A New Slave Emerged free porn video

A New Slave Emerged
by Lewis Chappelle
(with substantial assistance from a dear friend)
Sarah gazed out at the ocean, deep and dark, and wondered where they had gone wrong. Everything had always been so perfect between them, and then suddenly it seemed as though everything went downhill all at once.
Sure, as it always does, it had started out with something small, almost insignificant. He was late getting home, and he did not call. This was a rarity but it was not the first time it had happened, but this time seemed different. He was not apologetic when he got home, as he had always been in the past. She didn't question him about it as she trusted him implicitly and did not want to seem paranoid. She figured he had a bad day, and needed some time alone. However, things quickly escalated from there. That very evening he decided he was going out alone, or that is what he told her. She learned later on that he had gone to see his Mistress, one of many.
She would never have guessed that he was cheating on her. She had always thought that they had the perfect relationship. She had never realized how very unhappy he was all along.
She never realized that he only thought of her as a trophy wife, to be adored by others, but nothing more. Certainly nothing more to him.
She realized that their love life had suffered greatly recently, but she had assumed that he was just tired from work. She did not realize that he was not working late as he claimed, but rather leaving early and spending time with his numerous, younger, lovers
When he had decided that he was going out for the evening, she had called her girl friends and arranged a girl's night out, but she couldn’t get anything going on short notice. She was rather upset that he had decided, out of the blue, to leave her for the evening. He had never left her home alone before, he had usually wanted her with him so that he could show her off.
She had always known that, to a certain degree, she was his trophy wife, and why not? She was the perfect woman for such a thing. She had a gorgeous face and body, and her honey blond hair, baby blue eyes, and long, slender, legs only made her more desirable. Of course it didn't hurt that she was an heiress to a multi-million dollar corporation.
Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted when she realized that she was no longer alone. A strong man, a very good looking man at that, had come up behind her in the water, put his arms around her, and lifted her out of the water. She had not realized that as she thought about the events of that evening, and of her loneliness, that she had, perhaps intentionally, drifted farther and farther into the deep water.
Without warning, the man carried her back to the shore, but he did not stop there. Instead he carried her all the way to one of the beach houses and took her inside. She did not resist.
The man could not believe his good fortune, the most beautiful woman he had encountered in many years had stumbled upon his stretch of the beach and she seemed quite distraught and distracted.
As the man brought Sarah into the lighted room he realized he knew her; they and gone to school together. Even so, he was certain that she wouldn’t recognize him. She had never even cared that he existed in school, but he had definitely always noticed her.
And, now he knew she was completely off limits to him because she was married to a very powerful, and influential man who could squash anyone who dared to interfere in his perfect world.
However, the man, Dr. Jim Davis, a Cardiologist, also recalled that this beautiful woman, Sarah Amaryllis, had submissive tendencies. He now had her in his own home on the isolated beach.
He had always wanted the chance to dominate her, but she would never even gave him the time of day. Now he decided to take advantage of her in what appeared to be a time of grief. As everyone else in the community, Jim also knew Sarah’s husband was an unfaithful bastard who took advantage of her and of her money.
?Just what were you doing out there? Planning to walk right into the ocean and kill yourself? Not outside my house, you aren't,? he snapped in a brisk, cultured voice that announced wealth and a position of power.
Sarah was immediately attracted to his dominant nature. Once inside, he sat her down, got a towel and told her to take off her wet clothes so he could dry them for her.
Sarah was shocked that the man expected her to take her clothes off in front of him. She didn’t know him, and after all she was a married woman. Sarah could tell from the man’s attitude, clothing, and home that he was a very wealthy man and was surprised to find that in her small town, she didn’t know him. She was further disappointed to see that he was wearing a wedding band.
?But....I....? she started to protest, but he quickly solved the dilemma for her by taking her clothes off her forcefully.
Jim was very pleased to note that Sarah has a gorgeous body; perhaps even a perfect 10 body. He even briefly wished that he was not married, and he secretly wished that Sarah was not so modest. Nonetheless, he gave her the large towel which she then wrapped around herself.
He was curious as to why she was so upset.
?Listen lady, I am not going to rape you. I’m just trying to get your clothes dry. Stand over by the fire, and stay warm until I come back.?
With that, he left the large gathering room overlooking the ocean and headed to the laundry room to wash and dry her clothes. He knew full well that he would much rather she spend the rest of the evening naked but, he also knew he couldn’t keep her in his house against her will.
He wondered how much peace and quiet he had left with Sarah, before his bitchy wife would call and whine until he came home. His wife and Sarah were the same age, but his wife had lost interest in keeping in shape, and Sarah was as toned as a twenty year old. And, her tits were still perky and full.
He came back to the family room where the fire was raging, and came up behind her as she stood with the towel wrapped around her.
?Are you getting warm now?? he asked softly.
Sarah had not noticed him as she was completely consumed in her own thoughts. She was still devastated that her no good husband would have the audacity to cheat on her. She would never have guessed that the weak asshole had it in him. She had always hated how wimpy he was, but he was very handsome, and he was what her mother had always told her to look for in a husband.
She was momentarily startled and jumped at the sound of Jim’s voice.
?Your clothes are washing now,? he said.
And, he reached to take the towel from her, leaving her stark naked.
Sarah was shocked when he took the towel and moved to cover herself with her hands. However, she was also highly aroused at the idea of being naked in front of a complete stranger.
She has never felt those feelings before, and they were very confusing for her.
She didn’t understand why she was so aroused as a result of being humiliated in such a fashion.
?You won’t be needing the towel anymore, and you are so gorgeous without it. I think you owe it to me after all I did save your life,? he said in a new crisp, commanding, voice.
?Stand there by the fire and don’t move; I’ll be right back,? he continued.
Sarah just froze in place and didn’t dare to do anything other than what he had commanded her to do.
When he came back, he noticed that her beautiful hair was obstructing his view of her well formed tits. He walked to her, and put his hands on her shoulders without saying a word. Then he just pulled her hair behind her head.
?This is how I want to see your hair, I don’t want you to cover your face, or your tits, ever again.?
He reached around to take her tits in his hands. She was shocked - the kind of electric shock that is erotic yet paralyzing. In a brief second, she fell back into his arms and enjoyed the caress of his hands.
She felt the hardness of his cock press against her ass through his pants and she instinctively pressed back against it.
?You like this don’t you?? he asked seductively. He let one of his hands drop between her legs, and softly stroked her clit.
Then he stopped suddenly. She wondered if she did something wrong. Was she being rejected twice in one night? That would be more than she could stand.
She can hear him behind her pacing slowly but she dared not move.
He came full frontal and looked her up and down – she instinctively lowered her eyes, afraid to look at him.
?You are submissive, aren’t you?? he asked.
She thought carefully to herself, and said, ?Yes, is it that obvious??
Never before had anyone so openly asked her that question. She always tried to hide that part of her.
She hesitated to answer further until his voice boomed, ?Are you going to answer me, or just stand there??
Sarah pondered for a long moment, and then nodded slowly. A smile came over his face, ?I thought so, I could tell almost immediately,? he said.
She looked up at him with a serious look on her face, ?Are you my Master?? she asked.
?Can’t you tell? What do you think?? he replied.
?Yes,? she whimpered.
His smile became almost an evil glare, ?You’re right, but don’t worry, I won’t hurt you,? he added. She only nodded again.
?Lower your eyes! Get your hands behind your back! NOW!? he barked.
Immediately she placed her hands behind her back and lowered her eyes.
?Down on your knees slave, QUICKLY!? he again commanded.
She dropped to her knees immediately and spread them..
?Have you ever had a Master before now, slave?? he asked in a calm tone.
?No, sir, unless you consider my unfaithful, and useless husband, as my Master,? she whispered.
?Excuse me?! I didn’t hear you,? he barked at her.
?No Master!? she instinctively replied, somewhat loudly.
?I think you need to be punished for your tone slave,? he growled .
Immediately, she began to worry. She thought, ?Will he be gentle? Will he be overbearing and hurtful? Of course he won’t, he has given me no reason to think so to this point.?
?Are you willing to submit to me as my slave girl?? he asked in an official tone.
She nodded in the affirmative which brought a broad smile to his face.
?She is absolutely gorgeous and she is submissive to boot.? He thought. He just got hard thinking of her in that way. He truly wanted her to submit to him, and now he had her.
Jim couldn’t believe his good luck. He did not even have to force Sarah to submit to him as he had anticipated. She was putty in his hands.
But, there was more. He didn’t want her to just think that he was a passing stranger. He wanted her to know to whom she was submitting. He wanted her to know who he really was.
He looked at her for a moment, and formulated his plan.
?Sarah, do you know who I am?? he asked her quietly as he circled her, touching her intimately.
Sarah was shocked! How could he possibly know her name? She did not answer him as she was lost in thought.
He walked around her and slapped her across her right cheek.
?ANSWER ME, BITCH! Do you know who I am?? he screamed.
Sarah started to well up; tears in her eyes. ?No Sir, I don’t know who you are,? she cried
?Well let me help you out a little, miss smarty britches,? he replied as he pulled out his glasses and put them on. The glasses changed his appearance and he now looked vaguely familiar to her.
Then it hit Sarah like a ton of bricks, ?He’s the kid I had tormented all my years in school because he had a huge crush on me,? she thought.
?Yo... you....you’re Jim Davis,? she stuttered finally.
?Yes I am, you ungrateful whore!! Put your hands on the fireplace mantle, slave,? he commanded. Her hands quickly moved as he directed, coming to rest on the high mantle.
?Knees apart! NOW! Don’t make me have to tell you again slut,? he barked.
Just as quickly her knees spread apart, and she wondered to herself what is coming next. He brought his hand down hard on her defenseless ass twice in quick succession.
?Are you ready to receive your punishment for your unacceptable attitude, bitch?? he asked
?Ummm?.Yes.? Sarah hesitated.
Never before had anyone understood that she craved punishment. No one in her life had ever spanked her, and she was now highly aroused by the pain. Sarah had always been a masochist and she knew that a mere spanking would not be enough for her. She needed more. She needed something severe, that would get her off.
?Answer me, you snotty bitch! FASTER. Answer me faster!? he barked.
?No, Master!? she blurted out quickly.
?What do you mean NO?!?? he screamed in her face. ?You are a nasty, teasing whore, and you’ll be punished for what you did to me in school, and you’ll be punished for being rude to me today. But please, continue to disobey me. Spanking your little ass until you can’t sit down will give me great pleasure,? he added with a glint in his eye.
Sarah simply smiled to herself.
?You are weak, Jim! A little pussy! I’m not afraid of you,? she taunted.
She could see that her taunting was having the desired effect; she began to see how angry she was making him. He left the room for a moment and returned with his belt in hand. She looked at it in fear, knowing she went too far.
?Silence now, snotty Sarah. DON’T move a muscle, or your punishment will be worse,? he threatened.
He kicked her legs and made her lay on her stomach. Then he straddled her back, facing her ass. He took a moment just to enjoy her, to enjoy the view of her gorgeous round ass. Then, his hand began to methodically bring the belt down, alternating back and forth across her ass cheeks, getting harder and faster with each whack.
Sarah bit her lip, desperate not to cry out, she didn’t dare.
?Tell me when I get to 75 swats,? he ordered.
She had not thought to maintain a count, and only guessed when she thought he had reached 75.
?WRONG! It was only 74? he says. ?I think you need something that will give you a little more incentive to pay attention,? and again he stepped away from her. As he left, he called back to her , ?Don’t move out of that position slave, or you will be sorry.?
Again, she didn’t dare move. She felt instantly that he would surly hurt her if she disobeyed. But, she couldn’t help become completely aroused by his control of her; his directness, his commanding ability to make her and her body do whatever he wanted
In what seemed like only a short moment, she felt something hard and wooden stroking back and forth across her ass. He had slipped quietly back in as she pondered in silence what he might do to her.
?Do you know what this is slave?? he asked her. She could only tell that it was hard, it was wooden, and it was somewhat cold on her heated ass – hot from the spanking she had already received.
?No guess, pain slut?? he asked.
?No Master, your slave has no idea what it is,? she responded.
?Let me give you a hint,? and with that, he brought the rattan cane down hard on the inside of her thigh causing her to scream out. ?Oh my god, a cane Master!?
?GOOD GUESS, slut!? he laughed as he spanked her hard twice on each ass cheek in quick succession with that cane.
?How many was that?? he queried.
?Twice on each cheek Master,? she replied shaken.
?Tell me when I get to 50 slave.? And with that order he began to spank her ass back and forth across each ass cheek, getting harder and faster each time. The pain was becoming increasingly more agonizing, but at the same time, she is getting aroused to the point of a cum which she could not control.
Her soft, shaven cunt lips were soaking wet – she could feel the wetness. Her nipples were fully erect and pressed into the carpeting. When she thought he had reached 50, she called out, ?50 Master!? and he stopped beating her.
?Very good slave girl. Have you learned your lesson about your very poor attitude?? he asked.
?Yes Master, your unworthy slave has learned her lesson, and will never have an attitude with Master again,? she replied.
?You have done well for your first time, and should be rewarded? he said. ?Stay in position, do NOT move,? he ordered. And just as before, she remained perfectly still. Suddenly, she could feel his hand sliding between her legs, his middle finger running deeply between her cunt lips, massaging her clit. Her hips begin to gyrate to the movements of his hand, her moans becoming more audible with each stroke.
?You know slave, it is my rule that you are not allowed to cum unless you have permission from me, and you know that right?? he asked. She struggled to get the words out, completely lost in the sensations of his fingers which were bringing her already to the soaking wet cunt edge of a thundering cum.
But she managed to eek out, ?Ye, Ye, Yes Master, I un, un, understand.? She was getting close, and then the movements of his hand stopped. She wondered again, ?did I do something wrong? Suddenly she heard the sound of a zipper, and knew, in an instant, that he was removing his trousers.
?Does my new slave girl want her Master to fuck her?? he asked. She has never been unfaithful, but out of a cross feeling of revenge, and her own over heated desire, she simply replied, ?Yes, Master.?
?Oh, that isn’t good enough slave, if you want your Master to fuck you, you must beg for it,? he replied.
Sarah considered just letting it go, but her own desires needed to be satisfied. ?Oh Master, PLEASE fuck your new and most willing slave into submission Master!? she almost screamed with desire.
?You’re already in submission, you silly slave,? he replied.
?PLEASE Master, PLEASE fuck me, she whined. She felt the head of his hard cock slide up and down between her puffy cunt lips, and she pushed back against him - wanting him - wanting this thick cock in her.
?Not so fast, slut,? he said as he pulled back slightly.
She was about ready to explode into a cum when she felt him reposition his cock harder against her clit. And then it happened - he slid all the way inside her in one motion. Immediately she began to press her hips back to meet his every thrust.
?Don’t forget, slut slave, do not cum unless you get my permission,? he reminded her.
?Yes Master,? she replied huskily through her deep moans and pants.
She was SO close already, and she was sure that she couldn’t control herself anymore.
?Oh, Master, I’m going to cum, Master!? she screamed.
He stopped his thrusting, and he pulled from her.
For what seemed like the 100th time that night, she felt rejected. She felt as if she was unlovable and inferior. She heard him stand and he disappeared from the room.
?Should she move? Should she stay?? she wondered. She didn’t dare move and remained in position. Suddenly, she heard him come back, and her body became more rigid. She wanted to cum so desperately but, all she could feel was the warmth of cloth on her lower back.
?Your clothes are dry now,? he said in a direct, professional voice. ?No more late night swimming expeditions either. See you soon??
Reluctantly, she stood, put on her clothes, and made her way toward the door. The door to a delightful palace of passion that has been her home for at least two hours. She made one last scan of the scene, hoping to at least see him, at least hold him and kiss him as a way of thanking him for the most pleasure she has felt in years even though she was frustrated and left wanting.
Yes, this man, that was once a boy, who she routinely tormented in school had now been the source of her mental and physical excitement. This man, who she so desperately wanted and needed in her life at this very moment, was nowhere to be found. Just as quickly as he had appeared, he was gone.
?Is he a ghost? Is he a figment of my erotic imagination?? she thought to herself.
Surely not.
She reluctantly left the beach house and headed to her car which is parked nearby. She couldn’t get him out of her head. She couldn’t forget the pure erotic pain and pleasure he brought her, the pure eroticism that she craved. She had to come back!
Again, she drifted into her fantasy world, forgetting to even start the car. She lifted the bottom of her dress and spread her legs wide as her mind drifted between reality and what she just experienced. Her fingers slowly and gently traced up and down the inside of her thighs and she could still see herself under the control of this exciting man,; her new-found Master.
Her fingers traced up and down the slippery lips of her cunt and slid between them as she thought of how he controlled her. Her middle finger began massaging her clit in slow circles. Her hips began to move in unison with her finger. Her breathing turned to pants, moans of pure pleasure as she visualized how his hand came down on her ass, the pain, the pain that was more erotic and pleasurable than any intercourse she had ever experienced with her husband.
Her finger pressed inside herself as she thought of the sweet pain the cane had brought to her, although brutal in nature, very arousing. Her motions had become more rapid, she could feel her long pent up orgasm building to a crescendo. She could feel his cock deep inside her, thrusting in and out. Her passion continued to build until she could no longer take the movements of her fingers, the memories of what just happened, – she exploded in the most mind blowing orgasm she had ever felt. And, it lingered! Her cunt throbbed over and over again? the cum seemed to go on and on and on.
All the while, while her body trembled, quivered, tremored – still she came back to the erotic adventure she had just enjoyed. She did not even think for a minute about what she was about to leave this beach house and this memory for – that cheater who called himself her loving husband. He was far from that.
Having unwillingly returned to reality, she fixed her hair and dress the best she could and started the car. As she drove home, a home of desperate loneliness, she continued to think of him, ponder what just occurred – how erotic it was, how arousing.
She arrived back at her home, and noticed another car in the driveway.
?Who could be here at this hour?? she asked herself. She didn’t recognize the car, and she also noticed that her husband’s car was there as well.
?Why are all the lights in the house off?? she again asked herself. In her critical mind she knew what was going on.
?Why should today be any different, he has been cheating all along,? she said to herself.
She knew in her heart what she is going to find when she got inside, but she forced herself to go anyway. Quietly, she opened the door hoping that the alarm is not set, which luckily it wasn’t. She put her keys in her purse, and set it down near the door, and removed her heels.
Sara heard muffled conversation going on upstairs, obviously from her bedroom. Her emotions begin to stir. Again, she knew what she was going to find. She knew her heart was going to be irrevocably broken. Half way up the stairs, she could clearly hear a woman’s voice coming from her room, which assured her that her hunches all along were true.
Her feelings of long being considered as only a trophy wife, long being neglected and taken for granted, now changed to feelings of independence, and the want and need to rid herself of the boat anchor of a husband once and for all.
With that assurance, she stormed toward the door, and flung it open. The two occupants of her bedroom, one being her so-called husband, sat up in bed.
?So my suspicions were correct?? she said loudly. ?Who is this tramp you have in OUR bed?? she exclaimed.
As he always had done in the past, he tried to make it seem like this tramp was a figment of her imagination, coming up with every excuse imaginable.
?You may be a male, but you are not in any way an owner, and I want you out of this house immediately, and take that slut with you!? she yelled, as she turned on her heels and headed downstairs.
A short time later, they both come down the stairs, still dressing. He attempted to make his plea, claiming to have never treated her that way, but knowing full well that his apologies and excuses would fall on deaf ears, and rightfully so.
?Just get out! I should have done this long ago. You don’t deserve me, or my love,? she yelled at him.
?Bu, bu?.? He stammered.
?Just go,! Don’t embarrass yourself any further,? she yelled.
With that, he turned reluctantly and left, knowing that he had just been banished from her life forever, and that the good life for him was also over, forever.
Sarah slammed the door behind them, and collapsed at the foot of the steps, completely distraught, completely in tears.
?Why had she not done this sooner? Why did she agonize so about him, knowing that he was treating her this way?? she thought to herself.
?Well, no more,? she thought, even though reality struck her that she was now alone again; or was she?
She walked out onto the deck to ponder her next move. She stared out across the yard, the pool filter making its monotonous whine as it always did and, her mind began to wander. It wandered right back to her experiences earlier that evening.
?What was it about him that had such a pull, such a draw for her? What was so special about this man?? she wondered to herself. The answer was quite obvious – he truly cared about her, he could excite her, he was a genuine man, he was her Master.
?I think I will pursue this venture, I’m sure he will be just as interested as I am.? she convinced herself.
The next day, she decided to find the man who would be her new Master. She got up early, with certain enthusiasm, and took a long, hot bubble bath, put on her red lace thong and bra, a matching red garter, red stockings, and a tight, curve hugging, red silk dress.
Unsure of whether Jim would like her hair down or not, she decided to put it up. She got in her car and drove back to the house of her intense pleasure the previous night.
As she drove, a swirl of questions begin racing through her mind. ?Will he still want me? Will he want me to be his submissive, maybe more? Does he really find me attractive, or did he only see last night as a form of revenge from a time long ago??
It was her intent to find answers to these and many more shortly.
?What else do I have now?? she thought to herself – an empty house, an empty life for oh so long, and what else?
She set out to change the direction of her life.. A dramatic change.
She parked in the same spot she had before. She got out of the car forgetting that heels and sand don’t go well together. She quickly removed her heels and began to retrace her steps from the night before.
The morning was quiet; there was not a single person on the beach, only the sound of the pounding surf. She slowly walked up on the porch and knocked, and waited – there is no answer.
Disappointed, she tried one more time – she knocked, but her knocks only brought the same result – no answer, silence. She was dejected.
?How could I ever believe that what happened last night could ever happen again?? she thought to herself. ?Nothing that good ever happens twice. And, in my life, not even once,? she mused.
?Well, back so soon?? a voice rang out.
She froze. It was him, behind her like the ghost of the presence he was last night – he had returned.
?Did you forget something last night?? he asked.
?No, not exactly,? she replied.
?Then, you have reconsidered our arrangement?? he asked.
She soooo wanted to say yes, but instead she decided to play it off; ?arrangement?? she said as a question.
He just stood with a smirk that screamed, ?You know what I mean.?
Coffee?? He asked.
?Ssuuure?, she replied.
He loped up the steps, and opened the door, and held it open for her.
?You don’t seem to be dressed for the beach,? he said smiling an almost evil grin. She didn’t reply, because she didn’t want to be that overt with her true intentions.
?Please, have a seat in the family room, I’ll be right there,? he said.
She assumed that the family room was the room she was in the previous night. She went in and had a seat on the edge of the couch. He came in a moment later, carrying two cups of coffee.
?I didn’t know how you wanted it, so I took a guess,? he said. She took the cup he prepared for her and took a sip.
?Oh this is perfect, just the way I like it.?
?So tell me, what brings you back so soon? Not that I am not ecstatic you came back, just curious,? he said, staring at her.
Sarah took a deep breath summoning all that was in her so she would not break down. She barely managed to hold her emotions in check. She thought as hard as she could of a suitable reply.
Jim finally broke the silence. ?Here to be my slave girl for all time, Sarah??
She knew that was the truth, yet she could only nod.
He just smiled, and said, ?Drink your coffee first.?
As she drank she commented, ?This is really a spectacular house, Master.?
?Thank you slave, I built it myself,?
Their explicit agreement had been sealed with those words - Master and slave.
?Excuse me for a moment?? he said and quickly exited just as he did the night before.
Immediately she began to get nervous, and then she heard his voice ring out from the living room, ?Sarah, come in here for a second!?
Quickly, she put down her coffee cup and came into the living room. When she entered, she saw him standing there, with a collar in one hand and a leash in the other.
?Why are you standing, slave?? he asked.
Immediately she knelt.
?Wait a minute, not so fast,? he said. He set the leash and collar down and came to her and with one arm, pulled her forcefully to him and kissed her very deeply, very passionately, their tongues swirled sensuously.
She felt his other hand come behind her and slide the zipper of her dress down quickly. He broke off their kiss, and stared seductively into her eyes. He slid her dress down around her ankles.
?Step out, slave,? he ordered. Her juices flowed easily when her called her his slave and she quickly obeyed.
He slowly walked behind her, tracing a finger over her as he did. He quickly unhooked her bra and she felt his hands caress her already taut nipples.
She could feel the wetness between her legs increasing as she threw her head back against his shoulder, surrendering her body, herself, in total surrender to her new found Master.
His hands pulled her bra away from her tits and let it fall to the floor at her feet. His hands continued to tenderly massage her full and luscious tits and then slide in unison down her flat stomach, one quickly sliding between her legs, over her shaved cunt.
The pulses of pleasure she felt grew with each touch as she instinctively pressed her ass back against his hardness which was by then quite evident. He kissed her neck softly.
?Get on your knees slave, NOW!? he hissed in her ear, and immediately she snapped out of her stupor of pleasure as if cannon had gone off right next to her.
She immediately dropped to her knees, her hands quickly went behind her back, and her head and eyes fell to the ground. She could see his feet as he moved in front of her.
He leaned down and affixed a collar to her neck, a posture collar which held her head stiffly. Just the notion that she was being forced, by this apparatus, to hold her head in the position he had put it was quite arousing. He leaned down and connected the leash to the D ring and gave it a slight tug as he walked in front of her.
?Follow me slave!? She followed him on her hands and knees, ensuring that she gave him a good show. Her breasts swung beneath her, and she purposefully moved her ass back and forth as she crawled, totally intent on enticing her Master.
He led her to unchartered territory in the house.
Where is he taking me?? she wondered to herself as they began to ascend the staircase.
?Don’t dawdle, or I will be forced to punish you for being so slow,? he commanded.
Once at the top of the staircase, he led her into a room, a secret room whose entrance was through an unmarked secret passage.
?Now I know where all the toys came from that he went to get last night,? she thought to herself.
?Up on your knees slave girl,? he ordered, and she quickly obeyed. ?Hands behind your back, eyes lowered, and don’t move a single muscle – is that understood??
?Yes Master, I understand!? And she did exactly as he demanded. He left the room momentarily, and she strained to look around at this palace of eroticism.
Everywhere there were different devices, different types of apparatuses that she had never before imagined or seen.
?Here he comes,? she said to herself, as her eyes quickly lowered and she resumed her steady and stable kneeling position.
?You haven’t been looking around have you, slave?? he asked.
?No Master, not at all.? she replied, even though that was a lie.
?I think we will try a little experiment today,? he said
She wondered to herself, ?What does he have in mind? I don’t know what half this stuff even is, but I guess I am willing to try.?
?Get on your feet slave!? he commanded, and she quickly jumped to his command.
?Hands behind your head, eyes on your toes, spread those feet wide apart!!? he barked.
She was quick to comply and her nerves begin to tingle.
She began to wonder: ?Is this going to be another day of ecstasy like last night, or is he finally going to take his wrath out on me for all those days of torture I put him through in school.?
The memories of those times, and the reality of the present alternated back and forth in her mind as she waited, and as he paced back and forth behind her. Was he gathering things, or moving things, she could not tell.
Suddenly, she felt the softness of silk on her wrists as he bound her wrists behind her.
?Come over here,? he said, as he took her arm and lead her over to a wooden parallel bar over which he bent her.
?Have you ever seen one of these before, slave?? he asked while dangling a chastity belt in front of her.
?N,n,n, no Master, what is that?? she replied. ?What is he going to do with this? I know what a chastity belt is, but does he expect me to wear this all the time?? she wondered to herself.
?I have a few items to take care of before I put this on you. We are going to test your ability to control yourself today,? he exclaimed.
?Control myself? Was he talking about pain wise, physically, how?? she asked herself.
?Spread your ankles wide, slave QUICKLY!!? he commanded,
And in sharp reflex, her legs shot apart. Suddenly, she could feel something cool and rigid sliding up and down between her already wet cunt lips, and then she was surprised as the object slid all the way inside her wet cunt.
She gasped to herself, both from the surprise of being entered so quickly and forcefully, but also wondering what the object was that just entered her.
The real surprise came as she felt yet another rigid object, smaller to be sure, but rigid nonetheless sliding up and down between the ample, soft cheeks of her ass, and then inside her. She jumped slightly, never before having felt that sensation before because her ingrate of a husband was not into anal stimulation whatsoever.
The impulses caused by this object were all brand new, and were exciting.
?One final object, slave, and then you will wear this belt,? he said.
Again, he strapped something around her, something hard and plastic and the mere touch of this object to her clit almost sent her into another space.
?What is all this stuff?? she mused again.
She was already excited beyond description because of the situation she was in, because of the objects inside her, because of the anticipation of what was to come, and the mystery of what was to come her way.
He strapped the belt tightly onto her; it pressed nicely up against her cunt lips keeping the objects inside her in place. Again she jumped because the tightness of the belt again pushed the object strapped onto her against her clit – she needed no further stimulation, she was already excited beyond her previous capacity.
?Remember our drill, slave girl, DON’T MOVE,? he commanded. She was bound and determined, even though she is extremely aroused, not to fail this time.
Her anticipation was short lived as the objects inside her, including the object in her ass, came to life. She couldn’t believe the sensations that were shooting through her body. She would never last a minute without begging her Master to cum, which she knew she must do.
She clenched her hands together, she clenched her teeth – nothing was working to prevent the enormous waves of pleasure that were coursing through her body. Her hips began to gyrate out of reflex.
?I THOUGHT I SAID DON’T MOVE!!? her Master exclaimed in a very loud and commanding voice.
?Y, y, y, yes Master!? she managed to moan, almost at the point of the orgasm she had the previous night.
?SMACK? she felt the pain of his hand against her face. ?SMACK,? in quick succession on the other cheek. She tried desperately to control her movements, her pleasure.
?Master please, I am going to cum any second,? she moaned.
?YOU BETTER NOT!!? her Master replied, and the sensations suddenly stopped.
Some way, somehow, he had control of those devices.
Her panting, continued as she tried desperately to recover from the pleasure he was causing in her - the immeasurable pleasure.
?If these initial events are any indication, last night is going to seem like a brief encounter,? she thought to herself.
For what seemed like hours, she could hear her Master behind her. Suddenly the sensations returned, just when she was returning to normal.
This time the sensations were even more intense, even more exciting.
Again, her pelvis began to flail involuntarily; again, she fought desperately to hold back.
?Masterrrr?..? she couldn’t control herself, and it happened – she explodes into the mind blowing orgasm she felt with him before. Her moaning, her panting become so loud that her Master turned to see if she was in distress.
Fully expecting it, and actually wanting it, her Master yelled from across the room, ?DID YOU CUM SLAVE???
Sarah was still lost in her own world of erotic ecstasy, but the tone, the urgency of his voice quickly broke her euphoria, and she realized what she has done – knowing full well that she would be in for some serious pain for her disobedience.
She did her best to calm herself, to make it look like nothing happened, but she knew her playing coy would not work, She knew that her pleasure was going to quickly turn to pain.
?Is that so bad?? she asked herself. ?After all, last night’s pain gave me almost the same pleasure as everything else he did to me,? she thought.
He come from behind her, removed the chastity belt quickly, removed the butt plug, and quickly slid the dildo from inside her. Finally, he removed the butterfly from her.
?This is not good,? she thought to herself, and feelings of dread began to come over her, dread in a surely good way if there is such a thing.
She felt his strong hand undo the binding that had secured her wrists behind her.
?Put your hands out in front of you, slave!!? he commanded.. He bound her wrists to the rings on the wall using fur lined cuffs.
?Spread your legs apart, wide!!? he again commanded. He used ankle restraints to secure her ankles to the vertical posts of the hitching post over which she was bent.
?I warned you that you would be punished for cumming without my permission didn’t I?? he asked.
?Yes Master,? she whimpered, anticipating what is sure to be a severe punishment.
He walked toward the wall behind her. She knew there were any number of toys and instruments of pain back there, and she heard him take something from the wall, but she was unsure what it is.
?For cumming without permission you will receive 50 lashes, slave girl? lashes on your lovely back and ass,? he announced.
?50 lashes with what,? she wondered to herself.
Her question would soon be answered. ?Crack!? she heard, as the pain took a moment to register on her ass, as the first lash of 50 with the cat of nine tails hit her.
He continued to lash her, not getting harder, but each time the strands fell, they would bring new pain to her soft skin, a new and different feeling. She knew she would see welts for a week.
The sounds, the cracks, become almost deafening as he continued. Each one penetrating her tortured body deeper with each lash. By the time he reached 40, the pain was almost too much to bare, and after doing her level best not to cry out, after she fought away her tears and bit her lip, she could hold back not longer. Her screams echoed in her head and throughout the room as the last 10 lashes come down on her sweat doused body. By the time he reached 45, she was about to pass out again, but still she fought on.
?50 Master!? she cried out.
Her new Master dropped his cat of nine tails on the floor next to her.
?Let that be a lesson to you, slave! Do not doubt that there will be retribution for your failure to follow my commands in the future if you disobey me.? He barked.
She was barely able to utter ?Yessss Maasta ? still trying to catch her breath.
Her Master came to her. Before leaving her still bound there he said, ?Now just stay there and consider your actions and my words!?
For what seemed like an eternity, she remained there, bound against the wall, wondering to herself if he would ever come back and release her.
Suddenly, she heard footsteps and he came to her; ?Have you thought about the error of your ways, my new slave girl?!?? he thundered.
?Yes Master,? she said in as clear and concise a tone as she could manage.
?So we understand each other – you do not cum or do anything else without my permission, is that understood, slave?? he said.
?Yes Master, that is understood,? she responded in deep agony.
With that, he released her bonds, and attached the leash to her collar again, and ordered her onto her hands and knees.
?Follow me as always, slave,? he said giving the chain a slight tug.
He lead her to the family room where they had their first full night of intimate ecstasy. Ecstasy beyond her imagination.
Then, he bound her leash to the corner leg of the couch. ?Stay there until I return,? he said, and left the room.
?How long is he going to be gone?? she thought.
She positioned her body in the best position possible, not knowing, and not daring to take a chance of his quick return. Hours seemed to pass, she was in pain from the lashing, and the urges of Mother Nature were quickly upon her. But, she could not get to the bathroom – she was bound with no chance of escape.
More long minutes seemed to pass, her bladder felt as though it was going to explode.
?If he doesn’t get back soon, I am going to piss on his floor and he will certainly not be a happy Master,? she thought to herself.
Just then, in he strode, and walked right past her as if she wasn’t there. Being ignored was a brutal act. The pain inside her only intensified when he did so, and she contemplated calling out to her Master.
But, the again in he strode, and came over and sat on the couch next to where she was bound. He reached out and began to pet her hair softly.
?Does my slave need to use the restroom?? he asked calmly.
?Oh My God, YES? she thought.
But she managed to speak calmly, ?Yes Master, I do. Please let your worthless slave go to the restroom to piss, Sir.?
With that, he released the leash and told her to find the restroom on her hands and knees. She crawled as carefully as she could, but she wasn’t sure what to do after finishing. She ultimately crawled back to the same position and waited for further instructions.
?I want you to put this on slave,? her Master said, and he presented her with some strips of cloth that surely did not qualify as a bathing suit – but it was. It was the tiniest bikini she had ever seen in person? it probably had come from Brazil. She knew it wouldn’t cover her welts, but she only confirmed his command with her usual, ?Yes Master,? even though she said so reluctantly.
She put the bikini and she was right, it barely covered anything at all.
?On your hands and knees again, slave!!? he barked.
She quickly obeyed – ?Yes, Master!?
He again attached the leash to her collar and led her out onto the deck, and onto the beach. The hot sand on her knees caused her pain and she did her best to crawl without him being aware of her desperate labor in doing so.
She became instantly nervous about being exposed for all the world to see. The welts on her back, ass and legs were still fresh and she drew the stares of other beach goers as she crawled along. As she moved, her tits slipped from the tiny bikini top. It was never meant to cover tit’s the size of hers.
?Master?? she queried.
?What is it, slave?? he responded.
?May I please stand, Sir, the sand is hot and starting to cause my knees to bleed?? she asked.
In a moment of compassion, and in his first showing of true feelings for her, he allowed her to stand.
?Thank You, Master,? she replied softly while smiling at him, and briefly making eye contact, before quickly lowering her eyes.
He released the chain from her collar.
?May I fix my suit Master?? she meekly asked.
?NO!! In fact, I want you to take off your top!! He ordered.
?Yes, Master!? she reluctantly said, and removed her top.
Instantly, she became the center of attention on the beach. Her gorgeous body was on display for all to see, and she blushed and became self conscious. She had forgotten that she was on a private beach and that the gawker’s were appreciative of what they saw.
?Put your hands behind your back, slave, and give ’em all a show, slave, and do it NOW!!? Be proud of your body. Let me show you off as my wonderful and obedient new slave,? he thundered.
Immediately her hands went behind her back. She took a deep breath and thrust her firm and perky tits to the sky.
It hadn’t taken long for a new, fully compliant, aroused, and willing, slave girl to have emerged.
The End
Note #1: The author appreciates comments regarding the above story from my readers, at [email protected]
Note #2: The author claims copyright protection for the work published above, and any derivative work, under the provisions of the Berne Convention as signed by the USA in 1989. LC

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