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Washing up

As he comes in the door he sees her sat in the lounge in her new cream silk mini pyjamas, nails done a glossy pink, new blonde highlights in her hair, her cutest smile. ‘Hi honey she says’, crossing her legs and showing off her slim tanned legs and new pedicure.

He looks down at her, smiling. ‘Hello sweetie , you look pretty today’.

‘Thank you,’ she replies. ‘Can I make you a drink?’

‘ No love, I’ll get one’ he says, and goes into the kitchen.

She hears him open the freezer door, plink some ice cubes into a glass and pour what sounds like a splash of whisky. Then he calls her. ‘Love, can you come into the kitchen a sec please?’

She glides in, with her sexy walk, swinging her hips and smiling winningly. Maybe he has a present for her she thinks. But then she frowns when she sees there is no present in his hand, and he does not look happy? What can be wrong? ‘Have you had a nice day today’ he asks, kindly.

‘Oh yes’ she says, nodding. ‘It was lovely thank you.’

‘Did you go shopping for anything nice’, he enquires.

‘Yes yes I got these pretty new pyjamas, do you like them?’ She gives a little twirl and a wriggle of her hips. She hopes he will be sliding them off her later in bed. She thinks she looks pretty sexy in them and knows he loves her like that, in silk, glowing hair and skin...irresistible. She is expecting some jewellery and thinks perhaps it’s in his pocket? It’s been a lovely day, shopping, meeting her friends, getting her nails and hair done...

‘Love, is there anything you want to tell me? Anything wrong I need to know about?’

‘No’ she shakes her head, ‘everything is fine’.

‘ Nothing isn't working?’

‘ No its all good.’

‘Ok so the dishwasher isn't broken..no?’

She giggles. ‘No I’ve just been out, I forgot...’ She cocks her head to one side, cutely.

"Ok then" he says. "I’m glad you had a nice time today, and bought lots of lovely things, but the only job I ever ask you each day is load the dishwasher..isn’t it." She nods. "You haven’t done it at least a dozen times this month, and I haven’t said anything, I’ve just got on with it myself in the morning before I go to work. Do you remember we talked about this last month? Do you remember love?"

"Yes Hun.. I’m sorry, I’ll try to remember. " She comes over to him, wraps her leg around his and kisses his neck. "Don’t be cross with me. Let’s just have a nice drink and we can order takeaway or something and have a nice night in...."

He unwinds her leg and moves away from her kisses. "And do you remember what happened when we talked about it?" She remembers.... he put her over his knee as he sat on the bed and spanked her bottom... it was kind of fun really, she remembers pretending to squeal and wriggle and before she knew it they were in bed having really hot sex. "You said you were sorry and you wouldn’t do it anymore. But you haven’t learned your lesson at all have you?"

 "Ooh no sorry" she says. "You might have to teach me it again, I will try harder really." And she giggles as she walks towards the stairs. "You’ll have to catch me first."

" No young lady, you are not going upstairs. Come back here please." She turns at his unusually  cross sounding voice, perplexed.  " I said come here now." She walks back to the kitchen. "Its OK  you didn’t want to use the dishwasher love. I know it’s more fun to go shopping. But you have to learn that making sure the dishes are washed is your responsibility. So, today to teach you that  lesson the hard way, you are going to wash them up by hand, at the sink, whilst I have my drink in the lounge. "

" Oh, but my nails will get ruined in the water!" she says aghast. "I can’t, I’ll do it tomorrow I promise."

It’s hard to be stern but he knows he has to carry this through. "Yes you will wash up now at the sink, every plate and glass and piece of cutlery. Now, not tomorrow or the next day, right now. And then my love, when you have finished, and only then, you will bring me this." He selects a wooden mixing spatula from the utensil drawer, "...and I am going to give you the proper real spanking you deserve." Her tummy flips at those words; he doesn’t look as if he is joking. There is no smile on his face.

 "Don’t be silly she says, you can’t spank me with that, you won’t!"

" I can, and I will young lady.  Don’t mess with me or think I am joking. I am putting my foot down firmly. You have been allowed to be a spoiled brat for long enough and today is where I draw the line. Now come here to the sink." She walks over slowly still confused. "Run the hot tap and put  the liquid in..that’s right." She begins to follow the instructions and as she turns to do so he gives her two smart stinging taps on her pyjamaed backside.

"Owww" she squeals, affronted.

" That, young lady, is just to let you know what is to come later and give you something to think about as you complete the first part of your punishment.  Now get on with it and bring me the  spatula when you have finished, and just so you know, if you dawdle, it will be worse for you later." And on that he turned and left the kitchen with his glass and strode toward the lounge.

Although the taps on her bottom were not hard and through her pyjamas she still feels the smarting tingle remaining.  She thinks of the last time they played a spanking game and how soon it turned into great sex, it didn’t hurt at all really. In fact thinking about it, these taps hurt more than the whole of the last spanking put together. It must be the spatula she decided, he probably didn’t realise how much it would hurt.  Disgruntled, she decides to wash up anyway but she won’t take the spatula for him. He will have calmed down by the time she has finished and he has had his drink.

As she washes up, she realises the counter is quite high and she needs to lean forwards to do the job. She can’t help but imagine how her bottom must be sticking out and how it might look if it were bare waiting for the spanking he has promised. Her bottom cheeks tingle as they rub a little against the silk and its all she can do not to wriggle a little more. She becomes suddenly incredibly aware of her breasts and nipples, against the silk of the pyjama top, her nipples seem a little more sensitive than usual. She begins to feel a dampening between her legs and she squeezes her thighs together as she imagines, despite herself, what a spanking with that spatula might feel like. She even finds herself slipping a hand down inside her pyjama bottoms to rub the skin where he gave her that little tap. Then, she starts to realise how close to finishing the washing up she is getting, and how close the promised spanking is looming. Should she dawdle with the supposed consequences? Should she take the spatula as requested, no demanded..or pretend she forgot and distract him away from the silly game. Her buttocks clench and her fanny starts to pulse at the thought of what might happen in either scenario. She can’t help but squeeze her thighs together as she rinses the glasses out in clean water and places them on the draining board. She empties the bowl out and feels her knees turn to jelly for a minute. She imagines giving him the spatula and bending over his knee or maybe the sofa. In fact she can’t imagine it and decides not to take it with her at all. She walks into the lounge. "I’ve finished Hun" she says.

He looks up from his newspaper. "Ok then what have you brought for me?"

She smiles coyly. "What do you mean?"

"I think you know exactly what I mean, and for that bit of cheekiness or even forgetfulness perhaps you have earned yourself extra punishment. Stay where you are I’ll be back." He goes to the kitchen and brings back the spatula.  "I have been looking forward to this ever since I used it on you half an hour ago." He smiles as he sits down and holds his hand out to her. "Come on love, over my knee I think is best."

She resists initially but his grip is too strong and she submits, leaning awkwardly over his knee, her legs pointing out behind her and her bum high up in the air.  "Now I don’t want to damage these lovely silk pants dear I think they are best coming down don’t you,?" and without waiting for her to answer he tugs them down to her knees, leaving her soft rounded bottom fully exposed. He strokes it gently and she quivers beneath his touch. "Such a pretty bottom as well, but I look forward to seeing it bounce and wriggle on my knee I think."

She looks at the carpet, enjoying him stroking her. I think this night might end up very pleasantly she thinks and wriggles a little at the thought, then Crack , taking her totally by surprise he brings the spatula hard down on her right bum cheek.

"Owww" she squeals, struggling to get up and hold her bottom where it stings at the same time.  But he holds her down forcefully, his knee going promptly over her leg and his hand holding her wrists firmly behind her back. ‘Oh no, you aren’t going anywhere ‘til you have learned this lesson

‘But that hurt’ she protested, whimpering.

‘Yes, good, it was meant to, and so are the next couple of dozen. Plus don't forget you already earned a few extra for not bringing the spatula as I told you before we started .’

And with that he began to punish her bare behind, forcefully and rhythmically, one cheek and then the other until he had delivered 12 strokes. She yelped with each one, trying and failing to shield herself but he held her firmly so she couldn’t do anything and was forced to lie helplessly across his knee taking her punishment. Each stroke felt harder than the last, her bottom stung and burned. She felt so vulnerable and exposed, and all she wanted to do was get up so it would stop
but wriggle as she might she could only lie there and take it. After 12 strokes she felt him stop and
thought it had finished. She relaxed a little as he started to gently stroke her sore burning bottom and down the back of her legs, it felt quite nice actually as he ran his hands up the inside of her thighs and she found herself responding to his touch, widening her legs a little more apart hoping he would find his way up to the top and touch her where, she realised, she really wanted him to touch as she felt suddenly wet and throbbing.

Thinking was time to play now she tried to wriggle a bit towards him in encouragement but then he said gruffly, ‘yes keep your legs wide apart like that, and now we will carry on’, then when she heard him say ‘another 12 I think’ she could hardly believe her ears having been sure it had ended.

Immediately he resumed, but now it felt so much harder and more painful than before. Going from feeling totally aroused to being spanked once more was so weird but now all she could think of  was her bottom and how her nerve endings were on fire and throbbing whilst at the same time
feeling even more exposed than before.  She wondered how she looked from his viewpoint, her bottom reddening and her pussy, in fact everything exposed to his gaze. She was so conscious that her pussy would have been visibly throbbing as he stroked her, and that he had known she was responding to his earlier touch. With this realisation her face reddened in sympathy with her bottom. These strokes delivered now were as before, rhythmic and slow but hard left then right. She could anticipate when each one was coming. Then suddenly her brain flipped as everything changed. The beat of the strokes altered and became fast and harder... and hurt so much more. ‘Owww’ she squealed loudly and once more tried to protect herself but he was ready and restrained her wrists even more tightly whilst at the same time controlling her wriggling protesting body.

‘These ones you will remember I think’ he said, as he rapidly brought the spatula down on her now scarlet bottom, counting them out three to one cheek then three to the other and back in quick succession and directed on the same spots over and over. She knew she was crying like a little girl as her bottom jerked and bounced on his lap but there was nothing she could do to stop herself, so out of control was she now. It was so arousing for him to see this it was all he could do to continue, but at the same time he almost didn’t want this to end, as seeing her in this way was such a turn on he was surprised himself. But in the end he managed to administer 24 of these and when he finally finished counting she was panting and sobbing and totally submitting over his knee even once he let go of her wrists, no longer desperate to get away.

Immediately he had stopped the spanking, he again resumed gently stroking her reddened and slightly bruised bottom and the backs of her legs. ‘It’s over now love, you were very brave.’ Slowly the sobs subsided and once more he saw she was responding to his touch despite herself. Once again she tried to wriggle but this time wriggling her fanny towards his fingers and he could not help but feel how wet she was, dripping in fact. He went to pull her pyjama bottoms up for her, intending to take her upstairs and make very gentle love to her, but when he tried to do so, she kicked her legs making sure they fell to the carpet in a silken puddle, and then she readjusted her
bottom back upwards in anticipation.....

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 186

You’re fired On my first day working at the gas station I watched a senior co-worker measure the level of gasoline in the under-ground tanks by lowering a giant measuring stick down into them. “What would happen if I threw a lit match into the hole?” I joked. “It would go out,” he replied very matter-of-factly. “Really?” I asked, surprised to hear that. “Is there a lack of oxygen down there or some safety device that would extinguish it before the fumes ignited?” My co-worker answered “No....

3 years ago
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My partners mom loved it

About 25 years ago I was seeing a lovely woman in a long relationship. Her divorced 59 y.o. mother would stay over quite often, we got on ok but not great, she had been divorced for 3 years, the bedrooms were adjacent and from time to time she would say something which could only mean that she could hear us when We were fucking. She was pretty with a nice body and I’d often thought that it would really be something to lie between her legs, it would be like fucking an older version of Pat.Pat...

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Submissive Ssters 2 Awesome Anne Wants Ass We

Anne is awesomely attractive. She has a hot slender sexy fine figure. Anne is as smart as pretty, this blonde beauty with her curly hair and rare emerald eyes. Anne is freshmen'at a journalist school, outside our Amsterdam. And also still a vintage virgin at eighteen! Which makes her feel shy, apparently unwanted by those elder,erotically experienced men, whom she might want to invite to take her first. And next soon also her , hidden deeper behind her beautiful blond bushes underneath her...

3 years ago
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Equal SharesChapter 42

It was a bright, refreshing Christmas morning. Stan and Anne had agreed to meet at Denise's cottage since she was going to be cooking the first real holiday meal for their unorthodox family. Anne insisted on getting there early for breakfast so that they could all open their presents... as soon as possible! There was, of course, no snow, but it was chilly. Stan rang Anne to ask if she wanted a lift. She gratefully accepted, so he drove around to pick her up. Anne was ready and waiting when...

4 years ago
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Daddy Caught Me Masturbating part 3

My eyes pop open quickly as my eyes dart to the clock. Only 8am on a Saturday why was I even up. I paused an then I look up at the door finding no one standing there. It wasn't like I was looking for anyone in particular right?? I couldn't be hopping for daddy to be standing there could I? I yawn softly and get out of bed, tugging my small night gown down over my black lace panties. Brushing my long black hair back with my fingers and stretching big.Walking out of my room and into the hall as I...

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My Threesome With Aliaa And Tara

I had gone to a movie with my friends. There were two girls sitting next to me, she was a young 20 years old( I came to know later), she was cute with nice figure while watching the movie my coke bottle fell besides her (it was closed) I saw her cleavage while she was picking she noticed that and stared angrily at me I was scared I dint looked at her even till the movie was over, while leaving the cinema theatre she passed me a piece of paper I kept it in my pocket I talked with my friends for...

2 years ago
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Green CloudsChapter 13

I was still sitting there more than an hour later when my front door opened and two large men walked in as if they had every right to be there. The normal reaction any woman would have had under those circumstances would be panic. I was certainly startled. But I'm not scared. I've been half expecting someone to come to my door. I thought they'd ring the doorbell and wait to be admitted. But this works, too. In truth the suspense has been killing me. I've rested long enough. I was...

4 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 1 Battle Of The Strongest

“I AM ZAX ZEL! THE FIRST FIFTH LEVEL MARTIAL MORTAL OF NEW EARTH!” The bellow was deafening and widespread. As it was issued by someone at the epitome of the Mortal’s Martial path, it strived to reach every corner of the world and if it was any other same size planet, it might have succeeded. The powerful sound wave bombarded the water of the ocean below and pushed it down a level, like how it previously happened in the preliminary confrontation between Zax and the Four Wings Stork, only on...

3 years ago
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One hell of A woman

It takes place about five years ago in Sacramento, CA. It was Friday early afternoon. I had an 8:00 PM flight back to LA and it was only about 1:30 PM. I tried to get an earlier flight back but no luck. I was sitting in a saloon in Old Town that I frequent often having a burger and a Seven & Seven making small talk with the bar tender. It’s a place that the local office ladies come for a late lunch and/or start to party early on Fridays. All total there were about ten people in...

1 year ago
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Jennifers Shame

Jennifer returns to her old school to see how it has changedAt the age of 37, Jennifer Carson still had it. Her face was unlined and she was fitter than she had ever been in her life. Appraising her naked body in the mirror, she allowed herself a small smile of satisfaction. Her breasts were still pert and her bottom was round and smooth. On this sunny Monday morning, she would be visiting her old secondary school to appraise its current standards and decide if she was going to send her own...

1 year ago
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Beauty of the Wood Part One of Two

The honking calls of geese sounded from overhead, a prelude to their splashdown on the lake some distance away. In the circular pool, large, dark shapes cruised just below the shimmering surface of the water. Here and there, a fin or tail appeared, giving further hints of the exceptional size of the fish that dwelled in the secluded pool. The sun shown down bright and warm, slowly evaporating the dew that clung to the leaves and grass. Dara leaned back, lifting her bare breasts toward the...

2 years ago
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All American BoyChapter 72

We were standing in line to order when one of the waitresses walked by. She turned completely around to look back at me. “There’s an empty table back there in the corner. I just cleaned it off, if you’d like to go back there before everyone recognizes you. I’ll be right back to take your orders,” she said and hurried away. “How did she know you?” Bonnie asked as we walked toward the table. “She probably thought I was someone else. I’ll find out when she comes to take our order,” I told her...

3 years ago
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Guardian AwakeningChapter 17 Sicceia

Aesia landed the craft in a small flat area in front of the main house. She shut down the ships systems and opened the main hatch. Tristan walked behind Aesia as she had instructed him to and followed her to the house. Traditional slave garb included a hood that could be pulled forward to cover the eyes. A slave should not make eye contact with any of the masters. For Tristan, the outfit added to the anonymity and covered the differences between him and the known species. They had landed on...

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Last night part 1

Last night, I came home from work with a tingle of excitement in my belly. I knew to expect something different. We used our codeword "date night" to indicate a new sexual experience. It was your turn to choose, to plan, to decide what this experience would be. I had no clue what you had in mind, but I could already feel it was going to be a wild night.The house was empty when I arrived, your car missing from the driveway. I half expected to find you hiding somewhere, but I knew that that would...

1 year ago
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Motherrsquos Ectasy

am Raj, male 28 Mumbai. This happened when I was just 16 yrs old. Mom got married at age of 19. I use to look at my Mom as she is really beautiful even at 36 and she has marvelous structure. She uses to call me to scrub her back while bathing. I always do it willingly and happily as it allow me to have the glimpse of her beautiful back and her butts even though sex was never in my mind at this age.I have quite fair complexion but she was extremely fair and her skin has milky shiny. Let me tell...

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The lady in 237 Conclusion

As his orgasm ebbed Nick pushed himself off the wall and headed to the bathroom to clean off. Once complete he wrapped a large bath towel around himself instead of finding the clothes he arrived in and returned to the bar where he found Candice waiting for him. He took a seat on the stool next to her and she slid a fresh drink toward him and they once again clinked glasses.As he watched her drink he still could not see any trace of a male in the female next to him. As they drank in silence Nick...

3 years ago
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Tinder And MILF

Hey all, thanks for all the positive replies on my previous sexstory. Those mails really motivated me to pen down this recent experience of mine. This happened last week and I still can’t get my mind off it. If you guys like the stories and if any girl/woman/MILF wants to connect with me, please drop in your details/comments at So, Here we go.. Tired of the entire week’s workload, I finally decided to hit the bed in my 1 BHK where I stay alone. Thirty minutes into the sleep and my phone buzzed...

3 years ago
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train fun

Our car was at the garage for repair so you and I had to travel into town on the commuter train. We where grumbling about the train being quite full and having to stand. We didn't know how well off we where, at the next station dozens more people got on and we were packed in like sardines. In the crush, you and I were separated; I could see the top of your head over the crowd. They're where mostly businessmen on the train so it isn't surprising that you were surrounded by men, but the funny...

2 years ago
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TrackerChapter 3

It was sunny and bright the next morning but the ground was a sea of mud. Cal and PD made love three times then slept until they were awakened by a call from Alan checking in. He told of another accident, this time a two car head on. Both drivers were hospitalized but expected to live. Cal signed off as PD stepped outside of their lean to. Her boots were already filled with mud to her ankles. The rain the night before had really soaked the mountain. She popped open a can of coke and drank it...

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Frivole HentaiMdchen

Seufzend starrte Aiko in die Dunkelheit über ihr. Einzelne Sterne erhellten die Nacht und hüllten den grasbewachsenen Hügel in ein beinah magisches Licht. Sie lag hier, nur bekleidet mit einem kurzen Rock und einer weißen Bluse, die kaum in der Lage war, ihre riesigen Brüste zu verdecken. Aber das passte ja, immerhin waren diese Monstertitten ja auch der Grund für ihre Probleme. Sie nahm eine Locke ihres pinken Haares zwischen die Finger und verzwirbelte sie, während sie in Gedanken noch einmal...

1 year ago
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MageChapter 67

“I can close the portals off from this end,” Athena volunteered. “What I will need is for the Orcs to assist me as I help clear Tinchik for them.” “Are you sure?” Roxanne asked, concern written all over her face. “The portal, yes. Tinchik ... not so sure, which is why I’ll need a hand. It will free up your forces to deal with the other cities one by one ... or at least clear the portal sites until I can get there.” “That I believe we can do. How long will you need at Tinchik?” Arch replied...

3 years ago
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First Spar

I sat slouched at my school desk. It was almost the end of the day and it couldn't come soon enough. Tiffany stood up front talking to the class. I liked Tiffany. In fact, she was my best friend, but I couldn't care less about her topic. Worst yet, I already was in two other classes with Tiffany, so I already heard her speech twice today. "So where is this class?" asked Mr. Ellis, our math teacher, to make sure the students heard it. "Right here at the school gym," answered...

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A Submissive Start

I come to your door. You've left me a voice message saying that I should be wearing black thong panties, thigh high nylons, a short black skirt, a see-though bra... this is how I'm dressed. You've told me to knock on your door, remove my glasses, and shut my eyes. I'm standing there, at your door, glasses in my hands, with my eyes closed... wondering what's in store for me. You told me that I didn't do as you explicitly instructed... and I know that I'll be punished, but I had to see you......

2 years ago
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naruto fucks

returned from his three year training trip with Jiraiya, and after talking with both Lady Tsunade, and then getting an offer for a date from Sakura, he had gone back home to spend some time with his mother. The bonding that was going on at the Uzumaki residence was however, not what one would have thought. Naruto and his mother Kushina were on their couch tongue kissing and running their hands over each other’s bodies. They knew it was wrong but they had been secret lovers for a few...

3 years ago
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Girls Night Out

Deb had decided that due to the lack of fun recently she would join her friends on a night out clubbing, having spoken to a couple of the girls it was decided to make the evening fancy dress.Deb Phoned her best mate Sally, “Hi Sal what you wearing tonight?”Sally replied “oh I don’t really know, I think I may go with my St Trinians outfit, you know short skirt, stockings etc, what about you?”Deb replied “yours sounds sexy; I will probably wear my kinky Police woman outfit”“Sounds hot, are you...

2 years ago
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Eva Rekindles Her Dislike of ClothesChapter 4

There was what could well be a nice restaurant there but it was all shut up for the winter and they wandered around and found a bar that was open. They went in and saw about 8 or 9 men who all turned and looked at the strangers who had walked in. “Hi everyone, we’re not disturbing anything are we?” Eva said. “Fucking hell lady, no, come on in, park your cute little ass over here.” One of the customers said. Jason was starting to thing that going there was a mistake but a friendly sounding...

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