MadAvAdMen Betty
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Madison Avenue Advertising Men: Peggy
AMC recently launched a new series, Mad Men focusing on a Madison Avenue advertising agency, beginning in April 1960. The series demonstrates that things that seem to be, seldom are. The satirical stories herein are set in an alternate universe where Dick Nixon eventually wins the election of 1960. They reveal that which I would like to see occurring in Mad Men. But I doubt that AMCTV will follow up on these suggestions.
A Bridge and Tunnel Girl Does A Cross-Town Commute As Peggy boarded the downward bound elevator from the Cooper-Sterling Agency offices she held her two hand tightly together gripping her purse so that their shaking would not be apparent to the other occupants of the elevator. But that didn’t entirely work because her right leg started to shake as she clenched her buttocks tightly together. Now she became conscious that clenching her butt was thrusting her pelvis forward, she blushed. She was the only woman in the elevator and she felt that all the men in their grey suits were looking at her as if she was naked, examining directly her breasts beneath their concealing layers of blouse, slip and sturdy bra. However the only thing that the men took note of was her rhythmically moving leg and one, a seemingly nice man from another firm remarked, ?Oh, I see that you’re into the latest hit?. Peggy’s mind raced at the suggestion of ?hit? and she blushed before realizing that he wasn’t referring to a beating but to the popular Top 40 tunes. She nodded to him but remained silent as her heart raced in panic. Would this elevator ride never end. But then, on the other hand, every second that ticked on brought her another second closer to her Friday evening appointment with Joan Halloway, her office manager. One week at her new job, her first job after secretarial school, and she was quaking. And not with joy but with dread anticipation.
At last the doors of the elevator opened and Peggy walked out into the lobby of the Meisian glass tower box housing the ad agency where she worked, or hoped to continue working, and prayed to continue working. Although it was a bright early summer’s day in midtown Manhattan, she was shivering as she walked up Madison Ave. toward the street where she would catch the cross-town bus that would take her to the West Side address that Joan had given her. ?Be there by 6:00 and we will take things the next step? were the instructions given her. ?If you’re not there I will take it as an indication that you are no longer interested in this job? was the verbally stated conclusion. Each click of her heels as they struck the sidewalk seemed to match a thump of her terrorized heart and she mulled things over. She had cut her ties with home quite thoroughly. All of her money had gone to secretarial school. If she left her first job it would be without references. This was early in the summer of 1960. Although the economy was picking up after the recession of 1957-8, it was a hard time for secretaries. All too many post-war brides, their children now well into elementary school, were seeking to return to the work force. This was not the time for a penniless girl to be looking for another job. She knew what she had to do.
A cross-town bus arrived, she dropped her token into the fare box and grabbed the first available seat as the bus lurched west. As Peggy smoothed her somewhat voluminous skirt she remembered Joan’s caustic comment on its mid-calf length. ?1958 is long gone?. Joan had made a similar comment when observing Peggy’s light brown bangs and ponytail. Yes, Joan was a vixen but that was the way with this world. But Peggy loved her boss, Don Draper with his well cut suits, gentlemanly manners, rugged Korean war-hero handsomeness and, of course, his petite beautiful wife Betty. It was worth an extra five bucks a week to be secretary to Mr. Draper and she could certainly use it. Even living on a rather crummy block of the Lower East Side, and with sharing her tiny apartment with a roommate, it was tight to make ends meet. As the bus pulled up to the appropriate avenue, Peggy got off and looked around to see what building corresponded to the address Joan had given her at the end of their evaluation interview. At times nothing seemed right, everything always seemed to be shifting around. Like watching a horror movie where in one scene Igor’s hump was on the right and in the next scene the hunchback’s hump was in his left shoulder. Her shiver just got worse.
Peggy was impressed. Joan had directed her to a 12 story apartment on a nice part of Eleventh Ave but then there was a rumor that Joan got just over a hundred dollars a week, well over five thousand a year. You could bet that she didn’t have to share a one bedroom apartment with a roommate. As the wind blew in from the Hudson River Peggy felt a spring chill coming out of New Jersey. She hoped that this wouldn’t take too long. She hadn’t brought a sweater and after dark her nervous shaking would only make a chill shiver all the worse. She dreaded what was to come, not entirely sure what would happen. Mr. Draper had indicated that her first week’s performance, although not discouraging, needed significant improvement but that ?Miss Halloway will of course show you the ropes and whip you into shape?. Peggy entered the lobby of the building, constructed well before the war, but none-the-less impeccably maintained. She noted a doorman, not bad for the West Side, although being born and raised in the outer boroughs, Manhattan still remained, by and large, a mystery to her. Peggy noted the location of Miss Hallowoy’s apartment, the 11th floor, and approached the elevator. An elderly Negro operated the elevator and Peggy ignored him during the slow ride up. Her thoughts centered again around the strange conversation she had had with Joan earlier that day, ?A need for discipline, have you ever had discipline in your life?, you need to be motivated to focus on your appearance and what it is you should really be doing?. What the hell was that all about?
An Interview with Joan Exiting the elevator Peggy found Joan’s apartment just across the hallway. She had hardly had a chance to turn the door chime when the door opened. ?Come in Miss Olson? stated the red headed Joan. Peggy’s hostess was wearing a long dark blue housedress with buttons down the front and a peter pan collar buttoned all the way to the top. This was about the last thing that Peggy anticipated given Miss Hollowoy’s usual attire in the office – low cut sack dresses with hemlines at the knee, and her constant upbraiding of Peggy for her dowdy skirt and blouse combinations. And Joan’s bustline was radically different from the hard cones that jutted out at the world of the office. Her breasts still pressed against the fabric of the dress but were more rounded and gave an impression of softness. And Peggy swore that she could almost see nipple marks though the thin fabric. Joan’s hair was undone and cascaded down to her shoulders in a soft wave and for the first time Peggy noticed that her eyes were actually blue-green. ?Well Miss Olson, I presume that you are here to discuss your chastisement? continued Joan as she closed the door behind her. Peggy could only gape and make a quiet ?Ah, Ah, Ah? noise. Joan continued ?We will discuss these matters over supper. I see you have no wrap. You are likely to be quite cold going home later this evening. We will have to see to this. Ordinarily, you would get only a hour of my time on a Friday night or Saturday morning, there being so may girls in the office for me to manage, but since this is your first time you will have my whole evening. You new girls need careful breaking in. And there is so much turn over what with the Sterling Cooper’s policy of employing women only prior to their marriage.?
Most of this went right past Peggy and she looked around the beautiful apartment. White walls had real art work hanging on them. The chairs and the sofa matched and the end tables and lamps went beautifully with the major furniture. She thought to herself, ?I’ll bet that the sofa is a real sofa and not just a Castro convertible bed?. As she followed Joan she noticed that there was a separate dinning room with a view of the river and New Jersey beyond. And then they walked into the biggest kitchen that she had ever seen in an apartment, it was even bigger than the kitchens in some homes she had been in.
Cooking on the stove was a pot roast with an aroma that made Peggy’s stomach rumble. The fashions of the day (or, at least of 1958, when Joan considered Peggy’s tastes to have been arrested) called for a girl’s waist to be narrow. Peggy managed to attain that ideal only by usually forgoing lunch and using a girdle with tight ?tummy control?. Besides, going without lunch saved money and that was plenty tight enough. The savory dish cooking tormented Peggy and distracted her from what Joan was saying. Therefore Joan removed a bottle of white burgundy from the refrigerator and motioned Peggy to follow her into the living room where a pair of glasses awaited them on the coffee table. Joan removed the cork with a large wooden handled corkscrew, poured the wine, cleared her throat and began. ?Peggy, your presence here right now indicated that you are willing, at least initially, to follow our rules at the Cooper-Sterling Advertising Agency, is this true?? Peggy nodded her head. Joan looked deep into Peggy’s eyes and continued. ?Mr. Draper, the executive who you serve, has concluded that you are na?ve and careless but he sees hope for your continued service with proper training. I, of course agree with him and he has instructed me as to the broad outlines of your training. Before we proceed any further I need to ask you a few background questions.? At this point Joan took a sip of her white wine and sat back on the sofa, looking up at an abstract painting on the catty-corner wall. ?I need to evaluate your disciplinary background and your willingness to undergo chastisement as part of your service training.? Upon hearing this, Peggy almost audibly gulped. She had certain fears and suspicions that had caused her anxiety on her way over. They were now confirmed. About the maximal response that Peggy could muster was a barely perceptible ?OK?. Joan slightly raised her voice, ?What did you say?? ?OK? more clearly said Peggy. Joan replied, ?Would not ‘Yes Madam’ be more appropriate?. Peggy now clearly said ?Yes Madam?, she knew she was sliding down a path she was not sure she wanted to take.
?Well, before we begin supper let us clarify and seal these matters? said Joan. She fired a series of questions, rapid-fire at Peggy.
?As a child were you ever spanked?.
On the one hand, the question was wildly inappropriate. Peggy suspected where this was going, she knew that she was trapped and that she had no choice. She mumbled out, ?Yes, my mother would. My father died when I was a year old?.
Joan questioned further, ?Were you ever spanked on the bare behind?? Peggy was now sure she knew where these questions were likely to go and to what they would inevitably lead.
?At school was corporal punishment ever administered?
Peggy’s heart was racing and her hands were shaking.
?Have you ever received chastisement on a place other than your bottom??
?Are you willing to receive corporal punishment as part of your training and management?
Peggy stared off into space for a long time before replying with a lump in her throat.
?Alright? said Joan, ?that part is over and the border is crossed?. Drink your wine and we can continue.? The office manager looked at the new secretary in a manner that expected a reply.
?Yes Madam?
After Peggy downed her glass of chilled white Burgundy, Joan motioned to the closest in the apartment’s foyer and told her ?Remove your blouse and skirt and hang them in the closest. Take off your girdle and panties and place them on the shelf. You will find a pair of garters there. You can use them to hold your stockings up?.
Peggy Reacts She should have been outraged but instead felt singularly powerless. Ordinarily, she would have responded by spitting in Joan’s face, calling her a pervert, storming out of the apartment, and maybe even calling the police. But it was all too slickly done. The planning probably began when she was still in secretarial school and Joan had talked with her instructors, evaluating who were the candidates for such a plum job. She knew that they had interviewed three or four candidates, before settling on her. Everything in this first week was set up to lead to this moment. And now her will was eroded, she had no choice but to submit. God knew where this was going to lead but Peggy couldn’t figure out any alternative.
She walked over to the closet by the entry door, unbuttoning and then unzipping her full, long skirt as she did. Joan was obviously some sort of a pervert, in league with all the executives at Sterling-Cooper, who were also undoubtedly some sorts of perverts, and she was stuck. Trying to stall for time and being coy and modest was probably not going to work. Peggy suspected that Joan had been through this sort of thing before, probably many times and would enjoy watching the novice secretary try and disrobe as slowly as possible. Well she would go about it in as business-like a fashion as possible as though this sort of thing went on all the time. She stepped out of her skirt and passed it through a coat hanger folding it as neatly as possible. Then she untied the bow she had around her neck and hung it around the crook of the hanger. She unbuttoned the cuffs of her blouse before she started unbuttoning the front, starting at the bottom and continuing until the collar button was undone. Then with a professional shrug she took off the blouse, hung it on the hanger and hung the hanger in the closet. She wondered how many girls had undergone the same ritual. Joan’s earlier comment about others getting only an hour on a Friday night or Saturday morning now began to make more sense. Clad in her long nylon slip that reached to just below her knees, Peggy contemplated how to remove her girdle with a minimum of fuss and commotion. There is no way I am going to give Joan any more of a show than I have to, she thought. Facing the open closet Peggy raised the hem of her skirt to mid thigh and folded the lower hem of her girdle up, exposing the metal and rubber slip fasteners holding up her nylons. She deftly unfastened the snaps from the tops of her nylons, grasped the hem of the girdle, exhaled and with a mighty tug pulled the girdle down to the level of her ankles. She then stepped out of the steel-boned rubber and fabric appliance as daintily as could be done. ?Bravo, well done my dear girl? commented Joan. Peggy loathed her, frustrated at giving her the pleasure of the least bit of show. Peggy placed the girdle up on the shelve, her fingers searching for the circular garters that she could not see. Eventually finding them, she once again raised up the hem of her slip, pulled up and straightened the stockings somewhat disordered by the lowering of the girdle, and drew the garters up first one leg and then the other. She rolled the ends of her nylons down over the garters to an inch or two above her knees and then with her slip still hiked up, grasped the elastics at the leg holes of the lower portions of her white cotton panties and pulled them down. After she folded her panties and placed them on top of her girdle, she closed the door of the closet and turned to face Joan to see what the manager now had in store. It was only at this point that looking across the room and beyond Joan that she noticed hanging on the opposite wall from a hook is a leather strop. Somehow the very public display of a strap for beating people did not surprise her. Standing there in a full slip and bra, nylon stockings and shoes with nothing covering her bottom but thin clinging fabric, Peggy had a pretty good idea of where this Friday evening was headed. At the same time one part of her really couldn’t believe the reality of what was going on. That part of her mind was reeling with the surreal scene she was playing out.
Peggy sat at her vanity finishing her make-up she felt wonderful doing her eyes more dramatically than usual it had been weeks since she had gone on the prowl. In her 40's now some people probably would refer to her as a cougar but she hated that term, she thought of her self as a sexy, horny middle aged woman. When she finished her eyes, she touched up her black wig she loved the long length and spritzed some perfume as a finishing touch. She knew from past encounters that perfume...
Tracey visits Aunt PeggyBy: Jake [email protected], NO!!! Tracey said again as she grew more and more frustrated with her mother.?I am eighteen now and I don’t need to stay with Aunt Peggy while you are out of town? Tracey was becoming more desperate.?Young lady you might be eighteen but your behavior demonstrates to me that you are not ready for that level of responsibility? her mother said without emotion. ?You are going to Aunt Peggy’s and I do not want to hear another word about...
So Peggy, my wifes sister, is still staying at our house. It was time for us to get Easter decorations ready while wifey was at work. I needed a hand so I went to wake Peggy up. I walked into the guest bedroom and pulled her covers down, realizing Peggy sleeps naked. She was sleeping on her stomach facing away from me, legs slightly spread. I was still a little dark in the room so I couldnt see her asshole or ginch, but i knew where they were. I grabbed her ass cheeks and spread them apart, and...
This story is fiction based on real events. It is a compilation of events by many people written into two main characters.Susan did not like Peggy and Peggy returned this dislike. Nobody really knows why and it had been this way for as long as anyone could remember. Everybody on campus knew though, that each time they crossed paths there were going to be fireworks. Each tried to one-up the other and if that didn't work, whipping the other's ass would be option two.This including dating, it was...
so its that time of year when i get to go crawl around the attic looking for summer clothes in a plastic tote. Normally a sucky day, unless your big titty wife and sister in law are trying on bathing suits. As i climb down the ladder I see wifey and Peggy standing there naked, shaved pussies and bouncy titties everywhere. I carry the totes over as they start going through them. I lay on the bad as they ask "what are you doing?".... and i reply "watching". Wifey found a black bikini and squeezed...
I always had a crush on my wife's little sister, Peggy. I knew it was impossible and maybe that's what made her so attractive to me but it was very frustrating. I know she liked me too and we'd even shared a kiss now and then, you know, just fooling around a little. One weekend we went to visit Peggy and her husband John up in their high desert home. John and Patty, (my wife) went to the store to stock up on food and wine for the high end dinner the girls had planned and that left me alone...
So me and Peggy had started to mess around with tying each other up, since this was here payment for staying with us. Again, Peggy is my wifes younger sister that had to stay with us for a few weeks...months. So this last time, I had tied Peggy up, hands and knees foward, and ankles to the back. She was stuck on all fours with her ass in the air. I was slowly torturing her, by fingering her and leaving, I would open the curtains when I knew the mailman was coming so he could see, etc. Then on...
So me and Peggy had started to mess around with tying each other up, since this was here payment for staying with us. Again, Peggy is my wifes younger sister that had to stay with us for a few weeks...months. So this last time, I had tied Peggy up, hands and knees foward, and ankles to the back. She was stuck on all fours with her ass in the air. I was slowly torturing her, by fingering her and leaving, I would open the curtains when I knew the mailman was coming so he could see, etc. Then on...
I stood there at the window and watched as the car backed down the drive, turned right and then disappear down the street. I wondered why I wasn't more upset. I'd just seen ten years of my life drive away. Shouldn't I have felt something? Shouldn't there have been something other than a shrug of the shoulders and an, "Oh well; I guess I should go and take care of that dripping faucet?" As I turned and headed for the kitchen I ran the events of the last half hour back through my...
We have been swinging with my wife the active one and me the guy with the camera for many years now. Peggy is Asian and in her late 30,s now and we have a daughter in college but have been into this most of our married life. I was watching my wife on her knees playing with Rogers cock well I am getting ahead of myself It was Super bowl Sunday and we had invited three of our married friends over to watch Super bowl with us but we all had other plans to. Peggy had been with these three guys...
CAUGHT jerking OFF by my AUNT PEGGYI was about 13 years old and as all you guys know, at that age, all you think about is girls, football and getting off! I would spend lots of time at my aunt and uncles place on the lake in the summer and when you see young girls running around in bikini's, etc. You HAVE to have some relief!Being that age, you can't really just walk up to a highschool girl who's HOT and ask her to fuck you so you do the next best thing..JERK OFF!!I had a secret hiding place at...
Peggy Hill was at home making tea while Hank and Bobby were on a weekend trip to Dallas to watch a Cowboys game. She decided not to go because she wanted to do some cleaning around the house. She started to get thirsty and decided to make so sweet tea. As she was in the process of boiling the teabags , she realized that there was no sugar in the house. "Damn it" Peggy said.. "well maybe I can borrow from the neighbors"
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You're Peggy. Young, attractive, innocent... you just moved to a new town after you got a job. Your warmth and friendliness surprises your co-workers as much as your occasional shyness. During the first few days you still write to your boyfriend, making plans for when he can come in six months. But a few weeks after you arrived, when you got used to the job, they hired a new partner. His name is Andrew. He is a tall black young man with an impressive but natural musculature and a lot of...
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I live in Jacobabad pakistan.I am a teacher. My age is 32 years and height is 5-11. I am still unmarried.meri class me aik bacha padhta tha jo apni studies me kafi kamzor tha. Me ne kai martaba us ke peirents ko bulwaya lakin koi nahi aya. Exam kafi kareeb aa gae thay. Aik din me ne bachay ko kaha me mujhe apnay ghar le chalo, bachay ki umer 8 saal thior us ka naam anand tha, wo mujhe apnay ghar le gaya. Ghar me sirf us ki maa thi jis ki umer takreban 25 daal thi, rang Gandami or figure...
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I am not a morning person, never have been, and staying up late as an exotic dancer and sex worker accentuated that. But when my naked ass received an almighty slap, I woke with a start, yelped, and leapt out of bed, rubbing my ass cheek.“Nadu,” my Master’s voice snapped.I immediately dropped to my knees into position.“Obeisance.”I fell forward, hands in front of me, face down, in a display of willing submission.Hans waited for a while to drive the point home that no matter what happened last...
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I have never really adjusted to the intense thrill of rotating my practically naked hips in front of a woman staring avidly at my hard eight inch cock, damp in the piss hole by now, her eyes riveted on it as it swayed there, an inch or so from her lips. The heavy beat of Ravel made me surge slowly but lewdly, the moment capturing me as much as her, and I knew she would give me the grand finish to my act when her tongue flicked out toward it. The tight elastic mini jock strap was looped behind...
It all started in 1972, I was 18 and in my last month of my senior year of high school. One Saturday morning three of my girlfriends and I were bored so we decided to put on our swimsuits and go walk along the lake shore and check out the guys. I decided the very last minute to put on my smallest bikini. The sides were about three inches wide but I had cut off about six inches of the extra long strings that tied behind my neck and put then on the sides of my bottom and bunched the side down to...
By the time Monday came around Dave, Emma, Ginger, Stacy, and I had a long list of things we needed Holly to do for us. The list spanned things like printer ink, stiff paper for report covers, travel tickets and other arrangements, organizing our frequent flyer miles, searching out better hotel bargains, typing up interview notes, organizing our client files on computers and hardcopy, and on and on. Ginger and I both needed organizing. Everyone else took off for various client sites, and I...
Hi all, Bullet Raja is back. Thanks to all the readers who gave their feedback for my early story. So here is the continuation of, “Erotic Experience with A Gay Slut In Theatre”. Read the first part from the link above. On the way back, Hardik was still horny from the session in the theatre. He was sitting behind me in the bike and holding my chest tight. The slutty bitch was pinching my nipples and it was hard for me to drive. When we were at the traffic signal, he fucking started to rub my...
Gay MaleIch wurde problemlos zu Hause abgeliefert. Ich war noch viel zu aufgeregt, um schlafen zu k?nnen. Also setzte ich mich an den Computer. Schwangerschaftest: Gemessen wird das Hormon HCG. Nachweisbar im Blut nach 6-9 Tagen, im Urin nach 14 Tagen. Und was sagte mir das jetzt? Ich alterte immer noch mit einem Jahr / Tag. Bedeutete das, 14 Tage w?ren umgerechnet etwa eine Stunde? Oder wirklich 14 Tage? Konnte ich ?berhaupt schwanger werden? Ein Schreck durchzuckte mich: Und was war mit A...
© Copyright 2003 I first saw her in the checkout line at the supermarket in the strip mall near my house. Her features, beneath the baseball cap, were pleasant to look at. The few lines on her face spoke of habitual smiles, but it was her eyes that captured me. They too were surrounded by smile lines, but when she wasn't talking to anyone, they held a haunted, faraway look. Everything she wore, the cap, the crisp white man cut shirt, the skintight jeans, and even the pristine white...
Albert looks up at Gary with a wicked smile, he takes the hard cock into his mouth about halfway.Gary moans as Albert’s soft, moist tongue slides along his big dick.After a minute of slurping on Gary’s cock, Albert says “Your cock is delicious Gary”.“Thanks buddy.” Gary has heard that many times before, but with this newbie it really means something to him.Albert sucks the big dick, taking it a bit deeper every few slurps.In and out, he tries to do it like Gary sucked him and begins gently...
Embrace the Dark, My Beloved: Part Two I leveled my gaze on Jennifer, purposely narrowing my eyes, and scrutinized her. Her shimmering emeralds met the cold black death in mine. She was very brave, or very confident that her decision to intrude into my domain was not a fatal one. “And just what do you think you will gain?” I asked her with a nonchalance that I sensed she found annoying. She was set in her mind and my unwillingness to just hand over eternal life and damnation pricked her ire. ...
Doris and Grace had not crossed paths, expect for telephone and email exchanges, for almost half a decade. That said, as s****rs, they remained close, it had been that way since their earliest c***dhood days in England. The two women had both ‘married well’ and settled into their lives on opposite sides of the Atlantic — Doris in Los Angeles, Grace in Paris. They had both managed successful careers and the demands of being both wives and mothers. When Doris’s marriage had ended in divorce...
Introduction This is an erotic fan fiction set in the world of Final Fantasy 7, the main character is Tifa Lockhart. This story (hopefully, bear with me it's my first attempt) will have a few branching plots and storylines and I will try to remain as best I can within the confines of the FF7 Universe, using characters only from this universe and not pulling from any other games in the franchise. Authors Notes This story is going to be as open ended as I can possibly make it, I'll try and give...
It was an early summers morning. Dodie awoke to a rumble from her phone. It was a business email. The title read: "Interested in taking a new tour? We can help!" Intreiged, dodie click on the email: "We at minersty of sound have seen your growth in the music industry and would like to offer you an opertunity to do a world tour! If interested, click the link below for more details" Dodie was suspicious. It seemed too good to be true. Shes always wanted to fly all across the world. This seemed...
Mind ControlI spent some time looking at the photograph on WhatsApp of my wife, Maggie, and her partner for the evening, Michael. Michael looked young, but I guessed he was in his early thirties from what I knew. Maggie looked younger than a woman in her mid-forties with two grown children. Michael was well over six foot and appeared very fit as might be expected of a former marine. He was clearly an attractive man and I was trying to work out if I was jealous, cross or just very excited.Should Maggie have...
Wife LoversHe made sure mom wasnt there, he had fought the idea but having a good sight on the pool in my backyard he new i was sucking my friend in secretwe had no clue, we just looked at the older black guy sit and show us his phone , my head bouncing on him from last night''i bet you 2 dont want this to be shared ?''''fuck nooo nooo ''he got his pants down and sat his half hard 8 inch bbc for us''i wont ask for it faggot boys''i was first to take it in my mouth and look up sucking him ''good boy, your...
This story was posted elsewhere A couple days ago my brother and dad won a holiday for two for a whole week. 2 days in my stepmum asked if I wanted to go to the beach so I said sure in the car she was telling me that she saw me jacking off ( which I was) in the toilet so I said what?? No that's wrong... And she said joey you know jacking off really turns me on, we still have another 5 or 6 days left together... If you want we could do something else together. So I said like what? She replied"...
Well, here you are. Alone. In complete darkness. Left here, wherever here is, to contemplate how your life went, what could have been, the what ifs. Not sure if you'll stay here for a few hours, or spend the rest of your eternity in oblivion, slowly being driven mad by nothingness. Where is this place, anyway? Is it a purgatory? A final resting place for people who had committed enough sins to be condemned to Hell, but had done enough good deeds to be placed into Heaven, and couldn't be put...
FantasyMeiersdottir was adamant about having her baby on Eden itself rather than the Gardener. "It's not really about what I promised Gagugakhing, although I do think of that," she told Igwanda privately. "It's just that we have a perfectly good planet right here and I want our son"—routine prenatal care had revealed the sex—"to have a birthplace he can point to, at least on a star map, rather than just having to say he was born 'somewhere in space.'" Predictably, both ship's doctors...
I get the call in the middle of the afternoon: “Casey, it’s Jack. I’m in trouble; I need you to go to Nate’s, get him and come down to bail me out.” He tells me where he is, I ask no questions and I’m out the door. I arrive at Nate’s not 10 minutes later and am half way through “Jack needs our help he’s—”, before he stops me with his keys already in his hands, “Alright, where to?” We’ve been on the highway for an hour now and all I can think about – when I’m not worrying about Jack – is how...
Straight SexIn bright neon fishnet lingerie, petite brunette Alya Stark and busty Lana Roy pose for painter Mike Angelo. He covers their curvaceous bodies in paint and oil, and the ladies strip and caress each other’s silky skin. The voracious teens take turns giving Mike dripping-wet blowjobs. Alya climbs on top of his throbbing rod and bounces, squealing in pleasure as Mike’s big cock digs deeply into her tight cunt. He gives Lana a scrumptious rim job. She bends over for his throbbing boner,...
xmoviesforyouI use to visit iss 2-3 times a week; now I guess its time to share my experience. About me- I look fine, 5.10’ tall, wheatish complexion, boner big enough for any girl or women out there. I work in one of the reputed sector of Jaipur and I have just completed my MBA. I had many experience in my past i.e. with the girls of my age. I lost my virginity a year back that’s another story for some other day but the one which happened a month back is one experience to share with all of you guys. When I...
Watching Geraldine take her first horse cock had made all the men horny, and there were lots more men than girls at the farm, so I was called in to do my bit. Four men came to my room in turn, and I just let them mount me, all of them wanting me from behind, on all fours or bent over the side of the bed, as Troy had taken Geraldine. I realized what we needed was a version of the horse bench in our bedrooms, and next time I saw Adam I suggested it. He liked the idea, and said he would arrange...
my long term girlfriend said her oldest mate was coming over , they are having a make over night . i said thats ok with me ,i have known her mate since the begining and like her as a friend . i have heard stories from my gf about her mate she has done a lot of naughty things behind her fellas back and my gf and her have had a few nights together too in the past before i was on the scene . before the night of her coming over we was in bed chatting and my gf said i want you to flash her when...
She had a good figure inspite of giving birth to her two sons…i mean…she had a good figure naturally,i bet she cared less about it. She use to wear saree and blouse..a peculiar indian housewife. She had slim waist with beautiful big breasts.her height was average and her leg was long and sexy.she always wears her saree down at her naval. One day,when i came home from school,no one ws at home and the door was locked.usually,one of my family members use to be at home all te time,but not...
IncestHello indian sex stories dot net readers, I am here again with my story. This is a continuation of my story “Best Summer vacation- Part 1”. Please read the part 1, so that you have a better understanding of the story. So after the dinner we all went home and slept. I was still wearing my mami’s panty and she was wearing mine. After that we could never have sex again, as the house was crowded with my cousin’s. I daily used to send my dicks photo in the morning to her and she used to send her...
IncestHi! Thanks for your response and feedback. I am writing this story especially because of my readers who continuously asking for my stories. Let’s get into the story. Please go through the previous part, if any new readers are there. After losing my virginity with Ruchi I am eager to have sex with my sister, waiting for my chance. One day my parents went to the marriage. I think it’s my time, I made a plan and asked Ruchi to come home. She came to my home. I handed over my hard disk filled with...
IncestThis happened to me about 4 years after I married my first wife. I was in the air force and my squadron had been sent to Europe for 65 days on temporary duty. As it happened, I got to come home early, and I decided to surprise my wife by not telling her I would be comming home. My wife, Debbie, played cards with my buddies wifes every Tuesday night while their husbands were away. I got a ride to my house and walked in. Sure enough, there was Debbie, Sandy, Cheryl and Beth, sitting at the...
Thank you for all your feedback. Please read the previous parts for continuity. I’ll try to post the following parts as soon as possible. This part will have her first exploits in detail. This part will be a full narration from Aaesha about her slutiness and her exploits. So please bear with the length and the details. The story continues. I was glad that my friend’s muslim wife shared that and she hasn’t done anything to reveal her identity and ruin her life and that of my friends. I was...
"Good Morning, Johnson, Jackson and Hayes. How may I direct your call?" The voice was pleasant and female. "I'm not sure. I'm looking at some old acquisition papers from about nineteen years ago. They're on your firm's letterhead. I need to talk to someone regarding what these papers involve. My name is all over them, and I was an infant when they were drawn up." "Okay, are there any signatures on the papers?" Of course there were. "Yes: Garret Setton and Ronald...