Tick Tock
- 2 years ago
- 20
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Tick tock goes the clock
Chapter 1: Preparations
Some days I really have to question my sanity. Everybody sees the world a little differently but I seem to see it in entirely different dimensions. Most people would look at a laptop with a wireless connection to the world wide web as a convenience or a luxury. To me it was a tool for my dark submissive desires.
The thought came to me one night while I surfed the net for arousing pictures of damsels like myself who enjoy displaying their kinky nature to the world. Technically I have never actually exposed myself on the web. Aside from a few naughty pictures posted anonymously on some adult friend finder sites I haven’t posted anything linking my image with my name.
My idea hit me when I found a picture of a girl bound to her office chair. She was sitting at her desk, her computer was on and her webcam was broadcasting. The idea spurred my imagination into high gear while my loins grew wet. Seeing that girl tied in place and broadcasting her nudity across cyberspace stirred something deep within me.
I knew I wasn’t ready to jump in front of my webcam and start displaying my love of bondage to the world. The thought of someone I know finding my webcam broadcast sent shivers of fear down my spine and tingles of excitement to my pussy.
It had been two very long weeks since I had first seen the photo. Nearly every waking thought and even my dreams at night revolved around the little adventure I was setting up for myself. Most of my time spent away from work went towards preparing my little adventure. I took it as a sign from a higher power that the idea for this adventure came within days of receiving my tax return. In the space of a few days I was gifted with a large check as well as an exciting bondage scenario that would require a little cash to make work perfectly.
Part of my last two weeks I had spent checking out the clothing at all the nearby adult boutiques. They all had different items to choose from and it had taken me up to today to decide exactly what I wanted to buy. On my way home from work I had stopped to pick up the item I had decided on but in an excited splurge of spending I ended up walking out the store with a few items that weren’t on the list.
My whole apartment was filled with the intoxicating scent of latex and leather. The sky was growing dark as day turned to night. I was showered, shaved and standing naked before a pile of leather and latex clothes that were about to tried on for the very first time. I paused for a second to let my mind run through my plan one last time before I committed myself. Most of the preparations on my to-do list had already been checked off. Getting dressed was the final item on my list as well as the point of no return.
Prior to this moment I spent a great deal of time preparing the main source of excitement for the adventure I was preparing to endeavor on. In truth this adventure started two weeks ago with a laptop, a digital camera and my bed. The laptop had been my porn machine for several years but the camera was a recent addition to my electronic collection.
Like any other digital camera this one could take pictures that can be quickly uploaded to a computer. The feature that really made this camera dear to my heart was that it could also record short movies. The quality of movie was less then that of a digital movie camera but still significantly better then the webcam built into my laptop.
Two weeks ago I had started filming myself doing all sorts of naughty activities. The movies themselves were not particularly long but the activities recorded were what would gain them interest. Over the past two weeks I had come up with over a dozen recordings of myself. They ranged of things I recorded myself doing span from simply standing naked in front of the camera with a vibrating toy to play with to putting myself in full bondage. I also had an electronic folder of several dozen pictures of myself posing for the camera.
In addition to movies and pictures I had come up with one more file as the icing for the cake. The final file was a word document. It was a fictitious diary I had spent a great deal of time coming up with. The dairy ranged from confessions of wild sexual encounters, letters of vivid dreams, descriptions of pictures I found on the internet and what I found arousing about them, along with descriptions of fantasies, all the wild things I supposedly wanted to try. The diary was very nearly all fiction. There were just enough descriptions of places and people in my real life that the diary could be linked to me. Regardless of whether the potential readers knew me or not the diary was explicit enough to make a good read for any one.
Every file whether it was a picture or movie had a uniform name. Each file name started out with my name then a description of what I was doing. A picture might be named ?Naughty Nicole-Nude-Huge Dildo?. A movie might be ?Naughty Nicole-Bondage-Gagged-Double Plugs?. The naming of the files had nothing to do with making it easy for me to reference but it did have everything to do with where the files were being put.
On my laptop I had installed LimeWire. It is the modern equivalent of the original Napster. Every file I had made was in my shared folder of LimeWire. LimeWire itself was configured to share my files an unlimited number of times to an unlimited number of users. Once my computer was connected to the internet my files would be available for anyone to download. Anybody who did a search for files containing words like nude, bondage, dildo, anal, along with a few other carefully selected words would have one or more of my files come up on their search. As of right now none of my files have ever been shared. To date my secret obsession with bondage is safe.
The main focus of my little bondage adventure revolves around five things: my laptop, its location, the files it contains, the programs on it and a wireless connection. To understand all this you have to first realize I live in a medium sized apartment complex. Living in apartments means there are always unsecured wireless networks available. Since I moved here I have never had to pay for internet access, there is always a fast connection available.
My laptop had two key programs on it. On was LimeWire which would run at startup. The second was a simple plug-in for Winamp. For those who don’t know Winamp plays mp3’s and other media. The plugin works as an alarm for your computer. If your computer is in hibernation mode it will wake the computer up and play what ever songs you have loaded into your playlist. Playing songs was just a side effect of what I was really trying to do.
The whole key to the thrill of this adventure was centered on the plug-in’s ability to wake my laptop up from a hibernation state. At 2:00pm the alarm plug-in was set to bring my computer out of hibernation mode in order to play music. The more important effect of the plug-in was that when the laptop started-up it would automatically try to establish a wireless connection to the internet. Limewire was already loaded up and would start sharing as soon as there was a connection to the web.
At two in the morning all my files would be shared unless I got to my laptop first and disconnected my wireless card. Before I stripped and showered I had taken my laptop out to my car and locked it in the truck. When I came home I had purposefully not parked my in front of my building but instead parked in the large center parking lot that is surrounded by the most buildings. To get to my laptop and keep it from exposing me across the world wide web I would have to walk between the various buildings to get to my car that was surrounded by apartments.
The complex I lived in was relatively quiet compared to other apartments I have lived in. By 10:00 most people would already be in bed. By 2:00 in the morning there is almost never a light on in the complex. The odds of me being seen on the trip to and from my car were slim but they were still high enough to leave butterflies in my stomach.
I had spent far too much time preparing for this moment to back out now. I had spent two weeks preparing this adventure and a sizable portion of my tax return. Swallowing my doubts I regained my courage and reached down to pick up the first piece of clothing.
Chapter 2: Dressing the part
Pulling up a chair next to the pile of things I intended to wear I followed the advise of the woman who helped me purchase my new items. Before actually dressing I applied a light dusting of talc to the insides of all the latex I intended to wear. Once that was done I began to dress myself one piece of latex at a time.
This was my first real experience with latex. I have always had a fascination with it. The way it hugs every curve of the body and the look it gives. My heart skipped a beat as I pulled the black latex panties up my legs. I kept pulling till the top of the panties were up over my hips and the rest of it was stretched across my butt and crotch. I about jumped out of my skin as I experimentally moved my hips around and felt the latex slide across my bald pussy.
Once the initial thrill of the panties passed I went back to dressing myself. Walking over to my dresser I popped the cap off the top of the bottle of lube and then poured the slimy liquid onto the butt plug that I had previously selected from my stash of toys. I rolled my panties down over my thighs before sticking a greased finger in my butt hole. Once my hole was greased I slowly stuffed myself with the plug. It was only a medium sized plug but it still took some time to relax enough to get the widest part to slip in. A second plug was sitting on my dresser and I wasted no time putting it in its place. The dildo slid into my pussy with far more ease than the toy now occupying my rear. With plugs in place I returned my panties to their rightful place around my hips.
Returning to my chair I went back to the work of dressing myself although there was a short intermission while I got used to the feeling of sitting down with both holes stuffed. Next from the pile I selected the pink full leg stockings. These turned out to be somewhat difficult to put on. In the end I had to pull the stockings up a few inches at a time. Slowly but surely I got both stockings pulled up my legs and all the wrinkles worked out of them. Looking at myself in the mirror I was astonished at how good I looked. From the hips down nearly every square inch of my skin was covered in latex. The pink stockings stopped just before the bottom of my black panties. I looked good and I was just getting started.
The next item to adorn was the black latex bra. Its half cup design just barely covered my breasts enough to hide my nipples. The bra was made of several different pieces of latex that were all molded into one piece of clothing. Wrapping around my back and supporting the cups of the bra was a thicker latex band that was harder to stretch then the thin latex that formed the cups of the bra. This latex stretched tight across the base and front most parts of my C sized boobs.
There was a neck strap that as of yet I hadn’t put on. The strap was made of the same thick latex that wrapped around my chest. The ends of the strap went from the base of each cup around the outside of my boobs and up over my head. Leaning my head forward I pulled the strap up over my head. The strap didn’t want to stretch and instead lifted the rest of the bra along with my boobs up. When I finally got the strap in place behind my neck I found out the deliberate design to the varying thickness of the bra.
The stiff band that wrapped around my chest kept the bra from being pulled up over my boobs. The stiff band running behind my neck lifted my boobs to put them on display. Looking in mirror my C cup boobs looked more like D cups as they strained against the latex. The position of the neck strap on the out sides of my boobs squeezed them together leaving an ample amount of cleavage prominently up on display.
The last piece of latex to put on was the shoulder length gloves. Like the stockings these were also pink and a pain to pull up but eventually I got them in place. Getting the wrinkles out of the gloves was a lot harder than the stockings since both hands were now hindered by the material but after a little effort they were out and it was well worth the trouble. The image reflecting back in the mirror was absolutely stunning. I looked so hot I could probably give a blind man a hard on.
Before I moved on to the next items on the floor I took the time to use the latex polish the woman at the store had suggested. Like everything else tonight, it took some time to do but my efforts were paid back in spades. Every piece of latex simmered and shined in the light. Maybe I’m a narcissist but I was looking in the mirror and making myself horny I looked so good.
With the latex all polished up I moved onto the boots I had bought to go along with this outfit. I had never seen these boots in any store until I was introduced to the world of latex stockings. The boots were completely clear. Even the laces were made out of clear plastic. With a towering 7? pointed heel and 3? platform toe these heels were designed for form over function. Wearing these puppies will make any girl stand up tall in a crowd.
I definitely had to sit down to put these boots on. Once they were laced up my latex covered legs were encased in clear plastic from toe to knee. The pointed toe design of the boots worked well to accent my calves while the clear plastic helped to further emphasize my latex clad legs.
Staring at myself in the mirror I took a second to think about the daring outfit I was wearing. For the rest of the night this is what I would wear. In theory walking out to my car should be no big deal. I was anything but naked. If it was summer right now I wouldn’t think twice about sunning myself next to the pool wearing nothing but a skimpy bikini. Although I was wearing far more clothes now then I do by the pool this particular outfit would draw more attention to me than if I were to lay naked by the pool and I wasn’t even finished dressing yet.
Using the chair to balance myself I cautiously stood up in the awkward heels. I felt like my head would hit the ceiling as I straightened up. The whole room looked different as I stood seven inches taller. I took a quick stroll through my apartment to get used to the heels.
Each step made the latex move and pull on my skin. Each time my leg muscles flexed and bulged with a step they would be squeezed by the tight latex. Every move the panties made across my hips reverberated through the plugs and resonated deep within my two stuffed holes. Reaching a hand between my legs I felt the bulge of the dildo pushing against the crotch of the panties. My eyes rolled back and my lips quivered as I pushed the dildo into the depths of my pussy.
I was in absolute heaven but a quick glance at the clock told me I didn’t have time to indulge in my euphoria. This bondage scenario was all based around the flow of time. Everything was going to take so long and if everything was going to work out correctly I had to follow a strict time table. It was already past eight which meant I was already running behind schedule. The climax of this bondage centered around me making it to my car to stop my computer from broadcasting my files to the world. That was the goal, to force myself into public wearing my naughty attire. The risk of uploading the files was my motivation to go outside. If things went to plan I would make it to my laptop with time to spare before the files were uploaded.
I hadn’t accounted for the amount of time it would take me to put the latex on and as a result I had fallen behind my schedule. Looking at the clock I weighed the decision to back out or at the very least reset the time on the program. It was just after eight now which meant I was thirty minutes behind schedule. Finally I decided to keep going. In my schedule I had given myself an hour and a half between when I freed myself from bondage and when my computer was set to broadcast. That hour and a half was meant as my safety margin for any unaccounted lapses in time. Proceeding meant I would only have an hour to free myself and get to my computer but I was convinced that was still plenty of time.
Returning to my room I went about collecting the four leather cuffs that would be going on next. These cuffs were made of the same dark red leather as the harness that would soon follow. My ankles and wrists were soon all wrapped in leather; small locks through the hasps of the cuffs secured them in place. Aside from a pile of chains and locks the only thing remaining to wear was the harness.
The locks, chains, cuffs, and harness were the only things I had to get custom made. Most of the adult boutiques I visited had a range of latex and fabric cloths and a small number of leather restrains. All the items I was currently wearing I had picked off the shelves at those stores but for my restraints I had to go somewhere different. I managed to find one store that specialized in leather attire. In fact that was about the only thing they carried but they made up for it with a wide selection.
I was surprised by some of the more extensive pieces in the store but none of them quite suited me. I liked pieces of one and parts of another but I couldn’t quite find one I really loved. What struck me as odd was that most of the leather harnesses and outfits on display were ones I have never seen anywhere online which made me begin to wonder if this store had a custom leather shop supplying them. As luck would have it the owner of the store, who was there at the time, was the one who made most of the unique leather attire found in the store.
To make a long story short I was able to get him to customize a harness for me. I had to pay extra for it but not with cash. He was trying to start an online store to sell all his stuff on but hadn’t found a female model to wear his stuff and pose for the camera. In return for me trying everything out and picking the features I liked and having a custom harness made for me, I agreed to let him take pictures of me wearing the outfits and harnesses. The pictures only showed me from the neck down, I got a hell of a deal on my harness and it was fun. Again, that is a whole other story.
To get the harness just right so that my bondage would work right I had to tell him how I was going to tie myself up. In the end he threw in the custom lengths of chain I would need and locks for free. Because of all the customization it had taken longer then I had originally expected to get the harness made. In fact it was his store I had to stop off at on my way home from work today. As of yet I hadn’t tried on the harness yet. All I had time to do when I came home was make sure all the keys worked for the locks.
I had to stare at the harness for a minute to even figure out how to put it on. Eventually I figured it out but it did take a couple of tries before I got it. The entire harness was put together as one unit and couldn’t be taken apart but it had distinctly different sections to it. The waist section had leather straps about 2 ?? wide that wrapped around my lower hips. The crotch strap was just as wide in the back as it went between my cheeks but then widened out to follow the V of my hips. The waist straps met in my front and buckled into the sides of the wide crotch strap. The buckles themselves had hasps so that locks could be used to prevent the harness from being unbuckled.
Since this harness was custom made to fit me the crotch strap was a one piece design with no buckles to adjust the tightness of it. The waist straps did have holes to adjust the fit and tightness but as it was I used the first hole on the straps. Even buckling the straps through the first hole and keeping the waist as large as possible the straps still hugged my body with a comfortable tightness. With the sound of two soft clicks the straps were locked around my waist, chastising me. From this point on I would be stuck wearing the harness till I retrieved the keys.
Moving on to the waist cincher I found that it had a similarly design to the waist straps. The cincher was divided into two halves. In the back the two halves were connected to the strap that would later run up to the back of my neck. Wrapping the cincher around my waist I found that this one was larger than the ones I had tried on in the store. My entire midriff was covered by the stiff leather.
The waist cincher was made of two wide strips of leather that wrapped around my midsection. The wide pieces of leather were about six inches wide. There were three 1? wide straps on one of the wide pieces and three buckles on the other wide piece to allow the two sides to be joined together. Putting the three straps through their perspective buckles I tightened the cincher up and constricted my waist. Even putting the hasp of the buckles through the first holes was enough to tighten the leather around my waist. I would easily reduce my waist more but I didn’t want to get too overzealous my first time using the harness. I did try going one notch tighter and once I was comfortable with the tightness of the harness I put a lock through each of the three hasps.
In front of me was the collar for my neck hanging by a leather strap. The strap was connected to the top of the crotch strap. Before I connected the two sides of the waist cincher I had run the strap to the collar underneath of it. Now the strap connecting the collar to the crotch hung at my waist. Before I buckled the collar around my neck I decided it was time to set up my release method.
It took all my concentration not to fall over in my heels as I walked though my apartment. Returning from the kitchen I carried a block of ice that had just been in my freezer. There should be no surprise that one end of a string was frozen in the ice and deep in the ice was a single key. In my bedroom I hung the ice from a hook in the ceiling. With the key in place I went about adding the rest of the gear on my floor to my outfit.
Before I got too engrossed with locking myself up I took the time to turn on the TV in my room and hit play on the DVD player. For my entertainment during the time I was restrained I had picked out my favorite bondage movie. It would run for about two and a half hours which was a little less time then it should take for the ice to melt. I figured the ice would melt in around three hours.
While the opening credits played out I went about finishing my bondage. Placing the collar around my neck I found it too was modified from those in the store. The strap that ran up from the crotch strap and connected into the collar started to fan out just below my collar bone. Bending forward I began to buckle the collar around my neck. The strap running up my stomach went around my neck maintaining a 2? thick strap over the top of my shoulders. The collar itself and the shoulder straps were molded into one piece.
The collar was almost completely rigid as a result of several layers of leather being used to morph the shoulder straps and neck into one continuous piece of leather. With my head held up perfectly straight the front of the collar went from my chin to chest. The top of the collar went under my chin, up the sides of my face before actually dipping down below my ears then up again to meet in the back of my head at mid ear height. This was the posture collar to end all posture collars. With the straps pressing down on my shoulders and the collar under my chin and behind my head I had absolutely no ability to move my head in any way.
The last piece of the harness to buckle was the strap hanging from my lower back. That strap was actually the continuation of the strap that started where it wrapped around my neck, ran down my stomach, between my legs and up my back. Pulling the strap up behind my back I managed to feed it through the buckle at the base of the back side of the collar. It wasn’t very easy to do. The strap running in front from crotch to neck prevented me from arching my back at all. The only mobility I had was to bend forward slightly. The harnesses I tried on in the store were lose enough to allow for some mobility to bend forwards or backwards. This harness was designed to prevent any movement. When I found a hole I liked on the back strap I put the hasp through it. Picking up the last of the silver locks I put one through the buckle for the collar and one through the buckle for the back strap.
All mobility in my upper body was gone. I couldn’t move my head in any direction and my back was completely rigid. All it took was one look in the mirror for me to realize it was all worth it. The mirror was barely large enough to capture my full image. With back and neck held rigid and erect plus the seven inch heels under my feet my reflection seemed to be larger than life.
Pink latex stockings and gloves softened my appearance, giving me an innocent feminine touch. The black panties and bra emphasized my naughty areas and subtly brought out the sexuality of my forbidden territory. The clear stiletto boots plainly displayed my affection for latex as well as giving me a tall and powerful stance. The dark red leather harness and cuffs encircling the latex clad figure defiantly stood out beyond everything else to say clear as day that beneath the leather and latex was one kinky girl with a body of a goddess and a sex drive stronger then ten prison inmates. The icing on the cake was the silver locks that stood out against the dark red leather of the harness. While everything else yelled for sex those tiny locks screamed forbidden territory. My body was an advertisement for sex but the tiny locks said none for me and none for you with one word, chastised. Those small silver locks were the cell bars that imprisoned this sex goddess.
Chapter 3: Chains and latex, what more could a girl want
With a considerable amount of effort I was able to kneel down and eventually lie down on my floor. The harness fought me and won as I tried to bend forward and backwards. The straps in my front and back pulled on my shoulders and crotch strap, the latter of the two having the greatest effect on me. As the crotch strap was pulled up tight my plugs were forced deep within me. By the time I made it down to lay on my stomach I had to take a breath to let my body recover from the assault to my stuffed orifices.
Break time didn’t last long and I quickly went about adding chains to my restraints. First I pulled out an eighteen inch long chain and two brass locks. With the two locks I attached the ends of the chain to the cuffs locked around my ankles. Using another length of chain, this on about half the length of the first, and one black lock I looped the short chain around the middle of the hobble chain and brought the ends of the short chain up to a D ring on the harness at mid back. Both ends of the shorter chain were connected to the D ring. The hobble chain was held by the loop it made. My legs were held in a hogtie but that was only part of my bondage.
While I still had the use of my arms I reached over and grabbed the long chain that was anchored to the frame of my bed. Using a large lock, the key to which was hanging above me suspended in ice, I connected the chain to the same D ring on my back. I was now stuck by my bed till the ice melted and the key fell beside me.
Continuing on with my bondage I placed two short chains that were only a couple inches long in the small of my back along with four small black locks. These would be used last but I had to put them in a place where I would still be able to reach them here in a minute.
Finally I picked up the last set of chains and locks. There were four brass locks left and two chains. Each chain was about ten inches in length. I locked one end of one chain to one wrist cuff then did the same with the other chain. I now had ten inch chains hanging off each wrist cuff. There were D rings on my sides on each of the straps wrapping around my lower hips. I used the two remaining brass locks to connect the chains on my wrist to the D rings on my side. With two clicks my wrists were secured to my sides.
By bondage was almost complete. All that was left was to use the chains and locks resting on my back. The chains to my sides were just long enough to all me to reach around behind my back which would be important when I went to release myself. I used the two short chains and the four remaining black locks to secure each wrist cuff to the same ring in the middle of my back.
The sound of four snaps celebrated the completion of my bondage. Here I was on my floor in a hogtie with no immediate way to get free. My only company was the porno movie playing on the TV. I was all alone in my room, dressed for sex with a pair of plugs stuffing my holes. Leather straps and sturdy locks assured that nobody would be getting a piece of my naughty parts. While I lay on my floor like a sex slave waiting for her master to come home my computer was locked in my car, its timer slowly counting down. At 2:00am it would automatically share the depths of my depravity with the world and right now I had no way to shut it down.
Chapter 4: Crawling for keys
Rolling on my side I did my best to watch the bondage movie that was playing. A sharp crack of a paddle and the moan of a woman being spanked filled my ears. The noise seemed to reverberate through my deathly quiet room. Suddenly I wished I had control over the volume as I pondered the thought of nosey neighbors with ears to the walls trying to figure out what was happening next door. All I could do was lay here waiting and hope that the sounds were only audible to my ears.
Testing my bonds was pointless but never the less an impossible urge to over come. As expected, the thick leather straps encircling my wrists, ankles and torso did not yield nor did the steel lock or chain that held my limbs in position. Locked up tight and with no key at hand, a familiar buzz of excitement filled me followed by the routine question that always accompanied the excitement. When that final lock snaps securely shut, when my bonds refuse to give up any slack and as my already aroused body fills with the excitement of a new adventure under way that one nagging question always arises. What the hell did I just get myself into?
My latex clad, leather encased body was locked in place. The chain connecting me to my bed would not allow me to leave this room without the key. Currently that key was well outside of my reach, still held in the firm grasp of the ice suspended above me. Once that key fell my mobility would be restored but not my freedom. The keys to the black locks holding my body in this hogtied positing were resting on the floor of my living room floor, directly in front of the large sliding glass door that opened up to my balcony.
Even reaching the keys to the black locks would not free me. All the keys to the brass locks connecting my wrists to my sided and keeping my legs no further then 18 inches apart, as well as the silver locks the insured the leather harness would stay wrapped around my body, were all stashed in my car. My car not only held my laptop but also the keys to my freedom. My hobbled legs, secured wrists and leather wrapped body ensured that my provocative clothing could not be removed before I ventured to my car and also prevented me from trying to hide my attire by wearing anything over it.
With my neck held firmly in place, watching the movie proved to be very difficult. In the end I resolved to find the most comfortable position possible in my predicament and let my mind wander while my ears listened to erotic noises emanating from the TV. Even with my holes stuffed I knew I was too strictly locked in place to making any effort towards gaining some sexual relief completely futile.
Time passed and eventually the movie’s final credits played themselves out. I tried rolling on my side to look out of the corner of my eye to see how much ice was left but the collar would not yield. To look up I would have to roll onto my back which was impossible with my body held in this hogtie.
I watched as the wet spot of my floor grew with each drop of water that landed on it. I waited impatiently for a single drop of water to change to a falling key but the ice was hording its treasure and refusing to relinquish it. More drops fell marking the passage of time with each thump of fat drop hitting wet carpet. My focus turned back to my schedule. I knew I was running thirty minutes late from getting dressed cutting my safety margin from 90 minutes down to 60 minutes. If the ice took much longer to melt that safety margin was going to get cut even shorter.
After what felt like an eternity the key finally fell. Rolling to my other side I had to find the key blind with my latex covered hands locked behind my back. I found out that working a key into a lock with your fingers covered in latex is a challenge all in and of its self. Several tries later I managed to unlock the chain connecting me to my bed.
Phase one of my bondage was complete. Now it was onto phase two. My upper body was still held rigid from the harness and my limbs were still trapped behind my back. The only thing that had changed was that I now had the freedom to inch my way away from my bed.
It was a long, slow crawl out of my bedroom and into the hallway. Each movement I made was a struggle against my restraints. My body felt unrelenting torment as the crotch strap dug in and moved back and forth with each inch I moved forward. The stimulation wasn’t enough to make me reach orgasm but it did continuously tease my highly aroused body.
I moved as fast as I could. Between my slow start and the ice’s refusal to melt in a timely manor I had to make up time if I was going to beat the clock ticking away on the laptop. The frantic pace only added to the torment I felt. The plugs moved in all directions in holes that were now sensitive to even the slightest touch.
My unprotected shoulders felt like the skin had been stripped away from the rug burn I was experiencing but inch by inch I made my way to the keys. I had made it out of the bedroom, through the hallway and into the living room. As I rounded the couch for a straight shot to the keys a wave of hesitation rushed through me. The lights were off inside the room but outdoor lamps still spilled light in through the glass door.
Another part of my bondage predicament. The curtains were wide open and although it was dark in my apartment there was sill enough light coming in for someone to see me if they paid attention. Perhaps if I was wearing all black the outline of my body would simply blend into the shadows but the shiny pink latex I was wearing stood out like a bright neon sign.
The conundrum I was faced with was two sided. Either wait here hidden behind my couch till it was safe to come out when the night grew old and everyone was asleep or go for the keys now and risk being seeing but then have time to stop my computer from sharing my obsession with the world. Be seen in bondage by my neighbors or have the strangers across the world watch the movies I had made. Somehow the local title of kinky exhibitionist sounded better than the global title of cyber pervert.
Like the rest of the crawl up to this point, the last five feet to the keys on the floor did not go any faster but after a time I did make it there. Latex hands added to the difficulty of putting a key in a hole behind my back. I started with unlocking the short chains that connected my wrists cuffs to the ring on the back of the harness. With those removed my arms gained a considerable amount of freedom. My wrists were still connected to my sides by 10? leashes but that was a lot better then having them pinned behind my back. The last lock that the keys opened was the one connecting both ends of the mid size chain to the back ring. It was the same chain that looped around the hobble chain and pulled my legs up behind my back. With it removed I was finally able to straighten out my legs.
My body was freed of the restrictive hogtie allowing me to move from phase two of my bondage scenario and onto the final phase. Standing up wasn’t easy. My legs were still hobbled together, my wrists were held at my sides with only ten inches of mobility and my upper body was nearly rigid from the restrictive harness but like everything else I managed to overcome the difficulty imposed by my restraints.
Chapter 5- In to the open
Anxiety filled me as I stood before the sliding glass door. With the light spilling in from the outside a casual observer looking in my direction would easily be able to see me in full detail. The shiny pink latex stockings covering my legs and arms were only going to help draw people’s attention. I started to take a step back away from the window before I caught myself. If I couldn’t stand here then I was never going to make it outside to my car.
Collecting my composer, I turned from the window and headed for my kitchen counter. A twinge of hesitation struck me as I picked up the keys sitting on the counter. A shiver ran down my spine as I opened the door to the cool night air but it wasn’t the air that caused it. For the first time in my life I was truly exposing myself and my kinky nature. The business suit I walked through this door every day in as I went too and from work was long gone. It had been replaced with a new attire. A dress code devoid of standard social rules because it screamed blatantly of sexuality.
All normal social rules for attire were gone when I stepped out that door. Here I stood outside my apartment without a stitch of fabric on. The denim, wool and cotton everyone else walk out the door with could not be found on my body. I was walking out into public wearing latex, leather, plastic and steel. Most people would walk outside wearing pants and shirt to cover up there entire body. I stood in the open wearing thin latex panties and a bra to cover up my most private areas. I made my legs and arms stand out by covering them in pink latex stockings and gloves. Instead of walking in comfortable sneakers I wore clear plastic boots that showed of my latex covered feet and stood tall on the boot’s towering 7 inch platform heels. Where most people walk around with a wedding band around there finger to show to the world that they are off the market because they are tied to someone. I was going into public having literally tied myself up. No one would have to squint to catch a glimpse of a ring on my finger. The chains between my legs and connected to my wrists were impossible to miss. I didn’t use a subtle ring to let people know I wasn’t available to fuck, I was advertising it with the shiny locks that secured the leather harness that chastised me. And as though all that wasn’t enough to set me apart from everyone else I still had one more trick up my sleeve, in truth it is more like two tricks and two sleeves. Far beyond what most people do when they step outside their own home, beneath the leather and latex stretched between my legs were two plugs to tease my sensitive holes.
With my courage finally worked up, I closed the door behind me and left the safety of my apartment. My first obstacle to overcome was the stairs leading down to ground level. The collar around my neck prevented me from looking down to see where my feet were falling. The chains on my wrist only allowed me to have one hand on a railing. The shoes I was wearing would be difficult to navigate stairs in even if they were all I had to deal with. Taking great care and an enormous amount of time I made my way down to ground level. With each step I took a loud clank echoed off the stairs as my hobble chain fell from one step to the next.
It only took a few steps from the stairs before I was completely enveloped in artificial daylight. Numerous floodlights combined their light to cast continuous daylight on every sidewalk. There were no shadows to hide in between lamps. All the sidewalks around here were fully illuminated. A window from another apartment had a reflection of me in it. What I noticed the most was just how shiny the latex was now that I was under all these nightlights. On this dark night the latex seemed to stand out like a beacon.
Cautiously I made my way between the buildings in the direction of my car. My senses were on high alert listening for even the smallest sound. Each building I pasted between brought renewed butterflies to my stomach.
I was almost to the parking lot when my ears picked up the muffled sounds of two men having a quite conversation. The slight night breeze brought with it a faint smell of cigarettes. Cautiously I tried to peer around the corner without exposing myself. The stiff harness made it impossible to simply turn my head and peek around the side of the building. Fortunately the two men were too engrossed in their conversation to notice the half of my body I exposed in my effort to spy on them. They were only thirty feet away smoking on the second story balcony.
Taking a step back I moved to where I was hidden from sight behind the building. Even though they were talking in hushed voices I was still able to eavesdrop on their conversation. I giggled to myself as I heard them talking, as all men do, about how hard it was to meet hot girls in this town. If only they knew what was just around the corner from them. I hesitated for a moment. Part of me wanted to take five steps forward turn and say ?Hi boys?. My heels clicked on the hard concrete as I hesitantly took several steps backwards. This wasn’t quite the right time to be picking up these guys. Although maybe once I had the keys and my hands were free? I’ll just have to wait and see.
Time ticked painfully by. While the guys slowly smoked their cigarettes 2 o’clock was quickly approaching. I had no watch, nor any other means of checking the time. Suddenly I was cursing myself for not having the forethought to check the time when I was back in my apartment. Time continued to tick by as I waited on the two guys. Knowing what it would mean if I waited too long I started considering just forgetting about the two guys and walking out to my car. Having them see me would be far easier to deal with than letting tonight be my debut as an internet porn star.
Just as I was getting ready to head for my car I heard a door open and close. Their voices disappeared as the guys went back inside. I stayed where I was for a little while longer. The calm of the night was shattered once again by the click of my heels and jingle of the hobble chain dragging on the ground. I glanced around to see if there were any prying eyes watching me from the surrounding apartments and was happy to not find any.
The click of my heels continued to fill the air as I approached my car. My keys were still in my hand since I didn’t have any pockets to put them in. I didn’t waste any time getting my trunk open. I paused for a second as shadows moved across the parking lot. A car had just pulled into the complex. It was still around the corner but it was headed in my direction. I still had time to get my laptop and hide but it wouldn’t be long before the car would be insight of me. As I reached into the trunk I suddenly realized I had a major problem.
I suppose it was the excitement of the whole adventure that made me forget to take into consideration this one minor little detail. Without thinking I had tossed my laptop case and the computer inside it into my trunk. The case itself was in the middle of the trunk which wouldn’t be a big deal except for the fact my hands were still tethered to my waist by the short 10 inch chains.
There was just not enough length in the chains to reach out and grab even the strap of the case. The headlights of the car were drawing closer. I frantically looked around trying to find a stick or anything I could use to pull the case closer too me but nothing was in sight.
My options were quickly running out. Because of the bondage I was still in I had no way to reach the case which was absolutely devastating. Not only did the case contain my computer that was eagerly waiting to humiliate me by uploading the full depths of my depravity to all of the world at 2 o’clock sharp but it also had the only keys to my freedom. The muffled sound of an engine began to fill the silent night air. The car was just around the corner now. My time was almost up.
Chapter 6- Saying hello
Rounding the corner the car came into sight. An impromptu decision had been made and I stood my ground. As the car approached me I did my best to wave to the driver. Waving when your arms are chained to your sides ends up looking awkward at best but it did the trick in the end. At first I was surprised that the driver ignored me when they continued to drive pas. Defeat struck me at first when I thought I was being ignored but it was over come by relief when I saw the car pull into the first empty parking stall.
Silence returned to the night when the purr of the engine ceased. The door opened and the driver exited his vehicle. This was a good looking guy. As he walked around the car I got my first full look at him. Standing up straight he looked to be over six feet tall. It was kind of hard to judge his height since these heels I was wearing had me looking down on him. His tight shirt stretched across his broad shoulders and hugged his muscular body. His hair was dark and a neatly trimmed goatee surrounded his lips. On the whole this guy was a good looking man but at the moment I wasn’t interested in dating.
The stranger approached me as I stood at the end of my car, the trunk still open. He didn’t stop till he was standing right in front of me. He would be well within arms reach if my hands weren’t still locked to my sides, although maybe he was. His eyebrows ruffled as he took a second to look at me from head to toe. There was a hint of alcohol on his breath telling me he was probably returning from a nearby club. I had to wonder if he thought he was hallucinating, only instead of seeing pink elephants he was taking in the sight of pink latex. His eyes returned and locked on mine after their journey to my toes.
Silence was the only sound to be heard. We both stood where we were, his deep blue eyes staring into my own. Dressed as I was any rational person would consider this an awkward silence while they worked up the courage to say what they were thinking. Somehow for me it wasn’t. The knowing look in his eyes energized me as much as the provocative attire I had chosen to adorn. My chest fluttered with excitement as the silence came to an end.
A quizzical look crossed his face. ?Costume party?? he asks offering me an easy answer.
?Maybe,? I replied coyly. Had he asked the right question I would have told him the truth. His words were not the actual question. The words themselves were just a means to asking an entirely different question.
Glancing at his own attire first he asked with a charming grin, ?Coming or going??
Here I was with a ticking time bomb in my trunk that needed to be defused and I found the guy who wanted to play games. Despite the danger my computer posed I couldn’t help but play along.
?At this hour of the night, shouldn’t I be coming?? I replied. I couldn’t suppress a smirk at my own pun. ?What can I say, the party just didn’t turn out to be very fulfilling.?
An eyebrow rose as he studied the harness I was wearing. He ran a finger down from my collar to the leather strap splitting my legs before returning to my midriff to give a gentle tug at one of the locks that helped to imprison my body in leather. His fingers returned to the strap that spit my legs. He pulled up on it digging the leather into my crotch and forcing the pair of plugs deeper into me.
He spoke as I gasped from the sudden stimulation of having the plugs stuffed into me.
?You know I may not know you but I think I could understand why a party might end up being less then satisfying.?
His smile could not be suppressed despite his best efforts to remain cool. The shallow gasp I let out as the strap pressed into my crotch was the sign he was looking for. Regardless of what cool exterior I put on, he knew exactly how aroused I was.
His hand moved from the crotch strap up to my latex covered breast. My nipples were not difficult to find since both of them were already budding out against the thin material. My jaw dropped and my eyes rolled as his fingers slowly teased my right nipple. Regaining my focus I stared him in the eyes while his hand continued to tease my sensitive body. Instinctively I tried to reach up to grab his hands but it was no use with the chains securing my wrists. The look in his eyes let me know he wouldn’t stop me if I stepped back away from the assault but something within me prevented me from doing so. Instead I took a small step forward and allowed my breasts to be a playground for his fingers.
Delicate fingers caressed my breasts sending tingles throughout my body. With a raised eyebrow I cocked my head to the side and reached out with my hand. My fingers grabbed the fabric of his pants and the cock that they covered. In no time his rod was hard. His fingers teased my tit while my hand massaged his cock. We both smiled. Each of us were enjoying the stimulation to our privates but more importantly both of us were looking forward to seeing who would take the next step in our unspoken tournament of dares.
I was too transfixed on his blue eyes to even notice the hand that had moved behind me. Fingers wrapped around the back of my head and I found myself being pulled towards him. My eyes closed as our lips approached. A warm tingle spread across my body as his wet lips pressed against my own. Our tongues danced as I slowly became aware of his cologne. Had my hair not fallen in my face the moment would have been perfect.
The gentleman that he was, he carefully moved my hair from my face to behind my ear. As he did so I couldn’t help but notice the watch strapped around his wrist. I’d have loved to spend the rest of my night right here but I knew I needed to focus. I didn’t see what time it was but I was reminded that I was on a time table.
?So do you think you could help me out with something?? I asked.
His eyes lit up with thoughts of all sorts of possibilities. His arms were at my hips pulling us together. Our hips pressed against one another.
?Name it.?
Holding my arms out stretched to my sides I demonstrated the limited mobility that the chains offered. Then I pointed at the briefcase in my trunk.
?I’m having a little trouble grabbing my laptop. Think you could do me a favor and reach into my trunk and grab it?? I asked.
There was a twinge of disappointment that crossed his face as he grabbed the case and handed it too me but his smile returned as he continued playing our little game.
?Is that the only thing I can do for you??
?I’m sure you could do a lot more for me but for tonight I think this will do. Rain check for another night?? I asked.
He released my hips to reach behind his back and retrieve his wallet. From his wallet he extracted a business card. He held it up so that I could see it then flipped it backwards to show me his cell phone number was prewritten on the back.
?Call me anytime you want to play,?
Instead of handing me the card he instead chose to slide it under the black latex that covered my breasts. He pulled me in close and we kissed again. This time his hands were wrapped around my lower body firmly grabbing my latex clad ass. He pulled me inwards so that our hips pressed against one another. I could feel his hard cock as he pressed his body into mine. His cock was impossible not to notice. Even beneath the layers of clothes I could tell he had both length and girth.
Our lips parted and he disappeared off to his apartment. I stood where I was and watched him go. My daze was broken by the sound of an approaching car. I had already pressed my luck as far as I dared. I made no haste leaving the parking lot. I wasn’t ready to find out what the next driver thought of my outfit.
Returning to my apartment I immediately looked at the nearest clock. To my amazement it was only 1:30. A wave of relief hit me knowing that my secret was still safe yet I had to admit I was slightly disappointed. Perhaps the hour and a half leeway time was too much. I went to bed dreaming about my next trial and the fact I might have just met the perfect partner for my play.
I want to give a big thank you out to Babybunny15 for taking the time to edit my story. She is a wonderful editor as well as a wonderful writer. Please make sure to check out her stories here at Literotica. * I woke up from a sound sleep, noticing that there was a lot of light shining through the windows of our bedroom. I rolled over and focused on the digital alarm clock to see what time it was. ‘Holy shit!’ I mumbled as I threw off my blanket. ‘How can it be 10:15 already?’ I thought to...
I would like to thank bunnydoll15 for editing my story. She is the greatest editor and a fantastic friend. Please check out her writings too. Thank you so much!!! I hope you enjoy this long chapter and please remember to vote and supply feedback! Suddenly the vision I saw was no longer sparkly. I heard a faint chime from the clock, almost as if it was a great distance away. My breathing was heavy and my legs trembled as I looked around the room. ‘Welcome.’ I heard in a soft almost whispered...
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As the days and weeks continued to pass I grew more accustomed to rural life. This was the way life was going to be from now on. So much slower than what I was used to , but so much nicer. The people I began to meet were so incredibly friendly. When Michael and I would go out and meet people in the stores they were always so cordial. One day while I was out working in the yard , I was approached by a woman who was walking down the gravel road. I put the small branches down that I just picked...
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‘You damn fool, turn that racket off! Come help me fix something to eat tonight,’ yelled Lisey up the stairs. ‘Lay chilly baby, you know old Live helps me get in a creative little zone,’ Stockton replied. Or at least she better understand, he thought to himself. He had gotten roughly three chapters into his new book before some writer’s block set it, something he felt Lisey remained oblivious to. ‘But baby, I just want a little help down here, I thought we could have a nice little dinner...
My Mom married James when I was 12. My father had died two years earlier. He only had a small life insurance policy and our family had been struggling to get by. We moved in with James the day after the wedding. They never went on a honeymoon. I had previously met my new stepbrothers a couple of times, including at the wedding. But the following weekend was the first time that I spent any significant amount of time with them. All four were older than me, anywhere from 6 months to 5 years...
((note: story inspired by NilioJ (Harry potter spell book of desire‘s)) (Note 3. For the purposes of this story, all students start hogwarts at the age of 18, as Hogwarts is a High School/ College. ALL students are 18+. Salazar Slytherin was a pure-blood wizard, noted for his cunning and determination. He was regarded as one of the greatest wizards of the age, respectively as a Parselmouth and as a skilled Legilimens. Slytherin was one of the four founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft...
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Somoy ta 2005’er September. Aaj raat’er train’e baba maa jaben Rajasthan ghurte. Amar jawa hobe na, samne monthend’er closing. Ghurte jete amar khub bhalo lage, tai ektu mon kharap agchilo jete parbo na bole. Mone hochhilo ei chakri’r jonno r koto sacrifice korte hobe k jane! Kintu salary ta besh bhalo’e dei bole charte’o pari na chot kore. Bole rakhi, ami tokhon ekta insurance company’r area manager. Onek responsibility ache bole r ta chara target’er chap ache bole branch manager k sahosh kore...
She looked at them. She felt it. She felt all their gaze. As the wrestler known as Athena sashayed down the hallway, it's like she could read thoughts. She was well-liked in the female locker room. She was hard-working. She was smart. She was their women’s champion. However, on the other hand...Sometimes she was looked at like a piece of meat. She had no self-esteem issues. She was in fact, one of their curvier female wrestlers on the roster. She saw signs every week that said “Athena Rules”...
MasturbationAlthough Tom liked the quiet moments with her, today it was hard to resist his want to take Chloe there on the couch. He hadn’t fucked her in over 24 hours now. He was holding off and building up his cum for when his new daughter arrived. It was supposed to be any time now, but it was still frustrating having such a great piece right in front of him and having to hold off fucking her. He kept reminding himself that he would be blowing his load inside his new daughter very soon. Then, he would...
This is one of 26 stories in this series. Each is a standalone story with unique characters and actions. They can be read in any order since they do not have any plot points in common. Warning: This story contains adult content including exhibitionism, CMNF, fellatio, rim jobs, cunnilingus, and vaginal sex If you don't like these activities then please find another story more to your liking. 8========D "Neat ‘n Naked...where our girls suck better than Hoovers. How can we help you?"...
I really hope he isn’t going to be much longer. That was the thought running through Jenna’s mind as she stood and waited for Theo to show up. She was leaning against the bar, hoping that she didn’t look too conspicuous. She was wearing a tight fitting, black velvet dress. It was backless and its hem ended just above her knee, showing enough of her shapely legs to make her feel sexy. The decision had been made to dispense with tights or stockings and a pair of black stilettos complemented the...
I really hope he isn’t going to be much longer. That was the thought running through Jenna’s mind as she stood and waited for Theo to show up. She was leaning against the bar, hoping that she didn’t look too conspicuous. She was wearing a tight fitting, black velvet dress. It was backless and its hem ended just above her knee, showing enough of her shapely legs to make her feel sexy. The decision had been made to dispense with tights or stockings and a pair of black stilettos complemented the...
Straight SexHe stood hugging himself tightly, not that it helped keep him warm anymore. The cold had long since seeped so far into him the only thing that kept him from running to find somewhere warm was the fear that, should he leave his spot, he’d return to find it taken and his chance of seeing her, Athena, gone forever. The singer Athena had caught the world by storm, nobody a year ago, the young woman had taken to the celebrity lifestyle like a duck to water and was now breaking records with her...
She walks through the forest. Her body drenched with sweat. Her armor stained in dirt and blood. Her sword drops to the ground as she collapses upon a large grass covered rock. Out of breath, she’s gasping for air. Finally relaxing, she stretches her limbs. The warrior passes out, exhausted. Minutes pass since the warrior passed out. Xena’s awoken by a light nudge on her arm. ‘Xena?’ The figure speaks softly.’Time to wake up..’ ‘Nnngh!’ The warrior grunts, slowly drawing her eyes open. ...
It seems so long ago to be honest, and it has been ten whole years to the day almost. It was just before Christmas 1987 when I was 20 and dating David, but he went by Dave. He was nice enough and all, the family liked him. I was in love with him for sure. Our relationship was going well I thought but not everything was perfect. He would get into moods from time to time that made me question his commitment to me. As Christmas neared that year I was wondering why, during the month of December, he...
Characters: Zoe: f, age 14 Noah: m, age 14, Zoe’s stepbrother James: m, age 16, Zoe’s stepbrother Keith: M, age 37; Zoe’s father Kate: F, age 36; Zoe’s stepmother Jessi: F, age 31; Zoe’s mother Jessi was seventeen years old and two months pregnant when she met Keith, my father. A week later during a passionate make-out session, he took her virginity; practically raping her or so she led him to believe. You might wonder how you rape a willing slut that planned and instigated the so-called...
This story was actually requested from an on-line friend....Mathews is actually a girl, and asked me to create a story for her about one of her fantasies....She liked this...so hopefully you may enjoy this as well... I have to give inspirational credit to post to the board to JadeM...Her stories have captivated me over the last few days, I cant stop reading her stories...... here it goes..... ...................................... Chapter 1 Matthews has finished changing for...
Then something large and heavy almost certainly the fist one one of the Orcs smashed into her stomach knocking the wind from her body, in shock she opened her mouth to gulp in air only to have her mouth and windpipe blocked by the giant putrid cock now being forced into her mouth and throat, the combination of the shock and her convulsive choking relaxed her ass enough that she felt a new tearing pain as the huge cock at her rear forced its way in making her feel her anal ring was tearing and...
Dinner that night was an awkward affair. Diana was acting sullen for some reason, barely picking at her food, and not so much speaking as grunting when I tried to make conversation. I wasn't much better - I'd started to feel responsible for what happened to Marissa, even if it wasn't anything I did on purpose, and that left me growing more quiet and introspective the more I went over it in my head. As for Marissa, she seemed to have accepted her new self wholeheartedly, and her interest in...
Cheryl calls the shotsCheryl finished her showering and was dressing for the evening as I had a scotch/rocks while waiting downstairs. A cool spring breeze blew through the townhouse with the sun setting and an orange-red glow off the clouds.Cheryl came down the stairs in a new outfit, a sheer black and blue trimmed blouse, a black skirt, black hose and high heels.“Nice new outfit, honey, very sexy,” I said as I fondled her left tit as she stood close to me.“I would like a little change tonight...
This isn't one of my better stories, but it was something that was bouncing around in my head for awhile so I decided to finally write it down. Fairy Godmother By Morpheus It was late afternoon, close to the evening and I was sitting in the chair by my computer, frowning as I glanced at the clock. It was almost time, not that it was really going to make much difference to me. And though I knew that I shouldn't even be wasting my time thinking about it, I just couldn't help...
Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil gramathu nattukattai penai epadi usar seithu matter adithen enbathai paarkalam. En peyar vignesh vayathu 22 aagugirathu naan chennaiyil nanbargaludan thangi velai paarthu varugiren. Enaku iravu aanale kama kathaigal padika thondrum. Thinamum kama kathaigal padithu bathroom sendru kai adipen, thinamum kai adikavilai endral enaku thukam ethum varathu. En veetu Madurai gramathil irukirathu, naan padithathu chennaiyil thaan, ithu vari mundru pengalai...
Humbled At the Pillory StockadeThis is Part Two of the Humbled Series. To better understand the characters you should read Humbled first.Upon arriving home, I was greeted by Mistress Monica at the front door wearing her now normal household attire (stiletto heels and stockings, and nothing else). She quickly told me that she was aware of the new SCA rules, and unless I wanted to be charged as a SCA pervert from now on I was to be totally naked while in her company. I only would be allowed to...
There’s something about the universe. It’s just so universal. If you think about it (and I don’t recommend that you do) the universe can’t help but be a strange place, because everything strange is in it. Most of the time it makes no sense, and when it does make sense that’s even stranger, because there’s no reason why it should. In all the chaotic fields of energy, why should there be something as regular and dependable as matter? And amidst all of the dead matter why should some of it be...
Straight SexThe Adventure of the Solitary Stockbroker Jane Holmes (Nee Jane Watson) Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or occurrences is purely coincidental. For the most part, names of corporations are made up, where real names are used (e.g. Air Canada), such use is made in purely fictional setting. This story is a classical, old fashioned mystery, a whodunit. If you don't like this kind of story, don't bother reading...
November/December, 1979, Hovås/Göteborg, Sweden On Monday when I showed up at the ice rink, I saw the regular hockey skaters, Åke, Per, and Johan, and greeted them as I usually did. Talking with them, I had discovered they all played for the same junior hockey team in Västra Frölunda and all hoped to play in the Elite Series. They skated each morning for about an hour before their regular practice started, which is when I had to leave the ice. Katrina and Mikael, the ice dancers, weren’t...
I was feeling much better. I usually don’t take sick days, I’m the kind of girl who shows up completely trashed sneezing and coughing, determined to make at least one coworker sick in exchange for a sick day. This one destroyed me. I couldn’t move, I was shivering, the coughs actually hurt, the medicine did nothing. I was getting older. I was twenty-nine. I know, that’s not old, but it’s the little things at first, those tiny little things you don’t notice, or at least that you shouldn’t...
The year was 1969 and there was all this talk in the news about a music festival that was going to be happening on a dairy farm in Sullivan County. Max Yasgur was going to be opening up his quiet dairy farm for what many were already calling one of the greatest festivals to ever be thrown. Not only was this festival the most ambitious to date, this was a weekend that would change the state of music and define a generation. This would be known as "Woodstock." An Aquarian exposition of three...
Being a housewife sometimes can be very boring. You take care of the kids and your home. You have dinner waiting for your husband and you please him in the bedroom. I liked doing all of those things. My sex life wasn’t the greatest thing. My husband and I had sex every day, except, he’s only interested in himself. We have a very vanilla sex life. I've always wanted to experiment with sex, however, my husband doesn’t know how to please a woman. I have faked all my orgasms over the years. I was...
Group SexBeing a housewife sometimes can be very boring. You take care of the kids and your home. You have dinner waiting for your husband and you please him in the bedroom. I liked doing all of those things. My sex life wasn’t the greatest thing. My husband and I had sex every day, except, he’s only interested in himself. We have a very vanilla sex life. I’ve always wanted to experiment with sex, however, my husband doesn’t know how to please a woman. I have faked all my orgasms over the years. I was...
South of Bikini Season 5 Episode 2 "We'll always have Athens" 4:03PM, Athens, Greece, July 22nd, 1199BC "My love, where have all the people gone? Where did the distressed earth disappear? With the exception of the missing buildings and homes, it is as though the events of today never happened," Theseus questioned his mate after we reappeared next to Billie on the outskirts of Athens. The crater was gone and so were the destroyed buildings- rubble and all. "Sangiere...
We start this week’s show with establishing shots of boring terraced streets ... Blank two-up, two-downs ... Cruising along a road, looking sideways at a series of side-streets, each less interesting than the last, with bollards at either end to make them pedestrian only... A big caption appears, filling almost the whole screen, “STOCKTON-ON-TEES, ENGLAND.” The caption fades as we come to a halt infront of the first street with any sign of activity ... And the activity is... Our...
Judith was scared as she was taken from the warehouse to a van by two large black males. Judith is five foot, six, green eyes and red hair. She weighs 125 lbs with 38DD breasts. In other words a knockout woman, absolutely gorgeous. She was blackmailed into being a slut for Theo, the local drug dealer who also has a stable of women for sex. Judith managed to piss off some of Theo’s clients by not wanting to perform some sex acts. Judith is married an managed to keep her other life a secret from...
I'm really glad you came back. There's still a lot I want to tell you, and I was afraid that we wouldn't get the chance, but here we are. Ain't it great how life works? Anyway, yeesh. I have a story to tell ya about the days of my youth. Well, not so much youth. I mean, I was in college then, back at the old University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia, but well, compared to now, I was young. It was a great time then, back in 1982. Reagan had just begun to fuck things up but good in...
Out on a Tether By Morpheus Reno Nevada, Tuesday October 2nd. High school is an utterly amazing place. Not only is it a bastion of learning and education, but also a social melting pot where you can interact with a lot of different people, giving you the opportunity to make contacts and friendships that can last a lifetime. Who am I kidding. School sucks. Maybe, if I'd been a big buff jock like my older brother Brad, then school might not have been so bad. After all, he...
Hai friends, enathu peyar Raathika, vayathu 20 naan dindugal maavatathil vasithu varugiren enaku oru pen thozhi irukiraal avalin peyar iswarya avalukum enathu vayathu thaan aagugirathu 20. Naangal pengal kalluriyil padithukondu irukirom, athanaal engalaal pasangalodu thodarbukola mudiyaathu athu mattum illamal ennai pengal hostelil seerthu vittargal. Naa pengal mattume irukum palliyile padithen udan piranthavargalum yavarum illai. Enathu vaazhvile pasangalai ennal parka kuda mudiyaatha nilaimai...
"C'mon bitch! What did I just say to do?" "I'm sorry, Sir! Please don't pull the leash again! It hurts my throat!" "It hurts my throat, well, a lot more is going to hurt if you don't do what I fucking say! Now suck my cock!" "Yes Sir!" "And?" I felt the hard sting of Master Theron's hand come down hard on my cheek, and held back the tears that formed in my eyes. "Thank you! Thank you Sir, for letting me suck your cock!" "Such a polite bitch." My eyes cast to the floor...