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I leaned forward over the bar and motioned for the bartender as I saw her ex approaching.  "Single malt ice-water on the side," I said as he sat down beside me, ordering a beer.

"So, is it done?" he asked

I looked at him he was a large guy, not as big as me, but maybe two hundred and 6'.  Not in as good a shape as me, about 48 - 50 years old.  I figured he was ex-military, as he carried himself like that.  I handed him a mailer envelope stuffed with what he had paid for and for what I had orchestrated.  I sipped the scotch as he peeked into the folder, flipping through the pictures, the pictures of his ex-wife being brutally raped by six guys.  I had made sure my face wasn't in the pictures.

He closed the folder and pulled out his own mailer envelope and handed it over to me.  I glanced in and saw the color of US cash, $50,000, the second half of the payment the first half had gone to the five guys I had recruited.  I always split it that way, half for me and the other half for the guys/guy I contract.  I pocketed it and got up to leave as he pulled out ten pages of computer generated, single-spaced hard copy, it was an account of what we had done to his ex-wife, in minute detail.  The pictures were for visual aides.

As I walked out, feeling a hell of a lot richer, I thought back to how I had got into the business and my fated meeting with this customer.  (Soldiers/ex-soldiers are big into fate.  If its your day to die you can be behind a foot of armor plate and you’ll still buy it.  If its not your day to die you can charge a machine-gun nest and never get a scratch)  My new career had started when I’d first gotten back from Iraq.  I'm ex-military as well, (I won't say which branch) but I'd also been a 'private contractor’ in Iraq.  It had gotten a little hot for me in Iraq over a few firefights that had taken out some Iraqi military that was suppose to be on our side.  (Yeah like that was ever gonna happen)

Anyway I was looking for something that would make me untraceable cash and hit on the idea of 'hire'.  Not actually murder, but knee-capping, breaking ribs, rape, etc.  Like I said anything short of murder.

I knew some 'stand-up guys' from my days in Iraq who were willing to help me out on a case by case basis.  My customers that wanted to 'hire' me were  found by a few carefully worded classifieds in some 'merc mags' and other publications I won't name.

Business was very good.  You might be surprised to know how many people there are who want to 'hire' me.  It seems there are a lot of people out there with piles of cash who want to get even with someone and don't have the balls to do it themselves.  But then that's how money people have always been.  Get some flunky to do their dirty work for them, so their hands stay pure as the driven snow.

I met the guy the usual way.  He responded to a classified that I picked up at a mail drop.  With me its always one or two face to face meetings.  The first one I size up my customer.  If I don't like what I see, I'm out of there.  If like what I see, I get my front money then and there with the final payment when the job is done.  All contracts are on my terms, take it or leave it I don't bargain.  Stiffing me isn’t an option either or you won’t wake up some morning.  I don't ask customers names and I don't give mine. 

He slid a picture over to me and I'm looking at a woman of about 30, smiling back at me.  The woman was about 5' 8" and she had short brown hair.  From what I could see in the photo she was fine looking piece of American ass.

"My ex," he said by way of explanation.  "I can give you her schedule, address, phone number, and car make and number."

"So?"  I asked.  Always make them do most of the talking.

"I've got $50,000 for you now and $50,000 for you after it's done."

I love it when customers name a figure higher than I would have charged for a job.  I've learned that money people don't really care about money because they've always had it.

"After what's done?"  I asked.  I always make my customer say what he wants I never suggest anything.  Never ask why they want it done either.  (A) It's none of my business.  (B) The less I know about the intended vic the better.  I might get to like them if I know too well.  (I'm not a wild animal and I do have feelings.  I'm just a businessman who is plying the trade he learned from Uncle Sam)

He lowered his voice and moved closer to me.  "I want," he paused, "No I need you to get some men together."  He paused again.  "I need you to arrange a gang rape.  I want her raped in the ass, the cunt, and the throat.  I want pictures and a written detailed description of everything you do to her."  He blurted it out in a rush, staring into the mirror on the back bar.  I looked at him noticing his hands.  His hands were trembling.  I see a lot of that.


I said, "Give me the details."

I've got to hand it to the guy he had his ducks in a row.  He passed over a sheet of foolscap with handwritten information on it.  He also handed over a mailer with the cash in it and a digital camera with a 400 disk in it.  He wanted as many pictures as he could get.  (He was a fool to write it out in his own handwriting and to handle the stuff barehanded, but I said nothing about that.  Besides I don't blackmail anyone, you'll lose your creditability that way.  No one blackmails me either or they get dead real sudden like)

His ex-wife lived in a posh section of the city I was in, (I work all over the US and abroad as well) but he said she took a stroll through a local park every night no matter the weather.

There was a small caretakers building on the edge of the park.  The building would be vacant at night and a piece of cake to gain entry to.  He wanted six guys to do the deed, and I knew that wouldn't be hard, especially with a payday of 10K apiece.  Hell I knew guys who would skin someone alive for $50 bucks.

That week I hit up my 'stand up guys'.  These were guys I liked personally and who I knew would never talk about any job they had been on.  You meet some real cock-suckers in the military and in the private contractor business, but you also meet some of the most loyal guys you'll ever find.

My customer wanted his ex-wife gang raped he didn't want her dead.  He said some mutilation was a must as long as it wouldn't be visible when she was clothed, but would show when she took a man to bed.

I rounded up my guys and laid out the plan.  My job, my plan you don’t like it, tough shit I’m taking most of the risk.


There was Jackie, a kid at 25, only 5’ 9? and 170, but a viscous bastard.  Bubba, a skinny black guy in his 30’s I knew from Iraq.  Smith, another black guy, but huge at 6’ 7? and around 325 pounds.  Jerry, a little weasel at 5’ 5? and barely 125, but quick and dangerous.  And finally Pablo, a Mexican I had also met in Iraq, about 40 my size with a real dislike for Anglo women. 

The day came and we showed up an hour early so I could put everybody into position.  (You have to use good tactics in any op)  I had scouted the place out earlier and knew that it was almost always deserted about the time the bitch would be through.  (If some 3rd party interferes with one of my operations the 3rd party goes down for good.  I know I said I don't do murder, however CYA isn't murder, its just good business practice) I put Smith, Bubba, and Pablo near the park entrance where they could follow her when she came in.  I was planning on them looking terrifying enough that she'd walk or run right into my arms.  I had Jerry standing by with some duct tape so we could make sure she wouldn't scream.   Jackie was both backup and look out.

At 8PM exactly she came into the park, and I could hear Bubba and the guys herding her along verbally, telling her how good she looked, and what a great ass she had, and making various lewd remarks.  She had to be getting panicky now, what with those three following her into this deserted park.  I smiled when I heard the guys call out, "Why you running, where you think you're going baby?  We just want to fuck your sweet ass!"  I heard the sound of scampering feet coming down the path.  I stepped out from around a tree and she ran right into my arms, panicking momentarily as I wrapped my hands around her.

I held her struggling form, my cock getting hard just being this close to such a hot piece of ass, as Jackie and Jerry ran out from the bushes.  Jerry grabbed the bitch's hair in one hand and yanked her head back, making her gasp and cry out from the pain. 

I looked down into those big brown eyes, filled with panic, and grinned at her as she started to scream, stopped by Jerry as he slapped the duct tape over her mouth, crisscrossing piece after piece over her lips.

I was still holding her arms against her sides as she tried to kick at me, but then Jerry grabbed her by the forearms and dragged her arms behind her back, where he wrapped still more duct tape around her wrists and forearms.  When he was finished Jerry stepped back and smiled at her.

I held her an arm length's away from me by her hair, looking at her in the flesh for the first time.  She was wearing almost exactly the same thing she had worn in the picture I had seen, but the tape covering her mouth was a sweet addition.  "You look good, baby we’re going to enjoy raping you."  (Rape is as much about mind fucking as it is actual fucking) I said as she tried to kick me, unable to balance herself because of the way I was lifting her by her hair.

"Here you go," I said, pushing her toward Smith, who hefted her kicking, struggling body over his shoulder, "let's get the party rolling."

I heard her muffled cries and whimpering through the tape gag as

Smith felt her ass, as tight and hard, as I knew it would be and thighs, squeezing them through her jeans with his large, powerful hands.  We were all silent as we entered the caretaker building.  (I had picked the simple lock an hour earlier)  Smith stood her up in the middle of the floor, the rest of us surrounding her.  She stood there uncertainly, like a trapped animal, her gaze darting from one of us to another, her feet taking small mincing steps this way and that, as if looking for escape. 

She shook her shoulders, struggling with the tape binding her arms behind her back, and muffled grunts and pleas and words came from behind her tape gag.  The building was windowless and the door was sealed tight so the dim overhead bulb threw shadows across her pretty face and solid, sexy body.

It was my party, and I started it by stepping up behind her and grabbing her by the upper arm and the hair, yanking back her head and pulling her writing body against mine.  Her hard, round ass digging into my crotch as I pulled her hard back against my chest before leaning down and licking the soft, white flesh of her neck.

I felt her shudder as I ran my tongue over her skin, feeling the hard beating of her heart through her body.  I shuddered in pleasure and looked up at Pablo.  "Strip the bitch."  (Never said I didn't like my work.  I believe a man should enjoy his work and I almost always enjoyed mine)

Pablo smiled at me and pulled out a switchblade, stepping forward and grabbing the bitch's T-shirt by the collar.  She tried to kick out at him, her eyes wide with terror at the sight of the knife, but she had no leverage.  The rest of the guys were grinning silently as Pablo brought the knife close to her neck.  Her panicked grunts coming from behind her gag and her shuffling feet the only sounds in the night, sounds joined by the tearing of cloth as Pablo sawed his blade through the cotton of her T-shirt.  He split it open, revealing her strong, flat abdomen, her tiny deep navel, and her bra, plain, without frills.  He pushed open the shirt and I felt her shudder as he ran his hands over her taunt flesh, running them across her heaving belly and up her sides.

He grunted and sawed the T-shirt completely from her body, taking a minute to tear it away from her shoulders before standing back so we could all view what we had to play with.  Tears had started to flow down her face as she twisted in my grip, making her more beautiful.  Her white skin pale against my tanned hands, the dim light adding a hint of mystery to her body.  Her tits were bigger than I had thought, maybe C-cup size, and I wasted no time in unhooking her bra, Pablo finishing it by slicing through the shoulder straps, her breasts springing out.  Two hemispherical mounds, firm on her heaving chest, with large dark brown nipples topping them.  I reached around her and squeezed one cruelly with my hand, feeling the firm flesh mold itself in my palm as she began fighting hard against my grip, her lithe body struggling to get free.

"The pants," I said, this time nodding toward Bubba, who came forward and looked right into her face as he unbuttoned her jeans, his hands pressing against her lower abdomen as he did so.

"We're going to fuck you, bitch," he said right to her face.  "We're all going to take turns in this hot body of yours.  We're going to shove our cocks into every one of your holes, whore.  We're going to make you hurt."  He grinned at her.  Bubba was a sadistic guy, and I could smell the fear rise from her body as she looked at him.  I was still holding her from behind, so shifted my grip from her upper arm to her hip, sliding my hand beneath her panties so I could feel her hot, sweaty flesh.  The sweat of fear, even as I yanked back again on her hair to calm her struggles, earning me another grunt of pain from behind her gag.  I pulled her toward me, grinding her ass up against my cock, the sensations driving me wild.

Bubba stepped back and began peeling off her jeans, forcing me to hold her by her shoulders as he lifted her feet from the ground with his violent tugging.  She was practically squatting in the air as he yanked the jeans off, her shoes popping off with them, leaving her with only her socks and her panties to preserve her modesty.  All the guys were leering now, as her legs were gorgeous, strong, muscular, shapely, two vast expanses of smooth, white skin.  I motioned Jackie over with my head and he immediately grabbed the cunt's panties, pulling them off with a haste we were all beginning to feel.  He finished by yanking off her socks, holding her legs as she tried futilely to kick him.

She was nude now, her whole body shaking with fear and humiliation as we gawked at her helpless body.  Her thighs pressing themselves together as she tried to hide her sparse brown bush from our eyes.  Of one mind then the guys moved in, and we forced her struggling body to the hard floor.  Her eyes were big with fear and panic as Jackie and Jerry grabbed her ankles and pulled them apart while Pablo and Bubba each held one of her shoulders down on the ground, leaving her spread open for me on her back. 

I stood up and stepped between her legs, looking to the side at Smith who was standing next to me.  I make the contracts and if the vic is a good looking woman I go first.  No one bitches either, guys who know me know better than to do that.

She looked so hot on the floor, her bound arms forcing her breasts and hips forward, as if she were offering herself to me, her mouth covered with tape, emphasizing the terror in her big brown eyes.  She grunted pleadingly as I dropped my pants and lifted off my shirt, my cock, all 8" of it, springing out at full mast.  I smiled as I positioned my body atop hers, the feel of her breasts against mine hot and exciting, her panicked breathing making her body writhe on the floor in its captivity.  I nestled my cock between her cunt lips and, grabbing her hair, turned her head to one side, sticking my tongue into her ear as she began to sob quietly.  "I'm going to rape you now, bitch," I whispered, and jerked my hips viciously forward.

The cunt was tight and dry, her body arcing against mine as she screamed through the tape.  I gritted my teeth as her dry tissues grated on my cock.  Her sex sheath scraping my cock as she thrashed helplessly beneath me, her strong thighs flexing, trying to push me away as I sunk fully into her, feeling my pelvis slam against hers.  I brought my lips to her neck and began sucking, feeling the sounds of pain and humiliation she was making through her throat as I began fucking her, the added friction of her dryness adding to my pleasure.

I was long enough to feel her cervix when I went balls deep in her belly.  I wondered fleetingly if the bitch was on the pill.  Not that it mattered on way or the other.  It had never mattered in Iraq and it didn't matter then.  It was just something guys always wonder when they're fucking a bitch bareback that they don't know.

The heat from her body seemed to envelope me as I raped the bitch, my cock pistoning in and out persistently.  Each inward stroke earning me a cry of pain through the gag, her head thrashing in my grip as I sucked on the soft flesh of her neck, her sobs driving me higher and higher into pleasure.  It seemed to last forever, there in the dim light, my cock sending thrumming pleasure through my body as it forced its way in and out of her dry, aching cunt.  Each sound of pain and agony and terror from her throat a prod to my lust, to my pleasure. 

My whole body felt like it was going to explode as I felt that sensation so close to pain deep in my belly.  Felt it build up stronger and stronger as I kept pumping into her tight cunt.  Reaching under myself to grip her tit harshly in my hand, squeezing it hard while biting down on her neck, my semen boiling out of me as she screamed in pain and defeat as I pumped blast after blast of seed against her cervix.

I laid there for a moment before pulling out, and said, "Jesus, what a fuck," while I pulled up my pants, loving the way her closed lids glistened with tears, the way a dark hickey blotched her neck, the way her cunt gaped at me, swollen, red, glistening and seeping semen from her rape. 

Smith was positioning himself now, his fat body hiding her completely beneath him, only her strong legs sticking out from beneath him as he drove his cock into her cunt.  I heard her scream and saw her thighs tense as he raped her, plunging into her as brutally as I had.  I grinned and pulled out the camera, figuring this would be the type of shot her ex would love.

For the next ten minutes the only sounds in the room was the slapping of flesh against flesh mingled with the muffled shrieks of pain and despair and the quiet sobbing coming from the bitch.  When Smith finished I took another picture of her lying there, the flash blinding in the dim light.  Her cunt drooling semen, her body an provocation to decadence. 

Jerry was next, and used her cruelly, jabbing his cock like a sword into her cunt, levering himself up on her tits with his hands, twisting and mauling them with each thrust into her body, forcing muffled scream after muffled scream from her throat as he used her.  I took another picture, from the side, as Jerry's face twisted into pure lust as he came inside her, her body arching in agony as he tried to tear her tits from her body.  The muscles in her thighs and abdomen standing up in stark relief against her lithe body.

Pablo kicked her once in the cunt, making her scream and jerk in agony before he dropped down on top of her, fucking her cunt for all he was worth, whispering Spanish curse-words into her ear as he raped her before spilling another load of semen deep inside her belly. 

Bubba and Jackie wanted something different, and turned the bitch over, forcing her to her knees.  Jackie held her hips from behind and sunk his cock into her now sloppy cunt, making her grunt as he began banging her, slapping her ass for punctuation as he rode her dog style.  (Personally dog style is my favorite position for deep fucking.  I don't hate women, but they'd all be a lot better off if they just realized that their cunt isn't just for pissing out of)

She moaned when Bubba lifted her head up by her hair and ripped the tape from her mouth, her tears having soaked it through, a moan cut short as he shoved his cock into her mouth, making her whole body convulse with a gag reflex as he jammed it against the back of her throat.  He guys all knew not to choke the vic to death so he allowed her tiny sips of hair.

The bitch started spasming as Bubba pushed his cock into her throat.  Her whole body jerking and thrashing and bucking and writhing as Jackie pinioned her from behind with his cock.  While Bubba held her head between both his hands, his pelvis smashing against her nose and his balls slapping against her chin as he forced his cock all the way down her throat. 

Strange, animal sounds came from her throat as she was brutally raped, her tits swinging beneath her as she both struggled and was buffeted between her rapists.  They plowed into her holes mercilessly.  Jackie's large cock glistening in the dim light every time he pulled it out before jamming it back into her cunt hard.  Her asscheeks bouncing and jiggling from the thrusts and from the hard slaps he laid on them. 

She was making gurgling and retching sounds around Bubba's cock as he literally fucked her face, using her mouth and throat like a cunt.  Jerry bent down beside her and grabbed one of her hanging tits, using his fingers to yank at the nipple, using his other hand to feel her tormented body as it flexed between her rapists.  I watched them abuse her, my own cock growing hard again, knowing that I would soon be taking her up the ass.  Mean while ever mindful of my contract duties I snapped picture after picture.

Jackie and Bubba came together, shooting their loads into her helpless body, and then released her, letting her exhausted form slide to the floor.  Her tits were pressed flat against the cold floor, her face turned toward me, her eyes swollen with tears.  Her lips her throat echoing croaking moans as she retched in agony.  I gave another signal and Pablo slipped in and cut the tape from her arms.  She was broken by then and just hoped it would all be over soon.  Little did she know we were far from finished.  

I got down on my knees behind her and kicked open her legs, her body unresisting as I looked down at her abused snatch.  It was smeared with semen, swollen red and raw, while her tiny asshole winked at me, begging me to take it.  I grabbed the bitch's hips and pulled her ass toward me, her face still against the floor.  I slipped easily into her cunt, still tight and warm and grasping, enjoying the moan of pain and degradation which escaped from her throat.

The guys were all standing around, except for Smith, who was at her head, his cock out, waiting until I had taken her ass before shoving his cock down her throat, as we all wanted to hear her cry out.  The building was tightly made and it was late.  Small chance of her being heard at that point. 

I pulled out and, with one hand, guided my cock to her anus, pressing it hard against her tight opening, listening to her rising moan as she realized what was about to happen.  My cock, rigid as it was, began to bend as her tight flesh began to give, and I grabbed her hips to pull her more forcefully toward me.  I grimaced and yelled out as I felt my cock slip into that incredibly tight hole, my yell matched by a howl of agony ripped from her throat, echoing around the small room like the howl of a trapped and doomed animal.  Her whole body shook beneath me, as her ass clamp together and un-clamped intermittently as I forced inch after inch of my cock deep into her rear gut.

The bitch kept moaning, and I could see the eyes of the guys bright with lust as she flopped around like a gaffed fish on the end of my cock.  Her whole body was undulating in agony as I sank my cock all the way into her clutching ass, her fingers and toes curling in pain. 

I pulled out, surprised there was no blood, each inch almost painful for me, and horrible agony for her.  Her whimpers turning into loud, choking sobs, cut off as Smith grabbed her head and forced his cock down her throat.  It was so Goddamned good taking her ass, feeling her pain, her terror, her humiliation through her jerking and spasming.  The sounds coming through the cock in her throat.  I began slowly fucking her, as I couldn't go any faster, her ass was so tight.  Each stroke making me grit my teeth in pleasure as I used her, the feel of her asscheeks against my hips soft and erotic as I sank all the way into her, her whole body shaking in pure agony as I fucked her.

I took my time, enjoying the sensations her clutching ass was sending through my cock, enjoying the way her body jerked and tensed and fought and bounced as she was being raped.  Smith finished with her throat and was replaced by Pablo before I began to feel that pleasure so akin to pain build up in my scrotum.  I dug my fingers deep into the bitch's ass and ground my cock into her ass.  I stirred it around deep into her gut as my toes curled up in pleasure, my semen spilling out into her gut, making this piece of ass mine.  The feeling of power was exhilarating, adding to the pleasure as my cock pulsed again and again, filling up her rear gut with my semen.

When I pulled out Jerry was right there, slapping her asscheeks hard, driving his cock viciously into her ass, his fingers claws at her hips as he drove into her.  I took more pictures as Pablo pulled out and sprayed his semen all over her face, her whimpers timed to each brutal thrust of Jerry's cock into her ass before they were cut off again by Jackie's cock in her throat.  Her whimpers had taken on a ragged touch with her throat raw and abused by the fucking it was taking.  Her body was still undulating in agony, but the bitch was running out of steam.

Jerry finished quickly, tearing at her hanging tits as he came, leaving long scratch marks down the sides of her body as he clawed at her, adding his semen to mine deep in her gut.  Bubba followed in her ass and was fucking her hard before Jackie finally deposited his load into her stomach.  Jerry was still soft, but shoved his cock into her mouth anyway, slapping her, telling her to suck on it.  She screamed into his pelvis as he twisted her tits in rhythm with Bubba's fucking her ass.  Her whimpers making Jerry hard in her mouth as he tortured her, the sound of his open hand against her tits echoing throughout the small room, her gurgling whimpers escaping from around his now turgid cock filling her throat.

Bubba left marks in her asscheeks with his fingers when he came, to be replaced quickly by Smith, his fat cock splitting her in two, making her whimper with renewed vigor around Jerry's cock.  They worked her for long minutes, her lithe body jerked forcefully between them, a toy for their pleasure.  I kept taking pictures of her humiliation, my own cock coming to life again, waiting for a plunge down her throat.  They both came at the same time, Jerry, like Pablo, pulling his cock from her throat to spray her face with his semen.

We where all standing now, looking down at the broken ex-wife laying spread-eagled on her belly on the floor, her body scratched, bruised.  and battered, her breathing ragged, interspersed with low moans of pain.  We weren't done, yet, though.  I had it all planned. 

I handed the camera to Smith while Bubba lay down next to the bitch on his back.  Bubba and I grabbed her limp body, tears and semen streaking her pretty face, her lips grotesquely swollen, her cunt a flaming mass of red, swollen flesh.  Her asshole distended by five men's cocks, and forced her to kneel over Bubba, his cock sinking easily into her cunt, a moan of pain escaping her raw throat as she fell onto his prick. 

I kneeled over Bubba's head and grabbed the bitch's hair, forcing my cock into the soft, wet confines of her mouth, shoving it deeper and deeper into her until I felt it hit the back of her throat.  I smiled like a shark as I looked down at her on the end of my cock, her hair matted with sweat, semen, and tears, her eyes swollen from crying.  Her lips were stretched around my prick, as I shoved forward, forcing my cock into her abused throat.

I held my cock there, waiting, like Bubba, as Pablo positioned himself behind her kneeling, bent forward body.  It took a long minute of my cock in her sobbing, raw throat, Bubba's cock splitting her cunt open one more time, before he was ready.  Then he sent his cock surging up her ass.  She tried to scream in agony, her throat vibrating my cock sent incredible waves of ecstasy through me.  We began fucking her slowly, using each one of her holes simultaneously, rocking her body slowly on our cocks, enjoying the way her body gripped, sucked, and shuddered.  Jackie and Jerry knelt to either side of the cunt and each began working on a tit, reaching between her and Bubba to maul her tits, her screams of pain driving me mad with bliss.

We had planned this, and wanted to time it for the camera, so we signaled each other when we were close, extending the bitch's misery.  We stretched her triple rape to five minutes, ten, twenty, thirty minutes of slow, deliberate fucking in her ass and cunt and throat.  Thirty minutes of her screaming as her tits were mauled, bruised, and injured.  Thirty minutes of her body writhing in distress as we used it for our satisfaction.  Thirty minutes before we all gritted our teeth while our cocks jerked inside this hot piece of ass and filled her full of our semen.

Then were almost done with her.  There was one more thing to do.  I signaled the guys to spread-eagle her on her back and tape her mouth again.  I was expecting really loud screams for what I had planned.

I lit one of those twisted black Spanish cigars.  They smell like burning hay, but they taste good and burn really hot.  My customer had specified some mutilation that wouldn't show when she was clothed, but would show if she took a man to bed.

When I had the cigar going good the guys tightened their grips.  I knelt and poised the hot tip of the cigar over her lower belly.  She was aware enough to know what I had in mind, as her eyes grew wild and her head whipped around.

Some minutes later the bitch had passed out.  I stood looking at my handiwork the word 'HIRE' was spelled out in capital letters just above her semen matted pubic hair.  I had spelled it out with the Burning tip of my cigar.  (We used soldering irons in Iraq, but you work with what you have to hand)  Her flesh was burned and scarred by the cigar.  She'd either have to have a lot of plastic surgery, never bed another man, or find a man who didn't mind a bitch with a scarred belly.

The other guys wouldn't meet my eyes as we casually strolled away from the scene of the crime.  They were all hard guys, but they were afraid of me.  That's the way I like it.  It never does for those in my line of work to ever allow those who work for you to think they might be tougher or meaner than you.


Some days later I was on my way across the county by bus when I found a newspaper that was some days old.  (I don't own a car nor do I rent them, that all can be traced.  When I fly they're 'black flights' from small southern airports into Central America) I seldom read the papers.  It's always the same stuff.  The war in Iraq.  Some silly bitch/bastard running for POTUS and telling the usual lies.  Some rag-head blowing himself up along with people who have nothing to do with his stupid cult.

Anyway my eye caught a small article on a back page.  It read, "Senator Wilkins ex-wife denies she was raped a few days ago and states her stay in the hospital is due to 'female problems'.  Senator Wilkins could not be reached for comment."

See I told you the money people always 'hire' some flunky to do their dirty work.  You know I've been rethinking my position on blackmail and I may be branching out soon into that new venture.


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‘What just happened?’ Raphen demanded. ‘He shot Ima?’ I spoke without thinking and it sounded more like a question. I couldn’t believe what had just happened. Tanthor stood and just looked on in shock for a second before rushing to Imanja’s side. ‘Hou Raphaen.’ Red Hawk spoke, his voice as calm now as if he was discussing the weather. ‘What happened, Red Hawk?’ Raphen demanded. ‘I told two girls of My camp to come home.’ Red Hawk stated. ‘Imanja tried to stop me. I acted as any Gorean Man...

1 year ago
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Miss Jayne and Mistress Elaine High priestesses o

“Oh, God, I’m late!”I almost tripped over my high heels as I ran towards my cherry red Lamborghini, my hobble skirt hitched over my thighs, blonde wig askew. I fumbled in my Dior purse for my car keys.“Phew!” I was so relieved; I couldn’t imagine how much trouble I’d be in if I got to work too late. Thankfully, the Lambo responded instantly to my high heel on the gas and I roared out into the morning traffic. There was only one set of traffic lights at which I was able to tidy up my makeup.Soon...

4 years ago
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My downward spiral to a becoming a slut Chapter 13 Growing closer to Liz

Before bedtime Elizabeth called for me and invited me to go to another group session the next day. It would be Wednesday the day of the freshman game and I wanted to go to support my former squad but Elizabeth really wanted us to go to group. Considering what I had been through I gave in and agreed to go. I told her about the police being over and that I had told the police who the rapist was. She said she was very proud of me for that. I was very surprised that she didn’t ask me who it...

2 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 169 Unbelievable

Frank and Will looked as confused as I did. I said, “What did you say? It sounded like you said the First Lady was in jail.” He gulped and nodded. “Yes, sir. She’s been arrested and is in the Pittsburgh jail!” Will hopped up and flipped on the television. It was already pre-tuned to CNN, and there, in living color, was the image of my wife in what looked to be a riot, and then it cut to the stunned anchor reporting that ‘Mrs. Buckman has been taken away in a police squad car, to where we...

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A Delightful Arrangement Part 7

A Delightful Arrangement Part Seven Some time in the night I awoke on the couch, stiff and rumpled. It took me a moment to realize where I was and at once waves of joy washed over me as I remembered my intimate time with Gary on the couch. I wanted to lie there and bask in my thoughts but nature was calling big time and I hurried to the bathroom. I struggled out of my clothes and unleashed my gaff. What a relief that was! Earlier that night I had been incredibly aroused and when...

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Prisoner Inerrogation

Paying the Penalty Paying the Penalty by Von Schmiser Interrogations of political dissidents in a fictional country, ruled by a despotic tyrant and his followers.  Lori Beth and her friends learn  the hard way that the horror stories of abomiable  tortures were not fiction... MF/f,S/M,Torture.nc.Extreme.Violent Chapter 1 Welcome NNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! The mature woman strapped to the frame convulsed and strained against the cruel straps...

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The Rise of Commander Cassidy PROLOGUE

Felix Cassidy scanned his computer screen slowly, checking to make sure every sequence of code was correct. Satisfied with his work he took a deep breath, opened the menu for the current program he was working in, and selected "execute". The round tube which sat next to his laptop began to hum quietly as the machine went to work on creating his master invention. 'I think I finally found the winning formula to get these nanobots to work' Felix thought to himself. For the past four months...

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The HeirChapter 13

We damn near lost Remus as well. It happened the day after I checked the freezer in the garage and saw that we were down to less than thirty pounds of buffalo meat. Our twin hunters decided it had been long enough since the ranger was poking around, and that it was probably safe to take another deer. I told them I was getting ready to order another buffalo from the ranch in Wyoming, but that I’d hold off to see how they did on their hunt. The next morning, they left the cave through the...

1 year ago
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JulianaChapter 3

Courage is a virtue highly praised by people who sit in the comfort and safety of their homes. The same people like the spirit of a survivor. In real life, however, doesn't the one often exclude the other? Juliana woke up feeling broken. Her head ached and all her muscles felt as if she'd just done the Olympic Decathlon. She stretched her limbs, wincing softly. She was naked under a satin sheet. Through a haze she remembered being scooped up at the dining table by the butler, last night,...

2 years ago
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A Study in GraysChapter 5

Fran Childs was indeed in the lounge, giving her son a kiss and hug. Josette looked on until Fran stood and opened her arms to the young girl. Josette looked across to her mother who gave an imperceptible nod, before Josette walked across shyly into the embrace of Stephen's mother. Then all three embraced before returning to seats in the lounge. "How? Why? I didn't expect this." "No, of course not; but I couldn't leave you for ten days after the trauma you faced. As you will see, I...

1 year ago
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The EmbezzlerChapter 9

"OK mom. Back straight, toes only on the floor, knees wide When you are on my lap and sitting like this, you get me so hot. You have such proud tits mom!" She smiled at the compliment, and then smiled even more as her son's hand started to stroke her cunt. "You know with you and the other girls I have a great life, but there's one more thing I'm going to want from you. I want to watch you and the others fuck some other guy." Peter felt his mom's cunt clamp up on him with...

2 years ago
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That Thing That Happened Chapter 4

That Thing That Happened That Time That's Really No Big DealChapter 4: Satsu and FaithFaith idly strolls down the long, endless hallways of the Scottish castle, unsure of what to do with herself since there wasn't anything attacking at that particular moment. So instead she explored the castle, sizing it up, checking out all the little nooks and crannies that anyone or anything could get through to attack if it ever came. But eventually she sees something that she was hoping to avoid rather...

4 years ago
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Eating Out

By his-slut and billy69boy (Sequel to “Meeting Her”) Looking down at the floor, she spoke casually, as if we had just completed a leisurely stroll in the park: “Well, Sir, I am a bit hungry.” “Ah, yes, my sweet, some dinner would be just the thing. I’ll check on our reservations downstairs, while you freshen up,” I told her. “I’m sure you remembered to bring your special blue dress with you,” I called out to her as I threw on some shorts and a t-shirt. “Yes Master, it’s hanging up in the...

1 year ago
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Had Sex With Married Lonely Lady

Hi friends, hope you like all my previous stories how I had sex with my owners daughter multiple times. After thats also we have been doing sex regularly, once in a 2 days. But this story is not about the same sexperience. This is about a new connection which I had after getting a reply from one of the iss member. So this all started when I wrote my last story, after writing and publishing my last story on ISS I got many replies, from few girls and guys of course a appreciation. But one of them...

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jill and gina

Jillian glanced at the clock, her last class of he day was about to end. She noticed her best friend Gina staring at the clock as well. Jill and Ginaa walked home together everyday since they live close by each other. Jillian had long fantasized about having sex with Gina but had never said anything about it, Gina was a bit of a slut and gave out blow jobs to anyone who asked. Today was a Friday and Gina had to go home before her and Jill could hang out, giving Jill some time to prepare. After...

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A Family Tradition KeptChapter 3

Without a word being said, Mary, Helen, Claire and I moved silently towards the door and listened to Kate and Jazz’s conversation. “Kate, I need to tell you something,” we heard Jazz say. “I also have a request.” “Oh?” “I know you won’t be shocked to hear that Claire is also Dan’s daughter.” “Huh!” I said quietly. It was news to me. Mary nudged Helen. “We have a new sister.” “Ssshh!” Kate sounded a bit surprised. “I hadn’t realised that you and he had had a relationship.” “For about...

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Foster care 3 extended family

The memories that I block the most have to do with anything that they did with me. Even worse about those memories was the fact that I remember her being in the room with them and me and telling me to be quiet and behave. All while her “friends” would do things to me that should not be done to a little girl. While most of it is blocked out I remember being touched, tickled, and pinched anywhere on my body. Its odd cause when I think about those times I start hearing kids songs in my mind....

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Making a Small Motel ProfitablePart 6

Anita and Juan came on a visitor’s visa. They intended to apply for citizenship and Lei knew an immigration attorney that would help them. He was a regular guest of hers and had offered to help with special friends. This certainly was the case, so she brought him in to talk to them. As they were going over the details, Lei said that she would provide services “pro boner” if he would. That got a laugh until Norm, the attorney, said that he had decided to divorce his wife and wanted to move...

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Learning to Cum for Master

The new slave did not yet fully know her purpose. She sat on the floor writingto her diary while her master was watching his football game. She wasn't interestedin football, but she liked to keep him company. She was glad he never madeher watch the games or try to get into them, and she did realize that he foundhis pleasure in her so much more interesting in other ways. She felt his eyes on her, even though she did not lift hers to meet his gaze.He was studying her as she tried to concentrate,...

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Lisa the Amazon DestroyerChapter 9

The next day I went for a run as usual before a fight. When I returned I saw that my dorm had put a banner in the hall; "Go Bob - Beat Her Ass!" I shook my head, laughed and returned to my room. At the predetermined time I walked over to the gym. There was Lisa and Karen waiting for me. I kissed Lisa long and hard. "Remember, I love you and I'll always love you. I'm counting on you to fight your best; all I ask is that you try not to break anything" She smiled and said, "I love you,...

2 years ago
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Filthy femdoms forced oralpart 5

Level five is yellow...level four green...level three red...level two blue, and level one brown. I now wore the brown tag and was now looked on by the staff as the lowest form of oral slave possible, and would be treated like a dog from this point onward. It was outrageous that I would be used so unjustly and with such filthy lust, but until I was released, or escaped, I would have to exist in this world. -------------------------------------------- I wore a dog collar at all...

3 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 04Chapter 39

[Preservation – Janice] Convalescing wasn't easy. Bennie and I celebrated Halloween and Thanksgiving as real patients. I could walk a little by Thanksgiving but it was painful. It was mid December before Bennie was trying to walk. He was weak from lying in bed and stiff from not having been able to move. It was so good to sleep together in a real bed though. We started what Doc Ollie called our rehab period right after the New Year. It was torture but we stuck to it. We both wanted to...

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Soccer Mom Conquest 2 The Next Goal

Now let it be said I was perfectly happy having Kristie to play with and I know she loved being played with but I couldn’t help but think if Sarah knew about it. I just figured until she actually said something about it, I wasn’t going to say anything and just, well enjoy the rides. It was about a month later from my first encounter with Kristie and we were getting together at least twice a week. But then, the unexpected happened. It was early in the afternoon and I received a text from...

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Personal Ad Rick

I’ve had some interest in cock since my days of teenage experimentation. I really never had the opportunity to find another guy to explore with until the internet made it very easy to meet like minded people without cruising bars, etcetera. I always fantasized what it would be like to jack another guy off again, or more. While checking out the adult personals, I ran across a post that caught my eye. It was a 50-something guy looking for someone in my age range who didn’t have much experience. I...

Gay Male
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What I am going to tell you happened to me 6 or 7 years ago:At that time, I was dating a different gf from the current one.Although she was a good girl, in bed it was simple enough to satisfy my wishes. Nothing to suck, nothing anal sex, nothing toys, nothing facial ... just riding it on me, or she on me, or fucking on all fours. Too little for the vicious inside ...So boredom led me into a chat to meet other women and enjoy other sexual experiences.carrying this in secret, every night I...

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A first date nightmare

Its 8.00 am in the morning, and an angered Chloe furiously tries to turn of the alarm, as she wanted to finish her dream of being chased by 1,000 chickens in Peru, but soon comes the realization, "Its rhe day of my first date!" she enthusiastically thought, while trying to tidy her long wavy black hair. Chloe was one of the coolest kids on her school, she was short, cute looking with a fun personality, but never had a lot of luck when finding a partner, mostly due to the competition in her...

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JulesJordan Vina Sky Asian Goddess Vina Sky Demands Two Cocks Inside Her At Once

Vina Sky seriously shuffles shaft in this two on one from Jules Jordan. Beautiful Sky is sporting militaristic garb adorned with copper chains. Vina skillfully teases the camera then finds herself attached to a big bay window while blindfolded. Lucky scoundrels Jules Jordan and Steve Holmes appear. They immediately begin kissing and stroking Sky, enough to get her to claim “I can’t wait for both cocks in my mouth”. Vina has major sex appeal but also gets quite nasty for such a diminutive soul....

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Love Making With Divorced Office Colleague

Hi, All. This is Sam from Chennai, Age 29, Height 6 ft., Weight 80 Kgs. Now working in a BPO. So far, I have had sex with 3 women of different age category. My first was with my neighbor aunt who was 45 years old. My Second Experience was with a divorced office colleague who was 29 and the third one was with a girl I met at a computer training center. The sex story I am going to share now was with my 2nd Partner, a divorced office colleague when I was 21. Her name was Remya, a Mallu bomb. She...

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TheRealWorkout Iris Rose Drill Time

When it comes to football drills, Iris is an all star. She can juke, catch, and even run faster than most wide receivers in the NFL. After her warm up, her trainer comes over to give her a good stretching before she gets into the more intense part of todays practice. Even though she always has her head in the game, she couldnt help but to admit to him that she was pretty horny. She was done doing drills and was ready to start getting drilled. Iris sucks that fat dick down faster than an energy...

3 years ago
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My straight and my black cock fever at first and 2 years later

I am Bruce's girlfreind and I got up and went straight over to see Bruce. I just drove over to the nursing home where Bruce was at To have sex with Bruce right here now at the imperial Heathcare center was my intention for 100 days without sex is way too long for right now I am very horny Bruce was in his room sitting in his wheelchair next to his bed.when I walked in to Bruce's room and closed to door to Bruce's room I said, "Hi there Bruce said, "Hi baby Bruce was sitting in his...

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Brotherly Love Exceeds To Fucking

BROTHERLY LOVE EXCEEDS TO FUCKINGBy: Londebaaz ChohanLou, was hitting the youth faster than any boy of his age would. He already had a real thick bush under his arms, decent growth on his chest, arms and legs and a really jungle dense growth above and under his beautiful cock. Talk of his booming youth, he had already started jerking; and spilling teen but mature CUM brewed by his larger than a large egg sized seed makers. He did not know of having been sanctified with bigger, thicker dick than...

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Caroline Ch 0203

Caroline’s Story: Jo explains Steve (Hi, please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will!) Jo talks about her time with Steve and describes how he treated her (badly). * A nice dinner that evening was finished by us sitting talking and finishing the wine. We had that nice ‘togetherness’ feeling but Jo had been a bit quiet since we got home and I was a...

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The Wifes Wild Ass

The Wife's Wild AssChapter 1Caroline Stephens wondered if she were dreaming.She was afraid to open her eyes, in case it was a dream and, by waking up, she would end the lovely feeling. There was certainly a dream-like quality to the sensations she was enjoying, yet there was something of reality in them, as well.It felt like someone was sucking on her tits.Caroline stirred, her eyes still closed. She arched and stretched languidly. She had certainly been sound asleep when the feeling began, but...

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Amy 19 An Amy in the House of Love

Amy 19: An Amy in the House of Love Copyright 2013 by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2013 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: Doe Being at war with Heidi Fleegleman wasn't anything like a movie. Like "Heathers" or something, which my friends and I quoted all the time. I mean, we didn't play pranks or anything stupid like...

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The Futas Mindcontrolling PantiesChapter 10 Futarsquos Virgin Reward

Mildred Dean At least the treat before me would make up for Sasha Ford stealing one of the panties P had given me. She was out there, a futa mind-controlling whoever she wanted. It seethed in me that she wasn’t under my power like she was supposed to be. But at least Chloe had found me Kendall. “I am really sorry, Mildred,” Chloe said. “You didn’t help her steal the panties, kitty cat,” I told the fourteen-year-old blonde futa. “So don’t feel sad. We’ll deal with Sasha. She didn’t...

1 year ago
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ElenaChapter 9

The next morning I once again awoke before my wife and was preparing her breakfast when she came into the kitchen. I smiled at seeing her until I saw her crying. I then ran to her and asked, “What’s wrong Honey?” “You ... you left me. I had a bad ... dream that ... you ... left me. And ... when I woke up and you were g ... gone. Then I didn’t see any note like you usually leave out for me when you wake up ... before ... me. So I worried that...” She took a deep breath then spoke more...

2 years ago
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A Binding RelationshipChapter 42

I crawl into bed and feel my whole body go limp. I hear the door in the kitchen and hear Nick in the kitchen putting my keys on the counter. I hear him walking down the hallway. His steps are quiet and soft. He comes into the room and sees that I am awake. "Hey, you look tired. Everything okay?" "Yeah." I say. Nick strips down to his boxers, smiles softly at me, and slides into bed next to me. I wrap my arms around him. "Do you trust me?" I ask. "Yes I trust you. Why do you ask?" "I...

2 years ago
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The mistake

Nick was a rather ordinary man in his early twenties. As this story began he had a lovely girlfriend, Diana, with waist long brown hair and a nice body with well formed, but not too big breasts. One day Nick and Diana had gone to the beach. Diana had let her long hair down and they were both bathing when Nick had to go find someplace to pee. When Nick came back he saw his girlfriend standing still waist deep in the water, looking out over the ocean with her back towards Nick. Nick thought he...

4 years ago
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Sex With My Sisterinlaw

Hi all, this is the first time I am writing my story. It happened real and so, I changed name if ever used. I am working in a BPO call centre company at Pune. Married and having one son. Mine and wife’s sex life reduced to very rare and more than sex, fight was common between us. My kid was at pre-school and his holiday started, my wife wanted to be with her parents for 1-2 months during kids holidays, I dropped them home town and returned. My brother was living just 5 km away from my house and...

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Amsterdam Epiphany

The story I am about to tell is completely true. I have decided that I need to write it down as I will remember it as the event that changed my life forever. It is also the reason that I now have my tattoo of a tulip. I wear it as a badge of honour to commemorate a trip I will never forget. The story begins in Rome on New Year’s Eve two years ago. My wife and two friends were waiting to celebrate the start of a new year in the rain. As the minutes counted down we started the inevitable chat...

First Time
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The Secret Game Part 3

CHAPTER 7: The Bukkake Finale >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Ladies and Gentlemen! The time has come for our men and myself to cum! K says. Everyone applauds. It’s time for us to wrap up the game with Cutie’s Bukkake finale. -Ok Everyone! Let’s all get on stage. Cutie, you’ll make yourself comfortable on the big tarp set up for you. Let’s go! K says. All the participants follow K onto the stage and gather around the tarp. Cutie gets on her knees in the center of the tarp as...

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MoneyChapter 11

I woke up and looked at the clock. It read ten o'clock. It was dark outside, so it must be ten at night. I flipped the TV on and turned to the local constant news channel. I watched for a half hour before a blurb about a condo being attacked and finding some dead ex-convicts holding guns in the parking lot came on. The next was a spot about a shooting in the general aviation area of the airport that left an international underworld gangster and his bodyguard dead. The police didn't have...

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A Mid Summer Nights Swim

After spending an afternoon with you trying to teach me how to surf, we walk up the beach, my arm around your waist and your hand planted firmly on my ass. I am in a low cut bikini bottom and a white tight rash guard. You are in your swim shorts and looking very sexy. On our way back to the car, we pass a large community pool, and I am reminded that I have to live up to my side of our deal and teach you how to swim better. It is late in the evening, and we practice until the sun goes down....

4 years ago
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Payment in full

Fantasy only. I would never force someone...but this one is one of my favorites! This was written for a group thread on here that asked us to share our darkest fantasies... A debt must be paid and the poor guy has nothing to offer except his wife as payment. On the date that was set, the couple shows up at my door, accepting the price that is to be paid. 9 pm sharp. They come inside. To set the mood, I command the husband to strip his own wife naked...tear the clothes off of her...nothing...

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Jasons QuestChapter 2

The noise was loud and continuous, head splitting, this close to it. Jesse blanched as his gun fired again. Jesse Owens was the gun captain of gun number one in Battery A of the three battery section firing into the Yankee ranks before Savannah as the Yanks made another frontal assault that 19 December, 1864. That day, Battery A contained three guns, firing as fast as they could be reloaded. Shells suddenly began screaming in and exploding from Yankee counter battery fire. Without warning,...

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The Rich Bitch Part 5

Chapter 5: Kyle's New Bitch?Adam woke up from his sleep and he glanced at the clock which said eight o' clock. He was surprised that he literally slept the whole day away. He looked over to his left and saw Kyle laying there sleeping peacefully. Adam didn't know how to explain his feelings for Kyle at the moment, but all he knew was that the man was a great lover. For reasons unknown, he felt comfortable lying there next to him. ??Adam moved in closer to him wrapped his arms around him. He put...

2 years ago
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Mixed Metaphors V

Tony awoke to the growling sound of a Philadelphia Stealer’s lineman, who couldn’t wait to sack the Charger’s quarterback. He recalled the apartment becoming cold and helping Becky, from the floor to the bed. They were both under the covers naked, however Becky’s left foot was sticking out precariously into the cold room. He sat up rubbing his eyes and face, in an attempt to locate the growling sound, discovering it was coming from his bed partner’s stomach. They had eaten lunch, however...

4 years ago
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As Told to the Purvv Mollies Story

The most important thing that your readers have to know is that my husband and I have a marriage that is totally built on honesty and trust. I realize that's what everybody strives for, but by some miracle Bill and I have somehow found the right formula. So it was that from early on in our marriage we began to discuss our thoughts and feelings about others. In turn, that led to fantasizing in bed with each other, painting scenarios of our having sex with some hot friends and co-workers. Most...

3 years ago
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Holy Holi

I have two blessed organs, my cock and my mind. Soon some of you will agree too. I am Vijay a 35 old man from Chennaii. I am 5’10 ft tall, 80kg weight, clean shave, fair and I have a very athletic body. The story I am going to tell you was of the days when I was 20, living with my parents . During those days, one of my mom’s brother, whom I called uncle Raj,got transferred too our city. Initially he lived with us for a transitory period until he could find a house of his own and brings his...

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Good Fortune

Good Fortune by Jack Andrews Nate was at the end of a long business trip. He'd just worked three-and-a- half weeks straight and finally closed a major deal. It was a deal that would most likely give him a major promotion. Nate essentially focused exclusively on work, leaving most of life's other pursuits behind, including dating. Not that he wasn't good looking or socially skilled; he simply didn't make the time. All of his efforts went into his career and if he looked deep down, he...

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forced Gay

I told Nikki about an upcoming business trip to the Las Vegas area, and how I'd be interested in meeting with her for a strap-on and simulated forced bi session and that I would be willing to be generous. Nikki started out with one dollar figure, which then increased she said, because Jenny her friend wanted to play too. Then when I asked about rules, she said, rules, what rules? There are no rules! I had to beg for condoms and lube for anal, my only rule. At first Nikki refused. Then she said...

1 year ago
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New Years Party FavorsChapter 7

Evidently, Father Jason arrived at the same time as Leopold and Cliff, neither of whom could stay away for too long. The middle-aged priest couldn’t help but notice the assless chaps worn by Dale. Earl was likely to take a good while to meet up with us, due to having to work that day. Leopold and Cliff would be delayed by grabbing the pizza from the local pizzeria (which didn’t deliver, it was small enough). We focused on greeting Erin’s priest and favorite confessor, as well as Roger’s and...

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Doing It For Dad chapter 1

DOING IT FOR DAD Chapter One Putting my dad into "Golden Days" sheltered housing was one of the worst things I've ever had to do in my whole life. "It's nice here, dad," I said, trying my best to cheer him up. "Your own place, with a little park nearby you can go for walks in. There's a community room with an enormous telly. And they organise day trips, too." I had spotted a notice, pinned to a board along the corridor, advertising an excursion to Scarborough in a month's...

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NubileFilms Elsa Jean Lily Rader Soaking Wet

Tyler Nixon and Lily Rader are enjoying a sexy time in the shower, with Tyler using the slickness of the soap to really get Lily’s motor running. Turning Lily around so that she faces the wall, Tyler rubs her soft skin down. Then he stands beneath the spray as Lily drops to her knees to deep throat his cock in a wet warm blowjob. It’s only natural that he will return the favor, going down on his knees so that he can press his mouth into Lily’s delightful twat. That’s...

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nice shots with my friends

dear readers am sheena,this is actually a real thing happened in my life a few months before.am a college student.and my sizes are 28 36 34.i look sexy and men hang around me.as our prof was sick we have to share a library book for our references.i took the book on friday evening and my class boys said i have to return that on sunday somehow.i gave my house address to one guy and left that place that day.i finished reading that book on saturday.my parents went out of station to attend an...

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