Emma's Daliance free porn video

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Emma strolled aimlessly along the sea front, the warm summer breeze carrying with it the hint and scent of a thunderstorm. 'I knew I should have brought a coat, ' Emma sighed to herself, knowing that three successive days of hot English weather was about the best she could really hope for. The approaching storm had turned the air humid, making her flowered cotton sundress stick to her in places she really wished it wouldn't. Emma loved being able to wear summer clothes and wished she could be walking along a beach in the Seychelles, wearing nothing but a skimpy bikini and a diaphanous sarong. "Someday," she whispered to the rising wind, but in her heart of hearts she knew that at thirty-two it was unlikely to happen now.

All Emma had to look forward to right now was the six-week summer holiday that she considered the major, if not only, perk of being a teacher. As tradition demanded, she and her colleagues had gone out to celebrate the end of term with a few drinks. That had been only three hours ago and already she was alone, the others gradually drifting away with excuses of children to tend or spouses to meet.

"Trust Andrew to go away today," Emma softly cursed. Although even to herself she admitted that it wasn't really his fault he had to go away for work, or that he spent so many hours working these days he no longer seemed interested in her. More often than not he would claim tiredness as a well-worn refrain for slinking off to bed early, leaving Emma even more alone than when he wasn't in the house.

To try and fill the void that seemed to be widening with every passing day, Emma looked for other avenues to provide at least a partial distraction to her loneliness. She'd even considered having an affair, knowing at least two semi- decent candidates at her school who would not have objected. But like so many things in her life, such possibilities remained simply unfulfilled fantasies.

She had, at least for a short while, even tried to turn her hand to writing erotic fiction, finding a huge audience for such work on the internet. But she soon found that what people wanted was sex, not eroticism, let alone the kind of romance she wanted to write about. She had tried, but quickly realised that her lack of experience with men, other than Andrew, was a severe handicap. And one drunken kiss with her college roommate, no matter how enjoyable, could hardly give her a basis for writing lesbian stories.

Not surprisingly, her literary career waned, just as she herself sometimes thought she was doing; each day she felt smaller and less significant than the last, expecting one day to just disappear. 'Would anyone notice?' she wondered.

As she gazed out to sea, thinking of wasting away, Emma found herself contemplating her evening meal and thought of the selection of 'meals for one' currently residing in her freezer. 'Meals for people who eat alone' Emma termed them. She wanted to host dinner parties for people like herself, not sit in front of the TV with some aeroplane food in its own little plastic bowl. But friends were scarce, most of them left behind when they'd moved from their hometown a few years back for the sake of Andrew's career.

The first spot of rain broke in uninvited on Emma's reverie, and she thought about catching the bus home, but on looking up saw that she had walked further than she had realised and was only a couple of streets away from Gino's. At first a smile lit up her face as she recalled the lovely little Italian bistro she and Andrew used to go to in their younger days. But the smile faded, and her sadness, almost as heavy and cloying as the atmosphere, deepened as she realised she couldn't even remember the last time they had gone there.

A distant rumble of thunder threatened worse rain to come, and Emma made a quick decision to go to the restaurant for shelter; as much from her loneliness as from the rain.

With her high heels slowing her progress slightly, and the wind starting to blow her curly brown hair in front of her eyes, Emma made her way through the small side streets leading away from the promenade.

The rain was now coming full-tilt, gusting on each roar of thunder as Emma rounded the corner of the street on which Gino's stood. Small rivers of rainwater began to run down the edge of the road as the drains failed to cope with the sudden deluge. Had it not been for the awnings over the shops, Emma would by now have been totally drenched.

With her head down as she walked into the teeth of the mounting gale, her small clutch bag held ineffectually over her hair, Emma moved as fast as she could, only lifting her eyes occasionally to check on her progress. She stopped and was about to go into the restaurant when a silver Mercedes sports car pulled up sharply at the curb beside her. A plume of water shot out from under the car's front wheel towards Emma, soaking her best hold-up stockings from her feet to her knees.

Emma seethed; and as the driver's door opened and a large black umbrella was opened from inside, she fully intended to berate the driver for being such an inconsiderate oaf.

The words died on Emma's lips, however, as the umbrella was quickly followed by a tall redhead in a sumptuous green dress. "Oh, I am so sorry, honey," the redhead soothed, her voice dripping concern.

Wet though she was, Emma simply stood on the pavement as the woman walked around to the curb. Emma looked with a little envy at the woman as she nimbly stepped around the growing puddles, graceful, even allowing for the 4-inch stiletto heels of her gold strappy sandals that added to her already statuesque 5 foot 10.

The arm that held up the umbrella was bare, her obviously expensive green silk dress fitting under her left arm before sweeping across the top of her ample breasts in a diagonal line to her right shoulder. The right arm was close-sleeved to the elbow, and from there the material opened with a fluted diagonal edge that terminated in a point just above her wrist. A three-stranded diamond bracelet glinted in the dying light and matched the choker that encircled the woman's pale throat. The dress fitted tight around her waist, enhancing her breasts, then it flared slightly over her hips before cascading in soft folds to just above her knee.

"I really am sorry, honey. I just saw the parking space outside Persephone's and couldn't believe my luck, so I slung the car to a stop. I didn't see you; or the puddle," the redhead explained as she towered over Emma's petite frame, the umbrella now shielding both of them from the worst of the rain.

Suddenly, lightning flashed behind Emma, illuminating the face of her assailant and, like a strobe in a disco, it burned the image of red lips and deep green eyes on Emma's retina.

"Are you okay, honey?" the redhead asked, bringing Emma to her senses a little.

"Yes," Emma replied woodenly. "I'm fine. A little damp, but I suppose there's no real harm done."

"Are you going far? You'll catch your death in this rain."

"No, not far." Emma said, the hint of a smile just brushing her lips. "I thought I'd be able to get to Gino's before the worst of it came. But I guess I was wrong."

The redhead bit her glossy lower lip before saying, almost sadly, "I'm afraid Gino's closed eighteen months ago, honey. It re-opened as Persephone's about six months later."

Emma looked over her shoulder at the dusky pink that had replaced the slightly flaking green, red and white, confirming that Gino's was no more. Emma sighed at the thought that yet another of her memories would remain simply that, out of reach, never to be replayed in her humdrum life.

"Look, you can't go anywhere in this weather dressed like that, honey. Come inside and at least let yourself dry off until the rain stops. I'm sure they can find you a towel or something," the redhead said as she took Emma's elbow and turned her towards the blacked-out glass door of Persephone's. Emma waited at the door; gaining what shelter she could from the small overhang whilst the green-robed vision shook the heaviest drops from the umbrella. With the umbrella now folded, Emma opened the door, holding it for her companion.

"Why thank you, honey."

Emma found heat rising on her cheeks at being called 'honey', especially by someone who was obviously younger and richer and, she conceded, more beautiful than she was.

Once inside, the door closed quietly behind them, muffling the sound of the storm that still raged outside, and even the brightest stroke of lightning could not penetrate the blackness of the doors and windows.

Emma looked around and realised that the exterior paintwork was not the only sign of change in the restaurant. The whitewashed walls and pictures of the owner's former home in Tuscany were replaced with dark terracotta, made even darker by the subdued shell-shaped uplighters on the wall that provided what was now a totally separate reception with its only source of light.

Emma heard another door opening and she turned to see a woman emerging from what she assumed was the main dining area. No aging Italian matron here; no, this vision looked like she had just escaped from an old Robert Palmer video Emma had seen on VH1 only the other day. Quite simply, she was dressed in black; from her patent-leather high heels, up her stocking-clad legs to the shortest, clingiest jersey dress Emma had ever seen. The fact that the dress came right up to the woman's neck and had long sleeves only added to the overall sultry effect. Her jet-black hair was cut short and slicked back, and her eyes were surrounded by smoky eye shadow. The only hints of colour were her high cheekbones, which were blushed a rusty rouge, and her lips that almost glowed, they were so red and glossed.

The woman in black completely ignored Emma, turning on a magnificent smile which she aimed at the redhead and said, "Miss Amanda. How lovely to see you again. Please excuse me, I will be with you in just two seconds, Miss Amanda."

"Thank you, Jane," Amanda said as she looked in Emma's direction.

Jane followed the glance, and, in the time it took to swivel her head, turned off her smile like someone had thrown a switch. "I'm sorry. This is a private members' club and, if I'm not mistaken, you are not a member." Jane said with undisguised disdain as she regarded Emma's soaked dress and hosiery.

Emma was about to offer an apology and leave when Amanda said, whether for sport or some other motive, Emma was not sure, "This lady is my dinner guest, Jane. Please show her the respect that deserves."

Amanda didn't even look at Emma to see if she wanted to eat with her and Emma wondered why such a young, vibrant woman would even want to. 'Probably feels sorry for me standing here like a drowned rat, although that is partly her fault I suppose, ' Emma thought, but part of her was quite thrilled at the idea of having company whilst she ate and dried off.

Jane turned back to Amanda, and her obsequiousness made Emma's skin crawl as she said, "I'm so sorry, Miss Amanda. I hadn't realised. Does that mean you will not be requiring Sally's services tonight? I'm sure she will be most disappointed."

"Tell Sally she may wait on us instead, and inform her that I will, of course, render her usual tip."

"Of course, Miss Amanda," Jane said as she turned to Emma, her look saying that she still thought that Emma did not belong here, continuing, "You will have to sign in your guest, Miss Amanda."

Amanda took the pen that Jane held out to her and signed her name in the 'Guest Book' and passed the pen back to Jane. "I'm sorry, Miss Amanda, but I need her details; we're a private club, and the licensing laws..." Jane started to explain.

With a conspiratorial wink at Emma, Amanda said, "Why don't you fill it in, honey. I can never spell your surname."

Returning the smile, Emma took the pen from Jane and filled in her name, address and, a little reluctantly, her date of birth. Amanda stood by her shoulder reading what she had put. With the pen placed on the reception desk again, Jane spun the book around towards her and said as she read. "Thank you, Emma."

Taking a deep breath Jane started to recite what was obviously a prepared speech. "As the guest of a member of Persephone's, you are allowed to dine in the main dinning room providing you are accompanied at all times by a member. Due to the licensing laws..." Jane seemed determined to inform Emma about licensing laws, and unfortunately Amanda did nothing to stop her this time. "... you are not allowed to purchase food or alcohol; these must be ordered by the member. You are not allowed to enter any other area of Persephone's, except in the company of a member."

Jane then turned her attention back to Amanda and asked, "Will you or your guest be using the dressing room?"

Emma really didn't like the sneer in Jane's voice as she said 'guest', 'And what', she thought, 'is the dressing room?'

Amanda seemed to consider Jane's question for a couple of seconds before answering, "No, I don't think so, Jane; not tonight." But as she looked at Emma's still-damp legs, added, "However, I think Emma might like a change of hosiery. Have some sent to our table."

Emma was about to protest, but was cut short by Jane simpering, "Of course, Miss Amanda. Please follow me."

Jane opened the door through which she had recently emerged, and Emma found herself 'tagging along' behind the two taller women as they entered the room. "I have your regular table available, Miss Amanda." Jane said as Emma took a couple of seconds to take in the strange layout of the restaurant.

Whereas Gino's had been light and noisy, the owner cramming in as many tables as the fire authorities would allow, Persephone's was dark and almost as quiet as the grave.

The room, which was smaller than Gino's had been, Emma thought, was sectioned into small private booths surrounded on three sides with red velvet curtaining. Each booth had red leather bench seats around the three enclosed sides, allowing four people to dine in comfort, or six at a squeeze. At the open side, curtains were hung from brass poles and tied back, allowing the diners total privacy if they so desired, although none of them appeared to do so.

The booths were on either side of a wide aisle, and although the insides of the booths were hidden from view as Emma entered the room, it was possible to see into them as she walked past. Emma, who was not normally a nosey person, couldn't help but glance in as she passed.

As she was led past four pairs of booths Emma noted that the clientele were a mix of all ages and body sizes. The only constants seemed to be that they were all female, all in 'couples' and at least one of each couple was young, looking no older than late teens or very early twenties. 'It must be fancy dress night.' Emma chuckled to herself as she surveyed the eclectic choice of clothing. In fact, Emma realised, there were only two people who wore the same, or even similar, outfits. In both these cases it was the younger half of a pairing. Their white blouses tied in a knot beneath their breasts, pleated grey skirt, black stockings and open-toed black sandals just screamed 'school girl', even if you ignored the fact that their hair was tied with little silk bows into plaited pigtails.

mma smoothed her dress over her backside, feeling the still-damp cotton cling a little too closely as she slid across the bench. Amanda did the same, although, Emma had to admit, with a lot more grace. When they were both settled facing each other across the table, Jane asked Amanda, "Can I get you any drinks, Miss Amanda?"

Without bothering to enquire of Emma what her preference was, Amanda replied, "Vodka and tonics, I think, Jane." Fortunately for Emma she did quite like the odd V&T.

As Jane moved away to organise the drinks, Emma couldn't help glancing at the couple in the booth across from theirs. The one sitting the same side as Emma could not have been more than twenty-one with short blonde hair and was wearing the most gorgeous powder blue suit over a white blouse. Emma guessed that the other woman was at least forty-five, but still had a nice firm body; her dress, however, belonged on someone much younger. It was pink gingham-check with lace trim and a very short skirt. Emma had to accept though that it did go really well with how her hair was dressed with ringlets and small pink bows.

Emma glanced down, her eye caught by a movement under the adjoining table, and she saw that the young blonde had discarded one of her blue court shoes and was rubbing her stocking-clad toes up the calf of the older woman, just above her white bobby socks and black patent T-bar shoes. Emma felt the blood rising in her cheeks and, although she wouldn't admit it, a stirring lower down.

A little embarrassed by what she saw, and how she felt, Emma turned back to her dinner companion, who sat silently, a small grin lighting up her bright red, glossy lips. Unlike Amanda, Emma was not comfortable with silence and found herself saying, "I do like your dress, Amanda. It must have cost a fortune."

"This?" Amanda said as she held out her right arm, her hand turned in slightly so that the pointed open cuff hung straight down, leaving her forearm bare. Emma realised for the first time, at least consciously, just how thin the dress's material was, allowing it to almost mould itself to Amanda's large, firm breasts. "A few hundred, tops," Amanda informed her. "But worth every penny, if you like it."

Emma heard the 'come on'... was it a 'come on'? Emma was getting a little warm and glanced away from Amanda's chest as the blue suited 'businesswoman' slid round to sit beside her pink frocked 'little girl'. Emma had a habit of attaching labels to people sometimes.

The 'businesswoman' slipped her left arm around the 'little girl's' waist, her right hand resting protectively on her knee, but the 'little girl' just looked straight ahead, chewing a piece of gum.

"Quite cute, aren't they?" Amanda more said than asked, a hint of mischief in her voice. Emma dragged her gaze away and found herself looking into Amanda's eyes. 'Such a beautiful green, ' Emma thought, and a phrase from one of her own stories came unbidden to her mind, 'Eyes you could lose your soul in.' Her reverie was disturbed by a polite 'I am standing here, please take notice of me' cough.

Emma and Amanda both looked up to see a young brunette who was wearing the same sort of 'school uniform' as the two diners Emma had noticed on the way in.

"Good evening, Miss Amanda," the tall, leggy brunette said, with a smile reserved only for Amanda. Emma then remembered Jane's comment about Sally and how she would be 'disappointed that Amanda had a guest', and more enigmatically that Sally could wait on them instead. 'Instead of what?' Emma thought, her normal sharpness dulled a little by the closeness of the air; although whether that closeness was due to the late night summer heat or the overt sexuality of Persephone's she could not say. Eventually, the penny dropped. 'Of course! The two similarly dressed diners were waitresses joining the patron for dinner if they were unaccompanied!' Although why someone as beautiful as Amanda would need such a companion when every man, or woman for that matter, would give their right arm to dine with her, Emma couldn't comprehend.

If the penny dropped before, the full pound now crashed right through the floor. Emma couldn't believe she had been so naive. Even in her mind, Emma couldn't enunciate the word 'lesbian', but she knew that Amanda, and more than likely everyone else in the place, was gay. 'Everyone', Emma corrected herself, 'but me!'

Her cheeks burning from her epiphany, Emma turned her attention to Sally, who held a small silver tray balanced daintily on her upturned left hand. From the tray she removed two clear cut glass tumblers whose contents fizzed slightly around the ice cubes which clinked gently against the sides. The drinks delivered, Sally said to Amanda, "I have the hosiery you requested for Emma, Miss Amanda."

Emma found she didn't like the way Sally said 'Emma', leaving aside the lack of the 'Miss' she, and for that matter Jane, used when addressing Amanda. Unconcerned about Emma's disapproval, Sally passed a flat cardboard package to Amanda. Emma could see they were a very nice pair of Charnos 'Light Fantastic' lacy hold-ups 'with lycra'. At 7 denier they were much more sheer than Emma would normally wear. "Thank you, Sally," Amanda said, dismissing the waitress... disappointed diner? "I'll call you when we are ready to order."

With a "Yes, Miss Amanda," and a half curtsey, Sally moved away, and Emma followed her with her eyes and couldn't help seeing that the 'businesswoman' now had her right hand up the 'little girl's' skirt and was whispering something in her ear. The 'little girl' was motionless and continued to stare forward, chewing her gum.

"The one in the pink is Debra," Amanda informed Emma, who on hearing Amanda's voice turned to her companion. "And the one who is surprisingly still wearing the suit is Carla."

"Are they both 'members'?" Emma asked emphasising the word.

"Debra is," Amanda confirmed. "Carla is one of the waitresses, although I understand she has been put up for nomination; presumably by Debra."

Emma was intrigued. "Nomination?"

"That's how you get to be a member. Well, that's the free way, anyway. You can always buy your membership, but believe me, it isn't cheap," Amanda explained. "To be nominated, you have to have spent time 'on the staff', so to speak."

"I see," Emma said, even if she didn't completely.

Emma knew she shouldn't look, but she couldn't help herself, and she found her throat tightening, a feeling that even a sip of Vodka and Tonic couldn't quite quench, as she noticed Carla nibbling Debra's ear, her hand moving obviously beneath Debra's skirt.

"Don't worry, they'll more than likely move to a private room soon, or I can close the curtains if you like."

Emma smiled and said "No, it's okay, I don't mind, really." Even as she thought that, actually, it might be quite nice in here with the drapes closed.

Emma reached out with her left hand for her drink, but as her fingers touched the glass she stopped and, though she didn't really want to know, asked anyway. "Why did you invite me to eat with you?"

As soon as the words left her mouth, and before Amanda could reply, Emma had gone though the most likely responses, guarding herself against the inevitable bitter disappointment, 'Because I felt sorry for you.' 'Because I thought it would be amusing.'

"Because," Amanda started. Emma steeled herself. "I didn't like the way Jane treated you, and..."

'Here it comes.' Emma thought.

"I wanted you," Amanda continued, allowing just enough of a pause to send blood rushing to Emma's cheeks. "... to experience Persephone's, to know that sometimes, although one door closes, another one opens."

Emma assumed Amanda was referring to Gino's and Persephone's, but she wasn't a hundred percent certain. She almost withdrew her hand reflexively as she felt Amanda take it from her glass, holding it gently in hers. Emma looked up into Amanda's beautiful eyes and once more the phrase from the story echoed in her mind.

"But why did you choose, me? You could have been eating with Sally or Jane or, I should imagine, anyone you wanted to," Emma gushed to cover her feelings as she reacted to Amanda's hand on hers.

"I know you aren't gay, honey," Amanda said softly, the tip of her thumb running back and forth over Emma's white gold wedding ring as if offering that in evidence of her statement. "And I can't hypnotise you just by simply clicking my fingers and make you be. I just wanted to get to know you, honey. You looked lost and I wanted to invite you in to sit by the fire and..."

Emma felt so warm, the air almost condensing around her, and she could almost feel that fire Amanda talked of, although the only flames she could see seemed to be dancing in Amanda's eyes. Even if she had wanted to, she doubted she could have looked away.

A shiver ran down Emma's spine as she felt Amanda release her hand, and she thought that Amanda had said something else, but if she had, Emma realised she must have missed it.

For something to do with her hands, Emma picked up her drink, noticing in passing that the ice had melted, and took a large swallow to calm herself. She glanced over her shoulder at the next booth but saw that both Carla and Debra had left whilst she had been talking to Amanda, and Emma wasn't sure if she was pleased or disappointed that she hadn't seen them leave.

"I'm so sorry, Emma," Amanda apologised, bringing Emma back from her thoughts. "I completely forgot about your stockings. You must be soaked, still."

Emma concentrated on her legs, but they felt quite dry now. 'Must be the heat in here, ' Emma thought, but on glancing down noticed the small splatter marks where they had dried and thought it probably would be a good idea to change them anyway.

She picked up the packet of stockings and was about to go and change them when she realised she didn't know where the restrooms were. "Er, where's the 'little girls' room'?" Emma asked, an image of Debra in her pretty pink dress suddenly flashing in her mind.

"I'll have to take you; we can't have a guest wandering around alone. Whatever would the licensing people say?" Amanda said, mocking Jane's toadying tone that brought a small laugh from Emma as the two women slid out from the table.

Amanda held out her hand to Emma, who found herself almost involuntarily taking it in hers, and allowed herself to be led past the remaining two booths, only one of which was occupied: by a woman in her early 40s and one of the uniformed waitresses. The waitress was currently sat with her hands hidden behind her back as she took a bite from a strawberry dipped in whipped cream the older woman was holding up for her.

Once past the booths, Amanda led Emma down a dark corridor past several closed doors, each with a number and a "Vacant/Engaged" sign. Most read "Vacant", but a couple were obviously occupied, and Emma was sure she could hear the sounds of passion emanating from at least one of these, and again pink gingham came to mind. 'So this is what happened to the rest of Gino's, ' Emma thought.

The final door was obviously the rest room, as it had a silhouette of a woman on a chrome plaque. Emma was surprised at first that there wasn't a second room with a male, but then remembered where she was.

Amanda pushed the door inwards and, still holding her hand, Emma followed Amanda inside. The restroom was large and clean with a black and white tiled floor. Along one wall were several sinks set in a flat marble shelf, above which the wall was mirrored. The other wall held the stalls, each containing a toilet bowl, but the walls were much wider apart than Emma had ever seen before, and then she noticed than none of the stalls had doors.

Emma looked in the mirror and almost shrieked when she saw her hair and crumpled dress. 'No wonder Jane treated me like a pariah!' she though as she fumbled in her purse for a comb.

"Let me." Amanda said picking up a brush from the marble top.

Emma stood looking in the mirror as Amanda stood behind her and pulled the brush through Emma's hair, softly bringing it back to its more normal style. "There, all done." Amanda said as she replaced the brush on the counter.

"Sit on here," Amanda said, patting the marble shelf. The ledge came to just above Emma's waist, and so she turned so that it was against her lower back, and placed her hands on the cold hard surface and made to lever herself up... but didn't quite make it.

She was about to try again when Amanda said, "Here, let me help." She placed her hands either side of Emma's waist and, as Emma made a little jump, Amanda lift her up and back. Emma's breath caught as she felt the coldness of the marble against her backside.

Amanda left her hands on Emma's waist a few seconds longer than was absolutely necessary and Emma found herself once more losing herself in Amanda's eyes. "No point in wasting the trip," Amanda said, releasing Emma, both her waist and her eyes.

Emma started to remove her damp stockings as Amanda lifted her dress and lowered a pair of green silk panties and sat on the bowl in the stall directly opposite Emma. Emma tried not to look, concentrating on removing her other stocking, but couldn't help looking up as she heard the distinctive sound of liquid spraying ceramic. Amanda was looking straight at Emma, making her blush as she fumbled with the cardboard packet containing her replacement hose.

As she withdrew the wonderfully smooth stockings Emma glanced once more at Amanda, who had just finished drying herself, but, Emma noticed, she made no move to stand; she simply sat there with her panties around her ankles.

Emma took the first stocking and pulled it carefully over her hand. The hem of her light cotton dress fell towards her as she bent her leg at the knee. With her toes pointed she slipped the sandal-toed stocking over her foot, ensuring it was straight and creaseless. With the stocking perfectly seated and using slow, measured movements, Emma let her hands move up her calf and over her knee. She lifted her foot so that her leg pointed at 45 degrees to the floor, allowing her to seat the elasticated lacy welt around her upper thigh. Forgetting herself, or at least where she was, Emma let her hands flow over her stocking-clad leg as if smoothing imaginary creases, luxuriating it their clinging silkiness.

Suddenly Emma became aware of what she was doing and she glanced at Amanda who was still seated on the toilet, her left hand stroking her own bestockinged thigh whilst her right, shielded partly by her lifted dress, moved slowly, rhythmically up and down.

A rush of sexual excitement, such as Emma had not known for years coursed through her body as she took out the second stocking and repeated the procedure. This time, however, her eyes were transfixed on her dining partner's mounting excitement. As Emma finished the second leg, she let her leg fall so that her thighs were pressed against the marble shelf, slightly apart so that with her dress's hem pushed back, she displayed her ivory silk French knickers to Amanda.

Amanda stood, stepping out of the panties that she left discarded, unneeded, in front of the toilet bowl, and approached Emma slowly, her expensive silk dress flowing back into position like the wind making waves through a cornfield. As she approached, her hips swaying with each measured step, Emma let her legs part wider, inviting Amanda between them.

Their eyes locked as Amanda bent her head towards Emma's, and Emma knew they would kiss. She felt Amanda's sweet breath on her face and heard her whisper, "My little slut."

In the briefest moment before Amanda's bottom lip brushed Emma's top lip, Emma's mind raced. 'Is that who I am? Who I can be? Who I want to be? Some slutty whore used by her rich client?' Her tingling nipples and throbbing clit answered for her in the affirmative.

Emma's whole body trembled as she felt Amanda's fingertips caress the back of her neck, the lightest, most delicate sensation Emma had ever felt. Firmer now, the long nailed fingers entwined themselves in Emma's newly-brushed hair, twisting it, pulling her head back. Emma felt so weak and vulnerable, her throat exposed, her mouth open invitingly as her first gasp of pleasure sought release. She closed her eyes as Amanda's tongue slipped inside her mouth, searching, encouraging Emma to go places she had never even imagined existed.

As Amanda's bare arm encircled Emma's waist, pulling them together. Emma felt her backside sliding easily on the marble counter until her pussy, enclosed in her silky panties, was pressed against Amanda's stomach. Emma's tongue now responded to Amanda's wordless encouragement, their mouths pressed together, painted lip on painted lip. Emma lifted her legs and wrapped them around Amanda's waist, squeezing herself even harder against her newfound lover, losing herself in the sensations that already threatened to overcome her.

Her head spun and Emma felt like she was flying as Amanda lifted her off the shelf and lowered her to the ground, she felt the cold tiles press against her back through the thin cotton of her dress and Amanda's mouth suddenly retreated, leaving Emma's tongue to lick her own lips, trying to taste Amanda still.

Prone on the floor, Emma opened her eyes as she felt hands removing her legs from around Amanda's waist and she looked up to see hunger in Amanda's eyes as she knelt between Emma's thighs, a desire for her burning so bright that Emma thought she would melt.

Hands sought for the buttons of Emma's dress, slipping the first two through the buttonholes and Emma wanted to reach up, to touch this goddess who seemed to want her so badly. Emma felt the ripping of buttons and material as Amanda simply tore open the dress in her apparent eagerness to feast her eyes upon such fertile virgin territory.

A gasp escaped Emma's lips at the violent rending, but she saw no malice, no anger reflected in Amanda's deep green eyes, only love and desire and she knew she was safe.

With her small breasts aching to be touched, Emma's eyes invited Amanda to take her, to use her like the slutty whore she now knew she could be, knew that she was and wanted to be. She felt fingers entwine her own, her hands lifted above her head as Amanda bent her mouth towards Emma's dark and crinkled nipples.

She had always loved Andrew to lick and kiss her breasts, but she now realised just how much he didn't know, about love, about women, and above all else; about her. Without any effort Emma pushed all thoughts of her husband from her mind as she surrendered, body, mind and soul to Amanda.

Amanda's tongue flicked the nipple, pressed it back against Emma's firm flesh, rolled it between her lips, staining it red with her lipstick before opening her mouth and taking it inside. Emma groaned aloud as Amanda softly suckled, and Emma's first orgasm shot through her like a hot poker, her juices staining her already damp French knickers.

She had never before cum without someone or something inside her, hadn't even known it was possible. And yet here she was lying, in the slowly receding climactic haze, on the floor of a public bathroom cumming at the calling of a woman she had only just met.

The thought of the possibility that they might be seen like this by other women coming to use the bathroom, or was it Amanda's tongue now exploring Emma's other breast, that ignited her next orgasm? To be honest, she didn't care; her only concern was for her mind and body to record every last sensation, every sound, smell, taste and, above all else, touch, so that she could play it back, time and again in her lonely life.

Her arms were no longer pinned above her head and Emma felt Amanda's tongue move down her quivering body, lapping at her skin like a kitten drinking milk. Emma's hands moved, one to her breasts, squeezing them, but whether she was trying to dull or increase the ache, she couldn't say. Her other hand found Amanda's face, and she felt it being kissed before Amanda guided it to her fiery red hair. Emma felt it's silky softness and wished she could smell it, taste it, but the thought vanished as Amanda's tongue flicked Emma's engorged clitoris, pressing it through her panties, and Emma knew that Amanda would be able to taste her cum and the switch was thrown again as Emma tightened her grip on Amanda's hair and pressed her against her longing pussy.

Nails scraped gently against the inside of her thigh, moving her loose fitting panties aside, exposing her more than if they had been removed. Then the finger slid easily inside her, twisting, exploring and igniting Emma once more as Amanda's mouth received Emma's clit.

Her eyes fluttered and closed, and she thought she would pass out, so strong was the next orgasm. She was now so aroused and needy that she could no longer distinguish one climax from the next, one word of what Amanda was whispering, Emma felt the words on her skin, punctuated my Amanda's skilful tongue and finally darkness claimed her.

Emma opened her eyes, her body still tingling, breath coming in short gasps, and she looked up to see Amanda smiling down at her, the hunger in her eyes diminished. No, Emma realised, not diminished, just partially sated.

"Hello, sweetheart." Amanda greeted Emma's return, her renewal, her passage of change through the fire of her desire. Amanda held out her hand and Emma climbed, a little shakily to her feet, her crumpled and torn dress hanging limply from her shoulders as she allowed Amanda to lead her to the marble shelf, her flushed but passive face staring back at her like a stranger from the mirror.

In the reflection Emma watched as Amanda peeled back the top of Emma's dress and let it slip unhindered to the floor. Amanda picked up the brush she had used earlier and two pink ribbons from the small pile of clothes that, had she been interested in such things, Emma would have sworn were not there before. Standing behind Emma, her eyes holding Emma's through the mirror, Amanda's hands worked nimbly and quickly plaiting Emma's hair into loose pigtails which she secured with he ribbons.

Emma thought the grey pleated skirt, that Amanda was now wrapping around Emma, showed off her waist and hips to perfection, and the white semi-transparent blouse lifted her breasts in just the right way when it was tied at the front leaving her navel exposed.

There was no resistance as Amanda lifted Emma's left hand, curling all but her ring finger against her palm and let her tongue and mouth coat the digit in a light pink mix of lipstick and saliva. A simple twist and pull removed the white gold band. Amanda held the bright object lightly between her thumb and finger before dropping it to the floor. Emma took the symbol as the deed and in her mind was divorced of her husband.

"I think we better go and order our food," Amanda said taking hold of Emma's hand.

"Yes, Miss Amanda." Emma smiled as she allowed herself to be lead from the bathroom, a torn dress, a pair of green silk panties, a wedding ring and a heady aroma the only evidence of Emma's admission to Persephone's staff.


Same as Emma's Daliance Videos

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Emmas First Love

Emma's First Love This story is based on the E-Book 'Emma' (retitled 'XX/XY'), by Felicia Gabriel. I've tried to keep plot themes, personality traits and character names consistent, while inserting my own black belt martial arts background and residential history and applying it to what Emma would do and experience as a 14 year old transgendered girl in a small Texas town and especially in the high school. Emma's Life The pretty fourteen year old girl stepped from the bus and...

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Emmas Big Night

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Gemmas First Time

I tremble with nerves as I wrap my arms around his neck and lean into him. Jack leans down and kisses me, a soft, tender kiss which calms me a little, before entwining his fingers through my hair and pulling me in for a deeper kiss. He bites my lip and arousal sparks through me, dispelling the last of my nerves. I pull him down onto the bed and sit as he straddles me, hands roving over my back, my collarbone, my breasts, my stomach. He guides me into a vertical position and lies beside me,...

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Emma Watsons Porn Venture

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Note from the author: Please do not read this if you are under the age of 21. This story contains some sex scenes and is not suitable for under age reading. All characters are fictional and bear no resemblance to real life people. The first part of this story was written several years ago. It is my pleasure to FINALLY finish it off. Enjoy. EMMA By Jane Astin Richard gave his cigarette one last draw before he stubbed it out on the ashtray by his bed. Damn she was good he...

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Emma Disciplines Three Naughty Women Together

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Emma Roberts is a Super Slut

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Emma 6

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Emma Watsonrsquos African Adventure

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Note from the author Please do not read this if you are under the age of 21. This story contains some sex scenes and is not suitable for under age reading. All characters are fictional and bear no resemblance to real life people. This was my first ever story and I had a lot of fun writing this. My talents do not lie in Story writing but I thought I would have a go. Therefore I ask my readers to please be patient and if they can suggest ways to improve my writing abilities please...

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Emma Watsons After Party

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Emma 7 A new Awakening

For weeks now James has been becoming more aggressive with Emma around the house and in bed. His demands more forceful, his lovemaking that used to be so sweet and caring now becoming rough. On a few occasions James has tied Emma up in several different positions using her pussy and ass as he pleased. Emma has wondered about this change in her husband, but to herself admits that she feels so much more fulfilled when he dominates her and uses her like the slave, cum slut she used to be. Emma...

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Emma Becomes a Slutwife

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Emma Chapter 4

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Emma Watsonrsquos Vacation Part One

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Emma is punished

Emma was a very shy girl. She had a strict upbringing and consequently had a hang up about having sex. She was also very shy of her body as she had very small breasts on her petite frame and thought she looked childish, so nobody had seen her naked since she was a small child. She was however a very sexual being, easily aroused and very horny. She masturbated regularly. At 24 she was a bit old to still be a virgin. Emma was also a very attractive young lady and got a lot of attention from the...

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Emma Disciplines Her Chummy Mummy

Emma was furious to see forty-one-year-old Linda, her mum’s girlfriend, come into the living room, and demanded, “So it wasn’t just me you were discussing when you went to see Miss Johnson at college?”As Linda blushed and was speechless at being caught out, Emma was more positive and incentivised by her authoritative position over Miss Johnson, and said with a sharp tone, “So you are cheating on mum, then.” It was said as a statement and not as a question. Linda knew that wasn’t totally true....

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Emma Watsons Graduation Night

Although Brown was an Ivy League school, it didn't mean the crème de la crème couldn't party hard. At least I assumed that's what they were doing on campus tonight - despite having a graduation ceremony tomorrow. I was being a bit more...constructive in my last night as an official student. Maybe some of them were too by now, but not like this. They weren't in Emma Watson's dorm room right now. They couldn't say they'd been in here, like this, at least once a year the last four years. If one of...

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Emma Watsonrsquos Japan Trip

Emma was finally on her way to Japan! She had been invited by a very rich Japanese business man to a fete in her honor. There would be dancing, dinner, and an award show. She already knew she would be the winner of the very prestigious Emperor’s Cup for best actress of the last twenty years. She first starred in films at the age of ten and she had just turned thirty.Turning thirty had been traumatic for her. She had yet to show her beautiful body nude in any movie, and she knew gravity and the...

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Emma Watson

I was awoken again by the sound of laughter, doors shutting and a heavy trolleys being carted down the hallway. It was becoming intolerable. There were a multitude of guests moving in and out of the room next door. Gales of laughter and chatter signalled their arrival and departure. In hindsight, all the paparazzi and security downstairs should've tipped me off that something was going on in the hotel. Suddenly I heard a female voice call out rather loudly from just outside my door, "Are we...

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Emma Disciplines the Headmistress

Emma Kemp was eighteen-years-old and at sixth form college, but hated it, and so sent a message to the college saying she was ill. However, far from being ill, she went to the seaside and intended spending the day on the beach.Miss June Johnson was the fifty-three-year-old headmistress at the sixth form college. She also wanted to get away from the college for a few days and spend some time by the beach, so she told them that she had badly damaged her ankle and had to convalesce. She...

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Emma Chapter 2

Introduction... Emma has her bags packed and ready to go in the morning, she strips down and slides into her childhood bed for the very last time. She grins as she snuggles in, remembering the events of the day, excited that her life is finally beginning outside this miserable house. Emma's ass and pussy throb from the abuse they received today, making her pussy wet and excited. She slowly rubs her swelling clit as she drifts off to a deep happy sleep. Departure The alarm sounds and...

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Emma Chapter 1

Emma sits at her computer, completely depressed munching a bag of chips and slurping her soda. She is watching text scroll by on her screen on her favorite chat site. Look at all these happy people with lives, she thinks to herself. I wish I could be as forward as some of these ladies on here. Wow look at that one.. The lady just posted a picture to the room showing her topless, she has nice c cup tits with dark hard nipples. I wish I could bring myself to put myself out there like that, Emma...

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Emma Disciplines Her Chummy StepSister

Emma had known Lucy for a while. Lucy was her dad’s ex-girlfriend’s daughter and was twenty-four-years-old, so six years older than Emma. However, they had struck up a friendship, first as step-sisters to be, but then something more, and when Lucy needed a plus one to go to her friend Jackie’s party, she happily asked Emma.It was autumn and so both wore dresses with hems down to their knees but with short sleeves. It wasn’t so cold so both had bare legs. When they got to the party most of the...

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Emma Watson in Actress of the Month Club

Emma was exhausted from playing the lead part in “The Fallen Nun.” She would leave the sexy parts to her body double. Emma had stayed to watch part of the filming where her body double gets to have all the fun stuff filmed. All it did was make Emma randy! Emma had been reading about how her fans were hoping she would finally do some nude scenes in this movie. As usual though, Emma would disappoint them again! Emma was getting tired of disappointing her fans. She was determined to show her all...

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Emmas First Time with a Black Dick

Emma had been married to her husband for almost 5 years and had always been a dutiful wife. She often got compliments for her good looks especially about her ass which was round but firm, very unusual for a white woman. Her best friend Naomi had been living with them the past year. Naomi was a free spirit artist type who wandered from job to job and was very outgoing for someone of a Japanese heritage.Naomi had suggested a girl’s get away at a cabin she had been to before, but Emma did not know...

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Emma Watsonrsquos Fantasy

Emma and her boyfriend Greg were traveling a bit north for a quiet weekend together. Greg was driving a very nice sports car. There was barely enough room for luggage.“Emma! How long have we been together?” He asked.“Six months and three days. But who’s counting!” Emma answered with a big smile.“Are you enjoying our nights together? Is the sex good?” Greg asked.“Yes and Yes! After a few tries, you’ve made me enjoy sex more than I ever had. Why all the questions?” she said.“I have a two part...

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Emma Watson Pays Her Boyfriendrsquos Debt Part One

Emma had just started seeing her new man friend, and thing’s were going hot and heavy! She thought this really might be the man of her life! He was handsome and polished and great in bed. He wasn’t as rich as she was, but he had a nice job and appeared to be on the way up! Then in one night everything changed. He came over to her flat late one night in a really bad way.“What’s the matter Ray? Did you have a bad day at the office?” Emma asked.“No, work is fine, but some guys discovered I was...

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Emma and Prof Peterson Chapters 3 4

The College rented us a car for the three hour or so drive to Boston. A travel day, I was wearing jeans and a polo shirt, total Dad look. Emma had on a sun dress with a plunging back that plunged almost to her ass crack. When the wind blew the dress up tight against her skin, I could see she wasn’t wearing any underwear. Another day, another boner for me. We made some small talk about the event, but I was totally distracted because Emma was messing with me. She smiled sweetly at me each...

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Emma Watson Best Friend Best Actress

It's hard to think about how much time has passed. I remember, I was about 6 years old in Oxfordshire and a divorced family moved next to me. Their oldest daughter Emma and I bonded instantly and we were practically inseparable despite going to different schools. A few years later we were still really close, we would always be exchanging books and playing hockey. Naturally, being around 10 I got really into Harry Potter, thinking the character was just like me. I remember I was trying to...

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Emmas Crush

Emma was a "good girl". At eighteen, she had been around people her age who messed around, but had never felt the urge to participate in that kind of behavior.She was more into observing and reading about life than actually living it. As a result, she began to have fantasies. The main fantasy she had was about Bryan, who happened to be her best friend, Jana's, father. She had known Bryan for four years now and had always thought he was nice looking...for her best friend's father.When she turned...

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Emma Ch 12

XII ‘Are you staying with Mum again tonight?’ Maisie asked Emma while they watched two of the cast of St. Denis Road making love. Maisie had become rather accustomed to seeing such sex scenes and Emma didn’t really feel at all embarrassed to be with her as the couple carried on in their enthusiastic way. But she did get a little embarrassed by Maisie’s question. ‘Why yes, of course,’ she answered. ‘Why do you ask?’ ‘Oh, no reason!’ Maisie replied. ‘Oh look at Melissa! You can see she’s...

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Emma and Laras Trek

Emma was smiling as she stood on the side of the hill with her map in her hand as she surveyed the final few yards of her trek to the cabin. She felt warm in her winter coat, long woolly blue-green and yellow scarf, and her green woollen bobble hat. She loved the feel of the fresh air as it blew lightly into her face, but was thankful that there was a blue sky and only a light wind. In fact,, for Emma, it was the perfect winters day.It had taken seventeen-year-old Emma an hour to get there. She...

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Emma and Laras Trek

Emma was smiling as she stood on the side of the hill with her map in her hand as she surveyed the final few yards of her trek to the cabin. She felt warm in her winter coat, long woolly blue-green and yellow scarf, and her green woollen bobble hat. She loved the feel of the fresh air as it blew lightly into her face, but was thankful that there was a blue sky and only a light wind. In fact,, for Emma, it was the perfect winters day.It had taken seventeen-year-old Emma an hour to get there. She...

4 years ago
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Emma Watson vs Camren Bicondova

Emma was meeting her new friend Camren in a few minutes at a local bar. They had met at a fashion show, and got along fabulously from the start. Cam was younger than Emma, and a lot less experienced with men. They talked about men a lot, as most women do when they’re alone and at a bar. They had graded various body parts of the men who walked by. They were somewhat hidden in a dark corner.“Wow, Emma! Look at that guy’s ass! I’ve never seen better!” Cam said.“Very nice! That would be a firm...

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Emma Watsonrsquos FFFM Night

Emma had just finished a hard day of rehearsals for her movie that co-stared Emilia Clark and Sophie Turner. She was getting along quite well with the younger and gorgeous Sophie! Emma was less sure of the slightly older Emilia Clark!All three had decided to meet at a bar for a few drinks and get to know each other more. They found a small table in a dark corner where they all ordered drinks. They had a total of three bodyguards at a nearby table drinking non-alcoholic drinks. Emma had whiskey,...

4 years ago
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Emma Watsonrsquos Vacation Part Seven

The next morning, exhausted and satiated, Emma’ guests gone, she fell into a deep sleep. She dreamed of having more sex. But then, it seemed like most of her dreams these days were sexual! When she awoke around noon, she couldn’t remember the details of her dream.“God! I can’t sleep away the whole day! Time to get showered and get down to the beach.” She thought to herself.After her shower and makeup, Emma put on her white bikini. She had been planning this night for a long time. She was going...

3 years ago
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Emmas Gift

Tony sat a little nervously in the car awaiting the group of guys he had arranged to meet. He had been arranging this day, this meeting, this gangbang for quite some time. Emma was waiting patiently at home for him. He imagined her in the bath getting herself ready for the fun that perhaps lay ahead. Ever since Tony had mentioned to Emma that he wanted for her to have her fantasy gangbang, she had been like the cat that had got the cream! He sat their wondering what sort of sexy clothes she...

1 year ago
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emma watson

The strangest and most wonderful things can happen when you least expect them. Due to a financial shortfall I had had to take a second, part-time job as a night clerk at a local hotel. It was only two nights a week, but the extra money was helpful. There was a bit of excitement around the town at the time as there was a film crew making a movie nearby. It meant that there were a few road closures around the town every so often, impacting on my main job, but other than that I didn't really...

3 years ago
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Emma Watson meets the fanboys

The portly, balding main in the ill fitting suit ran as fast as his stubby legs would carry him up the hall. “Emma! Emma!” he gasped as the beautiful young star turned around and stared at him with a confused look on her face. “I’ve been trying to catch up with you all day,” he huffed as he reached the actress. “I don’t think these London streets were designed for cars,” he panted, bent over with his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath.“They’re not. Do I know you?” Emma Watson,...

3 years ago
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Emma Watsonrsquos Fantasy Part Two

Emma sat down in the middle of the couch. Two new men (Henry and Jake) sat next to her. Ed, Donny and Mitch were the names of the other black men who found it within themselves to fuck Emma tonight. As she suspected, four of them were athletes: muscular, well built and good looking. Ed was the one man who wasn’t particularly muscular. He was very sure of himself though. Emma expected that he might be more experienced sexually than the others.“Ok guys! All clothes off! A girl needs to know what...

2 years ago
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Emma Drinks Horse Cum to Survive and LOVES IT

Emma: I must find shelter, or I will freeze! There was nothing around. It was an undeveloped part of land, so she decided to go searching off road. Emma: Come on, I must find something! Emma walked for several miles before she collapsed and passed out. When she awoke a herd of wild horses had gathered around her. Some had laid down next to her to keep her warm, saving her life. Emma: Horses! So many of them! There were 20. Mostly brown, some spotted, black or white. Emma pets the...

4 years ago
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Emma Ch 05

V After Charlotte’s discovery of the two girls together, Harriett and Emma no longer made even the slightest pretence that there was nothing between them. Charlotte became accustomed to finding the couple entwined around each other in the living room and elsewhere, and her sense of betrayal and frustration gradually receded in the face of a fact that couldn’t now be changed. Charlotte tried to look away from their activities, but her eyes still strayed towards them, although there was nothing...

1 year ago
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Emma Goes Back to School

I sat in my study reading The Times. The news from Europe was not good: Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich was threatening to engulf Europe in war once again, less than twenty years after the end of The Great War of 1914-1918. I felt that my recent retirement as Headmaster at a very exclusive girls’ boarding school was unlikely to be as quiet and restful as I had hoped if it was to be overshadowed by the horrors of war, of which I had had the most terrible personal experience in the Flanders trenches....

1 year ago
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My name is not Paul, but you can call me that, anyway it’s the name I use when writing about my daughter and lover, Ruth (also not her real name). We both now live in a small village just outside of the Medway towns in Kent, and have settled, since Ruth’s arrival out of the blue on my doorstep, into a careful life of domestic bliss. The reason we’re careful of course is that Ruth is still only just fifteen and my daughter. Most people take a very dim view of the kind of activities we indulge...

2 years ago
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Emma Watsonrsquos Big Night

Emma was just about ready for her evening stroll through her local streets. Her Flat was in a very upscale area of London, which was almost always populated by other walkers just like her. Well, not just like her, because she was one of the most beautiful women in the world!It promised to be a warm, dry night and she dressed accordingly. She wore tight black leather full length pants, an armless clinging thin ribbed top, which accentuated her tits! She wore chic running shoes which were very...

2 years ago
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Emma Watsonrsquos Vacation Part Three

All three of them needed to take a shower; alone! Jane was still in need of a cock, so she left first to go down to the beach, towel in hand. The other two looked wistful, but avoided their hormones long enough to also go to the beach. Emma was well fucked by as large a cock as she had ever seen! So down they went also.They walked spryly to the spot where they were to make the commercials. When Erick walked up to Larry, the two of them had a short discussion where he claimed to be sick to his...

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