Captain Janeway Captain s Slave
- 4 years ago
- 484
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Connie sat in her car, nervous at meeting Donna for the first time. They had been chatting for several months after meeting on a D/S personals site. Connie was single, and was curious about this lifestyle. Donna seemed like the nuturing type, giving Connie much needed advice, which turned into a mutual attraction. Both being bi greased that wheel a bit, but Donna was a married 24/7 slave to her husband and while Jim knew of their on line relationship, he was unaware they were meeting today. Donna’s intention of this get together was to see if Connie would have the chemistry needed to be a ?second? as Donna put it. She knew her Master well, but she was taking a risk by not telling him about today.
The plan was to meet Donna close to their home, go out for something to eat and chat in person. The time was set for 100pm on a Monday afternoon. As Connie lived two hours away, she would have to leave around 1100. But Connie was always late. A bad habbit of hers. So, 1100 turned to 1120. As she drove up I-95, she got a text message from Donna. ?You on your way??. Connie replied, ?yep babe, be there a bit after 100 at this pace.? The reply was ?I hope you are on time, please. Plans changed too. I’ve got a surprise for you honey, a good surprise. My car will be at the spot.? ?It’ll be opened and a bag with instructions will be inside.? ?Do you understand??? Connie gulped a little. Donna never spoke to her like this, but then again, it is a text message. Should she call her? No, she thought better of it. She needed to steel herself for the challenges that hopefully lie ahead. She replied ?Yes ma’am, I’ll do it?
So, here she is, looking at Donna’s car parked in an empty field. Why Donna chooses this instead of a regular parking lot was anyone’s guess. Connie get’s out of her car and goes to Donna’s and gets inside. The bag was there and its contents made Connie gasp. She knew what they were; two pairs of black steel handcuffs (one short chain, the other longer) a blindfold, an O ring gag (she recalled Donna telling her about wearing it for hours while she was orally used) and a sheet of instructions.
Sorry for the abrupt change in plans; it’s my fault actually and I’ll explain later. But I think you’ll find this way is much more fun! Now first thing I need you to do is to text me back (do not call) and then you’ll have ten min’s to lay in the back seat, attach the gag, the blindfold (nice and tight) lay on your belly and attach the cuffs carefully, but snug. (Longer one is for your feet) You’ll be picked up.
If you can’t do this, then just leave and I’ll be in touch. No hard feelings either.
I hope I see you soon.
Feeling a bit apprehensive, she stared at the note. She took a deep breath, climbed into the back and started putting the toys on. She started immediately getting wet, soaking her panties like never before. The ring gag went in with a little difficulty, but she massaged her jaw for a min before getting the gag home. Blindfold went on, tight so not to slip off. Onto her belly, she cuffed her ankles, her flip flops came off. With nothing better to do now but wait for whatever, she slides her sundress up and over her buttocks. She begins to slide her fingers in the clef of her ass cheeks, rubbing her anus slightly before heading down to her wet pussy, through her panties. Rubbing back and forth, feeling her juices running as she tries to find her clit, but unable to do so in this bondage.
She is lost in a little day dream of her kissing Donna so she doesn’t notice when the back door is opened. She wakes from her day dream with a man saying ?you greedy little slut, starting with us, huh?? Startled, she attempts to get up only to have the man get into the back seat on top of her and push her head down onto the seat with his large hands. She whimpers wonder who this is and what is happening. ?Don’t worry little girl, I found out about your little meeting with my deviant little bitch and thought I’d join you.? Its Donna’s Master finally realizes and she begins to shake even harder. His lips an inch of her ear he says ?don’t worry, you’ll be fine. But you are late ya know and Donna is, let’s say, is paying a price for your tardiness.? He leans off of her to look her over, admiring her shape. He takes a clip from his pocket and grabs the chain from her ankle cuffs, pulling her feet upwards and connects them to her wrist cuffs. ?First hogtie my dear, and not your last you’ll be enduring.? ?Your sluty fingers need to be contained??, with that he grabs a rolls of electrical tape and folds her left hand into a fist. Wrapping her left hand into an unusable ball, he moved to do the same with her right. Her mind was racing to fast for her to contemplate anything concerning resistance. She feared was has become of her friend and now this. ?HHHmmm? he moan when he resumed her masturbation duties, with a bit more force. ?Nicely shaven I see? as his finger push her panties aside, cupping her mound. He found the clit she was trying to find before and milked it with practiced fingers. She began to moan louder and louder, licking her lips around the O ring holding her open. ?I am going to have to get caught up on you and your history a bit better, Donna has told me quite a bit, but I am sure there is more to learn slut.? He then grabbed her swollen clit with a bit of force making her gasp for breath. Releasing his grip, he moved his thumb to her asshole, lubricating it. She picked her head up in her first protest, only to have his free hand hold her head down again. ?know there is nothing you can do from here on out.? He said as he pushed his thumb into her tight ass, sliding his middle and ring fingers into her cunt. Once her ass opened under the non stopping pressure, she screamed at the pain of the forced entry.
Pleasure took over pain as he pumped into her, savoring her forced pleasure. After a few min’s of this, he took his hand away from her head and began to fondle the rest of her body. He found a large erect nipple in no time and make her scream again as he twisted it roughly though her clothing. ?Stick your tongue out cunt!? She hesitantly complied; when it was far enough out, he grabbed it, still finger fucking her holes like a bowling ball, and pulled hard. ?Obey a bit faster next time. I have ways that will hold your tongue out for hours at a time, so be a bit faster? She nodded her head, hoping for relieve. Releasing her tongue, he jammed two fingers into her mouth, pushing her tongue down and finding the back of her throat. She maintains her self at this intrusion until he pushes down her throat, when her gag reflex kicks in. He nods and withdraws slightly. He is almost clinical, finding her gag reflex three more times. ?Something to work on deary? he mumbles as he withdraws both sets of raping fingers from her holes at the same time. Using a small knife, he cuts her now soiled pair of panties from her, leaving her gaping cunt open to the cool air, letting her still flowing juices to settle on the back seat. Cleaning both of his hands on her panties, he grabs her raven hair, bringing her head up with a grunt. Her tongue, moving wildly in pushed down with the dirty panties till they were stuffed inside completely. Picking up the roll of tape, he winds the tape around her head till her lips are no longer visible. ?Keep your tongue on those panties, wouldn’t want to swallow them now, would we?? she is warned.
He leaves her sightless gagged form in the back and hops up front for the five min drive home. Turning everyone once and a while to see her struggle not to fall off the seat, he finds his way up his driveway and into the garage. Closing the door, he lifts her out of the car, unclipping the chains to let her stand up straight. Unlocking the wrist cuffs, he allows her to rub her wrists before order her to remove her dress. ?Do it yourself or I’ll have to do it for you and you’ll have nothing else to wear.? She complies, pulling the dress over her head. He grabs the dress, admiring her smooth fair skin. The bra is next and both are placed on the hood of the car for later use. Seizing her wrists, she is recuffed. Silent for the occasional grunt and breathing heavily through her nose, she is marched into the house, told when to step up. She feels the heavy chains scrapping across tile, then onto carpet. ?Kneel? and she is lead to her knees.
She can hear moaning down, mixed with sobbing and a gurgling sound. She figures it’s Donna and that she is hearing her suffering. Blindfold being removed; she adjusts to eyes to the light. She finds herself kneeling in the middle of a large living room. In front of her is Donna, a short blonde hair woman of average height, nicely sized thighs with large tits, bound with leather cuffs over her head and behind her on the inclined chair, a sort of Gyno chair of sorts, which is leaned back. Leather straps over and under to supple and large tits hold her down. Her legs are splayed out, ankles attached to her thighs in lude fashion with black leather belts. She remembers Donna telling her about the array of furniture he used her on.
The punishment she is enduring is two fold; the obvious source of the pain are the clover clamps firmly attached behind her nipple piercing, as well as a third attached behind her clit one as well. The clamps are attached over head. Connie peaks up to see two large bags. One of the bags has a hose apparently draining into a bucket. The lines attached to the clamps are all tied to this bucket. ?Oh, poor baby?? she thinks. ?I let the enema bag flow into the bucket the moment you were late.? Checking his watch.. ?That makes 25 min’s? Let see, oh my, about three quarts of water are pulling on her nips and clit? ?Slut, do you want me to remove these??? Donna knows she will endure sharp pain once they are removed, but the constant torture she is enduring now, she nods desperately.
The second part of her punishment is that she is gagged with a panel type of gag with a small hose attached to it running to the second rubber bag overheard. The gurgling is Donna being forced to swallow something coming down from the bag. The clear bag displayed its contents, something milky white and thick. ?No, it’s not semen?? she hears Jim saying observing her watching Donna, ?but it’s similar in consistency, my own little receipt. Just remember, Donna’s a squirter, especially when drinking this down?.
Jim approached his slave and motioned for Connie to come over there. On her knees she shuffled over till she was kneeling between Donna’s legs, watching the clit being pulled up-close and smelling the arousal that Donna obviously felt, being the masochist she was. Jim pulled off the tape holding Connie’s panties and pulled out the girl mouth stuffing. He unfolded the mess a little bit and placed them Donna’s panel gag, just under her nose. Jim, amused with himself, then moved towards the bucket, reached inside to shut the valve feeding water into the bucket. He slowly detached the bucket from the pulley and the string attaching them to the clamps. Donna moaned as loud as she could and involuntary sucked more the liquid through the panel gag as a reflex of the clamps lessening pressure. They still had to come off however. After setting down the bucket, he grabbed the clit clamp; ?Connie, she’s being punished because of you. Now, be a dear and make her feel all better? with that, he removed the clamp and pushed the face of a new slave onto Donna’s abused clit. ?Kiss and lick her clit? he cooed as Donna screamed from the returning blood flow aided by Connie’s tongue through the ring gag. Tears streaming from her eyes, he moved up the nipples and one at a time, he removed them and rubbed them as Donna renewed her screams.
After a few min’s, Donna calmed down and started to enjoy Connie’s attentions. Donna was sucking the last of the vile liquid (like she had a choice) and focusing her attention on her pussy when Jim left, taking one of the bags with him. Connie was lost in her lust to make her friend cum she didn’t notice his absence. Donna hears the water being turned on and she knew what was to come.
Jim came back well equipped for the next task at hand. He returned the freshly filled enema bag to its hook. He grabbed Connie’s hair and pulled her face from Donna’s now happier cunt. Connie’s face was a mess with slut juice and saliva running down her chin and onto her own breasts. ?I need your help greedy slut?? and he proceeded to shove the girls mouth over his slave’s untouched asshole. ?LICK? was the command and Connie started to slowly lick the outside, tasting the earthy flavor. A slap on Connie’s ass got her going a bit faster. ?See, Connie, the better you lick the easier it will be for your new friend to take this? Connie turned and was staring at a large tube with two deflated balloons. ?See, I’m going to give Donna an enema. I place the tube in her ass past the first balloon. I then inflate both balloons thus keeping the tube deep in her ass while I fill it with whatever I wish to put in there. Most of the time it’s a little warm soapy water. But there was that one time I put a little curry powder in there?? and he drifts off to his work while Connie busying herself lubricate Donna’s ass. Connie soon started shoving gobs of saliva into Donna’s ass as she realized this was better for her and it looked like Jim would shove that hose no matter how good of a job she did.
After a few min’s, Connie’s hair is pulled away again. ?Nice job Connie. Maybe I should just call you ass slut!? Connie blushed at the humiliation. ?Take it as a compliment. I don’t give too many away!? Jim bent down and pushed the tube against Donna’s ass. As she was trained to, Donna pushed down, opening up her ass a little. Connie’s saliva started to come out, only to pushed back into. With a bit of discomfort, the tube slides home. After priming the tube coming from the bag, he attaches it to the end of the balloon tube. He looks down at Connie, who is staring at what is happening inches from her face and starts to get really hard. (He was at half mast for most of the day once he found out what Donna was up to for today) and he proceeded to unzip his pants. Connie looked up just in time to find Jims cock thrusting into her mouth. Recalling her gag reflex points, he moved past her tongue and hit the back of her throat. With Donna now watching another show unfold, she moaned a bit. ?Oh, almost forgot?.? And Jim hit the valve open. Donna was now greeted with a Hot soapy enema and she started to sweat.
A new group of suffering girl noise was coming out in the room now; one girl was being mouth fucked and the other was filling up with liquid fire. After a few min’s of Jim rising cum, he stopped himself short and shoved the face back onto Donna’s cunt. Jim then went into another room and got a short rope and a riding crop. He comes up behind Connie with Donna’s squinting through teary eyes as Jim takes the rope around Connie’s cuffs, ties off a knot, the take the other end and loops it around the back of Connie’s Ring gag. One pull and Connie’s cuffed wrists are painfully pulled up her back. In addition, this brings her head back a few inches. ?Continue, lick around the clit, then down both sides of her pussy, then fuck her with your tongue a few times and repeat the process. I’ll supervise!? Using the crop on her newly exposed ass, Jim taught Connie how to lick pussy properly. Donna would also assist in this more actively, but today’s Dom was Jim. Donna fucked up by not telling Jim her plans today and she was in no position now to assert anything.
After 10 min’s, Donna was moving very close to cuming, Connie’s technique was improving, her ass decorated with angry red welts. Jim find the enema is done, so he moves to the other part of his plan. Standing next to Donna, he plays with her tits and starts to suck one. With his left hand, he places his hand on Donna’s shaven mount, just above the clit. The other hand grabs Donna by the back of the head, making her look down. ?Ok, cum for me slut, cum now!? and with a rush of sensation and emotions, Donna cums. The liquid she was force to ingest was a mixture of water, flour (to give it that milky thick consistency) concentrated vitamin C and E and a little bit of Jim’s morning piss) worked as a diuretic, much like coffee and alcohol. All that she ingested, a good part of it was now in her bladder, which was now shooting out onto Connie’s face and open mouth. Connie started to lick everything up, realized what she was licking up and started to back off; Jim was too quick and forces her back onto Donna’s spasming cunt. The lust of being forced to do this overwhelmed Connie and she greedily licked and swallowed (her pride as well).
Five min’s later, Donna was exhausted. She still had three quarts of warm water inside. She hopes he would let her release soon. However, he turned to an equally exhausted Connie and grabbed her by the hair and dragged her into the bathroom. Into the tub she went and her ankles where once again attached to her wrist cuffs, but do to the added bondage to her gag, her feet were in more of a ?proper? hogtie than before. After petting her hair for a bit, he returned to the living room where he went to retrieve the suffering Donna. ?Glad I put down towels you piggy slut!? he laughed as he un-did the straps holding her down and sat up a very full Donna to sitting position. She could not bring her hands up, they were attached to the back of the panel gag. He undid the hose into her panel gag, he undid the hose from the balloon apparatus. He undid the straps on her legs and led her bowlegged and wobbly into the bathroom with one hand on her belly and one behind her back moving her along. Indeed, she looked like she was six months pregnant! ?Oh, that reminds me? as he pats her belly much to her chagrin stated with a grunt.. ?Nigel’s breeding bitch is in need of a milking since she’s about nine months along now. I think you two little piggy’s will assist this weekend!? and Donna knew what that means for a few hours this weekend, but Connie didn’t. Another cramp and another grunt from the frumpy looking Donna.
As he approached the large toilet/bade he released the cuffs from behind her head and allowed her to hold the in front of her letting the blood flow back into her arms. As the tears formed again, he wiped them away with tissue paper and turned to Connie who was looking up at them. ?So, do you want to stay?? she nodded affirmative. ?Do you want to stay the weekend with us?? after thinking about her plans, she nodded ok. ?Don’t worry, you’ll be able to call anyone you need to.? ?There will there a goal, you will have this weekend to endure then you’ll leave with a decision to make next week. Till then, you belong to me first? She stared at him, adjusting herself in this stressful hogtie, thinking and wondering what would happen now. He turned to Donna and march her the few steps for her to straddle the toilet/bade facing the wall and away from the tub. He re-secured to leather cuffed wrists back behind her head, took a chain from the over head shelve he kept there for these occasions and attached her cuffs to it with padlock. He then took a pair of cuffs attached to a spreader bar he had leaning on the wall and secured her ankles to the back side of the toilet. This is where she will remain till he releases her. The balloon plug would keep the roiling contents in her gut till he felt she suffered enough.
He then turned and approached the hogtied Connie. ?So, what do you want now, do you want to stay? She again nodded, as best as she could, yes. ?Asked me to stay then? ?ppllleetthhzz sshhhiirr? is what comes out. Jim unzips his pants again and points it at the bound girl. ?Now, ask for this. Ask greedy slut, ask for this?? ?Pppllleeetthhhzzz? and a look of true submission in her eyes, he let loose a steady stream of urine onto her face and open mouth. She cough and sputtering, trying to use her tongue to keep out the piss, but not succeeding very well. He moved his stream over the rest of her body, hitting her ass, legs, and feet and up her back.
After he is done, he walks over to the toilet where Donna, sweating like a pig, looks up at him and looks down as he wipes his cock on her. Tapping it on her right tit, ?Your ass will be emptied now, and then you’ll paddled with Mr. Lady Spanker to finish your punishment. I’m saving a nice load for your ass however. I will fuck your ass after your paddling very hard. Hard paddling, hard fucking. What a nice start to the afternoon, eeehh?? as he strokes her sweating face, Donna listens to the heavy breathing of Connie who is in daze, who despite have a golden shower, felt her clit buzzing from all of this and the anticipation of what is to come.
With one hand, he reaches in front of Donna to diddle her clit, with the other hand reaching around and deflating the balloons. With a grunt, he pulled out the tube and she instinctively closed her hole as she had been trained too. Now was the real endurance test; standing up, he kisses her on the forehead and then over her gagged lips. ?Release it, relax, do not force it?. At first nothing happens as Jim moves toward the tub. He spanks Connie on the ass a few times to wake her up. ?Good girl, now what do you say for your shower??. ?ttthhhuunngkk uuuu ssshhirr?. And with that, he plugs the tub and turns on the shower. The shower in the toilet starts to begin with Donna almost sobbing in relief.
?Donna you’ll thank me later, won’t you?? Donna nods and mumbles something that is assumed a thank you, the panel gag fills her mouth almost completely; it just allows for swallowing.
?Ok girls, I’ll be back in a few min’s. Connie, keep your head up and now, you girls be good?, he turns to head out, turns on the fan and turns out the light. With two sets of squeals going now, he gently closes the door and heads for a well deserved beer.
?Man, it’s tough to be the Dom? he states out load as strolls casually away from his two pets.
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Day One: WelcomesThe drive to the chalet, a Swiss-style vacation home in the Pacific Northwest, was wonderful. Connie lay back on the reclining front seat of their Escape, drowsing in the early afternoon sun. Her window was cracked slightly open, and the sweet scent of the recent showers wafted in, mingled with the aroma of fresh greenery and one of her favorites, the smell of the rain evaporating from the two-lane road they meandered along.Her husband Sam navigated the unfamiliar road well. ...
This sex story involves my favorite and the greatest and most beautiful pornstar in the entire world, Madison Ivy. Okay. Now, in this sex story. Madison Ivy looks and sounds exactly the same. The only difference is that she has a huge, long, veiny, and hairless cock. I am in this sex story, as usual. In this sex story, I am medium built muscular. I have a pretty great size for a cock, and the most sexiest, hairless, cutest ass that nobody can resist. And, as usual. I love and crave getting...
Just a warning, this is not my usual happy boy gets girl tale (or boy get's girls tail) and some may find this a bit disturbing.Thump, thump, thump, thump. The deep bass rattled the windows of young Connie McCowen's bedroom. "Fuckin' a" she swore under her breath as she rolled over in her bed unable to fall asleep. Click, she heard her clock mark the time as 11:18, between the obnoxious bass of the drunk asshole down the streets stereo. "Damnit, I have a test tomorrow!" Then she heard the sound...
She climbed out of bed and slipped on her shorts under the t-shirt that she normally slept in, and flip flops. Sure enough, the old man was passed out in her chair when Connie got into the living room. She looked with hatred at the half full beer can perched on his bloated belly, ready to fall at any moment. "Can't we just call the cops", she asked of her mother, already well aware of her answer. Emmett was dad's friend and there was no way that she'd make that call. "Just go and turn...
You feel your body jolt forward and suddenly stop. You stumble around for a few steps as your head shakes and nausea sinks in. You bend over with your hands on your knees as you try to stabilize yourself while also not throwing up. After taking a few deep breaths your head starts to feel fine and the nausea goes away until you can finally stand upright again. As you do you look around and notice you’re surrounded by nothingness except whiteness. “Where the hell am I?” you openly ask even though...
FantasyYou wake up, or at least the closest thing to waking up. All around you is a bright, searing light. It has no source yet it burns with a raging heat, as if sentient, that you want desperately to avoid but you cannot close your eyes. You reach to cover your face but you find you have no arms, nor even a face. You can feel your body, every nerve ending shattering like glass and limbs flailing, but it is not visible or present. The broken remains of your consciousness tumble through the emptiness...
FetishNancy went and picked up Connie when she called from the bus stop and the Cat and I fooled around while she was gone. One thing about Nancy and the Cat, they never let me get to that stage of horniness that makes a fool out of guys. The interview had gone well and Connie was up about the possibilities of working for this company. They were offering serious money and she thought she would be taking the deal. We talked about parts of San Francisco she would like and what the weather was like...
It all started at Rachel’s funeral — or, after, actually, when everybody in the family was crowded into our house — the one I no longer shared with Rachel, but still had Lisa and Suzanne to take care of in. It was just hitting me again that Rachel wasn’t going to be there, again, ever ... Connie, Rachel’s mother, was at the sink, washing dishes. We really didn’t have enough glassware to be supporting the drinking habits of thirty or forty people. “John, where do these go?” she asked. I stepped...
Connie The Oral Closer – Part 2I had a cigarette while Connie freshened up then we walked back to the bar for a nightcap. I gave her my card and told her flat out if she ever wanted to earn a hundred bucks a pop I could keep her head bobbing most of the day.The next Saturday morning I was working my first customer of the day and saw her walk into the showroom. She was wearing a tight purple top and a gray skirt. The bare legs with inch and a half heels looked good and the purple lipstick and...
This is a total fantasy based on a real person so her name is changed. It is also based on the fact that we did go to high school together and our lives did not cross paths until this year. Now we did not go to a reunion and we did not have sex, but the fantasies I had about her in my younger days did happen and they continue today. Don’t like the story? Planning to give it a thumbs down? Why not add a comment and tell me why you disliked it.Connie knelt in front of me and within seconds my fly...
In the days after i first slept with Connie, Marilyn`s !9 year old daughter i was worried things might be different in our friendship. We had been friends for a long time and had sex regularly for most of that time but really were friends and i was affraid they had time to think it over it may change. Well i had no need to worry in fact it was lighter and more relaxed with everything out and both of them seemed happier. Connie was so much more loving toward me now, hugging me more and talking...
Connie Eubanks was feeling a little low that morning, and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get into her job, and constantly had to remind herself to get back to work! Even while taking phone calls, her mind would wander and she had to ask several clients to repeat what they had just said because she wasn’t paying any attention! At about 11:15 her phone rang and it was her best friend Millie calling to see if they could have lunch together. “Sure Mil,” Connie replied, “why not, I’ll...
Connie and Arthur Connie My name is Connie, which is short for Consuelo Sulllivan. I know, you don't have to tell me that Consuelo Sullivan is a pretty weird name, but I can't help it that my mother's best friend for about a million years was a woman named Consuelo Dias or that my mother (whose name was Mary Dunleavy) was much more argumentative than my father, Mickey Sullivan. So 27 years ago, it became Consuelo Mary Sullivan. My mother died when I was about 6 and I...
It looked like an ordinary check point, one more in a series of small military outposts manned by various feuding factions, but when her Lebanese driver got down and handed over their papers to the soldier in fatigues, the officer beside him drew a pistol and shot the startled little man in the forehead. He tossed Connie's passport and travel documents aside, opened the door of the Jeep and pulled her out onto the sandy roadside. She landed n her hands and knees, rolled over and scrambled to...
CONNIE THE JUNIOR MAID by Monica Graz PART 1 - Connie becomes a maid My name is Connie and I'm a 23 years old gender fluid male. I work by choice as a full-time live-in housemaid for almost a year now. But let me tell you my rather unusual story and how it all started. I was born as Michael (Mike) Allen the only child to a well-off family and I grew up as a privileged boy going to the best private schools and eventually to a prestigious university where I was studying...
Connie Nielsen had a little secret from most of her fans. She was a nudist in private, whenever she was alone or with her beau, Lars Ulrich of Metallica. The problem was that Lars didn't get or accept why she wanted to be nude when he wasn't around. He got a little jealous. Perhaps he thought that she was cheating on him. Hell, she didn't worry about that with him! In fact, she had told him that groupies were an exception, as far as she was concerned. Admittedly, she used to be married...
Connie The Junior Maid By Monica Graz PART 3 - Connie falls in love Was I in love with Miss Emily? This is how it feels when boy, even one in skirts, meets girl? I had never felt like this before. All day long I was daydreaming thinking of Emily, her bright eyes and her clever and cunning smile. Miss Marina, our ex Filipino housekeeper and now formal companion and occasional lover of Mrs. Allen had noticed it and confronted me as I was in the middle of mopping the floors in the...
This character has nothing to do with the Isaac in Midnight Plush (q.v.). The idea for this story came in a dream, and that was his name in the dream, so I didn’t change it. This is the closest thing to a traditional short story I’ve submitted, and I would really like solid critique on it. Especially, did I do a good job of writing from a man’s point of view? Oh, and I guess I should state this explicitly, based on some so-called ‘feedback’ I’ve gotten on other stories: Everything I write is...
Loving wife & mother succumbs to deep desires.My name is Connie I am a 26 year old mother of two young girls whose ages are two and four and married to a very successful executive of a multi-national company. We have a gorgeous home in the suburbs of a major Midwestern city that is the corporate home for my husband's company. We both drive luxury cars and people looked at us as if we had it all. But we didn't have it all.About a year after our second daughter was born my husband lost...
Hi lads. As normal, all my stories are true and I’ll only change names to protect identities. Don’t forget to comment after reading if you enjoyed it Happy reading guys. ***************************** Another boring day in the North East. With money to burn, me and my friend (lass) decided to get the train from Darlington through to the Metrocentre. If you’ve done this trip, you know you have to transfer at Newcastle. Newcastle station itself is a dull dreary place, loud and unexciting. But...
Hi lads.As normal, all my stories are true and I'll only change names to protect identities. Don't forget to comment after reading if you enjoyed it :)Happy reading guys.*****************************Another boring day in the North East. With money to burn, me and my friend (lass) decided to get the train from Darlington through to the Metrocentre. If you've done this trip, you know you have to transfer at Newcastle. Newcastle station itself is a dull dreary place, loud and unexciting. But there...
Connie is twelve years younger than me and has an athletic body with a great ass, firm erect breasts and long legs that seem to go on forever. We have worked together for about ten years and I have seen her through two divorces. There have been many fantasies over these years but one summer, the best of these came true. I had been promoted to the head of a department and managed to get Connie transferred to work for me. After about six months, I arranged a trip to California to visit a plant...
Connie goes to College - Ch. 02 Disclaimer: The following story is not intended for minors. Any resemblance to actual persons is purely coincidental. If you are offended by sexually explicit material or it is not legal in your place of residence, please close the document now. If not, I hope you enjoy my attempt at entertaining you with my stories that are a combination of true life encounters and fantasy. Thanks for reading my story! My name is Connie and I am a...
“I see you were using the pods again,” Marion White, the ships First Officer, says as she enters the galley to see Regina on the deck naked. “Unauthorized use of company property for personal pleasure is not allowed you know.” Regina lifts her head from the deck and blinks away the sleep. “Why don’t you just shove it up your ass,” she sneers. Marion walks over and pulls out an egg from a pod and pops it in her mouth. “You know, I don’t know what makes you so special.” She takes a seat and...
Glimpses of the Afterlife By Ellie Dauber © 2006 Saddam Hussein closed his eyes for a moment as the noose was lowered down over his head. He felt the rope, coarse fiber against his throat under his beard. "Go to hell," someone yelled. "You first," he answered back. He saw the executioner reach for the lever that would drop the floor beneath him, and he began to recite the Koranic verse of acceptance. "There is no G-d but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet. The floor fell...
CONNIE THE JUNIOR MAID by Monica Graz My name is Connie and I'm a 23 years old gender fluid male. I work by choice as a full-time live-in housemaid for almost a year now. But let me tell you my rather unusual story and how it all started. I was born as Michael (Mike) Allen the only child to a well-off family and I grew up as a privileged boy going to the best private schools and eventually to a prestigious university where I was studying applied economics. I always thought that I...
Housewife's final plunge into depravity.Sunday arrived and I was excited about Walt's pool party. In one last attempt I tried to convince her husband Peter to come with me but he refused claiming that he had too much work to do at the office. I wished that I could have brought my daughters with me but it was an adult only function. I had made arrangements for a sitter so that Peter could still go into his office.When I arrived at Walt's place and I was immediately impressed with the grounds. It...
Connie The Oral Closer – Part 1I met Connie at the airport lounge. She was from Cochranton, and drove the eighty miles and checked in the night before. She wasn't apologetic about her situation. Her hours have been cut to part time at the grocery store so she made ends meet by being a party girl. She liked to joke “The only thing I like more than cock was money, its a natural for me I guess!” She was stunning in her own right. Without beer goggles she would pass for a 24 year old and with...
Connie Spanked. Today I met up with a woman who I had been chatting to both by e-mail, text and MSN. Connie was in her mid 40’s and had a good figure, she had contacted me because I had placed an advert on Vivastreet saying that I was a Mature Guy who Spanked Wayward ladies. Connie explained to me how she was nervous but that she needed to be punished for the bad she had done when she was younger, she had let men touch her when she was far too young to allow this, she told me how had sex...
Newlywed Husband Learns the TruthLisa is a very large woman in her early twenties. She is about 5'6" and weighs about 380. She is definitely what you would call a SSBBW.John is a skinny, dorky white guy in his twenties.Pastor Lamont is in his late fifties, with gray hair and a gray goatee.John and Lisa had dated for almost two years before he proposed. They had a great relationship, but she told him she was going to wait until marriage to have sex with him. Lucky for John, she allowed him...
“That’s one pound fifty change, and your band. Pool closes in twenty-five minutes.” “Do I need to wear this?” The receptionist had given me a blue band such as one would receive at a gig. “Yes, the lifeguard will need to see it,” she replied. The receptionist was a petite girl, blonde hair sitting on her shoulders, wearing the supplied blue polo shirt all the staff wore. For a petite girl she had an impressive cleavage, pushing at the buttons on her shirt. I thought I’ll just show it to the...
I was 22 years old and I out of work, in the last year of college, I had to find a job to get me through the summer. The YMCA had a busy summer k**s' camp, and they needed someone with lifeguard and first-aid experience to supervise the pool. It was the typical, run-of the mill lifeguard gig… keep down horse-play, nurse a minor sc**** here or there and prevent injuries and other liabilities. It didn't pay much, but it had a perk: it gave me the chance to look at gorgeous k**s wearing...
Crystal is my girlfriend. She is fifty-five years old, five feet four, and about one hundred twenty-five pounds. She has 36C tits, nice, slightly chubby ass and white/platinum hair bleached by the Arizona sun. When Crystal is dressed up, she is a stunning piece of womanhood. Crystal has suddenly developed an interest in the Sonoran Desert. She is not a biological science major, but someone whose friends have been telling her stories about central Arizona. I agreed to take Crystal out into the...
VoyeurMy dick grew semi-hard even before we got out of the car.I knew I wanted to attend the Newport Naval Academy even before my father set the DeSoto's parking brake. Beyond the car window, about twenty feet away, three good-looking boys stood talking. Their tight white uniforms hugged their lithe teenage bodies rather provocatively. My parents insisted on a military type school. I was on my way to becoming a little punk and strict school discipline would "straighten" me out. Well, the "out" part...
An establishing shot of a modern looking school – all identifying signage is digitally masked for privacy reasons, but anyone familiar with the area would immediately recognize the stylized architecture of the building. And then our host steps into frame infront of the sign ... Sexy dimples, and big fake tits pushing out of the top of her sexy black PVC mini-skirted business suit, dominate the first impression. We can’t help but stare at those perfect orbs of flesh as they seem to attempt an...
Once more we fade in on our darkened ‘bedroom’ set. A rusty old metal bedframe, with headboard and footboard, plus a dirty, threadbare mattress laying on squeaky springs. There are no sheets, no blankets, and no pillows – just stains, mostly caused by our the guests who have appeared on the show this year. We pull back from these stains and turn to the side of the set – looking into the darkness of the unlit depths of the room as a figure approaches, feet clicking, or clomping, on the...