Rogue reliving without regrets
- 2 years ago
- 64
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I sat down at the table across from Ella. My back was to the rest of the bar, but for the time being we were the only two in the building, so I didn’t care. Ella was my focus. For a moment we both sat there, not talking. It was different from every other time I sat down with a woman to talk. She usually had something to say. Now, however, I was being treated like I had done something wrong and I should damn well know what it was. Unfortunately, the only clue I had about that was that she thought all male Magi thought the same way. Yes, eventually, I would have to get between her legs, but that was because of the ritual. Then I remembered something else she said. It was something that changed my perspective of her outrage. She wasn’t angry, she was disappointed.
“Are you going to talk to me?” I asked. It was probably not the best way to start the conversation. By the very question alone, it suggested there would not be a conversation.
She looked at me. No, glared at me. Again, I got that feeling that I had erred in some horrendous way.
I shook my head. “If you don’t talk to me, I’m going to end up talking to myself. That’s not a pretty picture, believe me.”
She rolled her eyes and by the rise and drop of her breasts, she had let out a soft sigh too. Nope, joking wasn’t going to break the ice.
I sat back and tried to get comfortable in my leathers. I had been fairly comfortable during the ride here, during the face-off with the Syndicate, and while talking to the members of House Tucanae. Between the leather and the soft lining, I was even warm. Now, for some reason, my leathers felt itchy. Maybe they weren’t meant to be worn this long. It was probably a little surprise from Shondra to help me with my personal squabbles about being a Magus.
Ella looked at me as I squirmed in my chair. There was something there, something she wanted to say, but that would conflict with her rule of not talking to me.
I kept squirming, both because I wasn’t sure what I would have to do to get comfortable again and in the hopes of drawing out Ella’s comment. Anything to give me something to work with.
She rolled her eyes again. “Why don’t you take off the jacket, or at least open it up so you can breathe?”
I hadn’t thought of that. I reached up and released the first button. Ella watched my hands on the buttons. She wasn’t interested in seeing me undressed, was she? I released the other two and I felt a little better. Ella, on the other hand, still looked disappointed.
“I don’t get you, Ella,” I said when I looked up at her. “You weren’t afraid to argue over my reasons for being here, but now you don’t say a word. Don’t you want to continue berating me over how pathetic I am for being here?”
She met me square in the eyes then. “Yes, you are pathetic for being here.” She waved a hand at me. “You dressed formally yet you don’t have anything to offer potential recruits.”
I studied her expression, her posture, and her chosen outfit. Surely, she wasn’t talking about what I thought she was talking about, was she? She was a Magus, and though I had met a number of them in the last few days, I had yet to meet one who had superficial standards. I had to meet one sooner or later. “How about being a bit more candid, shall we?” I asked. “What are you talking about?”
She stared at me, her eyes widening a bit and she cocked her head to the side. “You really want me to say it out loud?”
I blinked at her. The absurdity of the situation was killing me. “We’re alone. Who’s going to hear you?”
She blinked and looked around. Then she shrugged and sat up straight. Her posture made her look like she was thrusting her breasts out at me instead. “You’re pants are tight enough that if you had a big enough dick to offer a woman then it would show.”
I sat there, staring at her. Yeah, she did mean what I thought she did. It was ludicrous alright. She wasn’t upset that I was here to recruit someone or that I needed help to end the Lockdown. It wasn’t the question of whether or not I actually pulled the trigger and killed Lord Fanelli. No, she was upset because she thought I wasn’t packing enough meat. Worse, my pants were uncomfortable, and not in the fun way.
She looked up and then away. She couldn’t meet my eyes after what she said. I had never met a Magus who was ever embarrassed to talk about sex. Or did she now believe that she was going to be forced to have sex with someone whom she believed to not have what she wanted?
It was such a simple yet not-so-simple thing. How could I possibly prove that I had more than what she thought I had? Well, to do that, I had to know how big she thought I was, which would be fun. “You said that my pants are tight enough that I should be showing off what I have to offer, yes?” I asked and squirmed in my seat.
She nodded without looking at me. “Yes.”
“You do realize how that sounds, right?” I asked.
She turned her head slowly, accompanied by a long lingering blink of her eyes. “It makes me sound shallow, like all I’m interested in is your size. You’re almost too young for my taste, but if you had more tucked away in your pants, then I could possibly look past that issue.”
“So then, you don’t have an issue with the fact that I need your help with the Lockdown, or whether or not I killed Lord Fanelli?” I asked. I was still a little shocked by this.
She looked at me finally. “Let me ask you something. If I looked different. Say I was flat chested, or was old enough to be your grandmother, would you still be interested in having me as your Stirpe?”
The first thing I wanted to say was, “It didn’t matter,” but I couldn’t bring myself to say it. I tried to imagine the combination of possibilities: a much, much older lady with no curves at all sitting across from me, and the idea simply turned me off. Then I changed things up. First, I saw her again without the bulging bosom. She was beautiful even without the boobs. I wouldn’t have an issue with that. Then I tried seeing her as a much older version of herself, someone with grandkids. Even with the impressive breasts, I couldn’t imagine sex with her. So, the age thing was an issue, and maybe I wasn’t as breast-obsessed as I thought. Finally, I nodded. “You’re partially right. A huge age difference would force me to look for someone else, even if you were still packing the girls.”
“But you don’t need me to be top heavy?” she asked, arching her back and thrusting out her breasts.
I let my eyes linger on her cleavage for a few seconds and then looked up to meet her eyes. “It’s not your breasts that are going to help me end the Lockdown.”
She ran a finger along the edge of her top where her breast bulged out. “Admit it though, they are nice.”
I watched her finger and had to adjust my pants for comfort. I nodded. “Yes, they are.”
“So, compared to the other women you’ve met from House Tucanae, do you find me more appealing because of my breasts?”
I frowned. “This isn’t a matter of whether I find your breasts pleasant nor not,” I said, having to adjust other areas of my pants to make them comfortable, and not in the fun way. “I need to know what I have to do or say to convince you to help me with the Lockdown.”
She took a deep breath, making her breasts appear to swell. “Helping you isn’t the problem,” she said. “It’s what happens after the Lockdown ends that worries me.”
I hadn’t really thought that far ahead myself. “Such as?” I asked.
“I don’t know anything about House ... Ursae, was it?” she asked and I nodded. “I don’t even know if I want to join your House.”
“The House is new,” I said. Under the table I unbuttoned and unzipped my pants, though I didn’t open them since I wasn’t wearing anything under them. I felt a little better, but didn’t understand what was happening. “If you have any questions about it, feel free to ask.”
She smiled and nodded, which I thought was odd. “Other than Stirpi, what structure of rank do you use?”
“A couple of my Stirpi are talking to Magi they know to become Lieutenants. I don’t believe we’ve found anyone to be Guardians yet,” I said and wanted my new shoes off.
Ella nodded. “Guardians are hard to find. So, it sounds like you’re going with a standard setup. What about your location? Where are you setting up?”
Under the table, I crossed one foot over my knee to take off that boot, quietly set it on the floor, and then did the same with the other. “I live at Shadowbrook apartments, just south of UTA.”
She interlaced her fingers and laid her hands on the table. Then she eased forward and let her breasts rest on her hands. “That’s in the middle of three different Houses, one of which is House Tucanae. You didn’t mention that to the others. Why?”
“I had more important things in mind that telling them about my House,” I said, feeling discomfort running up the legs of my pants, like ants crawling along my skin. “Besides, if they wanted to know, they would have asked.”
She nodded and a soft smile creased her lips. “You said you live South of UTA. Are you a student?”
I nodded. “I’m almost finished with my first semester,” I said and couldn’t find any purchase to scratch my legs. I really didn’t want to have to take off my pants like this. What had Shondra done to me?
Ella watched me squirm. Her smile grew too, almost like she knew something that I wasn’t going to like. “Your first semester?” she asked. “Then either you’ve gotten a late start in life, or you are as young as you look.”
“I’m eighteen,” I said, not sure what to do about my pants. The itch grew worse.
“Eighteen,” she said and looked up in thought. “That is young.” Then she looked at me again. “If only you had more packed away in those tight pants.”
I blinked in confusion. Was she really that size-obsessed or was she trying to find out something else? I couldn’t imagine what, and the itch in my pants wasn’t helping, especially now that it had moved up along my butt, and my back. Whatever was happening, it was spreading.
Ella looked me over. “Is something wrong? You look flushed.”
I shook my head. “I think Shondra put something in my clothes. They’re getting more and more uncomfortable by the minute.”
“Interesting,” she said, her smile widening. “But even if you were to strip down to your underwear, you would still not impress me.”
I pulled at the black t-shirt I wore. “Other than the leathers, and this t-shirt, there is nothing else.”
She arched an eyebrow. “Oh, then you are in a bind.”
I studied her face. She certainly knew something. Then an idea hit me. If Shondra had done something to this set of clothes, why had it set in so soon after I put them on? Last night at House Volantis, I didn’t have any problems with my clothes for over four hours. In fact, I was enthused to undress last night by Chloe’s eagerness to have sex, not by my clothes. Besides, what could Shondra possibly put in my clothes to make them so uncomfortable that I’d want to take them off? I could see her using magic to do that, but she didn’t have access to her power under the Lockdown. So, I had to conclude that Shondra didn’t do anything to my clothes. I leaned forward in my seat. “Tell me, Ella. Do you have an innate ability?”
Her smile became glorious. “Why yes. Yes I do.”
“And would that innate ability have anything to do with making my clothes uncomfortable?” I asked.
She tried to pout, but it was ruined by the smile that she couldn’t seem to stifle. “It would indeed.”
I frowned at her. “Fine.” I stood up. “If you really wanted to see what I’m packing,” I said, as I took off the jacket and dropped it on the floor. “All you had to do was ask,” I said, as I pushed off my pants and kicked them away. Even my t-shirt was itchy, so I pulled it off too, which left me as naked as a newborn baby.
Ella’s eyes drifted down over me and then stopped. Her eyebrows rose as she took in what was no longer packed away. “Well,” she said and then swallowed. “It would seem I misjudged you.” And she wiggled her hips in her chair. “Tell me one thing,” she said, with a small smile and a lick of her lips. “After we do this, how often would I be required to visit your bed?”
I crossed my arms over my chest. “Really?” I asked. “You see me in all my glory and suddenly you’re a lot more willing to help me with the Lockdown?”
She looked up into my eyes. “I told you, I don’t mind helping with the Lockdown. It’s what comes after that I’m more concerned with.”
I dropped my arms and stepped around the table so she would have a better view. I was already filled out enough thanks to the furtive displays of her cleavage to keep me from being completely flaccid, but I wasn’t pointing anywhere but at the floor at the moment due to the fading discomfort from my clothes. “Why the questions about my House? Why worry about the structure or where it’s located?”
She stared right at my crotch and her breathing deepened. “I wanted to know.” Then she leaned toward me. She didn’t touch me, but she put her nose very close to me. I could feel the heat of her exhalation. It made me fill out more. She rolled her eyes up to look at mine. “Besides, it gave my innate ability enough time to make you so uncomfortable I could see you as you are.”
“Then you really were concerned with my size,” I said.
She smiled that glorious smile again. “I never said that I wasn’t.” She looked me over again. “I didn’t like the idea of giving myself over to someone who couldn’t reach the itchy places I have. It looks like you’ll reach them and then some.”
I wasn’t sure if I had been outsmarted or simply taken for the sex. The former both excited and bothered me. I was excited because she was smart enough to pull it off, which made me fill out more and start to rise. I was bothered because if she could outsmart me, it proved that Valory might do so as well. The latter excited me because I liked my girls to be forward sexually. That made me rise more as well, which made me bump her chin.
Ella looked down at my rising erection. She oohed and awed, which provided more warm air and encouraged me to swell until I was pointed almost horizontally. Ella’s smile was gone. Her eyelids were heavy and she kept licking her lips. With a glance up to my face, she leaned forward and rubbed her cheek along my glans. She swiped her lips, moist and soft, over my tip, and then rubbed the other cheek against me.
I grew impatient. I reached out, cupped her jaw, and guided her warm, wet mouth to my crown. She opened up, accepted me and closed her eyes as I slid into her mouth, stopping only when I bumped into the back of her throat.
Ella gulped a couple of times before I pulled back. “Mm, Lord Connors,” she said with a playful tone. “Are you always this direct with what you want?”
I think I understood where this was going. It wasn’t enough for me to have the proper offering for her to enjoy, I had to want this enough to take it if need be. I could be direct, but to me there was a distinct line between being direct and simply taking what I wanted. My girls enjoyed it when I was direct with them. Katrina enjoyed it when I simply took of her what I wanted. To me, the distinction lies in the words I use. Asking to do something or letting them know that I wanted to do something was direct. Doing it without saying anything was taking.
I stepped back from Ella. “I apologize for that,” I said. “I should have at least said something, so you would have the opportunity to turn me away if you wished.”
She smiled her glorious smile. “If I didn’t want you to do that,” she said and then clamped her teeth together, making a sharp chomp sound. “I would have impressed the idea on you.”
I nodded. “Understood.” Then I studied her face and posture. “Is there anything in particular I should avoid being so direct about?”
She looked pointed at my throbbing erection. “For today, I think you should avoid my ass.” Then she looked up. “It’ll give me the chance to get ready for you.”
I nodded. Erica was the only woman I knew who could take all of me anally the first time we had sex.
Ella reached out and drew me to her again. She ran her hand along my length and then asked, “So, are you this direct with your Fonti?” Then she slid her lips over my crown, and pulled me in until I bumped her throat again. She kept me there, using her tongue to do all sorts of things under and around me. It even felt as if she had wrapped her tongue around me a couple of times. It was incredible.
I had a bit of trouble focusing while she used her oral talents. She noticed that I wasn’t answering her question and pulled me out of her mouth with a loud slurp. “Don’t tell me you’re this easily distracted from speaking coherently.” Then she pulled me into her mouth again.
Easily distracted, yeah. Kept from speaking coherently? Not usually while one of my girls held me as such. I looked down at her, only really able to see her shoulders and the way her butt projected back into her chair. I looked up and closed my eyes again. It was distracting, not being able to see her eyes as I spoke. Finally I focused on her question and said, “I’m actually quite giving when it comes to my Fonti. I do my best to give them what they want, because I know it’ll make them happy. And when they’re happy, I’m happy.”
She pulled me from her mouth again with a similar slurp. She stroked me, smearing her saliva along my length. “Good philosophy,” she said. “But sometimes, I’m sure you want something specific.” Then she looked up. One of her hands dropped to the deep line of cleavage her top forced her breasts to make. “You’ve been staring at my tits since we sat down. Is there something you’d like to do with them?”
At my angle, I could see the dents her nipples made in the fabric. The material was too dark to see them from across the table. If her nipples were as big as I hoped, then there were several things I would love to do. “Is this something I should simply take or express my desire for?” I asked in return.
She smiled and straightened her back. Her top did an impressive job of reigning in her mounds of flesh. She bulged not only upward, but down too. I wondered if she might be too tight for what I had in mind.
I spread my legs and lowered my hips. I ran the tip of my glans along her cleavage, leaving a wet line where her saliva transferred from me to her. Then I dropped further and pressed my crown into her under-cleavage. I held her breasts with my hands covering the silky material of her top, and pressed myself up between her tightly clamped boobs. There was just enough give that I was able to worm my way up, up, up, until I peeked out of the top of her cleavage.
Ella grinned up at me. “Impressive, but you don’t leave much room for movement.”
I nodded and released the only button holding her top closed. Her breasts sprang free, spilling out into my waiting hands. Not only was the extraordinary amount of breast flesh released from her top, but Ella took a deep breath too. Maybe wearing it had made breathing difficult to begin with.
“Why wear something so restrictive it makes it difficult to breath?” I asked, feeling a touch naïve.
She smiled that glorious smile again. “It encourages me to take off my top, no matter where I am or who is about.”
“A bit of an exhibitionist?” I asked, gently rolling my hips so I would slowly thrust myself up through her cleavage and back again.
She ran her fingernails up along the backs of my thighs. “A bit. I like to show off my breasts mostly. I think they’re my best quality.”
I shook my head. “You have many good qualities.”
She smiled again and licked her lips. “For that, I think I’ll take this a step further.” Then she looked down, tucked in her chin, parted her lips, grabbed my butt cheeks, and pulled me up through her soft cleavage and into her waiting mouth.
The only way this could be any better is if she were laying down with me straddling her. As it was, I quickly felt my orgasm rolling closer. I didn’t see any reason to hold back, but I was sure there was a difference between being direct and trying to drown her.
Even though we were getting along better, I still wasn’t sure about her full intentions. For all I knew, she was willing to have an exchange of fluids, but nothing more. I had to know what she really wanted, now and after we dealt with the Lockdown.
I slowed my thrusting and eased up my hold on her breasts. She released me from her mouth and looked up, licking her lips. “Don’t tell me a little tit play and tongue action and you’re already close to popping your cork?”
I shook my head. “You’ve played a magnificent game today, Ella, but I really do need to know: are you in this all the way or are we just going to have a bit of fun?”
“Coy words,” she said. “I thought you didn’t want to beat around the bush?”
I nodded and stepped back. “You’re right. Either we’re in agreement that we’re performing the ritual for you to become my Stirpe, or I get dressed – no matter how itchy my clothes are – and I go find someone else.”
“You drive a hard bargain,” she said and let her eyes drift over me. “I never thought I would agree to be anyone’s Stirpe, but if I’m to help you, then that is what must be.” She looked up and met my gaze again.
I stared back at her. If there was anyone in my House that I would have to keep an eye on, it would be Ella. I didn’t like the idea of having anyone in my House that I couldn’t completely trust, but then again, hadn’t I been given my status as House Lord by a Magus who had been hell-bent on taking my power for her own? Trust wasn’t the issue. Ella was willing to bind herself to me to help end the Lockdown. I had to accept that at face value. If she decided to change our agreement later, I would deal with it then. “I’m sure we can work out something both of us can agree to.”
She stood up, pulling her top off by the sleeves. She dropped it on the chair she had been sitting in and then reached behind herself and unzipped her skirt. She had to hook her thumbs under the waist band and push her panties off her hips because they were too tight to fall on their own. She stood in only her heels and then stepped over to the table. She sat on it, leaned back on it, and spread her legs to show me everything she had. “I think, at this point the only thing we can both agree on is that we both want to fuck.”
I looked her over as she had done me so many times already, and then stepped closer. She was right. We were both in the mood for what was to come. I just had to make sure it went the way I needed it to go.
I focused on her, trying to envision her mood, emotions, desires, and other attributes. They came to me like a floating ball of multi-colored string. The strings were lit up like neon lights that moved, and each one represented a different emotions, sensations, and desires. The complexity was greater than anything I had seen before, and I knew if I didn’t do this right, more could go wrong than only me becoming her Stirpe.
I knew I couldn’t unravel the ball. The weave of all those strands was too intricate. However, pulling on one strand caused others to tighten or loosen. A tug here and there and Ella was rolling her hips up at me. She didn’t say anything, but I could see she was more excited to be here than when I first walked in.
I stepped up to her, and she immediately reached for me. She wrapped a hand around my shaft and guided me straight to her moist folds. She rubbed my glans along her lips, smearing her juices all over me. Then she tucked me down to her entrance and a touch of her fingers told me she wanted me to push.
I eased forward, my crown driving through the tight embrace of her entrance. Once past that, I stopped and pulled back. I kept it shallow. Sure she might like my size, but that didn’t mean she was completely ready for me.
For a few more strokes, I kept it shallow. I watched not only her physical reactions – the way she rolled her hips at me, how she groped her own breasts, and fact that she closed her eyes – but the ways her tangled ball of neon threads responded too. She was certainly enjoying this.
I came to an idea as I watched those strands. She wasn’t opposed to me going for what I wanted physically, so what was to stop me from pushing things along with Magic?
I focused on those neon threads. I didn’t want to tie her up in knots, that would be going too far, but I wanted her to both enjoy what was happening and be driven for more until the ritual was finished. It was a simple concept. I held it in my mind, applied my Will, and let my power flow.
I watched the neon threads tug and shift in complex patterns. No knots formed, and quite quickly, the tangle they formed became untangled. The different threads tugged at her, manipulated her in ways I hadn’t conceived of, and I felt her grope at me in ways no woman had before.
I looked down at her and found her looking at me. She held out her arms to me, her breasts gathered up between them. It was a posture of invitation and I was too astonished by her change to decline.
I leaned over her, driving myself deeper, and she pulled my face to her breasts. Her legs wrapped around me and her heels dug into my butt, pulling me further into her.
“God, you’re so deep!” she said. Her voice almost sounded hoarse due to her heavy breathing.
I raised my head enough to look up at her face. Her eyes were closed again. She was one big sensation. Everything I did went straight to her core, sending her closer to the edge. I looked down and found her nipples, hard and red. I licked one and she shuddered under me. I lightly sucked on the other and she squeezed my hips with her thighs.
I shifted to lean on my elbows and used my hands to push her nipples together. Then I ran my tongue over both of them and did my best to suck on both at the same time.
Ella cried out. She pulled my head down and I didn’t have the strength or leverage to fight her, so I took a quick, deep breath, sucked both nipples into my mouth and worked them over while driving myself through her velvety wet muscles.
Ella relaxed in fits and spasms. She wasn’t done giving me her power, but it wouldn’t take much more. It seemed she didn’t have a lot of power to give. It would make for a shorter ritual than with Chloe, Dana, or Emma.
Ella’s arms fell away from my head with boneless flops. Her legs, however, remained where they were, keeping me buried deep inside of her.
“Are we finished yet?” she asked.
I smiled. I couldn’t help it. “Not quite.”
She opened her eyes and focused on me. “Good.” Then she pushed at my chest and let me go.
I stepped back as she sat up.
She pointed at the chair I had been sitting in. “Sit down. I get to be on top now.”
I moved over to the chair and sat in it.
She stood for a moment, holding the table as if she wasn’t sure her legs would hold her. Then she stepped toward me. We reached for each other and I helped her into the chair.
The chair wasn’t really designed for what she had in mind. I caught enough of her memories to know what she wanted to do and the spell she used to adjust the shape of the chair for it. Taking it a bit further, I decided to reshape the chair into a lounger that was wide enough for what she had in mind. With my Intent and Will focused, I released my Power.
The arms of the chair spread out. Padding inflated under and behind me, not to mention to either side. The seat lengthened under my legs and the back leaned back.
Ella held onto me as the changes occurred. Once finished, there was enough room so her knees had someplace to comfortably settle.
Leaning back as I was, I admired the way her breasts rode her chest as well as how her hard, red nipples pointed out to either side of my face. I was tempted to reach up and feel her breasts again, but I didn’t think she was ready for that just yet, so I waited until the neon threads suggested she was.
She reached behind herself, grabbed me, and then rose up to take me in again. I watched as she eased down on me until her round bottom settled on my lap. She laid her hands on my chest and let her nails drag down over me as she rolled her hips. “Damn, you are deep,” she said and then looked me in the eyes. “Just where I need you.” Then she leaned forward, rubbed her breasts against my chest, and brushed her lips over mine.
Of all the things I expected from Ella, a kiss was not one of them. Her lips settled on mine and then there was a quick, wet lick of her tongue. I returned the quick lick. She shuddered over me, all the way down to my lap, and squeezed me. She liked that. I couldn’t see her threads, but her physical response was difficult to ignore. I licked her lips again. On the next lick, she met my tongue with her own. Mine slipped into her mouth and she quickly sucked it in further. At the same time, she ground down on my hips.
I didn’t know what it was about kissing her, but she was suddenly very happy to have me in her as she had been on the table. Her hips rolled and rocked against mine. Her hands moved up and held my head in place, and her mouth sucked on my tongue like it was a really tasty Lolli-pop.
I closed my eyes and focused on her neon threads. Using me to get off was the goal and I needed to know just how close she was because the same stimuli was about to throw me off my own orgasmic cliff.
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Wife Lovers(Author’s note: When reading this story, be aware that when confronted with a very attractive person of the opposite sex, we all respond as we have been conditioned to from our previous experience, or lack of it. The virgin, or a small town women who has only had sex with two men, and who has been with only her husband for the last five years is not in any way as well equipped to parry the carefully crafted seductive efforts of five handsome men to excite her libido so that she becomes sexually...
I am Jason Black and I am witnessing a spectacular cosmic event. A wandering planet is entering the solar system of the planet Bella. Bella is a garden world set to terra-form 500 years ago and only recently (50 years) populated by settlers from Earth. The colony here is 60,000 souls and I am part of the defense force assigned by Galactic Patrol to guard against asteroids, comets and other such phenomenon as might be required to protect the planet. The wanderer is quite an oddity, it is...
Prologue Princess Celestia was a grand and we'll loved leader. She ruled over a land of points and dragons alike. She had lived for hundreds of years and so had seen a lot of loss and love. The biggest loss was of her sister Luna who had been born to rule beside her. Celestia was the god of the sun and controls when it rise and lowered her sister was good if the moon. She controlled the tides and moon. Luna felt overlooked compared to her sister and called her out on it in public, in a fit if...
I was almost twenty summer seasons and had been gone from home for two. I had been a sub strike leader in the fleet stalker companies. The war was over and now I was home and looking for work. With all the other warriors returning it was not easy. I caught a public transport towards the edge of the city to meet an old friend who said he had an offer for me. I glanced around at the others on the ground transport and there were only two teenage girls. The rest were unkept clerks or maintenance...
Jordan was gone. I stood there watching the tail lights of the car she was in fade away into the night. I couldn’t believe what was happening. Light grew around me and then someone honked. I jumped to the side of the road. A car passed by. The driver staring at me like I had grown a second head. It was Halloween night. I had chosen a costume like that of Gandalf the Gray, but I had since left off the fake nose and beard. It made it easier to eat and drink at the party being held at my...
Finding the hospital wasn’t an issue. Google Maps helped with that. However, finding the hospital where Dalton had been taken for her specific injuries was a different matter. Oddly, I knew which one she would have gone to. I also knew the layout and where to find her inside. I could only guess that the rumor about a Padrone gaining the experience of a Stirpe was true, and it seemed to go beyond Magical knowledge and experience. I had one Stirpe, Emma Barrett, and she was a Cardiologist. I...
I was wrong about the police waiting for me when we got back to the apartment. In fact, it looked like no one was there at all. Cassandra accompanied me in. I hadn’t thought about it, but it was her night on the rotation. Since it was so late, and there wasn’t anything else I could do about Jordan tonight, we went straight to bed. She showed me just how much of her costume was ‘tear-away’ and then crawled over to me as if it were like any other night we had spent together. The problem was, I...
Lawson and I stood there staring at one another. He looked smug. Things were going his way. I honestly didn’t care if anything went his way or not. What I couldn’t afford – and neither could Jordan – was for me to be detained on some trumped-up charge. I glanced at the others behind Lawson. One was a tall blond man with the build of a pro-wrestler. Another was a Hispanic man who seemed to be distracted by Linda. The third was a small pale-skinned man who was the only one in the group wearing...
Once the cuffs were off, I told everyone to wait while I went to get dressed. “Like we would leave you alone,” Lawson said to my back. He said it low, under his breath. I wasn’t sure if he meant for me to hear him. Turning his comments back around on him was childish, but it would probably be the only way to convince him to stop – or really piss him off to the point he does something suitable to have him removed as Deputy. I turned and met his eyes. “Good, because what I’m planning could be...
At first, when we left campus, I thought we were going back to my apartment, but Michael drove past it and went to I-20. He took it going east. I had an idea where we were going but not why. When we hit the exit for South Collins, I knew where we were going. The reason still eluded me. Michael pulled into the parking lot of a warehouse near a small airfield. It was the same place Tanner brought me for training. Tanner said the warehouse belonged to a House in Austin, but it never occurred to...
I sat down at the table with Augur. “If only those who are being rude call you that, what should I call you?” She smiled. Now that I knew where I knew her from, I realized that she really didn’t look different. There were small changes, something like what I did to myself when I was running from my pursuers the day before. In her case, however, the changes made her look good. Not just good but ... really ... stunning. Maybe it was what she did to help find someone to help feed her power. She...
The touch of Dana’s hand and the earnest expression on her face brought a thought from the back of my mind to the fore. “Are you suggesting that I take...” I almost couldn’t say it. I was afraid of how I would feel if I were wrong. Some part of me took the chance though. “ ... you?” She smiled and squeezed my hand. “I wondered how long it would take you to understand.” I shook my head. “But, the subtle changes, the way you looked at me, the way you dressed; I thought you might be leaving...
I woke up, and it took a second for me to remember where I was. It looked like my room, but the ceiling was wrong, as were the colors of the walls. When I remembered, I turned to find Dana lying next to me. She was making little noises in her sleep and wriggling around. Whatever she was seeing, she certainly seemed to be enjoying it. I was mildly surprised that I woke up first. Emma woke up before I did when we forged our bond, and with my Fonti, the duration of my unconsciousness grew...
I wasn’t sure what to do about Dana’s attitude, but I knew I didn’t like it. She was my Stirpe now, so didn’t that mean she had to follow my lead? I knew she had to follow my orders, but I wasn’t going to do that. I simply didn’t understand why she acted so nonchalant about Michael’s news. Was that how most Padroni behaved? I understood that my status had changed with regards to Magus Law, but did that really make me better than anyone else? I didn’t think so, and acting like news like...
It felt odd, the four of us sitting in a conjured restaurant booth in the corner of an empty warehouse. For that matter, I didn’t understand why we couldn’t go back to my apartment. It was secured. I decided to ask. “We should stay because if you need to learn anything that we might have to correct, we can use our power here,” Dana said. “And, the Syndicate doesn’t seem to know about this place either,” Michael added. “Therefore, it’s safe for the time being.” Then he looked at Dana. “I...
The drive to our destination was quiet, which gave me time to think. I was still puzzled as to why Jordan was taken. Assuming Valory was involved, and no evidence had been found to suggest she wasn’t, then I knew the answer to my question: she wanted me to stay out of her business. Of course, there was the nagging problem of why she hadn’t tried to contact me to make sure I understood what she wanted. Which suggested she didn’t know Jordan was my Fonti, or she simply didn’t care. Of course,...
If the front of the store was smaller than most, then the back was an entirely different story. Beyond the curtains, the work room dwarfed the store front by many times. Not only was it the work room, but apparently, it was the storage room, dressing room, and lounge too. From the corner where I came in, the first thing I noticed was the wall mirror on the back wall. It took up the entire wall, floor to ceiling, side to side, and made the entire space appear that much bigger. Shelves lined...
Dana took me by my apartment so I could drop off my regular clothes. I knew someone would be there, namely Katrina, since she lived with me, but I didn’t expect to see Faith. Faith, my step-sister, had just moved into an apartment in the complex and started a new job. Her move here had been a complication to my life until I decided that I could trust her enough to keep my secret. There were some issues we continued to disagree on, but for the most part we were fairly civil with one another....
I turned to look at the front door with the open sign and I recalled the information I had gleaned from Dana earlier. House Volantis, physically, was made up of Trinity Oaks apartment complex. Many of the occupants of those apartments were House members and Officers. Oddly, though Lord Fanelli owned the complex, he didn’t live here. He had his own estate further north. He worked here as a rental manager, like Milena at the complex where I lived. Two of his officers, a House Guardian named...
Chloe’s smile became amused. “You found me?” I blinked and realized I had spoken without thinking. I thought about what I said and realized that though it was out of context, it was the truth. “Yes, I found you.” Her smile shifted to friendly. “I didn’t realize anyone was looking for me.” I realized that she was teasing me, and better yet I didn’t mind. “How could you not?” I said, looking directly into her eyes. She stared back at me, her smile filling her whole face with radiant...
I had no more excuses. She wanted me. She understood all of the issues that I was worried about. She even seemed enthusiastic about the idea of being my Stirpe. Chloe wasn’t just a moonlit goddess, she was a wet dream come true. And all I had to do was get undressed. That didn’t go so well. First, there was deciding what to remove first. As frustrated and frazzled as I was, I tried to remove my shirt, my belt, and a shoe all at the same time. At least the thick carpeting of her bedroom...
Neither of us had recovered enough of our strength to fully walk properly. Of course, Chloe had more of a reason to have trouble walking than I did. So we made slow progress, taking our time so we wouldn’t tumble to the floor. We made it to the bathroom doors. She slapped the wall, turning off the lights, and I pulled the doors closed. The bed looked like it was miles away. “Do you know what your favorite position is?” Chloe asked out of the blue. I blinked in mild confusion and thought...
Sunlight. Dawn. My bedroom was never this bright. What was going on? I cracked an eye open to look at the windows. My drapes were missing. There were more windows than there should have been. And they were angled funny, surrounding the bed. I opened both eyes and sat up. I wasn’t in my room. Then I remembered the night before: going to House Volantis, the VIP room, carrying the blonde back to her apartment, and finding Chloe. The rest came back in a flood. I was still at her place. I...
I knew I would have plenty of space in Chloe’s bedroom to change clothes, though it was going to be a bit unnerving with all of those huge bay windows being completely open to her back yard. My only relief was that she had seen fit to have a privacy fence surround her back yard. Then I noticed the house behind hers. It was two stories, which made the fence moot. More than that, I was pretty sure someone was standing in one of the windows that could see into her bedroom. “Problem?” Chloe...
The rest of the trip to the Dive was quiet. I didn’t have anything to say for the time, my thoughts filled with what I would do about my House and its members. Chloe seemed content with the silence. We pulled into the parking lot for the Dive. She pulled up beside the entrance and killed the engine. She looked over at me. “Well, it’s good to know violence doesn’t get your engines going,” she said. I frowned. “What do you mean?” She reached over and rubbed my thigh. “We have to get you...
I was gently woken by a smooth rocking motion. I was in a car and it was moving. I sat up. I was in the non-existent back seat of Chloe’s Jaguar. I understood what had been done. Chloe or Ella had created the back seat in which to lay me while they drove, but what happened to force this kind of measure? “You’re awake!” Ella said and Chloe almost hit another car as she turned to look at me. “What happened?” Chloe asked, correcting our direction on the road to the sound of blaring...
Lunch with Faith was fun. I didn’t even have to say anything, really. One question sent her off on a bewildering story of how everyone was so nice, and everything was so great. Then she started telling me about her co-workers. I didn’t pay close attention, only really listening out for key phrases that might cause problems for her. I did notice that though there were a few guys she mentioned, none of them apparently rated high enough on Faith’s chart to deserve more than a name and quick...
The drive from my apartment to House Cerenkov was relatively short. My apartment was about a mile south of UTA whereas House Cerenkov was a compound located in a large open area of Arlington just Northwest of UTA. I tried to ask Chloe why she had been so reluctant to drive me out here, but she refused to answer my questions. We were going West on West Division street when she slowed down and turned right onto a long, lonely drive. In the distance I could see a collection of buildings. Some...
Greta crawled onto the bed. She moved like a big cat on the prowl, all slow, graceful, fluid motion. Her eyes watched me and I really felt as if I were being hunted, only not as a meal. There was a certain forwardness to her that did more for me than anything else. She was toned, not muscular. She didn’t have the huge breasts that I seemed to both attract and felt attracted to, but that didn’t stop my reaction. Her eyes dropped. I was still wearing that silly costume for House Cerenkov, but...
I awoke to the sounds of urgent discussions and then everyone stopped talking. “I think he’s awake,” someone said. I blinked open my eyes and looked around. Dana, Michael, Greta, Chloe, Ella, Katrina, and Cassandra were all gathered in my bedroom. Cassandra and Chloe looked at one another, throwing each other contemptuous glances. I rolled to my side and then sat up. I was still naked. It appeared that Greta woke up first, got dressed and then went and said something that turned into this...
Fear. It is one of the most basic emotions. Every creature on earth feels fear, typically when their own life is at stake. My life wasn’t at stake. I wasn’t scared of dying, though that was in there. I was scared of failing. I was terrified that I might go to the school and still not understand that damned spell. I was scared to death of having to leave Jordan trapped for weeks or months more while I unraveled the mysteries Valory had woven. Emma’s kisses helped staunch my fears. Whatever...
For the fourth time in the same day, I woke up from sleep induced by forging a bond. I wasn’t alone this time either, though the company wasn’t expected exactly. Linda leaned over me. “How are you feeling?” I blinked at her and stretched. “Rested.” She smiled. “I heard you’ve been busy.” I nodded. “Yes, but I’m also ready to end the Lockdown. I have everything I need, and everyone who is going to help is bound to me so they’re free to use their powers too.” “Everything in only two days?”...
“How can you possibly know where the power is being stored?” Ella asked. “The missing women are acting as batteries for the power,” I said. I looked at Greta. “We had to know where Valory would be when I ended the Lockdown, well, the location is one and the same. I use the spell to track down Jordan, and we’ll not only know where Valory will show up, but I’ll be able to shut down the spell there.” Chloe frowned at me. “Are you sure the spell will recognize you as the caster?” I looked at...
The adrenaline and fear incited by the Syndicate’s attack slowly faded as I drove. My shoulder ached and I felt like someone had used a cheese grater on my back. I checked my mirrors almost constantly. It didn’t look like anyone was following me. I wasn’t sure whether to be thankful about that or even more worried. Maybe, once I ended the Lockdown, this madness with the Syndicate would cool off for a while. I had to go a bit further north when I reached highway 360. Then I took Randol Mill...
Darkness was the passageway between encounters. I lost count of how many I had been through since seeing Jordan. For the most part, walking through a doorway was how I traveled from one to another. This encounter however, I found myself standing outside on a hot summer night. I turned in a circle, taking in the details. I was near Brozos House and had two large suitcases with me. I knew what night this was. I knew what was about to happen. I also remembered that this wasn’t real, but an...
Completing the rest of the gauntlet wasn’t as complicated as I had been worried about. So long as I went along with whatever the woman wanted, I was okay. At least, I never returned to the white space with Rho. Instead, after finishing the last encounter, I returned to the white space and found Valory there. Valory blinked as she looked around. So far as she knew, she had just completed the gauntlet successfully. As far as I knew, she had to wait for me a bit. I ended up enjoying a number of...
I woke up in the hospital the next morning. Jordan was in one of those pull-out chairs that unfold into a very uncomfortable bed. She looked relieved. I felt it too. “Good mornin’, sleepy head,” she said with a soft smile. I nodded. “How are you feeling?” “Better than you look,” she said. I smiled. “That bad, huh?” “Well, you were unconscious when the feds arrived,” she said. “It took a bit of ... you-know-what to convince them to let you go to the hospital rather than arrest you.” A...
Rebecca thinks back to the first night with Travis. The relief she felt when she gave in, admitting out loud that she wanted him. The pleasure she felt when his fingers pushed deep inside her pussy. She had in the past heard woman talking about orgasms. She always thought that they had been exaggerating the feelings, to get one up on each other. She had never realised that her body could feel like that. Like a drug she knew she needed more. She is unable to get back to sleep after her dream....
Rebecca stands on the raised platform in the ball room, wearing the electric blue silk dress her husband bought her as a gift from his last trip to India. The material clung to her small waist, and down over her curvaceous hips, it glided down her long legs to her ankle with a suggestive slit up to her thighs. Her long brown hair is pinned back exposing her neck, and her cheeks were flushed pink not just with the make-up she was wearing, but from the heat burning deep inside, that she had...
On his return from dropping Rebecca at the helipad and after going on a little shopping trip, Travis is in his boxers sprawled out on the massive bed of the hotel room. He is eating his way through the box of Indian sweets, which he had found on the bed, left by the turn down service. He’s flicking through the TV channels trying to find something in a language he could understand, when there is a loud knock on the door. He throws the foul tasting sweet back in the box. Switching the TV off,...
She stands at the kitchen sink, the bubbles from the washing up liquid covering her hands. She stares out of the window into the back garden but her eyes are glazed, locked into a different time and space, her hands working as if on autopilot but her mind unaware that she has been cleaning the same plate for the past ten minutes. She closes her eyes as the feeling of the lead weight in the pit of her stomach grows, the bile rising in her throat past the lump of tears that refuses to flow. Her...
In the distance she hears the telephone ring, but is too overwhelmed with the shock of Travis carrying her upside down up the stairs in his strong arms, that she dismisses it immediately. He kicks open the first door, it’s the bathroom. Before he destroys every door in the house, she breathlessly she cries “Down the hall on the right.” The blood continues to rush to her head. He flings open her bedroom door and roughly throws her on the bed, crashing on top of her. He savagely rips open the...
On his return from dropping Rebecca at the helipad and after going on a little shopping trip, Travis is in his boxers sprawled out on the massive bed of the hotel room. He is eating his way through the box of Indian sweets, which he had found on the bed, left by the turn down service. He's flicking through the TV channels trying to find something in a language he could understand, when there is a loud knock on the door. He throws the foul tasting sweet back in the box. Switching the TV off, he...
Wife LoversIn the distance she hears the telephone ring, but is too overwhelmed with the shock of Travis carrying her upside down up the stairs in his strong arms, that she dismisses it immediately. He kicks open the first door; it’s the bathroom. Before he destroys every door in the house, she breathlessly she cries “Down the hall on the right.” The blood continues to rush to her head. He flings open her bedroom door and roughly throws her on the bed, crashing on top of her. He savagely rips open the...
Wife LoversRebecca thinks back to the first night with Travis. The relief she felt when she gave in, admitting out loud that she wanted him. The pleasure she felt when his fingers pushed deep inside her pussy. She had in the past heard woman talking about orgasms. She always thought that they had been exaggerating the feelings, to get one up on each other. She had never realised that her body could feel like that. Like a drug she knew she needed more. She is unable to get back to sleep after her dream....
Wife LoversShe stands at the kitchen sink, the bubbles from the washing up liquid covering her hands. She stares out of the window into the back garden but her eyes are glazed, locked into a different time and space, her hands working as if on autopilot but her mind unaware that she has been cleaning the same plate for the past ten minutes. She closes her eyes as the feeling of the lead weight in the pit of her stomach grows, the bile rising in her throat past the lump of tears that refuses to flow. Her...
ReluctanceRebecca stands on the raised platform in the ball room, wearing the electric blue silk dress her husband bought her as a gift from his last trip to India. The material clung to her small waist, and down over her curvaceous hips, it glided down her long legs to her ankle with a suggestive slit up to her thighs. Her long brown hair is pinned back exposing her neck, and her cheeks were flushed pink not just with the make-up she was wearing, but from the heat burning deep inside, that she had not...
Reluctance“I will have to ask Nurse Awarrak to pop in and give me a hand,” I told Mrs Beswick-Sampson. “You OK with that?” The formidable 74 year old lady from the manor on the pretty edge of the town, lying completely naked, face up, both feet in the highest possible gynaecology stirrup position on the examination table smiled weakly and nodded ... then asked. “She’s new to the surgery is she Doctor Moss?” I merely nodded as I ripped off my latex gloves, dumped them in the medical waste bin and...
The story is by one of his friend Montu Kumar starts around the year-2011-12, around 7-8 years back from the present time. He become friend with me during a fashion show in Delhi.. Where he was the Event Planner for the company which has organised this fashion show.. He has narrated his story to me during our several meetings. This is a story about how he become a Sugar Daddy of Two families In part 1-18 you have read Maanvi and Rupali started to give him food every alternate month...
Notes: This is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters in this story and any actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story is copyright 2012 by Brett Hainley. Permission is hereby given to share this story on the World Wide Web, provided that (a) no charge of any kind, including, but not limited to, subscription fees, is made in connection with access to the story, (b) the story is reprinted in its entirety, including this notice, and (c) proper...
The Anonymiss Sister (c) 2019 by Nom de Plume The thrilling conclusion to the Spurious Sister saga - fame and fortune in Hollywood, a last fling turns into disaster, big brother to the rescue, the ultimate sacrifice and rebirth as a woman After my father and brother caught a cab to the airport, I enjoyed a leisurely walk down Madison Avenue, window shopping as I made my way north before I turned right on 64th Street towards the Plaza Athenee. Walking on a city sidewalk in high...
Cindy pulled into the parking lot of the mall. She self-consciously rubbed her hands over the front of her blouse. She was beginning to feel an ache in her tits that was rather distracting. Previously she had not worn a bra while she was filling up with milk and that seemed to make a great deal of difference. Briefly she considered taking the bra off before entering the store. She felt a naughty thrill at the thought and wondered how many stares she would attract. However after considering...
I’m in my 50s and lead a loose group of guys who meet now and again to use mature sluts. Vicki was recommended to me by a friend of a friend who had gangfucked her a few times and I was impressed with photos and a video of her being used . Mid 40s sexy curly bonde hair, quite attractive, slim but with decent tits and a dirty smiles. Anyway, I emailed her, mentioning who had suggested her, and she got back to me a week or so later. I told her that we are all doms and quite brutal at times but...