Orgiastic CultChapter 6
- 4 years ago
- 33
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An hour later, Ed began to stir from his drug-induced sleep. He sat up slowly, numb and weary from the powerful drink. His head felt like a bowling ball as he looked around trying to determine where he was; he could only barely make out the details of the room. They had placed him on the floor of the cluttered storeroom.
Man, he thought groggily, what the hell happened to me?
Bit by bit he remembered the obscene orgy, and finally his confused mind realized that he was in the clutches of a highly dangerous group of people. He rose, still under the influence of the potion Alida had given him, and felt as if he was moving in slow motion. His vision was still blurry.
When he stood fully, he realized where he was and moved toward the door, his head throbbing. The door was locked, and no matter how he pulled it and shook the knob, he knew the only way it could be opened was with the key from the outside. Frustrated, he lurched around the room like a caged animal trying to think clearly, trying to perceive some method of escape.
Boy, he thought, that Lorraine sure had me fooled! She and Alida put me right through the mill! God what a dumb bastard I was! I should have trusted my first impulse! These people are crooks!
He slumped to the table, already exhausted from his efforts to escape.
Christ, that drink sure knocked me out! I can barely see straight!
Then he noticed the camera mounted on the automatic timing device.
What do they use this for? he thought.
The camera was aimed at the opposite wall, which was hung with drapes.
What goes on here?
But suddenly a rush of dizziness roared through his brain, and he closed his eyes trying to resist the powerful pull of the drug.
Marion parked her car some distance from the Vallus headquarters. She had gone home and taken the money she was saving for Christmas out of its hiding place in her bureau drawer. As she sat in her Volkswagen, counting the money, tears came to her eyes.
I've been saving this all year, she thought. To buy something really nice for Ed and Mother at Christmas, but now...
The tears began to run down her cheeks as she realized how foolish she had been to let herself become involved with the cult. Unless she handed over this money, she knew Alida and Raoul would expose her folly to Ed and it would ruin their marriage. She stuffed the money in her purse, and got out of the car. As she walked toward the narrow building with the dagger-symbol on the door, a sense of dread and shame overwhelmed her. Her whole life was crumbling to pieces, and there was nothing she could do but follow their wishes until they decided to let her go.
She knocked timidly at the door, and Raoul admitted her.
"Ah, Marion!" he said sweetly, "so you've returned. We were wondering if you would come back."
"You knew I'd come," Marion said with a trace of bitterness in her voice. "I had to."
"Vallus will be very pleased."
Marion lowered her eyes in embarrassment as he uttered those words.
Vallus, indeed, she thought. Why does he still insist on keeping up this ridiculous pretense!
"Have you brought the money?" he asked, his eyes narrowing.
"Y... yes..." Marion said in a soft voice. "But it's all I have..."
"Fine... fine," he said. "Come into the worship chamber."
Numbly, Marion followed the slim, sensual young man as he led her down the hallway. As they entered the worship chamber, Alida looked up, and a broad smile wreathed her face.
"Marion, how nice to see you." She rose, totally nude, and moved to Marion as if to kiss her on the cheek. But Marion drew back in disgust. "So, you are repelled by us, eh? There's no need to be."
Marion caught sight of Lorraine and was caught short. The two had never met, and each was wary of the other.
"This is Lorraine," Alida said, "one of our most devoted disciples. Lorraine, this is Marion Hill..."
Lorraine's eyes widened with astonishment.
"Hill?" she said... "but that's incredible. Alida, do you suppose..."
Alida cut her off immediately, realizing she suspected that Marion and Ed were possibly married.
"Lorraine, Marion is a chosen priestess of Vallus. Vallus himself appeared to me in a vision the day she arrived and told me of her worth. Isn't that right, dear?"
Marion couldn't look at her. She did not want to participate in their vile game any longer. Alida sensed it immediately and changed tactics.
"Have you got the money?" she said in a cold, flat voice.
"Yes... I do," Marion answered in a barely audible whisper.
"Then, hand it over, darling," Alida said. "Hand it over."
In the storeroom, Ed began searching for something to pry open the door. As he rummaged through the drawers he suddenly saw a large, manila envelope labeled HILL PHOTOS. Glancing at the camera on the table, he suddenly put two and two together.
They're got pictures of me already from that orgy, he thought.
He ripped the envelopes open and withdrew the pictures. But when he saw the contents, his eyes widened in astonishment, and his jaw dropped. There was picture after picture of his wife in lewd poses. Crude shots of Marion sucking the cock of a young man he had never seen before.
Christ! That must be the son of that witch, Alida, he thought.
Anger roared through him as he saw close-ups of his wife eagerly sucking on the strange youth's huge penis. There were other pictures of Marion licking obscenely at Alida's pussy while Raoul fucked her from behind. It was like a parade of gross pornographic images, and Ed rifled through the pictures again and again, scarcely believing that it was his beautiful, blonde wife performing such grotesque acts. His rage built as his eyes pored over each detail of the graphic pictures.
"Oh, Marion... Marion," he said aloud, "what did you get yourself into? Oh, God!"
Disgusted, he finally threw the pictures down on the table and looked with vehemence at the camera. He knew immediately what the camera was for, and he was overcome with shame as he realized that they might have pictures of him, also. Then, suddenly, he realized that perhaps something might be revealed behind the closed drapes! After all, if the camera was pointed in that direction, then...
So that's it! Ed thought. A two-way mirror! Of course!
He quickly found a pull-string and yanked on it, and the drapes flung aside revealing, through the two-way mirror, the interior of the worship chamber.
There in the chamber, fully revealed to Ed's incredulous eyes, were Lorraine, Alida, a young man he guessed to be Raoul, and Marion! His wife had tears in her eyes and was handing over a wad of bills to Alida.
Blackmail! Ed thought suddenly. Those bastards are blackmailing Marion! Oh, God!
Still somewhat hazy from the drug, his eyes remained glued to the revealing scene and watched, a paralyzed spectator to what unfolded in the velvet-lined chamber.
Alida took the wad of bills from Marion.
"Good," she said smugly. "Vallus will be pleased."
"Shall we begin the High Ceremonial mother?" Raoul asked, his eyes blazing, realizing he was the only man among the three ravishing woman.
"Of course," Alida replied. "Let me put the money away while you give everyone a sip of the sacred potion."
Raoul took the vial of amber liquid from the altar and drank a few drops, then passed it to Lorraine, who greedily sipped from the vial, eager to feel the warm excitement of the drug take hold of her.
"I... I can't stay," Marion said, terrified. "I've got to get out."
"No, you don't," Alida said fiercely, barring her exit. "You'll stay until we're finished with you, is that understood? Is it?"
"NO! NO! I've got to go!"
"Raoul!" Alida shouted, calling to her son for help.
Raoul immediately gripped Marion by the arm and held her firmly.
"No, you don't," he snarled. "You're not going anywhere until we're finished with you!"
He twisted her arm again for emphasis, and then flung her on the floor where she lay in a helplessly sobbing heap.
"Good," Alida said approvingly, "you are the best son a mother could wish for."
With a wink, she slipped through the velvet curtains and went to the outer office to lock the money in the metal box.
Tearfully, Marion glanced at Raoul and Lorraine. Raoul was clad only in his tight, velvet pants, his tightly-muscled torso naked as always. Lorraine was completely nude, and Marion inadvertently let her eyes sneak over her sleek, voluptuous body. A twinge of envy ran through her seeing this flame-haired amazon standing so brazenly looking down at her. Raoul held the glass vial towards her.
"Have a sip," he commanded. "For the Ceremonial..."
"I... I mustn't..." she said, "I mustn't!"
"You must and you will!" the gypsy snapped harshly. "Drink it or I'll slap that pretty face of yours so hard you won't know whether you're coming or going! VALLUS COMMANDS! DRINK!"
Shuddering, Marion reached up and took the little glass container from him and brought it to her lips timidly.
Ed watched helplessly from the storeroom as he saw his wife about to drink the same drugged potion that had driven him to wild excesses he had never thought possible, and which he now completely regretted.
"DON'T! CHRIST, MARION DON'T DRINK IT!" he shouted through the glass. But soon he realized that the rooms were totally soundproof and none of his cries penetrated the walls. Powerless to do anything, he continued to watch as the High Ceremonial began to unfold.
Feeling the effects of the potion begin to take hold of her, Marion began involuntarily to relax, despite her shame and fear. Her body seemed to become soft and tingly, her vision foggy. Raoul slipped between the drapes for a moment and disappeared, leaving Lorraine and Marion alone.
"Don't worry," the redhead was saying, herself growing blurry and soft from the effects of the drink, "everything will be fine. The High Ceremonial is a lot of fun if you let yourself enjoy it." She winked lewdly at Marion. "Know what I mean?"
Marion turned away, utterly repelled by what this brazen stranger suggested to her.
How can they all talk this way, she thought, as if they believe in what they are doing. Oh God, these people are insane! Insane! I've got to get out!
And yet she knew it was utterly useless to try to escape. She was trapped, completely trapped, and her resistance was weakening rapidly from the powerful drink. After a moment, she heard the familiar hypnotic drum beats from speakers located in the draped walls. Raoul re-entered the room, smiling and totally nude, his body glistening as if covered with oil.
"Ah, the drums," Lorraine exclaimed, "that makes it so much more exciting. And have you got the body oil?"
"Yes," Raoul said, holding up a small bottle of clear liquid.
"Oh good," she said, "give it to me."
Marion watched, horrified yet fascinated, as Lorraine began to rub her entire body with the sweet-smelling oil. Her hands roved over every inch of her flesh, making it gleam provocatively. Her pendulous, red-tipped breasts shone wetly and every languid curve of her body glittered as the candlelight danced over her oiled skin.
"Take your clothes off, Marion," Raoul said. "You must prepare yourself, also."
"No," she said, recoiling, "NO!"
Raoul, his eyes flashing anger, ran to her and yanked her up off the floor. With brutal strokes, he tore her clothes from her body.
"You do as I say, you bitch! You do EXACTLY AS I SAY!"
From the other room, watching helplessly, Ed's fists clenched in violent anger as he watched the corrupt youth stripping clothes from his wife's body and flinging them in the corner. Then and there Ed vowed revenge! Somehow, in some way, he knew he would get back at this gypsy for his cruel treatment of his wife.
Nearly limp from the drug, Marion stood helplessly as Raoul roughly removed her blouse, her skirt and shoes. Then, with a coarse smile slashed across his lips, he unhooked her bra so that her shapely breasts sprang innocently free, and threw it in a corner, then slid her silky panties down over her full hips and off.
"Come, Lorraine," he said, "let us initiate her into the ritual of the body oil together."
"Of course," Lorraine said, with a lewd gleam in her eye, and moved towards the defenseless blonde.
Each took a little oil into the palms of their hands and, with the gypsy in front and his disciple behind, they began to rub the slick substance over Marion's body. Marion closed her eyes as she felt warm, oily hands work over every part of her. Raoul's hands slid over her trembling breasts, massaging each part of them with the strange essence. As he did, her breasts quivered involuntarily, and the little buds of her nipples tightened excitedly. Despite Marion's revulsion, she felt herself being drawn into the spell of the ceremonial as the drums pounded in rhythm to her heartbeat and the two obscene disciples of Vallus stood covering her with body oil.
Lorraine ran her hands over Marion's back and then moved down to the cushiony buttocks, covering them with oil. Teasingly she inserted her wet hand into the anal crack, slicking it up as well and sending shivers up Marion's back. Raoul covered her stomach and dipped into her navel with the oil, then moved teasingly down to her light pussy hair, and covered it, too, with the slick oil, pausing slightly to insert his finger into her vaginal canal, wetting it and making Marion gasp as a spasm of pleasure rippled involuntarily through her body. Despite the fact that she loathed these people and wanted desperately to get away, she found herself slowly and dazedly surrendering to the obscene treatment they were giving her.
Later that same afternoon, Ed Hill stood before Lorraine Holzman's apartment door. Almost immediately after she left, he had called a friend to take over for him at the garage. He had traced her by using the address on the charge card. She lived close to Beverly Hills, an area somewhat unfamiliar to him, and the posh extravagance of her apartment building made him feel out of place. He knocked at the door. After a moment, he saw the peephole cover swing back. "Who is it?" a voice...
Marion had fallen into a deep sleep, drained by the wild session with Alida and Raoul. She lay on the carpeted floor of the worship room unaware that they had left her alone and were in the storeroom talking intimately. "I'm going out, Raoul," Alida was saying, "I want to deposit the money that bitch brought to us. But it's not nearly enough. You have a way with her. You talk to her and get her to bring more. Tonight! Do you understand?" "Yes, mother," Raoul said, with a sly smile...
At the sound of the mirror being smashed, everyone in the worship chamber came fully conscious, torn from the lulling spell of erotic enchantment by Ed's sudden intrusion. Raoul and Lorraine scrambled madly out of the way of the splintering glass. "Ed!" Marion screamed, when she saw her husband fully revealed. "Oh Ed!" Tears streaming from her face she ran to her husband and they embraced tightly. "It's okay, baby, it's okay! Don't cry." "Oh, Ed, it's been horrible....
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Sophie woke up in a daze, her headache from the previous night had gone away, and she actually felt kind of good. She shifted positions in bed and immediately noticed a wet, sticky substance right in between her legs. She pulled the sheets down, and immediately noticed the source of the mystery goo. A giant cock. Right between her thighs, reaching all the way down past her knees, and accompanied by a pair of testes about the size of tennis balls. It was slightly flared at the tip, like a...
FetishI didn't kill another man right away, even though I was sorely tempted to do so. Instead I started talking to the man from Action Network. The guy proved to be very cooperative. He didn't know where Dindraine was, but he did know who everyone in the room was. I put him to work placing him under the supervision of some of my troops so that he could move through the group and identify everyone for me. As he picked out people, I had my soldiers haul them away and put them in places where I...
My first gay sex experience was not until I was 22. I knew I was gay but being very shy it took me a long time to get around to doing something about it. I took the bus to work and used to eye off a spunky guy who caught the bus at the same stop as me. Eventually I joined a gay social club and was persuaded to go to a “gay church” – who should I meet but the guy from the bus. His name was Hugh and he was 19. He recognised me from the bus and we got chatting, he suggested we get together and...
First Time'Does this feel like one of your fantasy sex stories Mariel'?He was right up against me, pressing hard against my bum, even my overcoat could not mask his erection, 'Who the fuck are you'?I dont think it was the sudden shock of being m*****ed in a public car park outside the local Tesco's supermarket, it was the audacity of the impending sexual assault.He had me over the proverbial barrel, after-all, I had been writing about such abuses since my girlhood, and my writings did nothing to mask my...
She only agreed to do it as a favour to her sister — but he more than made up for the inconvenience… * Daniel studied Izzy discreetly as she ate the evening meal. He’d thought her quite plain when he’s first seen her, but then she had smiled and her face had lit up. Now though she looked stunning… but for some reason, he did find himself preferring the other, understated Izzy. He’d always been a sucker for a pretty face… but Izzy was beyond pretty, and she bought out all kinds of strange...
MAGIC MIRROR, TELL ME TRUE Copyright, Kristy Leigh 1995, 2003. All rights reserved. 1. KC was five when his family moved into the house on Carrington Drive. He was very big on secret agents and hidden passages at the time, and was thoroughly intrigued when he discovered a door, which went nowhere. This was utterly outside of his experiences with doors up to that time: a door, by its very nature, had to lead somewhere. You walked through one to get from outside to inside,...
July 2009, Sudan Pam had the decency to blush when I looked at her after her bloodthirsty announcement regarding Khalid. Then I turned to Karen. “Karen, you must understand that you two have been living in different worlds. Despite her age Pam has probably seen some things you haven’t,” I said, and then I sighed. “But your presence here has certainly changed things. We have known for some time that it might be necessary to leave in haste but none of those plans included a blond woman. On...
Hi I am from a village near Kurnool and this is my first story hope you like it and excuse me for any mistakes please send your comments. Thanks for ISS team for getting this published, I am 5.9 and fair slim recently came to hyd for my job posting and stating at boys hostel in Ameerpet and hellip, this is the most crowded area with girls most of the time I fantasized but could not get courage to any girl for my self and felt bad when my room mates went for date at their girlfriends houses ah...
I discovered a large group of women in North Texas ranging in age from 18 to 40 that willing throw themselves at me. D magazine in Dallas published a story about me. In the story they described me the most eligible divorced bachalor in Dallas. They listed the restaurants, nightclubs, and bars in North Texas that I own and frequently visit. They also listed the social events I attend. I refused to be interviewed for the article. After this article was published I decided not to travel out of...
I (Diego Perez) might not be the strongest or the smartest, but I know a good opportunity when I see one. My stepsister Lily Starfire is curvy in all the right places – big natural tits & a fat, juicy ass. When I tell her I could use some advice in the bedroom area she basically laughs me off. But then she realizes nobody is going to help her with her math homework – then comes the pinky swear proposal. She helps me get more experience & I’ll tutor her in math....
xmoviesforyouThe sedative tranquility of the night was broken when I got a ring from Nipa. I had no alternative but to being excited and strong, shaking off the odious torpor of sleep because she is such a voluptuous girl. In another previous installment, I recounted how I had deflowered her almost adventitiously. But I should rather be glad to call “serendipity”. By the way, that day was the inception, genesis and grand opening of our fucking frenzy, no matter how clumsy it initially appeared to me then....
EroticThe hobo had been hanging around the junction most of the day. Dubbed ‘Squeek’ by his friends he had been living off the streets most of his adult life, earning a buck where he could. Handing out newspapers and washing windscreens for tips wasn’t bad work but it was getting late into the afternoon. He was getting hungry and needed a meal and a bottle badly. Maybe even a dollar suck from one of the crack whores on his block. Rattling his change bag Squeek grinned to himself. Yeah. Another hour...
(Vorwort: der Name der Milf ist custom! Also wählt einen Namen aus, bevor ihr lest, sonst bekommt ihr die Abenteuer der Maria Mustermann zu lesen!) Schon seit ich in der Abteilung bin, stehe ich auf sie: Maria Mustermann, die geile Milf, die direkt vor meiner Nase sitzt, tagtäglich mit ihrem Knackarsch an mir vorbeistolziert. Sie sieht für ihr Alter (40) extrem geil aus. Sehr sportlich, wie schon erwähnt, ein Knackarsch den sie nicht zu verstecken braucht und mit hohen Schuhen so geil wirkt,...
MILFAfter that dinner at Mama's house, I started working on making a real plan for organizing my future. I knew that I'd been approaching the problem from the wrong direction entirely. The decision as to whether I would manage the company, after Dad, had already been made for me by the circumstances of me being their son. There really wasn't any other alternative that wouldn't result in me letting both my parents down. I owed it to them to go forward with protecting the commitments they felt...
From Hot Florida Nights Part I... With my cock still going in and out of her rapidly Amanda let out a few more screams as orgasmic pleasure rushed through her body. She had her eyes closed as I could feel her pussy letting of waves of intense pleasure. Her breathing began to slow down as she put her hands around my shoulders again. With her body pressed against me I could feel her heart beating as she was still breathing hard from her explosion of bliss. She took her from the side of pool and...
EroticCopyright by author of story. All rights reserved. This story may not be reproduced without the permission of the author. Bikini Beach: The New Neighbor Elrod W Everything about Ronald Harris screamed of power - his clothes, his facial expression, his speech mannerisms, and his choices of words. And Ron Harris enjoyed his power. Particularly like now, when another of his plans was coming together. Even surrounded by construction workers and vehicles and equipment and noise,...
I had been out drinking and came home. My sister was drunk and laying down on the sofa. She has dyed blond hair and was a bit of a bbw. She had nice big tits and a hairy pussy...well that's how I always imagined her.I walked in the to the living room and seen her laying down drunk with a little black dress on. My cock went a little hard as I walked over and asked how she was and how her night had been. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at me, her mouth opened and didn't say a word. She just...
The Oral’s You know there is a lot of talk about the sexes and this has been going on for years. Men fuck women, and vise a versa, and that is that. We have men, women and nothing else. I really feel that there should be a third accepted category. The Oral’s. The Oral’s are pretty normal people, they work and pay taxes, they have families they love and they take care of. But there is something special about the Oral’s that just regular men and women are missing. You see the orals are so in...
BisexualDisclaimer: i know my english is week, but u forgive my mistakes or don’t u? Well received lot of translation of my last story i mean (2 in 1 lesbian+shemale)) did u read? But here i want to mention i accepted hard cock (e-mail id) story thank you very much hard cock i really appreciate your effort & did u enjoy my body in front of cam? Please let me know how i was looking in front of cam taking my middle finger deep inside is that make u horny or u want more? But know it’s another day with...