One Tricked Puppy free porn video

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Title: One Tricked Puppy

Author: Euryleia Rider


Codes: F/f, D/s, college, humiliation, reluctant

Synopsis: A college senior gets revenge on the sophomore who wronged her.

Part I

?You’ll never guess what happened last night.? Nicole announced as she set her tray down on the table.  The former head cheerleader always seemed to have the best gossip. Her soulful brown eyes just invited confidences and when a person did not confide in her willingly, she always found a way to ferret the information out.

?I’m sure you’re going to tell us whether we guess or not,? answered Danielle.  She was still fighting to get the freshman ten pounds off her stocky frame and had only chosen a salad for lunch. She sighed at the undressed lettuce leaves before glancing into Nicole’s pouting face. ?Fine, what happened??

?Guess who from our floor was making time with the baseball team??

?Our floor? And it wasn’t us?? Danielle snickered. It was common knowledge that the infield of the school’s baseball team exclusively dated the five of them.

?No. It was her.? Nicole pointed to a nondescript coed sitting by herself on the far side of the cafeteria.

?That little mouse??

?Well, Riley was blotto but that doesn’t excuse her making face time with the star pitcher.?

?What? She was making out with John?? Amanda’s head snapped up and she glared across the cafeteria.

Her best friend, Megan nodded, ?I saw her with my own eyes.?

?That little bitch!? She turned to the Megan. ?Why am I only hearing about it now??

Megan shrugged. ?We didn’t know how to tell you.?

?We didn’t want you mad at us or at John.? Nicole added, ?I mean he had been drinking a lot that night.?

?I scare you that badly??

Everyone at the table nodded.

Suddenly, Amanda smiled. It transformed her face but the glint in her eyes did not reassure anyone. ?You haven’t seen anything yet.?

?You won’t kill her, will you??

?Nothing that overt. I’ll have to just think of a way for her to pay for trying to make a move on my guy.?

?What are you going to do??

?Oh, something good.? Amanda poked at the patty on her plate in an attempt to determine what animal it had originally come from. She grinned at her close circle of friends as she popped a piece between her sharp, white teeth. ?Believe me, my plan will definitely put that little bitch in her place.?

Part II

One week later, the common room was filled with young women in various states of dress. It was a couple of hours after the dinner meal and everyone in the women-only dorm was relaxed and comfortable. Several wore sweats and ragged t-shirts. Others were well dressed in slacks and blouses. A few were lounging around in just in panties and undershirts.

They had gathered for the first planning meeting for the Concord Dorm’s annual fundraiser. Each year, they had to be more and more creative to bring in enough money to pay for the cleaning service and catering for their monthly parties.

Danielle glanced over at Amanda and received a small nod. ?I have an idea,? she announced to the room.

?Go ahead.?

?I think we should have a costume contest.?

?Oh, we’ve done that before.?

Danielle shook her head. ?Not like this.? She paused until she was sure she had everyone’s attention. ?Sure, we’ll have guest judges to choose the overall winner but why don’t we have a popularity contest where the contestants have to get on stage and do something? While they’re up there performing, we have people with buckets moving through the crowd. Whoever is able to raise the most money by their routine wins something fabulous.?

?What kind of routine??

Megan jumped up. ?I think they should be able to do whatever they want to do. Maybe magic tricks or stuff like that. It could be kind of like a talent show but, you know, anything goes.?

Several women nodded their heads as their minds began madly churning about how they would dress and what they would do. Amanda almost purred at how easily things were falling into place.

?Well, when should it be??

?Why don’t we do it the weekend after Halloween?? Amanda spoke up for the first time.

?Yeah,? Nicole echoed. ?That weekend is usually dead anyway and we can have a dry run and maybe do some lobbying before hand.?

Megan smiled, ?And the costumes shouldn’t cost as much as before All Hallows Eve.?

The committee appreciated the cost saving idea. With the popular seniors supporting the performance concept, it was unanimously approved. The larger group broke into smaller blocks as the women excitedly began to plan what they would do.

Amanda watched Riley drift out of the room and waited just a moment before following her. ?Hey,? she called.

The sophomore turned, surprised to be noticed. ?Yes??

?You’re Riley, right??


?I’m Amanda Parkens.?

?I know.? Riley blushed. ?I mean, everyone knows who you are.?

?Thank you. I was wondering if you had plans for the event.?

?Me? Oh, no.?

?But you have to.? Amanda pouted prettily. ?Everyone has to contribute.?

?I’ll volunteer to run the table or something.? Riley shrugged. She was too shy to do something like get up in front of her peers.

?No, no. You have to do an act on stage. Everyone should contribute so that the evening is a success.? Amanda put her hand on the younger woman’s arm. ?You could do something with me.?

?With you?? Riley’s voice squeaked.

?Why not? Won’t it be a blast to win?? Not waiting for a response, Amanda drew Riley down the hallway. ?Come into my room and let’s come up with something.?

Riley was enormously flattered. She did not know that Amanda even knew she existed and now the popular senior wanted to do something with her. She followed Amanda to her room and sat down on the hard plastic chair while Amanda reclined on the bed.

?Any ideas??

?Um, no. Sorry. I haven’t really come up with anything yet.?

?Well, let’s think about things we can do as pairs.?

They sat for a few minutes in silence. Amanda unselfconsciously scratched high up on her inner thigh. Her brightly painted fingernails were in stark contrast to the pale skin. She could hardly keep the smile off her face when she saw Riley’s eyes follow the path of her fingers.

Clearing her throat, Amanda said, ?We could be Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, although I don’t think that we’ll raise a lot of money solving mysteries on stage. Or, maybe we could be Tweedledee and Tweedledum. No, those costumes wouldn’t be very flattering.? She hummed for another moment. ?Anything yet??

?I can’t think of anything.? Riley hated to admit that. She wanted to impress Amanda with a great idea.

?I know. I could be a famous dog trainer and you could be my success story.?

?What?? Riley wanted to work with Amanda, but that just sounded weird.

?Talk about being able to do cool tricks1 That will blow any stupid magic act out of the water.? Amanda sat up and looked eagerly at Riley. ?Wouldn’t that be great fun??

?I’m not sure??

?Be a good sport.?

?Uh, a dog??

?It’ll be a blast.? Amanda winked at her. ?Don’t worry. I won’t make you do anything you don’t want to do.?

?Well, okay, I guess.?

?Cool. Why don’t you come by after class tomorrow afternoon and we can start work on our routine? I’m done after two until dinner.?

?I’ll be back on this side of campus at three.?

?Good.? Amanda stood up. ?I’m really excited that we’re going to be working together on this. I think we’ll make a great team.?

Riley blushed and dropped her eyes. She had never thought she would be able to be friends with such a beautiful and fashionable person as Amanda.  She still could not understand why Amanda wanted to partner with her, but she would do what she could in order to get another smile like that from her.

Back in her room, Riley sat on her bed with her head spinning. She was not quite clear on what being a dog would entail but she had the oddest sense of rightness at the idea. She idly rubbed her chest. Her breasts felt strangely full and she had a great urge to stroke and squeeze them. When her fingers ran across her nipples, she gasped at the surge of pleasure that shot straight down to her pussy.

Riley slid two fingers into the leg hole of her shorts. Her panties were already damp and she moved her fingers in circles over the slick fabric. Tensing her legs and biting her lip, she came in a rush.  Mindlessly, she brought her hand out from between her legs and sniffed her fingers.

She wondered what was happening with her body. She had never brought herself to orgasm so fast before. Sighing, she tried to clear her mind so she could finish her report on wear patterns on early human teeth for her Anthropology class.

Part III

?Look what I got for you!?

Riley was in her usual position on hands and knees in the middle of Amanda’s room. Since they had begun working together a week ago, she spent part of each afternoon in the increasingly familiar role of Amanda’s pet. She glanced up at a very excited Amanda. The senior was holding a bulky black strap of leather. ?What is it??

?It’s a collar.? She held it out for Riley to examine.

Riley did not know what to say. She had a strange, tingling feeling in her lower belly.

?You don’t like it?? Amanda asked.


Amanda smacked herself in the head. ?Oh, how silly of me. You probably wanted to choose your own.? She tossed the collar onto her desk and grabbed her keys. ?Come on.?

?Where are we going?? asked Riley, as she ran to keep up with the longer legged brunette.

?To the pet store, of course. I’ll let you pick one out. I mean, you’re the one wearing it after all.?

Amanda carried on the conversation during the short trip to the strip mall. Riley was confused and a little concerned about how seriously Amanda was taking the whole dog training thing. She did not know how to bring up her concerns without upsetting the older girl.

Still quiet, she trailed Amanda into the store. Amanda directed her to the wall of collars. There were all kinds. Leather, metal, nylon and even some with reflective tape. The training ones looked scary with their spikes and battery packs. Riley’s head spun.

?You choose what you want and we’ll get a leash to match. Doesn’t that sound good??

?Uh?okay.? Riley looked at the selection, but had no idea how to choose. She decided that if she was going to have to wear one, she liked the leather ones best. Running her fingers over several, Riley finally pulled down a thin black one with brass rivets.

?That one’s neat.? Amanda’s voice broke through the younger girl’s haze. ?The black leather will match my outfit.?

Riley turned to her, her brain momentarily seizing on the idea of Amanda’s body encased in black leather.


Blinking, Riley asked, ?Huh??

?Try it on. You have to see if it fits.? Amanda took the collar from Riley’s nerveless fingers and secured it around her neck. Hooking her finger into the ring, Amanda tugged experimentally on it. ?How does it feel??

?Um, fine.?

?Just fine? Well, let me tighten it a little bit then.?

Riley gulped as the collar tightened. ?That’s good,? she squeaked.

?Great.? Keeping her finger hooked through the ring, Amanda and led Riley over to the leashes. She picked up a chain one with matching leather handle. Amanda clipped it on and nodded. ?Oh, I think this is perfect.?

She dropped the end of the leash and headed down the aisle. At the end she turned back to the bemused sophomore and called loudly, ?Come on. We need to get a bowl for you and head back for practice.?

Riley automatically followed her. She stopped when she reached Amanda, who was standing at the end of the aisle.

?That’s so cute. You like them so much, you’re still wearing them.?

Blushing furiously, Riley fumbled with removing the collar and leash.

?Don’t worry, I’ll let you wear them home,? whispered Amanda as she turned to find the bowls. She chose a lovely blue ceramic and a utilitarian stainless steel.

?Why two??

?Silly, girl. You need one for food and one for water.? Amanda reached out and ruffled her hair. ?If you don’t want anything else, I think we’re ready to pay for these and head back.?

?O?okay.? Riley wondered when she would be eating her meals off the floor and just what else she was going to be expected to do. She followed behind Amanda and nearly walked into her when she stopped at a machine near the doorway.


Riley looked. It was a stamp machine to make pet tags.

?You need a tag to go with your collar.? Amanda made her stand to one side. ?No peeking. This is a gift for you.?

Riley stood beside the machine, holding the bag that contained the collar, leash, and bowls. As other customers walked by, she tried to look invisible. How she had lost control of the situation?

When Amanda finished, she grabbed Riley’s arm and pulled her outside. ?This is so cool,? she said. ?I can’t wait.? She pulled the bag from Riley’s hands and pulled out the collar. As they walked to the car, she tried to thread the tag onto the ring.  Struggling with it, she popped open the driver’s side door and sat down in the seat.

Riley stood on the other side of the car, feeling a little foolish. Looking around, she could see other people wandering to their cars and getting in. She watched through the window as Amanda successfully threaded the tag onto the ring.

Amanda held up the collar triumphantly. With a grin, she popped open the passenger door. ?I nearly broke a nail but it is finally on.? She handed Riley the collar. ?Go ahead. Look at it and then put it on.?

The tag read, ?My name is Riley. I belong to Amanda P. Reward if found.?

Riley looked over at Amanda’s smiling face. She swallowed and forced a smile onto her own.

?Go ahead. You know you want to.?

Slowly, Riley lifted both hands up and affixed the collar around her neck.  When Amanda put the car in gear and reversed out of the space, she turned to look out the window. The tiny tinkle of the tag was very loud in her ears.

They returned to campus with Riley wearing the collar. Amanda waited until they got into her room before she clipped on the leash and tugged Riley down to her hands and knees.

?You’re the best dog ever,? she sighed as she petted Riley’s head. She sat down on the bed with Riley at her feet. With Riley’s head bent down, she allowed herself to grin in triumph.

Amanda had started this process expecting Riley to balk at her demands. Instead, at each escalation, Riley seemed to fall deeper under her power. Amanda might not have wanted to actually have planned to have a pet but she was beginning to enjoy the power of ownership.

Riley leaned her cheek against Amanda’s knee while Amanda stroked her hair. She enjoyed the affection but still felt weird about everything else. She did not understand why she was letting Amanda treat her like a puppy, nor why she felt compelled to bring herself to orgasm as soon as she returned to her room at the end of every session.

She took a deep breath and caught a whiff of Amanda’s distinctly feminine odor. The scent made her mouth water. She knew that she needed to get out of the room before she embarrassed herself further. Only in the privacy of her own room could she get a handle on the urges that were driving her wild.

Part IV

Riley had a restless night. Her dreams were vivid, arousing and vaguely disturbing. She was a real dog and was out in a field playing fetch with Amanda and her friends. When she woke up, she had trouble looking at herself in the mirror.

Later that day, when she entered Amanda’s room, she hesitated to put her new collar on. Riley was having trouble dealing with how natural it seemed to be on her hands and knees, held at leash end by the powerful senior. She tried to think of a way to tell Amanda that she no longer wanted to play this game.

During their training session, Riley kept fiddling with her collar. When she was told to sit or come or fetch, she would obey but would then turn her head and wiggle her shoulders. Its weight around her neck was heavy beyond all proportion to its actual size.

?You know, I think it would help you if you would wear it more.?


Amanda squatted down beside her. She reached out and stroked the collar and Riley’s neck. ?You are fidgeting a lot. It feels like it fits you properly, so I think the problem is just that you need to get used to having it on.? She smiled. ?I think you’ll grow more accustomed if you wear it regularly.?

?I can’t wear this to class.?

?You’re right, of course,? Amanda agreed.  ?You should just put it on whenever you’re in the dorm.?


?You do want us to win, right? We can totally smoke everyone else but I need you to want this as much as I do.? She looked beseechingly at Riley. ?Please? Do it for me.?

Riley did not want to disappoint the older girl. ?All right.?

Two days later, Riley was working on her economics homework when Amanda opened her door without knocking and stepped inside.

?Hey, Riley. I wanted to invite you?" She interrupted herself. "You’re not wearing your collar.?

Riley jumped guiltily. The collar was sitting near her hand on the desk. She reached for it but stopped when Amanda told her to.

?I can’t believe this. After all the work we’ve been doing together for you to deliberately sabotage us.?

?I’m not??

?Really? Then why aren’t you wearing it?? Amanda glared at Riley until she dropped her eyes. ?It looks like you can’t be trusted to keep up your side of the agreement.? She held her hand out, palm out. ?Stay,? she ordered.

Amanda left her room. Riley stared at the empty doorway. She had a bad feeling about this.

?Here,? Amanda said when she came back. ?You’ll keep this one on.? She put the bulky black collar on and secured it with a small luggage lock. ?That should do it.?

Riley tugged on it. ?But what about when I want to take it off??

?Why would you want to do that??

Dumbfounded, Riley looked at her.

?Oh, right, to shower. Just come to my room and I’ll take it off for you to bathe and then put it back on afterward.? Amanda smiled at her. ?Now, I came in her to invite you out to pizza with the girls.?

Riley was torn. She really wanted to be included with Amanda’s friends but she was really self-conscious about the new collar. She was also confused about the way she was always seemed to defer to Amanda.

?You really want me to come with??

?Of course. I wouldn’t have asked you, if I didn’t.? Amanda took her by the hand. ?Come on, it will be fun.?

As was becoming more and more usual, Riley silently followed the older girl. She soon found herself sitting in a large booth surrounded by Amanda’s friends.

The pizza parlor was busy and Riley was able to sit quietly and just watch the other girls as they laughed and played with one another. Amanda was very solicitous and every time her plate was empty or her glass drained, she quickly acted to refill them both.

Riley started to get used to being taken care of and did not even react the couple of times when Amanda reached over and wiped pizza sauce off her face. She also did not see the smirks that flickered over the faces of Amanda’s posse.

When they returned to the dorm, Amanda told the other girls that she needed to work with Riley some more. Riley felt wonderful that Amanda was choosing to spend time with her instead of her other friends. She basked in the glow while Amanda put her through the various positions.

They stopped after a while and Amanda let her slack her thirst from the bowl of water by the door. With practice, Riley was getting really good at drinking like a dog.

?Hey, I was talking to some people and they made a great suggestion.?

Riley swallowed a mouthful and looked up. Great suggestions had a tendency to mean more humiliation for her. ?Yeah?? she murmured.

?Yeah.? Amanda pulled two belts out of her closet. ?If we secure your legs, you’ll look more dog like. Let me show you. Lie down on your stomach and reach back and grab your ankles.?

Riley obeyed. She turned to rest her cheek on the rug and watched as Amanda folded up her lower legs to touch her upper. Sliding the first belt onto one thigh, Amanda adjusted the belt so that Riley’s ankle was tight against her thigh. With a grin of satisfaction, Amanda did the same with other leg.

?Let’s see how that works.? Amanda clipped the leash to Riley’s collar and tugged her up.

Riley pushed back and tried to gather her legs under her. It was awkward but she eventually was balanced on her palms and knees. It felt weird to not have her lower legs trailing behind her.

Beaming in pride, Amanda led her back and forth in the room. ?Neat, huh??

?It’s okay, I guess.?

?Okay? Seriously, Riley, just look at yourself,? cried Amanda as she dragged her over to the mirror. ?You can’t tell me this doesn’t look great??

Riley stared at herself. She could hardly believe the sight in front of her eyes. Her eyes followed the line of the leash from Amanda’s hand to the collar around her neck. She was on her hands and knees and her feet were tied up around her butt. Her face flushed and she dropped her eyes to the rug.

?We’ll have to come up with something better for the party, I know.? Amanda shook the leash so that Riley’s head came back up to meet her eyes in the mirror. ?It would be perfect for the straps on your legs to match your collar and for them to match what I’ll be wearing. Wouldn’t you agree??

Riley did not know how to respond but that was okay, as Amanda did not really seem to be waiting for her. Amanda began instead to train her on a new way to beg, now that balancing on her knees was necessary.

Part V

Riley woke the next morning and grabbed her bath kit and towel. It wasn’t until she was getting ready to climb into the shower that she realized that she still had the collar locked on her neck.

Wrapping herself in the towel, she slunk down the hallway to Amanda’s room. She knocked softly and then a little harder.

?Come in.?

Riley obeyed the sleepy voice and opened the door. The room was dark and Amanda was still in bed.

?What’s wrong??

?Uh, my collar. I need it taken off.?

?Oh, right.? Amanda reached to her desk and pulled her keychain off. ?Come over here and kneel down. You’ll need to move your hair out of the way.?

Riley bent her head to make it easier for the reclining woman to reach the lock.

?There you go. Remember, to come back after and for me to put it back on.? Amanda rolled over. She did not watch Riley leave her room because she was trying very hard not to laugh out loud. It was just too precious how Riley was becoming accustomed to her role. She no longer even batted an eye to be ordered onto her knees.

Amanda rolled onto her back and stared up at the ceiling. She needed to plan out her next several moves. There was a little over a week left until their performance and Riley still needed some work.

After Riley came back to be locked back into the collar, Amanda decided to go ahead and get dressed. She needed to meet with her friends because she wanted to begin taking Riley out in public as a dog. She knew she could rely on Nicole, Danielle and Megan to join her for the next phase of training.

When Riley arrived at her room that afternoon, Amanda quickly secured her legs and put on her leash.

?Okay, we need to work on heeling today.? She pulled Riley to stand beside her on her hands and knees. ?Your shoulders should stay even with my legs. Don’t get in front of me and don’t lag behind.?

Amanda tried to lead her around the room but it was too small.  She pulled Riley to the door. ?Let’s take this out into the hallway. We’ll have plenty of space there.?

Before Riley could stop her, they were out of the room. Riley kept her eyes firmly on the linoleum under her hands. The skin on her face and neck seemed to be burning with the force of her blush. She tried to switch her focus to the discomfort in her knees but she was nearly overwhelmed by embarrassment.

Acting as if it were the most normal thing in the world, Amanda led her up and down the hallway several times. She had to correct Riley on a few occasions with a firm tug on the leash.

?Hey, girl. How’s it going??

Amanda looked up at her friends and grinned. ?Pretty good.?

?What’s up,? Megan asked.

?Oh, nothing much. We’re just working on our routine.?

?You’ve done a great job.?

?Yeah, Amanda. I’m amazed at how natural she looks.? Nicole shook her head. ?I’m so jealous. You two are so going to win.?

Amanda petted Riley, who had automatically sat down when Amanda stopped walking. ?It’s been a lot of work but I think she’s getting it down. Watch this.? Tugging the leash, Amanda led Riley into the common room. She unclipped the leash and proceeded to run her through the various commands.

She smiled at how obedient Riley was. The sophomore did everything but wag her tail and Amanda decided then and there that the lack of a tail needed to be addressed.

Riley was embarrassed, but none of the women made fun of her. In fact, they did not address her all. She realized, then, that she was nothing but a pet to them. The thought intensified the throbbing between her legs.  She hoped their session was over soon, as she really wanted to touch herself in the privacy of her room.

Part VI

Amanda was walking across campus the next day when Megan and Nicole ran up to her. ?You two look like you’re about to burst. What’s up??

?It’s here,? Nicole exclaimed.


?The package from the Stockroom arrived.?

Amanda rubbed her hands together. ?Brilliant.?

?Can we open it??

?Yeah, please??

Laughing, Amanda joined arms with them and the three of them practically skipped back to the dorm. Locking themselves into Nicole’s room, they cut open the privacy tape and began to pull out purchases.

There was a mass of straps and buckles and a beautiful tail at the end of a butt plug.  There was a set of kneepads and even a gag made from a rubber dog bone. The girls giggled over everything they pulled out the box.

?Oh, my God. Do you really think you can get her to wear all this??

?Are you kidding? I’ve practically got her eating out of my hand.? Amanda’s eyes lit up. ?I’ve just had the most brilliant idea.?

?What?? demanded Megan.

?I’m going to get her to only eat what I feed her.?

?How are you going to do that??

?It’ll be the lesser evil.? She laughed. ?And you know what they say about that, don’t you??

?No, what??

?If you’re faced with a choice between evils, always choose the one you’ve never done before.? Amanda played with the dog bone bit gag. ?She’ll wear all of this and come to love it, too.?

?How can you be so sure??

?I’m sure because I know that as soon as I release her each day, she rushes to her room to masturbate.?

?Oh, ew!? Megan wrinkled her nose. ?You know she’s perving on you??

?No, don’t you see? It is perfect.?

?Perfect? It’s gross.?

?Trust me. This is Psych 101. She’s being conditioned that sexual pleasure comes with pleasing me. The best thing is that she is doing it to herself.?

?Still seems kind of sick.?

?Now, what I need y’all to do for the last few days before the event is to find a way to keep her from bringing herself off. I want her wild with need when she comes to my room to get into costume that night.?


?Because that way she’ll do anything I ask her to.?

Megan leaned forward eagerly. ?What are you going to make her do?? she asked.

?For the climax of our routine, I’m going to make her hump my leg on stage until she orgasms.? Amanda grinned. ?Then, she’ll be mine. Completely.?

Part VII

The morning of the party was bright and clear. Riley looked blearily out her window at the sunshine. She had not slept well the previous night. As the time of her performance crawled closer, the butterflies in her belly became condors. It was one thing to be paraded around the dorm hallway. It was entirely another to get up on stage, in front of everyone on campus.

She headed over to the library to try and finish her paper analyzing the major economic issues facing the Gulf Coast after a major disaster. In no time at all, she was happily immersed in statistics of natural gas flow and Mississippi river transportation figures.

She was startled when her phone alarm rang. Amanda had requested that they spend the entire afternoon finalizing their routine, so she had to cut her study time down. Returning to the dorm, she knelt down outside of Amanda’s door.

It was only two days since Amanda had decided that it would help Riley get into the proper mindset if she would start acting like a puppy before entering her room. She still feared that someone would catch her and she glanced up and down the hallway before reaching her hand up and scratching on the door.

Amanda pulled the door open and stood there, grinning down on Riley. She loved the sight of the younger girl on her knees and the fact that she was so obedient that she stayed in position until given permission to enter.

?Come on in,? Amanda finally said.

Riley went directly to her and lifted her head to make it easier for Amanda to put on the leash.

Amanda snapped it on and scratched Riley behind the ear. ?I’m so excited.? She took hold of Riley’s chin. ?Aren’t you??

?Um?a little.?

?Well, maybe you’ll be more excited the closer we get to your big debut.? Amanda tugged Riley to the center of the room. ?I want to go ahead and get you used to what you’ll have on. What were you planning to wear??

?What’s wrong with this?? Riley tugged at her t-shirt.

?No, that’s all wrong. We’re going for a certain look here and that is not it.? She paced back and forth for a moment. ?I know. We’ll see if Nicole has something.?


?Yeah. She’s a dance major and should have something you can borrow.? Amanda went out the door, pulling on the leash. ?Come on, girl.?

Riley had no real choice if she wanted to keep breathing. She lagged behind as much as she could and then sat down on her heels while Amanda knocked on the door.

?Wake up, Nicole.?

The door opened. ?What is your major malfunction? I was sleeping!?

?It’s almost noon.?

?I got in late.? She looked at the two of them. ?So, what do you want??

?Riley’s just so excited we wanted to get her fully into costume.?

?What does that have to do with me?? Nicole asked.

?We need something for her to wear underneath. I mean, look at her. She can’t wear what she has on now.?

?I can see that.? Nicole opened the door wider and waved her best friend and her pet into the room. ?What sort of thing were you looking for??

?Well, we want to keep the dog illusion.?

?I’ve got a unitard and some leggings that might work.?

?What color??


?Oh, that would help camouflage the straps. May she borrow them? I’m sure she’ll promise to treat them well.?

Nicole studied the sophomore. Riley was obediently sitting at Amanda’s feet with her arms between her wide opened knees. ?I suppose,? she answered. ?She’ll clean them, right??

?Of course.?

Opening up the lowest drawer, Nicole pulled out the woolen dance costume and tossed them onto the floor in front of Riley.

Riley was comforted by the amount of fabric involved. She had worried that Amanda was going to have her wear something revealing.

?Go ahead. Put them on.?

?Here?? blurted Riley.

?Why not? We’re all girls here.?

Very uncomfortable but not able to find the words to disagree with Amanda, Riley sighed and began to strip. It was very awkward dressing while staying on her knees but Amanda had made it clear that Riley was not to stand in her presence. She quickly pulled off her damp underwear, wadded it up and stuffed it into her t-shirt.

Above her head, Nicole and Amanda shared a grin. They were really enjoying Riley’s acquiescence. It was almost freakish that they had managed to change her so much in so short a time.

Dressed again, Riley was led back down the hall to Amanda’s room. Speaking sparingly, Amanda quickly managed to secure her into the rest of her costume. Riley was pretty used to the straps and she did what she could to make the process go smoothly.

She was startled, though, when Amanda stood up and tied the leash onto the bed frame. She watched Amanda put on her sneakers and go to the door.

Amanda turned and held up her hand, palm up. ?Stay,? she ordered, before pulling the door firmly shut behind her.

Riley had never felt more helpless. This was the first time she had been left alone in costume. She shifted a bit but she did not have much range of motion with the leash hooked as it was. Looking down at her hands folded into the paw mittens, she realized that she had no way of freeing herself.

Strangely aroused by her vulnerability, Riley just watched the door and waited for Amanda’s return. She decided to ask Amanda if she could go and take a shower before the party. She didn’t want anyone to get the wrong idea from her reaction to the costume.

More than an hour later, Amanda finally came back into the room. She smiled at Riley and shook the bag in her hands. ?I brought you lunch from the cafeteria.? She sat down on the bed and raised her eyebrow. ?I thought you’d be happy that your owner cared enough to bring you lunch.?

Flushing guiltily, Riley muttered, ?Thank you.?

Amanda held out a handful of granola. She grinned when Riley lifted her hand. ?No, no. You need to keep the gloves on your paws. I’ll feed you.?


?Maybe you aren’t hungry.? Amanda shook her hand. ?Know, however, that this will be the last chance until later. Much, much later.?

Resigned, Riley bent her head and lipped up the dry cereal. She licked Amanda’s palm clean and then nibbled on the hotdog that was held out.

Riley was careful to take the food without biting. Amanda had made her very sorry the first time her teeth had closed in on a finger.  She could not believe that it was only a week ago and that the welts had almost faded.

When the meal was done, Amanda tossed the bag into the trash. She went over to the desk and pulled something out that she then held behind her back.

Riley did not like the grin that lit up the older girl’s face.

?Here’s another thing to help complete your look.? Amanda dangled before her a dog bone that had straps attached. ?Open wide.?

Automatically, Riley obeyed. The dog bone bit gag was put into her mouth and the straps tightened behind her head. Her eyes widened in the sudden realization  that her power of speech had been taken away.

?I’ve really got to get some pictures of this.? Amanda raised her digital camera and began to snap. ?I wonder if your parents would like a copy or two.?

Riley shook her head emphatically.

?Who’s to stop me? Certainly not you. You’re in no position to do anything but obey me. I can do whatever I want with you, can’t I??

Moaning around her gag, Riley shook her head again. She felt a drop of perspiration roll down her spine. She was sweating from the idea of the pictures getting to her parents and from the heavy woolen leggings.

?You’re looking a little warm. I think you’ll be more comfortable if we get you out of those heavy clothes.?

Riley reluctantly nodded her head. Maybe when Amanda took off the straps, she would be able to leave. She was so not having fun anymore. She watched Amanda go to her desk and brandish a pair of scissors.

?Now, you didn’t really think I was stupid enough to give you a chance to escape, did you?? Amanda laughed and snapped the scissors at her. ?No, I convinced Nicole that you’d repay her for the loss of her clothes.?

Riley looked confused.

?Oh, you didn’t really think that I just wanted a performance partner, did you?? Amanda began to slice off the leggings and tug the torn pieces of fabric from under the straps. ?Although we are going to have fun tonight. No, this is part of my larger plan to teach you a lesson.?

Trying to speak through the gag, only garbled noises came out. Riley implored Amanda with her eyes.

?If nothing else, I hope you learned not to mess with me.? Amanda lifted Riley’s chin and made the younger girl look at her. ?See, I know all about your make out session with my boyfriend. Nobody plays my man but me.?

Riley shook her head. She couldn’t remember ever doing anything of the sort. She got into the begging position.  She did not care that she was naked, she had to convince Amanda not to make the photos public.

?Oh, aren’t you cute. But it isn’t going to help you any.? Amanda took a few more pictures and then sat down in front of her computer to download the camera’s media card. ?I’m going to put these photos in an email to your parents. If you don’t do exactly what I tell you to, I’ll send it out.?  She spun around in her chair and looked at Riley. ?Understand, pet??

Riley stared up at her in disbelief. Amanda raised her eyebrow and Riley sighed and dropped her head.

?All this stuff, including your costume, cost me a pretty penny. You’re to earn it back for me tonight or I’ll take it out of your hide.?

Looking confused, Riley whined.

?You want to know how? Well, the stage performance will just be the start of your evening. We’re going to go partying afterwards. We’ll start in the player’s dorm. I wonder how much you’ll earn in one night??

Whimpering, Riley lay down on her belly. She could not believe that anyone would be so cruel. Her tears dripped down her cheeks and Riley could taste the salt as she placed desperate kisses on Amanda’s feet.

?I’m glad to see that you’re so accepting of your new role.? Amanda smiled down at her. ?I own your ass.? The grin turned wicked. ?That reminds me.?

Amanda sauntered over to her vanity and pulled out an odd looking black cone and a bottle of lube. ?Every dog has to have a tail.?

Scared, Riley tried to back away but she was still tied to the bed. She sat down on her butt in an attempt to keep it far away from the senior girl.

Amanda slapped her across the face. ?Don’t you even think of denying me anything and that includes your body.? She held out the weird thing. ?This is going into your ass. I can either use lube or not. It is your choice.?

Looking into the angry eyes, Riley swallowed.  She believed Amanda was just mean enough to do it dry. Rising up and turning around was one of the hardest things she had ever done; that is, until Amanda began to twist and shove the plug inside.

?Push out while I’m pushing in,? Amanda ordered.

With a final grunt the widest part of the base made it through the tight ring. Riley felt her asshole tighten around the plug, holding it in place. The sensation was very disturbing.

Amanda reached out and tugged on the curved end that was pointing up like a happy tail. She giggled when Riley jumped.  ?Oh, this is just too much fun.?

Glaring over her shoulder, Riley tried to convey that she was not enjoying this.

Smirking at the belligerent glare, Amanda moved her hand lower. She drew her fingers through the copious dampness. Waving her hand under Riley’s nose, she laughed. ?Your body doesn’t lie,? she said. ?You’re so excited, I bet you’d come in a heartbeat.?

Leaning close, she whispered into Riley’s ear, ?But you’re going to have to wait for it. If you’re really good, I’ll let you hump my leg on stage tonight.?

Riley recoiled from her.

?But if you’re bad, I’ll whip you as you hump yourself to orgasm and send the video to your parents.? Amanda tossed her hair over her shoulder and patted the top of Riley's head.

Ignoring the plaintive moan, she said, ?That's right. You make the decision. Whatever happens is entirely up to you.?

The End?

Copyright 2007

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Hi indian sex stories dot net friends. Myself Rohan currently live in Lucknow. I am an engineer in a company. Please read my first story if you haven’t read it. Coming to the present story. This story is about how I tricked my Chachi into sex. This happened two years ago when I went to my chacha’s house. Chachi made good dishes for me. Let me give you a short description of my chachi. Her name is Richa. At that time, she was nearly 36 years old. She is chubby with wheatish complexion. She has...

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Tricked by long time friend part 2

After being tricked by my friend and his co-workers last night I was invited back to their hotel for some group fun with me being the "center of attention" tonight. I was at work trying to work all day but just kept thinking about what was going to happen tonight. I was doing more porn surfing watching group and gang bang action and jacking off in the office bath room. I got home about 4 and texted my friend Jeff wanting to know what time to meet at the hotel. He replied back and told me to...

3 years ago
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DaughterInLaw Tricked Into Sex Twosome

Raj and his friend shyam sat down on the couch with a can of beer each and started to watch the basketball. Raj was a married 55 year old who lived with his wife of 30 years out in the countryside. Raj was a slightly overweight man who had a large beer belly, and had gone completely bold. Since he retired five years ago, he would spend most of his days, and night drinking with his buddies. His wife had gone to her friends for the night, so raj had invited shyam over to watch the basketball with...

3 years ago
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Tricked By Julie O Edited By Robert Arnold Chapter 1 Tim Upton couldn't believe what was happening as he made love to Kim Anderson. After all, he had just moved to town and started his new job. He barely knew his way around town, let alone the office, and yet he was having sex with...

3 years ago
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Tricked into Diapers

Tricked into Diapers By Tammie2 I. Nancy sat on the couch and frowned as she watched her friend Sherry nurse her one-year-old baby girl. It had been only a week since Nancy's 18-year-old nephew Tom had arrived to stay with her while his mother travelled around Europe for the summer, but she was already at her wit's end. Nancy's sister was a stern and domineering woman, character traits Nancy lacked, and Tom quickly took advantage of his newfound...

4 years ago
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Tricked and Treated

Tricked and Treated By: Rachael Free ..................................................................... I had just turned 21 and my friends and I were ready to go out and stir up some fun. I was finally legal and could party my ass off, or so I thought. We all piled into my friends car and popped open some beer as we took off to a strip joint. These guys were planning on getting me a blow job from one of the strippers. We got to the strip joint and paid our 5 dollars. The...

4 years ago
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Rings of Trust Tricked

Rings of Trust: Tricked "You have to come over after school today, dude," I told my best friend Carl. He looked skeptical. "You're high, Tim," he said flatly. I had just told him about this pair of rings my crazy cousin had given me. "Where'd Paul say he'd found those rings again? Seriously? A gypsy? I mean, that's so insanely cliched my head should explode." "I know," I agreed blandly. "But... that's what he said." "Because he was addicted to turning himself into a superhero?"...

3 years ago
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Rings of Trust Tricked

Rings of Trust: Tricked "You have to come over after school today, dude," I told my best friend Carl. He looked skeptical. "You're high, Tim," he said flatly. I had just told him about this pair of rings my crazy cousin had given me. "Where'd Paul say he'd found those rings again? Seriously? A gypsy? I mean, that's so insanely cliched my head should explode." "I know," I agreed blandly. "But... that's what he said." "Because he was addicted to turning himself into a superhero?" Carl...

2 years ago
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Tricked by SONIA ================ Author's note: This short story is follows an idea that I would love to have happen in reality. I have tried to make it feel as though it could really happen ..... (email [email protected] - Please send comments.!!!) "You look absolutely fantastic," I said as my wife, Jenny, stood in front of me in our bedroom dressed in incredibly sexy lingerie. She had on full cut purple satin ruffled panties with black lace ruffles, a purple...

1 year ago
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Tricked and Coerced

Tricked and Coerced By Stefanie Flowers Some years ago, it seems like an eternity to me now, I made the fateful encounter which so drastically changed the course of my life. From that moment on I was slowly but surely led down a strange path from which there is now no return. Na?vely, I let myself become entrapped by the guiles of a beautiful woman; led from the heights of heaven to the depths of hell by an enticing smile. Even now I have a hard time believing what I've become and d...

2 years ago
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Tricked and Coerced

Tricked and Coerced By Stefanie Flowers Some years ago, it seems like an eternity to me now, I made the fateful encounter which so drastically changed the course of my life. From that moment on I was slowly but surely led down a strange path from which there is now no return. Na?vely, I let myself become entrapped by the guiles of a beautiful woman; led from the heights of heaven to the depths of hell by an enticing smile. Even now I have a hard time believing what I've become and d...

4 years ago
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Tricked by the Brat

Tricked by the Brat?Babysitting the brat again?? Sean exclaimed as he put the tray down, he was clearly upset at having the evening plans changed. ?What is it this time??Sam sighed and took her drink. Sean seemed to lose his temper pretty quickly these days. Not a good sign, but she still enjoyed his company, and he could be very sweet. She shrugged and looked apologetic. ?I know it’s a pain, hun. But the O’Brian’s are in a fix, they have some family emergency and they don’t want Tiffany...

3 years ago
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Tricked into Total Slavery

Tricked into total slavery It started when I found an ad from a Dominant Female on the Internet. She was seeking full-time live in slaves. The prospective slave would have to sign an agreement becoming her total property. If accepted, the slave would not have to work but would live in her home 24/7 under her total control. This was exactly what I was seeking. Or, at least it sounded like it. I immediately responded to the email address given and expressed my willingness. I begged the Mistress...

1 year ago
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Boone The Early YearsChapter 06

The trail west from Fort Laramie, Nebraska Territory, is well marked due to the many hundreds of wagons along the trail in the past twenty years. Many of the worst parts of the trail have been improved by earlier wagon-trains; which just means the trail is wide enough for the wagons, it’s well marked, also some water crossings have stones in them to stop the crossing from washing away, and some of the worst crossings now have ferries in place to make them easier. There are still some places...

2 years ago
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Kate Gets a Puppy

Every morning, Kate started her day with a jog along the beach. The fresh sea air, the sand under her feet, and the sense of freedom was the perfect way for her to clear her head as well as keep fit. Her typical running outfit consisted of tight Lycra shorts and a sports bra which struggled to contain her ample 34D chest. She usually wore her long, raven hair in a ponytail but at times let it flow freely, and the sun beating down on it made it shine like silk. She was an exquisite...

3 years ago
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Kate Gets a Puppy

Every morning, Kate started her day with a jog along the beach. The fresh sea air, the sand under her feet, and the sense of freedom was the perfect way for her to clear her head as well as keep fit. Her typical running outfit consisted of tight Lycra shorts and a sports bra which struggled to contain her ample 34D chest. She usually wore her long, raven hair in a ponytail but at times let it flow freely, and the sun beating down on it made it shine like silk. She was an exquisite vision, and...

1 year ago
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Wishbone Along Came Jacki

Wishbone: Along Came Jacki By The Sympathetic Devil [email protected] Dave came home from work early, his bitchy boss having told him he wouldn't be needed there anymore. He hated his life! How was he ever going to get laid when he was unemployed and still lived in his mother's apartment at 25? Something was weird. His mother's clothes are scatted all over the living room. She pitched a fit if Dave so much as left his jacket on the arm of the couch, but now her bra is...

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