously stepped onto it as Mark punched in a new set of commands. “Here we go”. He felt his body get torn apart for a second then get rapidly put back together as the bright light surrounded him. It faded a moment later as his underwear and jeans fell off.

He turned towards Mark and pulled them up again. “Is this normal?”

Mark smiled and pointed to a closet in the back of the room. “Yes. There are some clothing you borrow in that closet. Lucy can help you select a bra, and there's a full size mirror so you can see what you look like now”.

George made his way over to the closet slowly, getting used to his changed gravity while holding up his pants. These breasts weigh a ton... I can hardly walk. He scowled as Lucy began to laugh lightly.

“Having trouble dear? Those aren't the paradise you thought they'd be, are they?”

He sighed loudly and looked at Lucy. “Yeah... Help me”. He paused for a few seconds, finally adding “please”.

He could only categorize the smile that crossed Lucy's face as slightly evil. “Since you asked so nicely, of course” she added, a slight hint of venom on the words. He watched her step forward and cup his breasts forcefully. “Thirty-four triple D. I'm kind of jealous”. He watched Lucy quickly disappear and reappear with a bra, panties, skirt and blouse. “I'll put the bra on for you, but you put on the rest”. George watched Lucy quickly slip on the bra then step away. George rapidly got the remaining clothing on then looked at the flat sandals Lucy laid in front of him.

“No heels?” he asked, voice equally venomous.

“The heels come later. I'd like for us to get home before dark, and that'll be hard enough as is”. He watched her turn towards Mark and smile. “Should we come back at the same time tomorrow?”

Mark smiled. “It's not entirely necessary. The transformation should wear off on it's own. You can if you'd like”. George looked nervously. In case something goes wrong I suppose. He smiled nervously and started wobbly toward the door.

----A few hours later ----

Lucy breathed in deeply as she collapsed onto the bed. She looked up at the clock and waited for George to get out of the bathroom. I know he's not used to female plumbing, but not even I take half an hour in the bathroom! Finally, George opened the bathroom door.

“Before you bitch about how long I took, yes, you do take just as long. It just seems like a long time when you can pee standing up”.

She watched him sit down next to her. “You did remember to wipe afterwards, right?”

The stare that suddenly appeared from his face surprised her. “Of course. I may look kind of stupid sometimes, but that's certainly not the case”.

She smiled inwardly. Stupid you certainly are. “Are you ready for your first sex as a woman?”

She smirked a little as a nervous look crossed his face. “Kind of. I'm a little worried”.

"No need to be. I'll be just as gentle as you were my first time”. Which means he's in for a lot of pain. This should prove fun. She stripped off his blouse and skirt with little flair then smiled. “Heh heh... momma's gonna have a little fun. Sit up”. She smiled as George obeyed. “While I get your bra and panties off, you get the honor of getting my dick ready. You know what to do”.


George gulped loudly as he hesitantly reached through Lucy's pants and underwear. When did she become such a commanding bitch? He found her dick and pulled it out. Despite the fact that I know I'm a man, this doesn't seem strange.

He started to rub his hand up and down it as Lucy removed his bra and panties. “Good... now use your mouth and make me feel good”.

He looked at her nervously. “But I don't know how”.

Lucy scoffed loudly. “Just put it in your mouth and suck like it's a lollipop. And if you use your teeth, I will be very cross”. George nodded his head and started to suck. This isn't as bad as I thought it would be. A little odd tasting, but I suppose that's normal.

He looked up and noticed a glazed look in Lucy's eyes. Is that how I normally look when I'm getting a blow job? He glanced at the clock on the wall and noted the time. He reached with one hand and started to play with one of his breasts.

“What do you think you're doing?” Lucy suddenly shouted, putting her hands on his head. Uh oh...

Suddenly, he felt his head being pushed onto her dick and pulled off rapidly, the head threatening to go down his throat. I can't breathe like this... He attempted to pull back and stop.

“No you don't. You suck until I tell you to stop. Is that understood?” she shouted. He mumbled yes as best he could and resumed sucking. He looked up a moment later and noticed a familiar look on Lucy's face. Oh no... she's going to cum and she hasn't bothered trying to warn me. He watched her shake in a familiar way as her cum started to pour into his mouth. Strange... it's pleasantly warm. He felt himself start to gag as she let go of his head. Right, if I swallow, I won't choke on it. He forced himself to swallow and nearly gagged. Yuck... this tastes horrible. He breathed a sigh of relief as she finished cumming and let him pull his head back.

“You managed to swallow it all. I guess you deserve a reward then”. He felt Lucy push him down onto the bed, spread his legs open, and lower her head to his pussy. “Don't think I'm going to make a habit out of this”.

Her tongue started to lick around his clit. This feels kind of good. He closed his eyes and let himself get lost in the sensations. “I think you're ready for a good fucking now. Here I come!” He opened his eyes in time to see Lucy ram her dick into him as a massive pain spread through his body.

“Mother fucking ow!!!! What the fuck happened to being as gentle as I was?”

He watched in shock as an evil smile appeared on Lucy's face. “I'm a woman of my word. This is exactly what my first time was like. Don't worry... give it about ten minutes and it'll start to feel ok” she replied, the venom dripping from her words. George winced at the pain each thrust produced. Ten minutes? I don't think I can take two minutes of this, and she expects me to take ten? George glanced up at the clock again, determined to prove Lucy wrong.

Finally, what felt like hours to George, the pain started to give way to pleasure. He glanced at the clock again. Fifteen minutes... I knew she was wrong. He looked up at Lucy again and noticed that same familiar look on her face . He watched her start to spasm, as he felt a warm liquid start to fill him up. I hope I can't get pregnant while in this body.

“Uhm... Lucy... did Mark say anything about the possibility of pregnancy while transformed?”

“I think he said it's impossible”. George breathed a big sigh of relief as Lucy laid down next to him and turned off the light. “I'm done then. Night”.

George turned to look at her. Wait, I never came. What do I do now? He thought for a moment. Right. He reached down to his breasts and started to massage them, feeling the sensations from earlier start again. Okay... this is exactly like I thought it would be. It's too slow though... what else can I do? Ah, right...

He removed his right hand from its breast and moved it down until he found his pussy. Carefully, he inserted two fingers and started to rub them back and forth. That's a little better he thought as the pleasure started to build a little faster. Still not enough though. Maybe if I use the other hand on the clit at the same time? He moved his other hand down and started to gently rub his clit. He smiled as the pleasure increased rapidly. A few minutes of this and I'll... I'll . Suddenly, an orgasm unlike he had ever felt before surged through his body.

Wow... that was intense. I'm kind of tired though. He smiled and closed his eyes, letting the darkness take over.


George stepped through the door to room twelve, this time much more confident in the new shoes. Heels aren't so hard. It only took me three hours of practice to stop falling.

“So, how did you two like the experience?” Mark asked, turning towards them.

George smiled hesitantly. “It wasn't quite what I was expecting... not bad though”.

He watched the evil grin appear again on Lucy's face. “I'm not sure I want to transform back”.

Mark seemed to sigh. “The machine doesn't do permanent yet. Besides, there would be a whole mess of paperwork you'd need to file with the government if that was an option. Honestly, it's not worth it”. George watched Mark glance up at the clock on the wall. “Looks like it's time”.

George watched as Lucy shimmered for a moment and become female again. He looked down at himself and waited. Minutes passed, yet he didn't see any changes occur. Finally, he looked back at the clock. Twenty minutes have passed. Shouldn't I have changed back by now?

“Uhm... George, I want you to go into the bathroom down the hall and use this pregnancy test. The instructions are in the box”. George nodded his head and made his way to the bathroom. Sitting in one of the stalls he started to panic a little. Is it possible that just once was enough to get me pregnant? And worse yet, could it somehow delay the transformation back? He finished prepping the test and returned to the room.

“Let's see that stick George” Mark said, reaching for the stick in George's hand. “This is not good. Lucy, did you warn him about the pregnancy risk?”

George turned toward Lucy and stared angrily. “Risk?” he shouted at her. He turned back towards Mark. “She didn't tell me anything about any risks associated with getting pregnant. In fact, she said that it was impossible to get pregnant while transformed”.

Mark groaned loudly. “Lucy tricked you then. There is a risk that getting pregnant while transformed can make the transformation permanent. If you step onto the machine's platform I can run a quick scan to check if this is the case”.

George made his way to the platform and stepped on, glaring at Lucy the entire time. A moment later he heard Mark start to hyperventilate. “I'm... I'm sorry to say this, but it looks like your stuck as a woman George. I'm going to do my best to find a way to reverse it, but chances are good you'll need to go through the pregnancy first”. George watch Mark grab Lucy by the arm and motion for George to step down. “I need to check you too... make sure nothing was permanently changed in you either”. George watched as a beam of light passed over Lucy a few times. “It's as I expected... Lucy, you're now both barren and permanently bi-sexual as well. Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do to fix either of those changes, so you're stuck that way for the rest of your life”.

George smiled as Lucy's face dropped. “But... how?”

Mark shrugged. “I don't know. All I know is that you two have a lot to discuss, and some very important paper work to take care of. George, I'll let you know the moment I make a breakthrough”. George watched Lucy storm out of the room.

“Thanks Mark... I hope you can figure something out soon”.

Mark nodded his head. “Me too”.

----Epilogue: One Year Later----

“George... I mean, Julia dear... Anna's hungry again” she heard Lucy call.

“Coming”. Julia looked at the calendar and smiled. It's odd to think that just a year ago I wouldn't have even considered staying in this form. Yet now, I can't imagine it any other way. She smiled as she picked up her daughter and put her to the breast, instantly silencing the infant. It might be nice to spend a few days as a guy again... she thought, then quickly put the thought aside. This was her life now... and she was finally starting to make peace with it.

----The End----

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A Long List of Firsts

It’s funny how simple things trigger memories in a person. Sights, sounds, smells and even feelings of pain or pleasure can spark a flashback. That pain I was now feeling as my cock strained against denim made me recall how all this began. 15 Months Earlier It was Friday night, not long after leaving work, where I found myself in my favorite place. My home away from home, at least from the time just prior to my divorce until now, where I could relax before heading home or in this case to...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 40 Firsts Part I

January 1981, Milford, Ohio On Monday morning at school, Tracey Jones pulled me aside and told me she had a question she needed to ask me. She and I were on different lunches, so I asked if I could call her, but she wanted to talk face-to-face. I suggested that I’d drop by her house after I saw Doctor Mercer that evening if she wanted, and she was fine with that. When I walked into Miss Barkhurst’s class, where I was the teaching assistant, I sighed. Dona Bingham was in this class. She...

2 years ago
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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 2

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Beauty comes from pain, Louisa. A proper young woman does not present herself unless she is properly coiffed, properly made-up, properly attired and wearing the proper accoutrements. That, Louisa, is what 'proper' means." Of course, I tried to argue. That is, after all, what an adolescent is supposed to do, but my mother would just purse her lips, shake her head in disgust and repeat that one sentence that she spoke most frequently...

4 years ago
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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 6

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport' ~ "The day of Miranda's wedding was cloudy and overcast, so perhaps Aunt Ada had been correct. Perhaps God would not waste a beautiful day on a wedding that would lead to a loveless marriage. Instead of using the vast tents that had been erected on the lawns at Golden Bluffs, everything was moved into our grand ballroom, which was large, but could not accommodate everyone who'd been invited. So, tables were also...

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My night of many firsts

I was never a big hit with the girls in High School and I was a virgin by the time I graduated. Now with living at home and just working I didn't have a real chance to date. It was the 80's and I didn't have a computer yet and when I hit at the age of 18 I was able to go to the Adult bookstores and I was a k** in the candy store. Well I would gather up some masturbating supplies and race home to jerk off, some of the items I would get were the local swingers magazine. I figured that I wanted to...

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A night of many firsts

I was a horny but shy guy in school and I never had the guts to ask girls out. After getting out of high school I finally had to shed my virginity. I was a regular at the local adult bookstore and I decided to get a swingers magazine. I still lived at home so I had to try to find someone to host After sending several letters out I got a reply back from Joe and Patty, they were in their mid 40’s. Patty was a tiny blond with a nice body. Joe was a taller guy 6’3” about 250 with a slight beer gut....

3 years ago
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A night of firsts

I was a horny but shy guy in school and I never had the guts to ask girls out. After getting out of high school I finally had to shed my virginity. I was a regular at the local adult bookstore and I decided to get a swingers magazine. I still lived at home so I had to try to find someone to host After sending several letters out I got a reply back from Joe and Patty, they were in their mid 40’s. Patty was a tiny blond with a nice body. Joe was a taller guy 6’3” about 250 with a slight beer gut....

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A night of many firsts

I was never a big hit with the girls in High School and I was a virgin by the time I graduated. Now with living at home and just working I didn't have a real chance to date. It was the 80's and I didn't have a computer yet and when I hit at the age of 18 I was able to go to the Adult bookstores and I was a k** in the candy store. Well I would gather up some masturbating supplies and race home to jerk off, some of the items I would get were the local swingers magazine. I figured that I wanted to...

3 years ago
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Sex Studio Secrets 13 Lisette3

Lisette comes hard and long across my lap from my simultaneous spanking her bottom red and fingeringI count down from ten to teach her to come on command and in succeeding she signs her slave contractShe shall serve and obey me for a full long weekend next, very soon with full moon at Saturday nightEvery hot thing happening to you this session will come back in extenso during that love weekendTasty teen you are in an ideal position to be taken wherever I want, which is what I'll do with...

1 year ago
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Sex Studio Secrets 13 Lisette1

Lisette looks lovely, she is a slender sensual sexy sweet tender terrific tasty tiny tit teenI invite her to my sex studio for an interesting intimate interview on her sexual experiencesShe gladly accepts with a blush and a smile, so I give her the address and the code to enterEasily we set the date for her visit, which will be her first ever naked appearance on cameraTasty you look in those cute cut-offs, I do love your looks! I tell her as I take her coatThank you Professor Peter, perhaps I...

2 years ago
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Night of Many Firsts Part 2

Night of Many firsts (Part Two)Don Abdul ©He leads her to a particular spot and then seals his lips over hers, it feels as though they are both going to explode with lust after their lips touch. He draws her even closer into the whirlwind of their passionate kiss. Then she feels his hands reach into the neckline of her top, suspecting that he wants to feel her unclad bosom. To her surprise though what she experiences next is not the feel of his hands on her tits, but the ripping sound of her...

1 year ago
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A Night of Firsts pt 2

I opened the door to the club and walked inside. From the outside, the older brick building looked sort of run down, but once inside I found myself in a club with large bar on one side, polished brass railings, mirrors, subdued lighting, tasteful seats at the bar, hardwood floors, tables, a few booths further away and at the very end of the club a large stage with karaoke being sung. This was no seedy dive bar, thank goodness.The lights, the music (karaoke music is always so loud as if...

2 years ago
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Summer Of Firsts Chapter 4

This was the summer of firsts. I was having so much fun knowing how much control I had over my neighbor. With a flick of my tongue I could send a wave of pure pleasure making his body convulse and cum involuntarily. The power and control was intoxicating. In the few weeks to follow we fooled around practically every day after school. He was slowly but surely becoming more and more comfortable with the idea that I was his slutty little cum dumpster. With some great joy and lots of practice, he...

First Time
4 years ago
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Night of Many Firsts Part 2

Night of Many firsts (Part Two)Don Abdul ©He leads her to a particular spot and then seals his lips over hers, it feels as though they are both going to explode with lust after their lips touch. He draws her even closer into the whirlwind of their passionate kiss. Then she feels his hands reach into the neckline of her top, suspecting that he wants to feel her unclad bosom. To her surprise though what she experiences next is not the feel of his hands on her tits, but the ripping sound of her...

2 years ago
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Constrained in Corsetry

CONSTRAINED IN CORSETRY Although I am not into serious bondage I love the erotic pleasures of wearing corsetry and other tight feminine garments next to my skin. When wearing suspenders and stockings I love the erotic sensation from the tightness of the top of my stockings gripping my thighs and the suspenders brushing against my thighs as I walk, as I envisage my suspender belt and stockings framing my clit and balls. I also find the tightness of bras and corsetry such as a girdle or...

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A Night of Firsts

A Night of Firsts By Sexy Laura This story is property of me, and may not be resubmitted without my consent. [email protected] ************************* "Tommy.. Can you give me a hand for a second?? Please???" I hated when my sister Shelley asked me for a favor when she had clients over. I always feel uncomfortable. Especially since my sister has a clientele that is slightly different then most people would imagine. She is a professional dominatrix. Complete with the...

3 years ago
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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 5

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The week prior to Miranda's wedding was a hectic and crowded one at Golden Bluffs. All of our relations came to Newport for the event and many of them stayed with us. Unfortunately, we also had many friends and business associates staying as well, which did lead to some difficult choices. Father was a self-made man who had family he wanted in attendance, but they were from a lower rung of society. So, since the rooms were assigned to...

2 years ago
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Night of Many Firsts

Night of Many firsts (Part One)Don Abdul ©She was engaged to be married, but a couple of weeks to the wedding, her whole world came crashing down around her, when she received an anonymous tip that took her to a motel on the edge of town. At the motel, she caught her man, and her would-be maid of honor, stepping out from a raunchy fuck fest…..The trauma of that incident and the heartbreak it caused her would have put some other person in a sanatorium. Dawn however is a sister with attitude, so,...

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Night of Many Firsts

Night of Many firsts (Part One)Don Abdul ©She was engaged to be married, but a couple of weeks to the wedding, her whole world came crashing down around her, when she received an anonymous tip that took her to a motel on the edge of town. At the motel, she caught her man, and her would-be maid of honor, stepping out from a raunchy fuck fest.....The trauma of that incident and the heartbreak it caused her would have put some other person in a sanatorium. Dawn however is a sister with attitude,...

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Sex Studio Secrets 13 Lisette2

Lisette is extremely enthousiatic about coming on camera in a real sex studio for the first timeI even wetted your mirror, I never knew I could come squirting so fast far and hard, dear PeterSuddenly I long to ride my boyfriend seeing myself pole-dancing his prick by my tongue and pussyEspecially banging my boy as a cowgirl must be very hot to see, how he handles my tight titties!Tasty titties indeed dear, but my studio is like my sex-shop downstairs only available to ladiesTears appear in the...

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Rosetta Chapter 14

Rosetta: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 14 *We need to talk.* Lena knew she had to lead up to the grand revelation carefully. And Rose's confusion about Missy gave her an opening. They decided to meet at Rose's house, and soon they were sitting in her room - drinks and snacks in hand - talking. "First, the question you were trying to figure out how to ask. It falls into one of those gray areas you are finding increasingly annoying. Yes, there are people that narrow...

4 years ago
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The New StartChapter 16 Seth and Rain

Seth still helped Mark with the animal herds and building and repairing the corrals and fences with the help of the robots. He spent a lot of his time on the fishing boat. Most often he went with Mark but when Mark couldn't go he enjoyed the company of anyone who was willing to accompany him. One of the robots went with him at all times and helped. There was still a lot of physical work involved and Seth had the strong muscles to prove it. He also had a deep dark golden tan. Quite often he...

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Demon and Demeanour Book 4 of Poachers ProgressChapter 10 Somerset and cider

“It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Colonel Greenaway. I am Ivan Crossley, Senior Magistrate and deputy Lord Lieutenant of the County of Somerset. Welcome to Taunton.” He rose from his desk and held out his hand. I had no idea I would be shaking the hand of Sir Boris Crossley’s brother, and brother-in-law of John Stafford, when I had left Coleman Hawkins in charge of seeing the regiment into their billets while I made myself known to the ‘civil authorities’ in the great hall of Taunton...

3 years ago
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Katrin ein Mdchen setzt sich durch

Hier ist meine erste Geschichte. Orte, Handlung und Personen sind frei erfunden und ist reines Kopfkino, Anregungen und ernst gemeinte Kritiken sind erw?nscht. Ich mag kein DENGLISCH und habe, auch zum besseren Verst?ndnis, die einzelnen Dialoge der Jugendlichen in meiner Muttersprache Deutsch geschrieben. Es werden sexuelle Handlungen beschrieben, daher ist die Geschichte f?r Kinder und Jugendliche nicht geeignet! Diese Geschichte darf von jedem Interessierten unter Angabe von H...

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Two New Firsts FFM Bi

About a year after I married my wife things had begun to get a bit cold in the bedroom, this was my first marriage but she had been married for fifteen years prior to me. I wanted to spice things up a bit so one night while laying in bed I asked her if she had any fantasies anything she wanted to try. To my surprise she had always wanted to be with another woman. As we talked all sorts of wonderful thoughts filled my mind; then the conversation turned to bondage and pain. By the end of the...

1 year ago
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Two new Firsts

About a year after I married my wife things had begun to get a bit cold in the bedroom, this was my first marriage but she had been married for fifteen years prior to me. I wanted to spice things up a bit so one night while laying in bed I asked her if she had any fantasies anything she wanted to try. To my surprise she had always wanted to be with another woman. As we talked all sorts of wonderful thoughts filled my mind; then the conversation turned to bondage and pain. By the end of the...

4 years ago
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The New StartChapter 19 Seth and Autumn

Seth returned late the next afternoon and Rain met him at the dock. Seth smiled as the small woman approached. Rain stopped about two feet in front of him and his smile vanished as she looked up at him and told him of the new sleeping arrangements. "This will not work," he said in his booming voice as he looked down on her. "It will work, the four of us will make it work," Rain said and then continued, "Tonight you are going to fuck Autumn." "I will not. I have no desire to have sex...

2 years ago
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The Rosetta girls part 5

Linda walked into her bedroom and brushed her teeth. She noticed the box with the dildos in it partially pushed under the bed. No one else was home and she took off her clothes and spread her legs down in her bed. She couldn’t help but rub her pussy and was aroused by it. She thought until a week ago she had never had any sex except with her husband. Now she aroused by her daughters and for the first time memory she finds herself masturbating. She puts two of her fingers into her vagina and...

3 years ago
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Rosetta Chapter 8

Rosetta: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 8 David did not like what he was seeing. He was able to use the pin he had given Rose as a homing beacon, making it easier to shift his awareness to her vicinity whenever he wanted to and wherever she was. Unless she was in a suppression field. And she was about to be in a suppression field for a long time. While she was meeting with the other negotiators, and speaking to them in a language he didn't understand, David gave them...

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Rosetta Chapter 15

Rosetta: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 15 *Company's coming!* Radar told the others. *And something is happening at the compound.* WHUMP! Yamai had underestimated his fellow villagers. And those of the other village. Hunting parties had spotted him on his way to the shrine, and correctly guessed his destination. They had no idea that they had been "helped" to reach that conclusion, or "encouraged" to send runners back to stir up reactions in the villages. Nor were...

4 years ago
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First blowjob courtesy of Annie

You can call me Matt, and this is my storyIt was January and I was getting close to twenty three years old; I was incredibly frustrated and had been down on my luck dating wise for the longest time. It had been almost three years since I had a serious relationship, or really even just fooled around with anyone beyond some clothed dry humping. In fact, I hadn't had an orgasm from someone else in over a year. I was talking with a few girls towards the end of the year before, but most of them fell...

First Time
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The Nymphs and the Corsetry Buyer ndash by SBarak1

The Nymphs and the Corsetry Buyer – a Story by SBarak1This is story #6 in the Nymph series. It follows ‘You Can Find Nymphs in Your Garden’, ‘The Return of the Nymphs ‘The Nymphs and the Morning After’, ‘The Nymph’s Proposition’ and ‘The Nymphs and the Dentist’. Although this story stands alone reading the previous stories provides the background. Please enjoy.My relationship with the Nymphs had been developing quickly. We got on well, enjoyed chatting and shared common interests. The main...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 74 NEWPORT

We entered the outmost orbit of the Dover System ten hours before the deadline. Har-Hi who stood next to me sighed. “I wished it would have taken longer. This is what I am born for, to be aboard a ship and roam the stars’”. I felt the same way and agreed with him, saying. “Me too.” The doors opened and Wetmouth stepped through, taking her seat behind the small science station at the rear of the bridge. I observed Har Hi who acted as the OPS officer of our little crew dedicating sensors...

3 years ago
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Professional Courtesy

Jennifer pushed her way through the big revolving doors, knowing she was about to have sex with a complete stranger. As instructed, she strode across the lavishly appointed lobby without stopping at the reception desk. That this was the same hotel she had stayed in with her parents when they brought her to visit the college, struck an ironic chord with her. Jennifer slowed down to admire the gleaming cherry paneling, brass fixtures, and sparkling chandeliers. Well dressed guests milled about,...

2 years ago
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Professional Courtesy Second Assignment

Jennifer’s new underwear made her feel sexy and confident. It was almost a shame that she would be expected to remove them before long. She could barely stand the mixture of anxiety and anticipation as the elevator rushed her to the twentieth floor. It had been exactly a week since her last visit to the grand hotel in Boston’s Back Bay. She arrived that evening as a naïve coed and left as an expensive call girl. Jennifer had experienced a thorough fucking by an epically endowed male...

3 years ago
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Courtesy Fuck

MMF, wife, nc/blindfold)Jack had left his front door open for me.Like he'd instructed me, I entered the front door quietly, and found theliving room without much trouble. He was sitting on his couch waiting forme, drinking a beer. The open bottle rested in one hand against his thigh."Hey, Marc," he said, as he stood. "I'm glad you could make ittonight," he added with a smile.He shook my hand with a firm grip."Do you want a beer?" he asked."That'd be great," I said, following him as he walked...

1 year ago
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Professional Courtesy Second Assignment

Jennifer’s new underwear made her feel sexy and confident. It was almost a shame that she would be expected to remove them before long. She could barely stand the mixture of anxiety and anticipation as the elevator rushed her to the twentieth floor. It had been exactly a week since her last visit to the grand hotel in Boston’s Back Bay. She arrived that evening as a naïve coed and left as an expensive call girl. Jennifer had experienced a thorough fucking by an epically endowed male...

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