Subway free porn video

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The subway is a daunting place at any time of the day. The cold harsh lighting provided by overhead lamps, half of which have been vandalised and no longer work, forming pools of dark shadows in? several areas.The once white walls now a dirty cream, much of that covered with graffiti and aerosol paint.


The trains themselves, once new and immaculate, now the playground of vandals and subway gangs, the seats badly cut, and more graffiti bear evidence to the inability of the City to cope.


But if it was a daunting place during the day, it was horrendous at night.The crowds long gone, and the footsteps of the lone passengers the only thing stopping the subway feeling like a ghost town. The eerie silence punctuated only by the occasional passing train, stopping and departing as if they did not want to spend much time in the station either.


Around the station, groups of youths with nowhere better to go hang around 'marking' their turf with even more graffiti, the excess paint running down the forsaken walls.


Helen was new to all this, having only been in America for three weeks. True, the underground in her native London was no picture painting, but in comparison to this, it was a dream. She still had no car of her own, so Helen had to rely on the subway system to get to and from work, hence here presence there at this time of night.


The gangs, laughing and shouting in the distance, made her more uncomfortable, and she wished her train would hurry up and arrive.


The voices drew closer, and the gang appeared at the far end of the platform. Helen drew herself into one of the pools of darkness, against a pillar, in an effort to remain invisible until her train arrived.


It was, of course, a futile effort, as she heard one of the gang whistle at her. But they made no effort to come over to where she stood, trying to get deeper into the shadows.


It was another five minutes before Helen's train arrived, with Helen looking furtively up the platform to make sure the gang did not come over to her, ready to make a run for it if they did.


When the train stopped she got on it quickly, relieved to be amongst other passengers, the anxiety and paranoia fading as she began to feel safer. The journey time was twenty minutes, and by the time she reached her stop Helen had let the gang slip from her mind. Her own station was still well lit, and she had no fears here.


From the station to where Helen lived was only fifteen minutes, along a route she was beginning to know well. Her mind was on the dinner invite one of her so-workers had given her for Friday, a guy she had spotted straight away, and sort of fancied. She had not given him an answer, not wanting to appear too eager, but she had already decided that she would say yes. Then suddenly, out of the darkness, the gang appeared in front of her.They had obviously known where she was going, and with their better knowledge of the city, had been able to get in front of her.


Helen stopped, and started to retreat, but another of the gang was behind her, and as Helen saw a flash of bright metal in the moonlight, a knife appeared at her throat. With little more than a whisper, the knifeman told her to move, pushing her forwards, and towards the other gang members. One of them grabbed her purse, and took out Helen's identity.


"Helen Sharp. 1064 Bakers Street. let's go"


The gang started to chant her name, as they ushered her towards her home. She wanted to scream out for help, but the knife was still at her neck, and she had heard so much about the gangs here, that she did not want to cause them to hurt her. If she said nothing, they would probably take her stereo, and a few other things, and leave her alone.


Helen's home, supplied by the company, was well furnished. They had supplied her with a large screen T.V., a great stereo, and velvet three piece. The kitchen was large enough to have been the lounge, and had all state of the art equipment.


But it was the bedroom that Helen had always loved best. The ensuite bathroom led though a sliding glass door to the bedroom itself. White and gold fitments lined the walls, with a huge floor to ceiling mirror filling the whole of one wall. But her pride and joy was the bed.


It was a four poster bed, with a white velvet overhang that kept the morning sun from her eyes, allowing her the time to awaken slowly. She had not had a bad night's sleep in this bed yet, and always looked forwards to sleeping in it, sometimes deliberately putting it off until she could no longer resist it's pulling power, smiling as she lay on it, allowing it to bring sleep to her.


The gang had thrown Helen onto the sofa in the lounge, as they searched her home. A voice called some of the gang to the bedroom, and she could hear them talking in low tones. She had made an effort to get up, but the knife man was ever present, and stopped her.


One of the other youths came out of the bedroom, and whispered to the knifemen. He then pulled Helen to her feet, and pushed. Inside the bedroom the bead had been stripped of it's bedding, leaving just the bare mattress. Someone had tied her stocking to each of the four posts, and Helen immediately realised what was going to happen. She tried to turn and leave, but the man with the knife pressed it harder against her throat, and stopped her from going.


Two of the gang stood in front of her, and began to undo the buttons of Helen's blouse. She put her hands up to stop them, but a sudden pain in her stomach, as one of the men hit her, took her breath away, and she dropped to her knees on the floor.


Ignoring her cries and gasping for breath, the men pulled her back to her feet, and continued to undress her, her blouse first, leaving her breasts covered only by the thin bra she wore.


The hands now moved to her waist, and seconds later her skirt lay at her feet, leaving her standing in her underwear, which hid very little.


The two who had undressed Helen now pulled her to the bed, closely persued by the man with the knife, and sat her on the side of the bed. One of them pulled her left arm towards the corner, as another man tied the stocking around her wrist, pulling hard at it to make sure it would not come undone.


She was then pushed backwards onto the bed, and her other arm was stretched to reach the other head post, and tied, which forced her arms wide on the big bed.


She tried to pull at her wrists, but the position made it impossible, and as the first of her legs was tied, she just hoped that the gang would not do anything else to her. Seconds later her other leg was tied, and again the size of the bed meant that he legs were stretched wide.


Another member of the gang, who had been searching Helen's cupboards came over with a piece of cloth, which Helen recognised as a pair of her panties, and forcing her mouth open, stuffed them in, gagging the girl, and holding it in place with yet another of her own stockings. Helen realised, now, that she cold not do anything to protect herself, and the tears, until now held back, began to flow freely.


For a while it still looked as if the gang were just going to rob the house, as they left Helen tied to the bed, and continued to search. She could hear drawers in the lounge opening and closing, and gang members saying that they would get a good price for this haul. Helen sighed a sigh of relief. All of these things would be covered by the companies insurance.


After a while the doors and drawers stopped opening and closing, and the gang members, now all six of them, returned to where Helen was lying, her arms and legs beginning to ache with the way they had been stretched. The bed was never intended for this treatment, and was actually a king size. But the men had pulled her limbs as far as they could to the corners, and she could feel the pressure on the joints of her limbs.


Two of the men now held knives, and Helen started again to fear for her safety, as they approached the bed. As they leaned over her she shook her head, and screamed for them to leave her alone. But the gag made it impossible for her to scream anything, and all that came out was a faint groan.


The men placed the knives at each side of her rib cage, and flicked. Helen screamed, thinking that they had cut her, but the sudden release of her breasts told her that it was her bra that had been the victim, as they had each cut through one side. A few seconds later, and the knives had done their work on the straps, and one of the men was able to pull the waste material away from her body, leaving the whole of her 38c tits on display.


Helen's knickers came off the same way, and soon she was lying completely naked before the gang, her limbs aching more and more, feeling as if they were being pulled from her body. One of the gang then placed his hand on one of Helen's tits, and began to play with the globe of flesh, circling it with his palm, catching her nipple occasionally. He noticed that her nipple had stared to harden, and moved his fingers to flick at it, watching Helen squirm as he did so.


Moving his hand away, he replaced it with his mouth, sucking at the full tit as best he could, before resuming his attack on her nipple, sucking it deep into his mouth, catching it with his teeth, and nipping at it.


Another member of the gang joined in, placing his mouth on Helen's other nipple, and she could feel both sets of teeth pulling at her rapidly hardening nipples, feeling them grow more tender as the attack continued.


Helen felt pressure on the bed, and saw the 'Leader of the gang climbing up between her legs, kneeling on the mattress. Seconds later his head was between her thighs, and his tongue flicked out at her pussy, striking the lips with a flick, and sending an involuntary spasm through her, She wanted them to stop, but as the three fold assault continued, she felt her self getting aroused, She hoped that they would not notice, but it was a forlorn hope, as the leader lifted his head, and told his members that Helen was a hot whore, and wanting to get it on.


The two men biting her nipples did not let up, as the leader changed position, so that he now knelt directly between her thighs, his hard cock aimed at her rapidly dampening pussy lips. He leaned forwards, and Helen could feel the first touch of his cock, as he guided it to her sex, forcing just the head inside her.


Helen again tried to scream, but it was silenced by the gag, as the leader started to push his cock deeper. Unable to move, Helen could only cry as the cock pressed deeper and deeper into her, the other two men now biting hard on her nipples, making them even more sore and tender. Then the leader gave a deep thrust, sending the whole of his cock into the helpless girl, his balls slapping against her inner thighs.


He could feel Helen trying to struggle from under him, but the bonds held her tight, and escape was impossible, as he began to pump his cock in and out of her, trying to get deeper than ever with every lunge. He could see the tears running from the victims eyes, but made no effort to stop, or even slow down, as he rode the helpless girl, ramming himself harder with every thrust, sure that she would have bruises by morning.


Another of the gang moved over to the bed, and climbed up next to Helen's head. He began to unfasten the gag, and knelt against her ace, his cock touching her cheek. Helen moved her head away, but the man pulled it back, smiling as Helen resisted his attempts to get his cock into her mouth. Just then one of the men biting her nipple bit harder, sinking his teeth deep into her flesh. Helen opened her mouth to scream, but the man kneeling by her head took advantage of this, and provided his own gag, silencing the scream with his cock, as he rammed it to the back of her throat.


The attack was now four pronged, and Helen's body began to react, her pussy growing increasingly wetter, as the leaders cock glided in and out. She tried to push the cock out of her mouth with her tongue, but the owner of it took this as acceptance of what he was doing, and rammed deeper into her throat, making Helen cough and choke on it.


Just then the leader gave a scream, and with one last lunge, rammed his cock as deep as he could get it. Instantly, Helen felt the release of his cum deep inside her, bringing fresh tears to her eyes. As he pulled out? she could feel his cum dripping out of her, and running down the divide between her legs, and down across the lips to her ass. The leader noticed this, and allowed his fingers to play in the river of cum, spreading it around the tight opening of her ass, and forcing a finger inside, feeling the heat.


Helen tried again to scream at this invasion, but the cock in her mouth proved an effective gag, as the finger pressed deeper, moving in circles, stretching the opening as it did so.


"Bob", called the leader to another member of the gang. "Got a present her for you, A nice tight virgin ass."


Helen heard someone whistle in delight, and as the leader moved off the bed, another man took his place between her legs. He already had his trousers off, and from the corner of her eye, Helen caught sight of his cock. Again she tried to scream. The cock was huge, and she knew that if he got that any where near her ass, it would rip her open. But Bob took no notice of the fear in her eyes, as he positioned himself.


Bob made no effort to use the leaders cum to moisten his target, simply choosing the rough approach. He placed the head of his cock against the forbidden doorway, and pressed. The head of his cock entered, and Helen screamed as the red hot pain shot through her body. Even the cock in her mouth could not silence this scream, as Bob started to press himself inside the dry cavern.


As he went deeper, the hole felt drier, and tighter, and Helen felt the pain more and more, screaming time and time again as the invasion continued. Suddenly there was an eruption in her mouth, as the man fucking her throat shot his cum deep down her throat, forcing her to swallow, even as she screamed. She began to choke on the hot fluid, but he kept his cock in until she had swallowed as much as she could, as Bob began to fuck her ass harder and harder.


Suddenly, and without warning, Helen own body exploded in orgasm. She had not expected it, and the eruption shook the whole of her body with it's intensity. Never before had she had an orgasm of this magnitude, and her juices flooded out, and splashed onto the cock driving into her ass, lubricating it.


Bobs response was to drive deeper, now aided by Helen's own juices, until he felt his balls slamming against the cheeks of her ass. The screaming had stopped, and Helen felt her hips rising to meet the onslaught. She tried to stop herself, but her body refused to obey her will, as she met Bob stroke for stroke. Bob gave a loud grunt, and Helen could feel his cock twitching inside her, knowing he was on the verge of cumming. Her response was to lift her hips even higher to met him, as he gave a moan, and she felt the hot white cum flooding into her ass.


Again, Helen felt her own climax rising, and almost at the same time as Bob, her pussy again exploded. She ignored the fact that one of the men who had been biting her nipple was now leaning at the side of her head, and as he moved towards her, Helen willingly opened her mouth to admit it, drawing it deep into her mouth, sucking at it as if she never wanted it to leave.


As Bob moved away, the other nipple biter moved between her legs, and in seconds his cock was deep in Helen's pussy, as he began to ride the poor girl.


In a haze, Helen thought she heard someone talking on the phone, and it took a few moments to realise that it was the leader, calling the rest of the gang, telling them to come around, as they had a hot pussy for them, ready to pull a train.



The subway is a daunting place at any time of the day. The cold harsh lighting provided by overhead lamps, half of which have been vandalised and no longer work, forming pools of dark shadows in? several areas.The once white walls now a dirty cream, much of that covered with graffiti and aerosol paint.


The trains themselves, once new and immaculate, now the playground of vandals and subway gangs, the seats badly cut, and more graffiti bear evidence to the inability of the City to cope.


But if it was a daunting place during the day, it was horrendous at night.The crowds long gone, and the footsteps of the lone passengers the only thing stopping the subway feeling like a ghost town. The eerie silence punctuated only by the occasional passing train, stopping and departing as if they did not want to spend much time in the station either.


Around the station, groups of youths with nowhere better to go hang around 'marking' their turf with even more graffiti, the excess paint running down the forsaken walls.


Helen was new to all this, having only been in America for three weeks. True, the underground in her native London was no picture painting, but in comparison to this, it was a dream. She still had no car of her own, so Helen had to rely on the subway system to get to and from work, hence here presence there at this time of night.


The gangs, laughing and shouting in the distance, made her more uncomfortable, and she wished her train would hurry up and arrive.


The voices drew closer, and the gang appeared at the far end of the platform. Helen drew herself into one of the pools of darkness, against a pillar, in an effort to remain invisible until her train arrived.


It was, of course, a futile effort, as she heard one of the gang whistle at her. But they made no effort to come over to where she stood, trying to get deeper into the shadows.


It was another five minutes before Helen's train arrived, with Helen looking furtively up the platform to make sure the gang did not come over to her, ready to make a run for it if they did.


When the train stopped she got on it quickly, relieved to be amongst other passengers, the anxiety and paranoia fading as she began to feel safer. The journey time was twenty minutes, and by the time she reached her stop Helen had let the gang slip from her mind. Her own station was still well lit, and she had no fears here.


From the station to where Helen lived was only fifteen minutes, along a route she was beginning to know well. Her mind was on the dinner invite one of her so-workers had given her for Friday, a guy she had spotted straight away, and sort of fancied. She had not given him an answer, not wanting to appear too eager, but she had already decided that she would say yes. Then suddenly, out of the darkness, the gang appeared in front of her.They had obviously known where she was going, and with their better knowledge of the city, had been able to get in front of her.


Helen stopped, and started to retreat, but another of the gang was behind her, and as Helen saw a flash of bright metal in the moonlight, a knife appeared at her throat. With little more than a whisper, the knifeman told her to move, pushing her forwards, and towards the other gang members. One of them grabbed her purse, and took out Helen's identity.


"Helen Sharp. 1064 Bakers Street. let's go"


The gang started to chant her name, as they ushered her towards her home. She wanted to scream out for help, but the knife was still at her neck, and she had heard so much about the gangs here, that she did not want to cause them to hurt her. If she said nothing, they would probably take her stereo, and a few other things, and leave her alone.


Helen's home, supplied by the company, was well furnished. They had supplied her with a large screen T.V., a great stereo, and velvet three piece. The kitchen was large enough to have been the lounge, and had all state of the art equipment.


But it was the bedroom that Helen had always loved best. The ensuite bathroom led though a sliding glass door to the bedroom itself. White and gold fitments lined the walls, with a huge floor to ceiling mirror filling the whole of one wall. But her pride and joy was the bed.


It was a four poster bed, with a white velvet overhang that kept the morning sun from her eyes, allowing her the time to awaken slowly. She had not had a bad night's sleep in this bed yet, and always looked forwards to sleeping in it, sometimes deliberately putting it off until she could no longer resist it's pulling power, smiling as she lay on it, allowing it to bring sleep to her.


The gang had thrown Helen onto the sofa in the lounge, as they searched her home. A voice called some of the gang to the bedroom, and she could hear them talking in low tones. She had made an effort to get up, but the knife man was ever present, and stopped her.


One of the other youths came out of the bedroom, and whispered to the knifemen. He then pulled Helen to her feet, and pushed. Inside the bedroom the bead had been stripped of it's bedding, leaving just the bare mattress. Someone had tied her stocking to each of the four posts, and Helen immediately realised what was going to happen. She tried to turn and leave, but the man with the knife pressed it harder against her throat, and stopped her from going.


Two of the gang stood in front of her, and began to undo the buttons of Helen's blouse. She put her hands up to stop them, but a sudden pain in her stomach, as one of the men hit her, took her breath away, and she dropped to her knees on the floor.


Ignoring her cries and gasping for breath, the men pulled her back to her feet, and continued to undress her, her blouse first, leaving her breasts covered only by the thin bra she wore.


The hands now moved to her waist, and seconds later her skirt lay at her feet, leaving her standing in her underwear, which hid very little.


The two who had undressed Helen now pulled her to the bed, closely persued by the man with the knife, and sat her on the side of the bed. One of them pulled her left arm towards the corner, as another man tied the stocking around her wrist, pulling hard at it to make sure it would not come undone.


She was then pushed backwards onto the bed, and her other arm was stretched to reach the other head post, and tied, which forced her arms wide on the big bed.


She tried to pull at her wrists, but the position made it impossible, and as the first of her legs was tied, she just hoped that the gang would not do anything else to her. Seconds later her other leg was tied, and again the size of the bed meant that he legs were stretched wide.


Another member of the gang, who had been searching Helen's cupboards came over with a piece of cloth, which Helen recognised as a pair of her panties, and forcing her mouth open, stuffed them in, gagging the girl, and holding it in place with yet another of her own stockings. Helen realised, now, that she cold not do anything to protect herself, and the tears, until now held back, began to flow freely.


For a while it still looked as if the gang were just going to rob the house, as they left Helen tied to the bed, and continued to search. She could hear drawers in the lounge opening and closing, and gang members saying that they would get a good price for this haul. Helen sighed a sigh of relief. All of these things would be covered by the companies insurance.


After a while the doors and drawers stopped opening and closing, and the gang members, now all six of them, returned to where Helen was lying, her arms and legs beginning to ache with the way they had been stretched. The bed was never intended for this treatment, and was actually a king size. But the men had pulled her limbs as far as they could to the corners, and she could feel the pressure on the joints of her limbs.


Two of the men now held knives, and Helen started again to fear for her safety, as they approached the bed. As they leaned over her she shook her head, and screamed for them to leave her alone. But the gag made it impossible for her to scream anything, and all that came out was a faint groan.


The men placed the knives at each side of her rib cage, and flicked. Helen screamed, thinking that they had cut her, but the sudden release of her breasts told her that it was her bra that had been the victim, as they had each cut through one side. A few seconds later, and the knives had done their work on the straps, and one of the men was able to pull the waste material away from her body, leaving the whole of her 38c tits on display.


Helen's knickers came off the same way, and soon she was lying completely naked before the gang, her limbs aching more and more, feeling as if they were being pulled from her body. One of the gang then placed his hand on one of Helen's tits, and began to play with the globe of flesh, circling it with his palm, catching her nipple occasionally. He noticed that her nipple had stared to harden, and moved his fingers to flick at it, watching Helen squirm as he did so.


Moving his hand away, he replaced it with his mouth, sucking at the full tit as best he could, before resuming his attack on her nipple, sucking it deep into his mouth, catching it with his teeth, and nipping at it.


Another member of the gang joined in, placing his mouth on Helen's other nipple, and she could feel both sets of teeth pulling at her rapidly hardening nipples, feeling them grow more tender as the attack continued.


Helen felt pressure on the bed, and saw the 'Leader of the gang climbing up between her legs, kneeling on the mattress. Seconds later his head was between her thighs, and his tongue flicked out at her pussy, striking the lips with a flick, and sending an involuntary spasm through her, She wanted them to stop, but as the three fold assault continued, she felt her self getting aroused, She hoped that they would not notice, but it was a forlorn hope, as the leader lifted his head, and told his members that Helen was a hot whore, and wanting to get it on.


The two men biting her nipples did not let up, as the leader changed position, so that he now knelt directly between her thighs, his hard cock aimed at her rapidly dampening pussy lips. He leaned forwards, and Helen could feel the first touch of his cock, as he guided it to her sex, forcing just the head inside her.


Helen again tried to scream, but it was silenced by the gag, as the leader started to push his cock deeper. Unable to move, Helen could only cry as the cock pressed deeper and deeper into her, the other two men now biting hard on her nipples, making them even more sore and tender. Then the leader gave a deep thrust, sending the whole of his cock into the helpless girl, his balls slapping against her inner thighs.


He could feel Helen trying to struggle from under him, but the bonds held her tight, and escape was impossible, as he began to pump his cock in and out of her, trying to get deeper than ever with every lunge. He could see the tears running from the victims eyes, but made no effort to stop, or even slow down, as he rode the helpless girl, ramming himself harder with every thrust, sure that she would have bruises by morning.


Another of the gang moved over to the bed, and climbed up next to Helen's head. He began to unfasten the gag, and knelt against her ace, his cock touching her cheek. Helen moved her head away, but the man pulled it back, smiling as Helen resisted his attempts to get his cock into her mouth. Just then one of the men biting her nipple bit harder, sinking his teeth deep into her flesh. Helen opened her mouth to scream, but the man kneeling by her head took advantage of this, and provided his own gag, silencing the scream with his cock, as he rammed it to the back of her throat.


The attack was now four pronged, and Helen's body began to react, her pussy growing increasingly wetter, as the leaders cock glided in and out. She tried to push the cock out of her mouth with her tongue, but the owner of it took this as acceptance of what he was doing, and rammed deeper into her throat, making Helen cough and choke on it.


Just then the leader gave a scream, and with one last lunge, rammed his cock as deep as he could get it. Instantly, Helen felt the release of his cum deep inside her, bringing fresh tears to her eyes. As he pulled out? she could feel his cum dripping out of her, and running down the divide between her legs, and down across the lips to her ass. The leader noticed this, and allowed his fingers to play in the river of cum, spreading it around the tight opening of her ass, and forcing a finger inside, feeling the heat.


Helen tried again to scream at this invasion, but the cock in her mouth proved an effective gag, as the finger pressed deeper, moving in circles, stretching the opening as it did so.


"Bob", called the leader to another member of the gang. "Got a present her for you, A nice tight virgin ass."


Helen heard someone whistle in delight, and as the leader moved off the bed, another man took his place between her legs. He already had his trousers off, and from the corner of her eye, Helen caught sight of his cock. Again she tried to scream. The cock was huge, and she knew that if he got that any where near her ass, it would rip her open. But Bob took no notice of the fear in her eyes, as he positioned himself.


Bob made no effort to use the leaders cum to moisten his target, simply choosing the rough approach. He placed the head of his cock against the forbidden doorway, and pressed. The head of his cock entered, and Helen screamed as the red hot pain shot through her body. Even the cock in her mouth could not silence this scream, as Bob started to press himself inside the dry cavern.


As he went deeper, the hole felt drier, and tighter, and Helen felt the pain more and more, screaming time and time again as the invasion continued. Suddenly there was an eruption in her mouth, as the man fucking her throat shot his cum deep down her throat, forcing her to swallow, even as she screamed. She began to choke on the hot fluid, but he kept his cock in until she had swallowed as much as she could, as Bob began to fuck her ass harder and harder.


Suddenly, and without warning, Helen own body exploded in orgasm. She had not expected it, and the eruption shook the whole of her body with it's intensity. Never before had she had an orgasm of this magnitude, and her juices flooded out, and splashed onto the cock driving into her ass, lubricating it.


Bobs response was to drive deeper, now aided by Helen's own juices, until he felt his balls slamming against the cheeks of her ass. The screaming had stopped, and Helen felt her hips rising to meet the onslaught. She tried to stop herself, but her body refused to obey her will, as she met Bob stroke for stroke. Bob gave a loud grunt, and Helen could feel his cock twitching inside her, knowing he was on the verge of cumming. Her response was to lift her hips even higher to met him, as he gave a moan, and she felt the hot white cum flooding into her ass.


Again, Helen felt her own climax rising, and almost at the same time as Bob, her pussy again exploded. She ignored the fact that one of the men who had been biting her nipple was now leaning at the side of her head, and as he moved towards her, Helen willingly opened her mouth to admit it, drawing it deep into her mouth, sucking at it as if she never wanted it to leave.


As Bob moved away, the other nipple biter moved between her legs, and in seconds his cock was deep in Helen's pussy, as he began to ride the poor girl.


In a haze, Helen thought she heard someone talking on the phone, and it took a few moments to realise that it was the leader, calling the rest of the gang, telling them to come around, as they had a hot pussy for them, ready to pull a train.


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I hired my first employee today! Mark Glasso. Nice kid. He seems smart and driven. He's got a great pedigree and he's all up in the biz. Knows the buzzwords and knows the right people to talk to. Good looking Italian guy, which for a salesman is a great look. I suspect he's a lady-killer too, but we aren't close enough to talk about that yet. First employee! This time next year, there'll be ten of us! Finally, I feel like life is back on track! It had rained all night and the...

1 year ago
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Dead Stick 6

That night returning home I finally took all 3 clips off her, though I didn't relieve her I did finally ease her torment. "What's the matter Tyrome? Ya going soft? She said I could almost feel her thumbing her nose at me. "No, I don't want ya getting killed if that damn brother shows up, me included, why not be a good girl, and clam the fuck up a while huh?" I told her hoping against hope that she took it to heart and actually give me a break. I should have known it was too...

3 years ago
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Me My Wife And Wife8217s Bhabhi

Hi, I am Rupesh & its my first sex story & if like this then I wrote next. I am 35, tall & have slim body, where my wife whose name is A 5″2′ have figure 32,28,34 & fair in colour. I love my wife very much & have pleasant sex with her. But I always fantasized sex with my wife’s BHABHI whose name is S. One day my fantasy has been come true when I went to my wife’s home. At one night we both (me, my wife, wife’s BHABHI & wife’s Brother named S) are sited, meri iccha chai pene ki hui. Maine apni...

2 years ago
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Hearts on FireChapter 9

It was a somewhat cloudy and windy day on the slopes. Sally gave Sam another ski lesson. She had already shown a great deal of improvement. Her experience at water skiing was paying off after all. Still, Sam moved slowly and fell often. Fortunately she didn't hurt anything, except her pride. Several hours later the two of them made their way back to the cabin. Before they went inside, Sam indulged Sally's desire to build a "snowman". While Sam was creating the head, Sally was working on...

3 years ago
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TWD Fantasy Part 1

Your all alone and sacred in the woods. It's been days since you got separated from your group. Your hungry, scared and and being followed by 3 walkers. As you try to run you trip over a fallen tree, you look up and a walker is almost on top of you. You close your eyes and wait for the bite the will turn you into on of them. Just as you have given up hope a gunshot rings out in the quiet forest and the walkers head explodes covering you in zombie filth. You turn to see who save you and there...

2 years ago
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A Bathroom Fling

Introduction: Anna is a 17 year old who is graduating high school, and is tired of fucking guys who do nothing for her… Until she meets Derek. Anna was a girl who was classy on the outside but dirty on the inside. She was 17, and graduating high school. She had hazel eyes, was 57, with long brown hair and a big ass. Her waist was tiny but her rack was awesome, with firm d-cup boobs and nipples the size of quarters. Anna was familiar with boys, and she wasnt a virgin, but she barely had actual...

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Games Genies Play Part 2 of 6

Far beyond the reach of space and time lies the City of Brass. A sea of flames surrounds it and the brass walls glow hot enough to blind any visitor who made it through the endless magma. This hellish region is home to powers so unimaginable that gods themselves fear to meet them. In a tower high above the city five genies met. Each one has enough power to shake the foundations of the world. Together all of creation was at threat. The mighty quailed at the outcome of the...

1 year ago
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A woman scorned turns to a hitchhiker and his dog for company

Heather was out driving to clear her head. She had just caught her best girlfriend and lover fucking a total stranger and her dog Saxon. The beautiful sunny day was doing wonders for Heather’s disposition, as well as the heady freedom of driving down the highway with no particular place to go right in the middle of the week. She had never run off from her responsibilities like this before, and she was enjoying the rush of excitement that was now pumping through her veins. Anything could...

3 years ago
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She is Beautiful Part 1

She was stunningly beautiful! My wife Samantha and I were out of town for a wedding, staying at a 5-star vintage hotel. We got into town a day early – planning on spending an extra day on either end of the rehearsal night and then wedding day pampering and fucking each other’s brains and bodies into exhaustion.To understand what I just meant you should get that Sam loves her feeldoe – a realistic non-strap on cock with a vibrating bulb that fits snuggly up her always wet and ready cunt – as she...

Group Sex
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Daniels New Girlfriend

What a turnaround. One day Mrs Thomson is the mother of his girlfriend then within days she’s Jennifer, his dominant girlfriend, and has him across her lap spanking the living daylights out of him . It was only a week ago that Daniel was at Chloe’s house, his then girlfriend, Mrs Thomson’s daughter. Daniel thought Mrs Thomson, or Jennifer as he now called her, looked gorgeous, 42 but still so attractive to 21 year old Daniel, with tight fitting slacks and a low cut light blue t shirt that...

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Amanda paced the room. This was her time. Her stage. To reveal her true self. No more being Tom. That was the past. She wanted to stop living as a boy. No more cross-dressing as a girl in secret. She openly wanted to wear girly clothes and shout out to the world that she should have been born as a girl. Of course, her first hurdle sat on the couch. Her parents. Sitting in their khaki-colored delivery uniforms. Even when it was their day off. Both worked for a big delivery company. But...

3 years ago
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Ring of TruthBlog 9 Kathleens ordeal

September 22nd 2004 The university was again in full swing. I'd started my research project, which was a continuation of the work I did for my doctorate. Now though I had a PhD student under me. He is a sporty type so we don't have much in common socially but he is fairly clued up on the work we have to do. Much of it is routine, mundane stuff. Setting up an experiment and seeing and recording the result on a database. Then repeating it twice to check the results only to find they were...

1 year ago
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Midnight Romance

Danielle was almost asleep when she heard a soft knock on her door. "Who is it?" "It's me.." came a whispered response. Quickly, Danielle unlocked the door. Exchanging smiles, Alicia stepped into the room quietly but swiftly and sat on the edge of Danielle's bed. Danielle was puzzled as to why her friend would be coming into her room so late in the night. Her friend seemed anxious. "Alicia..? Is everything okay?" Alicia nodded slightly. Danielle was enchanted by how her beautiful she looked in...

2 years ago
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In der Kirche

Der Einstieg war einfach, ich brach ein Fenster hinten und fand bald ein paar Sachen. Ich holte etwas Kommunionwein, aber der schmeckte nach Scheiße, also spuckte ich ihn aus und stapfte in den Mittelgang der Kirche, um zu sehen, ob es noch etwas zu stehlen gab. Ich suchte die Seitenwände ab, als ich ein Geräusch an der Tür hörte. Ich ließ mich hinter eine Bank fallen und beobachtete durch die Lücke, wie sich die Tür öffnete. Ein Mädchen trat mit einem riesigen Blumenstrauß herein. Sie muss...

2 years ago
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Meeting the Dom Couple

A true story (from a blog written that day) about my first time both with more than one person and with a woman. It would have gone further with her but she happened to get her period that morning. This was actually written just after it happened a year ago. Sadly, I haven’t seen them since as our schedules never seemed to match up after and I think they finally just gave up on me. A shame because they were a lot of fun. ~*~ So today I met up with a wonderful Dom couple. He is not at all a...

3 years ago
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Her Game

Tom was sitting in the chair as she stood infront of him. She was so gorgeous and sexy. She was swaying and her hips were moving as she danced for him. She had on the wet t-shirt that had wine poured over it showing the shape of her huge tits. He was getting hard just looking at her. Then she turned showing how the skimpy thong went between her ass cheeks up her crack. She had the great round bubble butt so sexy and inviting. She knew just how much she turned him on. She could see the outline...

2 years ago
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Foster Daddy for my Birthday

Introduction: My first shot at this – It was really fun to write >,_<, This was the last Foster Home I was going to be at. It was terrifying and freeing all at the same time. After being in this system for so many years and bouncing from house to house it might be nice to not be anyones problem anymore. Today is my 18th birthday and although Im excited to be an adult its not so fun to have a big birthday when you dont have anyone to celebrate with&hellip,Linda my foster mom is at work and...

3 years ago
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I was camping in Yosemite one time in college, when I couldn’t get to sleep one night and decided to take a walk through the woods. It was the middle of summer, so it was warm enough to walk outside in just pajama bottoms and a T-shirt (and sandals). We had camped way out in the middle of nowhere, so nobody was around for miles, or so we thought. So while my friends were sleeping, I slipped out of the tent and strolled out through the forest. Yosemite is gorgeous at night, the woods were...

4 years ago
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The Sauna by Kevlar

Sharon was tired after a long week of working n wanted a chance to relax. She had heard of a new spa that had just opened n told herself she had earned a chance to be primed n pampered. She walked in the front door n told the secretary that she wanted a massage. She was told to go into the dressing room n take off all of her clothes n was given a towel. She was then guided down to the sauna room where she was told to wait for her masseuse. Sharon laid down on the bench on her stomach n used the...

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How Do You Solve A Problem LikeMiss Manson

After her meeting with Ms. Storey that lunchtime and on hearing that the strict young deputy headmistress was going to allow Rebecca Mulligan to carry out her plan to deal with Miss Manson, the head of Music at St Katherine’s School did not hang around for long after the end of the school day. Once she had taken the full school orchestra for their after-school practice she returned to the Music office, packed her bag and hurried to her car. She arrived home just after 5 pm and decided that she...

3 years ago
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The Training of Lucy part 5

Lucy woke up to a loud beeping noise coming from the opposite side of the bed. Sean woke up and reached over and tapped the alarm clock, silencing the alarm. Lucy thought it was obnoxiously loud, but she knew that Sean was a very deep sleeper. It made sense that he’d need something raucous to wake him up. But wasn’t today Sunday? She looked over at her phone, which was in a charging stand on the bedside table on her side of the bed. Yes, it was, indeed, Sunday. Sean said, ‘Rise and shine. I...

3 years ago
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The BNB Cuckold Episode 2

A few months had gone by since the encounter with the lawyer. His second stay which he had scheduled when he visited before was tonight. He emailed stating that he would be arriving around 2.When he came in he set his bags on the floor. "I will have the same room as last time, right?" he asked."Yes. At the end of the hall", I replied."Good. How is Kelly? Will she be around this evening?" he inquired."Yes. She is out at the moment" I told him."Wonderful. I expect when I return this...

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447 mallow manor pt5

Part5He went on, “tonight you will be walked through this great old building so the ghosts of our ancestors can see your body and know you are going to be chastised voluntarily, our first place of chastisement will be the kitchen, where I will hold you over the table and Barry and I will take you hard, before we go up to the room where you will take Bessy`s place this time, and she will hang in yours. Understand?” she nodded, then with a tug on her lead she was led through the gloomy old house...

2 years ago
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Moms property 2

Moms property 2 This is another installment to understand the events you should read Cumming at the poker game and Moms property. Your comments please. Joann sat Sunday waiting for her husband to get up, he had gotten in late and she was letting him sleep. That and the fact she needed to talk to Juan about this property thing. Her son Jim had stayed in bed too so she was totally alone in the kitchen. She called Juans number, he answered on the second ring. Hi babes how are you? Well there are...

1 year ago
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Porno Flix always seem to make my day go a little better. Just this morning, in fact, I was all stressed out, tired, hungry and horny, so I pulled up a video of a couple pretty lesbians getting it on. The next thing I knew, I felt like a million bucks. My cares dissolved, my dick got hard, and all I could think about was licking fragrant pussy and touching myself. I got so into it that I forgot all about what ailed me and even what I was doing in the first place. That’s when the McDonald’s...

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Reality Lovers

RealityLovers! What is the most useful application of virtual reality technology that we have available to us today? If you answered porn, you would probably be right. I mean, I don’t know about you, but I can’t think of any better use of virtual reality. Sure, maybe it could be used to help train cops or firefighters before they have to go out into the field and put themselves in highly dangerous, life-threatening circumstances. But I don’t know, porn still seems to be the best way to use it...

VR Porn Sites
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Jessicas Story Part 10Michelles Story Part 4

Jessica's Story - Part 10/Michelle's Story - Part 4 They arrived home from the carol concert and changed out of their uniforms for the final time that day. Sandra had known how much Adam had disliked Peter when Jessica started to appear. Now she was aware that Adam was just one of many people who thought the same. Her feelings towards Jessica strengthened. School broke up for Christmas later that week and Sandra was keen to speak to the others about Jessica when possible. Anne was...

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My Girlfriends RoommateChapter 5

We all fell asleep after the blowjob, dozing off at our own paces. Who knew who drifted off first, but I suspect that it was Larissa, followed by Rain, since I had more sleep already. Larissa had been more aggressive than Rain, going in the cowgirl position so much, for instance. That was not even to mention her date with me earlier that night and being fucked a little more than Rain was. She would have burned up more energy, I suspected, so it stood to reason that she would be the most...

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2 Clan Amir Falcon ChickChapter 07

In the Amiri tribe a boy becomes a man when he’s Stood the Tests of Manhood and passed them. This is a set of tests to ensure a young man has the skills and attributes to make him a worthy adult member and warrior of the tribe. They include the use and care of weapons, jungle craft, leadership, knowledge of the laws, courage, and many more skills. All of the tests can be retaken twice in the testing period, except the Coup, which can be taken only once a year. This simple pass or fail test...

4 years ago
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Fifty Shades 8211 The Beginning

Hey guys. This is Animesh back with a new story this time. This story was submitted by one of my followers. So here it goes. ‌My name is Tanya. I am doing my engineering at Bangalore. I wouldn’t brag about my physique ( its 30-28-32). This story is about one of my real adventures that I had with a friend whom I met on OKC( ok cupid). I created an id there just for sake of browsing and fun and used to get a hell lot of messages (perks of being a female). I came across this guy who was also from...

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SEXI Summer II

Danny and Tricia are visited by sexy provocateur Veronica Xavier, Dean of Sanford E. Xavier Institute of Ed.   Danny walked back into the kitchen of his apartment.  Dean Veronica was still sitting there, smugly smiling.  Picking up her coffee mug and handing it over to him.‘Another cuppa if you don’t mind, DJ,” the Dean of Sanford E. Xavier Institute asked.“You can not call me DJ, Veronica.  And you cannot; what the hell are you doing here anyway?”“What am I doing? Huh, if that’s gratitude,...

College Sex
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The Forfeit

So I lost the bet. Payback time had been set for the following Saturday and, knowing Kelly and her sense of humour, it was going to involve nudity - it always did, whichever of us lost. I remember the time when her forfeit was running to the end of the garden and back naked with me and my mates watching her. She'd gone bright red, especially when she realised the guy next door had seen her - but what a fuck we'd had later ... she always got wild afterwards. And she'd given me similar...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Nicole Kitt Seducing You With That Sexy Ass

If there is one thing that Nicole Kitt loves to do; it is be a tease with that sexy ass and curvy tight body. She shows off every aspect of her bra and panties before letting them disappear so she can fuck Jack Rippher with no restraints. She loves that big hard cock in her grasp and loves getting her spit all over while she sucks him down. She wants to taste her pussy juice on this cock though so its time to fuck! She loves feeling every inch penetrate her in doggy but she wants to take...

2 years ago
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Oh BrotherChapter 9 Epilogue

Breaking her back was hard on Mom ... I’d have to say. She quit. Life wasn’t fun any longer. Constant pain and the accompanying opiates left her out of sorts. She did manage to hold on for four years. She’d been taking a reverse mortgage on her house and spending the money on clothes she didn’t wear and sold at her annual garage sale. I think it was her charitable good work. When the end came and she was laid to rest in her prepaid lot in the prepaid coffin of her choice after her prepaid...

3 years ago
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Twelve Lays of Xmas Ch 08

Part Eight of 12 Lays of Xmas, the full novella version. Cracking along now, no more than eight months late… The Twelve Lays of Xmas Eight Maids A-Milking Early to bed, early to rise. Well, almost. It’s hard work receiving this many presents. Imagine how many thank you notes I have to write. I made breakfast at about 6am – and far too much of it too, forgetting that only Jessica, Orla and myself were in the apartment. Still, we were all famished, and tucked in with gusto. Lisa must have...

2 years ago
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The ConsultantChapter 5

“If you ladies will take a seat,” the receptionist told them, “he’ll be right in.” Janet and Eva sat leather chairs in an office with walnut paneled walls. Facing them was a large desk. A middle- aged man with salt-and-pepper hair stepped into the room. “Hello, Eva ... Janet,” he said and sat behind his desk. He took out a file folder. “Eva, I have some good news and some bad news,” he said. “What’s the good news, Larry?” she asked. “The good news is I believe Rob is motivated to settle...

3 years ago
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Love Family SingersChapter 17

After April pulled her off me, to everyone laughing, Mom went into the kitchen and came back with a check. It was for $10,000 as she said, “Is that enough, Honey?” “It’s a good ... first start,” I said. I took out my phone and used my Wells Fargo app to deposit the check in our account. April had explained how to do it, the first time. I got up, taking April with me and said, “Don’t think you are getting any more songs than before, Sarah. I’m not that easy of a mark, mother.” April broke...

2 years ago
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Misery Revisited sort of

Misery Revisited (Sort Of) By Tami Lynn Benevento As I finish putting on the last of my makeup, I can't help but look at myself in the mirror. As usual, I have meticulously put myself together. My hair and makeup is perfect and my dress follows my curves like it was made especially for me, which it was. I have to look my best for my "date" which I am meeting in 30 minutes. To look otherwise, or not to please my dates, would...

2 years ago
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Little Pissing Pussies 8211 Part 1

Most of my stories are based and developed on true incidents and my readers must have already guessed that I am a mature guy. My stories, majority of them, pertain to late 70s and early eighties and this one too is so. In my big house in the village, at that time, we three, me, my mom and dad were staying with girl staying with us for help. (My three sisters had got married and were away.)She was a teen at that time, I presume and I was doing my degree. Rie young age for a male, with his cock...

1 year ago
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Meri Asst Suman Ki Chudai

Hello dosto and I am Jay from Delhi, age 28, I am writing a true story of life. Ye 3 years pahle ki baat hai us samay mai first time job join kiya tha. Mai manager tha apne office mai aur hamara export-import ka kaam tha. Mai jab first time office gaya to dekha ki mai sabse kam umar ka hu aur baki log 35 yrs se upper ke the. Sabhi mujhe sir bulate the mai akela MBA tha meri asst ka naam suman tha age-37 wo dikhne me koi khas nahi thi. Usne mujhe bahut support kiya apne kaam ko samjhne mai....

3 years ago
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I have my hands on your hips I am kissing and licking your ass cheeks Your high heels and g-string accentuate your ass cheeks I alternate from one side to the other I find that very exciting Years ago when I first met you I was attracted by your gorgeous ass. I made a pact to myself that I would kiss it after I had you for the first time. And I did! I take my hands off your hips The only contact we have now is my lips and tongue on your ass “I want to bring you to orgasm while I...

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Justice ResurrectedChapter 6 Revelations

The doors to the throne room were guarded, again, by huge armored Gnathar wielding mace-axes. The monotony of seeing the same guards everywhere almost relegated them to the status of furniture in the mind of Jonar. And he used the concept of huge in his own mind relatively, as none of them came up to even his chin in height. They were everywhere, their visored countenances' silent promises of violence made empty by the commonplace nature of the threat. Jonar simply stopped noticing them and...

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July 4th Uber Bang

Hi Y’all,Last night I had some fun seeing the fireworks show in Kirkland with my family and then went home and thought I’d go to bed. As I lay in bed with my husband, who was a bit drunk, I told him all the details of my exciting fun with the guy I blew by the water tower. My husband jerked his little dick to my story as I rubbed his chest and in under a minute had cum all over himself and was asleep in the next minute. I on the other hand was now very horny and honestly frustrated. I decided...

3 years ago
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527 T the lad 2

527 T & the lad 2Each day she roused him fully naked to eat and then go off to be educated and each day he returned to a hot kiss and once he had eaten and done whatever assignments he had that evening, she let him curl up with her and play happily with her soft breasts on that old sofa while she watched her regular TV shows! Finally, it was off to bed together where she would relive his frustrations with her hand, or latterly with her mouth which he had soon come to love. This went on till...

4 years ago
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My teacher kept me after for a reason PART 2

Link to first part left the classroom and waited for her to lock the door to it, I don't know why. I mean, I didn't have to wait for her. I could just walk down to the bus station and take the next one home.- Are you going to stand there all day? She asked me with a smile on her face.I hadn't noticed that she walked right past me just because I stood there thinking, like a fool.I walked up to her and gave her a spank on the butt, she then...

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Tara 4 AntsChapter 11

“Honey, are you sure this is the right way?” Bette quizzed as she looked out of the Auto’s window. “Yes dear, I know where we are going,” Gazza replied with sufferance as he watched the slower traffic move out of his way. “It’s a shame Linda and Jina didn’t come with us,” Bette then said, ignoring his tone. She knew how much Gazza hated slow traffic as they crawled towards the north and the way out of town. “The old girl said she was too old and frail to sleep rough,” Gazza answered with...

1 year ago
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The HummingbirdChapter 5 Supper and a Sunset

Supper and a Sunset When Angie's hand closed on Scott's, he felt a happiness he had never known. He wasn't sure that it was love but it felt better than anything he had felt before. After Scott showed Angie around the summer kitchen they started some water to boil for pasta. Every time they touched it felt electric. The simple act of making spaghetti turned into a slow dance of two people in love for the first time. Scott opened a bottle of wine. They laughed all through supper. Sitting...

4 years ago
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Someone Was There 4

I frequently run late on a Friday. Today is no exception. Now that I am finally home, I have time to think. I can regain my space after being on a crowded train. My brain slows, as it eases into a less frantic gear. I decide to make a nice cup of herbal tea and then have a quick shower.Freshly showered, I sit down to drink the lemon and ginger infusion.The first sip I take brings a mild nirvana. My moment of bliss though is soon shattered by the shrill ring of the phone.Answering the call I...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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100% fiction! My name's William and I'm 21. So, I have 2 aunts. One of them is my mother's sister. Her name is Romy. She is about 40 years old. She has short hair, but is still attractive. She wears stockings and heels a lot and I often catch myself staring at them. (Pretty embarassing!) Another is married to my uncle. Her name is Olivia. She is about 45 and is a rather buxom woman. We're talking hu-uge tits. She also likes to wear heels a lot, but usually without the stockings. (Inevitably I...

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SynergyChapter 7

He awoke a few hours later to find the three of them had shifted to a different position. He was now on his back with a girl resting her head on each of his shoulders. Straining to look down he saw dark blonde hair on one side and dark brown on the other. They were facing each other and very quietly whispering to each other. When they felt him move they stopped talking and looked up. "Now this is something I could get used to," he sighed happily. "A beautiful woman on each arm ... What...

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