Neice on a Leash
- 3 years ago
- 27
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o’s Weekend on a Leash
After packing Master’s bag, i stepped out onto the front porch, naked, but for the mules on slave’s feet, to wait for Master to open the car door, and call me to Him. i heard Master lock the front door behind me. i heard the garage door open, and saw Master back His car out. He got out of the car, and came toward me. In His hand was the leash He uses when He leads His slave. The leash is a length of chain, with a leather loop at one end, which Master holds, and a QuickLink at the other end, which is attached to the ?D? ring in slave’s collar. Master attached the QuickLink and led me to His car.
When i sat in the passenger seat, Master laid His end of the leash between slave’s spread legs. He closed the door, and W/we left His home on O/our way to i knew not where. Master drove through O/our hometown and then on back roads, along the Sacramento River, in the direction of Sacramento.
At some point, Master pulled the car off the levee road and down into a little town that was once home to a great many of the Chinese, who labored so long, and hard, to build the railroads in California. Today it is all but a ghost town. When Master parked, He came around the car, and opened the door for me. He reached between slave’s spread legs, and retrieved His end of the leash. He pulled on the leash indicating i was to get out of the car. i hesitated for a second, but quickly realized that Master was walking, and would soon be pulling in earnest on the leash for me to follow. He said He wanted me to keep the leash taut.
i looked quickly around, and thought i saw no one for the twelve or fifteen blocks of empty lots, and 150-year old buildings, that make up the town. Master led me down the roughly paved, dusty main street of the town. i looked at each window for eyes peering through old, yellowed blinds, or through the gap of curtains. i didn’t see any. Ghost town, or not, i felt very naked being led down the main street at mid-day.
About seven blocks down the street, i saw a rather old Chinese man sitting on a stool, on the porch of a building, that i assumed was his home. As W/we walked by, Master wished him a good day. The old gentleman just nodded, and smiled a broad, rather tooth-less smile. He was obviously taking in every inch of the slave’s body that Master was displaying to him. Somehow i felt as if i was parading naked in front of slave’s grandfather. W/we continued down the street, to the end, and then turned around.
Walking back toward Master’s car, the elderly Chinese gentleman had moved across the street to a bench in front of a bar. He was joined by another, old Chinese men. A not-so-old Chinese woman stood in the door of the bar. The original old man said, ?Velly ruvry rady.?
Master led me nearer to the group and said, ?Yes, she is, isn’t she.? i could feel the heat of the blush consuming slave’s body, as the three people inspected slave’s naked body, being displayed for their pleasure, and Master’s.
?Excuse me, Sir, may I take a photograph of your young lady with my grandfather? I’m sure he will treasure it, and look at it daily.? She lifted her small digital camera.
Master smiled, and said ?Certainly. o, go sit between the gentlemen.? He handed me His end of the leash which i carried in both hands, palms up.
On very wobbly legs, i sort of staggered to the bench where the two men were making room for me. i sat between them, and offered the first old gentleman the leash. He smiled, and took it. Then each man put his hand on slave’s thigh, very close to slave’s sex. i shivered as the woman took our picture, three times. The man nodded, and handed the leash back to me.
i don’t know why, but i leaned over, kissed each old man on the cheek, then returned to Master’s side, and offered Him His leash. ?I wish you a very good day, gentlemen, and young lady.? Master said as He turned to lead me back to His car. i waited for the tug of the leash, and then followed at a taut-leash distance.
One of the men said, ?You have arready made it so, kind sir.? Master just raised His hand in a wave, without turning His head. At the car, He opened the door, and i sat (or collapsed) in the passenger seat. i could barely find the strength to lift slave’s legs up into the car.
?I expect that you will be the subject of a story oft repeated in this town, o.?
?Like ‘Rady’ Godiva, Master??
Master laughed, and drove on toward Sacramento. As W/we approached the capital building, He pulled into a parking space, and got out of the car. i could feel slave’s heart begin to pound, and i could hear it in slave’s ears. Surely He wouldn’t lead me, naked, down the streets of the state capital; or would He. i have learned never to underestimate Master.
Master opened the trunk of His car, and removed a dress. It is a long-sleeved fishnet mini dress. As He re-entered the car, He handed me the dress, and instructed me to put it on. i pulled it over slave’s head, down to the car seat, but not over slave’s ass, which remained bare on the leather seat. The neck of the dress is cut in a rather deep, but narrow ?V?. Master pulled the leash up and out of the neck of the dress, and then pulled each of slave’s ringed nipples through the net of the dress. The fabric stretched around the rings and then constricted back around slave’s nipples. The effect was almost as if the rings were pins attached to the dress, until one looked more carefully, and saw slave’s rouged, always erect, nipples peeking outside of the dress.
Master pulled His car back into the traffic on the street, and W/we proceeded to the riverboat/hotel. The hotel is a stern wheeler that once plied the rivers. It has been renovated, and now has a theater for plays, a fine restaurant, a lounge with indoor/outdoor seating, occasionally live music, and a dozen, or so, staterooms. It is really quite lovely.
Master is speaking to a group that is meeting at the hotel just down the street from the riverboat, but He thought it would be more fun to stay on the boat, then at the typical Marriott-style hotel.
Master pulled into the valet parking area, got out of the car, and came around to open the passenger side door. He took His end of the leash and i got to slave’s feet. A young man came to U/us and asked if W/we were staying on the riverboat. Master said W/we were, and would he please see that the bag in the trunk gets to our room. He handed the young man a business card. i kind of doubted that that was going to happen, because the young man seemed utterly preoccupied by slave’s nipple rings, at which he was staring intently.
Master thanked, and tipped the valet, then led me to the wooden sidewalk of Old Town Sacramento.
i used to think that, at some time, i would become accustomed to being exhibited, nearly naked, if not naked, collared, and cuffed, so obviously a slave. But, after these years, i have determined that every time will be exhilarating, mortifying, titillating, embarrassing, and demanding in its own, unique way; Partly because Master makes each time a little different, and partly because each time i am displayed to different people, who react to me differently.
Today was no exception. As W/we walked along the wooden sidewalk people stared, alerted each other to the display slave that i obviously was, and expressed shock, amazement, dismay, awe, or giggled, i guess with nervousness. It was just after noon, so slave’s near nakedness was as obvious as it could be. Everyone, who looked, knew that i was not wearing underwear, or anything else, other than the see-thru fishnet dress. They also could not miss the fact that Master was clearly leading me on a chain leash.
Master led me into, and around some of the small shops. Many were so small that W/we were forced into very close proximity with others, who took the opportunity to look very closely at slave’s rings, and thus slave’s nipples. i think the fact that i was wearing a dress allowed people more freedom to stare at slave’s nipples than they might have felt had i actually been naked.
At one point, Master led me onto the cobble stone street and to a horse hitch. i guess that’s what it is called; You know those sort of ?H? shaped things the cowboys tie their horses to when they go in a saloon, in the movies. He disconnected the leash at slave’s collar, ran it around the horse hitch, slipped the end through the loop at His end and reconnected it to slave’s collar. i was now ?tied? to the horse hitch by Master’s leash.
Master left me, and went into the ice cream store across the sidewalk from the hitching post, i think that’s what it’s called, anyway?. i don’t think anyone walked by without commenting on the tethered slave. i actually wished that Master had secured slave’s wrists behind me. As it was, i didn’t know what to do with slave’s hands; it was very difficult not to reach up and unfasten the leash. Of course i didn’t, but, oh, Sweet Master, how i wanted to.
?Look at that woman, Bret, she’s tied up like a horse.? ?Look at that slut just tied up waitin’ for someone to take her for a ride.? ?Why doesn’t she just undo the chain?? ?Can you believe that, doesn’t she have any pride at all?? ?You probably think that’s sexy, don’t you Greg?? ?How could anyone treat someone like that; how can she let herself be treated like that?? ?Why don’t you just get naked, and do it up right, not that it would make too much difference.? And these were just comments from women. The men mostly remarked about things they would like to do to, or with me.
Finally, Master returned with and ice cream cone. A small group had formed, and were discussing slave’s body, state of mind, and general character. Master handed me the cone. He unfastened the leash from the hitch and led me away from the little group. Oddly, they did not say a word to Master.
In one store, W/we happened upon a young couple who appeared to be of the ?Goth? persuasion. They were dressed in black, had jet black hair, she had black lipstick. She also had a black, chrome-studded dog collar around her neck. When she saw U/us she grabbed the boy’s arm, and spun him around saying, ?Oh, my god, Rex, look at her.? When he did look, you could have fit a watermelon in his mouth, his jaw dropped so. Master lead me right up to the couple, and the girl said, not too quietly, ?Gawd, you are awesome.?
?Thank you Mistress.?
Master continued to lead me toward the door and outside. The Goth couple followed.
First waiting for a horse-drawn carriage to pass, W/we crossed the street, as did the young couple. Master led me into a New Orleans-style restaurant. W/we were shown to a table, and the Goth couple, the woman actually, asked for a table near O/ours. The woman sat so that she was looking directly at me. The boy sat so his back was to U/us. The woman hardly ever took her eyes off me.
W/we enjoyed O/our sparkling wine and dinner; the young couple settled for water and small salads. When the waitress returned to ask about dessert, Master asked her to invite the young Goth lady, and friend, to join U/us for dessert. When the waitress asked the girl, she almost shrieked, but her boyfriend didn’t seem nearly as eager. In fact, it took a little persuading by his girlfriend, but they did join us.
Master stood, and held His chair for the young lady to sit, which put her between Master and me. ?I am going to guess that you have some questions for odalisque. By the way that is her name, odalisque, or o, and I am Steven.?
The Goth girl had to clear her throat twice before she could speak, ?Hello, I am Joy, and this is Rex. Yes, I would love to ask her a few questions, like??
?Let’s begin with a question of my own, what would you like for dessert?? Master interrupted.
They looked at the menus and offered their choices. i obviously did not need to see the menu. Master ordered for the two of U/us. The waitress no sooner left, than Joy asked her first question, ?How often do you do this, you aren’t being paid for this, are you??
i looked to Master and He said, ?This is your interview, o, go ahead.?
?Yes, Master.? Okay, i admit it, i said that to see the effect (it was great). Joy’s mouth dropped as far as Rex’s, this time. ?No, Mistress Joy, i am not being paid. i am not sure what you mean by how often do W/we do this. i am Master’s slave all day, every day. He displays His slave in public often; not so often, thankfully, on His leash.? i thought i probably shouldn’t have said that, but it was out.
?But you can’t just go around half naked all the time??
?Thank you for the ‘half’, Mistress Joy, i would have thought i was well past half naked. Actually, Mistress, i am completely naked in Master’s home, and car, as well as more public, places. Earlier today, Master walked His leashed slave down the main street of a small town, totally naked.? i finished that sentence just as the waitress returned with Master’s Port and she very nearly spilled it in His lap.
i spent about thirty minutes answering Joy’s questions. Finally, Master signaled the end by asking the waitress for our bill, and the Goth’s bill, and paying both.
Master stood, looked at me, and said ?Stand, o.? i stood, and Master took one wrist, pulled it behind slave’s back, and then the other, and fastened the ?D? rings of the cuffs with a QuickLink.
The waitress came to retrieve her money just at that point, and you might have thought she was witnessing a murder scene; her face went white, her mouth opened and closed a half dozen times. Master said good night to all, and led me through the restaurant to the sidewalk. It was evening now, but the street lights, and lights from the stores, offered enough light to make slave’s bondage apparent to any, and all, who looked, and most did.
Master led me into the lobby of the riverboat, and checked in. Throughout the procedure, the woman behind the desk seldom took her eyes off of me. She had a very pleasant smile. She seemed most interested in the rings through slave’s nipples, and the one through slave’s nose. When our eyes met, i thought i could read an, ?Are you for real?? question in them.
When she was finished, she rang a small bell on the desk, and a man came to show U/us to Master’s room. The woman said, ?That’s okay, Cesare, just watch the desk for a moment, please. I will show them to their room.?
She led U/us up a staircase, and through a rather busy bar and lounge. Many of the patrons stopped talking at the sight of the slave with nipples ringed, breasts thrust forward, wrists secured behind slave’s back, being walked on a leash. A couple of men offered rather quiet wolf-whistles. i heard a couple of the usual, ?What a slut? comments. A woman’s voice said, ?What is she thinking?? another said, ?If he tried that with me, I’d cut his balls off.? Still another said, ?What else do you suppose he does to that poor girl??
She led U/us out a door, and down a narrow walkway, on the outside of the boat, to another door. She used the key to unlock the door, and handed it to Master. i think He felt, as i did, that she wanted to say something to me, so He handed her His end of the leash, excused Himself, and went into the room, leaving us outside. He was no sooner in the room than she said, ?I just had to see what the reaction to you would be in the bar.?
?Actually, it wasn’t as hysterical as I expected. Do you do this a lot? I mean, are you getting paid, or something?? She was holding the leash as if it was a baby bird, or some other delicate object.
?No, Mistress, i am not being paid. This is slave’s life. This is what, and who, i am. i am Master’s display slave.?
She showed that beautiful smile again, ?I guess I better get back to the desk, should I give this to you??
?i think you had better give the leash back to Master, please, Mistress.? The door was still open so she walked through leading me into the room.
?Excuse me, sir, thank you for the time to talk to your? your? to her.? She offered the end of the leash which Master took. ?I noticed that you are here for a couple of days, I hope I get to see more of you.?
?Thank you, Gina, we are going to the play, downstairs, tonight. Perhaps you could meet us in the lounge afterwards, if your schedule permits.?
?Oh, that would be fantastic. I get off about a half hour before the play ends. I will see you in the lounge. Thank you. Oh, thank you?thank you.? She twirled and went out the door.
It was now a little after 7:30, Master opened His suitcase, found the tickets for the play and a short length of chain. He attached one end of the chain to the ring through one of slave’s nipples, and the other end to the ring through slave’s other nipple. If the rings through slave’s nipples weren’t blatant enough before, and they were, now they would be the absolute center of everyone’s attention.
As i feared, slave’s chained, ringed nipples were the focus of interest as Master led me back through the bar/lounge. This time any number of people said things to me, or about me; mostly along the lines of what a shameless little slut i was.
When W/we walked down the stairs, into the lobby, Gina’s smile was even bigger than before. W/we walked past the desk to the stairs down to the theater. Gina stage-whispered ?Oh, my god, I can’t believe you. I can’t wait to talk to you tonight.?
W/we walked down stairs, into the theater lobby. There were a dozen, or so, people waiting for the theater doors to be opened. Every single person stopped talking, and stared at the chain suspended from slave’s nipple rings. After a couple dozen beats of slave’s thundering heart, the doors to the theater opened, and people began to file in.
Master waited for the group to get seated, then He led me into the theater. O/our tickets were front row center, so i was paraded down the aisle, and across to the center of the row, with, i was sure, every eye in the theater on me.
As usual, i sat on Master’s right to make it easier for me to slip slave’s hand into Master’s fly and caress His velvety cock. The moment W/we were seated, i unzipped His fly, slipped slave’s hand inside His pants, and began caressing His fantastic cock. After a moment, or two, the House Manager came down the aisle, stood right between Master and i, and did his short routine, ?Turn off pagers, phones, etc., etc.? About three sentences into it, he noticed slave’s hand inside Master’s pants, and he began to lose his place in his oration. It was so bad that the last sentence made no sense at all, and he just sort of shrugged, said ?Thank you.? and walked away.
The play had just four actors, two women and two men. It could have been slave’s imagination, but one of the women seemed to keep trying to look at slave’s hand in Master’s pants. i know from experience (as a ?volunteer? Magician’s assistant) that one can’t see much of the audience from on stage, but i, at least, could see the first row or two. Every chance she had, the actress seemed to sneak a glance at slave’s hand in Master’s pants.
When the play ended, and the actors took their bows, all four stared unabashedly at Master’s crotch, with slave’s hand quietly caressing His wonderful cock. The actress, who first noticed, looked, very obviously, at me, and smiled an extra large smile, and winked. Since the house lights had come up, I slipped slave’s hand out from Master’s pants and zipped His fly.
When the actors finished their bows, W/we got up from O/our seats and Master led His slave out to, and through, the theatre lobby, up the stairs, through the hotel lobby, up another flight of stairs to the lounge. Master stopped, and looked for Gina. When He saw her at a table outside on the deck, He led me to her table. ?o, sit, and I will go order drinks. Gina, what are you drinking??
?Oh, Steven, I just got here, this one will be fine, thank you.?
Master excused Himself.
?Oh, odalisque, I don’t know how much I will have the courage to ask you in front of Steven so, well? w? what is it like being so totally dominated by a guy??
?It’s wonderful, Gina. I mean it’s not for everyone, I’m sure, but it is absolute heaven for me.?
?But walking around, all but naked, showing the rings through your exposed nipples, collared, cuffed? on a fuckin’ leash, it has to be a little bit degrading ?? Gina’s voice sounded a bit anxious.
?Just a while ago, a young woman described me as ?half naked?, I think ‘all but naked’ is probably closer to the truth. It can be embarrassing, but also empowering. You would be amazed at the power being shamelessly (more or less) naked can give a woman; especially over a man, of course. Mostly, i guess, i just love Master, and i love pleasing Him. Showing off slave’s submission, and body, pleases Him, so??
Master returned with two glasses of sparkling wine and sat down. He raised His glass and said, ?To, o, a very special woman.? The three of U/us touched glasses, Gina said, ?Hear, hear.?
?Well, Gina, has odalisque answered your questions, so far??
?I guess she has, to the best of her ability, or maybe it is to the best of my ability to comprehend.? Gina looked at me and smiled.
As Gina was speaking, I noticed a familiar looking woman at the bar. She ordered a drink and then brought it toward O/our table. It wasn’t until she spoke that I recognized her as one of the actors from the play. Master stood, and she said, ?My name is Angela, and this is very bold, but may I join you??
Master pulled out the fourth chair, ?Please do. My name is Steven, this is odalisque, and??
?I know Gina, hi Gina.?
?We very much enjoyed your performance this evening.? Master said as Angela and He sat down.
?Oh, thank you very much. I have to confess that you made it a little more difficult tonight. I couldn’t keep from watching you two.? I could feel the blush in slave’s face. She looked deep into slave’s eyes, ?I couldn’t resist any chance to look, and see if you were still caressing his dick.? Now slave’s face felt like it was on fire.
She turned to Master, ?Do you own her, or are you renting her?? she said with sort of a giggle. She said it as if she was talking about a car, or a tuxedo. I got the distinct impression that she knew something of ?The Scene?.
?I own her. She is agreeable, isn’t she??
?She is absolutely scrumptious. How often do you do this sort of thing??
Master looked at me, and nodded. I could feel that slave’s face was still crimson, ?I’m not sure what you mean, Mistress Angela. W/we have season tickets to this theatre, and a couple of others, so, in season, W/we go to a couple of plays a month.?
Angela laughed, ?No, silly, I mean the Master/slave, Dom/sub thing.?
I looked to Master and He nodded again. ?Oh, I’m sorry, Mistress. It is what is commonly referred to, these days, as 24/7. I am Master’s complete, full-time display slave.?
?Display slave??
?Yes, Mistress. Master enjoys displaying slave’s body and submission to people??
?Well, I can see why. You are a gorgeous creature, and you seem to be extremely well trained. Do you always wear the collar and cuffs?? i just slid a cuff enough to show slave’s snow-white skin under the cuff. ?And how often do you wear see-thru dresses??
Master nodded again. ?Mistress Angela, as Master’s display slave, I am either naked, or in dresses that allow slave’s body to be thoroughly displayed. I am almost always naked in Master’s home and car, and other places, as well. This dress is about as ‘opaque’ as any Master allows me to wear.?
Suddenly, Angela excused herself, went to the door to the bar and called, ?Bridgette, out here.? A stunning redhead, at the bar, turned, picked up her drink, and started toward O/our table. Master stood. ?Bridgette, this is Steven, and odalisque, and you’ve met Gina. Let’s get another chair, if you don’t mind Steven.?
Master said, ?No, please, do join us, but we don’t need another chair. o, stand. Bridgette, please, take o’s chair.?
i stood and took a step, or two, toward Master to free the chair in which i had been sitting. Master, Angela, and Bridgette sat down. i was now standing next to Master with slave’s back against the railing. Master put His hand on slave’s knee and began to stroke slave’s thigh. i could sense slave’s body flushing as i felt Master’s hand slide up between slave’s knee, and slave’s sex. i could also feel the juices building inside of me.
Angela was talking to Bridgette, ?Steven is odalisque’s Master. They were in the front row at the play tonight, and I got caught up watching them. I think I missed my cue a half dozen times.? But Bridgette was watching Master caressing Slave’s thigh. So was Gina. Then Angela noticed where their attention was, and she turned to look at Master and His slave. ?Oh? uh??
i could feel slave’s breathing becoming short and shallow; slave’s eyelids were getting heavy, and i wasn’t really focusing on anything but Master’s hand on slave’s thigh. i think that made it pretty unanimous, except for Master, who asked, ?Are you in the theatre also, Bridgette??
Master’s hand slid down to slave’s knee, and back up to slave’s wet sex, twice before Bridgette answered. ?What, um, uh, oh, I’m sorry.? She didn’t take her eyes off slave’s thigh. ?Kind of, yeah, I’m trying to be a fashion designer, and I do work with some theater companies, like Angela’s, in the mean time.?
Now slave’s eyes were closed and i could feel slave tremble. It was not a cold night. i shuddered, and knew i had better ask Master for permission to cum. i didn’t really want to ask in front of these three strangers, but i knew Master would not let me whisper. ?Master, may your slave, please, be allowed to cum?? In an effort not to whisper, i think i said it a little louder than i needed to. All three women at the table gasped.
?Yes, o, you may cum. Where did you study fashion design, Bridgette??
i don’t remember too much about what happened next. i know that Master moved His hand up slave’s wet thigh, and caressed slave’s clit. i remember seeing the look of disbelief on the faces of the three women who were fixated on what was happening. i felt slave’s body spasm. i recall trying desperately not to audible sound, and failing miserably. i moaned loud enough to attract the attention of the couple sitting two tables away.
Slave’s body quivered, and slave’s legs gave out. i had to grab the rail to keep from collapsing onto the deck. ?Are you alright, o?? I’m sure i was the only one to recognize the playfulness in Master’s voice.
?Ye, yes, Master. Thank you, Master, I am more than alright, thank you.?
The three women just stared at me as i recovered from the orgasm. Ultimately, it was Angela who asked, ?Do you always have to ask to be allowed to cum??
i looked to Master, who nodded, so i answered, ?Yes, Mistress Angela, always.? i was still kind of breathless, so the answer was almost whispered.
Then it was Gina, ?Do you have orgasms, in public, a lot??
?i guess that would have to depend on what you consider a lot, as well as, what you consider in public, Mistress Gina. i have had quite a few orgasms in public places, sometimes without anyone else being aware, and sometimes with an audience, like tonight. i can’t really tell you how many times, but many more than a few.? Slave’s voice was getting steadier and stronger.
?Didn’t it bother you that we were sitting here, staring at you, as he was getting you off??
?To be honest, Mistress Bridgette, at first it was mortifying, and then kind of erotic to have you watching, but after a certain point, i didn’t really even know where i was, or who else was here, except Master.?
I guess the three ladies, and the couple at the other table, were not the only ones who watched Master make me cum. A waitress came out to the table with one wet, and one dry cloth napkin. ?We thought you might need these.? She said with a giggle. i wished that i could have just leaned back and fallen overboard.
?Thank you, Miss.? It was Master who took them, and handed me the wet one. i stood in front of the three women, and now the waitress, lifted the hem of slave’s dress and wiped the juices from slave’s thighs. Master handed me the dry napkin, and i dried slave’s thighs as the ?audience? watched.
The slightly bratty waitress said, ?Now that the show is over, can I get anyone another drink?? Master ordered two more glasses of sparkling wine for U/us, and another of what each of the others was drinking.
?Well, Steven, I think the obvious question, or at least, one of them, is how did you ever train this gorgeous creature to be such a licentious little slut??
?I would love to take credit for that, Angela, but it was more of a case of recognizing it in her, than training her; at least, in the way that most people think of training. We talked it out, and o assured me that she wanted to be my display slave. After that, it was really more a case of giving her permission to be what she wanted to be. And, to tell her what I wanted her to be, which, of course, became what she wanted to be. Was that too convoluted??
?Is that true, o? You want to stand up in front of a bunch of strangers and let him bring you to orgasm? Is that really what you want??
?Well, Mistress Gina, i think that would fall into the ‘Master wants it, so i want it’ category. i don’t actually recall ever considering having an orgasm anywhere other than in bed, before i fell in love with Master. Since then, i have cum in stores, in restaurants, on beaches, in bars, in casinos, and perhaps some places i can’t remember. Oh, and at slave’s graduation party.?
?Slave’s, uh, your graduation party??
?Yes, Mistress Gina, Master took me to The City, for a week, to test slave’s submission. When i passed, He gave me a graduation party. The first time i came, there, was sucking Master’s glorious cock under a glass topped table with an audience of half a dozen, or so. i came so hard i hit slave’s head on the bottom of the table. i think the last time i came, at the party, was when Master let a guest whip me to find out what it feels like to whip a woman. That??
?You let some guy beat her, just to see if he liked it??
?Whoa, Angela. First it was a woman; a woman i was very confident would do o no real harm. i’m sure that o will agree that she has been whipped quite a bit more severely before, and since.?
?Oh, yes, she started out so hesitantly that Master had to encourage her to put more of herself into it. By the end, she was quite forceful, but nothing like Master when He is punishing me. Master is wonderful at using just the right amount of force, and timing, to make it unbearable, and yet erotic. i remember when i went on a motorcycle ride with a friend, and Master punished me very severely. i had welts for days, and i hated every stroke as i received it, yet i hated when it was over. i can get wet just thinking about it.?
?That’s impossible, or really twisted??
?i would have said the same thing a couple of years ago, Mistress Angela. And, maybe it is twisted, i can no longer be a fair judge of that, but it is most assuredly possible. Master can whip me until i think i can’t possibly stand another stroke, yet when He stops, i wish that it had gone on forever. He is very good at controlling His whip, and slave’s endorphins.?
?I know I couldn’t let myself be beaten by anybody, no matter how much I thought I loved him.?
?That is part of the difference, right there, Mistress Bridgette. Master is not beating me; He is disciplining me, making me a better slave, and making love to me.?
Gina spoke up quietly, ?I could never do it, but I think I kind a get what you’re saying. I can see that you love Steven in a way that I have never seen in any one else. It is, I don’t know, deeper, maybe, but definitely different. I would love to feel that way some day; not the whip, but that much love, even if it is twisted.?
?Well, ladies, I think o and I should be going, perhaps we will see you tomorrow.? With that, Master rose and led me, on His leash, around the table, past the couple at the other table, and down the walkway to Master’s room. As we passed the couple, i heard the man say, ?Incredible, just totally, fuckin’ awesome.?
In Master’s ?cabin? I wrote in slave’s journal, and oiled Master’s huge cock. Master detached His leash from slave’s collar, and W/we went to sleep with Master’s delicious cock in slave’s mouth.
Saturday morning W/we slept rather late. i awoke first and showered. i hadn’t finished when Master awoke, so He joined me in the shower. It was very cramped because it was a very small shower, but i loved it.
Master put out a pair of satin shorts, like men’s briefs, but with a drawstring rather than elastic, and an incredibly sheer top for me to wear. The top is cut like a man’s sport shirt, with satin collar and cuffs, it buttons down a strip of satin in the front; the rest is very sheer nylon. At any time, this top is transparent, but in bright sun light, i might as well just be wearing the satin collar and cuffs. He also put out a pair of mules. Master reattached His leash to the ring of slave’s collar. He gave me a jacket to wear, but i was not to close or button it.
W/we went out to the wooden sidewalk and walked the streets looking for somewhere to have breakfast. There were not many people on the sidewalk, but every one of them made it obvious that they could clearly see slave’s breasts. When Master found a restaurant He liked, He was careful to request a table that was by the wall, and He sat me so that i faced the wall, and was not visible to the few children in the room.
The waitress, of course, could see slave’s breasts quite clearly, and made no pretense otherwise, ?I like your rings, Miss.?
?Thank you Mistress.?
Master ordered, and W/we ate, without too much ado. When W/we finished, Master led me around town. While being led on Master’s leash, i heard comments like, ?There’s a fire hydrant at the corner.? And ?Where are my Milk Bones when i need them.? One man had a golf ball in his pocket (i can’t guess why) which he took out and rolled down the street saying, ?Fetch, bitch.?
At about 10:30 Master led me to the hotel where, later this afternoon, He was going to give a speech. When W/we entered the hotel, the concierge looked up, stared very intently at slave’s breasts, and said, ?I believe you want the Stanford Room, Sir?
Master said ?Thank you.? Followed the concierge’s gesture toward the hall and led me toward the Stanford room. There was a sign outside the door that said ?Welcome Adult Products Distributors?, or something like that, and below that, in red, it said ?Adults Only.? Master reached across slave’s shoulder, grasped the jacket and slid it down slave’s arms, over slave’s cuffs, and off.
?Is this the group you are speaking to this afternoon, Master??
?Yes, you sound surprised. Kara arranged it. Do you not approve, o??
?Oh, Master, i know it is not for me to approve, or disapprove. i am just surprised that they can afford you.?
?You might be surprised at how lucrative this industry is. And I gave them a little bit of a break on the fee because of Kara, and because I thought it would be fun to bring you along.? Master said that in a way that brought those butterflies (aka condors) fluttering in slave’s stomach.
Master pulled two ?badges? from His pocket, clipped one on the pocket of His shirt and one on the collar of slave’s top; they both said ?Guest.? Then Master took slave’s wrists and fastened slave’s cuffs together behind slave’s back with a QuickLink.
Master opened one of the double doors and led me in. It was a huge room, and it was overflowing with vendor stalls stocked with sex toys, bondage and torture devices, books, magazines, clothes, underwear and costumes. Even in this ?probably seen-it-all? atmosphere, a half naked, collared, and leashed slave girl stopped a few conversations. A couple of men let out wolf-whistles, and cat-calls, that tipped everyone off that something was up.
i guess what differentiated this group, from others at which Master has displayed me, is that these people were more open about their staring, and much freer to simply say what they thought.
For instance, at a booth displaying, among other things, jewelry for pierced nipples, the man said to Master, ?I’ll bet those nipples were always erect, even before the piercings, weren’t they?? He said it to Master, not to me. i had that same ?out-of-body? sensation, as if i was standing to the side, invisible, listening to Master, and this man, discuss me.
?Yes, they were always erect, and gorgeous.?
?Still are.? i’m sure no one noticed but slave’s face was getting quite red. ?I’ve got somethin’ ’at would look fantastic on those nips.? The man pulled out a set of silver (white gold plated, it turns out) things that look like Abraham Lincoln’s stove-pipe hat, without a top, and with a very wide brim. ?You slip the pipe over her nipple, then you insert the stud through the slot at 3 o’clock, through her nipple, and then the slot at 9 o’clock. Then you pull the stud up to the top and twist the stove pipe so the stud rests in the half moons that were at 12 and 6, but you have now turned to 3 and 9. This set pulls the nipple ‘bout an extra half inch. You can gradually extend the nipple by a couple inches, maybe more, depending on the elasticity of her nipples.? The ?her? was standing right next to them, but neither Master nor the salesman seemed to care.
?Give me a set at one inch, and one at one and a half.?
?You might want to start a little more gradually than that, man, it can be a bit painful at first.?
?I don’t think we need to worry about that, do we odalisque??
?Whatever You wish; it is Your body, Master.?
i saw an enormous smile come across the salesman’s face. ?Wow, she’s trained good. You do it yerself??
?I can’t take too much credit; she is sort of a natural.?
?You’re a very lucky guy, dude.?
Master put His arm around me, cupping slave’s right breast in His right hand, ?I am indeed.?
Master paid the man who put the nipple ?shields? in a bag and we continued to wander. At virtually every stall the salesperson spoke to Master directly, and specifically, about some aspect of slave’s body; how their product would fit perfectly in slave’s vagina, or ass; how his whip would leave wonderful marks on slave’s smooth, young skin; how slave’s body was just made for this women’s body stockings; another woman had a penis gag just the right size for slave’s mouth.
A couple of times Master offered slave’s body for a demonstration. One man was selling what looked like pizza cutters, but with little spikes on the ?wheel?. After the salesman’s short pitch to the eight or ten people gathered at the stall, Master unbuttoned slave’s blouse, and pulled it over slave’s shoulders, down to slave’s elbows. The man stood and stared at slave’s exposed breasts for a long moment and then rolled the wheel over one of slave’s bared breasts. In spite of slave’s best efforts, i let out a little scream, to the delight of the others. i wasn’t expecting the electrical shock, or maybe just the sensation of one. Master said he would take one.
The salesman said he would get one in a box, but did a little business on his way. Mean while, i am standing with slaves blouse pulled down around slave’s waist and elbows, and slave’s breasts exposed to all who cared to look; and most everyone did care to look.
You are probably thinking ?What difference does it make? Your blouse was transparent anyway?? i can’t really explain it, but i feel very different when i am dressed, even in a transparent blouse, than when slave’s breasts, or body, are bare to the world. So i stood, wishing i could hide, as the salesman did his thing.
The others were apparently retailers who talked about discounts per case, etc. After hours, or maybe five minutes, the salesman brought Master a new ?wand?, in a box, and said, ?Sorry for the delay. After that beautiful demonstration by your? uh, young lady, I think I owe you one, on the house. Thank you, Sweety, i think you just sold a couple a extra cases for me.?
Master buttoned slave’s blouse and W/we moved on.
At another place, Master again unbuttoned slave’s blouse and exposed slave’s breasts. This time the saleswoman was demonstrating what looked, for all the world, like hypodermic needles without the syringe. The needle looked to be about a foot long, but wasn’t? quite. The woman first asked if slave’s breasts were ?natural?. Master assured her that they are. Then she took slave’s breast in her left hand, and with her right hand, slowly slid the needle into slave’s breast. It was a sensation i have trouble describing. It was not hideously painful, but it did hurt. It felt quite strange having this object deep inside slave’s breast. i’m sure it went more than half way through the breast. She said that some women take two or three dozen in each breast. i so hoped that master was not going to ask her to demonstrate that!
It hurt a little more as the saleswomen withdrew the needle. Master watched carefully, but decided against purchasing any needles. i was not disappointed.
One of the men watching, in the group of a dozen or so, asked me ?How’d that lil’ needle feel, Dawlin’?
?Very much like a big fat needle being stuck half way through slave’s breast, Sir.? Master buttoned slave’s blouse and led me away.
After a couple of hours of being talked about, if not to, Master said W/we needed to head back to the boat. He unfastened slave’s wrists and put the jacket back on His slave. On the walk back to the boat, i felt absolutely ignored; not because people didn’t stare at slave’s breasts, ringed nose, leash, etc., they did; but because no one actually commented to Master about slave’s body. After two hours of constant scrutiny, i felt almost invisible again, but in a different way.
At the ?stateroom?, Master showered, dressed for His speech, and told me to undress, shower, and be ready to go out at six-thirty. That left me with a couple of hours to consider what might lay ahead for me this evening. Master had not put anything out for me to wear, but He usually doesn’t, until the last minute. Still, i have often felt that, some day, He would take me to one of these after-speech cocktail parties totally naked. What better group than this?
i spent the hours thinking what it would be like. i have been nearly naked at quite a few of these functions. In fact, Master kids that He thinks He is invited to speak, because the sponsors hope that He will bring me to the sendoff cocktail party. But i have always been wearing something, no matter how sheer. As hard as it may be to understand, it does make a difference to me to be wearing something.
At about five-fifty, Master returned to the cabin. He took the short chain and attached one end to one nipple ring, and the other end to the other ring. Then He took out the jar of silver glitter He had purchased earlier. According to the saleswoman, ?Nothing could improve your young ladies beauty, but this can certainly serve to highlight it.? Master brushed the glitter over most of slave’s body, especially the tops of slave’s breasts, buttocks and over slave’s pubic mound. He even brushed some over slave’s hair.
At six-thirty, He gave me one of His old dress shirts to put on. slave’s hands were shaking so that i could hardly button the buttons, because i don’t usually wear Master’s shirts for very long, and i never put them back on. i now knew, beyond a doubt, that i would be, well and truly, naked at this function. i had no idea how i would get back to the boat, but i was pretty sure i would be naked on the way.
Master attached the leash to the ring in slave’s collar and led me out the cabin door. In Master’s shirt i look like a little girl playing ?dress up? in her Daddy’s clothes. The sleeves are too long, and it fits very loosely. The bottom covers slave’s sex sufficiently. Most of the stares i get wearing Master’s shirts are people trying to decide if i am making a fashion statement, or what. Of course, tonight, the leash still attracted attention of its own.
W/we walked the dozen, or so, blocks to the hotel, and to a different room, this time. At the door to the Golden Spike room, Master detached the leash from slave’s collar, unbuttoned the shirt and attached the leash to the chain between slave’s nipples. He opened the door, and almost had to push me through it, as He pulled the shirt back, down slave’s arms and off of me. i never saw what happened to the shirt. After two or three steps, or stumbles, into the room, the only thing i was really aware of was that i was utterly naked in a room filled with fully clothed people. Quite a few of the woman were dressed in quite revealing clothes, but none were revealing what i was, namely, everything.
Master moved to slave’s side as W/we passed through the door. i took His arm, again, more for support than anything else. i could feel slave’s head spinning. i began to feel almost sick to slave’s stomach. i thought i was going to faint. Master must have sensed it, because He stopped, and put His arm around me in a very supportive way, both emotionally, and physically. He put his arm all the way around me, under slave’s right arm, and cupped slave’s right breast in His right hand. i love it when He does that, and He knows it. It also means he has me tucked tight to His body. i have no doubt that i would have simply fallen on the floor, had he not held me up that way.
While W/we were just standing, a woman approached U/us. Slave’s eyes were blurred from emotion (that is to say, i was on the verge of tears) so i could not recognize her. Then i heard a familiar, and very friendly, voice, ?Steven, welcome, and o, how beautiful you look.? It was Kara from the sex shop in San Francisco. ?You are absolutely stunning on that leash.?
i blinked away the tears, and cobwebs. ?Thank you, Mistress Kara. i am so happy that you are here.?
Master handed His end of the leash to Kara, ?Great to see you, Kara. Would you mind watching over o, please, while I get a couple of drinks.?
?Oh, I would love to Steven. Please, take your time.? Her smile was enormous. ?Keith said he was tired of trade shows, and didn’t want to come to this one, so I left him at home. I didn’t tell him Steven was going to be here. He probably would have come just in the hope that you might be here. Boy is he going to be pissed when I tell him what he missed. Come on, o, I want to show you off to some friends.?
With more than a little giggle, i said, ?Mistress, i’ll go wherever you lead, you have the leash.?
?So I do, right.? With that she gave a not so gentle tug on the leash, and needless to say, i followed. She led me to a group of two couples. The men were quite nicely dressed, the women were dressed just short of slutty; at least that’s how i might have described it a few years ago.
?Matt, Kari, Sean and Becky, this is odalisque. Her Master shops in my store, every now and then.? Kara seemed so comfortable with slave’s nakedness, and slavery, that i felt a little more at ease; at least until i saw Kari and Becky appraising slave’s body down to the smallest detail.
Kari spoke first. ?Those rings are really too big for your nipples, you know, it’s fine in your nose, but just too big for your nipples. And that chain, it looks like something my son would use to lock up his bicycle.?
?Wow, Kari, lighten up. I picked out the rings myself, and I think the ‘rough’ look of the chain, is just what her Master was going for. I know she’s beautiful, but you, of all people, have no reason to be defensive.?
Kara was right, Kari was beautiful; Tall, thin, full busted (fuller than i) and showing it off beautifully. She had a small waist, full hips and lovely legs. In short she had no reason to be jealous of li’l ol’ naked me.
?I guess you’re right Kara, I’m sorry, odalisque. It’s just the minute you walked in, the whole room started to buzz about you. I guess I did over react a bit. Sorry.?
i started to speak, but had to clear slave’s throat, ?i’m sorry, Mistress Kari. i am sure that, as beautiful as you are, you are used to being the center of attention, and it is, after all, only because i am naked, that people are looking at me.?
?Isn’t she incredible, Kari? She is the most submissive woman I’ve ever met. But her Master says she was a very confident, ambitious, even head-strong young woman when they first met.?
?Are you often walked on a leash, odalisque?? It was Kari’s mate Matt. i had a feeling that this evening might involve many more trenchant questions than i am accustomed to.
?Not often, Matt Sir, i guess, but candidly, too often. It is slave’s least favorite submission required by Master.?
?Then your Master doesn’t whip you??
?Oh, yes, Matt Sir, Master whips His slave. Mostly He whips me for discipline, very infrequently to demonstrate slave’s subservience.?
?And you like that more than being walked on a leash?? Matt’s voice suggested disbelief.
?i do not mean to nit-pick, but i think i would say that i ‘dislike’ walking on a leash more than i dislike being whipped. i can’t explain, really, except that when Master whips me, it is for a reason, either i have disobeyed Him, or otherwise failed Him, and i deserve to be punished. Walking on Master’s leash, i felt more like Master’s dog than His slave, but i am working through that. There are times when i am grateful to be on His leash, so i try to think that way at all times.?
?When, in hell, would you be thankful to be paraded around on the end of a leash?? It was Becky.
?When i am in an uncomfortable situation, Mistress Becky. For instance, Master took me, naked, into a bar, well, no, He didn’t take me in naked, but i ended up naked. The bar was filled with bikers and jocks, overflowing with testosterone. i felt much safer being tethered to Master by His leash. In a situation like this evening, i am much less hesitant to simply mingle, so the leash is more of a statement about me, than a protection for me. Does that make sense? So much about slave’s life is very difficult to explain to slave’s self, much less to others.?
?Yeah, I can imagine. I don’t know how I could justify being naked and dragged around by my tits on a leash. But I must admit, you’ve got the juices of every man in the room flowing!? i don’t think Becky remotely understood, but i do think she was trying, a little.
i felt Master’s arm go around slave’s body, He had a glass of sparkling wine in it. ?Here is your wine, o?
?Thank you, Master.? I took the glass, and Master moved His hand up to cup slave’s breast. The two women were obviously a little shocked, okay, more than a little. They made no effort to look away from Master’s hand kneading slave’s breast.
Sean’s eyes moved to Master’s eyes, ?So, I take it this is what you were talking about in your speech earlier. One may be as outrageous as one pleases, if one picks the time and place carefully. I found your speech fascinating, by the way. I take it the adult store you referred to, a couple of times, was Kara’s.?
?Yes, I think Kara has done a marvelous job of creating a store that sells all the same things as the ‘dirty, dark, little back alley shops’ but in a way that invites almost anyone to shop. Of course, that is probably made a little easier by the fact that she is in San Francisco. Even her restroom is sparkling clean, o tells me.
?As for odalisque, people often try too hard to somehow equate odalisque’s submission to my business. But, yes, this is an example of choosing a time and place. I have taken o to many of these affairs, and her beautiful body has always been thoroughly displayed, but always in very sheer dresses. As you suggest, this night was the right night for her to join us utterly naked.?
?When did you know you would be coming here naked, odalisque?? it was Becky, she was still staring at Master’s hand caressing slave’s breast.
?i know Master, perhaps, almost, as well as He knows me, so i knew that there would be a time when He would bring me to one of these things truly naked. When W/we were walking through your trade fair this morning, i figured this would be the time. Master seldom gives me advance warning of what He will have me wear, or where i will wear it. That is just a part of slave’s life adventure.?
Master asked Kara if she minded ?taking care of me? for a little longer. She said she didn’t, so He took slave’s wine glass, handed it to Kara, and pulled slave’s wrists together behind slave’s back, and secured them with a QuickLink.
He excused Himself and left us.
?Mistress Kara, may i please have a sip of slave’s wine??
?Oh, wow, sure, o. I’ll try not to spill it.? i giggled a little; It’s not like it would stain slave’s dress or anything. Kara lifted the wine to slave’s lips, and tilted the glass. i drank most of the wine in the glass as the two couples watched in apparent astonishment. i’m not sure if their astonishment was how much i drank at one time, or just watching a bound slave being ?watered.? Kara excused us, and led me away.
She drank the little bit i had left in the glass, and swapped the empty for a full one when a waiter offered his tray, while staring at slave’s breasts thrust toward him.
We mingled for awhile. Kara introduced me to a few of the people she knew. Most of Kara’s friends were very pleasant.
A couple of women who were dressed like the sixties (ultra mini dresses, knee-high boots, poofy hair) came up to us. Kara did not seem to know them.
The slightly taller one said, ?So, what do you get paid for a gig like this??
?i am not paid, Mistress, this is just who i am.?
?You mean you’re just a slut!?
?That’s okay, Mistress Kara. If you see me as a slut, than i guess i am a slut, Mistress.? Kara just looked at me and shook her head.
At this point, Master joined us with another man and a woman. ?odalisque, this is Bud and Caroline. They were nice enough to invite me to speak, with some persuading from Kara, and to invite us to this party.?
Bud put out his hand, instinctively, i guess. i turned so he could see slave’s wrists fastened together behind slave’s back. ?i am sorry, Bud Sir, but i can not shake your hand.?
Bud’s face got very red, and his wife said, ?You dork, didn’t you see how her shoulders are pulled back, or did you think she was just trying to be sure you didn’t miss seein’ her tits? Like there was any chance of that. Please forgive him, odalisque, he’s a great business man, but??
?Damn right I am, but I gotta tell you Steven, I learned a whole bunch from that speech a yours. Mighty intrestin’. And I don’t usually spend much time hangin’ out at these farewell parties, but I’ll tell you, young odalisque, as long as yur here, I’m a stayin’.?
?That’s very sweet, Bud Sir, and very flattering.
Master and Bud and Caroline chatted a bit more and then they slipped away.
?Mistress Kara, may i have another sip of wine??
?Sure, o.? Kara eased the glass to slave’s lips, tilted it, and i, again, drank most of the glass of wine.
With slave’s cuffs linked behind slave’s back, and Kara holding the leash, i felt, unquestionably, like some dangerous zoo animal on exhibit. The effect was enhanced by the fact that quite a few people did, actually, come up within a foot or two of us, just stare, and then walk away, without a word. Others would ask Kara, ?How old is she??, ?How much does she way?? Some questions she could answer, others she had to ask me for the answer. It seemed to almost surprise people that i could speak.
One woman walked up, and before Kara, or i, knew it, she grabbed the leash chain and gave it a tug; hard enough that it made me cry out.
Kara said, ?Hey, what the hell??
?I just wanted to see if it is really attached to her tits.?
?Well, what the hell else could it be attached to? Were you trying to pull the poor girl’s nipples off, or what?? The woman just shrugged her shoulders, and walked away.
Kara drank the rest of the wine, replacing the empty as soon as a waiter came by.
Master walked up with two more glasses of wine. He asked Kara to hold one, and with His free hand, He released slave’s wrist cuffs. He refastened the cuffs together in front, and handed me a glass of sparkling wine.
Master took the leash, and the second glass of wine from Kara, and led us, me on His leash, to an area that had small cocktail tables, and chairs, set up. He held a chair for Kara, then sat down. ?Kneel o.? i knelt on His right with slave’s knees spread shoulder width, and put slave’s left arm under Master’s right leg so slave’s hand was on Master’s right pant leg, caressing His long cock. Master and i were facing the people in the ballroom; Kara was on Master’s left, facing Him.
There was an almost steady flow of people just walking by, and staring at the kneeling slave. i really would have expected these people to be a bit more jaded about this sort of thing. One couple walked by, and the woman said, as if W/we weren’t even there, ?Look at that, Carl, she’s stroking his prick through his pants.?
Another couple walked by and discussed how slave’s breasts were just the right size, and shape, to be displayed in this way. Yet another group came by, stopped in front of U/us and one of the women said, to no one in particular, ?She is quite exotic, but how much crack must it take to get her up for this??
A group of three men and two women stopped in front of U/us and one of the women said, ?Why would a woman, that looks like that, have to stoop to this? She’s gotta be crazy, I mean certifiably insane.?
It was interesting that in the thirty, or so, minutes i was kneeling there, next to Master, no one spoke directly to me. A couple of people said something to Master about His slave or His speech, but not none spoke to me.
Master turned to Kara and whispered something, and Kara got up and left.
A few minutes later Kara was back. ?They said it might be ten or fifteen minutes; they will find you.? Master unlocked the cuffs in front and relocked them behind me again.
W/we had been at the party for a little over two hours; about the length of time Master usually stays at these things. It was just now that i remembered Master’s shirt, and what might have happened to it.
As i was contemplating this, Kara excused herself, and i saw her going up to someone, saying something, and moving on, purposefully, to another person, or couple. Finally she returned.
After a few minutes, one of the hotel staff came over to Master and said, ?Your cab is ready, Sir.?
?Thank you.? Master gave the man a tip, and told His slave to stand. i couldn’t help noticing that the people Kara had talked with were particularly attentive to O/our activity. Pulling on the leash, Master led me the full length of the ballroom, as most of the people stood and stared. The people Kara had spoken with, however, seemed to be following U/us.
i could not believe that Master was going to take me into the lobby of the hotel naked, with a leash attached to slave’s nipples. But that is exactly what He did.
At least, once W/we were outside, in the cab, i would only have to deal with the cab driver.
As He opened the ballroom door, i wanted to grab His arm to keep from crumbling to the floor. He must have sensed that, because He put His arm around me, and essentially, held me up. W/we walked quite fast, at least it seemed so to me, trying desperately to make slave’s rubbery legs keep up with Master. On the other hand, it seemed to take forever to get through that lobby.
There were some people in the lobby, but i couldn’t even make out if they were men or women, black or white, fat or thin, slave’s eyes were so full of tears. i was just barely able to keep from outright sobbing, but i couldn’t keep the tears from spilling down slave’s cheeks. Quite a few people followed U/us out of the ballroom, through the lobby, and down the steps to the waiting cab – an open-air, horse-drawn, carriage of a cab.
Now i wanted to hold Master’s arm with both hands. i felt as if i was going to collapse, and simply role down the steps to the cab. Master continued to hold me up. The driver was out of the cab waiting to help U/us in. Master helped me into the seat. When i looked back, the hotel steps were filled with people.
Kara was at the side of the cab. ?You are incredible, o. You are the most beautiful, wonderful, extraordinary slave imaginable. You are my hero; I love you.?
For some reason, her saying ?I love you? put me over the top, and i started to sob, but i managed to catch it fairly quickly.
Master instructed the driver to take U/us to the riverboat – ?the scenic way?. Oh, dear god, how long can i take this? As the cab pulled away from the hotel, Kara started to clap and soon there was a small chorus of applause. It was that rollercoaster that i’m sure i’ve described before. The abject degradation of being naked, collared and cuffed, led on a leash attached to slave’s breasts, yet applauded by slave’s fellow guests, almost like a movie star, or Paris Hilton, at least.
It was rather late, the shops were closed, but there were people still strolling on the wooden sidewalks, moving from bar to bar, i suppose. A few people noticed the naked slave, pointed, giggled, some yelled things like ?Aren’t you cold?? or ?I bet he’s gunna get lucky tonight? and similar things.
After it seemed as if W/we had gone up and down each street, at least a dozen times, the cab pulled up in front of the riverboat. The driver jumped down, and came around to help U/us out. Master stepped out, and down, and helped me out. It wasn’t a long drop from the step of the cab down to the ground, but when slave’s foot hit the street, slave’s leg totally gave out, and i fell into Master’s arms. Fortunately, Master caught me, because with slave’s cuffs still locked behind slave’s back, i would have fallen flat on slave’s face. slave’s legs just wouldn’t hold me up.
?Is she okay Sir?’
?Yes, thank you, she is fine, but thank you.? Master paid him, and helped me regain slave’s balance and composure, well, balance, at least. He led me, by the leash, down the gangplank into the lobby. i felt as if i was wading through mud up to slave’s knees. There was no one in the lobby, but the desk clerk, who looked up, and half-whispered, ?Holy shit.?
Master led me up the stairs into the bar/lounge. It was absolutely packed. Master said ?excuse us? a couple of times, just to be able to squeeze through to get to the door, out to the gangway, to O/our room. But, i guess W/we passed through relatively quickly, and quietly, because the crowd didn’t have time to really react. Master put the key in O/our cabin door and opened it. Before i went in, i looked back down the gangway, and even through teary eyes, i could tell that it was crammed with people staring at me.
Inside the room, i staggered to the bed, and collapsed onto it.
?You were marvelous tonight, o. It could not have been easy, but you did very, very well.?
?Oh, thank you Master. i think tonight might be the hardest thing you have ever required of me. i think??
There was a knock on the cabin door. As usual, slave’s first thought was that it was management come to throw us out. Since slave’s hands were secured behind slave’s back, i couldn’t easily open the door, so Master did.
?I’m sorry to intrude, but can I come in for just a minute?? i was sure it was Gina’s voice, it sounded a little thick, but it was Gina’s voice.
?Certainly, come in Gina.?
?Thank you. Oh, my gawd, o, I waited in the lounge after I got off work so I could see you. You are so mind-boggling. The leash attached to your tits. Your wrists behind your back; Totally naked; Just awesome. How can you do it??
?i don’t know, Mistress Gina. It’s all a bit of a blur right now. i’m sure i??
?Do you know what they’re saying in the bar? They are saying that you are the most awesome woman they have ever seen. They think you are some $50,000 hooker, or somethin’. Steven, could I take her back to the bar, just for one drink? Please. Please.?
?Oh, Master, please, please, PLEASE don’t let this woman prolong slave’s torture.? is what i wanted to say, but, of course, i simply sat up and waited for Master’s decision.
?You can’t take her back there naked, you know that, right??
?Oh, Steven, I don’t care if she is in a terrycloth robe. Please, may I take her back? Please?
?No, no, no, no, please, NO ! ! !? was what slave’s mind was saying, but i just got up and stood so Master could release slave’s wrists. He went to His bag and removed a stretch nylon lace mini dress that fits as if it is painted on. It is almost invisible, even in bar lighting.
?I assume you want the leash as well, Gina. It will have to be attached to the collar, of course.?
?Oh, thank you, Steven, thank you, thank you, thank you!?
Master removed the leash, and the chain between slave’s nipple rings. i slithered into the dress. Master fastened slaves wrist cuffs together in front, fastened the leash to slave’s collar, and handed the other end to Gina.
?Oh? my? gawd? I can’t believe you’re gunna let me do this. Thank you, Steven. Thank you.?
?Okay, but one drink, and that’s it, remember!?
Gina led me to the door, opened it, and led me out. Master followed us down the gangway to the bar.
An odd thing happened, that has happened a time, or two, before, actually. As W/we entered the bar, a woman saw Master, pointed and said ?Look, there’s that guy who was walking that slutty, naked woman on a leash.? She had to look right past me (the slutty, naked woman) to see Him, and yet she didn’t seem to recognize me.
Many others did recognize me, of course. Gina led me to the bar, and asked what i wanted. ?To be home in bed with Master!? No. i didn’t say that. i had sparkling wine; i noticed Master did too, at a discreet distance. Gina had a triple shot of Jack Daniels.
Gina led me around the bar like a prized catch from Africa. She knew quite a few people, regulars, i guessed. She would introduce me, then describe how beautiful slave’s breasts are, as she cupped one in her hand. To another group she described slave’s ass, as she ran her hand over it. To yet another group, she described slave’s narrow waist as she put her hands almost around it. Slave’s entire body was suffused in blushing blood. After introducing me to a half dozen or so groups, Gina paused, and i gulped down slave’s sparkling wine in two swigs. Master, seeing this, come to slave’s rescue.
?One drink, Gina, that was the agreement, and o has finished hers.?
?Oh, Steven, please, just a little bit longer.? She sounded like a seven year old pleading to watch just one more TV show before bed.
?Enough.? With that Master took the leash, and led His slave back to the room.
i had been writing in slave’s journal about fifteen minutes, or so, when Master said He wanted a glass of port. He tossed me the transparent dress which i wriggled back into. Master picked up the leash and led me to the bar. It was almost empty.
W/we passed a couple who were just leaving, and the woman said to me, ?You know where he’s leadin’ you on that leash don’ ya, Honey?? Before i could answer, she said ?Straight to the gates o’ hell, that’s where!?
Gina was on a stool at the bar, beside two young men. Master led me to the bar, and sat so that i was two stools from the men, thus four from Gina. When Gina saw U/us she said, ?Hey, o, one last shot, huh??
?Where did everyone go, Gina? It hasn’t even been a half hour.?
?I guess they figured the show was over. Most of them were friends that I called up and told them if they wanted to see a fantastic, bizarre, free show, be at the bar tonight. I guess when Steven took you away, they decided to go home, or somewhere cheaper, at least. These prices are strictly tourist-ville?
i looked at Master. He was sporting a huge smile. ?Did you know about this, Master??
?No, but it was kind of fun, wasn’t it, odalisque??
?Fun? Being groped, fondled and exhibited by some little twit half a decade younger than i, fun?? You guessed it, i didn’t say that either, but, oh, how i wanted to. ?If you say so, Master? is what i did say.
Master picked up the sparkling wine he ordered, handed a glass to me, took His end of the leash, and led me to a table outside, on the deck. He sat at a small table and said, ?Kneel, o.? i put slave’s wine on the table and knelt on the deck at His side. With permission, i rested slave’s head on Master’s thigh. With slave’s left hand i caressed His wonderful cock through His pants. Master put His arm around me and caressed slave’s breast.
After sometime, a waitress came out and asked if W/we needed anything, looked carefully at me, and then said, ?She looks like she’s totally contented.? And i was. i was being caressed by Master and i was caressing Master’s huge cock, what more could any slave ask? Master told the waitress that W/we were fine.
Then Gina, and her two friends, came to the table, ?Can we join you??
?I think that o and I would like to be alone, Gina.?
?Yea, well, it’s a free world, except for your little slut, huh.? She, and her friends, turned and went back to the bar.
Wow, what a change. i guess it must have been the alcohol, she had been waiting (and drinking) for quite awhile, waiting for U/us to return from the convention. She seemed so nice at first, then just turned ugly, and nasty.
i almost fell asleep kneeling, stroking Master’s long cock, listening to the sounds of the river, and enjoying Master’s hand massaging slave’s breast.
Finally, Master said it was time to go to bed. W/we went back to the cabin, and i finished writing in slave’s journal, oiled Master’s wonderful cock, and then went to sleep with His gigantic cock in slave’s mouth.
Sunday morning W/we slept in. i packed Master’s bag and He called for the bellman. i was still naked when he came for the bag. He didn’t seem surprised, so i guessed that the word was out about the naked slave on the boat. Master gave him the bag, and His valet parking tag.
When the bellman left with the bag, Master handed me the transparent blouse, and satin shorts, that i had worn to the adult products display earlier Saturday. i put them on, and put on slave’s mules. Master attached His leash to slave’s collar, and led me through the mostly empty bar, down stairs to the lobby.
At the desk, the clerk watched U/us approach. When W/we stopped at the desk, she said, ?You’re on a leash.? That is right up there with ?Do you know you’re nude?? which i am asked amazingly often. She couldn’t take her eyes off of the rings through slave’s nipples. She was fumbling, trying to do the paper work necessary to check Master out, while she was staring at slave’s nipples.
Gina stepped through the door behind the counter. ?Good morning. I guess, no, I know, I owe you an apology for last night, Mr. L. I can’t really offer an excuse??
?No excuse is necessary, Gina.?
?Thank you.? She slid the paperwork so it was in front of her, and had Master checked out in two minutes, while the other woman continued to stare at slave’s ringed nipples.
When Master and Gina finished, He turned and led me up the gangway to His waiting car. i sat in Master’s car and He placed His end of the leash between slave’s legs.
Master began driving toward His home. After forty minutes, or so, He turned off the freeway. Very quickly, i felt sure that i knew where we were going.
i was right. W/we turned into the winery at which Elle works. She works most Sundays, so i was really hopeful of seeing her.
Master parked, came around to the passenger side, and opened the door. He took His end of the leash, and instructed me to stand. He led me to the base of the 100 steps up to the winery. W/we started up the steps. Another couple was just stepping around the fountain in the middle of the steps, half way up.
?Holy crap, she might as well be nude.? The man all but shouted, even though the shorts i was wearing are opaque.
?And she’s on a freekin’ leash. Why, in the hell, would you let some guy lead you around on a leash??
They stopped dead, and just watched as W/we walked up to them, and passed. As W/we walked past them, the woman said to her friend, ?You sorry, freekin’ pervert, you’ve got a hard on.? i had to work really hard not to laugh, too loud.
When W/we got to the patio, at the top, W/we saw Elle before she saw us. W/we walked toward where she was serving. She turned, and saw U/us, ?Oh, my god, Steven, o, what a wonderful surprise.? She hugged Master and then me. ?Where would you like to sit?? She whispered, ?I love the leash, o.?
?Anywhere that you will serve U/us, Elle.?
?How about over here?? She led U/us to a table, for two, at the corner of the patio, where there is a marvelous view of the vineyards, and the Sonoma Valley, or maybe it’s the Carneros Valley.
W/we sat down, and i became immediately aware of the commotion that i had not noticed before. People were pointing, and staring, and talking, obviously about U/us. ?It looks like you are the center of attention, as usual, o.?
?Yes, Mistress Elle, i’m sorry.?
?Don’t be. Half these people are from the Mid-West, this will be the highlight of their trip to crazy California.? She looked to Master, ?Do you want the usual??
?Yes, thank you, Elle. Is there any chance that you might be able to take a ten minute break, and chat a bit??
?I think I’m about thirty minutes from a break, but I can ask if I can take it a little early??
?Oh, no need, W/we will just relax, and enjoy O/our cheese and wine, until your break.? Easy for Master to say, ?just relax?, He’s not half naked, collared, cuffed, and on a leash; But i did manage to relax a little, in spite of the people who would occasionally walk up to the railing, at the edge of the patio, next to O/our table, ostensibly to ?see the view?, but who mostly looked at the slave on a leash.
While superficially looking at the view, i heard people discussing the color of slave’s areola, the size of slave’s nipples, the leash, the ring through slave’s nose; i seldom heard a word about the vineyards, or the hills between the winery and Sonoma. Some took pictures that i was quite sure, by the angle of the camera, would include Master’s slave in the frame.
Elle did come to join U/us. When she did, Master excused Himself so that we could talk. Elle said that she had been talking about nothing but the leashed slave for the last half hour; how she knew me; was i crazy, or a drug addict; was Master some Middle Eastern sheik (Master does not look the least bit Middle Eastern). Elle said, one guy even asked if Elle walked around on a leash, since she knew, and seemed to approve of, the leashed slave.
?i am so sorry, Elle, i don’t mean to include you in??
?Oh, don’t be silly, o, I get a jolt out of it. It is interesting to hear what their questions are, compared to what my image of them was. Like, see that man with the crew-cut hair, and the spit-shined shoes?? i peeked and nodded. ?He is the one who asked if I walked on a leash, too. I would have thought he couldn’t imagine one leashed slave, much less two.?
?Did that table of four women, who have been staring at us since you sat down, say anything?? i kind of nodded toward the table with the four women.
?Oh, yeah,? Elle sort of giggled, ?The one in the shorts asked if you were a lesbian, now, where did she get that; Just wishful thinking, maybe.? Elle winked. ? The older one, in the pink dress, asked if there weren’t any rules about who is allowed in the winery.?
Master returned, and sat down. ?Are you two finished with your ‘girl talk’??
?Steven, I don’t think we ever finish, but, I should get back to work.?
?Elle, when you get a chance, would you bring me a wine bottle bag, please.?
?Certainly, Steven.? Elle left, and returned almost immediately, with the long, narrow wine bottle bag. ?is there anything else, Steven??
?Thank you, that will be fine, Elle. It’s been a pleasure seeing you, as always. Come by the house sometime, soon.?
?Thank you, Steven, it’s been my pleasure. Love you, o.?
?Thank you, Elle.?
Master opened the bag, put it on the table in front of me, and instructed me to put slave’s shorts in the bag. i almost said, ?What?’ but i had heard Master plainly, and it is never a good idea to question Master, no matter how casually. ?Yes, Master.?
i untied the drawstring of the shorts. The reason Master does not like elastic is because it leaves marks around slave’s waist for occasions exactly like this. i slipped the shorts over slave’s hips and down slave’s legs as subtly as possible, but without seeming to hide the fact that i was disrobing, which would have annoyed Master. As i pulled the shorts over slave’s feet, i was trying to calculate how long slave’s blouse was; how close to covering slave’s sex it might come, even though the blouse is so sheer that it would not actually ?cover? anything from sight. i put the shorts on the table and folded them carefully to fit in the bag.
Amazingly, no one really seemed to notice exactly what i was doing.
?Now the blouse, o.? Okay, i was not going to sneak this by anyone. i immediately reached for the top button, and slowly, fumbling nervously, unbuttoned it; then the next; and the next. i could feel the blood rushing to slave’s skin. i could hear slave’s heartbeat filling slave’s ears. Slave’s breathing becoming shallow and short.
i undid the last button, slid forward on slave’s chair, and slipped the blouse over slave’s shoulders. As if i was folding the laundry at Master’s home, i laid the blouse on the table and neatly folded it to fit into the wine bag. Of course, at Master’s home, i am not aware of dozens of eyes riveted on slave’s naked body, nor am i feeling light-headed, on the verge of fainting, or throwing up, as i did here and now.
Master stood, and picked up the bill (the bill, oh my god, He hasn’t paid the bill which has to be paid inside the gift shop). Holding His end of the leash, Master said, ?pick up the bag, o.? Master came around, and pulled out slave’s chair so that i could stand. Unfortunately, that wasn’t enough. i tried to stand, but slave’s legs just didn’t have the necessary rigidity or strength. i tried again, this time i got to slave’s feet. Master turned, and led me to the door of the gift shop. Every eye on the patio was staring at U/us. Elle was at the door, opened it, and said, ?I can take that for you Steven. I’ll be right back with your change.?
?I don’t need change, thank you, Elle.? i could see past Master, and Elle, to the line of four or five people at the cash register. Elle had saved me from having to stand, naked, in that line for gawd knows how long. i hoped that Master would not blame me for that. Elle couldn’t save me the remainder of the people in the gift shop who were staring at the naked, leashed slave; me.
?Thank you, Steven.? She was walking with U/us as Master now led me toward the steps down to the parking lot. ?It has been wonderful to be with you both. I hope it won’t be so long between visits in future.?
As W/we walked among the tables to get to the steps, i heard people commenting on slave’s figure, on the leash, on Elle’s friendliness, on the amount of dope i must consume, and the variety of STD’s i must be carrying.
i carried the wine bag like a purse, but was careful not to let it cover any significant part of slave’s body, lest Master think that i was trying to ?cover up?. At the top of the steps, Elle gave me a hug, and whispered ?I love you.?
Walking down the steps was very difficult. i had to consciously brace the leg that was holding me up, to keep it from giving out. i felt as if I was going to faint at any moment. Half way down, at the fountain, Master asked if i wanted to sit down. i looked back at the terrace and the tens of people standing by the railing staring down. i saw Elle wave and i waved back. ?No, thank you, Master, i am fine. Thank you.? It was a lie. i was not even close to fine, i felt like i was going to faint, but i wanted to be in the safety of Master’s car, more than i wanted to sit, and catch slave’s breathe.
i was wearing those cement shoes again, and every time i put slave’s foot down, slave’s knee turned to rubber. i was sure that i would fall, and roll down the remaining steps to the bottom.
W/we were almost to the bottom before i realized that there was a group of ten or twelve people walking across the parking lot toward U/us. i guess they hadn’t noticed U/us yet, because, now, one of the men said, ?Holy crap, look at that bitch!?
Needless to say, everyone looked at that bitch (me). ?Mother of pearl, she’s on a leash.?
?What sort of a bet must she have lost?? ?Maybe it’s one of those ‘Truth or Dare’ things.? ?Gawd, she’s gorgeous.? There were other things, but neither Master, nor I, could remember them.
As W/we approached them, they split into two groups so that W/we had to walk right through the middle of them. i guess it might have been kind of scary, but they seemed quite civilized, and i was on Master’s leash. Again, i realized that there are times when i am quite happy, and thankful, to be on Master’s leash.
?That’s some pet you’ve got there, Mister.? It was said in a light manner, and with a big smile. ?Is she A.K.A.??
?Does she really look, to you, like a dog, pedigree or otherwise, Sir.? Don’t stop, please don’t stop, Master! But, of course, Master stopped.
?No, actually, to quote Dashell Hammett, ‘she looks like the stuff dreams are made of’?.
One of the women slipped right up next to me and whispered, ?Why, the hell, are you letting him do this to you??
i took a very deep breath, at least as deep as possible at this point, and said, ?i am His slave, Mistress; i do what He wishes.?
i got it out, and it was worth it. i have seldom seen such shock on a woman’s face. ?Cheesus, you’re serious, aren’t you.?
In spite of the tears that were around the edges of slave’s eyes, i could make out the people who, all but, surrounded U/us. They were dressed casually, but very expensive casual. They were nearer Master’s age than slave’s. And they looked not in the least bit threatening.
?Yes, Mistress, i am as serious as i can be...?
She was no longer whispering, ?How often does He make you do this? And what are your limits??
i won’t bore you with the other questions and answers, if you have read any of slave’s other stories, you know, pretty much, what they were. While i was answering one set of questions, Master was answering another. As W/we stood talking, i got more and more comfortable; so comfortable, in fact, that i reached over and caressed Master’s wonderful cock through His pants. At one point, i looked back up the steps and saw that Elle, and a lot of people were still standing looking down at U/us.
One of the questions asked of Master caught slave’s attention. ?Are those breasts real??
Master said, ?Do you know the difference, by feel, I mean??
?Sure!? the man said, a little too eagerly, i thought.
?Then judge for yourself.? You didn’t just give this man permission to squeeze slave’s breast, did You Master? Yes, of course, You did. i turned to look into the eyes of the woman who had asked about slave’s limits.
The man reached out and squeezed slave’s breast, actually, quite gently, and said, ?Oh, yeah, they’re real alright.? i watched as a look of horror turned to a smile on the woman’s face. ?May i?? she asked.
i looked to Master, who said, ?Please, help yourself.? i smiled at the woman as she reached out, and squeezed slave’s breast, a little harder than had the man, but still not roughly. She was looking directly in slave’s eyes. i saw her eyes twinkle, as she let her hand caress slave’s breast, then realizing she had been holding slave’s breast, perhaps, a little too long, she quickly pulled her hand away.
?If you will excuse U/us ladies, and gentlemen, W/we really must be going, we have a dinner reservation??
?You can’t be taking her to dinner like that?? One of the women exclaimed.
?Why in the world not, Madam?? Master sounded as if she had said ?You can’t wear white after Labor Day.? i’m sure no one recognized the playfulness in Master’s voice, except me.
?She’s nude, for crying out loud. He won’t really take you to a restaurant like that will he??
?There is precedent, Mistress.? i said looking, and smiling, at Master.
?Now if you will excuse U/us.? Master stepped through the widest space between the group.
They just stood, and watched, as w/we walked toward Master’s car. i guess the interaction had distracted me, or something, but now, again, slave’s feet were beginning to feel very heavy, and slave’s stomach was doing gymnastics. Perhaps it was the knowledge that Master had made dinner reservations, and i knew, beyond doubt, that He was capable of taking slave, naked, into a restaurant.
W/we had been on the road about twenty minutes when Master pulled off at a rest stop. He handed me a business card, some change, and instructed me to go to the phone booth, and confirm O/our dinner reservations. i got out of the car, and walked, i wanted to run, but i knew better, to the phone booth. i dialed the number on the card.
?Caf?.? i confirmed the fact, and the time, of O/our reservation, and returned to Master’s car, accompanied by a melody of horns of passing cars. ?He said W/we are expected, Master.?
W/we spent another twenty-five minutes on the road, and through city streets, and arrived at the caf?. W/we have eaten here many times before, never with me naked, but often as good (or bad) as. Master parked in the back of the restaurant, came around the car and opened the door. i followed Master, on His leash, to the back door. When W/we walked (or in slave’s case, sort of stagger) in, W/we were greeted like family. ?Mr. L, and odalisque, welcome, it has been awhile.?
?Yes, too long, Hugo. How have you been?? Master was shaking Hugo’s hand, but Hugo was looking at me.
?Miss odalisque, I have never seen you look so beautiful, always beautiful, si, but tonight, especially so! Perhaps it is the leash, no?? Hugo gave me a hug in a most gentlemanly way.
?Thank you, Hugo Sir, you are too generous, as always.?
?Is O/our table available, Hugo??
?But, of course, Mr. L, please.? Hugo turned, and led U/us through the kitchen, into the restaurant, to the table around a corner, and in a corner. There were only two tables that could see O/ours, and Hugo always managed to keep them vacant. The table was the only one in the house with a floor length table cloth.
W/we started with the usual sparkling wine and brochette. W/we each had a salad, and then the entr?e; Master’s was filet of sole, mine was Master’s extraordinary cock. After slave’s last bite of salad, Master looked at me, and simply nodded. i knew exactly what that meant. i slid slave’s chair back, and slipped under the table, between Master’s legs. i unzipped His pants, pulled His glorious cock out, and into slave’s mouth.
i have no idea how long i was under the table sucking His wonderful cock. i just know that it was not long enough. i asked Master if i may cum and He said yes. i tried to be quiet, but i could clearly hear slave’s moans, and i hit slave’s head on the table at least twice. Master even let me taste His sweet, hot semen.
When i finished, i licked Master’s wonderful cock clean, replaced it in His pants, and slid out from under the table, to sit in the chair. It wasn’t until i was sitting in the chair, that i realized Hugo was standing at the table. Yeah, that was a little bit awkward. i kind of wanted to slip back under the table, or the floor!
?Hello, Miss o. May I get you some coffee, Mr. L,?? He was talking to Master but looking directly at me. He had a very distinct twinkle in his eye. The look was very sexual, yet, somehow, proper. There was no doubt that he knew exactly what i had been doing under the table, and it wasn’t looking for a dropped spoon. He picked slave’s napkin up from the table, and brushed it across the corner of slave’s mouth and chin. Then he picked up a fresh napkin from the adjacent vacant table and draped it over slave’s naked lap.
?I think a port for me, and a double espresso for o, please, Hugo.?
When Hugo returned, he brought O/our drinks, and an absolutely decadent chocolate desert that he knows is Master’s, and slave’s, favorite.
As W/we ate, i realized that i had forgotten that there is one way that W/we could be seen, other than sitting at the two nearby tables; If one needs to use the restroom, and happens to look, kind of back over ones shoulder, one could see a naked slave and Master eating desert. As it happened, this evening, a gentleman did need to use the restroom, and did happen to look over his shoulder, and, well, you get the idea.
i saw him, and saw him look over his shoulder, and there was no doubt that he saw the naked slave. In fact, he nearly ran into the wall next to the door of the restroom, while concentrating on the naked slave. He was in the restroom for quite some time; i’ll let you draw your own conclusions. When he did immerge, he walked, very slowly, and stared at me, until he could see me no longer. Than a strange thing happened, well, perhaps it is not all that strange. A man and a woman made their way, slowly, to the restrooms, and looked over their shoulders. They returned, and another couple made the pilgrimage.
Hugo brought the check, and Master put down some cash. Master and i rose, Hugo shook Master’s hand, gave me a big bear hug, and Master led me toward the front door. The front door; through the three-quarters full restaurant, toward the Main Street sidewalk! ?Master, have you forgotten that i am naked?? i wanted to ask, but? you know, i didn’t.
Master opened one of the two front doors, and i stepped out onto the sidewalk. Hugo waved and said, ?Chao, bella.?
Across the street from the caf? is a sports bar with outdoor seating. The noise that erupted from the guys, on the patio, was not because of any touchdown on the TV’s. ?Hey, baby, come on, you can score with me.? ?I woulden need ya on no leash, you’d nevah wanna run away from me, Sweetie.? Some whoof, whoof’s, and someone yelled ?That’s the box score for me.? (Master had to explain that one to me later.)
Master led me around the corner, to the back parking lot, and His car.
W/we went home, i wrote in slave’s journal, oiled Master’s gigantic cock, and i fell asleep with Master’s colossal cock in slave’s mouth; Thus ended slave’s weekend on Master’s leash.
i guess, maybe, i could get used to being Master’s leash slave, if that is what He requires of me.
i guess i could do whatever Master demands of me, because, i love You Master.
if you like a copy of it download it for free here it be more up to date then this pagedownload!4xtiXJYC!iw-YGW7FRFFh1pzVOJ2ShwSo here i am. Leaving in a dog house out behind a guys house in the woods. Howed i get here. Well it started about 3 months ago. A girl from iowa in the us never been anywhere out side of the state. I always want to see the contry of rava with the buitifer water falls and green grassy hills. Clean air and cristal clear water. The pople are friendly and...
Last night, April 2, 2018, daddy Mike took me to his house around 11PM. I was already drunk, and covered with hot cum from earlier in the night.Daddy Mike had picked me up from another daddy’s house where I was being passed around.When we got to Daddy’s house, he took me inside, gave me two shots of vodka and told me to swallow the drinks, which I did.I was sooooooo drunk.Daddy Mike then took out my SLUT collar from my purse, put it on me, an leashed me like the bitch that I am. Daddy then told...
I was watching Tracy dress — marbled skin across the curve of her butt, her breast hanging between her ribs and upper arm, not as full as it once was. My mind drifted to the way her tit filled my mouth. It’s funny, I thought, the way the beauty one lives with, over time, becomes the measure of attractiveness. ‘What?’ She doesn’t like to be on show. ‘Just thinking that you’re more beautiful every day.’ ‘Perhaps I shouldn’t tell you, then.’ ‘Tell me what?’ I wanted to hear keep hearing her...
I was watching Tracy dress --- marbled skin across the curve of her butt; her breast hanging between her ribs and upper arm, not as full as it once was. My mind drifted to the way her tit filled my mouth. It's funny, I thought, the way the beauty one lives with, over time, becomes the measure of attractiveness.'What?' She doesn't like to be on show. 'Just thinking that you're more beautiful every day.''Perhaps I shouldn't tell you, then.''Tell me what?' I wanted to hear keep hearing her voice...
I never liked plain vanilla ice cream, or chocolate for the record.Take me to the Caribbean with a few scoops of creamy coconut, crunchy frozen chocolate bits, chewy candied pineapple chunks, I’ll sprinkle spiced rum and squirt cream on it, then we’re talking.Garnish my summer evening with strawberry ice cream, made of fresh strawberries with the tiny seeds and juicy fruit-flesh, dark chocolate chunks, swimming in a coupe of prosecco. Or pure innocent vanilla with fresh mint and roughly chopped...
BDSMI pick you up and we would go out to eat. You dressed in a short dress so that it showed off your breasts with no underwear on. At the restaurant, we would sit beside each other and I would tease you by having my hand rub your leg up to your pussy but never touch your pussy. I tease you as we talk and after our meal. When we leave, I open the car door for you as my hand runs up your leg and my finger slides inside your juicy, wet pussy and back out again. I get in the car and suck your juices...
I stood in the corner, my arms folded behind me and resting just above the curve of my ass. My hair was pulled back into a high ponytail and my nose was pressed against the wall. I was naked except for the collar around my neck and the socks that reached just above my knees. I didn't move when I heard him enter the room. "It's time, Baby Girl. You may turn around."I slowly turned and faced him. He reached out and clipped the leash He held in his hand to the O-ring on my collar. "Hands and...
BDSMI pick you up and we would go out to eat. You dressed in a short dress so that it showed off your breasts with no underwear on. At the restaurant, we would sit beside each other and I would tease you by having my hand rub your leg up to your pussy but never touch your pussy. I tease you as we talk and after our meal. When we leave, I open the car door for you as my hand runs up your leg and my finger slides inside your juicy, wet pussy and back out again. I get in the car and suck your juices...
The fantasy starts early one Friday morning, and would last for the whole weekend, and every thing that you think can happen will and even things you can't even imagine. On Friday morning I call you from work and tell you to get dressed, and that I will be there shortly to pick you up for an erotic, passionate, hot weekend. On my way home I pick up some flowers and some other items that will come in handy over the weekend. I stop at a good hotel and get the honeymoon suite for the...
WEEKEND SISTERS BY JANICE My name is Howard, I have a twin, brother named Dexter, we are fifteen and have a sister, seventeen. Her name is Corrine. One weekend our parents wanted to take a weekend skiing trip, away from us kids. As luck would have it. It was also the weekend Corrine wanted to go away with some of her girl friends. Both plans had been made several weeks in advance but as always happens, no one...
Weekend of SubmissionSix weeks had passed, since my 1st encounter with Camille (Cami) and her roommates in my ?Lesbians and Unicorns? story. Cami had me tied naked and spread on her bed. Time after time, Cami mercilessly teased and tormented my pussy, with her tongue, bringing me higher and closer to my 1st orgasm that I so desperately needed. But each time, she would stop just before I could have my release. Shortly after Cami began her 5th diabolical assault on my wanting clit, I became...
-------------------------------------- This is a story of fiction and fantasy. If it comes true I would be ecstatic. Thanks for reading and be positive and kind with your remarks. -------------------------------------- I decided that it had been way too long since I have been laid. The upcoming 3 day weekend I had nothing at all planned, so I decided to put an ad on a local website looking for fun and lots of sex. The ad: "I am mid 50's, 5'11" 212# dad-bod, construction worker,...
Weekend With 12 Prep School Girls By JenniferHi, my name is Jennifer. I'm a 27 year old businesswoman. I'm 5'9" tall, with long brunette hair and big brown eyes. I exercise at the fitness center 3-4 times a week, and I'm quite proud that I've maintained my sexy svelte curvy 120 pound figure. My handsome hubby Dan and I got married right after graduation from college, and have quite an active sex life. I'm even prouder of my perfect pair of 36C tits. I'm on the pill, with no immediate plans to...
Weekend with Carleigh The plane banked to the left, aligning itself with the runway in preparation to land. Looking out the window I could see the university campus off in the distance. Soon I would be there, finishing the plans that we had made. After landing and gathering my bag, I rented a car and drove toward campus. There were two motels on my list to check out, one of which I was going to rent a room for the weekend. After checking both of them out I decided on the Fairfield Inn on...
Weekend with Carleigh The plane banked to the left, aligning itself with the runway in preparation to land. Looking out the window I could see the university campus off in the distance. Soon I would be there, finishing the plans that we had made. After landing and gathering my bag, I rented a car and drove toward campus. There were two motels on my list to check out, one of which I was going to rent a room for the weekend. After checking both of them out I decided on the Fairfield Inn on...
Straight SexThis happened 2 weekends ago when my girlfriend got sent to a week training seminar over east, and due to the flight she had to leave on Friday night and spend the weekend in Melbourne before the seminar. As I found out she is going to be away for the weekend and the week I instantly thought of Zoe (GF's friend that I had a quickie with on NYE). Zoe and I had a few catch up for BJ since NYE in the gym sauna and once in the car while I was dropping her off. I have been waiting to fuck her...
LUNCH It started out simply enough; and as these things do, it went awry. Or was it perfectly? I guess that depends on your point of view. But let me digress to the beginning... Corinne and I went to a well-known pizza joint to have lunch with the kids, Dominique and her kids, Holly and her kids, on a bright wintry Sunday afternoon. Corinne was telling Dominique and Holly about a house we sometimes borrow buried in the deep woods in a very scenic part of the state. The next thing I...
Author's note: As with all my stories this one contains scenes of an explicit sexual nature, deals with transvestism and has a strong homosexual theme. So if you are too young, not allowed or offended by such matter, then please leave. You have been warned. B.G. Weekend Woman ? by: Belle Gordon Prologue My name is Doctor Victor Burnley, MD. I am a well-respected member of the community, serving on school and hospital management boards; I am chairman of several charities...
Weekend Fantasy By Morpheus It was Friday afternoon and I had just gotten out of school, so I hurried home as fast as I could, filled with a strange mixture of nervousness and excitement. If I stopped to think about it I probably would have concluded that the excitement dominated. After all, this was the opportunity of a lifetime. My parents were going to be out of town for the weekend, thanks to my dad's high school reunion, leaving me home alone. They'd left for the airport...
This morning, the room was bright enough that I could tell for sure it was Rita cuddled up against me, her glorious mane of red hair spilling across my chest, one well-toned arm flung across me, hugging me. The room was heavy with the musky scent of lovemaking, and dapples of sunlight played on her bare skin. We had made love twice after going to bed upstairs, the second time when she heard my wife and Bill busy in my bedroom downstairs. This was two mornings in a row I’d awakened to the sound...
Author's note: This story deals with transvestism and gay love. Please do not read it if you are under eighteen, if it's against the law in your country to read such stuff, or you are offended by such themes. I should also warn you that one of the story lines features a man of the cloth so if this offends your religious sensibilities; read no further. Whilst this is a stand-alone tale a better understanding of preceding events will be gained if you first read "Weekend Woman --...
Weekend i will never forget(Part 2)I went back to the guest room and pulled the sheets back to turn in for the night. Mistress Cindy had put hot pink sheets on the bed. I suppose that is because I am not man enough to sleep in a bed with any color other than pink sheets. As I laid down and pulled the sheets and comforter up over me, my head was swimming with the events of the day. My initial thoughts were about how sore my legs were from the heels and how sore my back was from carrying...
Weekend Sissy Little Girl Part Two By Susieq This is the follow on from Weekend Sissy Little Girl in which Martin (Susie) goes to the wedding as a flower girl. It is highly recommended that you read part one first to get the characters into perspective. On the Monday morning, I reverted to being Martin, and after showering and dressing in a smart business suit I went downstairs where Sarah was happily humming to herself as she made toast and boiled eggs for my breakfast. As I went...
Weekend Jobs Belladonna "Can't I wear something a little more contemporary?" Bruce asked his wife while he unrolled a nude, sheer nylon stocking up his right leg. "Why? You're going to look so darling!" "I'm going to look like June Cleaver," Bruce retorted, feeling foolish despite his increasing arousal from the silky garment that was clinging to the waxed, smooth skin of his leg. "Oh, they all know what you are. Don't worry about it." "That's true enough, but they could...
Cabin One Michael had not been to Sleepy Creek Cabins since his honeymoon five years earlier. Sleepy Creek, a bed and breakfast that featured four cabins tucked into the Virginia mountains provided the perfect level of comfort and isolation for a week of pure enjoyment for Michael and his new bride. They had stayed in Cabin One, which featured a full kitchen, covered back porch, king bed and full size Jacuzzi that had a view of the entire grounds. From the back porch, and the Jacuzzi, Michael...
I hadn’t seen Cindy for nearly 2 years, other than a quick lunch as She passed through town last year. We text or IM almost every day and talk on the phone every few weeks. We had been coworkers for many years and remained very good friends to this day. I would say that She is my best friend as I have been able to confide in Her about things I have never told anyone. In addition to being a very trusted and loyal friend, Cindy is beautiful and very desirable. I still can’t figure out why...
Hubby would normally arrive home from the around 6.00pm. Why was his key turning the front door lock at 11.30am on a Thursday? Closing the door behind him, I could hear his footsteps all the way till he reached the kitchen. I was sitting at the breakfast bar, holding a half drank cup of coffee wearing only a silk robe. "Glad I caught you!" he started. Sitting on the stool opposite he continued."We'll need to go round to your flat to pack a bag full of toys and outfits!" "Why do we need to do...
Weekend Transformation written by Pet (Shadow13) dedicated to my Mistress I drove into the parking lot of the hotel, pulled into a space located in a corner knowing it wouldn't be used for the rest of the weekend and shut the engine off. I sat in the driver's seat for a couple of minutes to finish off the last few drags of my cigarette knowing that for the next 36 to 48 hours mouth would be so busy, I probably wouldn't have much time, if any, to have another another one. After I put it...
It started out innocently enough, if you can call cheating on your husband innocent, but I'd have to say it was - at least compared with what happened later. What happened was no one's fault except mine. After all, I was the grown-up. I could lay the blame on my husband for ignoring me, but the bottom line is that I could have, at any point along the way, kept it from happening. Could I have stopped it? Yes. Should I have stopped it? Most definitely. Did I want to stop it? Even now, knowing...
"T'Pol was looking at Phlox, digesting his diagnosis – acute exhaustion coupled to a case of post traumatic stress disorder of yet unknown severity. How was that possible? Yes, he had worked long hours, like he always did when his mind was in turmoil, but she had ordered Lieutenant-Commander Hess in no uncertain terms to make sure he did end his shift no longer than an hour or two later than expected - and it had worked. How could he still be so exhausted that he suffered an emotional...
I bounced the tennis ball lightly off the dirty storefront window. Only 7:52, I thought to myself as I caught the ball coming back towards me. Still over an hour before we shut this shithole place down. Who shops for dog toys and fish food on Friday night anyway? I was getting anxious about going out already but I still had to run home and change out of this stupid uniform before I met Leslie at her house. I had been to the house this party was at once before with her but she had...
Its July Scotland is in the middle of a heat wave first time in years. We haven't seen one another for a couple of weeks as we both have been very busy but still call one another most nights its friday and you call me in the middle of the afternoon saying that you fancy going away for the weekend and would I be interested, Of course I don't need an excuse to go away on the bike with you. So the agreement is I come down on Saturday for around about 10 am and we could just take off down towards...
36Weekend away 1 Friday, work had dragged, hubby had helped her get ready to go out and having rushed around here she was the sun going down, the hot dusty streets still basking in the warmth of the summer day rushing to be at the location where she had been told to meet him.She believed her date would not wait, so her heels clip clopped along the paving at a fair trot, his car stood at the kerbside, the door just open as she by now panting arrived beside the sleek 4x4. She leapt in throwing...
Translatet With GoolgeIt was Friday at had passed 1400 and looked forward to a pleasant evening with Randi. When the bell rang the doorbell. It was the record that came with the package. Waited no packages, but the visitors leveled and took the package into. I opened the box and there lay a patch. Walk in shower and wash well. There are several bags in the package, do not pack the up until you have been notified. Randi. I went in the shower, washed and shaved. Took me morning coat and went into...
This is a longer story than those I’ve written lately. It is not a love story, not an incest story, and not a gay story. Is it a story with a grain of truth in it? That is your call. For me, it is just a fantasy. Weekend at the lake I began loading the car with weekend essentials for a planned escape to the lake. I enjoy a trip there every three or four weekends just to unwind and be foolish for a couple days. My career is in college classrooms teaching college freshmen students their core...
Weekend Sissy Little Girl by SusieQ I looked at my reflection in the hallway mirror. My make up was immaculate, the pink glossy lipstick matched the subtle eyeshadow and the delicate rose blusher, a shade or two darker, flushed my cheeks, highlighting my ultra girly look. Of course the short blond bob wig with its floppy fringe and a white ribbon tied into a bow on top of my head helped. The short pale blue cotton dress I was wearing had a white Peter Pan collar and a fitted bodice...
Weekend Daughter By Pamela ([email protected]) My mother, may she rest in peace, was a very beautiful woman. She had done some modeling and been in some theater productions and even a couple of movies, but then she decided she wanted a quieter life. She met and married my dad and had me, Greg, a son. Unfortunately, my dad was a philanderer and when I was about 5 he left to never be heard from again. Though, many years later, I did receive a small inheritance from him after he...
I sleep on my side, not so well on my back, so it was natural that I was turned towards Rita or Claire the entire night. Rita had climbed into bed on my left, my wife Claire on my right, and they had stayed there all evening, sexy naked bookends for me. There was plenty of room for us, and I woke several times during the night to one or the other snuggling up against me, bare breasts and naked thighs pressed up against my body. Sometimes it was both of them, and I traded kisses with the one I...
I read on my Graduation Card. I looked up and seen her eyes smileing at me it was kind of special to me. Ali was a very toned and shapely young ladie. She was as old as me but one year behind in school due to late birthday. she and i planed to go to community college and all of our friends were going north for school. It was rather disapoiting all my best buds gone for the school year but hopefully i will transfer there after 2 years but we will see? It was that time when everyone was...
Weekend Story - Part One Thursday night found us packing the cases ready for a very naughty weekend. It seemed to have taken forever to get here. We were now middle aged, without family responsibilities, free to do what we wanted and to please ourselves. Both still fit, good looking, me slim and blonde, Rob tall and dark and both with a hunger for plenty of good adventurous sex. Rob came into the bedroom and looked at the piles of my sexy clothes next to the suitcase. "We're only taking one...
Wife LoversI listened half-attentively as Sarah answered the ringing phone, Weekend of Surprises, Part 1 ? Bob Aganoush Note:? If you?re looking for wall-to-wall sex, this story isn?t for you.? There?s quite a bit of sex, but also at least a modicum of plot and character development.? So you need to have some patience to enjoy this story. ?Wow, how are you?? I haven?t talked to you in what, about three years?? Where?? When?? Absolutely, we?re not doing anything, we?d love to see you!? Okay, give...
"Thank you for meeting me, Bryce." "What do you want, Patrice?" He was always sharp with me. Always mean and nasty. It was because I was ugly, I know. My hair was short and wiry and steel gray since I was 23. I had no figure. I was tall but pear-shaped. My butt was too wide, my chest too flat. My teeth were my only good point — white, straight, perfect thanks to years of braces. But my nose was crooked and my eyes were set too close together and noticeably uneven. Still, I was...
It is coming up to Easter weekend and I suggest a weekend in London . “Let’ s see what sexy fun we can have” I say. I book a hotel in central London for the Friday and Saturday. You pack your suitcases for the weekend but I am waiting for a chance to do a little unpacking. While you have a bath I open your suitcases and remove all your underwear, pants and long dresses. I only leave you with 3 miniskirts, 1 see through blouse, 2 low cut tops and a few pairs of stockings and suspenders. I...
My phone starts to go off, a text message. I was expecting a girl I was talking to who worked in the building I work in to call back. We had a delightful lunch the other day, exchanged numbers, so naturally, I thought it would be her. Looking at the sender “Dani” it said. “Hi Mike! You busy?”. It read. “Hi Dani. What’s up?” I replied. “I applied to UM and wanted to see if I can take you up on that offer to show me around the town and campus.” “Sure, when you want to come down.”...
A WEEKEND GETAWAY Caroline Kingsley It was anything but another dull, boring, routine Tuesday at work. The phones were ringing off the hook but that was to be expected in a company of this size. I was usually in charge of filing, routing phone calls, general correspondence and mail. However this week I was working as a personal assistant to Robert, the head CEO of the company. His regular assistant was off for the week and somehow I was lucky enough to be asked to fill in. Well I’m not sure if...
WEEKEND TO REMEMBER Holly When I arrived home, the first thing that came to mind was how quiet it was. There were no sounds of playing kids, a rarity in our house. As I put away my briefcase and changed my cloths, my wife entered. I asked her where the kids were and she indicated that they were staying with friends so that we could have an 'adult' weekend. It had been a long time and I nearly came then and there. She handed me a drink and the strong liquor scent made me aware...
It is coming up to Easter weekend and I suggest a weekend in London . “Let' s see what sexy fun we can have” I say. I book a hotel in central London for the Friday and Saturday. You pack your suitcases for the weekend but I am waiting for a chance to do a little unpacking. While you have a bath I open your suitcases and remove all your underwear, pants and long dresses. I only leave you with 3 miniskirts, 1 see through blouse, 2 low cut tops and a few pairs of stockings and suspenders. I...
A WEEKEND GETAWAY Caroline Kingsley It was anything but another dull, boring, routine Tuesday at work. The phones were ringing off the hook but that was to be expected in a company of this size. I was usually in charge of filing, routing phone calls, general correspondence and mail. However this week I was working as a personal assistant to Robert, the head CEO of the company. His regular assistant was off for the week and somehow I was lucky enough to be asked to fill in. Well I’m not sure if...
BDSMWeekend At The Cabin I could not get the thought out of my mind that she was theone to put this into motion. I always tried to keep the relationship a friendlyprofessional one between the two of us. Jodi, a 26 year old very nicely built blonde, has worked for me as my administrativeassistant for the past 5 years. She has been an asset to me at this large firm.She is very good keeping things in order for me. All I have to do is pass hera note and forget about that task, knowing that Jodi will...
On Monday I was faced with the age old dilemma: what to wear. I no longer felt like wearing the usual jeans and a top. I wanted to dress up a little, though not too much. Denim mini? Maybe. Or I could wear nicer slacks; no, too dressy. And then, in the back of my closet, I saw it. A full skirt, just more than knee-length, certainly modest, certainly flirty in an itty-bitty way, and it probably still fit. There's something light and airy about wearing a full skirt. Pencil skirts and most...
Hi, indian sex stories dot net Friends, I am back with another story of mine. A small background about me, this is Raj 33 from Bangalore 5’11”. You can reach me and share your feedback at This incident happened very recently. I am a normal looking Tamil guy working in Bangalore. I stay in one of the premium apartment in South Bangalore and I stay with few of my friends. This story is about my encounter with the neighbor lady Padma. She must be into her late 30s or early 40s, as like most of...
My wife Claire had a very active sex life in college. Of course, it was pretty active afterwards, but only with me, so far as I knew. Friends of hers still corresponded with her, which is to say sent (and received) sexts, pictures, and some live feeds. Sometimes I caught her online, naked or nearly so, with hands on her body, stroking her pussy, and watching someone else, not always male, doing the same for her pleasure. “Caught” isn’t quite right; I knew she could have done this while I was at...
"Danni, can you get tomorrow off if I write a note for you to take to the school?" Mum asked. "Aunt Jenny has just rung to say the friend staying with her at her Lake District hotel has had to go home, so she wondered if you would like to take her place for Friday and Saturday nights. I can take you over to the hotel, then she will bring you back on Sunday afternoon. I'll meet you after school if you like, and we can look for some nice clothes for you to wear - it sounds a really...
The long day was finally over and it was Friday. The entireweek was a tough one and I was glad that I could finally just relax at home and do nothing. That is, if my children didn’t demand too much of my attention. My kids were fifteen and eleven years old and usually a real joy to be around. Today, though, I just wanted to veg. “Bye, Frank.” Wearily I waved to the night security guard as I walked through the lobby area. “’Night, Natalie. Any exciting plans for this weekend?” “Yes. Nothing,”...
Group SexNaturally their oldest daughter thought she should have been able to stay at the house by herself, but her parents told her they wanted her to help watch her siblings so it wouldn't be so hard on her grandparents. Just like my my siblings and I, there was an age gap between my oldest niece and her youngest brother, as he was an unplanned souvenir after a family friend's wedding a few years back. The next part is the same worn out story about an uncle not having much contact with his niece...
Copyright© "You will be away at the weekend, won't you?" there was silence, "Stanley I'm talking to you." she aimed the question at the plume of cigar smoke rising from behind the newspaper. At the other side of the Victorian drawing room a voice answered, "I will be seeing Lord Sandale on Thursday before we travel to his estate for formal discussions about the India fleet, why?" She busied herself with her embroidery, "Well Jane is staying at the school over this weekend, some...
(This happened last weekend, never thought of sharing it)It was going to be one of those weekends again. My mom would go out of town while leaving me with a friend of hers. I am 18 years old and don’t need a sitter but mother insists. But what I didn’t know that this weekend was going to be the best ever.So my mom’s friend, Ms. Bertha, she isn’t ugly nor is she is pretty. She’s practically average. So I arrive at her house on Friday after school only to find out that she also had to go on a...
Hi ISS Friends ..This is Jai, M 28 from Mumbai with my real life story. Am married for 2 years and have a good gym toned body with 5’11” height and an athletic built and fair complexion. My wife Reema is 26 and a beautiful lady with perfect curves at the right places, she is 5’6″ tall with 36C-30-36 body, we both are punjabis settled in Mumbai. The event that am sharing with you happened 2 months back on a weekend on a Friday evening after returning from office at just after 7 pm. I was...