Connie and Friends
- 3 years ago
- 30
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“Oh grandmother, I still can’t believe it!” The
young blonde haired woman exclaimed as she gushed
with excitement. “Two days from now I’m going to
be in Europe.”
“Well its nothing that you don’t deserve.”
The older woman smiled back. “I’m very proud of
you, and all that you’ve accomplished.”
“I don’t think Mother would agree with you
on that.” Jenny D’Angelo replied. “She thinks the
entire trip is a colossal waste of money.”
“Your mother thinks everything is a waste of
money.” Connie D’Angelo laughed. “And besides,
it’s my money that’s paying for this trip, so she
doesn’t have anything to complain about.”
With that, Jenny joined in the laughter. She
knew she really shouldn’t be enjoying a joke at her
mother’s expense, but she couldn’t help it. In many
ways, Connie had always been closer to her than her
mother. Despite the 38 years separating them, they
were more like girlfriends than family.
The trip to Europe had been Connie’s idea.
She had been so impressed when Jenny graduated
from High School a year early and then gained
acceptance to an Ivy League College.
In addition to covering all the expenses for
three months on the continent, Connie was also
buying Jenny a new wardrobe for the trip. Between
the two of them, they had two shopping bags full.
The rest of what they had bought would be delivered
to Connie’s tomorrow. Knowing her daughter-in-law
would have something to say about all the new
clothes, Connie had wisely put her own address on
the deliveries.
“It’s still early, what say we head over to
Kou-feng’s for lunch.” Connie suggested.
“Great.” Jenny responded. “But only if you
let me treat you this time.”
“All right.” was the reply.
An hour and a half later, the two women had
lunch behind them and were headed down Main St.
Along the way, both women turned men’s heads. An
action that they both took so much for granted that
neither gave it much thought.
Jenny was 5’5″, with long blonde hair that ran
to the midpoint of her back. Deeply tanned, she
wore a pretty yellow blouse and a short blue skirt. A
firm set of breasts pressed against the yellow
material, highlighting a youthful, athletic figure. She
had been on the gymnastics team in school and all the
hours spent practicing were self-evident.
Standing a few inches taller than her
granddaughter, Connie long ago gave up trying to
keep a slim figure. Instead she had concentrating on
keeping her body firm and hard. Extra pounds she
may have gained over the years, but very little of it
was fat.
She worked out as much as she could,
maintaining a form that most woman her age could
only envy. Blessed with a more than full figured bust
when still in her teens, she couldn’t defy the long
term effects of the laws of gravity. But no one said
that she had to submit to them without a fight.
What gray that dared appeared in her hair was
banished by frequent trips to her hairdressers.
Connie wanted to put as much as she could
into this last day she would spent with her beloved
granddaughter. She was really going to miss Jenny,
but glad she was able to give her the opportunity to
travel. She had considered going along with her, but
eventually rejected the idea. Better Jenny go with the
other girls from her school. It would be a better
experience letting her be on her own.
It had taken all her authority as the matriarch
of the D’Angelo family to get Jenny’s parents to agree
to the trip. Stephen, her son, had been more than
willing to let Jenny go. He had a great deal of faith
in his daughter, and knew that he could trust her
Stephen’s wife Barbara, on the other hand,
had been opposed to the trip from day one. It was a
waste of money she’d said. A young girl couldn’t be
trusted out on her own. Why when she was her
Connie remembered all too well what
Barbara, or Babs as she liked to be called then, was
like at that age. She was a simple minded blonde
airhead that more than lived up to the stereotype.
She was, Connie believed, her son’s one great
mistake in his life. Try as she could, Connie had been
unable to keep him from being swayed by a pretty
face and a big set of boobs. Nothing that could have
come out of her mouth was going to carry more
weight than the things Babs was doing with her’s.
So she had reluctantly watched when they
married at 19. A year later, she could almost forgive
Babs for marrying her son when she gave birth to
Jenny. It turned out that Babs, now calling herself
Barbara once again, couldn’t find the time among all
her social activities to give Jenny all the attention she
deserved. Over the last 17 years, Connie had been
more than happy to fill the void.
“I’ve copied down all the places you told me
to see.” Jenny said as they crossed the intersection.
“Sometimes I wish you were going with me.”
“We’ve already gone over that.” Connie said
as she stepped onto the curb. “You’ll have a much
better time with your friends.” She added,
wondering if she really believed that.
“Maybe, but I wish…….”
“Hey Jenny, Jenny D’Angelo!” Said a strong
masculine voice from the right of the two women.
Jenny turned around and saw the tall dark
haired young man who had called her. He stood
about 6’1″ and had short curly black hair. The
muscles of his chest and arms were highly defined
and it was obvious that he took exercise seriously.
The blue T-shirt he wore clung to him like a second
skin. Legs as well developed as his arms stretched
out from a pair of red shorts.
“Hi Jenny.” He repeated.
“Jack!” The girl exclaimed as she jumped
forward and gave him a sisterly hug. “When did you
get back?”
“Last week, I’m staying at my mom’s.” Jack
“It’s so good to see you again.” Jenny
continued, her eyes never leaving his face.
“You too,” He replied. “I heard how you
graduated a year early. I knew you could do it.”
“Thanks.” Jenny beamed. “So what are you
doing now.”
“Football scholarship at State.” Jack
answered. “But I still need to work during the
summer to cover some of the extras.” He added as
he handed her one of the flyers he had been passing
A quiet cough from behind Jenny reminded
her of her grandmother’s presence. Slightly red at
her oversight, she turned and introduced her.
“Grandmother, this is Jack Marziatto.” She
said. “Jack, this my grandmother, Connie D’Angelo.
Jenny continued turning back to Jack.
“Jack and I both went to school together, he
graduated last year.” She continued.
“That’s something that your granddaughter
deserves most of the credit for.” Jack interjected. “If
not for her tutoring, I’d have been in the fifth year of
high school instead of the freshman year at State.
“You passed the exams.” Jenny laughed. “I
just helped you study.”
“Marziatto, I used to know a Marziatto
family a long time ago.” Connie said as she looked at
the young man’s face, a strange look on her own.
“They lived over on 10 St.”
“That would’ve been my grandparents.” Jack
answered. “They moved over to Bakersville in the
early sixties. My parents moved back here about ten
years ago when I was 9.”
“Come to think of it, I only remember the
Marziatto’s having four daughters.” Connie
remarked. “How could you have the same last
“Well that’s a little piece of the family
skeleton.” Jack replied, the humor in his voice
showing that he had no problem dismissing the long
ago scandal as anything but ancient history.
“Grandma got divorced after being married about
five years. It was such a messy divorced that she had
both her son’s names legally changed to Marziatto.”
“And your grandfather was?” Connie asked,
a look of anticipation on her face.
“Johnny Coravelli.” He replied. “Why, did
you know him too?”
Connie’s face now went pale as all the b***d
seemed to drain from it. She felt dizzy for a second
and had to take a moment to compose herself.
“Grandmother!” Jenny called out as she saw
her stagger for a moment.
“I’m OK,” She lied. “Just felt dizzy for a
moment. Getting old can be a real bitch at times.”
She added with a laugh.
“I’m sorry, Jack.” She said as she took a deep
breath and regained control of herself. “You were
“His name was Johnny Coravelli.” He
repeated. “In fact I was named for him. My dad
didn’t share grandma’s aversion to his memory. Did
you know him?”
“I’m sorry, but the name doesn’t ring a bell.”
The older woman said. “It was a very long time ago
after all.”
“I guess so.” Jack said. “I’m sure if you’d
known him you’d remember. He was a musician. My
dad told me he was quite a character. Always getting
into some kind of trouble or another. I met him a
few times a couple of years ago. That really set off
grandma. I can still hear her going on about what a
good for nothing he was. Then, when he got me a
tattoo for my 16th birthday, she really went through
the roof.”
“He got you a tattoo?” Jenny gasped.
“Just a little one.” Jack said as he pushed up
the left sleeve of his shirt, revealing a small blue
shark on his upper biceps. “He had one just like it.”
“He must’ve been quiet a character indeed.”
Connie remarked as she stared at the tattoo, trying to
sound dispassionate.
“That he was. It’s a pity he passed away last
year. He was only 57. The doctor said it was too
many years of abusing his body with one thing or
“Well its good to see that you don’t take after
him in that respect.” Connie noted, taking another
long good look at the young man.
“No, I try to take care of myself.” He
answered. “But that’s way too much about me.”
Jack concluded as he turned to Jenny. “What about
you, what have you been doing?”
Connie didn’t seem to hear as Jenny told Jack
all about her impending trip to Europe and how she
would be going away to college in the fall. The older
woman’s attention was riveted on the muscular
young man. She seemed to be studying every feature
of his face, something she hadn’t done in a long long
“I guess I’ve kept you much too long.” Jack
finally said.
With that, Connie finally snapped back to her
“You must have a lot of things to do before
your trip and I’ve got to get back to handing these
things out.” He concluded as he indicated the pile of
flyers in his hand.
Connie took one of the flyers and glanced at
it. It was an advertisement for a small group of
college boys, calling themselves, Jocks Inc., who
hired themselves out to do odd jobs over the
summer. She recognized the masthead, she had hired
two of them last year to paint the guest house. It
was a good way for them to raise money for school.
With a smile and a wave, Jenny said
Soon they reached the parking lot where they
had left Connie’s car. After storing the bags in the
trunk, Connie slid behind the wheel. No sooner had
they pulled out into traffic when Connie turned to her
“A really nice young man.” She remarked.
“Very good looking too. Are you sure all you did
was tutor him?”
“Well…we did go out a few times.” Jenny
admitted. “But nothing really came of it.”
“Did you sleep with him?” Connie asked
“Grandmother!” Jenny shot back in a mixture
of mock anger and surprise.
It wasn’t that Connie had asked if she had
sexual relations that surprised Jenny. It was that she
had asked about if she had done it with someone
specific. Something she had never done before.
After all, it had been Connie that she had
come to last year when she had decided that she was
old enough to make that decision on her own.
Knowing that Barbara’s attitude on the subject was,
“Well if she’s going to do it, what can I do about
it”,Connie again took her mother’s place.
She’d sat Jenny down and explained to her
the pro and cons of being sexually active. Of how
she thought she had all the answers when she was
Jenny’s age, when in reality she had been very
ignorant. It didn’t take a mathematical genius to
figure out that Jenny’s father had been born six
months after the wedding. That all said, she had
made an appointment for her at one of the best
Gynecologists in town and had the doctor help her
choose the best form of birth control for her.
“Oh Jack and I made out all right.” She
finally replied, enjoying the ease she could talk to her
grandmother about anything. “But in the end we
decided that sleeping together wouldn’t be the right
thing to do. I’m really not looking for just a good
fuck, I want there to be something more between us.
Jack was enough of a friend to understand that. I
mean, I’m sure the sex would’ve been great. But I
want to be able to have something else afterwards.
Jack’s the complete opposite. He just wants to have
a little fun, and not have to worry too much about
tomorrow. Once we got that worked out, we
became great friends.”
“I see.” Was Connie’s only reply.
It had only been a week since Jenny had left
for London and already Connie missed her terribly.
She had talked to her on the phone a few hours ago
and was overjoyed to know that she was having a
great time. Yet no sooner had the receiver dropped
back on the cradle when she was again filled with an
“I should have never given up control of the
restaurants.” Connie said out loud to herself as she
turned off the television. “At least that would’ve
given me something to occupy my time.”
Five years before, on her fiftieth birthday,
Connie had turned over the control of the three
D’Angelo restaurants to her c******n. In addition to
Stephen, she had a second son named Peter who was
now 35. Her daughter Angela had just turned 31.
Aside from Jenny’s mother, Connie was more
than pleased with her c******n’s marriages. Each of
her c******n had been given a share in their own
restaurant as well as operational control. Connie of
course retained majority control of D’Angelo
Her’s was still the final word. She owned that
much to her late husband. Vinnie had literally worked
himself to death, suffering a fatal heart attack when
he was only 46. It was his dream to see the single
family restaurant that he’d inherited from his own
father grow into a chain. Connie had made sure that
dream had come true.
It was her distrust of Barbara that caused her
to hold her shares. Deep down, she believed that her
daughter in law didn’t have the desire for hard work
that running the restaurants required. If she had any
real control, she would quickly be pushing the other’s
to sell out for a fast buck. Peter and Angela
understood that. When Connie died, her shares
would skip a generation and be split between the 7
grandchildren. She had arranged for trust funds for
all of them. Each would get their full shares on their
21st birthday.
Connie loved all her grandchildren, but it was
always Jenny that occupied a special place in her
heart. She was more like a daughter than a
granddaughter, a reflection of what Connie was like
when she was that young.
“When I was that young.” Connie repeated
to herself. “When I was that young I definitely wasn’t
sitting around the house feeling sorry for myself.”
With that, she rose from the chair and went
looking for her address book. What she needed was
a little companionship. Maybe even a little roll in the
sack. Connie had hardly been celibate in the dozen
years of her widowhood. She’d been actively
pursued by a number of men, even taken a few as
lovers. But most lost interest when they finally
discovered that if marriage was a possibility, any
control of D’Angelo’s wasn’t.
Twice in the last ten years she’d even had one
night stands with younger men. Both times with the
summer help that she hired to fill in for her waiters
when they went on vacation. The young men never
stood long and no one ever knew. It gave her an ego
boost to know she could still satisfy a younger man.
In fact, during her first year of widowhood,
Connie had even had a brief lesbian fling with Maria
Fortunato, one of her neighbors. It was Maria who
had initiated the affair and Connie had been curious
enough to let it develop. Most people thought it was
so nice for Maria, a widow in her own right, to spent
so much time with Connie during that difficult first
year. No one ever suspected what was really going
on. When the traditional mourning period finally
ended, the men began to call once again and the affair
faded of its own accord. It had been an interesting
experience to say the least and had helped fill a
temporary void in her life.
Connie made a few calls, but had no luck. It
was already Friday night and most of them men she
knew had already made plans for the weekend.
Those that she knew would be available were
available for good reason and she wasn’t that
Putting the book back down, Connie picked
up the light blue advertisement sitting next to it on
her desk. It was the flyer she had been given by
Jenny’s friend. She remembered that she had called
them the other day to hire one of the boys to work
on her patio deck this weekend. Bill Ross or
something like that, was the boy they had told her
would be coming. Just as well she stood home
“Maybe I should have just asked them to send
me over a young stud.” Connie laughed to herself.
Her laugh filled the room for a few seconds,
then silence returned. The house once again seemed
very empty.
“You are definitely getting to be a horny old
lady, Connie D’Angelo.” Connie thought as she
dropped the sheet onto the table.
Late that night, long after dinner, Connie
found herself unable to sleep. Uneasy with the whole
idea of sleeping pills, she instead poured herself a
glass of wine. Still, sleep would not come. By the
time she was on her second glass, she decided to do a
little of that cleaning out of the basement storage she
had been doing on and off for the last two months.
Connie carried a box of mementos up from
the basement. She hadn’t looked at this old junk in
almost 30 years. Yet lately she had begun to feel
nostalgic. Sipping her drink, she was surprised that
most of it was in such good condition. She had
Vinnie to thank for that. He figured that these things
would mean something to her someday and had been
very careful in packing them away. They were the
memories of a young girl named Connie Esposito,
and of a time and place far away.
Shifting through the layers of the past, the
dark haired woman found a stack of old 45’s.
Removing the plastic wrap around them, she smiled
as she read off the labels. Frankie Lymon and the
Teenagers, Buddy Holly, Little Anthony and the
Imperials, The Monotones, Fats Domino, and of
course Elvis.
A bright smile on her lips, Connie thought of
those long ago days when she and her girlfriends had
visions of passion listening to such hits as Peggy
Sue, Book of Love, Blueberry Hill and Why do fools
fall in love?
“I haven’t heard some of these in years.” She
said out loud. “I wonder if they are still good?”
As she placed one of the small records on the
entertainment center’s turntable, Connie wondered
what her grandchildren and their MTV oriented
friends would think of this music? Placing the needle
on the first grove, she concluded that they would no
doubt view them in much the say way she had viewed
her parents big band albums. Old fogey music!
As the sounds of her girlhood difted across
the room, Connie went back to the storage container.
Various books were soon piled alongside the case,
along with piles of snapshots.
Finally, at the bottom of the box, Connie
found what she’d been searching for. Remarkably
preserved, it was a framed color 11 x 14 photograph.
In it were four young men in blue jackets. It was
obvious that they were musicians from the
instruments they carried. Standing next to and in
front of the quartet were three young girls. The dark
blue lettering on the drumhead read “Johnny and the
Focusing on each individual band member,
Connie finally stopped at the tall dark haired lad on
the far right. He was obviously the leader, you could
tell that just from his bearing in the photo. His
name… was Johnny Coravelli. And except for his
greased back hair, he could’ve almost been his
grandson’s twin.
“Johnny, Johnny.” Connie said to herself with
a wide smile. “You always were a hunk.”
Dropping back into her heavily cushioned
chair, Connie reverently ran her fingers across the
bottom of the wooden frame. One by one, the names
of the other band members filtered through her
mind. Vito Rossini, Dominic Laruso and Danny
Giordano. They were on the way up in those days,
the early days of Rock N’ Roll. All they had needed
was one lucky break. And for a while it looked they
might just get it.
Along with the guys were her two best
girlfriends in the whole world. Tina Marie Cerani
and Jill Barusso. The third girl in the photo, the one
hanging on to Johnny was of course as familiar as the
closest mirror. Free of the lines of age and full of
youthful exuberance, the face was her own.
Connie chuckled as she looked at her younger
self. Hair pulled back into a pony tail, a tight blue
sweater and a poodle skirt. That outfit used to cause
her mother to cross herself every time she saw her in
Preoccupied with the photo, Connie didn’t
notice the record had finished. Her thoughts were no
longer here in this room. Closing her eyes, Connie
could hear the magical music of the Bluecoats. She
could see the crowds and feel the excitement of being
there on the verge of success. Most of all, she
remembered how wonderful it felt to have everyone
know she was Johnny’s girl.
Her mind began to drift further and further
away as her need for sleep and the wine took her
back to days long gone. To one special night in
“Oh Johnny.” The young 16 year old moaned
as she felt the boy’s hand slip under her blouse and
cup her naked breast.
“Oh baby.” Johnny replied as he ran his
fingers across Connie’s nipples. “You feel so nice.”
With practiced skill, the dark haired 19 year
old undid the buttons of the young girl’s blouse. She
could feel the excitement in his voice. She knew
tonight would be the night. Tonight she would
become a woman.
“Oh God, Connie!” Johnny exclaimed as he
undid the last button and her blouse fell away.
Seconds later her bright white bra had followed the
blouse to the floor.
Much too the envy of most of the girls in her
class, Connie had begun developing early and had
continued to develop after most of them had stopped.
The result was an impressive 36C bust. She had let
Johnny feel it before, but this was the first time he
had been able to fully appreciate it au natural.
Johnny had been planning this night for
weeks. His parents was away for the night, having
gone into the city to see that new play “My Fair
Lady”. They had decided to stay overnight in a hotel
and he had the house to himself. It had taken a lot of
sweet talk, but tonight Connie was going to let him
go all the way.
“Mmmm.” Johnny moaned as he kissed
Connie’s soft breasts.
Running his tongue across her nipples,
Johnny reached down and eased his free hand under
the folds of her skirt and between her legs.
Finding her panties wet brought an increased
hardness to his cock, already straining against his
pants. Pushing aside the moist material, Johnny slid
his fingers inside her.
“Ow!” Connie cried out at the sudden painful
intrusion. “Easy!”
“Relax, I know what I’m doing.” Johnny said
as he rubbed hard against her clit.
Connie bit down until the initial pain passed
and finally began to feel good. Not as good as when
she did it herself though. A fact which confused the
girl. She had always heard that it was supposed to be
better when a boy did it. Yet no sooner had it begun
to really feel good when Johnny abruptly stopped.
Johnny took Connie’s hand and placed it on
the bulge in his pants. She giggled as she felt his
hardness. She rubbed it a little, bringing a soft moan
from Johnny. It was her way of giving her assent
without actually having to say it. It was a silly thing
really, but that was the code girls lived by.
Smiling, the dark haired boy broke their
embrace for a moment and undid his zipper, pulling
his cock out of his pants. Then he pulled off the
pants and let them drop to the floor next to the
Connie looked in fascination at the now fully
freed cock. It was erect and pointed up and outward
as if it had a life of its own. She had seen it before of
course, but that had always been in the dim back seat
of Johnny’s old ’52 Ford. This was the first chance
she had to see one up close and in the light. It was a
lot different than the ones she and her girlfriends had
looked at during a sleep over at Betty Anderson’s
house. Betty’s father was a doctor and she had
borrowed some of his medical texts. Of course none
of them had been so erect!
Sitting back down next to her, Johnny put her
hand back on his cock. As she had done on so many
nights, she closed her slim fingers around it and
began to pump it up and down. The result on Johnny
was immediate and pronounced. A look of pure
satisfaction filled his face, both from the effect of
Connie’s pumping motion and the thought of the
prize still to come.
“Ooooh Baby, that feels so nice.” The singer
said in his special musical voice. “You make me feel
so special.”
The words of encouragement caused the girl
to melt and spurred her on. Doubling the speed of
her hand job, she sent new sparks shooting through
her boyfriend. This felt so good to Johnny that he
temporarily lost sight of the night’s objective.
Finally, the familiar sensation that usually
accompanied the climax of his own jerk off sessions
brought him back to reality. He had to force himself
to ask her to slow down. If she kept going like that,
he would have shot his load in another minute or
Reluctantly, he guided her hand away from
his still eager cock. He had to give it a few minutes
to let his body settle down.
“Let’s catch our breath for a minute.” He said
as he took the time to unbutton the rest of his own
shirt and dump in on top of his pants. He never wore
undershirts and was now totally nude. Connie figured
she should get naked as well and began to undo the
clasp of her skirt.
“No, let me do that.” Johnny interrupted as
he replaced her hands with his own.
As he leaned over to slide off her skirt,
Connie saw for the first time the small blue shark
tattooed on his upper biceps.
“Johnny, you’re a Shark?” She asked in
Johnny turned and looked at the emblem on
his skin as if suddenly remembering that he had it.
He looked a little worried for a moment and then
seeing her reaction, smiled once again.
“Well, it was a while ago.” He grinned. “But
as they used to say, once you’re a member you’re one
to the grave.”
Up until a year and a half before, The Sharks
had been once of the roughest street gangs in this
part of the city. It wasn’t that unusual for members
to either graduate to the big time, the state pen or the
city morgue. There had been a shooting involving a
cop and even the other local hoods had turned a blind
eye as most of the gang members were hunted down.
Knowing that Johnny had been part of that seemed to
make Connie even more excited.
Feeling very flush, Connie pulled up next to
Johnny once again and cupped his balls in her hand.
The fire in her eyes was plainly visible. Johnny knew
this was his chance to put the stakes even higher.
She is my second cousin, and we have been quite close throughout our lives even though we live in different states.We’d always been like brother and sister growing up, even though we only saw each other during the summers. We would get together when we both went to visit my grandmother, her aunt. We spent our days playing out on the farm chasing the cattle along with my sister. On the warm afternoons, we would catch crayfish in the creek and build dams.When my grandmother passed, I was...
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Day One: WelcomesThe drive to the chalet, a Swiss-style vacation home in the Pacific Northwest, was wonderful. Connie lay back on the reclining front seat of their Escape, drowsing in the early afternoon sun. Her window was cracked slightly open, and the sweet scent of the recent showers wafted in, mingled with the aroma of fresh greenery and one of her favorites, the smell of the rain evaporating from the two-lane road they meandered along.Her husband Sam navigated the unfamiliar road well. ...
Just a warning, this is not my usual happy boy gets girl tale (or boy get's girls tail) and some may find this a bit disturbing.Thump, thump, thump, thump. The deep bass rattled the windows of young Connie McCowen's bedroom. "Fuckin' a" she swore under her breath as she rolled over in her bed unable to fall asleep. Click, she heard her clock mark the time as 11:18, between the obnoxious bass of the drunk asshole down the streets stereo. "Damnit, I have a test tomorrow!" Then she heard the sound...
She climbed out of bed and slipped on her shorts under the t-shirt that she normally slept in, and flip flops. Sure enough, the old man was passed out in her chair when Connie got into the living room. She looked with hatred at the half full beer can perched on his bloated belly, ready to fall at any moment. "Can't we just call the cops", she asked of her mother, already well aware of her answer. Emmett was dad's friend and there was no way that she'd make that call. "Just go and turn...
Nancy went and picked up Connie when she called from the bus stop and the Cat and I fooled around while she was gone. One thing about Nancy and the Cat, they never let me get to that stage of horniness that makes a fool out of guys. The interview had gone well and Connie was up about the possibilities of working for this company. They were offering serious money and she thought she would be taking the deal. We talked about parts of San Francisco she would like and what the weather was like...
It all started at Rachel’s funeral — or, after, actually, when everybody in the family was crowded into our house — the one I no longer shared with Rachel, but still had Lisa and Suzanne to take care of in. It was just hitting me again that Rachel wasn’t going to be there, again, ever ... Connie, Rachel’s mother, was at the sink, washing dishes. We really didn’t have enough glassware to be supporting the drinking habits of thirty or forty people. “John, where do these go?” she asked. I stepped...
Connie The Oral Closer – Part 2I had a cigarette while Connie freshened up then we walked back to the bar for a nightcap. I gave her my card and told her flat out if she ever wanted to earn a hundred bucks a pop I could keep her head bobbing most of the day.The next Saturday morning I was working my first customer of the day and saw her walk into the showroom. She was wearing a tight purple top and a gray skirt. The bare legs with inch and a half heels looked good and the purple lipstick and...
This is a total fantasy based on a real person so her name is changed. It is also based on the fact that we did go to high school together and our lives did not cross paths until this year. Now we did not go to a reunion and we did not have sex, but the fantasies I had about her in my younger days did happen and they continue today. Don’t like the story? Planning to give it a thumbs down? Why not add a comment and tell me why you disliked it.Connie knelt in front of me and within seconds my fly...
In the days after i first slept with Connie, Marilyn`s !9 year old daughter i was worried things might be different in our friendship. We had been friends for a long time and had sex regularly for most of that time but really were friends and i was affraid they had time to think it over it may change. Well i had no need to worry in fact it was lighter and more relaxed with everything out and both of them seemed happier. Connie was so much more loving toward me now, hugging me more and talking...
Connie Eubanks was feeling a little low that morning, and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get into her job, and constantly had to remind herself to get back to work! Even while taking phone calls, her mind would wander and she had to ask several clients to repeat what they had just said because she wasn’t paying any attention! At about 11:15 her phone rang and it was her best friend Millie calling to see if they could have lunch together. “Sure Mil,” Connie replied, “why not, I’ll...
Connie and Arthur Connie My name is Connie, which is short for Consuelo Sulllivan. I know, you don't have to tell me that Consuelo Sullivan is a pretty weird name, but I can't help it that my mother's best friend for about a million years was a woman named Consuelo Dias or that my mother (whose name was Mary Dunleavy) was much more argumentative than my father, Mickey Sullivan. So 27 years ago, it became Consuelo Mary Sullivan. My mother died when I was about 6 and I...
It looked like an ordinary check point, one more in a series of small military outposts manned by various feuding factions, but when her Lebanese driver got down and handed over their papers to the soldier in fatigues, the officer beside him drew a pistol and shot the startled little man in the forehead. He tossed Connie's passport and travel documents aside, opened the door of the Jeep and pulled her out onto the sandy roadside. She landed n her hands and knees, rolled over and scrambled to...
CONNIE THE JUNIOR MAID by Monica Graz PART 1 - Connie becomes a maid My name is Connie and I'm a 23 years old gender fluid male. I work by choice as a full-time live-in housemaid for almost a year now. But let me tell you my rather unusual story and how it all started. I was born as Michael (Mike) Allen the only child to a well-off family and I grew up as a privileged boy going to the best private schools and eventually to a prestigious university where I was studying...
Connie Nielsen had a little secret from most of her fans. She was a nudist in private, whenever she was alone or with her beau, Lars Ulrich of Metallica. The problem was that Lars didn't get or accept why she wanted to be nude when he wasn't around. He got a little jealous. Perhaps he thought that she was cheating on him. Hell, she didn't worry about that with him! In fact, she had told him that groupies were an exception, as far as she was concerned. Admittedly, she used to be married...
Connie The Junior Maid By Monica Graz PART 3 - Connie falls in love Was I in love with Miss Emily? This is how it feels when boy, even one in skirts, meets girl? I had never felt like this before. All day long I was daydreaming thinking of Emily, her bright eyes and her clever and cunning smile. Miss Marina, our ex Filipino housekeeper and now formal companion and occasional lover of Mrs. Allen had noticed it and confronted me as I was in the middle of mopping the floors in the...
Loving wife & mother succumbs to deep desires.My name is Connie I am a 26 year old mother of two young girls whose ages are two and four and married to a very successful executive of a multi-national company. We have a gorgeous home in the suburbs of a major Midwestern city that is the corporate home for my husband's company. We both drive luxury cars and people looked at us as if we had it all. But we didn't have it all.About a year after our second daughter was born my husband lost...
Connie is twelve years younger than me and has an athletic body with a great ass, firm erect breasts and long legs that seem to go on forever. We have worked together for about ten years and I have seen her through two divorces. There have been many fantasies over these years but one summer, the best of these came true. I had been promoted to the head of a department and managed to get Connie transferred to work for me. After about six months, I arranged a trip to California to visit a plant...
Connie goes to College - Ch. 02 Disclaimer: The following story is not intended for minors. Any resemblance to actual persons is purely coincidental. If you are offended by sexually explicit material or it is not legal in your place of residence, please close the document now. If not, I hope you enjoy my attempt at entertaining you with my stories that are a combination of true life encounters and fantasy. Thanks for reading my story! My name is Connie and I am a...
CONNIE THE JUNIOR MAID by Monica Graz My name is Connie and I'm a 23 years old gender fluid male. I work by choice as a full-time live-in housemaid for almost a year now. But let me tell you my rather unusual story and how it all started. I was born as Michael (Mike) Allen the only child to a well-off family and I grew up as a privileged boy going to the best private schools and eventually to a prestigious university where I was studying applied economics. I always thought that I...
Housewife's final plunge into depravity.Sunday arrived and I was excited about Walt's pool party. In one last attempt I tried to convince her husband Peter to come with me but he refused claiming that he had too much work to do at the office. I wished that I could have brought my daughters with me but it was an adult only function. I had made arrangements for a sitter so that Peter could still go into his office.When I arrived at Walt's place and I was immediately impressed with the grounds. It...
Connie The Oral Closer – Part 1I met Connie at the airport lounge. She was from Cochranton, and drove the eighty miles and checked in the night before. She wasn't apologetic about her situation. Her hours have been cut to part time at the grocery store so she made ends meet by being a party girl. She liked to joke “The only thing I like more than cock was money, its a natural for me I guess!” She was stunning in her own right. Without beer goggles she would pass for a 24 year old and with...
Connie Spanked. Today I met up with a woman who I had been chatting to both by e-mail, text and MSN. Connie was in her mid 40’s and had a good figure, she had contacted me because I had placed an advert on Vivastreet saying that I was a Mature Guy who Spanked Wayward ladies. Connie explained to me how she was nervous but that she needed to be punished for the bad she had done when she was younger, she had let men touch her when she was far too young to allow this, she told me how had sex...
When Lars Ulrich returned from his latest tour with Metallica, the drummer arrived at about two in the morning. He was too tired to note the signs of another woman's presence. Connie was already sound asleep, and he plopped down next to her without realizing that there was a large shape to his right, due to sheer fatigue. Lars had a strangely pleasant dream, however, where two sultry bodies pressed themselves against him. He didn't know, of course what had triggered it, but he enjoyed the...
Anna joins the meetings.Chapter 2 – Anna joins the meetingsI walked into the health club the Wednesday morning following my affair with Dirk. As I prepared to teach the morning aerobic class I had a strange feeling that the whole club knew that Dirk had fucked my brains out last night. But my fears were short lived when Dirk greeted me and acted as if nothing was out of the ordinary.Later I was talking with Dirk and he told me that he would like to meet again next Tuesday evening to go over...
Connie's swim with Natalie had gone much better than either of them hoped, since they couldn't keep from groping each other throughout the session. In fact, Natalie kept finding reasons to fondle Connie's ass. The Dane swore to herself that she would get her share of Natalie's tush as well, in every way possible. The chance to do so came sooner than expected, when Natalie asked if she could take a shower. Connie had a very wicked grin on her face, which prompted the brunette to ask why...
Along with the bright, rational sunlight of a new day dawning on the city came yet another decision of what to wear. Well, not what to wear, exactly, but what to wear under what I wear. The clothes that I must show to the world are predefined by my career choices and my desire to succeed as a corporate attorney. Severely cut, unflattering business suits are basically the required uniform for the day. However, no one at my firm can control what I wear underneath those horrid clothes, and so...
This Saturday was no different as we discussed the wonderful weather we were having and how good it would be to go on a picnic later on in the day. She was telling me it had been years since she had gone on a picnic and asked me if I wanted to do that when she got off at noon. I told her that would be great and I would get what ever she wanted for sandwiches and drinks and would pick her up at noon. My friend Bill had a small farm about ten miles north of the city limits, with a couple of...
Connie goes to College - Ch. 01 Disclaimer: The following story is not intended for minors. Any resemblance to actual persons is purely coincidental. If you are offended by sexually explicit material or it is not legal in your place of residence, please close the document now. If not, I hope you enjoy my attempt at entertaining you with my stories that are a combination of true life encounters and fantasy. Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Connie and I am a...
Connie goes to College - Ch. 03 Disclaimer: The following story is not intended for minors. If you are offended by sexually explicit material or it is not legal in your place of residence, please close the document now. If not, I hope you enjoy my attempt at entertaining you with stories of my adventures. In my last chapter, Jeff and I had just made love for the very first time and I was back in my dorm room all alone. I was still pretty horny from the previous evening, so I...
Connie sat in her car, nervous at meeting Donna for the first time. They had been chatting for several months after meeting on a D/S personals site. Connie was single, and was curious about this lifestyle. Donna seemed like the nuturing type, giving Connie much needed advice, which turned into a mutual attraction. Both being bi greased that wheel a bit, but Donna was a married 24/7 slave to her husband and while Jim knew of their on line relationship, he was unaware they were meeting...
You enter the lobby nervously. You always get nervous before interviews and this is no exception. The ad had sparked your interest by promising benefits you wouldn’t believe! You scheduled the interview just to hear more. You gulp as you approach the desk. The receptionist is absolutely gorgeous! Her blonde hair is piled up on her head and she has the biggest hazel eyes you’ve ever seen. Her white blouse is open just enough for you to get a glimpse at her small but perky tits nestled into a...
"A Most Wicked Headmaster" by Jay Merson.Copyright Jay Merson. The right of Jay Merson to be identified as the author this book has been asserted in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyrights and Patents Act 1988. Downloaded from: The little slut was simply delightful. Her crisp white school blouse pulled tightly around her slim waist and harshly under the swell of her ample breasts. At the open neck and front, the blouse buttons were pulled under...
Chapter Five: Henrietta Buggered by the Headmistress By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “What were you and Peony doing in the bath?” Tabitha asked as she dropped her nightgown from last night into the laundry basket in our shared room. Mine followed. We stood naked in our small room, my feet dancing on the cold floorboards and my teeth chattering. It was so warm in the bath and so cold in here. It turned out that the girls of our dorm had our own Roman style bath, a large pool of piped up...
It’s a stormy Autumn day in 1794. Salt spray assaults your nostrils, the wind tears at your hair, flecks of sea foam scurry down the side of your body and your cunt is full of the Captain’s spunk. You’re used to the pitch and yaw of the ship but no amount of tossing and rolling is going to dislodge you from your position as the ship’s figurehead... It had all started some fifty years earlier when the “Gilly Den” had been privately commissioned by the late Rear Admiral Sir Justin Burrows for...
SupernaturalEmma Kemp was eighteen-years-old and at sixth form college, but hated it, and so sent a message to the college saying she was ill. However, far from being ill, she went to the seaside and intended spending the day on the beach.Miss June Johnson was the fifty-three-year-old headmistress at the sixth form college. She also wanted to get away from the college for a few days and spend some time by the beach, so she told them that she had badly damaged her ankle and had to convalesce. She...
Spanking“You’re serious,” said Ellie in her flatly affected voice. Otherwise known as Negasonic Teenage Warhead, the girl raised her perfectly shaped eyebrow at her girlfriend. The neon streaks of pink in Yukio’s hair were almost as bright as her toothy smile. “Of course,” Yukio went on, undoing the front of her costume to reveal the pink sports bra she had underneath. Both girls had just come back from a training mission and were peeling themselves out of their sweaty uniforms in their shared dorm at...
The Headmaster,I am the new gardener/caretaker of an exclusive girl’s school. I was very lucky when my, then boss died. I was promoted at a young age; just 21. I regularly go about my manual work in the summer without a shirt. The female staff and students all take their time watching me work. The girls range from 11 (not interest what-so-ever) to 18.The Headmaster is strict and lives within the school with his wife. Over the short time that I’ve had free range of the school I have found out a...
Reddit Redheads, aka r/Redheads! A lot of men choose between either blondes or brunettes when it comes to the kind of woman they want. They usually don't even consider the more important dimensions to weigh out, like, for example, neuroticism, openness, conscientiousness, and, of course, breast size and ass-to-waist ratio. But there are a million things to consider when picking women, and I bet that a lot of you don't even think about red hair when weighing those things out in your...
Reddit NSFW ListBeverley Hudson-Phillips was a very striking fifty-two-year-old woman standing at more than six feet tall but very curvy in all the right places. She was married to William who was twenty years her senior but their marriage was loveless although he liked to display Beverley at social functions.During the almost thirty-year marriage Beverley had had a number of lovers but certainly more of them female rather than male.At the moment her thoughts were turning to her schooldays some thirty-five...
LesbianA fiction story. This is a story about me and how I learned all about sex starting from the first time I ever did anything with a boy. A recent boyfriend of mine suggested I write it and put it on here. He wrote some stories on here and showed me this site and a few other story websites. I've always kinda wanted to put some stories on the internet for guys to jackoff to and girls to masturbate to. I've known guys that do it but they usually won't admit it. I've done it a...
Introduction: My sex life from an earlier age and on up ConnieJos Life Story A fiction story. This is a story about me and how I learned all about sex starting from the first time I ever did anything with a boy. A recent boyfriend of mine suggested I write it and put it on here. He wrote some stories on here and showed me this site and a few other story websites. Ive always kinda wanted to put some stories on the internet for guys to jackoff to and girls to masturbate to. Ive known guys...
The advert was simple.Retired Deputy Headmistress seeks naughty 'boys' for punishment. The Headmaster may be called upon for those in need of severe treatment.A brief exchange of emails and a date was arranged. It was a good hour’s drive, and on arrival, I was bemused to find that it was indeed the old school house where the headmaster would have lived when the school had been open.An attractive lady in her late sixties, I guess, answered the door. This turned out to be Miss Dean, the...
BDSMThe advert was simple.'Retired Deputy Headmistress seeks naughty 'boys' for punishment. The Headmaster may be called upon for those in need of severe treatment.'A brief exchange of emails and a date was arranged. It was a good hour’s drive, and on arrival, I was bemused to find that it was indeed the old school house where the headmaster would have lived when the school had been open.An attractive lady in her late sixties, I guess, answered the door. This turned out to be Miss Dean, the...
It’s a stormy Autumn day in 1794. Salt spray assaults your nostrils, the wind tears at your hair, flecks of sea foam scurry down the side of your body and your cunt is full of the Captain’s spunk. You’re used to the pitch and yaw of the ship but no amount of tossing and rolling is going to dislodge you from your position as the ship’s figurehead… It had all started some fifty years earlier when the “Gilly Den” had been privately commissioned by the late Rear Admiral Sir Justin Burrows for...
This was written by my wife and she assures me it is based – loosely on a genuine experience she had with the headmaster at her school when she was only 16. “Come in” “Ah … hello, headmaster, Miss Price told me to come and see you.” “Yes, I know. Come in Monica and sit down. You’re in trouble again aren’t you? What was it this time?” “Ah … well, I don’t really .. I mean ….” “Perhaps if you have forgotten I can remind you, as Miss Price has already informed me. She caught you performing...
This was written by my wife and she assures me it is based - loosely on a genuine experience she had with the headmaster at her school when she was only 16.“Come in”“Ah … hello, headmaster, Miss Price told me to come and see you.”“Yes, I know. Come in Monica and sit down. You’re in trouble again aren’t you? What was it this time?”“Ah … well, I don’t really .. I mean ….”“Perhaps if you have forgotten I can remind you, as Miss Price has already informed me. She caught you performing fellatio...
David, my husband has an older brother, Steven who has two sons, Charlie and Miles with his wife Karen. At the time of this incident, Steven was serving in the British Army based out in Germany, both sons thanks to the Army paying some of the fees, had been educated at UK boarding schools since they were 8 years old, flying out to see their parents at full holiday times, at other times we were their legal guardian in the UK and looked after them on the half term breaks. Charlie is 2 years...
Easter Givings ? by: Dee Eon It began shortly after the first day of spring in Aunt Em's Victorian rural home after my foster 'mom' and I finished breakfast. "Peter," she said fondly with a poignant sad look. "These three years you've been with me have been the happiest I've ever had. I'm now sure those social workers are eating crow for calling you a very troublesome child. I'm only sorry I hadn't cared for you since you were seven after your parents' terrible car accident." "I...
You are a 22 years old white male who just finished his education and now is going to his new job as headmaster at the local school. The reasons you were able to become the new headmaster was that your mom owns the school and that the last headmaster was forced to quit because of burnout. But you are not going to the school to become a good headmaster you are going to destroy the bitches there with your 15-inch-monster BWC. You enter the principal’s office for the first time and meet your new...
FetishTo say that Mr. Lavender and I didn’t hit it off would be something of an understatement. In this strict all-male environment us boys were referred to by surname and teachers as “Sir”; we stood when they entered the room and sat when we were given permission. Having just turned sixteen I’d frankly had enough and while I still attended classes a paid no heed to the maths lesson or the homework; I had better things to do which mainly revolved around music, idly doodling and sexual fantasies. The...
TabooRay was spending Thanksgiving alone this year, and didn't mind at all, since he had some fond memories from the recent frolics with his teenage neighbor girls, Misty and Brandi.He had decided to order a pizza, and was going to just hangout and watch one of the new series on Netflix, while everyone else was having turkey and cranberry sauce.Misty had decided that she was bored out of her mind with her family Thanksgiving, with her mom, and mom's boyfriend Pat, that Misty didn't like much, and...
TeenRachel checked her coupons and let out a sigh. At least turkey is still cheap. I’ll be eating it until New Years, though. As if the economy wasn’t tough enough, she was still trying to recover from her divorce a year earlier. Fortunately, she hadn’t given in to her ex-husband’s near demands to quit her job. If not for that, she might very well be living in a homeless shelter instead of squeaking by to rent her modest home. She tugged a strand of shoulder-length, dark blonde hair from beneath...
I retired to my room, shut the door, and replayed everything that had just happened. There was a lot of pausing and rewinding of Evie in my head. Those piercing eyes...soft body...sweet nectar...intoxicating scent...provocative words - they all made her an incredible fuck. Mmm, she had all my senses going.Then a sense of guilt set in. I’m supposed to be the responsible, upstanding, should-know-better party. If we were discovered, it would probably be a disaster.Where was this headed anyway?...
Straight SexIt was Friday morning, after a busy Thursday Thanksgiving. We were planning to simply relax at home for the day. Of course, hubby can’t sit still for long and he was wandering around with a screwdriver and some WD-40, doing pre-winter maintenance.I was in the study, pecking away at the computer and chatting with one of my favorites on Lush. We’ve found so many nice people to chat with and share hot stories. Hubby came around the corner, peered into the study, hesitated, then asked, “Katie,...
Group SexMy stepmother was a real bitch so much of a bitch that my dad went and left her the bad thing was he forgot to take me with him and now I was stuck with her and she didn't like me! She was a hard looking woman she liked to wear black leather outfits and although she had a nice body she looked mean not sexy! I was little I guess around six years old and it was the day after Thanksgiving which had been just another day for me the bitch cooked no turkey I got some take out from the local diner...
Rachel checked her coupons and let out a sigh. At least turkey is still cheap. I’ll be eating it until New Years, though. As if the economy wasn’t tough enough, she was still trying to recover from her divorce a year earlier. Fortunately, she hadn’t given in to her ex-husband’s near demands to quit her job. If not for that, she might very well be living in a homeless shelter instead of squeaking by to rent her modest home. She tugged a strand of shoulder-length, dark blonde hair from beneath...
Group SexRachel checked her coupons and let out a sigh. At least turkey is still cheap. I'll be eating it until New Years, though. As if the economy wasn't tough enough, she was still trying to recover from her divorce a year earlier. Fortunately, she hadn't given in to her ex-husband's near demands to quit her job. If not for that, she might very well be living in a homeless shelter instead of squeaking by to rent her modest home. Rachel tugged a strand of shoulder-length, dark blonde hair from...