Rogue reliving without regrets
- 2 years ago
- 64
- 0
I turned to look at the front door with the open sign and I recalled the information I had gleaned from Dana earlier.
House Volantis, physically, was made up of Trinity Oaks apartment complex. Many of the occupants of those apartments were House members and Officers. Oddly, though Lord Fanelli owned the complex, he didn’t live here. He had his own estate further north. He worked here as a rental manager, like Milena at the complex where I lived. Two of his officers, a House Guardian named Louie Monroy and a House Lieutenant named Sybil Normand, also worked as rental managers, as did one of his Fonti, Keren Moeller. There were two offices in the manager’s building, the leasing office and Lord Fanelli’s office. Today, only Lord Fanelli and Lt Normand were inside.
I wondered how Dana knew who would be working today and caught memories of her figuring out the rotation. She also knew the layout of the offices as well as a number of points of interest about the rest of the complex. The one place I would probably focus my primary search, once I had permission, was in the VIP room. The VIP room was for House members and Officers only. In fact, only a Magus could find the entrance. One didn’t have to use power since the sign and door were enchanted to recognize nearby Magi and become visible to those individuals alone. It was a set of permanent enchantments Lord Fanelli had commissioned when he bought the complex, not to mention the Magical non-space that was used to act as the VIP room.
Other than the VIP Room, there were only a few other details I needed to know. Certain apartments were for members only while all of the others were rented out to the public. It helped generate income for the House. I realized that I could do the same, if I owned the complex I lived in.
I walked up to the office doors. My stomach felt odd. It was probably nerves. Everything I had done up to this point had been in the company of someone else. Usually someone who could save my bacon or give me a good excuse to forge ahead. Now, I didn’t have that.
I thought about Jordan. She was still in that heightened state of lust. Usually when I took her there, anything I did would send her over the edge, but something was holding her back, keeping her right there, staring out into the depths of carnal bliss and not allowing her to leap out into it.
That was my motivation. It wasn’t just a matter of saving Jordan, and all of the other missing women, but to help her reach climax and rest. I couldn’t imagine being kept up like that and not being completely worn out. Then I reached down and attempted to adjust myself. Maybe I had some idea after all. I didn’t like it and I was certain those women didn’t either.
I pulled open the door and walked inside.
The offices reminded me of those at my complex: quiet, tastefully decorated, and kept at a fairly comfortable temperature. The only real difference was the layout. In this case, the offices were to my immediate left and a conference room was to my right. The rest of the building housed other areas and rooms for the residents to use when needed: a TV area, a billiards table, a computer area, a weight and exercise room, a laundry room, and bathrooms. I could tell the TV was on and that someone was playing billiards. I had never played the game, so that held no interest for me. Instead I turned to the left and went through the door to the leasing office.
Three desks sat in the room, but only one was occupied. The occupant, House Lieutenant Sybil Normand, was talking on the phone. She wore a beige knit top that hugged her chest like it was afraid to let her go. A light cream colored skirt covered her to her knees, light colored stockings gave her legs a soft sheen, and her heels were the same color as her top. She finished her call and smiled up at me. “Can I help you?”
I wasn’t here to talk to her, but then, I hadn’t formally visited a House either. Even when I went to House Lacertae, I only dressed up because it doubled as a BDSM club. I drew on Dana’s memories of this place and said, “I’m here on formal business.” Though the statement was ambiguous, among the Officers of a House, those words held a lot of meaning.
Sybil’s welcoming smile shifted. She continued to smile, but only as a mask. If someone else, someone who wasn’t a Magus, walked in on us they wouldn’t know I had said anything odd. “Let me get Mr. Fanelli for you.”
I nodded and walked over to a large photo of an aerial view of the apartment complex. I studied that while she used the phone. I noted that the apartment complex wasn’t as big as the one I lived at. Dana knew that there were at least twenty units occupied by House members here. I had seen the buildings as we pulled up. Many of them were three stories. If a single story held three or more units, and according to the photo there were nine buildings for residents, then the total number of occupants could range from eighty to over three hundred. Maybe the number of members of House Volantis wasn’t as high as Dana suggested.
A door next to Sybil’s desk opened and a man came out. Lord Fanelli was tall and lanky. He wore a suit shirt and jacket with brand new looking jeans, cowboy boots and a belt with a buckle the size of a small saucer. Dana said he had a collection of cowboy hats, so I wasn’t surprised that he wore one or that it looked like it was tailor made for his tall frame. He turned to me and smiled like I was the one person in the world he was glad to see. He held out his hand to shake. “Lee Fanelli, at your service.” There wasn’t even a hint of southern accent in his voice. His name suggested he was Italian, but he didn’t have that kind of accent either.
I shook his hand and gleaned what I could about what I would have to say to help convince him to let me have one of his women as my Stirpe. I didn’t glaze over or get hit with a baseball bat, so I wasn’t sure what that meant. “Seth Connors,” I said.
His smile wilted a bit, but then he said, “Well, Mr. Connors, I appreciate you stopping by today. Unfortunately, Trinity Oaks is full at the moment.”
From what I gleaned, I knew his statement mean both the apartment complex and his House. I nodded. “I understand, but I’m here about business of another sort.”
“Really,” he said and looked me over. His smile vanished. “Let’s go to my office and we can talk about that.”
I nodded and followed him. As I passed through the door, I felt several waves of Magic pass over and through me. I wasn’t sure what the screening was looking for but no alarms went off.
Lord Fanelli turned and looked me over again. “Formal attire. You’re not here to join my House, are you?”
“No sir, I am not,” I said.
He offered me a chair and then sat down behind his desk. His office was warm, well furnished, and gave nothing away that implied he was more than a very good business manager. A large flat-screen television hung on the wall next to the door we entered through. A small set of shelves showcased several awards he and his team had won during their time at Trinity Oaks Apartments. The chairs in front of his desk were dark green leather with dark wood arms and legs. A large area rug helped bring the chairs together with his desk. And a set of bookshelves sat behind his desk and held not only books but several boxes that probably had paperwork for the apartment complex. There was a single window behind his desk, as well as his own door leading out.
I pulled the envelope out of my jacket pocket and set it on the desk in front of him. “Let me start by saying thank you for seeing me.” Then I sat down.
Fanelli looked at the envelope, me, and the envelope. He picked it up and asked, “Why are you here?”
“To recruit one of your House Members,” I said.
He opened the envelope and pulled out the tickets. He smiled broadly. “Tickets for this Sunday’s game,” he said more to himself than me. “I haven’t had a chance to go since they opened the new stadium.”
“As close as you now live to it, that is a shame,” I said, honestly hoping he could change that.
He tapped them on the desk, nodded to himself, and then tucked them in his shirt pocket. When he looked at me again though, he wasn’t smiling. “I don’t know that I can help you.”
I wasn’t expecting that. “You are Lord Fanelli, correct?”
He nodded and sighed. “Yes, I am, but that damned Lockdown has caused so many problems.”
I studied his face as he fingered the edge of the tickets. He was very pleased with them but something troubled him fiercely. “Have you heard about the Magus in the area capable of using Magic even under the Lockdown?” I asked.
He slowly nodded. “She paid me a visit yesterday.”
I frowned. “She?” Then it hit me. “Valory Rosenbaum?”
He looked at me again. “She didn’t give me her name. She only warned me to avoid you.”
“Did she say why?”
“She only told me that the Lockdown would end soon and that you could mess that up for everyone.”
I shook my head. “Lord Fanelli, I’m not trying to mess up anything except her plans. She planning some kind of catastrophe, and it appears I may have the only chance of stopping her.”
“But the Lockdown. If you interfere, she said it could continue to affect the area forever, like a permanent no-Magic zone.”
“I’m trying to stop her plans by ending the Lockdown before she’s ready for the next phase.”
He studied me and leaned forward, crossing his arms on his desk. “How can you do this? No one else can use their Magic.”
“It’s a complicated matter, but suffice to say, I can use Magic too.”
He frowned. “That shouldn’t be possible.”
“I don’t know all of the ins and outs, but I’m Valory’s half-brother. As her Sibling Magus, I am immune to the effects of the Lockdown, just as she is. I can end the Lockdown but I need help.”
He put things together quickly. “You need Stirpi so you’ll gain their magical expertise,” He said. “That way you’ll better understand the Lockdown.”
I nodded.
“But how will you know who can help?”
“That’s for me to figure out,” I said. “I only ask your permission to talk to your Members so that I can find out whether any of them can help.”
“And if you don’t find anyone here?”
“I already plan to visit every House affected by the Lockdown until I do.”
He sighed. “Very well. You may talk to my Members, but if you find someone who can help, bring them to me before you do anything else.”
I nodded, stood up, and held out my hand to shake. “Thank you, Lord Fanelli.”
He looked at my hand for a second and then up at me. “Don’t thank me yet.”
I held his worried gaze for a moment and then withdrew my hand. I turned and left his office the way I had come. I couldn’t understand why Fanelli would so easily accept the kinds of worrisome problems Valory suggested about the Lockdown but not as easily accept my offer to end the Lockdown. Had she threatened him directly? Did she use magic to sway his way of thinking? Either way, I couldn’t completely trust him. If I brought one of his members back here to him, then he might do something that could jeopardize my efforts. I didn’t want to believe it, but I had to expect the worst.
Standing in the entry of the management building, I looked toward the back. Dana had explored the area and I knew that the TV area and billiards table were the most popular areas for the regular residents. For the House members, there was the VIP room. Only Magi could see the sign that led to it. Dana found it on the west side of this building. I walked to the back of the building.
I looked out the glass double doors. The pool area was closed for the season, though there were a few residents sitting among the covered patio tables. It wasn’t raining but as the night grew darker, the temperature fell. It wasn’t the plummet like back in North Carolina, but it was enough of a drop to make most people head inside. I watched the trio at the table. It looked like they were playing a game or something. If they were willing to brave the cold, then I was willing to let them.
To my left, there was laughter. Several teenagers were gathered around the pool table. One was taking aim while another stood behind him and tried to distract him. Several more teens were sitting at several computer work stations, playing games.
To my right, the TV area was occupied by a single elderly man. His head was rolled back and a soft snore was covered by the narration of a man on the television as he talked about the life of a pair of orangutans. I went through the door next to the TV area. To my right were two bathrooms and to the left was a laundry room. I could hear some of the machines running from inside. I went to the door at the other end of the hall which led outside.
From Dana’s memories, I turned and looked above the door I just exited. Sure enough, the enchanted sign was there, pointing down and to my right. I looked. A set of stairs led down into the ground. There was no cover or a rail to keep anyone from accidentally walking over the opening and falling in.
A couple approached from the front of the building. They walked arm in arm along the sidewalk, completely oblivious to everything around them. They were heading straight for the opening. I raised my hand, about to say something when they turned and walked around the opening. They looked up when they were close to me as if they had only just noticed me. The woman smiled and the man gave me a once over as if checking to see whether I posed a threat. They continued on past me and toward one of the apartment buildings. I turned and looked down at the stairs again.
Curious about what it was they saw, I walked around the opening toward the front of the building. I turned and looked back in the same direction the couple had been facing. It looked like the side of the building was extended to cover the opening. I walked back to the top of the stairs, watching the structure. It looked as solid as the building itself but when I reached the top of the stairs, there was nothing. Dana’s memories told me that I could see the stairs because I was a Magus. The regular tenants probably only saw an extension of the building, both to keep them from falling down the opening and to hide anyone who used the stairs.
I looked around again. The trio at the covered table near the pool was gone and I didn’t see anyone else. I stepped down onto the first step and immediately felt warmer, as if I weren’t outside anymore. I continued down the stairs to find myself in a dark room. There was an opening to my left. I couldn’t see it exactly, but I knew it was there. I stepped through and felt like I had walked through a small waterfall.
Light, music, and laughter were suddenly there when before they weren’t. It was an incredible feat of magic, at least to me. I had seen some feats that I thought were fantastic, but they hadn’t required anything more to keep them concealed than a normal door. This was altogether different. The VIP room was underground, which most businesses and houses didn’t bother with in Texas because of a number of reasons: a shallow frost line, expansive clay soils that swell a lot when wet, causing the concrete walls and foundation to crack and lose strength after the clay soil shrinks, a high water table that would flood most basements, and limestone bedrock in most areas. It simply wasn’t worth the cost or trouble. I knew from Dana’s memories that this place wasn’t actually in the ground. It was non-space, like the storage room at Joyce’s Rack.
More than the magical construction of the VIP room though, I was amazed by the number of Magi present. Centered in the room was a large double-sided bar. Bartenders worked on both sides, serving drinks to Magi sitting at the bar as well as the few waitresses who carried drinks to the different sections of the room. Other than the bathrooms to my right, it was all one big space. Beyond the bathrooms, there were a dozen or more tables with chairs. On the left, there were large booths that encircled tables. Each booth looked to be filled with Magi talking, laughing, and even making out. Movement toward the back of the room suggested a dance floor. It was like a small night club for Magi under the management building.
One of the waitresses walked up to me. She was average height, had very blond hair, a slim figure, and was dressed like we were out by the pool in the dead of summer in a one piece that only hid enough for her to be legal had we been outside. In the low light of the VIP room, her skin glowed with a tan to go with her sun-streaked locks. The only thing that marked her as a waitress was the black apron she wore around her waist. She smiled brightly and asked, “Can I get you something?”
I was eighteen, so anything alcoholic was probably out of the question. Besides, I didn’t need the distraction. “A club soda will be fine,” I said.
She nodded. “Find yourself a seat and I’ll bring it right over.”
She turned and walked away. The apron only covered her front. Her tanned and nearly perfect butt was left out for everyone to see and enjoy.
I shook myself to break the wanton inspiration I felt while watching her. I knew it wasn’t magic. I simply needed to get laid. My pants were driving me nuts. More than that, I was beginning to sweat. The VIP room was kept very warm, which was probably why the waitresses and several patrons were only wearing bikinis. They could get away with it down here. We were all Magi after all and we knew what we were about. To be honest, I was surprised I hadn’t found anyone completely stripped bare, but the night was young and I hadn’t seen everyone here yet, so there was always the possibility.
I headed down the left side of the room, along the booths. All of them were occupied. A couple of them were filled to the point where some Magi were sitting in each other’s laps. Along the bar, some Magi sat on stools, while others stood. One woman even sat on the bar with three men all around her. At the back of the room, the music was louder and there were a few couples dancing. I had seen the movie Dirty Dancing, and these Magi made the dancers in the movie look tame. I was pretty sure one couple was actually having sex to the beat of the music while standing up. The tables that lined the side of the bar opposite of the booths were heavily occupied at the back of the room and lightened up toward the front. I only found one table not occupied. It was about halfway back to the exit. That’s where I sat.
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Chloe’s smile became amused. “You found me?” I blinked and realized I had spoken without thinking. I thought about what I said and realized that though it was out of context, it was the truth. “Yes, I found you.” Her smile shifted to friendly. “I didn’t realize anyone was looking for me.” I realized that she was teasing me, and better yet I didn’t mind. “How could you not?” I said, looking directly into her eyes. She stared back at me, her smile filling her whole face with radiant...
I had no more excuses. She wanted me. She understood all of the issues that I was worried about. She even seemed enthusiastic about the idea of being my Stirpe. Chloe wasn’t just a moonlit goddess, she was a wet dream come true. And all I had to do was get undressed. That didn’t go so well. First, there was deciding what to remove first. As frustrated and frazzled as I was, I tried to remove my shirt, my belt, and a shoe all at the same time. At least the thick carpeting of her bedroom...
Neither of us had recovered enough of our strength to fully walk properly. Of course, Chloe had more of a reason to have trouble walking than I did. So we made slow progress, taking our time so we wouldn’t tumble to the floor. We made it to the bathroom doors. She slapped the wall, turning off the lights, and I pulled the doors closed. The bed looked like it was miles away. “Do you know what your favorite position is?” Chloe asked out of the blue. I blinked in mild confusion and thought...
Sunlight. Dawn. My bedroom was never this bright. What was going on? I cracked an eye open to look at the windows. My drapes were missing. There were more windows than there should have been. And they were angled funny, surrounding the bed. I opened both eyes and sat up. I wasn’t in my room. Then I remembered the night before: going to House Volantis, the VIP room, carrying the blonde back to her apartment, and finding Chloe. The rest came back in a flood. I was still at her place. I...
I knew I would have plenty of space in Chloe’s bedroom to change clothes, though it was going to be a bit unnerving with all of those huge bay windows being completely open to her back yard. My only relief was that she had seen fit to have a privacy fence surround her back yard. Then I noticed the house behind hers. It was two stories, which made the fence moot. More than that, I was pretty sure someone was standing in one of the windows that could see into her bedroom. “Problem?” Chloe...
The rest of the trip to the Dive was quiet. I didn’t have anything to say for the time, my thoughts filled with what I would do about my House and its members. Chloe seemed content with the silence. We pulled into the parking lot for the Dive. She pulled up beside the entrance and killed the engine. She looked over at me. “Well, it’s good to know violence doesn’t get your engines going,” she said. I frowned. “What do you mean?” She reached over and rubbed my thigh. “We have to get you...
I sat down at the table across from Ella. My back was to the rest of the bar, but for the time being we were the only two in the building, so I didn’t care. Ella was my focus. For a moment we both sat there, not talking. It was different from every other time I sat down with a woman to talk. She usually had something to say. Now, however, I was being treated like I had done something wrong and I should damn well know what it was. Unfortunately, the only clue I had about that was that she...
I was gently woken by a smooth rocking motion. I was in a car and it was moving. I sat up. I was in the non-existent back seat of Chloe’s Jaguar. I understood what had been done. Chloe or Ella had created the back seat in which to lay me while they drove, but what happened to force this kind of measure? “You’re awake!” Ella said and Chloe almost hit another car as she turned to look at me. “What happened?” Chloe asked, correcting our direction on the road to the sound of blaring...
Lunch with Faith was fun. I didn’t even have to say anything, really. One question sent her off on a bewildering story of how everyone was so nice, and everything was so great. Then she started telling me about her co-workers. I didn’t pay close attention, only really listening out for key phrases that might cause problems for her. I did notice that though there were a few guys she mentioned, none of them apparently rated high enough on Faith’s chart to deserve more than a name and quick...
The drive from my apartment to House Cerenkov was relatively short. My apartment was about a mile south of UTA whereas House Cerenkov was a compound located in a large open area of Arlington just Northwest of UTA. I tried to ask Chloe why she had been so reluctant to drive me out here, but she refused to answer my questions. We were going West on West Division street when she slowed down and turned right onto a long, lonely drive. In the distance I could see a collection of buildings. Some...
Greta crawled onto the bed. She moved like a big cat on the prowl, all slow, graceful, fluid motion. Her eyes watched me and I really felt as if I were being hunted, only not as a meal. There was a certain forwardness to her that did more for me than anything else. She was toned, not muscular. She didn’t have the huge breasts that I seemed to both attract and felt attracted to, but that didn’t stop my reaction. Her eyes dropped. I was still wearing that silly costume for House Cerenkov, but...
I awoke to the sounds of urgent discussions and then everyone stopped talking. “I think he’s awake,” someone said. I blinked open my eyes and looked around. Dana, Michael, Greta, Chloe, Ella, Katrina, and Cassandra were all gathered in my bedroom. Cassandra and Chloe looked at one another, throwing each other contemptuous glances. I rolled to my side and then sat up. I was still naked. It appeared that Greta woke up first, got dressed and then went and said something that turned into this...
Fear. It is one of the most basic emotions. Every creature on earth feels fear, typically when their own life is at stake. My life wasn’t at stake. I wasn’t scared of dying, though that was in there. I was scared of failing. I was terrified that I might go to the school and still not understand that damned spell. I was scared to death of having to leave Jordan trapped for weeks or months more while I unraveled the mysteries Valory had woven. Emma’s kisses helped staunch my fears. Whatever...
For the fourth time in the same day, I woke up from sleep induced by forging a bond. I wasn’t alone this time either, though the company wasn’t expected exactly. Linda leaned over me. “How are you feeling?” I blinked at her and stretched. “Rested.” She smiled. “I heard you’ve been busy.” I nodded. “Yes, but I’m also ready to end the Lockdown. I have everything I need, and everyone who is going to help is bound to me so they’re free to use their powers too.” “Everything in only two days?”...
“How can you possibly know where the power is being stored?” Ella asked. “The missing women are acting as batteries for the power,” I said. I looked at Greta. “We had to know where Valory would be when I ended the Lockdown, well, the location is one and the same. I use the spell to track down Jordan, and we’ll not only know where Valory will show up, but I’ll be able to shut down the spell there.” Chloe frowned at me. “Are you sure the spell will recognize you as the caster?” I looked at...
The adrenaline and fear incited by the Syndicate’s attack slowly faded as I drove. My shoulder ached and I felt like someone had used a cheese grater on my back. I checked my mirrors almost constantly. It didn’t look like anyone was following me. I wasn’t sure whether to be thankful about that or even more worried. Maybe, once I ended the Lockdown, this madness with the Syndicate would cool off for a while. I had to go a bit further north when I reached highway 360. Then I took Randol Mill...
Darkness was the passageway between encounters. I lost count of how many I had been through since seeing Jordan. For the most part, walking through a doorway was how I traveled from one to another. This encounter however, I found myself standing outside on a hot summer night. I turned in a circle, taking in the details. I was near Brozos House and had two large suitcases with me. I knew what night this was. I knew what was about to happen. I also remembered that this wasn’t real, but an...
Completing the rest of the gauntlet wasn’t as complicated as I had been worried about. So long as I went along with whatever the woman wanted, I was okay. At least, I never returned to the white space with Rho. Instead, after finishing the last encounter, I returned to the white space and found Valory there. Valory blinked as she looked around. So far as she knew, she had just completed the gauntlet successfully. As far as I knew, she had to wait for me a bit. I ended up enjoying a number of...
I woke up in the hospital the next morning. Jordan was in one of those pull-out chairs that unfold into a very uncomfortable bed. She looked relieved. I felt it too. “Good mornin’, sleepy head,” she said with a soft smile. I nodded. “How are you feeling?” “Better than you look,” she said. I smiled. “That bad, huh?” “Well, you were unconscious when the feds arrived,” she said. “It took a bit of ... you-know-what to convince them to let you go to the hospital rather than arrest you.” A...
Rebecca thinks back to the first night with Travis. The relief she felt when she gave in, admitting out loud that she wanted him. The pleasure she felt when his fingers pushed deep inside her pussy. She had in the past heard woman talking about orgasms. She always thought that they had been exaggerating the feelings, to get one up on each other. She had never realised that her body could feel like that. Like a drug she knew she needed more. She is unable to get back to sleep after her dream....
Rebecca stands on the raised platform in the ball room, wearing the electric blue silk dress her husband bought her as a gift from his last trip to India. The material clung to her small waist, and down over her curvaceous hips, it glided down her long legs to her ankle with a suggestive slit up to her thighs. Her long brown hair is pinned back exposing her neck, and her cheeks were flushed pink not just with the make-up she was wearing, but from the heat burning deep inside, that she had...
On his return from dropping Rebecca at the helipad and after going on a little shopping trip, Travis is in his boxers sprawled out on the massive bed of the hotel room. He is eating his way through the box of Indian sweets, which he had found on the bed, left by the turn down service. He’s flicking through the TV channels trying to find something in a language he could understand, when there is a loud knock on the door. He throws the foul tasting sweet back in the box. Switching the TV off,...
She stands at the kitchen sink, the bubbles from the washing up liquid covering her hands. She stares out of the window into the back garden but her eyes are glazed, locked into a different time and space, her hands working as if on autopilot but her mind unaware that she has been cleaning the same plate for the past ten minutes. She closes her eyes as the feeling of the lead weight in the pit of her stomach grows, the bile rising in her throat past the lump of tears that refuses to flow. Her...
In the distance she hears the telephone ring, but is too overwhelmed with the shock of Travis carrying her upside down up the stairs in his strong arms, that she dismisses it immediately. He kicks open the first door, it’s the bathroom. Before he destroys every door in the house, she breathlessly she cries “Down the hall on the right.” The blood continues to rush to her head. He flings open her bedroom door and roughly throws her on the bed, crashing on top of her. He savagely rips open the...
On his return from dropping Rebecca at the helipad and after going on a little shopping trip, Travis is in his boxers sprawled out on the massive bed of the hotel room. He is eating his way through the box of Indian sweets, which he had found on the bed, left by the turn down service. He's flicking through the TV channels trying to find something in a language he could understand, when there is a loud knock on the door. He throws the foul tasting sweet back in the box. Switching the TV off, he...
Wife LoversIn the distance she hears the telephone ring, but is too overwhelmed with the shock of Travis carrying her upside down up the stairs in his strong arms, that she dismisses it immediately. He kicks open the first door; it’s the bathroom. Before he destroys every door in the house, she breathlessly she cries “Down the hall on the right.” The blood continues to rush to her head. He flings open her bedroom door and roughly throws her on the bed, crashing on top of her. He savagely rips open the...
Wife LoversRebecca thinks back to the first night with Travis. The relief she felt when she gave in, admitting out loud that she wanted him. The pleasure she felt when his fingers pushed deep inside her pussy. She had in the past heard woman talking about orgasms. She always thought that they had been exaggerating the feelings, to get one up on each other. She had never realised that her body could feel like that. Like a drug she knew she needed more. She is unable to get back to sleep after her dream....
Wife LoversShe stands at the kitchen sink, the bubbles from the washing up liquid covering her hands. She stares out of the window into the back garden but her eyes are glazed, locked into a different time and space, her hands working as if on autopilot but her mind unaware that she has been cleaning the same plate for the past ten minutes. She closes her eyes as the feeling of the lead weight in the pit of her stomach grows, the bile rising in her throat past the lump of tears that refuses to flow. Her...
ReluctanceRebecca stands on the raised platform in the ball room, wearing the electric blue silk dress her husband bought her as a gift from his last trip to India. The material clung to her small waist, and down over her curvaceous hips, it glided down her long legs to her ankle with a suggestive slit up to her thighs. Her long brown hair is pinned back exposing her neck, and her cheeks were flushed pink not just with the make-up she was wearing, but from the heat burning deep inside, that she had not...
Reluctance“I will have to ask Nurse Awarrak to pop in and give me a hand,” I told Mrs Beswick-Sampson. “You OK with that?” The formidable 74 year old lady from the manor on the pretty edge of the town, lying completely naked, face up, both feet in the highest possible gynaecology stirrup position on the examination table smiled weakly and nodded ... then asked. “She’s new to the surgery is she Doctor Moss?” I merely nodded as I ripped off my latex gloves, dumped them in the medical waste bin and...
I call you at work as soon as I get my mail, excited by the package that has arrived on my doorstep this morning- our new toy! Shopping for the perfect strap-on was harder than I had anticipated, so many choices, reader reviews and it's not like I could try one on first to see how it felt. Well, we were both going to see how it feels tonight!"Baby, do you feel like having your wildest fantasy come true tonight?" I purr into the receiver when I hear your voice, all serious as you answer the...
It’s time to celebrate the end of quarantine and Talia Mint sure knows how to do it in some style! After a long time locked up this restless beauty decides it’s time to let loose with her boyfriend out in the summer sun as they enjoy a specular fuck in the pool in true Private style. Watch the horny Talia in action on in Private Specials, Orgy by the Pool where she treats her man to the taste of pussy and a sloppy blowjob before enjoying a hot fuck as she moans with pleasure all...
xmoviesforyouWhat would happen if four families each contributed one member to create a new family? In this episode of Family Swap, Chloe Temple and Nathan Bronson become children to Will Pounder and Cory Chase. The makeshift family starts of wholesome with family time in the living room, but there’s some definite sexual tension between the younger and older family members. Their family time falls apart when Nathan and Chloe start going at each other. Chloe tells Nathan he has a small dick, so Nathan...
xmoviesforyouI’m one of the primary ‘in house’ doctors at our local hospital. The hospital is a mid-sized facility just about fifty miles from Baltimore, Maryland. For a hospital we’re small in comparison to the giants up and down the eastern seaboard, but we have a decent reputation, and we’ve gotten some pretty good press lately thanks to the hard work of our rank and file personnel. One advantage we have that most hospitals in our size and financial range has that others don’t is our proximity to...
SUBMISSIVE SPIRITS By LEWISCHAPPELLE Note: While this story briefly introduces Babs and David it more completely describes the relationship of their similarly unconventional friends Ann and Chip who move to increasingly greater levels of domination and submission. The story is quite lengthy but only represents a portion of a more fully developed, five work,project. While not a quick read, I trust you can take your time and enjoy this particular work and look forward to the remaining...