Orgiastic CultChapter 6
- 4 years ago
- 33
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Marion had fallen into a deep sleep, drained by the wild session with Alida and Raoul. She lay on the carpeted floor of the worship room unaware that they had left her alone and were in the storeroom talking intimately.
"I'm going out, Raoul," Alida was saying, "I want to deposit the money that bitch brought to us. But it's not nearly enough. You have a way with her. You talk to her and get her to bring more. Tonight! Do you understand?"
"Yes, mother," Raoul said, with a sly smile on his face. "I understand completely."
"And don't forget," she said, slipping into her gown and preparing to go outside, "tonight is the High Ceremonial. Lorraine will be here. In fact she called and said she might be bringing a new convert. Make sure that Marion is here, too. With money. After all, we wouldn't want her to miss the High Ceremonial, would we?"
"Of course not," her son replied. "Who is Lorraine bringing?"
"Someone she met recently who is interested in the worship of Vallus. A young man."
"It should be quite a ceremonial, then. Lots of new... faces..."
Alida laughed.
"Yes... Vallus should be quite pleased. And I dare say we should get a kick out of it, too!"
"Have you prepared the ambrosia?"
"But of course," she said.
She moved to a drawer in the desk and took out a sealed vial of honey-colored liquid.
"Here," she said, "it's all prepared. Now, be careful. You know how potent this is. Just a drop or two tonight and that's all! You know what happened the last time..."
Raoul smiled, and his huge tool stiffened slightly as he remembered what had happened when he had taken a bit too much of the strange, aphrodisiacal liquid.
"What a wicked boy you were," Alida said, smiling as she remembered also. "Very wicked."
"I'll use it sparingly," he said.
"It'll be in the drawer when you want it," she said. "Don't give the others too much either, or things will get out of control, and we wouldn't want that to happen, would we, darling?"
"No, mother," he said, affectionately, and kissed Alida lightly on the lips.
"I'll be going now," she said, slipping on a cloak.
Glancing through the two-way mirror, she saw that Marion was beginning to stir in her slumber.
"I think she's waking up, Raoul. Go to her. And remember, get her to bring money tonight. I don't care where she has to get it. I want her to get that money here before she gets any wise ideas about going to the police or dropping out of the group. All right?"
"I understand perfectly," Raoul replied.
They both left the storeroom. Alida went outside to the bank while Raoul went into the worship chamber. As he entered through the drapes, Marion was just waking up.
"How are you feeling?" Raoul asked, slipping down on the floor next to her. They were both still completely nude.
"Tired," she said.
Her body still throbbed from the painful experience she had just gone through, and her mind was numb.
"Vallus is very pleased with you," Raoul said, smiling and moving closer to her. "You were not afraid to surrender."
Marion felt instinctively she should leave at once. She was growing highly suspicious now of Raoul and his mother. And yet, another part of her was compelled by the strange god and the lewd rituals. She looked at Raoul and was struck again by his strange, exotic eyes.
"Tonight," he was saying, "tonight is the High Ceremonial, a special occasion. This only happens once a month and it is the most sacred of all the rituals of worship. Mother said that I should make sure you come. It will be quite interesting." He seemed to radiate sincerely and warmth.
"Oh, Raoul," Marion said, still numb and confused, "I'm not sure I ought to come. My husband would be so angry if he knew what I was doing. I'm afraid of what might happen..."
"Trust in Vallus," Raoul replied, "you must have trust. Everything will be all right. Come tonight, please. And... and bring your financial tribute to our beloved Master also."
Marion stiffened at the mention of money. Up until now she had been wavering in her feelings towards the group. But now, as Raoul once again mentioned money, she remembered the blackmail attempt by Alida earlier that day. She felt like a fool for having returned, given them money, and participated in their vile practices. Now they were asking her to repeat the performance that very evening.
"No," she said strongly, rising to her feet. "I haven't got any more money. I can't do what you ask. I can't."
Raoul rose also, anger clouding his sensual handsome face. He grabbed her by the wrist.
"What do you mean? Do you dare go against the will of Vallus?"
"I don't want to go against anything," Marion said, feeling Raoul's grip on her wrist, "but I don't think I can go through with this. Please. Let me go."
Raoul held her wrist tightly until her flesh burned from the strength of his grip.
"Ohhh!" Marion cried out, "You're hurting me."
Raoul squeezed her wrist even tighter and suddenly twisted her arm behind her painfully. Marion screamed aloud. Raoul brought his face close to hers, a vicious sneer slashed across his lips. His hypnotic eyes burned into her.
"You be here tonight! With money! Or I take those photographs to your husband! Photos of me with my cock in your asshole! Photos of you sucking me off! Would you like that! Would you?"
"No... no," Marion moaned, pain burning into her as Raoul twisted her arm.
He's crazy, Marion thought suddenly. He's crazy! Oh God, what have I gotten myself into?
She realized that she was deeply and dangerously involved with people who were mentally unbalanced. She was terrified, frozen in fear.
"I'll... I'll do whatever you say," she stammered, knowing that any resistance might only aggravate the peril she was already in. "Anything."
"Good," Raoul said, smugly satisfied. "Be here at eight o'clock. With some money. At least two hundred dollars."
"But I..."
"I said two hundred dollars more! Understand?" he twisted her arm for emphasis.
"YEEESSS! YEEESSSS!" Marion screamed in pain.
Suddenly Raoul let go of her.
"Good. Then we understand each other completely. You will return tonight."
Marion stared at him. She was completely under his domination now, and there seemed to be nothing she could do about it.
"Yes..." she said flatly, defeated and ashamed. "I will return tonight..."
Later that same afternoon, Lorraine and Ed were driving towards the downtown area of Los Angeles.
"I'm not so sure about this," Ed was saying as he drove. "I'm still suspicious about these groups."
"That's why I want you to come and see for yourself," Lorraine replied. "After all, unless you have first-hand experience, you can't know what it's all about, can you?"
"Well, I suppose not."
"Don't worry, everything's going to be fine."
In a few minutes they were in the midst of the rundown warehouse district.
"There it is," Lorraine exclaimed, pointing to a narrow building. "That's the headquarters."
Ed parked the car, and the two of them were soon at the door of the Vallus cult. Lorraine knocked and the door was opened by Alida, who had returned from her errand.
"Ah, Lorraine, my dear," Alida said warmly, "how nice to see you so early. The Ceremonial doesn't begin until eight o'clock."
"Yes, I know. But I wanted to bring our new disciple here first to meet you and get acquainted. I'm afraid he's still a little skeptical."
Alida glanced at Ed, approving inwardly of his rugged, muscular build and handsome face.
"Oh?" she said. "Well then, do come inside and we'll do our best to persuade you of the truth of our beliefs."
Alida ushered them into the office. "My son, Raoul, isn't here just now. But he'll be back soon."
Ed was immediately taken by the large illustration of Vallus that dominated one wall.
"That is our Lord and Master," Alida said proudly.
"Yeah, I've seen a picture like this before." Ed said.
"Oh, yes? Tell me, young man," Alida asked, "what is your name?"
"Ed... Ed Hill..."
For a moment Alida's face went ashen.
Ed Hill, she thought, Ed Hill. Isn't that bitch Marion's last name Hill? What if... what if? No, it's too much of a coincidence... and yet...
In the back of her mind, she thought that Ed might possibly be related to Marion. He might even be her husband, since she knew Lorraine had a special taste for married men. It seemed an incredible coincidence, but it could be true, and she knew she had to take precautions. She reminded herself to warn Raoul when he returned.
"Come into the chamber," she said, "where we worship the Master. Tonight is the High Ceremonial. You will stay for it, won't you?"
"Well... I'm not sure..."
"Oh, come on," Lorraine said, "you're not afraid, are you?"
"Me?" Ed said, laughing. "Not on your life!"
"Then follow me," Alida said and led the way into the corridor behind the office. About halfway down the corridor she suddenly got an idea. "Lorraine, why don't you take Mr. Hill inside. I want to get something from the storeroom. All right?"
"Sure. Follow me, Ed."
Alida quickly slipped into the storeroom, and through the two-way mirror she watched Lorraine and Ed enter the worship chamber. Then, she went to the desk drawer and took out the vial of ambrosia and poured a few drops into a tiny glass. Then she resealed the vial and replaced it in the drawer.
Just in case he is her husband, this will make sure he's in no shape to cause trouble, she thought.
She closed the curtains, concealing the two-way mirror, and joined the others in the velvet-lined room.
"This is a little something I thought would cheer us up," Alida said, holding up the glass of liquid.
"What's in that?" Ed asked suspiciously. "Nothing lethal, I hope?"
Alida and Lorraine laughed.
"Just a little mild brandy," Alida said, "a strange liqueur made from an ancient Sumerian formula. Apparently it was quite popular in the ancient days, when Vallus was worshipped by everyone. It's delicious and absolutely harmless."
To prove her point, she took a slight sip of the liquid, allowing just a touch to actually pass her lips.
"Here," she said holding it out to Ed, "try it. A good- looking young man like you should be able to handle a little drink like this."
Laughing, and a little flattered by the attention of the two beautiful women, Ed took the glass and swigged down the entire contents.
What the hell, he thought, why not have a little drink? It'll loosen me up. This chick don't look like she's dangerous.
The liquid felt warm as it coursed down his throat, and Ed felt immediately relaxed and pleasant.
"It's nice," he said, handing the glass to Alida. "Real nice."
"Let me return the glass," Alida said graciously. "Meanwhile, Lorraine, why don't you amuse our friend by telling him a little more about Vallus."
She slipped out of the room in an instant. Ed turned to Lorraine and smiled. He was feeling slightly euphoric already from the strange drink.
"Why didn't you have any of that stuff?" he asked Lorraine.
"Oh," she said, with a trace of a smile playing across her lips, "I'll have some later. Do you like it?"
"Yeah..." he said, "it's nice. I mean it's not anything fantastic..."
"Well, it takes a little while to take effect fully. Tell me, what do you think of the statue?" she asked, changing the subject and turning to the huge metal sculpture of Vallus that dominated the room.
"It's really something," Ed said.
He gazed at the statue. It depicted Vallus standing tall, like a giant straddling a river, his giant cock grasped firmly in his hands, and his face a mask of ecstasy and satisfaction. As Ed watched, the statue seemed to move slightly. Perhaps it was the way the candle flames flickered over the sculpture, but Ed was sure there was a movement in the face.
"Is that statue moving?" he said to Lorraine.
"Moving?" she asked, knowing inwardly that the potion was probably taking effect and starting to alter his brain chemistry. "Is it?"
"It sure looks that way to me."
As he watched, the statue seemed to change expression. The look of ecstasy seemed to change into a leer. The eyes seemed to look directly at Ed, staring at him almost mockingly. The statue's lips seemed to grow full and sensual and twist themselves into a look of utter corruption and degradation
"Christ... Christ..." Ed whispered, scarcely believing the strange vision he was seeing. But as he heard his own voice, it seemed far away and blurry.
"My voice... sounds so... so strange... so strange..."
Something was definitely happening to him, and he was slightly alarmed. His voice sounded distinctly different; it was too deep and far away. But his eyes were riveted to the statue, which continued to shift and change before him. Now the metal cock that the figure held in its hands seemed to grow to enormous proportions, in fact the entire statue began to grow and tower over Ed in a terrifying way. A light film of nervous perspiration broke out on his body, and his hands grew cold.
"What's happening..." he slurred in a thick voice. "What's going on here?"
He tore his eyes away from the statue and turned to find Lorraine. His body felt light, and as he turned it seemed as if the entire room were turning with him. Nothing seemed to stay in one place, objects changed size and the walls of the room seemed to be shifting and billowing. Yet, despite all these strange occurrences, Ed felt light-headed and euphoric...
"Lorraine... Lorraine..." he called, trying to locate her in the jumble of distorted images that flashed across his eyes. He couldn't quite focus on anything, and even the floor felt strange, as if he were on a ship in the ocean.
"What's the matter?" It was Lorraine's voice but it sounded strangely melodious and distant, as distant as his own. He located her by the sound of her voice, and when he saw her, the sight took his breath away.
She had taken off all of her clothes and now stood in front of the huge, smoky mirror, totally naked! As Ed's drugged eyes beheld her, she looked unearthly. Her pale skin seemed to glow from within; it was opalescent and gleamed incredibly. Her bright hair looked like fire, fire that flamed outwards from her head like billowing flames. Her eyes were like two pinwheels, glistening and sparkling, and her lips seemed incredibly sensual. They looked so rich and full that Ed felt his body begin to tremble with the renewal of desire. As his eyes roved further down her body, he felt his excitement grow in a way that he had never felt before. Her mountainous breasts seemed to pulse with a life of their own, and the pinkish aureoles that circled the hardened tips were bright halos radiating an invitation to be licked and sucked. Her body looked creamy and soft, and every curve glistened tantalizingly. Her long, slender legs were spread apart, and the darkly secret hair high up between them seemed to throb with an open invitation to screw. Although Lorraine was actually standing still, in Ed's eyes she was undulating in unbelievable lewdness, like a figure in a dream. His body responded with a sudden rush of sensuality. He moved towards her as if hypnotized. He had to get his hands on that glowing vibrant flesh! He wanted to kiss her like crazy and stuff his prick into her hot pussy and feel himself slicing in and out of her. He longed to squirm and writhe on that warm, silky body of hers. He wanted to lose himself completely in screwing her! His genitals sprang achingly to life. His cock was gorged with lust. His large balls tightened in eager anticipation, and he could feel blood and excitement surging through his body. HE HAD NEVER BEEN AS EXCITED AS THIS BEFORE IN HIS ENTIRE LIFE! NEVER! He felt light and powerful as the drug took full effect. He was riveted to Lorraine and moved towards her like a lurching drunkard, his vision blurred.
Later that same afternoon, Ed Hill stood before Lorraine Holzman's apartment door. Almost immediately after she left, he had called a friend to take over for him at the garage. He had traced her by using the address on the charge card. She lived close to Beverly Hills, an area somewhat unfamiliar to him, and the posh extravagance of her apartment building made him feel out of place. He knocked at the door. After a moment, he saw the peephole cover swing back. "Who is it?" a voice...
An hour later, Ed began to stir from his drug-induced sleep. He sat up slowly, numb and weary from the powerful drink. His head felt like a bowling ball as he looked around trying to determine where he was; he could only barely make out the details of the room. They had placed him on the floor of the cluttered storeroom. Man, he thought groggily, what the hell happened to me? Bit by bit he remembered the obscene orgy, and finally his confused mind realized that he was in the clutches of a...
At the sound of the mirror being smashed, everyone in the worship chamber came fully conscious, torn from the lulling spell of erotic enchantment by Ed's sudden intrusion. Raoul and Lorraine scrambled madly out of the way of the splintering glass. "Ed!" Marion screamed, when she saw her husband fully revealed. "Oh Ed!" Tears streaming from her face she ran to her husband and they embraced tightly. "It's okay, baby, it's okay! Don't cry." "Oh, Ed, it's been horrible....
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The Drive down the campus is what keeps me going back to college, one class a week. The drive in my truck gets me looks from ever girl walking on the campus. The bolder girls would walk over and say "hello". I liked the bold ones. I'm not going to say I am Gods gift to women average height and I am in fit shape with a six pack, so I am a good looking guy. It was one of these drives I ran across the wildest fuck of my life... I spotted them walking together one I knew, one I had seen before...
There was a darker side to things, as there always is. Suresh had no way of knowing that his wife, Sayali had a secret lover, one whom no one knew of, not even her masters at the sex company, Hedon & Venery. Suresh revelled in the candour of their marriage -- he believed she had no secrets from him, as he certainly had none from her. He knew that she was a full-time whore at Hedon & Venery, that she worked at a brothel called The Apistia, that she did live sex-shows and performed...
Story from the perspective of a white pussyboy who gets fucked and dominated by a couple of nigger bucks. He also meets another pussyboy but ends up getting fucked by everyone. Good dialog.I let Jay into the apartment. He was looking for a one bedroom,furnished place and had called about my ad in the newspaper. I hoped torent this place quickly, then I would be full and could devote my time tosome maintenance and repairs rather than showing places. I looked at therental application he had...
This is a personal piece of writting honest to the core from my perspectiveenjoy.Sitting at the university cafeteria was an experience you had to go through. It was not that I disliked University but the groups and click groups had become a monotonous bore to me. My group was known as the silent but violent the meaning was we never mixed in other groups and we become silent not for lack of confidence, but pure despondent with the crowds and the useless banter that went on. The violent part was...
[Preservation – Jim out from Salt Lake] I lay back and rested. I was still in pain. I tried to sleep hoping my body would feel better with a little rest. I did sleep a bit though restlessly. I awoke thirsty and still tired. The blood had quit oozing from the cut in my leg though I didn't know if that were good or bad. I tried to move my right leg and it did though it hurt badly when I did. I didn't try to move my left leg at all. I wondered if I could hobble if I could figure out some way...
I kicked off my shoes, and slumped into the armchair with a sigh. It felt so good to be home, it was Friday, and I was looking forward to a long work free weekend, which was something I hadn’t had in quite a while. Leaning back I took a long swallow from a chilled glass of wine and thought about the kids. Susi had moved out about a month back, got herself a decent job in the city by all accounts, and Matt was away on a last minute jaunt he’d booked for himself and his new girlfriend. I gave a...
EroticI had my first bleeding before my eleventh birthday, my mother was in attendance, as she gave me her words of wisdom, 'Dont let your Father smell your cunt, or something else will flow from you'She knew of his lustful perversions, once the joy of aristocracy, in keeping blood lines pure, but outlawed for common people, a law that lay in tatters at the front doors of men who craved daughters, men who watched our cunts develop into puberty, the point at which they had to enter us and savor our...
I woke up, groggy, in a world of bright lights and fuzzy shapes. I couldn't move properly, my arms slopping about like sticks. I turned my head, trying to focus on the world, but it just slumped to the side. 'Good, you're awake,' Came a sultry voice. I heard loud clicking and out of the corner of my eye I saw a hazy black shadow tower above me. My mind wanted to say, 'who are you?' But all that came out was a few slurred noises. A hand ran its way along my body until it held my face, tilting it...
I was driving South towards Taylor's apartment. It had been a couple of weeks since my last visit. Her sister Chloe and her mom had arrived over the weekend. I still wasn't quite sure what Taylor had in mind in how we would be able to have fun with her sister with her mom around. I pulled into the apartment complex, narrowly avoiding running over an athletic blonde out for her early morning jog. I drove towards the back of the recently completed complex, which seemed to have more...
HI my name is Lilith, i am a crossdresser/transvestite. Well really i have no idea what i am considered but all my life i had grown up as a man. Secretly i used to fantasize about sucking cock as a k**, i dreamed of the day that i could. that day came when i was around 13 with a friend down the street, he was a year older than me. It started with wrestling, moved to dry humping and then soon i has rubbing his cock. We were so incredibly nervous the first time when i said " that looks...
Fotos certificadasCom TD positivosCom vídeoAplicarbela acompanhante de luxo em limeira, uma das mais requisitadas da região. - anúncio de sexo em LimeiraLimeira34 anosR$ 200De luxoPeitudasBisexuaisHora marcadaChuva douradaBela acompanhante de luxo em Limeira, uma das mais requisitadas da região. bela acompanhante de luxo em limeira, uma das mais requisitadas da região. - anúncio de sexo em LimeiraLimeira34 anosR$ 200De luxoPeitudasBisexuaisHora marcadaChuva douradaBela acompanhante de luxo...
Dani Jensen has called her friend Slimthick Vic over to talk about some concerns she has with their sons. She has overheard the boys, Alex Mack and Lucky Fae, saying some things that make her wonder what on earth they’re learning from the dirty videos they’re watching. Dani suggests that the best way to break their sons of the bad habits they’re learning is to date each other’s sons. Vic thinks about it for a bit, but ultimately agrees that that’s a good way for...
xmoviesforyouHe Said, She Said By Cassandra Morgan Part I "You've got to divorce her, Jake. You don't have any choice." "I love her, Ray-Ray." "Love doesn't matter, Jake. Not anymore," Ray-Ray Buchanan, the best friend I ever had, took a sip of his Scotch. "Not since you fucked up." I scowled. "I did that, didn't I? No excuses. I screwed around with my secretary. What a cliche. I deserve to be punished." "Not the way she would punish you, Jake. I'm...
We got home from Jake and Angela’s place and Cathy was still buzzing. She had already expressed a wish to do it again. We had dinner and I was intent on watching a bit of TV. When Cathy joined me, naked, I knew I couldn’t settle down in front of the TV. She sat on my lap. “Fuck me right now” she whispered in my ear. I carried her to the bedroom and after a particularly quick session of foreplay I did as she asked. She was so turned on that she woke me up twice during the night for further...
My husband, Greg, just can't have enough of my sexy curves and well-developed, gorgeous breasts. "Your smile...your lips...your eyes.....your flawless golden skin.....they've mesmerized me...I've never seen a beautiful brunette like make me feel like getting married." This is what he wrote to me 21 years ago."Doctors say that tit sucking is good for health." This is what he whispers in to my ears every time he runs his tongue and lips over my breasts. I just love the feel of my...
After receiving her letter saying she is accepted into Dartmouth University, Belle packed her bags and was off to live out her dreams in becoming a Journalist. Her father saved up a lot of money that he won from his inventions, and he put her on a plane. Belle was excised that she got the full scholarship to the school, and they were going to provide her a dorm room while she is going to school. Once she was there at the University, and she got her class schedule for her first semester there....
FEMINIZED TO BECOME A VAMPIRE BY Stephanie Sheppard It was another miserable day as stuart sat on his sofa watching the television, raining again but then it only capped off a miserable day. He was watching deal or no deal on the television, he liked these kind of programmes, watching contestants open boxes at random to see what sum they would leave the studio with. He liked watching their joy or sorrow as each box was opened and it gave him a sense of sharing of belonging. Stuart...
Hi dosto,mera naam Sameena hai and meri age 36 saal hai.Main ISS ki bahut badi fan hun.Main college k time se hi bahut hot and khoobsurat rahi hun.Main college time me Miss University and bahut saare doosre beauty competitions jeet chuki hun.Meri height 5 ft. 9 inch hai and meri taangein bahut lambi hain.Meri shaadi 21 ki age me hi ho gyi thi par 6 mahine baad hi mera divorce ho gaya and tabse lekar ab tak maine kabhi shaadi nahi kari.Main apni sex ki pyaas bujhaane k liye alag alag aadmiyo ka...
Friday I got home from work at my usual time and found a note from Andrea on the kitchen table. It read " I'm spending the night at Mike's , have fun jerking off ". I grabbed a beer from the fridge and went in the den to watch TV. The news was the same crap so I figured I'd watch some of Andrea's homemade porn. After showering I went to the special stash of DVD's she made while having sex with her friends, ninety percent are with men but I really love the ones where she and another woman make...
The remainder of the day was spent exploring a small trail around the camp and basking in the pool. It must have done the trick, because the kids made no fuss about going to bed at 8:30. Unfortunately, my wife was also ready for sleep at that time. I was a little sad, as I thought it would be nice to hang out a little by the fire. I told my wife I would be in shortly, after I put out the fire. With that, she retired in to the tent and commenced ready a story to the kids. When I came in...
Whores and Pimps – Part II By Michele Nylons Michele sat silently in the car as she watched the taillights of the police car disappear in the distance, the bitter aftertaste of the policeman’s sperm still in her mouth. She was confused, the fat cop with his stubby fat cock had forced her to fellate him, but she had become sexually aroused and hadn’t even realised it. She sat for a few minutes and decided that the outcome was still better than being locked in a jail cell overnight. She would...
"So Lesley ... Is she Irish or something?" Julie asked on the ride home from classes one evening. Her hair was still slick from the pool, and the soft scent of chlorine was present in Trish's little car. "I'm a little curious about that too." Trish spoke up brightly. Her face took on that same faraway look that crossed her features whenever Lesley was mentioned. "I don't really know." I admitted, shifting slightly in the passenger seat. "She's got an accent I can't really...
"Ohh fuck... Sarah..." he whispers. She crawls up to him, and kisses him softly on the lips. "Mmmm..." She pulls away, and brings her mouth to his ear. "I set my alarm," she whispers, "we can do whatever we want." She sits up, and gently rocks her hips, rubbing herself against Steve's crotch. "Ohh god..." Steve moans. Sarah looked so hot. She was wearing just her panties, and a thin shirt. Her young, petite body sat on top of him, with her legs wrapped around either side. Her...
“Oh my God! This is so exciting! How does it feel to know that you’re gonna be Mrs. Cameron Joseph?” Olivia’s friend Jeanine asked while eyeing her ring. Tatiana had invited a few of their closest friends out to lunch to break the news about her sister’s engagement. “It feels amazing. Cam and I haven’t known each other that long at all, but we know each other like we’ve been there through everything. I love him so much and I’m so happy that he chose to spend his life with me.” “That’s sweet...
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