Professor Sanderson
- 3 years ago
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The Professor and the Student
Author?s Note:? This covers some familiar themes, but if you read it, I enjoy the feedback either through reviews or email.? I have incorporated some suggestions from previous reviews into this one, but ultimately it speaks to my fantasies.
Professor Elizabeth Starr was a bit frustrated. She had not had any sex for three months since her lover left town for a new job in a city far away. It had been difficult letting him go, but it was the natural course of life and it needed to happen. In the meantime, Elizabeth had not found anyone new she wanted to be with and she was growing impatient with that reality.
By day, Elizabeth enjoyed her job as a professor of English at the local university, a fine mid-tier school. Generally, she did not attract the attention of men, deliberately so. She was a little more than six feet tall, wore glasses, tied her hair in bun, and favored not-very-attractive, loose-fitting, almost maternity-style dresses that completely hid all of her feminine curves. Indeed, she was not particularly attractive in the face, more plain than pretty, but far from ugly. She was the picture of the matronly, frigid-looking spinster professor. She was not Professor Meyers of biology, whom all the young men in the school and many of the professors lusted after. And why wouldn't they? Carol had a model's body, bestowed upon her by God and requiring seemingly little maintenance, was pretty, and flaunted it. To say that some of her clothing choices were inappropriate would be an understatement, but such are the virtues of tenure. Still, with respect to herself, Elizabeth mused, at least not everything is as it appears to be.
Elizabeth favored younger men---it was one of the reasons she became a professor in the first place. At the same time, in light of university rules against such liaisons, Elizabeth generally tried to avoid getting involved with any of her students during most of the school year. Now, however, it was a month before the end of the spring semester and Elizabeth had taken an interest in---and learned more about---Matthew Harris. He was a nineteen-year old sophomore who usually sat in the second row from the front of her contemporary British literature class. Physically, he was below average in height at 5'6", and although not overweight, he didn't look like he worked out. He was trim, but not much more. Elizabeth did not mind the fact that he was significantly shorter than herself.? Actually, in many ways she found that preferable.? Despite sitting towards the front, Matthew often appeared painfully shy, rarely contributing to classroom discussions. She occasionally saw him outside the classroom and was usually alone, apparently he had few friends and certainly not a girlfriend.
That would not be the case if the women on this campus knew what I just recently learned, Elizabeth thought. Elizabeth made some careful inquiries with the Dean about Matthew's personal situation---along with a bunch of others she was not interested in, for cover---and was intrigued by what she learned. Matthew had been on his own, an emancipated minor since he was 16. He father had left him very young and was never heard from again, and his mother passed away prematurely. His grandfather, the father of his mother, was still alive and quite wealthy but Matthew had not wanted to live with him. So, apparently, they struck a deal. Matthew would be emancipated, drawing financial resources from a trust his grandfather set up after his mother's death, so long as he followed some basic rules. He wasn't allowed to drink or do drugs (and any arrest for which would result in termination of the trust) and he had to go to college and study something useful. Matthew also had to find a job in the summers. Clean living, education, hard work---his grandfather's philosophy on the keys to life. If he could follow those basic rules, his grandfather would fund Matthew's emancipated minor status. In other words, Matthew had a lot more spending money and a whole lot less parental supervision than the average college student, even if he did not show it.
Matthew's financial situation did not really interest Elizabeth---she was quite comfortable. What she wanted was sex, and she wanted it on her own terms, and the recent information about Matthew that she had gathered determined that he would become the object of her desires. She decided on Matthew because he seemed quite shy and therefore likely very malleable and his independent status suggested there would be little outside interference in her delicious plans for him. She would have to be careful of course. Relations between teachers and students were against the university rules, even though it happened all the time. Still, carelessness would not do.
The first, obvious step was that she had to befriend the boy. She was quite sure that while Matthew was not all that different from any other student, regarding her as a dumpy, approaching middle-age college professor. She in fact was 37, but to 19 that seems like 60, especially since she dressed more like 60. At first, she asked him to help her carry things to her office, and feigned a greater interest in his writing talents than they really merited (a good student otherwise, he was only a fair writer and interpreter of literature), but Matthew didn't know that. Hesitant at first, Matthew gradually began to enjoy the seemingly innocent attention Elizabeth was giving him. Over the next couple of weeks, Elizabeth drew Matthew out in more conversation and eventually he became more comfortable talking with her on a regular basis. Near the end of term, she saw an intriguing opening.
"Yes, part of the deal is that I must get a job every summer," Matthew said to Elizabeth as he helped her carry papers and books to her car. "Last summer I worked for a landscaping business. I enjoyed the work, but the company didn't pay us all that well, despite charging a fortune for the work we did."
"Well, have you considered starting your own business or at least working on your own?" Elizabeth asked.
Matthew just looked at her. "Well, no, I haven't. I mean, I don't have any clients or a way to generate business. I've always just worked for others. Do you really think that is viable?"
"It could be," Elizabeth answered. "In fact, I was going to suggest why don't you work for me over the summer doing yardwork and landscaping at my house? I have big place and I've wanted to do a number of projects on it but never had the time. I was hoping to do some this summer. I planned on hiring someone to do it. I see no reason why it couldn't be you."
Elizabeth saw the doubt in Matthew's eyes. It wasn't doubt of wanting to do the work, but more she suspected he thought it wasn't going to be practical or particularly rewarding. "I know what you're thinking," she said. "I may be just a college professor, but I inherited a lot of family money and my place is big. There's plenty of work. I am not going to pay you slave wages. (Elizabeth nearly burst out laughing at the irony of that phrase.) How about $20 an hour for a 40-hour week---more hours with bonuses are possible, too?"
Matthew looked a little wide-eyed. The landscaping company he worked for last summer paid him only $8.00 an hour. He didn't need the money for housing or necessities, there were the trust funds for that, but his grandfather insisted he work for his spending money and to get to the trust money. Besides, $20 an hour not only made him feel good about himself, it made him feel more professional. "Um, okay, you've convinced me. I'll do it."
"Excellent," Elizabeth responded, "Classes and exams are over in 10 days, May 24. I suggest you report to this address (Elizabeth handed him a slip of paper) no later than May 28, unless you want to start sooner.
Matthew noted it was a bit of drive out into the country, but it was not like he was doing anything else. "Deal," he said.
"Excellent," she said. With that, Matthew's professor drove off and it was only then that Matthew noticed it to be a high-end Lexus in a parking lot full of mid-grade cars. Must be true, then, he thought, she does have more money than it appeared.
Elizabeth, for her part, nearly wet herself driving home. It had gone far better than she expected. What she told Matthew was true. Her place was large, and it was gated and secluded in the country. There was lots of work for him to do, including taking care of her two horses. Elizabeth hoped very much that Matthew would respond willingly, if not at first, then soon to the games she wanted to play with him. Having him at her estate all week long would provide many opportunities she had not gotten with her last lover. After arriving home, Elizabeth ran to her mastersuite, looked about the room, immediately stripped, and masturbated herself to several orgasms in row. On the walls of this immense room were numerous and graphic images of women sexually dominating, indeed, subjugating men---placing them in extreme bondage, whipping them, raping them even, sitting on their faces, men performing orally on their mistresses. Interspersed among those images were various ropes, chains, handcuffs, paddles, whips, riding crops, hoods, gags, blindfolds. It was where Elizabeth enjoyed being more than anywhere else in the world.
Reporting to Work
When Matthew finally arrived at Elizabeth's home on the morning of May 28, he was taken aback by several things, causing his mind to reel the rest of the day. The first was that Elizabeth was not kidding. While he would hesitate to call the house a mansion, it was a huge Victorian home tucked behind large gates at the end of long dirt road, totally secluded from anything else for miles. Climbing to the tallest tree would not have resulted in seeing another house. Elizabeth had told him that she took advantage of a local government program which actually paid her to keep all the surrounding land, which her family once farmed, natural and undeveloped. Thus surrounding the house were overgrown meadows, punctuated by thicker areas of growth. No other humans could be seen or heard from.
The second, and far more reeling experience, once Elizabeth had let his car in through the gate and he finally knocked on the front door, was the woman who answered it. Professor Starr, the frumpy, dumpy English teacher was not who answered. The woman he saw answer the door looked like his professor in the face---she wore glasses, was a bit plain, had her hair in bun. But the rest of her was not all like Matthew imagined. Elizabeth answered the door wearing nothing more than a black athletic running bra and skin-tight black shorts. And her body was an exquisite work of art: beautifully formed large breasts with hard nipples poking up clearly behind the tight material, sculpted and rather powerful-looking muscles in her arms and legs, a flat stomach, and a well-defined, tight, albeit ample, butt. As Matthew stood before this image of an Amazon, he, seven inches shorter, felt acutely aware as he had not until now of his physical inferiority compared to his new employer. It was very clear that she could kick his ass if she wanted. And he found this full effect strangely exciting, feeling a stirring in his groin he could do nothing to control and hoped it would not be overly obvious. He was in jean shorts and a t-shirt. Matthew was not confident of keeping it hidden.
After Elizabeth opened the door, she saw that her visage had the desired effect. Her physical attributes were clearly not what Matthew expected and the fact that he was liking what he saw did not escape her notice.
"Oh, Matthew, do come in. I am pleased you are so prompt. Are you ready to start your summer work?"
"Yes, Ma'am," was Matthew's instinctive rely. He hadn't intended it for come out so formally, but it did. Elizabeth did not correct him.
"Good. Let's sit down first and discuss everything over some coffee." And with that, Elizabeth outlined what the days and weeks ahead would (ostensibly) be like. There were regular daily chores required, such as mowing, trimming, weeding, taking care of the horses and their stalls. Beyond that, Elizabeth outlined some larger landscaping projects such as building some new gardens and dry-stacked stone walls and a number of other improvements that Matthew thought would not be accomplished in one summer. On many of these things, she said, she would be right there working with him. Elizabeth also said she would provide lunch each day and even dinner if Matthew chose to work late sometimes.
Throughout the day, Matthew did not find it easy doing his work when Elizabeth was around and she seemed to be around a lot, always dressed in her running bra and black shorts. The morning chores were indeed the routine maintenance things, such as the horse stalls, mowing the lawn, trimming bushes, et al. While Matthew did them, Elizabeth was always doing something as well. It just happened to be always near where Matthew was working. For her part, Elizabeth was fully aware of the effect she was having on the hired help and was quite pleased.
At lunch, Matthew spent an inordinate amount of time studying, discreetly he thought, the ridges, curves, and forms that composed Elizabeth's magnificent body. Her face doesn't turn heads, Matthew thought, but she sure is built.
Elizabeth on the other hand knew perfectly well what the boy of 19 at her table was doing and just so. That was the idea.
Elizabeth made the afternoon more difficult for Matthew. She spent most of it helping Matthew with the start of building of a stone wall that would run along a long length of the front gardens. It was a project that would take many days to complete, but it allowed her to be in close proximity to Matthew until the end of the day, when Matthew went home. Watching Elizabeth work with him was extraordinarily nerve-wrecking because Matthew knew that she was obviously superior to him intellectually, having been his professor, but it was clear that she was also much stronger and in better shape. She routinely carried larger loads of dirt or moved bigger rocks than he could, her thigh and arm muscles bulging when she did so. In the past, Matthew might not have found such a woman appealing, but the vision of this tall, strong amazon before him all day long was overwhelming his senses, clouding his judgment, and keeping him in a perpetual state of lust. He could not stop his mind from wandering to image of two of them having sex, but with her on top. Matthew imagined she would take him, not the other way around. He was not used to such thoughts, but found them extraordinarily exciting.
As soon as Matthew got home, he masturbated twice to Elizabeth's image before he could calm down enough to shower and do other things. Then he did it again before going to sleep in the hope he could get some sleep.
The next day went much like the first for Elizabeth and Matthew. The only difference was that Elizabeth routinely found reasons to brush up against Matthew with one part of her body or another. And in one particularly good stroke of luck, during the afternoon, as they both worked on the stone wall, Elizabeth "tripped" over one of the stones they were using for the wall, falling against Matthew, both of them landing on the ground with Elizabeth on top of him, face-to-face. For a lingering moment, Elizabeth could feel the lump in Matthew's groin, and Matthew felt immobilized by her muscular body. Elizabeth stayed in that position a little longer than would have been necessary under ordinary circumstances but then got up and apologized for her "clumsiness."
That night, Matthew was incapable of expunging his sexual desire for his professor. When she had fallen on him, he momentarily felt trapped, captured, and controlled. He didn't really understand why, but he liked the feeling. It felt good and right and yet it confused him, too. Most people he knew would think the thoughts he was having were weird, yet rather than suppressing the thoughts in his mind, he gave in to them. He let his fantasies about Elizabeth run wild.
The next day, his third on the job, Elizabeth let Matthew in when he arrived. He hadn?t arrived until the early afternoon because he had needed to get his car a regular tune-up.? Nothing else had changed from the day before.? She invited him for a cup of coffee and watched how his eyes never seemed to stop looking at her body. After a few minutes of chit-chat, she finally decided to take the plunge.
"Oh, Matthew, let's stop pretending, shall we?" Elizabeth said. "I think we've carried the charade on long enough."
"Wh-What do you mean?"
"I dress this way to excite you, sexually, and it's been clear since the first day you find me exciting. I know you stare at my body constantly. You may think you're hiding that but you aren't," she said, pointing to the obvious bulge in his groin. "Cards on the table," she said stepping so close to Matthew her breasts were a mere inch from his mouth. "Do you want to have sex with me? Do you want me to make love to you?" she whispered.
Matthew was not a virgin, but he was very inexperienced. He had had sex a couple of times, but he'd paid for it, from a high-class escort service that advertised on the internet. But those escorts were no match for him physically, nor did they exude the sexual energy and power that Elizabeth did. Still, if he had any uncertainties, they were totally overwhelmed by the lust he was feeling. "God, yes!" he blurted and he moved to grab her.
"Don't touch me!" Elizabeth commanded and pushed Matthew back. Seeing the boy's confusion, she said, "we do this on my terms, Matthew, you must follow my rules. I expect my lovers to be polite, solicitous, and especially obedient. Any 'extracurricular' time we spend together will always and only be initiated by me."
Feeling a bit uncertain now but quite willing to proceed, Matthew cautiously replied, "okay."
"You mean, 'yes ma'am.'"
"Yes ma'am," Matthew immediately mimicked.
Elizabeth smiled a broad grin at her new lover, took his hand and led to one of her spare bedrooms. She did not think he was quite ready today to see what was in her mastersuite today. That could wait until tomorrow. In her experience it took only a day and a night for her young men to become addicted to her body. With Matthew, she suspected that not only was he already addicted to her but that he would in fact be very receptive to her planned domination of him.
Once in the room, Elizabeth ordered Matthew to strip completely, while she still sat on the edge of her bed, still with her running bra and shorts on. Once Matthew was completely naked, she gestured for him to come to her. "Get down on your knees, but keep your back straight." Matthew did so, but with an erection seemingly longer and harder than he had ever felt. "As I said, I expect obedience from my lovers," she said, lightly stroking his face with her index finger. "I prefer to be dominant. I will certainly alleviate the tension you feel, (she now stroked his cock with the same finger), but when we spend our time together, you are here mostly to satisfy me." Elizabeth then leaned forward and gave Matthew several long, deep, full-tongue kisses, pushing his head to her mouth by grabbing and holding the hair on the back of his head. "I will particularly demand that you worship every part of my body with your mouth and tongue. Can you do this?"
"I can learn. Will you teach me?," he gasped.
"A most delightful answer. Let's start your lessons right now, then." Elizabeth pulled off her running bra, exposing to Matthew two of the most beautiful and large breasts he had ever seen, live or in a magazine. "Suck them, Matthew, gently, alternate between one and the other and do not stop until I tell you to." With his fantasies of the last three days being realized, Matthew eagerly set to his task. Elizabeth had her lover, soon-to-be sex slave do this for almost 10 minutes before pushing his head back. "Take off my shorts." Matthew did so, revealing black panties covering Elizabeth's pussy. "Take off my panties with your teeth." And while that took some effort, Matthew finally completed his task revealing Elizabeth's groin, which contained a rather large amount of hair, which was not all that surprising since she was hardly petite. Elizabeth then proceeded to instruct Matthew how to worship her with his mouth. In the beginning he did as he was told, first kissing her all over there, then licking gently, and ultimately pressing his mouth hard against her to plunge his tongue inside as far he could make it go. In response, Elizabeth moaned and groaned sounds of pleasure that she had not felt in many months. After her first orgasm, with Matthew appearing to stop, she grabbed his head, clamped her long muscular legs around the boy's body, and ground his head into her until she came two more times and Matthew was gasping for breath. When she finally let him go, his face was drenched with her juices, so much so she got up to grab him a towel. Matthew for his part felt like he was going to explode, but neither he nor Elizabeth touched his cock.
"Climb on the bed, Matthew, and lie down, hands by your sides." Having been on his knees for about 30 minutes now, he was grateful for the change in position, but hungry to continue. "I think you need some relief now," she said as she began to stroke his penis with two of her fingers, alternating down his shaft with the bottoms of her fingers and up it with her fingernails. Matthew exploded within seconds, spewing ropes and ropes of cum over his chest, screaming in ecstasy.
"Oh, god, thank you Professor Starr!"
"You're quite welcome, Matthew, but why don't you call me 'Mistress' when we are together like this."
"Okay, thank you, Mistress," Matthew said and waited to see what would happen next.
Elizabeth wiped Matthew clean with the towel and then climbed on his chest, pinning his arms to his side. "We are far from done," she smiled at him. "You'll find that I am multiorgasmic and pretty insatiable." Elizabeth then moved herself up and positioned her pussy just an inch above Matthew's mouth. "Continue what you were doing, Matthew." And as Elizabeth closed that one-inch gap, and as he began again to worship Elizabeth, he did so with more enthusiasm, the kind that comes from the knowledge that woman receiving the activity was enjoying it immensely and that he had a better idea of what he was doing. Elizabeth had Matthew worship her sex for the better part of an hour, in a bunch of different positions, bringing her off numerous times. It had been so long since she had had a man's mouth between her legs, it seemed that Elizabeth could not get her fill of it today. Despites some rests and breaks in between, after that hour she could tell Matthew was tiring physically from it. After all, there is only so much the muscle that is the tongue can do before it gives out. But she was quite well aware that Matthew was very much enjoying their time together. Within 10 or 15 minutes after his explosion, Matthew had become hard again as he worshiped his professor and remained so for the rest of the time he spent between Elizabeth's thighs.
Finally, she said, "enough, I think." With that statement, she pulled Matthew up from her groin, gently but firmly, by the hair (at this point she was on her back and Matthew had been locked in place by her long, muscular legs that allowed the boy no movement or retreat from his task. She turned him over, grabbed his wrists, pinning them above his head, and lowered herself on Matthew?s cock, which gratefully accepted being sheathed.
?Oh my god,? Matthew whispered, though loud enough for Elizabeth to hear.? The warmth, the sensations caused a virtual overload in the pleasure centers of his brain.? The couple of times he had had sex before, with escorts, were nothing like this.?
Elizabeth, once she had taken Matthew inside of her, tried to stimulate Matthew as little as possible, knowing he would be coming soon enough.? At first, she did nothing at all, and as Matthew naturally tried to move to stimulate his penis to orgasm, Elizabeth tightened her grip with her hands, thighs, and weight, pressing down to prevent him from moving.? And then, very slowly, she began moving her vagina at the base of Matthew?s penis.? With previous lovers, she found it stimulated her, but did little for them until she ratcheted up her movements.? For Matthew, he found Elizabeth?s movements frustrating.? He was on the verge of cumming, wanted desperately to do so, but wasn?t feeling quite enough friction from Elizabeth?s movements to push him over the edge.? Still within a couple of minutes, Elizabeth increased her pace which unavoidably gave Matthew what he needed.? As Elizabeth sensed Matthew was on the verge of orgasm, she increased her motions to an almost violent pace, essentially fucking her student's brains out. Matthew came before she did, shouting, ?OH GOD, OH GOD a dozen times.? He managed to stay hard enough for her to come one more time, with similar expressions of physical delight. All told they had spent more than two hours together in bed.? It was now 4:30 in the afternoon and it was time for Matthew to head home for the evening. ?No work had been done, but from everyone?s point of view it had been a most productive day.? Matthew had kind of hoped he would be allowed to stay the night, but Elizabeth knew from experience that having her lover?s stay over was not a reward she allowed them to have until she had completely broken them in.? Besides, anticipation was half the fun.
Indeed, the next day Matthew could not wait until he arrived at his professor's home. The day before had been intense and enthralling. In that one day, he had engaged in more sexual activity with another person than he had in the sum total of his life. He anticipated that it would continue today, so was a bit disappointed when after he arrived Elizabeth gave him his work details for the morning. "Yes, ma'am," was all he said, with a clear lilt of disappointment, after she had finished.
"Oh, you poor thing. You act as if I have abandoned you." Elizabeth walked over to Matthew. She was wearing one of her tight fitting running bras, which provided a picture of very pronounced cleavage and her nipples were clearly hard and firm underneath the stretched material. Elizabeth whispered down at Matthew all the while rubbing her delightful succulent breasts against his face. "We'll play after lunch. In fact, I want us to go to another level together, so there is no misunderstanding my expectations. But the fact is, work must still get done around here and you are to do it."
Matthew's eyes had closed so he could enjoy exclusively the sensation of sensuous breasts against his face, but snapped them open when Elizabeth finished talking. "Yes, ma'am. I, I'll get to it." Matthew reluctantly left his professor's presence, obviously very horny, but unwilling---or was it unable?---to do anything that might risk the imagined sweet rewards of the afternoon. He was on one level simply relieved that Elizabeth had not calculated their coupling the day before as a one-time event. She clearly was interested in continuing their activities, but only apparently on her terms.
Unfortunately for Matthew, he was not always capable of keeping his mind on his work. Several times Elizabeth had to order Matthew to redo a chore in the barn or yard because it wasn't up to her standards. By the third time, it was clear Elizabeth was a tad annoyed by it, although in her own mind she understood why it was happening. On the plus side, it would provide a useful transition into some of the afternoon's activities.
By lunchtime, Matthew was hungry in more ways the one. The meal, however, was almost agony for him as it required even more waiting before he had a chance to indulge in Elizabeth's body. For her part, she spliced idle chit-chat about various mundane matters with sexual flirtation, including frequent touches, bumps, and rubs up against Matthew's slender frame. Finally, when the meal was over, Elizabeth smiled at Matthew, enjoying his obvious lust for her and his discomfort in having been told to wait all morning for it.
"Very well, young man, now we can proceed to what you have not-so-patiently been waiting for. Go to the guest room, shower, and then wait for me---naked." Matthew practically fled from the room and all through the shower his raging erection never wavered once. He couldn't wait to make love to Elizabeth again even if she were clearly the superior partner in the relationship.? As he thought about it, waiting naked on the bed in the guest room, he found he was very turned on by her physical and mental superiority over him. He was quite willing to serve as her boy-toy, realizing that that was what he probably was to her. While she demanded a lot from him physically in that role, there was no responsibility on his part. She determined everything and he liked that.
Elizabeth had heard the shower stop and knew that Matthew would be waiting within seconds of drying himself off. She took her time. Today Matthew would learn what being with her was truly going to be like and he would learn that there were some consequences associated with making mistakes. She did not plan to start off overly harshly, but she wasn't going to dance around the issue anymore. Elizabeth wanted Matthew in the mastersuite. She wanted to wear her favorite clothes. But to make sure it would go at least close to the way she wanted it to, she planned to surprise Matthew with it, to overwhelm his senses in one shot.
"Well, aren't you anxious," she to said to Matthew referring to his full-blown hard-on as he rested on the guest room bed.
"Yes, ma'am. What can I say? You have that effect on me. You have from the first day I came her to work for you."
"Oh, not to worry. I'm delighted you feel this way, for I am very fond of you and look forward to many encounters and playing many games. And, actually, I don't want to join you here, Matthew, but we are going to the mastersuite. I feel the most comfortable there and the most liberated."
Matthew grinned a bit like the Cheschire Cat, but simply said, "okay with me," and moved to get up.
"Hold on, young man. My room is very special to me, so we are not going to just walk in there. Here, put this on." She handed Matthew a blindfold. "Don't worry, I'll guide you. But once inside you will not take it off until I tell you. I must get dressed in there before you do, so you will have to be patient for a few minutes. Once there, there will be no turning back for the day."
Matthew wasn't quite sure what that meant, but he really didn't care. He just wanted to fuck his professor---or more accurately, he wanted her to fuck him. "Okay, sure," he said and put on the blindfold and stood-up. Elizabeth grabbed his cock.? Matthew gasped, not expecting the "guiding" to be like that. Elizabeth chuckled and pulled him down the hallway. He heard a door open and they went in. Elizabeth closed the door behind him, turned the deadbolt, which Matthew heard, and removed the key, which Matthew did not hear.
"Now, just wait a few minutes. I am right here. I'll know if you peak or even try to peak," Elizabeth stated. Matthew listened intently, his curiousity now quite high. All he could hear, though, was Elizabeth changing clothes, which clearly included a few items that zipped. "Now, Matthew, you may remove the blindfold."
When he did so, the wave of images nearly overwhelmed him and made his knees feel quite shaky. First, standing before him, was Elizabeth, who was now decked out in black leather boots that rose as high as her thighs and had four inch heels. She wore a zipped black corset that left her breasts and groin very exposed, and she wore a black, policeman-like hat. In her hand, she held a leather collar and leash, as well well as a black implement with many leather strips that clearly was used to beat people. Matthew next took in the walls, which he found covered with various other bondage implements, ropes, whips, and larger bondage devices. And the pictures interspersed on the walls showed artistic images of naked women or women in black outfits similar to Elizabeth's tying up, whipping, or otherwise dominating naked men in various ways. Matthew's mouth went completely dry.
"Well, what do you think? Do you like it?" Elizabeth inquired.
Matthew's eyes were wide, and he hesitated, but finally said, "I, uh, I don't know know."
"An honest answer," Elizabeth replied. "Matthew," she said a little sharply, "focus on me. Do you like what you see? Do you like my outfit?" As she saw Matthew step back from the hazy look on his face and focus on her, she saw her answer. Matthew's cock, which had limped a bit from the shock, resumed a very powerful erection as he stared at Elizabeth's body bedecked in black leather, exuding high power and sensuality at the same time.
"'am," Matthew finally answered. It was a true statement. Matthew had seen pictures of dominatrixes in magazines before and had always been titilated by them, but they were nothing like having the real thing right in front him. Moreover, Elizabeth in her boots now towered over the barefoot Matthew by 10 inches. He was completely in lust with her, but not a little scared of the implications.
"Very good. I knew you would be. Let us be clear now as to how things will proceed. This is who I am. What you see on the walls is what I do. I take my lovers as my slaves, my sex slaves. I will dominate you sexually, completely, in every way imaginable. I will do many pleasurable things to you and many painful things. You must be willing to suffer for me, for my pleasure if you want to go on spending time with me. In this room, you have absolutely no say as to what will happen to you, but do feel free to beg and plead, for I find such sounds coming from you to be particularly enjoyable. I should add that my control and dominance of you will extend beyond this room to the rest of the house and grounds and even beyond, although I will be much more discreet and subtle if and when we go out together. This is the way it is going to be, today, Matthew, the door is locked and I have hidden the key where you would never find it, even if you could somehow find the opportunity to look for it." As she said the last, she walked closer to him, where the contrast between her tall, powerful body and his much smaller, lighter, and more slender one was incredibly acute. "If you find in the morning, that this isn't for you, that I am not as appealing as I was an hour ago, we can go our separate ways, but I do hope you won't, because what I said was true, I am very fond of you. But this can only work if you are my complete, totally obedient slave, and I am your dominant mistress." As she said this, Elizabeth stroked Matthew's head and face with one hand (having put down the leash and collar at his feet), and stroked his back and buttocks with the flogger.
After that long soliquy of Elizabeth's, Matthew found he was afraid, but had no desire to run, even if he could somehow run somewhere. He was also as sexually excited as he could ever remember, which included the day's previous activities. In answer, Matthew said in a whisper, "I am afraid."
"What are you afraid of, Matthew?"
Matthew gave his honest answer: "I am afraid of what you will do to me, I am afraid that I won't be able to take it. I am afraid then I won't be with you anymore."
"Those are all good things to be afraid of, but Matthew in your heart you know you want to be with me, to be dominated by me. I dominated you yesterday as we made love and you took to it like a fish to water. The only difference today is that from now on my domination will be more direct, more controlling, and, yes, you will have to endure some pain to please me. I will not inflict a lot, to start, but you must also learn that with disobedience or carelessness, there are also consequences." As she was speaking, Elizabeth had picked up the collar and leash and had slipped it, slowly around Matthew's neck. When she had finished speaking, she grabbed Matthew's wrists, which were at his sides, and twisted them behind his back, reaching her mouth down to deeply and passionately kiss the young man who stood 10 inches below the top of her head. As she did so, she pushed Matthew back slowly to wall, with him giving way as she pushed. At the wall, Elizabeth grabbed a pair of black leather cuffs and put them on Matthew's wrists. When that was done, she hooked the two cuffs together behind his back. Stroking his cheek as she pulled away from him, slipping the leash between her fingers until she had pulled it taught.
"Get on your knees, Matthew." The boy did so and Elizabeth glanced at the part of the wall that had a large mirror. It was one of her favorite sights, a younger, smaller, weaker male now kneeled before her strong, magnificient body, adorned with a black leather outfit of power, holding her slave by a collar and leash. It was an image that never failed to make her pussy wet and it did so this time as well, glistening in the low, soft lighting of the mastersuite dungeon.
"Now, then, young man, the first order of business is that I found your work this morning to be less than acceptable. Low quality work, you will find, will be punished directly. I'll go easy on you since this will be your first time since you were a child, no doubt."
"Yes, Mistress," Matthew stated, now remembering how Elizabeth had wanted him to use that title when they were together, which now seemed perfectly clear as to why.
"Put your head to the floor but remain on your knees."
Matthew immediately complied and quickly found the stiletto heel of Elizabeth's boot firmly at the base of his neck, pushing his head firmly into the carpet, when he felt the first strike from the flogger hit his lower back and buttocks. Matthew involuntarily yelped at the sting but Elizabeth merely stated that "Ten of these, I think, is an appropriate start." By the fifth strike Matthew had let out a number of sounds of pain. By the 10th blow he was grimacing and yelping his discomfort and his ass was a nice shade to deep pink. Elizabeth was very satisfied with the look, as she found whip marks on a male body to be quite attractive.
"There now, that wasn't so bad, was it?" Elizabth asked. Matthew of course replied it wasn't, which was really the only answer either of them expected him to give.
"Well, let's move on to more fun activities. We will begin by using your tongue to lick and polish every square inch of my boots. Leave no section undone. Poor performance will be met with correction," Elizabeth's smiling face stated as she twirled her flogger in one hand and pulled on the leash with the other. Hesitant at first, Matthew started licking Elizabeth's boots. It was an awkward position as his arms were still bound behind him, yet he really started to get into it. He didn't know if it was the smell of the leather or the glances up at Elizabeth's face, showing a beautiful, powerful women in total command of him. But despite---or because of ?---he was eager to please his mistress. His cock throbbed intensely, almost painfully for release, but he knew that wouldn't happen just yet. Once he had the boots all done, Elizabeth drew his eager tongue to her glistening pussy for the same attention. Elizabeth controlled Matthew's every movement here, grabbing his head, locking her boot-clad legs around his back as she sat on the edge of the bed, and brought on several orgasms.
After that was done, Elizabeth let Matthew rest a few minutes, lying on the floor. She was far from done, however. She got up from the edge of the bed and gathered a large number of bondage implements from her walls, and then ordered Matthew up onto the bed. As he complied, she unhooked his wrists and proceeded to truss him quite differently. When she was through, Matthew had all four of his limbs stretched to the four corners of the bed, with many more additional straps attached to and binding other parts of this body such that he was nearly immobile.
For his part, Matthew was frightened and excited at the same time. His raging hard-on betrayed what was going on in one part of his head, yet he couldn't move and was completely at the mercy of his mistress, a woman much taller and stronger than himself. Her power over him seemed quite unlimited.
"Now we play some more of my favorite games, Matthew." Elizabeth then climbed on the bed and settled herself on Matthew's groin. He could feel the heat emanating from her pussy, although she made no move other than to flatten his penis against his body with her own.
Slowly Elizabeth began to rub Matthew's nipples, one with each hand, stimulating them. Matthew certainly enjoyed that. But as the minutes rolled by, Elizabeth manipulated her fingers such that she began to pinch the boy's nipples, gently at first, but with increasing intensity. Elizabeth enjoyed watching Matthew's facial expressions change from one of delight to discomfort to pain. With different levels of intensity, Elizabeth could control the visual outcome as if she were adjusting the knobs on a control panel. The actions made her wetter, a fact that was not lost on Matthew even if he did seem otherwise distracted. He could feel the moistness in her pussy seep onto his groin. The more Matthew sucked in his breath or let out little yelps of "ow" or groans of pain, the more excited Elizabeth became.
But when Elizabeth tired of that activity, she slowly began to drag her bottom up the length of Matthew's body until she was sitting on the boy's chest, her steaming vagina four inches from Matthew's mouth. "Now my little slave, you should know I find you terribly amusing and have been waiting for weeks to have you in this exact position. Your face, your mouth are nothing but sex toys for me." As she said this, she edged her pussy closer to Matthew's mouth, so now he could feel her heat against his chin and her muscular thighs on either side of his head.
For his part, the view Matthew had was astounding. If he looked straight ahead his eyes were filled with Elizabeth's ample, though slightly trimmed, pussy, with her pink labia glistening in the dim light. If he looked up, Matthew saw little more than Elizabeth's tall, muscular body pinning him down, her heaving breasts protruding from above the leather corset. It was the most erotic sight and moment of his life.
"You will lick, suck, and worship every part of me down there until I say you stop, do you understand?" As Elizabeth said this, she had taken hold of Matthew's head with her hands and moved her body up slightly more, pressing her pussy against Matthew's mouth. The boy responded with enthusiasm, sticking out his tongue to at first lick his Mistress and then reach in and penetrate her as far as he could. This act, this position, Matthew's enthusiasm for what she was doing, caused Elizabeth to have an orgasm almost immediately, but she did not stop but for a few seconds as the convulsions subsided. She encouraged Matthew on and soon was rubbing her pussy up and down his mouth and the bridge of his nose, masturbating herself again with her slave-boy's face. After her second orgasm, Elizabeth turned herself around, settling her ample, but muscular ass over the boy's mouth and nose, ordering him to lick and pleasure her there as well. Periodically, she would press down on Matthew's face, cutting off air for 30 seconds or even a minute at a time, an act which paradoxically heightened Matthew's lust and fear at the same time. Finally, after 10 or 15 minutes, she stopped, giving the boy a rest, knowing he couldn't keep the pace up much longer.
She got off of Matthew for a minute and retrieved several items from one of her drawers. One was a black hood with a zipper in the back and only a nickel-sized hole in the front for air. She slipped it on the boy's head and he found it had a protrusion inside which demanded to be in his mouth. Once zipped up, his head was encased, his mouth completely gagged, and his eyes could see nothing but black. "Now then, this is going to hurt a little, Matthew, but it will benefit us both in the end," she said as she settled back on the boy's chest with her ass pressed up against his hooded nose but not cutting off his supply of air from the small opening. She had brought a device to inflict some electrical torture on the boy's genitals, which she did with enthusiasm, eliciting a number of screams from Matthew's muffled mouth. It had the effect she was looking for. It brought her closer to another orgasm and the discomfort eased his erection somewhat. "That's better."
And with that, she turned herself around again, bent down to whisper to Matthew, "you are mine now," and moved her body down to capture the boy's cock, plunging it fully into her. Elizabeth immediately established a firm, almost rough rhythm, such that within a minute or two both mistress and slave, dominator and dominated came at once in an explosive, climatic, simultaneous orgasm. Elizabeth collapsed on Matthew. Cuddling her arms around him, releasing him from the hood, she stated simply, "that was wonderful." Matthew, who had been blown away by the afternoon's events, stated quite accurately that "this has been the most exciting time of my life.'
Elizabeth smiled and added, "and there is so much more to come."
A Rainy Day
That was how the days changed. In the morning Matthew would do his work, with less distraction from Elizabeth, and then after lunch she would keep him inside to "play." The games they played varied the rest of the week but all had the same theme, he was the victim of Elizabeth, the sexual predator. Elizabeth introduced Matthew to the "wrestling game" when the two of them competed to see who could pin the other. Matthew of course never stood a chance at any time and Elizabeth would merely toy with him for an hour or two before she eventually forced herself on him right there on the mat on the floor. The next day, she made Matthew alternatively act like a dog or serve as her horse before relieving their mutual sexual desires. While he didn't always find their activities enjoyable, he submitted to Elizabeth's whims, driven on by his lust and a strangely increasing desire to be used by her in this way.
On the seventh day, Matthew wasn't sure he should report to work because it was pouring rain and nothing could really be accomplished on the grounds. Still, having other reasons to go, he showed up at her door. Elizabeth hoped her idea for this day would make Matthew baulk and thus give her an opportunity to enforce her will proactively, to bend the boy to her will for an overtly nonconsensual response.
"Good to see you today, Matthew," Elizabeth stated after she let him in.
"I actually wasn't sure if I should come today, because of the rain, uh, Mistress." Matthew had not quite gotten used to saying that title. It was not that he didn't like it, but after calling Elizabeth "Professor" for three months, it seemed awkward to use something else.
"Oh no, you should always report here for work, unless you are sick or something. I will always have something for you to do." Elizabeth winked at him, caressing his shoulders as she walked by after closing the door. "In fact, your working hours today will consist of deep cleaning the house on the inside. I have already taken care of the horses for you, so you can start directly in here. In addition, to vacuuming, dusting, and washing floors and bathrooms, you can clean the windows, on the inside at least. All of the supplies are in the mudroom and your cleaning outfit is in the living room." Elizabeth started to walk toward it.
Matthew followed but considered his words. He hated to clean. It was not the type of thing he did much for himself and certainly did not want it to be part of his job. Of all the summer jobs he considered doing, cleaning anything would never even have made the list. He decided he would tell Professor Starr, figuring she would understand. After all, she certainly could afford to hire a cleaning service. He also realized she might in that case just send him home for the day, with none of the activities in the afternoon that had occurred the previous four days. Just as he was about to speak, Elizabeth showed him his "cleaning outfit." It consisted of a French maid's outfit, with long white nylons and garters, lacey panties, a short-short black skirt with the matching top, and the white hat. White, cloth sneakers were provided for his feet.
Matthew was utterly shocked. While he enjoyed the activities he and Elizabeth were engaging in, he wasn't a transvestite and was upset that Elizabeth thought of him that way. He would speak up.
"Uh, Professor Starr?"
"You address me as 'Mistress' when we are together, Matthew," she replied firmly. She knew what was coming and though her face did not betray it, she was in fact thrilled that Matthew did not like what she had in mind.
"Uh, yes, Mistress," Matthew stated a bit more uncertainly, now that she had pointedly reminded him of his actual status in their relationship. "Uh, well, I don't--, I mean, I am not really interested in cleaning," he finally got started. "It is not a summer job I have any interest in. And I certainly don't want to wear that stuff. I mean, I recognize you?re in charge and all that---mornings and afternoons---but I am not into wearing women's clothing. I have no desire to be a transvestite or anything. So I really don't want anything to do with that. I understand if you feel that there is nothing then for me to do for today." Matthew hoped that was firm and clear, but yet did not foreclose continuing their extracurricular activities in the afternoons when the weather was better. Matthew had enjoyed submitting to Elizabeth's domination of him the days before---far more than he admitted to himself at the time, which had already been considerable. He wanted to continue being her sex slave, but he just didn't want to wear girl clothes.
"Well, that is all very amusing, Matthew, but you will. So stop wasting time, and get to it."
Matthew was a bit annoyed that Elizabeth seemed not to take anything he had said seriously. "No, really, I don't like cleaning and I certainly am not going to wear that stuff!"
Elizabeth suspected that if she had wanted to, she could have threatened to never see Mattthew again, and that would have brought him into compliance. She knew how much the boy had enjoyed their sexual encounters of the last four days and she doubted very much he was willing to give that up over a day of cleaning and silly clothes. But that was not how she wanted to implement her will. She wanted to physically enforce it.
She walked over to Matthew, gave him a reasonably hard slap to the face, grabbed both of his wrists, and holding them in front him, squeezed them so hard that his legs slowly buckled and he sank to his knees. As she squeezed and the boy sank, Elizabeth stated very authoritatively: "What you said was quite right. I am in charge. I made that clear four days ago that for us to be together, I dominate you completely. You will wear these clothes, not because I think of you as a 'transvestite,' but because I enjoy humiliating young males like yourself and I find it amusing. As for the cleaning, you will do it because I told you to! I told you disobedience would be punished and now I must make clear that I do dominate you in every way!" With that, Elizabeth, while still holding one of Matthew's wrists, began to rip the clothes off his body. Matthew tried to resist some, but it was really fruitless in the face of Elizabeth's superior strength, which she was now using full bore against her recalcitrant slave. When she was finished, Elizabeth had ripped off Matthew's shirt and underwear, and had pulled off his pants and shoes. She still had a massively powerful grip on one of Matthew's wrists and the boy was pleading with her to let him go as it was hurting him a lot.
The pleas, of course, did nothing but excite Elizabeth. But with Matthew now stark naked, she put Matthew on the floor, sat on his back, clamping his arms between her powerful legs. From that position, she was able to dress the bottom half of Matthew's body with the French maid outfit. He was putting up very little physical resistance at that point because it was painful to resist the vise-like grip she had on his body with her muscular legs. She finally allowed Matthew to stand and ordered him to put on the top and hat, which he did. Elizabeth noticed that he was not sexually excited by the outfit, but clearly felt truly humiliated. And she smiled at that.
"Now, then, your disobedience and back-talk must still be punished."
"Uh, please, no, Mistress, I'll do it, I promise," Matthew pleaded. His head was still buzzing at how almost effortlessly Elizabeth had removed his clothing and forced him into the French maid's outfit. He did not want to get a whipping as well.
"Nevertheless," was all Elizabeth said and pulled Matthew down over her lap after sitting in a large overstuffed chair in the room. She twisted one of his wrists behind his back and pulled up the short black skirt and proceeded to spanking. She had no intentions of being easy on him this time. SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK.
Matthew grimaced, sucked in air, and let out shouts of discomfort by the fourth and fifth blows. SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK. By the tenth spank, he felt his ass was aflame. "Please, Mistress, please, please, stop. It really hurts!" Matthew begged.
"Will you do the cleaning now without complaint?" Elizabeth asked between additional blows that got the total to 15.
"Yes, yes, I promise!" Matthew assured her, his eyes now watering from the pain he felt on his backside.
"Will you wear your clothes now without complaint?" Elizabeth asked between additional blows that got the total to 20.
"Yes, yes, Mistress, I will, I promise, please," Matthew pleaded, sobbing even at this point. He felt like he would agree to anything at this point to make the pain stop.
Elizabeth stopped and admired her handiwork. While she had deliberately kept the panties on while spanking, she now slid them down a little to observe the bright red buttocks staring her in the face.
"Much better, Matthew," Elizabeth said soothingly, now rubbing very gently, indeed erotically, the boy's behind. "I don't enjoy doing this," she lied, "but I won't tolerate the behavior you showed again today. Further, I will be watching your work closely today and any poor performance should expect some immediate correction." While Matthew had not had erection while being spanked, Elizabeth felt one forming now, no doubt in response to her rubbing.
Matthew felt his erection forming, too. It surprised him because he had found nothing enjoyable about being spanked. Yet, now, while still draped over his mistress's lap and held there firmly, with her rubbing his bottom and the nylons and panties feeling good, he realized how good he felt in the moment, in that position. He hadn't liked the pain, but was now enjoying being comforted, enjoying being controlled, his mind was clear on what he had to do the rest of the day, no uncertainty creating confusion in his head, and clearly Elizabeth still liked him, which held great promise for the afternoon.
After Elizabeth sent Matthew off to begin his cleaning chores, she decided she would have fun with it. She showered and changed into one of her dominatrix outfits and grabbed a cane from her wall. She spent the rest of the morning relaxing, reading, and regularly checking on Matthew's progress, sometimes hovering for long periods of time, with the cane in hand. Once in a while she would tell her slave-boy that he missed a spot and give him a moderate crack with the cane, particularly when he was on his hands and knees washing the floors.
During lunch Matthew was relieved to learn that, as they had the previously, they would be retiring to the mastersuite after the showers. Elizabeth put the boy through the same paces as the days before, but she enjoyed grinding on him a little more than usual, knowing his buttocks was still quite sore. When Matthew went home that night, he only had his jeans and shoes, as they were the only things that survived the day's encounter with his Mistress. At the end of the day, sore but satiated, he was amazed at how beautiful Elizabeth---Mistress was looking to him.
The Great Outdoors
The subsequent week went pretty much like those days. Work, sex, and then home. Matthew felt like he was living a fantasy. But when Matthew arrived on the Tuesday of the third week, Elizabeth told him that they would be knocking off work early that day so they could go riding. "It's such a beautiful day," she said with a twinkle in the eye, "I don't want to waste it all working." Matthew was of course completely in lust with Elizabeth now. He had found her sexual domination of him extraordinarily exciting and looked forward to the various, devious and deviant games she made up to play with him. He found the prospect of an afternoon "riding" while not unpleasant, not how he wanted to spend time with his Professor.
At the conclusion of the morning's work, Elizabeth smacked and pinched Matthew's bottom that it was time for them to go shower. They'd then eat a light lunch and go riding. The way Elizabeth said "riding" however seemed just a bit odd to Matthew and wondered if she were up to something. As had been the case since their third day together, Elizabeth required Matthew to shower with her, washing and massaging her body in the warm water and suds of soap. On his knees with the water raining all over him, Elizabeth grabbed his head and forced it into her pussy. While he licked and wriggled his tongue, she determined the tempo, essentially masturbating herself with his head, as was usually her way. She had a firm grip on him and her superior strength ensured that he couldn't go anywhere while she used him. When she came, Matthew was burning with his own raging erection. She offered him no relief. Once he had finished drying Elizabeth off, Matthew was sent to put on his own clothes, a fresh pair of shorts and shirt. At lunch Elizabeth just wore a robe. After they ate, Elizabeth ordered Matthew to clean up while she went off to put on her riding outfit.
When she came back, Eric inhaled sharply and felt his cock spring to complete attention inside his shorts once more, having subsided some since the shower. Elizabeth had put on a typical rider's outfit, skin-tight light tan pants, calf-high black boots, a tight-fitting white shirt (foregoing the coat), a cowgirl hat, and riding crop. "You look magnificent, Mistress," Matthew finally said. He smiled a little smile and added hopefully, "are you sure you just want to go riding today?"
"Oh yes," Elizabeth replied, "but I think I should clarify a little. "I am going riding. You will be on foot. You see, my dear slave-boy, the afternoon will be spent playing a little game. You will be my prey who I will hunt down, capture, and then rape. It is something I have always wanted to do with my lover and if I enjoy it, we will be doing it a lot." With that, Elizabeth explained the rules of the "game." Matthew would only be allowed to wear a jock strap and low-white sneakers that Elizabeth gave him. He would have a 30 minute head-start on foot with a bottle of water the only thing he could carry. He could go anywhere on the open grounds. She would then start out to capture him. If he did not try his hardest to evade capture, she would not touch him sexually for the next three days except for a long hard whipping. On hearing that, Matthew was determined to do his best because more than anything he craved her exquisite touch, both sensual as well as cruel. "Be prepared to suffer some bruises in the process, Matthew, I can't promise the capture will be gentle."
Matthew wasn't at first sure what to make of this latest "game" but he could see the appeal in it. He felt very much liked being her sexual prey, and this excited him now more than anything ever had in his life. Elizabeth made Matthew change into his jock-strap right in front of her, noting as she constantly did now, his nearly perpetual state of arousal when in her presence. The jock-strap material stretched nicely over his young cock, leaving a very bulging package that Matthew found a bit uncomfortable but which Elizabeth relished. They then walked to the horse barn, with Matthew in front nearly completely naked and Elizabeth close behind, towering over her boy-slave by more than nine inches in her riding boots.
"All right, Matthew, take off. You have 30 minutes. And if you don't try to avoid capture, you'll be nothing but a day laborer for a few days."
"Don't worry, Mistress, I promise I will," Matthew said and immediately took off running. He then stopped, turned, and said: "but what if you don't find me?"
Elizabeth laughed. "Oh, I'll find you. Now get going." Off the boy went, with Elizabeth studying his running for some time until there wasn't much to see. Elizabeth knew her grounds infinitely better than Matthew, so she didn't doubt she could find him. But just in case, the cap in his water bottle had a little GPS locator in it in case she needed help. For a moment, she wished she had a reluctant male who was truly trying to escape but she knew how impractical that was in fact. Elizabeth spent the time preparing her horse, saddling, grabbing rope, binoculars, and water of her own. After 30 minutes, she mounted up and galloped off. She knew what direction Matthew was headed in and took off immediately.
The chase actually lasted longer than she expected. It was hour later before she finally spotted her quarry. She spotted Matthew through her binoculars hiding behind a cluster of trees at the edge of higher brush and grass. Beyond it was more open land, nowhere to even lay down or hide. She had spent a long time looking for Matthew in the taller foliage and had obviously flushed him out of it but had not seen him move behind the trees. Nonchalantly, she put her binoculars down as if she had not seen anything and grabbed her rope which was already made up with a lariat. When she was ready, she urged her mount on in a high gallop toward the tree cluster. Seeing he was spotted, Matthew took off into the open ground. He didn't expect to outrun a horse, naturally, he knew their game was coming to its highpoint and in fact he could not wait for it to happen, but he was going to be a good sport and make a good show of it.
Elizabeth was in fact very pleased at how the afternoon went and it was coming to a finish exactly as she had hoped. She was now closing quickly on Matthew. He wasn't running so fast anymore, clearly a bit tired out by the afternoon's merriment. As the horse approached him, she opened her lariat, and threw it right over the boy's head and shoulders, pulling it tight to trap his arms to his sides, causing him to stumble to ground in the process. She jumped to the ground with a delighted grin her face, pounced on top of him to finish tying his arms and then his legs. As she tied the latter, sitting on Matthew's body, she could feel a powerful erection beneath her. She noted also with much satisfaction that Matthew had a number of scratches and bruises from first the chase, then the capture, and these minor sufferings of his excited her even more. As Matthew lay trussed on the ground underneath the sun and clouds of the afternoon sky, Elizabeth began to open her outfit. They both were a little hot, sweaty, and dirty, but that wasn't going to stop them now. She opened her shirt, unhooking her bra from the front to let her magnificent breasts fall out, she pulled her pants to her ankles, revealing she had not put on any panties. She then stood over and straddled Matthew's shoulders, her more than six foot frame seeming a giantess to the boy laying on the ground. Neither of them said a word, until Elizabeth lowered herself onto Matthew's face and shouted with a most wicked grin of pure lust and power, "Mine by right of conquest." She then she ground her pussy into his face and mouth. She was quite rough as she did so, even to the point of cutting off Matthew's breathing as she climaxed. There was no kissing as at other times. This was pure sexual conquest. Matthew even now continued to make efforts to resist and escape, which, she thought to herself, she must remind to thank him for later.
Elizabeth rode Matthew's face for better than half an hour before giving him relief (as well as the fact that his face was becoming raw. She reached around and ripped his jock-strap right off of him and then mounted his erection, grinding him to an orgasm within a minute), with the grunts and shouts of their exertions echoing across the open land. When he had emptied, however, she stayed put, keeping his captive cock in place. She then covered his mouth and nose with her hands and then her breasts, repeatedly threatening to suffocate him for the next 15 minutes, until she felt she could rouse his cock to go another round. And while Matthew had softened inside of her after his first explosion, at 19 he did not go completely limp with such a beautiful example of the female body pinning him to the ground. When Elizabeth restarted her slow circular motions, Matthew responded and 10 minutes later came again. Elizabeth had come twice more waiting for that to happen.
In returning to the horse barn, Elizabeth kept the game going. Elizabeth rode her horse, Matthew walked but with his torso still tied and Elizabeth holding the rope. And with no jockstrap to wear anymore, he was completely naked. The warm afternoon sun as well as the sexual adventure he was living at the moment caused him to keep an erection going through the latter half of the walk home. While bruised, scratched, and sore, Matthew thought Elizabeth the most beautiful and exciting woman he had ever met.
Once at the house, Elizabeth, as her way of thanks for the afternoon, took them both into a large bubblebath, where Matthew languished in Elizabeth's embrace for two more hours before they dressed and went out to dinner. The lovemaking between them that night, while still dominated and controlled by Elizabeth, was far more gentle---a recognition of their intense afternoon together.
That was how the summer went with Elizabeth and Matthew. Matthew essentially moved in for the rest of the summer. Everyday he was Elizabeth's slave in thought, word, and deed. She used him to satisfy her sexual urges constantly. He learned he had to endure the whip from time to time to satisfy her sadistic urges as well. They played the hunt and capture game at least twice a week and Matthew was in her bed but also in bondage every night and often during the afternoon and evenings.? Elizabeth had a leather bondage suit that she enjoyed putting and keeping her young men in.? Almost completely encasing him in leather bondage, Elizabeth would typically truss Matthew up with it for hours at a time when she was reading or watching television.? She craved control, the control that came with having her sex slave in bondage for extended periods. Indeed some nights, Elizabeth put a leather harness with metal rings in various locations around her waist that attached to her legs. With small metal connectors, she hooked Matthew's collar to the harness, essentially trapping his face in her crotch, which---depending on the position Elizabeth slept, he used as a pillow or as a blanket. It was not always comfortable for them, but Elizabeth found it extraordinarily erotic to have her slave-boy trapped between her legs, seeped in her scent the entire night, and rousted repeatedly to satisfy her during the dark hours. During the days, he did his chores, many in the nude, the rest in only a jockstrap, and always with a collar on.
As the summer wound down, they wondered what to do about the start of the new semester. Elizabeth was prepared to continue their liaison despite the university's rules. Matthew, however, offered to transfer to another college nearby so they could continue as they were. That seemed to settle it. Matthew moved in for good, bringing in fact very little with him. He didn't know if he would be with Elizabeth for life, after all that was up to her, but he certainly had no plans to leave once he graduated. And Elizabeth did not want to see him go either. The summer "working" for her had allowed them to bond in a way she had with none of her previous lovers. To Matthew, he could not imagine loving a human being more than he loved Elizabeth. She was the most beautiful, powerful, sexy woman he had ever known. (The idea he ever considered her "plain" appalled him.) She was physically and intellectually superior to him in every way and he reveled in his inferiority and subservience to her. To Elizabeth, Matthew, though now enslaved to her in every sense of the term, was still the sweet, shy, naive boy who had sat in front of her class, but still had shown himself courageous and open-minded enough to submit to her domination of him more completely than anyone ever had previously. That made him too good to ever let get away. She surprised herself to find that she loved him and so he would be her lover---and her slave---forever.
Professor and the Student
Note:? This covers some familiar themes,
but if you read it, I enjoy the feedback either through reviews or email.? I have incorporated some suggestions from
previous reviews into this one, but ultimately it speaks to my fantasies.
Elizabeth Starr was a bit frustrated. She had not had any sex for three
months since her lover left town for a new job in a city far away. It had
been difficult letting him go, but it was the natural course of life and it
needed to happen. In the meantime,
That would not be the
case if the women on this campus knew what I just recently learned,
financial situation did not really interest
first, obvious step was that she had to befriend the boy. She was quite
sure that while Matthew was not all that different from any other
student, regarding her as a dumpy, approaching middle-age college
professor. She in fact was 37, but to 19 that seems
like 60, especially since she dressed more like 60. At first, she asked
him to help her carry things to her office, and feigned a greater interest in
his writing talents than they really merited (a good student otherwise, he was only
a fair writer and interpreter of literature), but Matthew didn't know
that. Hesitant at first, Matthew gradually began to enjoy
the seemingly innocent attention
part of the deal is that I must get a job every summer," Matthew said to
have you considered starting your own business or at least working on your
just looked at her. "Well, no, I haven't. I mean, I don't have
any clients or a way to generate business. I've always just worked for
others. Do you really think that is viable?"
could be,"
looked a little wide-eyed. The landscaping company he worked for last
summer paid him only $8.00 an hour. He didn't need the money for housing
or necessities, there were the trust funds for that, but his grandfather
insisted he work for his spending money and to get to the trust money.
Besides, $20 an hour not only made him feel good about himself, it made him
feel more professional. "Um, okay, you've convinced me. I'll
do it."
noted it was a bit of drive out into the country, but it was not like he was
doing anything else. "Deal," he said.
she said. With that, Matthew's professor drove off and it was only then
that Matthew noticed it to be a high-end Lexus in a parking lot full of
mid-grade cars. Must be true, then, he thought, she does have more
money than it appeared.
to Work
Matthew finally arrived at
second, and far more reeling experience, once
Matthew, do come in. I am pleased you are so prompt. Are you ready
to start your summer work?"
Ma'am," was Matthew's instinctive rely. He hadn't intended it for
come out so formally, but it did.
Let's sit down first and discuss everything over some coffee." And
with that,
the day, Matthew did not find it easy doing his work when
lunch, Matthew spent an inordinate amount of time studying, discreetly he
thought, the ridges, curves, and forms that composed
soon as Matthew got home, he masturbated twice to
next day went much like the first for Elizabeth and Matthew. The only
difference was that
night, Matthew was incapable of expunging his sexual desire for his
professor. When she had fallen on him, he momentarily felt trapped,
captured, and controlled. He didn't really understand why, but he liked
the feeling. It felt good and right and yet it confused him, too.
Most people he knew would think the thoughts he was having were weird, yet
rather than suppressing the thoughts in his mind, he gave in to them. He
let his fantasies about
next day, his third on the job,
Matthew, let's stop pretending, shall we?"
do you mean?"
dress this way to excite you, sexually, and it's been clear since the first day
you find me exciting. I know you stare at my body constantly. You
may think you're hiding that but you aren't," she said, pointing to the obvious
bulge in his groin. "Cards on the table," she said stepping so
close to Matthew her breasts were a mere inch from his mouth. "Do
you want to have sex with me? Do you want me to make love to you?"
she whispered.
was not a virgin, but he was very inexperienced. He had had sex a couple
of times, but he'd paid for it, from a high-class escort service that
advertised on the internet. But those escorts were no match for him
physically, nor did they exude the sexual energy and power that
touch me!"
a bit uncertain now but quite willing to proceed, Matthew cautiously replied,
mean, 'yes ma'am.'"
ma'am," Matthew immediately mimicked.
in the room,
can learn. Will you teach me?," he gasped.
"A most delightful answer. Let's start
your lessons right now, then."
on the bed, Matthew, and lie down, hands by your sides." Having been
on his knees for about 30 minutes now, he was grateful for the change in
position, but hungry to continue. "I think you need some relief
now," she said as she began to stroke his penis with two of her fingers,
alternating down his shaft with the bottoms of her fingers and up it with her
fingernails. Matthew exploded within seconds, spewing ropes and ropes of
cum over his chest, screaming in ecstasy.
"Oh, god, thank you Professor Starr!"
quite welcome, Matthew, but why don't you call me 'Mistress' when we are
together like this."
thank you, Mistress," Matthew said and waited to see what would happen
she said, "enough, I think." With that statement, she pulled
Matthew up from her groin, gently but firmly, by the hair (at this point she
was on her back and Matthew had been locked in place by her long, muscular legs
that allowed the boy no movement or retreat from his task. She turned him
over, grabbed his wrists, pinning them above his head, and lowered herself on
Matthew?s cock, which gratefully accepted being sheathed.
my god,? Matthew whispered, though loud enough for
the next day Matthew could not wait until he arrived at his professor's
home. The day before had been intense and enthralling.
In that one day, he had engaged in more sexual activity with another person than
he had in the sum total of his life. He anticipated that it would
continue today, so was a bit disappointed when after he arrived
"Oh, you poor thing. You act as if
I have abandoned you."
eyes had closed so he could enjoy exclusively the sensation of sensuous breasts
against his face, but snapped them open when
for Matthew, he was not always capable of keeping his mind on his work.
Several times
lunchtime, Matthew was hungry in more ways the one. The meal, however,
was almost agony for him as it required even more waiting before he had a
chance to indulge in
well, young man, now we can proceed to what you have not-so-patiently been
waiting for. Go to the guest room, shower, and then wait for
me---naked." Matthew practically fled from the room and all through
the shower his raging erection never wavered once. He couldn't wait to
make love to
aren't you anxious," she to said to Matthew referring to his full-blown
hard-on as he rested on the guest room bed.
"Yes, ma'am. What can I say? You have
that effect on me. You have from the first day I came
her to work for you."
"Oh, not to worry. I'm delighted
you feel this way, for I am very fond of you and look forward to many
encounters and playing many games. And, actually, I don't want to join
you here, Matthew, but we are going to the mastersuite.
I feel the most comfortable there and the most liberated."
grinned a bit like the Cheschire Cat, but simply
said, "okay with me," and moved to get up.
on, young man. My room is very special to me, so we are not going to just
walk in there. Here, put this on." She handed Matthew a
blindfold. "Don't worry, I'll guide you. But once inside you
will not take it off until I tell you. I must get dressed in there before
you do, so you will have to be patient for a few minutes. Once there,
there will be no turning back for the day."
wasn't quite sure what that meant, but he really didn't care. He just
wanted to fuck his professor---or more accurately, he wanted her to fuck
him. "Okay, sure," he said and put on the blindfold and
just wait a few minutes. I am right here. I'll know if you peak or
even try to peak,"
he did so, the wave of images nearly overwhelmed him and made his knees feel
quite shaky. First, standing before him, was Elizabeth, who was now
decked out in black leather boots that rose as high as her thighs and had four
inch heels. She wore a zipped black corset that left her breasts and
groin very exposed, and she wore a black, policeman-like hat. In her
hand, she held a leather collar and leash, as well well as a black
implement with many leather strips that clearly was used to beat
people. Matthew next took in the walls, which he found covered with
various other bondage implements, ropes, whips, and larger bondage
devices. And the pictures interspersed on the walls showed artistic
images of naked women or women in black outfits similar to Elizabeth's tying up,
whipping, or otherwise dominating naked men in various ways. Matthew's
mouth went completely dry.
what do you think? Do you like it?"
eyes were wide, and he hesitated, but finally said, "I, uh, I don't know know."
honest answer,"
Matthew finally answered. It was a true statement. Matthew had seen
pictures of dominatrixes in magazines before and had
always been titilated by them, but they were nothing
like having the real thing right in front him. Moreover,
"Very good. I knew you would be. Let
us be clear now as to how things will proceed. This is who I
am. What you see on the walls is what I do. I take my lovers as my
slaves, my sex slaves. I will dominate you sexually, completely, in every
way imaginable. I will do many pleasurable things to you and many painful
things. You must be willing to suffer for me, for my pleasure if you want
to go on spending time with me. In this room, you have absolutely no say
as to what will happen to you, but do feel free to beg and plead, for I find
such sounds coming from you to be particularly enjoyable. I should add
that my control and dominance of you will extend beyond this room to the rest
of the house and grounds and even beyond, although I will be much more discreet
and subtle if and when we go out together. This is the way it is going to
be, today, Matthew, the door is locked and I have hidden the key where you would
never find it, even if you could somehow find the opportunity to look for
it." As she said the last, she walked closer to him, where the
contrast between her tall, powerful body and his much smaller, lighter, and
more slender one was incredibly acute. "If you find in the morning,
that this isn't for you, that I am not as appealing as I was an hour ago, we
can go our separate ways, but I do hope you won't, because what I said was
true, I am very fond of you. But this can only work if you are my complete,
totally obedient slave, and I am your dominant mistress." As she
said this,
that long soliquy of
are you afraid of, Matthew?"
gave his honest answer: "I am afraid of what you will do to me, I am
afraid that I won't be able to take it. I am afraid then I won't be with
you anymore."
are all good things to be afraid of, but Matthew in your heart you know you
want to be with me, to be dominated by me. I dominated you yesterday as
we made love and you took to it like a fish to water. The only difference
today is that from now on my domination will be more direct, more controlling,
and, yes, you will have to endure some pain to please me. I will not
inflict a lot, to start, but you must also learn that with disobedience or
carelessness, there are also consequences." As she was speaking,
on your knees, Matthew." The boy did so and
then, young man, the first order of business is that I found your work
this morning to be less than acceptable. Low quality work, you will find,
will be punished directly. I'll go easy on you since this will be your
first time since you were a child, no doubt."
Mistress," Matthew stated, now remembering how
your head to the floor but remain on your knees."
immediately complied and quickly found the stiletto heel of
now, that wasn't so bad, was it?" Elizabth
asked. Matthew of course replied it wasn't,
which was really the only answer either of them expected him to give.
let's move on to more fun activities. We will begin by using your tongue
to lick and polish every square inch of my boots. Leave no section
undone. Poor performance will be met with correction,"
that was done,
his part, Matthew was frightened and excited at the same time. His raging
hard-on betrayed what was going on in one part of his head, yet he couldn't
move and was completely at the mercy of his mistress, a woman much taller and
stronger than himself. Her power over him seemed quite unlimited.
we play some more of my favorite games, Matthew."
his part, the view Matthew had was astounding. If he looked straight
ahead his eyes were filled with
will lick, suck, and worship every part of me down there until I say you stop,
do you understand?" As
got off of Matthew for a minute and retrieved several items from one of her
drawers. One was a black hood with a zipper in the back and only a
nickel-sized hole in the front for air. She slipped it on the boy's head
and he found it had a protrusion inside which demanded to be in his
mouth. Once zipped up, his head was encased, his mouth completely gagged,
and his eyes could see nothing but black. "Now then, this is
going to hurt a little, Matthew, but it will benefit us both in the end,"
she said as she settled back on the boy's chest with her ass pressed up against
his hooded nose but not cutting off his supply of air from the small
opening. She had brought a device to inflict some electrical torture
on the boy's genitals, which she did with enthusiasm, eliciting a number of
screams from Matthew's muffled mouth. It had the effect she was
looking for. It brought her closer to another orgasm and the discomfort
eased his erection somewhat. "That's better."
with that, she turned herself around again, bent down to whisper to
Matthew, "you are mine now," and moved her body down to capture
the boy's cock, plunging it fully into her.
Rainy Day
was how the days changed. In the morning Matthew would do his work, with
less distraction from
the seventh day, Matthew wasn't sure he should report to work because it was
pouring rain and nothing could really be accomplished on the grounds.
Still, having other reasons to go, he showed up at her door.
to see you today, Matthew,"
actually wasn't sure if I should come today, because of the rain, uh,
Mistress." Matthew had not quite gotten used to saying that
title. It was not that he didn't like it, but after calling Elizabeth
"Professor" for three months, it seemed awkward to use something
no, you should always report here for work, unless you are sick or
something. I will always have something for you to do."
followed but considered his words. He hated to clean. It was not
the type of thing he did much for himself and certainly did not want it to be
part of his job. Of all the summer jobs he considered doing, cleaning
anything would never even have made the list. He decided he would tell
Professor Starr, figuring she would understand. After all, she certainly
could afford to hire a cleaning service. He also realized she might
in that case just send him home for the day, with none of the activities in the
afternoon that had occurred the previous four days. Just as he was about
to speak,
was utterly shocked. While he enjoyed the activities he and Elizabeth
were engaging in, he wasn't a transvestite and was upset that
"Uh, Professor Starr?"
address me as 'Mistress' when we are together, Matthew," she replied
firmly. She knew what was coming and though her face did not betray it,
she was in fact thrilled that Matthew did not like what she had in mind.
yes, Mistress," Matthew stated a bit more
uncertainly, now that she had pointedly reminded him of his actual status in
their relationship. "Uh, well, I don't--, I mean, I am not really
interested in cleaning," he finally got started. "It is not a
summer job I have any interest in. And I certainly don't want to wear
that stuff. I mean, I recognize you?re in charge and all that---mornings
and afternoons---but I am not into wearing women's clothing. I have no
desire to be a transvestite or anything. So I really don't want anything
to do with that. I understand if you feel that there is nothing then
for me to do for today." Matthew hoped that was firm and clear, but
yet did not foreclose continuing their extracurricular activities in the
afternoons when the weather was better. Matthew had enjoyed submitting to
that is all very amusing, Matthew, but you will. So stop wasting time,
and get to it."
was a bit annoyed that
walked over to Matthew, gave him a reasonably hard slap to the face, grabbed
both of his wrists, and holding them in front him,
squeezed them so hard that his legs slowly buckled and he sank to his
knees. As she squeezed and the boy sank,
pleas, of course, did nothing but excite
then, your disobedience and back-talk must still be punished."
please, no, Mistress, I'll do it, I promise," Matthew pleaded. His
head was still buzzing at how almost effortlessly
was all
grimaced, sucked in air, and let out shouts of discomfort by
the fourth and fifth blows. SMACK, SMACK, SMACK,
SMACK, SMACK. By the tenth spank, he felt his ass
was aflame. "Please, Mistress, please, please, stop. It really hurts!" Matthew begged.
you do the cleaning now without complaint?"
yes, I promise!" Matthew assured her, his eyes now watering from the pain
he felt on his backside.
you wear your clothes now without complaint?"
yes, Mistress, I will, I promise, please," Matthew pleaded, sobbing even
at this point. He felt like he would agree to anything at this point to
make the pain stop.
"Much better, Matthew,"
felt his erection forming, too. It surprised him because he had found
nothing enjoyable about being spanked. Yet, now, while still draped over
his mistress's lap and held there firmly, with her rubbing his bottom and the
nylons and panties feeling good, he realized how good he felt in the moment, in
that position. He hadn't liked the pain, but was now enjoying being
comforted, enjoying being controlled, his mind was clear on what he had to do
the rest of the day, no uncertainty creating confusion in his head, and clearly
Elizabeth still liked him, which held great promise for the afternoon.
lunch Matthew was relieved to learn that, as they had the previously, they
would be retiring to the mastersuite after the
Great Outdoors
subsequent week went pretty much like those days. Work,
sex, and then home. Matthew felt like he was living a
fantasy. But when Matthew arrived on the Tuesday of the third week,
the conclusion of the morning's work,
she came back, Eric inhaled sharply and felt his cock spring to complete
attention inside his shorts once more, having subsided some since the
wasn't at first sure what to make of this latest "game" but he could
see the appeal in it. He felt very much liked being her sexual prey,
and this excited him now more than anything ever had in his life.
right, Matthew, take off. You have 30 minutes. And if you don't try
to avoid capture, you'll be nothing but a day laborer for a few days."
worry, Mistress, I promise I will," Matthew said and immediately took off
running. He then stopped, turned, and said: "but what if you
don't find me?"
chase actually lasted longer than she expected. It was hour later before
she finally spotted her quarry. She spotted Matthew through her
binoculars hiding behind a cluster of trees at the edge of higher brush and
grass. Beyond it was more open land, nowhere to even lay
down or hide. She had spent a long time looking for Matthew in the taller
foliage and had obviously flushed him out of it but had not seen him
move behind the trees. Nonchalantly, she put her binoculars down as
if she had not seen anything and grabbed her rope which was already made up
with a lariat. When she was ready, she urged her mount on in a high
gallop toward the tree cluster. Seeing he was spotted, Matthew took off
into the open ground. He didn't expect to outrun a horse, naturally, he
knew their game was coming to its
returning to the horse barn,
at the house,
was how the summer went with Elizabeth and Matthew. Matthew essentially
moved in for the rest of the summer. Everyday he was
the summer wound down, they wondered what to do about the start of the new
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Good morning, welcome to creative writing 101, I’m Professor Donlon. You’re here because you have aspirations, you want to be a successful, published author. Many of you believe you have the talent to be an acclaimed novelist. I’m here because I’d like to see you achieve those objectives.’ Looking at the professor I could think of many objectives I’d like to achieve with him. My radar never failed me. An older, intelligent man who wanted to teach me things I didn’t know, that could be more...
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The following Friday the professor and I meet up again in the sauna. As usual we start masturbating in front of each other. After 5 or so minutes the professor moves to the lower bench below where I am sitting. He turns around and starts to suck on my cock. After several minutes of pleasuring my cock with his mouth the professor switches to sucking on my balls. While sucking on my balls the professor masturbates me. Every so often the professor would spit into the hand that he...
Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...
Zofeya Caldwell sat at Fiona’s dining table and nervously sipped at her glass of iced water, not taking her bright blue eyes from the older woman. It had been just over a week since she had completed her Law degree at the University and, now, here she was, about to keep her part of the bargain. The twenty-one-year-old bit her lip gently as she looked at her Law tutor who was sitting opposite her, the forty-year-old woman staring at her, elbows on the expensive dining table before her, hands...
SpankingAdrienne groaned in frustration. The professor walked through the classroom passing out the rest of the tests. The big, red, 52/100 mark glared up at her from the paper on the desk. Another F. With only two more weeks until finals, there was no way that Adrienne would be ready to pass the big exam in her grammar class. Maybe she should just drop it and switch her major, that way she wouldn’t have to take this stupid class. But she wanted to be a journalist so badly. Why did the school...
NinaAndThe Pernicious ProfessorBy ?Prey4Me?June, 2009The following is a work of pure fiction. Any similarity to real persons is purely coincidental. The writer does not condone involuntary or violent sex. This story is intended only for adults who can legally access pornography in their home jurisdictions. If the brute-force rape of a nineteen-year-old virgin is offensive to you, then do not procceed any further. It may be reproduced or reposted only in toto, and then, must include Epilogue...
Delight Of Gay ProfessorBy: Londebaaz Chohan This was the first job for Sir Jonathan at the Social Sciences University as a teacher and he was so glad for his success although he had to move quite far away from home but it was well worth it. The only difficulty was the handy availability of sex. He loved the pussy play and had been almost happy the way his sex life was going. Only lately his girlfriend helped him discover that as much he loved fucking a pussy, he also enjoyed to get fucked. He...
This is a story I thought of during the year when after a lecture I over heard a girl asking about extra credit for her scholarship. It does get a bit dark in places and there is some strong racism throughout but I think it only adds to the sex, enjoy. "You please help me professor me need help big, yes?" A sobbing Asian girl on her knees sat begging for her professors’ help in getting a distinction in biology 101. She had won a scholarship to attend college in America but needed to keep...
It was my Sophomore year in college when I dominated my history professor. His name was Professor O'Reilly, but he made the big mistake on the first day of telling the entire class they could just call him "Jim."Those professors that insisted the students call them by first name always intrigued me. I mean, what were they thinking? Trying to fit in, to recapture their youth perhaps by not being too old, too out of touch to be on a first name basis with the entire class?Or was it an attempt at...
I never expected that my first view of Doctor Julia Miller would be of her emerging stark naked from a lake. It happened near the end of the three hour hike to the place where I suspected the reclusive former professor was residing. Rounding a bend in the trail, I found myself in a clearing on the shore of a small lake. As I looked for the next section of the trail, the professor emerged from the water looking for all the world like some water nymph or goddess arising.To be honest, I did not...
College SexMs. Nandhini – My School TeacherBy KINGPHANTOMContact Author, Email : [email protected] 1The Beginning – Dry Humping My Teacher’s Ass!Starring : South Indian Actress Nandhini aka Kausalya as Nandhini TeacherSchool days, they are the most colorful days of our life, so they say. I don’t know about others but in my case it’s completely true! My school days are the best because I am living the dream of every school boy in the world, yes the ultimate dream every boy wants to happen in...
"Thanks so much, Professor." The small of stature, yet delightfully curved, blond smiled a very shy and yet sexy smile at him as he brushed off his hands."No big deal, it was just a jump." He went on to explain that she needed to get her car checked out as he put his cables away. When he straightened back up she impulsively hugged him, pressing her body tight against his for a brief second. Then she was gone and he felt a chill because her warmth disappeared so quickly. She smiled again at...
TrueI ask the professor if he wants me to wear a condom. He says that for his first time being fucked in the ass he wants to feel the real me and not a condom. I then ask the professor what position he wants to be fucked in first. He tells me doggy because it is the most primitive and a****listic of the positions. The professor gets down on the floor and into position. I step behind him and kneel down. I put my right index finger up to the professor’s sphincter and move it around the edges. I...
The evening of the same day I am relaxing in the sauna when the professor shows up. He is never there on Saturdays. We recline facing each other. Our towels d****d to the sides and our junk in full view of each other. We lazily masturbate. The professor jokingly asks if my ass is still full of his cum from the previous night. After 10 minutes or so of slow masturbating the professor tells me that he is still horny and asks if I would be interested in going back to his place for another...
Sherri waited on the computer the following evening at the time she and Randy normally chatted. She wondered if he would show up tonight. The time of their regular meeting came and went, but no Randy. Sherri did her best not to be too disappointed. After all, he was married and there could have been many reasons he was not able to show up. Sherri waited another 30 minutes, then turned off the computer and slowly went to bed. She did not sleep well that night. There were too many thoughts going...
We were both nervous as we got ready for our first meeting. We had been chatting for several weeks now, both wanting to meet, but then again trying to be discreet and cautious. You were looking for someone that could be romantic and gentle and someone that could make love to you, not just have sex. I was looking for someone to be romantic with. Someone that would enjoy and encourage my romantic nature. Someone that might enjoy reading my erotic stories. We had met each other on the internet....
Sherri watched Randy pull away from the hotel and give her a wave as he drove by. She knew he couldn’t see the tears on her cheeks, so she waved back at him. Just to make sure Randy didn’t suspect anything, Sherri started her car and pulled out of the parking lot. She saw Randy turn onto the highway and head toward his home. Sherri drove home slowly, her emotions all mixed up. She was so glad that no one was waiting for her at home. She really wanted to be alone and try to sort all her...
Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...
It was my second year of college, and I, was unaware that I would begin to enjoy college even more this year. It all began when I signed up for an introductory biology class. I remember walking into class that first day, and seeing a stunning svelte raven-haired woman standing behind the podium. The mysteriously sexy woman wore a simple, white fitting top with no sleeves, blue pants, and flats. I could see all her curves hugging the clothes she wore, exposing her figure quite well. Her tits...
Professor Michaels sat on the edge of his bed looking at her, his latest coed ‘MaryAnn’. Her face, with eyes closed and mouth slightly open, sleeping now, lay snuggled under the covers, all messy and wrinkled from their earlier lovemaking. He watched his sleeping young lover, maybe 20 or 21, blond, green eyes ... or were they hazel, he couldn’t remember. He couldn’t be sure he remembered her name either. He was terrible with names. So he called them all MaryAnn. Why he picked that name, he...
There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...
Simon barely made it. He had been out for a run before class and had to pee. Now. Bad. Simon is a freshman at Caledon College, a small liberal arts college in Minnesota. The tall, awkward former high school band member just had to go to the bathroom even though it would make him late for English class.Simon found the bathroom down a quiet hallway near the classroom. As Caledon was one of the first colleges to transition to all gender-neutral bathrooms, this was formerly a small female...
MILFSome of you may have read my 6 part series which details my relationship with my husband and his friends. While that series focuses on true events from my life, I had such a fun time writing about it that I wish to continue writing more short stories, but this time with elements of both truth and fiction. I will use myself as the central character in these stories and put to words the scenarios that I think and fantasize about. I hope you enjoy. In the future, I will continue to write true...
My wife, Charlotte, thought it was very nice and thoughtful for Jaimie, the 23 year old preachers daughter now moving with us, and unknown to my Mrs, Jaimie was carrying my baby, "Jaimie, thank you for all you did around the house today, but you know, you are not our slave, are our guest!" If my wife only knew, that Jaimie was "my slave" and number #1 cum slut.Charlotte was always wild in bed when alone or away in a hotel or when our k_ds were not home, date night always got me plenty of hot...
“Zoey! I said no gifts. Why do you never listen to me?” I try not to raise my voice too loudly, since we're in a restaurant. I don't need anyone seeing it's my birthday. I don't like to celebrate it as it is, let alone have all the wait staff come and sing me happy birthday, as everyone gawks at me. No thank you! That is not my idea of fun, not even a little bit. Who even celebrates their twenty seventh birthday anyway? It's not that big of a deal. I agreed to go to dinner, because we hadn't...
MatureCollege was great and had many sexy very developed girls. The professor was hot and the girls all had a crush on him. One girl sat in the front row and wore no panties and spread her legs for him to see. He told her she would have to come to his office after school as he needed to punish her. At four o’clock she knocked on his door and he let her in. He shut the door and locked it. She was a sexy thing with big full tits and a round ass and her pussy was shaved as he could see with her legs...
College was great and had many sexy very developed girls. The professor was hot and the girls all had a crush on him. One girl sat in the front row and wore no panties and spread her legs for him to see. He told her she would have to come to his office after school as he needed to punish her.At four o'clock she knocked on his door and he let her in. He shut the door and locked it. She was a sexy thing with big full tits and a round ass and her pussy was shaved as he could see with her legs...
Once a upon a time, a long long time ago yesterday in fact. Today I began my plan to catch the elusive one. The one who rescues clothespins from clotheslines. The plan was a simple one to string up 7 clotheslines facing the wind knowing that if she was near that she might hear the cries of the clothespins. Now that the 7 lines were up I just had to wait and hope the wind would do it's job and carry the cries of the clothespins. This quest started years ago when I first put a clothespin on my...
Professor Wayne Gets a Lesson in Manners It took Jason about twenty minutes to get to the Business Technology building and find Professor Wayne's office. She spent very little time in a classroom, he quickly found her in her office. She expected the other department professors to do the menial labor of actually teaching the students. She considered the other professors to be little more than her private staff. She treated her students as though they were there to be her...
I saw that his cock was still hard and asked him if he wanted to fuck me some more. He said “Hell Yes”. I roll on to my side with my rump near the edge of the bed. The professor stands up and begins to teasing my ass hole with the head of his cock and then the professor slid his cum covered cock up my cum filled ass. He thrusts for several minutes. He pulls out and we move to the center of the bed. I am still on my side. The professor lies on his side behind me. He lifts my top leg up...
The sexual high of Halloween weekend came crashing down three weeks later when Missy stopped by my house unexpectedly. She was in tears. I assumed the worst, thinking something had happened at school. It was far worse. Missy’s brother and I had grown apart. I was a jock by day, diva by night kind of guy. He was kind of a stoner who had abandoned our friend group. So while it wasn’t surprising he wasn’t the one delivering the news, having a tearful Missy show up at my front door was.“My family...
CrossdressingDeconstructing the Professor: A Novella Summary: A proud black MILF is slowly dommed by a racist white co-ed. WARNING 1: This story includes many politically incorrect words (such as nigger). If any such words or concepts offend you, please do not read any further WARNING 2: Personal Reflection: I have many kinks. I love the thought of being seduced and used by a younger woman, I love the idea of submitting to a black man or woman (ideally both), I love the thought of utter submission. My...
Chat Night Guest: The Professor On Friday September 24, 11PM PST Edited by Anne-Mal You can contact the Professor at: [email protected] (*Anne-Mal) Hello! (Sir_Lee) It seems I'm the first to arrive today! (*Anne-Mal) So far. Chrissy did have a chat a couple of hours ago. (Sir_Lee) Yes, but I can't hang out before 3:00 GMT, the phone rates kill me! (*Anne-Mal) Ah, your a European too! (Sir_Lee) Not really, I'm from South America. The phone rates here drop...
Tom Smith waved goodbye to the receptionist as he walked out of the office. He couldn’t believe what he was doing. He was actually leaving his office at 5 p.m. The last time he had left his office before 7 p.m. was when he’d had another moment of temporary insanity and left early to go see a movie. When he announced his departure, Sara looked at him like he’d lost his marbles. Her mouth fell open and she’d blurted out, ‘What the fuck?’ before turning bright red with embarrassment. He laughed...
Grace was beautiful. Five feet, four inches with creamy skin with an equally creamy complexion and long, wavy brown hair. A pert nose, dark bedroom eyes, and full pink lips gave her a face that most people paid to have nowadays. Her body was like a valley, curves leading the eyes every which way. Her breasts were full, firm, and high; her waist small, but her hips wide. Her generous thighs would make a priest forget his vows. She had decided to buy a new wardrobe after moving out...
When I first met Professor Hurley, I automatically knew that I was attracted to him. While he wasn’t as good looking as some of the other professors on campus, he had a charismatic charm that was undeniably irresistible. Fortunately, I wasn’t the only who notice this charm of his which made my comments easier for others to swallow. But to ensure that people wouldn’t notice my infatuation with him, I saved my real thoughts on Professor Hurley for myself. Professor Hurley taught Studio Art....
Introduction: My story of how I passed a biology seminar. It was the Spring Quarter of my Freshmen year of college at a very academically prestigious school. I was studying for my Biology degree, coming to the end of my first year. Usually this is the time when people go out, have fun, and have sex, but I was having none of those things. I had completely overwhelmed myself. While my dorm mate was constantly going out, getting drunk, and bringing home suitors, I would study, sleep, and attempt...
Over time the professor admits that he likes it when I play with my balls and pre-cum. He really likes it when he can see my balls flop about when I masturbate. One Friday he asks if he could fondle my balls. This would be the first time that either of us has touched each other’s junk. He takes great interest in every detail of my ball sack and its contents. Not a testicle or tube was left untouched or not examined in great detail. The professor explains that is it a man’s balls that makes a...