Prisoner s Dilemma Nor Hell a Fury Like a Woman Scorned
- 4 years ago
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One hell of a find
Synopsis :
A meeting on the web develops into something as arousing as it is challenging for
The following chapters are fictional and only partly based on personal
experience and knowledge. They describe sexual situations and activities which,
whether to be engaged in or to be read, are restricted to persons who are legally of
age under the laws of their respective countries. If you are not of age or if you think you
might find them distasteful or otherwise offensive, please do not read them. If you do,
the author is explicitly not to be held responsible for any ensuing illegalities and/or hurt
The author thinks that the feelings and emotions contained in these stories are
to be shared among adults interested in their general theme : BDSM. He has thence
chosen to publish them for free reading on a website that caters for such persons. To
access it, you are supposed to be of age and interested in this subject. Those who are
not one or the other (and even less both) have nothing to do on such a site in the first
These stories' copyright remains the author's sole and exclusive property.
One hell of a find
Chapter 1 : Wenchday?
On the web you find about everything, from the worst to the best. I'm going to
tell you about a find I made there.
I met this woman on a chatbox, where she'd reacted to my rather provocative
presentation form without beating around the bush : "Lick me." After a few pretty hot
dialogues we exchanged a certain number of phone-calls, which turned into
telephonic orgies during which I heard her come from caressing herself. We ended up
thinking it was time to meet for real. When she came to spend a week and a half with
me, she turned out to be one hell of a find?
She arrived by train late in the afternoon on a Wednesday (or wenchday?). I
took her up the cable car to the town's esplanade with its beautiful views of the
mountains and the landscape between the two before going to my place. An
exchange, a mutual complicity established itself between us. One we got to my place,
I introduced her to my animals and showed her around the place, then entered. I took
off my shoes and socks to be barefoot as usual, and she followed suit.
I served her a drink and started cooking dinner. Lifting my eyes from the cooker
and coming back to cut some vegetables, I saw her with her elbows on the kitchen
counter, having opened a few of her shirt's buttons to afford me a view of this
"d?collet?" worthy of the Grand Canyon. "To whet your appetite", she said. Hard to
keep one's eyes on the vegetables and, whilst eating, on one's plate?
By the end of the meal, an almost electrical tension formed between us. I
stared at her over coffee and she blushed. She got up and said "Now I'm yours." I took
her hand and led her to the couch, where I sat down with her standing in front of me.
"Undress, but keep your knickers on." She unveiled the body I had so often tried to
imagine during our virtual exchanges and phone calls. I held out my hands, she put
hers in them and I drew her towards me, between my knees. Her odour folded out
around me.
"During our first enconter un the web you told me to lick you. I will." But first I
stretched her on the couch over my knees, on her belly, one hand under her tits and
the other sliding over her back, beautifully exposed arse and legs. I felt her tremble.
"I've got a surprise for you. Will you let me go ahead?"
"Oh yes, do what you want with me."
From under one of the cushions I took out the bracelets I had hidden there and put
them on her wrists. The snap hook closed behind her back with a click that made her
shiver again. I started stroking her again, gradually concentrating on the insides of her
I made her sit up and clicked the bracelets together in front of her before
stretching her on her back. With a chain I tied her hands to an armrest above her head.
I kneeled in front of the couch and caressed her again, exploring her tits, her belly and
the front of her legs. Once she was well aroused, I took out a pair of ankle bands and
put them on her. I tied one leg over the couch's back and the other to a front leg to
spread her. Having stroked the insides of her thighs for a while, I now ran my lips over
them, mounting slowly towards their junction. When at last I touched her snatch through
the knickers, she yelped.
I kept rubbing my lips and nibbling the now moist fabric until I heard her come
as I had over the phone.
"Take me please."
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Chapter 1
"Later, not just yet."
I had her wait for a moment, undressing slowly in front of her arousal-clouded eyes. I
placed myself over her, a knee on the couch and a foot on the floor, and put my cock
in her mouth. Whilst she sucked hungrily on it, I put a hand behind me to touch her cunt
again. It didn't take me long to come into her mouth.
"You see, I'll take you with my second hard-on, which will last longer."
I filled our glasses. Tilting her head up, I had her drink a bit, then sat down with
my glass in front of the couch. Whilst sipping my drink, I caressed her all over her body
to ready her for what was to follow. When I got up, her eyes locked in delight onto my
re-stiffened cock. I went to the kitchen counter and came back with a knife in my
hand, seeing the blend of arousal and apprehension in her eyes. I bent over her and
cut the knickers off her trembling body.
Having put the knife down, I kneeled between her legs and lowered my cock
to meet her cunt lips and slip between them, making it turn with my hand. When our
mutual arousal had reached a level I deemed sufficient, I hilted this welcoming orifice
in a single stroke. She uttered a stifled cry and I a delighted sigh?
When we had thus shared our pleasure, I untied her.
"Do you want me to take off the bracelets and ankle bands?
"No, I want to feel delivered up to your goodwill."
"Hehehe? how do you know my will is that good?"
"I trust you."
Staying naked, we finished our glasses.
"When you were stretched across my knees, what did you think of?"
"Above all, with my arse exposed like that and my hands tied, I wouldn't have been
surprised to receive a spanking."
"Would you have liked one?"
"I think so, but I haven't been spanked since I was a little girl and, well, let's say, not in
the same context.", she said with a smile.
"Anyway, you still had your knickers on and I prefer spanking fully bare buttocks."
A great smile : "They are now."
In spite of this overt invitation, she was surprised at he speed with which I grabbed her,
stretched her over my knees again and locked her hands behind her back. This time, it
was her ankles that I tied to an armrest.
This first spanking was light, just enough to colour her arse a pretty pink. The aim
was not to hurt, but to produce mutual arousal and highlight the fact that is was up to
me to decide what to do with her. When it was over, I turned her on her side, back to
me, to more easily grope her tits. When I found her sufficiently aroused, I plunged my
hand between her thighs to make her come again.
"Free my feet from the armrest and put me on the floor on my knees please."
She came forward on her knees and with her hand still tied behind her back, did me a
delicious blowjob. Rather than to let her carry on to the end, I got up, put her torso on
the couch and fucked her slowly, languorously.
Needless to say that these events had well prepared us for a night of deep
sleep, locked tightly together.
To be continued
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Chapter 1
One hell of a find
Chapter 2 : Waking up to the sound of a strumpet
After the rather hot start of our first encounter, we slept like logs. I woke up first,
early in the morning. I watched her sleep in my arms, with a very relaxed expression on
her face. What joy to inhale her odour, to listen to and feel the rhythm of her breath. It
was a beautiful morning in late summer. Through the open window surrounded by
Virginia creeper I heard the sound of the ears of one of my dogs who shook her head
and the soft 'crrrt crrrt" of my chickens in the yard.
After a while, I couldn't help starting to roll her nipples in my fingers. She sighed,
but didn't wake up. I slowly withdrew my arm that was under her and took the chain
fixed to the middle of my bed's head. She hadn't wanted me to take off her bracelets
nor her ankle bands when we went to bed and I decided to give her a surprise. I
attached her bracelets to the chain and slipped my arm back under her to pull her
back against my torso and caress her tits. The other hand, after having pulled her arse
against my belly, slid over all the length of her body it could attain.
Suspended between sleeping and awakening, she started moaning. I lifted up
her right leg and slipped my cock into her. I stayed there without moving, continuing
my caresses. Slowly, her breathing changed to that of someone awake and at long
last, with a deep sigh, she woke up. She turned her head to treat me to a tender look
and a big smile. "Good morning you ; some get up early I see."
Her breath grew faster when, still without moving inside her, I started fingering
her cunt whilst the other kept rummaging with her tits. Then, slowly, I started sliding back
and forth inside her. When her climax made her cunt grip my cock, I came too. I stayed
inside her as long as I could to taste as much as I could of this shared warmth.
When I withdrew, I got up on one elbow to kiss her on the mouth, in the neck
and on the breasts, whilst my right hand continued caressing her torso and legs.
"I'm going to tend the animals and prepare breakfast. You'll stay here, tied as you are,
my little strumpet who likes to be fucked."
"Yes, I am just that ; I'm your whore, your strumpet and leaving me bound is a good
I pulled the blanket over her and kissed her again before getting up, not
forgetting to nibble her nipples along the way. I slipped on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt
and went to look after my animals after having put the kettle on for tea.
When I came back into the bedroom with the breakfast tray, I expected to find
her back asleep. But no. She had got up on her elbows and knees, presenting me her
south face. When she heard me enter, she turned her head. "My turn to give you a
surprise." No less?
I fixed her ankle bands to the chains on the side of the bed to spread her legs,
leaving her hands attached to the bed's head. I knelt beside her, on hand seizing her
tits, the other pushing two fingers into her cunt, still wet with my come. Having caressed
her thus, I took up position between her knees and fucked her forcibly. As of the first few
strokes, she uttered little cries, which soon grew stronger. She came just after me, her
cunt's muscles milking all I had to give.
After having breakfasted in bed talking, I said "I've got another little surprise.
Come with me."
Downstairs, in the living-room, I opened a drawer under my handicrafts table and took
out the fine brass chains that our phone-calls had given me the idea to prepare.
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Chapter 2
Having taken off her bracelets and ankle bands, I fixed them around her wrists and
ankles with rings.
"You're going to keep them during your stay here, for me to be able to tie you at any
moment with a click of a snap hook. That's more practical than wearing bracelets and
ankle bands."
She treated me to a big smile and an equally big sigh. Time for a shower. In the cabin, I
turned her back to me and put my arms around her to caress her body under the warm
I'm going to wash you entirely." A snap hook she hadn't seen fixed her hands behind her
back. I washed her hair and soaped her body, rubbing strongly, whilst her tied hands
fondled my cock. I turned her to face me for her to see me soap myself. Shower in
hand, I rinsed her off completely, letting the hot water linger at strategic places, then
rinsed myself off as well. She turned around, bent forward slightly, got up the step and
impaled herself on me with remarkable adroitness. I came too fast, but she came under
the caresses I gave her whilst lasciviously drying her off.
Nothing like the sound and the feeling of an adorable little strumpet to start a
To be continued
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Chapter 2
One hell of a find
Chapter 3 : Appetizers
After our shower, I dressed lightly for this beautiful late summer day to get
behind my desk, having shown her where she could put her clothes rather than to
leave them in her bag.
Whilst working, I heard her walk over my head and had trouble concentrating
on work, imagining her getting dressed. However, I ended up plunging into the report I
was writing and didn't hear her come down the stairs. Yet when the door opened, my
concentration changed directions?
She came in dressed in a big smile, but otherwise only in a long cotton skirt
made of Indonesian batik. There's hardly anything to beat a woman being as naked as
she's dressed in a long skirt but bare-chested. She approached and when I swivelled my
desk chair she slipped between my legs, her tits just at the height of my face. I put my
hands on her waist, thanked her for this pleasant surprise and kissed her nipples.
"This will be my usual dress-code in the house and in the hidden part of the
garden whilst I'm here. But you have something else to discover. Slide your hands over
my pelvis." Through the fine cotton I felt she wore no knickers. I kept caressing her for a
moment to tilt my face up and see her conspiring smile. "Like that you can take me at
any moment, with no hindrance", she said, and added "Anyway, you'd hardly have
kept cutting all my knickers off pair by pair until there were none left."
"At any moment? Do you take me for a tireless stud?"
"Perhaps not quite tireless, but I've noticed you have a certain standing power (she
smiled at the allusion) and that you get back up fast (another smile), and I'm counting
on taking advantage of it. After all, we have only a week and a half and we'll have to
make the most of it."
I got up, took her in my arms and kissed her languorously. She broke out of the
embrace to turn around and put her back against me. With me clad in a pair of thin
shorts and her in this skirt, the contact was even more electric than the previous day
when we both wore trousers, so I started getting hard again.
"Have you got a snap hook in your pocket?"
"Yes, of course."
"Then tie me up and take me."
I linked the chains on her wrists around the top part of the uprights of the set of
shelves separating the office part of my living room from the sitting-room part and
started groping her tits and pinching her nipples.
"Take me."
"Not right away. Anyway, as you're tied, you can't but let me do as I please."
"That's just what I love, being delivered up to your every wish and to the pleasure I get
from it. No choice but to comply and receive."
I chose to make her come just by caressing her tits. This took quite some time
and waiting for her orgasm was even more arduous for her than for me. I felt
perspiration flow between her breasts and saw the birth of drops between her shoulder
blades. When she came in a lengthy sigh that made her thighs quiver, I started kissing
her neck, her shoulders and her back and finally kneeled behind her. I undid her skirt,
which drifted down like a pool around her feet. My fingers were at the rim of her cunt,
without touching it for all that. She now shivered all over.
When I got up, she turned her head to see me open my shorts and take out my
hard-on. I spread her legs and entered her in a single upward stroke. Then I stopped
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Chapter 3
moving, for I didn't want to come too fast. I put my hands back on her boobs. The sum
total of her quivering and the movements of her pelvis around me overcame me pretty
fast, however, and we force-breathed our way through a shared orgasm.
I untied her hands. What a show to see her bend over to pick up her skirt and lift
it around her waist. She turned to me whilst closing it and said :
"Somehow this isn't right. I came twice and you only once."
"Not to worry, I never stopped coming in my mind."
"Yeah well, but anyhow, put some coffee on and we'll see about that."
With the Italian coffee-maker on the cooker, she told me to sit down. I picked
up a book and sat in the sun behind the house. She came back bearing the tray with
the coffee. We drank the hot brewage slowly whilst talking about the walks I planned to
take her on to get her acquainted with the mountains one sees from my garden. When
we'd finished the coffee, we kept talking for some time, over a map I'd got from my
desk. Then all of a sudden she said "I'm going to keep my promise. Lay back in the
She knelt beside me and started caressing my chest very lightly with her fingers,
her tits swinging subtly with her movements. Little by little, she got to my belly and to the
edge of my shorts. She pulled them down, revealing the renaissance of a certain
shape. I said "You see, it's not me who am tireless, but you who know how to put me
back into shape." She thanked me with another of her devastating smiles and kept up
her light caresses around my cock and over my legs.
I was my turn to shiver with pleasure and anticipation when her hands moved
up my legs. She took my cock into her hand and butterflied over my balls until my
breathing became jerky. The she bent over me and slid her tongue all over my cock
whilst keeping it in her hand, still as lightly though firmly. All over it, yes, but not on the
glans. When she touched it at last, I was just one step from coming. She turned her
head to me and stopped caressing me for a moment
She moved to kneel between my legs, keeping them well spread. The contrast
between the freshness of the grass beneath me and the heat of her mouth made my
pleasure soar. When at long last she let me come, I felt as if I was spouting up all the soil
underneath me in her mouth.
"Now go to work a bit. I'll see about lunch and until then just think I'm near,
sunning myself as well-dressed as Eve."
This time I had no trouble concentrating on my work. Rather the contrary :
knowing that this woman, so moving in her sensuality, was there and that I was going to
have the pleasure to lunch with her inspired me more than anything else. That this was
going to be a pleasure not only because of her company but also because of the meal
itself was soon revealed by the odours. Talk about appetizers?
To be continued
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Chapter 3
One hell of a find
Chapter 4 : The more you get?
Needless to say that my appetite, which is always considerable, was even more
so with the morning's energy expenditure. We lunched in the garden, discretely behind
the hedge and in the shade of a tree. Notwithstanding my appetite it wasn't easy to
keep my eyes on the food with the show of her smile and bare tits opposite me, and
even less so when she got up to get the next course, with the undulations of her hips
and back.
We continued the conversation we started during dinner the previous evening
to get to know each other better, for this had been somewhat interrupted by other
ways of getting familiar. I appreciated her sense of humour, her positive attitude
towards life and her lucid views on human relationships. She appreciated my
personality, which is far from being commonplace, moulded as it is by the diversified
and indeed somewhat unusual way I've moved through my personal, professional and
cultural life. We were both conscious that we were falling in love with each other at a
rate that surprised us.
As Han Suyin has written "to make love is to speak love". Of course one can
share physical pleasure without any other sentimental attachment than what one
might call sensual friendship. But both of us were unable to make love without the
feeling of love, even though the latter can be very fleeting and ephemeral. I've always
been my lovers' friend and have mostly stayed so when physical relationships stopped,
be it by mutual consent or by one-sided decision. It also matters to me to make the
other smile, to make her feel well, playing music for her, taking her for walks or giving
her a massage without necessarily carrying on into sex.
She perceived that these were no empty words from me, but that it was indeed
the way I was, and this intensified her smile.
For dessert, I proposed her to have some ice cream. She agreed and said
"Don't move, I'll get it." She came back with two bowls of mint ice cream. I told her to
eat hers, that I'd eat mine afterwards.
"But I'll melt."
"Not quite. I prefer to let it soften a bit."
She ate her ice cream and I loved seeing her lick her lips lascivously. When
she'd finished it, I told her to remove her skirt, the only garment she wore, and to lie on
her back on the lawn. I got up, approached with my bowl of ice cream, and smeared
some on her tits. Her shiver was a blend of the feeling of cold and anticipation. I took
my time to spread it over the entire surface area of her tits, with small mounds on her
nipples. After she'd sucked my fingers clean, I licked this fresh layer, ending with the
I repeated this over all the upper part of her body, taking care to stick my
tongue well into her belly button to clean it as best I could. Then came the nether part
of the belly and the tops of her thighs. Her trembling grew stronger and her breathing
When at long last I got to her snatch, I not only covered its surface, but also
smeared a fair portion inside. As the mucous membranes of the sex are permeable to
menthol, this gave her a mixed feeling of cold and heat that had the time to spread
before I cleaned the inside. Adding the heat of my tongue, this made her shudder
even more and start to pant.
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Chapter 4
When she was about to come, she asked me to stop and stretch on my back.
She took my shorts off, wiped her finger through the bowl, stripped my foreskin back
and smeared some of the ice cream on my glans. She straddled me and impaled
herself on me, placing her hands on my chest. After a moment of immobility, she
started to move her pelvis. Yet a bit later I started responding, my hands fumbling with
er tits. Her orgasm set mine off and she fell down on me.
Having stayed motionless like that for some time, soldered together at this
junction, we got up and drank our coffee staying naked, without speaking and almost
without ceasing to look into each other's eyes. Finally I got up, put out my hand and
took her to the shower, this time without using soap, but rubbing her skin under
lukewarm water to rinse off the sticky remains of the ice cream, also inside her pussy. As
we had abundantly perspired during our exchange, no part of her body escaped my
When she was clean, she did the same thing for me, ending with my cock. In
order to clean it well and neglect no part of it, she made it harden and rubbed it
energetically with both bands before kneeling to finish off the cleaning with her mouth.
This treatment ended up requiring a second cleaning?
In French they say "L'app?tit vient en mangeant", which would translate literally
as "Appetite comes with eating", so "The more you get the more you want". I could
hardly expect to get more than
her, but I certainly wanted more of
To be continued
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Chapter 4
One hell of a find
Chapter 5 : A walk
Stepping out of the shower, I decided to leave the work I had planned to do for
the next day. "In for a walk?" No refusal.
She put on a pair of shorts with a top that showed off her shoulders, with the
additional asset that she didn't wear a bra underneath it. We were off into the foothills
behind my house. I wanted to see what shape she was in before I took her into the
mountains, in order to choose the walks we would be able to take. Whilst explaining the
landscape to her, I therefore set a rather fast pace during the first climb. No problem,
she followed suit.
Her rucksack's straps pulled her tops tight over her tits and as it was warm,
perspiration soon made her nipples show through the fabric. Walking beside her, my
appreciative looks did not go unnoticed. I must say that what with this and the play of
her leg muscles, there was no lack of landscape to appreciate?
To signal this appreciation, I put a hand at the spot where the back ceases to
be called back. On this, her walking became more random and her breathing
Just below the crest, I took a path that is very little frequented, leading into a
dense forest, telling her we'd be undisturbed there. After a few dozen meters, she
stopped, undid her shorts, slipped them off over her shoes and, saying nothing, started
walking again. Needless to say that my hand found it's lodging again? When we got to
a little clearing, I stopped and took her by the arm to turn her around to face me and
slip my hand into the well-developed moisture between her thighs.
Still without saying a word, we stayed like that for a while. Then I fished a string
from my pocket, tied her wrists to her rucksack's hip belt so she could caress herself, told
her to do so and took two steps backwards to watch her. Her eyes were riveted on the
bulge in my shorts, partly covered by my hands, as I had stuck my thumbs in my own
pack's hip belt. When I felt she was close to coming, I put a hand between her legs
again and pronounced her ready.
I had her kneel and pushed her chest down into the grass, her hands still tied
into the heat of her vaginal furnace. She moaned when she heard the click of my belt
buckle behind her. Having pulled it out of my shorts, I lashed her buttocks with it, varying
the time between strokes to keep her from being able to predict them, spacing them to
make her wait. When she heard me open my zipper and take my shorts off, she
begged me to take her. Rather than doing so, I lashed her buttocks again, at a faster
rate this time.
When she was about to come, I knelt behind her and impaled her in one stroke.
Her orgasmic spasms soon got the better of me.
Once we got over our emotions, we started walking again, the lower halves of
our bodies still bare, still without talking. I signed to her to refrain from saying a word and
took her to a little vale where I knew a fox den. When we got to the opposite slope, we
picked our way through the last few bushes as silently as we could and lay down to
watch. About 50 meters away, the fox cubs were sleeping in the sun with their mother
watching over them. About a quarter of an hour later, their father stepped out of the
shrub with a pheasant in his jaws. Instant awakening of the cubs, who launched
themselves onto this meal, bickering over the best parts. The she-fox put her partner's
arrival to profit to go hunting.
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Chapter 5
After the feast, the cubs licked their bloodied chops and started playing,
pursuing each other around the den. Missed turns, rolling over before getting back to
their feet and taking off again, all the show elements were there. A dog's bark put an
end to that : the father rounded them up in the den and took up a watch, in which his
partner soon joined him.
We crawled back cautiously in order to avoid adding to their unrest. Once we
were far enough away, I explained that I'd been watching this den for months and that
she'd arrived at the right moment to profit from it. "And now I'm going to keep profiting
from you." We watched each other's crotches, decorated with leaves and other things
that stuck to our skins rendered sticky by our pleasure juices.
Taking her by the hand, I led her to a sunny place with a natural bath in the
nearby stream. Standing behind her, I took her rucksack off and slipped my hands
under her top to grope her tits. Her hands passed behind her back to fell my growing
hard-on. Once I'd taken her top off and kissed her nipples, I took off my T-shirt and both
off us got out of our shoes and socks. In the water, we got busy joining pleasure and
usefulness : washing caresses.
Once washed, we lay back in the shallow water. Her breasts floating in the
water, her nipples hugged it's surface. Her hand found my cock, mine her pussy. The
contrast between the water's freshness and the warmth of our mutual caresses
heightened our pleasure.
After a while she got on all fours, with her head on the bank, her arse just above
the water. I took her, the waves engendered by my strokes lapping our thighs.
On fire in the water?
To be continued
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Chapter 5
One hell of a find
Chapter 6 : The old ash grove
Coming back home from our walk, I put the kettle on to make some tea whilst
going to have a shower, for after our bath the walk back in the warm weather had
made us sweat again. She went to have one after me and came back down for us to
have tea together on the lawn, dressed as she had said she would be during her stay
with me : a long skirt, bare-chested. I told her to bend over for me to check whether
she was knickerless beneath this skirt. She complied with a smile. She was indeed, and
the freshness of her washing contrasted deliciously with the birth of a promising wetness.
Talking over our bowls of tea, she said she had loved this firmness in my telling
her to let herself be checked. My sole reply was that the immediate state of her pussy
had told me as much. She blushed, which inspired me to ask her which pair of cheeks
she preferred to be this colour. "Both."
She carried on, saying that until now she had had a few BDSM relationships
which had remained soft in the sense that they had only involved bondage. " Your
spanking me the first evening and now your firmness in telling me to bend over for
inspection sort of tells me we could go beyond that." Indeed, in our chats previous to
her coming we had agreed that our first encounter was to be decisive as to whether
we were going to go further.
"Your strapping with your belt this afternoon merely made my arse redden. I
know you told me that inflicting pain is not something that gets you off. However, I think
that my delivering myself up to you does."
She stopped for a moment and smiled as she saw a rising bulge in my shorts.
"I've never been into pain either, but wearing your marks would be an honour to me."
I told her to go and put on a T-shirt. When she came back I took her by the
hand and took her over to an ash bush in the garden. I selected a branch that was slim
enough to be supple, took my trimming shears from my pocket and cut it to length. Still
saying nothing, I took her and it to my workshop, trimmed off the side branches and
polished it with sandpaper, then swiped it in the air to hear it whistle.
"Tomorrow we'll go to town to buy rattan, which stays supple even when dry,
but for now this will do." I pushed some tools aside to make room on the workbench.
"Bend over and lift your skirt." I had the ash branch whistle past her buttocks a few time,
then tapped them lightly, just to build up her anticipation.
She whimpered as the first stroke landed across both her buttocks. I waited for
the impact line to show up nicely, then drew a finger along it before dealing her a
second one just below it.
"Get up and follow me." I took her to the bedroom and told her to lift her skirt and look
at the marks in the mirror.
"Personally I think we should do better. What do you think?"
"I'm in your hands now, and I'm willing to bear the marks you choose to inflict on me."
"Then bend over the bed and hitch up your skirt again."
I struck harder, just below the first two stripes, then moved down over her
buttocks and thighs with a total of 12 strokes, which yielded nice welts.
"Get up, take off your T-shirt and put your hands on your head."
I swiped the wand on her tits 6 times, then lifted each one up by the nipple in turn to
deal 3 more apiece on their nether faces.
"Don't move."
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Chapter 6
I went to get my digital camera and took detailed pictures of her striped tits, then told
her to bend over again to take some of her arse and thighs as well.
"Take your skirt off and follow me."
I had her sit down bare-arsed behind my computer to upload the photos, no light job
with the prickly fabric of my desk chair pushing into her welts.
"Whilst you're at it, you're going to do some research into canes and caning as well", I
said. "I'll go and tend the animals and see what you found when I get back."
When I returned, she was wriggling on the chair and her reading had reddened
her face as well. I served us a drink and let her read until she came and joined me, the
delight of her approach heightened by the stripes on her tits.
"Turn around and show me your arse. Hmmm, the stripes seem to hold well. Approach
and bend over."
She gasped in surprise at the coolness of the Arnica salve I rubbed into the welts on her
buttocks and thighs. I had her turn around and kneel to treat those on her tits as well.
"Well, what did your reading teach you about canes and caning?"
"The most used material is rattan, because it stays supple even when dry, contrary to
bamboo. Thin canes "bite" more, thicker ones, up to 2 or 3 cm in diameter, have more
impact. When hitting at the junction of buttocks and thighs with a thick cane, the
vibrations carry on into the genitals, so that sometimes the "victim" comes under the
strokes. Some use synthetic canes, which are heavier."
"Had you ever been caned before?"
"Not until you honoured me with your ash wand."
"Seeing you blush behind the computer has made me think you are not opposed to
experimenting with canes."
An acquiescing nod.
"Tomorrow we'll go to town and buy some rattan of different diameters. With the balm,
today's marks should subside enough in the course of the day for you to receive a first
real caning when we come back. After all, this was just a trial run."
Her look told me that she was both apprehensively and appreciatively aroused
by the firmness of my behaviour.
I stood up.
"Before I cook dinner, kneel before me."
I had her take my shorts down to free my hard-on from it's restraint, then sat down
again. She sucked me off deliciously.
Having had the splendid view of her striped tits during dinner, I pushed the
plates aside and had her bend over the table to take her. Before going to bed, I
rubbed more balm into her stripes, then put the bracelets on her and tied her to the
bed's headboard to sleep.
Time for questions was over. She was now wholly mine and to ask her opinion
would have been an error. Up to me, as from here, to know what to decide and do to
keep her submissiveness satisfied.
To be continued
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Chapter 6
One hell of a find
Chapter 7 : Not many a slip?
Waking up in the morning, I found her on her side, with her hands of course still
tied to the bed board. I stroked her caned buttocks and thighs, a sure way to wake her
up. She moaned languorously and lifted up her right thigh for me to take her. She was
getting used to this "first aid" in the morning. I slipped into her and grasped a striped tit
to fuck her vigorously. After coming, I stayed inside her as long as possible, then
released her.
She turned to me with a smile :
"I never felt this contrast between lingering pain from yesterday's caning and delight
from your taking me, but it's particularly arousing." Before breakfast, we showered and I
rubbed another helping of Arnica salve into her stripes, which were only barely visible
When we'd finished our breakfast, during which she was in her "uniform" of long
skirt only, I told her to slip on a T-shirt that moulded her tits nicely, but nothing else, to go
into town. As her handbag was rucksack-style, this would show them off even more
The first time I was looking for rattan I went to a disguise shop, hoping to find a
Charley Chaplin-style cane. These, however, were all made of bamboo. Rattan canes
in online shops proved to be at exorbitant prices. Finally a furniture shop directed me to
a small rattan workshop they worked with, which created and repaired rattan furniture.
When I got there, the boss and I recognised each other : we'd met in a local BDSM
club, so my wanting to buy just two or three lengths didn't surprise him. He'd supplied
the collection for the club?
She, however, didn't know this and our conspiratory smirk and friendly greetings
surprised her. I introduced the two and he started right away asking her whether she
had any previous experience with rattan. She blushed and answered no. Turning to me
again, he said :
"So I suppose you want a sample of different diameters for her to, let's say taste?"
"I only used a fresh ash wand on her yesterday afternoon, so yes."
Turning to her :
"Bend over and show him."
She gasped and reddened even more, but complied. This was what I had
expected : her submission was taking root.
"Hmmm, I see her marks disappear fast, unless you caned her lightly."
"Well, let's say moderately, but not too lightly."
"Good, that means you can start again fast."
"Show him your tits as well."
She did.
"Tell him what you read yesterday evening about canes and caning."
She resumed what she had told me.
"I know your master prefers natural materials, we've talked about that before. Would
you have an idea of the diameters he will need to teach you?"
We agreed upon 8 mm, thin enough to be nice and supple and stingy and the
only I was going to use on her tits, and 12 and 20 for her arse and thighs. Our matter-offactness
about all this clearly both surprised and aroused her. I bought a 2 m length of
each and lead her back to the car. Once inside it, I slipped my hand under her skirt to
find her snatch well-moistened.
One hell of a find page 14
Chapter 7
"What aroused you most, my telling you to show him your stripes or our matter-offactness?"
"Both, actually. And I must say that even though initially I was shocked to have to show
myself to him, I was proud to show off the marks you have given me."
In response, I kissed her tenderly.
"Clearly this isn't the first time you've used rattan canes nor the first time you went to buy
the material. How come you don't have any?"
I explained that a previous submissive had finally decided to chose domination as her
way of life and that as a farewell present I had given her the canes I had made for her.
"Not only those, actually. So we have some more shopping to do."
I drove across town to the shop of a cobbler, who had been a friend for years. I
explained to her that he was not into my BDSM activities and I preferred to keep it that
way. Not being privy to that info didn't keep him from casting her some very lewd
glances indeed? We left with an ample stock of long leather shoelaces.
Having done some sightseeing in town and along the way, we drove back
home and I took her into my workshop. First I cut the rattan into various convenient
lengths. Then I took out some plastic piping and string. I cut off a 25 cm length of the
former. The laces being attached by their ends by the number of ten, I rolled the end of
a batch and fed it into the tube until it came out on the other side. A half-hour later, a
whip with a 25 cm handle enrolled in more leather laces, with 10 strands of about 1 m in
length was ready.
I then made leather lace handles on the lengths of rattan as well. She watched
all this with interest mingled with apprehension and arousal.
"I prefer to have the things that are going to hit the skin of the woman I love look well
and be pleasant to take in hand."
She nodded.
"Now let's take care of your yesterday's marks once more and have another walk
before using these canes."
As she went to change for the walk, I rolled up the whip and slipped it into my
rucksack. I grinned when she came back down wearing a short skirt rather than shorts :
this was going to be practical for my intentions.
I took her up the slope again, then onto another quiet path that first wound
between hedged meadows and then carried on into former meadows abandoned for
some decades and colonised principally by hazel and sweet chestnuts, with an
occasional horse chestnut. The oldest of the latter must have been there well before
the pastures were abandoned and sired the younger ones. It was an impressive tree,
clearly grown up in the open field, with a low, thick trunk and massive, horizontal
branches. I was on the top of a round hillock and as it's shade had kept other trees and
shrubs from developing underneath it, this was the sole place in the otherwise thick
woods that offered an all-round view.
I took out our picnic and a chilled bottle of dry Juran?on, a local white wine,
whose sweet counterpart is said to have served, with some garlic, to baptise Henri IV,
first king of all France. This baptism (and perhaps later recourse to the same wine?) is
supposed to have been responsible for his legendary virility. The dry variety was
developed later. The better ones are very full-bodied wines, pretty good to
accompany the chicken sandwiches I'd brought, made with leftovers from last night's
dinner, "Poule au pot", a dish promoted by the same Henri to become a regional
tradition. My little historical explanation made her giggle and give me an expectant
One hell of a find page 15
Chapter 7
Having finished a glass or two first, I took a scarf from my rucksack and
blindfolded her with it. I tied her wrists with a length of rope, threw it over a branch and
pulled her up on her feet, arms stretched above her head, before tying it off.
When I slipped my hand under her skirt, she responded by spreading her legs a
best she could. Her pussy was even moister than when I checked it in the car. I rolled
her skirt up around her waist, took out the new whip and stepped backwards. She
whimpered in surprise when a back-handed stroke had the ends of the laces flick her
buttocks. Various different strokes followed to cover the entire area of her arse.
Next I rolled up her top to bare her tits and back. The first lash struck the former
from below, making them jump up. They, too, received a generous licking from the
laces, the last few lashes flicking her nipples. I used a length of string to pull up her top's
backside and liberally lashed her shoulders. Reaching between her legs from behind, I
felt her snatch again, which was now almost dripping. Careful not to make a noise, I
turned around her, took my distance and flicked the whip on the insides of her thighs,
starting at their tops and working my way down. All this had got me well used to the
laces' length, so I ventured a surprise stroke to skim lightly over her snatch.
A yelp of surprise ensued.
"Before you leave, I'm going to whip your cunt in earnest, but for now we'll stay in the
"appetizer" mode."
More strokes frolicked over her labia before, having acquired the necessary precision
(which is always to be learned again with a new whip), I struck her one on the clitoris. I
must say I admired her self-control, as she didn't close her legs as she came. I dropped
my shorts, stepped forwards and plunged upwards into her, where the heat, moisture
and residual spasms soon got me off.
Having untied her and removed her blindfold, I served her another glass of
Juran?on whilst she put what few clothes she wore into at least some order. We
exchanged a languorous kiss and lifted our glasses to this new experience. A second
bottle rinsed the sandwiches down?
From now on there wouldn't be many a slip 'twixt the buttocks and the whip?
To be continued
One hell of a find page 16
Chapter 7
One hell of a find
Chapter 8 : Citizen Cane
When we got back from our walk at the end of the afternoon, we first headed
for the shower. Good habits come as quickly as bad ones : we thoroughly washed
each other with the usual ending. Back in the bedroom to get dressed, I told her to put
her hands on her head for inspection. The previous evening's ash wand marks on her tits
had all but disappeared. I applied another layer of balm on them, then told her to
bend over. I made the same observation and dealt the same treatment on her arse
and thighs.
I pronounced her ready to receive a caning that evening, which made her
bent-over body shiver. Dressing was fast, as she only put on a skirt and I only a pair of
When I was behind the kitchen counter I told her to come and join me there.
"Arse against the cupboards on the side."
With rope attached to her chain bracelets, I tied her wrists to door handles and, having
her spread her legs, her ankle bracelets to the cupboards' legs. I rolled up her skirt
around her waist. She was now deliciously at my disposition to grope her tits and finger
her snatch between two stages in cooking. I poured us each a "pousse-rapi?re", which
is said to have been the Musketeers' favourite ap?ritif : champagne with a bit of
Armagnac in it and tilted her glass to her lips now and then.
I told her to talk to me about what she'd felt so far and what this had
awakened in her.
"When I came here I didn't know quite what to expect, but then neither did you, I
Confirmative grunt whilst cutting onions.
"I knew we were in for something hot, but I was pleasantly surprised to find you so
directive. That's what started me wanting to give me to you wholly. Until now I've only
had vanilla relationships at the most enhanced by some bondage. You took me
beyond that by spanking me on the first evening. I know I can't call myself a beautiful
woman, but your devouring looks removed whatever hesitation I might have to be
partly or wholly naked before you."
"Well, let's say that I consider that the body and mind are a whole, and that a woman's
body is not a car coachwork, where you can just replace, let's say the mudguards, if
you don't like them. If I'm unable to accept a woman as she is, then I'd better stay
She cleared her throat.
"I was surprised at the eagerness with which my pussy?"
"Say cunt rather than pussy"
"? with which my cunt opened up to you the first time you took me. I'd never felt as
aroused before and realised this was because you made me strip, but not wholly, then
tied me, never asking me a question, making me feel I was there for you to do as you
pleased with, putting your sex..."
"Say cock rather than sex"
"?putting your cock in my mouth as if this had been agreed upon beforehand. You just
put it there without asking if I'd ever sucked a cock before or if I was willing to suck
"The way you went about it told me it wasn't the first time. The word "slut" isn't
depreciative to me, I like you to be a slut for me. And you are my slut now, aren't you?"
She nodded.
One hell of a find page 17
Chapter 8
"Say it."
"I'm your slut now, willing to let you do whatever you please with me."
To reward her, I groped her tits with one hand and her cunt with the other, making her
When I turned back to the cooker and the cutting board, she carried on.
"Then when you told me to show my stripes to your friend in the rattan workshop, I felt
you were satisfied if not proud to have me show my body to others. As for me, it made
me feel proud to belong to you, to show off your marks on my tits and arse. Tied as I am
now, I'd be as proud if a friend of yours walked in and saw me here."
This called for a kiss?
"I see you are cooking more than needed for us two. Are you planning to have guests
The sound of tyres on the gravel accompanied by my dogs' barking answered her
question. Without saying a word, I went out to welcome a friendly couple, showed
them in and poured out a "pousse-rapi?re" for both.
They lifted their glasses as I put hers to her lips again.
"For this first time I only invited two people, good friends with whom I've shared both
public and private BDSM evenings before."
I had them step over look more closely at her and most literally get the feel of her. They
pronounced her cunt well moistened and her nipples well hardened. The male half of
the couple told his companion to take her top off. I untied her who had accepted to
call herself my slut and rolled her skirt back down, so that both women were now alike :
skirt but no shirt. My friend told his woman to bend over and show her arse, which wore
faint remainders of stripes like hers.
"She's used to this, but for you it's new, so I thought it would be a good thing to have
experienced witnesses present for your first real caning."
Dinner went by in inconsequential banter and laughter, the women's tits
shaking deliciously with the latter. After dessert, we cleared the table and told them to
shed their skirts. The other woman thus unveiled a bare snatch, which, as her boyfriend
told us, had been plucked two days earlier.
"Did that hurt?" asked my little lady?
"Yes of course, but the result is worth it. Just feel it."
Hesitantly she slid her fingers over the other woman's cunt and found it very smooth
indeed, better than any shaving could ever attain.
"I've taken an appointment for you for tomorrow", I told her.
She appeared as aroused as shocked at the idea?
I had my lovely slut go and fetch the canes and hand them to me. We had
both women bend over the dinner table facing each other and holding each other's
hands, putting the canes in array beside them. I picked up the 12 mm cane cut at 110
cm's length.
"Now are you ready to receive your first real caning?"
I stroked her buttocks, then made the cane swish by them a few times to add to her
apprehension. The first stroke landed across both buttocks, in their middle, with more
force than the previous evening, yet remaining moderate. She grunted but didn't
move. Five more strokes were delivered on her arse, at lengthy intervals to make the
impact sink in between them. Then I gave her six more on the backs of her thighs,
spacing those as well. I walked around and saw tears on her cheeks, but still she hadn't
moved nor cried out.
One hell of a find page 18
Chapter 8
I handed the cane to my friend. He tested it's balance, swished it through the
air to get the feel of it. The first stroke cracked on his girlfriend's arse with considerably
more force than I had used on mine's.
"You see, she's used to this. You'll hear and feel the same impact once you're getting
into it as well. Do you wish to develop the same acceptance she is showing?"
She shivered and nodded.
The dozen was accomplished in loud cracks, making the other woman shiver and sob.
They looked into each other's eyes for mutual comfort.
My friend asked whether I had caned the front of her thighs yet.
"Then, ladies, I suggest you stand up back to back holding hands."
Both of us delivered six of the best on the front of our respective women's thighs, still with
the same difference in strength. The only way they had to communicate the impacts to
each other was through wriggling their buttocks and pinching each other's hands.
"Now, both of you, stay back to back but grip each other's hands over your
They knew what was to come.
Both women's tits received a liberal lashing with the thinnest of the canes, still
with the same difference in strength. Mine shivered with the sounds of what the other
was receiving, knowing she would soon get the same.
The caning done, we rubbed their stripes with balm and checked their pussies
for moisture. Neither was lacking. We had them bend over the table again to fondle
them, telling them that the last one to come would receive six more strokes on the arse.
Mine won the contest and was treated to holding the other woman's hands whilst the
latter received her prize and to watching her being fucked by her boyfriend
She asked me to fuck her as well, but I told her no. Her show wasn't over yet. I
sat on the couch with a cigar and a glass of Armagnac and had her suck me off
before the others, which excited her enough to make her come again.
Though heavy drinking and BDSM hardly go together and we had accordingly
gone lightly on the wine, I had prepared the guest bedroom for my friends to avoid
them having to drive back. What's more, it was Friday evening anyway and as they live
in town they appreciate falling asleep in my place to the cries of the owls and waking
up to the turtle doves cooing, my chickens clucking and having breakfast on the lawn.
To be followed
One hell of a find page 19
Chapter 8
Some decisions almost guarantee your daughter will end up in porn. For example, if you name your daughter after anything related to geology, such as Diamond, Crystal, Amethyst, or Amber.Porn College GraduateOverly strict parenting is another direct cause of professional cock sucking. However, perhaps the most significant indicator is religion. The more religious the upbringing, the more likely a bitch is to gargle cock for a paycheck.The actual dagger, though, is Catholic school. Between the...
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Haii friends I am rohit. Age 24. Ee story 2 months back jarigindi. Nenu raju frinds. Nenu oka teacher ni denganu blackmail chesi. Tarwata roju raju ki cheppa. Vadu kuda teacher ni denge chance ivvamannadu.Nenu kudaradu annanu. Vadu chala bratimiladadu. Naku ventane oka alochana vachindi. Raju gadi chelli ni dengalani. Vaditho nee chelli ni denge chance istanante teacher ni oppista ani cheppa. Vadu no annadu tarwata roju vadu malli ide adigadu. Nenu me chelli tho kattila untadi. Nuvvu mee...
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The trip of about five hundred miles to Santa Fe should take them about twelve to fourteen days to make the journey. After much talking on who’ll go Mary decides Nellie and Sam will accompany Boone and he’s to hire three or four of the Apache as scouts. After the decision is made preparations are made for the trip, the three family members will share the gold between them in their saddlebags, and the ladies will lead two pack-horses carrying their camping gear and food supplies. To ensure...
Bright and early on Monday July 1st, 1861 the doors to the barn are opened and the four wagons move out. Yesterday afternoon was spent cleaning up the barn and stables and now they’re leaving after several weeks of living there while getting ready to go west. Three of the wagons are fully loaded and the fourth is mostly loaded, they’ll finish loading it when they reach Columbus, Ohio, where they plan to buy a great deal of salt. Nellie is at the reins of the lead wagon pair with Heidi in...
Chelle had just found herself a new master, even though she had a boyfriend once she met her master Chelle just knew she could not pass up an opportunity to be stretched in every way. Her reality, her lust, her imagination and her sensuality were going to be expanded way beyond what she thought or even dreamed possible. Then there was the actual physical aspect of course underlying all the mental aspects. She would be taken from being an awkward slut to a deft whore who could serve even the...
When rolling into town mid-morning Boone has a stray thought of, Something must be wrong! This is a Tuesday, not a Monday. We never get anywhere except on a Monday. He’s amused by the thought. During the afternoon they talk while they unpack the wagons, and Boone says, “While in Council Bluffs I caught up on the news. There’s been a dozen or so battles between Army units in Missouri since April, hundreds of shootings and killings in Kansas, and militia attacking the people all over Kansas...
Hellen had only been working in my office for a few weeks now but I could sense that with our flirting and sexual innuendo’s it would end up going somewhere very soon.Hellen had join my company after us chatting online and being that she was bored of her job she was more than willing to move to a different part of the country and start a new life.Our conversions in work would always end up about the things that we like sex wise and I got more and more aroused about the things that Hellen wanted...
Following the talks in December 1859 Mary, Heidi, and Boone start their preparations to leave Virginia. Materials and things are bought and put aside, for now. The tensions and troubles increase with each passing month of 1860. Mary, Heidi, and Boone become more worried with each rise in the tensions between the two major political forces. Boone starts to build a wagon like his father made using his father’s drawings which Mary has. They don’t have a farm wagon so he builds two of the large...
The trail west from Fort Laramie, Nebraska Territory, is well marked due to the many hundreds of wagons along the trail in the past twenty years. Many of the worst parts of the trail have been improved by earlier wagon-trains; which just means the trail is wide enough for the wagons, it’s well marked, also some water crossings have stones in them to stop the crossing from washing away, and some of the worst crossings now have ferries in place to make them easier. There are still some places...
25 year old Danny Jewel has been stuck in an unhappy marriage for a couple years, but one day, when his 18 year old sister-in-law, Hellen Bentley, moves in with him and her sister, things get interesting and they fall in love. Not soon after that, they find themselves in quite a predicament and questions start to rise. Claimer: I own these characters, no one else does. Chapter 1 Danny Knock! Knock! Knock! "Babe, can you please get that?" my wife, Wilda, called from the kitchen. Without...
IncestClaimer: I own these characters, no one else does. Chapter 1 Danny Knock! Knock! Knock! "Babe, can you please get that?" my wife, Wilda, called from the kitchen. Without answering her, I went to the door and opened it, and standing in front of me was my wife's 18 year old sister, Hellen, with a suitcase. She was wearing a crop top that showed off her smooth belly and her navel piercing, and junior hybrid dream high-rise shorts which showed off the top of her thighs. Surprisingly, almost...
IncestWendy was spending more and more time in the office, and “chatting” as she put it with Hellen or as she had now named her “Hels”, Wendy always made sure that I was out in the factory or in meetings and when I did return to the office the door would be locked or I would walk in and just catch them adjusting their clothes and I knew that the “chatting” had been good. That was when Wendy wasn’t taking Hel’s out for lunches or shopping and returning back to home in the late evenings with a broad...
Rachelle was horrified as she thought of how she had cum over and over again with a strangers (mine) cock in her married pussy, mouth and devouring and using her body. She was ashamed and guilty, how could a married preachers daughters do this! How could she fuck me and enjoy it so, when she knew it was so wrong and why did she slut herself so. It made her feel worse she had been fucking in her sisters house. But, Rachelle, also could not but get her sore pussy wet and her nipples would harden...
A hour must of passed since I had left the girls on their own I could hear the moans and groans coming from the bedroom and knew that I could not resist in re-joining them , My cock was throbbing and I want to see what Hellen and Wendy had been up too.As I stood in the doorway, Wendy was standing between Hellen’s spread upright legs her long blonde hair sticking to her face and tits and with Hellen moaning every time Wendy moved her body towards her, as I got closer I could see that Wendy had a...
The ending of Chapter 14 as a lead in: "Ray standing there getting hard watching his wife on her knees swallowing my cum and some on her face and chin and Rachelle just smiling and smirking and saying, "Laura, you and I know better and we were not raised like this!" Laura embarrassed said, "I know" and at that time I told Ray and Laura that Rachelle and I were going out for breakfast, then shopping, then for a day of play at a hotel room. We would be back late that night. Laura was not happy,...
Tonight was Rachelles last night in town at her sisters house before going home. She was going up with marks, sore and used and totally spent. She was spent from the day fucking, emotionally and physically. She talked about things she never told anyone and she got off so many times. She was a total whore now...for me. Tonight, she would be a total whore for her brother in law also.We arrived late at the house, and she walked in a mess. Hair, makeup, no panties, no bra, dried cum in her and...
“Fuck me you bastard! Fuck my ass!” Rochelle screamed as I pounded my cock deep into her back door. It had been a few weeks since our adventure at the swingers club and Jennifer and Chrissy were out of town on a cross country adventure race so I decided to take the opportunity to violate my favorite cheating wife. I had been pondering how else to use Rochelle after her bait comment at the club and my mind was filled with possibilities as my cock filled her ass. I eventually blew my cum deep...
Wishbone: Along Came Jacki By The Sympathetic Devil [email protected] Dave came home from work early, his bitchy boss having told him he wouldn't be needed there anymore. He hated his life! How was he ever going to get laid when he was unemployed and still lived in his mother's apartment at 25? Something was weird. His mother's clothes are scatted all over the living room. She pitched a fit if Dave so much as left his jacket on the arm of the couch, but now her bra is...
To set the stage, starting with the ending paragraphs of Chapter 13:"As we fucked Laura, Rachelle, watched in envy and fingered herself, she cum again as Laura cum. Soon Ray filled his wife's ass with his cum and then we switched positions, and I took her ass hard, pulling hair, calling her "our slut" and I used her and degraded her in front of Ray. The things I made her say. Soon she was Cumming again and again. Next she collapsed, used and spent with a stretched ass with cum dripping from...
The towers were all burning, their thick walls of stone. Burning and crumbling. Strong and proud battlements, subtle and delicate spires, they were all perishing. Below them the city of Maurur was dying as well in smoke and fire. The dwellings of the people those towers had been erected to protect. I admit there were tears in my eyes as everything I had thought so powerful, so eternal, so beyond the reach of others, was reduced to nothing more than a huge bonfire obscuring the morning sun with...
Dave came home from work early, his bitchy boss having told him he wouldn’t be needed there anymore. He hated his life! How was he ever going to get laid when he was unemployed and still lived in his mother’s apartment at 25? Something was weird. His mother’s clothes are scatted all over the living room. She pitched a fit if Dave so much as left his jacket on the arm of the couch, but now her bra is hanging from the ceiling fan. Her clothes weren’t the only ones either. A man’s jeans and...
Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor Chapter One -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the sun crept into the smallest bedroom in the house at # 4 Privet Drive, Harry Potter fought the urge to wake up. Harry was having a nice pleasant dream. He dreamt that he was sitting on the shore of the ocean with his feet in the cool water, while reading a book about lighthouses. Two odd things about the dream stood out for Harry. The...
Pluto was rudely awakened by a loud dinner triangle, ringing as Persephone walked down the stairs. “Time to eat up slave!” as she walked down the spiral staircase. Pluto had been locked into the large cage he had seen the night before. He was still completely naked, save for the chastity cage which very uncomfortably suffocated his penis. He looked up and his jaw nearly dropped. He had seen Persephone last night, but that was in a confusing, hazy daze. Now he had his full senses about him and...
Apparently Jill did tell Rochelle about our adventure in the car, because Rochelle pulled out some new tricks for her next attempt to one up her friend. I think that Rochelle was getting scared that I was losing interest in her, since I’d been spending the most of my free time fucking Jill. I’d also hooked up with Jennifer a few times and the college girl had a really fun mix of energy and naiveté’. There was a knock on my door late one night, which I had grown accustomed to. It was a pretty...
LIONEL, LORD OF THE JUNGLE by Jason "Ooooooggg, yahoooooooo!" With the ease of an animal born to it, Lionel Lord of the Jungle moved through the lush forest canopy of equatorial Africa with practised elegance, huge biceps bulging, sinews stretched, fine toned muscles rippling the entire length of his near naked, glistening body. In a mode of travel unique to him and the lesser primates he swung effortlessly from trailing vine to trailing vine to cover in a few minutes a...
Introduction: Encounter With Wifes Boss and His Wife I had known about Sues office escapades for several months now and still kept it a secret. I had seen Bill and Michelle several times and no one acted strange in any way, although I secretly had a massive desire to have sex with Michelle. We were invited to a cocktail party at Bill and Michelles house, with some of their friends and neighbors. Sue was the only person from the office invited and the party was a semi-formal get together that...
Persephone finally had Pluto where she wanted him. It had been a tiring chase, but she knew the prize was worth it. With most men being hunted nearly to extinction, she was determined not to let this one get away. Now he was tied down on her milking table, in the depths of her dungeon. And she was going to extract every drop of semen from him however she could.With technological advances and women's growing superior intellect, most women decided that the world did not need men and all of their...
Na peru sandy. Age 19 b.Sc 2nd year chadhuvuthunnanu. Naku chadhavu ante asalu interest undadhu eppudu friends tho bayata thiragadam exams mundhu chadhavadam idhi na paristhithi. Naku oka best friend unnadu vadi peru naveen. Vadu na classmate ika pothe story loki velithe ee story 3years back aindhi Naku chadhuvu meedha kanna sex midha interest ekkuva roju bf chusi roju ki okkasarina hp kottanidhe naku nidhra pattadhu. Naku varasalatho sambandham ledhu roju ki okarini uhinchukuni hp kodathanu....
The guard stood at the steel barred entrance to cell #4, with an air of dominating confidence and a huge bulge in his tan trousers. He took out his keys and motioned to the ancient looking old skinny women, shackled in thick old rusty chains behind him.Her sagging tits were chained to the stench emitting bucket she carried in her frail arms. Its putrid contents sloshed around as she tried to steady it.“Don’t spill any of it you old hag, or you won’t get any of it later. We’ll just make you eat...
Disclaimer: None of these characters belong to me. Harry Potter and all the associated characters named in the story are the property of J. K. Rowling and her publishers and have been used without permission. As fan fiction, no money has been charged, or may be charged, for publication of this work. Hermione Granger had snuck out of the castle that was Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry because Hagrid, the half-giant game keeper, had finally agreed to show her what she had wanted...
Josh is twenty and lives at home with his parents. He is a student, at a local university and commutes in for lectures, so he can save money on accommodation and so on. In this way he will not leave university, several thousand pounds in debt. His room at his parent's house is a spacious double room. He has all the tech and modern conveniences he needs, a nice big double bed and a en suite bathroom, so the only reason he needs to leave his room is the get fed. Josh’s parents, Steve and Bev,...
Straight SexYou invited me over for dinner and drinks with you and your wife. I still had fond memories of the last time we spent together, and I was looking forward to another nice time. This time, you had a particular scene in mind. You wanted to direct the activity between us. I thought that was a hot idea... we would follow your lead and do the things that you wanted to see.After dinner, we got comfortable and sat down. You whispered something in her ear and then she moved close to me and began to...
Introducing shelley to my k**s 2Hello everyone it's me again auntie norma :) I come with my continueation of introducing shelleyif you have been reading our stories you know by nowthat I have my husband slash nephew and my girlfriend shelley who originally came looking for my nephew and I think thats why she accepted the whole I think of gettinginvolved with us because of him but I made one little catchany sexual activity I would have to be a part of.So I hope you have enjoyed reading our...
PART 1 *** BEST BUDDIES ***Matt's mum and dad owned the first video store in our little town. Matt and I would stay either after school or Sundays in this bed-sit unit above the shop and watch videos until our perants finished work. The first time I stayed overnight it started, Matts mum closed store at 8pm then came up to fetch us.. We begged her to let us stay the night. In the end she agreed saying she would see us with...
Warning: This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts between men and women.? If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it. ? Author's Note: This story is the property of the author. It can be downloaded for personal reading pleasure or sending to a friend, but if you wish to re- post them at your own site, please contact the author for permission. Copyright 2011 Feb, All Rights Reserved. ? Sold to the highest...
Wishbone LITE By TwoSpiritsTG ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This was a short story I entered into a TG fiction competition a few years back with a 1000 word maximum (This story is 1010 words). For the record, I did win first place. I originally wasn't going to upload it here because of how short it is, but decided otherwise and here we are. If there is demand to expand it to something more I'll gladly do...
"Mount up, babydoll!" he said. At last understanding, Christine squealed and leapt to her feet. She pulled up her skirt and wiggled her hungry red beaver at him. She needed a trim. With a wish, all her pubes fell out, then an arrow-shaped landing strip grew in their place. "Are you really going to fuck me Mr. Phillips?" she asked eagerly. "You bet your sweet ass I'm going to fuck you, Christine!' he exclaimed, reaching around to grab said ass. "It really is your only hope of...
Warning: This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts between men and women. If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it. Author's Note: This story is the property of the author. It can be downloaded for personal reading pleasure or sending to a friend, but if you wish to re- post them at your own site, please contact the author for permission. Copyright 2011 Feb, All Rights Reserved. Shelley begins to...
Warning: This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts between men and women.? If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it. ? Author's Note: This story is the property of the author. It can be downloaded for personal reading pleasure or sending to a friend, but if you wish to re- post them at your own site, please contact the author for permission. Copyright 2011 Feb, All Rights Reserved. ? Shelley enjoys being...
Chapter 13 Baltoh flew through the fiery galaxy of Tenebrous’ personal domain with enough power streaming from his sword to shatter a planet. Spinning like a top, he delivered a flurry of slashes to Tenebrous, but the Demon King blocked them all with his claymore of Hellfire. As Baltoh was about to deliver his hundredth attack in the second, he suddenly disappeared, teleporting and reappearing behind Tenebrous. Before his foe could react, Baltoh kicked him the ribs with...
Shelley is the only daughter of Margaret and John, she is home taught by her mother, she has no knowledge of computers so she pay’s for Emily to come in once a week to teach her this. A short time ago she started on Shelley’s sex education, bringing her brother David in for this, having first tried the goods. The week after the exhibition Emily went for the lesson as usual, during which Shelley asked when she could see David again, seeing she had opened up a Pandora’s box, she knew she...
Introduction: Shelleys family arent what they seem Recap Shelley is the only daughter of Margaret and John, she is home taught by her mother, she has no knowledge of computers so she pays for Emily to come in once a week to teach her this. A short time ago she started on Shelleys sex education, bringing her brother David in for this, having first tried the goods. The week after the exhibition Emily went for the lesson as usual, during which Shelley asked when she could see David again,...
Hermione the Shiteater Interview with Hermione Granger taken by Rita Skeeter in Hogwarts, 1st June 1998. Wizarding Wireless broadcast. RITA SKEETER. Good morning, my dear listeners. I'm Rita Skeeter, your favorite journalist, and I'm visiting Hogwarts School today. Make your wizarding wireless louder, because you'll hear the most mind-blowing interview in my career. Of course you know how our glorious and mighty Dark Lord banned all the mudbloods and blood-traitors from attending...
Hermione's New School[Contains fantasy ball-, tit- and cunt-busting, castration (many, some graphic) and big tit themes]HermioneHermione sat on the broken down school bus with her arms folded tightly across her budding breasts.“I bet I finger the new girl first.”“No way - I’ll have her stink on my fingers before home time.”A chill ran down her spine and she re-crossed her arms tighter over her tender young tits. It had been a month since she had been expelled from Hogwarts and a week since her...
I was on all fours in Shelley's living room, my legs spread wide, head up, waiting in anticipation. I gasped as I felt the cold lubricant sprayed on my bumhole. "Let me just get you ready, sweetie" said Shelley, rubbing her wet fingers up and down over my twitching tight opening to my tightening ball sac. My cock, which had been relaxing, now twitched and stiffened as Shelly's fingers and palm lightly brushed along the length of it and back to my slit. I felt more lube run down the crack of my...
Hermione's POV Ronald That name had been floating around in Hermione's head for the past weeks. He was the only thing she could think and dream about. She would spend hours and hours laying awake in bed at night just thinking about how it would be like if she had told him that she loved him all these time. She wasn't stupid. She knew that Ron has feelings for her. But why he hasn't said anything? Why is he so afraid? Is it the war? Is it that he still has feelings for Lavender? Or...
Chapter 7 Upon sensing Abaddon’s raised energy levels, the four stationed-Archangels took flight, rushing to the scene. Flying in formation, they zoomed towards the site but were suddenly stopped as Baltoh appeared before them with a stony expression on his face and sword in hand. Raphael drew his claymore and pointed it at him. “What the Hell are you doing Baltoh?” “I’m sorry, but I cannot let you pass,” he said softly, raising his arm and holding his sword to his side....
Hermione Teaches Ginny and Harry how to ShareRough flight to the BurrowThe butterbeers were helping to take the edge off, but tensions were still running high at the Burrow. Voldemort and his army of Death Eaters had struck the moment they took off from Harry’s c***dhood home, and the battle took a terrible toll. Mrs. Weasley had just stopped crying. Fleur was still pacing about. The rest were silent, still processing the loss of Moody. Mrs. Weasley hopped up from her armchair. “That’s enough....
Hermione had been stayed at the Burrow for the week before term started on her last year at Hogwarts. She was Head Girl this year and as a celebration, Ron and Ginny had invited her to stay with them until school started. Hermione was so excited and proud of herself that she Ginny had thought of a joke of a present to give Hermione for her becoming Head Girl. Hermione was sitting on Ginny's bead reading the 13 page pamphlet Head Boy and Girl called Maintaining Order and Administering Discipline...
Doing what she did to Percy not only made him feel good but made her feel good too. Not in the same way, she hadn’t been as aroused as she'd expected during the actual act, but in a different way. She had felt powerful, like he depended on her, needed her. It was intoxicating. As she lay in bed still in her school robes reliving every moment of her session with Percy she began to feel his spunk drying on her face. She thought she had wiped it all off but her face was now feeling crusty...
“You had better missy.” She jumped over the back of the couch, landed next Hermione, and grabbing her shoulders to look straight in her eyes, “because, I want ALL the details!” Hermione had thought Lavender would be mad, or feel as though she’d been cheated on but it appeared she couldn’t have been more mistaken. The look on her friend’s face was a mixture of impressed and giddy. Lavender wanted girl talk. Hermione had never had a girlfriend she could talk to about boys. I mean they’d...
Submissive whiteboi becomes a sissy faggot pussyboy for his nigger master.It was to be a night of romance. My Nigger lover, Tyrone, gruntedas he pulled his glistening cock from my aching, cum filled asscunt. Hehad just shot a massive load of man slop into my steamy, grippingentrails. Our lovemaking had been a brutal affair, as it always is, which is just the way I like it. I am a subjugated fuck slave, nothing but a sissy faggot sperm receptacle for my dominant nigger lover.Tyrone is the envy...
Bored on a slow Sunday afternoon, I decided to do a little cleaning around the house. Since I inherited this house when my father died, I had only used rooms that I had to. The mansion was massive: 7 bedrooms, a study, a huge den and a gigantic pool out back, just to name some of the features. One of the rooms I had not been in was my father's bedroom. It had been four months since he died and when I opened the door, I could smell the dust and settled air of the room. Checking out...
She even started taking notes in her diary and keeping them locked away in her trunk. She treated some of their sessions like lab experiments noting what worked, what didn't etc. Lavender seemed to like it a bit rougher than Hermione. She enjoyed being pinched, nibbled, scratched, and having Hermione pull on her hair while she ate her pussy. She had even asked Hermione to pretend to be a professor and spank her for doing something wrong. A fantasy Hermione enjoyed a bit more than she’d...