Pour Sauver Son Mari free porn video

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Pour sauver son mari


Coulybaca / Bedo


Chapitre 1



-???????? Que t'est-il arriv? qu'est ce que ces marques sur ton visage ? Demanda-t-elle affol?e. -???????? Oh,  r?pondis-je m'asseyant tout penaud ? ses cot?s... J'en prends plein la gueule... Les gardes les laissent faire... Il regardent, certains s'en vont lorsque ?a d?marre.... Encore 32 jours et je pourrai sortir... Tu dois m'aider ch?rie... -???????? Je ne crois pas pouvoir le faire... Sanglota-t-elle ?perdue.


-???????? Sanderson, de quoi parles-tu avec ta petite chatte blonde ? Questionna le g?ant noir, qui s'assit de l'autre cot? de ma femme posant sa main sur son ?paule. -???????? Nous as-tu ramen? quelques photos ? J'aime regarder  tes gros nibards et ta petite chatte duveteuse... Ton mari br?lait de nous montrer comment t'es foutue...

G?n?e, Vicky tenta de l'ignorer, mais en vain. Le bras pos? sur son ?paule, il lui empauma un nichon, le caressant machinalement


Je purgeais une peine de 180 jours, sanctionnant une conduite en ?tat d'ivresse, c'est pourquoi je devais me contenter de m'asseoir aux cot?s de ma jolie petite femme.


Vicky est ?g?e de 23 ans, c'est une vraie blonde, ses longs cheveux pendent jusqu'? sa taille, elle a une jolie peau tr?s lumineuse,  et est dot?e d'une forte poitrine, presque trop grosse, mais si ferme.

Elle ?tait vierge lorsque je l'ai ?pous?e, j'?tais son premier amant.


Nous nous fr?quentons depuis les ann?es coll?ges et sommes tr?s amoureux l'un de l'autre.

C'?tait jour de visite ? la prison du comt?, prisonniers et  visiteurs ?taient assis dans la caf?t?ria, qui ?tait am?nag?e pour cet emploi.

La salle contenait une centaine de personnes m?lang?es, les enfants ne pouvaient venir que dans des occasions bien sp?cifiques, il n'y en avait pas un ce jour l?.

Les gardes se promenaient dans les rangs, surveillant d'?ventuels ?changes. Parfois, les prisonniers pouvaient s'isoler un petit moment dans une petite pi?ce contigu?  pour jouir d'une certaine intimit?.

M?me si le r?glement de la prison ne pr?voyait pas formellement les t?tes ? t?tes conjugaux, les gardes tol?raient ces occasionnels isolements. Mais on ne pouvait jamais fermer enti?rement la porte, ce qui minorait d'autant l'intimit?.

De temps ? autre, une femme s'allongeait sur la table pour baiser avec son homme, on essayait d'ignorer les bruits d'accouplement, les gardes se rin?aient l'oeil et riaient de l'humiliation des ?pouses de prisonniers.

On aurait tous aim? se tenir sous la table pour profiter du spectacle.


Je me faisais battre depuis quelques mois, depuis le d?but des visites de Vicky.

Elle avait pos? pour des photos nues et avait tent? de me les donner un jour de visite.

Sa soeur Val?rie l'avait prise en photos avec un polaro?d quelques jours plus t?t.

Lorsqu'elle s'?tait assise un grand sourire aux l?vres, je compris qu'elle me pr?parait une surprise. Tout ce que je savais, c'est que j'?tais s?v?rement frustr?, je la d?sirais ?prement.

J'avais pos? ma main sur ses cuisses, et je glissai mes doigts vers sa chatte lorsqu'elle me mit les clich?s dans la paume de la main.


Je t?tonnais et les rangeai prestement, malheureusement, l'un des gardes m'avait vu faire.

Il se dirigea vers moi me demandant de lui remettre l'objet introduit en fraude, il pensait que ?a pouvait ?tre de la drogue et fut heureusement surpris de d?couvrir des photos de ma ravissante femme nue.

Les deux premi?res montraient ses gros nibards, la suivante son  cul bien ferme, et sur les deux derni?res elle exhibait sa chatte, l'une d'entre elles cuisses grande ?cart?es.

Sur toutes ces photos, elle souriait vicieusement l'air d'inviter le client. Il rit et se les empocha, puis il fit des copies et les distribua ? ceux qui en voulaient.


Le salaud de n?gre assis aux cot?s de Vicky lui pelotant un nichon s'?tait procur? les cinq photos, et il voulait qu'elle en prenne d'autres d'elle nue pour les lui donner.

Il en voulait plusieurs avec sa petite amie et d'autres encore avec son fr?re.

Mais elle se refusait ? faire cela.

Depuis il me battait journellement pour l'obliger ? accepter. Il voulait aussi lui imposer certaines tenues pour lui plaire lors des visites.


-???????? Waou... Sanderson, ta femme ? des nichons de matrone... Ils sont vraiment tr?s gros... C'est pas facile de d?goter de tels nibards...  Commenta-t-il goguenard. -???????? J'aimerai bien te fourrer ma bite dans ta soyeuse petite chatte ma blonde ch?rie lui dit-il ? l'oreille alors que sa main remontait sous sa jupe se dirigeant tout droit vers sa juteuse petite foufoune.

Elle serra les cuisses pour tenter d'arr?ter ces caresses obsc?nes, et s'?cria :

-???????? Ne me touchez pas !

Le g?ant noir se releva et me mena?a :

-???????? Cette nuit je viendrai t'enculer ! Attendez... lui dit alors Vicky l'invitant ? se rasseoir. -???????? Je vous prie ne lui faite pas de mal ! Vous allez le tuer...

Il reprit place ? ses cot?s et lui remit une main sur l'?paule et l'autre sous la table, d'embl?e il posa sa grosse main sur ses cuisses tout pr?s de sa chatte.


-???????? J'esp?re que tu vas te tenir tranquille et m'ob?ir dor?navant? L'avisa-t-il alors que sa main arrivait au contact de la d?licieuse petite cramouille de mon ?pouse ?perdue. -???????? C'est bien ch?rie... Tu vas sentir les doigts d'un vrai homme dans ta chatte... Penche toi en arri?re et ?carte plus les cuisses... -???????? Il y a trop de gens qui nous regardent ! Arr?tez... Je vous en prie... S'insurgea-t-elle sourdement tout en ouvrant lentement les cuisses.


Les prisonniers assis dans notre voisinage, voyaient ses jambes grandes ?cart?es, et la grosse main noire ins?r?e sous sa jupe, entre ses cuisses nacr?es. Elle pleurnichait, ignorant ses larmes, il lui fourra profond?ment les doigts dans la chatte.

-???????? A?e  se plaignit-elle enfon?ant ses ongles dans la paume de ma main.


-???????? Esp?ce de salaud, enl?ve tes pattes de l??! Me r?voltais-je. -???????? Qu'est ce que tu veux mon poussin ? M'interrompit-il enfouissant encore plus profond?ment ses doigts dans la chatte de ma femme. -???????? R?ponds moi ch?rie, que pr?f?res tu : que je m'amuse avec ta moule ou que je casse la gueule ? ton mari avant de lui casser le cul cette nuit ?  A toi de choisir...? -???????? C'est d'accord... Continuez ce que vous me faites...  pleurnicha-t-elle servilement. -???????? Mais foutez lui la paix, je vous en prie !

Boone fourra son doigt aussi loin qu’il put dans la cramouille de Vicky, il resserra son bras sur ses ?paules, il empauma ? nouveau un de ses nichons et reprit son pelotage :

-???????? D?boutonne ton corsage, que je v?rifie si tu m'as ob?i.... Je t'avais dit de ne pas mettre de soutien-gorge...  lui dit-il commen?ant le d?boutonnage. -???????? C'est bien ma salope... Tu as ob?i...  Boone ne cherchait pas ? se cacher, au contraire il haussait le ton pour se faire remarquer, il se r?jouissait que des gens puissent le voir molester ma femme. Il dit ? voix haute : -???????? Quels beaux nichons... Mark... Mark viens ici  une minute... Viens voir ses gros nichons...


Les femmes aux alentours nous regardaient avec sympathie, mais il parlait ? quelqu'un d'autre. Mark s'approcha de notre table, me repoussa de la main et s'assit ? ma place, sans se cacher, il prit l'autre nibard en main et se mit ? le peloter.


-???????? Bordel quelle paire de loches, t'as raison ! Commenta-t-il sa pine s'?rigeant dans son pantalon. -???????? De toute fa?on, nous pouvons toujours aller dans la petite pi?ce s'amuser avec toi... Dit-il hilare ? mon ?pouse affol?e. -???????? Ne regarde pas ton pleutre de mari, il ne peut rien pour toi ! -???????? J'ai une bien meilleure id?e ch?rie... Passe sous la table et taille moi une pipe !


Vicky se figea, elle me regarda, je lui fis non de la t?te, elle se remit ? pleurer.

Ces salauds de garde ne purent ignorer plus longtemps  ses cris, ils vinrent ? son aide ordonnant aux deux salopards de n?gre de quitter les lieux.

En partant, ils se tourn?rent tous deux vers moi me souriant de fa?on mena?ante.

-???????? Vicky  lui dis-je Je veux que tu arr?tes tes visites... Il ne me reste que 32 jours ? tirer... On peut se t?l?phoner une fois par semaine... Je ne veux plus te voir ici... Ne te tracasse pas pour moi... Je prendrai soin de moi... Promets le moi... -???????? Je dois te quitter... Me dit-elle en m'embrassant tendrement. -???????? Je suis d?sol?e de ne pas leur avoir ob?i... Pas devant tous ces gens... Je te promets de revenir te voir...  Je t'aime...  Et, sur ces mots elle quitta la pi?ce.


Elle d?valait le vestibule lorsqu'un garde, un sergent l'interpella :

-???????? Madame Sanderson, Je peux donner un coup de main ? votre mari pour le mettre ? l'abri des autres d?tenus? Mais? Pour ?a il faudra payer?!

Au travers de ses sanglots elle demanda :

-???????? Que pouvez-vous faire pour l'aider ? Je sais ce qu'ils veulent lui faire ce soir... Ils l'ont dit en partant... Ne les laissez pas faire je vous en prie... Je ferai  ce que vous voudrez.


-???????? Madame Sanderson, je peux le faire transf?rer dans un lieu s?curis? pour le reste de son s?jour... Il lui doit lui rester un mois ou deux ? tirer...

Vicky approuva de la t?te et il continua :

-???????? J'ai vu ce qu'ils vous faisaient au parloir, ils vous pelotaient, sous la table ils vous doigtaient, n'est ce pas ?


Vicky arr?ta le sergent dans son ?lan et elle railla :

-???????? Ils me molestaient, et pas un d'entre vous n'a boug? le moindre petit doigt?! Vous ?tiez tous spectateurs... -???????? Attendez madame Sanderson, cela fait assez longtemps que vous venez pour conna?tre les r?gles,  on ne doit pas intervenir tant qu'il n'y a pas de troubles graves, ces ordres viennent du directeur, nous ne pouvions pas intervenir tant que ne criiez pas... Ce n'est pas plus compliqu?... Mais revenons ? nos oignons... Si on transf?re ton mari dans une aire s?curis?e, il sera ? l'abri... Bien sur il sera seul... Mais personne ne pourra l'y blesser... Et baissant la voix il ajouta : -???????? Tout ce que vous aurez ? faire ce sera de m'ob?ir quand je voudrai et l? o? je le voudrai ! -???????? Nous n'avons pas d'argent ! Je travaille au noir pour joindre les deux bouts... R?pliqua Vicky sombrement. -???????? Je ne veux pas de ton argent ! Et tu le sais bien...  Je veux disposer de ton corps une ou deux fois par semaine le mois ? venir...   C'est ?a ou ton mari reste avec les autres d?tenus ! A toi, de choisir !

Vicky se tenait immobile, se retenant de pleurer, elle tenait ferm? son corsage de la main, les deux hommes avaient arrach? les boutons dans leur h?te de l'ouvrir, son corsage ?tait d?chir?, et elle se sentait violent?e.


-???????? C'est d'accord?!  R?pliqua-t-elle faiblement -???????? Mais vous le transf?rez aujourd'hui... Maintenant... Pas plus tard qu'en ce moment... -???????? D'accord madame Sanderson  r?pondit-il en souriant?  On va le transf?rer maintenant... Tu m'attendras au parloir...  Et je te promets qu'il sera en s?ret? avant que tu ne partes....


-???????? Pas au parloir... Je vous en prie...  N'importe o?, mais pas l?... -???????? Je veux que les gardes aient un oeil sur toi ! R?torqua-t-il la quittant.


Vicky retourna sombrement dans la salle des visites, et attendit debout contre un mur. La salle ?tait maintenant ? moiti? vide, Les deux noirs qui l'avaient molest?e n'?taient plus dans la pi?ce, plusieurs prisonniers cherch?rent ? l'aborder, mais les gardes les en emp?ch?rent, et leur ordonn?rent de regagner leurs cellules.

Le gros sergent tenait parole, elle avait vu un garde emmener son mari vers les cellules d'isolement.

Elle regardait un groupe de gardes entrer dans la salle, un des ge?liers discutait avec le gros sergent, il  dit ? Vicky :

-???????? Madame Sanderson, votre mari est en s?curit? ! Parlez lui dans ce combin?, il va vous r?pondre...  Il est au bout de la ligne.


-???????? Cheri c'est bien toi ?  dit elle craintivement. -???????? Oui, C'est moi... Ils m'ont mis en cellule d'isolement...  Je crois bien que je suis ? l'abri...  Je devrai rester ici les 32 derniers jours... mais je pr?f?re cela... Et toi ?a va ch?rie ? -???????? Bien mieux maintenant que je sais que tu es ? l'abri ch?ri... R?pliqua-t-elle soulag?e. -???????? Je dois te quitter ch?ri, le travail ne m'attendra pas...  Je t'aime mon ch?ri... Je reviendrai te voir jeudi prochain...


Le gros sergent lui reprit le combin? des mains, et dit aux gardes de finirleur ronde et de revenir. Ils dispos?rent alors que le sergent s'adressait ? Vicky :

-???????? Allez ? poil ma ch?rie... Il est temps de r?gler la note de ton mari ! Rappelle toi si tu dis quoi que ce soit ? qui que ce soit, je le renvoie avec les autres d?tenus ! Et il se fera enculer par la plupart des d?tenus...  Et maintenant cesse de pleurnicher et d?sape toi...


Vicky enleva son corsage exposant son opulente poitrine ? cet ?tranger, noir de surcro?t, elle avait la peau tr?s claire, ses ar?oles ?taient un plus fonc?es, ses t?tons se redress?rent tandis qu'elle baissait la fermeture ?clair de sa jupe.


Elle laissa choir sa jupe, s'exposant enti?rement nue. Le gros sergent contemplait le corps de cette somptueuse femelle fascin? par sa toison blonde et le galbe de son corps bien proportionn?.

-???????? Te rases tu la chatte ? Bordel... Mais non t'es pas ras?e ! Tes poils sont si blonds qu'on les voit ? peine... Approche que je touche... dit-il l'attirant ? lui.

Vicky fit un bond en arri?re cherchant ? dissimuler son intimit? de ses mains. Il saisit  son combin? t?l?phonique et commen?a :

-???????? Jimmy, c'est Tom, ram?ne Sanderson avec les autres d?tenus !


-???????? Non... Non... Attendez...  Je vais ob?ir... Balbutia-t-elle effondr?e, et, s'approchant de lui bras pendant le long du corps elle ajouta?: -???????? Faite de moi ce que vous voulez... Mais prot?gez mon mari...


-???????? Laisse tomber Jimmy, laisse le dans sa cellule et rapplique au parloir ! -???????? D'accord?! Mugit Jimmy ? l'autre bout du fil.

Le gros sergent reposa son t?l?phone.


-???????? Dor?navant, madame Sanderson nous allons nous amuser... T'es d'accord ? Tu peux participer ou non, et avoir du plaisir ou non... Je m'en fous ! Tu dois juste faire ce que je veux quand je veux... Et maintenant ? genoux et taille moi une pipe?!


Choqu?e, la jeune femme se laissa tomber ? ses genoux, il lui intima de sortir sa bite et la regarda op?rer. Ouvrant son cale?on, elle tendit la main et tenta de sortir la bite du salaud de son cale?on, mais elle n'y parvint pas, frustr? le gros sergent d?boucla sa ceinture, d?grafa son pantalon et le laissa tomber au sol.

L'odeur ?tait terrible, son cale?on ?tait souill? de larges marques d'urine, son ventre pendait au dessus de sa bite engorg?e, sa queue ?tait courte et tr?s large; il attrapa rudement Vicky par la chevelure et pressa son visage contre sa bite puante.

-???????? Suce salope ! Grogna-t-il avec un mauvais sourire. -???????? Prends la bien en bouche et suce l?...


Vicky recula la t?te et emboucha la bite du gros porc, la bouche distendue aux limites du supportable, elle paniqua cherchant ? se relever.

Le gros sergent la maintint au sol lui for?ant les l?vres. A ce moment quatre gardes p?n?tr?rent dans la salle.


-???????? Qu'attends tu ? Suce moi la bite putain... Reprit-il ? voix haute.

Les gardes ?clat?rent de rire et s'assirent attendant leur tour de poss?der cette somptueuse femelle.

Elle h?sitait encore, la saisissant par les oreilles, il enfourna sa queue enti?re dans sa bouche, et il commen?a de lentes et savoureuses all?es et venues.

Elle se dit qu'il ne devait pas se faire sucer bien souvent, peut-?tre bien qu'il allait ?jaculer rapidement !


Mais ? sa grande surprise, il dura bien plus longtemps qu'elle l'escomptait, elle essaya toutes les ruses pour le faire gicler, et en finir, mais rien n'y fit.

Elle d?cida de lui faire ce qui marchait toujours avec son mari, ?a marchait ? chaque coup.

Elle tendit la main au del? de ses couilles, et lui fourra un doigt dans le trou du cul, ?a marcha, le gros porc se mit ? trembler de tous ses membres et jaillit dans sa bouche, il lui tenait bien la t?te la for?ant ? avaler jet apr?s jet, se vidant totalement dans sa bouche asservie.

Elle d?glutit en absorbant une certaine partie, mais il en d?borda le long de ses joues, tenant sa bite en main, il gicla une derni?re fois sur sa langue.


Les gardes discutaient tranquillement, l'un d'entre eux  dit a Vicky de se relever.

Elle obtemp?ra laissant cette bande de pervers admirer ses charmes, ses gros nichons qui sortent du commun,  ils s'?tonn?rent aussi de la finesse de se poils pubiens.


-???????? Viens ici salope que je vois ?a de plus pr?s ! L'interpella le garde nomm? Jimmy, docilement, Kelly s'approcha de lui.

Il prit un de ses nibards en main et se mit ? le peloter vigoureusement sa pine durcit instantan?ment.

-???????? Bordel ils sont bien fermes tes gros nibards... Ceux de ma femme, apr?s cinq grossesses sont tout mous et pendent comme des oreilles de teckel...  Ceux ci sont magnifiques...  Se r?jouit Jimmy. -???????? Ton pleutre de mari te baise-t-il correctement ? -???????? Bien sur, quand il est ? la maison ! -???????? Tu vas me faire une cravate de notaire et je te giclerai sur la figure... Allonge toi chienne... Ce sera plus confortable...

Comme elle h?sitait, il la repoussa sur le sol froid. Il baissa son pantalon et son cale?on sur ses chevilles, les ?ta prestement, et s'assit sur l'abdomen de Kelly.

Il pla?a son ?paisse queue raidie entre ses seins et commen?a ? aller et venir entre ses loches, ses nibards ?taient secs ce qui entravait le coulissement, aussi tendit-il les doigts en arri?re, et les plongea-t-il profond?ment dans son connil d?tremp?.

Il enroba alors sa hampe de la substance gluante r?colt?e dans son vagin.

Il recommen?a trois fois, jusqu'au moment o? il glissa avec assez d'aisance pour lui baiser la poitrine.


Vicky ?tait ?tendue sur le plancher froid, yeux ferm?s, alors que cet homme se servait de sa poitrine comme ?crin ? sa bite, chose qu'elle n'aurait jamais imagin?. C'?tait sa premi?re cravate de notaire, elle prenait le chemin de la d?gradation, on se servait d'elle comme d'une belle pi?ce de viande, son mari ne l'aurait jamais poss?d? ainsi, pas de cette mani?re vicieuse.


Elle ouvrit les yeux assez longtemps pour le voir presser ses globes mammaires sur sa bite qui coulissait ais?ment entre eux, lui touchant parfois le menton, elle sentit l'excitation monter dans ses reins.

Elle sentit qu'il s'activait de plus en plus rapidement entre ses gros nibards, il se mit ? trembler convulsivement, elle comprit soudain qu'il allait jouir sur son visage.

Elle referma ?troitement les yeux, alors qu'il se mettait ? g?mir sourdement, elle sentit le foutre chaud lui poisser le menton, les l?vres, le nez, lui piquer les yeux quelques jets avaient m?me atteints son front et ses cheveux blonds.

Il ?clata de rire ?talant son foutre sur son visage, elle se sentait profond?ment humili?e. Il aimait particuli?rement l'?pandre autour de sa bouche


-???????? Ouvre le bec salope ! Il est temps de go?ter ? ton dessert... L'avisa-t-il rigolard.

Vicky resta bouche ferm?e, mas il ?tait bien r?solu ? lui faire go?ter son sperme. Se pla?ant au dessus de son visage, il prit sa bite quasi molle et la pressa contre ses l?vres.

-???????? Ouvre ta bouche salope... Je veux d?charger dedans !


Elle ouvrit la bouche, mais resta yeux ferm?s, apr?s quelques secondes elle les ouvrit aussi. Elle le vit se pr?parant ? se glisser entre ses l?vres disjointes, elle vit du foutre perler ? son m?at, il projeta un jet de foutre ?pais droit dans sa gorge sous les hourras des spectateurs.

Refermant la bouche elle se mit ? tousser, ? crachoter.

-???????? Avale son foutre salope... Je ne veux pas te voir le recracher... N'en perd pas une goutte... Lui ordonna le gras sergent, et elle absorba l'?paisse substance qui la d?go?tait.


Le suivant lui ?carta les cuisses et s'installa entre elles, il la doigta le temps d'obtenir une moiteur suffisante pour faciliter les op?rations.


-???????? Bordel les gars, je vais la baiser comme jamais on l'a bais?e ! Et il se d?barrassa de son pantalon, s'?tendit sur elle et enfourna sa bite dans sa foufoune d?sol?e sans coup f?rir, s'enfouissant jusqu'aux couilles.

Les autres regardaient fascin?s sa large queue aller et venir entre ses babines distendues, ils ?taient ?pat?s de voir ses grandes l?vres gainer sa hampe turgescente, alors que son ?pais gourdin disparaissait dans sa caverne asservie.

A chaque pouss?e, elle r?lait, ?cras?e par le poids de son suborneur, ce qui excitait l'assistance. Ils ?tait tous impatients de voir leur tour arriver !


Le gros sergent dit alors :

-???????? Jimmy va chercher Sanderson, il aimera peut-?tre assister au spectacle...Qu'en penses-tu??


Jimmy sourit de toutes ses dents et quitta la pi?ce.


Son fouteur ?tait pr?t ? jouir, il se mit ? la chevaucher fr?n?tiquement et explosa dans son ventre fertile, ses derni?res pouss?es furent aussi rudes qu'obsc?nes, il s'effor?ait de la bourrer jusqu'? la garde.





Avec l'aimable autorisation de l'auteur : Bedo

Email : be_do_li_do@excite com


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That night I tossed and turned in the bed and tried hard to sleep but just couldn’t. images of Vini with her son and Joy fantasizing about me kept on bombarding my brain. And more than anything the words of Vini, “Sonali you should fuck your son,” kept me hitting like a torpedo. In the morning I hit the gym with a vengeance and sweated it out hard in an effort to get all that had happened out of my mind. It was nothing but a bad dream, I kept on telling myself and succeeded to an extent. I was...

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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 10 Mom Loses Anal Virginity To Son

Joy put two pillows beneath my stomach so that my ass protruded up for his unhindered vision. I squirmed a bit as I felt a generous amount of almond oil drop in my asshole. It was followed by a gentle push of finger which started massaging my anal passage expertly. I could not believe that within a few minutes my son’s oiled finger was moving in and out of the passage effortlessly. Then he inserted the second finger and I felt a pressure in the rectal muscles. However, due to another dollop of...

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Sonyas Siren Song Part 2 Educating Sonya

In the morning, I opened my eyes, and there was Sonya, in the bed beside me, still fast asleep. I realised that whatever happened last night had really happened, and there was no going back. I wasn’t sure what would happen when she awoke, but just in case, I quietly slipped out of the side of my bed, and put my pyjama pants back on. I looked down at the still-sleeping Sonya, lying with her back to me, and I remembered that under the covers, she probably still had her silk nightdress...

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It was late on that Tuesday night. Dee and I were visiting our long-time friends Michael and Mari. Dee was in the guest bedroom asleep for more than an hour. Michael was in their bedroom also for more than an hour. Mari was playing solitaire on her computer across the room from me where I was surfing porn on mine. From time to time I would glance at Mari. She was wearing her silk pajamas and I was in my flannel pants and a tee shirt.I got up to get a drink of water, sipping it as I moved...

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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 3 Vineeta Fucks Her Son

Rick looked at me with desire in his eyes and moaned, “Mom your lips are so juicy and hot.” And in a swift move put his lips on mine and started feeding on them. Such was the intensity that a short gasp emitted from my mouth. But got submerged in his soft groans of pleasure. I also found myself gorging on his mouth. Within a few seconds lost total control immersing ourselves in the most passionate kiss of our lives. I felt his penis growing hard and long and banter upon my thigh. It must have...

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Sonali Er Narom Sona

He iss readers, I am back after long time. Here I will tell u how I seduce my uncles sexy maid, sonali. I am from kolkata and I will tell the story in bengali. If anyone want to know, may write to me Sonali, bachor ponero solo er halka gom ronger meyetar sorir chilo khub akorsoniyo. Amar kakimar bari kaaj korto. Sbsamoy bra panty er sathe porto ekta paatla naity. Naity er arale or panty er rong majhe majhe bojha jeto, ar besirbhag samoyei or bra er fite beriye thakto. Ami takhon college e...

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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 8 Son8217s Dick In Sonali8217s Pussy

Joy emerged from his room with an envelope in hand and entered my bedroom and came out with a smile of relief on his visage. “Ma, it was a great relief to write all my feeling for that unique lady. Read it with patience and tell me what you feel. You might get angry but all I have been is bluntly honest. Whatever will be your next step, I’ll accept it gladly.” “Why do you think I might get angry?” “Well, it’s not the matter mother and son usually talk about.” “I told you, dear, I won’t get...

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Ugh, I hate this weather. I am the type of person that loves the sun, not rain and snow. I went through my list of things to do today. Recycle cans, go to the store, and go home.             I decided to go take a shower before I left. As I started to get undressed, my nipples hardened at the sudden change of temperature. I wondered how long it had been since I got any action. Six months since the last time I got anything. I sighed, thinking of how lucky I was.               It had been six...

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Ugh, I hate this weather. I am the type of person that loves the sun, not rain and snow. I went through my list of things to do today. Recycle cans, go to the store, and go home.             I decided to go take a shower before I left. As I started to get undressed, my nipples hardened at the sudden change of temperature. I wondered how long it had been since I got any action. Six months since the last time I got anything. I sighed, thinking of how lucky I was.               It had...

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Agent Mari

Ignacio was a very lonely man he just liked to share with his friends. On one occasion, after so much insistence his friends managed to get him out of the house. On that occasion they went to the outside of the city. In the middle of nowhere is the motel where they stayed. Agent Mari was in that place for her clumsiness but great determination and willingness to fulfill any mission. The squad leader assigns him his first job, a simple one, collecting information from a small dealer. Ignatius by...

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Marwadi Aunty Ki Gaand Mari

Hello dosto mera naam rohit im from chennai, Vaisey tou main delhi ka hoon lakin mera job chennai main hai. Main dikhney mai smart hoon meri age 24 hai aur apney land ka size 7 inch lamba aur 3 inch mota hai. Ab main aap ko jayada bore na kartay huey apni story par aata hoon. Main daily iss padtaa hoon socha aaj mai apni story bhi aap ke saath sair karu. Chennai mai north side ka khana milnaa bhout muskil hai es leye maine apney office main kaam karney wala staaf sey punchaa ki khana kaha achaa...

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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 2 Horny For Her Son

Vineeta took a large sip of the champagne and started her narrative. Vineeta’s Story It was morning when I bathed my son and gave him a handjob. Now as I was preparing his favorite chicken biryani. I started replaying the whole scene in my mind. The only thing that was recurrently playing was his hard, erect penis and the thick ropes of sperm that hit the bathroom wall. Any trace of guilt had evaporated from my mind and I was feeling horny. But I decided I won’t make any first move and let...

4 years ago
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Simpsons Father and Son Camp Bonding

As Bart loaded his bag, in the car, he couldn’t help but complain again. He didn’t want to be up so early, didn’t want to go camping and certainly didn’t want to go there alone with his father for a whole day and night. He couldn’t blame Homer however. It wasn’t his idea after all, it was his mom’s. “Please Bart, do it for me,” she had said with her pleading eyes, the ones which no son could resist but agree to. Homer had complained as well and Marge had dealt with him...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 2 Ragnarsson Rock

5009, OTT The days after her death were like a haze. I woke in the Union Clinic. It was the first time I could remember being away from the Burg. When I first regained consciousness I was floating in some kind of gooey liquid, whatever I tried I could not move and through the liquid I could see people moving. I was certain one of the shapes was father. When I woke again, I was no longer in the liquid but in the same room. All was gleaming white and clean. A man with a broad smile greeted...

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Ek Dusre Ki Gaand Mari

Hello indian sex stories reader, aaj mai apke samne mere jindagi ki sacchi kahani pesh kar rha hu, dosto mera naam atul h, or mai 23 saal ka hu. Ye kahani meri or mere dost ki h jiska naam ajay hai or wo bhi 23 saal ka hi h. Chlo ab mai story pr ata hu.   Dosto meri koi girl frnd to nahi h lekin ek frnd h jo muze sb kuch karne deti hai, or maine usko bohot choda h. Dosto muze porn movie dekhna bohot pasand hai or usme gaand marne wale to mere fevorite h. Maine socha q na mai uski gaand maru, to...

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Teen School Girls Ko Nangi Kar Unki Gand Mari

Hi, mein Rajasthan ka rathod rajput hun, bikaner city se.Meri umra bhale hi 59-years ki ho gayi ho pr abhi bhi jawan chhokriyon ko kaabu kr lambe samaya tk chod sakta hun.Mera andkosh kafi bada h, aur lund bhi.Mene 18 sal ki ladkiyon se lekr 45 sal ki auraton ko alag-alag dhang se choda h.Meri khas pasand ‘school girls’ h. School girls mujhe asani se mil bhi jati h kyonki mein khud ek school chalata hun, vo bhi girls school,kanya vidyalaya.Vidyalaya me mene jo bhi female teachers rakkhi h unhen...

4 years ago
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College Teacher Ka Pyar 8211 Part 2 8211 Gaand Mari

Hello friends, aunties, bhabhi’s keise hai ap sab. Main prince apko entertain karne ke liye meri pehle story “college teacher ka pyar” se related dusra incident is part main batane ja raha hun I hope you guys like it. Main ap logo ko apni pichli story main bataya tha ki keise maine apni teacher ki choot mari or use university chodke aaya ab ye story uski gand ki hai keise maine uski gand bhi mari or use thoda sa rulaya bhi. Rulaya kyu kyunki dosto jab kisi ki gand fatti hai na to bahut dard...

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Friend Ki Girlfriend Ko Blackmail Krke Uski Chut Or Gand Mari

Hello, friends I am Raj from udaipur rajasthan me is site ka bhut hi bda vala fan hu , aaj me apni life ki ek sacchi sex gatna aap sbhi ke sath share kr rha hu , jaisa aap sbhi jante he mera nam raj he or me udaipur rajasthan se hu or me ek normal ladka hu or mere penis ka size 7 inch . He , Ye bat aaj se 2 sal phle ki he jb m e ek private institute pr coaching ke liye jata tha mere sath mera ek frnd b aata tha uska nam ankit tha kuch 8 ya 10 din hue the hme coaching jate hue , or vha ek din ek...

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Bhabhi Ki Chut Aur Gand Mari

Hello dosto mera naam ajay hai aur mp ka rehene wala ye meri pehili story h agar galti ho to maaf karna ye story meri aur meri bhabhi ki chudai ki story hai isme maine kaise bhabhi ko choda wo bata rha hu ye story 4 mahine pehle ki hai ab story par aata hu jaisa ki maine bataya k mera naam ajay aur meri age us waqt 22 saal ki hai hum do bhai hai bhaiya ki age 28 thi aur bhabhi ki 26 saal hai hai bhaiya ki shadi ko 1.5 saal ho gaye h bhaiya k ek child h jo 4.5 mahine ka hai meri bhabhi ek dum...

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Mami Ki Gand Mari

Hello friends this is sunny back here again with a new incident of my life where I fucked my mami. Thank you for appreciating my earlier stories and anyone who want to exchange pictures of their relatives or some hot pictures of them kissing any woman or any girl want to exchange nude pictures can contact me at To main story per ata hun ye 2010 k garmiyon ki chutiyon ki ghtna hai, jab main chennai gaya hua tha apne mama k ghar wahan maine meri mami ko seduce kar k unhe khub choda or gand bhi...

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Bhabhi Ki Mast Gand Mari

Hello friends mera Naam Ajay hai or main haryana ka rehne wala hoon. main ek good looking ladka hoon or meri kadh 5.11′ inch or mere lund ka size hai 7”inch lumba or 3”inch mota hai. main ek middle rich class family se belong karta hoon or meri family main 4 mem. hai mummy,papa,mera chota bhai or main. meri age 25 hai. Ye kahani jo main aap ko sunane ja rana hoon wo meri ek pados ki bhabhi ke saath kiye gaye sex ki hai. unka naam neelam hai umar 30 saal par lagati hai 25 ki. wo ek dum gori...

4 years ago
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Sonyas Siren Song Part 2 Educating Sonya

This story continues on directly from my first story, Sonya’s Siren Song. In the morning, I opened my eyes, and there was Sonya, in the bed beside me, still fast asleep. I realised that whatever happened last night had really happened, and there was no going back. I wasn’t sure what would happen when she awoke, but just in case, I quietly slipped out of the side of my bed, and put my pyjama pants back on. I looked down at the still-sleeping Sonya, lying with her back to me, and I remembered...

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Jasons QuestChapter 26 Marie

Marie sobbed once and then held her hands up to Red Feather. He drew his knife and cut her bonds. Marie then pointed to the stream and Red Feather nodded. As she got up and turned to walk to the water. She screamed from the pain in her tormented feet. But, Marie gritted her teeth and got to the water where she waded in. The cold water was soothing to her feet, even if it was only temporary relief of sorts. Between labor pains, she managed to scrub herself reasonably clean. She also got her...

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Jasons QuestChapter 28 Marie

After a miserable night in the cold with only intermittent sleep, Marie awoke to a white world of frost. Her meager blanket provided little warmth and, still naked, she was shaking with cold. The sun was at least a half hour short of rising, but Marie had to get up and move around to get any semblance of warmth to return to her body. She went first for her morning ablutions at the stream and then kept moving, picking up firewood where she could. After the sun was several hours old, Red...

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Ray and his 18-year old son were more like friends than father and son. Greg was advanced for his age and Ray wasn't able to give up the wild days of his youth. They were into the same activities and liked the same sports and music. Ray sometimes joined Greg on a Saturday night out with friends. Greg's friends were queasy at first but soon learned that Ray was discrete, thought the same way, and acted more like a virile teenager than an older married man: downing the suds, telling dirty jokes...

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Teaching Lesson To Sonali

Hi friends this is Deepthi again… this is my second story in ISS… Thanks to all of you for a Very good Response from u all… To the new one’s my 1st Story was First Lesbian Experience With Hostel Warden… No continuations for both are different stories…Coming to the story….. Life is going normal in the hostel and suddenly comes the Sonali Mam she was the only strict faculty in whole college she joined in the hostel suddenly and for my surprise she was my roommate too… My normal life was totally...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 7 Erik Ragnarsson returns to Nilfeheim

The weeks to summer break went by faster than I liked. Mr. Walters came into class this morning and said after we greeted him. “Tomorrow will be your last day of school and you have three month to prepare for the next year. Everyone in class will advance. While your grades and results have much room for improvement, they are satisfactory. Today I want to ask if you know why we keep time the way we do?” He pointed his finger at Yngve.” You will not speak.” Since Mr. Walters gave positive...

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Jasons QuestChapter 17 Jesse and Marie

As Jesse and Marie stepped off the levee and onto the landing stage of the Irish Princess, Jesse paused to marvel at the riverboat. Marie had said that three of the boats owned by her father were smaller, "packet" boats that carried lots of cargo and some passengers. This one was the pride of Sean's fleet and the one he captained. The Irish Princess was a large, "Cincinnati" class boat, that is, one of the large passenger boats built for speed and elegance. She was, in effect, a...

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Jasons QuestChapter 24 Marie

To take her mind off her pain as she walked naked on a leash behind the Indian on his pony, Marie thought about her current lot. A fine fix I'm in now--naked, cut and bruised, torn and bleeding, and hurting all over, especially my feet. I don't think I can walk much further. But if they don't stop, I don't have much choice, they'll just drag me. And they would drag her; she was right about that. Indians usually had little or no respect for captives and even less if that captive was...

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Two Moms Two Sons 16 Gia Accepts Sandra And Petes MotherSon Love

POV Sandra"So, tell me what you think? You'd love to be a grandma, wouldn't you?" she asked, as we walked down the hallway. "Yes, London, but are we ready for that now?" "Maybe, maybe not, but we just have to get them on board, with getting with another woman first, remember? They didn't even want to ask out Keisha and Gia, even though we encouraged them to do it," she mentioned it before we made it to the door, and she took my hands in hers. "Let's hang out with our sons, fuck the...

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Aajker Sondhe Shudhu Dipika R Songe

Ami Raja Kolkata e thaki, unmarried, Kolkatar e ekta MNC te kaaj kori, amar boyos 30 height 5’8” ektu golgaal average chehara. Je ghotona ta apnader kaache uposhapon korte cholechi seta bochor khanek aager ghota… Amar ei jibone khub kom meye e eseche karon ami se bhabe kauke dekhtam naa…Kintu sedin, office theke, berobar somoy assistant Mili jiggasa korlo “Ki Rajada kothay jacchen???” Ami or answer ta na diei bollam tomer ki lift lagbe sune bollo “bhaloi to hoy” Ami oke namate raji hoy gelam...

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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 17 Mommy Son Roleplay

Sometimes it happens in life that one plans a lot to achieve their dreams, and that achievement is brought about by sheer fate. That’s what happened with my experience of mommy son roleplay. On weekdays, right after the departure of my husband, my son would waste no time to fuck my brains out. The fact that the nights were booked for his dad had increased the intensity with which he fucked me. Similarly, my hunger to have his cock plunge inside my cunt, mouth, and ass had also increased many...

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Baju Main Rehati Bhabhi Ki Gand Mari

Hello friends. Meri last story uska accha response mila. As I promised maine bhabhi ko sab comments and mail padhwaye. Woh bahot khush aur horny hui thi aur mere se jam ke chudwayi. Jaise ki aap jante ho last story me kaise maine bhabhi ko pata ke choda. Abhi aage me te bataunga ke kaise maine bhabhi ki gand mari. So jaise ki aap jante ho me Surat me rehta hun. Mere samne wali bhabhi Shweta ko maine abhi humko jab mauka milta hai chodta rehta hun. Aur woh bhi mere se mast hoke chudwati hai. Ek...

5 years ago
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Aunty Ki Goa Mai Gand Mari

Hi everyone I m back with my new hot story which happened with my aunty she is very hot . Hope you all will enjoy my story koi ladki ,aunty, ya bhabhi mere sath sex chat ya sex krana chati ho toh contact me my mail id I also do sex chat and video sex chat on gmail or skype etc. Anybody want mail me.I m from bhopal . My skype id is vicky89822 you can message me there fr sex I gutantee100% satisfaction I love to fuck women and girls .Plzz visit me and mail me fr hot sex and other more fun. Her...

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Naukrani Ki Gand Mari

Hello dosto.ye meri pahli story hai to agar koi mistake ho to maaf karna. Ye kahani tb ki hai jb mai 10th me tha. Us samay meri height kuch 5ft 4 rahi hogi aur thora strong built tha. Baat durga puja ki hai. Har bar durga puja me main apne family ke sath gaon. Jaya karta tha. Humare gao pe bht sare noukar hua karte the. Par is bar jb main ganv pe gaya to meri dadi ne ek nayi naukrani ko kam par rakha tha. Naam dhanno. Uska figure dekh ke to mera dimag kharab ho gaya tha. Uski height bhi mere...

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Bajuwali Aunty Ki Bus Me Gand Mari

Mera name akas hai me rajkot city me rehata hu mery age 25 year ki ha aur muje old age women ke sath sex karane me aur usaki gand mar ne me bada maja ata haii yahi kisi aunty ya bhabhi ko mera sath sex karana hai to muje email kare mera mail id haii Ye bat one year pehale ki hai jab muje mere uncle ke ya jo surat me rehate the unake yaha jana tha to mene passwali aunty ko bhi surat jana tha to uncle kaha tum akas ke sath chali jav dine ek hi cabin.Le lena saate me ticket a jayegi to me.Aur...

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Bhabhi Ka Chut Ko Shave Karke Choda Aur Gaand Mari

Hi hotties,this is Malik from Hyderabad.I am an avg fair looking guy with huge gym body with 7.2 inc brother(banana). Now i am going to reveal a real incident happen b/w me and my bhabhi.This is first story writing by me so, sorry for the mistakes.This incident happened 6 days ago Coming to my bhabhi, she is very hot to see with good face cut and perfect shaped ass.I will die for her ass and those 2 milk mangoes. Coming to story My bhabi is very innocent. She knew about sex but she will talk...

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Eric Olafson First Journeys Vol 2Personae Dramatis

(List of Characters) Eric Olafson – A teenage Neo Viking leaves his home world for the first time. To travel and eventually to join the Union Navy Elena Olafson – technically a cousin to Eric, but since she was adopted by Eric’s father, she is now known as his sister. Isegrim Olafson – The current clan chief of the Olafson clan, and Eric’s father Lothar Olafson – Eric’s half brother The Ancient – aka Elkhart the Keeper. An old man claiming to have forgotten to die. Officially he is the...

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Jasons QuestChapter 19 Jesse Marie

Captain Judson rose and walked briskly from the salon. Once on the promenade, he paused to peer upriver, ahead of the boat. Although it was full dark, by the light of a full moon, he saw another steamer some fifteen hundred to two thousand yards ahead. She appeared to be on fire! At that moment, a terrific explosion lifted the entire boat, at least the middle two thirds, out of the water as it blew the steamboat to shreds and splinters. Boiler explosion! Or some explosive cargo went up....

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Jasons QuestChapter 21 Jesse Marie

Jesse and Marie had their shakedown, learning period about trail travel in a wagon in the weeks it took to reach Monroe, Louisiana. Lots of little things had to be learned the hard way and some were never learned, but taught, once they joined up with two other wagon loads of seasoned travelers. Things like: how to scour cooking pans with river sand, how to properly bank a campfire for the night, why it was necessary to locate off the trail some distance when possible, how to rig a canvas...

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My Neighbor Aunt Marilee

Marilee and my mother quickly became friends and she was in our house almost every day. We all began to call her Aunt Marilee. Most of my dad’s friends wanted to bang her but she showed no interest and after a while I overheard them call her a cock tease and other names. She was so fucking cute and sexy without even trying, that I jerked off to her almost every night. It was about eight months after Marilee moved in which was the same time I started dating my first girlfriend...

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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 16 Satisfying Her Husband And Son

My hubby’s eyes opened wide when I opened the door for him. “Wow, Soni, you look stunning.” He spoke and hugged me tight on the door itself. “I missed you a lot.” It felt good to feel the eagerness in his body. I knew he would love to have a quick fuck with me. “Where is my son? I have got a real good racquet for him.” “He has gone for practice, will be back after a couple of hours.” “Oh yeah – then we can use these hours.” He smiled with a lusty look in his eyes. “Of course, darling, but do...

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Andersonville 23 A Twinkle in her Fathers Eyes

Flashback - 11 months earlier (Author's notes - the intro takes place 'right after' Andersonville 6) There were fifteen men and women crowded into the small conference area. As Colonel Myers surveyed the room, he noticed most of them, the programmers anyway, were about half his age. Barry shook his head; he was getting old. His goal was to make general before he retired, and the Andersonville project had seemed like the best way to increase his chances. The problem was, he had...

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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 22 Mom Dad And Son

After downing my son’s reservoir of cum in the sex between mom, dad, and son, I firmly closed my mouth. I gulped hard to give the same treatment to possible minuscule cum residuals concealed in the inner corners of my mouth. I flashed a gratified smile to both, as my son watched The expression of disbelief mixed with awe, admiration, and raw lust on the faces of both pleased me to a large extent. Suvendu commented, “Soni, that was incredible.” Joy agreed, “Mom, you must be the first woman in...

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The camera zooms in on Mariko waiting outside for the host at the beginning of the scene. As they talk, she gives the host details about her marriage. The host takes the usual counterpoint, if you're married for ten years, why come here? Mariko's sex life has been bland, and her husband is not so affectionate with her. She's also interested in being filmed, which interests the host very much.The two walk to the filming location and talk more about her personal life, sex life, and why she's...

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Andersonville 5 The Guilty Soul

Andersonville 5 - The Guilty Soul by Kelly Davidson This story is dedicated to all the TG writers out there, who make the days easier to deal with by posting new stories to read each day. Fade in... The sun wasn't even peeking over the hills when the alarm started going off. I hit the snooze button several times but eventually realized I was going to have to get out of bed and get ready for work. I stir slightly, stretching my legs and arms in a poor attempt to wake up. Then...

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Andersonville 2 Judgeless

Andersonville 2 - Judge-less by Kelly Davidson This story dedicated to Mathew Shepherd, who lives in the hearts of all open-mind people. Fade in... The warm glow of yesterday's conversation with my father ended in the cold reality of Monday morning. The cold reality that I was a young, teenage girl. The cold reality that I was expected to act like a girl, something totally foreign and yes, something I found even a little scary. And the cold reality that I had no idea why I...

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Andersonville 1 Home Sweet Home

Andersonville 1 - Home Sweet Home! by Kelly Davidson This story is dedicated to Susan M. Bidwell - a young lady who died before her time. Andersonville is based on the story "The life and death of Al Parker". Reading the story is recommend to understand some of the discussion in the follow series. Fade in... Dennis Butz worked on some last minute paperwork with a certain relief. In a few hours his dream would become a reality and then the real work would begin. He heard...

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Andersonville 6 Friendship Lines

Andersonville 6 - Friendship Lines by Kelly Davidson This story is dedicated to my TS brothers and sisters, who have the guts to stand up to the world and say, "I'm not going to live a lie anymore." Fade in... I saw them come out of the courthouse from across the street. There were four of them; all men dressed in business suits. Every day, just a few minutes after 6pm, they left the courthouse to go home. Three of them proceeded to their cars but the fourth man, maybe 21...

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Andersonville 7 Soul Mates

Andersonville 7 -- Soul Mates by Kelly Davidson This story dedicated to all the writers of TG Fiction. Fade in... There I was, in the file room working hard to make sense of the mess I had gotten myself into. I had accidentally misplaced a file and suddenly everything seemed to be out of whack, causing me a great deal of frustration. As a private investigator I was never good at filing, that had always been Al's job. Now, unfortunately, the job was mine and asking myself how...

3 years ago
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Andersonville 25 Dr Jensen I presume part II

I stood there in my black dress watching them slowly lower the casket into the ground. Standing next to me was my mother, who was weeping softly. Next to her was my sister Jennifer, and she seemed the saddest of us all. Perhaps she was remembering her own mother and father's funeral who had both died when she was just a young girl. On the other side of the casket I could see Crius standing next to Dennis with an impatient frown. He seemed so out of place, and the expression on...

4 years ago
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Andersonville 3 The Price of Revenge

Andersonville 3 - The Price of Revenge by Kelly Davidson This story is dedicated to all the survivors of child abuse, both physical and emotional. May you find the support and strength to deal with it like I did. Fade in... Linda Anderson - the do anything wonder woman. That's what the job title should have read. Not that I was good at everything I did; I was just expected to do everything around the office. That included making coffee, filing folders,...

5 years ago
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Andersonville 8 The return of Tom McClain

Andersonville 8 - The return of Tom McClain! by Kelly Davidson This story is dedicated to my good friend Darkside, who inspired me to reach beyond what I thought I was capable of writing. Fade in... "Would you like some desert Linda?" Dennis Butz asked politely. "No thanks," I answered suspiciously. The man had been acting way too nice to me today. It had been a pleasant lunch so far. Dennis had started out by asking how my brother was doing, and I could see that he...

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