A Passion For Penny - Chapter 2 free porn video

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A Passion for Penny – Chapter 2

© Suburban Sinner 2007


This is the continuing story of a true life affair between two close family friends.

Its passionate beginning is told in my first story - A Passion for Penny – which has been more controversial than I had ever imagined it could be.

For those who haven't read Part 1, Penny and I are both in our early forties, married (though not to each other) and each of us has two teenage children.

Penny is a highly educated professional and, I suppose, not really one of those women you would immediately lust after. She's tall and pale, with short dark hair and brown eyes that are usually a little cold – but which for me became bright and exciting. Her body is angular - perhaps even skinny rather than slim, and bears the unmistakeable signs of having borne two children. Her breasts are small but round and surprisingly firm. Her face is full of character and distinctive, rather than beautiful and she has a commanding, somewhat aggressive personality which many find off-putting.

And she is without a doubt the most exciting lover I have ever had.


Not surprisingly, after Penny and I had spent those first incredible hours in bed together, the rest of the day passed in something of a daze. I drove northwards to my business meeting – a meeting in which I had to fight hard to concentrate – and Penny of course went to her work.

I simply could not believe that it had all really happened! But the memory of her wonderful body, the smell of her on my clothes and the hot soreness between my legs were all too obvious evidence for it to have been a dream.

For the first hour of my homeward journey, I felt as if I was riding a cloud! Barely noticing the heavy traffic, my mind raced back to the way Penny had looked in her silk underwear; how she had enticed me; how she had tasted; how she had smelt; how she had sounded. How different all these things were from my wife.

Oh God! My wife!

Suddenly an avalanche of guilt descended upon me. God! How it descended! A cold, almost painful fear gripped my chest and I began to sweat.

...How could I have cheated on my wife Jane?

...On my friend Paul?

...On our kids?

...Had we just destroyed both of our marriages?

...How on earth could I behave normally with Penny now?

...How could I see her again?

...And how could I not see her?

...How could I carry on at home as if nothing had changed?

...Did I want it to stop now and forget it happened?

...Did I want it to go on and on?

...What if Penny had an attack of conscience and confessed all to Paul?

...What if.....

There were just too many questions. My head span as I drove along, going over them in my mind as the miles passed by painfully slowly.

Eventually I realised there was only one possible way forward. Penny and I had to talk and talk soon if my mind was ever going to be pacified. I dialled her mobile with my hands-free phone. The ringing tone echoed around the car as I waited anxiously for her to pick up the call, my chest aching with anticipation.

It rang and rang and then went to the answer phone. Penny's recorded voice, cold and professional, filled the car. I swore aloud and hung up. Ten minutes later I dialled again but with the same frustrating result. Reluctantly giving up, I turned the car radio on, increased the volume and tried to concentrate on the road.

The loud music and heavy traffic helped to make me concentrate less on my conscience and more on my driving as the weather deteriorated, so I was surprised about an hour later when my mobile rang once to tell me I had received a text message. I pressed 'show' and eagerly looked at the screen. It was from Penny.

'Saw yr calls. In meeting cant talk how do u feel?' I read.

As luck would have it, a motorway service station was only five miles ahead. I drove far too quickly towards it and parked in the far corner of the car park.

I took my mobile out of its holder and, clumsily typing with one finger, I replied

'cant believe it happnd' There was a long pause after I pressed 'send'.

'regret it?' eventually appeared on my screen.

'no but feel v v guilty' I replied, honestly.

'me too can we meet 2mrrw to talk it thru?' Penny asked.

'not easy 4 me wt time?'

'8am ok?'

'ok' I typed. There was an even longer pause.

'not sorry. Hope u r not' Penny's words twisted the knot in my chest further.

'I want you' I typed and pressed 'send'. I was aghast at myself. Where had the guilt and remorse suddenly gone?

After a minute, my phone beeped once again. I looked nervously at the screen.

'I want u 2 J''

There was a long, long pause before my phone beeped a last time.

'my hse 2mrw 8am . Gtg now xx'

I sat back in the driver's seat, staring at Penny's last message, bewildered.

Needless to say, after a very distracted evening and a night of broken sleep, the following morning found me once again in my car outside Penny's house. I watched and waited until Paul had left for work, taking the kids to school on his way. Again I drove quickly up the driveway and parked outside the front door as the automatic gates closed silently behind me.

I knocked on the front door just as I had done the previous morning and waited, pacing up and down on the driveway, still wondering what on earth to do for the best – my conscience and my lust in full pitched battle.

After what seemed an age, the door opened and a serious-faced Penny opened the door to let me in. I gulped. She was dressed for work in a smart dark blue, pin-striped skirt, a freshly pressed white blouse and dark blue cravat. She wore only a little light makeup. Her hair was brushed and shiny.

Whereas the previous day she had looked sexy and available, today she looked calmly professional; very cool; very intimidating. On a coat hanger in the hallway hung her suit jacket and her laptop computer stood in a soft leather case ready to be taken to her office.

I could barely relate this sophisticated academic with the hot, passionate, woman I had made love with so passionately only 24 hours before. And yet.......

"Hi" I said as I crossed the threshold, feeling the inadequacy of the greeting but unsure how to respond given our newfound intimacy. We pecked each other awkwardly on the cheek.

"Coffee?" Penny asked as if nothing had changed.

"Please!" I said, remembering that I never did get my coffee the previous day. The reason why made my loins stir. I tried to dismiss the feeling as I followed her through to the kitchen.

This time there were no spurious problems with the coffee grinder and in an awkward silence I watched Penny's skilful preparation of the hot, strong drinks, trying to think what to say to the old friend who had just become my new lover.

In the end Penny saved me.

"I don't regret it, Tom." She said, characteristically coming straight to the point. "I had a bad night thinking about it, but I don't regret it."

I breathed a sigh of relief for so many reasons.

"I feel the same. I hardly slept at all. I just can't believe it really happened."

Penny opened the large American style fridge door and poured milk into the two coffee cups. She passed one to me and sipped her own.

"Cheers!" She said ironically, and sat down on a tall wooden stool at the kitchen table, staring slightly vacantly out of the window. It was a beautiful bright morning, cold but sunny.

She took another sip of the piping hot, strong coffee. I stood behind her, sipping my own tentatively. Our bodies were close; almost, but not quite touching.

"Did you......did you enjoy it?" I asked, hating the gauche words but, like all men, needing to know – at least needing to hear the 'right' words whether they were true or not.

Penny smiled. "I'm surprised you need to ask." She swivelled on the stool until she faced me. "It was......quite pleasant." My face must have betrayed my inner feelings because her mouth suddenly broke into a wide grin.

"It was fantastic. You know that." She laughed. "And don't fish for compliments again!"

I happily accepted the scolding.

"But is that it? Should we stop now before we do any lasting damage?" I asked. Penny stared out of the window again, apparently lost in thought.

"Do you want to stop?" She challenged, giving me no clue as to her own desires.

"I mean, where do we go from here?" I continued, trying to keep my voice steady, matter-of-fact.

"I wondered that too." Her voice was oddly flat, unemotional. "Where do you want to go?" She countered again.

I laughed awkwardly, but the truth burst out of me. "Right now? Straight back to bed with you!"

God! What a stupid thing to say at such a moment! I felt like hitting myself on the head with a brick. Or perhaps Penny would do it for me!

"What are you like?" Penny laughed and I offered up a silent prayer of thanks as she turned on the stool to face me again.

Our thighs touched. It was deliberate. It had to be!

Putting my cup down on the kitchen worktop, I placed my hands gently on her shoulders. Penny tilted her head to one side until it rested on my forearm. Her short hair was soft and silky. I could smell her perfume – today light and unobtrusive in contrast to yesterday's rich, heady seductive scent.

I began to relax as it dawned on me that perhaps everything would be alright.

"The right thing to do is to stop now and try to forget all about it." Penny continued almost objectively as if she was talking to one of her clients.

"I know." I replied, gently massaging her shoulders and neck. "But I'm not sure I can just go back to how things used to be. Not after – you know!"

"Just say it, Tom!" Penny said, slightly annoyed. "Say what really happened! After we made love – had sex – fucked each other yesterday! We'll never decide anything if we don't face facts!"

The sound of these crude words coming from this smart, intelligent, successful woman were unbelievably arousing.

"And the facts are...." I prompted her.

"The facts are that we both wanted it, we both enjoyed it and – frankly – we were both good at it - Ouch!"

I had continued to massage her shoulders gently as she spoke, but her words had distracted me and thoughtlessly I had pressed too hard. The unexpected compliment made me feel ludicrously pleased.

"So where DO we go from here?" I re-iterated the question.

Suddenly a car engine sounded close by in the street outside. Penny jumped up and went to the window to investigate. I followed, leaning forward over her to see, my body pressed against hers, but my head hidden from view – riddled with guilt although as yet we had nothing to hide from the world.

"It can't be Paul back this early." She insisted in a hoarse whisper.

"It isn't." I said looking down the long driveway at a long dark saloon parked across the end. "Whose car is that?"

Penny breathed out heavily in relief. "It's that nosy old man from next door in his new car. He's not very good at parking it yet."

"Or perhaps he just wants to know what my car is doing here at this time of day." I suggested.

We watched in anxious silence as the saloon reversed clumsily out of the gateway and drove away.

Penny breathed out theatrically in supposed relief.

"It's not as if we were.....doing......anything..." She said, wriggling her bottom against my thighs.

Suddenly I felt overpowered by the warmth of Penny's body close in front of me. I pressed forwards slightly, my midriff against her firm, slightly bony buttocks. In silent response, she reached back with her hands until they rested slightly clumsily on my hips.

She leaned back against my chest. I wrapped my arms around her, all regret forgotten, all pretence of reluctance dismissed.

"We've both got work to go to." She said softly. From behind, I kissed her hair, nuzzling her ear as my arms drew her close into me.

"Well, soon. Anyway...Perhaps..." She whispered, giving me a meaningful look.

I took my cue. "I reckon so." I replied and stroked my palms slowly up and down her wiry upper arms, feeling the warmth of her body through the thin silk of her blouse. I bent my lips to her ear again and whispered "Have we got time?"

"Mmmm!" Penny murmured breathlessly.

I buried my nose in her hair as she leaned backwards against my chest, her firm buttocks pressing against my groin. My hands slid down over her hips to caress her taut cheeks and thighs through her smart skirt, teasing the hem of her blouse from under its waistband to allow my fingers to explore the smooth skin under her neatly pressed white blouse. My fingertips danced on her flat stomach.

I felt her shiver as her weight pressed against me, turning her head to one side, tilting her chin upwards and backwards to offer me her soft lips. I kissed her lightly, our lips barely touching as my fingers climbed towards her breasts.

Penny responded passionately - our mouths opened and our tongues entwined. My fingers climbed further up her flat stomach until at last they found small, firm breasts enclosed in a small stiff bra. Under the material, her nipples were erect. I slid them between my fingers and nipped them lightly.

Penny giggled, her back still towards me then, grasping the loose hem of her blouse with both hands, she slowly rolled it up her body and over her head. She pulled her slender arms out of the fastened cuffs before casting it aside.

I felt the warmth of her naked brown back through my neatly pressed shirt and the strain of my hardening cock within my pants. My hands fumbled with the central clasp of her bra, my wrists pressing on her nipples until I finally flicked it open and slipped it down her slender arms and away. I cupped her small, firm breasts in my palms. The touch of my fingers exciting her as she ground her buttocks firmly into my groin, my cock now a hard growing pressure in her lower back.

I let my hands slide down her slim bony body as I lowered myself to my knees on the wooden kitchen floor behind her. I looked at her long slender legs, loving the contrast between her pale skin and the dark smartness of her pin striped skirt. I ran my hands over her stockinged ankles and I saw her grasp the edge of the kitchen table in front of her.

Penny said nothing but I thought I felt her brace herself. I lowered my head and, as my fingertips began to stroke the outside of her ankles, I drew my tongue in a long straight line up the inside of her right calf, to rest momentarily behind her knee. Penny seemed to hold her breath, her body tense and eager.

I lowered my head again, and this time gently licked the back of her left calf, my fingers again stroking her soft nylon covered flesh as my tongue drew a cool wet line across her skin. Penny held the table more tightly still. Pausing only to adjust my position, I gently slid my palms up the outside of Penny's thighs to the hem of her skirt, then back down again to her knees.

I waited for a response and found it in a distinct hesitation in the rhythm of her breathing.

I felt bolder now, and began to run my firm, moist tongue up the inside of her thighs as my hands once again began their journey up their outsides. I paused as my face met the hem of her skirt and my tongue moved to her other leg, descending to her knees once again, the coarse mesh of her stockings contrasting sharply with the smoothness of her skin. Above me, I heard Penny sigh and felt her lean forward slightly over the sturdy wooden table top.

After a moment's pause, I began to ascend her thighs again, my tongue, now flattened, reaching far between her thighs to touch the soft flesh within.

To my delight, Penny opened her legs the merest fraction and I tongued deeper between her inviting thighs as she so clearly desired. My head once again touched the hem of her skirt, but this time when I paused, Penny reached behind and raised the skirt to her waist, opening her legs yet further and bending deeper over the smooth oak table top until her buttocks stuck provocatively outwards and towards my face.

My mouth was merely inches from her vulva, barely covered by her clean, white, g-string panties above the tight, dark tops of her hold-up stockings. As my hot breath reached her buttocks, I saw her cheeks open a fraction further as she bent low over the table, her moisture beginning to darken the narrow strip of cloth of her g-string as it passed between her long straight legs.

I placed one hand gently on each cheek and spread them further apart, at the same time boldly drawing my tongue between them, along the deep cleft and over her tightly puckered, silk covered anus. Penny gasped with surprise at the unfamiliar feeling and I saw her knuckles whiten momentarily as she gripped the table firmly. She opened her legs an inch wider in eager response, her long, slim pale legs now almost straddling my face.

Recognizing this silent invitation I slid both my hands up under her rumpled, waist-high skirt and gripped the sides of her g-string panties in my fingers. Slowly but firmly I drew them down over her buttocks to her ankles, kissing her bare cheeks on the way. Penny tried to kick them off, but her left foot caught in the elastic. I helped her free herself and threw the moist panties onto the table before returning to my knees behind her.

Her vulva now naked, Penny's sweet wetness was merely inches from my face again. I could barely control myself. Holding her buttocks apart, my lithe, active tongue darted forward to find between her short, tightly-curled pubic hair, the soft, moist, warm entrance to her most private place. I licked the full length of her exposed slit, beginning near her hardening clitoris, and then moving upwards between her swelling outer lips before diving deeply into her vagina. I moved my firm pointed tongue briefly in and out of her slit, before moving again upwards and across her perineum. With the barest touch of my tongue on her anus again, I drew back a little and looked for further encouragement.

I was not disappointed. Penny's eyes looked dreamy and half drunk as she looked over her shoulder to see why I had stopped. She smiled and, dropping to my knees once more, I let my tongue slowly explore the depths of her vulva – first soft against her buttocks, then firm against the underside of her clitoris and finally pointed, penetrating her hot, salty vagina.

I felt her legs tremble, her knees involuntarily bending as they lowered her precious passage further onto my eager mouth. I could feel and taste her body moistening more and more and with one hand she began to stroke her own small, firm breasts as they dangled almost comically over the table. I licked her again, at first in long, firm strokes the length of her vulva, then in short sharp stabbing movements in and out of her vagina.

Penny's breath came in gasps. I could feel her getting hotter; I could see her hot, sweet body opening before me; I could smell her mounting excitement in my nostrils; I could taste her honey on my tongue; I could feel the bitter sweetness of her juices contrasting with the roughness of her pubic hair in my mouth. I could hear her beginning to pant and felt her knees trembling at my touch.

I needed her now.

Penny uttered soft sounds of disappointment as I drew my sticky face away from her vulva and rose slowly to my feet. The bulge in my dark suit trousers was now painfully tight and with relief, I unfastened my belt and slipped them to the ground. My cock, almost fully erect, burst ridiculously through the elastic top of my boxer shorts, strong and determined.

Raising herself upright, Penny turned to face me, her eyes soft and dreamy with her excitement. She kissed me then pulled back, licking her lips as she tasted her own juices around my mouth. Placing my hands on her slim waist, I lifted her gently as she backed her buttocks on to the table top, then leaned back on her elbows and spread her legs wantonly.

Wasting no time, I quickly took my place between her pale, open thighs, lifting her rumpled skirt high up and over her belly, concealing the small stretch marks that I found so incomprehensibly arousing. The paleness of her thighs below the dark material of the skirt, the darkness of her neatly trimmed pubic hair and the redness of her engorged vulva below made me harder and harder.

God I wanted her!

I took my cock in my right hand and, with my left below her right knee, positioned myself with its swollen head poised at her gaping entrance.

I sensed rather than saw Penny brace herself as in one smooth movement, I grasped both her legs below the knee and drove my full length in one hard stroke into her hot, wet opening. I heard her gasp out loud as I plunged into her, her hot, loose wetness surrounding my hard shaft. I felt the coolness of her buttocks pressing against my upper thighs and the heat of her vagina now surrounding my cock.

It felt simply incredible!

I drew myself back slowly and paused, before driving myself into her again and again, each time drawing right back so that only the head of my cock was still within her.

She was warm and hot around me as I quickly found my rhythm, sliding into and out of her vagina in time with the heartbeat thumping away in my chest. We quickly reached a plateau of pleasure – her soft moaning in time with my own quiet, breathless grunts. It was sweet, smooth and wonderfully uniting, the soft sounds of our love making filling the room.

But as the previous morning I realised that, after giving birth to two children, Penny's vagina was just too loose around my shaft to bring either of us to the rapid climax we both desperately desired.

Pumping faster and harder, I rammed myself deep into her vagina, hearing the slapping noises of our union grow louder and faster, driving her bodily up the table with each forceful thrust. Penny's face screwed up as I felt her trying hard to tighten herself around me, her eyes closed, her small breasts bouncing up and down on her pale chest.

It felt good – it felt truly wonderful – but we both knew more was needed. Today could not be a marathon love making session - we both needed to cum and cum quickly.

Then Penny did something amazing. It was so simple, but so incredibly effective.

To my instant delight, she brought her legs upwards in front of me, the back of her calves in front of my face, her legs almost straight in an impressively athletic position. She pressed her knees and thighs together and rested her legs on my shoulders, closing her knees and thighs tightly and squeezing herself around my thrusting cock.

The sensations, already powerful, increased tenfold.

Through her new tightness I could feel every ridge on my cock passing over every undulation in Penny's vagina as I plunged in and pulled out. Within seconds I could feel my head swelling hugely as it reamed up and down inside her.

We both knew what would happen next; and happen it did. I could barely believe the sensations passing through my body.

Penny's new tightness was burning me as I drove into her, but I loved the pain. Quickly the head of my cock began to swell and the familiar warmth of an impending climax began to grow high up between my legs.

I could hear the loud slapping sounds of my body against hers and could smell our combined juices as my pounding churned them into white foam around my cock.

At the same time I heard Penny's orgasm beginning. Her panting became grunting, her grunting became moaning and as her climax intensified, the moaning became repeated shouts of ecstasy. The volume increased as her passion increased and above the sounds of my own approaching climax I could hear her clearly calling my name.

"Fuck me, Tom. Fuck me hard! Make me cum!"

Once again, hearing these coarse, crude words springing from the mouth of this cool, sophisticated, professional woman drove me crazy. I lost all self control and, grabbing fistfuls of the skin above her hips, I hammered myself forwards, pulling her back onto my cock as hard as I possibly could, bending her legs back in an extraordinary contortion.

Beneath me, Penny moaned louder and louder.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" she choked before her mouth opened wide and she flung her head backwards. I leaned over her, pressing her legs forward until her knees were almost in her face.

"Fuck me! Fuck my hot cunt, Tom. Fuck my cunt!! Make me cum!"

I simply could not believe my ears – or the effect these crude words had on me!

That a sweet married mother of two could say such things – and to me! It was just too much! I heard myself grunting even more loudly as the uncontrollable white heat of my orgasm finally burned through my thighs, my spine and surged into my cock.

The animal within me took over, driving my cock hard into her body with the full force of my thighs; loud slapping noises accompanying my thrusts faster and faster as my climax grew and grew before finally reaching its peak and I began helplessly to pump my sperm-free semen into her soft, fertile body.

The power of my passion almost frightened me as my final thrusts drove her bodily up the table. Penny squealed as her body shook and her climax seemed to hit her at the same time as mine. Her features, already screwed up, grew more contorted still until, her eyes tightly closed, her legs trembled and her body suddenly went limp under mine.

Panting for breath, I slowly started to relax as my climax began to subside. I gradually stood upright, my softening cock still within her as her legs fell wide open either side of me, exhausted. My orgasm fading, I leaned forward over her, my cock slowly beginning to soften.

We stayed locked together for what seemed like an age; my hot, sweating body poised above hers; my hardness softening more quickly now. Sweat dripped from my forehead onto her bare breasts, my shirt wet and sticking to my skin, my tie still - ludicrously - neatly tied around my neck.

Eventually I leaned over and kissed Penny softly on the nipples then on her lips, and ran my fingers through her tousled hair. Very slowly, I began to stand up, gently sliding my cock out of her spent, sore body. As my limp cock slid out of her wide vagina, Penny seemed to grab the table top for balance and as the cool air in the room caught the wetness of her vulva, she shivered.

Slowly, carefully, she pushed herself upright, and then stood facing me, her smart pin striped skirt still in a rumpled ring round her waist, the dark cravat still tied around her throat. I must have looked ridiculous in my sweaty rumpled shirt and neat silk tie, my suit trousers and boxer shorts around my ankles, my cock, red and wet with our combined juices, hanging down below my shirt tails.

Penny leaned against the table and smiled at me, her eyes soft, her pupils dark and enormous in the afterglow of her climax. I held out a hand, taking her fingers in mine and drew her towards me. I held her close for a minute, her head against my chest. I could feel her heart beating fast against my breast and my own heart keeping pace with hers.

The clock in the hallway chimed eight.

"Oh God!" Penny exclaimed. "I've got to be in a meeting in an hour." She laughed. "Just look at me!"

She looked just perfect, I thought, imagining my semen deep within her slender body, at that moment deeply resenting the fact that another man had any claim over her.

"And you're not much better!" She continued. I looked at my trousers bunched around my ankles and couldn't argue. I grinned in sticky embarrassment.

I pulled my boxers and trousers up over my sore cock and Penny led me quickly upstairs.

We showered quickly in separate bathrooms and tried to get ready for work. While Penny dried her hair, I descended to the kitchen and made yet more coffee, waiting for her to join me. When she finally came downstairs, her face was still flushed pink from her orgasm and, in the tantalising 'v' of the new blouse she had chosen, I could see her chest was blotchy and pink.

She took a sip of the strong coffee and grinned.

"I guess neither of us was too overcome with guilt then." She said, her voice warm and friendly.

"I guess not" I agreed, stroking her hand as it rested the table – the table on which we had just made love.

"Are we having an affair?" I replied, as usual thinking myself stupid as the words tumbled out.

"Do you want to have one?" She asked, her eyes bright, mischievous and incredibly sexy.

This time even I realised that words were superfluous. I kissed her on the lips; lightly and lovingly.

I'm ashamed to say the word 'No' never crossed my mind.

And so a magical, one-off encounter grew into a full blooded affair.

For the first week we were like kids with a new toy, meeting and making love almost every day whatever the risk or danger of discovery. Twice more I came to her house in the morning, twice we went to a hotel at lunchtime, once we even made love in the back of her SUV in the dark recesses of a country car park.

We were both distracted at home, and to be brutally honest, rather sore by the following weekend. Fortunately we realised - just in time - that if we continued at this rate it would not be long before we were discovered.

It was difficult, but we agreed to see each other less often. The compensation was that we would be together for longer each time. Penny worked only a half day on Thursdays, usually spending the afternoon grocery shopping and in the gym. I run my own business and, with a little difficulty, could arrange to be 'out of the office' when I needed to be.

It took a shamefully short time for us to come to terms with what had happened and overcome the (considerable) guilt. Neither of us had 'cheated' on our spouses before. We both knew it was wrong – I offer no excuses - but we felt pathetically helpless to resist.

I know it sounds unlikely, but both of us loved our spouses and children dearly. Neither of us wanted to leave our homes or families, but the physical attraction and extraordinary sexual compatibility had brought a new and exciting dimension into both our lives which neither of us wanted to end.

As we grew more used to each other's bodies, so we relaxed more and more and the pleasures of the bed grew more and more delightful over the two years our affair lasted.

But that is a different story.


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You roll over next to your sexy wife. Panting. “Holy fuck Penny. You haven't cum that hard in a long time”. “You love the thought of a hung bull taking that pussy don't you?” You ask your wife who reddens a bit in embarrassment but smiles. “It is just a fantasy, nothing more.” Penny says. The same thing she says every time after role playing the fantasy that you love so much and makes Penny cum like a desperate slut. You reach out stroking Penny's cheek. You lean in and kiss her...

2 years ago
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Penny and her friend

Penny brings a friend homeForm my previous account of our meetings with Russ; you will have gathered that my wife Penny from my first marriage was a really horny lady who was also very sexually adventurous. Penny always wore pretty underwear and several months after our meetings with Russ finished I began to notice that as Penny was getting dressed in the morning after her shower, her underwear stated to get rather more saucy and revealing particularly the panties she was wearing.I mentioned...

2 years ago
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Mistress Penny

Luke could feel the nerves building inside him. He had booked his appointment last week after months of debating. The Violet Club was like nothing Luke had ever imagined. Patrons were able to book sessions with professional dominants and submissives. In addition, they were able to customize them based on their fantasies.Luke had experimented a little with BDSM in his previous relationship, but once that relationship ended he knew he wanted to dive in further. Luke had typically found himself in...

3 years ago
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Penny Meets the Neighbors Pt 04

The next few days were torment for Penny. One part of her was filled with a deep-rooted sexual thrill which kept her permanently wet. Unfortunately for Penny, most of the time she was unable to distinguish this sexual tension from the guilt and nerves which kept her lying awake at night, unable to decide whether she’d made the correct decision, and whether she should go through with it. Penny assuaged her conscience by being extra attentive to Mark, and by reminding herself of the assurances...

3 years ago
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Penny Meets the Neighbors Pt 06

Penny didn’t dare tell Mark the real reason she returned from Alyssa’s house in such a disheveled state. Looking back over the evening from the perspective of the following morning, she realized that once again, Alyssa had made no mention of her promise to somehow make Mark aware of, and agreeable to, what was going on. Right now though, Penny was happy to push that particular worry to the back of her mind. The sex at the party had been mind-blowing, and now Penny had been with all of the women...

1 year ago
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Penny Meets the Neighbors Pt 02

It was Penny and Mark’s second day in their new home and Penny luxuriated in bed, enjoying the tranquility of a lazy Sunday morning. There was no traffic on the nearby streets and the neighborhood was blissfully quiet, save for the chatter of Indian mynas squawking in nearby trees. In the distance, Penny could hear the calls of kookaburras and rosellas in the patch of bushland which abutted onto their suburb. Mark was curled up beside her. Penny let him sleep a little longer, confident he’d be...

3 years ago
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Penny Meets the Neighbors Pt 01

Sunlight streamed through a gap in the blinds, sending a beam of warm summer light over Penny’s face. Blinking and screwing up her eyes against the rays, she slowly woke up, looking around the room, admiring the way motes of dust glittered in the morning sun. To one side, Mark, her husband, was still asleep, his head buried in a pillow. Penny’s movements disturbed him slightly, and he tried to snuggle closer to her. It had been a warm night and Penny and Mark were both naked. They had thrown...

2 years ago
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Penny Meets the Neighbors Pt 05

Over the course of the week following her first lesbian experience, Penny found Niamh’s words at the coffee shop surfacing in her thoughts again and again. It was true: somehow, her sexuality had been heightened and emphasized with the knowledge she could be satisfied by a woman as well as a man. She wondered if this meant she was bisexual. It seemed strange to think of herself in those terms, but she couldn’t deny the sensuality of what she had done with Niamh: there had been a real connection...

2 years ago
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Penny Meets the Neighbors Pt 07

On Wednesday night, lying in bed wrapped in a tangle of sheets, with Marina curled up by her side, Penny agonized in despair at the choices she was faced with, completely unable to come to a decision. It didn’t seem like there was any solution which would give her what she craved. She wanted to remain faithful to Mark, but also yearned to explore her newly-discovered bisexuality. The only way this could happen would be if Mark knew, and gave her his blessing, but the idea of telling Mark...

2 years ago
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Penny Meets the Neighbors Pt 03

Penny was happy in her new home. There was still a lot to do around the house, especially the garden, but work commitments kept Mark busy, and after having taken some time off while they moved, Penny returned to her part-time job. What had been a burst of activity, making the house habitable, became the slow process of settling in and turning the house into something uniquely theirs. The rest of the week passed quickly and for a few days Penny forgot all about Alyssa and Jason and got on with...

4 years ago
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In for a Penny

It all started a year ago when my step-sister and I decided to go on holiday together. Actually, we didn’t decide. I still reckon I was tricked into it, not that I’m complaining. Best start at the beginning, though our set-up is pretty conventional. My Mum and step-Dad got together several years ago after respective divorces. Each brought a child, a boy (me) and a girl, into the marriage. At the time we were both approaching our teens. After a little initial awkwardness we both got on pretty...

3 years ago
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Penny For His Thoughts

It started like most Sunday mornings. Sam fetched coffee and pastry from the French place around the corner. Depending on how messy the night before had been, she might shower.  Or she might just doze.  Either way, she would be naked in bed awaiting her horny man’s return. They would lounge and read the Times, sip their dark roast and keep the crumb shrapnel to a minimum.  And at some point, one would make a move on the other. Flush with caffeine and a night’s rest and the ever-present lust of...

4 years ago
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Penny An exploration in Submission

Penny is panting, groaning, and grimacing a bit as her asshole stretches wide around your cock. She is on her hands and knees, her massive tits sway below her as you pull back on her hair and shove your cock harder into her tight ass. Penny screeches as she feels the last half of your steel hard cock bury in her depths, your balls smashing into her soaking wet pussy lips. You slowly start stroking into your wife loving the sight of your cock making her ass hole stretch. Her ass cheeks start...

3 years ago
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Pennys Cage

"Penny's Cage  ???????? "Penny's Cage."  ?In the warm, stuffy darkness of the Shed, Penny stirred on her bed of straw, drowsily feeling its familiar prickly scratchiness against her bare skin. She reluctantly opened her eyes to see the first, faint hints of dawn turn the skylights far above her a dim grey. She had enjoyed another of the occasional long and death-like sleeps which came upon her at regular intervals. Sitting up, she raised a front paw and swept back from her face the...

2 years ago
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Pennys Fourth Day

Penny’s Fourth Day At the end of the third day Bridget told Mr Johnson that Penny had such a big day that there would be no homework assignment for day four. She slipped Mr Johnson a DVD which contained a video of the afternoon class on anal discipline. She said perhaps they could watch it and maybe Penny’s cunt would like some gentle tender attention from both Mr and Mrs Johnson that evening. Penny dozed in the car on the way home, she smelt of hard core anal sex. It was all over her, she...

4 years ago
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House in the Woods Sarah and Penny Try Out the Dungeon

Copyright© 2004 - Shakes Peer2B Penny sat facing away from me, watching her mother enjoy the attentions of my half-Wolf companion, Caesar, while she slowly rode my cock. Sarah, her mother, had just screamed her way through her umpteenth orgasm as Caesar blasted his superheated dog cum deep in her body, his knot swelling her belly as if she were pregnant. Caesar's brother, Czar, another half-Wolf, half-Malamute brute, lay in the corner licking Penny's essence off the pink flesh of his...

1 year ago
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Big bang theory Fanfic PennyMissy cooper

Summary:What they were doing in Penny's apartment during The Pork Chop Indeterminancy. Points if they do it between the boys coming over to ask Missy out, and have to get dressed to answer the door each time.Work Text:If there’s one thing that both the Cooper twins are used to, it’s getting their own way. Penny finds this out halfway through the first glass of wine, when Missy leans over, puts one finger under Penny’s chin, and turns Penny’s face toward her.“I’m sure I don’t need to tell you...

2 years ago
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In For A Penny

It started innocently enough. My wife, Susan, had been out of town for four days of a two-week work-related training session and I was, shall we say, frustrated and missing our sex life. I was trying to masturbate while fantasizing about her but I kept losing my erection. On her side of the bed, hanging on the post, was the blue nightgown she wore the last night she was home. I could still remember how that felt as I rubbed up against her so I reached over and grabbed it. A faint trace...

2 years ago
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Penny Meets the Neighbors Pt 08

On Sunday morning Marina returned home, determined to make the best of her situation with Steven, invigorated by a new confidence founded on the relationships and friendships built over the previous days. Both Alyssa and Penny asked Marina to return the following week, although neither of them mentioned that the upcoming party would be somewhat different. Thinking only of the lesbian sex she anticipated would be on the menu, Marina happily agreed to visit Penny again in a week’s time. The two...

4 years ago
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Penny The Innocent Substitute

Denise could drive me crazy in at least three different ways. Number 1: She could be sulky, bossy, sarcastic, impossible to please and pathologically unreliable. Number 2: She could be provocative, charming, seductive and frankly more dirty in bed than any other woman I ever met. Number 3: There was no way to tell which of the first two she would be on any given day. So it was always going to be a bad idea to drive one hundred and fifty miles in the hope of getting to fuck her. But when...

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Pennys Second Day

Penny’s Second Day at Finishing SchoolPenny was very satisfied with herself and her first day. She finally got some real cock penetration but only in her arse. She thoroughly loved it, in fact, she was now an addict for anal penetration. She loved everything about it, the way it made her feel like a filthy whore, perhaps even the thought that she had probably gone a lot further than her mother ever would have. Perhaps it was some kind of weird Electra complex playing out but what she couldn’t...

1 year ago
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Penny and Laura Part 2

The next morning when Penny got up she had voice mail about the second bedroom. As she listened to it she jotted down notes about the caller. It was a woman named Laura who said she saw the flyer in the lobby on her way to work and was currently looking for a place closer to the downtown area. When Penny called her back they spoke for a few minutes and agreed to grab lunch together today and get to know each other and discuss the living situation.At lunch time Penny waited down in the lobby for...

1 year ago
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Penny my wife for other mena true story of our s

Was it planned? no, did we think it could happen? it was something that had never entered our heads, but once it happened there was no going back….ever.Penny and I had met through my younger sister and hit it off right away. I won’t be k**ding you about tall and beautiful big tits and sexy legs, we were your normal twenty year old, Penny 5′ 3″ slim with nice pert tits and tight ass, me 5′ 8″ also slim and a bit bald on top. One thing which was different or at least unusual Penny was a virgin...

2 years ago
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Penny my wife for other men Part twoenjoy her

If you have read the first chapter you will already know quite a lot about us. Our story now move forward a little over 5 years. Our good fortune has continued we have our family a boy who is just starting school, work has been terrific with two further promotions. This took us to a house near the coast beyond our wildest dream given our modest background.We had only one problem Penny felt at a loose end, no not really true baby bored cooped up at home in a new area, and although she had made a...

2 years ago
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Penny Tweedy

Penny Tweedy Anderson was a military wife faced with long-term separations from her hubby Derek due to deployments to the Middle East and Afghanistan. Master Sergeant Derek Anderson was a much-decorated military non-com serving in the Army Special Forces.Penny was a highly sexed mother of three-year-old identical twin boys, Tommy and Timmy. She was deflowered as a mere sixteen-year-old, and from that point on, could never get enough cock. She got knocked up when she was eighteen and gave birth...

3 years ago
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Pennys Third Day

Penny’s Third Day Penny loved what had been done to her throughout the second day and was quite proud of her accomplishments so far. She was so thankful to her guide, Bridget. She made sure she showed it too! Whenever she had the opportunity she would always do what she could to help Bridget cum during the class activities. Bridget was the kind of slut she looked up to, and craved her approval. So when she was to be picked up this time by Mr Johnson she thought she might share Mr Johnson’s...

1 year ago
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Penny Explores Humiliation

What a beautiful sight TJ says walking up behind Penny. His hand trails over her reddened ass cheek making her quietly moan. We are not done yet slut, TJ tells Penny. That was just the beginning. You did very well being a submissive little cock whore. I think you would enjoy more wouldn't you slave? Penny's legs begin to visibly quiver and she whimpers into the blanket on the bed. TJ viciously swats her already welted ass. Answer me you filthy little fucking slut! Penny turns her...

3 years ago
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Bad Penny disciplined

She stood immobile as she had stood for the past three days, afraid to sleep in case she stumbled and the rusting metal collar by which she was secured by way of a short chain from the cellar's vaulted ceiling should serve to snap her neck. She still wore her yellow party dress, and her black bomber jacket, even her high heels, only her pretty pink panties lay on the soiled stone floor where she had taken them down to answer a call of nature and she hadn't been able to pick them up...

4 years ago
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Penny King

Penny King In 1957 when I was ten years old we had just gotten a television set. It was quite the entertainment center too. It was a big wooden cabinet with all of the doors closed. It was sort of divided up into four quarters. The upper left corner was a twelve inch television with the record cabinet below that. The upper right corner was a radio and below that was a record player. Mom and dad had some of the older 78s that were thick and only cut on one side but they also had some of...

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Penny Michaels

Author unknown.My name is Penny Michaels and I live with my aunt outside of Chicago. My life seemed to be pretty normal for a person who lost her parents at a very young age. I don’t really remember them very well and no one has really explained to me what happened to them. I’ve been dating a guy named Jim for the last several months and it seemed our relationship was starting to get serious. I was hoping he would pop the question soon and turn me into a bride.This all changed rather suddenly...

2 years ago
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### CB-4373 ###Always Hot Wifeby Steve GoldenFOREWORDThe seething passions that lurk within many individuals are often hidden beneath a veneer of normalcy, exposed only under extremely tempting conditions.The woman who, after a few drinks at a party, takes on all corners, male and female alike. The man who, during a strip show at a stag party, climbs up on stage with the girl and performs with her in front of his friends. The couple who, under group pressure, join the neighborhood...

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I Big Banged the Theory P3 The Penny Conclusion

CREATED BY BIGHORNYCOCK123"Okay! Okay." replied Amy Farrah Fowler standing naked in the middle of the apartment."Well, as you know the boys are away at another comic convention" she then said."Yes, like they often are! But that doesn't explain why you and Bernadette are naked in my living room, with a strange guy!" retorted Penny sternly."Look. What do you want us to say?" retorted Bernadette back, as she climbed off my spent dick and stepped down onto the floor, standing as naked as Amy was,...

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First Time With My Daughter Penny Two

My green eyed beauty and I had been having sex just over two months and I think that Penny is even happier now than I have ever seen her. She kind of tricked me into noticing just how amazingly sexy she truly is but now that I know, I can’t get enough of her beautiful body. She came home from school this afternoon with her best friend Jill, who is also an extremely good looking young woman and also in her late teens, like my Penny. Jill is shorter than Penny’s 5’4” frame, being only 5’, but she...

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House in the Woods Penny

© Copyright 2003 My house is built on a rather large plot of land, but unlike my neighbors, I don't try to make it produce income for me, so technically, it's not a farm. When the last known heir of the original owner died in the eighteen-nineties, the land fell into a legal limbo while the possibility of living inheritors was investigated (they actually did such things back then!). Then in the early part of the twentieth century, a fire destroyed many of the records of who owned...

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Pennys First Day

It was Penny's first day at an exclusive finishing school for sluts. She proudly wore her new uniform and thought it made her look stunning, showing off her pretty cunt and her beautiful bare arse that could be just seen beneath her short pleated skirt. She paraded in front of the mirror admiring her new uniform and anticipating the day ahead with excitement.Her journey here started some time back. She came from a well to do family, her father was a radiologist and her mother was an executive...

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Neighbors Penny

"Penny, you get your little butt in here and do the dishes!" Penelope Farrell heard her father's yell but the only effect it had was to cause her to hunch her shoulders tighter to her neck. She knew he would go back to the couch and the TV. Penny was ten years old that summer. She lived with her father and her brother, Carl. Their house was on a street of other run down houses that ran next to a pine and alder forest near the coast of Northern California. Penny's mother had died when she...

2 years ago
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Frankie and Penny

During the 1950s, Frankie worked for a mid-level mobster named Pete Sargeni or better known as Big Pete. Frankie was a flunky and acted mostly as a gofer for Pete. Pete kept him around for two reasons. First, Frankie could always be depended upon to do exactly as told without asking why. Second, Frankie had a gorgeous buxom wife, Penny ,that Pete loved fucking.Pete never could quite understand how a mouse like Frankie ever wound if with a sexy hot wife like Penny. What Pete did not know was...

Wife Lovers
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Penny Wishes I and II

Penny Wishes I By Captain Webster Jeremiah was a sensitive child. Always had been. He cared deeply about others, and their feelings. Unfortunately there were others at his small school who did not feel the same way. One of them was Charles R. "Chuck" Rimart. He had been held back twice and was much larger than any of the other children in Jeremiah's 5th grade class. Chuck liked to throw his weight around, and he had a lot of it to throw. He had to weigh 150 pounds and stood...

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Penny Richard and Betty

It was just after nine o'clock at night and Penny and Richard were up in their tree house in the back yard. They were patiently waiting and watching. "Give me the binoculars," Penny said to Richard. "No, you had them for almost an hour, it's my turn." "Did not!" "Did too!" He had the binoculars trained on the bedroom window. THE window that looked directly into their mothers' room. Earlier in the day he and Penny had fixed the curtains in the bedroom so they would hard to, neigh...

2 years ago
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PennyChapter 4

Getting through it would have been a piece of cake had it not been for one thing; I still could not get the ease with which Penny got it on with Mark and Dave out of my mind. Try as I might I could not accept that a faithful wife could have given in that quickly. Maybe if we had gotten into the watching thing a year or so after we were married when she wasn't so far removed from her slut past I could have bought into it. But after as many years as we had been married and as far behind her as...

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Penny my wife their slutfinal part enjoy

All good things come to an end, James had been in our lives for almost two years. Not only was he Penny’s lover he had become a good friend to the family. You can imagine it was a shock when he told us of his promotion and transfer to the tax system head office in Newcastle, Penny and I never realised he would go out with such a bang.He had continued to change, improve and fulfil our sexual needs throughout those months, Penny had become what can only be described as a behind closed doors cock...

3 years ago
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Karen and Penny Naked at the Mall

Monday seemed like the most carefree day in years. I wore clothes all day in school even though I missed the fun I had last week. The girls who were picked to go naked this week were going to have a hard enough time without me taking the attention away from them. Anyway, I was very surprised when the announcement came over the P.A. system during last period: "Karen Wagner, report to the principal's office at the end of classes". I got nervous wondering what was wrong. Then I sort of hoped it...

3 years ago
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The Penny Part 1

After reading many of the stories on Fictionmania, I thought I would post some of the stories, I've been working on. This story is part of a much longer story I've been writing and editing for over 3 years. This story was written as one, but in the interest of 'keeping it simple stupid', I am breaking it up into several chapters. I welcome any constructive criticism to help improve my writing and this story. Any questions or comments can be emailed to: [email protected]. The...

3 years ago
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Penny and her first monster cock

Penny’s encounter with a monster cockSome years ago when I was with my first wife Penny, I was working for a major UK company as regional engineer and was living in North Yorkshire from where I controlled a number of the company’s activities throughout the North of England. Part of my job was to acquisition fleet commercial vehicles and at the time many of these were purchased through a Darlington based company. They employed a senior salesman named Russ Blackstone who at the time was in his...

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Finding Penny at the Grocery Store

As I made my way around the store, everything was going the way it always did, but then I happen to see a nice looking, young lady doing her grocery shopping a little ways in front of me. Wanting to get a better look, I tried to move up, hoping to pass her. From behind, she was kind of petite, had blonde hair that was cut short, kind of bobbed and from a distance, even though the blue medium length wool coat she was wearing covered her, and the loose fitting black leggings hid her frame, I...

3 years ago
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Nemesis Penny

I can remember the night as if it was yesterday. There I was just sitting watching the local evening news program on the old telly, my wife Penny was sitting over the other side of the room looking at me with a very curious expression on her face. The trouble she had was she just couldn't bring herself to tell me what was on her mind. Why? Well, for two reasons really. One, because I don't think she could believe it herself, and two, because if she did bring the subject up, she knew she was...

3 years ago
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Penny and Laura Part 1

When Penny moved into her apartment three years ago it was because she fell in love with the way it seemed to combine the cozy vintage feel with the crisp edges of modern design. The rent was a little higher than what she had originally wanted to pay but once she viewed the space she couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. The open floor plan made the kitchen and living room area feel large and comfortable instead of the cramped basement suite she was living in before she moved. Exposed brick...

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It was the middle of the night. Penny lay in bed next to her sleeping husband, John. She was naked and had one hand between her legs and the other fondling one of her tits. She looked across at John thinking what a kind loving man he was. It was so sad that his sexual drive did not match hers. He looked upon sex as being the way to make a baby. After they had a baby boy, David, his sexual interest in her ceased. In the twenty one years since then Penny had suffered increasing sexual...

1 year ago
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It was the middle of the night. Penny lay in bed next to her sleeping husband, John. She was naked and had one hand between her legs and the other fondling one of her tits. She looked across at John thinking what a kind loving man he was. It was so sad that his sexual drive did not match hers. He looked upon sex as being the way to make a baby. After they had a baby boy, David, his sexual interest in her ceased. In the twenty one years since then Penny had suffered increasing sexual...

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Taking Penny Home

I’d known Penny for several years, ever since she came to London from her native Australia and we met through a mutual friend. I’d always kind of fancied her, but as far as I’d been able to tell she wasn’t into girls, at least not in that sort of way. I’d dropped occasional hints, of course, but she’d never risen to the bait. But then one evening, that all changed. To cut a long story short, we’d been at a party in a pub up around Shoreditch. By the end of the evening, we were both slightly...

2 years ago
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What Are We Gonna Do About This Penny

"So, how do you feel now that you have my ring, Penny?" she asked, walking into the locker room with me."This is yours, Alina?" I asked, stopping a few feet in there."Yes," she answered, peeking back at me. "I gave it to Oscar four years ago after his father passed and told him to give it to the woman he wanted to marry. His dad gave it to me less than a year after we met. Not that I'm gonna take it back, but it's mine. It looks good on your finger, though.""Thank you," I replied, setting my...


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