Saturday 5 Pm free porn video

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Sat 8:15 pm

Sat 5:15 pm


Testing the knot at my right wrist, I find it firm, with no give.? Then I flex my muscles, and give the restraint a solid pull.? It only gets tighter.? I grunt with satisfaction, and then systematically try the other wrist, and both ankles.? None slip or give at all.? She did an excellent job of studying the knots, and tying me in a way that keeps my arms and legs taught.? The ball gag in my mouth makes my jaws ache lightly, and I am drooling down my chin, saliva tickling my goatee.? I rub my chin on the sheets to clean it off, and as I look left, there she is.? My wife, or is it?? I have never seen her like this.


Thursday 11:55 pm


??????????? Standing in the bathroom, taking a long piss, I am aware that she is standing behind me, waiting, slightly bent at the waist.? I know she wants to sit on the toilet; I have had toys and my cock up her ass for the better part of two hours.? She still has her ankle cuffs on, and her eyes are slightly bloodshot from both crying, and the pressure the blindfold puts of them.? As I finish, and she turns to sit, I see the stripes the cane left on her ass and thighs.? She winces slightly, but sits and relieves herself all the same, sighing deeply.? I step into the shower for a rinse off, and get out quickly.? By now she has retrieved the penetration toys from the bedside table, and is washing them with anti-bacterial hand soap. I grin wryly at this: it has always amused me that she is so fastidious about cleaning these toys.? Every session she has them up her ass, then ends up cleaning many of them orally, but I guess starting with them squeaky clean makes her feel better.?


??????????? As I exit the bathroom, I hear her start the water for a shower, and I go make the coffee.? Thirty minutes later she is sitting on the couch wearing flannel pajamas, and one of my t-shirts that looks like a tent on her slender frame, hair toweled dry, but still damp in a pony tail, and takes the cup-o-Joe I offer her.? She has none of the dramatic makeup left on, and the smell of perfume has been replaced by soap, conditioner, and lotion.? She is my wife now; the submissive has been put away for the evening like the toys she has already carefully placed in my nightstand.?


??????????? ?Tough one?? I ask rhetorically.? I already know it was.? My mood was a bit dark, and she has been aloof lately when not in role, so I had some pent-up frustration.

??????????? ?It?s ok.?? She says to her cup, her voice not convincing me it is truly ok.? ?I have been thinking?? She starts, looking cautiously up at me.? ?Remember asking me if I ever wanted to try being on top??

??????????? ?..Yeah..? I answer, vaguely recalling encouraging her to try it a year and a half ago.

??????????? ?I think I?d like to do that, try this from the other end of the stick.?

??????????? I think about this for a long moment, trying to picture my kind, mellow wife and submissive being in charge.? ?Sure, when??? I ask, still not convinced this will fly at all.?

??????????? ?Saturday night.? I would like to do it then.?? She stated, flatly but firmly.

??????????? My face wrinkles a bit, ?Oh, well I guess that is as good a time as any.?? I am lying. Saturday is a disappointment as that is usually the night I run her through a long session if we?re going to do anything involved.? Since we both work Monday through Friday, Saturday night gives us ample time to play, and I can let her sleep in on Sunday morning to recover. ?Do you need any help getting things ready??

??????????? ?I think I can manage.? She replies, smiling wistfully.

??????????? I manage to smile back, an unfamiliar nervous knot beginning in my stomach, and coyly answer ?Yes Mistress!?


Friday 4:45 pm


??????????? Sitting at my desk, wrapping up my work week, her email popped into my inbox with a friendly ?ding?.? It as my wife?s hotmail account, and I opened it without a thought.? As I started reading, my eyes widened, my pulse quickened, and I rapidly grew erect.




??????????? In preparation for our interaction Saturday, you will take the following steps:? You will purchase a leather dog collar, as all doggies should wear one, you will shave all pubic hair completely, and you will not cum between now and our session.? I will be staying the night at a friend?s house tonight, and have errands to run on Saturday morning.? At 5 pm, you will shower, put on your collar and lay face down, with your head towards the foot of the bed.? You will not speak unless I tell you to, and you will address me as ?Mistress? when you do.


??????????? Damn, she was really taking this seriously!? My cock was aching with need, pressed against my slacks, and I hoped I did not need to get up from my desk for several minutes.? The rest of my work day was a blur, and my mind was far away.? I mumbled something to my co-workers as I left the building, and began my drive home.? Along the way, I stopped at a pet store, and looked for a dog collar.? I wanted something in black leather, but no spikes or silly adornments.? When I found the style I liked, there was quite a selection of sizes.? Of course, as I was wrapping one around my neck to verify it fit properly, the middle aged sales lady came around the end of my aisle, and asked, ?Can I help you with anything??

??????????? I am sure I turned bright red, but I calmly said, ?No thanks, this will fit my dog just fine.?? She smiled, and nodded, but had a twinkle in her eye, and gave me a look that screamed ?bullshit!?? I paid for the collar, and left quietly.

In the past I have deliberately sent my sub to purchase embarrassing items at the local adult toy store.? Large toys, nipple clamps, etc.? I may have shopped in advance for a specific item, and have occasionally accompanied her there, but always she carries the big butt plug to the counter and pays for the item.? Once, when I was displeased with her, I sent her to the local grocery store with explicit instructions to purchase only the largest cucumber she could find, and a tube of KY jelly.? I am sure it was humiliating standing there with the checker and bag boy guessing what this was all about, and her knowing that the cucumber was going up her ass as soon as she got home.? In that moment, I felt some of that humiliation, and it was hard to swallow, but it also turned me on quite a bit!


At home that night, I debated masturbation, as I was very aroused, and normally would have called my wife in to take care of my need in her submissive persona.? But as this was her weekend to run the show, I decided to honor the instructions, and went to bed that night feeling quite frustrated.


Saturday, 3:30 pm


All day I had been thinking of this moment despite my attempts to stay focused on other things.? I woke up early for a Saturday, mowed the lawn, did laundry, cleaned the kitchen, and even started reorganizing the garage.? None of it helped.? All day long I had a hard-on that would not go away.? At 3:30, I decided to shower and shave as I had never totally shaved my pubic hair, and I wanted to give my self extra time.?

I had always kept my pubes trimmed short, feeling it was the least I could do for my wife as she spent quite a bit of time with her mouth down there, but she had remained cleanly shaven at my instructions for several years now. As I used the hair clippers to remove the majority of my hair, all I could think about was how silly I looked!? Once in the shower, I used my razor and shaving cream to carefully shave away all stubble.? This took longer than I had expected as I did not want to cut myself, and I had a hard time getting all the right angles to ensure a clean shave.? After my shower, I drank a cup of coffee, fed the cats, and cleared every unnecessary thing out of the bedroom area.? At 4:50 pm, I put on my collar, and lay on the bed, pillow under my head, and a raging hard-on pressing into the mattress.


Saturday 5:05 pm


I heard my wife?s car pull up in the driveway.? The front door opened, and then closed.? I heard her walk to the kitchen, pour herself some coffee, then walk to the bedroom.? She looked at me, nodded, the spoke.

?One question, gag in or gag out??

This made me do a sharp intake of breath.? I knew very well what this meant.? In our sessions, without a gag, my wife could use her safe word, her own name, any time things became too intense.? I encouraged her to use it, as sometimes I would push her boundaries, and when she had reached her tolerance, she would say that simple word and the activity would stop.? On the other hand, a ?gag in? session was reserved for correction or seriously dark moods where I was going to take her beyond her limits, or to my satisfaction.? This is a huge trust issue.? For example, if I know my sub can take ten strokes of the cane, and on the eleventh, she will loose her composure, and use her safe word, then in a gag-in session, I might continue past ten and eleven, while she screams into the gag and fights the restraints, but I will stop at fifteen at most.? It is not a huge step past the limits, but the effect is amazing. In the end, that emotional release, that knowledge that you have no control at all, that breakdown leaves the subbie drained and compliant.?

I thought about this for a moment, but knowing my gentle, submissive wife, I decided to give her full control.? ?Gag-in Mistress.? I replied.? In retrospect, this was a mistake.? She smiled at me, said ?good boy!? and gagged me.

Next she put a pillow under my hips, raising my ass into the air, and attached the wrist and ankle cuffs to me.? Long ago, I had tied strong nylon cord, the kind used for climbing, with break strength of over 500 lbs, to the bed at all four corners, with enough slack to tie a slip knot on each restraint.? My wife pulled one limb taught at a time, tightened the cords, and tied her knots, and then she slipped into the bathroom through the adjoining door without another word to me.?

Ten minutes later she came back through the door.? Se was wearing black calf-length leather boots, a black leather skirt, and a push-up bra.? Her hair was slicked straight back in an extreme ponytail, her lipstick and makeup were also in black and grays.? She had an expression on her face I had never seen before, and if I had to describe it, I?d call it predatory.? I swallowed hard, but she didn?t even look at me.? She went straight to the toy drawer on my side of the bed, and as I tracked her movements with my eyes, began deliberately laying out the items she would be using that evening.

First she pulled out a wooden paddle.? This was a toy I had made myself out of 3/8 inch pine, shaped and sanded smooth, then varnished.? It was around eighteen inches long, and took very little effort to produce a great deal of pain.? Secondly, she went to the closet, and pulled out my bamboo cane.? As thick as my pinky finger, I had sanded it smooth, also varnished it, and wrapped the ?handle? end in leather cord.? My wife/sub had gotten her ass and thighs striped with this item more than once, and it always made her shriek and cry.?

What came out next really made me nervous though, she placed a tube of KY jelly on the nightstand, and began putting the insertion toys on the table.? We had three butt plugs, and she had all three out.? The first was a small pink plug, about 3 inches long, and about 1 ? inches in diameter, slightly smaller than my cock.? I often made my sub wear this around the house for periods of time up to two hours, and sometimes even out in public under her clothing.? Once, during sex, I had allowed her to put this toy up my ass to stimulate my prostate, and had found it difficult for my virgin ass to accommodate its size.?

The second plug was flesh-colored, 4 inches long, and 2 inches in diameter. My wife can accommodate this toy with a little effort, and I use it as a reminder when she has displeased me, often making her do a very rapid insertion.? If I made her wear it for an hour, she would begin to cramp painfully.? I considered it an effective deterrent.?

It that toy was effective, the next one was terrifying.? In role, she only needed to hear ?the black plug? and she started crying.? It had an insert able length of 5 ? inches, and is as big around as a coke can.? Although she has learned to take this plug, it stretched her to the limit, both emotionally and physically.? I reserve this item for corrections of a serious nature.? I was unsure as to why she had this item out, as there was no way I could take a toy that size.? We had been having regular anal sex as well as doing sessions involving smaller toys for several years before she could take that toy.

Additionally, she had out a dildo, silicon rubber, about 12 inches long, also with a 2 inch diameter.? It has ribs on it which cause additional stimulation as I slide it in and out of my wife?s ass.? This toy, though not too wide, makes her squirm mightily when I insert it deeply, and repeated, quick thrusts cause the ribs to rub her rectal muscles raw.?

Allow me an aside here, as you may be thinking I am cruel or a dick towards my wife/sub based on the items I have described.? In truth, my wife had just pulled out every corrective device we own!? This was making me decidedly nervous, but that is not the point of this aside.? As a submissive, my wife is very proud, and very stubborn.? She has periods of being very defiant, or not following instructions.? I have even heard her ask for correction rather than listen to my explanation of what she did wrong, ?just correct me and get it over!?? She is a Taurus!? For those of you who understand astrological symbols, no further explanation is necessary.? For those who are not, Taurus is the bull sign, and they really ARE that stubborn.? Over the years, it has become necessary to ?up the ante? with regards to her corrections, otherwise she would just run right over my instructions and guidance.


Saturday, 5:30 pm


?Ok lover,? my wife began once she had all the toys laid out; ?here is the deal.? You seem very casual to me about sticking toys up my ass, and you spank me for any infraction.?? The second part was true, but I have never been ?casual? about anything I do, ever.? ?Tonight I am going to show you how it feels to have a sore, well fucked, reddened ass.? I will be done with you in two hours at most, but it will be a long, difficult two hours, and you will cry.?? I tried to swallow, but despite the ball gag which had been making me drool, my mouth was dry.? ?Last chance to back out. Snap your fingers if you want me to untie you.? Otherwise, I will not stop until I am satisfied.?

I swear to you I wanted to snap my fingers, but I felt like a coward.? I restrained her two nights a week on average, and here I wanted to opt out of a single session.? So I remained still.? ?Ok then!? She sounded pleased.? She put a blindfold over my eyes, and then I heard the cap open on the KY, and she began applying cold lube to my asshole, working in one finger at first, then two, until I was thoroughly lubricated.?

?As I am on the clock, we?re not going to take a lot of time with this tiny plug.? You shove your cock up my ass pretty much in one thrust every time, so here you go!??

With that, she shoved the pink plug all the way up my ass until the flared base was against my asshole.? I grunted hard, and tried to pull away, tightened my asscheeks, but nothing helped.? I had to lay there moaning with a burning sensation in my rectum and a mild cramp in my guts as she laughed like I have never heard her laugh before.? ?Aw, poor baby!? Dose that little pink plug hurt your bottom??? I nodded and mumbled ?Un-uh!? through the gag.? ?Good, my ass is still sore from Thursday, and I can assure you, yours will be sore for days too!?


?Ok, let?s pink you up a bit before we move on to the next toy.?? I heard the paddle whish through the air a moment before the thunderclap on my asscheeks made my world explode. ?RRGGGGGG!? I screamed, and twisted against the restraints to no avail.? Just as the pain started to recede to a manageable level, WHAM!? She gave me another stroke.? ?Holy Shit!? My mind screamed, ?I NEVER use this much force with this paddle!?? By five strokes I was screaming at each impact.? When she got to ten I was screaming non stop, and felt like my ass must be surely bleeding.? Then she continued!? My mind reeled!? Ten was the magic number!? I might do more with other items, but the paddle always stopped at ten!? She began raining blows faster; I was screaming and pulling on the restraints with all my energy.? I lost count of how many she gave me, I truly had no idea.? It could have been twenty, it could have been one hundred!? Finally, she stopped, and I lay there sobbing like a schoolgirl with snot running out of my nose.?

She was breathing hard, but her voice was calm, and she said ?Well that?s a nice shade of pink.? Let?s move on!?? She reached between my cheeks and pulled the plug out.? I had been clenching so hard, that I had a hard time relaxing to let it go.? Undaunted, my wife added more force, and pulled it clear with an audible ?pop.?? ?Umph!?? I grunted as it came clear.? I was relieved to have the intruder out of my ass, but it was to be a short respite.? She quickly lubed the flesh colored toy (I only knew which one it was because she told me as she was lubing it how much she had been looking forward to stretching me with it) and began pushing it in.? About half way or so, my ass was full, and felt like it would rip.? I tensed up, and mumble ?no? through the gag.? She slapped my ass with her bare hand, but it felt like sandpaper on my already abused cheeks.

?Loosen up or this will hurt a lot!? She hissed, ?I have no patience for your whining!? You make me wear this toy all the time, so take it!?? With that, she applied more pressure, and for a moment, nothing happened.? Then, all at once, my anus gave up the fight, and the last 2 inched popped in rapidly.? I felt like my asshole was splitting in two!? I bit the ball gag so hard my jaw popped, and I realized that shrill noise I was hearing was coming from me!? I was making a nasal scream as my rectum continued to spasm and attempted to expel the intruder to no avail.?

?Alright, lay there and let it loosen you up for a few minutes, I will be right back.?? I whined, but she ignored me, and left me alone in the dark.? I have no idea how much time passed, but it seemed like an hour with my ass cramping and clenching the whole time.? I felt like I needed to shit.? Then she was back.



?Ok doggy, you ready for some more fun??? She asked, voice full of mirth.

I shook my head ?no? and tried to communicate through the gag that I was done, but she only laughed and said, ?Good, glad to see you?re still raring to go!?

I whimpered like a sad puppy as she pulled the larger plug out of my tightly clenched ass.? Again it came free with a pop, but this time it did not want to come out easily, and my wife tormented me for a bit first.? She would pull it almost totally out, the let my muscles pull it back inside.? Each time I would groan and grunt with discomfort.? Finally she bored of this, and pulled it free.?

I breathed a deep sigh of relief around the gag as my nose was plugged up, and I could barely breathe through it.? Then my heart dropped as my wife said ?Yeah, this dildo will look so nice sliding in and out of your ass, I hope you?re loosened up enough.?? She stepped behind me, put the toy in position, and spoke to me again.

?Thursday, after all the toys, when you fucked my ass fast and hard, you had a hold of the back of my neck, and I was staring at the alarm clock the whole time.? You knew my ass was sore, but you fucked me for eighteen minutes before you came, so here you go lover, eighteen minutes of butt fucking!?

With that, she gave me a good ? of the dildo in one push!? If I hadn?t been wearing the blindfold, I swear my eyeballs would have popped out of my head.? I later found out she had measured and marked EXACTLY 8 inches of they toy so I would have to take the same amount as my cock.? As the head of the dildo hit my prostate hard, I saw stars!? I thought I had cramped before, but this was awful!? I thought I was going to die, and I was bawling, blubbering, and squirming.? The ribs felt like a rasp against the sore, stretched ring of my anus, and through it all, she cooed in my ear.

?Yeah, nice tight ass, take it like the ass whore you are!? Mmmm?I love fucking this ass.? Cry for me baby!?

Time blurred, and it felt like my wife fucked my ass for an hour, but when she finally stopped with one final deep thrust, she announced ?Time?s up!? Oops, sorry I went over by a minute!? Hope you don?t mind.??

She pulled the toy out of my thoroughly raped and distended ass, walked to the head of the bed, undid the ball gag, and said ?Open.? as she held the dildo that had recently been up my ass up to my mouth.

For years, during our role interactions, I have had a simple (for me) rule, clean all penetrations.? If it went in one of your holes, clean it when it comes out.? With vaginal penetrations, my wife/sub has never really minded except if she is menstruating.? But anally, she has always found this disgusting, so I rarely enforce this rule, instead I make her tell me what she is going to do while I fuck her sweet ass.?

?Oh yes Master, that?s it, fuck my ass!? I want you to cum so I can lick you clean!?

Hearing those nasty words come out of my wife?s mouth never fails to make be explode, and occasionally, I let her do it.? Few things are more satisfying then cumming in a warm, wet cunt or a tight asshole, then being in a sucking, slurping mouth.? She knows the rule, and no matter how clean or how messy, when I say ?open,? she sucks it clean.

So here I am with a well fucked ass, and her pushing the dildo that has just been up my ass against my lips.? I can?t see it because of the blindfold, but I can imagine what it looks like, and know it is a mess.? I can smell my own ass on it, and I balk as my stomach rolls.? ?I said open!? She repeats forcefully.? I turn my head away.?

?Fine? She says, clearly irritated, ?open back up for the gag then.??

I keep my mouth closed.? She moves lower, reaches under me, and grabs my balls. Giving them a firm, painful squeeze, she says ?Open your mouth doggy!?? I almost vomit from the pain in my nuts, and I open my mouth to protest, she quickly shoves the gag in place, squeezing harder.? I accept it in my mouth and do not object further.?

?So you don?t want to clean up your mess do you??? My wife says with scorn in her voice.? ?Tough!? You are going to lick it spotlessly clean before we are done.?

She moves back to the toys and I hear the cane swish through the air as she gets used to the feel of it.? Such a simple thing really, but I know what it is capable of, and I shudder.? Then it begins first high on my buttocks, then on my upper thigh.? I squirm and cry out with each stroke, she is really bringing it.? Lower now; she strikes the back of my knees, my calves, and finally, the soles of my feet.? Again, the blows come faster and faster until I am a sobbing pile of Jell-O.? Finally, she stops.

?Ready to behave now puppy??? I nod my head in compliance.? ?Good, let?s get the toy nice and messy for you again.??

With horror I realize that she is lubing the dildo once again.? She moves behind me, and I groan weakly, but I lack the strength to struggle more, and I know it is useless.? She has done her job well.? The knots are tight and secure; she has built up the stress, and let me exhaust myself physically and emotionally.? The dildo slides in with only a little resistance.? I grunt in pain as she goes deep, but other despite the aching throb of my abused asshole, I just lay there breathing hard as she sodomizes me with the silicone toy.?

After a few minutes of this, she pulls the toy out, unbuckles my gag, and says ?open.?? I do it.

She slides the slimy dildo deep into my mouth, and down the back of my throat.? I retch from both the taste and the depth she has pushed it.? My gag reflex makes me panic a bit, but she holds me firmly, and slides it in and out until she is satisfied that I have done a thorough job of cleaning the toy.

?Ok lover, the hard part is over.? Now, I am horny, and would like some release, and I suspect you would too.?

?Yes, I would Mistress.? I reply, and it is true.? Despite all she has put me through, I am still rock hard and would have fucked a light socket at that point.

?If I untie you, will you behave until I say you are done??? She questions.

?Yes Mistress, I will.? I answer earnestly.

She removes my blindfold, and I squint against the light.? Then one at a time, she unties the ropes holding my arms and legs.?

?Stand up, stretch, shake out your limbs.? She instructs.? I move to comply, thinking she has learned her lessons well.? If I keep her bound in one position too long, her muscles tighten up.? I always stand her up and make her stretch before beginning a new task.

She hands me a tissue.? I nod, and blow my nose, loudly.? She giggles, then hands me a bottle of water, which I drink greedily from, swishing it around to get the taste out of my mouth.? After a moment, she says ?Ok, now lay on your back, head in the same spot.?

I lay back down, and she ties my arms and legs again.? I am a bit surprised by this as I have already stated I would comply with her instructions, but it is her session, and she can do what she wants.?

Once I am secure, my wife unzips and drops her skirt.? I sighed deeply, for there was my wife?s beautiful, shaved cunt right in from of me.? She straddled my face, grinding her clit against my nose, and began to rock back and forth.? No words of encouragement were necessary as I did my absolute best to please her.? Licking and sucking on her wet pussy as she rode my face, eventually I got a hold of her clitoris and began gently sucking on it.? She moaned out loud and reached back to rake her nails across my chest.?

?I?m cumming!?? She screamed, and I was rewarded with a flood of juice as she got off, her legs shaking from the power of her orgasm.? I continued to slowly lick and tease her for several more minutes, she dismounted, and smiled.

?Your turn!?? With that, she knelt between my legs, and began stroking my cock, lightly licking the head.? I was so aroused, and so swollen, that even the stroking felt almost painful.? Shortly, she took me fully into her skilled mouth, and I am not ashamed to say that I didn?t last long.?

I arched my back, let out a long groan, and exploded in my wife?s mouth.? The orgasm was so powerful, so perfect, that I actually yelled out loud ?Oh fuck yes!?? She continued to stroke and sucks every drop until I had stopped throbbing.

Then my wife slithered up my chest until we were eye to eye, and put her and on both sides of my cheeks, pressing them to open my mouth.? I saw that she had not swallowed, and realized what she was going to do, so I kept my mouth closed.?

Her eyes took on a hard look, and with her free hand, she gave my balls a warning squeeze.? I did not want to experience that sensation again, and my fear overcame my disgust, so resignedly, I opened my mouth wide.? My wife leaned forward, kissed me, and spit the cum from her mouth into mine, along with a fair amount of saliva.?

When her mouth was empty, she ran her tongue across my lips, backed away, covered my mouth with her hand, smiled wickedly, and said ?Swallow.?

I held it there for several seconds, debating, but the look in her eyes, while mischievous, didn?t encourage me to disobey.

Gulp!? Ok, now that was truly disgusting!? I have never been even remotely curious as to the taste and texture of my own cum, but I can assure you, it is an experience I could have skipped my whole life, and died happy.

At that point, my wife seemed satisfied, and she kissed my forehead, told me I had done well, and untied me.? I sat on the toilet, letting my tender, cramping, well-fucked ass purge itself, I brushed my teeth, twice, and I showered fro a long time.? It was two days before my bowel movements returned to normal, and even Monday at work, I still had some residual welts on my ass and thighs as well as a bit of discomfort in my rectum.

As for my wife/sub and I, well things slowly returned to normal.? I will say, however, that in addition to a new level of empathy for the things she does for me in role, a few other changes took place.? I agreed to give her one session in charge per month.? She considers it a good system of checks and balances.?

The following Saturday however, she did have a session, ?gag-in? where I had her scream her lungs out.? I only think it?s fair that since she had me, and anal beginner take her intermediate sized toys, that I buy her a few new ones.? The new dildo is as thick as her wrist, and her new plug has a 9 ? inch circumference.? It took me 30 minutes of stretching with other toys, and 10 minutes of pushing while she howled like a beast to get her to take the new plug.? She looked especially pitiful in the bathroom after that session, all striped and fucked.

Sitting here thinking about it though, she also had a far-away, ?I am plotting your demise? look as well.? Her next session in charge is in 16 days, and I am already worried.? So why do I have such a huge hard-on?







Sat 5:15 pm


Testing the knot at my right wrist, I find it firm, with no give.? Then I flex my muscles, and give the restraint a solid pull.? It only gets tighter.? I grunt with satisfaction, and then systematically try the other wrist, and both ankles.? None slip or give at all.? She did an excellent job of studying the knots, and tying me in a way that keeps my arms and legs taught.? The ball gag in my mouth makes my jaws ache lightly, and I am drooling down my chin, saliva tickling my goatee.? I rub my chin on the sheets to clean it off, and as I look left, there she is.? My wife, or is it?? I have never seen her like this.


Thursday 11:55 pm


??????????? Standing in the bathroom, taking a long piss, I am aware that she is standing behind me, waiting, slightly bent at the waist.? I know she wants to sit on the toilet; I have had toys and my cock up her ass for the better part of two hours.? She still has her ankle cuffs on, and her eyes are slightly bloodshot from both crying, and the pressure the blindfold puts of them.? As I finish, and she turns to sit, I see the stripes the cane left on her ass and thighs.? She winces slightly, but sits and relieves herself all the same, sighing deeply.? I step into the shower for a rinse off, and get out quickly.? By now she has retrieved the penetration toys from the bedside table, and is washing them with anti-bacterial hand soap. I grin wryly at this: it has always amused me that she is so fastidious about cleaning these toys.? Every session she has them up her ass, then ends up cleaning many of them orally, but I guess starting with them squeaky clean makes her feel better.?


??????????? As I exit the bathroom, I hear her start the water for a shower, and I go make the coffee.? Thirty minutes later she is sitting on the couch wearing flannel pajamas, and one of my t-shirts that looks like a tent on her slender frame, hair toweled dry, but still damp in a pony tail, and takes the cup-o-Joe I offer her.? She has none of the dramatic makeup left on, and the smell of perfume has been replaced by soap, conditioner, and lotion.? She is my wife now; the submissive has been put away for the evening like the toys she has already carefully placed in my nightstand.?


??????????? ?Tough one?? I ask rhetorically.? I already know it was.? My mood was a bit dark, and she has been aloof lately when not in role, so I had some pent-up frustration.

??????????? ?It?s ok.?? She says to her cup, her voice not convincing me it is truly ok.? ?I have been thinking?? She starts, looking cautiously up at me.? ?Remember asking me if I ever wanted to try being on top??

??????????? ?..Yeah..? I answer, vaguely recalling encouraging her to try it a year and a half ago.

??????????? ?I think I?d like to do that, try this from the other end of the stick.?

??????????? I think about this for a long moment, trying to picture my kind, mellow wife and submissive being in charge.? ?Sure, when??? I ask, still not convinced this will fly at all.?

??????????? ?Saturday night.? I would like to do it then.?? She stated, flatly but firmly.

??????????? My face wrinkles a bit, ?Oh, well I guess that is as good a time as any.?? I am lying. Saturday is a disappointment as that is usually the night I run her through a long session if we?re going to do anything involved.? Since we both work Monday through Friday, Saturday night gives us ample time to play, and I can let her sleep in on Sunday morning to recover. ?Do you need any help getting things ready??

??????????? ?I think I can manage.? She replies, smiling wistfully.

??????????? I manage to smile back, an unfamiliar nervous knot beginning in my stomach, and coyly answer ?Yes Mistress!?


Friday 4:45 pm


??????????? Sitting at my desk, wrapping up my work week, her email popped into my inbox with a friendly ?ding?.? It as my wife?s hotmail account, and I opened it without a thought.? As I started reading, my eyes widened, my pulse quickened, and I rapidly grew erect.




??????????? In preparation for our interaction Saturday, you will take the following steps:? You will purchase a leather dog collar, as all doggies should wear one, you will shave all pubic hair completely, and you will not cum between now and our session.? I will be staying the night at a friend?s house tonight, and have errands to run on Saturday morning.? At 5 pm, you will shower, put on your collar and lay face down, with your head towards the foot of the bed.? You will not speak unless I tell you to, and you will address me as ?Mistress? when you do.


??????????? Damn, she was really taking this seriously!? My cock was aching with need, pressed against my slacks, and I hoped I did not need to get up from my desk for several minutes.? The rest of my work day was a blur, and my mind was far away.? I mumbled something to my co-workers as I left the building, and began my drive home.? Along the way, I stopped at a pet store, and looked for a dog collar.? I wanted something in black leather, but no spikes or silly adornments.? When I found the style I liked, there was quite a selection of sizes.? Of course, as I was wrapping one around my neck to verify it fit properly, the middle aged sales lady came around the end of my aisle, and asked, ?Can I help you with anything??

??????????? I am sure I turned bright red, but I calmly said, ?No thanks, this will fit my dog just fine.?? She smiled, and nodded, but had a twinkle in her eye, and gave me a look that screamed ?bullshit!?? I paid for the collar, and left quietly.

In the past I have deliberately sent my sub to purchase embarrassing items at the local adult toy store.? Large toys, nipple clamps, etc.? I may have shopped in advance for a specific item, and have occasionally accompanied her there, but always she carries the big butt plug to the counter and pays for the item.? Once, when I was displeased with her, I sent her to the local grocery store with explicit instructions to purchase only the largest cucumber she could find, and a tube of KY jelly.? I am sure it was humiliating standing there with the checker and bag boy guessing what this was all about, and her knowing that the cucumber was going up her ass as soon as she got home.? In that moment, I felt some of that humiliation, and it was hard to swallow, but it also turned me on quite a bit!


At home that night, I debated masturbation, as I was very aroused, and normally would have called my wife in to take care of my need in her submissive persona.? But as this was her weekend to run the show, I decided to honor the instructions, and went to bed that night feeling quite frustrated.


Saturday, 3:30 pm


All day I had been thinking of this moment despite my attempts to stay focused on other things.? I woke up early for a Saturday, mowed the lawn, did laundry, cleaned the kitchen, and even started reorganizing the garage.? None of it helped.? All day long I had a hard-on that would not go away.? At 3:30, I decided to shower and shave as I had never totally shaved my pubic hair, and I wanted to give my self extra time.?

I had always kept my pubes trimmed short, feeling it was the least I could do for my wife as she spent quite a bit of time with her mouth down there, but she had remained cleanly shaven at my instructions for several years now. As I used the hair clippers to remove the majority of my hair, all I could think about was how silly I looked!? Once in the shower, I used my razor and shaving cream to carefully shave away all stubble.? This took longer than I had expected as I did not want to cut myself, and I had a hard time getting all the right angles to ensure a clean shave.? After my shower, I drank a cup of coffee, fed the cats, and cleared every unnecessary thing out of the bedroom area.? At 4:50 pm, I put on my collar, and lay on the bed, pillow under my head, and a raging hard-on pressing into the mattress.


Saturday 5:05 pm


I heard my wife?s car pull up in the driveway.? The front door opened, and then closed.? I heard her walk to the kitchen, pour herself some coffee, then walk to the bedroom.? She looked at me, nodded, the spoke.

?One question, gag in or gag out??

This made me do a sharp intake of breath.? I knew very well what this meant.? In our sessions, without a gag, my wife could use her safe word, her own name, any time things became too intense.? I encouraged her to use it, as sometimes I would push her boundaries, and when she had reached her tolerance, she would say that simple word and the activity would stop.? On the other hand, a ?gag in? session was reserved for correction or seriously dark moods where I was going to take her beyond her limits, or to my satisfaction.? This is a huge trust issue.? For example, if I know my sub can take ten strokes of the cane, and on the eleventh, she will loose her composure, and use her safe word, then in a gag-in session, I might continue past ten and eleven, while she screams into the gag and fights the restraints, but I will stop at fifteen at most.? It is not a huge step past the limits, but the effect is amazing. In the end, that emotional release, that knowledge that you have no control at all, that breakdown leaves the subbie drained and compliant.?

I thought about this for a moment, but knowing my gentle, submissive wife, I decided to give her full control.? ?Gag-in Mistress.? I replied.? In retrospect, this was a mistake.? She smiled at me, said ?good boy!? and gagged me.

Next she put a pillow under my hips, raising my ass into the air, and attached the wrist and ankle cuffs to me.? Long ago, I had tied strong nylon cord, the kind used for climbing, with break strength of over 500 lbs, to the bed at all four corners, with enough slack to tie a slip knot on each restraint.? My wife pulled one limb taught at a time, tightened the cords, and tied her knots, and then she slipped into the bathroom through the adjoining door without another word to me.?

Ten minutes later she came back through the door.? Se was wearing black calf-length leather boots, a black leather skirt, and a push-up bra.? Her hair was slicked straight back in an extreme ponytail, her lipstick and makeup were also in black and grays.? She had an expression on her face I had never seen before, and if I had to describe it, I?d call it predatory.? I swallowed hard, but she didn?t even look at me.? She went straight to the toy drawer on my side of the bed, and as I tracked her movements with my eyes, began deliberately laying out the items she would be using that evening.

First she pulled out a wooden paddle.? This was a toy I had made myself out of 3/8 inch pine, shaped and sanded smooth, then varnished.? It was around eighteen inches long, and took very little effort to produce a great deal of pain.? Secondly, she went to the closet, and pulled out my bamboo cane.? As thick as my pinky finger, I had sanded it smooth, also varnished it, and wrapped the ?handle? end in leather cord.? My wife/sub had gotten her ass and thighs striped with this item more than once, and it always made her shriek and cry.?

What came out next really made me nervous though, she placed a tube of KY jelly on the nightstand, and began putting the insertion toys on the table.? We had three butt plugs, and she had all three out.? The first was a small pink plug, about 3 inches long, and about 1 ? inches in diameter, slightly smaller than my cock.? I often made my sub wear this around the house for periods of time up to two hours, and sometimes even out in public under her clothing.? Once, during sex, I had allowed her to put this toy up my ass to stimulate my prostate, and had found it difficult for my virgin ass to accommodate its size.?

The second plug was flesh-colored, 4 inches long, and 2 inches in diameter. My wife can accommodate this toy with a little effort, and I use it as a reminder when she has displeased me, often making her do a very rapid insertion.? If I made her wear it for an hour, she would begin to cramp painfully.? I considered it an effective deterrent.?

It that toy was effective, the next one was terrifying.? In role, she only needed to hear ?the black plug? and she started crying.? It had an insert able length of 5 ? inches, and is as big around as a coke can.? Although she has learned to take this plug, it stretched her to the limit, both emotionally and physically.? I reserve this item for corrections of a serious nature.? I was unsure as to why she had this item out, as there was no way I could take a toy that size.? We had been having regular anal sex as well as doing sessions involving smaller toys for several years before she could take that toy.

Additionally, she had out a dildo, silicon rubber, about 12 inches long, also with a 2 inch diameter.? It has ribs on it which cause additional stimulation as I slide it in and out of my wife?s ass.? This toy, though not too wide, makes her squirm mightily when I insert it deeply, and repeated, quick thrusts cause the ribs to rub her rectal muscles raw.?

Allow me an aside here, as you may be thinking I am cruel or a dick towards my wife/sub based on the items I have described.? In truth, my wife had just pulled out every corrective device we own!? This was making me decidedly nervous, but that is not the point of this aside.? As a submissive, my wife is very proud, and very stubborn.? She has periods of being very defiant, or not following instructions.? I have even heard her ask for correction rather than listen to my explanation of what she did wrong, ?just correct me and get it over!?? She is a Taurus!? For those of you who understand astrological symbols, no further explanation is necessary.? For those who are not, Taurus is the bull sign, and they really ARE that stubborn.? Over the years, it has become necessary to ?up the ante? with regards to her corrections, otherwise she would just run right over my instructions and guidance.


Saturday, 5:30 pm


?Ok lover,? my wife began once she had all the toys laid out; ?here is the deal.? You seem very casual to me about sticking toys up my ass, and you spank me for any infraction.?? The second part was true, but I have never been ?casual? about anything I do, ever.? ?Tonight I am going to show you how it feels to have a sore, well fucked, reddened ass.? I will be done with you in two hours at most, but it will be a long, difficult two hours, and you will cry.?? I tried to swallow, but despite the ball gag which had been making me drool, my mouth was dry.? ?Last chance to back out. Snap your fingers if you want me to untie you.? Otherwise, I will not stop until I am satisfied.?

I swear to you I wanted to snap my fingers, but I felt like a coward.? I restrained her two nights a week on average, and here I wanted to opt out of a single session.? So I remained still.? ?Ok then!? She sounded pleased.? She put a blindfold over my eyes, and then I heard the cap open on the KY, and she began applying cold lube to my asshole, working in one finger at first, then two, until I was thoroughly lubricated.?

?As I am on the clock, we?re not going to take a lot of time with this tiny plug.? You shove your cock up my ass pretty much in one thrust every time, so here you go!??

With that, she shoved the pink plug all the way up my ass until the flared base was against my asshole.? I grunted hard, and tried to pull away, tightened my asscheeks, but nothing helped.? I had to lay there moaning with a burning sensation in my rectum and a mild cramp in my guts as she laughed like I have never heard her laugh before.? ?Aw, poor baby!? Dose that little pink plug hurt your bottom??? I nodded and mumbled ?Un-uh!? through the gag.? ?Good, my ass is still sore from Thursday, and I can assure you, yours will be sore for days too!?


?Ok, let?s pink you up a bit before we move on to the next toy.?? I heard the paddle whish through the air a moment before the thunderclap on my asscheeks made my world explode. ?RRGGGGGG!? I screamed, and twisted against the restraints to no avail.? Just as the pain started to recede to a manageable level, WHAM!? She gave me another stroke.? ?Holy Shit!? My mind screamed, ?I NEVER use this much force with this paddle!?? By five strokes I was screaming at each impact.? When she got to ten I was screaming non stop, and felt like my ass must be surely bleeding.? Then she continued!? My mind reeled!? Ten was the magic number!? I might do more with other items, but the paddle always stopped at ten!? She began raining blows faster; I was screaming and pulling on the restraints with all my energy.? I lost count of how many she gave me, I truly had no idea.? It could have been twenty, it could have been one hundred!? Finally, she stopped, and I lay there sobbing like a schoolgirl with snot running out of my nose.?

She was breathing hard, but her voice was calm, and she said ?Well that?s a nice shade of pink.? Let?s move on!?? She reached between my cheeks and pulled the plug out.? I had been clenching so hard, that I had a hard time relaxing to let it go.? Undaunted, my wife added more force, and pulled it clear with an audible ?pop.?? ?Umph!?? I grunted as it came clear.? I was relieved to have the intruder out of my ass, but it was to be a short respite.? She quickly lubed the flesh colored toy (I only knew which one it was because she told me as she was lubing it how much she had been looking forward to stretching me with it) and began pushing it in.? About half way or so, my ass was full, and felt like it would rip.? I tensed up, and mumble ?no? through the gag.? She slapped my ass with her bare hand, but it felt like sandpaper on my already abused cheeks.

?Loosen up or this will hurt a lot!? She hissed, ?I have no patience for your whining!? You make me wear this toy all the time, so take it!?? With that, she applied more pressure, and for a moment, nothing happened.? Then, all at once, my anus gave up the fight, and the last 2 inched popped in rapidly.? I felt like my asshole was splitting in two!? I bit the ball gag so hard my jaw popped, and I realized that shrill noise I was hearing was coming from me!? I was making a nasal scream as my rectum continued to spasm and attempted to expel the intruder to no avail.?

?Alright, lay there and let it loosen you up for a few minutes, I will be right back.?? I whined, but she ignored me, and left me alone in the dark.? I have no idea how much time passed, but it seemed like an hour with my ass cramping and clenching the whole time.? I felt like I needed to shit.? Then she was back.



?Ok doggy, you ready for some more fun??? She asked, voice full of mirth.

I shook my head ?no? and tried to communicate through the gag that I was done, but she only laughed and said, ?Good, glad to see you?re still raring to go!?

I whimpered like a sad puppy as she pulled the larger plug out of my tightly clenched ass.? Again it came free with a pop, but this time it did not want to come out easily, and my wife tormented me for a bit first.? She would pull it almost totally out, the let my muscles pull it back inside.? Each time I would groan and grunt with discomfort.? Finally she bored of this, and pulled it free.?

I breathed a deep sigh of relief around the gag as my nose was plugged up, and I could barely breathe through it.? Then my heart dropped as my wife said ?Yeah, this dildo will look so nice sliding in and out of your ass, I hope you?re loosened up enough.?? She stepped behind me, put the toy in position, and spoke to me again.

?Thursday, after all the toys, when you fucked my ass fast and hard, you had a hold of the back of my neck, and I was staring at the alarm clock the whole time.? You knew my ass was sore, but you fucked me for eighteen minutes before you came, so here you go lover, eighteen minutes of butt fucking!?

With that, she gave me a good ? of the dildo in one push!? If I hadn?t been wearing the blindfold, I swear my eyeballs would have popped out of my head.? I later found out she had measured and marked EXACTLY 8 inches of they toy so I would have to take the same amount as my cock.? As the head of the dildo hit my prostate hard, I saw stars!? I thought I had cramped before, but this was awful!? I thought I was going to die, and I was bawling, blubbering, and squirming.? The ribs felt like a rasp against the sore, stretched ring of my anus, and through it all, she cooed in my ear.

?Yeah, nice tight ass, take it like the ass whore you are!? Mmmm?I love fucking this ass.? Cry for me baby!?

Time blurred, and it felt like my wife fucked my ass for an hour, but when she finally stopped with one final deep thrust, she announced ?Time?s up!? Oops, sorry I went over by a minute!? Hope you don?t mind.??

She pulled the toy out of my thoroughly raped and distended ass, walked to the head of the bed, undid the ball gag, and said ?Open.? as she held the dildo that had recently been up my ass up to my mouth.

For years, during our role interactions, I have had a simple (for me) rule, clean all penetrations.? If it went in one of your holes, clean it when it comes out.? With vaginal penetrations, my wife/sub has never really minded except if she is menstruating.? But anally, she has always found this disgusting, so I rarely enforce this rule, instead I make her tell me what she is going to do while I fuck her sweet ass.?

?Oh yes Master, that?s it, fuck my ass!? I want you to cum so I can lick you clean!?

Hearing those nasty words come out of my wife?s mouth never fails to make be explode, and occasionally, I let her do it.? Few things are more satisfying then cumming in a warm, wet cunt or a tight asshole, then being in a sucking, slurping mouth.? She knows the rule, and no matter how clean or how messy, when I say ?open,? she sucks it clean.

So here I am with a well fucked ass, and her pushing the dildo that has just been up my ass against my lips.? I can?t see it because of the blindfold, but I can imagine what it looks like, and know it is a mess.? I can smell my own ass on it, and I balk as my stomach rolls.? ?I said open!? She repeats forcefully.? I turn my head away.?

?Fine? She says, clearly irritated, ?open back up for the gag then.??

I keep my mouth closed.? She moves lower, reaches under me, and grabs my balls. Giving them a firm, painful squeeze, she says ?Open your mouth doggy!?? I almost vomit from the pain in my nuts, and I open my mouth to protest, she quickly shoves the gag in place, squeezing harder.? I accept it in my mouth and do not object further.?

?So you don?t want to clean up your mess do you??? My wife says with scorn in her voice.? ?Tough!? You are going to lick it spotlessly clean before we are done.?

She moves back to the toys and I hear the cane swish through the air as she gets used to the feel of it.? Such a simple thing really, but I know what it is capable of, and I shudder.? Then it begins first high on my buttocks, then on my upper thigh.? I squirm and cry out with each stroke, she is really bringing it.? Lower now; she strikes the back of my knees, my calves, and finally, the soles of my feet.? Again, the blows come faster and faster until I am a sobbing pile of Jell-O.? Finally, she stops.

?Ready to behave now puppy??? I nod my head in compliance.? ?Good, let?s get the toy nice and messy for you again.??

With horror I realize that she is lubing the dildo once again.? She moves behind me, and I groan weakly, but I lack the strength to struggle more, and I know it is useless.? She has done her job well.? The knots are tight and secure; she has built up the stress, and let me exhaust myself physically and emotionally.? The dildo slides in with only a little resistance.? I grunt in pain as she goes deep, but other despite the aching throb of my abused asshole, I just lay there breathing hard as she sodomizes me with the silicone toy.?

After a few minutes of this, she pulls the toy out, unbuckles my gag, and says ?open.?? I do it.

She slides the slimy dildo deep into my mouth, and down the back of my throat.? I retch from both the taste and the depth she has pushed it.? My gag reflex makes me panic a bit, but she holds me firmly, and slides it in and out until she is satisfied that I have done a thorough job of cleaning the toy.

?Ok lover, the hard part is over.? Now, I am horny, and would like some release, and I suspect you would too.?

?Yes, I would Mistress.? I reply, and it is true.? Despite all she has put me through, I am still rock hard and would have fucked a light socket at that point.

?If I untie you, will you behave until I say you are done??? She questions.

?Yes Mistress, I will.? I answer earnestly.

She removes my blindfold, and I squint against the light.? Then one at a time, she unties the ropes holding my arms and legs.?

?Stand up, stretch, shake out your limbs.? She instructs.? I move to comply, thinking she has learned her lessons well.? If I keep her bound in one position too long, her muscles tighten up.? I always stand her up and make her stretch before beginning a new task.

She hands me a tissue.? I nod, and blow my nose, loudly.? She giggles, then hands me a bottle of water, which I drink greedily from, swishing it around to get the taste out of my mouth.? After a moment, she says ?Ok, now lay on your back, head in the same spot.?

I lay back down, and she ties my arms and legs again.? I am a bit surprised by this as I have already stated I would comply with her instructions, but it is her session, and she can do what she wants.?

Once I am secure, my wife unzips and drops her skirt.? I sighed deeply, for there was my wife?s beautiful, shaved cunt right in from of me.? She straddled my face, grinding her clit against my nose, and began to rock back and forth.? No words of encouragement were necessary as I did my absolute best to please her.? Licking and sucking on her wet pussy as she rode my face, eventually I got a hold of her clitoris and began gently sucking on it.? She moaned out loud and reached back to rake her nails across my chest.?

?I?m cumming!?? She screamed, and I was rewarded with a flood of juice as she got off, her legs shaking from the power of her orgasm.? I continued to slowly lick and tease her for several more minutes, she dismounted, and smiled.

?Your turn!?? With that, she knelt between my legs, and began stroking my cock, lightly licking the head.? I was so aroused, and so swollen, that even the stroking felt almost painful.? Shortly, she took me fully into her skilled mouth, and I am not ashamed to say that I didn?t last long.?

I arched my back, let out a long groan, and exploded in my wife?s mouth.? The orgasm was so powerful, so perfect, that I actually yelled out loud ?Oh fuck yes!?? She continued to stroke and sucks every drop until I had stopped throbbing.

Then my wife slithered up my chest until we were eye to eye, and put her and on both sides of my cheeks, pressing them to open my mouth.? I saw that she had not swallowed, and realized what she was going to do, so I kept my mouth closed.?

Her eyes took on a hard look, and with her free hand, she gave my balls a warning squeeze.? I did not want to experience that sensation again, and my fear overcame my disgust, so resignedly, I opened my mouth wide.? My wife leaned forward, kissed me, and spit the cum from her mouth into mine, along with a fair amount of saliva.?

When her mouth was empty, she ran her tongue across my lips, backed away, covered my mouth with her hand, smiled wickedly, and said ?Swallow.?

I held it there for several seconds, debating, but the look in her eyes, while mischievous, didn?t encourage me to disobey.

Gulp!? Ok, now that was truly disgusting!? I have never been even remotely curious as to the taste and texture of my own cum, but I can assure you, it is an experience I could have skipped my whole life, and died happy.

At that point, my wife seemed satisfied, and she kissed my forehead, told me I had done well, and untied me.? I sat on the toilet, letting my tender, cramping, well-fucked ass purge itself, I brushed my teeth, twice, and I showered fro a long time.? It was two days before my bowel movements returned to normal, and even Monday at work, I still had some residual welts on my ass and thighs as well as a bit of discomfort in my rectum.

As for my wife/sub and I, well things slowly returned to normal.? I will say, however, that in addition to a new level of empathy for the things she does for me in role, a few other changes took place.? I agreed to give her one session in charge per month.? She considers it a good system of checks and balances.?

The following Saturday however, she did have a session, ?gag-in? where I had her scream her lungs out.? I only think it?s fair that since she had me, and anal beginner take her intermediate sized toys, that I buy her a few new ones.? The new dildo is as thick as her wrist, and her new plug has a 9 ? inch circumference.? It took me 30 minutes of stretching with other toys, and 10 minutes of pushing while she howled like a beast to get her to take the new plug.? She looked especially pitiful in the bathroom after that session, all striped and fucked.

Sitting here thinking about it though, she also had a far-away, ?I am plotting your demise? look as well.? Her next session in charge is in 16 days, and I am already worried.? So why do I have such a huge hard-on?








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Bubbly blonde eighteen year old Natalia Queen is so bright eyed and bushy tailed that we can hardly contain ourselves when she comes to shoot an exclusive, nasty scene with us. This all American sweetheart is originally from the south, and she grew up a tomboy. Looking at her sexy tits and fat ass now, you would never be able to tell! She is new to porn, and she wants to explore every nook and cranny. She dives into some deepthroat cocksucking, giving our stud a spin between her salivating...

1 year ago
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Five Nights Ch 04

SUE’S NIGHTWe had previously arranged that each person’s night would be in their own bedroom, and that they should be alone to prepare, so when Mike came back in we went upstairs to Mike and Marybeth’s room to shower. Mike went first. Sue had given us instructions on how to dress, just khakis and a tee shirt, and told us she wanted nice close shaves, and some cologne. Mike was dressed when I got out, and went downstairs for some water while I dressed. At about four-twenty she called down that...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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MarchIt's been a while since we talked. She's got cock on the brain.My roommate Leah's boyfriend Tom happens to be hung like a bull. She's constantly fucking him, that's half their daily routine. The other half is sometimes showing up to class, sometimes sitting around and talking about his dick. She sat me down and gave me a vivid description of her sucking him off in an alleyway near the theater she temps at. At first I contented myself to putting on my headphones during their many-hours long...

2 years ago
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The GiftedChapter 20 Shopping and Confrontation

"Thank you," Davy said as he hung up the phone and continued typing in his computer. Walking out the doors, the three girls looked around. Before anyone could raise their hand for a cab, a young man walked over and asked, "Ma'am, my name is Gary and I believe I am your driver." "Our driver?" Cindy asked in confusion. "Yes Ma'am. Your husband called down requesting a car and driver to take you to the mall. So if you will follow me, I will show you to your vehicle." "Cool, Davy...

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Impregnating Sarah

Sarah and I had been a couple for quite a while when I began to realize her sex drive would not taper off as we grew familiar with each other. That was more than fine with me, it was merely surprising. I expected desire to dwindle with routine and repetition, but not for Sarah. She was always effortlessly finding ways to make things new. As a bonus, she was one of those women you think are too hot to engage in anything so base as a thorough fucking. Tall, willowy, and blond, she dressed and...

3 years ago
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A Missed Call Take Me To Beauties Bed

Hi readers, This is Rahul from Bangalore working in Private Ltd Company. I am staying alone here & I stayed in a flat. I am fair dashing good looking guy without mustache. My friends call me Sharukh, because of same looks. In first visit itself ladies attract towards me. This story started with unknown call & my heroine name is Juhi (name changed & she looks exactly like film actor Juhi Chawla). let me describe her, She is very fair milky white color with nice structured i.e. 32- 36-32 with...

2 years ago
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Adventures in Tomb Raiding

Evening hung quietly over the Croft manor, Lara's cup of coffee steamed gently in the cool air of the open-windowed study. As a global traveler, it was very rare that she ever stuck to a consistent schedule of sleep. It was still several hours before she wanted to be in bed but the jet lag was hanging just as quietly but oppressively over her. She could use a vacation, after all, she'd just thanklessly saved the world again. She was starting to lose track of how many times it was by now. It was...

3 years ago
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Wilderness Lake

The warmth of the day was just starting to ebb away as I lounged in an Adirondack chair in front of my cabin. The local insect life was in full chirp, and the last of the sunlight was dappling the lake's surface.I was watching a shoal of fish; don't ask me what sort they were, but they were breaking the surface to snatch flies from the air before sinking back into the crystal-clear water. Large ripples spread out to lap at the lake's edge.My family owned the cabin for generations, and I sat...

1 year ago
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Pee Perverts A Love Story

“You’re dumping me, again?” I managed to drag my eyes up from Amy’s dangling breasts to her hauntingly-beautiful hazel eyes.“Sorry,” she said, looking thoughtful.I thought for a moment, running my hand along Amy’s naked flank as she looked down at me. “Is that what you came round to tell me?” I caught the guilty expression on her face. “You came round to dump me?” This time Amy shrugged – not an easy thing to do when you’re supporting your own weight on your elbows. “So why did you have sex...

Love Stories
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Boyfriend-Girlfriend "Oh, my, where do I start?" I looked at the naked girl sitting on my bed. She was sitting there holding a wad of colorful silk, satin and lace panties that she had pulled from my drawer while I was in the kitchen looking for more wine to drink. I was surprised she was one of the nosy ones, at least so quickly, but I wasn't upset. I didn't hide my stash of things at all. Hell, if she had opened the closet door she would have seen a line of dresses, skirt and...

1 year ago
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Adverture series

Christy zipped into the parking lot on Harlow Street, her long brown hair blowing in the wind as she steered her dark blue convertible into the first available parking space. She glanced at the clock on the dashboard as she slammed the car into park. "Damn, late again", she muttered. She grabbed her purse and briefcase out of the back seat and dashed across the street. She ignored the cat calls and whistles that had become a daily routine from the construction crews on the adjacent lot. Most of...

2 years ago
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Pretty CAPableChapter 6 Loyalty

Calix woke to a stunning pain across his left cheek. The pain didn't appear to be anything new. Everything about him was pain right now. His right arm felt as if razors were cutting into it; his left just throbbed, getting itself into the act. There was something wrong with his face – something beyond whatever had just struck him; he could literally feel how swollen it was and he wasn't sure it wasn't going to just pop. A throbbing pain in his left leg down near the ankle reminded him...

2 years ago
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Anal AlisonChapter 7

When the work day ended, I left for home with two car loads of guys following me. I made them carpool as there wasn't unlimited room at my house. I had told others to do the same figuring that would hold the parking to seven or eight cars with a little luck. When I arrived, I saw Alison and Amanda were just getting out of a car. Alison was wearing a skirt and, when she cleared the car and I could see her, she lifted it to show no panties. Amanda moved beside her and did the same...

3 years ago
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Why Me MChapter 5 Together

“Should we stay here?” Eric asked Candy. “Or should we go into the bedroom?” She had taken several steps. She had several more to take, but they all really should be in bed. The last one she had taken, really should have been, as his legs --nearly going to sleep from her weight -- told him. In bed, they could kiss. He could caress her whole body. He could even kiss much of it. They could both be comfortable. They would go further another day, but they would go further while lying down. She...

2 years ago
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Black List V AscensionChapter 9

Spencer follows the address on the paper Julie had given him. He is taken to a villa out in Greenwich, a suburb of London. After paying the cab the tab, he slips the cab driver a little more to forget about the fare. The driver is more than happy to forget. The villa is an impressive sight. It has a beautifully maintained landscape and Spencer isn’t really sure he is at the right address—not until the door opens and a man walks out. “Mr. Reeds?” he asks with a thickly accented...

4 years ago
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Losing Virginity To A College Senior

Hi all, this is Raj again with another story for you all. This is not my story it is the story of a fan and im narrating on her behalf. For the reasons of her privacy i will not mention any nams and all the names are fake however the story is real. Kindly mail your feedabacks and experiences at Hi, im geeta, a 32 year old married woman with 2 children and a loving husband. This story is about the day i lost my virginity. No it was not to my husband, or even a boyfriend. It was the most...

1 year ago
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A Night at the Cabaret

A Night at the Cabaret Belladonna Peter smiled while he unrolled the black fishnet stockings up his freshly shaven legs. His manhood strained against the gaff holding it snuggly between his cheeks while he attached the stockings to his garters. Standing up, Peter bit the tip of his right thumb lightly as he looked at the outfit hanging behind his door that he was going to be wearing around his employees that evening. While Peter was aware the outfit was over the top, he knew...

3 years ago
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A Policemans Life Is A Happy LifeChapter 2

We were still sitting there at ten o'clock when she excused herself and I heard the toilet flush so she had been for a pee I suppose. When she returned instead of sitting in her chair she came and sat astride my thighs. I had turned my chair sideways and away from the table earlier and so she wasn't restricted by the table. Now we were real close and I was engulfed in her perfume envelop. She had her hands on my shoulders and looked straight at me. She was quite heavy sitting there but I...

4 years ago
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on her knees

I come home after a long day of dealing the with the fuck-ups at the shop, fixing up the error they seem to keep making each day. I open the door, there you are on your knees with nothing but the collar I gave you. You, looking down at my feet, and I can’t do anything but smile. Smile at the fact you are mine, you are ready when I come home and you are in your place for me. I put my hand on your soft beautiful shoulders, lift you to your feet and I take a finger under your chin to lift you...

3 years ago
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The Shop On The Corner 7

THE SHOP ON THE CORNER – 7Kim rolled over and turned off the alarm clock. She sat up in bed.“Where are you going?” her husband asked.“To work.”“It’s Bank Holiday Monday. That old miser is keeping the shop open all day then? Leave me some money. I’m off out for the day with my friends.”“I don’t have any, just enough to get petrol.”“That will do, and I know you have housekeeping money here too. I’ll have that as well.”Kim sighed. There was nothing she could do about it. She had had this argument...

4 years ago
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I Dont Know Much

"I don't know much, but I know I love you. And that may be all I need to know" Aaron and Linda crooned on about what they did, or didn't know, but I didn't have time for their bullshit. I had plans to make. Canada was out, "Too damn cold." "I could run to Mexico. No, they'd be looking for me at the border. Sure, many people have great luck in coming across this way illegally, but sure as shit I would get popped going the other way." As I talked to myself about escape plans I guided...

3 years ago
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A Modern Bards TaleChapter 6

I felt Danielle's thread vanish from that far off place, then snap back into existence, much stronger as she re-appeared behind me. She cane around the chair and faced me. "My father sends his regrets for my cousin's actions. He says that your forbearance in the face of an assault by a renegade has brought great honor to your House and to you personally. He gives his unconditional approval of our Bonding. And finally, he said that Michelle will recover. The combat was witnessed and you won...

3 years ago
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Making PartnerChapter 1

Steven, Please allow time to meet me in my office at 1pm today to discuss your performance to date in the firm and to plan your future here. Jessica Thomas  The e-mail was short and to the point. Jessica, one of the senior partners in the law firm where I am an associate, wanted to discuss my progress and future with the firm. Although the mail was brief, it sounded pretty ominous. I had no notice that this meeting was coming, and only had a few short hours to prepare for it. To make things...

Office Sex
4 years ago
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Moni shared

I am Moni the wife. I love telling these stories from the wifes perspective. I wanted to be a shared wife from the beginning so it all started a few weeks after we were married. One day hubby's cousin Dan was visiting from out of town ans was staying with us for a week. We had never met but i found him cute. i had alreary told my hubby how i wanted my lifestyle and he agreed as long as he always got to watch. On his second day there he had told my hubby how lucky he was since he thought I was...

3 years ago
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International Love With A Foreigner

mail me at This is a true incident that I wish to share and this is about a female with whom I had a wild sex experience at India when she came. Myself Vicky (name changed) with an average body and working in a MNC IT firm at Manchester. This incident took place when I was at Noida, India. I used to chat with many of people over internet and I found this female once in nimbuzz which is a chatting website in phone. Initially I was not able to chat with this lady whose name was tita. Time passed...

1 year ago
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ThisGirlSucks Avalon Heart Avalon Hearts Head

The only thing hotter than Avalons heart shaped nipples is her insane ability to give that fire dome! She literally blew our minds with a soft spoken narration and intense love for that long hard fleshy fuck stick. She could barely fit it all in her mouth, but what she could get inside there was fully taken care of. She wasnt given too much notice before our boy was about to orgasm, but was still able to catch a good amount of that slinky semen in her gizm receptacle of a mouth. Was it luck or...

4 years ago
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I stole my boyfriend of my best friend

Yes, I'm a horrible person. I know it's not what I did, but I fell in love with him. I was in high school when I first saw boyfriend my best friend but I was not interested in him, he was much lower than meDuring that time I had a boyfriend for almost 2 years, but the relationship did not work and I split up after almost three months. A little while later I made another boyfriend with whom I spent three years, at the time I was going out with my friend and her friend quite often.He was very...

3 years ago
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Breast enlargement therapy

Hi I am a avid Reader of ISS and want to post this exciting true incident which I had 4 years back. Let me start by introducing myself I am Jimmy Cooper a Parsee man age 42 years height 5 ft 9 inches Good Looking Fair, separated from wife for 9 years, living in South Mumbai. I am into a Business which deals into natural herbal products. My email id is The incident which I am going to narrate happened 4 years ago when I was to travel to Australia for a research of a oil. I was at the airport to...

2 years ago
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Slut Side Of Me 8211 Part 3

Hi everyone, I am back with another story. Those who dont knew about me they can follow my previous stories. In this story i am going to explain another experience. I hope you people will like it. And thanks for your comments. My mail box is flowing with messages. Lets go into story part now. I woke up next morning and found there was no Ravi beside me. I called to him he said he was outside and he will come little late in mean time he told me to fresh up. I thought it was good idea. But first...

3 years ago
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The Climb

We were just rounding the corner, coming up on the flat face of rock that appeared to have little to no holds at first glance. It was an E4 climb, E for extreme. We had passed many similar climbs that I would have liked to have attempted, but Melissa kept pressing onwards, literally to the point where the path ran out and we were faced with a twenty-foot drop onto the upper reaches of the trees below.“This will do,” she announced.I looked up at the rock face then I looked at her.“Why this one?”...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Blackfeather32 That Which God Hath Joined

“ ... IN SICKNESS and in health, to love and to cherish; until death do you part?” “I do,” I said. I turned to my right and looked at Jason Wardlaw. I could see my brother looking out of his eyes. “Do you, Jason Wardlaw, take Miranda Lewis to be your lawfully wedded wife; to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; until death do you part?” “I do.” It was Jason’s voice but all I could still...

2 years ago
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Finas Quest

Danger is lurking everywhere in the Blackling Lands. It is a time full of perils, adventures and mystic creatures. Each forest is gloomier and more unforgiving than the other. One must be careful and wise in one’s decisions since each one could be the last… Fina was running. Her legs hurt and her eyes brimmed with tears. She was only wearing a thin dress that barely covered more than her abdomen. Her small, firm breasts bounced softly with each step she was running. Kretchers, human-like...

3 years ago
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Marital Adventures Pt 1

Introduction: Virgin writer, please be gentle HIM: I would love for you to meet me in the freezer, at the restaurant where I work, wearing nothing but a trench coat and a smile. We would begin with a passionate hug and a deep kiss, as you struggled with the zipper of my pants. While wrapping my arms around you, Id realize that you were naked and start to finger fuck your pussy. You would also notice the bulge in my pants created by my raging hard 8 cock. At that point, youd drop to your knees...

3 years ago
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Flashing First Time Round II

I received a surprise by text message. Remember Buffie - from my Flashing First Time story? She sent me a text and asked me if I was in a hotel or not. I replied with a "I'll be checking in later in the day." She said, "Cool - can I call you?" Of course, I indicated she could.Later in the evening, my mobile phone rang - it was Buffie. We talked for awhile, she reflecting on our little escapade of days before. I suggested a web video call - she agreed.After she pinged me on a web call, I waited...

3 years ago
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The girl on the train

Stretching my legs under the table we shared we inevitably bumped each other’s legs and apologized, laughing together at the situation. Across the aisle, 3 younger dark haired girls and a blonde girl read magazines, and were generally noisy, giving me a valid excuse to look over at the table, studying the 2 girls facing my general direction. The blonde girl stretched her denim clad leg into the aisle and attracted my attention on doing so, her blonde hair with slight curls, blue eyes and...

1 year ago
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Scrolller Vintage

Do you need a literally endless supply of vintage porn all on one page with no redirects and an infinite scroll? Boom. I got you, fam. Or, more accurately, Scrolller’s got you. This right here’s more of a compilation of several tags, but I’m pushing it as a section because, God damn it, it works so fucking well. Follow the link above, and you will end up on a page with infinite vintage porn. That’s about it. You don’t have to pay for it. You don’t have to watch any ads at all. You just get...

Vintage Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Fraternization The Next Day

(Brief summary of Part 1. Two members of the US Army in the mid-seventies; PFC Kelly Wooten and Lieutenant Mark Ashe find themselves attracted to each other, and then in bed together. We pick up the next morning.) That morning I awoke to the smell of coffee. I sniffed it with appreciation. Rolling over, carefully because I was, after all, in a single bed, I looked at the clock on the nightstand. Goodness. I hadn't slept that late since my last leave. I certainly hadn't had this kind of fun...

3 years ago
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There and BackChapter 6 Preparations

I woke, at home, stiff and sore in my own bed. I was surprised to find that I was dry, no indication that I had soiled myself while unconscious. And my pockets were largely empty, so most of the things I left in the pack must still be there. Good to know. My bladder did feel full, but not painfully so, and I rolled out of the bed and stumbled into the bathroom to deal with some personal issues. Afterwards, I stood, turning to the mirror to wash my hands, and gasped as I glanced up at...

1 year ago
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Akiko expands Her Bull Herd

100% fiction! In my first installment, 'Akiko and My Dad', I revealed the true story of how my father seduced my na've japanese wife into having sex with him. Being a very honest and open person, she told me what had happened in very specific detail. My first reaction was to send my crippled father to a senior home; but Akiko, reminded me that he was so old and handicapped; and, since we were his only living family, we needed to continue to care for him. Somehow, I agreed to allow her to...

3 years ago
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Becoming a Miss Part 2

Womanless gurl I wasn't sure I wanted to do this, but I went into the bathroom to run water for a bath. I usually take showers, but my mother did suggest a bath. As the hot water started to fill the tub, I stripped down all of my clothes. Just then, my mother barges right in and with me nude, I quickly turn away from her. I cover my crouch with one hand and with my other hand, I cover my breasts - just like a girl, but I don't have any breasts (yet)! My mother proceeds to...

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The Kon Tiki

In the mountains high above Rio, safe from the chaos on the streets far below we watched as the containment field in the sky above us finally began to falter and die. Beyond it, vast, unknowable tendrils of orange gas, each one the length of a hundred cities end to end, crept and slithered across the sky, like wildfire, flanking our world, preparing to consume it. In the distance the elemental rumble of a million thunderstorms obliterated any notions of salvation. I looked down at Marta, her...

1 year ago
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SheLovesBlack Kaisa Nord Blonde MILF Teases and Fucks a Big Black Cock

Gorgeous blonde babe with big tits, Kaisa Nord, can’t hide her excitement while taking a quick shower. She is about to pose for a semi-nude painting for Yves Morgan. The captivating bombshell wears a sexy lingerie bottom, a see-through night robe, and black high heels. Kaisa can’t help but feel nervous while she tries her best to keep still on the couch. Her lustful desires for Yves are quite obvious in her facial expressions. The maestro feels uncomfortable with the subtle teasing,...

3 years ago
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Orgiastic CultChapter 7

Marion had fallen into a deep sleep, drained by the wild session with Alida and Raoul. She lay on the carpeted floor of the worship room unaware that they had left her alone and were in the storeroom talking intimately. "I'm going out, Raoul," Alida was saying, "I want to deposit the money that bitch brought to us. But it's not nearly enough. You have a way with her. You talk to her and get her to bring more. Tonight! Do you understand?" "Yes, mother," Raoul said, with a sly smile...

4 years ago
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Corina Chapter 17

I have fun with my sexy little wife and her friend!!!ENJOY IT LIKE I DID!!!!Corina let me take her nightie off and stopped me when I started to rub her very wet slit. She said I wasn't supposed to touch her pussy for a month and smiled at me. I pushed her on the bed and told her there was no way I could last a month without her pussy. I said I was not going to last the night even and she giggled up at me. I smiled at Corina and told her to just lay there a minute because I had a surprise for...

2 years ago
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The ChallengeChapter 3

I didn't see or hear anything more from Dan Noonan until the following Sunday. I was over at the golf course, waiting for my afternoon loop when Dan came into the caddy shack looking for me. At first, I thought he might have come by to start a fight with me. "Can I talk to you a minute, Jackie?" Dan didn't sound like he was mad at me when he asked me that. I got up from where I'd been reading some comic books and followed him back out of the building. We went over to the shade of a...

3 years ago
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Dancing Teens Ch 04

Picking up where we left off in part 3... It felt like ages had passed when my beautiful little girl Kelly finally set my manhood free, having nursed it of every drop of life giving fluid it had in it. Like time was playing tricks on me. And though it had been almost too sensitive after my explosive orgasm in her mouth, in her mouth was where I wanted to be more than anything at that moment; the captive who’d become an accomplice of his captor. So, I rode out the spasms and agonistic ecstasies,...

3 years ago
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Hi. My name is tissue and I'm the inventor of the portal gun.When I first saw my boyfriend's cock I got really scared because it's so big. Like really, it could fit into me twice (or thrice). No way I could have sex with him, I thought. I will get seriously injured. He seemed so manly, but also too manly even. Did I mention I invented the portal gun? Surely you have heard of it. It can fire blue and orange portals onto certain surfaces. The blue and the orange portals connect and what goes...

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